hw1 imn - efti

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  • 8/19/2019 Hw1 Imn - Efti


    Constanta Maritime Univesity

    Electromechanical Faculty

    Introduction into Naval-Mechanical Engineering


    Student: Efteme Ionut Alexand

    rou!: MA

    Su!ervisor: drd$ asist$univ$ in


  • 8/19/2019 Hw1 Imn - Efti


      )*ME+*', N*$"

    A$ &)E*'E&ICA( ASEC&S

    1. THE BASICS.

    "$" ive and ex!lain the definition of :

    %is!lacement.of gravity/ of mass and of volume01

      2 2 3uoyancy$

      E4ually/ 5rite the measure unit of them$

    It 5as Archimedes 5ho first realised/ in his 6eure7a8 moment/ that a 9ody that is immersed

    com!letely in 5ater 5ill dis!lace a volume of 5ater e4ual to the volume of the 9ody and that

    the a!!arent 5eight of the 9ody/ 5hen immersed/5ill 9e reduced 9y the 5eight of 5ater e4ua

    to its o5n volume/ then it 5ill not 9ecome immersed com!letely$ It 5ill float 5ith !art if its

    o5n volume a9ove the 5ater surface such that the 5eight of the dis!laced 5ater e4uals the

    5eight of the 9ody$ &hus a 9ody/ floating freely in 5ater 5ill 9e acted u!on 9y forces due to

    the 5ater !ressure at each !oint of its 5etted surface$ &he resultant of these forces 5ill 9e an

    u!5ard force e4ual to the 5eight of the 5ater dis!laced 9y the 9ody$ &his is the 9odys

    dis!lacement/ often denoted 9y the sym9ol ;$ If the 5ater density is < then the !ressure actinu!on a small area =A 5ill 9e

  • 8/19/2019 Hw1 Imn - Efti


    characteristics of the hull sha!e/ e$g$ ho5 6full8 it is$ &here are some 6coefficients8 5hich can

     9e o9tained for the under5ater hull 5hich !rovide clues as to its general nature and its li7ely

     9ehavior at sea$ &hey are derived 9y relating certain areas and volumes to their circumscri9in

    rectangles or !risms$ &hese coefficients are 7no5n as the coefficients of fineness if:

    @ is the volume of dis!lacement1A  ᴡ   is the 5ater!lane area1

    AM is the under5ater area of the midshi! section1and

    (/3 and & are the length/9eam and draught$

    &hen the coefficients of fineness are defined as follo5s:

    3loc7 coefficient/ C3 ? @D(3&

    +ater!lane coefficient/ C+  ? AD(3

    Midshi! area coefficient/ CM ? AMD3&

    )oriontal !rismatic coefficient/ C ? @DAM(

    @ertical !rismatic coefficient/ C@ ?@D A+&

    In com!aring values of these coefficients 9et5een shi!s it is im!ortant to ensure that the samdefinitions of (/ 3 and & are used$ Usually ( is the length 9et5een !er!endiculars exce!t for

    the 5ater!lane coefficient 5here the length on 5aterline is ta7en$ 3 is usually the mean

    draught 9et5een !er!endiculars$ Also/ usually (/3 and & are ta7en as defining the external hu

     9ut sometimes moulded dimensions are used/ that is to the inside of the !lating$ &he external

    hull dimensions hel! to determine the 9ehavior of a shi! in res!onding to the thrust of the

     !ro!ellers/ to 5aves and to the movements of control surfaces/ such as rudders and sta9ilisers

    &he moulded dimensions assist in finding the internal volume availa9le for e4ui!ment/

    accommodation and cargo$


    A shi! of length " m and 9eam "G m floats at a mean draught of H/ m 5hen in 5ater of

    density "/B tonnesDm$ Assuming her 9loc7 coefficient is / and her 5ater!lane coefficien

    of fineness is /J / calculate the shi!s dis!lacement and her a!!roximate draught 5hen it

    enters 5ater of "/" tonnesDm$

  • 8/19/2019 Hw1 Imn - Efti



    @olume of circumscri9ing rectangular 

    Solid ? 150 X 18 X 7.5 = 20,250 m3

    @olume of dis!lacement ? 0.5 X 20250 = 10,125 m3

    )ence dis!lacement ? 10,125 X 1,025 = 10,378 tonnes&he 5ater!lane area ? 0,6 X 150 X 18 = 1620 m2

    In the less dense 5ater the shi! must dis!lace more 5ater to !roduce a 9uoyancy force e4ual

    its 5eight$

      Ne5 volume in the less dense 5ater ? 10,378/1,015 = 10,225 m3

      &he shi! 5ill sin7 in the 5ater to com!ensate for the added volume

      Added volume ? 10,225 – 10,125 = 100 m3

      Sin7age ? 100/1620 = 6,17 cm

      Ne5 draught is a!!roximately 7, 56 m

      "$ +rite and ex!lain the Archimedes (a5 for a freely floating 9ody . e4ual

    in scalar and

    vectorial form 0$ +rite the e4uili9rium e4uations

    ractically/ the Archimedes !rinci!le allo5s the 9uoyancy of an o9Kect !artially or

    5holly immersed in a li4uid to 9e calculated$ &he do5n5ard force on the o9Kect is sim!ly its

    5eight$ &he u!5ard/ or 9uoyant/ force on the o9Kect is that stated 9y ArchimedesL !rinci!le/

    a9ove$ &hus the net u!5ard force on the o9Kect is the difference 9et5een the 9uoyant force an

    its 5eight$ If this net force is !ositive/ the o9Kect rises1 if negative/ the o9Kect sin7s1 and if er

    the o9Kect is neutrally 9uoyant - that is/ it remains in !lace 5ithout either rising or sin7ing$ In

    sim!le 5ords/ ArchimedesL !rinci!le states that 5hen a 9ody is !artially or com!letely

    immersed in a fluid/ it ex!eriences an a!!arent loss in 5eight 5hich is e4ual to the 5eight of

    the fluid dis!laced 9y the immersed !art of the 9ody$Consider a cu9e immersed in a fluid/ 5ith its sides !arallel to the direction of gravity$

    &he fluid 5ill exert a normal force on each face/ and therefore only the forces on the to! and

     9ottom faces 5ill contri9ute to 9uoyancy$ &he !ressure difference 9et5een the 9ottom and th

    to! face is directly !ro!ortional to the height .difference in de!th0$ Multi!lying the !ressure

    difference 9y the area of a face gives the net force on the cu9e the 9uoyancy/ or the 5eight

    the fluid dis!laced$ 3y extending this reasoning to irregular sha!es/ 5e can see that/ 5hateve


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    the sha!e of the su9merged 9ody/ the 9uoyant force is e4ual to the 5eight of the fluid

    dis!laced$ a!!arent loss in 5t of 5ater? 5t of o9Kect in air-5t of o9Kect in 5ater 

    &he 5eight of the dis!laced fluid is directly !ro!ortional to the volume of the dis!laced fluid

    .if the surrounding fluid is of uniform density0$ &he 5eight of the o9Kect in the fluid is reduce

     9ecause of the force acting on it/ 5hich is called u!thrust$ In sim!le terms/ the !rinci!le state

    that the 9uoyant force on an o9Kect is e4ual to the 5eight of the fluid dis!laced 9y the o9Kect/the density of the fluid multi!lied 9y the su9merged volume times the gravitational constant/

    &hus/ among com!letely su9merged o9Kects 5ith e4ual masses/ o9Kects 5ith greater volume

    have greater 9uoyancy$

    Su!!ose a roc7Ls 5eight is measured as " ne5tons 5hen sus!ended 9y a string in

    a vacuum 5ith gravity acting on it$ Su!!ose that 5hen the roc7 is lo5ered into 5ater/ it

    dis!laces 5ater of 5eight ne5tons$ &he force it then exerts on the string from 5hich it hang

    5ould 9e " ne5tons minus the ne5tons of 9uoyant force: " ? H ne5tons$ 3uoyancy

    reduces the a!!arent 5eight of o9Kects that have sun7 com!letely to the sea floor$ It is

    generally easier to lift an o9Kect u! through the 5ater than it is to !ull it out of the 5ater$

    For a fully su9merged o9Kect/ ArchimedesL !rinci!le can 9e reformulated as follo5s:

    then inserted into the 4uotient of 5eights/ 5hich has 9een ex!anded 9y the mutual volum

    yields the formula 9elo5$ &he density of the immersed o9Kect relative to the density of

    the fluid can easily 9e calculated 5ithout measuring any volumes:

    Exam!le: If you dro! 5ood into 5ater/ 9uoyancy 5ill 7ee! it afloat$

    Exam!le: A helium 9alloon in a moving car$ +hen increasing s!eed or driving in a

    curve/ the air moves in the o!!osite direction to the carLs acceleration$ )o5ever/ due to

     9uoyancy/ the 9alloon is !ushed Oout of the 5ayO 9y the air/ and 5ill actually drift in the sam

    direction as the carLs acceleration$

    +hen an o9Kect is immersed in a li4uid/ the li4uid exerts an u!5ard force/ 5hich is 7no5nas the 9uoyant force/ that is !ro!ortional to the 5eight of the dis!laced li4uid$ &he sum force

    acting on the o9Kect/ then/ is e4ual to the difference 9et5een the 5eight of the o9Kect .Ldo5nL

    force0 and the 5eight of dis!laced li4uid .Lu!L force0$ E4uili9rium/ or neutral 9uoyancy/ is

    achieved 5hen these t5o 5eights .and thus forces0 are e4ual$


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    2. DA!"HTS

    B$" +hat means 6draughts8P Unit measureP

    &he #$%&t .American0 or #$%'()t .3ritish0 of a shi!Ls hull is the vertical distance 9et5een

    the 5aterline and the 9ottom of the hull .7eel0/ 5ith the thic7ness of the hull included1 in the

    case of not 9eing included the draft outline 5ould 9e o9tained$ %raft determines the minimum

    de!th of 5ater a shi! or 9oat can safely navigate$ &he draft can also 9e used to determine the

    5eight of the cargo on 9oard 9y calculating the total dis!lacement of 5ater and then

    using ArchimedesL !rinci!le$ A ta9le made 9y the shi!yard sho5s the 5ater dis!lacement for

    each draft$ &he density of the 5ater .salt or fresh0 and the content of the shi!Ls 9un7ers has to

     9e ta7en into account$ &he closely related term OtrimO is defined as the difference 9et5een th

    for5ard and aft drafts$

    • &he draft aft .stern0 is measured in the !er!endicular of the stern$

    • &he draft for5ard . 9o50 is measured in the !er!endicular of the 9o5$

    • &he mean draft is o9tained 9y calculating from the averaging of the stern and 9o5

    drafts/ 5ith correction for 5ater level variation and value of the !osition of F 5ith res!ect

    to the average !er!endicular$


    B$B Ex!lain the conce!t of 6metacentre8.e4ually/ transversal and longitudinal0$

    So far the shi! has 9een considered as floating in a state of e4uili9rium/ u!right and at

    the design draught$It is no5 necessary to consider de!artures from this state$First ta7ethe case 5hen a shi! is heeled through a small angle$ &he centre of 9uoyancy moves to

    ne5 !osition 3" and the 9uoyancy force/5hich acts vertically/ that is/ normal to the ne5

    5aterline/acts through a !oint M on the centerline$M is 7no5n as the t$%ns*e$se

    met%cente$$For angles of u! to a9out " degrees/M can 9e regarded as a fixed !oint$

    &he !ositions of 3 and M de!end only u!on the geometry of the shi! and are fixed for

    the draught at 5hich it is floating$ &he designer can !rovide information on 3 and M fo


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    each mean draught/ assuming the 5aterline is !arallel to the design 5aterline$ Small

    de!artures from this state are unli7ely to 9e significant$ +ith such a !lot/7no5n as a

    met%cent$+c #+%($%m/ a master can find M and 3 for the condition the shi! is in$

    +e have seen ho5 the centre of 9uoyancy/ the centroid of the volume of the dis!laced

    5ater/ can 9e found$3M is given 9y:

    3M?ID@/ 5here I is the transverse second moment/ or inertia/ of the 5ater!lane and @

    the volume of dis!lacement$

     A mathematical !roof of this relationshi! can 9e found in standard text9oo7s on naval

    architecture$&he student is as7ed to acce!t it and to note that 3M 5ill vary directly 5it

    the s4uare of the 9eam and inversely 5ith the draught$ A large 9eam and shallo5

    draught 5ould lead to a very sta9le shi! one difficult to roll over$ )o5ever/ there

    5ould 9e disadvantages in terms of ra!id rolling in 5aves and slamming .see later0$

    Also/ the high angle sta9ility 5ould 9e !oor$ &he %esigner has to 9alance u! a num9erfactors in deciding u!on the degree of sta9ility to 9uild into a shi!$ &he conce!t of

    sta9ility is addressed in more detail in the next cha!ter$

    &here is a corres!onding on(+t'#+n% met%cente$ for small changes in angle a9out a

    transverse axis$ It 5ill 9e sho5n later that the t5o metacentres are critical to a study of

    shi!s sta9ility$ &he !osition of the longitudinal metacenter is defined 9y:

    3)(?I(D@/ 5here I( is the longitudinal inertian of the 5ater!lane a9out a transverse axi

    through the centroid of the area of the 5ater!lane


    Consider a uniform rectangular solid/ length (/ 9eam 3 and de!th %/ floating in 5ater

    5ith its long dimension horiontal$ Assuming the solids density is 7 times tha of

    5ater/discuss the form of the metacentric diagram for a range of 7 values$ &he second

    moment .or inertia0 of a rectangle a9out a longitudinal axis is 3(D"B$


    &he solid 5ill float at a draught & 5here: & ? 7%

    For a rectangular cross-section:,3?draughtDB ? 7%DB

    &hus for this case ,3 increases linearly 5ith % and its !lot 5ill 9e a straight line !assi

    through the origin and 5ith slo!e tan-" Q

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    For a rectangular 5ater!lane: I?3(D"B .&he student is as7ed to acce!t this0

     No5 3M ? ID@ ? R3(D"B(3& ? 3BD"B& ? 3BD"B7%

    3M 5ill 9e infinite 5hen 7 is ero and reduce as 7 increases$

      B$ +rite and ex!lain the formula for 6metacentric height8.relation 9et5een ,

    , and ,M0$

    &he metacentric height .M0 is a measurement of the initial static sta9ility of a floatin 9ody$ It is calculated as the distance 9et5een the centre of gravity of a shi! and its

    metacentre$ A larger metacentric height im!lies greater initial sta9ility against

    overturning$ Metacentric height also influences the natural !eriod of rolling of a hull/

    5ith very large metacentric heights 9eing associated 5ith shorter !eriods of roll 5hich

    are uncomforta9le for !assengers$ )ence/ a sufficiently high 9ut not excessively high

    metacentric height is considered ideal for !assenger shi!s

    +hen a shi! heeled/ the centre of 9uoyancy of the shi! moves laterally$ It may alsomove u! or do5n 5ith res!ect to the 5ater line$ &he !oint at 5hich a vertical line

    through the heeled centre of 9uoyancy crosses the line through the original/ vertical

    centre of 9uoyancy is the metacentre$ &he metacentre remains directly a9ove the centre

    of 9uoyancy 9y definition$

    In the diagram to the right the t5o 3s sho5 the centres of 9uoyancy of a shi! in the

    u!right and heeled condition/ and M is the metacentre$ &he metacentre is considered to

     9e fixed for small angles of heel1 ho5ever/ at larger angles of heel the metacentre can n

    longer 9e considered fixed/ and its actual location must 9e found to calculate the shi!Ls

    sta9ility$&he metacentre can 9e calculated using the formulae:

    ,M ? ,3 T 3M

    3M ?fracVIWV@W

    +here ,3 is the centre of 9uoyancy .height a9ove the 7eel0/ I is the Second moment o

    area of the 5ater!lane in metres# and @ is the volume of dis!lacement in metres$ ,M

    is the distance from the 7eel to the metacentre$ R"

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    Sta9le floating o9Kects have a natural rolling fre4uency li7e a 5eight on a s!ring/ 5her

    the fre4uency is increased as the s!ring gets stiffer$ In a 9oat/ the e4uivalent of the s!ri

    stiffness is the distance called OMO or Ometacentric heightO/ 9eing the distance 9et5ee

    t5o !oints: OO the centre of gravity of the 9oat and OMO/ 5hich is a !oint called the


    Metacentre is determined 9y the ratio 9et5een the inertia resistance of the 9oat and the

    volume of the 9oat$ .&he inertia resistance is a 4uantified descri!tion of ho5 the

    5aterline 5idth of the 9oat resists overturning$0 +ide and shallo5 or narro5 and dee!

    hulls have high transverse metacenters .relative to the 7eel0/ and the o!!osite have lo5

    metacenters1 the extreme o!!osite is sha!ed li7e a log or round 9ottomed 9oat$

    Ignoring the 9allast/ 5ide and shallo5 or narro5 and dee! means the shi! is very 4uic7

    to roll and very hard to overturn and is stiff$ A log sha!ed round 9ottomed means slo5

    rolls and easy to overturn and tender$

    OO/ is the center of gravity$ OMO/ the stiffness !arameter of a 9oat/ can 9e lengthened

     9y lo5ering the center of gravity or changing the hull form .and thus changing the

    volume dis!laced and second moment of area of the 5ater!lane0 or 9oth$

    An ideal 9oat stri7es a 9alance$ @ery tender 9oats 5ith very slo5 roll !eriods are at ris7

    of overturning 9ut are comforta9le for !assengers$ )o5ever/ vessels 5ith a higher

    metacentric height are Oexcessively sta9leO 5ith a short roll !eriod resulting in high

    accelerations at the dec7 level$

    Sailing yachts/ es!ecially racing yachts/ are designed to 9e stiff/ meaning the distance

     9et5een the centre of mass and the metacentre is very large in order to resist the heelin

    effect of the 5ind on the sails$ In such vessels the rolling motion is not uncomforta9le

     9ecause of the moment of inertia of the tall mast and the aerodynamic dam!ing of the


    +hen setting a common reference for the centres/ the molded .5ithin the !late or

     !lan7ing0 line of the 7eel .,0 is generally chosen1 thus/ the reference heights are:

    ,3 - to Centre of 3uoyancy

    , - to Centre of ravity

    ,M& - to &ransverse Metacentre

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    B$ +hat means : &C and MC&P

    Tonnes -e$ Cent+met$e Imme$s+on T-C

    For each 5ater!lane the area defines/ for a given density of 5ater/ the cange in 9uoyancy in

    tonnes is ex!erienced due to unit increase or decrease in draught$ &he unit of draught change

    considere is one centimeter/ giving the tonnes e$ cm +mme$s+on T-C. &he other from tha

    is sometimes used is &I/ standing for tonnes !er nit immersion$ If the area of a 5ater!lane is

    A mB and the 5ater densiy is ! tonnes !er m/ then the &C 5ill 9e A !D"$

    oment to C)%n(e T$+m ne et$e CT

     No5 consider de!artures from the steady state 9y rotation a9out a transverse axis/ that is 5he

    the shi! is trimmed$ (et it trim through a small angle/  ,ϕ a9out an axis through the CF/ extra 9uoyancy 5ill 9e created at the end of the shi! at 5hich the draught increases and a loss of

     9uoyancy at the end 5hich emerges from the 5ater$&he forces due to these 9uoyancy forces

    5ill !roduce a moment 5hich 5ill act so as to o!!ose the change of trim$ &he total 9uoyancy

    5ill remain constant and e4ual to the shi!s 5eight/ + / other5ise the shi! 5ould move u! or

    do5n$ If M( is the longitudinal metacenter/ the righting movement 5ill 9e:


    &his 5ill 9e the moment re4uired to hold the shi! at the ne5 trim angle$ If the trim change isone metre 9et5een !er!endiculars/ the moment is reterred to as the moment to c)%n(e t$+m

    one met$e CT$

    It 5ill 9e noted that the MC& does de!end u!on the !osition of / so it 5ill vary 5ith the

    loading of the shi!$ )o5ever/ 3M(.?I(D@0 is large/ ty!ically of the order of the length of the

    shi!$ It 5ill 9e a!!reciated that the variation in the height of a9ove the 7ell 5ll 9e small

    com!ared 5ith M($ )ence / M( 5ill not vary much 5ith the loading of the shi!$ &he stude

    5ill no5 a!!reciate 5hy/ in the !revious cha!ter/ the transverse and longitudinal inertias of th

    5ater!lane 5ere mentioned$ &hey are im!ortant in defining the heights of the transverse and

    longitudinal metacentres a9ove the centre of 9uoyancy$

    +e have seen that for small changes in trim a9out the CF/ there is no change in overall

    dis!lacement$ If the trim/ ϕ/ is a9out amidshi!s / there 5ill 9e a change of draught at the CF

    given 9y:

    X 5here x is the distance of the CF from amidshi!

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    &here 5ill 9e a corres!onding change in dis!lacement given 9y:

    X .&C0

    &his change 5ill 9e an increase 5hen the trim is such that the draught at the CF !osition


    A !lot of the a9ove data against draught gives rise to a set of curves 7no5n as the H4#$ost%t

    c'$*es or sim!ly )4#$ost%t+cs$

    3. STABIIT

      $" Ex!lain the sta9ility conce!t.transversal and longitudinal0$

    &'ANS@E'SE S&A3I(I&Y/SMA(( AN(ES

    So far/ consideration has 9een given only to a shi! 5hen in e4uili9rium or moving slo5ly fro

    one !osition of e4uili9rium to another$ No5 consider 5hat ha!!ens 5hen a shi! is su9Kect to

    small heeling moment$

    For small distur9ances/ it is reasona9le to assume that there is no change in trim and that the

    u!right and heeled 5aterlines 5ill intersect on the centerline of the shi!$ &he shi! 5ill ta7e u!

    a small angle of heel$&here 5ill 9e a ne5ly su9merged 5edge of hull on one side of thecenterline and a corres!onding emerged 5edge on the other$&he centre of 9uoyancy 5ill mov

    from its initial !osition in the centerline !lane/ 3 / to a ne5 !osition 3" such that the distance

     9et5een the t5o 5edges$ &he line 33" 5ill 9e !arallel to the line Koining the centres of volum

    of the t5o 5edges$

    &he total 9uoyancy force remains constant 9ut it no5 acts in a vertical line through 3"/ that is

    normal to the inclined 5aterline$ &his line intersects the shi!s centerline !lane in M/ the

    metacenter$ As !reviously noted for most common shi! forms/ M can 9e ta7en as a fixed !oin

    for small angles/ ty!ically u! to a9out " degrees$

    &he 5eight + .e4ual to the 9uoyancy0 5ill act through the centre of gravity of the shi! 5ich

    remains fixed$ &he resultant momen acting on the shi! 5ill 9e given 9y:

    +$M$X 5here X is the angle of heel/ assumed small

    • From a sta9ility !oint of vie5/ there are three !ossi9ilities:

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    • M is a9ove $ In this case / the moment acting/ due to the shift in 9uoyancy/ is tending

    restore the shi! to the u!right !osition$ &he shi! is said to 9e st%e1 it has! os+t+*e


    • M is 9elo5 $ In this case/ the moment is trying to !ush the shi! further from the

    u!right$ &he shi! is said to 9e 'nst%e1 it has ne(%t+*e st%++t4$

    • M and coincide$ In this case/ there is no moment acting on the shi! 5hich 5ill rema

    in the heeled !osition$&he shi! is said to have ne't$% st%++t4$

    As stated !reviously/ the vertical distance 9et5een the centre of 9uoyancy and the metacenter

    is given 9y:

    3M ? ID@/ 5here I is the second moment of area/ or the inertia/ of the 5ater!lane a9out a

    longitudinal axis and @ is the total volume of dis!lacement$

    For a rectangular 5ater!lane of length/ ( / and 9readth/ 3 / the inertias a9out its centerline ar

    given 9y:

    I ?3(D"B

    In general terms/ @ 5ill 9e !ro!ortional to (3& 5here & is the draught of the vessel concerne

    &hus/ in this case/ 3M ? Const$3BD& RNote 3 changed to 3B

    Although a normal shi!s 5ater!lane is not rectangular/ this general relationshi! 5ill 9e

    a!!roximately true for shi!s$ &hus/ the 9eam has a very great influence on the initial sta9ility

    of a shi!$ It might a!!ear/ at first/ that good sta9ility could 9e o9tained 9y ma7ing the draugh

    small$ +hilst true for small angles/ the sta9ility at large angles 5ould suffer$

    In the a9ove 4uestion/ the cylinder floated 5ith its axis vertical$ &he case of a circular cylind

    floating 5ith its axis horiontal is interesting$ As the cylinder turns a9out its axis/ that is as it

    heels/ the vertical through the centre of 9uoyancy 5il al5ays act through the centre of the

    circular cross-section$ &hus/ M is at the centre of the circle$ &his a!!lies at 5hatever draught

    the cylinder is floating at !rovided its axis is horiontal$

    (ongitudinal Sta9ility


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    arameters such as centre of gravity and centre of 9uoyancy have 9een used in descri9ing

    transverse sta9ility/ so far$ &hey can also 9e used to descri9e longitudinal sta9ility$


    (C3 and (C


    +('$e 3.16 CB o$9%$# o& C" : ;esse t$+ms 4 t)e ste$n 

    In Fig $"J (C3 is the longitudinal centre of 9uoyancy$ &his is the longitudinal centre of the

    under5ater volume/ and is the !oint through 5hich all the 9uoyancy can 9e said to act

    vertically u!5ards$


    (C is the longitudinal centre of gravity$ &his is the !oint through 5hich all of the 5eight of

    the vessel can 9e said to act vertically do5n5ards$


    If the !osition of (C and (C3 are as sho5n in Fig $"J then the actions of 9uoyancy and

    5eight 5ill cause the vessel to rotate as sho5n 9y the arro5$ &he stern 5ill sin7 dee!er/ the

     9o5 5ill rise higher$ (C3 is the longitudinal centre of all under5ater volume$ As the vessel

    rotates/ the sha!e of the under5ater volume 5ill change and (C3 5ill move to the ne5 centr


    +hen (C and (C3 are in the same vertical line/ the rotation 5ill sto!/ the vessel 5ill 9e

    trimmed 9y the sternas sho5n in Fig $"H$


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     +('$e 3.17 C" %n# CB +n s%me *e$t+c% +ne : no t$+mm+n( moment

    If the vessel had started 5ith (C3 aft of (C as sho5n in Fig $"G then the rotation 5ould

    cause a trim 9y the 9o5$

    +('$e 3.18 CB %&t o& C" : *esse t$+ms 4 t)e )e%#

      $B Ex!lain 5hat means 6&he Metacentric %iagram8 and 5rite the formula

    for sta9ility at

    6small angle8

  • 8/19/2019 Hw1 Imn - Efti


    T)e et%cent$+c D+%($%m

    It has 9een seen that the !ositions of !oints 3 and M de!end only u!on the geometry of the

    shi! and are fixed for the draught at 5hich it is floating$ de!ends u!on the loading conditio

    of the shi! and 5ill vary 5ith time$ +ith the metacentric diagram/ a master can find M for thdraught at 5hich the shi! is floating$ From the loading of the shi!/ the master 5ill 9e a9le to

    assess the !osition of $ &he value of M/ and hence the initial sta9ility follo5s$


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    Z M and coincide$ In this case/ there is no moment acting on the shi! 5hich 5ill rema

    in the heeled !osition$&he shi! is said to have neutral sta9ility$

    As stated !reviously/ the vertical distance 9et5een the centre of 9uoyancy and the metacenter

    is given 9y:

    3M ? ID@/ 5here I is the second moment of area/ or the inertia/ of the 5ater!lane a9out a

    longitudinal axis and @ is the total volume of dis!lacement$

    For a rectangular 5ater!lane of length/ ( / and 9readth/ 3 / the inertias a9out its centerline ar

    given 9y:

    I ?3(D"B

    In general terms/ @ 5ill 9e !ro!ortional to (3& 5here & is the draught of the vessel concerne

    &hus/ in this case/ 3M ? Const$3BD& RNote 3 changed to 3B

    Although a normal shi!s 5ater!lane is not rectangular/ this general relationshi! 5ill 9e

    a!!roximately true for shi!s$ &hus/ the 9eam has a very great influence on the initial sta9ility

    of a shi!$ It might a!!ear/ at first/ that good sta9ility could 9e o9tained 9y ma7ing the draugh

    small$ +hilst true for small angles/ the sta9ility at large angles 5ould suffer$

    In the a9ove 4uestion/ the cylinder floated 5ith its axis vertical$ &he case of a circular cylind

    floating 5ith its axis horiontal is interesting$ As the cylinder turns a9out its axis/ that is as itheels/ the vertical through the centre of 9uoyancy 5il al5ays act through the centre of the

    circular cross-section$ &hus/ M is at the centre of the circle$ &his a!!lies at 5hatever draught

    the cylinder is floating at !rovided its axis is horiontal$


    $ Ex!lain in details / the ty!ical 6 [ curve8 or 6 curve of statical sta9ility8 of

    figure $$

    T)e " C'$*e o$ C'$*e o& St%t+c% St%++t4

    A ty!ical !lot of [ against angle of heel is sho5n in the next image$

  • 8/19/2019 Hw1 Imn - Efti


    Some interesting information can 9e deduced from the statical sta9ility curve:

    • &he slo!e of the curve at the origin re!resents the value of M for small angles$

    • &he maximum value of [ multi!lied 9y the dis!lacement re!resents the greatest stea

    heeling moment the shi! can sustain 5ithout turning right over$

    &he angle at 5hich [ 9ecomes ero is 7no5n as the !oint of *%n+s)+n( st%++t4 anddefines the $%n(e o& st%++t4$

    • &he !oint of inflexion on the 5ay to the maximum is an indication of the angle at 5hic

    a reasona9le length of dec7 edge 9ecomes immersed$

    • &he area under the curve u! to any given angle/ multi!lied 9y the dis!lacement/

    re!resents the energy needed to heel the shi! to that angle$ It is referred to as the shi!s

    #4n%m+c% st%++t4 and is a measure of the a9ility of the shi! to a9sor9 the energy

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    im!arted 9y 5aves and gusting 5inds$ &his should not 9e confused 5ith a shi!s

    dynamic sta9ility 5hich is a measure of its a9ility to maintain a constant heading$

      $# +hat means 6 angle of loll8P

    In calm conditions/ the shi! 5ill float at an angle e4ual to that at 5hich [ 9ecomes !ositive

    &his is the %n(e o& o. &he shi! 5ill loll to !ort or star9oard de!ending on ho5 she arrived

    the initial condition$ A small moment a!!lied to 9ring it u!right 5ill cause her to 6flo!8

    suddenly to a similar angle on the other side$ An ex!erienced master 5ill recognie from themotion of the shi! 5hen she exhi9its this characteristic and can decide 5hat action needs to 9


    >. STE

  • 8/19/2019 Hw1 Imn - Efti


     !ure moments .or tor4ue0 can 9e measured RJ$ 'ecently/ an a!!lication consisting in six-


    measurements of the actions torsor during cutting !rocess 5as carried out for the case of high

    s!eed milling

    RH/ drilling RG/ \/ etc$ Cahuc et al$/ in R"/ !resent another use of this six-com!onent

    dynamometer in anex!erimental study: ta7ing into account of the cut moments allo5s a 9etter machine tool !o5


    evaluation$ It allo5s a 9etter a!!roach of the cut RG/ ""/ "B and should thus allo5 in the

    dynamic case to

    reach ne5 !ro!erties of the vi9rations of the system !iece-tool-matter$

    Moreover/ the tool torsor has the advantage of 9eing trans!orta9le in any !oint of s!ace and i

    es!ecially/ at the tool ti! in * !oint$ &he follo5ing study is carried out in several stages/

    including t5o maKor 

    stages1 the first of is related to the analysis of forces$ &he second of is dedicated to the

    determining of thecentral axis and a first moments analysis to the central axis during the cut$

    In !aragra!h B 5e !resent first the ex!erimental device used and the associated elements of 

    measurement$ aragra!h is devoted to the measurement of the tor4ue of the cutting actions

    An analysis of 

    the forces exerted during the cut action is carried out$ It allo5s to esta9lish in ex!eriments

    certain !ro!erties

    of the resultant of the cutting actions$ &he case of the moments at the tool ti! !oint is also

    examined 5ith

     !recision$ &he central axis of the tor4ue is re4uired .!aragra!h #0$ &he 9eams of central axesdeduced from

    the multi!le tests confirm es!ecially the !resence of moments at the tool ti! !oint$ In !aragra

    / 5e more

     !articularly carry out the analysis of the moments at the central axis 9y loo7ing at the case th

    most sensitive

    to vi9rations .a! ? mm/ f ? $" mmDrev0$ 3efore concluding/ this study gives a certain

    num9er of !ro!erties

    and drive to some innovative reflexions$

     #$B +rite and ex!lain the 6&*'S*' *F E]&E'NA( F*'CES8


  • 8/19/2019 Hw1 Imn - Efti


    &he torsor of the external forces exerted on a solid .S0/ denoted RF/ is determined 9y its

    reduction elements com!rising the resultant A of these forces and 9y their moment mA at a

     !oint A$3y com!arison 5ith the reduction elements at another !oint B/ 5e deduce:

      A ? 3 ? / mA ? m3 T AB ]

    +e 5rite sym9olically" RF?R/ mA$

    &he tensor of forces is RT ?RT.s0/ .s0 and in M 5e have M ? .s0T- ] T. 3y

    derivation/ 5e o9tain the reduction elements of the torsor Rd T / d s/ so:

    Rd t/ ds?Rd T. s0Dd s, d  . s0D d s+t ] T. s0


    #$ %ra5 and ex!lain the 6SI] F'EE%*M %E'EE8 of the general

    shi! motions in +aves. three translations and three rotation0$

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    &he term is im!ortant in mechanical systems/ es!ecially 9iomechanical systems for analying

    and measuring !ro!erties of these ty!es of systems that need to account for all six

    degrees of freedom$ Measurement of the six degrees of freedom is accom!lished today

    through 9oth AC and %C magnetic or electromagnetic fields in sensors that transmit !ositional and angular data to a !rocessing unit$ &he data are made relevant through

    soft5are that integrate the data 9ased on the needs and !rogramming of the users$

    Ascension &echnology Cor!oration has recently created a J%oF device small enough to fit in

     9io!sy needle/ allo5ing !hysicians to 9etter research at minute levels$ &he ne5 sensor

     !assively senses !ulsed %C magnetic fields generated 9y either a cu9ic transmitter or a

    flat transmitter and is availa9le for integration and manufactura9ility 9y medical *EMs

    An exam!le of six degree of freedom movement is the motion of a shi! at sea$ It is descri9edas


    Moving u! and do5n .heaving01

    Moving left and right .s5aying01

    Moving for5ard and 9ac75ard .surging01

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    &ilting for5ard and 9ac75ard .!itching01

    &urning left and right .ya5ing01

    &ilting side to side .rolling0$

      #$# +rite the 6%A(EM3E'& 'INCI(E8 and ex!lain the com!onent

    of the 6&*'S*' *F IN&E'NA( F*'CES8.inside the shi! 9ody0$

    %LAlem9ertLs !rinci!le/ also 7no5n as the (agrangedLAlem9ert !rinci!le/ is a statement of th

    fundamental classical la5s of motion$ It is named after its discoverer/ the French

     !hysicist and mathematician ^ean le 'ond dLAlem9ert$ It is the dynamic analogue to th !rinci!le of virtual 5or7 for a!!lied forces in a static system and in fact is more genera

    than )amiltonLs !rinci!le/ avoiding restriction to holonomic systems$ A holonomic

    constraint de!ends only on the coordinates and time$ It does not de!end on the velociti

    If the negative terms in accelerations are recognied as inertial forces/ the statement of

    dLAlem9ertLs !rinci!le 9ecomes &he total virtual 5or7 of the im!ressed forces !lus the

    inertial forces vanishes for reversi9le dis!lacements$ &he !rinci!le does not a!!ly for

    irreversi9le dis!lacements/ such as sliding friction/ and more general s!ecification of th

    irreversi9ility is re4uired$

    &he !rinci!le states that the sum of the differences 9et5een the forces acting on a system of

    mass !articles and the time derivatives of the momenta of the system itself along any

    virtual dis!lacement consistent 5ith the constraints of the system/ is ero$ &hus/ in

    sym9ols dLAlem9ertLs !rinci!le is 5ritten as follo5ing/


      is an integer used to indicate .via su9scri!t0 a varia9le corres!onding to a !articular

     !article in the system/

      is the total a!!lied force .excluding constraint forces0 on the -th !article/

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      is the mass of the i-th !article/

      is the acceleration of the i-th !article/

      together as !roduct re!resents the time derivative of the momentum of the i-th !article


      is the virtual dis!lacement of the i-th !article/ consistent 5ith the constraints$

      %LAlem9ertLs !rinci!le of inertial forces

    %LAlem9ert sho5ed that one can transform an accelerating rigid 9ody into an e4uivalent stati

    system 9y adding the so-called Oinertial forceO and Oinertial tor4ueO or moment$ &he

    inertial force must act through the center of mass and the inertial tor4ue can act

    any5here$ &he system can then 9e analyed exactly as a static system su9Kected to this

    Oinertial force and momentO and the external forces$ &he advantage is that/ in thee4uivalent static system one can ta7e moments a9out any !oint .not Kust the center of

    mass0$ &his often leads to sim!ler calculations 9ecause any force .in turn0 can 9e

    eliminated from the moment e4uations 9y choosing the a!!ro!riate !oint a9out 5hich t

    a!!ly the moment e4uation .sum of moments ? ero0$ Even in the course of

    Fundamentals of %ynamics and ,inematics of machines/ this !rinci!le hel!s in

    analying the forces that act on a lin7 of a mechanism 5hen it is in motion$ In text9oo7

    of engineering dynamics this is sometimes referred to as dLAlem9ertLs !rinci!le$

      #$ Ex!lain the 6FA&IUE8 conce!t$ +hat means 6F'AC&U'E8P


    %uring a shi!s life/ her structure is su9Kect to fluctuating strains due to o!erations such as loading/a

    very im!ortantly in a sea5ay as the hull flexes in the 5aves$

    f cyclic stresses are very high/ then the num9er of reversals a steel structure can 5ithstand 5ithoutailre is limited$ Consider a stri! of steel 9eing 9ent to and froin a vice$If 9ent through a small angle

    can 5ithstand many reversals$ If 9ent through large angles/ it 5ill soon fracture$ Further/ if a notch

    made in the stri! at the !oint of 9ending it 9rea7s much more 4uic7ly due to the stress concentration

    roduced 9y the notch$ &he surface of the fracture 5ill 9e fi9rous in character$

    or many materials/ including mild steel/ 5hen su9Kect to cyclic stressing in the la9oratory there

    !!ears to 9e a level of stress 5hich can 9e re!eated indefinitely 5ithout failure$ &his is 7no5n as th

  • 8/19/2019 Hw1 Imn - Efti


    atigue limit and results are usually !lotted as stress level .S0 against num9er of reversais to failure

    N0/ the S-N curve for the material$ &he curve is asym!totic to the fatigue limit$ Unfortunately/ there

    o5 evidence that steels have no such limit 5hen used in a corrosive environment such as that at sea

    Avoiding/ or reducing/ stress concetrations and 9uild-in stresses 5ill increase a structures fatigue lif

    ut it must al5ays 9e considered in design$ Ex!erience sho5s that most !ro9lems arise from theetailed design of 5elded connections$ (a9oratory test on ty!ical connectons are carried out to

    rovide design guildance$At various mean stress levels/ the s!ecimens are su9Kect to stress reversals

    arious ranges of stress$ lots are usually in logDlog from 5ith the stress range !lotted against the

    um9er of reversals to failure$ &y!ical !lots for mild steel are straight lines 5ith the num9er of

    eversals increasing as the stress range reduces$ At the fatigue limit/ a second line !arallel to the N ax

    omes into !lay$

    are is needed in using la9oratory results to !redict !erformance at sea$ A!art from the corrosive

    tmos!here/ already referred to/ the range of stress and the mean stress to 5hich the shi! is su9Kect a

    onstantly varying$ Safety factors are a!!lied to the la9oratory results to allo5 for these influences$


    he characteristics of a fracture in steel de!ends u!on its toughness/ and tem!erature$ At reasona9le

    em!eratures fracture initiation is 9y the coalescence of voids in the material$ &he crac7 then gro5

    nly if/ and 5hen/ it is su9Kected to increased strain or load$ Such crac7s 5ill extend at moderate rate

    measured in mmDsecond and are li7ely to 9e detected 9y regular ins!ections 9efore they can cause

    erious trou9le for the shi!$ At lo5er tem!eratures/ fracture is 9y cleavage$ &he fracture is then said e 9rittle and rates of !ro!agation can 9e a9out mDsecond/ causing catastro!hic failure$ &he

    em!erature mar7ing the transition from one mode of fracture to the other is 7no5n as the transition

    em!erature$ It de!ends u!on the microstructure of the material/ the loading/ rate/ structural geometr

    nd the nature of the notch$ In thic7 materials tri-axial stresses can 9e set u! 5hich favour 9rittle

    acture$ )igh loading rates are 9ad$

    he Char!y. for details of this test the student can refere to a standard text on strength of materials0

    est is often used in 4uality control to indicate 5hether a material is li7ely to exhi9it 9rittle fracture

    ver a range of tem!eratures$ It is a sim!le standard test that is easy to carry out 9ut it does note!roduce the geometry and method of loading$ )o5ever / 5ithin the general !arameters of shi!

    ructures and their loading/ the Char!y test can indicate 5hich steels are li7ely to 9e effective$

    ecommendations are 9ased on the !ercentage of the Char!y fracture that is crystalline$ In some cas

    !ecially tough steel stra7es are !rovided to act as crac7 arresters and for these the !ercentage shoul

    e ero$ &hat is/ the fracture must 9e totally fi9rous$ A figure of _ !rovides good crac7 arrest

    a!a9ility and should avoid fracture initiate H_ gives a god !ro9a9ility that 9rittle fracture 5ill not


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    is clear that crac7s cannot 9e !revented com!letely although their accourrence can 9e reduced 9y

    ood design$ *nce initated/ they can extend due to fatigue or 9rittle fracture$ Steels having high notc

    oughness should 9e selected to reduce the rsi7 of catastro!hic 9rittle fracture occurring$ As steel is

    more 9rittle at lo5 tem!eratures/ shi!s intended to o!erate in ice 5ill re4uire steels 5ith higher

    oughness$ So 5ill shi!s 5hich must 9e ca!a9le of sustaining high loading rates/ as steels react inmore 9rittle fashion 5hen the rate of stress 9uild-u! is high$ Such conditions may a!!ly in collisions

    r ex!losions$

    3$ 'AC&ICA( '*3(EMS


    "$ THE BASICS.

      -1. T)e so*e# $oem %s %n e?eme %&te$ &+('$e 1.6.


    A shi! of length " m and 9eam "G m floats at a mean draught of H$m 5hen in 5ater of

    density "$B tonnesDm$Assuming her 9loc7 coefficient is $ and her 5ater!lane coefficient

    of fineness is $J/ calculate the shi!s dis!lacement and her a!!roximate draught 5hen it ente

    5ater of "$" tonnesDm


    @olume of circumscri9ing rectangular 

    Solid ? " ] "G ] H$ ? B/B m

    @olume of dis!lacement ? $ ] BB ? "/"B m

    )ence dis!lacement ? "/"B ] "/B ? "/HG tonnes

  • 8/19/2019 Hw1 Imn - Efti


    &he 5ater!lane area ? /J ] " ] "G ? "JB mB

    In the less dense 5ater the shi! must dis!lace more 5ater to !roduce a 9uoyancy force e4ual

    its 5eight$

      Ne5 volume in the less dense 5ater ? "/HGD"/" ? "/BB m  &he shi! 5ill sin7 in the 5ater to com!ensate for the added volume

      Added volume ? "/BB "/"B ? " m

      Sin7age ? "D"JB ? J/"H cm

      Ne5 draught is a!!roximately H/ J m

      -2. Se&:%ssessment @'est+on 1.

    A shi! has a length of "G m/ a 9eam of "Hm and a draught of J/H m 5ith a dis!lacement of

    "/ tonnes and an immersed midshi! section area of "# mB$ Assuming a 5ater density of

    "$B tonnes !er cu9ic metre/ find the 9loc7/ longitudinal !rismatic and midshi!-section


    &he 9loc7 coefficient .C30 is the ratio of the under5ater hull volume of a shi! at a !articulardraft to the volume of a rectangular !rism .the circumscri9ing !rism0 of the same length/

     9readth/ and draught as the shi!$

    C3 ? @D.( x 3 x &0

    C3? "#D."G]"H]J/H0


    &he longitudinal !rismatic coefficient .C0 is the ratio of the under5ater hull volume of a shi

    to the volume of a !rism 5ith length e4ual to the shi!Ls and cross-section area identical to the

    midshi! section$ In other 5ords/ the !rismatic coefficient is e4ual to the 9loc7 coefficient .C3divided 9y the midshi! section coefficient .CM0$

    C ? @D.Am x (0 ? C3DCM

    C?"#D."$B ] "G0 ? "H#$"D"""$\"


  • 8/19/2019 Hw1 Imn - Efti


    &he midshi! section coefficient .CM0 is the ratio of the area of the under5ater midshi! sectio

    .Am0 of a shi! at a !articular draft to the area of a rectangle .the circumscri9ing rectangle0 of

    the same 9readth and draught as the shi!$

    CM ? AmD.3 x &0



      -3. Se&: %ssessment @'est+on >.

    A 9arge m long 9y G m 9eam floats in 5ater of density "$B tonnesDm$ &he centre of

    gravity of the 9arge itself is on the centerline amidshi!s$ +eights are added at the !ositions

    indicated in the ta9le$

    +here must an additional 5eight of " tonnes 9e added so that the 9arge 5ill sin7 9odily

    5ithout heel or trimP

    +hat 5ill 9e the increase in draughtP

    2. DA!"HTS.

      ->. T)e so*e# $oem %s %n e?eme %&te$ &+('$e 2.7.

    A vessel dis!lacement B/ tonnes/ has a length 9et5een !er!endiculars of B m/ and has

    level draught of J m$ It has a 5ater!lane area of $ mB/ 5ith its centre of flotation m aft

    amidshi!s$Calculate the ne5 draughts for5ard and aft if a 5eight of B tonnes is added m

    for5ard of the centre of flotation$ &he longitudinal metacenter is " m a9ove the shi!s

    centre of gravity$ Assume the 5ater density is "$B tonnesDm$


    &he &C of the 5ater!lane is $$ ] "$BD" ? "$B tonnes !er cm$

    If the 5eight 5ere added at the CF the !arallel sin7age 5ould 9e BD"$B ? $\ cms ? $m

    Moving the 5eight for5ard m causes a moment of B ] ? J$ tonnes m trimming th

    shi! 9y 9o5

    &he resulting trim is J$DB$ ] " ? "D radians

    &he shi! trims a9out the CF so the increase in draught f5d ? "D m ? B" cm

    Aft ? Jm T .$\ "\0 cms ? $G#\ m

  • 8/19/2019 Hw1 Imn - Efti


      -5. Se& –%ssessment @'est+on 3.

    For the shi! in the a9ove 5or7ed exam!le/ in her initial condition/ calculate the ne5 draughtsand if a 5eight of " tonnes is removed from a !oint B m for5ard of amidshi!s$

    Find the !osition at 5hich a " tonne 5eight must 9e added in order that the draught for5ar

    does not change$

      -6.Se&:%ssessment @'est+on >.

    +hat condition must 9e met in order that a shi! 5ill not change trim in moving 9et5een 5atof different densitiesP

    If a shi! is of " m length 5ith its centre of flotation m aft of amidshi!s/ 5hat 5eight !lac

    " m for5ard of amidshi!s 5ill cause the same trim as a 5eight of J tonnes !laced " m from

    the 9o5P

    3EINNE%: "H$""$B"

    %EA%(INE: F'I%AY/ "$"B$B"$ Su!ervisor: drd$ asist$univ$ in

      %UMI&'ESCU (AU'EN IȚ 

  • 8/19/2019 Hw1 Imn - Efti
