human body systems 7 th grade 2014 circulatory system working with the respiratory system, it...

Human Body Systems 7 th grade 2014

Upload: damian-roberts

Post on 04-Jan-2016




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Human Body Systems

Human Body Systems7th grade 2014Circulatory SystemWorking with the respiratory system, it carries needed materials to cells and carries away form cells, Removes wastes from the body

Digestive Systembreak down food into molecules the body can use;allow materials to be absorbed into bloodstream; Eliminate wastes

Endocrine Systemcontrols many of the body's daily activities aswell as long-term changes such as development

Excretory SystemWaste chemicals, salts, and excess water are removed from the body;excess salts and water removed in sweat; waste gases are eliminated in exhaled breath from lungs

Immune Systemdistinguish between different kinds of pathogens (disease/germ) with a defensetargeted specifically at that pathogen

Integumentary Systemprotects body from injury; helps regulate temperature; Eliminate waste;gather information about the environment; produce vitamin D

Muscular Systemprovides force to move bones;automatically control movements inside the body, ex: heart beats

Nervous Systemreceives and relays information for your body to maintain homeostasis,stable internal environment

Respiratory Systemmoves oxygen from outside environment into the body;removes carbon dioxide and water from the body

Skeletal Systemprotects the organs, Provides shape & support, allows for movement, produces blood cells, stores some materials for use later