http yix04102 2012

2012 First Haiku Meeting: January 21 Moderator: Catherine Urquhart a cup of hot coffee on a chilly morning --- counting my blessings Junko Saeki thoughts on the departing year Karajan LP crackles Ikken Ikemoto plane trees line winter’s walkway -- a perfect perspective Takashi Ikari sunset --- black silhouettes of geese over the snowy fields Tomislav Maretic (Croatia) in the winter sun, now green, now blue the mallard’s head Tomislav Maretic (Croatia) not a myth to him the fact of global warming stranded polar bear Royal T. Fruehling (Hawai'i, USA) ジオシティーズ 容量大幅 アップ レノボの PC がついに 4 第2世代インテル(R)Core(TM)i5搭載PCを自由にカスタム インタレストマッチ - 広 について Page 1 of 47 12/11/2012

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2012 First Haiku Meeting: January 21 Moderator: Catherine Urquhart a cup of hot coffee on a chilly morning --- counting my blessings Junko Saeki thoughts on the departing year Karajan LP crackles Ikken Ikemoto plane trees line winter’s walkway -- a perfect perspective Takashi Ikari sunset --- black silhouettes of geese over the snowy fields Tomislav Maretic (Croatia) in the winter sun, now green, now blue the mallard’s head Tomislav Maretic (Croatia) not a myth to him the fact of global warming stranded polar bear Royal T. Fruehling (Hawai'i, USA)


レノボのPCがついに4万円台 第2世代インテル(R)Core(TM)i5搭載PCを自由にカスタム

インタレストマッチ - 広告の掲載について

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first snow in the capital -- reading a letter from Hokkaido Kiyoshi Sugita raking leaves --- the scent of nostalgia Michiko Murai icicles --- if only I could have tusks Tenshi Sakai hard frost --- two sparrows warm themselves chirping Vasile Moldovan (Romania) the naked rowan discloses the empty nest of our two magpies Hanne Hansen (Denmark) friendship finally restored --- a new year’s card Midori Suzuki if asked “Why the hurry”, I would reply “The sun is sinking” Shinya Ogata

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through the bush a heron eyes a fish --- spring afternoon Hideo Ebihara he seems happy nobody blames me so, why this uneasiness? Masako Omaki buds on bare branches looking up earnestly once I was young Sachiko Kondo after the performance his silhouette dancing on the cold moon Maki Hatanaka new year cards full of joyful pictures of overseas Takeo Hanaoka the wrecked cruise ship no tsunami no captain Yasuomi Koganei snowy morning almost drowned in the scent of winter sweet Yasuhiko Shirota

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pouring tea wrapped in the steam --- winter morning happiness Midori Tanaka new year sun glinting in the dragon’s eye --- sublime cloud Sugita Yuzu red berries of spear flower adorning my room right into the new year Masaaki Oka the long line of white breath stretching to the shrine New Year’s Eve Momo Nishimura 2012 2nd Haiku Meeting: February 11 Moderator: Catherine Urquhart old people unable to clear snow from their roofs where are their children? Junko Saeki fuoco in cucina questa sera il tramonto viene a cena Antonella Filippi (Italy) fire in the kitchen

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this evening the sunset calls in for dinner Antonella Filippi (Italy) mild weather- from the snowman's eyes true tears Vasile Moldovan (Romania) on a chilly night unexpected illumination along the Marunouchi street Momo Nishimura beautiful they are faces mirroring the world Hawai'i's children Royal T. Fruehling (Hawai'i, USA) Notre-Dame bathed in crystal clear winter sun young couples kissing Hanne Hansen (Denmark) angler now angling, now bathing in winter sunshine Tenshi Sakai signs from under the soil -early spring Michiko Murai books on the desk

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rug on my knees nodding off Sachiko Kondo people snowed up for days on end a stone’s throw away Masako Omaki at his graveside the three of us winter sparrows Ikken Ikemoto along the curtain of snow the train’s switchback mingles with memories Takeo Hanaoka long time no see “Detective Poirot” on TV -from the fireside Kiyoshi Sugita in the icy wind my pet dog poops at last -well done! Shinya Ogata leafing turnips out of their role adorn my window Motoko Satoh boys chasing

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a demon -mask festival Midori Suzuki early spring clapping my hands twice red shrine high Hideo Ebihara Waltzing Matilda sayonara song for a colleague who became a friend Masaaki Oka deep winter things rippling in the mirror I face my darkness Maki Hatanaka over the streams haze or radioactive smog? -garbage plant chimneys Midori Tanaka giving the kiss of life to a dummy -feeling the cold Takashi Ikari girl in snow light waving, waving, turning into a pink dot Yuzu Sugita from the bottle

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ants attempting to escape -a huge snowfall Yasuomi Koganei playing houses delicious meals of spiraea Koji Kurimoto 2012 March Haiku Meeting: March 10 Moderator: Catherine Urquhart Yuanxiao Festival fireworks, sweet fillings radiant smiles Danyang Feng (China) (Tokyo) wings flapping baby sparrow sporting his voice with a quick vibrato Michiko Murai stone steps shining softly a reminder of spring rain Junko Saeki melting snow- instead of the snowman just a puddle Vasile Moldovan (Romania) i coriandoli - dentro le pozzanghere

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il carnevale Antonella Filippi (Italy) confetti in the puddles carnival time Antonella Filippi (Italy) Parfum de cires- aduce o speranta printre ruine. Anastasia Dumitru (Romania) cherry fragrance ---- brings hope among the ruins Anastasia Dumitru (Romania) the smell of rain on the tops of the mountains colors of spring Tatjana Debeljacki (Serbia) in my summer house the clock still shows summer time Zoran Mimica (Austria) February 29 -- we get another day out of the soup Robert Scott (Stockholm) cradled by the waves a lifeless form offshore his last fishing trip Royal T. Fruehling (Hawai'i, USA)

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to visit mother travelling by local bus the only passenger Hanne Hansen (Denmark) old plum tree blooms diligently but just a little Shinya Ogata the earth is not only for human beings -worms awakening Midori Tanaka fresh tree stump with 90 annual rings -what are you thinking? Motoko Satoh slow afternoon subway passengers each to his own Masako Omaki bullfrog dives into the Fossa Magna crash! Ikken Ikemoto an elderly woman struggling on slippery pavements -snowfall in Tokyo Kiyoshi Sugita

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soft sunlight on plum blossoms dimples on a smiling face Takeo Hanaoka flower viewers happy enough with only a few apricot blossoms Takashi Ikari silent garden full of grieving plum blossoms old man is gone now Midori Suzuki sharply remaining scars of the disaster spring still cold--- Hitoshi Ichinose early spring a ball thrown back into the playground smiling children Masaaki Oka mom’s journey to heaven snow on her red plum blossom Yuzu Sugita purring, rolling on the ground by tombstones cats in love Sachiko Kondo

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arrow box on his back showered in cherry blossoms Samurai Donald Keene Hideo Ebihara the tsunami-ravaged pine tree once again cradling the spring moon Yasuomi Koganei blown over the fence the neighbour’s cherry blossom lands on my lawn Rado Majkut (Poland) (Tokyo) no plum blossoms yet our typhoon-battered tree on crutches Rado Majkut (Poland) (Tokyo) sounds from the stable thudding on the soil hungry for the morning meadow Juichi Masuda soaking in my bathtub the sunlight dazzling this snowy morning Momo Nishimura a rock-anchored pine pruned by the wind bonsai master Stephen M. Block (USA)

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2012 4th Haiku Meeting: April 14 Moderator: Catherine Urquhart cherry blossoms in the park cleared of homeless persons Junko Saeki hangover - the voice of a blackcap clearing my mind Tomislav Maretic (Croatia) lingering cold - my daughter skips stones across the ice Robert Scott (Stockholm) Easter night- all around the church candles and plum blossoms Vasile Moldovan (Romania) black hats, black ringlets rushing to the synagogue --Passover Hanne Hansen (Denmark) mountains beyond mountains in all the glory of spring Sachiko Kondo

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stormy night awake in bed alone Masako Omaki raft of cherry petals drifting on the river --the characters のand く Hideo Ebihara spring mist taking Tokyo Tower out of my sight Michi Umeda raindrops breaking apart the raft of cherry petals Hitoshi Ichinose wild cherry blossoms in the moonlit mountains a true gift from the gods Juichi Masuda meeting today parting tomorrow --a spring storm Shinya Ogata finest spring day --the soundtrack to my stargazing a kalavinka song Ikken Ikemoto

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first years all smiles thronging on the mats of cherry petals Motoko Sato from here on cherry blossoms head north Takeo Hanaoka over the hills of rubble a cherry petal blizzard blown into the Pacific Yasuhiko Shirota pruned rose named after an old love song --harbor of memories Midori Tanaka stepping out into the moonlight nothing fallen but pollen Yasuomi Koganei a false start of cherry blossom parties few branches in bloom Takashi Ikari untying knots cherry blossoms open unhurriedly Tenshi Sakai

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evening drizzle --the white breath of a guide dog Midori Suzuki botanical gardens cherry trees stand alongside Newton’s grafted apple tree Masaaki Oka patissier’s art rich bright colors abound spring has sprung Michiko Murai this weekend peaceful for viewing the last cherry blossoms --failed missile launch Kiyoshi Sugita the aged sakura tree blooms and sheds her blossoms all is life Yuzu Sugita a nice day in May two clouds shaped like England Osami Kawasaki Noh stage afloat on the flicker of torches --cherry branches sway Momo Nishimura

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2012 5th Haiku Meeting: May 12 Moderator: Catherine Urquhart cold day of cherry blossoms -- walking to the station my back getting warm Momo Nishimura May suddenly, people everywhere in lighter clothes, in lighter spirit Junko Saeki midnight cool rain to snow --is this spring? Navita Kalra (Canada) nothing more common than a daffodil except the first one in spring Stephen M. Block (USA) over the walls of five-seven-five a ceiling open to the sky Stephen M. Block (USA) after the hailstorm -- broken petunias spreading their fragrance Tomislav Maretic (Croatia) boy's day -- looking at the photo album of my deceased father Tomislav Maretic (Croatia)

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May twelve perigee moon comes nearer to the earth for a better look Royal T. Fruehling (Hawai'i, USA) Stablo starog Lesnika podilzi Mravlja jeza Tatjana Debeljacki (Serbia) the old hazelnut tree shivering with ant chills Tatjana Debeljacki (Serbia) prolaze oblaci prolaze misli srcem caj Zoran Mimica (Croatian) clouds passing by thoughts passing by - sipping my tea Zoran Mimica (Croatian) as if by magic wasps vanish leaving their elaborate home Sachiko Kondo able or not to be a wicked woman? flowering spirea Juichi Masuda

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behind purple hydrangea touching up her face --a rickshaw girl Hideo Ebihara many faces many minds shelter from a shower Ikken Ikemoto bubbles rising inside each a child’s dream Michiko Murai a miracle in bloom --transplanted wisteria Hitoshi Ichinose crossing the bridge I am at one with the spring breeze Michi Umeda thirty years to go to match my mother’s life --peach blossoms Masako Omaki Shangri-la Tibetan temple sky burial hill beyond --birds into clouds Midori Tanaka

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“How about a drink?” liquor shop owner sprinkles rice for sparrows in a row Maki Hatanaka 50 kids planting 50 trees with 50 smiles --the fragrant breeze Yuzu Sugita shaking his hand after 30 years of light and darkness Shinya Ogata cherry petals falling hands together I pray for their souls Takashi Ikari Japanese azaleas luckily away from the tornadoes Kiyoshi Sugita chorus of frogs the sudden breeze of old days Takeo Hanaoka breezy garden single banana plant leaf beckons me in Motoko Sato

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in the floodlight a bank-guard checking his pistol -- strong sirocco Yasuomi Koganei Tagore songs flowing freely into my heart --late spring Masaaki Oka 2012 6th Haiku Meeting: June 9 Moderator: Catherine Urquhart summer walk at the end of the path Basho by the river Junko Saeki leaves and a cosmic show on the shoji screen Momo Nishimura an armful of fragrance -my lavender Midori Tanaka a white variety adding expression to the rose garden Takashi Ikari harvest time

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instead of earrings, the doll wears ripe cherries Vasile Moldovan (Romania) through the woods the dirt road snakes unnoticed by all but the sun Stephen M. Block (USA) una candela - la sera relegata fuori in giardino Antonella Filippi (Italy) a candle - evening banished to the garden Antonella Filippi (Italy) one sign it is June observed throughout Hawai'i brides and grooms from Japan Royal T. Fruehling (Hawai'i, USA) sudden downpour - interrupting the orchestra of cicadas Tomislav Maretic (Croatia) patchwork of fields rice, wheat, rice green, brown, green Masako Omaki wisteria swaying with the breeze

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a myriad of memories Juichi Masuda mountains of verdure a gap in the clouds the Ring of Fire Michiko Murai rice planting --young leaves and farmers in the paddy mirror too Hideo Ebihara walking in all this green “Did I lock the door?” Ikken Ikemoto through the rickety gate his path hidden by bushes “Basho, are you here?” Motoko Satoh this and that…… if only I could ask my mother --arranging lilies Michi Umeda the me of today the me of tomorrow kaleidoscope hydrangea Michi Umeda along the canal the shadows of Basho

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in green Takeo Hanaoka sparrow dancing in the puddle ripples play a tune Maki Hatanaka storm clouds massaging the mountain on the way to chiropractic Sachiko Kondo summer has come girls’ long legs in jeans Koji Kurimoto Kamakura encounter with an American alumnus --swapping hats Masaaki Oka misty rain baby frog on my brolly “You’ll be all right” Yuzu Sugita Noh actress one beautiful step at a time back to the cancer ward Yasuomi Koganei election run off in distant countries memories clinging to the protester’s face

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Yasuomi Koganei 2012 7th Haiku Meeting; July 14 Moderator: Catherine Urquhart Cappadocia: rainbow of balloons descend tempting sharpened rocks Stephen M. Block (USA) salute, July 4 fireworks and whoop-de-do birthday, U.S.A Royal T. Fruehling (Hawai'i. USA) droplet of dew in the summer sunlight--- the life of a man Vasile Moldovan (Romania) sera ventosa l’ubriaco e l’albero avanti e indietro Antonella Filippi (Italy) windy evening the drunk and the tree to and fro Antonella Filippi (Italy) no one knows where to go a line of ants Juichi Masuda

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hydrangea breath of air from sea path in ancient city Momo Nishimura the aura of hydrangea in an infant’s smile Tenshi Sakai home from school my daughter plays school Rob Scott (Stockholm) Star Festival “tanzaku” bamboo bending with one more wish Yuzu Sugita rucola leaves bitter but alas, loved by bugs too Junko Saeki under the wisteria parking his wheelchair Midori Suzuki our chorus concert over “Kampai” in chorus over summer dishes Hitoshi Ichinose sleepless night

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I trace my mother’s life Kamikochi Masako Omaki Nagara River cormorant fishing flickering in bonfire light Masaaki Oka white lotus blooming I mourn a friend’s passing memories amassing Michiko Murai red hot rallies performed in the pure white of Wimbledon Ikken Ikemoto endless white birches under the midnight sun --endless thoughts Midori Tanaka a lull in the rainy season plodding just plodding in the park Kiyoshi Sugita wild monkey snarling on summer grasses “Please let me pass” pleads my husband Sachiko Kondo central station

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in the twilight--- suspended dreams Yasuomi Koganei evening paper reads “Extensive rain damage in Kyushu” chilled wine arriving with prosciutto ham Yasuhiko Shirota back from his funeral --my share of the berries gone with the birds Hideo Ebihara from the cape no ship in sight only the breeze and horizon Takeo Hanaoka wedding in rich verdure already missing his daughter Michi Umeda watergushingafterwaterthe neverendingchaseofthewaterfall Takashi Ikari Kumamoto floods calling a one-time pupil now 74 Shinya Ogata every window in the train a hundred colors

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of hydrangea Motoko Sato returning to Hase Dera hydrangeas linger in the shade Judy Halebsky (USA) (Tokyo) light green a graceful Mt.Wakakusa quiet Osami Kawasaki 2012 8th Haiku Meeting: August 11 Moderator: Catherine Urquhart memories of aunt I share with the clematis Momo Nishimura Queen of the Night --she opens, she spreads her fragrance > after the guests have gone Junko Saeki sur le quai en attendant le poisson moi et le chat Janick Belleau (Canada) on the dock waiting for the fish boat the cat and I Janick Belleau (Canada) nuit d'ete couvrant le bruit des vagues

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un groupe rock Janick Belleau (Canada) summer night drowning out the sound of waves a rock band Janick Belleau (Canada) putting down my sake cup I listen rainy season moon Tenshi Sakai hoar frost on field caressed by the rays of the sun Tatjana Debeljacki (Serbia) Hiroshima - non e il vento estivo quello che soffia Antonella Filippi (Italy) Hiroshima - it is not the summer wind that blows Antonella Filippi (Italy) on the TV screen heart-stopping perfection London Olympic Games Royal T. Fruehling (Hawai'i, USA) fluffy cat's paw airily touches my cheek reminding me Sergey Pianov (Russia) from the ski lift a bird’s eye view of lilies in full bloom Motoko Satoh

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fireworks from my veranda a few seconds earlier than t.v. Masako Omaki no shade in the midday town an oleander blooms Michi Umeda summer butterfly one shadow giving birth to another, and another,,,, Juichi Masuda midday nap the soul of me departing into the dream Maki Hatanaka the summer the war ended the Emperor’s speech beyond our grasp water gushing from burst pipes Hideo Ebihara baby cicada! sing loud! live long! Takeo Hanaoka eco-friendly life a green curtain of vine gives welcome shade Michiko Murai hot news from London 2012 “Nadeshiko Japan” Yasuhiko Shirota well practiced?

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soloist warbler in the mountain do~do so mi, confidently Midori Tanaka summer vegetables and the newspaper from my home town Midori Suzuki tennis court boiled- the piercing eyes of the linesman Ikken Ikemoto Diamond Jubilee Queen opening the London Olympics as charming as in her coronation Masaaki Oka looking for a place for nuclear waste? Mr. Curiosity Rover! Yasuomi Koganei at the green light waves of people, waves of heat crossing Takashi Ikari wind blowing through the freshly weeded neighborhood autumn drawing near Sachiko Kondo 2012 9th Haiku Meeting: September 8 Moderator: Catherine Urquhart a paper wasp's nest a thing of beauty, but not at my window seat

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Stephen M. Block (USA) starry, starry night... a sax from the terrace brings new heat Tomislav Maretic (Croatia) two statues sitting on the bench autumn wind Tenshi Sakai after the harvest clouds of grasshoppers darkening the stubble Vasile Moldovan (Romania) migrating birds looking down on a swarm of umbrellas Antonella Filippi (Italy) delicate rose bud frozen before sunrise melting on my hand Sergey Pianov (Russia) on my way to work the train crosses the river at dawn Junko Saeki (Selected for honorable mention in this year’s EU-Japan haiku contest) radio playing in the shade of a tree the farmer napping Midori Suzuki the disputed islands awaiting the calm of autumnal waves

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Hitoshi Ichinose flittering around the grass tracing each other’s shadows seven red dragonflies Sachiko Kondo paddy fields the sunset slowly spreading a scarecrow in blue jeans Michiko Murai tramping them down infant asks “What are ants for?” Midori Tanaka towering skyscrapers like Lego autumn evening Michi Umeda cicadas prevailing outside stillness prevailing inside --Sanwu’s calligraphy exhibition Hideo Ebihara my little restaurant turned into a pavement cafe! --sweltering summer evening Masaaki Oka cruel, lingering heat only the crickets chirpy Kiyoshi Sugita cattails of different heights swaying in the same breeze Shinya Ogata

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rising thunderheads far from the window of the hospital Takeo Hanaoka daytime moon looks cool in summer sky Masako Omaki out of the picture when it stops --park fountain Takashi Ikari hip-hop dancers in the window of the nursing home Yasuomi Koganei the flower market a kaleidoscope in the storm shower Motoko Satoh one by one jamming the late summer heat into the bus Juichi Masuda a gust of wind sweeping old leaves the cycle of life Momo Nishimura 2012 10th Haiku Meeting: October 13 Moderator: Catherine Urquhart pushing her husband in a wheelchair the rustle of leaves

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Junko Saeki Arashiyama-- people dissolving into the autumn sunset Momo Nishimura Hawai'i Fall days evening sunsets compete with morning rainbows Royal T. Fruehling (Hawai'i, USA) sharpened sword- a hungry fly is savoring blood Vasile Moldovan (Romania) lights coming on - birds nestling their heads into warm feathers Tomislav Maretic (Croatia) the Beyond beyond this starry sky possibly Sachiko Kondo slowly, slowly a leaf drifting to the ground our conversation stops Michiko Murai Japanese bush clover never fails to wait for me mountain path Tenshi Sakai burning an old letter reading here and there the chirp of insects Michi Umeda

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hand in hand father and blind son share the new coolness Maki Hatanaka perfect rainbow announcing the end of the stifling heat Masako Omaki sudden sunlight into the graveyard a swarm of dragonflies Motoko Satoh young teeth gnawing pears young Adam’s apples Shinya Ogata a fallen cicada on the backs of ants --linkage Hideo Ebihara abnormal climate skipping from summer to winter like recent politics Kiyoshi Sugita the wind murmuring a monologue to a cosmos Juichi Masuda cluster amaryllis the letters on his tombstone wearing away Takeo Hanaoka autumnal flowers lead me to the world of the dead

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Tohkeiji Temple Midori Tanaka my grapes are back! after seven years heavier than the earth Sugita Yuzu waving to strangers just as pleasure boaters should Takashi Ikari watering the garden --an army of ants making off with some tasty morsels Midori Suzuki the thorns of aquatinted roses piercing my heart Masaaki Oka skyscrapers melting into the leaden sky cracks on a corner stone Yasuomi Koganei early morning moon knows my bare face Asako Ohtomo 2012 11th Haiku Meeting: November 10 Moderator: Catherine Urquhart dogwood trees in autumnal colors- a slow cyclist going by Junko Saeki

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the early morning of All Saints’ Day young witches going home Seiju Amafuji marble sentinels guarding the winding pathway lifeless as their dead Stephen M. Block (USA) a white dressing on the soil’s deep wounds- the first hoar-frost Vasile Moldovan (Romania) Broadway's lights are dark The only show in town was Hurricane Sandy Royal T. Fruehling, Hawai'i (USA) port de Cassis mes copines dans la mer le mistral sur ma peau Janick Belleau (Canada) port of Cassis my friends in the sea the mistral wind on my skin Janick Belleau (Canada) nearing the end of Bach's variation seeing the light of home autumn dusk Midori Tanaka

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yellow mountain ash shining brightly in the yard winter time has come Hanne Hansen (Denmark) festival voices carrying a portable shrine --red dragonfly Midori Suzuki cries of warriors through the dark night the north wind Kondo Sachiko autumn sentiment in the sound of each turning page Juichi Masuda persuading myself to take my daily walk --the chilly fog Masako Omaki candle flickering the story of her young days climaxes Motoko Satoh colored leaves through the steam-- a dip in a hot spring Ikken Ikemoto

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mild sunlight plays in the cave --samurai tombs Hideo Ebihara a staring game with birds persimmons glowing in the sunset tints Takeo Hanaoka a dialogue with my garden “The maple leaves aren’t red yet…” “Be patient.” Masaaki Oka German-Japanese dictionary turning 50 year-old pages a long night Takashi Ikari Halloween voices ascending the hill the moon beaming Maki Hatanaka my neighbor’s persimmons reflecting the setting sun a peaceful moment Kiyoshi Sugita green yellow russet fallen leaves’ mosaic fall’s vibrant finale Michiko Murai

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autumn wind a horse-rear shop sign --neighing Tenshi Sakai frozen air a branch snaps--- stiffness in my nostrils Yasuomi Koganei burnets in bloom intimating the winter of life Shinya Ogata scooping up maple leaves fingers blush monument of autumn Yuzu Sugita Herbstabend am Spinnfaden haengt noch Sonnenlicht Simone K. Busch (Germany) (Tokyo) autumn evening sunlight hanging on to the spider’s thread Simone K. Busch (Germany) (Tokyo) 2012 12th Haiku Meeting: December 8 Moderator: Catherine Urquhart Weihnachtsmond auf dem Gaensefeld weidet der Wind

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Simone K. Busch (Germany) (Tokyo) Christmas moon on the empty geese pasture the winds browse Simone K. Busch (Germany) (Tokyo) cosmos flower leaving its color to the wind white… pink… Momo Nishimura amidst colorful leaves a schoolgirl in black stockings Junko Saeki krstarimo mesecevim morima vazduh slan Tatjana Debeljacki (Serbia) cruising across the seas of moon the air is salty Tatjana Debeljacki (Serbia) wind splintered branches red and yellow leaves scattered on the cracked walkway Stephen M. Block (USA) sera d'inverno litigi all'osteria per un Fante Antonella Filippi (Italy)

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winter evening quarrels in the inn over a knave Antonella Filippi (Italy) Numai omat pretutindenea omat, nimic altceva Vasile Moldovan (Romania) snow everywhere snow nothing else Vasile Moldovan (Romania) geese and swans fly off I sleep in the den with the polar night Sergey Pianov (Russia) rosy morninglight on the roofs of the palace December snow Hanne Hansen (Denmark) sneezing, itchy eyes airborne volcanic debris awesome sunsets! Royal T. Fruehling, Hawai'i (USA) cotton snow... snowflake shadows sweep towards the streetlamp Tomislav Maretic (Croatia) if I could sweep away

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your illness as I do the dead leaves Janick Belleau (Canada) four years on the road to the hospital --gingko leaves falling Midori Suzuki turning the corner heading for the care home --ambulance in winter rain Sachiko Kondo end of 2012 election campaign much ado about nothing Michiko Murai happiness filling up, spilling over --gingko leaves in December Yuzu Sugita colored leaves peaceful moments ancient pagoda of Nara Masako Omaki farewell old apricot tree back to the ground now --December gale Motoko Sato a growing mountain

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of falling leaves outside her gate --is the old lady ill? Shinya Ogata writing Christmas cards-- the beans simmering in the silent night Midori Tanaka ginkgo fruit shaped like grapes soft as a baby’s skin Tenshi Sakai autumn holidays ordering a bottle of wine with lunch Takashi Ikari the scent of chrysanthemums rambling in Sugamo Ginza the elderly in high spirits Hideo Ebihara choir of survivors belting out the good old melodies --year-end class reunion Kiyoshi Sugita unpicked persimmons abound in the village --no human warmth Yasuhiko Shirota first winter drizzle

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the brisk steps of illuminated news Juich Masuda the soft sunlight mother and child frolicking in the fallen leaves Takeo Hanaoka collapsed tunnel and tsunami menacing our safety Masaaki Oka this M7.3 aftershock checking our evacuation speed --this cold wind Yasuomi Koganei fatsia flowers silently lighting up one corner Asako Otomo

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