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A report submitted in partial

Fulfillment of the requirements


PGDM Program of

Shanti Business School

Date of Submission: 04/02/2013

Submitted to: Prof. Pallavi Vyas (H. R. DEPARTMENT)

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We as a student of shanti business school would like to express our sincere gratitude to prof.pallavi vyas

for giving us an oppurnity to explore our self in this vast and varied market.

We also acknowledge our institute for giving us the support and giving us the oppurnity to shape our

own way to achieve success

We would like to thank the director of this institute, Prof. Bala Sir for their support and faith in us.

We would even like express my sincere gratitude to Mr. Rashmin harihar (production manager) .to Mr. yogesh

jaiswala (production assistant)

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In this world of cut throat competition where changing perceptions in the minds of consumer plays the

role of Damocles sword for the marketer, calibrating with the consumer is the only choice an

entrepreneur or an organization can have. Prof. of American school of business (2005) were one of the

pioneers to help the world understand how humans play a major role in the organization and they are the real

asset of the business. This project targets to study the overall human resource working of the company

and achieving the success in there respective field. This project focuses on the working of the hr department

and the effect of that on overall industry. The techniques that would be used for the analysis of the data

collected is secondary data and sampling method to understand the vast and varied heterogeneous minds in

working in

the market. The managerial implication of the findings from the comparison and implications on the

Indian market are also pursued.

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I. At the door step of the company

Hindustan Gum is the largest manufacturer of "GUAR GUM" in the world. The brand name "HIGUM" has been

the hallmark of quality and innovations.

The history of Hindustan Gum traces back to 1956, as the Birla Brothers established "Bhiwani Gum and Guar

Factory" in collaboration with Stein Hall of the USA (now Rhodia Inc.). It was a significant move as the first

Guar Gum factory was set up in India. The pioneering factory was acquired in 1962 and Hindustan Gum

Came into existence.

Today, Hindustan Gum has developed into a major industrial unit, manufacturing gum that conforms to

international standards and exporting the produce across the globe. Hindustan Gum is a joint venture of Rhodia

Inc., USA, and the M.P. Birla Group, India.

II. Location of the company

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Hindustan Gum caters to a diverse range of industries such as food products, textile, paper, explosives, oildrilling, mining etc. Hindustan Gum manufactures its own branded products under the HIGUM logo. Tailor­ madeproducts are being manufactured, meeting various specifications as per customers?

We offer: Guar Gum Powder with a wide range of viscosity varying from 2000 to 7500 CPS with particlesize from 100 to 300 Mesh.De­ polymerized Guar with viscosity range from 50 CPS to 1000 CPS.Modified Guar Gum such as oxidized, carboxymethylated, borated and phosphate are produced for textileand other industrial applications.Highly purified splits and splits with very high viscosity.Textile printing thickener based on tamarind kernel powder and tapioca starch.


The total annual capacity of Hindustan Gum is 22,000 MT for powder gum and 28,000 MT for refined splits.Hindustan Gum has three world class manufacturing units located in the states of Haryana, Rajasthan andGujarat.

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Hindustan Gum has independent Quality Assurance Department and

Quality Control Labs at every unit for microbiological and physical

analyses. The company has been actively involved in Research and

Development as well, with the focus on new products. Hindustan

Gum has wisely invested to provide its customers with sustained

product quality through continuous

improvement in quality standards and implementation of its Quality Management System & Quality

Objectives. All units are ISO 9001:2000 certified and Hindustan Gum is rated 'excellent' by AIB, USA.

Throughout the years, Hindustan Gum has been recognized and lauded by numerous quality and safety


The company is fully equipped with state­ of­ the­ artphysical & microbiological laboratories in order to perform

strict quality control tests in compliance with international norms and customer requirements.


Hindustan Gum is committed to maintaining a full­ fledgedR&D Centre, run by well­ knownindustry

specialists. The R&D Centre is constantly engaged in developing and modifying the chemical properties of

materials in order to ensure better performance and reduce processing/production costs. The Centre has recently

come up with innovative processing techniques for high­ end manufacturing.


1. High viscosity Tamarind Kernel Powder.2. Cold water­ soluble Tamarind Kernel Powder.3. Products for Noodles & Ice­ creams.

VIII. FURTHER DEVELOPMENTS To identify new natural sources of gum and find its applications. To develop guar blends for food products.

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In a rapid competitive business environment, the procedures of outlining the role, function and process ofHuman Resource Management (HRM) within a dynamic and uncertain environment are ongoing for manydecades. In the early 1980s numerous books and articles were published by American Business Schoolsprofessors to support the widely recognition of HRM concept, and the environmental volatility in today’scontemporary business that specifically identify conflict and heterogeneity (Soderlund and Bredin, 2005). Dueto its diverse origins and many influences, HRM covers essential aspects of central concern in organizationssuch as individual, practice, educational theory, social and organizational psychology, sociology, industrialrelations, and organizational theory (Soderlund and Bredin, 2005)..

To date there is no widely acceptable definition for HRM and what it entirely involves in our daily businessworld (Brewster and Larsen, 2000). Fewer satisfactory definitions have been propounded by different writersuch as (Soderlund and Bredin, 2005), whom perceived HRM as 1) an ‘executive personnel responsibility’,that mainly concern with management activities; 2) classified HRM as management philosophy thatconcerns with people treatment and, finally 3) discerned HRM as interaction management between the firmand its people.

Due the conflicting theoretical conception and hypothetical disagreement about the general acceptance of thedefinition, Price (2007) definition would be used to in this literature because it better explained and cover hugeareas of the study. According to Price (2007):

“A philosophy of people management based on the belief that human resources are uniquelyimportant to sustained business success. An organization gains competitive advantage by using itspeople effectively, drawing on their expertise and ingenuity to meet clearly defined objectives. Humanresource management is aimed at recruiting capable, flexible and committed people, managing andrewarding their performance and developing key competencies”.

The dynamic and uncertainty in HR contemporary organizations are tremendously moving towards a radicaldimension (Analoui, 2007). Recent debate by many researchers have laid more emphasis about matching andincorporating the HR­ department with other strategic functioning departments within organization (Soderlundand Bredin, (2005); Analoui, (2007); Price, (2007).

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Whilst the precise HR objectives will vary from business to business and industry to industry, thefollowing are commonly seen as important HR objectives:

Objective HR Actions

Ensure humanresources areemployed

Pay rates should be competitive but not excessiveAchieve acceptable staff utilisationMinimise staff turnover

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cost­ effectively Measure returns on investment in training

Make effective use ofworkforce potential

Ensure jobs have suitable, achievable workloadsAvoid too many under­ utilised or over­ stretched staffMake best use of employees skills

Match the workforceto the business needs

Workforce planning to ensure business has the right number of staff in the riglocations with the right skills

Effective recruitment to match workforce needsTraining programmes to cover skills gaps or respond to changes in technologyprocesses & marketConsider outsourcing activities that can be done better and more cost­ effectiveby external suppliersGet the right number and mix of staff at each location where the business operin multiple sites and countries

Maintain goodemployer / employeerelations

Avoid unnecessary and costly industrial disputesTimely and honest communication with employees and their representativesSensitive handling or potential problems with employees (e.g. dismissal,redundancy, major changes in the business)Comply with all relevant employment legislation


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• Multi ­ skilling employees

• Use of 5 Senses for observation and judgement

• Improving knowledge, skill and morale

• Classroom training, Seminars

• On the job training

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The new employees are given training regarding the specific tasks to which they have assigned. At HGCL,

the new employees are given adequate training before they are allowed to work independently. They are evaluated

continuously throughout their training program. HR department monitors all the new employees and evaluates

their performance. This training makes the employees more productive and more useful to the organization.

The new employees participate in the training program under the responsibility of the Head – HR / IR or

Respective Functional Head.

The types of training given at HGCL and its subsidiaries are:

• Skills training

The employees are trained in such a way that their existing skills are improved and they handle the situation

and the machinery more efficiently. This training is provided to both the new and existing training.

• Refresher training

The employees are trained about the new technologies that have emerged in the recent time. The

company organises special training programs once in 3 months to update the employee’s knowledge and help

them to face the future challenges.

• Cross­ functional training

It involves the training employees to perform operations in area other than their assigned job. This is done to

improve the efficiency of the workers in different departments and also to follow flexible scheduling.

Training assessment

All the training programs provided to the employees at HGCL are assessed continually. HR department plays a

major role in organizing these programs and makes sure that the objective of the training program is


The need for the training program is determined depending on the productivity and objectives of the

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company, company’s performance, the skills required for performing a particular tasks and the

individual’s ability to do the assigned job. The training program given to the employees at HGCL is 8 hours

per year and the type of training depends on the analysis using the skill matrices.

Training is necessary % of Responses

Yes 80

No 20

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Training programme adopted in HICHEM % Of responses

Required 35.6

Training in Process 21.2

Not Required 24.8

Training Completed But Still Required 18.4


In HGCL and its subsidiaries, there are two recruiting source choices depending on the necessity.

• Internal Recruitment

They recruit within the organisation tapping into the databases, job postings, promotions, and transfers. This

provides the means that allow the current employees to move to other jobs. Internal recruitment at HGCL usually

happens as a part of performance appraisal. They maintain Human resource information systems (HRIS), helps

HR staff members to maintain background and KSA information on existing employees. They continually update

the employee profile. At HGCL the process of internal recruitment is common among the workers level.

• External Recruitment

The company goes for external recruitment. The applicants for the job at HGCL should go through the selection

process conducted by the respective department heads.

HGCL looks for people with a proven track record for:

• Approaching problems analytically.

• Focusing on providing solutions to customers.• Contributing, regardless of their level in the organization.

• Demonstrating a genuine respect for the diversity of people.

The company employs people across a broad range of occupations in locations across the world. Most often they

have openings for experienced professionals and undergraduates with technical degrees. The company provides

more benefits and a motivating and positive working environment.

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Following the recruitment procedure, the applicants appear for the selection process.

At HGCL and its subsidiaries, there is a structured selection process. It consists of the following steps:

• Screening applications

This step is to shortlist only the suitable candidates who have all the required qualifications.

• Written test

The written test is conducted to know about the candidate’s knowledge about the job that they have applied.

Written test consists of intelligence test and aptitude tests.

• Selection Interview

It is an oral interview conducted after the written tests and this is to know about the candidates’ skills and job

experience. Certain situational questions are also confronted and the response of the candidates is evaluated.

The company also makes reference checks for the candidates who are to be selected. Finally the hiring decisions

are made by the department heads and the HR managers based on the overall performance of the candidate in

the selection process and also their past work experience.


After the selecting the candidate, he is placed in the suitable job. At HGCL this handled by the HR department,

the candidate is assigned with a specific rank and responsibility. The candidates selected work on probation for a

given period of time, after which their services are confirmed. The probationary period is 240 days per year or

480 days for two years. The performance of the candidate is evaluated at the end of the probationary period. The

candidates are made permanent employees only if their work is satisfactory.

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Induction or orientation is the task of introducing the new employees to the organisation and its policies,

procedures and rules. At HGCL and its subsidiaries, all the new employees are given induction training program

so that they will become familiar to their working conditions and also the employees in the particular unit. This is

given by the respective departments. All the queries of the new employees are answered during this induction


The induction programme consists of the following:

• Organisation

1. Company’s history

2. Employee’s title and department

3. Executives of the company

4. Probationary period

5. Policy and rules

6. Codes of conduct

7. Safety measures

• Employee benefits

1. Salary

2. Holidays (festival and national)

3. Training

4. Counselling

5. Insurance, retirement policies and other benefits

• About the job

1. Tasks

2. Job location

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3. Safety measures

4. Job objectives

5. Shifts

• Introductions

1. To department head

2. To co­ workers

3. To trainers

At HGCL and its subsidiaries, the internal mobility of the employees takes place. It’s common among the

worker and staff level, when more manpower is required in the other departments during certain projects.


Job analysis is a formal and detailed examination of jobs. It is a systematic investigation of the tasks, duties

and responsibilities necessary to do a job.

Purpose of Job Analysis

The purpose of Job Analysis is to establish and document the 'job relatedness' of employment

procedures such as training, selection, compensation, and performance appraisal.

Determining Training Needs

Job Analysis is used in "training/needs assessment" to identify or develop:

• Training content

• Assessment tests to measure effectiveness of training

• Equipment to be used in delivering the training

• Methods of training (i.e., small group, computer­based, video, classroom...)

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Job Analysis is also used in compensation to identify or determine:

• Skill levels

• Compensable job factors

• Work environment (e.g., hazards; attention; physical effort)

• Responsibilities (e.g., fiscal; supervisory)

• Required level of education (indirectly related to salary level)

Selection Procedures

Job Analysis is used in selection procedures to identify or develop:

• Job duties that should be included in advertisements of vacant positions

• Appropriate salary level for the position to help determine what salary should be offered to a


• Minimum requirements (education and/or experience) for screening applicants

• Interview questions

• Selection tests/instruments (e.g., written tests, oral tests, job simulations)

• Applicant appraisal/evaluation forms

• Orientation materials for applicants/new hires

Performance Review

Job Analysis is used in performance review to identify or develop:

• Goals and objectives

• Performance standards

• Evaluation criteria

• Length of probationary periods

• Duties to be evaluated

Methods of Job Analysis

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Several methods are used individually or in combination which are as follows:

• Supervisor Interviews

• Expert Panels

• Structured questionnaires

• Open­ended questionnaires

• Observations


Performance appraisal is the method of evaluating the behavior of an employee I the work spot. In this company

evaluation is carried out with the help of “Skill Matrix”.

Regarding Skill Matrix

• Skill matrix, as the name suggests is a repository of skills, which have been identified for successful completion

of Job.

• Specific skills required to complete the job is broken down ( the details to be captured during Job

Design ).

• The Skill set of every employee is carefully accessed and logged into the skill matrix.

• The skill matrix comes in handy, to determine the shortfall of Key Skills.

• The skill matrix forms a base for all appraisals, training programes, employee developments, deployments


• The skill matrix to be updated on a regular basis.

• The skill matrix to be shared with HR and Project teams.

• The key to deploying a successful Skill matrix is about identifying and codifying the SKILLS in an acceptable

manner. One may refer to the standards laid down by SFIA in this regards.

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The following table will clearly explain the level of educational qualification and experience as well as special

training that the company expects from a person to be employable in a suitable designation.


Compensation is what employees receive in exchange for their contribution for the organisation. Generally,

employees offer their services for three types of rewards. Pay refers to the base wages and salaries employees

receive. Compensation forms such as bonuses, commissions and profit sharing plans are incentives designed to

encourage employees to produce results beyond normal expectation. Benefits such as insurance, medical,

recreational, retirement etc., represent a more indirect type of compensation. So, the term compensation is

a comprehensive one including pay, incentives, and benefits offered by employers for hiring the services of

employees. In addition to these, managers have to observe legal formalities that offer physical as well as

financial security to employees. All these issues play an important role in any hr department’s effort to

obtain, maintain and retain an effective workforce.

Nature of Compensation

Compensation offered by an organisation can coke both directly through base pay and variable pay and

indirectly through benefits:

• Base pay: It is the basic compensation an employee gets, usually as a wage or salary.

• Variable Pay: It is the compensation that is linked directly to performance accomplishments (bonuses,

incentives, stock options).

• Benefits: These are indirect rewards given to an employee or group of employees as a part of

organisational membership (health insurance, vacation pay, retirement pension etc.)

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Objectives of Compensation Administration

Some of the important objectives that are sought to be achieved through effective compensation

management are:

a) Attract talent: Since many firms compete to hire the services of competent people, the salaries offered must be

high enough to motivate them to apply.

b) Retain talent: If compensation levels falls below the expectations of employees or are not competitive, they may


c) Ensure equity: Pay should equal the worth of a job. Similar jobs should get similar pay. Likewise, more

qualified people should get better wages.

d) New and desired behaviour: Pay should reward loyalty, commitment, experience risks taking,

initiative and other desired behaviours to prevent employees going in search of greener pastures.

e) Comply with legal rules: Compensation programmes must invariably satisfy governmental rules

regarding minimum wages, bonus, allowances, benefits, etc.

Components of Pay Structure in India

The pay structure of a company depends on several factors such as labour market conditions,

company’s paying capacity and legal provisions.

In India, different Acts include different items under wages, though all the Acts include basic wage and dearness

allowance under the term wages. The wage structure in India can be examined broadly under the following


Basic Wage

The basic wage in India corresponds with what has been recommended by the Fair Wages Committee (1948)

and the 15th Indian Labour Conference (1957).The following criterion may be considered while deciding the

basic wage:

• Skill needs of the job.

• Experience needed.

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• Difficulty of work: mental as well as physical.

• Training needed.

• Responsibilities involved.

• Hazardous nature of job.

Dearness Allowance (DA)

It is the allowance paid to employees in order to enable them to face the increasing dearness of essential

commodities. DA is paid to neutralise the effect of inflation.

Other allowances that are occasionally paid include holiday pay, overtime pay, bonus, social security

benefit, etc.


An important component of employees’ earnings, besides salary, is bonus. According to The Payment of

Bonus Act, 1965 an employee who earns more than Rs.2500 p.m. basic plus DA is eligible for bonus. The

minimum bonus to be paid has been raised to 8.33% w.e.f 25.9.75.

Methods of Wage payment

There are two methods of wage payment:

1. Time Wage System.

2. Piece Rate System.

Time Wage System

In this system, the worker is paid on the basis of time spent on the work irrespective of the amount of

work done. The basis of this time may be hour, day, week or month.

Piece Rate System

Under Piece rate system, the workers are paid at a stipulated rate per piece or unit of output. Here speed is thebasis of payment, instead of time. In this system, the rate is fixed per piece of work and the worker is paidaccording to the number of pieces completed or the volume of work done by him, irrespective of time takenby him in completing that work. Efficiency, is thus recognised in this system.

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Types of Piece Rate System

a. Straight Piece Rate: In this method, payment is made on the basis of a fixed amount per fixed units

produced without regard to the time taken.

b. Piece rate with guaranteed time rate: In this system, workers are paid minimum wages on the basis of time

rates. In addition, they are paid more for producing more than a prefixed number of units on Piece rate.

c. Differential piece rate: In this scheme, the rate per piece is increased, as the output level is increased. That

is, there is more than one­ piece rate system. In other words, the increase in rates may be proportionate to the

increase in output.

Fringe Benefits

The term ‘fringe benefits’ refers to the extra benefits provided to employees in addition to the normal

compensation paid in the form of wage or salary. The main features of fringe benefits are:

• They are supplementary forms of compensation.

• They are paid to all employees based on their membership in the organisation.

• They help raise the living conditions of the employees.

• They may be statutory or voluntary. Provident fund is a statutory benefit whereas transport is a

voluntary benefit.

Wages and Salary Administration in HGCL Ltd.

Wage System

The wages for the workers at HGCL Ltd. are paid in the following manner:

• They follow the Time based system on a daily basis. i.e. a prefixed rate per 8 man hour shift.• In addition, the workers receive Overtime wages at 1.5 times their rate for every extra hour worked.

• Those working in the night shifts receive additional allowances like Night Shift Allowance and Food


• The workers can avail of incentives in the form of additional remuneration in accordance with the

Piece rate system followed by the company.

• Other benefits the workers receive include Stautory benefits like Provident Fund where the Worker and

the Company contributes 12% of the basic wage each.

• Employee State Insurance (ESI) is also provided to the workers at 6.75% of gross wages; 1.75% and

4.75% contributed by the both the employee and employer respectively.

• They also receive Bonus at 8.33% as per Government norms, disbursed usually before the Deepavali, to a

maximum of Rs. 3500/­ .

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• They also receive additional incentives for regular attendance and following safety norms.

Salary System

The staff and other managerial employees receive their prefixed Salary every month, depending on their

qualification and experience. They generally are not availed of any allowances. However, their salaries are

revised every year after their performance appraisals.

In addition to the above, both the workers and staff are automatically enrolled into the Pension scheme,

which they can avail after a minimum of 10 years of service. They are entitled to receive the full pension

benefits after a minimum of 25 years of service and after attaining an age of 58 years.


The firm has a responsibility to protect the health and safety of employees, their families and the public.

Maintaining a safe and healthy work environment is integral to the operation of the business. In addition to

protecting the most precious resource – employees – incident prevention sustains the performance of the

business, as well as the trust of the communities in which the company operate. The firm believes that all

incidents can be prevented and their goal is zero incidents. All the employees in the organization are

committed to achieving this goal.

Principles that guide the success of the subsidiary include:

• Occupational safety and health and process safety management are considered in the planning for any new

or revised installations, processes, or procedures.

• Safe work practices are promoted through good engineering practices, standards and procedures,

employee education, job training, and use of personal protective equipment.

• Participation, partnership, and teamwork are essential. A comprehensive network of safety and health

committees provides leadership and direction in setting policies, goals, and objectives, and in getting

employees involved in the process. Site management, union leadership and employees, and safety and health

professionals work together on these committees to advance loss prevention.

• Units and operations are routinely reviewed for chemical, process, mechanical, and procedural

hazards. Identified hazards are promptly addressed.

• Applicable federal, state, and local codes and regulations are followed, and voluntary, self­applied

standards that go beyond regulations are often employed in the firm’s efforts to prevent incidents.

• Employee responsibility and accountability are considered essential elements of the safety and health


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• Innovation is valued. Innovative techniques of safety and health management are utilized, such as the use

of behavior­ based safety observation and feedback techniques and the application of ergonomic concepts to

workstation design.

The subsidiary of HGCL strives continuously to incorporate safety and health into the operation,

structure and culture of every part of the company.

Pollution Prevention, Employee Health & Safety, Process Safety, Distribution, Product Stewardship and



Development of the Priority Security Management Systems began shortly after the events of September

11, 2001, and was issued in fourth quarter 2002 to strengthen security practices already in place. These

management systems consist of security practices believed to be essential to protect the firm’s personnel,

facilities, and the public. To monitor ongoing compliance, these management systems were added to the

Consolidated Auditing Program.

The Priority Security Management Systems cover the following topics:

a) Assignment of site and transportation security coordinators.

b) Security incident reporting procedures.

c) Deterrence of entry by unauthorized personnel.

d) Procedures to clear/escort visitors onto sites.

e) Inclusion of terrorist threats in emergency response plans.

f) Criminal background checks for new hires and Substance abuse programs. h)

Training on workplace violence and IT security assessment.

j) Authentication and authorization to operate computer systems.

k) Management of critical and sensitive information.

l) Site security employee training program.

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HGCL encourages its employees to balance their work and personal responsibilities, through programs likethe following:

1. Family Leave

When you need time off to meet changing family responsibilities and respond to different life events,Family Leave provides options and allows you time away from work without hurting your career or yourbenefits coverage. Family Leave is available to all full­ service employees for maternity, paternity,adoption, or placement of a foster child, or to deal with the serious illness of a parent, spouse or child.This unpaid leave of absence is in addition to paid time off for disability or vacation. Benefits continue at thesame level as they were prior to the leave, and there is an option to earn credit for part­ time workwith service. A commitment to return employees to the same or similar job of comparable pay andstatus is part of this program.

2. Guidance ResourcesGuidance Resources helps you manage your work/life responsibilities with practical advice, useful materialsand local referrals. You can obtain personalized and confidential consultation with experienced counselorson topics such as:

Parenting Education information and college planning Caring for adults, parents and older relatives. Caring for yourself Career planning

3. Flexible Work Practices

Flexible Work Practices have been designed to help better balance the needs of both the business and theemployee. We encourage the use of Flexible Work Practices because they can help employeesjuggle their personal obligations while managers try to seek a creative and productive means of meeting thebusiness needs. With the help of your immediate supervisor, a variety of options can be assessed.

4. Dependent Care Spending Accounts (DCSA)Spending accounts enable you to pay for childcare with pretax dollars. You may select this benefityearly by choosing the DCSA option during the annual Ben e Flex change period.

5. "Just in Time Care"

"Just in Time Care" is currently available at selected sites. This emergency/ backup service linksemployees to a variety of dependent care options such as in­ home dependent care, drop­ incenter­ based care for children and elders; work­ site or near­ site school holiday and snow day care; andcenter­ based sick care.

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6. Adoption Assistance:This program is designed to assist employees with the expenses incurred when they legally adopt a child.Covered expenses include agency fees, legal fees, court costs, temporary foster care before placement ofthe child, medical expenses of the birthmother and medical expenses of the child.


Absence of challenging job

Attrition rate compare to other companies

Managers “need to support corporate productivity and performance improvement efforts”.

The challenge, derived from the first two, is that “employers see that their human resource units

must be more involved in designing – not just executing – the company’s strategic plan”

“Employees play an expanded role in employers’ performance improvement efforts”. All

the basics contents associated with high­ performance organisation, such as high­ technology

team­ based production, are rather futile without high levels of employee competence and commitment.

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KEVIN D. CLARK Villanova University.Barney, J. 1991. Firm resources and sustained competitiveAdvantage. Journal of Management, 17(1): 99–120.Baron, R. M., & Kenny, D. A. 1986. The moderator­ mediatorVariable distinction in social psychological research: Conceptual,strategic, and statistical considerations.Journal of Personality and SocialPsychology, 51: 1173–1182.

Implicit human resource management theory: a potential threat to theInternal validity of human resource practice measures

Timothy M. Gardner* and Patrick M. Wright b a Vanderbilt University, Nashville, USA; bCornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA.

Global Journal of Management and Business ResearchVolume 11 Issue 7 Version 1.0 July 2011Type: Double Blind Peer Reviewed International Research JournalPublisher: Global Journals Inc. (USA)Print ISSN: 0975­ 5853