i evening k.bpt buuletinty as tho ouly iustanco to which tho qovornmont will now givo its ntteutiou....

""K.BPT ' --w- Jr I 'I'ti oldtdt and lc0 or knowing how to Advcrtloe lrllnlile MtitS rtewoy to profit Evening BUULETIN Commit Hie putroni of U'il'rnil ledddt Hit 'I'lu livening tlulletln llvciiliiR llulletln doe o tr Vol V. No. 88(1. HONOLULU, II. J., TUKHDAY, AVUlh VI, 1808. I'llHJIi fl Ol'.NTH. ,t ;L I i. 1.?- - U PureBlood la the eourco of good health. Ayer's Sarsaparilla Makes puro blood, strengthens tho nerves, sharpens tho cippo-tit- o, removos that tlrod fooling, and makos llfo worth living. Thousands of pooplo havo testi- fied to tho healing virtuo of ' Ayor'a Barsaparilla. Thoir lot-to- rs como in ovory post. Thoro'a no attempt at thoory. Thoy all assort tho groat fact, "Ayer's Barsaparilla curod mo." Weak, Weary Women who havo boon bod riddon, voxod with a scrofulous taint, omaoiatod, afQiotod with dis- eases common to thoir box, . writo gratefully of a porfoot euro. If you wish to profit by their oxporienco, and become healthy and strong, take tho groat strongth giver and blood-purifl- or AYER'S Sarsaparilla Dewaiis of Imlullonn. The nim-A- jr'i Snriutpnrllln la prominent on the wrapper and blown la the glaaa of each bottle. AYEKS PILLS, EASY TO TAKE Hollister Drug Co., Ltd. Bole Agents for tho ltepublio of Hawaii. H. L. GEAR, 0. D. GEAR, lill Sansotne St., S. F. 210 King St., U. I. GEAR & GEAR LAWYERS. f3aii Francisco and jJonoIulu Havinp-.olHce- in San Francisco and Honolulu wo are prepared to attorn! .nromptly to all matters entrusted to ua tn her of valri plaoes. HAWAIIAN Mercantile Agency 210 King street. Difficult Collections a Specialty GEORG-- D. G-EA- LAWYER. Corner of King ami Bethel Streets, Second Floor. William A. Henshall, Attorney at Law 113 Knabumanu Street Tele. 663. CHARLES F. PETERSON, A t,f,orney at Law and 3STotary Public. Kaahumanu Street. W. S. EDIN&S, 'Counsellor at Law. Corner Bethel and King Streets, Honolulu, H. I. A, O. WALL, D. D. S., DENTIST. Hew Love's Building, Fort Htreeti TELEPHONE 434. .GILBERT F. LITTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW IIILO, HAWAII KAHULUl WHARF TROUBLE Controversy Between the Government of and Hawaiian Commercial Company, Whole Subject of Public and Prlrale RlghU la Tide Waters Involrcd General it Harwell's Utter. The Hawaiiau Coiumeroiul and Sugar Company has recently com- menced tho construction of a pri vate wharf and lnudiug place at Kabului harbor, a proceeding that is evidontly not favored by tbo government, judging from tbo tenor of the following lottcr ro coived by Manager 0. M. Boote a few days sinco: Department of Interior, Honolulu, H. I. 0, M. Boote, Esq., Manager Hawaiiau Oommorcial and Sugar Compuny, Wuiluku, Maui. Sir: I am directed by tbo Min istorof Interior to say that bo has roceivqd information to tbo effect that you are constructing a wharf or lauding placo at Kabului bar bor, and to ask that you inform him by wbat authority you are constructing such landiug. I bavo tbo bonor to be, Your obedient sorvaut, (Sicked) J. A. HASSiNaEii, Chief Olork. This letter Managor Booto at once forwarded to his attorney, General A. S. Hartwoll, who yes- terday sent tbo following reply to tbo Acting Minister of the Into rior: Honolulu, April 11, 1898. Hon. H. E. Cooi'iin, Acting Minister of tho Intorior. Dear Sir: I havo today a lettor (not datod) addressed to Air. Boote, Manager of tbo Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar Co. otWai-luk- u, Maui, from Mr. Hassinger, Chief Olork of the Interior in which Mr. Hassinger writes as follows: " I am directed by tho Miuistor of tho Intorior to Bay that ho has received information to tho offoot that you are constructing a wharf or lauding pluco at Kahului Hur bor, aud to ask that you inform him by what autuonty you nro constructing such landiug." In anBwer to this lettor, I beg to inform you that I understand that tho wharf in process of con- struction ... by this Company is i i ii ii upon land to wuiou ruo jompauy claims to bo ontitled in fee undor the genoral law applicable to tho ownership by tho littoral pro- prietor of tido lands, or land bo twoen high and low water mark, and that tbo Company proposos to construct tho wharf in euob manner that the public use of tho Harbor of Kabului will in no manner be impaired or injurious lv affected, but on the contrary, in such manner as to inoreaso tho facilities for such public ueo. Tho Act of 18(J2, Chapter 44, "To determine the Btntus of the landings of the Kingdom and the rights of the public therein," re- quires tho Minister of tho Inte- rior "To prepare a schedule of all landings in the Kingdom and to ascertain tho title of tho Govern- ment to the same and tbo ease- ments and rights of way therein vested in the publio," etc., and also that (Sect. 3) "as soon as tbo schedule of landings in which tbo rights of tbo public are notuis-putc- d is ready, tho said Miuistor shall publish such sohedulo in tbo English and Hawaiian languages; and shall, from timo to time, pub- lish tho names of tho laudings, oasements in wbioh shall havo Cream of Tartar and Soda-noth- ing else. Schilling's Best baki.ig pow ing powder. A S.lnlhng & Com far baa TatUoi xw m Mlitefrrtiirfil fa 'ii Mm i ' 'itf" - " A.j'idteihkt '. .,.. been determined by tbo Courts to bii voitcd 111 tbo public." 1 nin not awnre that tbo schedule of landings Iioh been proparcd, or that tho investigation of tbo rights tbo public In landings provided for by this Act, has yot beon made. I do not Riippono that tho land- ing of tho Hawaiian Coiumoroial Sugar Co. would bo singled out of tbo largo number of land- ings claimed to bo privnto proper- ty as tho ouly iustanco to which tho Qovornmont will now givo its ntteutiou. I havo caused a list to bo fur nished to me of landings, wharves aud piers on tho Hawaitaulslands outBido of Honolulu Harbor, and of tbo appropriations of publio money mndo to assist in tho con struction of wharves and piers at such laudings, but I havo not beon able to learn what, it any, Uovorn- - mout ruleB and regulations con cerning tho publio use of landings claimed to bo private, havo been mado. The wharf of the Hawai'an Commercial & Sugar Co. will, as a matter of course, bo subject to tbo samo rules aud regulations which aro imposed in all cases of tho samo nature The fact that tho company makes nnd. will maintain this whaif at its own espouse, not asking for Government assistance, such as has boeu given in respoot of other landings, is certainly not cause for its receiving different treatment, and I do not contemplato that it will receive auy difforent treat- ment than has been accorded to others in like instances. I am aware that fornany years tho oxtont of ptibua rights in tido waters, outijido of Honolulu and Hilo Harlfors, has boon tho subjoct of dibcussion, and that tho Act of 1892 was intended to fur- nish tho moauB of obtaining judi cial ascertainment of such rights. In conclusion, I beg to inform you that tho Hawaiian Commer cial and Sugar Co. does not in- tend to exceed 'its rights in tho promises or to infringo in any mannor, wbatsoovor, upon auy publio rightBor upon thonghta of any porson or corporation and that any suggestions from your dopartmont on the subjet will o immediato and full consid- eration. I havo tho honor to bo, sir, res- pectfully, your obedient servant, (Signed) Alfjied S. Haivtwell, Attorney for Hawaiian Oommor- cial aud Sugar Co. I'OWDISU MAGA7.IN15 CI.OHI5D. Man Willi Key In Great Demand for Hume Hours. Yoatorday tho handy man of a firm that operates in doath dealing nitre wont to tho powdor maga zino for a load. Tho door was locked and tho native koopor no- - whoro in Bight. Then the powdor man harkod downtown for Dr. W. T. Monearrat, tho superintendent of the magazine. That official cumo but ho had no key. It was quito a while before the keeper turned up. Tho people who want the magazine removed would liko to see inconveniences like the one here montioned continue until tbo merchants using tho coucorn join thorn in the agitation for its removal to somo beach or place on the harbor reefs. Kaalpu Dairy Ileeumea lluslneae. A. A. Montano having with drawn from tho Dairymon's As- sociation is now ready to supply his formor patrons and the publio in gonora.l with the best of puro milk in largo or small quantities at reasonable prices. Thanking my formor patronsfor past favors and trusting to thoir future pat ronago. Guaranteo full satisfao tion to all. A. A. Montano, Prop. Kaaipu Dairy. An important mooting of the Second congregation of St. An drow's cathedral will bo held at 7:30 this ovoning, wlion ofiicors for the now yoar will bo soloctod. "'"aWMilMiMMIMJBIIMMMie REGISTRATION OF YBSSELS Senator Waterbouse Wants Alleged Correspondence Produced. Toe Senate Decides That the Gripe Industry llu Baca Established Long Enough to Pa; Tarn In tbo Sonato this morning a communication was read from a Uouso committoo inviting tho Senate to join tho Houso in a tour of tho publio buildings to morrow afternoon, which invita tion was ordored accopted. Sonator Lyman from tho Com mittee on Public Lauds roported favorably ou Sonato Bill 31, omorgoncy appropriations for floods ou Kauai aud Oahu. The samo Senator also present- ed tbo favorable report of tho Publio Lauds Committoo on Houso Bill 32, dofluing highways. Senator Waterhouso presented tho followiug resolution which was adopted: Resolved: That tho Minister of Foreign A Hairs bo roquostod to furnish for tbo uho of tbo Souate copies of any and all correspond enco badbotwoon tho governments of tho Uuited States aud Hawaii on tbo subjoct of tho registration of foroign vossels, undor tho Ha waiian flag. Tho third roading of Senate Bill 17 was thon postponed until tomorrow. Houso Bill 49, limitation of timo in which to recover possos siou of land, was referred to tho Judiciary Committee. Houso Bill 41, rolating to steam laundries, was referred to tho Committeo on Public Hoalth. Senato Bill 81, omorgoncy ap- propriations for flood damago, was taken up with tho roport of the Committoo , whiob was adopted. On motion of Sonator Lyman tbo following section was inserted: Section 4. In the construction of nil new roads or bridgos and in tuo expenditure or all spooiuc ap- propriations for .repairing roads and bridges it shall flrst bo necos sary that tbo road boards of tbo several districts in whiob bucIi now work is contemplated shall approvo of tho same, and all such work shall bo undor tho supervi- sion of tho road board of tho dis- trict in which such now work is boing carried on, aud the final acceptance of all euoh work by the Minister of tho Intorior shall bo on tho certificate from such road board that tho same has boon dono in a good and workmanlik'o manner and as provided by the contract and specifications. The bill ttton passed second reading. Third reading tomorrow. Senator Brown from tho Com- mittoo on PasBod Bills reported that Houbo Bill 39, tax appeal courts, had boon presouted to the President for bis signature. Senator Baldwin from tbo Com mittoe on Commorco presented a roport on Houbo Bill 26, an Act to encourago tho cultivation of grapes. r.e Tho committeo . say rins bill call for tuo oxemp tion from taxes of all grape wines and all wino produce iu this Royal make the food pure, ' wbolcaome and dellcloa. "If aWh0 POWDER Abiolutcly Puro oyu tuiM rawDia eo xiwvom. country, and all mills, machinery, appliances, tools anil ixttltiiiiyn used exclusively in the care, culti- vation or preparation of wine- - for the market. A number of our agricultural product nro now exempt by law from taxation, and it Booms to your committoo that it is timo to cry halt unions it Is to bo the policy of tho Legislature Osc to exempt from taxation all pro ducts of tho soil. "Thoro HooniB to bo no more reason for exomptiug from taxa tion grapo wines and tho machin- ery for manufacturing wiuo than thoro is for oxomptiug com, pota on toos and other agricultural pro ducts of tho country that aro not u on a very profitablo basis. Tho grapo industry has existed iu tbo country as long as any of our agri cultural iudustrios aud hoe been as profitablo as any of tho smaller it onos, and to oxompt from taxation a will in our opinion lead to tho ex emption of all our agricultural products, except possibly sugar cano. "Littlo or no machinery is ro qnirod in the manufacture of wines, and wo find that our homo production does not ro quiro auy special assist- ance iu nrdor to stimulate its production, for wino when pro perly mado sells readily hero at 81.50 to $2.00 per gallou, while California wiuo is selling for 70 to 80 cents. Wo are creditably informed of one man in Kona who makes moro thau a thousaud dollars a yoar from tbo wino ma Jo from about ono acre of grapes. Whoro grapos grow well all that is requirod is that' tbo industry bo taken hold of by experts. Wo therefore recommend that tho bill bo iudulinili'ly postponed." The Senato adopted the roporc and thereby killed (lie bill. Undor suspension of tlio rules. Senator Schmidt gavo notice of tho introduction of a bill toamoud Act 82 of tho Provisional Gov- ernment, relating to licousiug the manufacture of wino from grapos Houso Bill 32, defining high- ways, passed socond roading. Third reading tomorrow. Adjourned at 10:45. THE PRESIDENTIAL TRIP Statement or Expenditures Incurred by President Dole and Party. The Contribution to the Maine Fund Is Charged Among the Items in the Expense Account. Minister Damon reported on tho oxponsea of tho Presidential trip to Washington to tho LegiB-latu- ro this morning: Out of tbo S10 000 appropriated, a total of SC.702.75 was oxpendod, leaving a balanco of 83,237.25, which has been placod to tho credit of Government Realiza tions. In the statement of expenses which accompanies tho report, the following appoars: Stoamer and railroad transportation 2,322 50 Hotel Bills 810 55 Entertainment 817.20 Maino llelioE Fund ..... 500.00 Incidentals 2,270.90 9 0,702.75 The above stntomont is endors- ed, under dato of March 20, with tho approval of Honry E. Cooper as Minister of Foroign Affairs and H. Laws as Auditor General. Thoro was considerable com- ment on tho item of $500 for tho Mnino Rolief Fund, ob that was heralded by he Coast papors nnd generally supposed hero to bo a porsoual gift of tho President. It is said tho mauufacturors of Taroona will bavo diffiou ty in supplying tho lnrgo demand noxt yoar for the Klondike. ThiB is o puro produot of taro and is a food tor infants, invalids or the strong man. &ih..'tgtefii TWO ARE FATALLY INJURED Terrible Accident at the Oahn Planta tion Last Week, Kan's Back Broken Another UasiBeth Legs Crushed One of Tbeui Already Dead. - A frightful acoidout occurred tbo Oabu plantation about 11 o'clock last Thursday moruiug, as result of which ouu man is dead aud another will die. A gang of Japanese loaded 20 barrels of comcut ou a car to tnko down to tho mill site. Thoro is ono por cant grade to the track nearly all tbo way and ou it an ompty car gains considerable Bpood. When tbo cemout car was ready to go dowu six meu got be- hind it to hold it back and two,' Tamiuaga and Sujii, weut iu front and braced thomsolves ugaiust it. AVhen tbo blocks woro removed from the wheels tho car began to, move, its speed increased wan ovory foot of rails traversed. Tho mou coulu not bold it back. J. no two strong bauds iu front strug gled muufully against tho load without olloct. At last latmuaga fell. He struggled to get out of tho trauk but could uot, aud tho car whools passed over both oE bis legs. Sujn, wituesdng tbo horrible fate of bis companion, attemptod nlso to escape. Boforo bo could ruu out, however, tho cur struck him iu tho buck and knocked him down between tbo rails. His back was broken. Tho men wore brought to tho hospital and given ovory attention. Dr. Wood aud others took tho cases in charge. Yesterdoy Tami uaga, tho man wIhho legs wore broken, expired. Sujii is still alive, but may tlio at any timo. 'Pl.nrn .' .. I.anl 11 tnl ,. n tmu ll.Il 1 1W of his rocovoring. Tlio accident was due directly to bad judgmeut ou tbo part of tho men. Iu no way is tho plan- tation or. any of its officials blam-abl- o. After tho acoidout Managor Abrens did nil in his power for tho injured mon aud bad them re- moved as soon as possible to tho hospital. lreacutlWeat JMarrlujr Tho marriage of Leo T. Pres- - cott and Miss Lilias West in St., Andrew's Catbodral yesterday evening was witnessed by a few friends ouly. After the ceromony a rocoption was held at tho rosi-dou- ce of the bride's parents. Many friends offered their con- gratulations. Mr. and Mrs. Pres-co- tt will reside on Nuuanu street. Public Meeduir Postponed. On account of conflicting enter- tainments tbo annual publio meet- ing of the Y. M. O. A. unnouueed for Thursday evening next has been postponed to Tuesday, 19th. Ti is arrangement will give tho committeo moro time to v(irlc and will thuB onauro u moro interest- ing program. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair. OoldMcdnl, Midwinter Fair. DH CREAM BAKING POWDER A Pure Orape Cream of Tartar Powder. 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. 4

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Page 1: I Evening K.BPT BUULETINty as tho ouly iustanco to which tho Qovornmont will now givo its ntteutiou. I havo caused a list to bo fur nished to me of landings, wharves aud piers on tho

""K.BPT '

--w- Jr

I 'I'ti oldtdt and lc0or knowing how to

Advcrtloe lrllnlile MtitS rtewoyto profit Evening BUULETINCommit Hie putroni of U'il'rnil ledddt Hit

'I'lu livening tlulletln llvciiliiR llulletln doe


Vol V. No. 88(1. HONOLULU, II. J., TUKHDAY, AVUlh VI, 1808. I'llHJIi fl Ol'.NTH.



I i.

1.?- -


PureBloodla the eourco of good health.

Ayer's SarsaparillaMakes puro blood, strengthenstho nerves, sharpens tho cippo-tit- o,

removos that tlrod fooling,and makos llfo worth living.Thousands of pooplo havo testi-fied to tho healing virtuo of

' Ayor'a Barsaparilla. Thoir lot-to- rs

como in ovory post. Thoro'ano attempt at thoory. Thoy allassort tho groat fact, "Ayer'sBarsaparilla curod mo."

Weak, Weary Womenwho havo boon bod riddon,voxod with a scrofulous taint,omaoiatod, afQiotod with dis-eases common to thoir box,

. writo gratefully of a porfooteuro. If you wish to profit bytheir oxporienco, and becomehealthy and strong, take thogroat strongth giver and blood-purifl- or


Dewaiis of Imlullonn. The nim-A- jr'iSnriutpnrllln la prominent on the wrapperand blown la the glaaa of each bottle.


Hollister Drug Co., Ltd.Bole Agents for tho ltepublio of Hawaii.

H. L. GEAR, 0. D. GEAR,

lill Sansotne St., S. F. 210 King St., U. I.


f3aii Francisco and jJonoIulu

Havinp-.olHce- in San Francisco andHonolulu wo are prepared to attorn!

.nromptly to all matters entrusted toua tn her of valri plaoes.


Mercantile Agency210 King street.

Difficult Collections a Specialty


LAWYER.Corner of King ami Bethel Streets,

Second Floor.

William A. Henshall,

Attorney at Law113 Knabumanu Street Tele. 663.


A t,f,orney at Law and3STotary Public.

Kaahumanu Street.


'Counsellor at Law.

Corner Bethel and King Streets,Honolulu, H. I.

A, O. WALL, D. D. S.,

DENTIST.Hew Love's Building, Fort Htreeti






Controversy Between the Government

ofand Hawaiian Commercial Company,

Whole Subject of Public and Prlrale RlghU la

Tide Waters Involrcd General itHarwell's Utter.

The Hawaiiau Coiumeroiul andSugar Company has recently com-

menced tho construction of a private wharf and lnudiug place atKabului harbor, a proceeding thatis evidontly not favored by tbogovernment, judging from tbotenor of the following lottcr rocoived by Manager 0. M. Boote afew days sinco:

Department of Interior,Honolulu, H. I.

0, M. Boote, Esq.,Manager Hawaiiau Oommorcialand Sugar Compuny, Wuiluku,Maui.Sir: I am directed by tbo Min

istorof Interior to say that bo hasroceivqd information to tbo effectthat you are constructing a wharfor lauding placo at Kabului barbor, and to ask that you informhim by wbat authority you areconstructing such landiug.

I bavo tbo bonor to be,Your obedient sorvaut,

(Sicked) J. A. HASSiNaEii,Chief Olork.

This letter Managor Booto atonce forwarded to his attorney,General A. S. Hartwoll, who yes-terday sent tbo following reply totbo Acting Minister of the Intorior:

Honolulu, April 11, 1898.Hon. H. E. Cooi'iin,

Acting Minister of tho Intorior.Dear Sir: I havo today a lettor

(not datod) addressed to Air.Boote, Manager of tbo HawaiianCommercial & Sugar Co. otWai-luk- u,

Maui, from Mr. Hassinger,Chief Olork of the Interior

in which Mr. Hassingerwrites as follows:

" I am directed by tho Miuistorof tho Intorior to Bay that ho hasreceived information to tho offootthat you are constructing a wharfor lauding pluco at Kahului Hurbor, aud to ask that you informhim by what autuonty you nroconstructing such landiug."

In anBwer to this lettor, I begto inform you that I understandthat tho wharf in process of con-struction ...by this Company is

i i ii iiupon land to wuiou ruo jompauyclaims to bo ontitled in fee undorthe genoral law applicable to thoownership by tho littoral pro-prietor of tido lands, or land bo

twoen high and low water mark,and that tbo Company propososto construct tho wharf in euobmanner that the public use of thoHarbor of Kabului will in nomanner be impaired or injuriouslv affected, but on the contrary, insuch manner as to inoreaso thofacilities for such public ueo.

Tho Act of 18(J2, Chapter 44,"To determine the Btntus of thelandings of the Kingdom and therights of the public therein," re-

quires tho Minister of tho Inte-rior "To prepare a schedule of alllandings in the Kingdom and toascertain tho title of tho Govern-ment to the same and tbo ease-ments and rights of way thereinvested in the publio," etc., andalso that (Sect. 3) "as soon as tboschedule of landings in which tborights of tbo public are notuis-putc- d

is ready, tho said Miuistorshall publish such sohedulo in tboEnglish and Hawaiian languages;and shall, from timo to time, pub-lish tho names of tho laudings,oasements in wbioh shall havo

Cream of Tartar and Soda-noth- ing

else.Schilling's Best baki.ig pow

ing powder.A S.lnlhng & Comfarbaa TatUoi xw

m Mlitefrrtiirfil fa 'ii Mm i ' 'itf" - " A.j'idteihkt '. .,..

been determined by tbo Courtsto bii voitcd 111 tbo public."

1 nin not awnre that tbo scheduleof landings Iioh been proparcd, orthat tho investigation of tbo rights

tbo public In landings providedfor by this Act, has yot beonmade.

I do not Riippono that tho land-ing of tho Hawaiian Coiumoroial

Sugar Co. would bo singledout of tbo largo number of land-ings claimed to bo privnto proper-ty as tho ouly iustanco to whichtho Qovornmont will now givo itsntteutiou.

I havo caused a list to bo furnished to me of landings, wharvesaud piers on tho HawaitaulslandsoutBido of Honolulu Harbor, andof tbo appropriations of publiomoney mndo to assist in tho construction of wharves and piers atsuch laudings, but I havo not beonable to learn what, it any, Uovorn- -

mout ruleB and regulations concerning tho publio use of landingsclaimed to bo private, havo beenmado.

The wharf of the Hawai'anCommercial & Sugar Co. will, asa matter of course, bo subject totbo samo rules aud regulationswhich aro imposed in all cases oftho samo nature

The fact that tho company makesnnd. will maintain this whaif atits own espouse, not asking forGovernment assistance, such ashas boeu given in respoot of otherlandings, is certainly not cause forits receiving different treatment,and I do not contemplato that itwill receive auy difforent treat-ment than has been accorded toothers in like instances.

I am aware that fornany yearstho oxtont of ptibua rights intido waters, outijido of Honoluluand Hilo Harlfors, has boon thosubjoct of dibcussion, and that thoAct of 1892 was intended to fur-nish tho moauB of obtaining judicial ascertainment of such rights.

In conclusion, I beg to informyou that tho Hawaiian Commercial and Sugar Co. does not in-

tend to exceed 'its rights in thopromises or to infringo in anymannor, wbatsoovor, upon auypublio rightBor upon thonghta ofany porson or corporation andthat any suggestions from yourdopartmont on the subjet will o

immediato and full consid-eration.

I havo tho honor to bo, sir, res-

pectfully, your obedient servant,(Signed) Alfjied S. Haivtwell,Attorney for Hawaiian Oommor-

cial aud Sugar Co.


Man Willi Key In Great Demand forHume Hours.

Yoatorday tho handy man of afirm that operates in doath dealingnitre wont to tho powdor magazino for a load. Tho door waslocked and tho native koopor no- -

whoro in Bight. Then the powdorman harkod downtown for Dr. W.T. Monearrat, tho superintendentof the magazine. That officialcumo but ho had no key. It wasquito a while before the keeperturned up. Tho people who wantthe magazine removed would likoto see inconveniences like the onehere montioned continue untiltbo merchants using tho coucornjoin thorn in the agitation for itsremoval to somo beach or placeon the harbor reefs.

Kaalpu Dairy Ileeumea lluslneae.

A. A. Montano having withdrawn from tho Dairymon's As-

sociation is now ready to supplyhis formor patrons and the publioin gonora.l with the best of puromilk in largo or small quantitiesat reasonable prices. Thankingmy formor patronsfor past favorsand trusting to thoir future patronago. Guaranteo full satisfaotion to all.

A. A. Montano,Prop. Kaaipu Dairy.

An important mooting of theSecond congregation of St. Androw's cathedral will bo held at7:30 this ovoning, wlion ofiicorsfor the now yoar will bo soloctod.



Senator Waterbouse Wants Alleged

Correspondence Produced.

Toe Senate Decides That the Gripe Industry

llu Baca Established Long Enough to

Pa; Tarn

In tbo Sonato this morning acommunication was read from aUouso committoo inviting thoSenate to join tho Houso in atour of tho publio buildings tomorrow afternoon, which invitation was ordored accopted.

Sonator Lyman from tho Committee on Public Lauds roportedfavorably ou Sonato Bill 31,omorgoncy appropriations forfloods ou Kauai aud Oahu.

The samo Senator also present-ed tbo favorable report of thoPublio Lauds Committoo onHouso Bill 32, dofluing highways.

Senator Waterhouso presentedtho followiug resolution whichwas adopted:

Resolved: That tho Ministerof Foreign AHairs bo roquostod tofurnish for tbo uho of tbo Souatecopies of any and all correspondenco badbotwoon tho governmentsof tho Uuited States aud Hawaiion tbo subjoct of tho registrationof foroign vossels, undor tho Hawaiian flag.

Tho third roading of SenateBill 17 was thon postponed untiltomorrow.

Houso Bill 49, limitation oftimo in which to recover possossiou of land, was referred to thoJudiciary Committee.

Houso Bill 41, rolating to steamlaundries, was referred to thoCommitteo on Public Hoalth.

Senato Bill 81, omorgoncy ap-propriations for flood damago, wastaken up with tho roport of theCommittoo , whiob was adopted.

On motion of Sonator Lymantbo following section was inserted:

Section 4. In the constructionof nil new roads or bridgos and intuo expenditure or all spooiuc ap-propriations for .repairing roadsand bridges it shall flrst bo necossary that tbo road boards of tboseveral districts in whiob bucIinow work is contemplated shallapprovo of tho same, and all suchwork shall bo undor tho supervi-sion of tho road board of tho dis-

trict in which such now work isboing carried on, aud the finalacceptance of all euoh work bythe Minister of tho Intorior shallbo on tho certificate from suchroad board that tho same has boondono in a good and workmanlik'omanner and as provided by thecontract and specifications.

The bill ttton passed secondreading. Third reading tomorrow.

Senator Brown from tho Com-mittoo on PasBod Bills reportedthat Houbo Bill 39, tax appealcourts, had boon presouted to thePresident for bis signature.

Senator Baldwin from tbo Committoe on Commorco presented aroport on Houbo Bill 26, an Actto encourago tho cultivation ofgrapes.

r.e Tho committeo.

sayrins bill call for tuo oxemp

tion from taxes of all grape winesand all wino produce iu this

Royal make the food pure, 'wbolcaome and dellcloa.


POWDERAbiolutcly Puro

oyu tuiM rawDia eo xiwvom.

country, and all mills, machinery,appliances, tools anil ixttltiiiiynused exclusively in the care, culti-vation or preparation of wine- - forthe market. A number of ouragricultural product nro nowexempt by law from taxation, andit Booms to your committoo that itis timo to cry halt unions it Isto bo the policy of tho Legislature Osc

to exempt from taxation all products of tho soil.

"Thoro HooniB to bo no morereason for exomptiug from taxation grapo wines and tho machin-ery for manufacturing wiuo thanthoro is for oxomptiug com, pota ontoos and other agricultural products of tho country that aro not uon a very profitablo basis. Thograpo industry has existed iu tbocountry as long as any of our agricultural iudustrios aud hoe beenas profitablo as any of tho smaller itonos, and to oxompt from taxation awill in our opinion lead to tho exemption of all our agriculturalproducts, except possibly sugarcano.

"Littlo or no machinery is roqnirod in the manufacture ofwines, and wo find that ourhomo production does not roquiro auy special assist-ance iu nrdor to stimulateits production, for wino when properly mado sells readily hero at81.50 to $2.00 per gallou, whileCalifornia wiuo is selling for 70to 80 cents. Wo are creditablyinformed of one man in Konawho makes moro thau a thousauddollars a yoar from tbo wino ma Jofrom about ono acre of grapes.Whoro grapos grow well all thatis requirod is that' tbo industry botaken hold of by experts. Wotherefore recommend that tho billbo iudulinili'ly postponed."

The Senato adopted the roporcand thereby killed (lie bill.

Undor suspension of tlio rules.Senator Schmidt gavo notice oftho introduction of a bill toamoudAct 82 of tho Provisional Gov-

ernment, relating to licousiug themanufacture of wino from grapos

Houso Bill 32, defining high-ways, passed socond roading.Third reading tomorrow.

Adjourned at 10:45.


Statement or Expenditures Incurred

by President Dole and Party.

The Contribution to the Maine Fund

Is Charged Among the Items in the

Expense Account.

Minister Damon reported ontho oxponsea of tho Presidentialtrip to Washington to tho LegiB-latu- ro

this morning:Out of tbo S10 000 appropriated,

a total of SC.702.75 was oxpendod,leaving a balanco of 83,237.25,which has been placod to thocredit of Government Realizations.

In the statement of expenseswhich accompanies tho report, thefollowing appoars:Stoamer and railroad

transportation 2,322 50Hotel Bills 810 55Entertainment 817.20Maino llelioE Fund ..... 500.00Incidentals 2,270.90

9 0,702.75

The above stntomont is endors-ed, under dato of March 20, withtho approval of Honry E. Cooperas Minister of Foroign Affairs andH. Laws as Auditor General.

Thoro was considerable com-

ment on tho item of $500 for thoMnino Rolief Fund, ob that washeralded by he Coast papors nndgenerally supposed hero to bo aporsoual gift of tho President.

It is said tho mauufacturors ofTaroona will bavo diffiou ty insupplying tho lnrgo demand noxtyoar for the Klondike. ThiB is o

puro produot of taro and is a foodtor infants, invalids or the strongman.



Terrible Accident at the Oahn Planta

tion Last Week,

Kan's Back Broken Another UasiBeth

Legs Crushed One of Tbeui

Already Dead.


A frightful acoidout occurredtbo Oabu plantation about 11

o'clock last Thursday moruiug, asresult of which ouu man is dead

aud another will die.A gang of Japanese loaded 20

barrels of comcut ou a car to tnkodown to tho mill site. Thoro isono por cant grade to the track

nearly all tbo way and ou it anompty car gains considerableBpood. When tbo cemout car wasready to go dowu six meu got be-

hind it to hold it back and two,'Tamiuaga and Sujii, weut iu frontand braced thomsolves ugaiustit.

AVhen tbo blocks woro removedfrom the wheels tho car began to,move, its speed increased wanovory foot of rails traversed. Thomou coulu not bold it back. J. notwo strong bauds iu front struggled muufully against tho loadwithout olloct. At last latmuagafell. He struggled to get out oftho trauk but could uot, aud thocar whools passed over both oE

bis legs.Sujn, wituesdng tbo horrible

fate of bis companion, attemptodnlso to escape. Boforo bo couldruu out, however, tho cur struckhim iu tho buck and knocked himdown between tbo rails. Hisback was broken.

Tho men wore brought to thohospital and given ovory attention.Dr. Wood aud others took thocases in charge. Yesterdoy Tamiuaga, tho man wIhho legs worebroken, expired. Sujii is stillalive, but may tlio at any timo.'Pl.nrn .' .. I.anl 11 tnl ,. n tmu ll.Il 1 1 W

of his rocovoring.Tlio accident was due directly

to bad judgmeut ou tbo part oftho men. Iu no way is tho plan-tation or. any of its officials blam-abl- o.

After tho acoidout ManagorAbrens did nil in his power fortho injured mon aud bad them re-

moved as soon as possible to thohospital.

lreacutlWeat JMarrlujr

Tho marriage of Leo T. Pres--cott and Miss Lilias West in St.,Andrew's Catbodral yesterdayevening was witnessed by a fewfriends ouly. After the ceromonya rocoption was held at tho rosi-dou- ce

of the bride's parents.Many friends offered their con-gratulations. Mr. and Mrs. Pres-co- tt

will reside on Nuuanu street.

Public Meeduir Postponed.

On account of conflicting enter-tainments tbo annual publio meet-

ing of the Y. M. O. A. unnouueedfor Thursday evening next hasbeen postponed to Tuesday, 19th.Ti is arrangement will give thocommitteo moro time to v(irlc andwill thuB onauro u moro interest-ing program.

AwardedHighest Honors World's Fair.

OoldMcdnl, Midwinter Fair.




A Pure Orape Cream of Tartar Powder.



Page 2: I Evening K.BPT BUULETINty as tho ouly iustanco to which tho Qovornmont will now givo its ntteutiou. I havo caused a list to bo fur nished to me of landings, wharves aud piers on tho


Snrotf I'MinsMWH ,! -bnploymtnl ot an Expert In Pruning

and Handling Trees Suggested.

in' "


Tnlu tlui Kolim of .viuir fool nlVtliu mild, (lump

ground. (lot into n pair of good hIiikih. I'iiI

a gmid ruirvloonhlo pair of hIiooh hotwccu yourfeci and (lio initd. Wo hnvo Kloorcd our nlilp

of Irndo into tho harlior (if hiiucckm ly soiling

what custoiiKMM want at tliu right pricux. 1!IiIh

is tlio place and now is the timo to hny hIioos.


205 Hotel St., Arlington Blook.

Just Received Ex


"Mauna Ala."

Hay, Bran, Barley,Surprise Oats, Wheat,Middlings and Cracked Corn. .

"Wo have also received ti fresh supply of

Port Costa and Starr Flours.

California Feed CompanyTelephone 121.

"The Hawaiian"

.A. "Weekly3STevs;p aper

Dovotcd to the Agriculturaland Horticultural De-

velopment of tho Ha-

waiian Islands. .

Issued Saturdays.


Ono Yoar $2 00Ono Your (Forolgupostngo paid)... 2 60Six Months 'r " " 1 25Bix Months (Domestic) 1 00Bluglo Copies 05

Advertising Kates on ap-

plication to Business Office.

"The Hawaiian,"

210 King Street,Honolulu, H. I.

Tommy K. Nathaniel,

Office: Kalawao, Molokal, H. I.

Abstraot and BusinessOffice Agency.

Having been entrusted from busi-ness men all over the Islands fur thepast years, I am prepared to makeAbstracts of Titles or Deeds In a mostthorough, accurate and complete man-ner, and to negotiate sales or leases oflands belonging to those who are

at tho Settlement on short no-

tice. WS'Sm


Queen Street.

Landlord's Sale.

I'ubllo notico is lioroby given thatWong Wu Foy, landlord, did on tho 12thday. of March, 181W, distrain and levyiix)n tho following Roods and clmttols ofhis dofuiiltlug tonant Lin Wo for runtIn arrears and duo tho said landlordamounting to tho hiiiii of ono hundredand twenty dollars ($120.00), boing rontof certain promlsos situate on Xuuntiustreet, in Honolulu, to wit.: All thatstock of gonoral merchandise, goods andchattels, consisting chiolly of stnplo andfancy grocorlos, tobacco, pipes, cigars,crockery, 1 rofrlgorator, lamps, etc.,etc., comprising tho stock in trado andfurnituro and fixtures of said Un Woand contained In said promlsos on tho12th day of March, 18118. And notico Ishorohy given that said goods and chat-tels will bo sold at public auction, at thoauction rooms of Jus. F. Morgan, onQueen street, In Honolulu, mi THURS-DAY, tho Hth day of April, 1898, at 12o'clock noon, to satisfy tho rout duo asafoiosiild, togotlior with tho costsof suchdistress, custody and sale.

WONG WA FOY.Dated Honolulu, March 28, 1808.

873 td


By last steamor from tho Coast.

THE REGULAR THINGAt my store, where the

BEST CUSTOM WORKIs done repairing and new workboth. Pins, rings, bracelets, watch-making, etc.

H. G. B1ART, - 404 Fort St.

Notice to Creditors.

All creditors of tho Estate of CharlesT. Gullck, deceased, nre notified topresent their clulnis with proper vou-chers and duly verified to tho under-signed, Executrjx of said Estate, atNo. 230 King street, Honolulu, withinsix mouths from und lifter tho publi-cation of this notico otherwise, theywill ho forever barred.

8AHEPTA A. dULICJC,Executrix of tho Estate of Charles

T. Gullck, deceased. 809-l- m

For Rent.

House containing four rooms, withkitchen, pantry anil storeroom. Pro-mises on Llllha street opposite Kua-kln- i.

Immediate possession given.For tonus apply to W. C. Purke,Kiiahunianu streot, or C. Crolghton,Merchant street. 788-t- f

Evening Bulletin 75c per vionth.

HUN IfiVMINtl IIUI1I.IWIN1 llliKahUlil), It. I Al'ltll, Ifl, IHI'B

Eitrid from the Bltonlil Rrport of Commi- t-

doner Mtrsdrn Relallng FirtlcuUrlj

to the Coffrt Induitry.

In IiIh blontiinl report to tlinMinister of Interior. Coii)uiIrbIou- -or MnrscU'i) of tlio Huronti ofAuriculturo anya tlio most clioor- -Iiil' report hnvo como to linndfrom nil tho coffeo districts in tlioIhImhIa coucoruiiig thin promising industry, hver hmico tliooponiiiL' up of tlio Oliiu districtdoubtH Imvo boon oxprosHOil byinniiy ponplo nu to tlio mutabilityof that locality for tho profitablopioduction of coffeo. Tlin fertili-ty of tho Hoil muh admitted, buttho lnrRO rainfall of thai regionwns citnd as n rimtimi whv tlmcoffeo treeH would not boar nunverngo crop, but would producoinstead a sunornbundiiiicn of woodnud no fruit. These doubts hnvobeen Hot atront. tho cnlTnn troon inOlan that hnvo reiiohed tho boariuu nira nro viciltlimr nn irnnil noro nu noy trooB growing in theiuubi mvureu uismuiB, nnu, pro-vid- od

that nothiiif ncenra todiminish tho supply or inoronsothe prico of lnbor, the coffeo in-dustry Booms to bo assured of suacoss.

It is truo tlint manv mintnUpa noto tho planting nud culture of thocoffeo trees hnvo beou inude, butthis IB ulwavs tho rase nt thnbeginning of a now nidim- -try; uino nud expononco willlead to a bolter undortnud- -iug of tho conditions undorwhich tho cniTca trnn mtmf lin miltivated in this country to obtaintho host results. Tlin nnnrlitintiHin Olan and Kona are vory differout, nud tuo systom of hnudlingnud pruning in ono district willnot answer in nnothor.

Tho Commiesiouor snys it wouldbe n wiso policy ou tho part of tliogovprnmeut to employ n coffeo expert, who would fnmilinrizo him-self with tho conditions prevailingin tuo uiuerrut districts, nnd dn-vn- to

his timo to visitini? thn enffnnplanters nud advising thorn as totho best methods of nlautincr nndcaring for thoir trees.

The advice of such nn exportwould bo pnrticularly vnlunblo totno now ueginuers, wnocomo heroio uugugo in coueo cuuuro,nnu witnverv raro ipnntiniiR. withrmttho slightest previous knowledgeor oxperionco in coffeo culture.Practical object lessons by an ox-p- ert

will teach more thau all thocoffoe books nnd such an export isvery much noeded nt tho presenttimo. There nro Rnnrpn f nmnllgrowors throughout tho Islandswho incK ovon tuo eiomontaryknowledge of tree nruuiua. nndthoy must bo shown how or thevwill not do it, or will do moroharm than trood if thev nttomnt it.There nro Bovernl of such expertsbore, nud tho soveral iustanceswnoro tnoy navo uopu engaged toprune neglected, coffeo treos thoresult has boon marked hv nlargely increased crop of homes

. .Til i:. i .iij.b in uu uAiit'iuiiuu iu say inaiworo nil the coffeo trees in Itonadistrict properly pruned the nextcrop would be moro than trebled.

The commissisRionor recom-mends that nn item bo inserted intho Appropriation Bill to covertho Balary nud oxpousos of n cof-feo expert who Bball bo under thecontrol of tho Bureau of Arrirml- -turo nnd Forestry.

JLho labor supply for the coffooplantations is a problem that do-ma-

nttention, according to Mr.Marsden, who Bays there will bono difficulty on that score os longas the sugar plauters kep ou im-porting laborers and tho tirao-expir- ea

laborers and deserters goto tho coffeo plantations. But thismnv CGUSR some dllV. nnd tlinsugar planters nnd tho coffeo monwill Do competitors tor what laborthoro is in the country. Whonthis does occur it will cnusu a risoin tho prica of lnbor be-yond tho powors of tho coffeonlantor to rmv nnd nnrrv nn binentorpriso with profit. As regardsmo moor supply taiB country isstanding on tho odgo of n volcano;at nnv timo tho mirmlv mnv lmout off; a war in tho Kost, for in-stance, would not only cut off thosupply but might draw lnbororsi rum uns country.

Continued on Third Page.

"Xtnio ovoi'giiKluiilutt frtitnI lit) HdlltMll (if KxpOI'lolU'u"

ami wo it io h(III learning, liul

ono of tlio tliingrt Wvo al-roi-

got Ion by heart in, Unit

tlio iloalor who Hills tho IiohI

gootlH !h tho ono who Htuys

longoHt in IntsinoKH, makes tho

nioHf nioiioy und !h iiiohI. ioh- -

nootod iu tho community.)uh got our Catalogue and


Lewis & Co.


Senses.Up to the hourWo lirlngtlio fashionsin youngster'sllxingsHuts andfurnishingsus well usclothesmid no hlgliorpriced thantlio ordinary kind.

Tho custom tailordecries "ready-inado- "clothes without distinction..Saiiio goods, s.11110 stylo,siniie iniike.Verdict favors yourcoinuion sunso.

"The Kash,"9 Hotel Street : : fayerley BlOCl

Agents for Dr. Dflmol's Llnen-Mc- sb

Underwear. 8oud for Catalogue.

We Make Shirts to Order.

Turkeys ! Turkeys !


Alive, Dressed or Roasted,

-- ALSO-

Chickens, Ducks and

Sucking Pigs


Cental fat Met,Nuuanu Street.

Leave Your Orders Early.

Telephone 104r.

A TIHATj of thisDandruff Killer

Will convlnco you Hint It is allf that wo claim It to bo.

Warranted to Oure !


Paoheco & Fernandes,Arlington Block, Hotol Streot.

VL'ATE ARRIVA1LSKx 8. 8. "JJelgic"

Manila CigarsIti'cuiving Hogularly hy Kvoty Stoainor

Havana, Amorioan and Manila Cigars,

Smoking and Chewing Tobaccos,

Pipes and Smokers' Artiolos.

HOLLISTER & CO.,Corner Eort & Merchant Streotfl.


Pleasantly Located LotsOn King St., near Waikiki Road


Double-walle- d, Well-buil-tModern Cottages.

K Artesian Water with Title of Property. For cashor on the instalment plan.


-- .J S"""

--O, --- .tW-y-v.-'JM- J.

kH ii X

S0( rcs

IH--- 8 ?--

Dining Room .



aimsta isMi1 :" ji.frzis' ..'y

fc .r , ns

TTx i




Bed Room.


B TV T' Parlor Sj '


, ,


j 3aI cr

. iBeoftooAt. ;Porch

P ..".' pi E



GEAR, LANSING fc CO.,SIO King Street.

wS4Att tm iiCiMfc!. hv .,.' . ., .:Mjld

Page 3: I Evening K.BPT BUULETINty as tho ouly iustanco to which tho Qovornmont will now givo its ntteutiou. I havo caused a list to bo fur nished to me of landings, wharves aud piers on tho


Uutti RinkcktU. VYM.U. Ihih


lOMOtkUbU M, I

Am ftanHKO AgmUTt NlTAtU lUftt orBah Fumcltco.


Bin Tiukciico The Nevada Bnk o! Banfrancltco,

toNnoM-T- be Union Bunk of London. Ltd.Wiw tune-Ameri- can Bictaanie National

Bank.Cbicaoo Merchant Nallonaillarik.t'lHia Uomptolr Ntlonl d'rUcorapt de

Bihmn DrexdniT lUnkiIIokoioko AHII ToKOHAMA-llonRk- onn A

BhnsuIBiillnR Corporation.Nw 7,mmd aki Auitkalu Unk ol New

Viotobaad Vahoouver Bank o! HrllUhNorm America.

Tnuttt i Qtttr.1 Biittw wd EitluBte Bmim

DopoltU HecelTed. Loans made on Ap-

proved Security. Commc-rcla- l and TrlvelerjCrcdlH Uiued. UUla of RxctaanRe bouRhtand sold.COM.I0TI0N VnOMPTLT ACCQUHTKD FOB.

Pioneer Building andLoan Association.

Assets July, 1897, fll8,768.SB.

Money Loaned on Approved 5eeurity.A Bavinffs Hank for Monthly DepositBonnes llullt on the Monthly Installment

Plan.Fifteenth Series ot Stock, now open.

For further particulars apply to

A. V. GEAE, Soorotory.Chamber of Commeroo Rooms.Offloe hours. 12;30 1i30PiM. 373-t- t

Established 1868


Transact a General Bankingand Exchange Business.

Commercial and Traveler'sLottors of Credit issued, avail-

able in all the principal citiesof the world.

TJb Yokohama Specie Ban


Bubsoribcd Cap! Ibil Yen 12.000.000pm nn tinniljfl Yen 7,600.000

BoservoFuud Yen 6,464,600


BRANCHES AHD AGENCIES.Kobe, London, Lyons, New York,

San Francisco, Shanghai,Bombay, Hong Kong,

TranaaoU a Qenoral Banking and Ex-

change Uuslnoss.Agency Yokohama Spetlo Bank

Hew Republic Building, 111 King St, Honolulu

J. S. WALKER,Gbnkiul. Aoent fori IIawaiiam Islands.

Royal Insuranco Company.AllinnnA Amiaranco Coinnanv.Alliance Marine and Qeneral Assurance

Company.Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada,Wllhelma of Madgeburg Insuranoe Oouv

pany.Soottish Union and National Insuranoe


Room 12 Bpreokols Block, Honolulu, 1L 1.

BRUCE CART WRIGHT,General Managor of

The Equitable Life Assurance Society

.Of the United Btatca for the HawaiianIslands.

Oo'OKi Merchant street, Honolului



The celebrated EnterpriseBeer on Draught and inBottles. .



No. 45 Queen Street.

Expert Appraisement of RealEstate and Furniture.

H. IA.Y CO.,Wholesale and Retail Groceries.

515 & 517 Fort St., Honolqln

Telephoner 2'2 P.O. Box 470



225 Queen atroo, Honolulu, H. 1


tfertofciM!Suits or Linen Duck,. Woolen, Etc.,

. . vajr fVrikos,f -- . r- - t lowuii it; ri n La oKinf?. ndar corner Richarda- o?

MliHlNo 12,

The recent " hard limes" have made people cut offexpenses.

This has encouraged the invasion of cheap" bak-ing powder baking powder which sells for a smallprice, but which cither docs not do the work, or isbad for the insides, or both.

Honest baking powder cannot be made to sell for25 or 30c a pound. There arc a few honest bakingpowders at higher prices. Of these SciMings Best isthe right one, partly because it goes farthest "

Art Portraits

Clii'Hiipy W. KwIiik, n ilmmIIiikimliitur of Sun KranclHCo, Ih

now In Honolulu mid connocUil vltliour ntuillo. His work here Ih ulrvady

On Exhibition

mid ml in I red by all who nee It.Writer color nml Crayon iortriiiturefrom llffMl.o to miniatures. A hihs-ciul- ty

Ih niailo of tiulutlng on Ivoryand lxirceluln. Out your

Sweetheart's Picture

on your wutch dial, or that of anyloved one. I'liotoKrupliiiiK by thelutent Hclence, with special regard toIiosIiik und grouping, still makesours tlio

Best Place.

At thu old Htand In Fort street.



Hawaiian ElectricCompany,

Cor. Alakea & Halokauwila Sta.

Hub u largo assortment of

Dhandellers and Elec-trical Goods

ConHtnntly on hand.

Estimates givon for houso wir-

ing and Eloctrical plants.

Marino Wiring a specialty.

THEO. HOFFMANN,r2.td Manager.

Yee Sing TieLargeWicketChairsof theLatestStyles


FurnitureOf all kinds.

Fort Street, opp. Club Stables

Ivory WareLacquer WareSilver WareCrockery WareWing WoTai & Go.

214 Nuuanu Street..

HAVING IiSTAHLIBHED A MODERNplant for hulling, polishing and assortingcoffee, we are prepared to buy and cleancoffee in tho parohment.


Coffee !Apply to

H. DMFELD & CO,, Ltd,

S. IWASHITA,tchma- - & Gold & Sil- -mkbfn.. Eidl vorsmlth.

No, 417 Kuuann street, noxt to Love's

6iitXpitiT TiwritSr r 1

liaiililgllINi )U)NUIAH0, It. 1, AMU). 1BUH.

Wen Steamship Go's


0. L. WIGHT, I'ret. B. B. KOBE, Bee.Capt. J. A. KING, PortSupt.

Stmr. KINATJ,CLARKE, Commander,

Will leave Honolulu at 10 a. it., touching atLahaina, Maalaea Bay and Mukena thesaniedayj Mahukona, Kawaihaeand Lau- -

Kthoehoe the following day, arriving alsame evening.


Tuuwluy .April 10 I Suturduy..Apr 10Friday... ....Apr IM J Wed'mIuy..Apr 27Tueduy....Muy 10 f Saturday .Muy 7Friday .....Muy 20 WcdVilay.Mny 18

Iteturnlng, will leave Uilo at 1 o'clocAp. m., touohiug at Laupahoehoe, Mahu-kona and Kawaihae same dayj Makena,Maalaea Bay and Lahalna the followingday; arriving at Honolulu the afternoonof 'luesday and Fridays.' Wilt call at Poholkl, Puna.

gfrXo Freight will be reoelved after0 a. 11. on day of sailing.

Stmr. CLAUDINB,CAMERON, Commander,

Will leave Honolulu Tuesday at 6 p. m.itouching at Kahului, liana, UamoaandKipahulu, Maui. Returning arrives alHonolulu Sunday mornings.

Will call ntKuu.Kaupo, onseoond tripof each month.

j"No Freight will be rooeived after4 r. u. on day of sailing.

This Company will reserves the right tomake chances in tho timo of departure andarrival of its steamers withont notioe andit will not be responsible for any conse-quences arising therefrom.

Consignees must be at tho Landings toreceive their Freight; this Company willnot holdltsolt responsible for freight at terit has been landed.

Live Stock only at owner's risk.This Company will not bo responsibli

for Money or Valuables of passenger?unless placed in the caro of Pursora.

PackngOH containing porwonal olToetH,wliothur HhlpiHid iih Uiggago or frolght,If tho eontoiitH thereof excoinl $100.00 lnvalue, must havo tho aliio thereofplainly Htatod and marked, and thoComiKiny will not hold Itsolf llablo forany Iosx or damago In oxuomm of thismini oxeopt tlio goods bo nlil))ed undera Hpouiai contract.

All ompIoyooH of tho Company nroforbidden to roeoho frolght without delivering a Hliipplng roeolpt thorofor Intho form proscrlltod by tho Comiianyand which may bo Mien by tddpporsUKin api)llratloii to tlio pu risers of tlioCompany's Stcamors.

8lilpK)r aro notiflod that If frolght isnlilp)ed without HUeh roeeljit, It will boHoioiy ut tlio nsK or tlio Hlilpjwr.

Passengers are requested to purohasttickets before embarking. Those tailing tcdo ho will he subject to an additionalcharge ot twenty-liv- e per cent.


i Ilia wX itOEgo23 KZ El

"" S? ft rt C Mtw. '

T r ;S oa W X

W !l f.8t; a:: ? m& a IIt i

Evening Bulletin 7Be per month,

MiviCn to corm; chowlhs,

(SiHi.lhiutl from HmH Vnu,

Aiineiftlloti, follow pt li' IrgU-Utln- n

mlu-ra- In tlio introductionof Oriental Ihlx(iir. would (it

onro uul off (Ln nupply of Inborfrom tlmt Rouioo, nml n npriounchrck lohMioiml iioorily wouldmimic Wlilln null n tliiuit tunynot occur, it would bo n wimj plnnto propstn for aiiv nucli ovoiitunll-l- y

nud put our lnbor nupply 011 ncnfcbnHis, Till enn iipviT bedoiioby llio introduction of nn ninnyuunintried tnt'ii, who only enmohoro for two or lliroo yoiirB nudthou returu to tlioir nun country,UK50BHitHtiti tlio yearly inlroduc

lion of tliouHfUidfl of innlo lnboror.If, iuHtcml of only 25 per etiut. ofwouiGii beinp brought with tlioniQii.nn i(unl numborof tbo Boxeswore brought, tbcro would not boauytbiuu liko tbn nuinbera ofliiborors yearly rcturuiui' to theirown country. A married man cannot travel ho eaoily hs 0110 Hint issinglo, and moreover a marriedman is moro likely to settle dounand becomo a purmaueut rosideut,eepecially iu n country liko thiswhore tho conditions ot life nroenoicr thnn in liin own country.From whatever source laborersare brought n woman should 11- c-

compnuy overy nmu, anu it wouldbe a wise course lor tlio .Legisla-ture to paes a law making thisimperative.

Other subjects treated by theCommissioner in tho same reportare reserved for a subsequentissuo.

I'hi:oictio. ovichdui:.

Ilrlll.li KclfinlUt Hud llnd of World Hatfur Kuttrr.

R. Jny Qrceno is tho possessorof a booklet published iu 1892undor tbo distinguished author-ship of J. U. Ditnbluby, PremierClirouolotfist to tho BritishChronological and AstrononiiculAssociation of London.

This author has fixed uponEaster, 1898, as tho oud oftimo or ot tne woria, tne resurrection of tho just, and tho coming of tho Lord Josus Christ. Hesays as a conclusion of thotreat iso:

"I feel absolutely cortaiu thatall. this will tako placo ut Easter,1898, so cortain that my beliotabout it is liko my expecting thatat tho point of noon tomorrowtho clock will strike twolvo, bo-cau- so

I havo heard it do so manytimes."

EaBtor boing past, this pro-phecy may bo takon as an

of science, not religion,going wrong, for Prof. Dimblobyis an acknowledged scientist.

-- -Impure Hluod In Hirliijf.

This is tho almost universalDiminished porspira-tio- n

during winter, rich foods andclose confinement indoors arosomo of the causes. A goodSpring Medicine, liko Hood'sSarsapnrilla, is absolutely neces-sary to purify the blood and putthe system in a hoalthy conditionat this season.

Hood's Pills aro the best familycathartto and liver tonic. Qentlo,reliable, sure.

What Happened to Jjiiiie.

Jones wont into tho CriterionBarber Shop to,got n hair cut anda sorapo as ho would in any shop.Jones camo out of tho CriterionBarber Shop more than pleasedwith tho manner in which ho hadboon gromod, and remarked to nfriend that ho had at last found anexception to tlio gonoral run ofharbor shops and would become apermanent patrons.

An ImpreMlvo Olijeit Ion,Tho warship Orpgon is starting

on the long trip around CapeHorn, in order to got from onopart of tho United Stutes coast toanother. It ib an impressive 'objoot lesson in favor of tho promptconstruction of an isthmian canaluudor United Statos control. N.Y. Tribuno.

m m

Nicoly furnished rooms at thoPopular Houso, 154 Fort stroot,from 41.00 por week up.

Singers lead tho world. Over13,000,000 mado and sold. High-OB- t

awards at tho World's Colum-bian Exposition fqr excollonco ofconstruction, rogularity of motion,ooflo of motion, groat speed, ad-

justability, durability, oaso oflearning and convonionoo of

B. Borgorson, agont,1(5$ Bethol street.

' f, . 11 . " V, . .h V

The Remington Typewriter



Diploma of HonorAT

BRUSSELS EXPOSITION OF 1897.TliiHirt ho U1011K8T PoKKiiiiii: Awahd, ranking

nburu 11 CI old ILetlitl.


Oceanic Steamship Company.

TIME TABLE.The Fino Passenger Steamers of This Lino "Will Arrivo at and

Loavo This Port as Horoundor.

From San Franoisco:ZEALANIDA April 13ALAMEDA April 27ZEALANDIA- - May 11





In connection with tho sailing of tho abovo steamers, tho Agentaro proparod to issuo, to intending passengers, coupon throughtickots by any railroad from San Francisco, to all points in theUnitod Statos, and from Now York by any stoamship line to allEuropean

For fnrthor particulars apply to

Win. (J. Irwin & Co., Limited,Genornl Agents Oceanic S. S. Co.





v WAWmRl

A NATURAL MEDICAL SPRING WATERfor Indigestion, Liver Complaint, Diseases of tho Kidnoyand Bladdor, Skin Eruptions, Etc., Etc.

Benson, Smith & Co.,Corner Fort and Hotel Streets.

Since We Must Eat toLvoe, Let's Have tlte Hest.

Just Ooened XJp anInvoice of . . .

' SdpLLijiq's Besj TbsOONSISTINCI OK

Japan Flavor, English Breakfast and Ceylon. Also,

SCHILLING'S BEST BAKING POWDER.Give them a trial. Money back if you don't like them. Also, just reooived

Choice Block Batter, Kits Creamery Butter,Fidelity Brand Bacon, Hams, Crackers and Cakes,

Mild Cheese, Smoked Beef,Choice Humboldt Potatoes, Etc., Etc., Eta

rKLKl-HON- i- -

Chas. II listace,212 King street, noxt to tho Arlington.



Groceries, Provisions and Feed.New Goods Ilooeivod by Every Packet from the Eastern Btatea and Europe!

FRESH CALIFORNIA PRODUCE BY EVERY BTEAMEBAll Orders faithfully attended to and Goods Delivered to any

Part of the City FIIEE,

Gonorul Agents for Hio Siuntariuni Brnml of llonlth Foods'jlutd OsDias BoLiomo, rjAiisiAorioM OoaaAim.t






Page 4: I Evening K.BPT BUULETINty as tho ouly iustanco to which tho Qovornmont will now givo its ntteutiou. I havo caused a list to bo fur nished to me of landings, wharves aud piers on tho


Evening BulletinAHIM'HUMUlX IIArWl

Per Month, miywliprii III ilio IU- -

MlliMt IoIhimI ""IVr Ymr 8 "IVr Voir, tlil lo AiniTlm,

OniMiU r Mutlw - ' "'IVr Yntr, mtli1ii(lir IIhtIkii

Cllllllfll" a 00

A.V Okaii ..l'ultlinluT nml ProprietorDamki. Umian ....IMItorC. A. I'KTHHWIX Malinger

TUESDAY, Al'IUIi 12, 1808.

11 is to bo lnpl tlio legislativeexploring expedition through tlio

public building will result inhaving something ilono to restoroa'n'nir of roBpoctnbilily to tho Ju-

diciary Building.

Higher bridges aro to bo tlio

rulo in restoring thoao cnrriod off

by floods. Iron Btructurca forlong BpniiH nud etono arches forabort oneB would bo truo econo-

my at tbo same time.

It eays a great deal for tbo morepopular brancb of tbo Legislature'tbat a very largo proportion of itsmeasures Bont up to tbo Sonatearo treated by tbat body bb iftboro was no room in thorn forimproTomont.

From tbo letter of GeneralHurtwell, as counsel for tbo big

Bucar and morcantilo corporationof Maui, it would appoar tbat tboExocutivo bas ovorlookod the im-

portant legislation of 1892 regard-

ing barbors and landings.

. ' Many roadors will bo surprisedto loam, from tbo report of legis-

lative proceedings, bow very pro-

fitable is tbo domestic wino grow

ing industry. Its product, ac-

cording to tbo prices quoted, mustalso bo deemed peculiarly bonostand wbolesorao as wines go.

Senator Watorbouso is to betbankod for bis resolution to probotbo prohibitory shipping registra-

tion polioy to tbo bottom. Lot tbeUnited States annex tbo islandsspeedily, if sbo does not wantmore snips than aro now on ourregister to como undor bor' flag.

A littlo independonco at this endof tbo lino would not rotafd tbogreat cause, but might increasetbo respect for littlo Hawaii inWashington.

"What bas become of tho resolu-

tion ordoring removal of tbo pow-do- r

magazine ? It would seem thatwhat tbo people distinctly wantdone iB tbe last thing oilbor tbeGovornmont or tbo Legislature isdisposed to do. Cheap strongwators for tbo Japanese is of moreimportance than any dosidoratumof tho supporters of good govern-

ment !

Tho foregoing remarks bad goneinto tho hands of tho printerwhen tbo report of a House com-

mittee on the resolution camo to

hand. It appears in tbo repprt ofHouse proceedings and is per-

fectly satisfactory. Now tho longwait of nine or ton years for asimple performance of executivedutv scorns comiuc to an end. Itis ono of tho most extraordinaryinstances of resistance to a reasonablo nonular demand, on tbopirt of every ono of many succossivo administrations, afforded intho annals of civilized goYorn-me- nt

in tho Hawaiian Islands.Exocutivo bucking ngainst thoHilo wharf proposition is bothnow and tamo in comparison.

Wireless telegraphy is gettingahead of tho Btago of experiment.Actual communications havo boonestablished for comparativelyshort distances both on tho con-

tinent of Europo and in thoBritish Islands. Ono laud strotohcovered successfully is moro thansovontoon miles. Signor Marconi,who is tho first to reduce to prac-

tical form tho thoories of Hertz,lids rocontly for woeks been

Initialing nverr dny bulwoouliiiurneinoutb nud tbo Ulo ofWight, ntxl bowHH about to InvitoIlio repreHOuUtivt!H of nil tlio lending countries in Europo to wit

ti oft tbo nyntom at work. TlioElectrical lUn-lo- rofor an followH

to Blgtior Marconi:

"To bo nblo to boih! tolegra-nlil- o

messages through wrIIh ofhoiiRPB aud otbor obstructionswhich ato opaquo to Bound andlight is a foat which a few yoarsago would hnve BUggosled tbotnlos of tbo ArabLnu Nights; today, bnwovor, through thotechnical knowledgo nud practicalability of Signor Mnrconi, it bnB

becomo nu accomplished fact.Wo havo littlo doubt that thonatno of Marconi will yot beclassed with tboso of Whcalstoue,Graham, Boll, nud others whohave revolutionized commerce audadded to tho wealth of nations byfacilitating tbo interchange of intelligonco."

This information is of tho vorybighost interest to tbo HawaiianIslands. Whilo, in view of whatwo havo aoon with our eyes of tbediscoveries aud inventions of thisago, it would bo tbo eigu of n

wonk mind to doubt that electricsignaling can over bo donoacross vast ocoans, yot it is rea-

sonable to Bupposo that it will bomany yoars boforo cables will bo

niado obsoloto for suob distances.What Signor Marconi is doingover tho twonty miles or bo of seabotwoon Bournemouth and tbo Isleof Wight, howovor, is enough tomako our hearts leap at tbo fairsupposition that bis apparatuswould ennblo communications tobo exchanged across any of thocbnnnols soparating tho islandsof this group. This accomplishedat an exponse, probably, of onlytons of thousands as comparedwith hundreds of thousands for asystem of inter island cables, is aprospect that inveslB Signor Marconi's exporimonts with tho mostintense attraction to residents oftho Hawaiian Islands.


The Koloa and Uanapepe Bridges Fetch

Dp on Another Island. N

A Kauil School Teacher Spends a Night on

Pall for Fear His House Would

be Swept Away.

Senator Eico had many storiesto toll this morning about tbq ro-oo- nt

flood on Kauai, from whichisland ho returned on Sunday.

Tho Koloa bridge, which whbswept away, wont right across thochannel and landed on Niib.au,where it was soon and rooognizedby Mr. Eobinson of Gay & ltobinson and others. On tho followingday the Hanapepe bridge alsobrought up against the shores ofNiihau, and tho residents of thatisland began to wonder whethertho rest of Kauai was comingacross. Both bridges wore com-

paratively intact and an investication showed that they hadbroken squaro off at tho pilingwhich supported thorn. Thopilingwhoro tho fracture occurred wascompletely rotton, showing tljattho rosponsibijity of tho loss oftho bridges rests with tho Depart-ment of Public "Works or tho localRoad Board. Had tho bridgesbeen given oven a casual exam-ination tho rotton tato of thopiles muBt havo boon noticed.

A raft of lumber with tho ropesintact as prepared for landingfrom some steamer also wontashoro on Niihau, ovidontly com-

ing from tho eamo direction as thebridges.

Senator Rico also tells of aKauai school teaoher who gotlbadly scared. When tho lloodscamo and tho water reached thostops of his houso ho took to thohills and spent tho night on tbonali in a dronohina rain. Whenho cot homo noxt mornincr hofound that tho wator had not entorod bis house, although it hadcomo within an inoli or two of theiloor. Ho spent tho rest of thoday kicking himself for not stay-ing at homo,

4R v

TI1K HVHS'lh'O IlttlifiKTlNi HoNOIiUliU. H. U AI'JIUj l!J, )BU8.

Jimolyjopiai77 ;, ISijS.

Your House

Is On Fire !

This may be the warningcrytoyou some night. Whetherit refers to your store, mill,ofiice, or residence, it meansthat all of your valuable papers,account books, insurance poli-

cies, &c, are likely to be destroyed, if not protected with afire proof safe. Can you affordto take this risk?

The Victor Safeis a guarantee against fire orburglars. We have obtainedthe agency of the Victor Safe

and have samples on hand.Come and see them and com-

pare them with others. Ab-

solutely fire and burglar proof.Interiors are fitted to suit therequirements of purchasers.They are as good as any andcheaper than most of the otherstandard makes.

THEHawaiian Hardware Co,


NO. 307 FORT STREET,Opposite Sprookels' Bank.


Anil ItulU are Ordered for Iloml IntoKahuku Plantation.

Carl Jensen signed a contractyesterday afternoon with Maua-ge- r

B. F. Dillingham for makingtho railroad bed from "Waialua toKahuku. Contracts for bridgobuilding and track laying will bolot lator. Bails aud ties for thoextension were ordored by thelast mail and will arrive in the,courso of throe mouths. It is ex-

pected thnt trains will bo runninginto Kahuku by next November.

Contractor Jenson is ono of thoboat gradors of this country. Hiswork on tho Waialua extensionwas most satisfactory. It is saidthat a milo of his track costs con-siderably more than that of anyof his predecoesors in tho busi-ness on these islands.

Mr. Dillingham is still deter-mined to carry tho road aroundOahu. It is not unlikoly thatWaimanalo may be roached noxtyear.


Huturtlny'a Ilacet Ware Not KutUfuoloryto u Vuw HporU.

There aro nil kinds of troubloovor the racos at Enpiolani Parktrack last Saturday. When reducedto bare facts of courso a good dealof tho dissatisfaction arises fromordinary disappointments, butthere is an unhidden feelingamong a few that they were nottreated Bquaroly somewhere.

As a result Socrotary 8. G."Wilder has resigned from thoJockey Club, and says ho willnovor take stock in racing again.Another member did tho samething yesterday. It is understoodthat two horsemen will.on accountof Saturday's happenings,bo ruledoff of the Kapiolaui park track.

Court Murtlul Order.

Regiraontal orders No. 45 ordersa general court martial for thotrial of a private in ono of thoregular companies. Tho courtwill consist of the following:Capt. John Eoa, Company Q;Liout. John Evonson, Company E;Liout. L. D. Timraons, CompanyD; Lieut. T. H. Pot'rio, CompanyB, Judge Advocato.


All styles of Kroocor nianos forsalo, for cash or on the instalmentplan. Old instruments exchangedfor now ones. Pianos rontod,tuned and ropaired. Tolophono821. J. W. BDRasTKOM, MasonicTomple.


m bf Msta Mm AMt I Fair Proit It

the Cost ot Hli Coeds.

"If Mnti-l- URotiU know tliolrlnilm'Mllicro wlH lm tin lirlminiUlllK III IHUH.

Tliuri' l a i'Iam of IhwIiipm turn who dilint know how to 'll (twain pxtii nilImrKAltit'Miiili'r inrtliod". Tlielr Ural

innn nnIpi'H nrrlieil Ity ciiMoinrrIn In rmliicn Dm print, In order to ItiijirpM tlio wiMilal-l- inin-liiiMi- that llieynro Ki'lthiK n hiktIrI prlro. Kuril nninUilienor iiinkii a mii-iv- of mI1Ihk rimhIa ofworth nml nmrlt. It In aii pMaMInIioiI

ruin of tlin trAiln Hint IwrtcrliiR In mil-rl- wl

on wllh tlumxilimUo oljcdof rim.miiihMo ir(illt-lnkln- When a limnrofiiNon lo nm!pt thin profitIm will ultlior not hiv lil ulioonuknror rob Ilio ninn from whom ho buy; boI Imiiml In Unit miiim ono. It In iilinolait Imarlnblo rulo that prlco-mHo- r nrounrollnblo aiiiI iiooiI watching. If youlmn nuy In your town watch thornthou mill mo If our uoi-iI- aro not I.

"A rollnblo anil straightforward buMlion man In tho ninn who tniil.u'o IiIm bimluoMx on n ilrm nml hociiroIhisIh. IIii auks for n fair jirolll lor In- -wonting 111" inoiioy lA Ktooknnd for iimln-talnlii- K

n Ktorn to iihaltor u ciiHtniuorwlion ho In Hooking to Invnxt. Tho Mifo

IiiinIikim man known what IilMKooilxcoitt,anil ho known that by nililhiK on a fairprlco to HiIh cost prlco tlio hoIIIiik prlcoor llHt prioo Im reached. Noor In tholilxtory of any IhihIiiokh lias tlio wilingprlco Imnn brought ho tionr to tho cost ofproduction In hiicIi a toboggan-Hlld- o

Cyelo Ago.

Pacific Cycle & Manufacturing Co.IShlei'H1 Uuililing.

Spring and Summer


LatestNew York 0

NoveltiestJrS1 Everything crisp

sirnblo designs, truly rogul in


Auction Sales by Jas. F. Morgan.

Auction Salejf Ferns


At my Salesroom, I will soil at Pun-n- o

Auction, a collection of

Fine Ferns and Palms !

JAS F. MORGAN,8S0 2t Auctioneer.

The Event of An Eventful Year



Rega Roman Hippodrome


Owing to tho at-

tending tlio Circus Mr. Wil-liso- n

lias decided to postpone

his opening date for somo

day this month.

Waverley Club HallBethel St., but. King A Hotel.


Tuesday Night, April 19B6T ADMISSION, i ?1.00-t- 9J

Doors opon at 7:30 p. in,; commoncosat 8 sharp. Carriages at 10 p. rn,

Tickots for salo at tho loading drug-gists and statlonors, and at tho Hall andby 880-t- d






T. V. Kino, ADuiagor.


FashionsAvith newness, Daintiest do- -

their beauty.

Killean,STREET.Fine Tailoring !

I have a new cutter of great skilland experience, and can guarantcogood fits at very low prices. Thelatest suitings are kept In stock, In-cluding a beautiful uluo sorgo forsummer wear.New Goods !

Flnestnnil freshest Drv Goods constantly In stock. Have just receivedfine Qrasi Cloth, Pongee Silk, em-broidered gllk Handkerchiefs, etc.Also, best of White and Colored flat-ting.Fancy Things !

The latest S. S. Gaelic broughtBamboo Chairs and Lounges, Cam-phor Trunks with alarm bell locks,etc., also Now Crop Tea.

My prices In all lines meet thefiercest competition.

GOO XIM,Merchant Tailor and General Dealer,

210 Numum, near Hotel street.

Rubber Tire


The Rubber

Wilson &Solo Licensees for







Wo now offer their Brandsof Flours as follows:



C. & C,





Clothes MakeThe Man I

The clothes wo make, makotho woll-dresse- d man. TVoaro specialist8 in wdll-fittin- g

clothes, and are tho only tai-loring firm in town employ-ing only high-clas- s whitelabor. Our coat and pantsartists are tho best to bo hadfor monoy; thoy build clothesthat fit. Goods of tho high-est quality. Prices as lowas any.


Tho Hotel Street Tailors.

Wavorfoy Block.



Ofllee: 208 Merchant street, Camp-bell Block, rear of J. O. Carter's olllce.P. O. Box S38.




Tire Wheel Go,


WhitehouseHawaiian Islands.

Wheels of any size, hoavy or light, for ploasurodriving or city draying, can bo fitted with ourRUBBER TIRE, and when onco fitted tho Tiro isTHERE until tho vohiclo or tho wheol, at least, isworn entirely out.


tjr3 Our RUBBER TIRES aro a successan unqualified succqss a success for tho ownor oftho vohiclo a success for tho rider.


Page 5: I Evening K.BPT BUULETINty as tho ouly iustanco to which tho Qovornmont will now givo its ntteutiou. I havo caused a list to bo fur nished to me of landings, wharves aud piers on tho


T. 1. Bovotlii linn tolurneclfrom n bunlncM tour of Mtuil.

A mooting of tliu AtnnrlcMiLonftuo U cnlloil for 7:30 Milsevoulug.

Tho W. 0. T. U. in in hobbIoiiin Onlrnl Union church M '2:!I0thin ntlornoon.

Tlin Wnvorley Club librnrybenefit coucorlnext TuoscUy ovening Sh advertised

If tho ZonUndia in not sightedtho Uonrd of Health will meet tomorrow nftoruoou.

riftoon-hundrot- hs of nn inch ofrnin fell nt l'mnk lirowu'fl placeuy to 7 n. ra. this morning.

Fine- ferns nnd paltnB will bosold nt auotiou by James 1'. Mor-gan at 11 o'clock Thursday,

Colonel (icorijn F. McLood liascompleted hia block of hpvod newcottages on Viuoyard htroot.

The Zoatandin may bo ox pec todtomorrow afternoon. Sue willbring Gvo full days later nows.

Marshal Brown mado a roturnin tho Circuit Court yestordayafternoon on tho hanging ofKapea.

Tho band had its record audi-on- co

in Emma squaro last nightTho singing was tho principaldraw card.

E. D. Giborson will leavo onFriday for Hilo to make a groupportrait of the prominent mon ofHawaii island.

Herr Nolto will hnvo freshfrozon oysters at tho Boavorlunch room when the Zoalandfaarrivoa tomorrow.

It is a pleasuro to rent a wheelfrom Foarson & Hobron, os younro Buro to find your monnt asatisfactory one.

"Dupont smokeless Bportipgpowder" has its merits dotaileu.by E. 0. Hall & Son who havetho powder for sale.

Tho Criterion Saloon noverfails to receivo fresh oystors forthe temperanco beverage, oysteicocktails, by tho Zoalanuia.

Luiss and M. I. Jesus havo en-

tered counter assault and batterysuits against Officors Frank For-roir- a,

Henry Espinda and Kaulua.

MissJrmgard Sohaefor, who isattonding a young ladies' sominary at tub Coast, will return inJuno for a four months' voc-ation.

Mrs. Maria Frooman Gray, intho Sunday Chronicle of March27, tolls,of hor work in organizingBands of Mercy in the schools ofHawaii.

F. A. Sohaofor and family havemoved out to their Waikiki rosi-don- oo

for a fow months, whilethoir new homo at Jluuanu Valley1b being erected.

Leis, cut flowers and floral pioces,furnished on short notice and de-

livered. Mrs. A. L. King, at Wo-

man's Exchange. Telophone G59.Houso Telephone 394.

It is no uncommon thing tohoar men come out of tho Crite-rion Barber Shop and commentfavorably upon the gontlomunlymannor of tho artists in charge.

Fred L. "Waldron of Thoo. H.Davios & Co. has moved into hisnew residonco near tho corner ofLunalilo and Keoaumoku streets,adjoining J. A. Magoon's place.

Tho "Vinconto Fornandez" ar-

rested in tho Portuguese batterycase Sunday is a Punchbowl manand not related in any way to thoBulletin bookkeeper of tho samename.

Tho Paoifio Cycle & Manufac-turing Co, roprint in thoir ad.spaco a story on price cutting onbicycles, This is also apparentlyapplioablo to tho ropair and sun-dries departments.


I Further Postponed.

Tho legislative committoos havofurthor postponed thoir trip toMolokai. No dato is now sot. Thoroasons for postponement aro thounsettled weathor and the absoncofrom tho oity of Mr. Holstoin,chairman of tho Sonato commit'too i It is oxpoctod that tho tripcan bo undertaken a week fromFriday night.

Tfie Evening Bulletin, 76 cl, permonth.


Father Atones Etptres While Trjltft

to RMCb MhIq.

Wii t Vewg Print hi Vtrj &l-CM- Wup

tla tb TmM WeetOff Qtrkktj

Tb FhmtiI JLrrtageaeoti.

Father Aloyaius Lorteau, apriest of tho Catholic Mission inohargo of tho parish of SouthKona, Unwaii, expired suddenlyat 8 o'clock this morning while onhis way to Honolulu as n paseengor by tho steamer MaunaLon, which arrived horo at noon.Hn diod in his stateroom attendedby Father Victor, tho priest of thoNorth Kona district, who had at-

tended on him all the way fromUookona.

Just throe montliB ago FatherAloysius was taken down with asevere cold and racking cough,but in spite of tho protestations ofhis parishioners insisted on devotedly following out tho lino ofduty he placed for himoIl. Hisdiseaso grow worse. Finally howas uuablo to work and FatherVictor placed him on tho MaunaLoa on its arrival at Hookoua,with tho sad ending as above.During his sickness tho deadpriest insisted on continual bathing, evidently a sort of water cureregimon, which finally broughthim to tho critical stage whoro nohelp could avail.

lathor Aloysius was born inBrittany about 27 years ago andwhen 1C years of ago waB a pupilin tho Catholic college there,which has sent bo many faithfulpriests to this mission. He wasfor a timo under the tutelage ofFather Valentine of tho cathedralhero and was a promising pupil.About throe yoara ago ho arrivedin Houolulu in company withBishop Gulstan, who was at thattimo returning from a trip to Eu-rope. Ho was soon afterwardordained a priest and continuedhis studios in Hilo, from whoncoho took his station at Hookenaoighteon months ago and has ministored there ovor sinco.

The funeral will tako placofrom tho Catholic cathedral at 8o'clock tomorrow morning.Bishop Gulatan will conduct theservices.

Dentin rmt Week.

Infant of Kai, Hawaiian, Ka-li- a.

Infant of B. Spencor, Hawai-ian, Pttlama, 4J years.

Kakuiohi Iwanaka, k, Japanese,Waikiki, 9 months.

Poter Liilii, k, Hawaiian, Kau-luwel- a,

2 years.C. H. Wheolor, k, American,

Quoon's hospital, 23 years.Infant of Kaulani, w, Hawaiian,

Kawaiabao.ft James Poopae, k, Hawaiian,Queen's hospital, 18 years.

Mileka, w, Hawaiian, Queen'shospital, 22 years.

Mau Waiki, k, Hawaiian, Luna-lilo Home, 76 years.

Wahilani, k, Hawaiian, Hon.ua-kaba- ,

83 years.M. Taminsga, k, Japanese,

Queon's hospital, 33 years.Aki, w, Chinese, Iwilei, infant.Infant of W. Ludloff, Gorman,

Eakaako.Kapea, k, Hawaiian, Oahu

prison, 21 years hung,m

Home Olllclnl Itumori.A rumor that Minister Coopor

will resign tho Foreign Officeportfolio and bo Buccoedod by Mr.Hatch fails of official confirma-tion. It is trno that Mr. Hatchwill pay a visit homo after Con-gress adjourns, which porhapBgavo riso to tho canard. Mr.Thurston has not boon offered thepost of Minister at Washington,as is also rumored.

Two New Cauii.

Up to today eight cases of Gor-

man measlos havo appeared on thoU. S. S. Mohioan. Tho laBt twoare very mild. All of tho pationtsaro in quarantine. An officer oftho ship expressed tho opinionlast night that tho spread of thoailmont had boon thoroughlyobookod.

For lowest prioos, best quali-ties, polite attontion and promptdolivory, try tho Now UrocoryStoro, J. Hutohings, 027 Foristroot. Tol. 358.

THtt ttVMNIKU UUIiliMJJKi IJONOliUliU, II. )., Al'llll. 12, 1H8.



If JmlMiMiftly tiM.il, Ik a K'hmI lit'vt'RtiiM'iit for nny (iiixIiimm inmi,OUH l'KINTIMI OIW1UK l ftil

mm1 wilh Urn imyliiR kind of Ink.Our Tvm hiiiI 1'rcHMm rn nnw, mid

II In iitulor tlio Kmmiil wi'rUloiif Mr. n. H. Kvmik, jtmt nrrUol

from Nnw Vork city. Our newftlioplftlotmletlnt No. 11.1)111, tcNilllo Avenue; ndJoliiliiR our prvumit

Ui of lllftlll-M- .

ll.-to-la- UOMMKHUIAI. nn1BOCICTV MUNTINd ImnirlnrlaOur motto In: "!kk1 work, low

-- prlwB and imiiil wirvleo."

HUIIUKK KTAMl'S of all MiiiIhiiinnufHcturod on tli rumlM-- ntMiort iioliw. It w 111 jmy you to m--




nmy contain nutriinunt. anwell an lnicrobt-H- , but 'tin-r- e

ttcuniB to be a prejudice. unionscertain e lu favor of purewater. To ttecure thin, wuterimiHt be filtered an well anstrained. Charcoal stlHotanduat tho head us u purifier, and


Carbon Filters

still stand unrivalled an mi-crobe destroyers. A supply ofthese Filters capacity 8 .fo 0gallons has just been re-ceived by tho

Fort Street.


Administrator's Notice.'

Tho undorslKiiod having beon 'dulyuppotntod udmlulHtnitor of tho Ksuito ofII. J. Kimby, lute of Pnauilo, Jluinakuu,Hawaii, dueoaHod. Notko Is herebygiven to all persons, having elalmsagainst tho Kstiito of tho said U. J.Kasby, to presout tho mi mo, duly authen-ticated, to tho uudorslgnud at his olllcoat Jlonokaa, llamakua, IIuwull, withinsix mouths from tho date hereof, orthoywill bo for ovor barred. And all personsludobted to said Kstato aro hereby re-quested to nmko immodhito jKiymontthoreof to tho nudorsignod.

W. 11. KICKAItD,Administrator of the Kstato of II. .T.

Ivasby, doeoasod.Jlonokan, April 4, 1K88. 885-l-


Hrnate Item to Coiuiwn.vtv DairymenWu Knocked Out.

In the Houso yesterday after-

noon Mr. McCandlesB introduceda resolution providing an appro-priation of $1200 for macadamizing Houghtailing Avenue, Westside.

Tho item in Sonato bill 3, pro-viding an appropriation pf $3400for compensating dairymon forthe loss of cows alilictod withtuberculosis, in caso tho SupremoCourt should decido that tho Gov-ernment is liable, Vi as struck out.

Mr. Damon gavo notico of a'bill to exempt from duty all alco-hol imported for medicinal use bythe Quoon's hospital.

Mr. Cooper gavo notico of anAct relating to tho constrcution ofrailways.

Houso bill G3, relating to schooltax, passed B3coad roading.

At 3:16 tho Houso adjourned,m w

Union Tamil It Weak.Ball men aro down to hard

praotiso. All of tho teams aro ontho grounds oach aftornoon andtako their turn in tho Gold. Andtho moro thoy praotiso tbe moro itis apparont that tho Union teamwould not bo ublo to hold its ownagainst the others. Somo of thoregular pi ay ore aro greatly dissat-isfied with this third log of tholoaguo.



Why mnko tho llttlo ones cryand compol thorn to tnko a modi-ci- no

which is diaUatcful to them.whon you can Accomplish tho do--aireu ouu wuuoui iir


Tho finest prepaiation over in-

troduced in tbe oil line, tho tastepleasant, doso email and acts likea charm.

Nature's Own Catbartic.

Don't bo talked into tryingsomething that is claimed to bo asgood, thero is but ono first-clas- s

tasteless castor oil and that isCUMMIN'S.

Children Relish It.

Tho prico is low. a bottle containing many dosos at 25 cents.You cannot afford to bo without it.

Hollister Drug Go,

Sole Agents.


Figured Organdies and Muslins I

An Khllro Now .WoHiimhiI nt PiIcch Hint willAffnuMi Von. Kmlli'M Vmlt'ly if 1'iittuntH.

riminil OrKniiilli-- , B yard fur l. I'luutvd Mullii, enilte newmt(ern, lo ynrtU or fl,

DRH8S GI2STGKEa:.A.:M:SJ)xtraf1unUHllly, very Utvtt pnllertiK, Id yard for (I. An I line of

Ral Finoli OrgetnciieB I

III the latert denlglis I'lnMx, lloM-bud- s and Ktrls-ii- .

"Wliite Dress Xaterials I

HhcIaI hargalini In this line. White (IimdIs, nent m(lcrn, Ifi vnnln tortl.White (ioods, extra Uiillly, li! yards for $1. DulU-- SIiiMIiin,

yunl wide, H ynnls for $1. A line itsMirtiiieiit of

"Wlii-t- o FiqL-Lie- s and Linens ItorSicirts 1

A.TN. S. Sachs Dry Goods Co., Ltd



In any hcwk that is dear to the liuarl of every woman andami man iiovadayn. jtfun are beginning iiiul out tliat it

ayn them to read our adverii8emen8 just an much uh itdoes their uiotlici'K and Histern. Tliis week we oiler you ahandsome line of

Ladies', Gents' and Children's Shoes.ALL STYLES AND PRICES.

Ladies', Gents' and Children's Hose.


There may ho bettor goods than these in town, but notatltho prices. "Why experiment 1

TEMPLE W FASHION,Fort Street. Proprietor.


',. , --C3L.T

.':; --

. JORDAN'S..-- . .


Embroideries !

Embroideries !



Embroideries :- -: Embroideries

From 5c. a Yard Up !

All-ov- er Embroideries and Flouncings


Prices Are .Lower Than Ever

t& Coino early and got first choice nt

E. W. JORDAN'S,No. 10 Fort Street.


t '

. ...5l'.t1it, r' V

14 ' .i- -


:VV ,




Page 6: I Evening K.BPT BUULETINty as tho ouly iustanco to which tho Qovornmont will now givo its ntteutiou. I havo caused a list to bo fur nished to me of landings, wharves aud piers on tho





Detroit Jewel Stoves

Diu'h your nlovu kIvo youotilliv hiiI Infucl Inn I

If not, why nut I

If you will tfivo tiH tliooliniur, wo will relievo youof ii onro that you should notlnmr.. Wo .m1I only ,rool stovi'H,1111(1 WO UlllU'ltlltt'C wluil wo

siiv to vou wlion you buy u

.Inwin. Stovi:, nomutter wlmt izo it is.

Tlio fuel you will save will

"slioVt tinio if you eonelmlo torelegate your old atovo to thoauction rooms.

The reasons uro many, andwouhljtuko up too inuelisjmee to print tlieni, whyJkwi:i.s arc bettor Hum any

' ' other. Tlio prioos are right,"ami our tonus of OxixriiiKDDowNaml JJAiiAXCuin Fivi:E('l'Ali MONTIIM' jN8TAk

mknts is for vour benefit.

,C TW. W, Oimond & Co,,

.Home Decorating I

--rMi Paint:,$ ' - - Which Is a milntMuto for gold

leaf, uiul wlil IjASJT.

Enamel:For impartlii); a hard anil glassysuifuee to any material.

Bath-tub- 1 Enamel 0porcelain finish on tubs.

Ilowur pots, etc. Not uU'eotedby or hot water.

Varnish Stains1,- - --,

Vnv furniture. lumUntuNi'li

Crciyi'ull directions for use. Try thuiu

Lewers & Cooke.. fi. L

FOE 44.1A Lot off Extra, Xargj Jnles



Drivin .Horses

They Hay be Sepn at .Rice's Stable,

t& CommunlcatioiiH In regard tothe name may bo left at tho Olllce ofH. Waterhouso & C. , .

Xj v J

TXT. 23Z. 2SZCE3.782-- tf

VotwiikwTiCalifornia Horses!

latched Teipns, r,

Finely, Haelvjnl j

Saddle Horses.

t" Ordors tiikon for nil olussqs ofIIorKos.

Stables: King St., opptnjlngers Bakervj-

j.a. Mcdonald:P. O. Box 422,

8M tf



In tlio mauufaoluro oferoekery thoro Ih room for aureal uoai of tleeentlon. un -Iohm mmi am iloalluu with amioil...... .. , ...... .... Iioiiho. whom'.. . .

buslnost it is to make allthings oloar to you, explaintho ilill'oronoo between thisgrade of firsts compared withsouk other make of llrststhere is a liability of therebeing dissatisfaction allaround. We make it a pointto bo honest if asked whyit is that we are able to soilthisiiue(dieaporthananothor!,Bl,00,lp.r am) k, nl,onnl of ''or- -

Mm Unit to all outward ap-

pearances is of no highergrade. Under the sameroof we carry a very full lineof tinware, glassware andhousehold hardware, as wellas a complete lino of heavierhardware for jfoneral use.We can stock up your kit- -ciien and )uinlry il you willonlv sav the word.


Quoeti .Street.Crockery Department

Wo are constantly receivingnew ami large additions toour Htouk of

Vis Liquors

'e olso carry a full stock of


Latentarrival per Hackfelil.

In Heer we can furulHli, amongothers

Pabst's Milwaukee


A. B, G, Bohemian

The two bi'xt branilx in themarket. -

Wo have Just received a newlot of


Jv k kmm

Which needs no recommend-ation.

An ,vcll as all grades of the

7 celebrated

Usher's-'YIMsUe- s and Marie Brizard &

Rogers' Cognacs and Liqueurs.


'W. t) PJ&COCK & CO.Limited.

ely4G. terchant Street.



Rule f- -

raw 11 inItoeolviid nor ".oalaadlu"

tlio. D.iiytli'st ,I.Ino .of l'lipntnrloH oorollbrod Wi Honolimi.' All tli iioV fiiiUin slmH)H and tlulN. "Dunl," ".Statolload." "Nornia." "Orediin Ihiml.""Nous Portoiis Jlpalioiir," "I'orKous,""IMIIimIIIh,", ,1'va-torlai- Nots," "Jjivv

"Iimliial nillxl.T "KiuAlJli RaulioaJ'oltiurf,,".

"Assyrinn Nofos." and luwt bat not m;tho l'lUC'lSJ mo only about HAI.K TillUSUAIi KIGUllliS tlioho goods aro Holdfor horo, Iirgo lino of Now Hookn bvtlio'beit wr(turs of lio dayi

'WFort --Street. ,'iThe Evening liullelin, 75 cts. per


atL.'LA.tJLttajiJL.Jii.'t. . nfe JJIiWlttifHH

Tlllt lft'ttlKU lllgMjIWlNi llQNOhlJIiU, Jl. ! iVI'Ltlli 19, m I, ANOTHER BIG OPIUM CARGO i

Honolulu Man at the Coast Sounds.....the Warning Mole.

i,,.m lj Bound for ,h Wborbood of Bono

lulu - Schooner Free Trade-M- ini-

pulitor Awaiting Instructions.

A Honolulu urn n who Ih now intinn Friieineo write down:"Look out for tho schooner FrooTrade. Hho Ih loudiil to tho deckswith dope and is hound for thoneighborhood of llouolulu. Cnptniu 0. A. Monro owuh tlio

Tho opium is tho property of n

British Columbia aud San Fran-cisco hut."

Tho Frco Trade pailed on April1 and, if tho weather is favorable,should Htrike somowhoro iu theislands in a week. It is worthyof nolo that a woll known opiummanipulator ib in town, apparently waiting for ndviuca. ThoHchoonor'rt cargo ie said to bo valued far into tlio thousands. Apaper dispatch of March 80 hanthis to say of tlio vojsol and heretraugo preparatious:

Tho little ficuoonor Free Tradewan y eater. my prepared for bbii offMoikks' wharf. ller ueauuatioiiis one of tlio Aleutian Ihlaucis thather master, C. A. Mooro, claimsiB rich with gold. Tho captainHays that tlio loeatiou of tho isl-and is kuowu only to himself.

Mooro told hta story of gold tothollou. 11. Talbot Watson, andto the II. ii. E. Gape, his companioii. l'tio IIou. Talbot Watsou, who is said to bo a son of thoEarl of Carnarvon, has boen nCalifornia for some time. Untilmen aro wiid to bo wealthy. Theyrocoutly bocamo interested in ariohemo to go to tlio islaud aud, ifthe mint-ra- t deposits sliouhl warrant tho oxpcditiou. to orcanize asyndicate.

With tho assistance of Mooro.the schoonor Free Trado waspurchiwed aud fittod out for theexpedition. The choicest pro-visions and wines wore stowedaway in Hie vessel's hold. A newcabin was built over tho aftorhouso to ncoodimodato tho party.

Evorything went well until yes-terday, whou the sailors who hailboon engaged for tlio oxpeditionrefused to go uule.js their wageswere incr-use- d. Captain MoorecnnMiItcri tho Hon. H. TalbotWatson and tho Hon. E. Gape,who agreed to yield to tlio ds

of tho men. All went wellfor nearly an hour, whon twosailors who had been drinkingbegan to finht. They wore iminediatoly and CantainMooro started out to got two moreto take thoir places, i'uriug hisaosonca tuo romanulorot tho crowdeserted, because, as they said,tnoy ant not know whoro thovwore going. It was lato in thoafternoon boron) tho Cantain succeeded in catting a crew.

All day lout' tho tutr Elizabethwas kept under waiting orders tocarry passengers to aud from thevessel. About 2 o'clock Watsonand Gape saunterod down to thowharf, followed by several Burlin.game swells The party weut tothe schooner aud remained onboard until late in tlio afternoon,when everybody weut a9horo withthe oxception of Captain Moore'swife and 0. E. Fradloy, a miningexpert.

" I cannot talk about the expe-dition," said Mr. Fradley, "I aman ai;ont for a British Columbiasyndicato aud was sent horo tendays ago. I mot Mr. Watson andMr. Gapo only a short limo ao.Wo will bo gone about six weeks.If the gold is what Captain Mooroclaims, a initio as great as tho.Trend well will bo developed."

The Hon. E. Gapo, when inter-viewed on the wharf, said that,thoy wore all going on a huntingexpedition, tie looked forward toa good time, for tho Captain hadtold him tboro was plenty of gamo

n on the island that theybout to visit. 'Plin Hon.

OWbdt AVatsou was uot bo talkntivo ns his companion. Ho saidthat ho was going on a limitingexpedition, and Hint ho miohtIjoseibly search for gold.

- iTho Zoalaudia has brought tho

usual supply of icn houso poodsfor Oamarinos' California FruitMarket, oornor King and Alakoastroots, Leavo your orders oarlyor ring up Tel. 878.

OwlHR Ii tlm tnwnHty w( limcIhk MtHit' nlii'illm. I IW

lllltHKIIIfltn m n'Mm ttt . .

Special Sales!

Iirlulil Morn liMkPR liriuiilHimmN, Iirlulil I'lnrkw nmt lirliUitjmlrnin. 'II i U week will lwtillered ....!

Plain and Fanoy




Fronch C and Bouts

Tlio lattor tlio very now rut fortlio Season ,

Vou iii.iKo no mlxtako by (men-tlK'Ulii- K

tlio good anil jiriccM attlio Kilo

J. J. EGAN.FortH t reot.

It WillPay You

to place your orderfor a copy of . .

" Hawaii'sStory'



Merchant Street.



Office and Infirmary, - - 863 King St.

TKMil'IIONK 700.

BSy Modorn and Iluiuano Troatmont.


Carriage Manufactory613 to 621 Fort Street

Carriage BuilderAND IIHPAIItEB.

Slacksmiibin in All Its Branches.

VV. W. WltlOlIT, Proprietor.(SnoeeRor to O. West)

Davey's IridiumsAro bottor than Hlgh-elus- s Wator

Color Drawings.


photo go;,870 tf Cor. Hotel and, Woftts.

Wo Received1W "ZwiIiiihIIii," jMimili J,





Ginghams and

Crash Suitings.

Also, n Good Lino of

Quills and Towels,

Etc. Etc., Elc.

At tho Lowest Prices.

IIISCllllSKlriR Street, Von HoltUlock.

iwoLra mil108 KING STREET.

Q. J. WalIiKH Manaoku.



Kaw Contractors.

Refrigerated Poultry--ANU


Metoopolifen le&t Co.

Telephone 45.

Jlmm m m

Near Honolulu.

Short Di8tnnco from tho Kail-roa- d


Magulfieont Paoilities forObtaining Labor.

Long Term Leaseholds from 35 to 40years enn be obtained In tructs of anynumber of acres desired, on tlio mostfavorable conditions.

The special attention Is culled ofthose with small capital wishing togo Into this very profitable Industry.

For particulars, apply to

Gear, Lansing & Co.,




Poultry and Stook.


Gouoliialel Sola Water Co., L'(

Euplanado,Corner Allen& Fort St., Honolulu.

HOLLI8TER & CO.,Agents,

For Sale.IIouso with two bedrooms, imrlor.

dining-roo- bathroom with patentW. O. and hath tub, puntry, kltoliauoiid stables, on Vlnoyuri'l streot,sulta.hlo for hualnesi num; fi minutes walkfrom ts(wu. i

Forurther. partlciifars, apply to .

707-- tf a' v; QEAlt & CO.


Club Stables,JlmilutKKOIIT HTHKICr,

Toluphono 477


Breaking HorsesA 8PKOIAI.TV.

Finest Turnouts in City.

Wagonettes and SurriesWith Careful Drivers alwityn on



Clw TELEPHONE 310. TOStand: Cor. Utilon and Hotel Bin.

John Nott,Importers and Dealers In

Steel and Iron Ranges,'STOVES. AGATEWARE.

DIMOND BLOCK.121 & 123 King Btreet.

Beaver - LunchROOMS.

H. J. NOLTE, Proprietor

The Best Lunch in Town

Tea and Coffeeat alii nouns.


Cigars and Tobacco- -ALWAYS ON HAND.


A FAMILY HOTEL.T. ICroixoo, ... iror

Per Day 8 2.00Opclal Monthly Rtal

Tho Best of Attendance, tho Host Situa-tio- nand tho Finest Moals Id this Oity





FortSt., Qpp. ClubSUbles. Tel 308.

To My Patrons and (he Public. '

Havinc; recovered from mv m.cent illness, I am npnin proparodLto do all kinds of Tinsmith andPlumbing work as horetoforo.Ihaukmc you for past favors, Irespectfully solicit a continuanceof tuo saino.

JAS. NOTT, Jr.1- - Tel, 844.

J.A.FAELA,200 Hotel Street,


ALL KINDS OF SUITSfrom f 10 to 18.

V&- - Money relumed If you are riotHatlslled. All work Kuarantted.


ARCHITECT223 Marchnnt St Honolulu,

Between Fort and Alukea,Telkpkonk : '. I TKi

EQJiER GRIE.yi:.Book1 and, Job,. PrinterMerokant Street,' Honolulu, H. I, J

Over Hawaiian l(pwB,Oompany'aBook Store. v

mv in,


Page 7: I Evening K.BPT BUULETINty as tho ouly iustanco to which tho Qovornmont will now givo its ntteutiou. I havo caused a list to bo fur nished to me of landings, wharves aud piers on tho



W.G. Irwin Si Co.Limited.

AgontB forWVatarn 8tiKt llaflnery Co. ol Han

f-- PrancUco,lUldwIn Loooinotlv Work ol Phil.

n.h.hU.lVnn., U.H. A.i Newr.ll Ulilvnriinl Mill Co. (National

One Hhrelncr), Nw YorV, U. Hi A,N.Ublanul A-- Oo'a OlirmlcKl Frttllitrm,Alex Cro & Hona, high grade fertil

If fin for Gana and Ootlee.Iteedi Sloain Pip Cowing


Offer for SaloParaffino Paint Oo' 1 ft II Palnta and

Paper) Lucol and Ltnaeod oil, rawand boiled.

Indurine, (a cold water paint) In whiteMid colon.

Filter Proas Cloth, Cement, Lime andlincki.


AGENTS FOR..New England Mutual Life In-

surance Co. of Boston.

iETNA Fire Insurance Company

of Hartford.

Wm. G. Irwin & Co.(limited).

Wm. Q. Irwin, - President and ManagerOlaus Spreckels, - - -W. M. Qiffard, - Secretary and TreasurerTbeo. 0. Porter, - - - Auditor

Sugar Factors, AM-D-

Commission Agents.AOENTB op xna




4 Queen etreet, Honolulu, n.I.

v AGENTS FORHawaiian Agricultural Company, Onomea SnaarCompany, Honornu Sugar Company, WailuknSugar Company, Walhee Sugar Company, Make

Compan, IlaleakalalUncb Company,Ranch- :- Flanterf Line San Wandaco

PacktU, Chat. Brewer & Co.'i Line of BottonFackeUAgcnla Bo.ton Board of Uoderwrltera.Aetata Philadelphia Board of Underwriter.


F 0 Jones, President; George H Bobertson,ManaRori E F Bishop, Treasurer and Sec-

retary j Col. V F AUon, Auditor; 0 M Cooke,H Waterhonso, A V Carter, Directors.

J W. C. ACHI & CO.,

Brokers & Dealers

REAL ESTATEy Wo will Buy or Sell Beal Estate in

ail parts ol the group,tW Wo will Bell Properties on Beason-abl-e

Commissions i

OFFICE, 10 West King Street

Building Lots!At WAIKIK1 on car line and on PA

-- ' LAMA ROAD near iTertllizingPlant.

These Iota are Very Cheap and Sold

on Easy Terms.

Desiroblp Acre Tracts near the oity andother Properties for sale.

BKUGE, WAKING & CO.,Dealers in Lots and Lands,

312 Fort Street, near King.Tblbphonb 007. P. O. Box 821.



Oor. Fort and Queen Streets, Honolulu.


Wholesale Importers and Jobbers ol

European and American Dry Qoods

Fort and Queen Streets.


' rtnnlnvo fn TinmVtnr nnri finaltnd Building Materials of all

""kinds,Qnoon Btroot, Honolulu,


J ust Liko tiold Coin.

For inoro limn fiftylinn PKKKY DAVJB'WuNJULLI,K Mood Lin to. I

ngnuint nil remedies preparedto eradicate Dnin. and imlnvstanch at the head of tho listamong the medicines that nrobo essential to keep at hand intho homo.

It is not a now fnnulo remedynor do tho nronrmtaim lnvclaim to any wonderful rovela- -l!n ril..!. I! ...J II .muu m tuu uigrcuieiiis cunt ou-ter into tho uinuufacturo ofthis ovcr popular remedy.

It it n xfectlv harmlnRR. vnnneed hnvo no fear of becominghabitually inclined to its use.

For Colic, Cramps, Dysen-tery, Colds, and nil painfulaffections, a few doses will cer-tainly give relief. You cannotafford to bo without a bottlein tho house.

Your forefathers used itand found it beneficial.

Why experiment with someremedy that is new and its effecton tho system unknown?

It has many rivals but noequal.

SOT The new 35 c. size contains over double tho quantity"i mju me size.

Hollister -:- - DrugCompany,

Bole Agents (or the Islands.

A GOOD THING4 U--3-- -0

Ohia, Algeroba and Pine FirewoooOut and Split (ready lor the 6tore).



WHITE AND BLACK BANDAt Lowest Prices, delivered to any part ol

the Oity.TBbBPUONB I i 414

HUSTACE & CO.,31 Queen Btreet.

ffowaiian Fertilizing

OOMIAJSTYis projxirod to furnish

Nltrato of Soda, Bono Moul, raw ordlH!olved;I'lorida and Lady KUiot IshindQuano, Htilphato of Ainuionla, Muriatoand Sulphnto of Potash and Kainito, Co-

ral Llmo Slono and Manuros. In quanti-tio- s

to Milt.

A. P. COOKE, Manager,

David Dayton,Real Estate Broker.

209 Merchant Street.

FOB SALE.12 Chinese Granite Hitching Posts; $6

each.1 Surrey in fine order; price $200.House and Lot, 75x156 ft., on No. 71

?oung street; parlor, 3 bedrooms, kitchendining-roo- etc.


Contractor and Builder.Offlcei and Stores fitted up and

Estimates given on


or Office and Shop: No. 019 Fort itreet,adJolnlDK W. W. Wright's Carriage Shop.

Real Estate Transactions.Subscribers are furnished with from five

to six lists per week, giving an accuraterecord ol all deeds, mortgages, losses, re-

leases, powers of attornoy, etc, etc, whlobare placed on record.

Subscription Price, $2,00 per Mouth.

A. V. GEAR,210 King Bt, Honolulu.

The Elite Ice Cream ParlorslOB HOTBa STRBBTS,

Oakes and Candies, ymFine Ice Cream,

Our Establishment is the Finest liosortIn the Oity. Call and see us. Open till 11

o'clookr, tt,


Qlaa Coffee LandsJop tinlo.

NO. 1.Hold.

NO. 2.Bold.

NO. 3.A film Oltt-- lUncli ol UN note

ItiM-holil- , al orm rleanrxl ami undercultivation planlcl wllli I mr oldoolfee im.


Kicellenl harualti in a UiHm. Plan.(atlnil hi 1(H) Buri-a- . V.- - lnmln. ?nacres )lanteil In entire tre from 2 In3 yt-a- old. Klne ilwiOlliig linute andnutbulldlliKs.

NO. fi.

A (1.1 nni-- fVll'.iat IItti.nl la. .. .la...Itlf. AillllLT lin tlllt Tt1iiilfm l.ku.l 1ft.

aoreft In col fee. 9 mouths Krivniiceri.

NO. G.

A 30 aero Co I re e Kami, leaiiphold.liroiMrtv 4 nor urn tils.i.t.,,1 ...ii. a- w I'inillTII Willi 1vearoltl nnlltn irc--...... un.l..,..,,lu u. ...... ...in.w aaviavn w I III' year ohl trt-e-s The owner will cleatmm inui acres auuiuonul frenolcharge for the puruhaBer.

NO. 7.SSd ACrAH nf llnlmnmuail nirn In.l

Just buck of ttie Volcano Itoad. 30 foolumu icuuiug vo i.ne laiui.

NO. 8.

Mountain View Hotel and Planta-tion. 62 acres In all. 31 acres plaut.ed with coffee trees i mouths old, 3acres of 2 to 4 year old coffee.

The half-wa- y house for the Volcano.

NO. 9.

A CoffeA PlatlflLrlnri nAi nnram tnl..9 miles from Hllo 20 acres planted iniuucu. a. uuuse anu ininroveuioutson property.

Apply to

A. V. GEAR& CO.,

210 King Street, Honolulu.

m um k


Money BrokersStocks and Bonds Bought and

Sold on Commission.

Loans NegotiatedReal Estate

AND- -

Insurance AgentsBents collected. Complete charge

of Property tor ubxcuiucti.BOTFliinnclal Agents In any capa-

city, as Trustees, Assignee, Adminis-trators or Executors.

Agency ofGran ffiel f


'gams id tol Estate


Sea View,


Prospect Street,



King: St., near WaiKikl Bml

TWO ACRESof important proporty In contral part ofcity limits.

Oosirablo roRldonco proporty, nlco H

and wo 11 Improved grounds, Kingstreot, Young Btroot, Punahou and SouthHlopo of Punchbowl.

Gear, Lansing & Go.

SIO King Street.

MttiiiiNri lllll lUllitl'.IIN,

tIH ilU! ittitrt al Mlilili III

Inniailal IinIM mi Patlt Ittrha.litMulltl)' IhoU'il iy a. ftiunll ilnlii

inlnlwl n fow ilanuo, n tenderut llm HiTi.i.in is M'liiln tho followiiilt nrllnln from llio Lntieetl

At tlin rnjurhtof tlio HygienicCouncil for tlio ilppnt Itnotit of tlio80I110 tlio 1'tofect ot 1'ollco lirtH

IbsuoiI nu order to nil tlio lialr-- 'cutlers of Pnrin contnining In

trtictioim ns to tlio s tobn tnkuu for imnlin nirninstthoHO tllsi'nBi'H which nro liknly tobo Nirend by tlio oxcrciso of thoir(rmlo. Firttt of nil, nil inctiil

nro to bo plunged di-re- e,

ly nfter nso into n Honpy wnlorwhich IiiihIioimi boiling for ntlomit 10 ininuloH. All combs oftortoiHo-Hhul- l, ivory, colluloid, orbufTalo-hor- u, nro to ho replacedas fnr iih poHsibln by motnl ohoh,ho that they tuny tho moreeueily bo cloaUHcd nud diulufoctcd; Bcissora, razors, cllpnors.nud brunliPH nro to bo kept iu nstove hented to 100 deg O, or iu nclosed receptacle iu tho lowor partof which is h eolutiou coutainiuplorinuluouydo nnd hckmuiu chlor-ic) 0, iu tlio proportion of CO

urntmncB of tho former to 200gruiumua of tho lnttcr. Beforeuse, HUavitiK-bruBh- es uiUBt bedipped in boiling watr nud

of powder-puff- s, blowersfpulvriBateurB n seol nro to boueod. Finally nil hair dressers mustwash their hands boforo passiuizfrom odd customer to nuother,and aflor nuy ono has had hishair cut, damn Band is to bosprinkled on tho floor bo that thohair may be swept up and burntnt tho end of tho day. Tho hairdressers have protested againstthis order, which they doclare tobo quito iuappliunblo to theirtrado.


HV.I Imlljt Huuiir Uroavr Duclriri loIiiTi In Amrlcai Holl.

Now York, Mnrch 25. QuiuiiuHo;g, fouuder of tho LondonPolytechnic Institute nnd a largoBUgar grower in tho West Iudies,wns n piiBxenor on tho WhitoStar Stoumnhip Qermauic, whicharrived today from Liverpool. Heleft at once for Louistuna, wheroho contomplatos buying 11,000norpB of suar cano laud thirtymiles from Now Orleans. Hoexpects to devoto about 8750,000to tho enterprise.

Ho declared that tlio BritishGovernment allordod no nrotectionto tho Westludinn eugar growers,wno wore uuanlo to competo, inconsecjuonco, with tho growers onAmerican, French und Germansoil. The protection granted bythese Governments, Mr. Hoggsaid, wns in the form of a bountyor a tariff. Ho will equip his proposed plantation iu Louisiana withmachiuery of tho most modorutypo, and will probably erecthouses for his omployea on thoplace.

Fine CurrluueM.

Have you over como to thinkthat you need a now carriage orharness. If not, why not ? Goto Schumau's Carriago and Har-ness Repository, Club Stablpsblock, and see tho largo stockof tho latest stylo in buggies,phaetons and surreys, oto. Hohas just rocoivod by tho W. G.Irwin, nmong a lino of carringes,a fow of the eolobrated Cortlaudjump seat, buckboards with cano-py tops, finished in light colorsthroughout. They nro beauties.Como and oxnmino thorn. Fricosof all these goods nro lowor thanolsowhorOj

The Anchor.

William Carlylo, who formerlyassisted P.F. Ryan in tho managemontof tho Anchor, hns succoeded him in tho management, as-sisted by Oharlio Andrews. Hecontinues to donl out tho cheerfor which tho Anchor is not-o- d.

Benttlo bcor on draughtcan always bo had, na woll as thobest brands of whiskies, etc., in-

cluding John Ddwar's Scotchwhisky, A full stook of otherliquors, wiucs, ota, is kopt onhand also.

For a nioo clean shavo or anartistiohaircutdrop in tothoElitoBarbor Shop, King Btroot, nearAlnkon.

Mechanics' Homo, corner Hoteland Nuuanu streets, lodging byday, woek or month, Tortns: 25and 50 conts por night. $1, andW.25 por week.


Distilled WaterIh (ho IioiiHIiIohI of all iIiIiiIch; ym cnii niakoIt yoiuvulf by lining our

JTomily "Wol;er Ooucleinser.

In Our Household Supply Departmentwo can filiow vou also a lino of good WATERFJLTE11S, AJirjing iu prireH from 1.50 lo!j Lz.'ou tiacli. Aiiot lier good thing is a

Blue Flame Oil Stovewith wliicli yon can cok or bako as well aswith miy kind of a ntovo, anil not got onoquarter ho hot over it

H. HACKFELD & CO.Limited.

-- Importers and

General Merchandise--AND-

Plantation Supplies.

H. HACKFELD & CO,, Ltd.201 to 215 Fort Street.


The City Fiirniture StoreAnother lot of thopo

Artistic Reed Chairs,Rockers, Tables, Etc.,

Just received In time for the Holidayse Bulldlncr. 634 and 530 Fort Btreet

Office 810

Dealers in- -


: : Rksidrnuk 849.

Calf and inspect them before It Is too late.



Honolulu Undertaking Co.

ED. A. WHLIAHS, l D, : : : Manager.

Tho Only Fully Equipped, Complete nnd EXCLUSIVELYUNDERTAKING Establishment on luo Islands. Every-thing New and of tho Latest and Most Improved Styles.

A Speoialty I No Bungling! No Failures!NOTE: Mr. Ed. Williams is a Graduate of Clark's School n

Perfoot Embalming by which proooBS the body retains its naturalappoaranco for yoars.

tST OlRco and Pnrlors: 514 and 516 Fort St., near Hotel tTelephone 179. Rosidonco and Night Telephone 815.







Page 8: I Evening K.BPT BUULETINty as tho ouly iustanco to which tho Qovornmont will now givo its ntteutiou. I havo caused a list to bo fur nished to me of landings, wharves aud piers on tho




Smokeless Sporting"Powder

Tlio ulaiiiiH made for Duponl SmokoloH.s aro Iniull.v itsfollows:

FntHT. II. may lu- - loaded Iho hiuiio iw black powder,usiuir Hi" usual Dixon liumtmre.

SitcoM). II tfivos best pat lorn and bust penetrationof anv nilro powdor at this tinio boforo tlio public;.

Tumi). Jl is cleaner in llio gun Iban an.v nilro pow-

der in use.J'oiTUTM. It is wind its name would indicate -s- mokeless.

.Firm. Keooil, wbile noticeable, is far less tlimi tbatincident to tlio use of any other powdor.

Sixth. Its shooting qualities of the best; hard, quick,well suited to trap and wing shooting.

Sijvijntii. This powder is not all'eeted by extremes ofboat, cold or moisture, which is not the case with manyother nitro powders.

E. O. HALL & SON,Liimired.

Late ArrivalsFor the Season of 1898!

Just n'tiilvml ox "W. (J. Irwin" animuirii of ItnKicN lilted with

Iho latent

Patent Shaft Couplingsand Spring Connections

Cutmider Surreys, Business Buggies, Phaetons,Jump-sea- t Buckboavds, Delivery Wagons.

car wk guauantki: to aivi: you vai.ui: von vam.jk.-xs- b

xiidBli dL Car

Canopy-to- p Road Wagons, $90 Up.

We've Ruined theCOM CROP!

03- -

Canopy-to- p Surreys, $135 Up.


I'iaac k Ikrncss House

Street,Ono Door iiIhivo Club Stables.

Telephone 205.

-- 1. O. BOX 14

For yours the corn crop of this part of thebeach has been enormous, llcckless shoo sollorsmade it so. Everybody had to "break in" theirshoes or get someone elso to do it for them, and bytlio time they were brokon in thoy were brokon outalso, 'and that broke pocket books.

Our motto is: "A cheap article is not aarticle, and will not stand inspection or wear," buta good article cheap will draw trade to our store likea hungry horse to his feed.

The Manufacturers' Shoe Co.,Importers and Dealers in Shoes.

Sign of the Big Shoe. Fort Street.Honolulu, H. I.





Groceries, Provisions and Feed,New Qooda lteoelved by Every l'aoket from the Eastern Btatea and Europe j

1TRESH CALIFORNIA PRODUCE BY EVERY BTEAME1All Orden faithfully attended to and Qooda Delivered to any

Part of the Olty FBEE

Oonorul Agents for tlio Sanitarium Brand of Health PoodsbLAtlll DUUUU HOLIOItrD, SAIIiSIAOJIOK QUABAKn


) ',. .. . .

Ala aula,, ,,. L. .?, i, J Hd'iij:AjeihUt-'AjJ:- i


Almost BlindScrofula Affect the Kysi-lLlt- tla

Boy TrMoH b) an Oculltt Witheul Rellnf -- But How M U Well,11 When my HttU boy nt thrr month

old lilt rye lctini vry nor ttid lie Mlmol blind, t took him totnoculUt

who trttt him for Ml monlhi, nd lttlilm tad lit w M tlio twinning.Klnnlly llood'l PtMrllU recommemUd and 1 lirn riving It to lilm.In I mi lbn three wevkt ho (binto go Into the nun without cowingbin , nd lody his yni ire jwrfecllywrll, nd bit rr and noxr, which werebdly ffrctrd, r kino wrll. Hood'BtrMptrllU hi certainly dona wondersfor my Iwy." Mm. Jamm II. I'aiktkh,Amador, California. Item mber

Hood'sSarsaparilla th On

Trun Moodfurl&er. All drungtita. Il.ilt for 15. (let Hood'i.

are the onlr plll to takeHOOd 8 FillS with Hood's barprlllA.


Diamond Hcml Signal Station, Apr1L 1 pin Weather cloudy, wind light


Day.&a?a Eh

re a

H.lll a. in. n. in u.u.Moiuluy '11 8. 0 (I. It) .12.61 51

i.in.Tiii-Mlu- 12 0. 0 8.13 4.18 U.4U

WViIm-wluy.- . .. i:i 10.10, 10.39 fi.10 2.30Tiiurxuiiy h h.'i U.K. 0. 0 1.34

II.IU.Kilduy.., 15 0.10 0.32 0. 8

ii.iii. ii.iii.Kiitunliiy 10 0.10, 1.20 7. I ,20

ii.iii. u. inSundiiy., ... 17 2. 4 1.10 7.35 8.10

Tlio Stiuxhinl tlmi! wlilHtk'MHinilH at12li. Om. (Ii. (iiildulirlit), (Irofiiwlehtime, which In Hi. 30iii. ji. in. ofJIu-walla- ii

Ktiiiulanl time.


StouiuorH due mill to Ball tomorrowanil for tliu noxt mix dayx aro iih fol- -iowh:



llriioiiiar Vokoliaiiiii Apr 13Hlu ilu Jniiulrn Yokolmnm Apr 13Xvnlanilla rfaii Kranulwo A)ir 13Warrlinoo Hydnoy Apr 13Mlowuru Vli-torl- Apt 15tlhuiilliio Hllo Apr 10Mokolll MoloUal : Apr 10W O Hall-K- mial Apr 17Maul Kaliiilul Apr 17l'oru Sun KriinelHc'o Air 111

Manila I.oa lvoiia Apr 22(Jaullo Yokohama Air 22


Bteameiis. Foil Hails.Jlraemar Portland Apr 13HlodiiJanolro San I'ianulsco..Apr 13Warrlinoo Viutorlu Anr 13Mlowora Sydnoy Apr 15Manna Lou Komi Apr 16Mokolll Molokal Apr 18Zi'iilanriln Sail Kranulsco Apr 10Clauilliio Hllo Apr 10l'oru Yokohama Apr 10"V G Hall Kuual Apr 10Maul Kuhulul Apr 10uaunu aan i rauuihco Apr x:


Stmr J A Cummins. Soarlo. 3 lirafrom Walmanalo. '

Schr Wiilaluu, 24 lira from Ilnnalcl.Htmr Mauim Loa. SimorHon. 18houi'.s

from Konu, 6 hours 10 minutes fromLalmlna.


Stmr Iwulanl. Qroirorv. for Hono- -kaa.

Stmr ICvuuhou, Thoinp.sou, for La-lmlna. '

Stmr W O Hull, Huglund, forXUWUIW1I1.

Stmr Maui, Freemun, for Kuhulul.Stmr J A Cummins, Seaule, for


Nenutor Humiu llttr.Washingtou, April 12. It wns

stated today that Senator Hannahad Bulliciently recovered fromhis tecent illness as to bo ablo totake a ride tbrougb our parkB ona Sterling bioyclo. Tho PaoifioCycle and 31auufacturina Co.,Ltd., aro Honolulu ageuts for thisbtult-to-we- ur whool,

A Htron'i Cuiiililimtloii,

Healthy men and Raiuior boormnko an undorminablo combina-tion. Weak and norvous mencan greatly iucreaso their strengthby tho judicious uso of Rainiorboer. On tap or in bottles at thoCriterion Saloon.

Onlora solicited for specialmonu or dinuor cards, dono inwator colors or oils. King Bros.,Hotel stroot.


MfiKiitf Htoolnlot ltwlgr, J. 0.0.1'.i 70 .

Mmllng (Joint Untnoo, A. O. ofl'..7smi.

Ilegulnr tunnling TliooHOphulH,7:30.

Aiutunl tncnllnit Second Oongro'gallon HI AndrowV CnllittltM,7:30.

iuniuin mocliiifi AiuoiioBUlicnuup, 7:!I0


Manna Loa With Kail Cattle In From

Leeward Hawaii Torts.

Bark Mohican with Ewa Sugar Oriental Slcain

jblps Overdue Tlw Hustling Cummins

Outward Tuesday Fleet.

Tim yacbt Sprny utul eloop Kn-iula- nl

loft for i'enrl Locbs yostur-dn- y.

Tlio Qovcrutnont dredgor willbo opornted borenftor iu day tiiuoonly.

Zcnlnndia from Snu Frftncisconnd Wnrriiuoo from Syduey to-

morrow.Tlio bark Edward May wau

patching copper on tho MiTcbaute'Dry Dock iu Su Francisco har-

bor Marcb 29.Uotb tlio llio do Janeiro and

Brnoinnr aro duo from Yokohnina.Probably bad Btorina uro keepingthorn back.

Fifteen cnsoHof Qcruiau incaidpB

at Muuliola up to this morning.Tlio discaao ia abating and it lathought thoro will bo no morecases from the United StatesHteamor Mohicau nftor this weok.

Tho bark Mohicau Bailed forSan Francisco today with 20,517batB of sugar, 2,fJ(iG,220 pouuds,valued nt 90,1338 aud shipped byO lirower & Co for accouut ofKoalia plantation aud Gastlo &Cooko for account of Ewa planta-tion. Tho entire cargo goes toWelch & Cck

PA8BENQE118 AltltlVED.

From Konu and Kau, por stmrMauna Loa N Kauhano audwife, K Koauu, A S Humphriesand vilot, Itov Kauhano, FrofKnebole, O S Smith, J A Magoon,A Fernandez, Father Victor, F WJieckloy, W O Akana, O K Ai,M rs Nakuina, Mrs Waiumau, HonMr Fogue, W H Corn well Jr,Miss 3luncho Hornor, Miss MayHayBoldon, Mr Nomolau, Alfred

V Carter. H Whituoy, H McCorriston, Master McCorriston, and(j'l on deck.


For Honokaa, por stmr IwalaniH Ovorend and wife.For Kapan, per stmr James Ma-kot- )

Mrs Sahubort, J W Youngand "V Thompson.

For Makawoli, ppr stmr KauaiW Wright, Miss Knudson, Mich

'Nicholson, Dr King and wife.


Kahului Arrived April 5, shipLuzon, Park, 45 days from Shang-hai. Sailed April 9, brig Lurlino,and schr Ottilio Fjord for SanFrauoisco.


Por J A Cummins: 1158 exsugar W G Irwin & Co.

Per schr Waiulua: 377 sx taroW L Wilcox.

Per Mauna Loa 212 bagssugar, G3 bags coffoo, 170 bngstaro, 25 head cattle, 291 bdlBhides, aud 125 pkgs sundries,

The Wuverley Concert.

Tickets for tho coming Waver-le- y

Club concert havo boon is-

sued. Thoy read as follows:"Tho Waverloy Club Easter con-coct, at Wavorloy Hall, Bothelstr'oet, botweou Kingand Hotel,in aid of tho Library Fund, Tuos-d- ay

evening, April 19, 1898, at 8o'clock. Admit boarer. Admis-sion $1. Carriages may bo order-ed for 10 o'clock. Cars pass upFort Btroot on route for Boretania,crossinc Hotel, 10:07, 10:27 and10.47 p. m. Cars pans along King,crossing Fort for Pawaa 10:05 p,m.; for ralaraa, 'J:uo p. m,"

Tho Zoalandia has brought tho'usual supply of ico houso goodsfor Camarinos' California FruitMarket, cornor King and Alakoafitronts. Leavo your orders early

I or ring up Tel. 378.


Censures Members Who Habltnslljf Ab.

sent Themselves from Sessions,

render Mtgailne to be Ftmotrd to M Btyood

Boat llouw-W- ldf Tire Act Hat

Strong friends.

This Mas nu exceptionally quiotdny in tho Houho of Itopteeontii-tivoB- .

Nothing enmo fioni thoCabinet, nothing from tlio Senate.Mi'inbfrs rejwtted no now busl-no8- 8.

Bills upon tho tnblo wastho first work reached.

Tlio wido tiro bill enmo up ousecond reading and was read byBcctiotiH. MoHHrs. Achi, Isonborgaud Kahaulelio opposed themeasuro iu its origiual nhape.The member fiotn Konu osliuiatod that tho bill would coat tliosugar planters alouo $350,000.His constituents ou Hawaii opjiosed it. Ho would favor thebill iu some roxpects if tho timewhen it wont into cITect waschauged to 1902, ullowiug foutyears iu place of two.

Mr. Paris moved to change thodate to July 1, 1901. This wouldallow three years and givo nmplotime. This amoudmeut obtained,wheroupou tho bill passed. Thirdreading tomorrow.

Mr. Damon introduced his billremitting tho import duty on alcohoi for the exclusive use of theQueon'a hospital. Printing Com-mitto- o.

Souato bill 19, to convert landat Aala into a public park and tomaiutniu tho sumo us such undertho supervision of tho Min-ister of tho Interior for thotime being, came up on firstreading. Mr. Achi moved anamoudmeut to provido road a GO

feet wido ou ench side of tbo park.Carried. Bill passed first audsecond roadings aud went to aSpecial Committeo consisting ofMessrs Robertson, Achi and Gear.

Mr. Isonborg, under suspensionof the rulos, mado tho followingreport on tho resolution relatingto removal of tho powdor maguzino:

" Wo would recommond that thopowdor magazine bo romovod totho Government reof below theold leper hospital as far out uspossible and that the Bum of

7500 bo appropriated for a 100feet square with a 12-fo- ot roadleading thoroto, a retaining wallfor road and site, filling tbe rondand site, material aurfaco for roadand a magazine

"Wo also submit to you the mapshowing tho place where wo re-

commend tbo powder magazineto be put "

Mr. Wilder, for the CommerceCommittee, eubmitted reports

merely that Housebills 59 and CI pass.

Mr. Robertson objected to thoreports as being incomplete.

The chair ruled tho reports outof order. Mr. Richards appealedfrom the ruling. The House sustaiued tbo Speaker by a vote of 0to 2. Reports were returned totho committeo.

House bill 03, school tax, pass-ed third reading.

Mr. Kaeo was excused for oneweek.

Act G7, penal laws: 08. CircuitJ uugos; O'J, titles to possession ofland all wont to the JudiciarvCommittee.

bill 70, relating to public cemeteries, went to the Sanitary Committeo.

The following from Mr. Robertson passed unanimously:

"lleaolvou, Ttiot tno frequentabsence of certain members fromtho sessions of this Houso is detri-mental to tho public iutorests andderogatory to tho dignity of thoHouso.

" Resolved, That tho clerk furnibIi a copy of thia resolution tooach mombor oxcopting Represen-tatives Aohi. Wildor. Atkinson.McCandloss, Kneo, Gear, Robort- -bod, liaoi and llaulukou."

Minister Coopor replied to Mr.Kubaulolio respecting visits of thoXnspootor Uonoral to countryboIiooIr. Same ,wont to tho com-mitteo on Education without road-in-

Sonato Bill 24, submitting dif-foron-

direot to the SupremoCourt without action, passed firstreading.

At 12:05 tho Houso adjourned.

Nicely furniehod rooms at thoPopular Houbo, 154 Fort stroot,from S1.00 por weok up.


Land Suit Against Mltlstcr Cooper and

Senator Scbuldt,

Oikr tall; Acllow-- Ctll Broun Aiki lxavt-- To

SrilRetk Tailoring BimIbcsi-r&- rttr

htate Hatter.

llanlilin w, ot nl , havo broughtttuit ngniunt Miui.ter Cooper nndSountor U. W. Schmidt to quiottitlo to a certain piece of land in 'Mnkiki known na Poloko nndcontaining 117 acres. Plaintiffsclniin tho property, which hasboon purchnsod by defomlHnls, byright of inhoritftuco through onoIvoawohano, who died iu 18GG.Ustlo nnd Weaver for plaintiffs.

Iu tho matter of Fred. Harrisonvs. Louis Marks ot al., debt,Judge Staules thia morningoverruled plaintiff'H motion for auow trial. Excptions uotod.Brown nnd Robertson for plain-tiff; Sillimau for defendants.

In Charlos Notley and Sons vs.Kukaiau Plantation Co., actioufor dobt, plaintiff's counsel, A. 8.Hurtwell, today filed a motion to -dismiss tho defendant's exceptionsou the ground of incompletenessund irregularity.

Defendants iu tho libel suit ofHarry 13. Soylor vb. HawaiiauStar Newspaper Association havofiled a demurrer settiug fortb thatcomplainant's declaration does notstato facta sufficient to couBtituton 'cause of action.

Cecil Brown, administrator ofthe ostato of tbo late Simon Roth,aHks permission of the court to '

sell tho tailoring business to "Henry P. Roth for tho sum of "

$12,750.23, aud to accopt in pay-ment therefor noteB of said HenryP. Roth, bearing six por cent in-terest and payable at tho rato of,$2000 a year.

Robo Kamole, w., is suing JohnKaina, k., for tho recovery of asmall lot in Palania.

Annie J. Burgees has entered adivorce libol against her husband,N. F. Burgess.

Mark Porter filed a petition .thisafternoon to bo nppointod admin-istratrix of tho eslato of horlato'husband, Thoo. O. Porter, valuedatSUMJOO

How to 3ln!o hardlue Snnilnlclicf.Open it email Lox of wirdlncH and aft-- tremoving tho fish allow cold wutur to

k l.ily how ctr than to remove tho oil,. 1..1.I1 in luvariaLly poor. Uumovu Iho

rittii t loin tho huh and pound or chopline, with u hard toiled (pg for every l 'lUh Work into a pumu with l'j

i.f talud ilrtLtlhy to every i ttSi'iihon with tnlt und popixT, I

hpnud ou- thiu hliccs of hituil l:tmwuiuh tho tiuat has hctu triiutnwJ und '

form into nu.du iuhuu. AnchoviuH mayIju used iiihtund of hardincH.

Uow to Illx Bull Ue Wood I'ollali.In theso UayH of uncarputed lloors

and Ptirsluu rugs a good wood polUh is 'always welcome. A politih that hailsfrom Japan is said to ho very fine forfuruituro as well as floors. It coubistsof a pint each of liubecd oil and cold,strong tea, tho whflos of 2 eggs and 2ounces of spirits of salts thoso sorcraluigrcdionts to bo mixed thoroughly to-

gether and poured into a bottlo, whichshould bo well shaken before tho politihis usod. A few drops aro poured upona rubbing pad of soft silk and tho wood 'rubbod with it, being uf torwurd pol-

ished with on old silk handkerchief.Tho process is a tedious and fatiguingono for tho cleaner, but its effect urvpasses that of any cosier und qulcl&rmethod.

Uow to Uemove Ink From l'sper.Toko a teaspoonful of chlorinated

limo and add just enough wutcr to coverit Moistou a soft cloth in tho mixtuio,und pat (do not rub) tho stain gently,and it will slowly disappear. If ono ap-

plication is not enough, try a secondand afterward wash tliu spot with cleuuwater in tho saino way as tho limo wasappliod.

If You Wl.li to lie Well

You must fortify your systomagainst tho attacks of dieoasQ,Your blood must bo kept pure,your Btomaoh anddigeativo organain ordor, your appotito good.Hood's Sarsaparilla is tho medi-cin- 9

to build you up, purify andonrich your blood and givo.you strength. It croatos'an appo-tito and gives digestive powor. '

Hood's Pills aro tho favoritefamily cathartic, onsy to operate

Your photos will soon bo spoil-ed if exposed without glass overtbom. King Bros, have struck avory noat and inexppnsivo way of,doing up photos which is givinggroat satisfaction. 110 Hnielstreet.

Mf. Vh..& .ffiii ,.. a, ,m.jMf. jfoa f kil$&,r'm &&Jiii&i&wa& lUf K's $&its?tedf?m& ,