hyomei will cure · received from the government heat rft reivers certtneates rode this state of...

THE WASHINGTON TIMES FK1DAY FEBRUARY 13 1910 7 > Rbstal President Silent As to Reported Purchase of Telephone Companies MAY MEAN MERGER TO FIGHT TRUST Street Believes Morgans Stock In Independents Will Pass to Telegraph Company XEW YORK Feb IS Clarence mor current m UK to n rial district that the Maekay Cwmpanie owning the Company nd the Comerctal Cable Company taking over a number of the most Important independent telephone interests In the United State aad en American Telephone and Telegraph Company which recently took over the Vest m Union According to a Wall Street report to- day the Mackay Companies intend to take over from J P Morgan Co the control of the United States and Ciiya- loaa Telephone Companies in Cleve- land the Home and the New L ms Dis- tance of Indianapolis CUnsens of Columbus and the other Independent ines recently acquired by the Morgan banking firm from R L Day Co York brokers who arM aemifer d these companies with the intention of turning them over to the American Telephone and Telegraph Company Baa Other HHi g- In addition to tliesc independents Street credits the Mackay inter- ests with being heavily interested the Continental Telephone Company and tbt Independent Telephone Cor- poration of New Jersey which recently increased capitalization to XMcMMM- Tiiis corporation it is deefared will shortly control the more important tele itliorte interests of that State lid Wall Street believes this is the first step hi- t he Maekay plan tr take over ther perdents It is admitted that the recent sale f rhfo and Indiana independent companies was for the account of the American Telephone and Telegraph Company but It became evident that this sale might have serous conse- quences the law 90 that the control of these companies passed to the M rx n firm The stock- holders declare Morgan boucfat for the American and in view of the present action it b doubted if Morgan ican even if h did b iv for them which has ten officially denied May Became Nucleus This stock Wan Street believes will find its way into the hands of the w Independent telephone merger The Maekay companies a few days pmm and Telegraph announced that this stock was sold bf- TV Union and the Com- panies backers of the Postal dW oat wht h controlled its rival the Western Union What Congress Did IK THE SENATE Senator Tflhnan of South m- c ilangfrmiB condition and out ex- pected to live Representatives of the MorsanGugsea helm syndicate told the Committee Territories wit interest the syndi- cate had in Alaska They admitted the syndicate had an option on the Cunningham sutra Senate Committee on Interstate Com meree continued its bearinc mate Committee on Patents ordered A favorable report on the Beverids bill for a patent curt of appeals The Senate Rules Committee consid ers the question of meeting oclock nod is likely to fiver it The committee to investigate the cot of Hvtoic increaactf by the ocher of Senator Cbamberlain of Oregon Senator aJdrcascil the The EMstriet Committee reporto m orably the bill for a city beauti- X t and other District bills IK THE HOUSE Te House met at noon General debate on the India appropiU tion bill reasoned The House District Commfcke ordered a favorable molt on a numfcet of D6trlct SWINDLER OF LOVE COMMITS SUICIDE PLYMOUTH Mass Feb 18 Willis L Fowler fiftyfour who was recently cop icted here of the larceny of U3M from Mrs Mary C Loneman of Qutery I1- Lrhrourh a love swindle committed stzicMc today by sump his throat In the jail here where be was awaiting sentence H V TAFT WELL AGAIN LOS ANGELES Feb IS Henry V raft of Kew York has left with ms wife for Santa Barbara Cal He has overed his health MACKAY DECLINES TO DISCUSS RUMOR Wan Mackay of tile cp- lliei refuoed dtCYft Ute nI Postal lid Cable r ta- t lyre with tM tile d A its antitrust curt turn stock over tJ the xmer interests as the a Ap that It had d 90Md of bic beMlap Qe it parse the has taken stern to in a I at New in IUd L a prraNerht Madtay today to Tek graph tended tering active eompedtba New Wall da- sh the t under would the Mackay auciens of z announeed ito P Arrrkara Tole fees 2 Amerk an over tits doetre he interested eorpotation Car Uoa on l Sen- ate favor of water- way iwttproveneenta J was bills r a ¬ < ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ > > ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + SYNDICATE PRESENTS ITS CASE TO COMMITTEESt- irred By Exaggerated Reports of MorganGuggen heim Ceals In Alaska Representatives Explain- Nature of Transactions In Norhtwest ¬ That the ai rsnG iS mn JH Alaska syndiea4e had Pbtmined tetoreet In an piton on are fcnowii as the CoiMifeciiam al caddis in the latter part of J ly MW the Senate Committee on Terri- tories by Stephen Birch the director wf the mdleate Mr Bheh explained to the committee the tails of the tranenctfo relative to the CwnntaRham claims wkk are the ones involved in the BalllngerPinchot- eontroveray Mra G gKen ji zyndieate and Cun n niuK presented to the commit- tee It was made at Salt Lake City m- WK Repree tatrei f the svndleate testified Cn nwgham had talked over with Ute simdicat ropresentatlves a plat S ittog through the pr erty and said Ute agreement witn Cunningham was perfected after the Government had given certmeates of entry Denial was monde that the syndicate mamtattted wore or was inter- ested hi any WIlls which are pending The commttte will bear iepre nta- croscejcamine them closely Stirred by what they exaggerated reports printed in the m gaz eg and Gc genfceim syndicate in Afea John N Stee f general counsel of the syndi- cate slid Mr Birch appeared today be fore the commttt They announced that they intended rive full details P Mor ad f their Joint operations m Alaska Te Make Denial began It has well known for lone time that thftjf cpialtet had Urge Interests the Territory Xaay statements hav been current that they are slowly foil a vieeMke grip n the mineral wealth of Alaskan region It was to deny that the MorganGug Se h im crowd Is to sobWo up Ala Me rg and Birch were impeWe to forward with their statement today That the chief reason which has stead bullet in Concrees that the bill is a scheme of the MorsanGnesenhetmi- mpresefcm abut th Capitol Mr St Cu tcstMed that aM the money spent resoun syndicate limit and that k bad received any aid from the Government Concerning the Cunningham claims Jine Bin odd Bircks Statement had Alaska except the interest it obtained imUer an option siren by what are known as the CwmtoshaiHt c J daHtt- atito In latter part of July 18 At the time this option was given Mr Lm and Ms aseorfatee had paW tls Government for their claims and had received from the Government heat rft reivers certtneates rode this state of facts Mr Cunningham and hte asso- ciates had tmd r the of the Supreme Court of the United States full and perfect right to sell wr- dispose of their dams An jxamiaatlon of their coal proper ties and o was made for the syndicate by cod who reported very large laMin coal of high grade In the lat- ter part ef 19 C tb optkxi given by th grew nt July of the near exercised Arese Xttthini further dcue money to be paid until patents were hued to the cIa The OttepthTOs arose in the winter f 1K- reRaidm the title of the claimants and the patents yet been The sum of thirteen Hundred ftCtynne W10 dollars l 6 n which was paid by the syndicate Mr Cunningham was for groceries and j other supplies and the traveling ex- penses and wages of men furnished by j Mr Cunningham to Mr Storrs to sit the 1 ttr Silo examination of the coal property This fully from the Itemized account rendered Mr tern lom Tills is the only aowant Mr runnm ham or his se c tes and not cue stellar has ever been paid on a ou of rite coal claims themselves MrsTs Steele and Birch in limony toM what properties the Mor nGupenbelm did not own in Mask and of the various steamship what admitted A copy of the Ute Heat for read that x the tW8J of the syndicate forther will cat IMlpeFi or tilde work of tile to of tile week tattlM of J Ct and tM I I Their ate of Ute meoro me meat beat lit I the trying that come prompt theta to MAke Ui Is fact tile bill boon practically by the wide crowd to further their jQereat8 Is Ute wile bather of Charles J la- b r Ute Mea the eVer The net has never any interest Matta ill tit dee llOllli legal Ute Bering tiTer JieW gee era Y a aINJ trf eon f Questions under under its previeioe no have net to I IR I by Cue I pew d syndicate r fa was today before inana ring agreement between was lohby and MOrgan and an Messrs Guwnbdm statements a Steele Matennent the Alat3ka zevermreet Les killed to a cek vC the prat R Morgan enorniote deveiepment Alas- kan bad furaidhel by eytidtdto has and lit nay soap Clan expert exreneivt tracts coal lands December r snore wee was this option bause was to- wed and appears rt their tee < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ There is nothing that causes more worry and discomfort than a surrounding flesh and by its tendency to grow worse in every way it sug gests UM possibility cf being cancerous in its nature Efforts to heal the ulcer by means of washes lotions etc always result in failure because such treatment can have no possible effect on the blood where they impurities and morbid matters form and are carried through the circulation to place to keep it irritated and diseased The impurities in the blood must be removed before the healing process owe poisons and morbid impurities which keep the ulcer open Then as this purified blood is carried to the diseased place the heating commences the inflammation gradually leaves the discharge ceases new tissue xnd healthy flesh are forme and soon the sore is permanently cured because the source has been destroyed SSS does not a surface cure but by supplying the blood with healthful properties it at the bottom and causes the flesh at the diseased spot to firmly and permanently knit together and the plaoe is loft sound Boot on Sores advice tree to all who write SWIFT SPECIFIC CO ATILT GA CURES- CHRDNItULCERS ironic festering ulcer S it lingers slowly eating into the tissues and the n can begin s SS goes to the fount of the trouble and drives the I t anymedlcal THE c L germ Gins and Weil ¬ < c ft ames railroads and in winch i were riot interacted I The yyndteate to develop Alaska Wits in the spring of W and UM- followiM is a synopsis of the facts u whisk th representatives f J P Mor- gan and Company and the s- toetmed today Further Testimony- That in left it acquired by purchase about i per cen of the stock of Northwestern Commercrtal Company which ft that time owned the entire capital stock of the Northwestern Steamship Company anti of the North western Fisheries Company which lat ter company owned eight canneries In Alaska with a total peck of about MM cases of salmon Other persons soil corporations JH which the syndi- cate has no interest own and operate about thirtyeight canneries with a total peek of about 2Wwe cases of sal- mon The W per cent of the Meek of the Northwestern Commercial Company was widely distributed there being about one hundred and nty five stockholders That in the year the Alaska Steamship Company was formed with- a capital stock ef VtimA Of which Kff9 was Issued That the North cobra Commercial Company 38 per cent of the issued tc by reason of Its turning over the ir aa ers and eontraets of the Nortbwettern Steam ship Company and the payment of 4M t hi cask The WWWO in each was paid and tk IS per cent of the outstanding stock was issued Capt Charted E Peabody and hU dates who owned the steamers f former Alaska Stoantfihhj Company which were turned over to the new company Steamer Lines The Alaska Steamship Company operates twelve st amers running from Seattle to southeaster and south i western Alaska St Michaels Nome Saward Peninsula points and Be- ring sea There are the fol j lewtn lines Canadian Pacific Steam fchlp Company Coast Steamshhtp Company Alaska Coast Steamship Company Snubach Hamilton boWt Steamship Company and a num- ber of tramp steamers both foreign and American operating at least twen tynve to different points in Alaska in which lines the Alaska Syn- dicate has no Interest The syndicate has constructed about one hundred and two mum of flrat claw substantial standard gauge By dote of season of me the road will be ftntehed to the Bonanza mines a total mileage of abeut one and ninetynine wile The road so far hits test over i n million dollars and ui d r tbe eatimatea its completion will reo Hre a further expenditure of more than million Every dollar of this money has been ted by the syndicate shelf The vindicate has not issued to the public a stogie bond or a staxle share of stock but has Itself furnished the entire amount of money Has N Interest j Awvska Central railway the Pass in Alaska In TftS the syndicate boucfat from the owners of the Alaska Copper and Coal Company the company owning tbe Bowmsa mines a 4 cent interest therein In the spring of 19W It par dared the remaining M per cent nt terest in that company and now owns the entire property Prior to its Urn purchase neither tb syndicate nor member thereof had an interest of sort in the Bonanza mines The syndicate has not now and has never had any other interests hi properties in Alaska except under called the Bratnober Option The properties covered by this option contain a very large amount or ore but assays made during last summer proved that the ore wa of too 1 w a r d tn he drvelopf and the option was abolisp they GIf t the remaining S I tIIB received remaining no I l i steamers read from Cftnlova in Alaska to the Capper 1 river and up the river the t j live doIJ Nl I syndicate no interest la the White I and Yukon route or any other t I 1 I I J I I J coo- per copper I mines formed S to the Pad i Hum Copper the mak- ing hun- dred The has In rail- road per and the ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < TAKES INITIATIVE IN TARIFF PLANS United States Sends Note to Great Britain on Canada A Rates- A that negotiations to a tart between the United and Canada was conveyed to Great Britain today h a from the State Department The communication expressed the so UeituCa of president Tuft over the tariff rftJatknts between the two countries and his desire in view of the friendly rda t sns that have always between the United States sad Canada to have settled before March a when the maximum clause of the tariff law becomes automatically operative So far there has been no move on the part of Great Britain to take up itege- tt oion i The note that al- though the President has a certain amount of freedom in the mint mum rate th recommendations of the Secretary of State are bused upon facts concerning tar To arrive at the proper interpretatknt of these facts ne are ry and discussion v tariff Th negotiations may be conducted through the ambassador or a Canadian commuwloin in Washington Secretary Knox send to Ottawa several tariff experts to gather in forma- tion which will be needed in the negotla tons Counsel General Footer Is ROW United States In connection with the subject SEEKS HIS RELEAS ALLEGES HE IS SANE Joseph T Weaver member of a prominent Washington family today died a petition for a writ of habeas corpus to his release from the Government Hospital for Ute Insane alleging that he has recovered front a mental derangement and Is now able to attend t his affairs He declares he was placed In the In- stitution in October 190K eH was ad judged insane December l W and Robert D Henry E Weaver were appointed a committee to rare for his affairs Justice Gould granted the writ and the prisoner will appear before him neat Wednesday morning Watching a Stomach WHS Means Whcrrhj Science Made 5sMetkc Cure of Dyspepsi- A Trial Package of Staarts Dyspepsia Tablets Sent Pree The Abb SpallaRXni was the tint sci iltst to study systematically chemical powers of tie gastric jti- in experiments of the the foundation of our exact knowledge Of its and action was laid Beaumont was an strs on lo- cated at an obscure military DOM in Michigan while It was yet a territory and was called upon to treat a gunshot wound of th stomach in a Canadian voyMeur Alexis St Martin When the left by moans of which food could be placed in the stomach and gastric juice taken front it Beaumont made scientlflc experiments with his truBti meant and wrote a book which today Is recognized amanp the classics of Bearmont the for other scientists so that today medicine knows what itoma b does with food and what food does to the stomach Science also knows what the gastric juices ar and how to make them best for the system Stuarts I ysfepw Tablets thanks tn the poor army surgeon and Alexis 3t ruin a means of food reptentefciHc exhausted juices oondtttor of the stomach Stuarts Dypepeia Tablets are nat iral fruit and vegetable essences in form and by t imrndous power compressed Into M ti let wonderu little digest ore ar known all over America and adu Full meals hae been digested by them in glass tuber and they are sow by every druggist to the number of 4O use them They are meritorious and Go to your ru tst and buy a package today price Me or send us your name and and we will you- a trial package hv mail free Address F A Stuart Co 150 Stuart Bid Mich looking sole ranUR lIohatlolls ex rt MaY anti Digest Food the but It by careful and con kc Beaumont wound a opening a the Mart the lid Ca t power- ful send Stator the the la- the the was the composition army healed pertanant wan blared give digesting the metning nerves correcting dys- peptic re- duced These Phyak fans < aldr ese Mar- shall > < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ I Ever i Pair Worth Doub i f I I I A Sale That Is Famous For Its Great Bargains The mere announcement Twicea I Y ear Clearance Sale or 195n was sumeient to crowd our storE with eager buyers Men know a good thing I when they see it They know at prices are greatest shoe valucs ever I them at 195 is like gold dollars for fifty cents roc every pair is worth double All odds I md ends broken etc ore disposed or in this manner Yiur ehoice Sl95 a pair A few at S245- I I REDUCED FINDINGS A I5c Cork Innersoles c- L 25c Slumber Socks 14c SIc Bed Slippers 37c i i5c Johnny Over altecs 2IJc- i Broaddoth 913 Penna Ave N W- I f i s f- t M F q sw Y O- ni rt A S a Newark Shoes Newark their regular onerpd e Sl Gvcrgatters6ic = Mysterious Disappearance of Money and Mail Never Explained The Government of the Unittd States may be one piece of machinery a has been sometimes said but with aU of Its mechanical precision fa doing bust Heee Us upon itself and the cheeks of the public upon it tIM ma- chine occasionally slips a cog Always there is mystery about these acid are seldom explained v Some weeks ago tiN Bureau ef Prtat Injr and lost a sip of paper upon which were stamped four bttte They were unnumbered and unsigned but they away WIllie was supposed to be a record absolute and of all printed money this pa- per was let for before it was discovered and tile due come from- a bank The bills had never been mimed by the bureau Only when they were picked up by a bank teller did the out Then during the Christmas holidays a whole pouch of mail was lost registered packages For were made to the Postofflce De partment of map matter but no trace could be found cf the pouch A few days ago the pouch filed with registered packages was located under- a pile of old mail tacks It bad been recorded by every man who had han dled It but somehow it had xt ne astray and had never missed until the complaints began to pour in GOVERNMENTS COGS IN CURIOUS SUPS I i J checks J J I unerring then containing weeks missing huge ship they Engraving Ill got there weeks hun- ter come com- plaints been ¬ Misses find Young Ladies Suits 25 and 30 Values One large lot of very handsome tailor made Suits mane of broadcloth cheviot neat fancy effects and Plata colors just the weight for present sad early smog ode for tDUiO I 698 serge aDd wear actual 22b and Sao Childrens Storm Rubbers Best wearing quality made regularly 6c aM sizes S to 2 tritk this coupon j t apair Saturday Only Flrsr Fleer Choice of these article 1gal granite Tea Kettles 2 or 3 qt gran ite Tex or Coffee Pots aad Igallon covered Berlin Kettles regu- larly at 25c and 39c with this coupon Saturday Fleer Mennens Talcum Powder 10 cents Tomorrow we will sett tins fa- mous toilet necessity with this coupon at a box Saturday Only First Fleer Bay State sell I I GraniteWare i I5c- I OnlyThird I I 0 C I ete i1C ¬ ¬ ¬ < TELEGRAPH MAY REDUCE RATE- s New Service Is Reported to Be Under Consideration by Xo word IMHC received at the local office of the reported plan of the Wetter Union Telegraph Company for nfeut letter srviee This proposed service It is said will boon new of wnlce to be called Ue OFF CES Ofitciials a term I your throat L you catarrh Breathe J Hare you a cough Breathe Have you a cold I treat he Hyomei by tjr jus breathing soothing BrAe Have Yo ego MOlt a cougar or a oeld It magi y me I agile as e onmend it whenever opportunity seats iUHf F W Mager Contra Freight Agent C H D Ry Co i rinnati Ohio On 22 tat Hyome is the beat remedy lung troubles It d not contain any cocaine or morphine breachr cornea with each p throat and and aU that JI n is t the little black inhaj outt r h f- ort through pocket t over the tote raw and Inflamed mom bran Titter is item a man wino Knows i Maer and myself Nave used your inhaler faith f u Hy whenever needed and k has always given in- stant relief asd saved us from many severe colds sonsider Hyo mei a wonderful discovery and rec CATARRH CATARRHX SNUFFLES fc e THROAT COUCHEtG j THE HEAD ASTHMA M BRCWOHTSS1- HYOMEI OK tfc INHALER POUIFf a I Sore Cora mats only sT- tdruKStsts ever where and a Henry E vans and H mel to i roup coughs colds sore throw and bronchitis r money back A mel Inhaler last lifetime and xl bottles of Hyon ran be obtain from druggists only SO cents H66 Mia to cane etarrt IT f We fez Fr Far I W a i OLD N guarantee i n d r a Its ¬ > > Misses and Y un Ladies AM Serge Drosses styttsMy wade navy blue green carnet etc 2C QQ- Womens Black Metre Dresses neatly MUle and trimmed very styHeb to S1O ff O Q2- Wemens AHweel Panama Dresses navy blur and hick stylMdy made gee worth to 15 sale CO QQ New Sprint Sfclrta made of aU W VH and serin scylieh tailored effects ex tD LcO values to poet I I S13 sale price I i values sale poke i twice Panama t value at 3 sale prier < Mens Furnishings1- st Floor Pa Ave Entrance Mens Medium Weight Under- wear for 50c Garment Famous ribbed skkls and drawers te aM rises drawers made with bicycle seats fated and suspender taped AnexceHent value at 75c White Pleated Shirts 59c Coat style with cuffs attached four widths of pleat u 50 a t I 59 Rots make bend C ings slam 14 to 17 splendid value at 75c A bargain at Selling Mens 350 and 400 High Grade An extraordinary offering in every Tray foot perfectly 5 to 11 Your choke of he best leatKers in the aces correct shapes shoes for dress wear shoes for very day Genuine Goodyear welts in box calf gun metal calf patent kid strut colt and rid kid of airs be toady for your selection Saturday morafe The host 535O and 54 values salt price a pair 195 Footwear at L95 Pair 7iS we have sizes is the lot to fit every IMm reds will eo i If e f S very permit anyone to send fifty wojl for the price of ten words mitted ta the day with cnenftL of t i day for each additional ten word or fraction of ten AceorMng to presrnt pn is i totters should r tilri it avl fore HiMulght for tran nti t acror- t K t the conv n nc of tfc an during the slack hours of tike night i for delivery next morning under C tain circumstances by under other circumstances through the postofflce The mj of the local off stated today they had not heard of f plan and until they did would dis cam it rat I n < Use mes t not t night Iran the a eager b- and > > > < < Hyomei will Cure Catarrh Qr your Money H Back > It rays to Come From Any Distance au c ns wtusmnm YOU TO Fa Ave and 8th Street Southeast Here Are Some Splendid Values 5 Silk Petticoats Saturday 298J- ust arrived a fortunate purchase of guaranteed taffeta silk Petticoats All the newest shades for sprite wear as well as black and white neat tucked flounce with dust ruffle full width S5 values in way Saturday sale 5298 I I I Saturday Sale of Womens Misses ApPaIei- I I every and west Belts n4 elnTer for Choke sic Elastic SIlk and Patent Leather Bolts the newest buckles and Special tomorrow Vfc- TSprlna assortmcT of abuts ttnen and lace storks white madras stocks nod fancy O- maune bows Special tonssrr w t KM Gloves 100 and SV5O present and spring wear Sale L price tomorrow a pair V Womens Ribbed Vests excellent l c quality On sale to morraw mad eckw MIr C ill just the for 7c Guild webbl 1lL large qualities proper shadee C > Boys Clothing Dept 1st Floor Rear Boys 350 to 650 Knickerbocker Suits Tomorrow Made of pure worsteds and cheviots newest dark and patters S350 to S 5Q values m sizes S to fil QQ tomorrow a suit Boys Knickerbocker Pants i 198 light I Mtokr or cop the patterns of olOPCdIERt 4 39c 5 1 a recta sale newest mode wearing quality materials all sum to 18 years bons Sic a pnir Two Shoe Values Extraordinary We will place on sale Saturday morning the balance of our big purchase of the entire floor stock of a famous maser of wowens highgrade shoes If we could advertise the name in connection with tins cut price you would readily r vr r i as the standard snake of the day embracing everything iv upto date footwear turn or wetted soles lace or button in patent kid patent suedes vii kid line dongoia r fectly Not a shoe in the lot made to sell for less than SXVX sunny styles up to 6 A pair Si95 350 to 600 Footwear fort 195 Pair sizes to fit every foot pxr eo eo J re- cent snit 6 50 National Spring Couch 398 With Pad Furniture Dept 3rd floor with pad 398 0 jr 1- Complets ss5ospeirts Deptsia Cons Sad pia sale 39 5 Haines Dept Stores Pa Ave0 and 8th St S E 1 t

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Post on 18-Jan-2020




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Page 1: Hyomei will Cure · received from the Government heat rft reivers certtneates rode this state of facts Mr Cunningham and hte asso-ciates had tmd r theof Supreme Court of the United


Rbstal President Silent Asto Reported Purchase of

Telephone Companies


Street Believes MorgansStock In Independents Will

Pass to Telegraph Company

XEW YORK Feb IS Clarence

mor current m UK to n rial district thatthe Maekay Cwmpanie owning the

Companynd the Comerctal Cable Company

taking over a number of themost Important independent telephoneinterests In the United State aad en

American Telephone and TelegraphCompany which recently took over theVest m Union

According to a Wall Street report to-day the Mackay Companies intend totake over from J P Morgan Co thecontrol of the United States and Ciiya-loaa Telephone Companies in Cleve-land the Home and the New L ms Dis-tance of Indianapolis CUnsens ofColumbus and the other Independentines recently acquired by the Morganbanking firm from R L Day Co

York brokers who arM aemifer dthese companies with the intention ofturning them over to the AmericanTelephone and Telegraph Company

Baa Other HHi g-

In addition to tliesc independentsStreet credits the Mackay inter-

ests with being heavily interestedthe Continental Telephone Companyand tbt Independent Telephone Cor-poration of New Jersey which recentlyincreased capitalization to XMcMMM-Tiiis corporation it is deefared willshortly control the more important teleitliorte interests of that State lid WallStreet believes this is the first step hi-t he Maekay plan tr take over therperdents

It is admitted that the recent salef rhfo and Indiana independent

companies was for the account of theAmerican Telephone and TelegraphCompany but It became evident thatthis sale might have serous conse-quences the law 90that the control of these companiespassed to the M rx n firm The stock-holders declare Morgan boucfat for theAmerican and in view of the present

action it b doubted if Morgan

ican even if h did b iv for them whichhas ten officially denied

May Became NucleusThis stock Wan Street believes will

find its way into the hands of the

w Independent telephone mergerThe Maekay companies a few days

pmm and Telegraphannounced that this stock was sold bf-

TV Union and the Com-panies backers of the Postal dW oatwht h controlled its rival the WesternUnion

What Congress Did

IK THE SENATESenator Tflhnan of South m-

c ilangfrmiB condition and out ex-pected to live

Representatives of the MorsanGugseahelm syndicate told the CommitteeTerritories wit interest the syndi-cate had in Alaska They admittedthe syndicate had an option on theCunningham sutra

Senate Committee on Interstate Commeree continued its bearinc

mate Committee on Patents ordered Afavorable report on the Beverids billfor a patent curt of appeals

The Senate Rules Committee considers the question of meetingoclock nod is likely to fiver it

The committee to investigate the cotof Hvtoic increaactf by the ocherof Senator Cbamberlain of Oregon

Senator aJdrcascil the

The EMstriet Committee reporto morably the bill for a city beauti-

X t and other District bills


Te House met at noonGeneral debate on the India appropiU

tion bill reasonedThe House District Commfcke ordered

a favorable molt on a numfcet ofD6trlct


PLYMOUTH Mass Feb 18 Willis LFowler fiftyfour who was recently cop

icted here of the larceny of U3M fromMrs Mary C Loneman of Qutery I1-Lrhrourh a love swindle committed

stzicMc today by sump his throat Inthe jail here where be was awaitingsentence


raft of Kew York has left with mswife for Santa Barbara Cal He has

overed his health




Mackay of tile cp-lliei refuoed dtCYft Ute nI

Postal lid Cabler ta-


lyre with tM






curtturn stock over tJ the xmer

interests as the a

Ap that It had d90Md ofbic beMlap Qe

itparse the has taken

sternto in a



Newin IUd



prraNerht Madtaytoday to

Tek graph


tering active eompedtba




the t


would the

Mackay auciens ofz

announeedito P Arrrkara Tole

fees 2

Amerk an over tits

doetre he interested eorpotation

Car Uoa




ate favor of water-way iwttproveneenta







< ¬


> ¬



> >









irred By Exaggerated Reports of MorganGuggenheim Ceals In Alaska Representatives Explain-

Nature of Transactions In Norhtwest


That the ai rsnG iS mn JH Alaskasyndiea4e had Pbtmined tetoreet In an

piton on are fcnowii as theCoiMifeciiam al caddis in the latterpart of J ly MW

the Senate Committee on Terri-

tories by Stephen Birch thedirector wf the mdleate

Mr Bheh explained to the committee

the tails of the tranenctfo relative tothe CwnntaRham claims wkk are theones involved in the BalllngerPinchot-eontroveray

Mra G gKen ji zyndieate and Cunn niuK presented to the commit-

tee It was made at Salt Lake City m-

WK Repree tatrei f the svndleatetestified Cn nwgham had talkedover with Ute simdicat ropresentatlvesa plat S ittog through thepr erty and said Ute agreementwitn Cunningham was perfected afterthe Government had given certmeatesof entry

Denial was monde that the syndicatemamtattted wore or was inter-

ested hi any WIlls which are pending

The commttte will bear iepre nta-

croscejcamine them closelyStirred by what they exaggerated

reports printed in the m gaz eg and

Gc genfceim syndicate in Afea JohnN Stee f general counsel of the syndi-

cate slid Mr Birch appeared today before the commttt They announced

that they intended rive full detailsP Mor

ad f their Joint operations m AlaskaTe Make Denial

began It has well known forlone time that thftjf cpialtet had

Urge Interests the Territory Xaaystatements hav been current that theyare slowly foil a vieeMke grip n themineral wealth of Alaskan region

It was to deny that the MorganGugSe h im crowd Is to sobWo up

Ala Me rg and Birchwere impeWe to forward withtheir statement today

That the chief reason which has

stead bullet in Concrees that the billis a scheme of the MorsanGnesenhetmi-

mpresefcm abut th CapitolMr St

Cu tcstMed that aM the money spent

resounsyndicate limit and that k badreceived any aid from the Government

Concerning the Cunningham claimsJine Bin odd

Bircks Statement

hadAlaska except the interest it obtainedimUer an option siren by what areknown as the CwmtoshaiHt c J daHtt-

atito In latter part of July 18 Atthe time this option was given Mr

Lm and Ms aseorfatee had paWtls Government for their claims and hadreceived from the Government heat rftreivers certtneates rode this stateof facts Mr Cunningham and hte asso-

ciates had tmd r the of theSupreme Court of the United Statesfull and perfect right to sell wr-

dispose of their damsAn jxamiaatlon of their coal proper

ties and o

was made for the syndicate bycod who reported very large

laMin coal of high grade In the lat-ter part ef 19 C tb optkxigiven by th grew nt July of the

near exercisedArese

Xttthini further dcue

money to be paid until patentswere hued to the cIa TheOttepthTOs arose in the winter f 1K-reRaidm the title of the claimantsand the patents yet been

The sum of thirteen HundredftCtynne W10 dollars l 6 nwhich was paid by the syndicate MrCunningham was for groceries and

j other supplies and the traveling ex-

penses and wages of men furnished byj Mr Cunningham to Mr Storrs to sitthe 1 ttr Silo examination of the coalproperty This fully from theItemized account rendered Mrtern lom Tills is the only aowantMr runnm ham or his se c tes andnot cue stellar has ever been paid ona ou of rite coal claims themselves

MrsTs Steele and Birch inlimony toM what properties the MornGupenbelm did not ownin Mask and of the various steamship



A copy of the Ute


for readthat


thetW8J of the syndicate forther will


IMlpeFi or tilde work of tile

toof tile week tattlM of J

Ct and tM


ITheir ate of Ute meoro me

meat beat


I the



prompt theta to MAke UiIs fact tile bill

boon practically by the wide

crowd to further their jQereat8 Is Ute

wile bather of CharlesJ


b r UteMea the


The net has neverany interest Matta ill


dee llOllli


Ute Bering tiTer JieW geeeraY a

aINJ trf eon



under its previeioe no

have net



I by CueI




was todaybefore

inana ring

agreement between





andan Messrs Guwnbdm




Matennentthe Alat3ka zevermreet

Les killed

to acek vC the prat R Morgan

enorniote deveiepment Alas-

kan bad furaidhel by

eytidtdto has andlit nay soap


expertexreneivt tracts coal lands


snore wee

was thisoption bause





rttheir tee









There is nothing that causes more worry and discomfort than a

surrounding flesh and by its tendency to grow worse in every way it suggests UM possibility cf being cancerous in its nature Efforts to heal theulcer by means of washes lotions etc always result in failurebecause such treatment can have no possible effect on the blood wherethey impurities and morbid matters form and are carried through thecirculation to place to keep it irritated and diseased Theimpurities in the blood must be removed before the healing process

owe poisons and morbid impurities which keep theulcer open Then as this purified blood is carried to the diseasedplace the heating commences the inflammation gradually leaves thedischarge ceases new tissue xnd healthy flesh are forme and soon thesore is permanently cured because the source has been destroyed SSSdoes not a surface cure but by supplying the blood with healthful

properties it at the bottom and causes the flesh atthe diseased spot to firmly and permanently knit together and the plaoeis loft sound Boot on Sores advicetree to all who write SWIFT SPECIFIC CO ATILT GA


CHRDNItULCERSironic festering ulcer S it lingers slowly eating into the tissues and

the n

can begin s S S goes to the fount of the trouble and drivesthe





germ Gins

and Weil



c ft ames railroads and in winch iwere riot interacted I

The yyndteate to develop Alaska Witsin the spring of W and UM-

followiM is a synopsis of the facts uwhisk th representatives f J P Mor-gan and Company and the s-toetmed today

Further Testimony-That in left it acquired by purchase

about i per cen of the stock ofNorthwestern Commercrtal Companywhich ft that time owned the entirecapital stock of the NorthwesternSteamship Company anti of the Northwestern Fisheries Company which latter company owned eight canneries InAlaska with a total peck of aboutMM cases of salmon Other personssoil corporations JH which the syndi-cate has no interest own and operateabout thirtyeight canneries with atotal peek of about 2Wwe cases of sal-mon The W per cent of theMeek of the Northwestern CommercialCompany was widely distributed therebeing about one hundred and ntyfive stockholders

That in the year the AlaskaSteamship Company was formed with-a capital stock ef VtimA Of whichKff9 was Issued That the North

cobra Commercial Company38 per cent of the issued tc by reasonof Its turning over the ir aa ers andeontraets of the Nortbwettern Steamship Company and the payment of4M t hi cask The WWWO in each waspaid and tk IS per cent ofthe outstanding stock was issued

Capt Charted E Peabody and hUdates who owned the steamers fformer Alaska Stoantfihhj Companywhich were turned over to the newcompany

Steamer LinesThe Alaska Steamship Companyoperates twelve st amers running from

Seattle to southeaster and south iwestern Alaska St Michaels NomeSaward Peninsula points and Be-ring sea There are the fol jlewtn lines Canadian Pacific Steamfchlp Company Coast SteamshhtpCompany Alaska Coast SteamshipCompany Snubach HamiltonboWt Steamship Company and a num-ber of tramp steamers both foreignand American operating at least twentynve to different points inAlaska in which lines the Alaska Syn-dicate has no Interest

The syndicate has constructed aboutone hundred and two mum of flratclaw substantial standard gauge

Bydote of season of me the road willbe ftntehed to the Bonanza mines

a total mileage of abeut oneand ninetynine wile

The road so far hits test over i nmillion dollars and ui d r tbe eatimateaits completion will reo Hre a furtherexpenditure of more than millionEvery dollar of this money hasbeen ted by the syndicate shelfThe vindicate has not issued to thepublic a stogie bond or a staxle shareof stock but has Itself furnished theentire amount of money

Has N Interest

j Awvska Central railway the Pass

in AlaskaIn TftS the syndicate boucfat from

the owners of the Alaska Copper andCoal Company the company owning tbeBowmsa mines a 4 cent interesttherein In the spring of 19W It pardared the remaining M per cent ntterest in that company and now ownsthe entire property Prior to its Urnpurchase neither tb syndicate normember thereof had an interest ofsort in the Bonanza mines

The syndicate has not now and hasnever had any other interests hiproperties in Alaska except under

called the BratnoberOption The properties covered by thisoption contain a very large amount or

ore but assays made duringlast summer proved that the ore

wa of too 1 w a r d tn he drvelopfand the option was abolisp













readfrom Cftnlova in Alaska to the Capper

1river and up the river thet


livedoIJ Nl


syndicate no interest la theWhite

I and Yukon route or any othert

















mak-ing hun-dred

The has

In rail-road
















United States Sends Note toGreat Britain on




A that negotiationsto a tart between the Unitedand Canada was conveyed to GreatBritain today h a from the StateDepartment

The communication expressed the soUeituCa of president Tuft over the tariffrftJatknts between the two countries andhis desire in view of the friendly rdat sns that have always betweenthe United States sad Canada to have

settled before March awhen the maximum clause of the tarifflaw becomes automatically operative

So far there has been no move on thepart of Great Britain to take up itege-tt oion i The note that al-though the President has a certainamount of freedom in the mintmum rate th recommendations of theSecretary of State are bused upon factsconcerning tar To arrive at theproper interpretatknt of these facts ne

are ry and discussionv tariffTh negotiations may be conducted

through the ambassador or aCanadian commuwloin in Washington

Secretary Knox send to Ottawaseveral tariff experts to gather in forma-tion which will be needed in the negotlatons Counsel General Footer Is ROW

United States In connection with thesubject


Joseph T Weaver member of aprominent Washington family todaydied a petition for a writ of habeascorpus to his release from theGovernment Hospital for Ute Insanealleging that he has recovered front amental derangement and Is now able toattend t his affairs

He declares he was placed In the In-

stitution in October 190K eH was adjudged insane December l W andRobert D Henry E Weaver wereappointed a committee to rare for hisaffairs Justice Gould granted the writand the prisoner will appear before himneat Wednesday morning

Watching a Stomach

WHS Means Whcrrhj ScienceMade 5sMetkc Cure of

Dyspepsi-A Trial Package of Staarts Dyspepsia

Tablets Sent PreeThe Abb SpallaRXni was the tint

sci iltst to study systematicallychemical powers of tie gastric jti-

in experiments of the thefoundation of our exact knowledge Ofits and action was laid

Beaumont was an strs on lo-

cated at an obscure military DOM inMichigan while It was yet a territoryand was called upon to treat a gunshotwound of th stomach in a CanadianvoyMeur Alexis St Martin When theleft by moans of which food could beplaced in the stomach and gastric juicetaken front it

Beaumont made scientlflc experimentswith his truBti meant and wrote a bookwhich today Is recognized amanp theclassics of

Bearmont the for otherscientists so that today medicine knowswhat itoma b does with food andwhat food does to the stomach

Science also knows what the gastricjuices ar and how to make them bestfor the system

Stuarts I ysfepw Tablets thanks tnthe poor army surgeon and Alexis 3t

ruin a means offood reptentefciHc exhausted juices

oondtttor of the stomachStuarts Dypepeia Tablets are nat

iral fruit and vegetable essencesin form and by t

imrndous power compressed Into M tilet wonderu little digest orear known all over America andadu Full meals hae been digested bythem in glass tuber and they are sowby every druggist

to the number of 4O usethem They are meritorious and

Go to your ru tst and buy apackage today price Me or send us yourname and and we will you-a trial package hv mail free AddressF A Stuart Co 150 Stuart Bid





lIohatlollsex rt



Digest Foodthe

but It by careful and con kcBeaumont

wound a opening




the lid

Ca t







thewas the


healed pertanant wan


give digestingthe

metning nerves correcting dys-peptic



Phyak fans<




< ¬







Everi Pair







A Sale That Is

Famous For ItsGreat Bargains

The mere announcement TwiceaI Year Clearance Sale or

195n was sumeient to crowd our storEwith eager buyers Men know a good thing


when they see it They know atprices are greatest shoe valucs ever

Ithem at 195 is like gold dollars

for fifty cents roc every pair is worth double All oddsI md ends broken etc ore disposed or in this manner

Yiur ehoice Sl95 a pair A few at S245-I


A I5c Cork Innersoles c-

L 25c Slumber Socks 14cSIc Bed Slippers 37c

i i5c Johnny Over altecs 2IJc-


913 Penna Ave N W-I

f i s f-

t M

F q








Newark Shoes

Newarktheir regular


eSl Gvcrgatters6ic


Mysterious Disappearance ofMoney and Mail Never


The Government of the Unittd Statesmay be one piece of machinery ahas been sometimes said but with aU ofIts mechanical precision fa doing bustHeee Us upon itself and thecheeks of the public upon it tIM ma-

chine occasionally slips a cog Alwaysthere is mystery about these acid

are seldom explained v

Some weeks ago tiN Bureau ef PrtatInjr and lost a sip of paperupon which were stamped four bttteThey were unnumbered and unsignedbut they away WIllie wassupposed to be a record absolute and

of all printed money this pa-per was let for before it wasdiscovered and tile due come from-a bank The bills had never been mimedby the bureau Only when they werepicked up by a bank teller did the

outThen during the Christmas holidays a

whole pouch of mail was lostregistered packages For

were made to the Postofflce Department of map matter butno trace could be found cf the pouchA few days ago the pouch filed withregistered packages was located under-a pile of old mail tacks It bad beenrecorded by every man who had handled It but somehow it had xt ne astrayand had never missed until thecomplaints began to pour in
















got there


hun-ter come




Misses find Young Ladies

Suits 25 and 30 Values

One large lot of very handsome tailormade Suits mane of broadcloth

cheviot neat fancy effects andPlata colors just the weightfor present sad early smog

ode for tDUiO

I 698serge


wear actual 22b and Sao

ChildrensStorm Rubbers

Best wearing quality maderegularly 6c aMsizes S to 2 tritk this coupon j tapair

Saturday Only Flrsr Fleer

Choice of these article 1galgranite Tea Kettles 2 or 3 qt granite Tex or Coffee Pots aad Igalloncovered Berlin Kettles regu-larly at 25c and 39c withthis coupon

Saturday Fleer

Mennens Talcum Powder10 cents

Tomorrow we will sett tins fa-mous toilet necessity withthis coupon at a box

Saturday Only First Fleer

Bay State



I GraniteWare

i I5c-I OnlyThird

I I 0 C








sNew Service Is Reported to Be

Under Consideration by

Xo word IMHC received at thelocal office of the reported plan of theWetter Union Telegraph Company for

nfeut letter srvieeThis proposed service It is said will


new of wnlce to be called Ue



a term

I your throatL

you catarrhBreathe J

Hare you a coughBreatheHave you a coldItreathe Hyomei

by tjr jus breathing soothing


Yo ego MOlt a cougar or a oeld Itmagi

y m e I



onmend it whenever opportunityseats iUHf F W Mager ContraFreight Agent C H D Ry Co i

rinnati Ohio On 22 tatHyome is the beat remedylung troubles It d

not contain any cocaine or morphinebreachr

cornea with each


throat andand aU that JI n is tthe little black inhaj



f-ortthrough pockett

over the tote rawand Inflamed mombran

Titter is item aman wino Knows i

Maer andmyself Nave usedyour inhaler faithf u H y wheneverneeded and k hasalways given in-

stant relief asdsaved us frommany severe colds

sonsider Hyomei a wonderfuldiscovery and rec







aI Sore Cora

mats only sT-

tdruKStsts everwhere and a HenryEvans and Hmel to i

roup coughscolds sore throwand bronchitis rmoney back Amel Inhaler last

lifetime and xlbottles of Hyonran be obtainfrom druggistsonly SO cents


Miato cane etarrt



Fr FarI W


OLD N guarantee

in d r






Misses and Y un Ladies AMSerge Drosses styttsMy

wade navy bluegreen carnet etc 2C QQ-

Womens Black Metre Dressesneatly MUle and trimmedvery styHeb to S1O ff O Q2-

Wemens AHweel PanamaDresses navy blur andhick stylMdy made gee

worth to 15 sale CO QQNew Sprint Sfclrta made of aU

W VH and serinscylieh tailored effects ex

tD LcO

values to



I S13 sale priceI


valuessale poke



t value at 3 sale prier


Mens Furnishings1-st Floor Pa Ave Entrance

Mens Medium Weight Under-wear for 50c Garment

Famous ribbed skkls and drawers te aM

rises drawers made with bicycle seats fated andsuspender taped AnexceHent value at

75c White Pleated Shirts 59cCoat style with cuffs attached four widths of pleat


50a t

I 59

Rots makebend


ings slam 14 to 17 splendid value at 75c A bargainat

Selling Mens 350and 400 High Grade

An extraordinary offering in every Tray

foot perfectly 5 to 11 Your choke ofhe best leatKers in the aces correct

shapes shoes for dress wear shoes forvery day Genuine Goodyear welts

in box calf gun metal calf patent kidstrut colt and rid kid ofairs be toady for your selection

Saturday morafe The host 535Oand 54 values salt price a pair 195

Footwear at

L95 Pair7iS we have sizes is the lot to fit every

IMm redswill


iIf e




permit anyone to send fifty wojlfor the price of ten words

mitted ta the day with cnenftL of t iday for each additional ten wordor fraction of ten

AceorMng to presrnt pn is itotters should r tilri it avlfore HiMulght for tran nti t acror-t K t the conv n nc of tfc anduring the slack hours of tike night i

for delivery next morning under C

tain circumstances byunder other circumstances through

the postofflceThe mj of the local off

stated today they had not heard of fplan and until they did would discam it







tnight Iran



eager b-






Hyomei will Cure CatarrhQr your Money


It rays to Come From Any Distance

au c ns wtusmnm YOU TO

Fa Ave and 8th Street Southeast

Here Are Some Splendid Values

5 Silk Petticoats Saturday 298J-ust arrived a fortunate purchase of guaranteed taffeta silk Petticoats All the newest shades

for sprite wear as well as black and white neat tucked flounce with dust ruffle full width S5 values in

way Saturday sale 5298



ISaturday Sale of Womens Misses ApPaIei-





west Belts n4 elnTerfor Choke sic

Elastic SIlk and Patent LeatherBolts the newest buckles and

Special tomorrow Vfc-

TSprlna assortmcTof abuts ttnen and lace storkswhite madras stocks nod fancy O-maune bows Special tonssrr w t

KM Gloves 100 and SV5O

present and spring wear Sale Lprice tomorrow a pair V

Womens Ribbed Vestsexcellent l c quality On sale tomorraw mad

eckw MIr


ill just the for



webbl 1lL


qualitiesproper shadee



Boys Clothing Dept1st Floor Rear

Boys 350 to 650 KnickerbockerSuits Tomorrow

Made of pure worsteds and cheviots newest darkand patters S350 to S 5Q values m sizes S to fil QQ

tomorrow a suit

Boys Knickerbocker Pants




Mtokr or cop the patterns of olOPCdIERt4 39c


1 a recta sale

newest modewearing quality materials all sum to 18 years bons Sica pnir

Two Shoe ValuesExtraordinary

We will place on sale Saturdaymorning the balance of our

big purchase of the entirefloor stock of a famous maserof wowens highgradeshoes If we couldadvertise the namein connection withtins cut price you would readily r vr r i as the standardsnake of the day embracing everything iv upto date footwearturn or wetted soles lace or button in patent kid patentsuedes vii kid line dongoia rfectly Not a shoe in the lot made to sell for less than SXVXsunny styles up to 6 A pair Si95

350 to 600Footwear fort

195 Pair

sizes to fit every foot pxr

eo eo




6 50 National Spring Couch 398With Pad Furniture Dept 3rd floor

with pad398


jr 1-


ss5ospeirts DeptsiaCons Sadpia sale 39 5

Haines Dept Stores Pa Ave0 and 8th St S E1t