howto healer by sengi

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Post on 24-Dec-2015




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Alriiiight, A guide to priest-ing by the never-relevant Sengi Though apparently my tail is worth millions?

Okay, first off: This guide is not complete. Nor it will be. Ever, in existenceWhy?3 ReasonsOne! I'm not the best priest out there, Im sure there are waaaay better ones around (Why the hell are you reading this, then?)Two! This is based on the way I play, TERA is a game where experimentation on your class' play-style might lead you to find more effective ways to work with your toolsThree! Updates in game may change the way anything I say here works, be it gear stats or better gear or maybe new skill or skill effects being changes (Back in my day Mana Charge only worked on the user, and sharing that with others was a glyph with a minuscule Ratio)

OKAY! Now for your skills, Ill address them one by one:

Divine Radiance: Your regular attack, use it scarcely (if ever).

Heal Thyself: The first step of healing others is to know to heal yourself. Alright, sorry. Keep this one always on any hotkey, because you WILL use it through all the game, dont act cool by trying to use Respite only.

Backstep: Your dodge, it has a nice I-frame timing, and I recommend you use it either when you know you're about to get hit hard or when you need to move quickly (Look backwards and backstep, a nice lil' boost).

Mana Infusion: If you're out of combat but need a quick recharge to keep healing, this may prove in handy, especially since heals do not initiate combat, so you can use this and heal for a nice supply of MP and HP for you and your companions.

Metamorphic Blast: this is your first attack skill. While healers heal (No shit?) they can do damage in extreme situations (Either no one needs heals [which rarely happens] or you're alone and not doing a party/raid/dungeon). This skill has a quick cooldown and you can use it often, the arc shape of the attack fends pretty much everything in front of yourself.

Triple Nemesis: Ok, this one is a special case. This attack can be linke unto itself so you shoot 3 times. Nothing special UNTIL YOU GLYPH IT (This is important, please notice the capslock). This skill has a glyph that makes it have a defense debuff on whatever it hits, helping your friendly friends The DPS do more damage, which is always appreciated (I think).

Fiery Escape: Love backstepping out of danger's way but wanna harm people with it? No? Well, screw your wants, this skill does just that: makes you go backwards while damaging enemies, also slowing them down. Fair warning, though, this doesnt I-frame.

Restorative Burst: Your first heal for someone other than your greedy arse, protecting only yourself. This drops a small circle a bit in front of you that applies a HoT (Heal Over Time). Personally, after a while I found it very useless

Focus heal: This one, omg, you NEED this, forever and ever. Target up to 2 people (3 if you glyph, which you SHOULD!) and throw them a good healing!, very useful overall but less so in bigger parties or raids because of all the soon to be corpses patients you have to take care of.

Final Reprisal: This skill has only one use: Linking it. Be it after Triple Nemesis (the 3 shots, not before e.e) or after Shocking implosion (Best for PvE). I am not too sure about this, but I think this skill always knocks down on PvP (Dont sic me on this).

Retaliate: Do I have to do this one? I mean, all classes have this and should use it every time they can to quickly get up and do a bit of damage too

Mana Charge: Everyone loves you for this (And your AoE heals that beat Mystic balls). Press and hold the button for you to charge up, when you release, you restore MP to yourself and (I dunno if it's still cuz of a glyph or not, must check) to your friends, too~! Everyone will at one point or another complain about you not using this enough (Because cooldowns apparently are a lie). Being serious, use it often, but never forget your priority is always everyone's HP, not their MP.

Shocking Implosion: Okay now, this is your second best damaging skill (Post-Fate Of Arun). The little electric ball you project just in front of you hits multiple times, and it hits hard. But like most of the other attacks, it's only useful if you're not healing or alone.

Ishara's Lullaby: Put a target to sleep (Cant do anything until it's hit or wears off). Can be very useful to stop an enemy or set someone up for a Zerker's thunderstrike in PvP.

Purifying Circle: The second thing that makes you better than a mystic (Umad, bruh?). This is the game's Dispell, removing all negative effects on you and your friends inside the circle. It's very big, but you'll have to be good at positioning so you can get as many friends as you can.

Regeneration Circle: Remember Restorative Burst? No, you dont. If you do, though, this is it's big brother skill: A circle about the size of the Purifying circle is cast (Looks cool as hell IMO) and anyone inside it gets a heal over time, maybe not as strong, but you can always use it if you can after dispelling debuffs for a little extra oomph.

Resurrect: You are a god, able to bring back to life your friends (But not plot NPCs, sorry). The circle is small though, and you can only bring them back one at the time, but THEY'RE ALIVE, ALIVE! Glyph this fully, no joking around: You'll be loved more if you can rez fast and can bring them their stamina back up to 120.

Blessing of Zenobia: Buffs, finally Just use them all while close together with your friends. This one increases your Non-Combat speed kinda useless, but hey, might as well, right?

Summon party: You and your friends wanting to run a Dungeon but you're all scattered about in the province (Region? Area?)? Worry no more, with this you cann get your lazy companions straight to where you are! (They do have to accept though, so if they're being mean they can just walk slowly Dicks)

Arise: Umm Stands all your raid members up and increases balance (Knockdown resistance). Unless you're on PvP, ignore this completely

Plague of Exhaustion: The boss has a strange buff that makes him more resistant to damage, the solution? This skill: It removes all buffs and does damage over time. Against other players, it extends their melee skill cooldown, which is very nice against a Zerker or Lancer. Oh, and it locks onto up to 4 targets

Healing Circle: Your best heal number-wise. Really small on range and a bit dangerous to use because of that, but omg the numbers you get from this are huge.

Blessing of Shakan: Buff, increases Power, like all buffs, apply whenever possible (AKA NOT ON COMBAT)

Homeward Bound: Your party has low stamina and no one brought a campfire? Fear not: This skill will warp everyone (including you) to the geographically closest campfire (Be it player-placed or a default campfire). Again, they have to accept to go along, but if they dont, chances are it's their loss.

Blessing of Seren: Buff, Increases Endurance, yadda yadda timing.

Prayer of Peace: Nullifies all aggro towards you. You shouldnt need to use it unless you're alone and being chased by too many mobs behind you.

Blessing of Balder: Buff, adds a heal over time, as a small comment: Dont trust this to heal for you. It's a help, not an auto-mode.

Energy Stars: Lock onto something and watch as that something releases a wave that buffs anyone inside it with more power and attack speed: use this as often as possible.

kaia's Shield: This is a Cockblock button, putting up a shield on you and your pals that will nullify a certain ammount of damage and any knockdown that could be caused by whatever damage falls into this: It's an oh shit!' button, to be honest, keep it close just in case shit gets dicey.

Blessing of Arachne: Buff, increases resistance to ailments, blah blah blah

Guardian Sanctuary: This makes you more resistant to Damage Over Time effects, increases your resistance to stun and ranged damage too. Shame it's so short lived, 5 seconds isnt nearly good enough Can save your butt in PvP if an archer goes funny on you.

Divine Respite: the other Oh Shit button: this'll make you heal yourself for a good ammount per second for 10 seconds, very useful indeed Dat cooldown doe, not cool (...pfftheheh)

Healing Immersion: Lock onto someone and release a lil' Heal bomb: With whoever you locked onto at the center, it will create a small circle that will heal for a good ammount. Good if you wanna heal a group while not getting too close (Though the circle can heal you too if you're in it)

Grace of Resurrection: Ah, Our little miracle from heaven (See? No one gets my references). If you die, you stand up, at full HP, MP and Stamina to boot. Glyph it for lower cooldown, and also always keep it up on a dungeon, because in the hypothetical situation where you die, you can just say im fine~! on chat and get up alive again (Disclaimer: I do say Im fine~! when I have grace on, dont steal my habits)

Zenobia's Vortex: The first of 2 skills from fate Of Arun: This fires a small tornado where you're aiming at (Yes, you can aim it up and the tornado will go up, so be wary) causing your biggest damage and lifting any Non-Elite or Boss enemy (Yes, it lifts players). It's really fun and useful

Divine Intervention: Was gonna make a Sm4sh trailer joke, but neh Also known as the Healer Leash, you lock onto a friend and pull him directly to you. Useful in Kumasylum and if you wanna mess around with your tank (Shout out, Hunter!)

Okay, so about glyphs: This part will be added at another time. Sorry ^^;

General Tips and personal strategies:

-Always, like, ALWAYS, keep everyone at FULL HEALTH (not half assed, FULL HEALTH). Otherwise you may risk someone getting hit hard and die on you real quick-ish

-If many members die at once, rez whoever you're told to, if everyone asks for a rez, rez them by priority (Tank > healers> Anything else> Sengi wait what!?)

-Keeping Energy stars up is great and all, and so is keeping the Triple Nemesis Glyph debuff or Mana Charge for your friends, too, but never forget, you're a healer first. It's useless to have a buff/debuff if your friends are dead or dying

-Focus heal, a lot, it heals very well and it has a short cooldown. Also Healing circle (Though that's a bit more tricky since you have to be close, but shares the short cooldown)