html5 and accessibility sitting in a tree

HTML5 and a11y Sitting in a tree Bruce Lawson

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21 September 2011 presentation to Accessibility London (#a11yldn) unconference on HTML5 and accessibility by Bruce Lawson of Opera.


HTML5 and a11ySitting in a treeBruce Lawson

Biscuit and Chica photograph by Brittany Shaw. All rights reserved. Used with permission

30 new elements 30 new elements

Top 20 class names1. footer 11. button

2. menu 12. main

3. style1 13. style3

4. msonormal 14. small

5. text 15. nav

6. content 16. clear

7. title 17. search

8. style2 18. style4

9. header 19. logo

10. copyright 20. body

Top 20 id names1. footer 11. search

2. content 12. nav

3. header 13. wrapper

4. logo 14. top

5. container 15. table2

6. main 16. layer2

7. table1 17. sidebar

8. menu 18. image1

9. layer1 19. banner

10. autonumber1 20. navigation

<content> ?

HTML5 formsstandardise commonly-used

rich form elements – without JavaScript

built-in validation(of course you should still validate on the server)

<input type=email><input type=url required>

<input type=range min=10 max=100><input type=date min=2010-01-01 max=2010-12-31>

<input pattern="[0-9][A-Z]{3}" placeholder="9AAA">

<video> and <audio>

Anne van Kesteren annevk at opera.comWed Feb 28 05:47:56 PST 2007

Hi,Opera has some internal expiremental builds with an implementation of a <video> element. The element exposes a simple API (for the moment) much like the Audio() object: play() pause() Stop()

The idea is that it works like <object> except that it has special <video> semantics much like <img> has image semantics. In markup you could prolly use it as follows:

<figure> <video src=news-snippet.ogg> ... </video> <legend>HTML5 in BBC News</legend> </figure>

I attached a proposal for the element and as you can see there are still some open issues. The element and its API are of course open for debate. We're not enforcing this upon the world ;-)


<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie"


<param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param>

<param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param>

<embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

<video src=pudding.webm controls autoplay poster=poster.jpg width=320 height=240> <a href=video.webm>Download movie</a></video>

<audio src=jedward.ogg controls autoplay> <a href=jedward.ogg>Download horrid pap</a></audio>

<video src=pudding.webm loop>

<audio src=jedward.ogg preload><audio src=jedward.ogg preload=auto><audio src=jedward.ogg preload=none><audio src=jedward.ogg preload=metadata>

powerful (simple) API

controlling <video> with JavaScript

var v = document.getElementByTagName('video')[0];;v.pause();v.volume = … ;v.currentTime = … ;…

events fired by <video>var v = document.getElementById('player');v.addEventListener('loadeddata', function() { … }, true)v.addEventListener('play', function() { … }, true)v.addEventListener('pause', function() { … }, true)v.addEventListener('timeupdate', function() { … }, true)v.addEventListener('ended', function() { … }, true)…

video as native object...why is it important?

● keyboard accessibility built-in● “play nice” with rest of the page● Simple API for controls

video formats

webM Ogg/ Theora mp4/ h264

Opera yes yes

Chrome yes yes Nope (Chrome.soon)

Firefox Yes (FF4) yes

Safari yes

IE9 Yes (if installed) yes

audio formats

mp3 Ogg/ Vobis wav

Opera yes yes

Chrome yes yes

Firefox yes yes

Safari yes yes

IE9 yes no

Giving everybody video

<video controls autoplay poster=… width=… height=…><source src=pudding.mp4 type=video/mp4><source src=pudding.webm type=video/webm><source src=pudding.ogv type=video/ogg><!-- fallback content -->


<video controls poster="…" width="…" height="…"><source src="movie.mp4" type="video/mp4" /><source src="movie.webm" type="video/webm" /><source src="movie.ogv" type="video/ogg" /><object width="…" height="…" type="application/x-

shockwave-flash" data="player.swf"><param name="movie" value="player.swf" /><param name="flashvars" value=" … file=movie.mp4" /><!-- fallback content -->


still include fallback for old browsers


● converts and hosts creative-commons licensed media

● has a free conversion/ hosting service (max 1GB source file) see

● Miro video converter is a drag and drop GUI skin on FFMPEG

Full-screen video● Currently, WebkitEnterFullscreen();● May 11, WebKit announced it's implementing Gecko API

● Opera likes this approach, too

<video> accessibility

WebM release does not support subtitles image Kacper "Kangel" Aniołek

WHATWG / W3C RFC will release guidance on subtitles and other overlays in HTML5 <video> in the near future. WebM intends to follow that guidance.

<track> element

<video controls poster=… width=… height=…><source src=movie.webm type=video/webm><track src=subtitles-en.vtt kind=subtitles srclang=en><track src=subtitles-de.vtt kind=subtitles srclang=de><!-- fallback content -->




101:23:45,678 --> 01:23:46,789Hello world!

201:23:48,910 --> 01:23:49,101HelloWorld!

WebVTT formatting

Supports positioning of text

Supports <b> and <i>

Colouring individual speakers

Support vertical text

Supports RTL

Supports ruby annotations

<track> polyfill

Synchronising media elements@mediagroup

getUserMedia API(previously known as "HTML5 <device>")

WebRTC is a free, open project that enables web browsers with Real-Time Communications (RTC) capabilities via

simple Javascript APIs. The WebRTC components have been optimized to best serve this purpose.

The WebRTC initiative is a project supported by Google, Mozilla and Opera.


All rights reserved corner

Thanks Takara Tomy for permission to use Gigapudding video. Buy the pudding.

HTML5 nazi-killing Bruce on unicorn picture by Marina Lawson. Buy her Dad's book.

Thanks Brittany Shaw for permission to use her Biscuit and Chica photo. Buy a rabbit pie.

All others by me or (I believe) public domain.