human resorce management ppt

Introduction to Human Resource Management Dr. G C Mohanta, BE(Mech), MSc(Engg), MBA, PhD(Mgt) Professor

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  • 1. Introduction to Human Resource ManagementDr. G C Mohanta, BE(Mech), MSc(Engg), MBA, PhD(Mgt) Professor

2. Human Resources HR is the total knowledge, skills, creative abilities,talents and aptitudes of an organisations workforce aswell as the values, attitudes and beliefs of theindividuals involved 3. What is Human Resource Management (HRM)? Human resource management is the effective useof human resources in order to enhanceorganizational performance HRM is the art of procuring, developing andmaintaining competent workforce to achieve goalsof an organisation in an effective and efficientmanner 4. Evolution of HRM Concept Labour / Manpower denotes physical abilities &capacities of employees commodity - wages based ondemand & supply Personnel persons employed in service employeesas a whole HR- denotes resources of all the people who contributetheir services to the attainment of organisational goals 5. Evolution of HRM in India Welfare (1920s-1930s) Administration (1930s- 1940s) Employee relations (1940-1960s) Functional expertise (1970s-1980s) Business partner / player(1990s) 6. Importance of HRM HR most important resource Put other resources to proper use Help transform lifeless factors of production intouseful products Capable of enlargement produce extraordinarythings when inspired Can help organisation achieve results quickly,efficiently & effectively 7. Objectives of HRM Maximize the return on investment from theorganizations human capital and minimizefinancial risk To align the capabilities and behaviors of employees with the short-term and long-term goals of the organisation 8. Objectives of HRM Societal objectivesTo be ethically & socially responsible to the needs of thesociety while minimizing the negative impact of suchdemands upon the organization Organizational objectivesTo recognize the role of HRM in bringing aboutorganizational effectiveness Functional objectivesTo maintain the departments contribution at a levelappropriate to the organizations needs Personal objectivesTo assist employees in achieving their personal goals in amanner that their personal goals enhance the individualscontribution to the organization 9. Scope of HRMProspectsNature of of HRM HRM Very vast Covers all majoractivities in theIndustrialRelationsEmployeeworking life of aHRMHiringworker - from timean individualenters into an Employee Employeeorganization until&MaintenanceExecutive he or she leaves,RemuneraEmployeetioncomes under theMotivationpurview of HRM 10. Human Resource Management Functions 11. Recruitment 12. Recruitment The process by which a job vacancyis identified and potential employees are notified The nature of the recruitment processis regulated and subject to employment law Main forms of recruitment: through advertising innewspapers, magazines, trade papers and internalvacancy lists, company websites 13. Recruitment Job description outline of the role of the jobholder Person specification outline of the skills andqualities required of the post holder Applicants may demonstrate their suitabilitythrough application form, letter or curriculumvitae (CV) 14. Selection 15. Selection The process of assessing candidates and appointing apost holder Applicants short listed most suitable candidatesselected Selection process varies according to organisation 16. Selection Interview most common method Psychometric testing assessing the personality of theapplicants will they fit in? Aptitude testing assessing the skills of applicants In-tray exercise activity based around what theapplicant will be doing, e.g. writing a letter to a disgruntledcustomer Presentation looking for different skills as well as theideas of the candidate 17. Employment Legislation 18. Discipline 19. Discipline Firms cannot just sack workers Wide range of procedures and steps in dealingwith workplace conflict Informal meetings Formal meetings Verbal warnings Written warnings Grievance procedures Working with external agencies 20. Development 21. Development Developing the employee can be regarded as investing in a valuable asset A source of motivation A source of helping the employee fulfil potential 22. Training 23. Training Similar to development: Provides new skills for the employee Keeps the employee up to date with changes in the field Aims to improve efficiency Can be external or in-house 24. Rewards Systems 25. Rewards Systems The system of pay and benefits used by the firm toreward workers Money not the only method Fringe benefits Flexibility at work Holidays, etc. 26. Trade Unions 27. Trade Unions Importance of building relationships withemployee representatives Role of Trade Unions has changed Importance of consultation and negotiation andworking with trade unions Contributes to smooth change management andleadership 28. Productivity 29. Productivity Measuring performance: How to value the workers contribution Difficulty in measuring some types of output especiallyin the service industry Appraisal Meant to be non-judgmental Involves the worker and a nominated appraiser Agreeing strengths, weaknesses and ways forward to help both employee and organisation 30. Motivation Motivating employees to perform up to their potentialis the key to maintaining a productive, successfulbusiness Ways in which you can motivate employees Interact - Talk to your employees regularly Recognition & Appreciation - A job well done should beappreciated and encouraged Pay them Right - Pay employees for what they are worthand they will be happy to work. New challenges - Give employees new and interestingchallenges to keep them stimulated and learning