注意しましょう!...children tend to get absorbed in their play and don’t realize that they...

1 暑さに備えた体力づくり Building physical stamina for the heat Beginning to get hot Days that suddenly become hot The day after a sultry night 熱中症とは? What is heatstroke? 高温多湿の環境にいることで、体内の水分 や塩分のバランスが崩れたり、体に熱がこもっ て汗がうまく出せなくなり、体温の調節機能 がうまく働かなくなった状態が熱中症です。 症状としては、元気がなく、ぐったりとし ている、めまいや気分不良、吐き気やだるさ などがあり、重症になると意識障害やけいれ んを起こし、生命への危険が及ぶことがあり ます。 暑い日が続くと、体が次第に暑さに慣れ、熱中症になりにくくなります。 急に暑くなった日は無理をせず、徐々に体を暑さに慣らしていきましょう。 As the hot weather continues, the body will gradually become accustomed to it and thus   more resistant to the heat. On days when the temperature has suddenly increased, don’ t   exert yourself. Take your time to acclimatize to the heat. 暑くなり始め 急に暑くなる日 熱帯夜の翌日 体調管理は十分な睡眠とバランスの良い食事が基本です。 ビタミンB1やビタミンCが多く含まれる食品をとりましょう。 A fundamental step to prevention is to eat balanced meals and get enough sleep. Eat foods plentiful in vitamin B1 and vitamin C. In hot, humid environments, the body’s balance of liquids and electrolytes (salt) is upset, and heat builds up in the body as the person is unable to perspire well and the body’s heat regulation functions cease to function properly. This is called heatstroke. Symptoms of heatstroke include a lack of energy, fatigue, dizziness, feeling unwell, nausea, and sluggishness. If symptoms become more severe, you may experience impaired consciousness or spasms that may threaten your life. 熱中症予防のポイント Key points for prevention 注意しましょう! 熱中症は 予防が大切 Beware of Heatstroke ! ビタミンB1 :豚肉、大豆製品など Vitamin B1 :pork, soy products, etc. ビタミンC:野菜や果物など Vitamin C:fruit, vegetables, etc. こんな日に 注意

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Page 1: 注意しましょう!...Children tend to get absorbed in their play and don’t realize that they are hot. On sunny days, it’s hotter closer to the ground, meaning that children

1 暑さに備えた体力づくり Building physical stamina for the heat




Beginning to get hot Days that suddenly become hot The day after a sultry night









救急車「119」Call 「119」

for an ambulance


If unsure whether or not to call an ambulance, call the Tokyo Fire Department Emergency Consultation Center at #7119.

出  典:環境省「熱中症環境保健マニュアル2018」 http://www.wbgt.env.go.jp/より加工して作成Source: Ministry of the Environment “Heatstroke Environmental Health Manual 2018” Created from information at http://www.wbgt.env.go.jp/

令和2年(2020年) 6月発行 発行番号2020049-4241発行 港区みなと保健所健康推進課健康づくり係 〒108-8315港区三田1-4-10 電話03-6400-0083Published June 2020. Publication No.2020049-4241Published by: Health Subsection, Health Promotion Section, Minato Public Health Center 1-4-10 Mita, Minato-ku 〒108-8315 Tel:03-6400-0083

呼びかけに応じますか?Is the person responding?

涼しい場所へ避難し、服をゆるめ体を冷やすTake the person to a cool location, loosen their clothes, and cool their body down.

水分を自力で摂取できますか?Is the person capable of drinking liquids on their own?

水分・塩分を補給するGive the person liquids/Electrolytes (salt).

症状が良くなりましたか?Have the symptoms disappeared?

そのまま安静にして十分に休息をとり、回復したら帰宅しましょうStay relaxed. Get plenty of rest and return home once recovered.

  熱中症とは? What is heatstroke?



◦暑い日が続くと、体が次第に暑さに慣れ、熱中症になりにくくなります。 急に暑くなった日は無理をせず、徐々に体を暑さに慣らしていきましょう。◦ As the hot weather continues, the body will gradually become accustomed to it and thus  

more resistant to the heat. On days when the temperature has suddenly increased, don’t  exert yourself. Take your time to acclimatize to the heat.


Are there any symptoms of heatstroke?(Dizziness, fainting, muscular pain, rigidity, heavy sweating, headache, discomfort, vomiting, exhaustion, physical fatigue, impaired consciousness, cramps, disturbance of motility, high body temperature.)

救急車を呼ぶCall an ambulance.

涼しい場所へ避難し、服をゆるめ体を冷やすTake the person to a cool location, loosen their clothes, and cool their body down.

医療機関へTo a medical institution.

暑くなり始め 急に暑くなる日 熱帯夜の翌日

◦体調管理は十分な睡眠とバランスの良い食事が基本です。 ビタミンB1やビタミンCが多く含まれる食品をとりましょう。

◦ A fundamental step to prevention is to eat balanced meals and get enough sleep. Eat foods plentiful in vitamin B1 and vitamin C.

In hot, humid environments, the body’s balance of liquids and electrolytes (salt) is upset, and heat builds up in the body as the person is unable to perspire well and the body’s heat regulation functions cease to function properly. This is called heatstroke.

Symptoms of heatstroke include a lack of energy, fatigue, dizziness, feeling unwell, nausea, and sluggishness. If symptoms become more severe, you may experience impaired consciousness or spasms that may threaten your life.

  熱中症予防のポイント Key points for prevention

  熱中症の応急処置 First-aid treatment for heatstroke



Beware of Heatstroke!

ビタミンB1:豚肉、大豆製品などVitamin B1:pork, soy products, etc.

ビタミンC:野菜や果物などVitamin C:fruit, vegetables, etc.


Page 2: 注意しましょう!...Children tend to get absorbed in their play and don’t realize that they are hot. On sunny days, it’s hotter closer to the ground, meaning that children

2 こまめな水分・塩分(電解質)補給 Consume liquids and salt (electrolytes) frequently 3 暑さを避ける Avoid heat

緊急電話相談 Emergency telephone consultation number●東京消防庁救急相談センター ♯7119 または TEL:03-3212-2323●小児救急電話相談  ♯8000 または TEL:03-5285-8898●東京都医療機関案内サービス「ひまわり」 TEL:03-5272-0303◦Tokyo Fire Department Emergency Consultation Center #7119◦Infant Emergency Consultation #8000 or Tel:03-5285-8898◦Himawari (Tokyo Medical Information Service)  Tel:03-5285-8181

◦窓から差し込む日光を遮りましょう。◦室内の風通しを良くしましょう。◦ 室温が28℃以上、湿度が70%を超えるときは、エアコンなどの空調が必要

です。我慢せずにエアコンを使用しましょう。◦ 室内に風の流れを作り、エアコンの冷気を直接体に当てないように工夫し

ましょう。◦ 感染症予防のために換気をする際は、室温が高くならないようエアコンの

設定温度を調整しましょう。◦ Block sunlight from shining through the windows.◦ Keep good ventilation indoors.◦ If the temperature indoors is 28℃ or above and the humidity is at least 70%, air conditioning or

similar ventilation is necessary. Use air conditioning.◦ Create an air flow indoors and ensure that the cool air from the air conditioner is not directed

directly at anyone’s body. ◦ When ventilating the room for the purpose of preventing infectious diseases, adjust the set

temperature of the air conditioner so that the room does not get hot.

◦港区「熱中症に注意しましょう」  (https://www.city.minato.tokyo.jp/) Minato Ward, “Beware of Heatstroke!”

◦環境省「熱中症予防情報サイト」  (https://www.wbgt.env.go.jp/) Ministry of Environment, “Heat Illness Prevention Information”※その他、気象庁や厚生労働省などのホームページにも熱中症情報があります。

Heatstroke information is also available from the website of the Japan Meteorological Agency and the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.

◦体温調節機能が未熟なため、体温が上がりやすい。◦遊びに集中しやすく暑さに気づかない。◦晴れた日は地面に近いほど気温が高くなるため、 子どもは大人より高温の環境にいる。

◦ Children’s body temperatures can easily increase because their bodies’ temperature regulation functions are not fully developed.

◦ Children tend to get absorbed in their play and don’t realize that they are hot.

◦ On sunny days, it’s hotter closer to the ground, meaning that children are in a hotter environment than adults.

◦のどが渇いていなくても、こまめに水分を補給しましょう。 (成人の場合1日1.2ℓの水分補給が目安)◦たくさん汗をかいたときは、適度な塩分(電解質)の補給も必要です。◦子どもは体調が悪くても周囲に伝えることができません。 顔が赤くないか、ひどく汗をかいていないか、ぐったりしていないか、 排尿の回数や量は減っていないか、十分に注意しましょう。

◦ Hydrate frequently even if you are not thirsty. (An adult should aim to rehydrate 1.2L of liquids per day.)

◦ When sweating heavily, proper salt (electrolyte) intake is also needed.◦ Even if children feel unwell, they can’t communicate this to those around them. Pay close attention that the face is not red, that there is no profuse sweating, that there is no

bodily limpness or listlessness, and that there is no reduction in the frequency or amount of urination.

◦暑い日は無理せず、日陰や涼しい場所でこまめに休憩を取りましょう。◦襟元を緩めたり、体を締め付けない涼しい衣服を着ましょう。◦外出する際は日傘や帽子を使いましょう。◦ マスクを着用している際は、周囲の人と十分に距離をとり、マスクを外して

休憩を取りましょう。◦ On hot days, do not overexert yourself. Take shelter somewhere 

cool, and take frequent breaks.◦ Loosen your collar and wear cool, loose-fitting clothing.◦ When going outside, wear a hat and use a parasol.◦ When wearing a mask, keep a distance from people around and remove the mask to take a break.

  お家で過ごすときの熱中症対策 Tips when staying indoors

熱中症に関する詳しい情報は、下記のホームページで確認できます。For more information on heatstroke, refer to the websites below


乳幼児の水分補給の目安 Standard liquid intake

It is especially important to be careful ofheatstroke in infants!








1日に必要な水分量Amount of liquid needed per day


1回の水分補給量(目安)Amount of liquid intake per

serving (standard)



0 to 5 months(before weaning) 150cc × 体重(kg)

150cc × body weight (kg)

母乳・ミルクBreast milk / milk

4cc × 体重(kg)4cc × body weight (kg)


6 to 12 months(after weaning



Breast milk / milk, boiled water,

barley tea, etc.


1〜6歳1 to 6 years

100cc × 体重(kg)100cc × body weight (kg)

白湯や麦茶などBoiled water,

barley tea, etc.

※1日に必要な水分量には離乳食や食事でとる水分量も含まれています。 持病がある場合は、水分のとり方を主治医に相談してください。

The amount of liquid intake required daily includes liquids consumed through baby food and meals.If you have a chronic disease, consult with your doctor about your liquid intake.

スマートフォン用QRコードQR code for smartphones

スマートフォン用QRコードQR code for smartphones

Page 3: 注意しましょう!...Children tend to get absorbed in their play and don’t realize that they are hot. On sunny days, it’s hotter closer to the ground, meaning that children

2 こまめな水分・塩分(電解質)補給 Consume liquids and salt (electrolytes) frequently 3 暑さを避ける Avoid heat

緊急電話相談 Emergency telephone consultation number●東京消防庁救急相談センター ♯7119 または TEL:03-3212-2323●小児救急電話相談  ♯8000 または TEL:03-5285-8898●東京都医療機関案内サービス「ひまわり」 TEL:03-5272-0303◦Tokyo Fire Department Emergency Consultation Center #7119◦Infant Emergency Consultation #8000 or Tel:03-5285-8898◦Himawari (Tokyo Medical Information Service)  Tel:03-5285-8181

◦窓から差し込む日光を遮りましょう。◦室内の風通しを良くしましょう。◦ 室温が28℃以上、湿度が70%を超えるときは、エアコンなどの空調が必要

です。我慢せずにエアコンを使用しましょう。◦ 室内に風の流れを作り、エアコンの冷気を直接体に当てないように工夫し

ましょう。◦ 感染症予防のために換気をする際は、室温が高くならないようエアコンの

設定温度を調整しましょう。◦ Block sunlight from shining through the windows.◦ Keep good ventilation indoors.◦ If the temperature indoors is 28℃ or above and the humidity is at least 70%, air conditioning or

similar ventilation is necessary. Use air conditioning.◦ Create an air flow indoors and ensure that the cool air from the air conditioner is not directed

directly at anyone’s body. ◦ When ventilating the room for the purpose of preventing infectious diseases, adjust the set

temperature of the air conditioner so that the room does not get hot.

◦港区「熱中症に注意しましょう」  (https://www.city.minato.tokyo.jp/) Minato Ward, “Beware of Heatstroke!”

◦環境省「熱中症予防情報サイト」  (https://www.wbgt.env.go.jp/) Ministry of Environment, “Heat Illness Prevention Information”※その他、気象庁や厚生労働省などのホームページにも熱中症情報があります。

Heatstroke information is also available from the website of the Japan Meteorological Agency and the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.

◦体温調節機能が未熟なため、体温が上がりやすい。◦遊びに集中しやすく暑さに気づかない。◦晴れた日は地面に近いほど気温が高くなるため、 子どもは大人より高温の環境にいる。

◦ Children’s body temperatures can easily increase because their bodies’ temperature regulation functions are not fully developed.

◦ Children tend to get absorbed in their play and don’t realize that they are hot.

◦ On sunny days, it’s hotter closer to the ground, meaning that children are in a hotter environment than adults.

◦のどが渇いていなくても、こまめに水分を補給しましょう。 (成人の場合1日1.2ℓの水分補給が目安)◦たくさん汗をかいたときは、適度な塩分(電解質)の補給も必要です。◦子どもは体調が悪くても周囲に伝えることができません。 顔が赤くないか、ひどく汗をかいていないか、ぐったりしていないか、 排尿の回数や量は減っていないか、十分に注意しましょう。

◦ Hydrate frequently even if you are not thirsty. (An adult should aim to rehydrate 1.2L of liquids per day.)

◦ When sweating heavily, proper salt (electrolyte) intake is also needed.◦ Even if children feel unwell, they can’t communicate this to those around them. Pay close attention that the face is not red, that there is no profuse sweating, that there is no

bodily limpness or listlessness, and that there is no reduction in the frequency or amount of urination.

◦暑い日は無理せず、日陰や涼しい場所でこまめに休憩を取りましょう。◦襟元を緩めたり、体を締め付けない涼しい衣服を着ましょう。◦外出する際は日傘や帽子を使いましょう。◦ マスクを着用している際は、周囲の人と十分に距離をとり、マスクを外して

休憩を取りましょう。◦ On hot days, do not overexert yourself. Take shelter somewhere 

cool, and take frequent breaks.◦ Loosen your collar and wear cool, loose-fitting clothing.◦ When going outside, wear a hat and use a parasol.◦ When wearing a mask, keep a distance from people around and remove the mask to take a break.

  お家で過ごすときの熱中症対策 Tips when staying indoors

熱中症に関する詳しい情報は、下記のホームページで確認できます。For more information on heatstroke, refer to the websites below


乳幼児の水分補給の目安 Standard liquid intake

It is especially important to be careful ofheatstroke in infants!








1日に必要な水分量Amount of liquid needed per day


1回の水分補給量(目安)Amount of liquid intake per

serving (standard)



0 to 5 months(before weaning) 150cc × 体重(kg)

150cc × body weight (kg)

母乳・ミルクBreast milk / milk

4cc × 体重(kg)4cc × body weight (kg)


6 to 12 months(after weaning



Breast milk / milk, boiled water,

barley tea, etc.


1〜6歳1 to 6 years

100cc × 体重(kg)100cc × body weight (kg)

白湯や麦茶などBoiled water,

barley tea, etc.

※1日に必要な水分量には離乳食や食事でとる水分量も含まれています。 持病がある場合は、水分のとり方を主治医に相談してください。

The amount of liquid intake required daily includes liquids consumed through baby food and meals.If you have a chronic disease, consult with your doctor about your liquid intake.

スマートフォン用QRコードQR code for smartphones

スマートフォン用QRコードQR code for smartphones

Page 4: 注意しましょう!...Children tend to get absorbed in their play and don’t realize that they are hot. On sunny days, it’s hotter closer to the ground, meaning that children

1 暑さに備えた体力づくり Building physical stamina for the heat




Beginning to get hot Days that suddenly become hot The day after a sultry night









救急車「119」Call 「119」

for an ambulance


If unsure whether or not to call an ambulance, call the Tokyo Fire Department Emergency Consultation Center at #7119.

出  典:環境省「熱中症環境保健マニュアル2018」 http://www.wbgt.env.go.jp/より加工して作成Source: Ministry of the Environment “Heatstroke Environmental Health Manual 2018” Created from information at http://www.wbgt.env.go.jp/

令和2年(2020年) 6月発行 発行番号2020049-4241発行 港区みなと保健所健康推進課健康づくり係 〒108-8315港区三田1-4-10 電話03-6400-0083Published June 2020. Publication No.2020049-4241Published by: Health Subsection, Health Promotion Section, Minato Public Health Center 1-4-10 Mita, Minato-ku 〒108-8315 Tel:03-6400-0083

呼びかけに応じますか?Is the person responding?

涼しい場所へ避難し、服をゆるめ体を冷やすTake the person to a cool location, loosen their clothes, and cool their body down.

水分を自力で摂取できますか?Is the person capable of drinking liquids on their own?

水分・塩分を補給するGive the person liquids/Electrolytes (salt).

症状が良くなりましたか?Have the symptoms disappeared?

そのまま安静にして十分に休息をとり、回復したら帰宅しましょうStay relaxed. Get plenty of rest and return home once recovered.

  熱中症とは? What is heatstroke?



◦暑い日が続くと、体が次第に暑さに慣れ、熱中症になりにくくなります。 急に暑くなった日は無理をせず、徐々に体を暑さに慣らしていきましょう。◦ As the hot weather continues, the body will gradually become accustomed to it and thus  

more resistant to the heat. On days when the temperature has suddenly increased, don’t  exert yourself. Take your time to acclimatize to the heat.


Are there any symptoms of heatstroke?(Dizziness, fainting, muscular pain, rigidity, heavy sweating, headache, discomfort, vomiting, exhaustion, physical fatigue, impaired consciousness, cramps, disturbance of motility, high body temperature.)

救急車を呼ぶCall an ambulance.

涼しい場所へ避難し、服をゆるめ体を冷やすTake the person to a cool location, loosen their clothes, and cool their body down.

医療機関へTo a medical institution.

暑くなり始め 急に暑くなる日 熱帯夜の翌日

◦体調管理は十分な睡眠とバランスの良い食事が基本です。 ビタミンB1やビタミンCが多く含まれる食品をとりましょう。

◦ A fundamental step to prevention is to eat balanced meals and get enough sleep. Eat foods plentiful in vitamin B1 and vitamin C.

In hot, humid environments, the body’s balance of liquids and electrolytes (salt) is upset, and heat builds up in the body as the person is unable to perspire well and the body’s heat regulation functions cease to function properly. This is called heatstroke.

Symptoms of heatstroke include a lack of energy, fatigue, dizziness, feeling unwell, nausea, and sluggishness. If symptoms become more severe, you may experience impaired consciousness or spasms that may threaten your life.

  熱中症予防のポイント Key points for prevention

  熱中症の応急処置 First-aid treatment for heatstroke



Beware of Heatstroke!

ビタミンB1:豚肉、大豆製品などVitamin B1:pork, soy products, etc.

ビタミンC:野菜や果物などVitamin C:fruit, vegetables, etc.
