i '.. acwe

.Puzrle That Pays' Draws BIC Response '"The Puzzle ~t Pa)'s" COlItnt which sta"~d in last _~k's issae of The Gross~ Pointe Re'.;e-w prodllCri hundreds of I~tlerl from RtTiew rcad~rs, and kept judll'ts .-orkinR onrtime in fttennining th~ winners. First l'ri~. a $.1.00 m~rc:han<tise order on T1ITTIer's Sinclair Super Sen'ice. WAR RELIEF UNIT MEETS 15901 Mack at I;arr;l1lirton, ... as a...~~<led 1o Mi" Glwen Lewi,. e>f i43 Ri\'ar.i The rcc'nlh. (\fRani7.ed Grn!Se Po;nte Sh'd,. Cil.- "I Gro',e P,.,;nle. SC<:C'Mprize. a $2.00 merehandi~e order "" Ihe chapler e>f Ihe Flritj'h War Relief, \'inalf~ Radit\ S~n'ice. 345 Fisher Road. ",ent tl'l Mrs. ], \\'. Sa~scfr. of 1015 IIn<1er ::,e supervisinn C'f :..rrs. R. F. )h ... ,-hl",d. (;r .... "e P"inte Parle. Third pril~, a fI.OO merchand"e Noler on Ihe 1 (jiven. ,,'ili Moid a meeting on :\Ionday, Lsk~ ...ood Hard,,'are Co .. 17«7 Mack, was ..-on by David S. Thompson. 13ZO I ]a ..uary Ii. al 10 a. m, in the Grosse Somenel. Gr",~~ Pointe Park. \Vinners .. ';1] re~~ive their m~rchandise order$I' Pointe ~remMial Chareh. t),rn,,~h th~ m~il. .... Mth~r "PII7.7!~ TII~I P~y, •• in be fl'lllnd in thi. i""r. Tn jllmbltll f"rm. ACCIDENT VICTIM tilt 1';:7,lr cMtain, the nam~ of one al1l.trti'rr f""nti hr!,.,... Ihe la"'''I!. tht I r,~N"e \'"(k",,c;'. ~, .... f m daic- f ". . ,,' II" fi' f . I ' .. ~fr, anll ~frs. (hac:e' 'filler of addre" or annthcr, ~nl1 Ihe tel~phone nllm"er n a In"" al1"~rI"er .. ", nnmera p''lr.lc, '" ,ere" <e,'ere aela ,nJ"tle'l ' ' Or let:rr ",~v he U~fn t..-ic~ in the finding of the correct sC'lulion, t-nl~nglr Ihe e~r1,\' laq \f "nrla)' mM","" ,,'hen hi, H"nt CI,," ~rl\ e, "ecame the I'r,,',:~ . . I . k' 1k Sh R' parent' .... f. I'''nur. I 2''''::ncc h• .,... h"I' J)1J771r .. nd .'In t ~rn:~. Cft:'" ~,ilr( ::to Ir("c- ("1M .~ e nTe 01 r l l ' , ?r~teh~~~"e priu ... ,jll he a,,'arded for a prnO<'! "f Iii ","~eb In Ihe fir~t "ear t.!!,:ht 'file R"ati, A p."e l1 lter. On SlJn~a\'. Dec,m"" 22. 'frs. :"1:ller , , f ,., I ' IS lh~ tor""'r '-f.", Prnn. t~re~ eMle.tants ...ltn SUMmIt the c(\rreet, n~at"r~t. anti mnlt onll',n,1 .,,1,,- I Rnce"',',' B-n"',,. (l ~JJ "rexe. "as _ ti"" to the pll77le. Hnwe\Cr. no mailer hOW,nrH. rr"mP,I, Or "rlll,na; )'our I:tl\'en ~r't a,:~ at <. "'l~~. H",p,.,al ~'1,oi I I 1 c \ kill I Jc~ 8at' on Prak s"I1",on m.\ he, 11 ",iI n'" h... ~ a chancr to ...," Tlnlt" It " ("neet. re ca" ,. "c ''''-.c ~I, les In 'cn- l'l~r~ ;tl' ru,"" r.~.", b,."n f,"'md on \;,,,-,,, ,'I ,r.'."." t" "T~r rlillie That P.", Ed,to r ," Til. hro ••e .I .... \"tc I"'" (nnrl,:,nn. T:;e car. a Pljmouth I a Canadian peak, 6,000 fl'et !ugh. . Re' iew, 15121 ~erc~en~ Graue ,Polntl Park, ),(ICb,~, -., ...,.', ..... '~ sedan • .waa a neu total ""!!c!- -. _ ._ _ acwe.<~ Iteat~ Pi-• .e' u -~ .He. , -We __ Aiepucl , "'",. ~~ -:" '. .. ..' '. . - .~. . tN~t of labor to arauize ad t~ ..,' -"'~~:'':'''''':'::'~L.''~' ... '' '~ &t';:=~:= ~AC~e1Y. We mUlt insure " ..- - -- -- '... liP 4- ..... fanMn their rilbt to • fair I~re of ' ....... attbe{JJohqfil:t._~'1IJJLJef.~. tile \ ..... ~:..- 1iIVriduaI' ~'."'P ...- ... ,.lL....."''''iI!-.'''''''''''''''''M_~''-_ oar Dlitional illCOllle. We must make f Oll~-..J...:ry"'-"-'- ......... ., "I""': " , I fr h h J ~:_L_S who • ..:. ~iIrt~""' .. ' .-L '1GrCba of fltal recoriS wiD tOtal 100.- ,u...-.._ Fi- ~..&-..---.& I '.. oar peop e aecare DIll t e worst u- ... -~...... -~ ...~_.... fred' h 30 l~ _ .... ~UDCUI. .......-r.--r N MEN! Americus'bave tllMl-e,1o 1aIIc1w-.tbal il ards of 'llDempJoyment, old age, alld -----' --- 0Ql) llr the~. as Cl*lpa Wlt.- MoRE MAPS Sur Will a.--:_ A•• 100&" •• 0 we are to keep olU'.b~.'we mIDt pbv-'_r "'--bility. "'~I_a:__ Of. B-L'l:L. 00lI in 193!1 ud'... -.I!lJ8, the .1I:iP.. ,.e~ ~m, .. :on.:-.. UDIO ~ r....... ~._.- "-- aL_ ..... - I •. -&- 1_- make our democracy workl . "The third. job of coYerl1lllent is to Y !L__ ...... __R .' u_ at -- .. _' .... 1~ I ........... tot .. .... ...... D ~ oNIII1IBJ'Y Aft 'T .... ia..- pJo'TdAl eM. "\"hat -ll ",e ,ill y:.:~_. do to ' LIIJI"IU"ICa •• ~ IE"'. tboalfa the de.aiIuMI. fer birth ' ditiaB't A. ..... _ Fit" daaa, eo... """ ......... pn.scrTe and de-..elop these social p1U U:-L Of Z" .I:& ..L ... bel' eatiiQteI hatl bee h .......... ia Iut weeIt' .... _. -- -.. h~lp? What call _ do as . .....-cn-kiIIg in the fact of a strong tendency amonc ..... u ., NIl.. ot.. _. ea~ ceraIat .. -- Nate.....,..... C. Hayward Yutphy, weU-lcnown l.t.et.d .." zq......r z.....wu, men and farmers aDd busitleSli mell and 111&111)' people to say, 'They illterfere ~ aD 'year. It eaRoI In J- when _ ...,.. ...... ~ ef ... Grosse PoiBte resident. and D~troit fire ......... t .... IIID&1ear pIE cha-.p, teachers or whatever our ~ ia? What with utioeal defease'. ther~f-or~, we The c:irculatioa of GroII. ...... JIID- 'tI"OI'ken ia dffe:ns~ industries _' _.1 D_'" _. _ ., f 20 t t dearly _'" L__ ~~_ ... _. Croae Poiate . .-.. -- - - ---. COllllD15SJ011Q" or ,years, sac: .... - -- ... cOla I do as lrOVernor? mllJt curtail or aballdoa them.,' lie 'libraries. maimaiJle4l .,. tk GnMM were reqaired--tft ... proof of citiz~n- 151Z1 r-L-J L~ .. _~ t---'- ,L-t L ... L.": 1l a sur H.. '.. ",_L __ ' _ W w. . I ~ ~ -.... ye. """"1 ..... ~ ..""'" ~ - - "The.e are th,e br~. ~tioIIs "P--Ie who say these things fail to Poin~ School District lIDder tH"""'" Ib/p. For IIIot ~ the llate, the ..... -.I 'd , '.Ie, ... .......,. .ey: of Grosse Po""e municipal lire Ja1mU'7 &. (See .tar)' _ ..... h be lei m":":.i'1 111 recent --r .we. ." the Boa.nl ." Edac:a., ... ~eat way to '"'"' citizmship is to ~ I. aL_ "'--'-'---' -'- .' L J .L ) aYe ell as ng ~'" realize tbat adequate national def~Ds. recently radse4 a qew- ..... ~ WIt" Ihow .. Ilicllipa 1IirtII. certificate. ~ -- ... - - ~rtments -sometime ... te U1 anu- ...--. weeks, and. .l "'~t to tIJ "';Ullwtr abo means adequate home defauc. 24404 ~ , FCI' moatlta the lIeaand ftlr c:~rtifi- ...... two""'" H_,. 1 &b~ them today. '. .'. Natioul defense begins iu the homes nu. tetal is sea ........ , .... die Aka baa kIept two liiiifll of workers _.ewdt................. Murph,. and John B. },{tlran have rr -------------- "We can help malce democracy work of the humbreJt of Ottl' citizens. The -~ -'or tIaio ......... doe free ..., caved authorization from Tillage 0- Social l::!_~_-!ty, Act by each of us do.iag. our job, whatcvet' st ......... h of the ._,"._ m' .... ns. .:_ 6ft bnac:hn, tb~ ~N&t.tioe be-- ...,. in tll. ~t "lilts. The .... ~- .. I h ~ '_' _........_ _._ will ~ ..til - .... 6cia1s to condutt sac a sun-ey. Doe. N Se W k' it may be; by dOIng. It wen., and by pr.e. _'- -.d L-ttl.'hips is not the oal1 .. at the City of GroIM PcRte 1lnadI. - ftmaad baa been nidmt in the L: L __ L__ :~I. h' h '11 "~-"f d'''t'onal ot t or er I, Ia L"'h pqucs _ ... _ Cadieux at K6cllenI. and the Parle ~et of ~ clnb an onr the .... -~ - :-=.. - w It WI ...,.~.~Ine I any a WI sen-mg, as We do It, faU' p '1 WWl< measure of its preparedness. For the J tr ..... v , "" ..1' ••• _- equipment is needed and increase co- Retirement .... -e At 65 is the ~ssence of democ:ra"". s-_-:., of a -a"- d---'- u""'" t k - 1Iraach in the Pierce IItlior ~ ...e... mte. aDd III olllce, VI CIty c~r"3 or . I Ii ~ _.~ ..." u """ _.._.. Uli ..... _ .... chenJ lIear Notti..... f-all-time health otficen. City offices ------- ~ratioD betw~D mumcipa re de. "I say this because democracy h1l't weD.being of its people. as weD as 011 A r- '- Win F1on:8C:~ Snen, haTe Tecorcb datm;- back to 1906, Women Voter.' I -- _... pulments. There. is !\otmnll in the Social Se- a thing that you find in thin air, or in ill physical defenses. -Y""' ~7 __ U, Questioned cowcerning pr~sent condi- , Ii chief h'brarian, iadic:ated that circnta. whereu COUDty ..... tate records go Org .... :.- Chapter curity Act which says a worker musl the pages of learned boo:.cs, or In lie I wThus. it becomes clear that the joti . ._- 1""''' --- tions, Murphy stated h~ would recom. retire at age 65, it ';"as staled recently speeches. D~mocra"" is a thing that of nat,'onal defeme is also to care for ticla 0\'Cr a H)-year period has ~pcd back to <7'N'. Gr p' mend that Grosse Point~ Farms move -J frca an annal total in 1929-30 of 73.- III many cas~s, lifelong residents of In osse OInte by E. E. FullU<.k, "'''Udt;<' vi 1:,< r::...\ 111\'~SIn the hearts ot a Iree people. Jlsi the nt'eds of our people-their eco- several of their Lake Shor~ Road hy- . b . ~ bOOks to an annual total in 19.19--40th~ Itate ar~ finding that 110 official Side field office of the Social Secunly work is done by the hands and rams nomic security, their educational de- dr.nts. Murphy said that when the of 186)05. During lJIis same period records of their birtll exist, either in A group of Grosse Point~ wom~n in. Board. of a free people. velopment, their good health, and their dual Lake Shore high .... ay was con. I I' •.• naistered patrOfls of the library han their lnnI counties or in Lansing. In terested in the work of the League of Pollock said. "Recent)' a c. ler at our "Making democracy wor" II some. "eneral .elfar~. structed closer to the water, many of h' h h' lie .. IDtreaHtl from <4,071 ttI 8,922, "'hilec tbe .1ICh cases, if the attnd-ing physician is Women Voters has undertaken forma- office sho ...~d Us a letter in w IC t 11 thing )'ou do, DOt H,metlling you ta ~We in Michigan have many speci ... the hydrants weren': mOl'ed and are f h . BlIRIba' of "'Ohlllles OWJIed bat 1Iearl7 IIOt a..-ailable to lUke OIIt a birth c~rtif- tion of a braneh of that organization worker's cmplo)'er in erred I at rel,re- about. problems in this field. There are ..-hole tripled itself. icat~. probate j1Idges ill th~ county (If in this community. consequently out of place and hard to ment at age 6S was compulsory under "In the seven years I worked as ar~as on our social seNite front which reach, especiany in icy w~ather_ , Af d' f h S I lIiOll-liction boob of a practical na- birth 01' COUllty of residence c.an issue The League of Women Voters is a the Social Secunty Act, ter rea mg highway commissioner or te tale we have not cO\"~red adequately, hre are bein« 1lsed laore than ever a certi6c.ate and laid it to the De- national organization whose ideal is to R d CI U T this emplo)"er's leller it appears that he of Michigan, we didn't talk much about need only mention our (r;l'pled chil- 1Iefore, Wiss Snen has'stated. Books partlllent of Health fce delayed r~s- understand and support good admiais- ecor. .ear. p ~ has b~en misinformed, democracy. We had a job to do to I dren. our mentany aftlicated, and out .. aviatiOll and on tnda COIllleCted tration. after pr~selltatioft of satisfae- tralion U .... n as good legislati"" by. Equalization Complautt, "The only pro,i.ocll j .. tll~ Soci ..: S.- build and maintain roads to s~rve the old people as places where there i. with the defense pfellllRtioII bave been tOi'jo' mdence of th~ date, place and keeping informed on governmental 5ub- -- I curily Act is that a worker must retice people of Mich~alL We did that job room for imj)rO'Vem~nt ill what we dl) ... lII'ut dema11dlately.otJJet.cssatialfactlaboutthebirth.jecls.Itisaltrictlynon-partisanAtthetn:mt.eting held on Decem. from cov~red employment in order 10 in the best ...ay we knew how. In do. and how we do it. . Cr1'C1Ilation in t'be Grosse Pointe ------- group, and does not ~ndorse or oppose ber 12 at Eastwood School, X~ck Krywy 1 receh'e m.onth!y .checks under old-age ing this. I think. we were doing our "'Ve han .pecial proble1Jls, too: ill Woods branch on Mack aYell"R has in- 0.. .. T_ candidates. either elective or appoint- of R,dgemont a"entle cO'T1plamed of an and surVl\'ors msurance. The em- part to,,'ard making democracy work. restoring prosperity 10 thos~ sectIons creud !lO rapidly that the school boa.rd GiBlertIviDe. X7.. • the lite for in. It does. ho"'e,.er, attempt to make assessment on a lot in Gratiot Town. plo~'ee mu.t b~ at least 65, and ha,'e A good transportation syst~m always of out state ,..here important natural b considering k~epilll' the nbrvy open 1 ot 18 dams ill the TIDIleaHe a study of gO\'ernmental projects and ship bei,;g higher than the a5Se~~ment Qualified lIf.der the terms of thaI act ",ill be vital 1 0 d.mocracy. resources ha"e b~~n used up and ,..here aaoth~r half day uch w«k. VaDey authority .,..., polkies and to k~~p in t01lch with go,,- on th~ adjoining lot in Gros~e Pointe for monthly benefits, Tne \\'orkrr may "In exaclly the same "'ay you on today incOlll~s are low and unemplo)'- ernmental ~en'ices in tile tariOlla c:om' Woods. and anoth~r paper like,,'ise eu- work in any type of employment not )'our jobs and I ill my new job can ment h~aYY, lIIunities. ri~d a story stating that the ""Iualion cm'ered b)' the Social Security Act and best sette democracy by doing those Yet th~re remain ill lIIany of these Any woman interested in becoming a in Gratiot Town,hip ,,'as higher than in still recei"e his b~nefit~. job5 ,,'ell. ar~as basic resource£ out of ,..hieh a member or in learning mor~ about the Grosse Po:oint~\\'ood~. "The worker may return to covered ""'hat are the i;:lbs that the people more pros~rotls future can be built. "'01'k of the league is inTit~d to att~nd Th~ record' shO\,' that the lot men. cmplo)"Tflent. after retirement and .ilcr I of ~lichigan and their stale government The "ast facilities of the state should a meeting ~t the home of Mrs. M. P. tienerl i5 lot Xo. 4i and Ih~ di,'id,nl1 receh in~ me>nthly checks. But H he I ",ill ha"e to do in th~ months that are be further employed to aS5ist in bring. :"f(,ll'lr~. 4AAI York~hire Road, on line beto..een Gratiot To .... n'hip and carns $15 or mor~ in lny onc mon~h immedialely ahead, I think there are ing back prosperity to these sections, \\'ednesday, january 8, at 1:30 p. m. Gr"sse Pointe \\'.-.orls runs near the Ihen he is not entitled to his federal iour main ones. For wh~n we bring back their prosper- midt!le of the lot. The caster!)' part of ~o\'Crnment oJd-a!l'e in"lr.nce c;,cc.ks "Fint. "'e mmt do our part in tM ity "'e make these sections and our the lot heinll' aoo.Jt 19 feet in '" idlh, fror IhH peri"d, The S~C1al SecurllY national defena program, This is a \\'hole state strong~r from \\'ilhin. ...hid, i~ in Gr"s~e I'e>inle \\'Mds, is R"ar<l h.~ Mln,ng 10 do '\llh em"loyce- hig jol>, for in ?fichigan ;, a major "This, then. is our third hi!lt job-to ."e!sell f"r SUO. "'hile the Nher por, emrl"yer relations and d"e< not han part "f the inrlu~trv that mu,t pro,ide de,'elop Ihe program, ",'hich huild the tinn of Ih~ lot bein" ah"ut 15 feel in Ihe authority or de'lre to .,k anyone Ihe <Ieel mU'des of our nat;on's effort ",eHare of ollr people, I pledp:e Ihat '" irlth WH a,'~c'sed iN ~iO. II is q!ll~e 10 relire al 65 or at any other age:' to ~ake it.'elf strong enollgh to smash my administration ,,111 eo,operate ill e,'ident that ~lr, J.:r)'w~' th"u!l'ht Ihis P"llock saj.-j, , . anv po"ihle attacle, enry way ..,Ih ollr ... I,,,nal ll'''''ern, entire lot ..... , in Gr,,"e P"inte "'cods. _ The. Ea't 5id.e office of 11-e._SC>ClaT ':1he mill, anll factories in Ihe Jt!'r.t ment anrl our 1('(.1 R()\'ernment5 an,J NEW ARRIVAL ~CC"r1l,' .R""" H I"eated at 81\" liar- in""",i.1 crnters of nur ..late are fa,t "'ill carry it, """n .~are ,n ,he en<l Ihat per at \ an fl,'kr, hein::: I:te>red 10 meet Ihe ..ati"n', 111- this bill' j"h ma!' he ",'ell d"nc . .,...,..,~. ~,.t,.~(.r .,.... t"Ac::. A!"'~~~\' t~t'" ~re "In an or th~ j~h~ I ha.n" m('n:;('lned New England Women I prootlc;n" Ihe malcnal, ant!. ma,'hines 50 far., l'<>ur st~te ll'ovrrM"~t ~i1arcs I 1'lat are n('rrled In our ddense program, re'f'OnSlI>,hly .. ,th you and w,t" (;'hcr . 'r h rI Tb d !l'O\'ernment. and a"en('"s Thr last The nCtrn,t c"j,,1\'. X"i,,-,I S'criy 'ac aY a N an mana~ement are maIn .01> Ih., neen. '" h~ d"ne i, the ('If '\"~~. F.nQ'I~f'lr! \\'0mt>n. ~.' lil T'TH'r~ 111 l,\"nrl(ln~ m("lT"t d('l~~'y tn~"f'h~r, ~',,!'"k~ I J .. - ... ; h"lT'e' of \fr', l;rFe 11.,,'.cr, '~I)" '''.::: (";relher as a lrarn in ol1r Itrr.t s01e re,p<>n"hlllly of Ihe sla'r !lto,'crn. '.. " ., m~l"l. TI~.(' 1~ 11-.,. ... ~ I"'Ilf .... ~':"''''' ,,-'r \\'~\"';j'~ :.l\rr',',~ .-:i \, (,1" •• ;.1\., 7.111- I ~1~::""n .. ; (R('Irt tty m,jJ(~ ,\mtrl(,f 1n~j .... - ., ..... r •• , '.'" . ' "'1 . rl d' ~. '-, 0" n h"':'e Tn (l~dct-, f ~~rlng to it U~f\' Fl. :0 I;,':trt ',~ork on nc ...t )car"" \.;nCl ..... t ('In lan, -.:n t~ ~n'l In t'1l'" ~ t". ~hn$trn~s dresses. ... _ I "Our f~r!!1ers, too, are malnn. their l.~~ '" ,~ :t~l --r-

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Page 1: I '.. acwe

.Puzrle That Pays'Draws BIC Response

'"The Puzzle ~t Pa)'s" COlItnt which sta"~d in last _~k's issae of TheGross~ Pointe Re'.;e-w prodllCri hundreds of I~tlerl from RtTiew rcad~rs, andkept judll'ts .-orkinR onrtime in fttennining th~ winners.

First l'ri~. a $.1.00 m~rc:han<tise order on T1ITTIer's Sinclair Super Sen'ice. WAR RELIEF UNIT MEETS15901 Mack at I;arr;l1lirton, ... as a...~~<led 1o Mi" Glwen Lewi,. e>f i43 Ri\'ar.i The rcc'nlh. (\fRani7.ed Grn!Se Po;nteSh'd,. Cil.- "I Gro',e P,.,;nle. SC<:C'Mprize. a $2.00 merehandi~e order "" Ihe chapler e>f Ihe Flritj'h War Relief,\'inalf~ Radit\ S~n'ice. 345 Fisher Road. ",ent tl'l Mrs. ], \\'. Sa~scfr. of 1015 IIn<1er ::,e supervisinn C'f :..rrs. R. F.)h ...,-hl",d. (;r ...."e P"inte Parle. Third pril~, a fI.OO merchand"e Noler on Ihe 1 (jiven. ,,'ili Moid a meeting on :\Ionday,Lsk~ ...ood Hard,,'are Co .. 17«7 Mack, was ..-on by David S. Thompson. 13ZO I ]a ..uary Ii. al 10 a. m, in the GrosseSomenel. Gr",~~ Pointe Park. \Vinners .. ';1] re~~ive their m~rchandise order$I' Pointe ~remMial Chareh.t),rn,,~h th~ m~il.

....Mth~r "PII7.7!~ TII~I P~y, •• in be fl'lllnd in thi. i""r. Tn jllmbltll f"rm. ACCIDENT VICTIMtilt 1';:7,lr cMtain, the nam~ of one al1l.trti'rr f""nti hr!,.,... Ihe la"'''I!. tht I r,~N"e \'"(k",,c;'. ~, ....f m daic-

f ". . ,,' II" fi' f . I ' .. ~fr, anll ~frs. (hac:e' 'filler ofaddre" or annthcr, ~nl1 Ihe tel~phone nllm"er n a In"" al1"~rI"er .. ", nnmera p''lr.lc, '" ,ere" <e,'ere aela ,nJ"tle'l ' 'Or let:rr ",~v he U~fn t..-ic~ in the finding of the correct sC'lulion, t-nl~nglr Ihe e~r1,\' laq \f "nrla)' mM","" ,,'hen hi, H"nt CI,," ~rl\ e, "ecame the I'r,,',:~

. . I . k' 1 k Sh R' parent' ....f. I'''nur. I 2''''::ncc h• .,... h"I'J)1J771r .. nd .'In t ~rn:~. Cft:'" ~,ilr( ::to Ir("c- ("1M .~ e nTe 01rl

l' ,

?r~teh~~~"e priu ... ,jll he a,,'arded for a prnO<'! "f Iii ","~eb In Ihe fir~t "ear t.!!,:ht 'file R"ati, A p."el1lter. On SlJn~a\'. Dec,m"" 22. 'frs. :"1:ller, • , f ,., I ' IS lh~ tor""'r '-f.", Prnn.t~re~ eMle.tants ...ltn SUMmIt the c(\rreet, n~at"r~t. anti mnlt onll',n,1 .,,1,,- I Rnce"',',' B-n"',,. (l ~JJ "rexe. "as _

ti"" to the pll77le. Hnwe\Cr. no mailer hOW,nrH. rr"mP,I, Or "rlll,na; )'our I:tl\'en ~r't a,:~ at <. "'l~~. H",p,.,al ~'1,oi II 1 c \ kill I Jc~ 8at' on Praks"I1",on m.\ he, 11 ",iI n'" h ... ~ a chancr to ...," Tlnlt" It " ("neet. re ca" ,. "c ''''-.c ~I, les In 'cn- l'l~r~ ;tl' ru,"" r.~.", b,."n f,"'md on

\;,,,-,,, ,'I ,r.'."." t" "T~r rlillie That P.", Ed,tor," Til. hro •• e .I ....\"tc I"'" (nnrl,:,nn. T:;e car. a Pljmouth I a Canadian peak, 6,000 fl'et !ugh. .Re' iew, 15121 ~erc~en~ Graue ,Polntl Park, ),(ICb,~, -., ...,.', ..... '~ sedan • .waa a neu total ""!!c!- -. _ ._ _

acwe.<~ Iteat~ Pi-• .e' u •-~ .He. , -We __ Aiepucl, "'",. ~~ -:" '. .. ..' '. . - .~. . tN~t of labor to arauize ad t~..,' -"'~~:'':'''''':'::'~L.''~'...'' '~ &t';:=~:= ~AC~e1Y. We mUlt insure

" ..- - -- -- '... liP 4- ..... fanMn their rilbt to • fair I~re of'....... attbe{JJohqfil:t._~'1IJJLJef.~. tile \ .....~:..- 1iIVriduaI' ~'."'P .. .-... ,.lL....."''''iI!-.'''''''''''''''''M_~''-_ oar Dlitional illCOllle. We must makef Oll~-..J...:ry"'-"-'- ......... ., "I""': " , I fr h hJ~:_L_S who • ..:. ~iIrt~""' ..' .-L '1GrCba of fltal recoriS wiD tOtal 100.- ,u...-.._ Fi- ~..&-..---.& I '.. oar peop e aecare DIll t e worst u-... -~...... -~ ...~_.... fred' h 30 l~ _ .... ~UDCUI. .......-r.--r N MEN! Americus'bave tllMl-e,1o 1aIIc1w-.tbal il ards of 'llDempJoyment, old age, alld

-----' --- 0Ql) llr the~. as Cl*lpa Wlt.- MoRE MAPS Sur Will a.--:_ A •• 100&" •• 0 • we are to keep olU'.b~.'we mIDt pbv-'_r "'--bility."'~I_a:__ Of. B-L'l:L. 00lI in 193!1ud'... -.I!lJ8, the .1I:iP.. ,.e~ ~m, ..:on.:-.. UDIO~ r....... ~._.- "--aL_ ..... - I •.-&- 1_- make our democracy workl . "The third. job of coYerl1lllent is toY !L__......__R .' u_ at -- .. _' ....1 ~ I........... tot .. .... ...... D ~ oNIII1IBJ'Y Aft 'T.... ia..- pJo'TdAl eM. "\"hat -ll ",e ,ill y:.:~_. do to 'LIIJI"IU"ICa •• ~ IE"'. tboalfa the de.aiIuMI. fer birth ' ditiaB't A. ..... _ Fit" daaa, eo... """ ......... pn.scrTe and de-..elop these social p1UU:-L Of Z" .I:& ..L ... bel' eatiiQteI hatl bee h .......... ia Iut weeIt' .... _. -- -.. h~lp? What call _ do as ......-cn-kiIIg in the fact of a strong tendency amonc..... u ., NIl.. ot.. _. ea~ ceraIat .. -- Nate.....,..... C. Hayward Yutphy, weU-lcnown l.t.et.d .." zq......r z.....wu, men and farmers aDd busitleSli mell and 111&111)' people to say, 'They illterfere

~ aD 'year. It eaRoI In J- when _ ...,.. ...... ~ ef ... Grosse PoiBte resident. and D~troit fire ......... t .... IIID&1ear pIE cha-.p, teachers or whatever our ~ ia? What with utioeal defease'. ther~f-or~, weThe c:irculatioa of GroII. ...... JIID- 'tI"OI'ken ia dffe:ns~ industries _' _.1 D_'" _. _ ., f 20 t t dearly _'" L__ ~~_ ... _. Croae Poiate. .-.. -- - - ---. COllllD15SJ011Q" or ,years, sac: .... - -- ... cOla I do as lrOVernor? mllJt curtail or aballdoa them.,'lie 'libraries. maimaiJle4l .,. tk GnMM were reqaired--tft ... proof of citiz~n- 151Z1 r-L-J L~ .. _~ t---'- ,L-t L ... L.":

1la sur H ..'.. ",_L __ ' _ W w. . I

~ ~ -.... ye. """"1 ..... ~ ..""'" ~ - - • "The.e are th,e br~. ~tioIIs • "P--Ie who say these things fail toPoin~ School District lIDder tH"""'" Ib/p. For IIIot ~ the llate, the ..... -.I 'd , '.Ie, ... .......,. .ey: of Grosse Po""e municipal lire Ja1mU'7 &. (See .tar)' _ ..... h be lei m":":.i'1 111 recent --r.we. ." the Boa.nl ." Edac:a., ... ~eat way to '"'"' citizmship is to ~ I. aL_ "'--'-'---' -'- .' L • J .L ) aYe ell as ng ~'" realize tbat adequate national def~Ds.recently radse4 a qew- ..... ~ WIt" Ihow .. Ilicllipa 1IirtII. certificate. ~ - - ... - - ~rtments -sometime ... te U1 anu- ...--. weeks, and. .l "'~t to tIJ "';Ullwtr abo means adequate home defauc.24404~ , FCI' moatlta the lIeaand ftlr c:~rtifi- ...... two""'" H_,. 1 &b~ them today. '. .'. Natioul defense begins iu the homesnu. tetal is sea ........ , .... die Aka baa kIept two liiiifll of workers _.ewdt................. Murph,. and John B. },{tlran have rr -------------- "We can help malce democracy work of the humbreJt of Ottl' citizens. The

-~ -'or tIaio ......... doe free ..., caved authorization from Tillage 0 - Social l::!_~_-!ty, Act by each of us do.iag. our job, whatcvet' st ......... h of the ._,"._ m' .... ns. .:_6ft bnac:hn, tb~ ~N&t.tioe be-- ...,. in tll. ~t "lilts. The ....~- .. I h ~ '_' _........_ _._

will ~ ..til - .... 6cia1s to condutt sac a sun-ey. Doe. N Se W k' it may be; by dOIng. It wen., and by pr.e. _'- -.d L-ttl.'hips is not the oal1.. at the City of GroIM PcRte 1lnadI. - ftmaad baa been nidmt in the L: L __ L__ :~I.• h' h '11 "~-"f d'''t'onal ot t or er I, Ia L"'h pqucs _ ... _Cadieux at K6cllenI. and the Parle ~et of ~ clnb an onr the .... -~ - :-=.. - w It WI ...,.~.~Ine I any a WI sen-mg, as We do It, faU' p '1 WWl< measure of its preparedness. For theJ

tr..... v , "" ..1' ••• _- equipment is needed and increase co- Retirement ....-e At 65 is the ~ssence of democ:ra"". s-_-:., of a -a"- d---'- u""'" tk

-1Iraach in the Pierce IItlior ~ ...e... mte. aDd III olllce, VI CIty c~r"3 or . I Ii ~ _.~ ..." u """ _.._..Uli ..... _ ....

chenJ lIear Notti..... f-all-time health otficen. City offices ------- ~ratioD betw~D mumcipa re de. "I say this because democracy h1l't weD.being of its people. as weD as 011A r- '- Win F1on:8C:~ Snen, haTe Tecorcb datm;- back to 1906, Women Voter.' I -- _... pulments. There. is !\otmnll in the Social Se- a thing that you find in thin air, or in ill physical defenses.-Y""' ~7 __ U, Questioned cowcerning pr~sent condi- , Ii

chief h'brarian, iadic:ated that circnta. whereu COUDty ..... tate records go Org ....:.- Chapter curity Act which says a worker musl the pages of learned boo:.cs, or In lie I wThus. it becomes clear that the joti. ._- 1""''' --- tions, Murphy stated h~ would recom. retire at age 65, it ';"as staled recently speeches. D~mocra"" is a thing that of nat,'onal defeme is also to care forticla 0\'Cr a H)-year period has ~pcd back to <7'N'. Gr p' mend that Grosse Point~ Farms move -J

frca an annal total in 1929-30 of 73.- III many cas~s, lifelong residents of In osse OInte by E. E. FullU<.k, "'''Udt;<' vi 1:,< r::...\ 111\'~SIn the hearts ot a Iree people. Jlsi the nt'eds of our people-their eco-several of their Lake Shor~ Road hy- . b .~ bOOks to an annual total in 19.19--40th~ Itate ar~ finding that 110 official Side field office of the Social Secunly work is done by the hands and rams nomic security, their educational de-dr.nts. Murphy said that when theof 186)05. During lJIis same period records of their birtll exist, either in A group of Grosse Point~ wom~n in. Board. of a free people. velopment, their good health, and theirdual Lake Shore high ....ay was con. I I' •.•naistered patrOfls of the library han their lnnI counties or in Lansing. In terested in the work of the League of Pollock said. "Recent)' a c. ler at our "Making democracy wor" II some. "eneral .elfar~.structed closer to the water, many of h' h h' lie ..IDtreaHtl from <4,071ttI 8,922, "'hilec tbe .1ICh cases, if the attnd-ing physician is Women Voters has undertaken forma- office sho ...~d Us a letter in w IC t 11 thing )'ou do, DOt H,metlling you ta ~We in Michigan have many speci ...the hydrants weren': mOl'ed and are f h .

BlIRIba' of "'Ohlllles OWJIed bat 1Iearl7 IIOt a..-ailable to lUke OIIt a birth c~rtif- tion of a braneh of that organization worker's cmplo)'er in erred I at rel,re- about. problems in this field. There are ..-holetripled itself. icat~. probate j1Idges ill th~ county (If in this community. consequently out of place and hard to ment at age 6S was compulsory under "In the seven years I worked as ar~as on our social seNite front which

reach, especiany in icy w~ather_ , Af d' f h S IlIiOll-liction boob of a practical na- birth 01' COUllty of residence c.an issue The League of Women Voters is a the Social Secunty Act, ter rea mg highway commissioner or t e tale we have not cO\"~red adequately,hre are bein« 1lsed laore than ever a certi6c.ate and laid it to the De- national organization whose ideal is to R d CI U T this emplo)"er's leller it appears that he of Michigan, we didn't talk much about need only mention our (r;l'pled chil-1Iefore, Wiss Snen has'stated. Books partlllent of Health fce delayed r~s- understand and support good admiais- ecor. .ear. p ~ has b~en misinformed, democracy. We had a job to do to I dren. our mentany aftlicated, and out.. aviatiOll and on tnda COIllleCted tration. after pr~selltatioft of satisfae- tralion U .... n as good legislati"" by. Equalization Complautt, "The only pro,i.ocll j .. tll~ Soci ..: S.- build and maintain roads to s~rve the old people as places where there i.with the defense pfellllRtioII bave been tOi'jo' mdence of th~ date, place and keeping informed on governmental 5ub- -- Icurily Act is that a worker must retice people of Mich~alL We did that job room for imj)rO'Vem~nt ill what we dl)... lII'ut dema11dlately.otJJet.cssatialfactlaboutthebirth.jecls.Itisaltrictlynon-partisanAtthetn:mt.eting held on Decem. from cov~red employment in order 10 in the best ...ay we knew how. In do. and how we do it.

. Cr1'C1Ilation in t'be Grosse Pointe ------- group, and does not ~ndorse or oppose ber 12 at Eastwood School, X~ck Krywy 1 receh'e m.onth!y .checks under old-age ing this. I think. we were doing our "'Ve han .pecial proble1Jls, too: illWoods branch on Mack aYell"R has in- 0.. .. T_ candidates. either elective or appoint- of R,dgemont a"entle cO'T1plamed of an and surVl\'ors msurance. The em- part to,,'ard making democracy work. restoring prosperity 10 thos~ sectIonscreud !lO rapidly that the school boa.rd GiBlertIviDe. X7.. • the lite for in. It does. ho"'e,.er, attempt to make assessment on a lot in Gratiot Town. plo~'ee mu.t b~ at least 65, and ha,'e A good transportation syst~m always of out state ,..here important naturalb considering k~epilll' the nbrvy open 1 ot 18 dams ill the TIDIleaHe a study of gO\'ernmental projects and ship bei,;g higher than the a5Se~~ment Qualified lIf.der the terms of thaI act ",ill be vital 10 d.mocracy. resources ha"e b~~n used up and ,..hereaaoth~r half day uch w«k. VaDey authority .,..., polkies and to k~~p in t01lch with go,,- on th~ adjoining lot in Gros~e Pointe for monthly benefits, Tne \\'orkrr may "In exaclly the same "'ay you on today incOlll~s are low and unemplo)'-

ernmental ~en'ices in tile tariOlla c:om' Woods. and anoth~r paper like,,'ise eu- work in any type of employment not )'our jobs and I ill my new job can ment h~aYY,lIIunities. ri~d a story stating that the ""Iualion cm'ered b)' the Social Security Act and best sette democracy by doing those Yet th~re remain ill lIIany of these

Any woman interested in becoming a in Gratiot Town,hip ,,'as higher than in still recei"e his b~nefit~. job5 ,,'ell. ar~as basic resource£ out of ,..hieh amember or in learning mor~ about the Grosse Po:oint~\\'ood~. "The worker may return to covered ""'hat are the i;:lbs that the people more pros~rotls future can be built."'01'k of the league is inTit~d to att~nd Th~ record' shO\,' that the lot men. cmplo)"Tflent. after retirement and .ilcr I of ~lichigan and their stale government The "ast facilities of the state shoulda meeting ~t the home of Mrs. M. P. tienerl i5 lot Xo. 4i and Ih~ di,'id,nl1 receh in~ me>nthly checks. But H he I ",ill ha"e to do in th~ months that are be further employed to aS5ist in bring.:"f(,ll'lr~. 4AAI York~hire Road, on line beto..een Gratiot To ....n'hip and carns $15 or mor~ in lny onc mon~h immedialely ahead, I think there are ing back prosperity to these sections,\\'ednesday, january 8, at 1:30 p. m. Gr"sse Pointe \\'.-.orls runs near the Ihen he is not entitled to his federal iour main ones. For wh~n we bring back their prosper-

midt!le of the lot. The caster!)' part of ~o\'Crnment oJd-a!l'e in"lr.nce c;,cc.ks "Fint. "'e mmt do our part in tM ity "'e make these sections and ourthe lot heinll' aoo.Jt 19 feet in '" idlh, fror IhH peri"d, The S~C1al SecurllY national defena program, This is a \\'hole state strong~r from \\'ilhin....hid, i~ in Gr"s~e I'e>inle \\'Mds, is R"ar<l h.~ Mln,ng 10 do '\llh em"loyce- hig jol>, for in ?fichigan ;, a major "This, then. is our third hi!lt job-to."e!sell f"r SUO. "'hile the Nher por, emrl"yer relations and d"e< not han part "f the inrlu~trv that mu,t pro,ide de,'elop Ihe program, ",'hich huild thetinn of Ih~ lot bein" ah"ut 15 feel in Ihe authority or de'lre to .,k anyone Ihe <Ieel mU'des of our nat;on's effort ",eHare of ollr people, I pledp:e Ihat'" irlth WH a,'~c'sed iN ~iO. II is q!ll~e 10 relire al 65 or at any other age:' to ~ake it.'elf strong enollgh to smash my administration ,,111 eo,operate ille,'ident that ~lr, J.:r)'w~' th"u!l'ht Ihis P"llock saj.-j, , . anv po"ihle attacle, enry way ..,Ih ollr ... I,,,nal ll'''''ern,entire lot ..... , in Gr,,"e P"inte "'cods. _ The. Ea't 5id.e office of 11-e._SC>ClaT ':1he mill, anll factories in Ihe Jt!'r.t ment anrl our 1('(.1 R()\'ernment5 an,J

NEW ARRIVAL ~CC"r1l,' .R""" H I"eated at 81\" liar- in""",i.1 crnters of nur ..late are fa,t "'ill carry it, """n .~are ,n ,he en<l Ihatper at \ an fl,'kr, hein::: I:te>red 10 meet Ihe .. ati"n', 111- this bill' j"h ma!' he ",'ell d"nc .

.,...,..,~. ~,.t,.~(.r .,.....t"Ac::. A!"'~~~\' t~t'" ~re "In an or th~ j~h~ I ha.n" m('n:;('lnedNew England Women I prootlc;n" Ihe malcnal, ant!. ma,'hines 50 far., l'<>ur st~te ll'ovrrM"~t ~i1arcs

• I 1'lat are n('rrled In our ddense program, re'f'OnSlI>,hly .. ,th you and w,t" (;'hcr. 'r h rI T b d !l'O\'ernment. and a"en('"s Thr lastThe nCtrn,t c"j,,1\'. X"i,,-,I S'criy 'ac aY a N an mana~ement are maIn .01> Ih., neen. '" h~ d"ne i, the

('If '\"~~. F.nQ'I~f'lr! \\'0mt>n. ~.' lil T'TH'r~ 111 l,\"nrl(ln~ m("lT"t d('l~~'y tn~"f'h~r, ~',,!'"k~I J .. -... ; h"lT'e' of \fr', l;rFe 11.,,'.cr, '~I)" '''.::: (";relher as a lrarn in ol1r Itrr.t s01e re,p<>n"hlllly of Ihe sla'r !lto,'crn.'.. " ., m~l"l. TI~.(' 1~ 11-.,. ... ~ I"'Ilf .... ~':"''''' ,,-'r\\'~\"';j'~ :.l\rr',',~ .-:i \, (,1" •• ;.1\., 7.111- I ~1~::""n .. ; (R('Irt tty m,jJ(~ ,\mtrl(,f 1n~j .... - ., ..... r •• , '.'"

. ' "'1 . rl d' ~. '-, 0" n h"':'e Tn (l~dct-, f ~~rlng to itU~f\' Fl. :0 I;,':trt ',~ork on nc ...t )car"" \.;nCl .....t ('In lan, -.:n t~ ~n'l In t'1l'" ~ t".

~hn$trn~s dresses. ... _ I "Our f~r!!1ers, too, are malnn. their l.~~ '" ,~ :t~l --r-

Page 2: I '.. acwe








Begin the New Year with aPersonalized Hair DressCreated by FELIX


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TUXEDO 2-3000

State Beaina SurveyTo Determine FutureHighway Development


Marna,e :lie BarNo _an 'lll'(>rftr ill S"-ed~n may

~ dllCharlld from ~ job beel\lleof enPlement to marr:r. matril~,or m.ternlt,. ThUi prrrile'ae. I.tettof m8ny "on by Swedish ","omenhas been .uaran~ In an aeipuMd 1IJ 'be pu~

A survey of state highways bariAi100 feet or more of right-of .... y to d ..t enni ne future roaclsi4e eleveIoPlllelltwas ordered this week by State High.way Commi!sioner G. Donald Kenne'lly.

The program is expected to COllti.\Kroadside tr.e planting, 5110'1'1' fellCeplantints. "egetation ermio. COlltrOlwork alld improvement of present aa4

)(rs. Heary B. JO'1 .,11 tIltertain future picnic table artu.members of the GeDera1 AIex.a!!oler Xa. Ken~edy slated the tree plantinrcomb Chapter, Vaited Stat" DalllJh. would Include sh'de and pine Ii ees forl~rs of. 1812 Society, ia her home both sdely ~nd omamental pUl'llO'es"Fa:r .....crea .. 2$0 GrOSH Pointe BlTcl.' and al~. the planting of JTOUP~ of hieh,on " .• dnesday afteraoon. January" ... growing shrubs and d,,'arf f1o....ering

!olrs. Marvin L.Roy Hoagland, !K'ui. trees.dent. 'O.illpreside at the blllinen meet, "Sno.. fen~e plantilll." Kennedvi~. af~er ..-!I;ch the IlIeIIIbers "';11 hear add~d. "will be planned for hil'h..-ana talk by 107 Gilori, Ultitled ~Here haVln~ 1:.0 feet Or more tight of WlIyAnd There." alld .....11be concentra;ed in the nort!!.

Member. are asked 10 brin, a ..;~ce ern half 01 ,I,. l..o.....r Peninsula and01 old rold. 10 be sent to the .~ITonal the l'P!'er f'rnin<tl!a.".'<lc:iety for the ,olden jubtlee fu-nll Tmflrm'emrnt "I flrr.ent and den lop-,,'hich ....,11 help In fillo1.ncia, the cele: mcnr "f future pirnk table sites .re 10brat,on of the jll!);lee (his lpting. be wr"cyc<l ,,',:h the ,idea of m.klDl!'

______ . the are~, more .c"nomTc~! to mainta;nuCNd;nll: 10 in~!ruc!ion< j',ued di,ttict'fOrt'len. ,,'hile ,'ell:tlol;\,e uo,iC\n con.trnl ;,rm, "ill h. r'.nned mainl). forb~c~,I"fle. ann" ill ,"~Iu<lr l!or plantinl!'of \',nr •.• hruh • ."tl fline trt... In ad.(h1ion, t(l(ltlin~ ~nlj "ttr1m~ nn ~I<,f't'.

I,-,.j hrrm' in agrtcultllral sect,on. \0',11be inclUded.


MAc.uINZ .... YICLEAll article tJHill~d «Teacher Pr04l1C-

tioll of Oaur_ Fi'-s," writleabvEr ....n La F oilette of Pierce Jupi~Hi,h School. .-ill app.ar ill the ]lno •ary or ~llTdl issue of the lIla,Uille~lloo1 Managem.nt.




NOW... tile, ................. 0-'1wait aMi tIIeJ..........WARREN

STUDIOIml w.,.. .. Y......ire


- -- ~~ -- --~-~--- -~- -~ .~-_.-

Inl. KEItOIEVAL AVE._It. c:wr

~ FURNUHIHCS....e-.. ..e-. .....

0.- ....

To all my Friends andCustomers I w rs h aHappy and ProsperousNew Year-and mysincere appreciationfor their patronageduring the past year.

PrfdaY. J'1UIdI'1J. "" • ,.'TIae MuaIe eo. Rouad' 0 VNe:!!!.l?iflest S. i';E:::;~::;J _ SocietyNotes 0 l"l~::~~~~~ J~';;;;;;J

, re<:ordef! mUlic, t.otb in the field' of etrldent u4 .elective. NEW YORKER, hat harM4 tH ...... ~"""'. ::a mllsic aDd in tM 6e1d of fe, Gor4oa WetMleltaolm .at epee In. 8155, or !drs. Jack Had, PI. 92165. 011 tbe late Aesop, Greek ....o.e eI tile Int .................... "'_ .~L' II ,~- t_'-_ had . • • • "A democratic ..oyuumeat ia -- 1.-__ ..,. It ~ttle": Detroit Ti.e. --,Jots.' "Mt" ;au IBIl'ie. W.'D call om. lID _ ...- III Bloom. wocld of today just cu't a!ord to lie .. ve "vi" to t_ h...... ru. • ..... .. .... " e:a...- will Gal ThIllIM Cuh." Sctill. n. 2 ..... diem .. _ bear tHe. 6e14 Hilla OIl the eveaiDa: of Juuary a. !dlldamel J. Lee WddOll aDd Gtocp 1ecorica1, u«dotea ~ ,mJa ....

~ lie tt:-_~ .. ~ 11 ' Detnit Newt bea&e, "Italia.u Fal III out int f.... tolumBl we .... n die. wMIl - will pia" lIott to 0'I'et' two W. GleuaUis of St. ~br06'l UIIlt m::=:u: aU::~~~ ~ lower uimalI. Aeaop lleW .. ~;'oQIa __ ~ ~ J.aek. Twt8t1.JiPe PrOlll.t"j Detroit cas lODleof the tipifiQDI .. _ of II...... cuau at • sapper put:r beae- Leape of Catbolie Wceea, UlteNiaed tic ft .. u tG tile fUlllN eI ....,... _,. .. _ TilDa 1tc&dIiae, "ltaIiua ia WiW a.- tM put ..... era! _tb •. eweDtlla11y we lit fOl' the Detroit Symphony Onhe.t .... ,at a benefit tea at the Iatter'l Jw.e. fGt tvll')" 4aIIu )lIIid ill by the -.,.. I1DIliq tllat it wouW leaN £rea ....~ _ WIle treet. EaatialI Allqal!C 61 Wilea." tbaIl -.eat 011 _e' tteeady-iSlaed ~tltaadiq nAl Iftteruw.. ellter. J.Ml". Road, Gr~M PGiat<e WlIOIIs, ClII ~s;:;: atate pvenseat will k doUta rieace...... ~ __ 't "lIroba' Se-. m. 5 ..... Iktroit Neow. beIIl- rKCM'&Das. (ColWllbia A!lHBa M-G: tamlllea1 bu Mea_planned f« the eye. Tbunday a1terllOOlI, Jll'ocecds of whic:ll "This Is tb. ta,k to which I abaD !II.FABLES FOR oua T!WI: (Bu-

• • • 1iM. "'15J1Qll1tlliau Clpture4": Detroit IHayda'. SYMPHONY ~o. UN IN D pioc. Wr .. Belljaaia S. Wures wiD were tlll'aed ovu to the OI',au fllll4l of deYOte m,. Il'Utelt ellott ill the IIClrt pel' II: Bro~l:en; 124 p.), Th1lltla ........ f;::tIler .... ~ .. 1lIlClM- T'l8Iel Itu41iae, "Britiala Tab 67,«13 KAJOR; LcmdOll PbilhatmOftk Or. illustrate Ilef talk with m<WitIlr pictarea, St. Ambr~e Cbureh. t_ year .. I UJUIOt do it 110M. Bat plain,' iA erusma, terms that II.. ea.cr... JLcN-.w.;..-.o1 Jtidq,r. Prisollen." CJu'taial • tIs .. tn dir«te<l by Sir Tlt_ Bee- "~j .... d l!leju...L" TI.. , I..:..tc ..... ;ue ai.;..lcd by Mea. dGome4. He diKulll tbe f.aitIl. ...

It. ..,.....,...,. I wiD .... • • • daam.) W.... Dniel B. WOI'eiq i. letler:lI dames Rot. J. Conroy. clireclOr of the :~~:e a~~::; ~ta:':; aad c:barity implied in Aeaop'. eMe-are ~. .. t 1IaII.... W ••• Ilealltifll1, .nII ataw IaicIa- Haydn is teaeraUy COtiideud • ,ea. cll&inue of tile n~t •• h~ will lie ~t; Jermoe Aakley and N.orllWl state departmelltJ ud .tate 01,*,,_1 book f« a perlpective of wMt ......Atdo A.., 0ftI' • ~, _y "~et ... of Widlilb P w. iaI, ",y-coillc and tinklinr al8Iptller, Ofte of the IIlOIt !esbYe a~asn, of tile Wilson. oWn. 'Will. F. CoaaoUy, dio- all Ull aad dow1l tile Iiue we caa cla this be 4efcribed, to \lIe ltattbew At...-.... ..., an ~_. Iah'c a fne ._'- at __ _ -=_ aud .. 11I<h lIal been CCI&Iicler early. New. Year III DetrOit IOciaI and ceUll chOtnll.atl of the lape, aDd Mial b phrase, as this "datlc1iq plahL. In fact_T __--. ",'__' ,.. jo. VI'e caa do it 10 that the IJDvera.to ... _ !sew ...,. ....... "ia- 151%1 JCerdle-1 ...~___ u.~ ••_.. -Papa" a.a...... It Is true t_t III.~ csrCon. Lockabee, direCIOI' of toe:ialsenU:e, re. the moral of CIlIeof the tablet. .."................~ Y t. .. ..... PAW-.ot --~- 1- A f 1._ L._ ._.. ment of the State of Midripa will lie_" 'New "5 ~__ wue aa4 Lakepaiatc. ~ the evpeater ",.. py au-,. tIlnes are foII.ll r. ew peau ...... p- tit at_ Ire: ~d GO the ~fClIre'" Of the IOCiaI Tartoise and the Hare" Is ; "A ."..... at the .. el tIN '1M) peJmdt "TBa ia 011 .t.. "_'1" Hayda' _ Iiet of ~~, "ut the Wr. aud !dra. .T. Vurpby. Yr. ud WI's. SetTlc. work. !dUI EltillOt Barkhullle, liviaa' proof that democratie &overa. broom may aweep (leu, but lie". tr1IC

me ..,Ya __ ....... .. Wal B meat can be eRidellt all.el c:u be ef.nce' .iUnIIn.,. '"""" _ • • • SYWPHONY NO. 104 is liCIt .e of IeI' O. rat. Ilr. aJtd Wn. Wit- membfrship cbainDu., pretidri at tbe f . an old saw."... -.a dlat ...... -bHP'J' ~ J'CMII' Iit:dM ,latl""" earI1l taCH. C<*~ at a time Haycla had Iia.- Lenb .. Ill'. &lI4l loin. Wim.: I:;:. :.~l;:.. .:t::e a.nd c:u reaUy be made tiel A few of the other coa.clusieM",., p. wi1I ~ uk. A 0aI1 51 .... Ilectic: un lleiOte 4ad. c:08le _det tile mlaeac:e of the _tIlTe Hoe,. lirL Hauy B. Jot. Mr,. lW.plt Amoac the lfIlftt. were the R.... "Spec:iBc eodatioth f« .L.:._ Thurber reach .. :tew~.'!FPh, W1Itee',Fraac.el liael Tbiltuaiat Iittk KIlle wilIlIOOtI WDzUt., it eontaial toIIIbet _tslI, HtnIWl Bootll. Wn. Jull. Haul. lb. FrlJlt:is Ve AIltwerp. jlaator of St. thi, job will~ tailIed • - It is DOt 10 eaay to fool tittle ...~ It 6iI ,..,~ ,where did lae 1Il0000e-.tsof iateDectual ,tiallaJatioa, Itt= aud.. Wrl. Rall!b La... Wr. ud Wr. Aab~OIe ChlUCh, aM II.n. Job Rosl . COli. I•• DIy -- _day. al it used to be....... aM .....- 6t he to? 'ide mea,. IDOIIleJIh of Ift~y Dam B. MOI'esq. IIlr. uW Wr .. .Bcru. of Clintoa. Kith. ~~ t~b~h~~~lt':: ::. ~=~,Youth.ID be lerved, h.............. • .... ItorM • _ t1tU4 at Hay .... ae. ant Stroll Jr. WI'. UtI WI''' Ch&rlea Lip re&diac dasaea wiD be renmft of out Iqjslature aad to the elected, .tuBed ~th thatllut,:'8dIIMtl 1:1" the BOW ukappily 41JbaDded Na.., !dr. ~ 1IIn. A. .tL Sm.itlt, lin. at the HilIl.I1all and F"1Iher braDchea of heada of • de artJIleata,1 kc Tbere II tlO sa£ety .. 11IIlIbwI, • •

• • • LoiIIcloa Pbi1b.anDotlic lmder the dint. JtI'CIlIe Remick, Mn. Jolla Newberry, the Y. M. C. A.. ItartiD&' Jaauary 7 this plea~ ~:c:s :ork taaetlt:' to aDytbial elle. ••SIIUtatlIe ... Wirc"-owMCl hGcbf tioe of Sir 1'bGmu Becdlalll' (who -m Wr. ad Wn. C. A. NewQgmb, lU. Mr. at Haana and Jaal1.ll)' , .t Flaw tlIake our .tate IfOYernJlleftt _It' re •. AIl~bod)' who you or yout wife thiBb

............ _ 'Ilea•• weJI.wlll1l direct the Detroit SymphoDy Ordantra aad Wn. Wilfred TbOlllPfOll, Juqe braatb. sponsive to the needa of our people IS ~ to overthrow ~he CO"~ .

.... ....- Detroit .. tile lDdiaa. ahortly) tlte work bas beea J.pecca1ll, and Mra. <>-',e Weniaaa, )(1'. and A comprehelllive rniew of &rlt aDd of oue aatioa and. mot elf ti ' by v>oleace must be clrlVetl oat oi tile......... ~ &R ahaf. iater)lftt.ed lUtcl ,uperbly recorded. Thit Wr .. Ra~ 8ftT)'. VI'. and Mn. -prmcip1es will be pvu to ~ heir ervk e e<; va Itl coaatry.eM '."""" at diu Ita.f. is • 4eilliti"e perio~e. B~""ter Loucl Jr .. IoIr. aad Mn. Ralph .hG lIlay wislt'to tab .ctnlltaee of t "On

l mati;' of the areat state qllel. . It is better to uk lome of ~ II1*-.............. , Mea able (Columbia X.176: Franck'i PRE. Ainsworth, Wr. all4 Mn. Geocae SIo- this Ipleadid opportlll1ity. tioas that confrOllt us .. ate ",bttan. tions Iha~ to know aD the UI1fVI"......... wWdI te.- II plafiaa'1 LUDE., CHORALE AND FUGUE; CWII. Wr. ~ Wr .. Frank: Goldie, Wr. tiaJIyagTeed. Let us Wor1l: toaether so You nught as weU fall flat 011 ,-oar

e • • Ecoa Petri, piaaitL) &.lid loin. Siclaer Waldon, Wn. Corae- Reel CI'CMIStarb Work that the impottaDl baineu of ala.te face as 1ea.n over too fat backwanL ., .Afw • --... wot aD J. ~ h tM:Ila(te4 dtc:Iatuda of tilDes _. Cesar FtaDCk'l PRELUDE, CHOR. HUT K. Clapia, WI'•• nd IoIrs. WiJIiaIII On U. S. .a.. _,. ~~ wiD not become illvol"ed hi partisaa Anel the meall, that Thllrber IIHT ..~ ""'"' • ..., .. M~. ~ tke poJieeJaIl'l frincIIy smile ALE AND FUGU£, it U said, __ writ- It Ja1es. Dr. and Vrs. Alfred Whit- I'U'DI vnIIR' politics.. jllltif,. the allme eDda are diebolicaRt...... l1li4. Ilk"" ~ at wiD 'IIadoahtedJ;r wsderIo sliPt weeld1 tea ~ th.e ".,mt of Baeb". We bd taker, Wr. and. V .... Leroy Vaodnecr. Almost eo-incideftt witb the Pr-". ":Yen without. jobs ehiloheD oa effective. A more luccioct uaIJtU .,... f t yale .... ltarted • alteretiOllt. bltle of Badl', lpirit ia tha Be1aiaa IoIr. a!WIWra. Aluandu W. Blain, Mr. .,.. crate:h .. doll't eare fdr party labeb. JUlInaa heba~ ha.p't appa.rd a.c..... _ ... __ wen "will • • • rolIWIticiIt', worll', bllt mucb of the ~)(n. Leo Blltzel and !dr. ud !dn. deat'l defense .pee<;b came aD all- Nor does a ution thai is UIIIiaa to de- GU~~ER S ':RA VELS. W'rtII tIN

.......... ...,.-. toW." Now N_ that tile Dub and Dudtesl of aereBeI:r aweet reaipatiOCl of Frallcll', WiDanl Worcester. _Deemeat from the Amede ... Red fead its faitll i.u itself, its people, and ~dwtioaal.brutality of Tharber', .....-. ..., .......... a few IJIlIIdre4 W-.... hat'e retBme4 to the 1:1.. 0W1t deeply reJieioal .pirit. The tb,rec • • • Crosl that the Detroit Chapter has ita inltitUtioas. lJI85, whICh are SIr""", ~"""----" _. .... __ • FIcJrida ~""Iloo --..... I.. of .... '- .1.__ '•• 11.. !dul Dorotbea Page, c1allll'hter of Wr. beea a.ked to.a'lUlI:Ie a war eleputmeat h-..... he boo__ r . -. _ -.- - aaft __ II ...., WOl'.. are UKUOAti ...... ' qllota of 1..soo,ooo ............ dressi for "TIte elec&n is onr. The people I ........ ~t t.. . k, the validity ..

, • • • fila 1Iadr oai the old "eathIBe tile couecteC. eel tbe _k as a .. hole IS 'ad 1In. Joa. p~ of 185.Ba.triilatoa the United Stat-. ':~.... . ~ f ha"e selected QI-7OU ... me-Repab- Thueber a pesstlDQm appear, ~1\ tIlrtta-Mt ~ ~ .. :rtar 'rclltM" tIJeme. W1lea ~ • ptcrloan4 mwica1 IlDiL The diatill. Ro&d; I... ~ ele<;telf to meaabenhip ~ noDy U a ..... 0 JitallS ed Dem4lcn.tL . able.

t!rIJiaI _1tMll _ a Mq ItarricaIle time ~ puWlc:it:r mtIl .,ushcd DlItc:a pianilt. Epa Petri. III the Atbeletie A.. ociatu. .t Roury tl!e prellaredness procram. The a'll.. tac:red dot f • Oara eow tItM

In tbis _etioll, also we tbiD.k 1t1JiIIIail.- ~ ...... die r-=-t U'e the int to bead for CaJifOl'tliaI reM. the w«k with filltlse IUId. f«lUra'. Co", Ri"er Foetal. nt•.where ,1le;1 DOlIIKemellt wu made by )(rs, W. o.-oa::.c.. ~ toI'ether fat tilt IIG coIsJddetlu that .. :n die ~BridaIl nJIIt of die I~ at SidI: • • • aM the recor6Ic ilIelf is ~iti\'e17 • freabmaa. WiD Pq-c it • era4uate Dean IlobialO1l., cbainaaD of the 1urP- c, &ad as !lave but OM Thurber b.. chosen to iIluRtate for

. ..".. ia ~ I. II L", Detroit T~ ~ cu.W Oldy 4oae. of the eo."e.at of the Sacred Hean. c:aI dreuma divi&ion Of tile procIaaioa Itr~ 1Oa1: to aive. the people this "1'01_ . A. E. 1tou.Mu. "OIl-.................... Daert 0-. conWtiOIl .. 6e teeet -..to.- .(CoItaltia Ahaa C.2lI; lUNG LOUI5.) 6n>!Ne Pointe. corp; of the Red Cr;m la Detroit ud ~"-- .the 10ft of. pY~t v,'hea I W .. ~D x.o"., With Y ! The, _~ ........... Membetaliip r. the AtIdCtic As • _ Wayne CcMtnty. _.~, WlIIlt an _t lJa", • tbeae critI. f •• -

'. . "-I'!"'.• -. -, 1---......---" of aiIirc Eric "8ooIl" McNair fnlaI the l • - " the int recor4iq ,m the new... ICICDo The Am ,. cal 4ays, ataJidic ~hy of tile liate ~.",..' a-. W1aite Solt-II1Ie T'..... "~ CoImahia "bot jazz cluIic:" ..nes. aad tion IS detenIaiIlc4 b:r the IhImber cd encaD Natioaal Red Crou It "W' . EDaIisIa I:rridst has lUiI .... of'SPORTS JACkETS ... htAeWw's QaI," -..a ill .... tutu.. 'f'atioas jam crou", of the pOitlts eath ltadeut carDt in intramural Iook~ to by the war departmellt to 1II1it7:'a:;:, ::; ~or CIllDPIde ~ty. M:IIlbJaaacetit 'l'1lIIrIltI"I "'nnncl ere:odstr to IIat tk CfttdIea 19¥-Z!J period that included trulDpctu C4IIJ>PI'ti- betwMn Sept.-bet 1S ud ~h 90 per cent of ~ s1lrJical aduliniJtratioll. 11Iere':::' IDIity ~~ Jama Tbar1ler'1 Wief that _ h

BBAUTII'ULLy a..I'AIIED ,... ~ 1JorMt," I.osIia AnItsttoaa'. Outdancliq IIIDI.- ~ 15. T_~.~br~ ~ 1DeID- clrCSSUllr Deeds of ~ UlUted States IioII ia oar !'alike. W" lID dlri and ..... t team (for ftartIler 4daAtARD FDIISIIID • • • bin ia the alb_ are POTATO HEAD ben ,JClIaed;tM ~tJOIIltl this ~~ Arm,.. The quota II ~ be c:ompleted ~0SIIf ill it. aa~ ~ tile latest heacl!lllea) IJu 1JeelI .. ::~ Warna .............. iJI:,caWe _ BLUES (35560), whicll features tbe late ~ ~~ prIOr to tile n.catiOll :. ]:~I Mra. ~o:-D:Il. appealed strcmc ill it, p>oc(adift cstaWishmeaec fectiveq pteleate4 tM.t we thiIlk: theM

... Get ~-atai- ~ It Greaat .... IfiP, :~ ~da' • c:latiaet; Li1 ~ ~ :rare:" to :ffifiat1! t=:~ wiU:--~ strO!l8' Us ib people. IIttcJIIc ill ill pY: are. fUles fOl' ALL time, wbat'. JeIt- ~. _ ...,.. 6nt-atrisIa ftnit:r '-" ~~ '. Loab) AtmItro"ll'l PlIJl<l; Ilist bth Jaae White, of 1357 Y~rk- Crot. m thi, aew Americaa Pf'Oera.IIL tnIIDeat. w~ aad I """kina' to- of It. •

for =--.at.:= :==-...::. J~ ~::~ ~:~~.:; lhire Road. aa4 ~ kothu, TOllY. ~~ emphasized. that it will in 110 way '~:-=,:;:.,to ~~~. . ------

Wi----- M • aM .... tI1H ~.. _ ill 1CN0CKlN' A JUG (3S663) whicb held a weD.altellcled. eoekt.all party from ell prodllCtiofl of war refupe ..,.~ • have ~ •• ...... ~, . ..- tilt spoll 'aek Teaprdea'i trom~ne' Joe 5 to 7 Po m. last Slmday. Touy hu meats ia whi~b IOIIle 20,000 'foloateen apID" JOIl ~e greatly. b:r Llncobl. I:IInto11h; tile a;lIorw.!pmta! -... -:. • ISaIIivu'l piuo aad Eddie- Lang'; ,w- receatly tulial""an4 wiU report for .r~_eapged ill tbe. Detroit Chapter at ::c:t.itlgI, me as yo~_::mef elCttIlti\'e. :r;: =:dlUl~the= ..-:

• tJ'"Liniq -m-c ia F~ this time. y al your BeW'l elect" ,ovemor'.. WItat _ , __ • ~ tar .... otllers: • Tbe war lltpa!'tmeslt e.&nI.estly 1Oficit.]'«.- IleIp, J1llIl' amc.: road'. ~ rautL

.. nIIIr I AIaItrOIJI JUll ~ also 40 • • • ~ .... 11- IJId. wber ,-- fm it is ...... I- ..,.• , TW2U11I sum RAG. SAVE IT Wr K ~ P. ~. ="=.,~ ~ ~ ~ eritil::ia*? No - ..,. 't •-=. '.,~w ......~. M~ ~ 111 ofN .. , ;:;::r.... ..a. ~ .... faI~~ .. fIJA.. , . Ur.QIUIIQl-

~f !l.I' .....,., TIlt .. "- 1& Jtt80f ~ Cldser .... ~~ ~H~;- I of ....~~~J. ; ::: =..t1te.=.:s~w..::... of tile ~ ill Ute ..... ~ .J:..::. t .......1.11 ,....• ft 1£.' 'ttellf WlIta t=..- .arelut.lllDI'tlJ'~: . ~er, • -< ~ GnntpatOllt~titltrdfiJiatiClltare, .. T1tat.it~. I MDt ,,, I'. 1:." .. ~ .-1'1... UatMe of • ed abon Wr aa4 ~ c~ of lIftSted to call Red en.. Hamt. Frta- "'It 11• protsd tIliaa to lie • em- of ~ s. lit Ii.II.

U "A... 1M SoadI Africa." tIIeac ~al - • ToWo, 0IJi0. • of roy -«MO, and a,rraitremeata wiD " the State of W~ Ow it a .t¥e .. S. P ..... Daa~ MlIlt ......... __ :-:- ~: ~eaer; GO • • • IIIade to p., tIls the two-day traiaiDt' of II'!U walth __ vast ap,OI tllllit,. Wl


" .

ter 1II tWa ,. J....... ~I . atty IlllCes pid1 Ib Oars IS & ltate of 'lroaI ad Me peo.(P. S.-The haDetia ...... wu lDIIta ~ piujst Earl Hilles, IUiII Albert L GnmewaW, of 907 Filiber sary U Fa Y. U possa Ie.. pie. people- of tlIImJ' races,. rtUn 1IIIIf1&7' I'1bd.) ~ ~edman. baa~t JOM .St.. C",. Road" .... rec:ca&?, bJitiated ~to ~hi .:: .::::;-oas 11ft of ~ ~ ioIll, 1lIU' ~ w":: .u.:

• .'. Hiatoric:a11y ad tlIlWQDy !hll II ilIl Eta SlIJn& fratenuty at the UDlnrl.lty . ced. T,he 1.000 tn' J'ltd Io-Suo ... La • AacKeep TIle n. ~ mttftltiDa coUecrioa of pre-depr .. sioft of Mic:hjp.n. where he is a sopllOlllQl'e shelter kit5, requested b:r the British Jewish aIld ee.:'a:; ~ ::

____ ~ ..... eI:r ~ JWiDI, this year. Red Cr05l from the Detroit Otapter. StaadiDaviaD. ••.... ..,. II'Itdie part:lltl after ~ (Decca Album 132: D I X I E LAN D • • • Ia~e beea liUed aud are be.iac shipped Wic:hipD. W We are. CitiZaII of... a..,. &lid chae &0. • Ifras. JAZZ' Bob Crosby Orc:h tn.) .Arthur A. Treut, of JUt Three!dile thir week. The kits are paclml with. " are ~....... Itauau ac,. two-yt'llfloOld ~. basiu.ses. hr!. Drive, and. R.o, D. Falrlamb, of 736 items e... entiat to the COtlIf.on ud care "Oa this: New Yar', Da,,, ..,. -ret1lrM4 .... topped 01' her .lIta1 aaI tbe ollbnt. ~eelllP tivUI r~ Uoiverlity, were receatly elected oj. of thok who must i«k Ihelter nirbtlJ' tsItu a ~paet ...... " it tie • Jal.,b:r _~ tb$ ~ aickeL __ <--~ ...... BobCO-apetaCb,' ethote~. Ii f , wIule Germaa bom"-, no ..... e 0-- 1:'.~ eJRIl resolunoa-to rift OW' hearts ud

u .. llva..". "'7 roa "IS e...,.t cera 0 Kappa Sip,. fratutlity UC>._ .~ ......- ba.DIIa &D4• • • btowa Dixie1alld jazz bud tcx\a ~ at the Uaiveraity of Wic:bipa. Trent !isb citie.. '~oar lkiJ& ... ~ eaer.

New- YflU's WulJ.-WiD __ this aIb • I d f y, is a HlIior this "-r a-" F-''''-mb aMra. J. Villeent Dwyer chainaaa of jpe. to the Feat Q.lJH el makiac daa-.'-._ am 'IIC u es some 0 the best .~ au ........ .' Ol:rilq live ia America._ ttraI,IrtesI eat tilt ASCAp.IKI "!tot" ailln eYW recon:1ed by the oatil. junior. the production corp. of the DetnIit "To that eucI.. we.radio anuic IIW'L Tha.ab I AD art rtprealmgs of older Decca • • • Chapter. aaaounc:ecl that tbe qllOta of help of Ahaia'ltt eoi" IIIlpiore tile

• • • PIllIlben. AD iteIU are oatstandiD«. Sipaa Eta meatbus aad hlllballda 60,000 ~etIts aC«Pt~ lIy tile DeuoU YT-., "Ilew," fr_ Bcra bouts of while we prefer SWOKY MARY (3336). wiD lie eatertaiae4 bJ' Mr. aJld Mn. chapter Ul SePtaD~ II almoat -h Nazi "aces" credit.". with 54. SS AT THE JAZZ BAND BALL (3337). Robert H_ at tIleir lIome Oft York. pleted ~d most of the prtaaIla bue.... 56 air vietories, rapecti-reJy. Gu- VUSKRAT l{AWBLE (3338) ~OYAL ,hire Road lIat Tuesday ....e:ning. A ~ shipped. Wn. lWph E. Jordaa,... ltIt1Iorities ba.n beta carcflll to GARDEN BLUES (~3, and PANA- prClrJ'ltll af PoIaad aad Fmud c:om- chaitm&ll of the bittiua divisioa. au-npIaiu that "a part" of these totals WA (J340). Bob Crosby singl tbe' posers alld music wiD be given. Those DOUnt"" that her group'a prodac:tioawere JU4e lIP of rather hdpleaa Polish, only voal in the albtmt, DIXIELAND puticipatiq wiU be Je.onie MaSOll, ~s rsatlted a lie .... hiP dorinl this pe-DutcIt, BeJciu ead Spaaisb Civil War BAND (3335). Edna Marioa. Lome Kramer Lucile nod.pIaau. A late lIash eruts "56-man," ------ Ketleid-" Edaa SlIttOD. Hanie~ KeulU' There are ~ear~ 750,000 wometl ~.Vajor Heballtb Wic:k. from ca.peti- Acaae White Lead and 0«. HuH.. lIateers working In war relief produc.tin. Wic:k wiD _ tabn1ale his ttalll- • • • tiotl in Red Cros. thapterl throlllh<rutmates' 1laz score from u EJlrIish pri- Honora Club Member. The social life committee of the the United States at this time.lOa c:aap I GlW'waa Anaela' Altar Sodality wiD

• • • Or! Dt<:ember 12 members of the or- 1PG1Isot a bridee luncheoa in the wo-Wa.uric:e P. Reha, Grosse Poinle pllizatioa of Acme White Lead and men's aui1d l'OOIlI of tbe Xetropo!itaa

Fu.rms youtA, bas heeD aamed c:aptai. Color W?rkl gathered to honor lix Buildinl, 33 JobD R at Fana« 011

of the J941 cros. c:owatt:r tU.tll ae:c«4. - member; of its 25'rear club, ""hen Thursday, January 9 at 1 p. m.

Clem S.earle ilia to Priaceloll TJlli-veraity olficials. K D. Whittlesey, senior \'it •. pruicleat, The followilll committee has beeaRella has beta cIuMd a p~ presented the six ",-ith the 2S.year bOIl. appcJintcd: !des4ames Aver,., Biscay..~" tJy eatteta aport .utbOl'itia,. or hdu of the otpni%:atioo-six bUbo Bradle,.. Brodem, Burr, Carrico. Clark,

• • • ti(1ll gold watclles. },fr. Wbittlese,. has Crawford, Colliaa, HaDd, Kutaer,ItaJiaaa ate Iaadinc • rt<:tIltlJ' ill. beu ip the .Cl'\'ite of the orfilniZiltioa Pra~er, Sc:heuremaa aad Winkel.

...eatet daarcotl barlIiq plaae. Here', for lIIore than SOyears. Rnervatioo. 1II1l1t. be made beforethe c:atc:h--d they lack __ is a IDa' Those presented with 2S-year .. atches January 6 to Mr., Louis Pra~er, PI.chiae to Illanufacture the .eeded that. 011 December 12 ",ere: Marion Frub. ----------.:.:.:.:..;..;t'otll oar, Neva Hin Lo"e, Joba Kozlomlci U. S. Dauab~ of 1812

• • • Joha Genrich, Ralpb C, Harwood a.dThe Cai"enit:r of TUl.Ilellft'. honi- Willi .. G. Hewitt.

tultural depanme1lt hal Ilerlt<:ted. The additiOft of these to the .....crnenew aad laraa' ",n.ty of -raspkrry." 2S.year dub brine'S the total of iuAlas, ,...jlh the e:s:eeptiOll of WedIles. actin membership up to 81. Of these,day's Rose Bowi PJtie, Tell.ellee'a re- '0 are men an'" !I .-e ''''omen.cent foot,ball teama !Ian bea DllIChtoo Oae hundred and thirty-one personsrood fOf' uperim en tal purpose-. hue tompleted 2S Or more J'earl of

______ senice in the employ of the .....cme'''nite Lead and Color Works ~;nttthat oraanizatioa came into exiHentenearly (/I years 1.10. This is a \'tryh'rh percrl'llage of 25.)'e.tr rm"lo\'ee'for it ml,~t he remrmhered th~t' lh~.....cme "'hite Lucl and Color Work I

manufatturers of Arme Quality Painl~'nd Lin.X, like mo~t of the olderAmerlcan hu~;f'l'~f, 'fl"tjtutj~nll:. s: ...r:tdas a ont or 1...0 man concern andcr~ 10 its pre'ent rroportions ~ndlar,e perooanel Indt:ally. .

OM-ftIN '" ll'reHlIeThe United Stat~, eonsumu about

orte-third of .U the Kerosene used bltbI WClI14.




Page 3: I '.. acwe

lb. 2Sc:........... Ib.ISc

It). 3Sc2 hn. 15c




15226 CharlevoixLE.4225

Julia SanderlOll and Fra.tlir Clamit".uaTi of stage and radio, wiD eDlertal8the Detroit To,", HJJI auclieDl"e bI 'theFisher Theater. Wedaelday, JaltUUy ..at 11 a. m., as the openin. attra.uo.of the after.holiday lellOn.

The name 0: thi, beloved tealll .hine.as brightly today as it did ill their 6ratmusical comedy hits; and their lOll'"most of them on records, are still popaoolu.

Thi. team. which have laqhecl an'sung their way into the h"rts of aiJ,.lion. made a hit in • recent !IItHicaicomedy under the llreat Chark. Froo-hman. They will entertain Town !'Iall\\;th their ",'it, reperloire of SOtlP an.amu.;n&, reminiscence. of other days.

Crumit writ ... ongs, with "The Ga,CabaUero," MAbdul Abulbul Alllir,""Donald the Dub" a. all ualllpl. uIa few of his many lOll' succeSL 1.aU Crumit has written and composed 41tunes. Launched by Frobul in "TMSUllshine Girl," Julia SaDder_ batheadlined in .uch Ilit. as "Tbe Arch ....ian'," "Xo" XO'l l\"anett e.1III "OUft1lHillh.~ "Hitchy Koo." MTaqeme,-"Rambler Rose" and "Oh Kay." fnnkmet Julia ....hell they ..'ere both .tar-ring in "Tangerine.M As he .tr ....."S,,'eel Lady. on his banjo it Iov.at Iirst siahl for both.

The Crumils win b<! introduced bpLen Shaw. dramatic critic of tbe 0.-trait Free PreSl"

Men'. Athletic ClauStarted At Hiah 5cJloo1



Individual Beauty.. =rr._1ind wiI __ ~.... ! Let ,....-. .. _--- '

"'Id...~.c'MMV -, ·LE." '., ,'.


He.... , cheap

Lincoln Study Club

WHERE EVERYONE IS GOING!!,. BaII"'-' T... a.Bet .... T.. De '.

Elaine Arndt S~udio ~~ .. t?!Il

Punch & Judy TheatreKerch.val at Fish... Road NI, J-.


N. c::s-,.. '- PidI-Up ~Cd Me- •A. ... aM :I P. II. fw s-..-. ..... ro.....

Frida7-Satunla7-Somda7 J......,. '" .... STYRONE POWER-UNDA DARNEU.


Sat. 11 P. M.-Biq Croa.b,-8011 Hope."'RaM to Siq... ,.'"



M-.. Tau., Wed.... 'I1aan. "--r7 ..7......CLAUDETTE COLBEItT-ItAY MILL.UfD


• J.,.{,?~



The Lincolll Study Oub wTn meet forits regular businesl meetins on Mon-day, January 6. at the Women's CityGub. Mrs. Stanley G. Johnson andMr .. Joseph D. Lenahan are takina re ••ervations for the 12:30 luncheon. fol-lowing the business meeting at 2o dock Mrs. EUllene A. Walling will ""lhe leader for the day and will presentProfessor Jalllll K. Pollock, of theUninnity of Michigan, who will talkon "Emerginc Problems of Govern-ment .•

The .class in parliamenlarL law. di.rected by Mrs. Frank A. RitzeDheiD,will meet at 11 :45 a. m.


South American Film. SanderlOD ADd CrumitShown by Newlfeel Man PIaD Appearance At

Detroit TOWII Hall


Complete motion picture tours ofBrazil and the Argentine ....;11be Ihownat the Detroit lO5titute of Art., Wood.ward at Kirby. next Sunday afternoonand eveninll. January S, when JulienBran, wrold-famou. newsreel man, ap.pean in person to reP')rt on an expe-dition to South America he cOlllpletedonly a few short weeki all'o.

Con.idered one of tile leadins crea-tOTI of documentary film., Br)'an reoturn. with a report of what is hap-

I pening in South America, economically.politically and lO(ially. He ....ill explainfully wllat inroads are beina made b:rNazi pt"opaaanda. Hil ....a. a tour ofentertainment well seasoned .....ith au-thentic information.

r'The quality of oar CIeu.

., it a byword iller-Pomte ••• it'. a watch.Jword in CMIr _to

i>J \_Ldm! II !


IluardlJ at HomeHow awful, people say, to live ir

a city that may be bombed at an:minute. Yet a study of hazard ratios recently made by a leadin, iJl.surance company shows that a per-SOli'S chances of being killed whendodging across a busy AmeTicaIlstreet are almost exactly the sam(as those of a person being killed ifa European city under air bombard .ment.

MoreOver, the alrtomobile driver....ho has been drinking places him-sell and hi& paS.5engers under abOlrthe same hazard of death as if the:were aU passengers on a contraband-carrying ship in the submarin(zone. Learning to fly a piane seemarisk>", but the housewife who dry-,..1~1'n< "t home is subject to almosldouble the hazard that. the studenlflyer faces.

So, before you begin pityinC thefolks abroad, look around you andsee death Gash by and be a bit moreheedful .

'Airplanes Fly Below SeaLevel in Some Place!l

Airplanes have flown 8t more ex.treme negative altitudes than an)submarine is capable of going. Ex. A "Keep Fit" atbletie elas, for Ill"cept for test dives that have taken of JO years_ alld oYer, wiD be ClItPDDe4a single United States na\'al 5ubma. on Wednesday eveaillg.Januar,. a. u_rine down to a depth of 350 feet. 7:.30 .navtll ~ubm;::rines are seldom ope rat- . to 10 III Gros.e P~t.e Hialt ScheaLed at any depth greater -than neces- / I "Uader the aiopcniJion of ZicmDD4sary lor gettinc out of sight and . I' I r I I \ '" Za-.dski, present state amatew pitavoidir.g dar. ~er of collisioa with clwDpiou, the dais will ...... ia caJ-surlaee vessels. This is easl1y ac- for a house left deserted esthellics, badlllintlltl, ~ ~complished by cruising at a depth .IN THE ~ING ball and mdoar IsuketbaR.of from. 45 to 65 feet below the sur. .. 5n SllCNIIOt'edbJJ the Baud 01 .......face of the sea. At any greater w-. JOB &0 _ doe .--..~depths the submarme is blind; it a.n. ..... t tanIed .. A 4O-wMt there will be 80 eta. .I.llerillip:f .retains vision only by keeping its lamp _ l.- u.a _ -.I ..... althO\llfl a dK!Or' •. ~ • IOtNI ...periscope above water. ... ......... F. balplul mil rt.. ltYID clothes are Nlluirell. T1Ie c.- ",. .

On the other hand, thele are nu. .bGat)'OUS' home lilbtinc. can Sil,. be divided iDto two Hetiant: .,. _merous places on earth over whicl: Datnoit sm- ..... No c:baIp. tiYities frOID ":JO lIIItiI " au ......llltcraft have flown, or are capable DIinlr frlllll " lIlltiI 10.of flying below sea level. In Death ,.Valiey National monument, in Cali. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifornia, for ex::::mple, aircraft areconstantly landing and taking oflfrom an airport that is :no f~t be-low sea level. An airplane skim.ming the surfac~ of Russia's ~pian sea would be flying approD'mately 85 feet below sea level; ancit could 11y up the Volga'river tolseveral hundred mtles on a COIll'Stfarther below lIea level than navasubmarines habitual1y cruise.

TIle lRUfaee III 1M See 'Of G&BoIelies farther below :lea leveI than aJO'naval submarine is c:apaQle of goiDrwith any hope of ever returnint t<tJle slU'face. But for SODIe rea"submarine" acrobatic .flying, WI --=.have only to send our aircraft skimming over the Dead sea of Pales.tine. There .. any «.:Ompetent avinto!may 5tart a power dive or spin a'sea level, lose 1,000 feet of altitudethen resume level flight with 300 lee;of negatIve altitude to spare!



Sa\'£. ..ale"The automobi.t industry savel

more than $10.000/lOOa )'eal' b1AI- I"8" "- "caste r' - .'<.



At the Punch

En Cud.! T,ro"~ i'o ...... and 8 •• ;1RAt"h()n~ ,,~ .. p.n ..;d~ nn~ of m.n.. Ith.i1Iinr '""u.nu. in "Th. M'rk of ZMro," ...hich pi .... ,! II... Punr h thi,~ricl .. ,. SlIIIt.uTd"y .nd Sund,.y. C,..t." thf" Ilrl:'at Ca liforni:4 bJlndlt, Powe.,... ,t...rcci III t!ae mo.t Ia ....... and colo.ful of .11 .e.e" role ..

IeOPIETZ INSURANCEP. !oleacham _ _155 122 !O3..... Mon trose _ .1SO 187 135L Stanley ....•..._ .159 131 175B. Waltner ....._ ..__ ...115 204 195A. Meacllam ..__ .161 160 148

Ivory ODDThe plumage of an adult iVaI;

'u11 is of a striking snowy white~ess, without spot or mark of color;ta leP and feet are black and iti)e&k is «.:hiefly dark with a brig:aranle tip. Ivary &u11s frequei.

,_ IMft 1'lClIftherl,.. parts Qf tQ..

world, ne5tiA1 on Memue iIIland,northern Greenland, and S,itz..ber,en. A beautilul speClmert i!now on exhibition at the QueccZoological garden. It is said to bthe only one of its ltind in eaptivit.in North America.

Ia almost every great 'lltar'. careerthere is one great outstanding role that.eCZlls made to order for 00 taleats andpenonaJity.

For Tyrone Po ....er this part has COm~in "The Mark of Zono," the title roleof which it undoubtedly.the most fa •mOIl. and colodul the .<:reen has everknown.

Zono. the ma.ked bandit of oldCalifornia'. most exdtirtg days, whose.... ord mark-a jagged "Z"~truck ter.ror to every heut but one, was therole which gave the late Dougla. Fair.bank. hi. gretest fame.

Now, in "The Mark of Zorro," whichcomes to the Punch and Judy theaterthis Friday, Saturday and Sun4aymarie. a great triumi'll not only forTyrone Power' but the brilliant f.a-


• .J _. ~ ~ ~, ...., _ nLU.a.;1.ll ':'.~l ilC:d.UC::U LJy .1..oIUUd. LIAr UCII

and Basil Rathbone.The Saturday 11 p. m. feature will be

"The Road To Singapore" with a areat.... t headed by Bing Crosby, DorolhyLamour and Bob Hope.

On Monday through Thursday thePun<:h will present Claudette Colbertin her latest hit ~Arise My Love," withRay !.LiIland and Walter ..'beL

Salute To FlaK,,, ~.'8' '


3 Totd178 S47162 473ZOJ 496142 407161 Sl!J



Totals ...... ...740 804 756 2300Won Lost

Norb<!rt F. Denk ._ .._ _ .. 35 21Groue Pointe Service.. 34 22

4.!U Belter Made Chips 33 ZJ I412 I American Armature Wndg 32 24473 Oldbru Beer ._.: __ ..._ ...._ .. 31 2S424 Hool'-De-Do _ 30 2615121 Sheplers Geanen __ _ ... JO b.J84 G. P. Woods Recreation _. 28 28

Kopiet:l' Jnsurance .._._._._ _ 27 Z'JT..tal. i'94 m 1!R 2325 Coullty Line Sen'ice __ ..__ 23 3J

Pioneer Specialty .._ ........_.__ 11 39Athman Stokers ''' __ '_''_ 16 <4IJ


Players: 1 ZG. llhmer --_ ....16.30 2061'". Kuu _..._..__ ...__ .145 171C.' Nia"hteagale __ 139 154C. Kremmel ..141 124F. Boye 184 173

HooP.DE.bOO,F. Kopietz 159 194D. Defer (&'1'.)--:"-.118 118F. Tib' _ ..... 132 140F. Hansen 132 171J. DaYid.au __ .167 173Handicap • 45 45

Totals ..112 828 846 2446

PIONEER SPECIALTYR. Kittle __ ...170 129 121B. Hagen ,151 132 129W. Morton _134 118221J. Fisher _ .._154 151119L Wolf ., ,..~S7 214 141HfJl4icap Z8 28 28

Totals • m 131 .lI02 ~-t. -". ......

.uDa1CAW AUlATUUHom (av.) _148 143148444Cordes .138 178 ZOS 511NeUDlllllD 1.32 168 151 451Cotombo (av.) __ 155 155 155 A6SKiller 1.66 132 1«1 438

Totala iB 781 80S 2325

OLD.aU BEDPaloucla 171 158 143 472Eo Herbert 126 124 120 361J. DeGrieek _.149 166 195 510Eo Boyd 156 149 152 457A. Rife .159 194 177 540

Totab 761 791 i87 2JJ9

C. P. WOODS SERVICEVan ball 190 164 165 519GnJSOll MI34 182 lSS 471Robillard 140 131 156 4Z7Tt"OIDbly .177 186 158 SZtRexi 313 156 194 453Handicap 12 12 12 2~

lol. Eliu 121 172 191 484A. lolayar -. 131 198 146 475

Totala ..&56 831 840 25."6

COUNTY LINE SERVICER. Su_ers 126 118 154 J98I. Miller .123 109 161 393

Totals ,_..68lS 729 i"95 Z210

SHEPLER5 CLL\NERSV. Ron 160 120 114 394C. Weaver 139 122 189 450lol. Richards 121 116 1+4 381B. Berrer 169 128 142 4J9H. Winlrelballer _149 153 137 4J9Halldicap 4J 43 4J 119

Totala , .781 628 i49 :n12

G. P. WOODS RECREATIONDe Greick .__133 159 140 4J2SlIllin. 158 140 1-46 #l}(astin 153 169 168 -490Cook .._.156 156 156 468Lundo 1,33 160 16.3 466

TO'als _.. ........733 i'S4 713 2JOOBETTER MADE CHIPS

T. BeaurCi'ard ..........•140 15-4 142 436Chapman ._ ...134 155 I~ 419Drener ._._.161 118 12'7 406Reiny .115 1+4 136 .195Brecht ._._. ..H9 149 157 455Handicap ._. 14 14 14 -4l

Y. M. C. A. NoW

Euu, .fter IoIJac their fint lap.rame 00 forfeit, eaJIlll back Itroq illtbeir lM(;OOd... ipJD_t and COIIlpletel1ollt.et .. nd the Trojalls 52.111. Thebia"bJicbt of tbeir e-tat .. s the .harpshootill8' of Doa YonitoL CoIIlIectiqfor 10 Iloops and two fouls, Morrito.establisbe4 thi. ,.ear'. m.iI Koren witbZ2 points.

Led b,. bir Roy Vaa WII.eall_,the Verheydas bve made their leaI'Mdebut b)l' trouncilll' the Spartaas 29.aJ.Yu Wun.aboYe hllq fOllr ba.ket.and three free thrOws. while the Knollbrothers. Erllie aad Richy, eub scoredIiye poilltl for the lour ..

.....f. .. I"~ ... ~....... G

.. 1 ...........

,Wayne UoiytrVty', varsity buketbantelUl1 wiU meet Dartmouth CoUCle forthe first tUne ia history au JaDuary 3,when Ihe two tQm, clash at 8:30 p. m.ia IIIe Centra! Hip Sc boo! 8}'IIUlaIium.

DartmoBth is the third of six ae ...oppoaeala oa Wayac', 1940-41 acbed.uJe. Purdue aJtd CorDen UDiversitieswere engaged last mouth. N"tapraUniyersity. Rhode bland State College,and Springfield College are schedUledto open relations ...ith Wayne U. duringa betweell ••~estus trip planned. forearly in' February.


75c... _-I

ewwr.... PwtiitI - 40&~I.

1A1.I.Q illS.. ouoaloi

PM"" January 3, 1941

Neiclaborhood CluJ,


c:II1MI U.......s..I _ ......

MEHLENBACHER FENCl CO.1.. ...... E-,. t ... .... _

a,.,- F.-y a-dEaP-rSUPEitTONE


nJxedo Z.7_

Repair - Service

HARP~ at 7 MILE ROAD!'fl.' 0111

FI'Oll lets s...uhrllecn CIUctn

_ SuBday Treatl,-/-"~ ....a.:,.,..

.at die ,IllAsu_~~~._.~~

e.-.. .. .....,...s,.iaItiea

~ W"...... u.-n1164 Broad•• ,

at G..iI an- P_

Lilted .. o-ca. .......",w ill GooIII EatisIC'

s-Iap fIoIiIIa,. a.- &wa1:11 P. II.

0,. E..,. DIe' ...,. ZM .. II.aa.,. NH . c.-.ZDI

rFOR PLEAsURE & FUN DURING U.fla- ,.....)'....Sa....,. E--..,_ D .t ... iIi

HOOP.DE.DO 7-Act. I"-Ih ... ."f-t,. LOGIER'S GROVE ~ S~

... M.... e.- PoiatooW...... Fn..S.L NUl~

WASHER! • IRONERS. VACUUM CLEANERSTOlals •__ 713 724 716 2163

Now On Di.play-New Model. ATHMAN STOKERS

EAS Y AUTHORIZEDL Bra\! _ _ .lM 117 135 4~S Craft " _ "II~ HI2 11~ JW

SALES and SERVICE T. Mun.on 99 172 122 393

NUTTO ELEC ~FR CO NI 6872 I ~'..;;~";,.~..~::~:::::::::.:i~~~ I~ ;;;I 14t34 MACK AVE. ~.. .,.. I fl.n~IC>1'l - <)'} 'J') tJ') 2<'i:

~~~I;;J~i!~iiWJii!liiJi!ilti!l!li!!Ji'!il' Total. __ ;0/ 747 6')52149'

...... B....... l.MptTeam: Woo Lost Pet.

Poliee alld Firemen'''_MM 2 0 1,(100EastlDUuter _.:-.- 1 0 1.000IDWaI1J • 1 0 1.000Comets •__ 1 0 1.~Verheyden .. 1 0 1.~Fifteen Club 1 1 JOOEssex A. C. 1 1 .sooSpartans H. _ 1 1 .500Arrow. 0 Z .000

1'rojans ._......_ ........_ .._" 0 2 .000........ II-' e.-

The Police alld firelD~, aided by:Jjm Locke's 10 poilltS, subdued ClubFifteen 34-18. Five lIIinutel elapledbefore the Iirst point wal scored byaRab" McIntyre, Police ~nd Firelllen's The second alUluallllaniar. cUnic fot'lanky center. L~vinlt the floor at half botb IIlarried aod .illlle lDen ud '1'0-

time with a 12-8 advaDtall'e, the Police men will be held from January 20 !O

and Firemen'. live weat on a third 30, .ccordil1&' to aD allllOUllcemeDt hyquarter .corin, spree alld were never Howard G. PilI,bllry, Detroit attorney,headed. Tbe effects of Christmas day and membu of the Hanau BraDch y,NeDted to thow on the Fiftcell C1llb, M. C. A. committee of maaa,cmenLalld they tired in the lall liye minute' Tbi. y"r the marriaJe ill. tit ute willof the contest. DOli "Butch" Beeyer be spctn.lOred joilltly by Hannan and""a. bi,h for the Io,en Mth seven. Northea.tern Y. M. C. A. The::m ,)f

The Camell. ehampions of tast ,.ear, the illstitllte i. to .. ork out a philosopb,took tbeir Iirst league encolloter wben of life that will make for happy .nc1the,. defeated their nei,chborly rival, the worthwhile friendshir. ltow and "illSpartans 22-14. Looleing anythillg but lead to happy marriage. The abuormaJlike champ •. tile Comets took .ll 15-\1 aspects of D1arriqe wilt be avoided aslead at the intermi.sion. Jack Bretz, far a. possible. A part of each prorramwith three Jidd goals alld a Joul, topped will be duoted to questions alld alll-the scorers in the contest. wen.

tn a fr~ .sc:orillg game Ea.tmi.Dster The purpose of the in.titute is as fol-out.ran alld out-lasted tbe Arrow. A Iow-s: .C. mtty and came oat 011 top of a 46-1 l. To provide reliabl •. counsel and3S Kore. Forbeli Devcr, Arrow for- adyice for young men and WOIDeDofward. lead tbe scorin: .. ith 104paillts ma~..ageabll .. e who believe it wonh-on seven field coals. Elmer Schram, while to ,in time ..nd lboua'ht Ua prep-Ipnd.ter of the Eastmill.ter fiYe, had aration for marriage.13 Points. z. To provide an opportunity for

The Itldian.s, looking a lot •.,onser thote already IIUlmed to gain new in.than last ,nr, .eemed to haye tbar Ii&'hts into marriage relation.hips and

~ hands full with a 'new entry, the Tro- to talk oyer their persollal probl~sjan.. The conI est was dose aU tbe with an experiellced counselor.way. but the more experienced Indians -----'---put au a last-minute drive and finally Wayne Universityconquered tbe Trojan live. "Z~ke. De Meets DarbD thGaud was high scorer with six paiDt. on OU

"two fouls alld two field s-oals. In Cage Contest





"1- ... ~

, .~


Page 4: I '.. acwe



PI" Pow



w. S,.a.be IIIu......... a . I c....._Dr..- ..

an: :zarLe.8275


Sldatly F.... En-

IIRS. IlARGAlUlT IIA T1'EBSIIleomblg ~dent of The Fint~ Church. of Christ, Scteau.t,

'B0A01l, llUAchuaetta

"l'bnU-. ~Two horSH, a ttaiMd dol ..

Jack KiDI, horseman. ju.osped ...the Hot SpriIlClI. N. 11., mirlenlbaths aDd soaked. Kioc expl.... ,he flU ridinl from New Yon te"" _SaD ~ and thouCbt it w•• .-"IICMld chance \0 "soak out the traY" '-m, kiDU."

ftiI DIIeaMQeeupa tiona! dilIeUell of tile llIdJa

c:omtitute 40 to 70 per cent of ..vocational m.radies ill 1'r8Dce,

----------- -CABINET WORK-, ----

... H..... ... LE.... 14M_ AII.r 1t4. IS1llL_.II

p~ DI.-.I .... V....L£.~ 15117 E. ..... _

CEDAR FARMSGrade A Poultry Farm

£8••u.. .. Dr-..d pRIIrj



c...-... ........ s.m.w. s..... ill ~IF...MILY WASH-IS .....

1S2tS ..... CK ro-.Io ....


:i:.-g..... 15cFAIIIL T SPECIAL

15 u.. 8geAI flat .,. ...... II •

cIaieh • ~, .......AD w_ ...............

...., f.......w. s.-Alize .. e-t.iIIII

"~ plr ...t!l' .I'!i! "!l'e!!1'~ naLL II7JIII ee.-. _ .... _


THE GROSSE POINTE REVIEWFound.li.rlt 1', lfZ6 "

Office. at 15121 Kercheval between Maryland and Lakepointe"T'ue only \\"eekly newspaper cl-I'erinll' all the homes in Groue POUlt. ud

Gratiot Township,"L. B. OLDHAhI _ EdilM 11114 P"blUMrDlelC BooYCOMBE_ _ _ _ . Aaocllu, EdlletrRoaEJlT P. OU>HAJoL Adli rr&ing N_~

Sub,erij>tion Ratn: By Mail, $2.00 per year: Sc: per _Yo

Publi~hed Every Thursday by The Grosse Pointe Printing CompaaF.LE. 1162-63


JGeruaaa --You ~~ ~.. Salt Wala' When ~ent Albert Lebrua eI

t Okl bona •-..:: _. I I Fr&llce vwted the ww/.em tzom re-a • • ,",U t .~- OCJrt1Y. he.left Paris s:ecntI,.. 0Bb'

From mall)' of the prairies of iD- a few hundred pehlCllUl ill pan.IantI 0Idah0ma it'. lea than • mile !mew at hill visit lmLiJ alter biI .-to aa1t water. That's becaWIC salt turD. At Strubour, Lebl'\U1 peekedwater lies directly below the rich oil throuIh a canvas acreen at the ~ftelds. AI. an unwelcome byproduct man lines aM Willi 6abberCuted _of ",toO,ooo,OUlI barreil ol petroleum, read this ~ t.bcre: "Welcomtt ..there were 13,200,000,000 barrels 01 the Praident of the ~ Be ....briDe. That'. eDOUIb aah water, Iic."ezperta sa,.. w cover _.000 aeru.a: incbCll deep with clr7' aalt.

Formel17. this brine- was allowedto draiA ~ natural watercourse.. lfivutatioa followed.TOWtllI depeD4eDt upon rivel'l fortheir WItH supply ,ot a brackishand unhe~ fluid. Trees aDdcreps &lOll' the .trcamll witheredand died.. Live ItoclI: perisbecL

Then the state stepped in threeyears "0 to hfrJt further Joeae ••'n1e bit complUties, plaCUed bydamace suits for millior.ul of dollars.were Ilad to c:o-operate.

EDcineel'l beean puttin, the wa.ter back under IJ'OW1Cl. Toda:", 30disposal sy.tema are pwnpin, IJO,'000 barrels of briDe dailT iDto theearth. 1ft terma of dr,- _ that's6,000,000 .... a da7.

The oil companies paid the came$1,500,000 cost of the s:rstema, aidedin 1ecbaie&l phues of the iDatalla-tiOllll by the poIlutioll departmentof the atate clivisioD of .... ter re-lOW'Cell.

'!'be cliIppral systems are relative- .l:r simple. A separator at or neart.bc well cufa the brine away fromthe petroleum. Gravity 1iDH carr:rthe briDe tQ a treatiDg plant at thedownhill end of the fields. Tbaechemicala are added W coa....,..tethe solida aDd the brine '-runtmoueb • IIeries of filters to takeout impurities whid1 miCbt clol thepermeable NDda *to 7,008 feet be-low the IIUrfaee, "mt.o whiCh it ispumped •

Oil mea's lw:11: rave a 8l1ip to eoD-ItrUction of a disposal system byooe petroleum company in PoDtotocllOUIlQ'. AA; the lower end of theJield, m t.enik:Ir7 believed to be"clr7':' ~ I&ruek. 2,&01 barrel-pu-da,. I\IShU IIUI<l bad to moveover a qu.wter mile before complet.iac • auccastul dry bole.

.at. ..... AIrfIa-e ......Development of a Ilew type of air,

craft engine desi gned to ft1 entirelywithin a thiIl airplane wiDe was an-nouncccl. .... yesterday by HarryWoodhead. president of the Avia.Ucla Manufacturin, corporatiCll.

The new motor de'lo-elcps 1.201hn~ !!""'PT' !!!'!<l !'Iall 12 rylinM!':'in t....o banks of si:a: e.. ch. The banksare 180 degrees apan I() the motoris "irtuaUy r... :. .--.:;,:;:..;,c}-l .i~ :.0 .. ,Jto be one of the first ever devtl.oped of its type.

, Woodhead said tht engine "'as 3';inches high ..... inches Wldt. and tha:it was bu.lt so that it COI.IIdbe in-staliecl in a thick root of a bomberor trAnsport plant. The en.ine I'

liqu jg t'OO leel.Po~ ..er is tran~mitted to the pro

peller by an extension shaft. By i~\iSe in multl.motc~!d planes, he said,s~s couid be increased 15 pelcent,


Giwa to w... Aftatan .... ' " T'" ....J(q,. Adele Dan.. the world'. .. ... .., ..,. - ....

I'aIIIdItI .-au ariator m IIiIqI: rat-' .' .. -_ ..... - '4 Lb•.............. -. tile

--"--_ ..~~,_.~ •. _>-"" ''''';.,._-~ _ .. _ "~ ,. ".. ."- _ ..-""~-""~~---". ." -'..~,. riu..-..... .~ 'Be'lt -.ne....... <~ ...0-:... __ .. •man r'RlIil:r tor IlntiDC ~jhbe' )'OIl K< - _...... ..... e:stiaIatiI- ,....~." . - 1Wd:_?

A iiQC\A&lIful artist all -n .. • c.II TU. I-na. tlier. :un. Davia practices the phi-

Josopa,. .Ibe preaebes. ComeJ,y .aDdlI1Ilartly ~ IIbe 100bd morelike a IICfteI1 star th.m a pilot whohad jun fIoWD to W~ fromher C1eve1aDd home to atteDd thecotl.veatioa of the NatioDal Leaaueof American Pea Women.

SiDce lIhe took up aviatiolla afterher b~ K. Tbomaa l)a.....bouIht a p~ niDe yeara qo. :un.Oavis bas rapidly climbecl the 1acl-der of air ratiDp until Ibe POWholds the coveted commercial .. II1iceDse. ThiI eatiUea her to Iy anyIaDd at _ P!aDe. with the siDcleezeeptioD of the lIiaat tniitocemicclippa'L

She caa cI8cusI bliDd IJoiBJ fromher ~ of ' .. boun lIDderthe bood"-adl .. caD talk justall llIItbulIiuticalq about prett7clothes or makeup.

"Women, wbeD they compete withmen iD oceupatioaa usuan,. consid-ered lIl8lICuliDe, ofteD 'co m&5Cl.l1iDe'in their cIot:bes," lShe obBerved clitrappl"OViD&ly. "Flat heels, mannishIRlits, an UDpowdered IlOIIe are def.initely a mistake."

Mrs. Davis'is optimistic about theopportunities for women in aviation,but she doesn.t underestimate thedi1ftcu1ties that art apt to be en-c:ouJltered. She bas taUl;ec1 frequent.ly on the subject to acbool aDd col.• eroups.

"I tell them ... aile said, ''1hat lIOfat aviation is a man's field. I tenthem they can't be just as IOod as eman to succeed-they've got to btbetter. And. above all, the1'w ,otto keep attractive."

\Ilr'..u.'.rWhat', In a ,,'ink~ Well, that hat

ita pr", a~d cons but to a scien-tist it's an operation of the eye whichrequires on/!-fifth of a lIeeond, andoccurs 2:i times a minute. Thismay mean nut to nothing to thelayman. but actually It means thatif you're driving at an aveflll!e or2S miles an hour for five hours, you,.,;11 drive a tot .. 1 of about 10Y, milesWIth your eyes shut"

l.- BllJIIILeon Blum, former Frf>n('1, pre-

mler, is t'lClrl'mcly proud of hISIlCwspaper ",'ork u Q.rlnmatic critiC.

,School ElII'OllmentTakea B~ Jump


The eoqreptioe will hold it. NewYear's serriec oa Suday, JulW'y S.There yilllle ~ of o£tcer1 forthe 1lC1l' 7UI' at this 1Cl'ric:e. ne foJ-loWiac lDIt1l ... ~ iutaUed: Waper,Ha-. GroaiaI, Jaumaa, Or. Neeb,Foote, F'1emminlI, Wllebo!d, Falllt,Rei.aateill. Holmes, Dahlen. Service at11 a. IlL at Puacb aael Iud,. Theater.Sundar School at 9:45 a. m.

SlIAda,y _raiq the Glee aub wiD ol.fer a lhort Pf1IF:IDI of sacred mlllic:.

ast SDIIda,. the Ite... Charles W.Scheid, .,.sotr of tha Gro... PoillteCoaareaatioaal Church, preached on"The Kan Who Misled the FirstCbriJlIft"'- "Kinl' H~ missed. bilopponllllity of obscrviDll' ~e fintCbristlDu bec:a_ ae Wled to have aphiJopsoph,. of lile wbkh would enablehim to recopize beauty and .oodaeslwhen he I&W it. To know the love ofGQd our mlllda _t be prepared toreceiye aDd ldIdentand it..




au tbe Sanda,.. of the month olJuuar,. the pastor wiJl preadt a se-ries of aenDOIIS etI "Biblical FintL-Next Sundar, Jalluar,. S, wbieh wiI1 beobserved &I Epiphany Suclay, the lintpf these ICf1DOlII wiI1 be delivered. Thesabject wiU be: MTbe Fir~ Gentilu."The time of the seniu is 11 :45 a. m.;Sunday School Ie"" at 10 a. m.

OD the fo11owiul SaDday, a moatb1yBible hour will be ... :at 5 :15 ill theaftemoeL Inltead of the 1IIIW doe-triaa1 discttasica, a lecture on thewcrk of the Lutheran Church ill OIiDawill be delinred by Miuioaary Meyer,who at prelCZlt is ill tbis c:ountry 011






W_ted-Old Gold

ELECTRlClAN-Liuaaed; work my.IeIf: wiritlll' eel repairs, fans. ~

lamps, motors, lwitches, waU plurs:V&CIIl1J11 c1eaaer ser-rice. Prompt udreliable. Call uy time. LEo 155Z.

HIGH£ST ea.sh prices for yOUr oldcold aDd «ok1 filled jewe1rT and

dental Liceaaecl IlO1d bl1J'er. Guare-teed dock' and watch rcpairiq. Leo'sJ-eler:r. "14933 KerdJenl. betwftll


at prien paid fOl' men'. suits andshoes. Te1ePhoIle caB will briq .. eo~ inmaediate1,. Tei. Tyler ....JGZ.

KOSHER cora beef, Koaher rye andPumpernic ke1 bread. Kosher dill

piclUes. FuU Jide of imported and do-matic table delieaca. Warsaw Blkery,1lZ24 Mack aYe.

BEAUTIFUL c:olonia~ rOOll1•. 2hath.. 6 monlhs or lon.er, TV.


SPda,., Jutt1U7 5. 10 L ... lIe9o-tieu! addrtsl ud sacnmetlt of HoI,

HOUSEHOLD scrvice-Paiatiq. ill- Commllaioe. fol1owed &:r iatenaediatesttrior dcc:oratin",. Repain of IU ud elder clalSes.

kinds. Day l!ld a~bt .ervic:e. Reason. A nursery lIAder COIlIpt'teat leader.able rates. 2671 E. JeffcrlOG. Fituoy ship il ~a f.- 10 to 1%-. for the3311. - ....------------- beaelit of paruI$ who wish to att_WORk WAl'ttED--FEMALE aU or a Part of this COIabiae4 sernu.

EX--P-E-R-I-E-N-C-E-D-cla-Y-..-or-ker--.-G-rot-se- Epworth Leque at 7 p... -A 7Ou...Pointe referenc", Cau TriDit,. 1-1041. people'. service for hich sc;hooI, co11ep

ed 101lnC &dailless )topIe.

NEAT, clean. elderly IIWI would like nl'FERSON AVENUEroom. Vicinity of Beacon.ield ud METHODIST CHURCH

JellulOll. Luos 1297.





Electric ...... d • I 4.S .. at E•• SSE.s.m.-..... • ~ .. GnaeI. PoiEEte.157H K.dIe,al tE .... 174t

Phil Geist's Beer S.tore(P""" .. ".......,17531 MACK AVE. NIAGARA ZlZI

"- .......IOTTUtCASE. ".AJII



w. w T........ a....D.,., a.-.I.cI It, D., .. M....


F'!aY. Joury 3, t~t

ltA[ H-


TU. z--.e.-..... .-

"0I.J.t~tt<)mEs. .... Jtrias--l'Pd F.... .. QpIIM:i aid fan

-.. -;.'.- "fMI3, -]e~".-' ,_aVl:."........ _ Ds sl • • ....

... ..... ......... .. ! ; I I,

..... itwawl...L." J.a- _

5ecoClclaN (junior and Mnior hirhIcbool) en"roJlment 'in Graue Pointepublic: lehoou hal leaped a tbird in the

. !alt four "tan, quru released by theGrosle Pointe Board of Educ:.ation in.dicate. EDroUmcnt ia the junior IndseAior bi,Jh Ichce!: h:u ;onc from 1,686pupw 011 October 30, 1936, to 2,257 oaOctober .10 of thiJ "ear_n iLcrelle Iof 571 boya ed lir".

School oIficiab and Board ~f educa.tion olficers pointed out that this in.crease alo. il two or three timel theme of the ueraee hich school In tbeUnited Statel.

1£ the liut four "can show a pro-portionate increase, the prenn! junior-lellior m.b school enroUment of 2j.S,wi11 increase a third &ad. ",ill brinr thetotaJ to aliPtJ,. more t1aD 3,000 pupilsiD aradcs 7 to 12 by the faU of 19+4.

School olficlals 1&7 that the cradescomiae throUCh the dementary schoolnow and iDto the" junior-senior highlebonls ill the aut few years will prob.ably be ,",en lareer than thOle who arciD the junior and _lenior hich sc;booInow, 10 that the 3,009 estimate for 1944ma,. be exceeded.

"Since 1929, the sehooI distriet hasbaitt Otic secOlldary buildiDg-the JohaD. Pien;e Junior HiSh Schoo!," ChariesA. Parcells. prc~eDt of the Boar<! ofEducation, said. "DuriDe that sameperiod bowner we have built the Rich.

"God" wiD ~ the ,ubject of tbe lea- ard and the Maire .elementary schoo",soa •• enllOll ill all "Christiul Science built aa .dditioa to the Trombly de •Churche. throaghoat the world OD meDt.ary IIChool, reopened the VernierSanclay, ]uuar,. 5. elemeatary school, aDd quadrupled the

The Golden Tut (Psalms 65:1, Z) is: enroDme12t in the Muon elementa{)'GROSSE POINTE LU1'H£RAN "Prmo waiteth f« the.. 0 God, iD tchool," be added. "Since 1925, the dis-

Sioa: cd uato thee sban the vow be trict bu bailt live of the .even cle-

nd K • N Y performed. 0 thoq that hearest pra,.er. _tar,. lehoo'-tbat is aU except the"Makiq....a eepIq. e'III' ear H.. to 'tb ••. ~L." .ft ""-h p_"Raolu will be tbe b oJ. th - ~~ ,.-.... ;u& u~~ - two smalJat. Vernier aDd KerbY_lid

tioDI. ~ ,eet e AlDoli&' tile Bible eitatioDs Is tW's has enlarged .we of tbem. but has built-- at the ~~ue ~tc ~er"&1l paaaace U--- l:m: "ETer,' ~ gilt ICbarch. ~'~Ippmll IS the Richard and nUl perfect Kift is from above, on, two secondary schon15. namel,. t~eSchool a1Jditorilllll, Kucheval ud Me. ed comJtb .._ f- th. FatL.- of Grosse Pointe Junior-Senior High,,",_,- S--"- J 5 11 ...........- ~ ....,.- School and the Pierce Junior High~ ......... y. amIU'J' ."at a. ... lichts, with wIIom is DO nriablena •• SchooL.

~ ...... laft lUlil'a PdIe preached b7 the K!:Y. iii. LuUla' Cuup. Deitbu lhadow of t\ll1line."AmaIlI tbe Yaudeville acta of 0Ul D.D.. pa.st«. I .1 "The lame huge enrollment Jrfowth

ftIIisbed yelder)'eart,. the 'li'lirll The -H..... C:OIIIIIIlWOII wiD foDow. iD the elemental')' schools which made.. marT' let. a-ed b7 llbapeb V<7 •• J. ne iPuTelsof Love"_ ... -.eo .. .mte apia, Mrs. Adelille Doeppittc will be the J-~ these buildiqs unuoidab1e ud neces-__ or lea certain to c:ClIm ~t. N.S" IIary aow c:alUes the pile-up of pupil,_ .. -.. ",_.1_ "'_" __••• , "" h p crous SAO .. • .. ran in the ;" ......r and seAior h: Ichoo'-"IIfOlJIId each 7HJ'. But t1IltnI... -y ...........- :...... as.. .., ..... Ul tD. _ of ,-- w ...

.. biItoric occuIaG wbea IUCb dasHs fos' aD qes &ad. aD sracla- We die __ fII. \M world; tbIir Mr. Parcells Ull1aided.briDiaae1 II their mOJle-"1i9iaI1Itatues" bad to .ft . kiq'. teach the Bible u God's WOI'd aDd tllr7 ftI1IlI caiii ~ II. wti. "There is no evidence that the junior

pride. Jaus Christ as the c:eateI' ef the Bible. _tieCL n.. _ iadi- hi&h lChool enrollment ligures repre-Tbe kiq Sf",!,,_- ~of Po- At t1lis _1iOR of SDDClaySchool we rilIuIl7 ~ IettiDC iI sent temporary peaks for which penna.

,~ He alrriBh. ~tor ol will receive the lint RPOrt oa the ftlIt beallti!al; bid; w1IicJl _ work to neDt provisions are not De<:ess,ary. 'In-LaaitI XlV Off Fr1IIIce, aDd - the -,_", ,-_ 'L_"- de .. ~ _ ~ ---'-.J'hDc.II kinI MIl erected 1be JDaI" f......... ,. DC1I'melD"". COllte5t __ .. een tioa. T'll-. as8IIM an -U ~ steac1, everything poi12ts, as the figures~ palace of venames, with it: the "Ked" and the "Blaes.. let .. IaanIeR Itee1, wilieIa piDlI and qllOted above indicate, to a .till largerIamsiUa p.rdena aDd tauDW:as, S&aD AD faaailies ill the aeiIbborbood ate eid: .... ill • -- 4Ilreetift way: high school and junior high Ichool ell-iIIeIII c:oaJdal't rest ..m be bail I eordiaDy ianted to attald a aeiPborly :::re."a.'- fII. *'" WIlIrk" rollmeDt darill&' the :.rears ahead," heV...me. of. Ilia 0IrII" ..,. tbe III dlardl.Whi1e ~ lIPoar dd~ CAnaiII J."". ... kwl7 .... fIl added..... .l-.l. a,-- ct -Y:- _ let us act f- dIat we -mud ..... ~ __ 6bDed 1.0'- '--'-tautiaa tile PoIiIIl kIq WlUl& ~?-=-L_ =~.._-",,"':':-I lIIIt twt_ ....M wct!l ~b.: "The Khooldiatmt. with the ~-esaauP mclIIe'J' _ of .. peapIe 111 ~ ... ~.-.. oar --- ..... ........... ~1Itb' ...... teet RIF IrJ tboee who ~p of fin-:rear boDda uadel' whkh aUIlaiJd • s-Jaee, to __ .. Icnes. _ .... ~ te ~~ ~ichipn distrieta labor. timply caIIDOt*'* flam an 1be warld. Ie ------ 3M -;:::t:::.:.'-:'.J' ~ nadertake a IIl\&e sc;1laol eoastttactioII-- • .. c-.J -. ..... ~ ..... TrEIloo ......_ .... J ... wmk .,....... JI'OIf&a" ~ DUt _few JUnt. 110 ~_

,qoeII ..... 1IliII"'" ~ . JAIl a...- .. ~~ ....-i: Itvw....,.. ..:::;"~£~ ~.l ......... ;.;u.."':' • '1:."--== E:~:::s..~..:IbeI'e4 that he bMIa't .. ..~ 4&,. SeMbI; 11 a. m.. '"The daiatiaal :::3 ...... - . -, "_":::;:: This opIaiaa iii 1*-" .. 17 ;he Be.nl en1rberea tile ~ IDlIIIaI'dl JIId' oi 1941"; 6:15110 .... CIuistiaa E-le.aYW C-::::" - ~ ~ .. w ~ Edacatioa is dC't'e1opiDc within theecora or tbc:m. . pvapa. ..,.*::..-- l1li GroNe Pointe Hiah Sehool bui1diq a

:It ... too lata to ,.e real ..... CaJlcllefipt New Year'a terrice at III .... azg;dks ~. ICCOmI jDDior !rich school, COIIIparableBu& the resourcefIIl Stank]_ hired 7:30 Po" The pastor Dt Carl E. '" ~: ~, tM J:MCuy- ill an respects to the acparate PierceIUIlJ male IUIIl female ---. IllidIer -.riB -~ d.e 6~_ "A _ 1' ., CIIriIdaa 8dIMe, bwIW__ 1 Is 1.:_.'u-ed them ill claMieal J'obea .. • - - .-. _ nM (p.' 'IS). ~ ia ........... t a 0 Ull_ lD part atIDIlde them pole ,. hoarII ill Ibr Meditatiue ClIl the Year AJaad." There .:tMuIid. ..... ~ .....: Ieut, why the Board of Education isuicbea amaac hill -lJ plaDtIt will be • ICCia1 --- fotloowiq die eve- ... __ , s an tile jew'IrIa 01 liriac thought to the COD$tnK:tioa of alIbrubberiea. Some of tDeM ..,~ .... _ ---w- ,,- .. ' ........... _1_...._ _.- ~ • -....,..:. ~ baildiq on the hich school c:ampas forstatuea" almoIt died III fatipe be BePuaiDa' Wedacaday enDiq, J- V::...~ __ ~ ";di: the expal1Iioll of the iIldustrial arts aaelbe &be last ItIeI& left tbe ..... u:r 7. _ coatiJlaiq tJlrDU&h SDalIaJ' eat. ~ fII. daanet.- ad .... YOQtioaaI progr'amL Such a buihtiaa

IIIIa7 .... ~ EaatuU.tcr ChardI iIobaerT. ".... .~!' .....wilL woa1d!:Olt perhaps an eightb of wbat8tIeriff WilliuD J. ~. SlIII J_. iaI" i!- -Week of Pra7er" ~ joiat- a,IJO .• ~ ~ ~ a second and separate junior high

~: ~~.: Iy with the lUsoJ< I"resb,teriaa Church. .......... Jnuailit;J are, lIChoo1W011Id cost" and there qht bebe .. mtonDecl II,- Peter Suma R.n. Ge«ae 1Iar&D. pastor. Services ....-.n~:.'*' s~ ud a possibility at the present time,thai his buID'-DOt aD auto-Iuld will be heW at 7:45 '110m. em Wedua- t:.-=:e ... ....~ ~free tIu-ouab c:o-operating with the federalbeeD Ito1ea. It .. the In& time day. Tbanday. !r1GaY ud Suada:r eve- 1IiIH''' me. ~ ~ gOYCl'lUllltDt. of getting much of tbethe theft at aD oJd-time hum" hacl aiIIp ia EutDliaster Cbmcla. II ~ ;. ... cIemee, ud t:Iroen- IDKhia- for the shop as part of the I=:a~ tritIWl tbe ~ of =:.~--:-"~ ...~.;: ele~CJUe-;'ogram. In this wa,. Grosse

FArrH L11I1IERAN ........ aB riP* Mtiaa proeeed POUlte c:oDld make a real comribnticaWu e::.t # rz-"w, JIW. .. IIN1ilqIC S • bJ' to fedenl defeDH prepantioru, which

'l'!le ewtimat.d DIIIIIIe7 am el 61 Two ~uiw serrieea wiD lie heW u.St8~~::~ ~ is difficult to do with oar 'present ovu-World WU to the UDited Stala.- oa the lint Sanda,. of the New Year .. tM pat;)Iuter, c-. J-. crowded aDd restricted high sc;hooI sbopemmeut to June 30, 11M, ... $Il," at 7:45 and 10:ti ai Faith Latbcna __ -': ... ~ UlIlder wbat situatioB. At the same time, this~oo:~::~~ u.:,:- Cburda, E. ]dfenon and Philip au- appeuod to Ito tM -.t ~ circ:uIi- woald permit the improVC1Dent and ex-trc:asury for the tbcal year eDdirl{ _nes. The paltOl' will preach. ....,., 1M ..... ~ ud tiDoL & pansioa of the commercial departmentJUlIe 30, 111M. This does not ibc:ludl 5uDday evellinc the Senior Lather .:i:t.~ 3:.t aUuelflM(~ at the high" school, wbich has bee ..&be cost of veteraaa' bcIaulia ad l.cq1R wiI1 hold a forum meetilqr at U:l5) t1lId; be __ "meek aDd Iawly somewhat 'starved' by lack of adequateother items which have deveJos-d 6:JO for ODe bour. AD Senior Luauers ia .heart; .. &ad Tet hu ~y JII&lI ~ space and facilities. After all, each boyu a result of the wlilt. aDd fric1Icls wiD be wekomecl. ~ ~ ="K:t:~~ or ~rl has to study a given numbc: of

The promotion committee for the ".eea.- 1M ... !oviDII' ami __ subJects per clay. Therefore. wby Isn'tYOlith banquet, January 29, wiU meet ~te. & Iaaew that all cood it best to ha\'e a smaller nUM~r of011 Monday evenill«, January 6, in the ~cltriDe~:~P:: ..~ classes of each of a variety of subjects,chllnb choir room at 8 o'clock. .... -.bIocI .. to heal the lick, aDd rather than a sreat maay cwses of a

au January 8 the annoal banquet fer to n8ton to ~ those boaDcJ b,. few subjects. Some subjects may bethe officers of the ccmsreptiOD wiU be aiaful lleliefa. .1_. IIIeeIarecI (Jobn aclapted to the needs IInd ambitious

-' t 6:JO 1- aD f _ 1:30). "I can "r - 0W1l aeIf cJo d bill" -<... f th&erVcu a . I~ ormer y. ~ notJainlI,. It ..... IIU: clear llJIdentaDd. an a ties _ on.... IOlDC 0 e Itll-

ent YCstry1DaI aad their wiTClo The i. of God .. divine Truth, Life, &lid dents?foDowiDa" Wed_clay the conrreptiOD -Lon, and hill..,..nL ~ neopi~1I EJemenbry sc;hool housing in theat Iarce will hold its annual banquel ~ theofre&Joa,muu.: enab"i:r'~:: eastern end or the school district pre-ami m«tiDe in the basemesat of the __ to do IDa lIOOlI.......... sents a problem abo, school officialsdltlTda. For this occasion the Kn. H. ~. ~ 110 .oJ_ ")(~ena- declare. Rich.d, Kerb,. and partiell-1.. YodnltD wiD speak. ....ritiIIp ~ ~ ~_e!, "J(~- I&rly )dason and Vernier S 'hoola are-. •• lms nae cIeaire, 1ft- '"

In orcJcr that isIterestine _-Luther- IPa-. 1IiIIdoa a1Id pnJe1Ira dfri_ all well filled and need more sp;;.~1111 may becor.te acquainted with the power." nu. aItoQld e-.... .. aa- particularly for the kindergartens aD':!t• ch' of tb L tb- Cb-h el kiM to pray f. )IIIlrbas; and clear 10 I t d h~a lDgs e II ~.an w.~ all tlrinlren aft oIoiIIc this, for the,. kmrw wer e ernen ary ~a es, t ey Jay.of Faith Congreptioft and so be etili- thac it e'IIables t"lMta to _ke rirllt The School Boud s figures show thatble for church mftllbership, a sena of deciai-. and w _I jutly wiUa their since the fall of 1936 junior high schoollectures wiP be eiven by Plltor R. O. fello .. _." ~ ~~ dellloastrated <sradn i, 8 al1d 9) enrollment has ia.Li.hart S"- ft t ~ dial. GolS, dtriM KlIld. IS IIIpreJM, the d f 9'" I 86 '

H on IDh ... y a emOODl a .. 01117 power. on.- who aft teIIlpen.te crease rom .... to ,I pupils ando •.:k,.c~ in t1-~ i"re.r r uturc. An pc.w;u ex .... tnIe Mlf-.oy~r-6Mottri\., tot ihoeJ' :iocnivr hig-h (gr.d~:; :0, j 1 ~u...l 11) frum"he are interesttl\in attcnding or who penaic ~ to be CtI~ in 736 to 1.0i1 pupils aNi the total for theh f. d h "h '-. . .... tIIo8ctrt and hi deed b:r God, d.~ne I d'"" f I <.lu ")~~;;==::;~~:;;:;;;:=:;~;;=:;:;=:;;=~;;;;;;~;;~lave nea stat MIll; t .... mterest.... Lon.. ... PMl .Ml. Chat "enry .. a.. ""0. 1\"SlOns rom ,000 PUPl s to 2,257

._ • .,1" .... • ..... t .. I • I ., • I I I I I , r I I are asked to contact Pas10r Linhart« tbM ~ for the I"1Uter1 i:s telA- pup11,.metnMrt of Faith Church II 10011 &S peate" ill all thinp" (I Corinthiaftll ------poosible. 1l:!I); ud ill ail ~ t.l the Gala.

______ tians he for'Kold 1M rnrard ofrichteou thi.lciac •• Tiac (Galatia""5:%%,21), ..".... tnait of the Spirit isloft, ;0,., ,-ee. 1~ft'4!ri1Itr, lrftItJ.._ ~_ faith. _Ime!<s. tern.pe1WICIt: api..c"" "II t~ illlO la .....

WeII..-t _ny lftlIonl ttI leat'll Uwe trawl a~ lif~'~hip...y. buttrM1l _ upt'eSS centleneas. pat~aftd kindDaa, WlI ... ~nlhea"ftllward, aM aN Ul!T"CSI,.... true.. iIdota, • . • If WlI desiTt. abo.... .uelat, to be ~ by Go<I. t!;vinePrinC'iJlle. _ ..... :r pt'llve indi"';<tuaI1,t"t "thejewel. of l.ove" are ..monKow cltaT?!lt t:reullrea.-t.w C.vwt~~ .1(..,..6,,.'------


itI ................ III'

I~- .,... -.,.. GOCIIl IilIM lot .....IJIIIlI • 1__ .... lot 3 ...._..., __ • W"r - MIASUIII!

_ ..... wMo • UgIot ......, ......F .. ., hINit !dlI.- tIffiao.

~===============:;;:;;=:;;======~I On Sunday. Januarv S. the O~rlin, • I I I -

College GI('c Club ",'ill s.inlt at the 11

BROEDELL PLUMBING AND HEATING <,clock ~en-ice htld In the Mairc Schoolon CadicuJl: Road bet .."('cll Kerche\'a1

COMPLETE PLUMBINC SERVICE Iand Vernor High ...ay.The OIx:r1in Coll'll"e Gl,e Oub ;sroo Z-3TJ1'.3I am MACK ImakinK it! annual ,j.it to Detroit and

,.... ill l'r'<tnt a ronr," Salurl!,,' ,,"cningIt the Boat Club. During tile \Uvice


............ UDib......,...a-., It 5 • DiIcI.. ..........

PHONOGRAPH - Gel an automaticphoaolrraPh ftlt yov aut boase

fa'"t)r. Beat ~ 011 tbe IatuC_dL Robert's Mutie. Nt 5864.

FOR 1lENT-aooMS1m LAltEPOINTE - Sec:oad house

.-th of Jdf_: ItIite of roomswith fit withoat kitdlca priviJeres. Gar-"e.LARGE roosa for nIIt. 17131 Kerche--

8.o\RGAlN-Detroit C;ty PI buntft'for furaac.c: 1ISccI two wiuter!. First

c1us c:oacJitioa. 1147 BeacolUlield. ),[ U.59ClO.J,lINNEAI'OUS dock thenllOltat-

Pcricet c:DfIdiria& Phcne Nt Z2&4.1l0SEWOOD. .eIodeaD-t)'lllt orpu.

Beutif1Il biIb. 100 years old. Mrs.FraU: Hacku, 4Z4 Gr&lld River. BriP-e-,Wich.

8EDROOM ..... e, odd chain. ptelee table. ~ "-'Mette, child', bed,

ether odd fieca. No dealer.. NL4175.. "

TWO FUJl. COATS for sale--(:a11aftas' 5 .. evesaialr tit Saturday mora-

Ia«. :u:u. mz.FOR RENT

,BED SPREAD - Croc:betecl. 0 u e e n YOUKG MAN IltelldiAa liniycnily oiAna pattenl. NL.7SJS. 15J09 Mack Detroit tl/ishel room ud board iD

aye, Grone Poi12te Park. Call TU. 2-S630.

. .=..-',;. •'i';:' ••.._" ..


Page 5: I '.. acwe

PaJ,\'e " ...



New P:roger Store

Police Heroes

T....,..1Ih feet" .. _I .......... to MaeIr _ W-- w~ ... B.IIo. ...... ''"'1'1,1_....

PATIlOLlL\lf ALBERT caoocs



fij ••,~ ,

"'.Ii """,

.!;FiN partie"y destroyed tIoie ... I,._lIneled II_a at 11S7S..... i......I.

Big Grosse Pointe Woods Fire--P---;"!i'''~~I'!'.e....;--~--;"

r .),.: ~:.


e.- P"" Pail _ totile ... _ F-'--7 11 ..........- ...... .. ......R........ adcai. I'll •Karl LGMWud .,..... AIfreII J. G-nb r-Pt.oWo.t. n.-" T...... W'"s. v_ ~ ... a- c. F............... W'iIs- 'P. !ILl -. t-ioA. DaHa7- .w. .. ..... ...~c ..


Accident Death Wave

Grosse Pointe 67, Port Huron 0-iT' ' .~"'."""""". "'4-, .. ; • ...., •.• <,'" ~ .,' •. ,," ',- .;~:.i ..,'\.¥ ... :"("',

. Frida,.. January 3, 1941

Hallowe'en Celebra tion

Pictorial Highlights Of Grosse Pointe Happenings In 19401'.0 Wall LoDe Be Remembered AI Momentoul in GrOile Pointe Hutory. A Year in Which Our Thriving Community Made Definite Stride., Forward and Onward

•Draft Registration Elected Officials Mack Avenue Widening

o ".~.;~ .. ~J;:~~t.,:~~"'\"'O~:- ;.

0. Sa.....,. H__ t. ere- PcUte .ip ScLoer; ~ ..... _t ................. -... ~.:- I..... PertH_ HiP nof. I

- • t

<:,,:;.:~>.~.::- \-


,; .;i

~ .It. ...... _ ity H.II_" celebr"tj,,,,, .po"OO red "y • committee or ,..i.lenla ..... Uonded ~ onr

.... .wwr-, en... Poi.to ita 'l.-tMI Oct ... )1 .. _Dy yean.


Page 6: I '.. acwe


..................... .-' .aLe aeIed.

eel 6nat JlU'I' dpnl: .iq ill tIsia .......

Prt ... will ............ _ correet ......., ...... ..



17W Mac:k-NI. 1%21WE DELIVER


o-e..table PIa.,.., .... , .. EJeetrieTraia., PJ:r--I Pias Poq T.....

T•City Lumber Co.

ZZSt HART .t V_ H......,.LE. ..

LE. aM'

It Pay. to Work thePuzzle That Pay.

Lxal lnd Lonll Di~lance BaggareStOUile. Piano l{o\'inll


R.dlo Jake


PRIZES.III .... 5.. atStone 01 ... ..b

Lilted !Wow •

tuI ill Mal hu .Ii..

aM .. ",d ••di ..

....... Met _,,-

v:l:s1l ,wI: ....PItODUCTS


11117 MACX-JfL 1171

VERDONCKT'SF..- ..........

a-..eo.t. of "'-.t Q.Iit71_ MACK-ro. W7ZZ



Ism MACK-ro. Z.1751

V...... _ L f~""" 'the ...-.di...........~ AI~"'"to _ ia to .. • wIDell eI tile _ ...... ~.. It 111I1 • tile ... ~ ..n...I in tile .... ..,." w-. ~ ,......tile ~ ....... -.iI _ totile Uitar'" of TIle er.... Peiate He..... A IatIir _ -.I ..,. _.,. cen'eCt ~ Be ..... to lip :roar ..................


COMPLETE LUBRICATICIff aL..~._.... t Md" Ie. • ..1GAS-OlLS--ACCES50RU~ _ ftYL • Il:ft-~ ........ '

.r-a- Car W..... en.. P.... F..... .I" ......ear. a...fj' --.... C InI • DaIi.• w. ,NLt:-= . _._~~ _

......_ ~ ... I. '''Mk~~.~r'... -~ c..Ia........ 1M' ........ AId ~- ~ ..... CoMPLETE LUfE OF

"7__ !JLL Coal &: "'_I': FREEIIAlrS SHOES~ "-GK~ VlRCDlIA SHOES '- ~"AI .CaaI III I -., T..... 1513Z MACK TV: .....

m L7Cute Aft LE. %S77'1 . Bet. w.,... ... ....,....._Beaupre Hardware IMaryIancI Beer S... Turner'.

Sm•-,_!- S----r C!!_--.!_~A. II. GOUIN, Prep. FIlED LElfSSENS. ....... QUI' __ ~

u._'___ Point.'" GIau BEEit,' WfJlIE, CHAMPA~ W**L:-- LaIwicati.a..~ ....-, D....eic .... ~ __ , -a:tter*- ~L .15 KEcs---c'uE5-COOLEU .

en.- P..-.F_ 15USMACK-HI. ""~I I_I Mack at ~ ...


----,.. De. --mo, Prop.US F"..a..-ro. UGI ISMI MACK-TU. z.....

o..-a. tWia SciloeI Nest lit c.&o.7 n...a...FREE PICK.UP AND DELIVER~ Free PiQ:.Up ...... DeIiYer7


CLEANERS AND TAILORS Ibc~~:- '2: Roberta Radio ShopALSO LAUNDRY New A UM Ta-a Ev+ '

17457 Mack AYeo-ro. z.l12I v........... sU III. E. ~~ ......14ZZ1KERCHEVAL - LE. IZTJ

J. Verbeke'. Poultry WE DaIivw Phil'. -NI. a;; St:eadman'. PIulrmaqStore Beer apd Wme Store. _ PRESCRIPTIONS _

FRESH EGGS ALL POPULAR BRANDS ,."Poultry Dre..ecI While Yoa OF BEER AND WINE • 217tz MA'-ft.-NL '2M t3Z3

Wait At P-- p..x., WE CALL FOR AND DELIVERlUIS MACK HI .... 21778 MACK-Car. AN'IT~' ,

- .'-'-:-tar Senic:eC. F. Koain'. Service Lakewood Hardware' E~~OTOR REPAIRC. ,lite Atrto s.mc. Company Dun.p- M N" I


17_ Mae:k, cw. Neff NI." PAINTS " TU. J.1151 ~b, 'T:z~17t47 MACK ro. Z.-15


ItARRY CAR1""NRICHT. Prop. SPECIAL nil W'" o.I7--H_FJowwn fer AD Oeaili.. c. W. MALLON, p,. 0.-. _ It7Ia-. 88cIml M.a: A... at RiftnI 1.111 E. w...... lI.. t c:oIon .....M .........


NI. .. W. CaD - DeIiftr lOll KERCHEVAL LE. all

°R:d;er~~;CE THE lEST SEltV:CE (BY F....RR'lr OAK CLEANERSF.@ll'!' Moving Co.C!)~~!..~':"~ Ct::.:tRAL


M'U. -.-0'7 .. Nn.


381 Ken:lMnl-NT. 3374 :ero... Point. FanDlI ;"J

MIRRORS RUrLVEREDlun E. Jeff_ Lt. 1148

Mourad Broa. MarketCROCERIES-MEATS

BEER a WINES15137 a.arln~

Ope" s........y.... c1 Hol.,..Tin II P. M.

. Pate. 'taeWntau,., .. h itam- :tr.m New SltaIIIen !lore the .. aJ Y......Yar beaua hit lpotlaClr NtleWed JW 8!'eetiaa.. .aew. cut for J5 additiouthreekl. • •. Geor •• Fisher, ,-our Hell:r-cl ...

"I'wu a lDarle bllJlcll arotlDd WJR, Yvette, glamO«ltU New Ot-lcu. aoq porter with Dews direct u- the ~what with Ita! party, _betH fot' the styli.t, will aiq with Xa .. er Cupt's eole-rt.; i. DOW hftl'li 0lS CKLW at J2.:JOlOch &II.d belt of an. tboH bMtn ebecka ordle.tr. m tbe - tiP.t pfCll'l'&m Po Ill. 'TllCMIY' Ind. Tllanday ... " _for 15 Pet Ultt of Ute ,ar', uiary•••. series 'lart~ JaDuary II~Oft NB~ Fred' Lowery. blind whistler. .."V"~ctt.. of Ih1od1," Itew lwiet WWJ.:.: Kitstea F~t.d .. ad La~nu Horaee Heidi's bud, eloped with Graceweekly featllra oa CJCLW. 'heNa,. Ilelchoir III WIPer. "TlatJu~1er ~ Joba_ of Austic, "fens. Iut _Ir.at 7:30 p ... a.ad T1nuoQy. at B po. .... the Silturd.ay brOlldust of ".e Ilz:r. TIley were IIW'ried iJI 1.01 V.... N. 11.offer. _DIiC: m the ".tin of the Diabt." Z Jl... WXyz. H' b!i&'ht ef their .ew ~Artists iDdude !rate JOII~.Deket, ~- Atke FrOit " we.arinr baadq-ed piet:e, "V:c:tOry," wiD be re-euetellzo..~DO" ~~ F1eIIIII1I'. ot'Jilm.t: uklq aDd a court-pla.tered DOle ~o 011 the Kate Smith Pl'OJ!'&III JaDtltl7Matti Holli. 'Iiolinist, aad lUle, Vall. het Slmda,. Shadow bfOa4kuu .011 to hea Frederic: Warm _ JIettr.Karea. IlUTator. CXLW, the l'CIlIIt of • wi accident Fi~l; are Kate'. petta. \VIR .•• ;

Gu HaftUChell remembered aU tile she and [)irectw Bill Tuttle Were illfolk. on tile WJR-Stroh .how with rec:mtli •••• Tim Doolittle'" P!IlI at Dori, DuclJey of the "¥e~ Mr. W'~llliibl,. fUCy roId !miver. ••• Harl')' WJR reatly did ilion than tbeir "bit- .now. dyed hera bloa.d halt w.c.k f~ •Willller b doi ... a Friday aiPt .port, in IIIma.. the holiday. pl_nt foe' new .t ... part. aad it took bar -...,.tshow for the Mutua.! aetworlc. It ori&'. IJ'OllPI of orpbaar aad uader.privilqed a week to ~Vloce het two 1Gllllllt ..Wle. at CXLW It 11 :15 p...... thildre.a. .he ..... thear IIIIilIIIa.

Nothinc wal aid alloat it but Kale CKLW feees, MaIm eo&.t ~to CQa;tSlIIlth did het proeraau from a aic:kbed eacl1 Saturday at 11:30 p. III., frOlll thelast week. , • , Eddy Howard has beet! Naval Armory ia Detroit, wita the Na-sipecl al featured sincer OD the Dew n1 R~"e band playillg a "lrCod.will"Edpr Gaest Delwork .erie. wbif;b PfOiRIII by' Jl(elropolitaa Post lISbowl la os the NBC.BllIe ]alllW'y IS, America. Lqioa. .', • Mart'" Scott,lISld will be beard three time. weeki,.. Detroit air!. will atar in "Suffer LitlleVineent Pelletier wiD be IlUUter of cere. Childreu- ou Everymau'. TheaM, 9 :30,mODia. ••• Eleaner Eag-Ie is a DeW Ja.auary 3. '\'WJ •••• Roa Gamble,Yoke GO the Wa11le KiD&' dtulatie JE _cer, c:elebr.ated tit" lP'pt •.ketcbu.. i!ll' of bit willl'l with a cleyer' Christ-

"Twellty-two-lifty Kia,r" for a day IDU earcl, IhG'Wia,r the YOUSIC' aviatoris what tile, tall Jack UOlIDd WJIt. aad wife. EJeaDor. m two pIaac ..



~,.... ,,,w..wq. - • ~ ~ tI .. ....- " _

- - ~ - • _It ~ ~.WII1I -- _.-...., ",. .. ,., _ -. _"'."-"'" .... .,.... .t• ......,. Ultll ~ ,,( h.:""'.io'1.~:. ":,, b te ~ 1tte"7' .,., ~tf't'Wano'lll frewI auKtr: M' ~ _tnT ...h, It 1M w AattiMr. '~ ~t " U. c... ....,. '- J

Open Housel



..... s..c. .wta• L.IiW Plaia OJ-..

~ a...L F_ r...-.Dr.a.. •• 1•• "'" kept to ..

~. 7....,. 3. tf4t

BaI... eo.tluctor On$,.,-,,-~

Retailers of Fuel Values-.ltJC

It' .... coat of FOCI' .... PER SEASON.-ot Mrpia......· '-" - _t ClMIt.w. will ..., ........ 5% ...... ill .. per

- to eI


I.-THAT GOOD COA'L"0ftI' ..,. ,... ...... t .... dIM OGI' JII"ica.

• 0riciMI Pocabaatu-LeItip VaDe, Afttlu-acit ..I ·C. ,.O""«..,........olp. Stair:. NIIt.• s-et--som.,. • FClr1I Coir: ..• ,........... WOOlI e.... ~ Fuel Oil.

IBak;:~"i7.i~~'nlloolcC;;;CO.PL. 8500 -~~=~~""'"PL. 8500

Deme DeF'aIlW, who befOf1l the pre.-.at ~ ccdic:! bdcl. 10 11W111ia.JIlII"lUt _ical ~ ill BeJcU- daathe ... ~ referred to u "'the.lIIb1 4Ictator of BeJci-." will betile ,.. ca8lhetor of tile DetnIitI) •• t.,. 0rdteItra Ia CIM of the ...

.....1__ ._aa1 PJ1IIQIllI at I:JD...... ~. Jaa\lU'1 II. ill K ...... ,....1..

11M ~tet .....Geot.- 6nt ClllliJt, two ofdie "'b.'1 -.an JClIIlIIat ---....... ~rn ••,C .. IaIoiats. The,. wiD--. their uleau ill tile &rat Pet-.. ..at -. -. 193J of u.. Jlraluu-- .. A ... for Yiolia udJi' .1. Op. laz,

Aaiii "- tbe BraIIIq "do1aWe" COIl.__ .tIIe remaiIIder of the Pf.-wiI1 be a"tt1 Cl"et to penOr1lWlCe. ofBeetIlonD'I owettwe. "CoricllaDua," aad... S,..... mie Fututique of Hector..... Is it, ~tiret,. the Berliol.-..te_UllNttwoloealreadillp,Me .. 19lt ucIer Ouip Gabrilowitsdl,... __ 1t.12, __ Dr. Radalf..... The CODCCrto hu Den.. fIIIT __ witb tM or.dI.In. 'il 192t. M:J ... W9. 1IIMIet"Wi.... clt. .... .-.JIII __ Vac.ter::.... It iI .lit OlIn mdeat. there-

;::~- i:u:;.,,=~;.-a:c: (:.';",;,; .. CO __ _ ~ ': ..::.0," "" .......... _ .... _........ .. .,.,. qe.

... ..,. deciIW lie woaI4 a- ."e.- P... P..... _ .......................... d ........... _~. f 'eil. lie -... bit .... V D.,.

~ tile II..,al e--tor,. of FUJlEUL SERVICES HERE -_..I THERE r... lIt.r~ -MIl at 15,. alter _ IIIIQ

~..;;;;: ... ~ .n the F_raJ ~~ for Co Harold. W~. ~ LEE BAlJNGER~. fn. t"- famous -~ IIld automotive PI- _. .. .. AmericaJa'1IIliriiml lQlIated - h lei 1erd.I' the Willi n t II aa avcrace .~ Clefr - ,-1ridI • ~ ~ ~. =La

e•__YCSSh« ~d. WiDs Hue's .. hat the fipcu pt'OdllCe ••• a

...... ~ --. ..... POiat ~ 7JU.... e, Dative-born white." qe 26 ••• 1it.1 ..... _

... '. i' '.'i- ' . died I.ut 1I0Dda, followiaa- a abort m. erate ••• !in. ill a city or to1m • •• .. JUDGE THOILU P. MAHER;:.' - -.;.----- laea. I aDd hu • job, He if ..arried: to • Of Trdie e-t

'.... J~He8i7 L- (j- ER ~.~fh~~aC~.:::n.Praw_OriWO' •. BiqdeI~'-~.' A . " OW'DI a car bat tetltr hit home. Ifill ,. .....0-. f >; b-.e ia wired for eltctricity but. hu' ~ aD automobile OD crowded.' Sf t~ 0ilII fl.... - '.,~. DO eJectric re~tor ••• DO ~ citT atreett if a diffieult enough job of

.... Ia __ ~ ;A c:irhr~ WOIIIcI ". . -hiDe madIiDe ... DO tekpboae. He i~1f. Bat ..del to ~ ~ of ~1Ie.1 <!" :L':~~ .• ~ re- S'OVICES QUI wear a ready-made .ail witbotlt !~ thoUSlllids of bicycle nden ~

IJ ~. ~Pteridmt Oara .8iIbop . .' ba .... it altered; , ; lII& ... u.4 oat of traJ6e, completely ........... • dae ftI)' eIicieat . " I · · · ". aorinIr taw. which..... ill .Iiid. I ".fed ow REWEAVING Europe in 1IOt .. fort_teu Amero IOftrD ALL, n:-lilt ...... ia Ole abIcIlce of . . ica with rapect to II&fIlral reIOlII'«lI. bides, and It ..6e ft ."' t. 'I'.iteIIty *- were cIo: .' .'. . . , WimI a DeW warplane ~ oat to take I1IIaIl ~er thai.... to oIr -«-e dtpa. to till ita piau is b&ttIe" ill IDme ~timu, it file .acddm rale~ ...... 10 tile LecioB BiIet at llleall' tll&t a miDioa pot, aacl. pus" coatilIues to reach~,., n. IIIIit aIIo .. a CIlIa- baYe beea melted to ptodvce' it. Jt. discouragiq to.

.~ to dh. 1Ii1Iet. _ mrt&iDbb1e tJaat we ahoUI ner tall.., ..~ • .... f.- hue to .. ther pots aDd pa!IS to aeIt Yo. t, 0 f the

.~ ~~ -we.. n.., "'"Ie ...... for airpIues ill America or that IIle raw. which a~ply

.. -II: - 1....,.,. ...., 1 otber 1DUb of oar ei'tiUatioa • • • to motor n:hicles

., :............ . ".: ~ola~ ••• _.... IDUlt also be:<"'.' .••. 7.'-~1:IIt~; .,,, ..• , ~ iI'OIII •• '. ~ by t!le bi.

- ". "' ..• '... ~~"... . or tile l.iNJty Bel: t. he..... "~;o.t1.~~',. , ...;'.'P-iW iJI6.' .;' ndiet whid, ~,

""~,,, , • .. • • '0 110 appJiatioe..' "'; .~.,~........ lit P_ylRJIia is tbe&rrt apras te-" hie;.dr df1iot iaduded. Riden• . , , I1Iper.~y m Americ:a • • • 168 of We:rc&e. .. obey tnffic: aicuats,. A"~ . miles tltroq-h seven raued raups of tbeT eaaDOt Dele '011 the .rOllS ~e .uf

"~ • ...,... ......... ........ lIJcj AJ1qheniet ••• praeticll1ly .traiPt the, sIftet aDd ~y .bould not mVile... tW CIt pPetatHU.ad,. •• aDd level ••• four la.De , , ..... 10;000 dcatll or ~ i.ajvry by recldeulyI ', ..., ..... ... n.w feet of vertical climb between Pitta. CII!~ ill.~ of other traffic. YetGnIiric. ~ HiP ~ 197 of tile D..--=-_ 0,. .=-- ,burrh aad Harrisburg ••• the greatest ~ bicydiats duak that 1>ec:aasetheir• ~ ~, ~ wIIidI .- ~ ~ W - IiIlgle hiclnny project ever altaapted vehide has oaty two wheels they havewere W H I L E • U • W A I 1': ia thil coatf)', • Ia apecW right of ,"y to do all they

s.a.-- Q==nl' ........ .". • • • p1uH 011 the .treets. .No maleNal is lIIor~ vital to the hap- The IDajority of lhose riding bicyclesRlt ilL

P7 funetioaiDa' of aay enterprise than are children. Parents shoald rr;Uiuthis iDtaftIible thiDa' called "1OOd Ii.... their responsibility. whea buying thesei...... for its penoaae!. It llleaIU a vehic:ks for their lOas and cbQ1rhten,

~ light roof, of COIInC ••• aDd lUll aDd of seeing to it tbat they know the lawair • • • aDd roQin.. hiII.s and sparldi1t& aDd "bey it. Th ey would Dot thillle ofatruma ••• &ad ample facilities of a exposiDa' tbeir childres 10 the daager ofmall" 0'lI'D dJoosing on hi. OWD time. duth in other fonns, 10 why permitAnd faD oppcrtlluities for the YOUI\i'- them 10 nature forth 01:1 streets fined.ten a .. loy from aellrotic idB_ea. with harryilll automObiles without aete.Kaaey aJoae c:aD't bay this. quate laIow1edga of ""hlit the law reo

• • • quirn of them?For 4Il6 :ran after Guteaberr ia- Commos ,vioIatiolls or the ordiaanee

vented priatilll. the priating of ~sy applicable to hic:yc~s include carryingblack pictures on shidy .-hite paper lIIore thall the proper lIamber of per-was painfully slow because hi, liaseed son, thiltl is provided for b,. the equip-oil inles look their own !w«t time to meat, riding more Ihan t.. o abreast anddry. There was DOIwrrJ'ing tnem. • .. ealT)'ing paclcaies which prevent asingToday thi1 job is done by Ihe "heat both hand. oa the handlebars. Aa u-I«t" IlU!thod, .. hkh prints both sides of aminatiou of police accident records

JUST PHONE the paper, dries the ink with flash heal oll'ers romincing evidence of the trag;cTV. 2.J1"08-TU. 2..1680 2,100 derrees Fahrenheit. and folds Ihe consequeaces of such violatiods U

'tV fil:lished printing almosl simultaneously these.

ALG ER ...crisp black piC1lrfeJ oa ilOl5y ~'aper, Traffic safety is. IDlIn,sized' job but

• • • Ib4= bicycle riclet it the problem child.T04&1 more !haa a bundred millioaCLEANERS meals a year are beiae planned lroalldpmodic l~stJ of .urplas foods and POLISH WAR REUEP

IIIZZ K.J:RCHEVAL ... lhe Prosrram it barely started. • • • _Sponsored by the' Natioaal Poliah.1m. EAST WARREN Menu. in employ" cafeterias aDd it! Ameriean Coua<:il, an allied festival for

I - e:a:eeuti'O'edining I'OOIIIS, iD hotels and Polish 1nr relief ...11 be held in Con------------- in restaurant. at lratlKontinental bu. ventioa Hall from January 11 to 19.

ADVERTISE IN THE REVIEW stop. and on streallliiners, all feature Robltd S. PhiOi"" ia cxeart.ive director"fann .arplul spedals.' of the affair.
