huntingdonshire regional college refurbishment

Front block refurbishment Joe Greenway Projects Manager YOUR LEARNING YOUR COLLEGE

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Front block refurbishment

Joe Greenway

Projects Manager



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Project Manager ?

• Lecturer in Biology - 1980 to 1992

• Section Leader – 1992 to 1995

• Head of Faculty – 1995 to 2001

• Assistant Principal – 2001 to 2003

• Vice Principal – 2003-2008

• Capital Project Manager(!) 2008 to date

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New build?

• One of the 140 colleges in the LSC Capital programme debacle

• Plan to build two new campuses in two new locations for c.£50 M

• Involved acquisition of two new sites, sale of two existing sites as well as two new builds.

• Appointed as CPM in August 2008 with AiPsubmitted to LSC in September 2008

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What now?

• Work ceased in March 2009

• Work on an alternative property strategy commenced September 2009

• CPM & Estates Manager met with all departments to ascertain alternatives and priorities (Sept to Nov 2009)

• Senior team proposals grafted to front of departmental suggestions

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Current campus

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Current Campus

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Current campus

• 1963

• Concrete frame with pre-cast aggregate fascia panels

• Crittal windows – single glazed

• Flat roofs

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The Alternative Property Strategy

• 12 projects identified for the period 2010 to 2013, to be delivered in 3 phases.

• Financial plan worked out for phases 1 and 2 of c. £7 M.

(no financial plan for phase 3; too far in future)

• Approved by Governors January 2010.

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Two strands

• Summer works 2010

• Refurbishment of the front block and external approaches with provisional programme July 2011 to December 2011.

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Summer works 2010

• Relocation of IT Services to central part of campus & upgrade of servers

• Conversion of Library to a Learning Resource Centre

• Conversion and upgrading of rooms and two corridors to install new fire exits, cable trays, new lighting, doors etc.

• Re-roofing of two areas.

• C. £1 M

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Refurbishment of Front block

• Brief written by CPM, Estates Manager & Principal

• QS from aborted project employed to work out a cost from the brief.

• Value Engineering to bring the cost into budget

• Governor approval to proceed to a Feasibility Study (March 2010)

• Saunders Boston Associates appointed

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Artists ImpressionArc



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• New Entrance and Reception

• New Admissions and Student Services

• Two new classrooms and 3 new seminar rooms

• Large breakout space and social area

• Refurbished Refectory

• Reorganised frontage and car parking spaces



Consists of:

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Feasibility outcomes

• £2.66 M project

• 248 m2 new build and 607m2 refurbishment

• Design development July 2010 to June 2011

• On site July 2011 to December 2011

• Financial plan in place to procure

• Governor approved June 2010

• Tender exercise to appoint Architect and QS

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Design Team

• Saunders Boston - Architects

– Cunnington Clark - M & E

– Richard Hermann Associates – Structural

• Davis Langdon – QS, Employers Agent, CDMC

• Procurement by 2 stage Design & Build

– Tender Exercise for contractor appointment August 2010

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• Timescale! – must be complete by by Sept 2011. Programme changed to Feb 2011 to Aug 2011 on site

• Maximise funding – up to £1 M available– Included 2 of the summer works projects in the


– Brought forward kitchen/refectory refurbishment from phase 2

• Application submitted on time

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September 2010

• £1 M Grant from SFA

• Appointment of ISG Jackson and main contractor

• SFA ‘budget’ £3.041M

• Project budget £2.7 M

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October –December 2010

• Design development

• Decanting plan

• Stage D report inc cost plan

• Stage D Project budget £2.84M

• Contract sum agreed with contractor 22 December

• Final budget £2.82M

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What does it look like?

• College web site link:

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January to February 2011

• Decanting of various college departments

– Senior Executive Team, HR, Finance, Marketing, Print Services, Student Services, Admissions, ALS, Caretakers, Reception

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February 2011

• On site 21 February

• Due to handover 26 August

• Up to Easter on programme and on budget

• Now encountered structural issues

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College/Contractor web-site