hundertwasser part 2

Lesson 6 Learning Objective: Recap and develop understanding of Hundertwasser’s theory about the five skins. Investigate the designs and inventions that Hundertwasser and other architects create to make the way we live more ecological. Learning Outcome: Apply this knowledge to your own ecological designs in response to Hundertwasser’s ideas.

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Page 1: Hundertwasser part 2

Lesson 6

Learning Objective:Recap and develop understanding of Hundertwasser’s theory about the five skins.Investigate the designs and inventions that Hundertwasser and other architects create to make the way we live more ecological.

Learning Outcome:Apply this knowledge to your own ecological designs in response to Hundertwasser’s ideas.

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Five skins recapWhat was Hundertwasser’s idea behind the ‘five skins’?

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Five skins recapWhat was Hundertwasser’s idea behind the ‘five skins’?

Like the layers of an onion we are made up from many parts that create the whole. Hundertwasser believed that without each layer we are not whole.

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Five skins recapCan you name the ‘five skins’?Why was each skin important?

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Five skins recap1: SkinKeeps our organs, our thoughts, memories and creativity together.

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Five skins recap2: ClothesHundertwasser was surprised- even angry sometimes- that people all dress the same and wear such boring clothes. He wanted clothing to express a person’s beauty and uniqueness.

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Five skins recap3: HousesOur houses are the outer covering of our private living space and should express the individuality of the people who live within.

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The Fourth Skin: Identity (Hundertwasser says...)

In 1972 Hundertwasser came to a turning-point in his career. He became much more sensitive to the social environment and to the identity problems linked to a group, community or nation.

As Austrian Jews, many relatives from Hundertwasser’s mother’s family were deported and executed in the Nazi concentration camps, with the remainder of the family having to go into hiding.

What could Hundertwasser’s art and Fantastic architecture be an expression of?

New skins we haven’t discussed….

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The Fourth Skin: Identity (Hundertwasser says...)

In 1972 Hundertwasser came to a turning-point in his career. He became much more sensitive to the social environment and to the identity problems linked to a group, community or nation.

As Austrian Jews, many relatives from Hundertwasser’s mother’s family were deported and executed in the Nazi concentration camps, with the remainder of the family having to go into hiding. Hundertwasser’s art and Fantastic architecture could be an expression of freedom against artistic, political and social standardisation – the type he and his family, and Austria and Germany as a whole, experienced during Nazi occupation.

New skins we haven’t discussed….

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The Fifth Skin: EarthSince Hundertwasser’s earliest childhood he had displayed a hypersensitivity to his surroundings. He believed that nature is the supreme reality, the source of universal harmony; his immense respect for nature very soon aroused in him the desire to protect it against the attacks made on it by man and industry.

New skins we haven’t discussed….

Page 11: Hundertwasser part 2

In nature there are many sorts of cycles.

Can you name a cycle that occurs in nature?

A cycle is something which always comes back to the beginning again.

Cycle and Recycle

Page 12: Hundertwasser part 2

In nature there are many sorts of cycles.

Can you name a cycle that occurs in nature?

A cycle is something which always comes back to the beginning again.

Cycle and Recycle

PhotosynthesisWater cycle

Agricultural Astronomy Life cycle of humans, plants and animals

Food chain Seasonal Geophysical


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When vegetation falls to the ground it rots, decomposes and becomes earth once more.

If the vegetation doesn’t get to fall to the ground because you have eaten it (eg. an apple)- what happens then?

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A pile of poo, of course!

Hundertwasser believed that just as apples and leaves can become humus so can our poo. Humus is a special sort of earth which is rich in nutrients. We form part of the cycle of nature if our poo is allowed to be transformed into humus.

But it doesn’t work if we flush it down the loo. We interrupt the cycle, we are no longer part of nature.

Hundertwasser created a toilet to recycle poo and solve this problem. He said:

“I built it to show how you can turn your poo into gold, to make me pleased and to see that it really works- that way, I can sleep more peacefully at night.”

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The dirty water must flow through the root portion of the plants and through the colonies of decomposing bacteria; in this way it is purified naturally. The dirt is converted in part to vegetable matter and in part to mineral sediment.

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What would you include in an ecological building design?

WATCH THIS- Earthships- ecological designMake a list of all the ideas in the clip.

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What would you do in order to create an ecological building?1. Power generation- solar power, wind power.2. Water harvesting.3. Sewage containment and treatment.4. Controlling temperature without using any fuel.5. In-home food production.6. Building materials- recycled materials.

What could you add to your building drawn from your imagination? Experiment with ideas in your sketchbook.

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Design Homework1. Redesign the building drawn from

your imagination (previous homework).

2. Include your ideas to make it more ecological.

3. Adapt your drawing so that it resembles a Hundertwasser pieces of architecture.

Remember to consider:

1. Power generation- solar power, wind power.

2. Water harvesting.3. Sewage containment and

treatment.4. Controlling temperature

without using any fuel.5. In-home food production.6. Building materials- recycled


Level 4: Line drawing of your design annotated with ideas how you might make it more ecological.

Level 5: In addition to the requirements for Level 4 your design will be in colour and include detail, pattern and textures that resemble Hundertwasser’s work.

Level 6: In addition to all the requirements above, your drawing will show different views or detailed diagrams of your green designs.

Level 7: In addition to all the requirements above, you will include research into how your ideas will save energy.

Design Homework1. Redesign the building drawn from

your imagination (previous homework).

2. Include your ideas to make it more ecological.

3. Adapt your drawing so that it resembles a Hundertwasser pieces of architecture.

Remember to consider:

1. Power generation- solar power, wind power.

2. Water harvesting.3. Sewage containment and

treatment.4. Controlling temperature

without using any fuel.5. In-home food production.6. Building materials- recycled


Level 4: Line drawing of your design annotated with ideas how you might make it more ecological.

Level 5: In addition to the requirements for Level 4 your design will be in colour and include detail, pattern and textures that resemble Hundertwasser’s work.

Level 6: In addition to all the requirements above, your drawing will show different views or detailed diagrams of your green designs.

Level 7: In addition to all the requirements above, you will include research into how your ideas will save energy.

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Lesson 7

Learning Objective:Develop skills in working collaboratively.Synthesise understanding from previous lessons.

Learning Outcome:Collaborate with a partner and design a building that is ecological AND reflects the style of Hundertwasser.

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In pairs, design a Hundertwasser inspired building that saves energy and resources or benefits the environment in some way.

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Print and enlarge to A3


What design elements are you taking from each student?:

How do the designs reflect Hundertwasser’s style?:

Which ecological inventions will you use?:

Experiment with combining some of your designs below.

Once you are happy draw the complete building here……

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Lesson 8

Learning Objective:Develop understanding of composition and improve skills in manipulating media.

Learning Outcome:Mixed media collage of your final building design.

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In pairs:1.Scale up your drawing to fill the card / paper2.Use the different materials to block in some of the shapes you have made. 3.Think carefully about parts you want to appear closer to you.4.Try to include many patterns and textures

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It’s worth thinking ahead to how the materials will look when they are painted. You will be surprised how effective something very simple can look once it has some colour.

Look at these painted textures. What do you think they are made from?

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Elastic bands Bubble wrap Hole punch Pencil sharpenings

Rice Fabric and thread Tea leaves Cling film

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Lesson 9

Learning Objective:Apply understanding of painting techniques, colour and texture to the collage.

Learning Outcome:Mixed media collage of your final building design.

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Think carefully about your colour combinations when you paint into your collage.

Complementary (contrasting colours sit opposite each other on the colour wheel).Analogous or Harmonious colour relationships.


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Remember scumbling, sgraffitto….? Remember these?

Lay one colour over your texture then dry brush a different colour over the top.

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Lesson 10

Learning Objective:Apply understanding of painting techniques, colour and texture to the collage.

Learning Outcome:Mixed media collage of your final building design.

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This is one approach you could try. Apply paint roughly and with other objects other than a brush. Add detail at the end.

Use other coloured materials over your main collage once painted.

Use other coloured materials over your main collage once painted.

Collage any remnants of paper you haveCollage any remnants of paper you have

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Lesson 11

Learning Objective:Apply understanding of painting techniques, colour and texture to the collage.Evaluate success of the project.

Learning Outcome:Complete mixed media collage of your final building design.

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Cover lesson 1

Students should use magazines to create buildings in the style of Hundertwasser.

Equipment: Scissors and glueMaterials: Magazines

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Cover lesson 2

Students should design a town of buildings inspired by the work of Hundertwasser.

The buildings should be shaded in with biro, pencil or black pen.

The sky must be filled with bright, Hundertwasser patterns.

Equipment: pencils, pens and colour crayons and rulers.Materials: paper for those who do not have their sketchbooks.

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Ecology HomeworkCreate a poster in the style of Hundertwasser that will persuade the community to live in a greener way. What do we mean by style of Hundertwasser? Make notes below:

What shapes?

What colours?

What imagery?

Style and amount of writing?

Level 4: Poster shows an understanding of colour, the issue is clear and the text is in the style of Hundertwasser.

Level 5: In addition to the requirements for Level 4 there are examples of harmonious and complementary colour relationships, spirals, circles within circles; all organised in a composition that takes up the whole page.

Level 6: In addition to all the requirements above, posters must incorporate recognisable objects associated with the issue. Do not forget to fill these with colours, patterns and shapes that mirror Hundertwasser’s style.

Level 7: In addition to all the requirements above, posters can incorporate more surreal elements such as faces and people within the landscape not as a separate part.

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Useful websites