i am… the full gathered momentum -...


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I AM… The Full Gathered Momentum of


Universal Threefold Flame of Shamballa

A Pure Diamond Heart Enveloping The Planet With

Concentric Unified Circles Of

Golden, Pink and Blue Light

The Central Temple of


Children of the Almighty enter deep within the Flaming Presence

of God within your hearts, and we shall travel in consciousness

along the Rays of that Light into the heart of Shamballa in the

Etheric Realm.

Because of the sacred nature of Shamballa, I AM permitted to

just give you fragmentary details of this privileged journey at

this time. However, the heart desire of so many of the dear chelas

asking for a greater tie-in with the Central Focus of the Spiritual

Hierarchy has prompted the Lord of the World,

Beloved Gautama, to assign me to this 'tour' as we shall call it.My Angels of Peace have placed a garment of Golden Light upon

your etheric vehicles, and in humility we shall approach the City

of Light in the Etheric Realms over the designated location on

Long Island.

Let us now see the beautiful grassy sward of the meticulously kept

lawn, its many elevations, magnificent with their own individual


As we approach the Temple of the Lord of the World, we

behold a gloriously cascading fountain, and notice the Lotus

blossoms in pink, gold and blue floating upon the scintillating

water. We proceed about three hundred feet to the steps of the

Temple. I AM not permitted at this time to give you the

architectural details of this magnificent structure, except to

say it is both square and circular, and is composed of white

marble of the finest quality.

As we proceed up the steps, the beautiful Golden Doors are opened

by two Members of the Brotherhood. A feeling of great ecstasy

fills our beings for within the center of the entrance hall, we see

an elevation of three steps which is the approach to the entresol,

upon which is a glorious Golden Figure of the Buddha.

Within the hands of this Representation is an exquisite Lotus,

from the center of which blazes a Threefold Flame. This, of

course, symbolizes the Jewel in the Heart of the Lotus to which

Beloved Gautama so often referred in his final Ministry upon the


Here we pause for a moment to give obeisance to the Supreme

Source of Life, realizing that we are each a cell in the Heart of

the Creator.

This exquisitely beautiful Representation of the Buddha was

presented to Beloved Gautama by the Beloved Lord Divino, now

the Buddha, and the Brothers of the Golden Robe in recognition

of the impression which Beloved Gautama made upon the peoples

of the Earth in that embodiment and by reason of the fact that

each Representation of the Buddha now upon Earth is a Focus of Gautama’s Love and Light, regardless of the Beauty of detail or the crudeness which some of these representations may express.

After circling this Shrine, we turn our attention to the right of

the entrance. There we see a handsomely appointed drawing

room where visitors may relax while they are awaiting an

audience with his Holiness, the Lord of the World, or Beloved

Divino, Maitreya, the present Buddha, who has a section of this

Temple assigned to him while performing certain Services for the

Lord of the World. To the left of the entrance is a similar section

which Beloved Sanat Kumara uses when he is at Shamballa in

performance of his Service as Regent. There is always some

Member of Beloved Sanat Kumara’s Court from the PlanetVenus in residence here and this provides a tremendous focus for

the Light from Venus to blend with that of the Earth sphere.

Traveling to the distant end of the entrance hall, having

reverently passed the Representation of Beloved Gautama, we

notice the doors of the inner Temple are of muted gold, upon

which are embossed, in Sanskrit symbols of shining gold, the

Tenets of the Middle Way.

The doors are now opened by a Golden-robed attendant whose

only adornment is the embroidered Three-fold Flame upon the

breast. This is so exquisitely done with such detail that it fairly

blazes forth from the garment. On some occasions these

attendants wear similar Robes of White or the colors of the Rays

as the specific activity requires. These Ladies or Gentlemen,

depending upon their assignment, bid each guest welcome as they

usher them into the rooms surrounding the Ceremonial Room. If

the guest be a Member of the Cosmic or Ascended Hierarchy, he

or she proceeds immediately to the furthermost part of the

Temple where the Lord of the World has his Private Inner

Sanctum. These guests are always accompanied by an Angelic

attendant, for courtesy and respect of the highest order pervades

this Temple. As these guests travel along the corridor, one hears

the sound of the most exquisite music, and were the chela

permitted to be here at such times, he or she would probably

wonder where the glorious sounds were coming from, - actually it

is the tone or tones which the Radiation of the Perfected One is

emitting as he or she proceeds to the Presence of Beloved

Gautama. Naturally these Cosmic Visitations do not take place

at such times as the chelas are permitted entrance to the

Spiritual Home of the Lord of the World. The chelas, except in a

few remote instances, are not sufficiently attuned to be present

when these Cosmic guests come to the Sanctuary of Lord

Gautama's Presence.As the doors to the outer section of the Flame Room are opened,

an expanded feeling of humility and reverence enfolds us, for we

are in that portion of the Temple, which is reserved for the Lord

of the World and his personal attendants. When the chelas come

to Shamballa to present their Harvest for the Year, they are

taken into the Ceremonial Room and the section reserved for that

purpose. The Ceremonial Room is so divided as to permit chelas

to enter that section in which the Radiation is so tempered as to

enable the chela to enter in safety, for the average chela could not

stand the intensity of the Radiation - which you can readily

understand. It is the Mercy of the Cosmic Law that chelas are

permitted to have a brief preview of the Temple of the Lord of the

World. This is done specifically, not to entertain the

consciousness, but to allow the chelas to train the emotional aid

etheric vehicles for such visitations as are granted them.

You have previously been apprised that no unascended being is

permitted entrance to the Flame Room wherein is focused the

Permanent Atom for the Earth within the blazing Three-fold

Flame. For this visitation, we are assigned chairs in that section

of the Ceremonial Room designed for that purpose, and we find

that we tread very lightly, for no footfall is ever heard in this

room. Reverence for the Supreme Source of all Life increases,

and it is as though we were walking on air.

It is well that you have these details so that when you make your

evening visitations to Shamballa through December, you will be

prepared for the honor, which is yours, and you will see that your

Radiation is one of Sanctity, Reverence and Gratitude.

On the evening of the Transmission of the Flame, those

lifestreams, all over the Planet, who do not know, in the outer

consciousness, that they are under the tutelage of the Spiritual

Hierarchy will come to a specially constructed amphitheatre over

Shamballa, in order to participate in and be spiritually

nourished by the Radiation from this Holy Focus. You will be

delighted to know that their numbers are rapidly increasing and

this brings great encouragement to all the Members of the

Spiritual Hierarchy. There are thousands and thousands of such

lifestreams now walking the Earth who will ere long become

outwardly aware that they are serving the Light to make this

Earth the Shining Star that she is destined to be.

Now we shall reverently retrace our steps to the entrance of the

Temple where the Brothers of the Golden Robe will remove the

garments of Light which they have placed about your shoulders,

and you shall in humble gratitude for the privilege which has

been yours, return to your individual orbits in company with

your Sponsors, assuring you safe convoy after this magnificent

and soul-rewarding experience.

I AM Kuthumi

Visualize the Mightiest Light Rays reaching outward from Shamballa,

Uniting all children of God within the One Consciousness

of Ascended Freedom.

Establishment of the FocusHallowed be the name of the Cosmic "I AM" Presence throughwhose Love and Graciousness, I AM permitted this day to fill

the role of narrator for the activities which took place on Long

Island when the Cosmic Permanent Ray for Shamballa was

anchored into the Earth substance.

Beloved ones enter deep, deep, deep within the Immortal

Victorious Flame within your hearts so that you may partake to

the fullest of the mighty Blessings which will be showered upon

you - the chelas and all Life everywhere.

Since the 15th of this month, tremendous preparations have been

made at Inner Levels so that the Etheric Temple would be in

magnificent readiness for the anchorage of the Flame and Ray of

Shamballa into the very substance of the Earth, where it shall be

constantly energized and expanded by the Hierarchy until a

visible replica shall be manifest on this land.

The Brotherhood are grateful in the extreme for the glorious

duplication of the original Temple of the Holy Spirit which has

been built by those who were chosen, and those who

volunteered to bring this to fulfillment The ethers over this

Holy Isle are filled with a Light of great intensity, and I assure

you that as the chelas further purify themselves, they will

witness in the

immediate 'Heavens' over this area, and the great metropolis ofNew York, magnificent activities as the maya of human creation

is removed from this area through transmutation,

as well as the human creation yet present in the vehicles of the


Several days prior, the Beings and Forces of the Elements were

engaged in an Activity of Purification of the atmosphere, and

those present in this locality can attest to the fact that it was like

unto a raging wind storm coupled with the Blessing of Neptune,

whose Undines poured forth a benediction into the very substance

of the Earth - there to be graciously received by Beloved Virgo

and the Beloved Gnomes, and the Undines themselves who were

so very grateful for this so needed additional water element.

In the early morn of the Cosmic Day, there was still, what

appeared to be, a veil or cloud over the Island of Manhattan and

Long Island. This represented, of course, the fact that there is yet

a tremendous purification to take place in this area and on the

whole Planet where chaos is rampant.

Gradually this maya was parted, and Beloved Helios and Vesta

prepared the atmosphere for this Cosmic Occasion, and when all

was in readiness, one could glimpse the Beauty and Magnitude of

the Light which was transferred to this Sacred Site, and which

shall continue to expand until all upon this Orb shall feel and

know the Radiation which is the Blessing and Cohesive Power of

the Spiritual Headquarters of the Hierarchy for this Earth.

There was a great amphitheatre over this locality filled with the

Angelic Host, from the least in graded order, through the

Thrones and Principalities. The Celestial Music, which emanated

from their Beings was the most exquisite blending of tones

unheard of in the atmosphere of this Planet since the appearance

of human creation.

As one looked further, it could be seen that every Silent Watcher,

through emanation of Light, was participating, and the Angelic

Host had taken up their stations for every Nation on this Earth,

so that they could assist in tying in the energies of the chelas

engaged in this Activity, although they have not yet made their

Presence known to you. All in due time - at the right moment!

Angelic Beings from all the Planets belonging to Helios and

Vesta have come to this Central Focus. Since this moment the

month began , they have been in the atmosphere of this Focus, as

it has been their responsibility and privilege to create a Pathway

of Light for the Spiritual Head of each of their Planets to come,

in all the dignity of their office, from their individual Foci to be

present at the Ceremonies.

A special Throne and Altar, built in tiers, has been erected for

this specific occasion, in semi-circular form around the Holy of

Holies, the Sacred Cosmic Immortal Victorious Three-fold Flame

for this Planet. It is within a Golden Brazier, which rests upon

an alabaster pedestal through which flows a vein of Golden


I shall not read the Etheric Record of the Cosmic and notable

Spectacle, the energization of which brings one to the present


One hears a magnificent Symphony as the assembled guests rise

and Beloved Helios and Vesta take their places in the Throne

section of the Temple next to the highest tier.

Following in glorious processional, preceded by a Seraphic

Guard, is the Lord of the World, Gautama, simply attired in white

garments with a golden band at the hem, sleeve and neckline.

Following is our Beloved Regent, Sanat Kumara, then Lord

Divino, both wearing white and gold garments similar to those of

Lord Gautama. These Blessed Ones take their places in the

specified semi-circle.

We now see the regal Saint Germain, in all the dignity of his

Being and Office, accompanied by his Lady, Portia, ascend to

their places in the Throne section.

Beloved Jesus and the beautiful Mother Mary proceed to their

places where it was my great privilege to have a chair reserved

for my humble self.

We now witness the electrifying Presence of Beloved El Morya,

then Lord Lanto, Serapis Bey, Hilarion, Lady Nada, and the

Beloved Kwan Yin, who is representing the Seventh Ray in

Beloved Saint Germain's place.You realize that courtesy is one of the first tenets of the Kingdom

of Heaven, so the reigning Individuals of each of the other

Planets belonging to Helios and Vesta now enter - namely from

Mercury, Aquaria, Uranus, Freedom, Athena, and Purity - and

proceed to the General Assembly section - facing the Beings

serving the Earth at this time. They were previously invited by

Beloved Helios and Vesta to be seated in the Throne section, but

they all deferred to those specifically designated to the Earth as

this Cosmic Activity is hers.

A tremendous, - almost hushed, reverence is experienced.

However, the overtones of the Angelic Choir and Symphony can

be heard as all heads are bowed and everyone rises at the signal

that Beloved Alpha and Omega are about to enter the Temple. In

a burst of the most triumphant music, mighty Alpha and Omega

proceed down the aisle to the semi-circle, and there ascend to the

uppermost tier. In this great magnificence, we witness with awe

the Light and Love of all those Beings merging into a blazing

Light of such intensity which is impossible to describe to you, but

those of you who have witnessed the Aurora Borealis have an

insignificant example which would pale into the background

beside that which it is our privilege to here behold when glorious

Alpha and Omega entered. O, my children of the Father-Mother

God, the humility in the hearts of these Cosmic and Ascended

Guests as they bow in reverence to the Light of the mighty Alpha

and Omega! They are now seated on their Throne Chairs, made

of a substance like unto the alabaster of the pedestal upon which

the Brazier for the Immortal Three-fold Flame rests.

All is in readiness for the Induction Ceremonies, and the CosmicKeynote embodied in 'At Dawning' is heard, dignifying the presence of Beloved AEolus. He approaches the Altar, followed by

Beloved Paul and Lady Rowena. They proceed to the tier just

below Helios and Vesta where they receive a Blessing in a tongue

unknown to the Earth people.

An attendant from the Court of Helios and Vesta removes the

green and gold cape, which the Beloved Maha Chohan wears,

and another holds this attire. Now a Vestment of the softest white

texture, yet shimmering, emblazoned with a beautiful Dove, is

placed upon the shoulders of the former Maha Chohan, and

mighty Vesta raises her hand in the Authority which is hers and

invests the Beloved AEolus with the Authority of the Office of

Cosmic Holy Spirit for the Planets under the direction of Helios

and Vesta.

The Cape of green and gold is now placed upon the shoulders of

Beloved Paul, the Venetian, and his outer robe of Pink velvet

having first been removed by the Angelic Attendant. At this

moment Beloved Vesta, with the proper invocation, raises him to

the Office of Maha Chohan, Representative of the Holy Spirit for

the Planet Earth.

The pink Cape which was formerly worn by Beloved Paul is

placed upon the shoulders of Lady Rowena, and as Beloved Vesta

raises her hand and makes the pronouncement, Lady Rowena

becomes Chohan of the Third Ray.

The blazing Light which emanates from these three Beings in true

gratitude for the privilege of further serving the Omnipotent First

Cause is indescribable.

Beloved AEolus proceeds up the Dais to the row immediately

below Mighty Alpha and Omega where, he is joined by the lovely

Pallas Athena. The Maha Chohan, Beloved Paul takes his place

at the side of Lord Gautama, a chair having been set aside for

him. Lady Rowena, resplendent and dignified, takes her place at

the third chair where the Chohans are standing, significant of the

Ray each is representing.

At this time there is a slight interim of deep Silence - with great

Light pulsating intensely. We hear a gong of the most melodious

tone, and an intonation is given by mighty Alpha, and as he and

Beloved Omega blaze the Light from their Hearts, the entire

Temple is filled with an intensified Light wherein the whole

Assembly is blended into ONE GREAT LIGHT, and we thrill

to the mighty pulsation of the Flame and Ray of Holy

Shamballa flowing from Alpha and Omega, Beloved AEolus and

Lord Gautama into the Flame before the Altar, and then into the

very physical substance of the Earth. Thus the Sacred Focus of

the Great White Brotherhood is officially established in its new

and Permanent Location, etherically and physically on Long


Suffice it to say that the Sacred Three-fold Flame transferred

from the Gobi Desert to the Altar of Shamballa over Long Island

is of tremendous expanded proportions as this Activity takes

place. The Silence, Gratitude, and Pure Divine Love is one of the

greatest magnitude, and truly is the Earth herself blessed beyond

comprehension, as the Spiritual Hierarchy now have a Focus on

the Earth plane from whence instructions and blessings

heretofore unheard of shall emanate for the betterment of the

Planet and all her evolutions.

As the chelas in the physical appearance world have joined their

energies and love, in gratitude, through the assistance of their

own Holy Christ Selves, the Light from their hearts has formed

an up reaching Triangle which entered the Temple itself, thereto

be welcomed into the descending Triangle of the Assembly, to

form a blazing and perfect Star, honoring our so loved Regent,

Sanat Kumara, the Savior of this Earth, and his Lady, the

beautiful Venus.

One also sees, at this time, in the central uppermost part of the

Dome of the Temple like unto a vaulted ceiling, a glorious Dove -

the Insignia of the Holy Spirit - of effulgent White Light, giving

forth a Radiation of the softest, most delicate shade of Pink.



Lord Kuthumi

Beloved Children of the Father-Mother God,

I AM grateful to the Supreme Source of all Life which has

given me individualization, and I bow in humility to the God

Presence within your hearts and ask its Flaming

Consciousness to illumine your outer minds so that the Mystic

Union, the blending of the lower and Higher Consciousness

may take place quickly for your own progress in the Light and

the expansion of that Light for the Illumination of all the

evolutions of this Planet.

At this season of the year when humanity in this part of the

Earth celebrate the Feast of Thanksgiving, it is a time when the

chela can expand the gifts of his own Causal Body with great

facility, and in this acceleration raise the consciousness of all


It is a time, as you realize, when the Angelic Host are invoked

through music and song, and your invocation of these Beings

of Light at Thanksgiving can do much to make the vehicles of

humankind more receptive to the Presence of the Angels.

Every time the Angels are called into action, or are invoked as

I have stated, you bring the Golden Age closer to fulfillment,

for the cooperation of Angels and men is necessary for its

fuller expression.

O, Supreme Creator of all there is, I pray that this specific

Release of Light will find its way into the hearts and

consciousness of all who abide on this Planet. Thou knowest,

O Mighty One, this requirement, and I shall in all the humility

of my Being, gratefully contribute my Energies to the

fulfillment of this need.

I shall now bring you in consciousness to Holy Shamballa

from whence I speak to you this day. My Heart overflows with

deep gratitude and happiness as I commune with the various


of the Spiritual Hierarchy who have come to our annual "Feastof Light". The magnificence of the emanation of Light from theCosmic and Ascended Beings is beyond human reckoning. This is

truly festive time of the year, and to witness the gratitude in the

Hearts of the Assembly is an exhilarating feeling which is

coupled with great humility. To be in the Company of these

glorious Beings fills one with true Gratitude to the Godhead for

its splendor of expression.

Thanksgiving is the time of Harvest, and the Great Ones who

have sponsored you stand by your side, and their love enfolds

you when you make your presentation. When the Light which

has been allotted you by the Father-Mother God falls a little

short of the expected release from your lifestream, they

formulate plans in their Consciousness whereby, in the

succeeding year, you may make up the deficit, through

obedience to the Law of your Being. Now I make no illusion to

what the lower consciousness deems as

unhappiness or disappointment, that is not the Consciousness of the God ‘free Beings, but merely give you this reference to show

how much we all love you, and like fond parents or guardians,

our every desire is to assist you to further develop your God

Qualities, and to release the gifts of those already built in your

Causal Bodies through centuries of living and serving the Light

according to the consciousness in the various sojourns on the


I would ask that you endeavor to keep the Radiation which is

being released to you, not only through the release of the Love

of my humble Being, but of all the Beings who are assembled

at the Heart Center of the Spiritual Hierarchy.

Blessed children, you are THE DISCIPLES OF THE HOLY

SPIRIT, for that is the Inner Name for the Chelas. Hold this

Announcement in your hearts in sacred reverence for the

privilege of being so honored. You have endeavored and quite successfully put the Tenets of 'The Code of Conduct' into practice, and for your constant dedication to the Service of the Supreme

Source of all Life, Beloved AEolus and I have counseled, and we

believe you have earned the right to be apprised, that you are the

.Disciples of the Holy Spirit.

We, who can see all that transpires in your beings can instantly

tell when humility and gratitude to the Father-Mother God

results there from. No man shall judge you, for it is the Karmic

Council to whom you are responsible. And as you write in the

Book of Life, the Light therein is the dowry resulting from the

expenditure of God's Holy Essence on the screen of Life.

Now, come with me into the Heart of God, and bathe in the

glorious Energy which is the Creative Principle of Life, and

remember always that Love, Wisdom and Power in perfect

balance is the Middle Way which I counsel always.

Through the Activity of Balance did I earn my Freedom in the

Light, and I pray the Supreme Source of all Life that you shall

quickly reap the Harvest of the practice thereof.

Enfolding you now in the Spirit of Grace which our Beloved Holy

AEolus is, and in my loving gratitude for your Service to the

Light and Life, "I AM" humbly,

Gautama, Lord of the World

The Spirit of ShamballaThe Spirit of Shamballa is a living, pulsating, vibrant and

Radiating Center of Living Light, motivated by Divine Love,

sustained by Service, energized by practical works on behalf of

the redemption of the evolutions using the Planet Earth as a


This Spirit is a real, living, Vital intelligent Being of Light and

is a Source of encouragement to all who seek more Light upon

their spiritual paths.

As all Divine Beings enter into this Spirit at the beginning of

this Holy Season, bringing in the sheaves of their accomplishment

of the year, this Spirit glows with added Light.

By placing your attention upon this Spirit of Shamballa once in every twenty-four hour period, consciously enjoy its blessedness and let it energize in and through you the vital spiritual energies from your Holy Christ Self you, too, may engage in the delightful task of widening the Borders of God's Kingdom here on Earth.


Still THE True SourceBeloved friends of Light; friends of Freedom; servants of the Most

High: I rejoice in your exceedingly rapid acceptance of the New

Age vibration. Extraordinary measures have had to be employed

by the Great White Brotherhood to pierce the steely shells of your

outer consciousness, and like an arrow - straight and true - we

have struck at the very heart core of your Inner mind... thus

saturating your true being with the Truths which we wish you to

carry forth into the New Age.

You have been told, on several occasions, how these latter months

are being used to prepare each one of you for the events that are

to come. It is a strengthening process, as one would temper steel

through the purifying vibration of the Fire element.

Steel is not steel until it has been through the fire several times!

Up until then it is only cast iron, forged into the mold that its

creator desires, but lacking the strength needed to withstand all

pressures and tests of endurance. So it is with you, and it has

been seen recently how vulnerable some of you are. The majority of you have passed the tests with "flying colors" and I commend you for your endurance. It has not been easy for some of you to

accept the new Radiation, for in its heightened vibration some ofyou have been temporarily "grounded" by the still lingering human personality, instead of allowing yourself to soar naturally

upwards into the greater Light. This is where Faith plays a

most important part in your life, for this is ACCEPTANCE


Acceptance of new ideas, new conditions and circumstances - a

complete acceptance - based on a firm trust that the SOURCE is

still unimpeachable and that Truth still flows on like a mighty

river from the one source - the Great White Brotherhood for this


We have permitted many to be about their affairs in their own

way, even though we could see a definite trend that veered

towards the psychic and the astral. Not content with just what

we provide in the way of instructional Discourses, many lifestreams (not necessarily connected with this Activity) havestarted experimenting in "contact" with the other side of the veil.In extremely limited cases we have "come through" so to speakand spoken with the purer channels that have embodiment...

but I emphasize that these are rare. There always has been

only ONE

Source, just as a mighty river starts high in the mountains where the pure spring water flows down from the heights. A "channel"(as opposed to a Contact) is like a tributary flowing into themain stream of the larger river, blending with the waters but

never polluting them... a blending of the Truth with the ONE

Source, and never a contradiction. Truth never contradicts itself,

and you will notice that since we re-established contact with Earth’s children (through Beloved Madame Blavatsky, in 1851)

not one word has contradicted that which went before it. Only

those outside our chosen circle of embodied friends have provided

the contradiction!

This negative force has of course been present since the laggards

came to Earth, and how well do I know their nefarious ways.

Many a sincere lifestream has become enmeshed in the subtle web

of intrigue spun by the sinister entities (and those discarnateswho are under their spell) that dwell in the psychic and astral realms. It is our desire that each and every one of you be sensitive to the Higher AEthers so that you may "hear” the Voice of your Guru within. As some lifestreams grow in sensitivity, they are not

content with that which comes from Headquarters, here at Shamballa, but instead reach out and think they can "contact" Us directly. Not so! It takes centuries and centuries of rigid

training to be a pure channel, and even more so to be an Oracle;

many is the lifestream that has become trapped into thinking

that they are a true channel, when in fact all that they are doing

is assisting the sinister force in bringing forth distraction and

sedition that confuse the sincere seekers after Truth. Untrained

and immature, these lifestreams are unable to recognize the true

Radiation of an Ascended Being, and thus they are duped into

believing any voice that whispers lovingly the so-called "words ofGod". Masquerading in the guise of Divinity, many an entityhas driven away a potential chela by implanting a thought that

is a direct contradiction to the Truth. Thus are the seeds of

rebellion and sedition sown: Confusion results, unless there has

been developed that essential requirement of every student - the

Divine GIFT of Discernment.

This is why we have urged you, time and time again, NOT to mix

vibrations; for until you have the training to recognize what is

real and what is facade you will be led astray. As of now there are

several recognized channels serving in conjunction with the


They fill a much needed vacuum in their respective localities,

especially in so-called foreign lands where English is not spoken.

They provide a corroboration of that which comes forth from

Shamballa, and thus they expand the flow of the River so that

others may feel confident to launch their individual craft upon

the waters, without fear of capsizing. We have stressed, over and

over again, that there is only ONE TRUE SOURCE, just as

there is only one original source for the river Nile.

The Source, in this case, is the Home of the Spiritual AHierarchy - still called “Shamballa” in memory of my city of Light that once stood on an island in the Gobi sea. We

disseminate the Truth through every available channel we can,

but ONLY utilizing those sensitive lifestreams that have the

Purity and Sincerity of purpose to remain TRUE to the ideals

we set forth. I re-iterate that these are very few indeed. Most of

these precious ones know of this outer world organization

would never ever fail to blend any new Truth with that

which had

already come forth through one of Our specially trained

Contacts. So be on your guard! Accept nothing into your

worlds that is of doubtful origin and I warn you that, in these

latter days, there is much to divert your attention!

That Blessed Lady, Pallas Athena, has said that" ...there aremany ‘flowers’ in God’s garden1, but that the developing students should learn to recognize one variety until such time as they have

gained that gift of discernment, to determine what is real and

what is not? The sinister force inject much of the Truth into

their messages that gives validity to the falsehood, and without

this discernment you will be unable to tell right from wrong. One

way is to look at what you already know. If you know it to be the

Truth, then it has already been brought forth by us through an

Oracle. If it is new information, coming to you from elsewhere,

then do not accept it until it has been corroborated by the central

Source here at Shamballa. We know what you should be apprised

of, and when the time is right you are always made aware of new

Truths, new explanations of the Truth, and sometimes of coming

events. You are ALWAYS the first to know; the chelas are our

physical brotherhood on Earth, it only stands to reason that we

favor you above all others. No other organization is given any

information before this one, for I repeat that this is the TRUE

and ONLY Source: All the rest are merely "tributaries"... not allof which are still flowing today. Some have dried up completely,

and other channels have not been kept clear of silt and debris,

thus reducing the flow to a mere trickle. May I suggest then, that you stay with the rose as your "flower" of choice. The varieties are many, and more than sufficient to please every taste... and what is more, the Heavenly "Scent" remains constant!We, of The Spiritual Hierarchy, are now instituting severe

measures to clean up the many thousands of mediums,

psychics and so-called channels whose utterings are merely

confusing the minds of man. Many a sincere seeker after Truth

has been dissuaded from continuing the search. In some cases

the Holy Christ Self of the individual removes the lifestream

from the Path until such time as he or she can resume their

studies without contamination of the Truth. The sinister force

have a natural aversion to bathing in the cleansing waters of

this mighty river of Truth, but instead constantly prowl the

banks, throwing in pollutants that make it more difficult for

those further downstream to quench their thirst in purity. The

closer to the Source you get, the higher you go and the purer is

the flow! This is an analogy which I do not wish you to ever

forget, as you proceed with your studies.

Few it is that have seen THE Source for themselves, and tasted

of the waters thereof, for it is only the sincere seekers after Truth

that are willing to subject themselves to the sometimes arduous

and lonely journey "upstream". Most, it seems, are content tofloat downstream with everyone else. Soon they are in

congregation with the many that are gathered on the banks of

the lower regions; and it is not long before they become mired in

one humanly created distraction after another. You have been told that you are "the select of the elect”, so why is it then that having drunk of the pure waters from the Source, some of you

persist in trying to quench your Spiritual thirst from streams

that flow not from the Supreme Source of all Life. When you are faced with literature that derives from other "sources" than that which we give you, ask yourself how far downstream you are and make the effort to go "upstream" to compare what you have with what is already flowing from the highlands.

The flow of Truth, through our representatives here at

Shamballa, has been increased so that we may effectively flush

out all contaminants that have gathered over the years. We did

not place them there. They were accumulated through your own

human misunderstanding, mis-creation, and misappropriation of

the pure energy from God. All is being purified now, for it is our fervent desire that this mighty "River of Truth" flow completelyfree of impurities, so that the masses “downstream” may come toknow what you know, confidently drinking of the waters, no

matter where, and receiving true sustenance for the first time in

this embodiment.

In these latter days, all facets of your Spiritual life (as you haveknown it) are being stirred up, and through the greater intensityof the Light much imperfection is being brought to the fore. You

were told that this would be, and were requested to use the Violet

Fire (whenever necessary) to remove the impurities as they surfaced. This “sediment” has been building up slowly over a long period of time, settling unseen within your cup and robbing you

of your full capacity. As we stir up these unwanted particles, the

dregs of human creation, take advantage of this special time to

cleanse your vessels, thereby increasing the capacity within the

cup of your consciousness.

There have been some chelas who, when seeing their own human

creation rising to the surface, have come to the erroneous

conclusion that it came from further "upstream” and haveaccused our authorized representatives at the Source for taintingthe "waters"! Discernment on your part will show you that the Source still remains pure... and always will! For it is only

discernment which allows you to filter out the pollutants so that

you may drink of the pure waters. Would it not be easier to

remain in the Highlands, from now onwards, ever sure of the

Source of your Spiritual sustenance... always knowing that your

grail will be filled to the brim with the purest "thirst quencher" ofall?

And so, we will do our part to dissuade or remove all those that

are the unwitting pawns of the sinister force. Contact with all

channels outside of this Activity will now cease. There is no

competition in God’s Kingdom, and we do not desire to foster anyschism within our fraternity on Earth. We are requiring absolute

Unity as never before, and those in this Activity can thus be

assured that there will be nothing brought forth elsewhere that

they need to place their attention upon. Any information brought

forth through other channels that contradicts the Truth flowing

forth from the Home of The Spiritual Hierarchy, here at

Shamballa, is a lie and of course should be disregarded in its


Rest therefore, secure in the knowledge that you are on the

right Path. Go forth with your studies knowing that there is

nothing that you should know that you have not been told, or

that we will not inform you of when the need arises. There are

many changes that you will be apprised of shortly, and I wish

to announce that I have personally taken it upon myself to be

the Enfolding Spirit of The chelas . As you well know, I have

my own quarters here at Shamballa, as Regent of this Earth. I

shall be permanently in residence here from now onwards,

until the Earth is FREE in her Ascension into a higher orbit.

Beloved Saint Germain and the Beloved Micah are requiring

much assistance, at this time in the

Earth’s evolution, and as such are unable to devote too muchpersonal attention to the individual needs of the chelas.

This is now my Activity as much as it is theirs! I came over four

and a half million years ago to save this Planet, and should the

present momentum of rapidly accelerating Light be slowed, it

could well mean that all I lived for would be lost overnight; and I

will not permit that to happen. This Activity is now under my

care as it was under Beloved Morya’s not too long ago. Call to

me, just as you used to call to him and I AM urging each one

of you to give of your utmost to strengthening the foundations

of unity of chelas to prepare for the influx of new Life.

I AM yours, and you are all mine! Put God to work in your lives,

and remember the brotherhood here at Shamballa that just

awaits the opportunity to serve. Call to us, for we can do nothing

without the request from humanity! Remember all the gifts that

we have bequeathed to you through the years and use them as

"weapons" of Light to conquer those that would bring moredarkness to this dear, dear Planet. You are our army of embodied

volunteers, and it is upon you we ultimately depend. The forces of

darkness are on the run, and you helped us do it! Embodied

chelas, on the Earth plane, give to us the additional power

required to overcome the forces of evil. Maintain your strength,

your protection and above all your determination to do nothing

but the Will of God throughout this final rampage. We need every

one of you to stand firm and resolute for the Light against the

attacks of the sinister force. Just know that they cannot win, and

that the Light of God never fails!

Stand within the Victorious Light that comes from Shamballa,

and you will come to know true invincibility. Strengthen your

stand during this crucial hour in Earth’s history, and don’t failme now!

I feel the love of Lady Venus and myself flood forth to you in

your homes, families, business worlds, and environs as I bless you

with the Love of my Being. We will be meeting with each other

often, for there is much to do.

In Love, “I AM” Sanat KumaraRegent for the Planet Earth

Beloved cells in the growing body of Christ incarnate. I stand

before you today as Regent and Cosmic Christ to this Planet. I, who now represent the Power of God's Will at Shamballa, do speak on behalf of our Beloved Lord of the World Gautama and our Beloved Buddha, Lord Divino. Together we form "The HolyTriumvirate" and today I wish to convey the Will of thatTriumvirate to humanity.

Firstly, we have just passed through two Retreat Cycles

wherein the Light from Venus was a major thrust to the

activities. This has led up to major expansion of the Light from

Venus being channeled through Shamballa this month of

December. A cosmic cascading archway of blazing Light is

now forming through this City of Light of such intensity that

I doubt even the physical

Long Island will ever be the same again, so all-pervading is its essence. It is God's Will that you amplify and use this Light inyour own Sphere, restoring this Earth during this very month'sactivities. Let it be known to all Life that the Kumaras are active

on this Planet especially as we close out this year .

I wish also to speak of the service of Beloved Micah, Angel of

Unity, whose service as Spirit of the Year is coming to culmination. You are aware that this Angel's evolution is of cosmic proportions... some of which carries the sweet radiation of

Venus... a schoolroom he used to learn the Love Nature of Christ.

And as this year of Unity draws to a close, not only does it fulfill

a major service for this Angel and his development but he will be

principally involved in channeling this tremendous inflow of

Light from Venus into the hearts of men, particularly the cells in

the Group Avatar. Beloved Micah will use this Light of Venus to

draw out the Love Nature of Christ in everyone as it was drawn

out in him during his sojourn on Venus eons ago. It represents a

mighty return gift for that which was given to him so long ago by

the Love Star. He continues to give his very Life for the race of humanity, even unto the end of this world (as it now is), as he always said he would. Please be conscious of assisting this

magnificent Being in culminating his year-long activity of

unifying all life in the Love Nature of Christ.

Beloved Lord Gautama will essentially remain in the Great

Silence this month radiating his Cosmic Momentum of Peace. He

has been more outwardly active this year than most years.

Following Humankind’s Harvest on November 30th, he will closethis year out in Silence, holding the balance for this planet in the

Cosmic Flame of his Heart, the actual Flame of Shamballa. Lord

Divino will therefore officiate at the inauguration of the monthly

opening and at all high and holy events. It will be Lord Divino

whom the masses see as representing Shamballa this month but

they will feel us all.

Beloved ones, in regard to the Electronic Pattern, a Star of

Sanat Kumara, I want you to know that part of the evolution

towards permanent Christ Consciousness on Venus is to live

within this

Star for a period of time. Since this star is my very own

Electronic Pattern, you are actually standing within my Being

as you stand within this star. This is my gift to you and all of

the volunteers this month... to actually live within me... the

Cosmic Christ to this planet! And to all humankind I shall have

their Heart Flames evolving within me and drawing forth that

Christ Nature into their outer worlds as much as possible As you

visualize and feel yourself within this star, know that you are

within the very Body of Christ, the Cosmic Christ to this planet.

Live within me this entire month and I shall reach my own

hands into your very soul and draw forth the Christ Nature, as

much as you will allow. Feel me reaching into your heart with

every beat - deeper and deeper - until the very Essence and

Reality of God blazes forth from your countenance. This is my service to you this month in fulfilling God's Will. And we shall expect by the New Year tremendous transformation of

consciousness in all life but especially in the volunteers, the

chelas, and the Group Avatar.

Precious ones, I and my Beloved Venus have given you the gifts

of our Beings before in the form of this Star with the Threefold

Flame within it. We placed it in your consciousness. For some of

you it is still visibly blazing; unfortunately for others, without

the gift of your attention and sustained harmony, that

Electronic Light has long since returned home. The Plan now

therefore is for your sustained attention on this activity for a

short period of time (this full month only) so as to ensure victorious results by the New Year.

This is the Will of God as spoken through Shamballa. Christ shall

reign on this planet! With the combined efforts of the Holy

Triumvirate, the Power and Balance of Shamballa, Beloved

Micah (the Ascended Jesus Christ), the Archway of Light fromVenus and our Beloved co-servers in embodiment... so shall it be,

this very month.

Beloved Sanat KumaraRegent and Cosmic Christ

Beloved co-servers presently in embodiment, I offer you my

compassionate heart born of Buddhic Consciousness.

We, who guard the Three-fold Flame of Life on a Cosmic Level,

as well as your own Holy Christ Selves who do so on a personal

level for each of you, are not allowed to release the knowledge,

experience and Reality of Love or of Wisdom or of Power to you

until there is little chance of it being misused for carnal or

personality level affairs. Christ said "Do not throw your pearls toswine" (human consciousness).If then you feel you do not yet know the Reality of Christ Love,

Christ Wisdom or Christ Power in your lives, look to turning

away from the carnal or personality self. Detach yourself from

these things of a material or personal nature that draw you away

from your Spirit self. As you build a momentum of truly

allowing Spirit Freedom, you will at some point experience a new

found Peace and feel you have finally "arrived". Yet even on topof that experience can we then begin to release the Reality of

Christ Love, Wisdom and Power, the Reality of you, through you.

My teachings of the Middle Way are sometimes misunderstood.

It was never intended to allow the student or chela to balance

doing something good by doing something not good; that

somehow because you have practiced a discipline of mind, body

or feeling for a while that you should take a holiday and

flirt with the

human realm "for the sake of balance". The Middle Way ofBalance has nothing to do with the ways of human, carnal or

personality affairs, except in how to turn away from them. My

entire last embodiment was dedicated to finding a middle way of balanced God Qualities in turning away from lower self (andsuffering) back to the freedom of Spirit (and finding Peace).Balance comes with the discernment of finding what in your

environment really is, for you, a drawing away from God and what isn't. There are many things on the physical plane of Earth in the affairs of humanity that are supportive of your selfless service to life (Spirit). Balance comes with choosing what to actively let go of and what not to, so there is still a sense of the

harmony of the Middle Way and not the fanaticism of letting go

all at once, or simply letting go too much. Discern what in your

environment and life supports your Spirit Freedom and selfless

service to life and what detracts from it. This includes the initiation of "Self Honesty".Which leads us back to my first thoughts this morning. The cells

in the Group Avatar, individually and as a church body, need to

be freer of the carnal or personality self so that we who guard the

Cosmic Love, Wisdom and Power may release these gifts in fuller

expression on this planet. This is what the Godhead was able to

do through Beloved Master Jesus when he, in a supremely

balanced way, turned down the lower self, in the so-called small,

day to day affairs of humanity and gave freedom only to Spirit.

This process, which he exampled so perfectly, is the true savior of

the world of humankind. This same process we must now

accomplish through this Group Avatar - the chosen avenue to

express Christ in the New Age on a world-wide level.

There is a further Balance on a personal level between turning

away from the lower nature of self and actively pursuing the

higher nature of God. There must be both; and one will facilitate

the other. In letting go of the human self, if you meet with great resistance, stop at that point; for again "what you resist willpersist". Instead, turn to the other side of the Balance andactively pursue God in some aspect of service or even in quiet

contemplation. However, when you have met a great resistance in the lower self, active service (in the sense of "doing something") is often more effective at that point than quiet meditation. Service

to be done is all around you. In the tradition of Saint Francis,

you could lose yourself in SERVICE. And, of course, meditation

and prayer is important in balancing active spiritual service.

The reverse can also be true as when your pursuit of God seems

blocked. Look then towards letting go of some aspect of the lower

self, which is also all around you. Choose some human habit and

actively root it out of your life. I think you sense the balance

here. One approach can release the blockage of the other.

Practice of this balance will finally result in the more continual

experience of God and a certain irrelevance of the lower self. For

in the face of full Christ Love, Christ Wisdom and Christ Power,

the lower self is certainly irrelevant.

Let go and let God. With the Law of Forgiveness and the Violet

Fire, turn away from the lower nature and actively pursue the

Freedom of your God Self in selfless service. In the supreme

discernment of Balance, create for us the perfect avenue for the

Reality of God Perfection in this planet. You have my entire

momentum of doing so at your call and with it, all my deepest

Love and sustained Peace.

Lord Gautama

Lord of the World

My Beloved Ones,

As always, I come to you with my Love! A year ago I wrote to

you, telling you of steps taken by the Planetary Hierarchy in

your behalf. As Lord of the World, it is my joy to bring a

progress report to you. I will also take this opportunity to

advise you of the most urgent needs of the Earth at this hour,

for it is through you, our chelas, and students of light all

around the planet, that these needs must be met.

With each step an individual chela takes upon the path of light,

his understanding grows accordingly. As his understanding

increases, his spiritual aura expands in like manner. As Lord

of the World, my aura is large enough to hold the planet Earth

and all her attendant evolutions within it. I give you this

example to help you understand how your service is expanded

in a natural and orderly fashion.

When I could expand my aura enough to hold the Earth

completely within it, Beloved Santa Kumara was able to be

released to return to Venus. Without his love and sacrifice on my

behalf, and for all the children of Earth, the planet itself would

have been lost. I tell you this, not to glorify myself, but to help

you understand that as you learn to receive love, you will be able

to give love. Had Sanat Kumara not loved the Earth so much

that he was willing to make his great sacrifice so long ago, I

would not be serving as Lord of the World now, and you, dear

ones, would not be receiving my teaching at this moment.

You have been told that the very word 'sacrifice' means 'to make sacred'. Do you truly realize how much each one of you is loved by God? As you ponder this, you will realize that as you love your

brothers and sisters in the human family, you are making your

own lives sacred, and theirs as well. Dwell often on this thought,

for it will remove all limitation from your lives, making you truly

and completely free in the light of God, even as it has for those of

us who have trod the path before you.

Having had the great opportunity to progress through the

schoolroom of Earth to my present status, I can tell you that the

statement, as above so below, is a truthful one.

As I look upon your auras now, it is plain to see that it has

truly been a year of Healing. You have grown considerably

during this year. Further, you are working in a far more

spiritually conscious and responsible manner, not only toward

your fellow travelers, but toward your own self-development.

You are taking more time to contemplate your mantles of light,

consciously expanding and strengthening them into formidable

forcefields of protection around yourselves.

This instruction has been given for some time. However, the

chelas have, in many instances, not realized the full importance

of concentrating upon and developing their awn auras. Many

have not understood that their mantles of light are their personal

auras. They are far more than a gift of the "I AM" Presence inresponse to an occasional call from the physical octave. That

forcefield of white light around a person is the result of the

cooperation of the four lower vehicles of an individual lifestream with the "I AM" Presence.Due to the acceleration of the vibratory levels in the lower vehicles

of all our chelas, I have requested that my World Teachers, and

those Masters who work closely with them, expand certain

teachings much more fully during the coming year. The

agreements have been reached, and, as you may already realize,

the New Year will be a Year of Teaching.

All during the year, you have received many teachings, and it is

the incorporation of these teachings into your daily lives and

spheres of influence that has brought about much healing within

the planet Earth. Also the response of the chelas to God

Principa's offer to give them his personal instruction andguidance to ready them for Lord Maitreya's higher initiation,was extremely widespread. Lord Maitreya himself has been busy

preparing teachers at inner levels to assist the World Teachers in

the fulfilling of Their expanded responsibilities.

Beloved Master John has been instrumental in the work of

teaching through the avenue of the Shamballa Letters. Among

other subjects, he has explained many details of the purpose of

petitions in all phases and areas. As a result of his exemplary

teaching, there should not be a chela under his instruction who

does not have a full understanding of the significance of the half-

yearly Council meetings of the Karmic Board.

An additional result of his letters has been a great expansion of

communication between the chelas and the Ascended Masters. As

well, the increase of a sense of personal responsibility for

planetary life on the part of the chelas has far exceeded our


The most urgent need of the Earth at this time is that each and

every one of you take the understandings that have been

imparted to you during the year, and make them a literal part of

your beings and worlds. This involves the externalization of these

teachings to the very best of your individual and group abilities.

Never has there been a time in the history of the planet when it

has been more imperative that you hold fast to your faith,

perceiving all that you look upon with a positive attitude. Be

patient and loving toward each other. Be cooperative in the group

work, seeking to understand the viewpoints of those with whom

you are working for the highest good of all concerned.

Alleviate suffering and sorrow wherever possible, replacing it

with your loving kindness. You need never abandon your own

principles to be kind and extend understanding to others. More

lives are won to the Forces of Light through the smallest acts of

kindness than by any other means. Your actions speak of your

love far louder than words ever could.

Finally, as the New Year is born, I ask that you welcome my

Teachers with all the love of your hearts. Know that they speak

and teach on my behalf and in my name. Listen with the joy and

receptivity of the true disciples of Light I know you to be. I

treasure your every effort to be that which you are ordained to be; the hands, hearts, and full activity of the Presence of God "IAM" in the outer world, true sons and daughters of the MostHigh Living God! All is very well, and "I AM" pleased with your progress.

Walk the middle path of perfect balance, for that path is paved

with the pure golden essence of my Love for you. Through that

love, I bestow upon you, each one, my Wisdom and Power of

victorious accomplishment.

Lord Gautama

Beloved Chelas,

Beloved Lord Gautama has stated that he prefers to leave the explanation and details of the chela's expanding evolution to his world teachers, and so I choose to speak to you now. It is no easy

matter to serve as a teacher to any other individual. To be a true

teacher at any level of expression requires so much love, patience

and commitment that words cannot fully describe your total

involvement. However, to those of you who are developed along

this path, you are already aware of this. The incoming year will

be a year of teaching. There will be myriad challenges, but the

rewards will be great.

Beloved Jesus and Kuthumi have been trained by me, and

serve as World Teachers. Now I would like to tell you that

Beloved John, Disciple of Christ Consciousness, has been

offered, and graciously accepted, my appointment as World

Teacher in expanded co-service to the Earth.

With this added assistance, Jesus has asked at this time to focus

his energies upon the quality of Unity for the planet Earth. His

request has been accepted by the Hierarchy, as he is well

qualified to fulfill this great need.

Regarding this, he will be working under his angelic name of

Micah, functioning as the cosmic son of Lord Michael. I want to

assure you that any child of Earth who calls on him by his

name, Jesus the Christ, receives his Ray and the assistance

required. So shall it always be!

As Ascended Beings, we are each required to fulfill whatever

missions we have established. To the human mind this may seem

complicated, but it truly is not so difficult. Consider that each of

you assume many roles in your life experiences. You may fulfill

responsibilities as a father or mother, husband or wife, son or

daughter, or even several of these roles at one time.

In the workplace, you fulfill additional and different

responsibilities, such as supervisor, worker, customer, or

whatever is required. A child in school is both son or daughter,

and at the same time a student. After school the child is a

playmate to his peers or helper to his parents and so forth. The

roles change according to the needs of the hour, but the various

gifts and talents that we embody go into every aspect of our


I bring this to your attention, so that you will understand how

we, as your elders, working with life on your planet, may serve in

several positions at one time. We might also be responsible for

other planets and star systems and may serve each in various

capacities, often at the same time.

I will now go one step further. Each phase of your expression

upon the Earth over many embodiments is to prepare you to

serve in the same capacity as we do. You fulfill many roles with

their accompanying responsibilities as needed. This is not to say

that you must remain in difficult situations, but that there are

many choices to be made and many lessons to be learned, often in

similar situations. It is true that these responsibilities expand

and increase, but I assure you that your capabilities,

understanding, and desire to serve also expand sufficiently.

You will be able to enfold all those who come to you for

assistance within your aura.

My Beloved chelas, you are walking the Path of Initiation into

Octaves of Light that you merely glimpse at the moment! Beloved Hilarion working as Paul the Apostle, once wrote, "Now you seeas through a glass, darkly, but then face to face...”View the great Light, the glory that lies before you, that glory

toward which you walk, one step at a time. I enfold you in my

aura always.

In The Divine, I AM Maitreya

Beloved Students of the One Light,

I ask that you now enter into the silence of your own heart.

Become centered and feel the intensity and radiance of your own

Light. Each one of you has built a momentum of Light through

your individual activities. That Light is increasing to the point

where you may direct the specific blessing of your lifestream into

any condition, which requires your assistance. Your personal

contribution is unique. Do not doubt this for a moment. This

statement is not made to feed the ego, or to give you a feeling of

self-importance, for this is one of the largest obstacles the human

mind must overcome in its spiritual development. Through the

power of the Sacred Fire, this barrier will be removed, but this

takes tremendous tenacity and perseverance.

I will not dwell on the subject of human ego, for "I AM" sure thateach of you have sufficient reserves of strength to overcome it. I

do advise you to let go and let God direct you at all times, for this is the way in which God's guidance becomes the ruling Principle in all areas of your lives.

Intensification of the positive virtues is one of the primaryreasons for the Hierarchy's relationship with the evolution of Earth. Just as you have come to Earth with specific missions to

accomplish, so have we. I first came to this planet, offering my

Light to nurture and sustain those who had lost a conscious

connection with their own God Presence. My Light was given

for all, for at first there were none in embodiment who could


a vibratory level powerful enough to give this service.

There may be those among you who ask why such a sacrifice

should be made. While it is true that the evolutionary progress of

any Cosmic Being is hastened through service, the motivation is

often simply that of Divine Love. Expanding outward, this

Divine Love then becomes the undeniable force compelling one

on to greater service.

It is important that you know that I did not come alone, but

received the voluntary support of my family, and of Great Beings

from many parts of the universe. Even though the decision to

serve was mine, there was enough love throughout my planet and

the universe of which we are a part, that rose to support My own.

Do you see, Beloved ones? Some of you were among those who

came to prepare the way for me upon the Earth, and your love

dictates that you must still serve.

I want you to understand how much our relationship has grown

and developed. At first my Presence was necessary to magnetize

the actual Light substance and draw it to Earth. As love calls to

love, and light calls to light, the way was opened. Now it is your

collective Presence which is drawing forth the constructive

momentums needed to increase the Light of your planet. You,

Beloved ones, have now assumed the responsibility through the

consecration of your lifestreams. This frees many great Beings to

pursue their own appointed tasks, and also brings great joy and

gratitude to my heart.

Now, if you will please center yourselves in your heart flames, I

call forth a Ray of Light from the Flame Temple of my Beloved

planet Venus. See it projected toward the Earth. The color of the

Ray varies from the lightest shade of pink to the deepest ruby

color, blazing an iridescent trail of Light substance as it enters

the atmosphere of the planet. It is directed into the Planetary

Three-fold Flame at the center of the Earth, expanding outward

until every electron of the planet is filled with the Pink Flame of

Divine Love.

Legions of our Angels of Love from Venus have been permanently

stationed in the atmosphere of the Earth for many years. From

their Beings there is a constant radiation of Divine Love, which

acts to sustain this quality in the people of Earth. The Angels

are encircling the planet now. Each one is holding a golden

chalice that is filled and overflowing with pink Light, which they

are dispensing to all those who are in need of comfort. As they do

so, every aspect of Divine Love is now intensified and expanded,

reaching a level of activity not previously experienced.

The Cosmic Flame of Peace is charged with this glorious

outpouring of Light as it blazes through all discord, bringing

harmony and the desire for cooperation to all nations on Earth.

The Violet Fire Temples around the Earth are enhanced,

enabling the Angels of the Violet Flame to increase the activity of

purification in all areas, especially for the children.

Take this time to call to the "I AM" Presence of all children to

show them the true activity of the Sacred Fire through their own

inner sight. Consciously surround them with Love, and ask that

the quality of purity be sustained within their consciousness. See

the Flame of Divine Love expand within their hearts, becoming

the ruling force of their life expressions.

Call on my Flame to charge your own four lower vehicles, until

the pressure of Divine Love is sufficient to balance your own life

energies. Know that your every call to me will be answered

immediately, bringing momentums to assist you in your every

effort to love life free.

My Beloved friends, this is my gift to you today, the full

momentum of Divine Love from Venus. I ask only that you, in

turn, give this gift to others, for Divine Love is destined to

become the ruling force of your Beloved planet Earth as it

moves forward in the full light of Spiritual Freedom.

I enfold you in the Love of My heart.

Sanat Kumara

In the Name of the Presence of God "I AM", and with all theLove, Wisdom, and Power of the Beloved Holy Triumvirate at

Shamballa, we make these calls:

WE DECREE that the perfect Will of God manifest NOW

through all our brothers and sisters in the Human Family! May

each one call forth the full release of the gifts of his causal body

upon the Earth!

May the Wisdom of our Father-God be reflected in our every

experience and in each decision made!

May the Love of our Mother-God permeate our every thought,

word, and deed!

May the perfect Balance of the Middle Way be the chosen pathway for every lifestream belonging to Earth's evolutions.

For the answer to this and our every call to Light, we are

grateful! We are grateful! We are so very grateful!SO BE IT, BELOVED "I AM"!

I return to you, sons and daughters of God in embodiment,

representing the Cosmic Angel of Restoration and all the

Forces of Restoration, Resurrection and Unity. As we

approach the Feast of the Angels, the Angels of all Orders and

Rays are preparing to assist this Cosmic Angels, in the full

culmination of the Theme and Thought Form for the year. The

entire Spiritual Hierarchy and the Great White Brotherhood

are extraordinarily active at this time, yet this is the special

moment each year when Angels receive unprecedented attention

from the race.

I was chosen to speak with you now, for as you are aware there is strong and ever increasing pull on my Lifestream as the "LordJesus Christ" during the Christmas Season, creating atremendous opportunity for release of the forces at my command

on the return current of this association with humanity.

You, too, can be a major part of this release, for even if a few of

the masses invoke our Light knowing who and what we truly are,

being One with us in their own Christ Flame, then the fullness of

our Blessings can be dispensed to everyone in embodiment who

opens up to us through the Spiritual Currents of the Christmas

Season, regardless of their present level of consciousness. And

from my vantage point within the All-seeing Consciousness of

God, let me assure you there are millions of lifestreams who,

seeing the chaos around this globe, deeply desire to be the

Abiding Presence of Love and Peace. Invoke, invoke, invoke my


At the Christmas Season there is much desire in the hearts of

humanity. We are grateful this desire is lessening for the

material things and deepening for the longing of family and

loved ones, as well as for the spiritual presence of Peace and

Good Will among all men.

Can you imagine the release of Light our Cosmic Angel of

Restoration could give as a result of worldwide desire for the

Abiding Presence of Love and Peace radiating from the hearts of

all humankind at the close of this year? We of the Spiritual

Hierarchy ask you, our chelas, to lift you consciousness above all

human desires during this Christmas Season. Know the

"Restoration of the Human Family through the AbidingPresence of Love and Peace... the Oneness of all Life"... is a Reality!





ALL HUMANITY ( 3 X )Be active now with your own abilities as a Priest or Priestess of Life's Sacred Flame and call into action those Forces which will and are restoring this Earth to a perfect Human Family.

The Sapphire Star of Unity will blaze forth this Christmas

Season as it did the original Christmas, guiding the Three Wise

Men toward the Christ child, and now guiding all men toward

their own Christ Presence of Love and Peace. Countless Angels

shall deliver the Light of the Star to each Heart Flame open to us

at this time. And this opening comes from perfect motivation

within the heart.

"I AM" the Ascended Jesus Christ blessing each of you with theReality of the Restoration of Good Will and Peace among all men

this Christmas Season... the Feast of the Angels.

Blessings from all your Angel friends,

Micah, Angel of Unity

Spirit of Christmas LoveSpirit of Christmas, all Holy Thou art;

Spirit of Christmas, live now in each heart;

Spirit of Christmas, bless each humble part;

Spirit of Christmas Love.

Spirit of Christmas, take each precious day; Make each day Christmas — all living God’s Way;

Happy and joyous and reverent and free;

Spirit of Christmas Love.

Spirit of Christmas, now permeate all;

Bless all that are great and all that are small'Golden Flame touch all -- bless all in Gods Name

Spirit of Christmas Love.

Spirit of Giving, sweet Spirit of Peace;

Comforting Spirit, Thy Love now increase;

Sweet Holy Spirit, Thy emblem -- the. Dove;

Spirit of Christmas Love.

Spirit of Christmas, now seal all the world;

Joyous glad tidings of Peace now unfurl; Claim and redeem all in God's Holy Name;

Spirit of Christmas Love.

Through Wisdom, Love and Obedience to the Will Of God in the Family of Man,

The Manifestation of the Divine PlanFulfilled For Our Planet and All

its EvolutionsUnified I AM. We Are ONE.