human resources policy and procedure manual

Human Resources Policy and Procedure Manual COVER DISCLAIMER PREFACE Employment-at-will Definitions INDEX OF POLICIES I. RECRUITMENT/EMPLOYMENT 110 Recruitment of New Employees (includes the advertisement process) 111 Position Description Development 120 Selection Employees to Fill Vacant Positions (includes the application process) 130 Equal Opportunity Employment 140 Vacancies & Job Postings 150 Employment Process II. EMPLOYEE RELATIONS 210 Probationary Period 211 Performance Evaluations 212 Confidentiality 213 Work Rules 214 Grievance Procedure 215 Sexual Harassment 216 Smoking 217 Dress Code 218 Bulletin Boards 219 Conflict of Interest 220 Computer Use and Telecommunications Access

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Human Resources Policy and Procedure Manual



110 Recruitment of New Employees (includes the advertisement process) 111 Position Description Development 120 Selection Employees to Fill Vacant Positions (includes the application process) 130 Equal Opportunity Employment 140 Vacancies & Job Postings 150 Employment Process


210 Probationary Period 211 Performance Evaluations 212 Confidentiality 213 Work Rules 214 Grievance Procedure 215 Sexual Harassment 216 Smoking 217 Dress Code 218 Bulletin Boards 219 Conflict of Interest 220 Computer Use and Telecommunications Access

221 Security 222 Solicitation and Distribution of Literature 223 Separation from Employment 224 Discipline 225 Drug & Alcohol Abuse 226 Outside Employment 227 Lateness (Tardiness) 228 Absences (Attendance) 229 Whistleblower Policy 230 Telecommuting Policy

III. BENEFITS 310 Health and Dental Coverages 311 Disability Short term-- integrates the other time off with pay provisions. 312 Disability Long term 313 Unpaid Leave of Absence. 314 Bereavement Leave 315 Paid Time Off 316 Children at Work 317 Holiday 318 Professional and Job Related Meetings 319 Education and Training 320 Jury Duty 321 Military Duty 322 Benefits Continuation (COBRA) 323 Retirement 324 Tuition Assistance 325 Travel Insurance 326 Retirement – Tax Sheltered Annuity Funds 327 Life Insurance and Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance 330 Worker’s Compensation


410 Employee Classification 411 Hours of Work 412 Overtime 413 Rates of Pay 414 Compensatory Time 415 Deductions from Pay


Forms referenced in the above policies may be found in this section. NLN/policy 1/1/00

National League for Nursing

Human Resources Policy and Procedure Manual

Revised: February, 2016

National League for Nursing And Affiliated Organizations

Human Resources Policy and Procedure Manual

Notice Of Disclaimer The National League for Nursing, and Affiliated organizations (herein after referred to collectively as the NLN), is happy to provide this Manual for the guidance of its management and employees. This Human Resources Policy and Procedure Manual is not intended to be, and does not constitute a contract between NLN and any of its employees. The NLN reserves the right to change, modify, or delete any provision or benefit described in the Manual at any time without notice.

National League for Nursing And Affiliated Organizations

Human Resources Policy and Procedure Manual


Notice of Employment-At-Will Provisions

The National League for Nursing, along with its Affiliated Organizations (herein after referred to collectively as the NLN) provides this Human Resources Policy and Procedure Manual for the guidance of its management and employees. No provision in the Manual creates or is intended to create a contract of any nature with any employee. Management remains free, in its sole discretion, to change any working conditions and any provisions of the Manual without consultation, agreement, or notification to any employee, or group of employees. Nothing in this manual alters the at-will employment relationship between employees and the NLN. The NLN retains to right to discipline, and to terminate the employment relationship between any employee and the NLN at any time, without notice or cause.

Definitions Authorized Individual – An individual empowered or sanctioned by the Board of Governors, the CEO, or a Business Unit Director to exert a degree of latitude for the execution of a particular act or action. Depending on the degree and sensitivity of information that is to be divulged a non-disclosure statement may have to be executed. Authorized individuals are encouraged to seek legal counsel before releasing sensitive information. Business Unit – An operational unit of the NLN including its Affiliated Organizations with authority delegated by the NLN Board of Governors or the NLN CEO to execute the business functions of the NLN. BUD – Acronym for Business Unit Director. Business Unit Director – An operational unit of the NLN including its Affiliated Organization (NLNAC) with authority delegated by the NLN Board of Governors or the NLN CEO to execute the business functions of the NLN. CEO – Acronym for the National League for Nursing Chief Executive Officer. Common Areas – Designed areas in public view to make general announcements approved by NLN policy. These areas may include but are not limited to the kitchen area where the general coffee machine is located. Confidential Information – Any private, secret or nonpublic information. Consecutive – Following one after the other without any gaps. Discharge – An involuntary form of termination. Disciplinary Action – Corrective measures designed to improve performance, employee conduct or adherence to policies and procedures. Human Resources – Generally, refers to the individual or individuals to whom the NLN CEO officially delegates the day to day oversight of the human resources functions. Intellectual Property – Any idea, trade secret, or creative concept, product or service owned by the NLN. Introductory Period – Used interchangeably with the term probationary period which is the consecutive three (3) month period after the first day of initial employment.

Job or Position Description – Terms used interchangeably to define the functions of an employment position as defined by the NLN. Length-of-Service – This period is initiated on the day the employee commences employment with the NLN (e.g. with the first day of paid service) and is calculated up to and including the date of current employment or final termination date from the NLN. National League for Nursing (NLN) – The parent organization inclusive of its affiliated organization - National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission (NLNAC). Observed Poor Behavior – Unacceptable conduct that is objectively evaluated and substantiated through repetitive actions. These acts may include but are not limited to the consistent smell of alcohol on one’s breath, inappropriate sexual references that co-workers find offensive, coordinating office pools that are unauthorized, etc. Probationary Period – Please see Introductory Period. Proprietary Information – Confidential information that is protected by secrecy, patent or copyright against free competition as to name, product, composition or process of manufacture. Priority Consideration – A privilege given to existing employees that provides them with the opportunity to advance into a vacant position provided they meet all of the pre-requisites for that position. Service-oriented Characteristics – The employees of the NLN shall strive to have attributes that recognize the value of customer and member loyalty to the NLN and provides them with the highest quality of service achievable. Supervisor – An individual in charge of one or more other employees. Termination – End of the employment relationship. May be voluntary or involuntary.

Effective Date: 1/1/00 Subject: Recruitment of New Employees Reference #: 001-400-110 Revision Date: 1/1/00 Approved By: Ruth Corcoran I. Policy:

Recruitment for all categories of employees shall be arranged by and conducted through Human Resources. No employee may be hired without written approval of the NLN CEO or Director of a Business Unit (hereinafter, Business Unit Director or BUD).

II. Purpose:

1. To provide a uniform method of recruitment.

2. To assure compliance with the NLN’s policies and procedures.

III. Scope:

This policy applies to all NLN employment positions, except those employment positions that lie directly under the chain of command of the NLN Board of Governors, or employment positions lying directly under the chain of command of the respective Boards of the Affiliated Organizations.

IV. Guidelines:

A. Before any recruitment activity can commence, Human Resources

must receive an Employment Requisition from a Business Unit Director (BUD) and a BUD approved written Job Description.

B. The BUD shall publicize the availability of employment positions by posting on officially designated Bulletin Boards details concerning the available position. (See Policy # 001-400-140)

C. Agency fees, paid advertisements, and interview expenses in connection with recruitment must be authorized in advance by the BUD of the affected unit and accommodated in that BUD’s authorized budget.

V. Procedure:

A. The Employment Requisition must contain the following information: 1. The name of the business unit; 2. The title of the employment position for which the recruitment

will occur; 3. The name of the candidate selected for the employment

position (if known); 4. The desired effective starting date of the new candidate; 5. The hours for work; 6. The salary range for the employment position for which

recruitment will occur; 7. The classification and level of the employment position for which

recruitment will occur; and 8. The dated signature of the BUD submitting the employment


B. Attached to the Employment Requisition must be a copy of the Job Description, which must include: 1. Title of position; 2. Classification level of the position; 3. Title of the candidate’s immediate supervisor and Business Unit; 4. Hours candidate selected is expected to work; 5. General summary of the duties to be performed; 6. Duties and responsibilities of the candidate selected for the

employment position; 7. Qualifications the candidate selected is to possess; 8. Special qualifications the candidate selected is to possess; 9. Selected candidate’s signature and date (if available); and

10. Supervisor’s signature and date.

C. Once an offer has been made to a prospective employee and accepted the CEO or BUD must provide to Human Resources a report outlining the following information: 1. How and where the position was advertised; 2. Copy of the advertisement; 3. Cost of advertisement(s); 4. Number of applications received; 5. Number of qualified applicants based on advertised job

specifications; 6. Number of individuals interviewed for the position; 7. Statistical description of candidate pool (e.g. gender,

ethnic/racial, age, etc.); and 8. Other pertinent EEO information for future reference.

Effective Date: 1/1/00 Subject: Job Description Development Reference #: 001-400-111 Revision Date: 1/1/00 Approved By: Ruth Corcoran l. Policy:

Each Business Unit Director, in a uniform format as set forth below shall document. All NLN employee job descriptions.

ll. Purpose:

Job descriptions shall be documented in a predetermined format that allows employees to understand employee duties and responsibilities, classification level of the position, the NLN organizational structure, conditions of employment, educational prerequisites, skill qualifications, hours of employment, and management expectations (if applicable). A template for job description development can be found in the appendix.

lll. Scope:

This policy applies to all NLN employment positions.

lV. Guidelines:

A. The position description template, in the Appendix, will be used to document and organize each NLN Business Unit’s operational processes with regard to employee duties and responsibilities. Human Resources shall provide to each BUD: (i) Consultative advice for job description development; and (ii) A copy of the attached Position Description Template.

B. To the extent practical, all NLN job descriptions should include language that demonstrates the NLN’s commitment to superior customer service, quality, and outcome and/or performance measurement. (See Operations Policies and Procedures for details on NLN’s Quality Improvement Processes.)

V. Procedure:

A. Business Unit Directors:

1. BUDs will ensure that all job descriptions for their Business Unit are consistent with this policy.

2. BUDs will develop and submit to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), for approval, each Business Unit’s full- and part-time employee’s job descriptions reflecting those critical elements essential to communicate, understand, and verify the scope of responsibilities for that employment position.

3. The CEO shall review and, at his/her discretion, approve the job descriptions submitted by BUDs that are consistent with the NLN mission.

4. Each BUD shall provide approved job descriptions for her/his Business Unit employees to the Senior Management Team for informational purposes.

5. All BUDs shall distribute approved job descriptions to employees under their supervision and meet with each employee to review her/his job descriptions.

6. Each BUD shall sign and date each job description, certifying that the BUD and employee have met and reviewed the contents of the job description.

B. Business Unit Managers:

1. All Business Unit Managers are responsible for drafting job

descriptions for positions under their supervision.

2. Each Business Unit Manager will submit draft job descriptions to the Director of their respective Business Units, for review, revision, and approval.

C. Employees: 1. Each employee shall be responsible for knowing the content of

his/her job description.

2. Any questions concerning job descriptions shall be directed to the BUD or Manager (if appropriate) of the Business Unit that issued the job description.

3. In performing their duties, all employees are responsible for adhering to the job description.

4. An employee’s dated signature is required on the job description, acknowledging receipt, acceptance and a general understanding of its content.

Effective Date: 1/1/00 Subject: Selection Employees to Fill Vacant Positions Reference #: 001-400-120 Revision Date: 1/1/00 Approved By: Ruth Corcoran l. Policy:

The NLN will select for employment the candidate possessing the skills, talents, qualifications, experience, knowledge, and service-oriented characteristics best suited to the NLN or as required to fulfill the responsibilities of the position. Preference shall be given to employees who most closely meet the qualifications. Transfers and promotions should be encouraged for currently employed individuals when conditions are favorable to both the employee and the NLN.

ll. Purpose:

1. To establish a procedure for selection which complies with all laws governing the hiring of individuals.

2. To recognize the skills of current employees within the NLN, and to encourage them to apply for appropriate positions.

lll. Scope:

This policy applies all NLN employment positions.

lV. Guidelines:

The selection of any candidate for employment shall be the responsibility of the Board of Governors in the case of the CEO, the CEO in the case of a BUD, a BUD in the case of a Manager within that Unit, a Manager in the case of an Administrative Associate within the Manager’s Unit and an Administrative Associate in the case of an Administrative Assistant within the Administrative Associate’s Unit. The supervising individual will always have final decision making authority via the-chain-of-command.

V. Procedure:

A. Employment shall commence on the first day of paid service.

B. No relative may be employed in the same Business Unit of the NLN after the implementation date of this policy. For purposes of this

provision, relative shall mean “immediate family” as defined in the Policy #001-400-314, entitled Bereavement.

Effective Date: 1/1/00 Subject: Equal Opportunity Employment/Discrimination Reference #: 001-400-130 Revision Date: 4/25/01 Approved By: Ruth Corcoran l. Policy:

In conformance with all equal employment laws, including Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, the NLN is firmly committed to a policy of equal employment opportunity for all qualified persons without regard to race, color, religion, sex (including sexual harassment), pregnancy, national origin, ancestry, alienage or citizenship status, sexual orientation, age, physical or mental disability (including AIDS), veteran status, marital status, or any other protected category under local, state, or federal law, such as opposing discrimination or participating in any complaint process at the EEOC or other human rights agencies.

ll. Purpose:

1. To comply with all local, state, and federal laws and regulations.

2. To be consistent with the Mission of the NLN.

3. To demonstrate the NLN’s concern and respect for

all individuals. lll. Scope:

Compliance with this policy includes advertising, recruitment, hiring, job assignment, compensation, benefits, training, promotion, transfer, termination and all other conditions and privileges of employment.

lV. Guidelines:

A. The primary responsibility for oversight, monitoring and enforcing compliance with this policy lies primarily with the NLN CEO in conjunction with Human Resources.

B. Supervisors and Business Unit Directors are responsible for reporting violations of this policy to the CEO and Human Resources with respect to all

employees, not only employees within their Business Unit, if it is known to them.

C. All the employees are responsible for notifying Human Resources or the NLN CEO of employment practices that do not conform to this policy.

V. Procedure:

A. All published notices of employment opportunities shall

contain a statement that the NLN is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Effective Date: 1/1/00 Subject: Vacancies & Job Postings Reference #: 001-400-140 Revision Date: 1/1/00 Approved By: Ruth Corcoran I. Policy:

As job vacancies occur within the NLN, they shall be posted on officially designated Bulletin Boards to provide employees the opportunity to advance their employment and publicly notify interested individuals of available employment opportunities.

II. Purpose:

1. To establish a procedure for informing employees of job vacancies.

2. To promote career development for all employees.

III. Scope: All employees who have successfully completed a probationary period and meet the qualifications of the job posted are eligible to apply for a posted position. Current employees will be given priority consideration over outside candidates. To be eligible, the employee’s Personnel File must contain a satisfactory performance evaluation and cannot contain any disciplinary action taken within six calendar months prior to the effective date of the posting.

IV. Guidelines:

Awarding of a posted position to an eligible employee will be based on the successful candidate’s possession of skills, talents, qualifications, experience, knowledge, service-oriented characteristics, satisfactory performance, length of service with the NLN and the pre-requisites necessary to fulfill the requirements of the position.

V. Procedure:

A. The Business Unit Director shall notify Human Resources in writing

of a request to post on officially designated Bulletin Boards the availability of an approved employment position.

B. Human Resources will place the approved position posting on the designated Bulletin Boards for at least five business days prior to

publicizing the availability of the position to non-employees.

C. The position posting shall contain the following: a. Title of position; b. General summary of the duties to be performed by and

responsibilities of the selected candidate for the employment position;

c. Qualifications the selected candidate is to possess; d. Date selected candidate is expected to work; e. Expected duration the selected candidate is to be employed in

position; f. Title of the candidate’s immediate supervisor; g. Classification (exempt or non-exempt status) of the position; h. Hours of employment; and i. Effective date of position posting.

D. All interested, qualified employees will be given priority of selection

over non-employees for posted positions. All such employees must apply for the employment position in writing, in accordance with the position posting, to Human Resources within five (5) working days of the first day of the posting.

E. If the candidate selected for the posted position is an employee they should be allowed to start in the new positions within ten (10) business days of the written notification of selection. If the candidate selected is an outside candidate, they should commence employment in the new position within a reasonable time period.

F. An employee selected for a posted position shall be evaluated at the end of a three (3) month probationary period (measured from the date of initial employment in the posted position), and annually thereafter, in accordance with Policies # 001-400-210 (Probationary Period) and # 001-400-211 (Performance Evaluations).

Effective Date: 1/1/00 Subject: Employment Process Reference #: 001-400-150 Revision Date: 1/1/00 Approved By: Ruth Corcoran

I. Policy:

An applicant will be hired on the basis of his/her skills, talents, qualifications, experience, knowledge, and service-oriented characteristics best suited to the NLN without regard to race, creed, color, national origin, age, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, disability or any other protected classification.

II. Purpose:

1. To establish a fair, open, orderly, and systematic process for recruiting new employees.

2. To ensure that no position is recruited that is unbudgeted or that does not have the written approval of the NLN CEO.

3. To ensure compliance with federal, state, and local regulations.

III. Scope:

This policy applies to all individuals involved in the hiring process, including those who already are NLN employees.

IV. Guidelines: Human Resources is responsible for the administration of this policy.

V. Procedure: A. Advertising/Recruitment:

BUDs will advertise the availability of approved and budgeted positions, screen applicants, coordinate interviews with managers and conduct reference checks on candidates prior to a candidate’s selection for employment.

B. Offer of Employment:

1. BUDs, in conjunction with Human Resources, shall determine the appropriate amount of compensation and communicate the approved amount to the candidate.

2. All offers of employment are conditional pending the results of the decision after the review of reference and background checks to ensure that an applicant is qualified, suitable, and possesses an acceptable, verifiable record of employment.

C. Job Posting:

Refer to Policy # 001-400-140 (Job Posting).

D. References:

A Human Resources representative will verify:

1. employment position title; and 2. dates of employment.

E. Introductory/Probationary Period (Refer also to Policy # 001-400-210):

1. Except as otherwise provided, Human Resources shall

conduct a reference check on all new employees prior to employment. References provided to other employers will include only the following verification subject to a minimum three-month (3) probationary period:

• Affirmation of employment

• Dates of employment; and

• Whether the performance was satisfactory or unsatisfactory.

The probationary period shall run from the first date of paid service in the employment position.

2. The CEO of NLN and the Executive Director of NLNAC may have a different length of the initial probationary period based on their specific contractual agreements at the time of employment.

Effective Date: 1/1/00 Subject: Probationary Period Reference #: 001-400-210 Revision Date: 1/1/00 Approved By: Ruth Corcoran I. Policy:

Except as otherwise provided, all employees shall be subject to a minimum three-month (3) Probationary Period that begins on the first date of paid service in the employment position. A BUD may extend a Probationary Period an additional three (3) months or less after consultation with Human Resources and by notifying the employee in writing.

II. Purpose:

To provide an employee with a formal period of introduction to a new position and provide a specified timeframe in which the employee’s skills, talents, qualifications, experience, knowledge, service-oriented characteristics, and compatibility to the employment position are formally evaluated. To recognize the extent of the employee’s need to further develop skills required for the position.

III. Scope:

This policy applies to all NLN employees in any new position regardless of whether the individual was already an NLN employee.

IV. Guidelines:

The quality of the employee’s performance on the job is the primary basis for decisions regarding the employee's ability to perform the duties of the employment position and his/her continued employment. Factors to be considered in evaluation shall include performance of the duties noted in the position description, attendance, attitude, and observed poor behavior. Counseling, through guidance and advice, by an employee’s immediate supervisor, is an integral part of this process to assure that an employee understands the goals and desired performance outcomes as stated in the position description for the job. See also: Policy # 001-400-211 (Performance Evaluations).

V. Procedure:

A. During the probationary period either the NLN or the employee may terminate the employment relationship without cause or notice.

B. A performance review and written performance evaluation of a

Probationary Employee must be commenced no later than fourteen (14) days prior to the expiration of the Probationary Period, and completed no later than 14 days after the expiration of the period. Both the review and evaluation must be completed by the employee’s immediate supervisor, however, the responsibility for completing the review and evaluation is ultimately that of the employee’s BUD.

C. A Probationary Employee whose status prior to the commencement

of employment was that of an NLN employee and was not evaluated positively shall be given special consideration and every effort will be made to place the employee in another suitable position within the NLN, if possible. The employee’s continued employment with the NLN, however, is not guaranteed. (See also Policy # 001-400- 223, Separation from Employment.).

D. Length-of-Service:

1. Length-of-service with the NLN begins the day the employee

commences employment, i.e. with the first day of paid service.

2. An employee’s length-of-service in a Business Unit begins with the first day of paid service in the Business Unit.

3. Length-of-service shall be diminished by an employee’s period of absence from employment, (i) due to the employee’s termination from NLN employment and subsequent rehiring by the NLN or (ii) due to a leave-of-absence in excess of thirty days.

4. If an employee’s length-of-service is diminished by an absence from employment as defined above, the length-of-service shall be diminished by a minimum of thirty (30) days.

5. Any absence from employment in excess of twelve (12)

calendar months is not permissible, unless in the discretion of the CEO such an absence is excused in writing.

Effective Date: 1/1/00 Subject: Performance Evaluations Reference #: 001-400-211 Revision Date: 1/1/00 Approved By: Ruth Corcoran I. Policy:

Each employee shall receive a formal Performance Review and written Performance Evaluation by his/her immediate supervisor at the end of the first three months of employment, and at least once per calendar year in December thereafter. Such an evaluation may be conducted more often if deemed necessary by the BUD. All Performance Reviews and Performance Evaluations shall be constructive, seek to improve job performance, illustrate specific strengths and weaknesses of the reviewed employee, inform and involve the employee in formulating personal goals for the upcoming year including the specific goals to be attained, and provide positive reinforcement for satisfactory performance.

II. Purpose:

1. To assist in developing the employee’s abilities and

enhance the employee’s career development.

2. To provide effective communication between the employee and her/his supervisor.

3. To provide performance information when determining the employee’s entitlement to certain benefits, including merit increases.

III. Scope:

All employees will receive formal, written performance

evaluations from their immediate supervisor at least once annually.

IV. Guidelines:

A. All BUDs are responsible for ensuring that this policy is

implemented for each employee in her/his Business Unit.

B. All evaluations of job performance shall be based on the employee’s job description including written objective criteria, as set

forth in the Performance Appraisal Forms (See Appendix).

C. Employees are encouraged to participate in a constructive discussion concerning their Performance Evaluations with their BUD and/or immediate supervisor.

D. Although the employee may disagree with all or part of the Performance Evaluation, the employee shall sign the document, signifying that she/he has read the contents of the evaluation and has had the opportunity to discuss it. A signature will not affirm agreement.

E. Employees may comment on a Performance Evaluation in writing. Written comments shall be signed and dated by the employee and appended to the Performance Review by the BUD or immediate supervisor.

F. Once the written Performance Evaluation is completed, employees shall be given a copy of it.

V. Procedure:

A. All Performance Reviews and Performance Evaluations are to be

completed in a timely manner. A Performance Review and written Performance Evaluation of a Probationary Employee must be commenced no later than 14 days prior to the expiration of the Probationary Period and completed no later than 14 days after the expiration of the period. Performance Reviews and written Performance Evaluations of a Regular Employee shall take place each year in December and must be commenced no later than 14 days prior to the expiration of the month and completed no later than the last workday of the month. The employee’s immediate supervisor must complete the review and evaluation. The responsibility for completing the review and evaluation is ultimately that of the employee’s BUD.

B. A copy of all Performance Evaluations shall be forwarded to Human Resources to become part of the employee’s personnel file.

C. All evaluations must be signed and dated by the Reviewer and the Employee.

D. The employee’s signature shall not indicate agreement with the content of the evaluation, only that it was read by the employee.

E. If an employee refuses to sign and date the Performance Evaluation, the Reviewer shall summon a supervisor to act as a witness to the refusal. The witness shall sign and date the evaluation and write that the employee was given the review, and refused to sign and date the evaluation.

F. At the discretion of the BUD, a Performance Review and Evaluation may be conducted at any time.

Effective Date: 1/1/00 Subject: Disclosure of Confidential Information Reference #: 001-400-212 Revision Date: 1/1/00 Approved By: Ruth Corcoran I. Policy:

All information pertaining to vendors, customers, members, employees, or any organizational matters, including intellectual property (hereinafter collectively referred to as “NLN Proprietary Information”), must be treated as Confidential Information, as hereinafter defined. The disclosure of Confidential Information is permissible only when authorized in writing by the NLN CEO or her/his designee. Any employee who improperly releases Confidential Information or provides unauthorized use or access to NLN Proprietary Information will be subject to immediate disciplinary action, including discharge and legal action.

II. Purpose:

To recognize and affirm the importance of maintaining the highest levels of confidentiality by all employees.

III. Scope:

This policy applies to all employees and non-employees under contract with the NLN.

IV. Guidelines:

A. Confidential Information includes: 1. Operations, activities, and business affairs of NLN and its

members. 2. Proprietary information concerning NLN or its members.

3. Membership Lists. Membership lists are confidential and are to be disclosed only to a limited number of NLN employees whom the CEO deems in need of such information for use in performing job responsibilities.

4. Intellectual Property. NLN Intellectual Property is any idea, project, process, procedure, or concept developed by the NLN.

B. Employees and non-employees that have access to NLN

confidential information shall not discuss this information with unauthorized individuals.

C. BUDs and Managers should periodically remind employees not to discuss any confidential matters in elevators, hallways, or any other public areas.

D. Confidential information may be disclosed to non-employees under contract with the NLN at the discretion of the CEO on terms consistent with the following: 1. The non-employee under contract with the NLN shall not

disclose any Confidential and Proprietary Information to any person or entity (other than its own employees, agents, or representatives who must have such information for the performance of their obligations in preparing any analyses, compilations, studies, notes, memoranda, data, or information of any kind), unless such disclosure is (i) authorized by the NLN expressly, and in writing or (ii) pursuant to court-authorized subpoena or order;

2. If disclosure of confidential information is demanded pursuant to court-authorized subpoena or order, the non-employee under contract with the NLN shall (i) promptly notify the NLN thereof in writing (ii) consult with the NLN on whether or not to take steps to quash, oppose, or narrow the scope of the demand, and (iii) cooperate with the NLN in any attempt to take steps to protect the confidential nature of the information. The power to authorize the release of Confidential Information may be delegated only by the NLN CEO in writing.

3. Violations of these policies and procedures will be aggressively pursued by the NLN up to and including termination and/or legal action.

Effective Date: 1/1/00 Subject: Work Rules Reference #: 001-400-213 Revision Date: 7/22/03 Approved By: Ruth Corcoran I. Policy:

Employees are expected at all times to conduct themselves in a

professional manner that promotes the best interests and is consistent with the Mission of the NLN.

II. Purpose:

To establish rules and regulations regarding employee behavior in the work environment that are necessary for the efficient operation of the NLN and for the benefit and safety of all employees and to promote a positive image of the NLN.

III. Scope:

This policy applies to all employees and all non-employees including those

under contract with the NLN. IV. Guidelines:

All employees and non-employees shall:

a) Report to work punctually, at the proper work location, ready to work;

b) Give at least one hour’s advance notice to the appropriate supervisor or Business Unit whenever unable to report to work at the scheduled time;

c) Comply with all NLN safety and security regulations; d) Adhere to the NLN’s smoke-free workplace policy; e) Dress in professional attire at all times; f) Eat meals only during meal periods, in designated areas (eating

meals at the employee’s work station is acceptable); g) Maintain a clean and orderly workplace; h) Treat customers, visitors, and co-workers in a courteous manner; i) Refrain from offensive or undesirable conduct (e.g. substance

abuse, etc.); j) Perform duties efficiently and in accordance with quality standards; k) Report to management suspicious, unethical, or illegal conduct, or

conduct in violation of NLN policies:

Procedure – Your complaints should be directed to your Unit Director. If your complaint is related to a Unit Director, your complaint should be directed to the CEO. If your complaint is related to the CEO, your complaint should be directed to the NLN President of the Board of Governors. Confidentiality will be respected;

l) Cooperate with any NLN investigations that may be undertaken; and

m) Maintain confidentiality of the NLN Proprietary Information.

Effective Date: 1/1/00 Subject: Grievance Procedure Reference #: 001-400-214 Revision Date: 1/1/00 Approved By: Ruth Corcoran I. Policy:

The NLN recognizes the need for a mechanism to address concerns,

complaints, and other grievances of NLN employees in connection with conditions of employment. To that end, the NLN provides employees with a grievance procedure. Except as otherwise required by law, the grievance procedure is the exclusive method of resolving employee grievances concerning conditions of employment.

II. Purpose:

To provide a mechanism to address the resolution of employee concerns or complaints related to conditions of employment.

III. Scope:

This policy applies to all employees and non-employees including those

under contract. IV. Guidelines:

A. Management will review the grievance procedure with all new

employees during orientation. Throughout the calendar year, management will convene staff meetings in which the grievance policy will be reviewed with all employees and non-employees (including those under contract) willing and able to participate in such forums.

B. Employees and non-employees in need of any assistance in understanding the grievance process should contact Human Resources.

C. Because all employees are entitled to receive guidance or counseling from Human Resources in connection with any issue regarding the terms or conditions of employment, management shall avail an employee a reasonable time period that is consistent with departmental scheduling to seek guidance or counseling regarding grievances. In all cases, confidentiality will be respected.

D. Informal Grievance Procedure: The grievance process begins with the Informal Grievance Procedure, which is a consultative process that takes place primarily between the employee and the immediate supervisor. At this stage, the employee addresses, either orally or in writing, the grievance to the supervisor, and the supervisor offers, either orally or in writing, a method of resolution of the grievance. Oral communications will be responded to orally and written communications will be responded to in writing. It is the choice of the employee to decide which venue they wish to pursue.

E. Formal Grievance Procedure: The Formal Grievance Procedure consists of specific steps that take place within specified time limits. It begins with a written grievance by the employee, which is reviewed, in a timely fashion, by management at graduated levels. The Formal Grievance Procedure proceeds according to the specified steps only if the employee follows the steps outlined in the process and respects all designated timelines. Failure to adequately and promptly follow the outlined procedure will result in the waiver or abandonment of a grievance.

F. Employee Grievance Form: The Employee Grievance Form (See Appendix) is to be used by employees to set forth the details of a grievance to be resolved through the Formal Grievance Procedure.

V. Procedures:

A. Informal Grievance Procedure:

1. If the supervisor or Business Unit Director is unable to

resolve an employee’s informal grievance to the employee’s satisfaction, the employee may contact Human Resources.

2. Human Resources will review the matter and provide counseling to the employee.

3. If the employee requests further action, Human Resources will counsel the employee in connection with the Formal Grievance Procedure.

4. While there are no formal time limits on the Informal Grievance Procedure, an employee’s election to trigger the Formal Grievance Procedure ceases the Informal Grievance Process.

B. Formal Grievance Procedure:

The Formal Grievance Procedure is comprised of the following steps:

1. Step 1: To trigger Step 1 of the Grievance Procedure, an employee must complete, sign, and date an Employee Grievance Form and submit the form to his/her BUD. Submission of the form must take place no later than twenty-eight (28) business days (i) after the occurrence or event upon which the grievance is based or (ii) after the employee knew or should have known of the occurrence, event, or a circumstance upon which the grievance is based. The supervisor shall respond in writing within five (5) working days and the response shall be signed and dated by the supervisor. If the response is not satisfactory to the employee, the employee may elect to proceed to Step 2. The election to proceed to Step 2 must be made, in writing by filing an appeal, within five (5) working days of the employee’s receipt of the supervisor’s written response. The employee’s failure to promptly make the written election to proceed to Step 2 of the Formal Grievance Procedure shall constitute a waiver or abandonment of the grievance.

2. Step 2: To elect to proceed to Step 2 of the Formal Grievance Procedure, an employee must file with Human Resources an Appeal on a Step 2 Appeal Form (See Appendix) of the supervisor’s response to the grievance contained in the Employee Grievance Form within five (5) working days of the supervisor’s written response to the grievance. Attached to the Appeal Form must be a copy of the Employee Grievance Form reviewed by the supervisor and the supervisor’s written response to the complaint. The employee shall submit a dated Step 2 Appeal Form and the addenda to Human Resources. Human Resources shall respond in writing within five (5) working days. The response shall be signed and dated by Human Resources. If the response is not

satisfactory to the employee, the employee may elect to proceed to Step 3 of the Formal Grievance Procedure. The election to proceed to Step 3 must be made, in writing by filing an Appeal to the NLN CEO, within five (5) working days of the employee’s receipt of the supervisor’s written response. The employee’s failure to promptly make a written election to proceed to Step 3 of the Formal Grievance shall constitute a waiver or abandonment of the grievance.

3. Step 3:

To elect to proceed to Step 3 of the Formal Grievance Procedure, an employee must file an appeal on a Step 3 Appeal Form of Human Resource’s response to the grievance contained in the Employee Grievance Form annexed to the Step 2 Appeal Form within five (5) working days of the BUD’s written response to the Step 2 Appeal. Annexed to the Step 3 Appeal Form must be a copy of the Step 2 Appeal Form and its addenda and the BUD’s written response. The employee shall submit a dated Step 3 Appeal Form and the addenda to the CEO. The CEO shall respond in writing within five (5) working days. The response shall be signed and dated by the CEO. The determination of the NLN CEO contained in the response is final.

C. Administrative Oversight:

All grievances shall be monitored by Human Resources. Human Resources will maintain all filings, forms, and track adherence to timeframes. All records and documentation will be maintained in a confidential file in the NLN CEO’s office for safe keeping and secured access.

Effective Date: 1/1/00 Subject: Harassment Reference #: 001-400-215 Revision Date: 4/25/01 Approved By: Ruth Corcoran I. Policy:

Harassment or discrimination in any form is strictly prohibited.

II. Purpose:

The NLN shall promote a non-discriminatory work environment to: 1. provide a work environment free of harassment and

harassment–related interruption; and

2. abide by all applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations.

III. Scope:

This policy applies to all NLN employees and non-employed contract staff.

IV. Guidelines:

A. Discrimination

The NLN prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including sexual harassment) pregnancy, national origin, ancestry, alienage or citizenship status, sexual orientation, age, physical or mental disability (including AIDS), veteran status, marital status, or any other protected category under local, state, or federal law, such as opposing discrimination or participating in any complaint process at the EEOC or other human rights agencies. The NLN will not tolerate discrimination of any sort and will take prompt disciplinary action against those responsible for the discrimination.

B. Harassment

1. The NLN will not tolerate harassment or derision of any sort directed at our employees or at others who may

work in or visit our offices or attend off-premises functions, including independent contractors, consultants or clients. The NLN is committed to providing a workplace free of harassment and expects all employees to conduct themselves in accordance with this policy and to report offensive behavior before it rises to the level of harassment.

2. Sexual harassment constitutes discrimination and is

illegal under federal, state and local laws. For purposes of this policy, sexual harassment is defined, as in the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Guidelines, as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal, visual, or physical conduct of a sexual nature when, for example:

(a) submission to such conduct is made either

explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s employment;

(b) submission to or rejection of such conduct by

an individual is used as the basis for employment decisions affecting such individual; or

(c) such conduct has the purpose or effect of

unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment.

3. Sexual harassment may encompass a range of

subtle and not so subtle behaviors, including, but not limited to, the following examples:

• promising, directly or indirectly, an employee a reward if the employee complies with a sexually oriented request;

• threatening, directly or indirectly, to retaliate against an employee if the employee refuses to comply with a sexually oriented request;

• denying, directly or indirectly, an employee an employment-related opportunity if the employee refuses to comply with a sexually-oriented request;

• unwelcome physical and verbal flirtations, sexual advances or repeated demands for dates;

• physical or verbal abuse of a sexual nature;

• sexually derogatory or demeaning remarks or names;

• off-color jokes, vulgar comments, offensive language, and teasing about sexual preferences;

• graphic verbal comments about an individual’s body;

• unwelcome touching, such as hugging, kissing, pinching or patting;

• displaying, storing or transmitting pornographic or sexually oriented materials using the NLN’s equipment or facilities.

4. All executives, managers and supervisors shall ensure

that there shall be no display in the workplace of sexually suggestive objects or pictures.

5. All employees are expected to deal fairly and honestly

with one another to ensure a work environment free of intimidation and harassment.

6. The NLN will not tolerate sexual harassment

involving its employees. Nor will the NLN tolerate illegal harassment based on race, color, religion, sex, pregnancy, national origin, ancestry, alienage or citizenship status, sexual orientation, age, physical or mental disability (including AIDS), veteran status, marital status, or other protected category or activity, such as opposing discrimination or participating in any complaint process at the EEOC or other human rights agencies. For example, the use of inflammatory and patently offensive epithets and slurs can corrode the entire employment relationship and create a hostile environment. It is important to remember that people have differing perceptions of what is offensive and to be sensitive to these differences in our dealings with our colleagues. The NLN is prepared to take necessary

and appropriate action to prevent or eliminate sexual harassment on the job.

7. Any supervisor who becomes aware of possible

harassment should promptly advise Human Resources or any member of senior management.

8. An offender may be subject to counseling or discipline,

up to and including suspension or termination from employment.

C. Informal Complaint Procedure

The NLN encourages, but does not require, individuals who believe they are being harassed promptly to notify the offender that his or her behavior is unwelcome. If for any reason an individual does not wish to confront the offender directly, of if such a confrontation does not successfully end the harassment, the individual should notify the Chief Executive Officer or his or her Business Unit Director, who may, if the individual so requests, speak to the alleged harasser on the individual’s behalf. An individual reporting sexual or other harassment should be aware, however, that the NLN may decide it is necessary to take action to address the harassment beyond an informal discussion. This decision will be discussed with that individual. The best course of action in any case will depend on many factors and, therefore, the informal procedure will remain flexible. Moreover, the informal procedure is not a required first step for the reporting individual.

D. Formal Complaint Procedure

1. Notification of appropriate staff: As noted above,

individuals who believe that they have been the victims of sexual or some other form of harassment or believe that they have witnessed such harassment should discuss their concerns with their Business Unit Director who, in turn, shall immediately notify, orally and in writing, the NLN CEO. Regardless of the situation, if you receive information regarding sexual harassment in your capacity as a supervisor, you are obligated to report it immediately upon becoming aware of it.

2. Timeliness in reporting harassment: The NLN encourages the prompt reporting of any potential violations of this policy, so that it can take appropriate steps to maintain a workplace free of harassment, and to ensure that its procedures are effective in promoting this goal. While no fixed reporting period has been established, early reporting and intervention has proven to be the most effective method of resolving actual or perceived incidents of sexual and other forms of harassment.

3. Investigatory process: Any reported allegations of

sexual or other harassment will be investigated promptly and impartially by the NLN CEO. The investigation may include individual interviews with the parties involved, and where necessary, with individuals who may have observed the alleged conduct or may have relevant knowledge.

4. Confidentiality: The NLN will make every effort to

handle complaints and investigations with sensitivity to the rights of the person who complains and to the rights of the accused, and will endeavor to maintain confidentiality throughout the investigatory process, to the extent practicable and appropriate under the circumstances. However, in order to conduct an effective investigation, the NLN may need to discuss the allegations with the alleged harasser or other potential witnesses. Records related to harassment and discrimination complaints and investigations will be maintained in separate, confidential files, and all individuals receiving information about the allegations will be warned of the consequences of retaliation.

5. Protection against retaliation: Retaliation against an

individual for reporting sexual or other harassment or assisting in providing information relevant to a claim of sexual or other harassment is a serious violation of this policy and will be treated with the same strict discipline as would the harassment itself. Acts of retaliations should be reported immediately to the NLN CEO and will be promptly investigated. The NLN is prepared to take appropriate steps to protect individuals who fear that they may be subjected to retaliation.

6. Responsive action: The Business Unit Director or in

the case of a management employee the NLN CEO will take prompt remedial or disciplinary action against any employee who engages in harassing or discriminatory behavior or retaliation. Responsive action may include, for example, mandatory training or referral to counseling, and disciplinary action such as warnings, reprimands, withholding of a promotion or pay increase, reassignment of the offender, temporary suspension without pay, termination of employment, or other measures as the NLN believes will be effective in ending the misconduct and correcting the effects of the harassment.

7. Review of Resolution: Any individual dissatisfied

with the resolution of a complaint regarding discrimination or harassment may submit all concerns in writing to the Director of the aggrieved employee’s Business Unit or to the NLN CEO for final resolution.

8. False and malicious accusations: False and

malicious accusations of sexual or other harassment, as opposed to complaints which, even if erroneous, are made in good faith, may be the subject of appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

We fully expect that each of you will bear this policy in mind in your daily contact with your colleagues and our customers and will treat each of them with dignity and respect.

Effective Date: 1/1/00 Subject: Smoking Reference #: 001-400-216 Revision Date: 2/01/03 Approved By: Ruth Corcoran I. Policy:

Smoking in NLN offices and facilities is strictly prohibited.

II. Purpose:

To establish and maintain a healthy work environment for NLN employees, customers, and visitors.

III. Scope:

This policy applies to all employees and visitors to the NLN offices and facilities.

IV. Guidelines:

Employees found smoking on premises may be subject to disciplinary action, which may lead to termination.

V. Procedure:

A. An employee who observes a visitor smoking on the NLN premises

should advise them of the NLN smoking policy and request that the visitor cease smoking; alternatively, the employee should notify General Services (building management) to intervene.

B. An employee who observes another employee smoking on the NLN premises should remind them of the NLN smoking policy and request that the employee cease smoking; alternatively, the employee should notify General Services (building management) to intervene.

C. The observer shall report all violations of this policy to her/his BUD. It will be the responsibility of the BUD to enforce the NLN’s Non-smoking Policy actively and forcefully.

D. Employees are not permitted to take any breaks during the day

except for the daily one-hour lunch break.

Effective Date: 1/1/00 Subject: Dress Code Reference: 001-400-217 Revision Date: 2/11/04 Approved By: Ruth Corcoran I. Policy:

All employees are expected to maintain a neat appearance and a high standard of personal cleanliness and hygiene.

II. Purpose:

The personal appearance of our employees is important to the work performed by the NLN and its affiliates, and reflective of the standards the NLN upholds.

III. Scope:

This policy applies to all employees of the NLN and its affiliates.

IV. Guidelines:

A. All clothing and shoes shall be neat, clean, and appropriate to the responsibilities associated with the employee’s position.

B. Dresses, slacks, or skirts shall be worn at an appropriate length.

Exceptions based on medical or religious reasons will be made on a case-by-case basis by the CEO.

C. Appropriate jewelry may be worn in compliance with Business Unit


D. No employee is allowed to wear any insignias, buttons, hats, or pins unless specifically authorized by the CEO.

E. All hairstyles must be neat. Beards or mustaches must be neat and


F. Relaxation of the dress standards requires authorization by the NLN Chief Executive Officer.

G. Business casual dress is permitted year-round.

Business casual means wearing clothing that allows an employee to feel comfortable at work, but still presents a professional business image. The NLN definition of business casual does not extend to clothing that represents recreational attire. We expect all employees to use their discretion and good judgement in adhering to the guidelines as outlined below. If you are unsure whether something is appropriate, wear something else. The following lists are not all-inclusive, but give you examples of the business casual image we wish to maintain at the NLN. Appropriate business casual includes: • Cotton pants (e.g. Dockers, khakis); shirts, dress pants • Shirts with a collar (e.g. golf shirts, etc.); blouses; sweaters • Dress shoes, loafers, and appropriate sandals • Denim clothing • Jeans are permitted on Fridays and any work day when it snows

Not acceptable business casual includes: • Tennis shoes, athletic shoes, flip flops, jellies or thongs • T-shirts, halter or tank tops • Shorts • Sweatsuits • Sundresses or bare shoulders/backs/midriff

There may be times during approved business casual days when business dress is more appropriate. Examples are meetings, special guests, special events, or Board of Governors’ meetings. NLN will notify staff when business dress (during a scheduled business casual day) is more appropriate for the entire staff.

V. Procedure:

An employee’s immediate supervisor will ensure that the dress code is adhered to. Progressive disciplinary action may be taken for failure to comply with the dress code policy. Questions regarding this policy or any requests for interpretation of this policy should be directed to the Chief Operating Officer.

Effective Date: 1/1/00 Subject: Bulletin Boards Reference #: 001-400-218 Revision Date: 1/1/00 Approved By: Ruth Corcoran

I. Policy:

Designated employee Bulletin Boards, in common areas, are used for announcements and notification of special interests, as authorized. Employees are responsible for checking these Bulletin Boards on a regular basis.

II. Purpose:

To provide a method that quickly communicates Human

Resources and other NLN authorized information, and to provide a separate space for employees’ personal notices.

III. Scope:

This policy applies to all NLN employees.

IV. Guidelines:

Bulletin Boards are to be read regularly by employees. The NLN provides a designated employee Bulletin Board for employees to post notices (e.g. rental notices, lost and found notices, notices regarding the availability of tickets for social events, and thank-you notes) and for other purposes.

V. Procedure:

A. Any notice to be posted must be authorized for posting

by the CEO, a BUD or Human Resources.

B. All notices approved for posting shall have a specific posting period designated by Human Resources.

C. Any posted notice that has not been approved by Human Resources for posting or any posted notice whose posting period has expired shall be immediately removed.

D. Human Resources shall ensure that all federal, state, and local regulatory postings are prominently displayed

on the designated employee Bulletin Boards for all employees to review.

Effective Date: 1/1/00 Subject: Conflict of Interest Reference #: 001-400-219 Revision Date: 1/1/00 Approved By: Ruth Corcoran I. Policy:

The National League for Nursing prohibits its employees from engaging in

any activity, practice, or act that conflicts with, or has the appearance of conflict with the interests of the NLN, its customers, or its suppliers.

II. Purpose:

To ensure that the intentions and actions of all employees within the NLN

are in the best interests of the NLN and its clients. III. Scope:

This policy applies to all employees and agents of the NLN.

IV. Guidelines:

A. Conflict of Interest is defined as any situation in which an

employee has conflicting responsibilities that could adversely affect the NLN.

B. Examples of such conflicts include, but are not limited to:

1. Working for another employer;

2. Any involvement with (e.g., investment in, borrowing from) a company that supplies goods or services to the NLN;

3. Acceptance of gifts or gratuities from another person or company;

4. Misuse of confidential information;

5. Misuse of NLN property or materials;

6. Hiring or contracting with relatives; and

7. Holding a public office that may require policy-making that could negatively impact the NLN.

V. Procedure: A. Upon employment, staff will complete, sign, and date the

Conflict of Interest Declaration (See Appendix).

B. On an annual basis, Human Resources will review the declaration with each employee; the employee shall acknowledge whether any fact stated in the declaration has changed since signing the last agreement.

C. Should a Conflict of Interest be identified, Human Resources will immediately notify the NLN CEO and recommend a corrective course of action.

D. Signed and dated copies of the declaration shall be filed in the employee’s personnel file and with the employee’s BUD.

Effective Date: 1/1/00 Subject: Computer Use and Telecommunications Access Reference #: 001-400-220 Revision Date: 7/29/03 Approved By: Ruth Corcoran I. Policy:

The computers, phone cards, business cell phones, telephones, copy machines, printers and fax machines that are provided or made available to employees are to be used solely for NLN-related business purposes. Use of such resources for personal reasons (except in emergencies) is prohibited.

II. Purpose:

To assure the appropriate use of the computers and other communications devices provided by the NLN.

III. Scope:

This policy pertains to any computer equipment, phone cards, business cell phones, copy machines, printers, telephone, fax, and portable equipment (e.g. LCD projector, displays), etc.: 1. owned, rented or leased by the NLN; that are 2. used on or off NLN premises.

IV. Guidelines:

Computer use, for purposes of this policy includes, but is not necessarily

limited to, the use of mainframe terminals, personal computers (desktop and portable), personal digital assistants (PDA’s), personal organizers, and related devices. Likewise, telecommunications includes local area network connectivity, external and internal communications using a computer interface and/or NLN telephone equipment via modem, direct connection, Internet, private carrier, fax, or any other means. Other resources include business cell phones, copy machines, printers, and fax machines.

V. Procedure:

A. Access Rights:

The Information Technology Service (IT) arranges for computer use and telecommunications access by staff, based on the recommendation of a Business Unit Director or Chief Executive Officer. Staff may not access computer and telecommunications resources for which they are not authorized.

B. Appropriate Use:

Any computer use or telecommunications access granted to staff will be used exclusively for authorized, appropriate, and lawful purposes in a manner compliant with the copyright and license agreements associated with commercial software and hardware products, and in accordance with any related NLN policies and procedures. Accessing the Internet for the use of inappropriate material during company time, or using NLN equipment, for anything other than NLN business, is expressly prohibited.

C. Software: 1. Software owned and/or licensed for use by the NLN may not

be copied for personal use. Insofar as some software licenses include provisions for home use by staff or for off-site use on personally owned equipment when used on behalf of the NLN, staff may inquire of IT regarding such rights.

2. Personally owned and/or licensed software and hardware may not be loaded onto or attached to NLN workstations unless such use falls within the license agreement between the user and software publisher. If such use is permitted, staff members are required to seek approval, guidance and application information from IT. Furthermore, IT may require proof of authorization. IT is authorized to prohibit the use of certain software and hardware if violations are found. The employee’s BUD will be notified when such violations occur.

3. Under no circumstances may personally owned/licensed software be loaded onto local area network resources, nor should any personally owned equipment be attached to the local area network or telephone system wall receptacles. Staff should seek IT authorization and assistance if such installation is required.

D. Security:

Computer passwords may not be shared with anyone at any time. Computer passwords are not to be stored or posted in any publicly accessible area nor kept among private office possessions in a manner that could lead to their exposure even with substantial effort and ingenuity. If an unauthorized person knows a password, IT should be contacted immediately so that a new password may be issued. IT may require periodic changes of passwords at its discretion.

E. Virus Protection:

All NLN workstations will automatically check any floppy diskettes inserted for viruses. Staff members are required to notify IT immediately if a virus is detected and whether the software provided was able to provide an appropriate "cure." The NLN makes available to all staff virus protection software for personal home use without charge. Contact IT for information about obtaining and installing anti-virus software.

F. Telephone Access: All NLN telephones are for business use only. Personal use (except in emergencies) is prohibited. Employees may use their personal cell phone for personal calls during authorized breaks.

Effective Date: 1/1/00 Subject: Security Reference #: 001-400-221 Revision Date: 1/1/00 Approved By: Ruth Corcoran I. Policy:

All employees share responsibility for creating a safe and secure work environment. To the extent practical the NLN maintains a secure and safe environment for employees and visitors.

II. Purpose:

1. To make every employee aware of his/her role in creating and

maintaining a safe and secure work environment.

2. To insure that the work environment is as safe and secure as possible.

III. Scope:

This policy applies to all employees. IV. Guidelines:

A. The NLN cannot assume responsibility for damaged, lost, or stolen

personal property.

B. The NLN CEO reserves the right to open any mail or packages addressed to the NLN office, as well as any packages leaving the NLN office, regardless of the addressee. The NLN CEO shall exercise this authority through the NLN management and General Services, including BUDs and supervisors

C. Employees are expected to follow all NLN rules regarding safety and security. . (See Policy # 001-400-224)

V. Procedures:

A. In a life-threatening emergency, call 911, and then notify any Business Unit Director or the CEO. If the emergency is not life threatening, notify a Business Unit Director first.

B. Designated areas (e.g. Mail Room, Computer Server Room, Receptionist Front Door, etc.) are to be locked at all times. Keys, security access cards and other safety items (e.g. security codes, etc.) issued to gain access to the premises are issued only to authorized employees. Management shall reclaim items or change access codes when an individual’s employment is terminated.

C. Any safety or security concerns relating to a particular employee or the NLN in general shall be reported to a Business Unit Director or the CEO.

Effective Date: 1/1/00 Subject: Solicitation and Distribution of Literature Reference #: 001-400-222 Revision Date: 1/1/00 Approved By: Ruth Corcoran I. Policy:

In order to maintain a professional and dignified atmosphere as well as

prevent any disruption of service, oral or written solicitation and the distribution of written materials are subject to the restrictions set out below; any unauthorized posting of materials is expressly forbidden.

II. Purpose:

The NLN aims to maintain a business environment that prevents any

interference with the performance of work and inconvenience to others. III. Scope:

This policy applies to all employees. IV. Guidelines:

A. Except as authorized and officially notified by the NLN CEO,

solicitation by employees on NLN property is prohibited.

B. Distribution by employees of literature not authorized by the NLN CEO on NLN property is prohibited.

C. Persons not employed by the NLN are not permitted to solicit or distribute any materials on NLN property.

D. Except for that item approved by management, no employee is permitted to wear any insignias, buttons, hats, or pins bearing soliciting information that are not authorized.

E. Any NLN employee attempting to influence a client, visitor, or employee through giving or receiving gifts, or by offering merchandise for sale, or solicitation for charitable contributions will be subject to disciplinary action. (See Policies # 001-400-219 and # 001-400-224.)

F. Every supervisor and manager has the duty to inform the BUD of any unauthorized solicitations or distributions.

G. Any questions relating to the interpretation of this Solicitation Policy should be directed to Human Resources. Human Resources will review the matter for final disposition with the NLN CEO.

V. Procedure:

Any employee who, without authorization from the NLN CEO, solicits, attempts to solicit, or attempts to distribute materials shall be immediately subjected to progressive discipline by the BUD. Any non-employee engaging in such acts shall be removed from the NLN premises and may be subject to arrest for trespassing.

Effective Date: 1/1/00 Subject: Separation from Employment (Termination) Reference #: 001-400-223 Revision Date: 1/1/00 Approved By: Ruth Corcoran I. Policy:

The date an employee is terminated from employment with the NLN shall be the date of separation. The date of separation shall be the date on which an employee ceases active work for the NLN. An employee shall not be deemed to have been separated when she/he is absent, with authorization, because of illness, injury, or an approved leave-of-absence.

II. Purpose:

To assure consistent treatment of all employees separated from employment with the NLN.

III. Scope:

This policy applies to all NLN employees.

IV. Guidelines:

A. Employees may terminate employment with the NLN by retiring at any time after reaching age 55.

B. Before any employee separates from the NLN, an exit interview shall be conducted between the employee and Human Resources.

C. An employee who has given proper notice shall be entitled to payment for all annual leave accrued up to and including the date of separation.

D. An employee shall not be entitled to payment for accumulated sick leave either at termination or after separation.

E. All employee benefits and contributions shall cease as of the date of separation, in accordance with the provisions of the benefit plans. Employees’ legal rights with respect to benefits shall be honored by the NLN. (See Policy on COBRA. # 001-400-322)

V. Procedures: A. Employee-Initiated Separation:

Proper Notice:

1. When a regular non-exempt employee wishes to terminate

his/her employment, the employee shall give written notice to her/his supervisor at least two (2) weeks prior to the intended date of separation. The written notice shall be forwarded to the employee’s BUD. The BUD shall immediately forward the notice to Human Resources.

2. When a regular exempt employee who has been employed by the NLN for more than one year wishes to terminate his/her employment, the employee shall give written notice to her/his BUD or the CEO at least four (4) weeks prior to the intended date of separation. The BUD or CEO shall immediately forward the notice to Human Resources.

3. When a regular exempt employee who has been employed by the NLN for less than one year wishes to terminate his/her employment, the employee shall give written notice to the BUD or the CEO at least two (2) weeks prior to the intended date of separation. The BUD or CEO shall immediately forward the notice to Human Resources.

4. Notice requirements set forth above may be waived or amended, in writing, by the BUD or CEO.

B. Employee-Initiated Separation:

Consequences of Improper Notice of Absence: 1. An employee absent for three consecutive workdays who fails to

give proper notice shall be considered to have resigned. The employee’s supervisor shall record the date of resignation, sign, and date the record. The supervisor shall notify Human Resources in writing. The employee shall be considered to have terminated her/his employment on the beginning date of absence without proper notice.

2. When a regular non-exempt employee initiates separation from the NLN who has been employed for more than one year, the employee shall give their supervisor at least two weeks written

notice prior to the date of separation.

3. When a regular non-exempt employee initiates separation from the NLN who has been employed for less than one year, the employee shall give their supervisor one weeks written notice prior to the date of separation.

4. When a regular exempt employee initiates the separation from the NLN who has been employed for more than one year, the employee shall give their supervisor four weeks written notice prior to the date of separation.

5. When of a regular exempt employee initiates the separation from the NLN who has been employed for less than one year, the employee shall give their supervisor two weeks written notice prior to the date of separation.

C. NLN-Initiated Separation:

1. The NLN shall not be required to give an employee advance

notice of discharge for misconduct; nor shall an employee discharged for misconduct be entitled to any compensation or benefit over and above accrued salary, overtime, and annual leave due on the date of discharge.

2. Except for individuals classified as ‘regular’ employees and those who have written contracts providing for some form of notice of termination, the NLN shall not be required to give notice of termination.

3. When the NLN initiates separation from employment of a regular non-exempt employee who has been employed for more than one year, the employee’s supervisor shall give the employee at least two weeks written notice prior to the date of separation. At the discretion of the BUD, the supervisor may elect to give the employee written notice of the separation along with two weeks salary in lieu of the two-week notice.

4. When the NLN initiates separation from employment of a regular non-exempt employee who has been employed for less than one year, the supervisor shall give the employee one week written notice prior to the date of separation. At the discretion of the BUD, the supervisor may elect to give the employee written notice of the separation along with one (1) week’s salary in lieu of the one-week notice. During a

non-exempt employee’s probationary period of employment no notice of separation is required.

5. When the NLN initiates the separation from employment of a regular exempt employee who has been employed for more than one year, the supervisor shall give the employee four weeks written notice prior to the date of separation. At the discretion of the BUD or CEO, the supervisor may elect to give the employee written notice of the separation along with four weeks salary, in lieu of the four-week notice.

6. When the NLN initiates the separation from employment of a regular exempt employee who has been employed for less than one year, the supervisor shall give the employee two weeks written notice prior to the date of separation. At the discretion of the BUD or CEO, the supervisor may elect to give the employee written notice of the separation along with two weeks salary, in lieu of the two-week notice.

Effective Date: 1/1/00 Subject: Discipline Reference #: 001-400-224 Revision Date: 1/1/00 Approved By: Ruth Corcoran

I. Policy:

Discipline will be administered in a progressive manner that provides for the opportunity for employees to improve their performance. Any deviation from the published rules and regulations of employment may result in immediate discipline.

II. Purpose:

1. To provide clear direction and ensure the rights of

employees as well as those of the organization.

2. To apply discipline, when necessary, in a positive way.

3. To outline a process for assisting employees in the improvement of their performance.

III. Scope: This policy applies to all employees. This policy does not cover unscheduled absences, please refer to Policy # 001-400-228 for guidelines related to this topic.

IV. Guidelines:

A. Causes for Discipline:

1. General Infractions (which may lead to progressive discipline) :

a) Two or more unauthorized and/or unscheduled

absences from work. b) Three or more unauthorized and/or unscheduled

lateness for work. c) Failure to telephone supervisor or BUD, or failure to

comply with Business Unit notification requirements in cases of absence or lateness.

d) Repeated absences or lateness preceding or following scheduled days off, holidays or vacations, or other absenteeism which at the discretion of the

CEO is deemed to not be in the best interest of the NLN.

e) Violation of any Safety/Security standards or procedures.

f) Horseplay, pranks, or practical jokes. g) Presence in areas to which the employee does not

have authorized access. h) Failure to perform duties as assigned or to a

satisfactory degree. i) Conducting raffles, pools, or other games of chance

on premises without administrative approval. j) Soliciting for unauthorized purposes on premises at

any time. k) Accepting tips, gifts, or gratuities from customers,

visitors, or vendors. l) Loitering on premises during off-work hours. m) Creating an unsafe or unsanitary condition or

contributing to such conditions. n) Smoking in any NLN area. o) Disregard for one’s own appearance, dress, or

personal hygiene that is detrimental to safety and/or appropriate standards.

p) Repeated or any refusal to work a reasonable amount of overtime when requested by one’s supervisor or BUD.

q) Unauthorized use of the mail system, telephones, equipment, supplies, or any other NLN property.

r) Discourteous, disrespectful or rude behavior exhibited toward a customer, visitor, or employee.

s) Additional infraction(s) which, when viewed in the context of the employee’s overall disciplinary record, warrants further disciplinary action.

2. Gross Infractions (which may result in immediate

suspension or suspension pending discharge) include but are not limited to the following: a) Any unlawful act or immoral conduct on the

premises, particularly one that is actually or potentially detrimental to another individual.

b) Sleeping while at work. c) Direct or tacit refusal to comply with a supervisor’s

instructions or perform a reasonable job assignment.

d) Failure to properly render service when such service is within the regular and/or reasonable scope of an

employee’s duties, or is required in a bona fide emergency, as defined by management.

e) Gross negligence or endangering the health or welfare of any employee or visitor including the use of threats, intimidation, coercion, abusive language, and/or inappropriate physical behavior such as striking an employee, visitor, et al.

f) Unauthorized disclosure of any Confidential or Proprietary Information.

g) Reporting for work in a condition which is unfit for proper performance of assigned work.

h) Possession, use, consumption, or being under the influence of illicit drugs or alcohol while at work.

i) Unauthorized possession of weapons, firearms, or explosives on the premises.

j) Theft, misappropriation, unauthorized possession, unauthorized review, unauthorized use, or willful misuse of property belonging to the organization or any person. This includes the possession, reading, copying, or disclosure of any records or documents to an unauthorized person.

k) Violation of a Business Unit policy which in the discretion of the CEO is of a magnitude warranting suspension or dismissal.

l) Any type of documented harassment including but not limited to gender, ethnic, racial, etc.

m) Unexcused absence from work for two (2) consecutive workdays for which an employee is scheduled.

n) Failure to report to work after an approved leave of absence without properly notifying the NLN.

o) The use of profanity or abusive language. p) Fighting with or physically assaulting a co-worker or

customer. q) Destruction, defacement, or misuse of NLN

property, another employee's or customer's property, or any NLN worksite.

r) Gambling on NLN property. s) Altering or falsifying any NLN record or report,

including any application for employment, medical report, production record, time record, expense account record, absentee report, or shipping and receiving records.

t) Violation of the NLN policies on Solicitation and Distribution of Literature.

Note: The examples in paragraph IV (A) (2), above, are illustrative of the type of behavior that will not be permitted, but is not intended to be an exhaustive listing. Any violation of the NLN policies or any conduct considered inappropriate or unsatisfactory may, at the CEO’s discretion, subject the employee to disciplinary action. Questions about this policy should be directed to Human Resources.

B. Probationary Employees

The first three (3) months of employment are considered to be an introductory period. At any time during this period, an employee who has been advised of unsatisfactory performance and has failed to improve may be terminated. The Business Unit Manager or Director in conjunction with Human Resources will summarize for the CEO all termination actions.

C. Non-Probationary Employees

When the performance of an employee is unsatisfactory, the supervisor, Business Unit Manager or Director, or CEO will bring this to the attention of the employee in a private counseling session. Every effort will be made to ascertain the underlying reasons for the deficiency and correct it. Except for gross infractions which call for immediate suspension leading to discharge, all discipline should be progressive, timely, objective, and equitable.

V. Procedure:

A. Discipline should always be administered in a private and confidential setting; however, at the discretion of the BUD or CEO, any number of management persons as the particular situation warrants may be present at the time.

B. Discipline should never be administered until a thorough investigation and documentation of all facts is completed.

C. Infractions need not be similar in nature to warrant graduation to the next level of progressive discipline.

D. In all disciplinary cases, the employee will be asked to sign and date the Employee Warning Notice Form (See Appendix). If the employee refuses, another supervisor will be summoned and shall witness and verify (by dated signature) that the employee refused to sign and date the

Disciplinary Action form.

E. On the Employee Warning Notice Form, the supervisor/manager should identify possible future consequences should further infractions occur.

F. All disciplinary action should first be reviewed with Human Resources. All suspensions and discharges must include prior review and approval (see chart).

G. The “Employee Warning Notice ” form should be prepared in triplicate:

Original -- Human Resources Copy -- Employee

Copy -- Business Unit File

H. All employees have the right to appeal any disciplinary action. To appeal, the employee should follow the grievance procedure outlined in Policy # 001-400-214.

I. Disciplinary action exceeding an eighteen (18) month period may not be referenced in future instances of discipline, unless specifically identified in the disciplinary notice. 1. Discipline should be progressive in nature proceeding

through the following steps when feasible. Gross infractions may result in the progressive discipline process being abandoned. a) Oral Warning - Initial step in discipline process;

usually issued for a general infraction. In a timely manner, the supervisor will call to the attention of the employee any unacceptable behavior and thoroughly discuss improvements needed. The supervisor will keep a signed record of all verbal warnings issued.

b) Written Warning - The second step in the progressive disciplinary process, the issuing of a written warning may be the first step if the seriousness of the infraction warrants such action. This is a formal written notification to the employee stating that she/he must improve or face further disciplinary action. A copy of the written warning, signed by the employee and supervisor, will be

given to the employee and a copy will be placed in the employee’s personnel file

c) Suspension (in writing) – A written suspension is issued for a serious infraction or a series of repeated infractions. A maximum suspension of five (5) workdays without pay may be applied based on the gravity of the infraction. All suspensions require the approval of either the Business Unit Director or Human Resources. Suspension also may be used to provide time for a review by management pending discharge.

d) Discharge (in writing) – A discharge is issued for a gross infraction or a series of general infractions. In all cases of discharge, the Supervisor and Business Unit Director, in conjunction with Human Resources, will review the matter prior to final discharge action.

2. Discipline Matrix:

Individuals Involved In The Action

Level of Discipline Supervisor Business Unit Dir.

Human Resources

Verbal Warning x Written Warning x x Suspension x x x Termination x x x

3. Role of Human Resources:

While Human Resources shall consult with management in connection with administering discipline to an employee, its primary role shall be as counsel to all employees. In its consultation with management, discussion will focus on the appropriateness of any disciplinary action. In its counseling role, Human Resources will notify employees of their rights and obligations under the individual’s terms and conditions of employment.

Effective Date: 1/1/00 Subject: Drug & Alcohol Abuse Reference #: 001-400-225 Revision Date: 1/1/00 Approved By: Ruth Corcoran I. Policy:

Employees are prohibited from the possession, use, sale, dispensing,

distribution, or manufacture of illegal or non-prescribed drugs and narcotics, or alcoholic beverages on the NLN premises or work sites. In addition, employees are prohibited from the off-premises use of alcohol, and the possession, use, or sale of illegal or non-prescribed drugs when such activities adversely affect job performance, job safety, or the NLN’s reputation in the community.

II. Purpose:

To provide guidelines for handling incidents related to suspected use of

illegal or non-prescribed drugs or alcohol when such use affects job performance or the NLN operations or reputation.

III. Scope:

All NLN employees are expected to abide by this policy. IV. Guidelines:

A. For reasonable cause, as defined herein, employees may be tested

to determine the presence of non-prescribed drugs, narcotics, or alcohol, except as prohibited by law.

B. Employees shall be subject to disciplinary action, including immediate termination, for violations of this policy. Such violations are considered gross infractions and include, but are not limited to: 1. possession of illegal or non-prescribed drugs and narcotics or

alcoholic beverages at work;

2. being under the influence of such substances while working; or 3. using such substances while working; or dispensing,

distributing, or illegally manufacturing, or selling them on NLN premises and work sites.

C. NLN employees, as well as their possessions, are subject to search and surveillance at all times while on NLN premises or while conducting NLN business. NLN-issued property, equipment and containers, and any and all property located on NLN premises or NLN work-sites shall always be subject to search.

V. Procedure:

A. Supervisors should report immediately to Human Resources any

behavior by or incidents involving an employee that creates a reasonable suspicion that a violation of this policy has occurred or is about to occur.

B. An employee reasonably believed to be under the influence of drugs, narcotics, or alcohol will be required to leave the NLN premises or an NLN work-site.

1. An employee in need of prescribed drugs or prescribed narcotics while performing NLN work must obtain a written waiver from Human Resources by submitting adequate medical documentation to Human Resources.

2. Human Resources and BUD will evaluate the adequacy of the medical documentation, the ability of the employee to perform work adequately and safely and the issuance of a waiver shall be final.

C. Employees experiencing work-related problems resulting from drug, narcotic, or alcohol abuse or dependency may request, or be required by the NLN, to seek counseling help. Counseling requested by an employee or required by the NLN shall be conducted in a confidential setting. The fact that an employee is undergoing such counseling shall not be a factor in an employee’s performance review. Job performance alone, shall form the basis of all performance reviews.

D. Any employee suffering from substance abuse, including drug and alcohol abuse may be granted, in the discretion of Human Resources, a leave of absence from the NLN to undertake substance abuse treatment in accordance with a plan of treatment and period of treatment approved by the NLN. To obtain written authorization for such a leave of absence, the employee must submit adequate medical documentation to Human Resources. The determination by Human Resources as to the adequacy of the documentation and the employee’s eligibility for an authorized leave of absence shall be final. As a precondition to obtaining such

a leave of absence, the employee must agree to the approved plan of treatment, by signing and dating the written authorization. 1. An employee granted such a leave of absence may return to

work only after obtaining written clearance from Human Resources.

2. To obtain such clearance from Human Resources, the employee must submit adequate medical documentation to Human Resources.

3. The determination by Human Resources and the BUD as to the adequacy of the medical documentation, the ability of the employee to perform work adequately and safely, and the issuance of a medical clearance shall be final.

E. An employee’s failure to cooperate with a plan of treatment

approved by Human Resources may result in discipline action, including immediate termination. Participation in an NLN approved treatment program does not insulate an employee from the imposition of discipline for violations of any NLN policy.

Effective Date: 1/1/00 Subject: Outside Employment Reference #: 001-400-226 Revision Date: 1/1/00 Approved By: Ruth Corcoran I. Policy:

Employees may wish to engage in employment outside the NLN, provided such employment is authorized and certain restrictions (as outlined below) are met.

II. Purpose:

The NLN recognizes that employees may wish to augment their income,

skills, or experience by outside employment. This policy allows for this opportunity, provided such outside employment does not conflict with the interests of the NLN.

III. Scope:

This policy applies to all NLN employees. IV. Guidelines:

A. Any outside employment engaged in by an employee cannot

compromise the NLN's interests or adversely affect the employee’s job performance and ability to fulfill her/his job responsibilities.

B. All employees are prohibited from engaging in any activity that competes with the NLN or compromises its interests. This prohibition includes: 1. performing any services for customers on non-working time that

are normally performed by NLN personnel;

2. unauthorized use of any NLN tools or equipment; and

3. unauthorized use or application of any confidential information, techniques, or NLN Intellectual Property.

C. Employees are not to engage in outside employment or conduct any outside business during paid NLN work time.

D. Employees who have accepted outside employment cannot use paid sick or personal absence time to engage in outside employment. In addition, an employee is not eligible for paid sick or personal absence time when the absence is the result of an injury or sickness sustained during the course of the outside employment.

E. Outside employment means outside employment of any kind, and shall include self-employment and employment as an independent contractor.

V. Procedure: A. Employees must obtain written approval from their BUD before any

outside employment or other outside work activity is undertaken.

B. The written request for permission to accept outside employment of any kind shall state the name and address of the outside employer, the nature of the employment, and the hours of employment.

C. The BUD shall forward the request to Human Resources, recommending either approval or disapproval based on the existence of a conflict of interest or the potential for an adverse effect on the NLN. Human Resources shall consult with the NLN CEO on all such recommendations. After consultation with the NLN CEO, Human Resources shall either confirm or reject the recommendation of the BUD. The determination of Human Resources shall be final.

Effective Date: 12/1/99 Subject: Lateness (Tardiness) Reference #: 001-400-227 Revision Date: 12/1/99 Approved By: Ruth Corcoran I. Policy:

Consistent punctuality and attendance are essential for

providing quality service throughout the entire NLN. All employees are required to report to work as scheduled.

II. Purpose:

The NLN views punctuality as a behavior that conveys respect for one’s work, one’s colleagues and one’s employer. It also is viewed as an expected element of a responsible employee.

III. Scope:

This policy applies to all NLN employees.

IV. Guidelines:

Lateness (tardiness) is defined as reporting to work any time

after the scheduled workday begins. Excuses offered for tardiness (e.g., weather, transportation, childcare) will be given reasonable consideration.

V. Procedure:

A. Employees with three (3) unexcused latenesses

(occasions of tardiness) in any three (3) consecutive months will receive an oral warning.

B. Employees with four (4) unexcused latenesses (occasions of tardiness) in any three (3) consecutive months will receive a written warning.

C. Employees with five (5) unexcused latenesses (occasions of tardiness) in any three (3) consecutive months will result in suspension without pay (non-exempt employees only).

D. Employees with six (6) unexcused latenesses (occasions of tardiness) during any four (4) consecutive months will be subject to termination.

E. Employees with seven (7) unexcused latenesses (occasions of tardiness) during any twelve (12) consecutive months will be subject to termination.

Effective Date: 1/1/00 Subject: Absences (Attendance) Reference #: 001-400-228 Revision Date: 1/1/00 Approved By: Ruth Corcoran I. Policy:

The NLN expects its employees to meet the published standards for attendance and will initiate remedial actions in the instance of excessive absences.

II. Purpose:

Although the excuse offered for an absence may be justified, absences cause a disruption of services and result in understaffing, increased costs and, a reduction in the quality of service. The NLN emphasizes the importance of good attendance and provides guidelines for resolving excessive, unscheduled absenteeism.

III. Scope:

This policy applies to all employees of the NLN regardless of status.

IV. Guidelines:

A. An unscheduled absence or occurrence is defined as

any unscheduled time lost from work, regardless of reason. Unscheduled absences do not include: approved vacations, an approved holiday, an approved leave of absence, jury duty, an approved bereavement leave, an approved leave due to an injury covered under workers’ compensation laws, or any other absence which has been approved in advance.

B. An absence will be considered by occurrence rather than by length of time away from work. Absence for one or more consecutive days will be considered one (1) occurrence.

C. At least one hour prior to the start of the employee’s scheduled shift, the employee must notify his/her supervisor on a daily basis of an expected absence from work, or the notification must otherwise be in accordance with departmental notification requirements. In the discretion of the BUD, this daily

notification requirement may be waived in the event of the employee’s hospitalization or extended illness for a period exceeding one (1) week.

D. An unscheduled absence of more than half of the scheduled workday will be counted as an occurrence.

E. An employee absent for three or more consecutive days must: 1. submit to Human Resources and BUD adequate medical

documentation to justify an absence related to illness. The determination by Human Resources and BUD as to the adequacy of the documentation shall be final; or

2. obtain clearance from Human Resources and BUD. To obtain clearance from Human Resources and BUD, the employee must submit adequate documentation in support of the reason for the absence during that period. The determination by Human Resources and BUD as to the adequacy of the documentation shall be final.

V. Procedure:

A. During any consecutive twelve (12) month period, the following

actions will be taken for absences without proper notification or authorization:

No. of Occurrences Corrective Action by BUD a. 2 Occurrences of Absence Review Policy with employee b. 3 Occurrences of Absence Verbal Counseling c. 4 Occurrences of Absence 1st Written Warning d. 5 Occurrences of Absence 2nd Written Warning e. 6 Occurrences of Absence 5-day suspension f. 7 Occurrences of Absence Discharge

B. For each sixty (60) day calendar period during which no unscheduled absences occur, the occurrence total will be decreased by one.

C. Employees who are absent without notification for three (3) consecutive workdays will be subject to termination unless the Business Unit Director determines that there is reasonable justification for the absence.

D. An employee’s immediate supervisor is responsible for maintaining a record of all occurrences of absences. The employee has the right to see this documentation.

Effective Date: 1/29/05 Subject: Whistleblower Policy Reference #: 001-400-229 Revision Date: 2/18/05 Approved By: Ruth Corcoran A great deal of emphasis has recently been placed on the conduct of employees. One aspect of this emphasis has been regulations that apply to all not-for-profit companies, including the National League for Nursing (NLN) its subsidiaries (NLNAC and FNE), and each of NLN’s employees. NLN’s Board of Governors has adopted the following policies and procedures to notify employees of (1) certain specific actions that are explicitly prohibited and (2) the procedures that employees and others may follow if there is reason to believe that any laws are being violated. Certain states have enacted their own whistleblower laws, which are applicable to employees working in those states, to the extent provided in such laws. Prohibited Actions Commission of any of the following acts will be considered cause for immediate disciplinary action, including but not limited to termination of employment, and may also subject the employee to criminal liability:

1. Destroying, altering, mutilating, concealing, covering up, falsifying, or making a false entry in any records that may be connected to a matter within the jurisdiction of a federal agency in violation of federal or state law or regulations.

2. Altering, destroying or concealing a document, or attempting to do

so, with the intent to impair the document’s availability for use in an official proceeding or otherwise obstructing, influencing or impeding any official proceeding, in violation of federal or state law or regulations.

3. Fraudulently influencing, coercing, manipulating, or misleading any

independent public accountant engaged in the performance of an audit of the financial statements of the company for the purpose of rendering such financial statements misleading, in violation of federal or state law or regulations.

4. Discharging, demoting, suspending, threatening, harassing,

discriminating or retaliating in any manner against any employee, in violation of federal or state law or regulations, because of any lawful act by that employee who (a) provides information to or assists in any investigation by the NLN or by any federal agency; (b) files or assists

in any action alleging a violation of federal or state law or regulations; or (c) knowingly takes any action harmful to any person for providing truthful information to a law enforcement officer relating to the possible commission of a federal, state or local offense.

Reporting of Concerns or Complaints Taking action to prevent problems and improper conduct is part of NLN’s culture. If an employee observes possible illegal conduct, she/he is required to report her/his concerns. The NLN urges employees and others involved with the company to come forward with any such information, without regard to the identity or position of a suspected offender. Confidentiality The NLN will treat all communications under this policy in a confidential manner, except to the extent necessary (1) to conduct a complete and fair investigation, or (2) for review of company operations by the company's Board of Governors, its Audit and Compliance Committee, or the company's independent public accountants. Retaliation The NLN will not permit any negative or adverse actions to be taken against any employee or individual who in good faith reports a possible violation of law, including any concerns regarding questionable accounting or auditing matters, even if the report is mistaken, or against any employee or individual who assists in the investigation of a reported violation. Retaliation in any form will not be tolerated. Any act of alleged retaliation should be reported immediately and will be promptly investigated. How to Report Concerns or Complaints Employees and others may communicate suspected violations of law or other wrongdoing, including any concerns regarding questionable accounting or auditing matters (including deficiencies in internal controls) or alleged retaliation by contacting the NLN CEO. If the complaint is against the CEO the complaint should be directed to the NLN President. In order to be better able to respond to any information or complaint, the employee must identify herself/himself and provide a telephone number and other contact information when making the report. Employees can be assured that any information will be treated with utmost confidentiality. In order that a proper investigation can be conducted, employees are asked to give as much information as they can, sufficient to do a proper investigation, including where and when the incident occurred, names and titles of the individuals involved and as much other detail as they can provide.

Effective Date: 7/12/2010 Subject: Telecommuting Policy Reference #: 001-400-230 Revision Date: 7/12/2010 Reviewed By: Senior Management Team Approved By: Beverly Malone VI. Policy:

Telecommuting is not appropriate for all NLN positions. No employee is entitled to, or guaranteed the opportunity to telecommute. Offering the opportunity to work at home, on a reoccurring basis, is a management decision. It must be supported by the business unit manager, chief administration officer and chief executive officer. An employee’s participation is strictly voluntary.

VII. Scope:

This policy applies only to NLN positions that, according to discretion of NLN management, can be effectively accomplished by telecommuting.

1. Guidelines:

1. The ability to telecommute will be according to the best interests of the

National League for Nursing.

2. Approval for telecommuting can be rescinded at any time at the discretion of the NLN.

3. Telecommuting may be granted for either part or all of an employee’s work week.

4. The ability to “work at home” is never an option that can be exercised unilaterally by the employee.

5. Employees who are approved for telecommuting must request and

receive written approval on an annual basis. Appropriate documentation must be submitted to the HR office so that appropriate organizational arrangements can be made.

VIII. Procedure: 1. Employees who request the opportunity to telecommute must seek

the approval of their direct supervisor. The request will then be

reviewed by the business unit director and the chief administration officer. If the request for telecommuting is approved by the business unit director and chief administration officer, the recommendation will be presented to the chief executive officer for final approval.

2. All telecommuting approvals are granted for a period of one year only. The telecommuting approval must be approved on an annual basis at the time of the employee’s annual evaluation.

3. If telecommuting is approved for part of the employee’s work week,

any time taken “out of the office” will be according to regular policies and cannot be additional telecommuting time taken at the employee’s discretion.

4. The Telecommuting Agreement must be completed annually and on

file with the HR office. 5. The following work environments must be maintained by the

employee approved for telecommuting.

(1) Employees must comply with applicable state and local zoning ordinances regarding work space in their home.

(2) The telecommuter is responsible for selecting and maintaining a designated work-space that is quiet, free of distractions, and kept in a clean, professional, and safe condition, with adequate lighting and ventilation.

(3) Telecommuters are advised to contact their insurance agents and tax consultants for information regarding home work sites and coverage for equipment that is damaged, destroyed, or stolen.

(4) The NLN is not liable for damages to the employee’s property that may result from participating in the telecommuting program

(5) In the event of a job-related incident, accident, or injury during telecommuting hours, the employee shall report the incident to their supervisor as soon as possible and follow established procedures to report and investigate workplace incidents, accidents, and injuries.

(6) Employees who telecommute will be covered by worker’s compensation for all job-related injuries occurring at their homes during their defined work period. The employee is responsible for maintaining a safe and ergonomic working environment, includi8ng the work area, bathroom, and other areas that may be necessary

for working during the telecommuting arrangement. The employee remains responsible for injuries to third parties and/or members of the employee’s family on the employee’s premises. The NLN is not responsible for injuries to third parties or family members that occur on the employee’s premises.

(7) The employee must allow home office inspections conducted by the NLN if a job-related incident, accident, or injury has occurred.

(8) Travel. An employee who is telecommuting is not entitled to reimbursement for travel expenses of coming into the centrally located worksite, but can be negotiated with the chief administration officer or chief executive officer according to the needs of the department. The frequency of visits to the central office will be negotiated annually with the annual telecommuting agreement.

9. Equipment and Supplies (1) The employee can choose to receive a laptop computer as a

primary work computer for use at their designated NLN office as well as at their home. If the employee does not select to use a portable laptop, the employee will be required to obtain their own computer at their home work location which is suitable for their work. Appropriate software will be installed by NLN information technology. The employee is responsible to provide reasonable care for the computer, which includes a surge protector at home.

(2) Other equipment and supplies may be provided on a case by case basis, as stipulated in the annual telecommuting agreement.

(3) The employee will sign a NLN equipment list and must return all equipment to the NLN upon the termination of employment.

(4) The NLN is not obligated to assume responsibility for operating costs, home maintenance, or other costs incurred by employees in the use of their homes as telecommuting alternative work locations.

(5) Employee out-of-pocket expenses for supplies will be reimbursed if prior approval from the business unit manager has been approved.

(6) Office furniture will not be provided to employees who telecommute.

(7) The employee is required to have a reliable internet service at their home work site and NLN will not purchase or reimburse employees for the cost of an Internet provider or Internet use. Employees who telecommute from home are subject to the same internal NLN policies regarding the use of NLN provided equipment and services as that of employees at the centrally located work site.

(8) Unless expressly written into the annual telecommute agreement, the NLN does not assume liability for loss, damage, or wear of employee-owned equipment, nor will it be responsible for the repair of this equipment. The NLN is not responsible for the repair of non-NLN equipment.

(9) The NLN may pursue recovery from the employee of NLN property that is damaged, destroyed, or stolen while in the employee’s care, custody, or control.

(10) Employee agrees to return all company property immediately upon termination of employment or upon company’s request.

10. Protection of NLN Files

(1) All work done at the employee’s telecommuting site is considered NLN business and owned by the NLN. All records, documents, and correspondence, either in paper or electronic form must be safeguarded for return to the NLN. Release or destruction of records should be done only in accordance with the NLN policies and procedures, and with the approval of the employee’s business unit director.

(2) The employee must log in and work on a computer that is part of the NLN virtual private network. All NLN documents (work product) must be kept on the NLN servers and not on the employee’s personal computer, unless authorized by the employee’s supervisor.

(3) To ensure proper backup of data, the telecommuting employee must save files to an NLN server, not only to the local hard drive of the remote computer.

(4) Telecommuting employees agree not to duplicate NLN-owned software to their personal computer. The employee also agrees to abide by the licensing regulations and restrictions for all software under license to the NLN.

11. Work Expectations

(1) Telecommuting employees agree to establish work and communication practices that make the telecommuting arrangements transparent to customers.

(2) Telecommuting employees shall not hold face-to-face business meetings with internal or external clients and customers at their residence.

(3) Telecommuting employees must have agreed upon work hours with their supervisor and be available by telephone and computer during those times. Telecommuters must notify the office if they leave their telecommuting location, much like they would inform the receptionist when leaving the traditional office during the workday.

(4) Telecommuting is not a substitute for dependent care (child and/or adult); telecommuters are required to make arrangements for dependent care during the agreed-upon work hours. The employee may be asked to provide information regarding dependent care arrangements by his/her supervisor.

(5) Telecommuting employees shall not perform personal business or activities during agreed-upon work hours.

(6) The arrangements agreed upon in writing annually may not be changed during the year without the written agreement by both the telecommuting employee and the NLN.

(7) It is the responsibility of the telecommuting employee to submit work completion reports to their direct supervisor on a routine basis and format agreeable to the direct supervisor.

12. The ability to telecommute can be cancelled at any time by the NLN if

deemed in the best interests of the NLN. The written agreement does not supersede the ability of the NLN to cancel the agreement at any time.


Employee Name:_________________________________________________ Employee Position:_______________________________________________ Business Unit:___________________________________________________ Calendar Year:__________________________________________________ Description of Telecommuting Arrangements (Include time approved, e.g. full time or part time telecommuting. Equipment to be provided by the NLN. Travel expectations and financial responsibilities for travel. Employee report of work completion method. Telecommuting hours/days.) Telecommuting Employee: I have read and agree to abide by the telecommuting policy. _________________________________________ _________________ Signature Date

NLN Approvals: _________________________________________ _________________ Direct Supervisor Date _________________________________________ _________________ Business Unit Manager Date ________________________________________ _________________ Chief Administration Officer Date _________________________________________ _________________ Chief Executive Officer Date

Effective Date: 3/6/2018 Subject: Health and Dental Coverage Reference #: 001-400-310 Revision Date: 3/6/2018 Reviewed By: Senior Management Team Approved By: Beverly Malone I. Policy: The NLN offers a health and dental coverage to all eligible employees. II. Purpose:

To provide eligible employees access to health and dental coverage through the NLN. An eligible employee may elect to participate in a health and dental coverage plan that are offered.

III. Scope:

This policy applies to all eligible NLN employees. An eligible NLN employee is one who is on the full-time or part-time biweekly payroll (e.g. working at least 30 hours/week). Temporary, per diem, and all other classes of employees are not included in the eligible category. The coverage for some policies includes spouses and dependent children of eligible employees.

IV. Guidelines:

A copy of the health/dental coverage plan is available to every employee from Human Resources upon request. This information is provided solely for current and prospective employees who meet the NLN's eligibility requirements for health/dental benefits. Employees are expected to familiarize themselves with the plan details reflected in provider documents. The health/dental coverage plan is not a binding contract between the NLN and its employees. If any errors or omissions are contained in any documents that are produced by the NLN, then the terms and conditions of the providers plan brochures will apply. These coverage’s are subject to change, without notice to participants.

V. Procedure:

A. Health plans are contributory. Human Resources will provide

enrollment and salary deduction forms to employees.

#001-400-310: Health and Dental Coverage, Page 2

B. Special provision can be made, through Human Resources for continued coverage under the NLN medical and dental coverage plans at the end of employment if the employee has been enrolled in medical and/or dental benefits for at least one day.

Effective Date: 3/6/2018 Subject: Short-term Disability Reference #: 001-400-311 Revision Date: 3/6/2018 Revised By: Senior Management Team Approved By: Beverly Malone I. Policy:

The NLN Short-term Disability (STD) program provides all eligible employees with protection against total loss of income for up to six months as a result of being totally disabled from employment due to a non-work related sickness or injury.

II. Purpose:

To provide for an employee’s welfare when the employee is unable to

work. III. Scope:

1. Short-term disability benefits are available to employees who

average at least a thirty hour workweek.

2. To be eligible for short-term disability benefits, the employee must meet the definition of disabled in the disability contract between the NLN and the insurance carrier.

IV. Guidelines:

A. The Short-term Disability benefit provides a monthly benefit equal to 60% of salary to a maximum of $2,500 per week, for up to 26 weeks.

B. The Short-term Disability benefit is exclusive of all ‘other income benefits’ received.

C. The premium for the Short-term Disability Program is completely funded by the NLN.

D. #001-400-311: Short-term Disability, Page 2

E. Short-term disability coverage begins when an employee meeting the work hour requirement, satisfies the new hire waiting period, which is the first of the month following date of hire.

V. Procedure: Once an eligible employee becomes aware of a disability that will extend beyond seven (7) calendar days, the employee shall notify Human Resources. Human Resources shall promptly provide the employee with instructions and the forms needed to complete the STD process.

Effective Date: 3/6/2018 Subject: Long-term Disability Reference #: 001-400-312 Revision Date: 3/6/2018 Reviewed By: Senior Management Team Approved By: Beverly Malone I. Policy:

The NLN Long-term Disability (LTD) program provides all eligible

employees with protection against total loss of income as a result of being totally disabled from employment due to a non-work-related sickness or injury for more than six (6) months.

II. Purpose:

To provide for the welfare of an employee when the employee is not able

to work. III. Scope:

1. Long-term disability benefits are available to employees who average

at least a thirty hour workweek.

2. To be eligible for long- term disability benefits, the employee must meet the definition of disabled in the disability contract between the NLN and the insurance carrier.

IV. Guidelines:

A. The Long-term Disability benefit provides for a monthly benefit

equal to 60% of monthly earnings to a maximum of $10,000 per month.

B. The Long-term Disability benefit is inclusive of all ‘other income benefits’ received. Other income benefits could include social security payments and state insurance payments.

C. The premium for the Long-term Disability Program is completely funded by the NLN.

#001-400-312: Long-term Disability, Page 2

D. Long-term disability coverage begins when an employee meeting the work hour requirement, satisfies the new hire waiting period, which is the first of the month following date of hire.

V. Procedure:

Once an eligible employee becomes aware of a disability that will extend beyond one hundred and eighty (180) calendar days, the employee shall notify Human Resources. Human Resources shall promptly provide the employee with instructions and forms needed to initiate the LTD process.

Effective Date: 3/6/2018 Subject: Unpaid Leave of Absence Reference #: 001-400-313 Revision Date: 3/6/2018 Reviewed By: Senior Management Team Approved By: Beverly Malone

I. Policy:

An unpaid leave of absence may be granted for various reasons in order to protect service continuity and assist the employee during this period.

II. Purpose:

Management recognizes that certain circumstances may arise in which an employee may request an extended absence from work. It is the desire of management to provide clear and uniform guidelines for implementing an unpaid leave of absence.

III. Scope:

1. All full-and regular part-time employees who have completed six (6)

months of continuous service are eligible to request an unpaid leave of absence.

2. The NLN will consider approving requests for a leave of absence for the following reasons:

• Family & Medical Leave, according to the parameters of FMLA

• Employee Medical Leave • Military Leave, for an employee called to active duty • Extended Personal Leave

IV. Guidelines:

A. A leave of absence is defined as any absence that exceeds two (2) workweeks. B. Types of Leaves:

#001-400-313: Unpaid Leave of Absence, Page 2

1. Family & Medical Leave Act: requires employers of 50 or more employees to provide eligible employees who have worked at least 1,250 hours during the previous 12-month period with up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave during any 12-month period.

a. Reasons for use of FMLA i. The birth of a son or daughter or placement of a

son or daughter with the employee for adoption or foster care. Any leave for the birth or placement of a child must be taken within 12 months of such birth or placement ;

ii. To care for a spouse, son, daughter, or parent who has a serious health condition;

iii. For a serious health condition that makes the employee unable to perform the essential functions of his or her job; or

iv. For any qualifying exigency arising out of the fact that a spouse, son, daughter, or parent is a military member on covered active duty or call to covered active duty status.

b. Maximum leave: up to 12 workweeks of leave within a 12 month period.

2. Employee Medical Leave: may be granted for employees who are unable to continue day to day employment but anticipate returning to work in the future.

a. Maximum leave: 6 months. May be extended for an additional six (6) months with the approval of the NLN CEO.

3. Military Leave: granted for employees called to active duty. a. Parameters of military leave will be in accordance with

current government regulations. b. Maximum leave: per government regulations.

4. Extended Personal Leave: granted for various personal

reasons, such as educational, professional growth opportunities, etc.

a. Parameters of extended personal leaves will be identified at the time of the extended personal leave request.

#001-400-313: Unpaid Leave of Absence, Page 3

b. Maximum leave: 6 months.

C. Benefits during leave. 1. Although this policy deals with unpaid leaves, the employee

granted a leave has the option to use any accrued PTO time, and paid bank time if eligible according to the type of leave granted (Refer to Policy #315)

2. Medical and Dental Insurance can be continued through the duration of the approved leave (up to six months) provided the employee pays the appropriate premium as specified in the terms of granting the leave. If the leave should extend beyond six months, the employee would need to seek medical and dental insurance through COBRA, if eligible.

3. Life and Disability Insurance (if eligible) is continued during the

approved leave at no cost to the employee.

4. If the employee is using PTO during part or all of the leave, the employee will continue to earn PTO. During leave time when PTO is not being used, no PTO will be earned.

5. Employees on leave of absence will not be paid for holidays.

V. Procedure: A. All requests for a leave of absence must be submitted, in writing, to

the employee’s immediate supervisor. The supervisor shall review the request and any supporting documentation submitted by the employee and make a recommendation. The recommendation shall be forwarded to the administrative designee (e.g. Department Director, area Chief Officer, or CEO), who will collaborate with Human Resources to reach a final determination. Requests for leave that exceed 90 days’ duration require the approval of the NLN CEO.

B. An employee’s request for a leave of absence must be submitted to the employee’s immediate supervisor in writing as far in advance as

#001-400-313: Unpaid Leave of Absence, Page 4

possible, but not later than two weeks prior to the anticipated leave.

C. All medical or maternity leaves will require adequate medical documentation to support the request. Requests to return to work from a medical or maternity leave shall include a medical report from a licensed physician certifying the employee’s ability to return to work and perform the job functions for the assigned position.

D. All leaves of absence for family reasons requested under the FMLA will require adequate documentation to support the request.

E. Employees granted a leave of absence will not be guaranteed their identical employment position upon return to work; however, every effort will be made to provide a position of equivalent status and pay.

F. The time an employee is out of work on a leave of absence in excess of PTO or bank time shall not be counted toward the employee’s length of service.

G. The failure to return to work at the end of the approved leave period shall result in termination of employment unless an extension of the leave has been approved in writing.

Effective Date: 3/6/2018 Subject: Bereavement Leave Reference #: 001-400-314 Revision Date:3/6/2018 Reviewed By: Senior Management Team Approved By: Beverly Malone I. Policy:

Every effort will be made to accommodate an employee who experiences

the loss of a family member as defined in this policy. The NLN will provide time off with pay for all eligible employees.

II. Purpose:

To support our employees during the period following the death of a family

member. III. Scope:

All permanent part-time and full-time employees are eligible for

bereavement leave beginning the first day of employment. IV. Guidelines:

A. An amount of time equivalent to the employee’s schedule time for a

period of one calendar week will be paid in the event of a death in an employee’s immediate family. For example, a full-time employee would receive up to five (5) days, whereas an employee working three (3) days per week would receive up to three (3) days. Immediate family is an employee’s:

• Father • Mother • Sister • Brother • Husband • Wife • Significant Cohabiting Other (satisfactory proof of

relationship must be provided to Human Resources). • Child

#001-400-313: Bereavement Leave, Page 2

• Grandparent • Grandchild • Mother-in-law • Father-in-law • Brother-in-law

• Sister-in-law • Legal Dependent

V. Procedure:

A. Bereavement leave is granted “following the death” of a family

member. Bereavement leave is not granted for pets.

B. The employee shall report the event of a death for which bereavement time off is to be requested as soon as the employee becomes aware of the death.

C. An employee may make a request to his/her supervisor for a paid absence for the period occurring from the day of the death through a maximum of five (5) days.

D. In the discretion of the chief officer or HR, an employee shall provide proof of death.

E. Any exceptions to this policy must be requested by the employee in writing to the chief governance officer.

Effective Date: 7/12/2010 Subject: Paid Time Off (PTO) and Personal Bank (Replaces Vacation 001-400-315 & Sickness 001-400-316) Reference #: 001-400-315 Revision Date: 7/12/2010 Reviewed by: Senior Management Team Approved by: Beverly Malone I. Policy

We provide employees with a program for paid time away from work. Our Paid Time Off (PTO) policy covers eligible employees and combines vacation, sick leave, and personal leave during each 12-month period of continuous employment.

II. Purpose

The NLN provides paid time off for eligible employees for the purpose of rest, relaxation, illness, personal and family needs. The PTO program puts vacation, sick leave, and personal leave into one program. This gives employees more flexibility in scheduling time off to meet personal needs and balance work and family life. The design of the PTO program is also intended to assist employees and the NLN in managing staffing needs in order to meet the operational needs of NLN.

III. Scope

1. All NLN regular, active, full-time employees and part-time employees who work twenty (20) hours or more, and who have completed three (3) consecutive months of employment at the NLN are eligible to participate in the PTO program.

2. Exempt and non-exempt employees are covered under this program.

IV. Guidelines

1. A PTO day is the daily scheduled hours an employee works. 2. PTO days for full-time employees are computed on an accrual basis. 3. PTO days accrue on a payroll basis, and the number of PTO days is

based on the employee’s job position and years of service. 4. The following chart describes the minimum number of PTO days

provided to employees each calendar year.

Criteria Number of PTO Days January 1 – December 31 of each year One to three years of employment Non-exempt 21 working days Exempt 26 working days SMT 31 working days Four years and more Non-exempt 26 working days Exempt 31 working days SMT 31 working days

5. PTO days begin to accrue the first day of employment; however, PTO

leave cannot be used until the employee has completed the probationary period of employment, which consists of the first three (3) months of continuous employment.

6. In the event that a holiday honored by the NLN occurs during an employee’s PTO leave, that day will be charged to holiday time.

7. Earned PTO days will be converted to cash at the employee’s current salary when employment is terminated.

8. Only earned PTO can be used. PTO cannot be taken in advance of accrual.

9. PTO leave may be taken in half-day or full-day increments only. 10. No more than an amount equal to the total number of hours worked in

a regular work week can be carried over from one calendar year to the next calendar year. For example, a full-time (35 hours per week) employee is eligible to carry over 35 PTO hours and a 20 hour per week employee is eligible to carry over 20 PTO hour.

11. For any illness or injury that exceeds five (5) work days, employees are eligible to apply for short term disability (see Policy # 001-400-311) or an official leave of absence (see Policy # 001-400-313). Employees in NJ & NY will coordinate benefits with the state’s Temporary Disability Program.

12. Exceptions to this policy will routinely be determined on a case by case basis by the chief administration officer.

Personal Bank

The NLN established this additional family/medical leave benefit for those employees who do not use all their accumulated PTO days in one year and/or for those employees who have accumulated sick leave up to the effective date of this policy. 1. Employees who currently have sick days accrued will receive credit for

these days in their Personal Bank.

2. Hours in excess of an amount equal to the total number of hours worked in a regular work week may be carried over from one calendar year to the next calendar year in the employee’s Personal Bank.

3. Each employee may accrue no more than 60 days in her/his Personal Bank.

4. An employee’s Personal Bank is used for sick days when an employee has been out sick for more than three consecutive work days. The first three consecutive work days are charged against the employee’s PTO account. Personal Bank can be used for non-consecutive days, only if time is related to the same illness/medical event and three PTO (or non-paid days) have first been used. Non-consecutive use of Personal Bank days must receive prior approval by the chief administration officer. Employees who have no days available in their Personal Banks must charge all sick days to their PTO accounts or take the days off without pay.

5. An employee’s Personal Bank may also be used as an addition to family leave policy - #001-4000313.

6. Days remaining in an employee’s Personal Bank at the time employment is terminated have no cash value.

V. Procedures

1. Employees must request advance permission to take PTO days.

Approval will not be granted if work schedules are such that your absence would interfere with the NLN’s operations or impose a hardship on your fellow employees.

2. Employees using PTO days for reasons requiring short notice (i.e. personal, family emergency, or injury), should inform their supervisors by phone or email as soon as possible. Notice must be given at least 30 minutes prior to the start of the individual’s work day (or as soon as possible in the event of an emergency).

3. Requests for PTO leave are not ordinarily granted once an employee has tendered her or his resignation. This is due to the need, in most circumstances, to transition work during this period.

4. Any exceptions to this policy must be made by the employee in writing to the chief administration officer.

Effective Date: 3/6/2018 Subject: Children at Work Reference #: 001-400-316 Revision Date: 3/6/2018 Reviewed By: Senior Management Team Approved By: Beverly Malone l. Policy:

The National League for Nursing, as a place of business, respects and supports a conducive work climate; and, as such, does not endorse employees bringing children to work.

ll. Purpose:

There are several hazardous items to children at NLN that causes us to prohibit children in the workplace.

1. There is ongoing construction within the Watergate building. 2. There are electrical cords all around our workstations. 3. We are located on the 8th floor. In an emergency we exit via the stairs

and the emergency team is not equipped to account for children. 4. Cleaning supplies, boxes and hazardous materials are often present

on our floor or in storage areas.

Employees are covered by workman’s compensation should an accident occur while at work. There is no insurance coverage for the injuries of minors while at their parent’s place of employment.

Children need supervision. There is no time during the work day to supervise children.

NLN’s PTO program provides the opportunity for an employee to take leave from work if their child is out of school and/or sick.

Effective Date: 3/6/2018 Subject: Holidays Reference #: 001-400-317 Revision Date: 3/6/2018 Reviewed By: Senior Management Team Approved By: Beverly Malone I. Policy:

All eligible employees are entitled to eleven (11) paid legal holidays per calendar year. The following holiday list is observed throughout the NLN:

New Year's Day Veteran’s Day Martin Luther King Jr. Day Thanksgiving Day President’s Day Friday after Thanksgiving Memorial Day Christmas Eve Independence Day Christmas Day Labor Day

II. Purpose:

To recognize the holidays chosen for celebration by providing time off for

the employees. . III. Scope: All full-time employees are eligible for paid holidays after the successful

completion of the employee’s probationary period. Part-time employees are eligible for paid holidays after the successful completion of the employee’s probationary period; if the holiday falls on during their routine work schedule (part-time eligible employees will not be paid for holidays that fall on their routine days off; part-time schedules cannot be temporarily changed solely to be eligible to receive holiday pay).

IV. Guidelines:

A. Should an employee be on PTO or Bank time when a holiday occurs,

that day will be charged against holiday time rather than vacation time.

B. Employees on an unpaid leave of absence do not qualify for holiday benefits.

#001-400-317: Holidays, Page 2 C. The NLN recognizes that certain holidays during a calendar year may

fall on a weekend. For purposes of this policy: • a holiday that falls on a Saturday shall be deemed to fall on the

Friday immediately preceding the Saturday holiday; and

• a holiday that falls on a Sunday shall be deemed to fall on the

Monday immediately following the Sunday holiday.

V. Procedure: A. Holidays shall be treated as paid time for all eligible employees.

Effective Date: 1/1/00 Subject: Professional and Job Related Meetings Reference #: 001-400-318 Revision Date: 1/1/00 Approved By: Ruth Corcoran I. Policy:

Employees shall be permitted to take time off with pay, called

professional development time, to attend meetings of other organizations, or to participate in such other activities as may reasonably be required for the employee's professional development or on-the-job improvement, and in support of the NLN.

II. Purpose:

To support the professional growth and development of NLN employees.

III. Scope:

Any employee who makes a proper advanced request to her/his

supervisor is eligible to participate in professional development activities that ultimately benefit the NLN.

IV. Guidelines:

Before a request to participate in professional development activities can be approved by an employee’s supervisor, the employee’s BUD must grant the request based upon the availability of funds in the Business Unit’s budget.

V. Procedure:

A. If an employee wishes to attend a professional development activity

for which cost reimbursement or time off is sought, she/he must make a written request to her/his supervisor no later than 45 days prior to the event. The request should state the event, reason for attending, and the estimated costs expected to be reimbursed by the NLN.

B. The supervisor must first obtain the approval of the employee’s BUD before approving the employee’s request. The supervisor shall approve or deny the request in writing within 30 days of the employee request.

C. After the employee has participated in the activity, the employee shall submit proof of all approved travel expenses, on the appropriate forms, to the BUD. The BUD shall approve the reimbursement of all approved expenses for which adequate proof had been submitted. (For a copy of the comprehensive travel policy and necessary forms, see Human Resources.)

D. After returning to the NLN premises upon completion of the activity, the employee’s BUD has the discretion to require the employee to prepare a written report or make a presentation to any NLN staff of any information learned or obtained while attending the activity.

Effective Date: 1/1/00 Subject: Education and Training Reference #: 001-400-319 Revision Date: 1/1/00 Approved By: Ruth Corcoran I. Policy:

The NLN supports employee participation in seminars/workshops that will enhance job performance and employee development. In some instances, participation in seminars/workshops may be mandated by the NLN.

II. Purpose:

To provide opportunities for employee growth while enhancing the abilities

of the NLN staff in the performance of their roles. III. Scope:

All full- and part-time regular employees qualify for job related

seminars/workshops upon employment. In special situations, other employee classifications will be considered.

IV. Guidelines:

A. Normally, the NLN will pay the entire cost of approved

seminars/workshops based on availability of funds in Business Unit budgets.

B. An employee’s attendance at approved seminars/workshops will be compensated at the employee’s usual pay rate. In connection with local travel to and from approved seminars/workshops, an employee will be paid for any travel time that exceeds the employee’s normal travel time (time to and from work). For distant travel, an employee will be compensated in accordance with the established travel policies and practices.

C. If an employee’s BUD requests a summary report of the seminar/workshop attended, the employee shall prepare such a report by the date specified. Failure to prepare a report by the specified date may result in denial of the travel expenses incurred and no pay for those days in attendance at the event.

D. Some NLN sponsored staff development and training activities are mandatory. Employees shall be notified in advance of any mandatory training and development activities, and are expected to make any arrangements necessary to attend.

V. Procedure:

A. If an employee wishes to attend an educational session for which

cost reimbursement or time off is sought, she/he must make a written request to her/his supervisor no later than 45 days prior to the event.

B. The supervisor shall approve or deny the request in writing within 30 days of the employee request.

Effective Date: 1/1/00 Subject: Jury Duty Reference #: 001-400-320 Revision Date: 1/1/00 Approved By: Ruth Corcoran I. Policy:

The NLN will accommodate any employee summoned for jury duty.

II. Purpose:

To provide time for NLN employees to fulfill their civic duty to serve as

jurors. III. Scope:

1. All employees will be given time off when summoned to serve as a

juror (Subject to Section IV below).

2. All full- and part-time employees will be given time off with regular pay and benefits for the entire duration of jury service.

IV. Guidelines:

The NLN’s own needs in certain situations (e.g. key employment position of an employee, staff shortage, etc.) might be such that the employee may be requested to seek postponement of jury duty. When such a need arises, the NLN shall provide the employee with a letter of explanation to the Court.

V. Procedure:

A. The employee will notify her/his immediate supervisor upon

notification of impending juror service.

B. An employee shall be paid at the regular daily rate for the entire period of juror service.

C. Upon return to work after the completion of juror service, the employee must present to the BUD and to Human Resources proof of juror service, including dates of service, and any and all compensation received or to be received for such service.

D. The employee shall surrender or endorse over to the NLN any compensation already received or to be received for performing the juror service.

Effective Date: 1/1/00 Subject: Military Duty Reference #: 001-400-321 Revision Date: 1/1/00 Approved By: Ruth Corcoran

I. Policy:

Leaves of absence for active duty military service or reserve duty military service will be granted to full-time and part-time regular employees.

II. Purpose:

To allow NLN employees to honor military service commitments to United States of America Armed Forces and to identify privileges available to such employees upon returning to the NLN after the completion of any military service.

III. Scope:

This policy applies to all NLN employees in active duty military service or reserve duty military service.

IV. Guidelines:

A. Leaves of absence (See Policy # 001-400-313 will be granted in

accordance with applicable federal, state, and local laws.

B. An employee’s eligibility for reinstatement to a NLN employment position upon return from military service duty or training is determined in accordance with applicable federal and state laws. (A copy of these provisions is available for employee review in Human Resources.)

V. Procedure:

A. An employee subject to military orders for active duty military service

or reserve duty military service shall, upon receipt or as soon thereafter as is practicable, submit copies of such orders to her/his immediate supervisor and Human Resources.

B. Failure to promptly submit orders to the supervisor may be deemed as, in the discretion of the NLN CEO, an election by the employee to abandon NLN employment and such employment may be terminated.

Effective Date: 1/1/00 Subject: Benefits Continuation (COBRA) Reference #: 001-400-322 Revision Date: 1/1/00 Approved By: Ruth Corcoran I. Policy:

The NLN provides its employees with means for continuation of health benefits for specific periods of time when an employee becomes ineligible to continue participation in one or more plans at the NLN’s shared expense.

II. Purpose: To provide for the continuing welfare of NLN full-time and part-time (those individuals working at least thirty hours per week) employees and comply with federal, state, and local laws.

III. Scope:

This policy applies to all eligible NLN employees. An eligible NLN employee is one who is on the full-time or part-time biweekly payroll (e.g. working at least 30 hours/week). Temporary, per diem, and all other classes of employees are not included in the eligible category. The coverage for some policies includes spouses and dependent children of eligible employees.

IV. Guidelines: A. An employee and/or his/her dependents may be eligible to continue

to participate in a plan for up to eighteen (18) months, at the employee’s expense, if the employee:

• has work hours reduced, rendering the employee and/or the

employee’s dependents ineligible to participate in any NLN group health insurance plan;

• resigns; or

• is terminated from NLN employment (except for instances of gross misconduct).

B. The employee may be entitled to continuation of coverage for up to 29 months if: • the employee is disabled under the Social Security Act at the

time of termination; or

• the employee’s work hours are reduced. C. An employee’s dependent spouse, at his/her own expense, may

extend coverage under the NLN group health insurance plans for up to 36 months upon:

• the employee’s death during the 18-month period;

• the employee’s divorce, during the 18-month period, from

the dependent;

• the employee’s legal separation, during the 18-month period, from the dependent; or

• the employee’s entitlement to receive Medicare benefits that occurs during the 18-month period.

D. An employee’s dependent children, at their own expense, may

extend coverage under the NLN group health insurance plans for up to 36 months upon:

• the employee’s death during the 18-month period;

• the employee’s entitlement to receive Medicare benefits that

occurs during the 18-month period; or

• a child dependent’s ineligibility for coverage as a dependent under the terms of a plan occurring during the 18-month period.

E. Dependents eligible to extend the 18-month continuation coverage period

to 36 months during the 18-month period may do so as of the date of:

• the employee’s death;

• the employee’s divorce from the dependent;

• the employee’s legal separation from the dependent;

• the employee’s entitlement to Medicare benefits; or

• the dependent child’s ineligibility for coverage as a dependent under the terms of a plan.

V. Procedure:

The employee shall receive a notification of the right to continue coverage from the insurance carrier. The employee or her/his dependent shall be responsible for obtaining and completing an application to continue coverage and making timely payment of premiums necessary.

Effective Date: 1/1/00 Subject: Retirement Plans Reference #: 001-400-323 Revision Date: 11/10/04 Approved By: Ruth Corcoran I. Policy:

An employee Pension Plan and a 401(k)/Profit Sharing Plan have been established for all eligible NLN employees.

II. Purpose:

The NLN Pension Plan and 401(k)/Profit Sharing Plan were established to assist in providing a level of financial assistance during retirement.

III. Scope:

The NLN Pension Plan was frozen effective March 31, 2003. All active employees were fully vested in their accrued benefits as of that date.

The 401(k)/Profit Sharing Plan was established effective June 1, 2003 and all employees meeting the requirements of the plan became eligible to participate in it. The 401(k) plan is considered a SAFE HARBOR 401(k) where the NLN makes a 3% nonelective contribution based upon the eligibility conditions of the plan. The NLN, in addition, will determine each year, prior to the beginning of the plan-year (January 1st - December 31st), the matching percentage that it will contribute to the plan.

IV. Guidelines:

A. Individuals employed by the NLN prior to June 1, 2003 are eligible to

participate in the 401k/Profit Sharing Plan and were 100% vested for any profit sharing and matching contribution by the NLN.

B. Individuals hired after May 31, 2003 have the right, effective April 1,

2004, to contribute into the 401(k) Profit Sharing Plan the first day of the month following being hired.

C. The eligibility conditions for an employee, provided the employee is not an excluded employee (see summary plan description for exclusions), to participate in the 401(k) Profit Sharing Plan and employer matching contribution are:

• Attainment of age 21 • One year of service • A minimum of 1,000 hours of service during an eligibility period

D. Employees’ 401(k) funds are vested 100% in their account for salary

deferral, rollover contributions and safe harbor nonelective contributions. Profit sharing and matching contributions are vested as shown below:

Years of Service Percentage • Less than 2 0 • 2 20% • 3 40% • 4 60% • 5 80% • 6 100%

E. A full description of the 401(k) plan is located in the summary plan

description which is given to each employee.

V. Procedure:

A. A summary plan description will be distributed to all new employees.

B. By December 31st of each year a notice will be distributed regarding the matching contribution that the NLN will make to each eligible employee’s 401(k) plan for the next year.

Effective Date: 1/1/00 Subject: Tuition Assistance Reference #: 001-400-324 Revision Date: 1/1/00 Approved By: Ruth Corcoran I. Policy:

Educational Assistance is available to those employees who wish to

attend college or enroll in educational courses that directly benefit the NLN and relate to the an employee’s NLN career development.

II. Purpose:

1. To provide financial assistance for educational programs that

contain curricula that meets the NLN’s training requirements.

2. To assist employees in NLN career development.

3. To provide a competitive benefit to effectively recruit and retain qualified employees.

III. Scope:

All full- and part-time employees who complete six (6) months of

continuous service are eligible to participate in the educational assistance program.

IV. Guidelines:

A. A maximum benefit is granted on a calendar year basis, and in

accordance with the NLN’s budgeted resource allocations. Human Resources should be contacted for specific details.

B. The program will only reimburse tuition costs. Books, lab fees, registration, and related costs do not qualify for reimbursement.

C. To qualify for reimbursement, an employee must attain the required minimum grade:

• “Satisfactory” in non-degreed courses.

• “C” in undergraduate courses.

• “B” in graduate courses.

D. Any employee who successfully challenges or “CLEP’S” a course

(takes the qualifying exam without taking the course) will be entitled to reimbursement at the rate of 50%.

E. All GED courses will be paid at 100%, degree courses 50% for undergraduate, and 25% for graduate, up to an individual limit of $2,500 per calendar year.

F. Reimbursement will not apply to courses taken during a non-pay status (e.g. leave of absence).

G. Employees who complete a course and resign or leave for any reason within one-year period will be required to refund the reimbursement received.

H. The Educational Assistance Program will continue on the basis of available funding as approved by the NLN CEO on an annual basis.

V. Procedure:

A. BUD’s will periodically identify present and future skill needs of their

Business Unit and encourage employees to pursue the appropriate training.

B. Educational Assistance Applications must be submitted and approved by the Business Unit Director and Human Resources prior to course enrollment.

C. Human Resources will coordinate and monitor the Educational Assistance Program.

Effective Date: 1/1/00 Subject: Travel Insurance Reference #: 001-400-325 Revision Date: 1/1/00 Approved By: Ruth Corcoran I. Policy:

All employees who travel on authorized NLN business shall be insured for medical expenses and death benefits as defined by current NLN policy.

II. Purpose:

To provide insurance coverage for those NLN employees traveling on authorized NLN business.

III. Scope: All NLN employees traveling on authorized NLN business.

IV. Guidelines:

A. The NLN provides accidental death insurance for all persons

traveling on authorized NLN business, providing such travel includes travel outside the geographic limits of the town or city in which the person is regularly employed and/or resides.

B. Any NLN employee on authorized NLN business for whom travel and maintenance expenses are paid for by the NLN is covered during the entire travel period, from time of departure to time of return.

C. A copy of the plans detailing benefits is available from Human Resources on request.

V. Procedure:

In the event of injury or death occurring during travel on authorized NLN business, Human Resources should be contacted immediately, or as soon thereafter as is practicable. Human Resources shall provide assistance in completing the appropriate claim forms.

Effective Date: 1/1/00 Subject: Life Insurance and Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance Reference #: 001-400-327 Revision Date: 1/1/00 Approved By: Ruth Corcoran

I. Policy:

Eligible employees employed by the NLN will receive life

insurance and accidental death and dismemberment insurance, paid for by the NLN.

II. Purpose:

To provide security for NLN employees and their dependents

in event of death or serious injury.

III. Scope: All full-time NLN employees working a minimum of thirty-five

(35) hours a week are eligible for this benefit.

IV. Guidelines:

A. Eligible employees shall receive Life Insurance coverage equal to their annual salary, up to a maximum of $100,000 per year.

B. Eligible employees will receive 100% of their annual salary in

Accidental Death and Dismemberment coverage. C. In accordance with the employee publication available in Human

Resources, coverage for Life Insurance and Accidental Death and Dismemberment shall be reduced for employees over the age of 65.

D. The details of each type of coverage, including reductions based on age, are provided in an employee publication available in the Human Resources.

V. Procedure:

Initial enrolment will be performed by Human Resources. Claims should be directed to Human Resources.

Effective Date: 1/1/00 Subject: Worker’s Compensation Reference #: 001-400-330 Revision Date: 1/1/00 Approved By: Ruth Corcoran

I. Policy:

The NLN provides Workers’ Compensation insurance protection for all

NLN employees who incur medical expenses and loss of income as a result of a work-related injury or illness while in the course of authorized NLN employment.

II. Purpose:

1. To provide a clear and comprehensive policy regarding the handling of

eligible work-related injury and illness cases.

2. To ensure equitable treatment of all employees suffering eligible work-related injury and illness, and establish guidelines for comprehensive handling of such injury and illness cases while controlling medical and lost time costs.

III. Scope:

This policy shall cover all NLN employees.

IV. Guidelines:


The employee shall immediately report any work-related injury or illness to her/his immediate supervisor. The employee is responsible for completing an Employee Report of Injury. This form may be obtained from Human Resources. Human Resources may also be consulted regarding applicable procedures in processing such reports. Employees may utilize the emergency unit of any hospital for initial intervention in an emergency situation, such as an auto accident.


The employee’s Supervisor shall facilitate medical arrangements for the

injured employee with a physician from the Panel of Providers. The official list of Panel Providers can be obtained from Human Resources. The supervisor shall complete an Employer’s First Report of Injury form.

This form may be obtained from Human Resources. Human Resources may also be consulted regarding applicable procedures in processing such reports. If practicable, the supervisor shall maintain communication with the injured employee during the employee’s absence from the work place.

Human Resources:

Human Resources shall process all work-related incident reports and

coordinate with the Workers’ Compensation Administrator.

V. Procedure:

A. Work Status: 1. The supervisor will record “WC” (Worker’s Compensation) on

the employee’s time card for each day the employee is absent on Worker’s Compensation.

2. The supervisor will also generate a Leave of Absence Request form for any case extending beyond seven (7) days and forward it to Human Resources.

3. Such leave may be granted initially up to twelve (12) weeks. The leave may be extended to a maximum period of twelve (12) months based upon medical necessity.

4. If the employee is eligible for Family Medical Leave, such leave will run concurrent with Worker’s Compensation.

5. When possible (definitely if the employee is Family Medical Leave eligible), the supervisor will hold the employee’s position for up to 12 weeks. Thereafter, every effort will be made to place the employee into a suitable position when he/she returns to active status.

6. The supervisor should maintain contact with the employee as necessary, either by phone or mail.

7. If the employee has not returned to work within twelve (12) months due to a continuing work-related or other disability, the supervisor, with counsel from Human Resources, will discontinue the employee’s employment.

B. Payment Method:

1. For absences of seven (7) days or less, employees can use accumulated sick time or vacation time. An employee may not receive both accrued time and Worker’s Compensation for the same day. In the event that a worker’s compensation absence exceeds fourteen (14) days, and the employee has elected to use sick or vacation time, the employee must make arrangements to repay the sick or vacation hours pre-paid for the first (7) days. If these arrangements are not made, Payroll will make appropriate reduction of the accumulation of sick hours.

2. No other accrued benefit runs concurrent with Worker’s Compensation.

3. Workers’ Compensation time runs concurrent with leave time as specified under the Family Medical Leave Act.

4. Absences of eight (8) or more days will be compensated by the Workers’ Compensation Plan through the third party administrator in accordance with the Workers’ Compensation rate schedule.

5. When injured, the employee will be paid for the balance of the day injured, provided an injury report was filed and medical treatment was received from a Panel Provider.

6. All work-related medical and physician bills will be forwarded to the third party administrator for consideration of payment. The employee will be responsible for all bills during the first ninety (90) days if the provider chosen by the employee is not a posted-panel provider.

C. Effect on Benefits:

1. Life, Dental and LTD Insurance:

Continuing coverage will be provided at no cost to all eligible employees for the first six (6) months. If the employee is still on Workers’ Compensation after six (6) months, Life, Dental, and LTD insurance benefits will terminate. Benefits will be reinstated upon the employee’s return to active status. The employee can elect to pay to continue benefits directly through the insurance carrier.

2. Pension:

Service will be credited in accordance with the terms of the Retirement Plan. (Please see the plan document)

3. Medical Coverage:

The employee’s selected medical insurance coverage will continue for participating employees for the first six months. Any pre-injury premium co-pays must continue to be paid by the employee on a monthly basis. For any injury or illness that exceeds six months, employees may purchase continuing coverage directly from the insurance company. When eligible, employees are expected to apply for disability benefits under Social Security.

4. Sick, Holiday, Vacation:

Vacation, sick, and holiday benefits cease to accrue after an employee is out more than 14 days (during the Leave of Absence referenced above).

Effective Date: 3/1/2010 Subject: Employee Classification Reference #: 001-400-410 Revision Date: 3/1/2010 Reviewed By: Senior Management Team Approved By: Beverly Malone

I. Policy:

Employment positions are classified in accordance with criteria that establish specific categories of employees.

II. Purpose:

1. To recognize differing levels of employment responsibilities to the


2. To apply benefits in a consistent and fair manner.

III. Scope:

This policy applies to all NLN employees.

IV. Guidelines:

A. General: 1. Full-time Employee – an employee scheduled to work at least

seventy (70) hours in a two-week pay period.

2. Part-time Employee – an employee scheduled to work at least forty (40) hours but fewer than seventy (70) hours in a two-week pay period. A regular part-time employee must work at least 20 hours per week to be eligible for long-term disability insurance and PTO benefits.

3. Supplemental Employee – an employee scheduled to work fewer than forty (40) hours in a two-week pay period. This status receives no benefits other than those provided by federal law or state law (social security, disability, and unemployment).

4. Temporary Employee – an employee scheduled to work any number of hours not to exceed six months of employment. Such employees may not exceed 999 hours in the six months. This status receives no benefits other than those provided by

federal law or state laws (social security, disability, and unemployment).

5. PRN/Per Diem – an employee who works on an “as needed” basis. This status receives no benefits other than those provided by federal law or state law.

6. Introductory or Probationary Employee – an employee who has not yet completed three (3) months of continuous employment.

7. Contract Employee – an employee whose pay, work assignment, and benefits are established in a binding contract agreed by both the NLN and the employee. The contract will supercede the provisions in this policy.

8. Independent Contractor – a provider of services under contract to the NLN who satisfies the Internal Revenue Service’s definition of an independent contractor. Such a provider of services is NOT an NLN employee, but is engaged by the NLN for a specific project.

B. Types of Employees:

1. Exempt Employee - An employee not subject to the provisions of the Federal Wage-Hour Law. An Exempted Staff member is one who is not eligible for overtime pay.

2. Non-exempt Employee - A non-exempt employee is subject to the provisions of the Federal Wage and Hour Law.

3. Regular Employee - A regular employee is hired to fill a budgeted position and is entitled to all employee benefits associated with that position and for which she/he is eligible. A regular employee may be hired either on a full-time or part-time basis and may be either exempt or non-exempt. These positions require the approval of the CEO before being offered.

C. Employee Categories. Position descriptions identify the category of

employee. Rate of pay is determined by the employee category. The following list are the employee categories.

1. Chief Officer/s 2. Director

a. Senior Director b. Director

3. Manager/Specialist

a. Level III b. Level II c. Level I

4. Coordinator a. Level III b. Level II c. Level I

5. Associate a. Level II b. Level I

6. Assistant a. Level II b. Level I

V. Procedure:

A. When an employee is hired or changes to a new classification or

status, the requirements and provisions of the new classification or status applies from the effective date of the change.

B. An employee who has unexhausted accrued time-off benefits may retain such benefits for no longer than a 12-month period, or until the end of a calendar year, whichever occurs sooner. In other words, unused time-off shall not be carried over beyond the 12-month period or beyond the end of a calendar year, whichever occurs sooner.

C. If not used within 12 months, any residual benefit that the employee attempts to carry over due to a change in status shall be lost.

Effective Date: 1/1/2011 Subject: Hours of Work & Timekeeping Reference #: 001-400-411 Revision Date: 7/12/2010 Reviewed By: Senior Management Team Approved By: Beverly Malone I. Policy:

Employees shall be assigned specific schedules based on their duties and responsibilities and consistent with the needs of the NLN.

II. Purpose:

To define hours of work or assigned schedules in order to ensure operational efficiency.

III. Scope:

This policy applies to all NLN employees.

IV. Guidelines:

A. Work Schedules: 1. Schedules will vary based on the operational

needs of each Business Unit. The standard work week is based on thirty-five (35) hours. The standard work day consists of an eight-hour day in which one hour is allocated to a meal break. All full time employees will be required to work five (5) days per week.

2. The BUD and Human Resources Division must approve all special work hour arrangements.

B. Overtime:

Refer to Overtime Policy

C. Meal Time:

Employees who work five (5) hours or more will be given a one-hour meal break. Meal breaks are not counted as time worked for pay purposes.

D. Timekeeping:

1. The Federal Wage-Hour Law and the New York State

Disability Benefits Law requires that time reports be promptly and accurately recorded for the protection of both the employee and employer.

2. The NLN’s official work week begins on Sunday at 7:00 A.M.

Setting an employee’s work schedule shall reflect the coordination of the needs of the employee with the needs of the employee’s Business Unit, including the need to ensure that work responsibilities are met with in a timely manner.

V. Procedure:

A. A BUD shall appoint one employee within the Business

Unit to maintain accurate time records of all employees in the unit.

B. The employee shall submit the time records to the BUD for review. The BUD shall thereafter submit the time records to Human Resources in accordance with a timetable established by Human Resources.

Effective Date: 1/1/00 Subject: Overtime Reference #: 001-400-412 Revision Date: 1/1/00 Approved By: Ruth Corcoran

I. Policy:

Overtime will be paid to qualified employees, in compliance with the Fair

Labor Standards Act. II. Purpose:

To conform to the wage and hour provisions of Federal and State Law.

III. Scope:

This policy applies to all non-exempt NLN employees. (See Policy # 001-

400-410 on Employee Classification.) IV. Guidelines:

A. Pay:

1. Hours worked in excess of 35 but not more than 40 during

any one-work week shall be compensated at the employee’s standard hourly or straight time rate.

2. Hours worked in excess of 40 hours during any one work week shall be compensated at the rate of one and one-half times the employee’s standard hourly rate, or time and one-half.

3. Overtime shall be calculated as follows:

Hourly Rate x 1.5

Minimum: Minutes Worked Time Paid in Minutes 0-9 0 10-15 15 16-30 30 31-45 45 46-60 60

4. An employee who works unauthorized overtime shall be subject to progressive discipline.

5. Sick time and mealtime hours shall not be considered time worked for purposes of computing overtime pay.

6. Vacation, holiday, jury duty, and worker’s compensation time shall be credited as hours worked if the non-exempt employee works overtime during that pay period.

7. Employees are required to work overtime when requested unless there is a proven emergency or other compelling reason the employee is unable to fulfil an overtime request.

8. Request for required overtime will be made judiciously and only when determined to be critical for the work of the Business Unit.

9. Employees will be given as much advanced notice of required overtime as possible. Employees refusing to report for the required overtime assignment may be subject to disciplinary action. (See Policy # 001-400-224.)

10. During the recruitment process, management shall inform a candidate for an NLN employment position of whether or not the position is non-exempt, i.e., one as to which the overtime policy is applicable.

B. See Policy #001- 400-414 for discussion of Compensatory Time

and its applicability. V. Procedure:

All paid overtime must be specifically authorized by the Business Unit Director or other members of management before overtime hours may be worked and must be reported to the supervisor by the employee.

Effective Date: 1/01/00 Subject: Rates of Pay Reference #: 001-400-413 Revision Date: 10/13/06 Approved By: Ruth D. Corcoran l. Policy:

In order to recruit and retain competent and highly motivated employees, the NLN will compensate employees at fair and competitive salary levels.

ll. Purpose:

The purpose of this policy is to ensure an equitable, consistent, and comparable approach in determining starting salaries while at the same time maintaining internal equity among current employees.

lll. Scope:

This policy applies to all NLN employees, except those who are appointed by the NLN Board of Governors or a subsidiary Board. This policy should not be construed as, and does not constitute a contract of employment, either express or implied. Employment with NLN is at will and can be terminated at any time, with or without cause, by either the employee or NLN.

IV. Guidelines

A. All new employees are hired for a specific position that has an assigned salary range. The salary range for five (5) position levels is described below. These ranges may be changed at any time at the sole discretion of the NLN Senior Management Team or the Chief Executive Officer.


DIRECTOR $ 80,000 - Open


Level III $ 70,000 - $ 80,000 Level II $ 65,000 - $ 75,000 Level I $ 60,000 - $ 70,000

COORDINATOR Level III $ 50,000 - $ 60,000 Level II $ 45,000 - $ 55,000

Level I $ 40,000 - $ 50,000

ASSOCIATE Level II $ 35,000 - $ 40,000 Level I $ 30,000 - $ 35,000

ASSISTANT Level II $ 25,000 - $ 30,000

Level I $ 20,000 - $ 25,000

B. Except in the case of students, who may be hired at special student rates, no new employee shall be hired in an employment position at a rate of compensation lower than the minimum pay scale for the employment position.

C. Employees in the same job class possessing similar experience

cannot be paid at a rate higher than the most senior person in the class possessing analogous experience, except where superior performance may warrant a higher rate of pay.

D. Employees who reach the maximum range for their job class are

not entitled to a merit increase.

E. If, in the opinion of a BUD seeking to recruit candidates for an employment position, market conditions demand a starting salary that exceeds the NLN policy guidelines for the posted five (5) levels, the BUD shall submit a written request to deviate from the guidelines to Human Resources and the NLN Chief Executive Officer.

I. Procedure:

A. Human Resources is responsible for maintaining and monitoring the salary program and ensuring that all compensation rates and practices comply with the provisions of all applicable federal and state wage and hour laws.

B. All employees on the payroll shall be paid on a bi-weekly basis, by

check that includes a schedule itemizing gross salary, net salary, deductions, sick leave, and vacation accrual balances.

C. This policy does not preclude eligible employees from earning

overtime pursuant to federal and state wage and hour laws.

Effective Date: 3/1/2010 Subject: Compensatory Time Reference #: 001-400-414 Revision Date: 1/12/06; 2/17/09; 3/1/2010 Reviewed by: Senior Management Team Approved by: Beverly Malone I. Policy

Management shall have the responsibility to review and approve compensatory time off for exempt employees required to work periods of time that exceed the normal expectations of the employment position and when working on a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday is required. Compensatory time should only occur very infrequently, not be a consistent part of one’s position and should not be accumulated to cover planned time off. Senior management and directors are not eligible for compensatory time.

II. Scope

This policy applies to non-managerial NLN exempt employees.

III. Guidelines

A. The employee’s immediate supervisor may grant compensatory time, within the guidelines of this policy.

B. Compensatory time must be taken within one month of the time in which it was accrued. Any compensatory time not taken within one month from when it was accumulated is forfeited by the employee.

C. Compensatory time cannot count as a PTO day. Compensatory

time cannot be exchanged for monetary compensation.

D. Any employee seeking an exception to this policy must first obtain written approval from her/his manager, and subsequently obtain a second written approval from the chief administration officer.

IV. Procedure

A. Whenever an exempt employee determines compensatory time may be or has been earned, the employee must advise her/his immediate supervisor.

B. The employee’s supervisor must approve the employee’s

compensatory time.

C. Once approved, the employee will record the compensatory time on

her/his time sheet. The immediate supervisor will formally approve the compensatory time, recorded on the time sheet, as the supervisor approves the time sheet overall.

D. The employee will schedule taking compensatory time with her/his

supervisor. The compensatory time must be taken within 30 days of accrual. When compensatory time is used, it is to be noted on the employee’s timesheet as comp time, and the supervisor will sign off on the comp time usage.

E. Any exceptions to this policy must be made by the employee, in

writing, to the chief administration officer. Approvals will be contingent upon the approval of both the manager and the chief administration officer.

Effective Date: 1/1/00 Subject: Deductions from Pay Reference #: 001-400-415 Revision Date: 1/1/00 Approved By: Ruth Corcoran

I. Policy:

To comply with federal and state laws, the NLN shall make certain deductions from an employee’s paycheck. Allowable voluntary deductions requested by an employee shall also be made, including the withholding and electronic transmission of funds to a depositary institution (e.g., Credit Union).

II. Purpose:

To provide a systematic method of mandatory and voluntary payroll deductions for employees.

III. Scope:

This policy applies to all NLN employees.

IV. Guidelines:

New York State labor laws expressly forbid an employer from making a charge against wages or from requiring an employee to make any payment as a separate transaction, unless such charge or payment is treated as a deduction. The term "deduction," however, is limited to payments, expressly authorized, in writing by the employee, for insurance premiums, pension or welfare benefits, contributions to charitable organizations, payments for U.S. bonds, and similar payments for the employee's benefit. The laws forbid employers from taking deductions to repay loans made to employees.

A. Standard Payroll Deductions:

Federal, State, Local, and Social Security taxes are examples of standard payroll deductions.

B. Voluntary Payroll Deductions:

Voluntary deductions are made under the direction of an employee, such as: • tax sheltered annuity contributions;

• supplemental life insurance premiums;

• health insurance premiums; and

• other payments for an employee’s benefits.

C. Other Mandatory Payroll Deductions:

Legal process issuing from certain regulatory agencies, such as taxing authorities like Internal Revenue Service, or from a court of law or equity, such as a garnishment, may require that deductions from salary be made.

V. Procedure:

A. All involuntary deductions shall be made by payroll automatically.

B. All voluntary deductions shall require written authorization by the employee requesting the deduction. Authorization for voluntary deductions shall be limited to insurance payments, pension and welfare benefits, contributions to charity, payments for U.S. bonds, union dues, and similar payments for the benefit of the employee.

C. Deductions may be made for an assignment of wages. An assignment of wages is an agreement between an employee and one of his or her creditors, under which the employer is required to deduct a certain portion of the employee's wages from each paycheck for repayment of a debt.

• In New York, wage assignments are prohibited in retail installment sales, motor vehicle installment sales, and for loans carrying over 18% interest;

• wage assignments are permitted to secure debts of under

$1,000 or loans from licensed small loan companies;

• the employer is not required to comply with a wage assignment until it receives an authenticated copy of the

assignment, accompanied by a statement of the amount then due;

• the statement must include the dates and amounts of

previous payments and show the date on which the assignment was filed with the county clerk;

• filing with the county clerk is not required for repayments to banks, trust companies, or credit unions.

D. Garnishment, an involuntary process employed by a judgment creditor to enforce a debtor’s unsatisfied monetary obligation, of wages shall be in accordance with applicable debtor-creditor laws.

E. Deductions for child support and/or alimony obligations shall be in accordance with applicable family law and domestic relations’ laws.

F. If an employee has been overpaid wages, the NLN will not deduct overpayments from an employee’s wages. Rather, the NLN and any such employee shall execute a separate agreement under which the employee shall make the repayment.