human resources an administrators most valuable asset

Human Resources An Administrators Most Valuable Asset

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Post on 30-Dec-2015




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Human Resources

An Administrators Most Valuable Asset

Types of Employees

• Classified – non-certificated support staff• Certificated – credentialed teaching staff• Tenure – a permanent credentialed teacher• Hourly – wages accrued by the number of hours

worked• Salary – wages paid by the month or year

regardless of number of hours worked• Exempt – salaried employees no eligible for

overtime• Probation – period of time, usually 90 days,

during which an employee can be let go without cause

Teaching Continuum

Intern or preliminary credential


Beginning teacher & support and assessment

Clear Credential


• A DS credentialed teacher hired for an ROP program is not eligible for tenure with the exception of regular education teachers transferred to teach ROP

• The idea that all salaried employees are ineligible for overtime is false. Only exempt employees are ineligible. Eligible salaries employees’ overtime are based on the salary prorated on a hourly basis

• Probationary and salaried employees are contract employees, but tenure requires documentation to let go

• Hourly employees are non-contract employees and can be let go any time without cause

Recruiting Techniques

• Place simple ads in newspapers and on-line job banks

• Networking and personal knowledge of qualified individuals

• Professional organizations• Referrals and district sub lists• Local AARP for retired professionals who wish

to be productive• Personnel office and employment departments –

least effective

The Interview: Question Design

• Develop questions that reveal teaching potential• Dimensional Interviewing: Ask questions that

relate to personal experience• Tell about a time you worked with high school

age youth and how.• Explain how your handled a problem with your

supervisor.• Tell us about a time you reported to more than

one supervisor and how you handled it.• Tell us about a time you had difficulty getting

your point across and how you handled it.

The Interview cont’

• Develop questions the reveal a balanced personality and well-being

• What do you do in your spare time?

• What do you do to relax?

• How do you stay current in your field?

• How do you handle conflicting priorities? Give an example and how you handled it.

The Interview cont’

• Develop scenario-based tasks

• Present a situation and ask applicant to respond without preparation

• Ask applicant to perform an industry task without preparation

• Ask applicant to prepare and deliver a short lesson and 30 minutes prep time

The Interview cont’

• Give applicant the opportunity to ask questions & be prepared to answer

• Assess the applicant’s questions for work ethics• Were their first questions about money, benefits,

and time off (breaks & lunches)?• Did they ask about duties and responsibilities?• Did they ask about training and instructional

support?• Did they ask about advancement and continuing


Hiring Timeline

1. Request for position (HR Dept) 2 wks

2. Advertise position 2 wks

3. Screen applications 1-2 wks

4. Schedule interviews

5. Schedule call-back interviews

6. Schedule orientation

7. Obtain paperwork

8. Implement 1-year plan

Memorandum of Understanding

• Usually provided by district• Component includes

– District, teacher, academic year

– Percentage of contract time required

– Teaching duties and reporting

– Non-platform duties and responsibilities

– Student orientation

– Staff and regional meetings

– Advisory board and student counseling

– Relevant signatures

Memorandum of UnderstandingI, ________, agree to do the things listed below in order to maintain good standing in my ROP __________ program. I understand that this is MY responsibility to comply with each item in this contract.1. I will not be absent without a valid excuse (illness or doctor appointment). I understand that my parent must call my ROP instructor to verify my absence. 2. I will be in the classroom and ready to work at the beginning of each class period with all necessary materials. I will not be tardy to my work site.3. I will report back promptly to class after any break during class. 4. I will never leave class without permission.5.______________________________________________________________________6.______________________________________________________________________

I understand that my failure to comply with any of the above may result in being dropped from my ROP class. I also understand that if I am dropped, I will loose credit for the class

_______________________________ ___________________________Student Signature Date Parent Signature Date

Memorandum of UnderstandingThe Regional Occupational Program with the Riverside County Superintendent of Schools will contract with _________________________ for instructional services with the following instructor during the ____________ school year.

______________________ ___________%The above instructor will be required to participate in the following ROP activities:• Attendance at Fall Orientation• Attendance at Regional Meetings, times may vary, but are normally scheduled from 3:30 – 5:30 p.m. Three times per year.• Participate in the Advisory Council Process as required by State law.• Completion and submission of reports and attendance based on prescribed timelines.________________________ _________________________District Representative High School Principal________________________ _________________________ROP Director ROP Coordinator/Principal

New Teacher 1-year Plan

Winning Year One

A Survival Manual For First Year Teachers

Carol L. FurySanibel Sanddollar Publications, Inc

Captiva Island Florida 33924

(800) 330-3459

New Teacher 1-year Plan cont’

Leadership and the One-minute Manager Minute Manager

Ken BlanchardWilliam Morrow and Company Inc.

1350 Avenue of the AmericasNew York, NY 10019

Personnel Files

• District files

• Local site files

• Document good and unsatisfactory behavior

• Growth and development plan

• Meet objectives

• Merit Raises

General Supervision Challenges

• Team teaching difficult to evaluation – look for structure

• Supervising multi-site programs difficult to observe – schedule several at same site on same day

• Staff meetings– If you don’t need one, don’t have one– Develop agenda relevant to staff– Provide opportunity for feedback

• Parental complaints – document and diffuse if possible

• Train assistant when to call you and when not to call you

Evaluation Procedures

• Pre-evaluation conference with teacher– Set date

– Plan lesson and objectives

– Identify purpose of observation

– Discuss classroom management issues

– Agree on what you will be looking for

• Do evaluation• Post observation conference• Document observation• Know policy and procedures for evaluation


• Documenting unsatisfactory performance is unpleasant

• Usually avoided by implementing proactive strategies

• Must follow strict procedures when required

• The FRISK model provides guidelines to meet legal, ethical, and union compliance

FRISK Model cont’

• F – Facts – Pinpoint specific conduct– Include factual foundation– Record accurate facts

• R - Rule– Describe the rule– Include prior “same rule” violations

FRISK Model cont’

• I – Impact– Include impact to demonstrate seriousness– Connect impact to remote conduct

• S – Suggestions/Directions– Draft suggestions and directions for


• K – Knowledge– Ed code Section 44031– Personnel file procedures


•CAROCP Operational Handbook•Guide to Disabilities Rights Law•CAROCP Resource Links•Winning Year One excerpts, Carol L. Fuery•Learning How to Teach:  A Quick Start Guide for Vocational-Technical Education Teachers Neil A. Edmuns, Clifton L. Smith

References cont'

• The Vocational Instructor's  Survival Guide, Neil A. Edmuns, Clifton L. Smith

• Effective Phrases for Performance Appraisals, Neal Publishing Inc.

• Supervisor's Guide to Documentation and File Building for Employee Discipline, Ronald L. Ruud, Joseph J. Woodford

• The Vocational Instructor's Survival Guide, Neil A. Edmuns, Clifton L. Smith

References cont'

• Effective Phrases for Performance Appraisals, Neal Publishing Inc.

• Leadership and the One Minute Manager, Ken Blanchard

• Management of Organizational Behavior: Utilizing Human Resources, Paul Hersey, Ken Blanchard (Situational Leadership model)