i ai1 i jflflf - university of floridaufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/uf/00/02/82/98/01476/00257.pdf ·...

i i I VOL XXVI NO 154 GAINESVILLE FLORIDA THVKSHAY AUGUST 5 1909 TEN CENTS A WEEK r y i ai1 jflflf r STATE ALIENISTS DECLARE THAW TO BE DANGEROUST- hree Physicians Testify That Stanford Whites Slayer- Is Still Insane Thaw on Stand = WHITE PLAINS N Y Aug 4 Three of those medical men known as alienists who have become such a familiar part of modern criminal court procedure united In the Su- preme Court yesterday to make It un- pleasant for Harry K Thaw who kill ed Stanford White and was adjudged Insane but now demands his release from the Matteawan Asylum us a mentally normal man All three testified that he was In- ane and when Thaw took the stand briefly alter some disconceillng tes- timony he was plainly rustled fwd nervous hut Mr Jerome dismissed him utter a few comparatively unim- portant questions Of the alienists who testified Dr Austin Flint Dr William Hirsch and Dr Amos T ItuKer the lat gave testimony of the most Importance He i acting superintendent of Mat lea watt and appears as a witness with- out compensation the only alienist in the case with this distinction Justice Mills called attention to this fact and took a hand In questioning- him Dr linker said Ihat in his opinion Thaw was not only Insane now but- a dangerous person to he at large Shortly after thus Mr Jerome call ed Thaw to the stand He was pale and apparently shaken The district attorney put some rather Incoherent notes written by the prisoner In evi- dence and asked him to explain them After parries bark and forth end laborious explanations by Thaw as to the meaning of certain writings he said And I want you to know Mrf Jerome that many of these notes you call suggestions were written at the request of my lawyers ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Do you mean to tell us who ob- served you in both homicide trials asked Mr Jerome that you did not believe you did not know more about the case than your lawyer did- I do was Thaws quick reply Ho admitted that he did offer some suggestions to his lawyers Thaw was excused after a bit more of this ordeal and Dr Austin Flint was called Dr Flint described a paranoiac as a person dominated by certain delusions whose mental and physical state might not otherwise be affected except In KO far as these de- lusions Influence him Paranoiacs he concluded Impres- sively never recover Dr Hirsch varied the general ver- dict by declaring Thaw a degenerate paranoiac Charles Monfcliuuter Thaws attor new attacked this testimony with ev- ery legal expedient In Dr Flints ease he endeavored to show that he had given contradictory testimony In two previous cases where he appear ed aw an expert He caused Dr Kirsch some unhappy moments by In- quiring about u book he Is writing- Do you In this hook claim that Jesus Christ was a paranoiac he naked The alienists reply was that he would not like to give an opinion The alienists yesterday delivered their opinions of Thaw In answer to Jeromes hypothetical question only- a small part of which was read The States alienists will probably occupy the center of the stage for two days more Mr Morschauscr will continue his of Dr Flint and Dr Hirsch Dr Carlos F McDonald has yet to testify He will be called by Mr Joromo I cross examinatlon ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Brother and Sister Met As Strangers and Married CLEVELAND Ohio Aug story of a romance which ended in the marriage of brother and sister was revealed in Police Judge McGan hefts Court yesterday It had to do with the early separation and conse- quent reunion of August Rcschkc- aswl 2t and Augusta Ruschke aged 0 Three children that resulted from the marriage are now in the care of Humane Society The woman wept as she told her the 4 The ¬ story on the stand When a little girl she played with her brother In Germany She was given to a family for adoption The girls foster parents brought her to America She went under the name of Lena Robcck When she was 1C she met In Cleveland a young man three years her senior There was a courtship she fell In love and was married Humane officers later told the pair they were brother and sis I tel Man Held Captive While Water Arose About Him ttHKESBARRE Pa Aug 4 Caught fast In a pump In the No 14 colliery tf the Pennsylvania Railroad Comim at flninsvllle Robert Taylor the nlht englnour was held while the slowly rose about him It had reached his chin as he stood on Ills toes when rescuers found tutu A few minutes later he would have been Taylor went Into the workings early the irornlng to repair the pump rI f u tins ucvt In ttt n Water In fly drown d herd < cbinery As the pump stopped tin water began to rise His cries for help were not heard and not until four hours later when some work- men entered the mine he discov- ered and rescued Tariff Vote Today WASHINGTON Aug 4 The com i kte callapse of all Important opposi tion to the conference report on the tariff bill was e Id need yesterday when the Senate agreed to cote or that measure at 2 Thursday I o cl I was ek + MISS ELLA JOLLY IS FIRST IN GREAT STRENGTH IN CLOSING DAYS OF CONTEST Only Two Weeks More and Race Will Be Over and Prizes Awarded- to the Winners SOUTHERND- EVELOPS Miss Ella Jolly of Orange Heights takes first place la the Eastern and Southern section with Miss Mabel McCredlo second Miss Heal holds first place In Gainesville and Miss Lucinda Bryant of Bell Is first in the Northern and Western section Miss Jolly has develop remark- able strength during tu past three weeks and has gone fr m about tenth place to first which sin wt rapid she has been advancing Only two more weeks remain for the final windup when the grand prizes will be awarded also all of the certificates mailed to the ones en- titled to them and the work that will be put forth by the candidates from this time on will be interesting Some of the candidates are now centering on the city and either visiting here regularly or com- ing each week to work for their In ten st and it is rumored that man of the lower ones have great Hii- rprise to spring during the next few days The prizes are all handsome and rood are well worth the Imrd work that has been done to secure them Following Is the result of tho Gainesville Central Section Miss Estelle Heal 2830510 Mss Addle Goode 2 34775 Miss Margaret Ledbetter 1312535 Miss Nora Stalls 187135 Miss Bcssio Carver 107841 Miss Mary Fernandez C4C05 Miss Gertrude Harrod 59215 Miss Myra Swearlngen 49445 Miss Blanch Thompson 38975 Miss Alice Schafer 11520 Mss Aura M Lewis 25780 Miss Mabel Williams 14245 Mrs N W Taylor 11705 Miss Eva Bauknlght 10115 Miss Annie Dell Taylor 8065 Miss Grace Dullard 6175 Miss Ella Halley 5450 Miss Curtis Pitta 3425 buss Fannie Whiting 1480 Eastern and Southern District Mss Ella Jolly Orange Hts 872090 Mss Mabel McCredle Mcnopy 801235 Miss McCredle Mcnopy 779815 Miss tattle English Tacoma721710- Miss Martle Chamberlln Mica nopy 552650 Mss Bessie Walts Miss Wilma Maine Monteochn 1MM5 Miss Myrtle Hammond Haw thorn 88800 Miss Cordelia Crown Rocky 1oint 72420 Miss Atomic Hawthorn 71300 Miss Pattle Zetroiier Hochelle 17115 Mli hula Perry Rochelle 33615 Miss LaVerne Bobbin Mcnopy 32555 Miss Vnndalia Staf Waldo 3241 Mss Kffie Tison Karleton 29345 Mitts Jewel Godwin Hawthorn 24510 Miss Hall Orange ilis 15175- Misri Gertrude Smith Fair- banks 1177 Miss Georgia Snowden Hatchet Creek 12030 Miss Mary Louise Atwater Waldo 72S5 Miss Nellie Reeves Mlcanopy 4800 Miss Emma Entonza Waldo 3340 Miss Mamie Bailey Waldo 20f Western and Northern Section Mss Luclnda Bryant Boll 91322 Hattie Ludwig Tiojsa 86 5 Miss Gertrude Gulnn Hague Miss Villa Barron Bell 710fil t Miss Annie Kirkland Alachtm fi 7i Miss Eva Powell Alachua s4 Miss Ellen Arredondo 2419 Rosa Lee Rives High Srrlngs 1 rs I Wnr HlalJ Springs loT W h w can- vass Lorna Hawthorn 229430 Lewis ill mile 11I ill outof town ex- pensive Mar Mss Het figs ¬ > ¬ COACH TUMBLED DOWN EMBANKMENT 10 HURT Train Leaves the Track on tbe Central of Georgia and Many Have Narrow Escape STILLMORE Ga Aug 4 Ten received Injuries when an east- bound mixed train on the Brewton to Plneora branch of the Central of Georgia was derailed near Lexsy at 1105 oclock yesterday morning and the one coach on the traitr rolled down an embankment P M Perkle of received slight Injuries while 1 D Vartln who resides at 120 Jones street west was alto hurt The list of Injured Includes In addition Mrs L M Williamson Vidalia Ga Mrs Victoria Murray Mrs Alice Murray and child all of Summit Ga J F Etherldge Adrian Ga 1 M Thlgpin Norrlstown Ga- l I Flan Dover W Belcher conductor Brewton Jerruln The Injuries of Mr Etherldge are Ga- r per- Sons Sa- vannah ¬ > > the most serious His bead was hurt and he has internal injuries Crowded Coach Turns Over All of the injured were brought to this place and are being cared for here The accident occurred one mile west of Lexsy near bridge A 103 The coach which was attached to the rear of the train followed the engine and freight cars from the rails ran on to the edge of the till and tumbled down the embankment turning over All of those who were hurt were in this teach Their Injuries chiefly are bad bruises and cuts but none of them with the possible exception of Mr Etherldge Is fatally hurt The train was In charge of Con- ductor Belcher and the coach won well crowded An examination of the track at the scene of the accident leaves the cause of the wreck a mys- tery bad- ly s 1 ¬ ¬ Woman Asks for Divorce Husband Serving Sentence TAMPA Aug 4 Three divorce suits were placed on tho docket Mon- day one of which is of more than passing interest Walter Geiger Is being sued for absolute divorce his wife Geiger Is serving five years in the turpentine camp for securing 280 under false pretenses and It Is thought his misdoing and the disgrace- of hits sentence Is tho basis of Mrs Jelwrx complaint Geiger was a former resident of Tampa and upon leaving secured from the American National hank a paslilcrts check for 2 0 which he not cash In Later he returned- to Tampa and made claim of losing the original check The bank Issued a duplicate cashiers check for the amount Geiger then went to Jack- sonville and cashed the duplicate and b lid ¬ ¬ later presented tho original and re- ceived tho taco of the check Tho two checks turned up in due tlm at the Dank but Geiger had flows The matter won placed in the hands of the sheriff office and Chief Deputy J Lester X gave It Is personal attention Geiger soon afterwards wrote from Montreal Canada to a friend In thin city and the letter fell Sato the Rands of the chief He bad BO city address but had written on letter pa- per of a restaurant He wired the police of Montreal these facts they nabbcjl who fought ex- tradition for three Tko Tam pa authorities won out on the case and Mr Lester went to Canada and secured his man who was tried and Sentenced OR above stated American Natloaal L IIVCR ant 1 t months 1 ¬ ¬ Did Mrs Richmond Kill McTavish for His Money CAMBRIDGE Mass Aug 4 In the district court yesterday Mm Elizabeth Richmond was given n preliminary hearing on the charge of having mur- dered Stewart MeTavlsh whose body wax found on July 2rd lying on a bed In her room In East Cambridge with a bullet through his right eye and tlie whole lde of hi head beaten In with an axe The woman found in a iloiul stupor from liquor In tli room next to McTavlshs battered body Much mystery eurrownds the mur- der The motive robbery the po- lice for MrTavlsh had a consid- erable sum of money on his person was f was say ¬ ¬ > Mss Jewel Standley Hague 70730 Mitts Alcon Holly Arredondo 57430 Miss Annie Uevllh Arredondo Emnm William Trenton 35275 Mrs R B Baker Hawthorn 13400 Mrs J E Parkor UCrosso 11315 Miss Kati Akin Anvdondo 8415 Ml s Ada Pearce Nowberry 7050 Miss P irl MfL Alachua 3515 Miss LJla Gar R M vi n T i 3r Sr v Vowberry M1 Miss fill 18851 17571 < + when he started for Boston from Gardner Mass where he was em- ployed as an attendant at the State Insane asylum Mrs Richmond the accused woman has come under the eye of the police on several occasions In the past About a year ago she was examined- by the police In connection with the death of tin wife of a Boston merch- ant who mysteriously expired after a three days sojourn In the Richmond home Liter a man Is said to have met death under unusual clrcumstan- ces In the Richmond house On neither occasion could ground be found on which to base a charge against tho woman r ¬ ¬ The best place to buy your goods- Is at the store which Invites you to come through an ad in The Sun As advertising finds tho best marks for everything else why not for your l rsona services Keep your eye on the want ads There say be something advertise trhlch n of interest to you

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Page 1: i ai1 I jflflf - University of Floridaufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/02/82/98/01476/00257.pdf · 2009-08-03 · portant questions Of the alienists who testified Dr Austin Flint Dr

i i I


r y

i ai1 jflflfr



hree Physicians Testify That Stanford Whites Slayer-

Is Still Insane Thaw on Stand



Three of those medical men known

as alienists who have become such

a familiar part of modern criminal

court procedure united In the Su-

preme Court yesterday to make It un-

pleasant for Harry K Thaw who kill

ed Stanford White and was adjudged

Insane but now demands his releasefrom the Matteawan Asylum us amentally normal man

All three testified that he was In-

ane and when Thaw took the standbriefly alter some disconceillng tes-

timony he was plainly rustled fwdnervous hut Mr Jerome dismissed

him utter a few comparatively unim-

portant questionsOf the alienists who testified Dr

Austin Flint Dr William Hirsch andDr Amos T ItuKer the lat gavetestimony of the most ImportanceHe i acting superintendent of Mat leawatt and appears as a witness with-

out compensation the only alienistin the case with this distinctionJustice Mills called attention to thisfact and took a hand In questioning-him

Dr linker said Ihat in his opinionThaw was not only Insane now but-

a dangerous person to he at largeShortly after thus Mr Jerome call

ed Thaw to the stand He was paleand apparently shaken The districtattorney put some rather Incoherentnotes written by the prisoner In evi-

dence and asked him to explainthem After parries bark and forthend laborious explanations by Thawas to the meaning of certain writingshe said

And I want you to know MrfJerome that many of these notes youcall suggestions were written at therequest of my lawyers









Do you mean to tell us who ob-

served you in both homicide trialsasked Mr Jerome that you did notbelieve you did not know more aboutthe case than your lawyer did-

I do was Thaws quick replyHo admitted that he did offer some

suggestions to his lawyersThaw was excused after a bit more

of this ordeal and Dr Austin Flintwas called Dr Flint described aparanoiac as a person dominated bycertain delusions whose mental andphysical state might not otherwise beaffected except In KO far as these de-

lusions Influence himParanoiacs he concluded Impres-

sively never recoverDr Hirsch varied the general ver-

dict by declaring Thaw a degenerateparanoiac

Charles Monfcliuuter Thaws attornew attacked this testimony with ev-

ery legal expedient In Dr Flintsease he endeavored to show that hehad given contradictory testimony In

two previous cases where he appeared aw an expert He caused DrKirsch some unhappy moments by In-

quiring about u book he Is writing-Do you In this hook claim that

Jesus Christ was a paranoiac henaked

The alienists reply was that hewould not like to give an opinion

The alienists yesterday deliveredtheir opinions of Thaw In answer toJeromes hypothetical question only-

a small part of which was readThe States alienists will probably

occupy the center of the stage fortwo days more

Mr Morschauscr will continue hisof Dr Flint and Dr

Hirsch Dr Carlos F McDonald hasyet to testify He will be called byMr Joromo


cross examinatlon






Brother and Sister Met

As Strangers and MarriedCLEVELAND Ohio Aug

story of a romance which ended inthe marriage of brother and sisterwas revealed in Police Judge McGanhefts Court yesterday It had to dowith the early separation and conse-quent reunion of August Rcschkc-aswl 2t and Augusta Ruschke aged


Three children that resulted fromthe marriage are now in the care of

Humane SocietyThe woman wept as she told her


4 The


story on the stand When a littlegirl she played with her brother In

Germany She was given to a familyfor adoption

The girls foster parents broughther to America She went under thename of Lena Robcck When she was1C she met In Cleveland a young manthree years her senior There was acourtship she fell In love and wasmarried Humane officers later toldthe pair they were brother and sis



Man Held Captive While

Water Arose About Him

ttHKESBARRE Pa Aug 4 Caughtfast In a pump In the No 14 collierytf the Pennsylvania Railroad Comim

at flninsvllle Robert Taylor thenlht englnour was held while the

slowly rose about him It hadreached his chin as he stood on Illstoes when rescuers found tutu A fewminutes later he would have been

Taylor went Into the workings earlythe irornlng to repair the pump

rI f u tins ucvt In ttt n




drown d



cbinery As the pump stopped tinwater began to rise His cries forhelp were not heard and not untilfour hours later when some work-

men entered the mine he discov-ered and rescued

Tariff Vote TodayWASHINGTON Aug 4 The com

i kte callapse of all Important opposition to the conference report on thetariff bill was e Id need yesterdaywhen the Senate agreed to cote orthat measure at 2 Thursday


o cl I








Only Two Weeks More and Race Will

Be Over and Prizes Awarded-

to the Winners



Miss Ella Jolly of Orange Heightstakes first place la the Eastern andSouthern section with Miss MabelMcCredlo second Miss Heal holdsfirst place In Gainesville and MissLucinda Bryant of Bell Is first in theNorthern and Western section

Miss Jolly has develop remark-able strength during tu past threeweeks and has gone fr m about tenthplace to first which sin wt rapidshe has been advancing

Only two more weeks remain forthe final windup when the grandprizes will be awarded also all of thecertificates mailed to the ones en-

titled to them and the work that willbe put forth by the candidates fromthis time on will be interesting

Some of the candidatesare now centering on the city andeither visiting here regularly or com-

ing each week to work for their In

ten st and it is rumored that manof the lower ones have great Hii-

rprise to spring during the next few

daysThe prizes are all handsome and

rood are well worth the Imrdwork that has been done to securethem

Following Is the result of tho

Gainesville Central SectionMiss Estelle Heal 2830510Mss Addle Goode 2 34775Miss Margaret Ledbetter 1312535Miss Nora Stalls 187135Miss Bcssio Carver 107841Miss Mary Fernandez C4C05

Miss Gertrude Harrod 59215Miss Myra Swearlngen 49445Miss Blanch Thompson 38975Miss Alice Schafer 11520Mss Aura M Lewis 25780Miss Mabel Williams 14245Mrs N W Taylor 11705Miss Eva Bauknlght 10115Miss Annie Dell Taylor 8065Miss Grace Dullard 6175Miss Ella Halley 5450Miss Curtis Pitta 3425buss Fannie Whiting 1480

Eastern and Southern DistrictMss Ella Jolly Orange Hts 872090Mss Mabel McCredle Mcnopy 801235Miss McCredle Mcnopy 779815Miss tattle English Tacoma721710-Miss Martle Chamberlln Mica

nopy 552650Mss Bessie WaltsMiss Wilma Maine Monteochn 1MM5

Miss Myrtle Hammond Hawthorn 88800

Miss Cordelia Crown Rocky1oint 72420

Miss Atomic Hawthorn 71300Miss Pattle Zetroiier Hochelle 17115

Mli hula Perry Rochelle 33615Miss LaVerne Bobbin Mcnopy 32555Miss Vnndalia Staf Waldo 3241Mss Kffie Tison Karleton 29345Mitts Jewel Godwin Hawthorn 24510Miss Hall Orange ilis 15175-

Misri Gertrude Smith Fair-banks 1177

Miss Georgia Snowden HatchetCreek 12030

Miss Mary Louise AtwaterWaldo 72S5

Miss Nellie Reeves Mlcanopy 4800Miss Emma Entonza Waldo 3340

Miss Mamie Bailey Waldo 20f

Western and Northern Section

Mss Luclnda Bryant Boll 91322Hattie Ludwig Tiojsa 86 5

Miss Gertrude Gulnn HagueMiss Villa Barron Bell 710fil t

Miss Annie Kirkland Alachtm fi 7i

Miss Eva Powell Alachua s4Miss Ellen Arredondo 2419

Rosa Lee Rives HighSrrlngs 1

rs I Wnr HlalJ Springs loT W

h w




Hawthorn 229430



mile 11I


outof town











Train Leaves the Track on tbe Central of Georgia

and Many Have Narrow Escape

STILLMORE Ga Aug 4 Tenreceived Injuries when an east-

bound mixed train on the Brewton toPlneora branch of the Central ofGeorgia was derailed near Lexsy at1105 oclock yesterday morning andthe one coach on the traitr rolled downan embankment P M Perkle of

received slight Injuries

while 1 D Vartln who resides at 120

Jones street west was alto hurt Thelist of Injured Includes In addition

Mrs L M Williamson Vidalia GaMrs Victoria Murray Mrs Alice

Murray and child all of Summit GaJ F Etherldge Adrian Ga1 M Thlgpin Norrlstown Ga-

l I Flan DoverW Belcher conductor Brewton

JerrulnThe Injuries of Mr Etherldge are








> >

the most serious His bead washurt and he has internal injuries

Crowded Coach Turns OverAll of the injured were brought to

this place and are being cared for hereThe accident occurred one mile west

of Lexsy near bridge A 103 Thecoach which was attached to the rearof the train followed the engine andfreight cars from the rails ran onto the edge of the till and tumbleddown the embankment turning overAll of those who were hurt were inthis teach Their Injuries chiefly arebad bruises and cuts but none ofthem with the possible exception ofMr Etherldge Is fatally hurt

The train was In charge of Con-

ductor Belcher and the coach wonwell crowded An examination of thetrack at the scene of the accidentleaves the cause of the wreck a mys-







Woman Asks for Divorce

Husband Serving SentenceTAMPA Aug 4 Three divorce

suits were placed on tho docket Mon-

day one of which is of more thanpassing interest Walter Geiger Isbeing sued for absolute divorcehis wife Geiger Is serving five yearsin the turpentine camp for securing280 under false pretenses and It Is

thought his misdoing and the disgrace-of hits sentence Is tho basis of MrsJelwrx complaint

Geiger was a former resident ofTampa and upon leaving securedfrom the American National hank apaslilcrts check for 2 0 which he

not cash In Later he returned-to Tampa and made claim of losingthe original check The bank Issueda duplicate cashiers check for theamount Geiger then went to Jack-sonville and cashed the duplicate and





later presented tho original and re-

ceived tho taco of the check Thotwo checks turned up in due tlmat the Dank butGeiger had flows The matter wonplaced in the hands of the sheriffoffice and Chief Deputy J Lester Xgave It Is personal attention

Geiger soon afterwards wrote fromMontreal Canada to a friend In thincity and the letter fell Sato the Randsof the chief He bad BO cityaddress but had written on letter pa-

per of a restaurant He wired thepolice of Montreal these factsthey nabbcjl who fought ex-

tradition for three Tko Tampa authorities won out on the caseand Mr Lester went to Canada andsecured his man who was tried andSentenced OR above stated

American Natloaal










Did Mrs Richmond Kill

McTavish for His MoneyCAMBRIDGE Mass Aug 4 In the

district court yesterday Mm ElizabethRichmond was given n preliminaryhearing on the charge of having mur-

dered Stewart MeTavlsh whose body

wax found on July 2rd lying on abed In her room In East Cambridgewith a bullet through his right eyeand tlie whole lde of hi head beatenIn with an axe The woman foundin a iloiul stupor from liquor In tliroom next to McTavlshs batteredbody

Much mystery eurrownds the mur-

der The motive robbery the po-

lice for MrTavlsh had a consid-

erable sum of money on his person






Mss Jewel Standley Hague 70730Mitts Alcon Holly Arredondo 57430Miss Annie Uevllh Arredondo

Emnm William Trenton 35275Mrs R B Baker Hawthorn 13400Mrs J E Parkor UCrosso 11315Miss Kati Akin Anvdondo 8415Ml s Ada Pearce Nowberry 7050Miss P irl MfL Alachua 3515Miss LJla Gar R M

vi n T i 3r Sr v Vowberry M1






when he started for Boston fromGardner Mass where he was em-

ployed as an attendant at the StateInsane asylum

Mrs Richmond the accused womanhas come under the eye of the policeon several occasions In the pastAbout a year ago she was examined-by the police In connection with thedeath of tin wife of a Boston merch-ant who mysteriously expired after athree days sojourn In the Richmondhome Liter a man Is said to havemet death under unusual clrcumstan-ces In the Richmond house On neitheroccasion could ground be found onwhich to base a charge against thowoman




The best place to buy your goods-Is at the store which Invites you tocome through an ad in The Sun

As advertising finds tho best marksfor everything else why not for yourl rsona services

Keep your eye on the want adsThere say be something advertisetrhlch n of interest to you