hr questionnaire samples

HR Questionnaire A human resources (HR) questionnaire can be used for several purposes. Key among them is to gauge whether employees in a specific organization require further training. Such questionnaires test the employee’s knowledge on new technologies or techniques before the same are introduced in an organization. A different form of HR questionnaire can be used to gauge employee’s satisfaction with the job environment, the workload and remuneration among other things that enhance employee performance. Based on the data collected in such surveys, the human resources department is able to formulate policy interventions that rectify any weaknesses that may hamper employee performance. Example: Employee Name_______________________ Dept_______________ No.____________ Q1. How would you define your work? ______________________________ ______________________________ Q2. What would you describe as the most challenging thing in your job? ______________________________ Q3. What is the most enjoyable part of your work? ______________________________ Q4. How would you rate your team working skills? ?Excellent ?Average ?Below average Q5. How do you handle pressure at work?

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Page 1: HR Questionnaire Samples

HR Questionnaire

A human resources (HR) questionnaire can be used for several purposes. Key among them is to gauge whether employees in a specific organization require further training. Such questionnaires test the employee’s knowledge on new technologies or techniques before the same are introduced in an organization. A different form of HR questionnaire can be used to gauge employee’s satisfaction with the job environment, the workload and remuneration among other things that enhance employee performance. Based on the data collected in such surveys, the human resources department is able to formulate policy interventions that rectify any weaknesses that may hamper employee performance.


Employee Name_______________________ Dept_______________ No.____________

Q1. How would you define your work?



Q2. What would you describe as the most challenging thing in your job?


Q3. What is the most enjoyable part of your work?


Q4. How would you rate your team working skills?

?Excellent   ?Average  ?Below average

Q5. How do you handle pressure at work?


Q6. Is there anything that you think the management of the organization can do to help you handle work-related stress better?


Q7. How would you rate employee motivation in this company?

?Above average   ?average   ?below average

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Q8. What would you like the management to improve on in order motivate employees in the organization?


Q9. What is your mode of working?

?At my own pace just as I meet targets

?Within set times and deadlines

?In a group

?Other (specify) ____________

Q10.  Give your honest opinion about employee treatment in this organization and what you would like to see changed.

HR Audit Questionnaire

by question on January 9, 2010

With human resources audit becoming a mandatory annual undertaking in most organizations, there is no denying the vital role that the HR audit questionnaire plays.  The HR audit is conducted for purposes of gauging the overall well-being of the human resource (workforce) in an organization. Through data compiled from such audits, the HR department is then able to figure any lapses or gaps that may exist in the workforce. The audit is also vital in comparing set systems, policies and targets with implementation. In addition, the HR department is able to determine if the organization is sufficiently staffed, whether the HR resources are maximally utilized and whether the workforce complies with set industry laws.


Employee Name______________ Date of Employment_______ Dept._________

Q1. How were you recruited?

?Through a series of interviews

?Through a panel interview

?Through a written interview

?A combination of written and direct interviews

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?I was just called for the job without any interviews

Q2. Have you ever been involved in training and development activities since joining this organization? ___________

If yes, state when__________

Did you find the training beneficial for purposes of enhancing your job performance? ____________

Q3. Do you fully comprehend your rights to compensation and organization benefits? ______

If yes, how did you learn about them?

?By reading the HR manual  ?Hearing from my work colleagues

Q4. Are you a member of any employee or trade union? _______

If not, why? ____________________________________

Q5. Do you have insurance cover?

Q6. Do you understand fully this organization’s policy regarding security and personal safety? ________

Q7. For how long have you been working in the same position? _____________

HR Satisfaction Survey Questionnaire

In any organization, the human resources department focuses on the intangible assets of the business – the employees. It is common knowledge that for any business to prosper there needs to be a skilled, knowledgeable and dedicated workforce to oversee the implementation of its policies. To ensure that this happens, the HR departments have over the years formulated the HR satisfaction survey questionnaires, which seek to gauge the level of satisfaction in employees.  The data gathered during such surveys is used to improve areas where most concerns were raised by the employees. By doing this, the HR department is able to assess the training needs, motivate employees and subsequently achieve better results from them.

Q1. How is your overall job satisfaction in this organization? _________

Q2. Your satisfaction with the workload given to you __________

Q3. Your perception regarding co-worker cooperation and their performance at work _____

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Q4. Your satisfaction with the current remuneration ___________

Q5. Satisfaction with the benefits given by the organization __________

Q6. How career advancement or promotions are conducted in this organization ______

Q7. The supervisory aspects as enforced by your superiors at work__________

Q8. The nature of how people are promoted to supervisory positions _________

Q9. The level of team work and group work participation in this organization_________

Q10. The amount of guidance and instructions given to workers by supervisors’ _________

Q11. Communication in the workplace _________

Q12. The level of efficiency and productivity _________

Q13. The working conditions in this organization_________

Q14. The level of training and development _________

HR Effectiveness Questionnaireby question on January 9, 2010

The HR is vital for the overall performance of an organization. This is because the department is charged with recruiting and ensuring that workers in an organization are well attended to to meet the required business functions. For this reason, organizations today gauge the HR departments for efficiency and effectiveness in meeting set goals. The HR effectiveness questionnaire seeks to measure how the department meets strategically aligned human resource goals. The questionnaire is a scientific method through which the organization outlines its specific objectives, then researches on the same and later analyzes data gathered to determine whether the set objectives were met.


HR Department Questionnaire

Date: ______________


1) State how this department sources for new employees for the organization

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2) How is the interviewing process for the potential employees done? ______________________________

3) How would you define job descriptions in this organization?


4) How would you define record keeping in the HR department?


5) Describe the orientation process conducted on new employees


6) What determines the level of compensation for employees?


7) State the benefits received by employees


Define the current employee relations


9) How are terminations and layoffs carried out in this organization?


10) Is the HR department legal compliant? ______

Explain ______________________________

11) How does the department manage performance in the organization?


12) How is employee development enhanced?


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13) What does the department do to uphold:

Employee retention______________________________

Corporate practice______________________________

Human rights______________________________


14) State the health and safety practices put in place by the department for use by employees.


15) How would you define the department’s effectiveness in meeting its objectives in the organization?


Sample HR Questionnaireby question on January 9, 2010

HR questionnaires are designed to help organizations gauge their HR practices. This in turn helps them define how well their employees feel appreciated for the work they do for the organization. From the survey carried out using such questionnaires, the organization can remedy some of the weak areas in employee handling, thereby increasing the chances of employee retention. As most employers already know, the cost of hiring and training can be high if employee turnover is high. Besides, in the competitive employment sector, there are numerous organizations looking for the best talent. If therefore an employee is not sufficiently motivated or his/her contribution appreciated, he/she will find an alternative job sooner or later.


(Simple YES or NO answers are required for this section)

1. Do you have a policy for assisting employees on personal issues that may affect their performance at work? _________

2. Do you evaluate field employees on a regular basis? ________

3. Do you find it necessary to communicate with the employees issues such as future work prospects, success and failure of the company? _________

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4. Do you have a pay-for-performance policy that rewards good performing employees? _________

5. Does the organization have a new employee orientation program? _________

6. Do you encourage your employees to give their opinions or suggestions on how their performance can be improved? _________

7. Do you conduct surveys to compare how your compensation policies fair against your competitors’? _________

8. Are unskilled employees in your organization encouraged to take up training? _________

9. Do supervisors in your organization have regular training? _________

10. Do your employees benefit from group benefit programs? _________

HR Questionnaire Examplesby question on January 9, 2010

A human resource questionnaire is used before a person seeking employment in an organization can be short listed for an interview. The questionnaire is designed to gauge the applicant’s attitudes, temperament, skills and personality traits.  The questionnaire is usually a mixture of open ended and close-ended questions since the employer intends to get as much background information about the applicant as possible. Most such questionnaires contain a section where a person provides his/her identification or introductory details, and a different section where one summarizes his/her knowledge in relation to the job he/she is seeking. The questions are usually free of biases and ambiguities.


Name______________________________ DOB________________________________

Position applying for_______________________________________________________

Education details__________________________________________________________


1) Why should we consider you for the above applied position?


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2) State the competencies that you have in relation to the above stated job position


3) Why apply for this job in this organization?


4) Do you have previous work experience in a similar job position?


If yes, state where and when______________________________________

5) Do you possess other abilities or skills that would advance your ability to work in the position applied for?


If yes, list them_________________________________________

6) List some of the achievements you have had in your working life and explain why they were important to your employer



7) What are some of the changes you would make in the corporate culture in the country today and why do you think it is important?


Summarize your skills, expertise and achievements below



9) What is your expected remuneration?


10) Why should this organization hire you?

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Employees HR Questionnaireby question on January 9, 2010

Evaluating employee performance and satisfaction are some of the key duties of the human resources department. Depending on the objective that the human resources department seeks to accomplish, the questionnaire can contain questions that seek to measure employee loyalty, their job satisfaction, identify areas where cost-cutting measures can be enforced, or areas where employee morale needs to be boosted. It is common knowledge among employers that a well motivated or satisfied employee is an asset to the company. More to this, by asking their opinions about how they are handled in the company, employees feel valued thus increasing their chances of enhancing their productivity and handling customers better.


Use “strongly agree”, “Disagree”, “Somewhat agree”, “Agree’, “Strongly agree” or “Not applicable” to answer questions below

1.I am fully aware of my employers business strategy _________

2.I fully understand what my employer is trying to achieve in business management and customer satisfaction_________

3.The department I work in gets sufficient support from the Human resources department_________

4.The promotions in the department I work in have been fair and result-oriented_________

5.I get sufficient compensation for the work I do in the company_________

6.I am fully at peace with my job_________

7.I am adequately motivated  for my work_________

8.My manager is fun to work with since he/she encourages innovation and creativity_________

9.There is minimal fear of failure in my department and therefore we are free to experiment on various things_________

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10.My supervisor or manager shapes relations and job attitudes within my department_________

HR Survey Questionnaireby question on January 9, 2010

The HR survey questionnaire is used collect information about an organizations human resource in order to gauge the organization’s strong areas as well as its weakness in terms of personnel effectiveness. The HR survey questionnaire is usually designed in a manner such that it touches on creation, administrations, deployment, as well as analysis of various human resource surveys. The questionnaire’s details can be styled to measure multiple scales of an organization including timeliness, responsiveness, clarity and expertise. The HR survey questionnaire can also be used to assess numerous other scales such as an organization’s effectiveness and frequency of performance. Below is a sample.

1. Choose from the options below the phrase that best describes this company with regard to communication

Does an effective job in communicating information related to changes that may have an impact on employees_______________

Fairly communicates information pertinent to employees’ welfare___________ Seldom communicates matters pertaining to employees ____________

2. What is your view about corporate culture as well as values in the organization?

The company has very clear values and corporate culture ____________ The company has fair values and corporate culture ____________ The company has poor values and corporate culture ___________

3. Comment on the organization’ performance as regards utilization of your skills and abilities_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. Does the company offer adequate technology to meet your needs as well as those of its customers? ________________________________________

5. What in your opinion needs to be done in order to improve technology as mentioned in (4) above? _______________________________________________________________


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HR Training and Development Questionnaireby questions on June 18, 2010

Conventional training and development is essential in enhancing work techniques and knowledge and also other work related skills. Developing a hr training and development questionnaire is a positive move towards ensuring needed proper training, learning and personal development. A successful hr training and development questionnaire should motivate the individuals employed in various HR positions. Thus, it should encourage individual development and not just their skills and also prove advantageous beyond the usual training offered by many companies.  Below is a sample hr training and development questionnaire which can be used as a guide to enhance better performance and progress of your HR staff.

Sample HR Training and Development Questionnaire







Please explain your job duties



What are your goals and objectives?



What skills set you apart from your colleagues?


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Do you recognize any need for further training and development in the following areas? (Please tick where applicable)

Job coaching __

Delegated tasks __

Recruitment procedures __

Presentation assignments __

Internal training programs __

Seminars and other external training programs __

What other means can be used for developing better skills and knowledge?



How would you go about training a new employee?




What steps would you take to identify the right training requirements?



How do you intend to measure your success or failure?



What is the impact of inadequate HR training?


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What are the benefits of providing training on time?



Do you think that the HR department is relevant to this organization?


Motivation Questionnaireby questions on April 26, 2010

Motivation is an important aspect of life because it determines an individual’s willingness, passion and drive. Motivation is essential for any area of life, whether personal or professional. A motivation questionnaire is used to assess an individual’s level of motivation and how then it can be boosted or even maintained.

Sample Motivation Questionnaire

Please answer yes or no to the following statements.

I understand what motivation is __________________

I believe that constant provision of feedback is essential ______________

I listen to the people I work with and give them a chance to air their views _________________________________

I project a caring attitude towards other people ______________________

My goals in life have been clearly formulated _____________________

I am determined to build beneficial relationships with the people I interact with ___________________

I am creative and always eager to try new things _______________________

I enjoy letting people know when they have performed a task well ___________________________________

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I constantly complement people _________________________

I try to encourage people whenever I can _________________

I appreciate constructive criticism ______________________

I respect other people’s opinions ________________

I would like to receive more motivation ________________

I take time to consult with other people __________________

I believe in teamwork ______________________

Before anyone can motivate me, I motivate myself _______________

I do not rely on other people to motivate me; I am self driven ____________________________

Some of the individuals in my life that I would like to receive more motivation from include: ______________________________________

I get motivated in the following ways ___________________________


I motivate people in the following ways _________________________


Management Development Questionnaireby questions on April 26, 2010

Management development questionnaires are ideal tools used by managers to establish their strengths and areas of development. These questionnaires make it possible to assess managerial skills that are essential for the demanding working environment. They can also be used as a component of training sessions for managers at various levels.

Sample Management Development Questionnaire

What essential skills should a successful manager have?


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Are you confident in your ability to manage people?


Is it important for a manager to demonstrate decision making skills?


What is the importance of judgment in relation to managerial skills?


What impact does intrapersonal effectiveness have on interpersonal relations?


Do you feel that self management is essential for professional development?


What is the role of organizing in the bigger scope of goal realization?


How would you describe your financial management capacity?


How can human resource be maximized on?


What strategies can you put in place to ensure that staff members remain motivated?


Why is it important to keep staff members motivated?

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Do you believe in delegation of tasks?


How important is communication and what is the best way to carry it out?


Should communication be vertical or horizontal in its projection?


What role does the manager play in building a strong work force?


What are your personal objectives?


What professional objectives do you consider to be essential?


Does a leader need to acknowledge weaknesses?


What attributes does a competent leader have?


Stress Management Questionnaireby questions on April 26, 2010

Stress is generally referred to as the personal response that one has towards different daily occurrences and how these responses can make life more challenging. A stress management questionnaire aims to establish how people manage their stress and identify how stress affects their performance in various areas of their lives.

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Sample Stress Management Questionnaire

How do you handle an excessive workload?

* I prioritize my work and go ahead to meet my goals

* I slowly begin to tackle my work

* I become frustrated and irritable

When you are faced with financial challenges, how do you react?

* I come up with ways to overcome my financial challenges

* I take time to recover from the financial challenges

* I stay home and worry endlessly

How would you describe your life in general?

* Interesting

* Challenging

* Miserable

How do you handle problems?

* I try my best to sort them out

* I enjoy the challenge that problems present

* I get angry and find someone to blame

When a person makes you wait for too long, what do you do?

* Try to keep busy while I wait

* Find something else to do

* Become angry and leave

What is your perception of change?

* I do not like change in my life

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* I accommodate change

* I am unwilling to change my life for anything or anyone

Please answer yes or no to the following.

When I am stressed I feel

Pain ___________

Anger _______________________

Embarrassment _______________

Exhausted _________________

Headaches ________________

Tense __________