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  • 7/28/2019 Human Right Manu




    2. ICCPR






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    Man has the right to live. He has the right to bodily integrate and to the

    means necessary for proper development of life, particularly food, clothing,

    shelter, medical care, rest and finally necessary social services. Hence human

    rights are undeniable and inherent rights of every individual. The concept of

    human rights has its origin in humanism which recognizes the value and

    dignity of man and makes him the measure of all things or somehow takes

    human nature, its limits, or its interests as its theme.

    There are lot of international documents relating with human rights. Eg.

    UDHR, ICCPR, Optional Protocols etc,. The main object of all these

    documents is to protect human rights. So for achieving this purpose there are

    some complaints alleging mechanism like Human Right Committee which is

    established under First Optional Protocol of ICCPR.

    For understanding the First Optional Protocol of ICCPR, we have some

    idea about the historical background of the First Optional Protocol, how it

    relates with ICCPR and the obligations of State Parties under the Optional

    Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. When we

    come to the implementation and enforcement part of the Optional Protocol of

    ICCPR, we can see that there is a complaint alleged mechanism i.e., Human

    Rights Committee.

    The First Optional Protocol of ICCPR is procedural and provides a

    mechanism for the Human Rights Committee to receive and consider

    individual complaints alleging a violation of the Covenant. As its name makes

    clear, the Protocol is not compulsory, but once a State party to the Covenant

    also becomes a party to the Protocol, any person subject to the jurisdiction of

    the State party may lodge a written complaint with the Human Rights

    Committee (subject to any permissible reservations). Although the Optional

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    Protocol is organically related to the Covenant, it is not automatically in force

    for all States parties to the Covenant.

    In Indian scenario, the effect of First Optional Protocol is not

    identifiable even though we are party to the First Optional Protocol of ICCPR.

    But we have The Constitution of India is distinctive for its commitment to

    provide full political, economic, social, and cultural rights to all its citizens

    irrespective of caste, creed, religion or race. The significance of Indias

    constitution is also immense for its mixed policy adoption on liberal and

    socialistic norms of governance. According to Constitution of India, we can

    get remedy under Article.32 and Article.226, for the violation of fundamental

    rights. The sole object of the Article 32 and Article 226 of the Constitution of

    India is the enforcement of the fundamental rights guaranteed under Part III of

    the Constitution of India.

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    The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights covers a broad

    range of civil and political rights ranging from the right to life to the right to a

    fair trial and the right to non-discrimination. Individual rights that may be

    invoked before the Committee are set out in articles 6 to 27 inclusive,

    comprising Part III of the Covenant. The complaint mechanism for alleged

    violations of those articles is contained in the First Optional Protocol to the

    Covenant, a separate treaty open to States parties to the Covenant. States that

    have become a party to the Optional Protocol recognize the competence of the

    Human Rights Committee - a panel of 18 independent experts who meet three

    times a year to receive complaints from persons within their jurisdiction

    alleging violations of their rights under the Covenant.


    Article 28 of the Covenant provides for the establishment of a Human Rights

    Committee consisting of eighteen independent experts, nominated and elected

    by States Parties to the Covenant, who serve in their personal capacities, which

    means that they are not acting on behalf of their State. The Human Rights

    Committee monitors the implementation of the Covenant in a number of ways.

    The Committee examines periodic reports from States Parties to the Covenant

    on their compliance (Article 40). Such a report must be submitted by each

    State within one year of becoming party to the Covenant, and thereafterwhenever the Committee so determines. The reports are examined in public

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    and in the presence of the representative of the State concerned, who may be

    questioned. On completion of each State report, the Committee issues

    concluding observations which reflect the main points of discussion, as well as

    suggestions and recommendations to the Government concerned on ways in

    which the Covenant could be better implemented. The Committee can consider

    complaints of one State against another, provided that both have made a

    special declaration recognizing this role of the Committee under Article 41. To

    date, no such complaints have been received. The Human Rights Committee

    also interprets the content and meaning of specific articles of the Covenant in

    its General Comments. These establish the jurisprudence of the Covenant

    and thus guide the States Parties in their adherence to their obligations under

    the Covenant and in the preparation of State reports. The Committee reports

    annually on its work to the United Nations General Assembly through the

    Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).


    The term protocol, in the context of international law refers to the forms

    of ceremony and etiquette observed by diplomats and heads of state. A

    protocol has similar legal characteristics as a treaty. However, protocol is an

    agreement of a less formal nature than a treaty or convention. Generally, a

    protocol amends, supplements or clarifies a multilateral treaty. A protocol maybe on any topic relevant to the original treaty and is used either to further

    address something in the original or parent treaty, or to address a new concern.

    A protocol is also used to add a procedure for the operation and enforcement

    of the treaty. A protocol is optional because it is not automatically binding on

    States that have already ratified the original treaty and in order to be binding,

    the states must independently ratify a protocol. An example of a protocol is the

    Optional Protocols to the Convention on the Rights of the Child concern the

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    involvement of children in armed conflict and the sale of children, child

    prostitution and child pornography.

    Very often, human rights treaties are followed by "Optional Protocols"

    which may either provide for procedures with regard to the treaty or address a

    substantive area related to the treaty. Optional Protocols to human rights

    treaties are treaties in their own right, and are open to signature, accession or

    ratification by countries who are party to the main treaty. The term protocol

    is used for an additional legal instrument that complements and add to a treaty.

    A protocol may be on any topic relevant to the original treaty and is used

    either to further address something in the original treaty, address a new or

    emerging concern or add a procedure for the operation and enforcement of the

    treatysuch as adding an individual complaints procedure. A protocol is

    optional because it is not automatically binding on States that have already

    ratified the original treaty; States must independently ratify or accede to a


    A State can become party to a treaty in one of two main ways. Firstly, it

    can sign the treaty, following which, according to the rules of internationallaw, the State may not act contrary to the objects and purposes of the treaty.

    Signature is followed by ratification. In depositing an instrument of

    ratification, a State formally indicates its intent to be bound by the treaty.

    Alternatively, a State can accede to a treaty. Accession, whereby a State that

    has not signed a treaty agrees to be bound by it, is equivalent to ratification.

    The treaty in question typically provides a short period of time after the date of

    ratification or accession before the State is actually bound by the terms of the

    treaty. In the case of the Covenant, this is three months Parties to the Covenant

    may also become parties to either or both of its two Optional Protocols. The

    first Optional Protocol sets out a system by which the Human Rights

    Committee can receive and consider complaints from individuals, who allege

    that their human rights have been violated.

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    a) Historical BackgroundAfter the horrors of World War II, a broad consensus emerged at the

    worldwide level demanding that the individual human being be placed under

    the protection of the international community. As particularly the atrocities

    committed against specific ethnic groups had shown, national governments

    could gravely fail in their duty to ensure the life and the liberty of their

    citizens. Some had even become murderous institutions. However, never again

    should a holocaust occur. Accordingly, since the lesson learned was that

    protective mechanisms at the domestic level alone did not provide sufficiently

    stable safeguards, it became almost self-evident to entrust the planned new

    world organization with assuming the role of guarantor of human rights on a

    universal scale. At the San Francisco Conference in 1945, some Latin

    American countries requested that a full code of human rights be included in

    the Charter of the United Nations itself. Since such an initiative required

    careful preparation, their motions could not be successful at that stage.

    Nonetheless, human rights were embraced as a matter of principle. The

    Charter contains references to human rights in the Preamble, among the

    purposes of the Organization and in several other provisions. Immediately

    after the actual setting up of the institutional machinery provided for by the

    Charter, the new Commission on Human Rights began its work for the

    creation of an International Bill of Rights. In a first step, the Universal

    Declaration of Human Rights was drafted, which the General Assembly

    adopted on 10 December 1948.

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    In order to make human rights an instrument effectively shaping the

    lives of individuals and nations, more than just a political proclamation was

    needed. Hence, from the very outset there was general agreement to the effect

    that the substance of the Universal Declaration should be translated into the

    hard legal form of an international treaty. The General Assembly reaffirmed

    the necessity of complementing, as had already been done in the Universal

    Declaration, traditional civil and political rights with economic, social and

    cultural rights, since both classes of rights were interconnected and

    interdependent. The only question was whether, following the concept of

    unity of all human rights, the new conventional rights should be encompassed

    in one international instrument or whether, on account of their different

    specificities, they should be arranged according to those specificities. Western

    nations in particular claimed that the implementation process could not be

    identical, economic and social rights partaking more of the nature of goals to

    be attained whereas civil and political rights had to be respected strictly and

    without any reservations. It is this latter view that eventually prevailed. By

    resolution 543 (VI) of 4 February 1952, the General Assembly directed the

    Commission on Human Rights to prepare, instead of just one Covenant, two

    draft treaties; a Covenant setting forth civil and political rights and a parallel

    Covenant providing for economic, social and cultural rights. The Commission

    completed its work in 1954. Yet it took many years before eventually the

    political climate was ripe for the adoption of these two ambitious texts. While

    both the Western and the Socialist States were still not fully convinced of their

    usefulness, it was eventually pressure brought to bear upon them from Third

    World countries which prompted them to approve the outcome of the

    protracted negotiating process. Accordingly, on 16 December 1966, the two

    Covenants were adopted by the General Assembly by consensus, without any

    abstentions. Since that time, the two comprehensive human rights instruments

    of the United Nations have sailed on different courses. However, contrary to

    many pessimistic expectations, they have mostly been ratified simultaneously.

    The difference in the circle of States parties is low. As of June 2008, the

    International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) comprises 161

    States parties, whereas the International Covenant on Economic, Social and

    Cultural Rights (ICESCR) holds the second place with 158 ratifications. The

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    Russian Federation, for instance, is a party to both Covenants, while the

    United States has left aside the ICESCR, and China, on the other hand, has not

    found it convenient to ratify the ICCPR. In general, however, the lacunae

    include only a small part of the world population. True universality is within


    The First Optional Protocol of ICCPR is procedural and provides a

    mechanism for the Committee to receive and consider individual complaints

    alleging a violation of the Covenant, that is to say of the substantive rights

    contained in Part III, if appropriate in conjunction with the provisions of Parts

    I and II. As its name makes clear, the Protocol is not compulsory, but once a

    State party to the Covenant also becomes a party to the Protocol, any person

    subject to the jurisdiction of the State party may lodge a written complaint

    with the Human Rights Committee (subject to any permissible reservations).

    This is not limited to nationals, or to persons within a States territory, but

    extends to all persons who are directly subject to a States exercise of power

    through its authorities. Thus, for example, a national of a State party residing

    abroad who was denied a passport by that State was able to bring a claim to

    the Committee. The Protocol sets out in articles 1, 2, 3 and 5 a series of

    admissibility requirements, explicit and implicit, which a complaint must

    satisfy before its substance, or merits, can be considered. Article 4 of the

    Protocol sets out basic procedural requirements for the treatment of a

    complaint. Under article 6, the Committee reports annually to the General

    Assembly on its activities concerning complaints, while articles 7 through 14

    contain largely standard savings and technical provisions on the mechanics of

    becoming a party, entry into force, notification, amendment, denunciation and

    the like. Article 10, like the parent Covenant, provides that the Protocol too

    extends without exception to all parts of federal States. Article 12 allows a

    State party to denounce the Optional Protocol.

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    a. ImplementationUnder the Covenant on Civil and Political Rights it is only the State who

    have locus standi to file compliant or communication as the complaints are

    designated. The individual has been conferred such a right under the first

    Optional Protocol to the Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. An individual

    may now lodge a complaint against a state violating human rights under the

    Covenant. However, such a complaint can be lodged only against a State party

    to the Covenant. Article 2 of the Protocol runs:

    A State Party to the Covenant that becomes a party to the present

    protocol recognizes the competence of the Committee to receive and considercommunications from individuals subject to the jurisdiction who claim to be

    victims of a violation by that State Party of any of the rights set forth in the

    covenant. No Communication shall be received by the Committee if it

    concerns a State Party to the Covenant which is not a party to the present


    An individual who claims that any of his rights enunciated in the

    Covenant has been violated and he had exhausted all available domestic

    remedies may submit a written communication to the Human Rights

    Committee for consideration. Ni anonymous communication will be

    entertained. Similarly, a communication which the Committee considers as

    abuse of the right of submission of such communication will not be

    entertained. The same would be fate a complaint which is incompatible with

    the provisions of the Covenant.

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    Once a communication against a state is entertained, the Human Rights

    Committee would bring it to the attention of the alleged delinquent State. Such

    would submit to the Committee its explanation clarifying the matter and the

    remedy, if any within six months. Thereafter the Human Rights Committee

    would proceed to consider communications in the light of all written

    information made available to it by both the parties. The Committee will

    consider such communication only after ascertaining that the same matter has

    not been examined under another procedure of international investigation or

    settlement and after ascertaining that the individual complaint had exhausted

    all domestic remedies available to him. The Committee will consider the entire

    matter in closed door meetings and thereafter will communicate its views to

    the individual complainant and the State concerned.

    In its annual Report, the Human Rights Committee will include a report

    of its activities under the protocol.

    It should be noticed that the Protocol all along uses the expression

    communication and not complaint. Though virtually communication is

    nothing but a complaint. It should also be noticed that the Committee does not

    render decision. Even the word recommendation has not been used. The

    expression used is views.

    One may say what the value of mere views is when Committee is not

    competent even to make its recommendation much less to render a decision.

    Its views are not binding on the state concerned. The Human Rights

    Committee includes these views in its annual report. This means that the

    activities of the alleged delinquent state will come before the international

    community. It will certainly gather public opinion. The delinquency of the

    State will come under the gaze of everybody. All states will know that the

    delinquent state is not adhering to the provision of the Covenant.

    The greatest relevance of this provision is that an individual can expose

    the delinquent state before the international community and people. Even if no

    direct benefit accrues to the individual addressing a communication to the

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    human rights committee about abuse of human rights, the greatest gain is that

    individual has got locus standi to come before international forum.

    i) Human Rights Committee

    The Human Rights Committee was established on the basis of the

    Covenant and it considers periodic reports on the measures states have adopted

    to give effect to the rights guaranteed by the Covenant and on the progress

    made in the enjoyment of the rights. It also considers individual complaints

    received on the basis of the Optional Protocol and can receive inter-state

    complaints on the basis of an optional procedure based on Art. 41 of the


    The Committee consists of 18 members who are nationals of the States

    Parties. They have to be of high moral character and recognized competence

    in the field of human rights. Consideration is given to the usefulness of legal

    expertise. Each state party may nominate not more than two of its nationals as

    candidates. The members are elected by secret ballot of all the State Parties.

    Equitable geographical distribution and representation of different forms of

    civilisation and of the principal legal system are taken into account. There has

    been criticism of the lack of African and Asian experts, in particular in relation

    to the number of Eastern and Western Europeans, but this shortcoming reflects

    the small number of African and Asian parties to the Covenant.

    The functions of the Committee and its implication its powers, are

    contained in Article 40 of the Covenant. Paragraph 2 of the Article states,

    impart, that all reports shall be submitted to the Secretary-General of the

    United Nations, who shall transmit them to the Committee for consideration.

    Paragraph 4 of Article 40 amplifies this provision as follows:

    The Committee shall study the reports submitted by the states parties to

    the present Covenant. It shall transmit its reports, and such general comments

    as it may consider appropriate, to the State Parties. The Committee may also

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    transmit to the Economic Council these comments along with the copies of the

    reports it has received from State Parties to the present Covenant.

    ii) Inter-state ComplaintsThis procedure is optional and only applies to states which have

    expressly accepted it. It includes three stages: bilateral negotiations between

    the states concerned, the good offices of the Human Rights Committee and

    reports by the Committee to the states concerned. It also insides the possibility

    of appointing an adhoc Conciliation Commission, if the matter is not settled to

    the satisfaction of both parties.This possibility can be used, if a State Party

    finds that another state party has not fulfilled its obligations under the

    Covenant. The exhaustion of domestic remedies is required, if it would not

    unreasonably prolong the procedure.

    The committee provides its good offices for a friendly settlement of the

    dispute. It can ask for all information from the parties. The parties have the

    right to submit their observations orally or in a written form. The Committee

    prepares a report which will be transmitted to the States Parties concerned. If

    friendly settlement is achieved, the report contains the facts and the solution

    achieved. If friendly settlement is not possible, it only contains the facts. IN

    other words the Committee cannot express its opinion on whether there has

    been a violation or not. The report has to be submitted within 12 months.

    There is also the possibility of appointing an ad hoc Conciliation

    Commission with the prior consent of the State Parties involved, if the matter

    is not resolved to the satisfaction of both State Parties. The Commission will

    consist of five persons serving in their personal capacity. The members cannot

    party to the Covenant, or of a State which has not made a declaration under

    Art.41. The parties have to inform the Committee within three months whether

    they accept the contents of the report on conciliation. If no settlement is

    reached, there are no other means available.

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    There was no doubt that the Committee of the Commissions draft was a

    specialized body: a quasi-judicial organ setup for the very specific purpose of

    receiving complaints alleging non-observance of the Covenant..and that to

    transmit reports to the Committee might be to invite it to pass judgment

    without being seized of a complaint by a state party...prejudice its autonomy

    and independence

    Inter-state complaints have not occurred in practice, although the

    procedure came into force in 1979. Because both states involved must have

    made the declaration, it does not seem very probable in the opinion of some

    authors that the procedure will be used in the immediate future.

    Assessment of I nter-State Complain ts

    A State party may submit a communication to the Committee alleging

    that another State party is not fulfilling its obligations under the Covenant.

    This reflects the dual understanding of a human rights treaty as not simply a

    contract between a State party and persons subject to its jurisdiction, but also a

    multilateral treaty in the traditional sense that all States parties to a treaty have

    an interest in the compliance of other States parties with their obligations. In

    this fashion, it can be legally said that human rights violations in a State party

    are of direct concern to all other States parties. Such a complaint, which is

    provided for in article 41 of the Covenant, may, however, only be made in

    respect of two States parties that have declared that they recognize the

    competence of the Committee to receive and consider such inter-State

    complaints. As of publication, some 48 States had made such a declaration. To

    date, however, no inter-State complaint has been submitted to the Committee.

    Nevertheless, it is instructive to outline the way in which this procedure would

    operate. The first step would be for the State lodging the complaint to bring the

    matter to the attention of the State that is alleged not to be fulfilling its

    obligations. Within three months, the latter should reply, in the form of a

    written explanation or clarification. If, within six months, the matter is not

    settled to the satisfaction of both parties, either may refer it to the Committee,

    which may deal with it once satisfied that, within a reasonable period of time,

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    all domestic remedies have been tried, without success. The Committee may

    then take the matter up and propose its good offices in the search for a friendly

    solution. If there is still no agreement, the Committee may appoint a five-

    person conciliation commission, with the agreement of the States parties

    directly concerned, but not including their nationals among its members, with

    instructions to complete its business and submit a report to the Chairperson of

    the Committee and, through that person, to the parties in dispute, within 12


    iii) Individual complaintsReceivabil ity of Complaints:

    The following grounds of admissibility are set in the Optional Protocol

    (Article 5) or in the provisional rules of procedure of the Committee.

    A communication must not be anonymous. It has to be submitted by an individual or individuals subject to the jurisdiction

    of a state is party to the Protocol.

    There has to be proof that the individual is a victim of a violation by that stateparty of one of the rights set forth, in the Covenant. The Communication must

    be submitted by the victim or by his appointed representative. It can be

    submitted on behalf of an individual if he appears to be unable to submit it


    Abuse of the right of submission constitutes a ground of admissibility The communication must be compatible with the provisions of the Covenant. The communication must not be under examination by another procedure of

    international investigation or settlement.

    Exhaustion of domestic remedies is required, unless this would unreasonablyprolong the procedure.

    Regarding Article 5(2a) it may be added that the Committee may

    proceed, when the competing procedure is completed. However, several

    countries have made reservations to bar consideration of any communications

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    that are being or have been considered in another forum in order to prevent an

    appeal to the Committee. The Committee has determined that the 1503

    procedure cannot be considered as the same matter as an individual

    complaint under the Optional Protocol.

    There is also another exception to the requirement under Article 7 of the

    Optional Protocol. It is not valid, if there are no effective domestic remedies.

    The violations must naturally also have occurred after the entry into force of

    the Covenant, that is, 1976. But in practice, reference to violations before that

    date may be taken into consideration if the violations have continued or have

    had effects after ratification and entry into force.

    Working methods and Practices:

    In 1977 the Committee decided to establish a working group to consider

    the communications in the light of all written information submitted to it by

    the individual and by the State Party concerned and to make recommendations

    to the Committee regarding admissibility.

    In contrast to the 1503 procedure the principle of equality of arms is

    typical of this procedure. Both parties may be requested to furnish relevant

    information and may be afforded an opportunity to comment on the

    information received from the other party. After the decision on admissibility

    the decision and the text of relevant documents are communicated to the State

    Party. The author is also informed of the decision. Under Article 4, paragraph

    1, the State Party has to submit to the Committee written explanations and

    statements clarifying the matter and the remedy within six months. These are

    forwarded by the Committee to the complainant, who may submit any

    additional written information. Under Article 5, (1), the final views of the

    Committee are forwarded to the State Party and to the individual.

    Substantial issues that have been examined by the Committee are the

    right to life, the right not to be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or

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    degrading treatment, the right to be treated humanely during imprisonment, the

    right of access to counsel and to fair trial without undue delay, the right to

    freedom of expression, the right to engage in political activity, the right not to

    be subjected to discrimination on the grounds of sex and the rights of

    minorities. The Human Rights Committee, during its three sessions

    endeavouring to enhance the follow-up to its recommendations announced

    some 60 significant decisions in individual cases.

    Sanctions and Follow-up:

    The Committee is not a UN body in the formal sense. There are no

    formal provisions for oversight or implementation of the Committees

    decisions by other bodies. The Committees annual reports are submitted to

    the UN General Assembly and are made available for sale. The views of the

    Committee are issue in press release for general distribution. Publicity can be

    considered as a Sanction in the absence of judicial sanctions.

    The Committee is not a court and has no power to enforce it decisions.The publishing of its finding is presumably the result of its hoping to

    encourage the government concerned to rectify the situation of the individual

    victim. The government can also see the advantages of modifying its

    behaviour in order to avoid future embarrassment. This is reflected in many of

    the Government Communications addressed to the author.

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    Scheme of the Implementation Machinery of the International Covenant

    on Civil and Political Rights

    Establishment of the facts

    Good officers (Article 41 para 1,e,f,g) (Article 4, Otional Protocol)


    Receiveability(Article 41, para 1c)Receiveability (Article 2,3,5 of Optional


    International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

    Communication State v. State Article 41

    Optuional Jurisdiction

    Communication: Individual v. State;

    Optional Protocol Article 1

    Report Article 41.

    para, 1h

    Article 42

    Ad hoc Conciliation



    Formulation of

    views Article 5, para

    4 Optional Protocol

    State concerned


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    (b) Enforcement

    Individuals who claim that any of their rights under the International

    Covenant on Civil And Political Rights have been violated by a State party,

    and who have exhausted all available domestic remedies, may submit written

    communications to the Human Rights Committee for consideration under the

    Optional Protocol. No communication can be considered unless it concerns a

    State party to the Covenant that has recognized the competence of the

    Committee by becoming a party to the Optional Protocol. Of the 160 States

    that have ratified, acceded to or succeeded to the Covenant, 109 have accepted

    the Committees competence to deal with individual complaints by becoming

    parties to the Optional Protocol.

    Consideration of communications under the Optional Protocol is

    confidential and takes place in closed meetings (Article 5, paragraph 3, of the

    Optional Protocol). Under rule 102 of the Committees rules of procedure, all

    working documents issued for the Committee are confidential unless the

    Committee decides otherwise. However, the author of a communication and

    the State party concerned may make public any submissions or information

    bearing on the proceedings, unless the Committee has requested the parties to

    respect confidentiality. The Committees final decisions (Views, decisions

    declaring a communication inadmissible, decisions to discontinue the

    consideration of a communication) are made public; the names of the authors

    are disclosed unless the Committee decides otherwise.

    Communications addressed to the Human Rights Committee are

    processed by the Petitions Team of the Office of the United Nations High

    Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR).

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    The mandate of the Human Rights Committee:

    The Human Rights Committee can investigate allegations of violations

    of the human rights set out in the ICCPR which are brought to its attention by

    the victims of violations or their representatives.

    The rights set out in the ICCPR include the following:

    the right to life the right to freedom from torture the right to liberty and security the right to a fair trial the right to freedom of association and assembly the right to freedom of expression the right to an effective remedy the right to privacy the right to freedom from discrimination.

    These rights are described in articles 2 to 27 of the ICCPR. An article is

    a paragraph in which a specific right and the manner in which the state must

    protect that right are described. If a persons human rights set out in the

    ICCPR is violated, he can submit a complaint to the Human Rights


    The Human Rights Committee may decide to investigate that particular

    complaint, and, if it thinks that in this case the state concerned may be in

    violation of the ICCPR, it can take action. However, it is important to note that

    it can take from to 2 to 4 years for the Committee to investigate a case and take

    a decision. The exception to this lengthy time period is that the Committee can

    request a state to take interim measures.
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    The range of actions that the Commi ttee can take is descri bed below:1

    1. Request interim measuresWhen the Committee receives a complaint that a violation of the ICCPR

    is about to take place it can request the state concerned to take interim

    measures to prevent the violation taking place. Interim measures mean the

    Committee asks the state to take temporary action to prevent a violation before

    formal investigations into the complaint have been completed.

    2 Declare that the state has violated the ICCPR

    When the Committees investigations into a complaint are completed the

    Committee can take a decision (called its views) on the case. In itsviews,

    which are made public, the Committee can declare that the state concerned has

    violated the ICCPR. Such a declaration can be politically very embarrassing

    for a state.

    3 Call upon a state to end a violation of the ICCPR

    In its views the Committee can also call upon the state to take

    immediate action to end a violation of the ICCPR. For instance, the Committee

    can call upon a state to release a victim from detention, to commute a death

    sentence imposed after an unfair trial, or to compensate a victim. Although the

    state concerned is not legally bound to comply with the Committees views,

    the Committee can ask to be informed of the action a state has taken to end or

    remedy a violation. The Committee usually asks the state to provide this

    information within 90-180 days from the date on which it adopted its views.

    Although the Committee cannot force a state to right a wrong, its

    decisions can carry political and moral force and many states do comply with

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    its decisions. In addition, decisions of the Committee often attract attention

    from the international media. This can put pressure on a state to comply with a

    decision of the Committee.

    How the Committee investigates a complain t (the formal procedure):

    Step 1 Admissibility

    The first thing the Committee does when it receives a complaint is

    decide whether or not it will accept the complaint. A complaint which the

    Committee decides to accept is called admissible and a complaint which the

    Committee decides not to accept is called inadmissible.

    Step 2 Investigating a complaint

    Once a complaint has been declared admissible the state concerned is

    given a further 6 months to send written information to the Committee

    expressing its opinion on the complaint and describing any steps it may have

    taken to remedy the violation.

    Any information received from the state is sent by the Committee to the

    author of the complaint. The author is then given 6 weeks to reply to the

    states information.

    The Committee then looks at all the written information it has received

    from the author of the complaint and the state and makes a decision on the

    case. The Committee cannot ask the author of the complaint or representatives

    of the state to appear before it to neither present their case, nor can it visit a

    country or place to investigate a complaint. Its decision is based only on the

    written information it has received from the author and the state concerned.

    Step 3 The Committee adopts its views

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    When the Committees investigations are completed the Committee can

    take a decision (called views) on the case. In itsviews, which are made

    public, the Committee can declare that the state concerned has violated the

    ICCPR. It can take 1 to 2 years for the Committee to adopt its views on a


    How to submit an individual complaint:

    Only a person claiming to be a victim of a violation of the ICCPR or

    their representative. A representative must show that they have a close

    connection with the victim, for example a close relative. The complaint must

    allege a violation of one or more of the rights set out in articles 2-27 of theICCPR.


    b. ImplementationThe Constitution of India is distinctive for its commitment to provide

    full political, economic, social, and cultural rights to all its citizens irrespective

    of caste, creed, religion or race. The significance of Indias constitution is also

    immense for its mixed policy adoption on liberal and socialistic norms of

    governance. The idea of the welfare state enshrined in the spirit of the Indian

    constitutions Preamble is another significant feature of Indian democracy.

    Since its independence, many acts, laws, and amendments have been passed to

    initiate, enhance and guarantee the peoples rights. Examples are the

    Panchayati Raj system, Right to Information Act and Right to Education.

    However, there are several resultant limitations concerning the level of

    implementation of these rights. There continues to be violation of human

    rights and non-implementation of socio-economic programs.

    The Protection of Human Rights Act

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    The Protection on Human Rights Act was passed in September 1993 by

    the Indian Parliament. The Act was passed to provide an independent and

    autonomous National Human Rights Commission, State Human Rights

    Commission in States and Human Rights Courts for better protection of human

    rights in India. The National Human Rights Commission is an autonomous

    statutory body which main task is to protect and promote human rights in

    India. The Commission is in line with the Paris Principles, a set of

    international guidelines for national human rights institutions. It should act as

    a national monitoring mechanism for human rights and serve the Indian public

    as a means to be protected from human rights abuses. The Human Rights Act

    defines human rights as rights relating to life, liberty, equality and dignity of

    the individual guaranteed by the Constitution or embodied in the International

    Covenants and enforceable by courts in India.

    The enumerated and guaranteed fundamental rights would be no more

    than paper tigers, if the right to enforce fundamental rights is not made a

    fundamental right itself. It is the remedial fundamental right which gives teeth

    to all fundamental rights. Article 32, which enshrines the remedial

    fundamental right, has been described as the cornerstone of the democratic

    edifice, as the protector and guarantor of fundamental rights, or as the qui

    vive. It has been said repeatedly that it is the duty of the courts to guard the

    remedial fundamental right and to protect it zealously and vigilantly. Article

    32 guarantees the right to move the Supreme Court by appropriate

    proceedings for the enforcement of the fundamental rights guaranteed by Part

    III of the Constitution.2 Clauses (1) and (2) of Article 32 run as under:

    (1)The right to move the Supreme Court by appropriate proceedings for theenforcement of the rights conferred by this part is guaranteed.

    (2)The Supreme Court shall have power to issue directions or orders or writs,including writs in the nature of habeas corpus, mandamus, prohibition, and

    certiorari which may be appropriate for the enforcement of any of the rights

    conferred by this part.

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    Article 32(4) lays down that this fundamental right cannot be suspended

    except as otherwise provided by the constitution, Articles 358 and 359 provide

    for the suspension of certain fundamental rights during the period of

    promulgation of Emergency. Under Article 226 also the fundamental rights

    can be enforced by moving the High Courts. Other rights can also be enforced

    under Article 226.

    c. EnforcementScope of A rticle 32 of the Constitution of India

    The sole object of the Article 32 of the Constitution of India is the

    enforcement of the fundamental rights guaranteed under Part III of the

    Constitution of India. Whatever other remedies may be open to a person

    aggrieved, he has no right to complain under Article 32 where no fundamental

    right has been infringed. It follows that no question other than relating to a

    fundamental right will be determined in a proceeding under the Article 32

    including interlocutory reliefs. A writ under the said Article 32 would not lie

    to enforce the Government policy or a Directive Principle.

    Application under Article 32 and Article 226

    Article 32 and Article 226 both deal with enforcement of right of the

    citizen against the Government or Governmental Authorities. However, the

    scope of Article 32 is limited to the extent of enforcement of the fundamental

    rights stated in the Part III of the Constitution, whereas the scope of Article226 of the Constitution is much wider than Article 32 of the Constitution. The

    High Court while exercising the Article 226 can give reliefs in case of quasi-

    Judicial Tribunals and authorities or other acts by such lower authorities even

    though the acts of such authorities do not infringe the fundamental rights.

    The Supreme Court is competent to give relief under Article 32 against

    any authority within the territory of India. The power of High Court under

    Article 226 is confined to its territorial Jurisdiction, so that even where

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    fundamental rights have been infringed, the High Court cannot grant reliefs

    against an authority located outside its territorial jurisdiction except in certain

    exceptional cases, namely where the causes of action arises, in whole or in

    part, within territorial jurisdiction of that Court.

    Amplitude of Su preme Court's jurisdiction under Article 32

    The powers given to the Supreme Court under Article 32, for the

    enforcement of fundamental rights, are not confined to issuing prerogative

    writs only, and are not necessarily circumscribed by the conditions which limit

    the exercise of the prerogative writs. The said Article is wide enough to

    consider even claims for compensation arising from the violation of

    fundamental rights. The range of judicial review recognised in the superior

    judiciary of India is, perhaps, the widest and the most extensive known to the

    world of law. The power extends to the examining the validity to even an

    amendment to the Constitution.

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    It is at the national level that the ICCPR has exerted its greatest impact.

    When today anywhere in the world a national constitution is framed, the

    ICCPR serves as the natural yardstick for the drafting of a section on

    fundamental rights. In most countries, the ICCPR has been made part and

    parcel of the national legal order although there is no general rule of

    international law that would enjoin States to embrace a specific method of

    implementation. Thus, the United States has made a declaration according to

    which the ICCPR is not self-executing within its domestic legal system. In

    some countries, administrative authorities and the courts are specifically

    enjoined to follow the applicable international guarantees when interpretingthe national constitution (e.g., article 10, paragraph 2 of the Spanish

    Constitution). In other countries, the ICCPR has even been given the legal

    force of a provision of constitutional or quasi-constitutional rank (e.g., article

    15, paragraph 4, of the Constitution of the Russian Federation). These legal

    techniques are not automatically successful, since, as a rule, national judges

    are not very familiar with the guarantees laid down in international human

    rights instruments and are more often than not reluctant to accord them

    precedence over the applicable national laws and regulations.

    The Human Right Committee has also been praised for seriousness,

    independence, courage and dedication. The Committee has emphasized that it

    should be mindful of judicial, diplomatic, fact-finding and conciliation

    elements in its functions.

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    Under the Optional Protocol to the International Convention Civil and

    Political Rights, a State Party to the ICCPR that becomes a Party to the

    Protocol recognizes the competence of the Human Rights Committee to

    receive, under certain conditions, and consider, communications from

    individuals subject to its jurisdiction, who claim to be victims of a violation by

    that State Party of any of the rights set forth in the Covenant.

    The Human Rights Committee performs the vital function of monitoring

    the enjoyment of the rights set out in the Covenant, a legally binding

    international treaty. Whether in its consideration of States parties reports, its

    adoption of general comments, or its examination of complaints by individuals

    or States alleging violations of the Covenant, the Committee is the pre-eminent

    interpreter of the meaning of the International Covenant on Civil and Political

    Rights. In doing so, it seeks to give a full and generous interpretation to the

    meaning of the Covenants provisions, consistent with its character as an

    instrument guaranteeing fundamental rights and freedoms. The Committees

    members do not simply look at the formal legal position applicable in a

    particular State or case, but rather go deeper, to the practical realities on the

    ground in the States with which it is concerned, and issue findings with a view

    to achieving positive change. Indeed, compliance by a State with the

    Committees Views is evidence of a States good faith attitude towards its

    Covenant obligations. Over the years, the Committees work has resulted in

    numerous changes of law, policy and practice, both at the general national

    level and in the context of individual cases. In a direct sense, therefore, the

    Committees discharge of the monitoring functions entrusted to it under the

    Covenant has improved the lives of individuals in countries in all parts of the

    world. It is in this spirit that the Committee will continue to make its work

    relevant and applicable to all States parties, and to strive for the enjoyment of

    all civil and political rights guaranteed by the Covenant, in full and without

    discrimination, by all people.

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