
The most important tags in HTML are tags that define headings, paragraphs, body and line breaks. The basic HTML Tags are described here in the form of table so that you can remind them easily. Basic HTML Tags Tag Description <html> Defines an HTML document <head>Defines information about the document <title> Defines the document title <body> Defines the document's body <h1> to <h6> Defines header 1 to header 6 <p> Defines a paragraph <br> Inserts a single line break <hr> Defines a horizontal rule <!--> Defines a comment Description Of The Above Tags <html>tag This element tells a browser that this is an HTML document. This tag is defined at the top of the HTML file and at the end of file. Format: <html> <body>..............body of HTML.............</body></html>

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The most important tags in HTML are tags that define headings, paragraphs, body and line breaks. The

basic HTML Tags are described here in the form of table so that you can remind them easily.

Basic HTML Tags

Tag Description

<html> Defines an HTML document

<head> Defines information about the document

<title> Defines the document title

<body> Defines the document's body

<h1> to <h6> Defines header 1 to header 6

<p> Defines a paragraph

<br> Inserts a single line break

<hr> Defines a horizontal rule

<!--> Defines a comment

Description Of The Above Tags


This element tells a browser that this is an HTML document. This tag is defined at the top of the HTML

file and at the end of file.


<html> <body>..............body of HTML.............</body></html>


<html> <body> this is my first page </body></html>

<head> tag

The head tag defines information about the document. The browser does not display the "head

information" to the user. The following tags can be in the head section: <base>, <link>, <meta>, <script>,

<style>, and <title>. The head tag is used between <html> and <body> tags.


<html> <head>.....head sections....</head><body>......body of HTML........</body></html>


<html> <head><title>Basic tag</title></head>>body> this is my first page </body></html>

<title> tag

Title tag defines the title of the document which appears in the Title bar of the explorer window. Title

tag is used in between <head> and </head> tag because it is title tag is section of <head> tag.


<html> <head><title>Title of the Page</title></head><body>.....body of HTML......</body></html>


<html> <head><title>Basic tag</title></head><body> this is my first page </body></html>

<body> tag

The body element defines the document's body. It contains all the contents of the document (like text,

images, colors, graphics etc).


<body bgcolor ="color_name" background="file_name" links="color_name" text="color_name">


<body bgcolor ="red" background="c:\img\sky.jpg" links="blue" text="black">


Attribute Value Description

background file_name An image to use as the background. Deprecated. Use styles instead.

bgcolor color_name The background color of the document. Deprecated. Use styles instead.

link, alink, vlink color_name Specifies the color of all the links in the document. Deprecated. Use

styles instead.

text color_name Specifies the color of the text in the document. Deprecated. Use styles instead.

<hn>...</hn> Heading Tags

These tags are used to display headings in an HTML document. through these tags you can increase the

size of the text. In these tags <h1> tag defines the largest header & <h6> defines smallest.

These tags are <h1> </h1>, <h2> </h2>, <h3> </h3>, <h4> </h4>, <h5> </h5>


<hn>.............. text..............</hn>


<h1> this is my first page </h1> or <h1 align="right">text</h1> Attribute of the <hn> Tag.

Attribute of the <hn> Tag

It has only one attribute i.e. Align="value" values may be right, left, center and justified. you can use this

align attribute in many tags to align the text or elements.

align value (right, center, left, justified)

<p>.....</p> Paragraph Tag

This tag is used for creating the paragraph in the web page. It is used inside the body of file.




<p> This is the test of paragraph tag........</p>

In this tag align attribute can be used.

<br> tag

The <br> tag inserts a single line break. Use the <br> tag to enter blank lines, not to separate

paragraphs. This tag has no end tag.


text........<br> .....text


This is a break <br> in the line.

<hr> tag

The <hr> tag inserts a horizontal rule. The <hr> tag has no end tag.


text......<hr> ......text or text......<hr align=" " size=" " width=" ">.... text


This is the test of the tag <hr>


Attribute Value Description

align right,left,center The alignment of the horizontal rule.

size % , pixels The thickness (height) of the horizontal rule.

width % , pixels The width of the horizontal rule.

<!--...--> Comment Tag

The comment tag is used to insert a comment in the source code. A comment will be ignored by the

browser. You can use comments to explain your code, which can help you when you edit the source

code at a later date.

You can also store program-specific information inside comments. In this case they will not be visible

for the user, but they are still available to the program. A good practice is to comment the text inside

the script and style elements to prevent older browsers, that do not support scripting or styles, from

showing it as plain text.


<!-- add here your comments these will not be displayed -->


<!-- add here your comments these will not be displayed -->

You might have became bored of reading so lets do some practical.

Follow these Steps:

copy this code in the new file of any text editor.

Save it with htm or html extension.

Open the Internet Browser.

Open the saved file in it.




<title>In body tag</title>


<body bgcolor="lightyellow" text="red">

In body tag, background color is defined as black and textcolor is defined as the white.


<h1> this is the h1 header </h1>

<h2> this is the h2header </h2>

<h3> this is the h3 header </h3>

<h4> this is the h4 header </h4>

<h5> this is the h5 header </h5>

<hr>This is the use of "Break" tag<br> and you will see use of more tags<br>

<hr> look at the use of comment tag it is<!-- It is a comment line --> good

<hr><p> This is the use of paragraph tag and you will see use of more tags </p>

The effect of "hr" tag <br> <hr>



Explanation of the page:

The title of the page is at the top in blue strip. All the text appears in white color and background in the

black color. Because in the <body> tag the bgcolor and text color is defined. The horizontal line appears

because of the <hr> tag and the <br> tag breaks the text in between and displays it on new line. The

comment statement i

Character Format Tags

These tags are used for the formatting of the text such as underline, bold, italic, font, size, color of the


All these character formatting Tags are defined in the table shown below:

Char Format Tag Description

<b> Displays bold text

<i> Displays italic text

<tt> Renders as teletype or mono spaced text

<u> Displays underlined text

<em> Displays emphasized text

<big> Displays big text

<small> Displays small text

<strong> Displays strong text

<sub> Displays subscripted text

<sup> Displays superscripted text

<bdo> Defines the direction of text display

<font> Defines the font face, size, and color of text

<b> Tag

The <b> tag is used to make the text bold.


<b> ................text.........</b>

<i> Tag

The <i> tag displays the italic text.


<i> ................text.........</i>;

<tt> Tag

The <tt> tag displays the typewriter text.


<tt> ................text.........</tt>

<u> Tag

The <u> tag displays the underlined text.


<u> ................text.........</u>

<em> Tag

The <em> tag displays the emphasized text.


<em> ................text.........</em>

<big> Tag

The <big> tag displays the big text.


<big> ................text.........</big>

<small> Tag

The <small> tag displays the small text.


<small> ................text.........</small>

<strong> Tag

The <strong> tag displays strong text.


<strong> ................text.........</strong>

<sub> Tag

The <sub> tag displays text in subscripted format.


<sub> ................text.........</sub>

<sup> Tag

The <sup> tag displays superscripted text.


<sup> ................text.........</sup>

<bdo> Tag

The <bdo> tag defines the direction of the text.


<bdo> ................text.........</bdo>

<font> Tag

The <font> tag defines the font, color, size of the text.


<font face="font_name" color="color_name" size="number">........text.........</font>

Examples of the Text Formatting tags

Examples Outputs

<b>This text is bold</b> This text is bold

<strong> This text is strong </strong> This text is strong

<big> This text is big </big> This text is big

<em> This text is emphasized </em> This text is emphasized

<i> This text is italic </i> This text is italic

<small> This text is small </small> This text is small;

This text contains <sub> subscript </sub> This text contains subscript

This text contains <sup> superscript </sup> This text contains superscript

<u> this is underlined text </u> this is underlined text

<bdo dir="rtl">Here is some Hebrew text</bdo> Here is some Hebrew text

You have read all the basic tags, So now lets do some practical.

Just write/copy this example on any text editor new file and save the file and open in the browser and

see how it looks.




<b>This text is bold</b>


<strong> This text is strong </strong>


<big> This text is big </big>


<em> This text is emphasized </em>


<i> This text is italic </i>


<small> This text is small </small>


<u> this is underlined text </u>


This text contains

<sub> subscript </sub>


This text contains

<sup> superscript </sup>

<br> The use of font tag

<font face="arial" size="3" color="green">

this is use of font tag</font>



Page in browser will Look Like:

Click Here! to see the animation of Character Format Tags.s not displayed.

Character Format Tags

These tags are used for the formatting of the text such as underline, bold, italic, font, size, color of the


All these character formatting Tags are defined in the table shown below:

Char Format Tag Description

<b> Displays bold text

<i> Displays italic text

<tt> Renders as teletype or mono spaced text

<u> Displays underlined text

<em> Displays emphasized text

<big> Displays big text

<small> Displays small text

<strong> Displays strong text

<sub> Displays subscripted text

<sup> Displays superscripted text

<bdo> Defines the direction of text display

<font> Defines the font face, size, and color of text

<b> Tag

The <b> tag is used to make the text bold.


<b> ................text.........</b>

<i> Tag

The <i> tag displays the italic text.


<i> ................text.........</i>;

<tt> Tag

The <tt> tag displays the typewriter text.


<tt> ................text.........</tt>

<u> Tag

The <u> tag displays the underlined text.


<u> ................text.........</u>

<em> Tag

The <em> tag displays the emphasized text.


<em> ................text.........</em>

<big> Tag

The <big> tag displays the big text.


<big> ................text.........</big>

<small> Tag

The <small> tag displays the small text.


<small> ................text.........</small>

<strong> Tag

The <strong> tag displays strong text.


<strong> ................text.........</strong>

<sub> Tag

The <sub> tag displays text in subscripted format.


<sub> ................text.........</sub>

<sup> Tag

The <sup> tag displays superscripted text.


<sup> ................text.........</sup>

<bdo> Tag

The <bdo> tag defines the direction of the text.


<bdo> ................text.........</bdo>

<font> Tag

The <font> tag defines the font, color, size of the text.


<font face="font_name" color="color_name" size="number">........text.........</font>

Examples of the Text Formatting tags

Examples Outputs

<b>This text is bold</b> This text is bold

<strong> This text is strong </strong> This text is strong

<big> This text is big </big> This text is big

<em> This text is emphasized </em> This text is emphasized

<i> This text is italic </i> This text is italic

<small> This text is small </small> This text is small;

This text contains <sub> subscript </sub> This text contains subscript

This text contains <sup> superscript </sup> This text contains superscript

<u> this is underlined text </u> this is underlined text

<bdo dir="rtl">Here is some Hebrew text</bdo> Here is some Hebrew text

You have read all the basic tags, So now lets do some practical.

Just write/copy this example on any text editor new file and save the file and open in the browser and

see how it looks.




<b>This text is bold</b>


<strong> This text is strong </strong>


<big> This text is big </big>


<em> This text is emphasized </em>


<i> This text is italic </i>


<small> This text is small </small>


<u> this is underlined text </u>


This text contains

<sub> subscript </sub>


This text contains

<sup> superscript </sup>

<br> The use of font tag

<font face="arial" size="3" color="green">

this is use of font tag</font>



Page in browser will Look Like:

Click Here! to see the animation of Character Format Tags.