hydrostatics - lth fluids at rest: • the pressure at any point in a fluid is the same in every...

1 Review Of Basic Fluid Mechanics Hydromechanics VVR090 Hydrostatics Fluids at rest: the pressure at any point in a fluid is the same in every direction in a continuous fluid with constant density the pressure increases linearly with depth and the pressure is the same along horizontal planes dp g dz = −γ = −ρ 1 1 ( ) p p z z h = −γ Constant density:

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Page 1: Hydrostatics - LTH Fluids at rest: • the pressure at any point in a fluid is the same in every direction • in a continuous fluid with constant density the pressure


Review Of Basic Fluid Mechanics

Hydromechanics VVR090


Fluids at rest:

• the pressure at any point in a fluid is the same in every direction

• in a continuous fluid with constant density the pressure increases linearly with depth and the pressure is the same along horizontal planes

dp gdz

= −γ = −ρ

1 1( )p p z z h− = −γ − = γ

Constant density:

Page 2: Hydrostatics - LTH Fluids at rest: • the pressure at any point in a fluid is the same in every direction • in a continuous fluid with constant density the pressure


(pressure may be expressed in height of a fluid column; e.g., mm Hg, m H2O)

ph =γ

Pressure head:

p z+γ

Static head (piezometric head):

Hydrostatic pressure distribution: .p z const+ =γ

Pressure Definitions

Force on a plane area

Total force: cF h A= γ

Center of pressure: cp c


Iy yy A

= +

Page 3: Hydrostatics - LTH Fluids at rest: • the pressure at any point in a fluid is the same in every direction • in a continuous fluid with constant density the pressure


Force on Curved Surfaces

Look at horizontal (Fx) and vertical components (Fz) separately.

2 2tot x zF F F= +Total force:

Flowing Fluid

Basic equations for conservation of:

• mass (continuity equation)

• energy (involves potential and kinetic energy + work)

• momentum (involves momentum fluxes + forces)

Analysis through control volumes

Page 4: Hydrostatics - LTH Fluids at rest: • the pressure at any point in a fluid is the same in every direction • in a continuous fluid with constant density the pressure


Classification of flow types

• 1-D, 2-D, and 3-D

• real and ideal fluid

• incompressible - compressible

• steady – unsteady

• laminar – turbulent

• established – unestablished

• uniform – non-uniform

• subcritical – supercritical

• subsonic - supersonic

Continuity Equation

1-D, steady, compressible:

1-D, steady, incompressible:

1 1 1 2 2 2AV A Vρ = ρ

1 1 2 2AV A V=

stream tube

Page 5: Hydrostatics - LTH Fluids at rest: • the pressure at any point in a fluid is the same in every direction • in a continuous fluid with constant density the pressure


1 1 2 21 2

1 22 2M Lp V p Vz h z h

g g⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞

+ + + = + + + +⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟γ γ⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠

Energy Equation

No losses:


p Vz constg

⎛ ⎞+ + =⎜ ⎟γ⎝ ⎠

Bernoulli’s equation

With energy losses (hL) and energy input (hM):

Definitions in Fluid Flow

• Pressure head (p/g)

• Elevation head (z)

• Static head (piezometric head) (p/g + z)

• Velocity head (V2/2g)

• Total (energy) head (p/g + z + V2/2g)

• Hydraulic grade line

• Energy line

.p z const+ =γ

Plane and parallell streamlines

Page 6: Hydrostatics - LTH Fluids at rest: • the pressure at any point in a fluid is the same in every direction • in a continuous fluid with constant density the pressure


Energy and Hydraulic Grade Lines

exit loss

flow between reservoirs

Momentum Equations

Newton’s second law (vector relationship)

2 1

2 1

2 1

( )

( )

( )

x x x

y y y

z z z




= ρ −

= ρ −

= ρ −


Page 7: Hydrostatics - LTH Fluids at rest: • the pressure at any point in a fluid is the same in every direction • in a continuous fluid with constant density the pressure


Pipe Flow

Laminar – turbulent flow

Characterized by Reynolds number:

Re DV DVρ= =

μ ν

Critical Re-value for transition to turbulence: 2000 (pipe flow)

Head Loss in Pipes

Moody’s diagram

Wall shear stress

2 2

2 4 2LL U L Uh f fD g R g

= =


= (hydraulic radius)

Page 8: Hydrostatics - LTH Fluids at rest: • the pressure at any point in a fluid is the same in every direction • in a continuous fluid with constant density the pressure


Minor Losses in Pipelines


2L LVh K

g=General expression:

• expansion (e.g., exit)

• contraction (e.g., entrance)

• bends

• fittings (e.g., valves)

Pipe Configurations

Pipes in parallell:

1 2 3

1 2 3

......L L L L

Q Q Q Qh h h h= + + += = = =

Pipes in series:

1 2

1 2 3

......L L L L

Q Q Qh h h h= = == + + +

Page 9: Hydrostatics - LTH Fluids at rest: • the pressure at any point in a fluid is the same in every direction • in a continuous fluid with constant density the pressure


Pumps and Turbines in the System

Pumps supply the system with energy

Turbines extract energy from the system

Pumping Between Two Reservoirs

Pump and system curve

2P P PH z C Q= Δ +

System curve: