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Post on 05-Jan-2016




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"Hard to Find"In "A Good Man is Hard to Find", two opposite characters and their values collide: the grandmother and the Misfit. One dressed in fancy clothes, the other in chains.The grandmother seems to be a parody of the Old South in many ways. She claims to adhere to Christian values, yet says and does many "un-Christian" things throughout the story. She's "old-fashioned," and uses this to her advantage as she attempts to manipulate others by using her credential of "being a lady." For example, when she wears her flower-covered hat so that others would be obligated to help a "lady" like her, and when she asked the Misfit if he would shoot a "lady." Underneath the formality and southern manners lies a vicious and manipulative person.The Misfit is honest with himself. He has no illusions when it comes to reflecting upon his actions and his crude philosophies about life are consistent with how he behaves and speaks. Being a "Misfit," he has no desire to appear a certain way socially yet secretly believe something contrary to how he acts. Though he is cruel, the Misfit sincerely seeks to understand life and draw his own conclusions, bizarre, though they may be.Though these characters are opposites in many ways, underneath their words and actions lie sociopathic tendencies. The grandmother, being a "lady," in what was probably a fairly well-off southern family, only used social manipulation to achieve her desires, leaving her without retribution. The reader does not know what the Misfit did to be left in a penitentiary, but he did act in some way and paid many years of his life for it. As she begged for her life, but not her family's, the grandmother saw herself in this Misfit, only dressed up in social standards and an inconsistent morality. Her whole life had been a lie. He was only a Misfit because he was honest.