hpcl paper2

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  • 7/27/2019 HPCL paper2


  • 7/27/2019 HPCL paper2


    7. A brittle material has:

    (A) Large plastic zone(B) No plastic zone(C) No elastic zone(D) Very little elastic zone.

    Answer: (B)

    8. The maximum shear strain occurs on:(A) 90 with principal planes(B) 45 with principal planes(C) Principal planes(D) Independent of the principal planes.Answer: (B)

    9. With rise in gas temperature, dynamic viscosityof most of the gases,(A) Increases(B) Decreases

    (C) Does not change significantly.(D) None of the aboveAnswer: (A)



    12. If the liquid fuel is highly viscous, the action required for proper burningin boiler is:

    (A).Pre-heating(B). Cooling(C). Mixing(D). FreezingAns:A

    13. Moisture, ash content, volatile matter and fixed carbon are measured for coa

    l as part of:

    (A). Proximate analysis(B). Ultimate analysis(C). Proximate and utlimate analysis(D). None of the above


  • 7/27/2019 HPCL paper2


    14. What are the dimensions of kinematic viscosity of a fluid?

    (A) LT-2(B) L2T-1(C) ML-1T-1(D)ML-2T-2


    15. For a Newtonian fluid

    (A) Shear stress is proportional to shear strain(B) Rate of shear stress is proportional to shear strain(C) Shear stress is proportional to rate of shear strain(D) Rate of shear stress is proportional to rate of shear strainAns:C

    16. Forecasts used for new product planning, capital expenditures, facility location or expansion, and R&D typically utilize a

    (A). short-range time horizon(B). medium-range time horizon(C). long-range time horizon(D). naive method, because there is no data history(E). all of the aboveAns:C

    17. If two variables were perfectly correlated, the correlation coefficient r would equal

    (A). 0(B). less than 1(C). exactly 1(D). -1 or +1(E). greater than 1Ans:D

    18. The specific speed of a hydro turbine depends on

    (A).Actual speed(B).Head of operation

    (C).Output power(D).Actual speed ,head of operation & output powerAns:D

    19. Governor is used with the steam turbine to regulate(A).Steam temperature(B).Steam pressure(C).Power output(D).Speed

  • 7/27/2019 HPCL paper2



    20. Increasing the number of periods in a moving average will accomplish greatersmoothing, but at the expense of

    (A). manager understanding(B). accuracy(C). stability(D). responsiveness to changes
