i executoi1's carpets! mioo men's · 2017-12-17 · w. b. maxwell, of st. george, i us....

rfT*V3f» iiiwm. Stono & Tho Stoke & carpets \i Do You Nee We ask you to examine our i find [more Carpels, Rugs, Leu to select from than you will fine three houses in the city. W extra low prices: 50 pieces Tapestry Brussels 75 pieces Tapestry Brussels n 1 n 1 40 pieces Douy urusseis at 25 pieces Body Brussels at < 2 <; pieces Lowell & Bijielo\ worth Ji 40, 50 pieces extra heavy Union 75 pieces All Wool c c Car] 150 pieces best All Wool Ca 50 styles Moquette carpets <.'01110 nuil exnmlno our Stock. If j 1 dou'L buy. STONE & Now Advertisements. IHt. Hf.AHDKLL WILL PKKACII TO MOUUOVV morning In tlio KiikIUI Lutheran Church, ami a souk ocrvico will U con-ltxctcl I11 thoevening. j^UlTEU. r^s There will bo n mppcr a: Thomvm M. £ Church, liluud, this evening, cawraeuclnB * 5 o'clock. FIRST-CLASS MOPl'HR 2J CENT3. Hn'.v. Coo. M. Snook & Co. i STYLES -INChantilly, Spanish Guipure, Point de Esprit, Tosca and Russian SILK LACE AT AITMnTMnO riiuunoinuo AND Draping its >'ovol Designs in Dots, Danlios, Stripes Vandykes* Itlack ami Wliitn Combinations, Cream, Etc., Etc. PRICES LOW. MO*A. Limited number of Harper's Btua Fashion CuittloKiies lor sale. Frlce, Mc. geoTm M. J. McFaddon. Latest Sprig" Styles! 11. J. MADDEN Shows nil the Latest nnd Popular Style* In Huts, lit Prices Loss limn One llrill of what you "iiHJBt i»ny oUewhcrc to get the tame shapes. We have this week the DUNLAP SPRING STYLE, at SI 90and $2 40. livery Stylo we show Is Guaranteed the Correct Shape. EVENING SUN STYLES, at $1 00, $1 70 and $1 95. THE STYSOFT 1UT OF TUK SEASON. AM.THE POPULAR SlIAl'ES IN STIFF 1IAT3 at $ I 00, $ I 45, * I 70, $ 11)0 & $2 40. Soft lints, Crush lints, Caps. Boys' Hats and Caps, nil Unidci* Htm Prices. The Largest stork ol Flaninjl shirts In the Oky. Flannel fchlrtn, Now Pattern, at 35c, 60c. "Sc. !l 10 and up. New Patterns In Nnoif « ««» r.. c<... «... iHI opium, JUSt TOcclved, nt *r>c, 35c aud 60c. M. J. McFADDEN, Ono-Prlco Hattor and Furnisher,! ap'i lH'JO mill KV-i'-i Marwt't *tnt't. Clothing, Etc. ^yANAMAKlili & BKOWN Open the ball with 900 New 8prlng Styles lor QcntH* Suits and UnlformH at 33 per ccut o! a BavluR to tlie consumer, and don't forget It. J. W. FKUUKL, Agent, tol3 llndor Arlon Kail. WO Main Street. Hat and Caps. NEW SPRING SHADElfl| THE SEASON'S LEADER. Wo have thn new shade* lor f*shlnnnhl« » <* » ' .udSiSS'li1h'Ji°J, £" » «» < ' ii. mxueu, as twelfth si. Ukaxch Stork, ioji M&lu btrctt. ,pig nias-Carpoto. /Thomas j. carpets! y d a Carpet? itock before buying. You wi [oleums, Oil Cloths and Blind 1 in the combined stocks of an e offer this week the followin Carpets at 45c, worth 60c. Carpets at 5SC, worth 70c, 90c, worth $115. ;i 12^, worth $1 30. v Jiouy jsrusseis at 22y Carpets at 39c, worth 50c. pets at .)9C, worth 65c. rpets made at 66c, worth Soc. at £1 45, worth $1 75. iu Ilml wo don't undersoil all t'ompctlto THOMAS glje Siitclligcnccr Ottlco Kut. mid U7 FoiirtflentliStnwl Ni'\v AilvortlHoai(9iitii» For Sale.n. 0. Smith. Rochester lumps. KwIiir Bros. K^liitiK Tackle.Stanton A Davenport. Wheeling & Klin Grove lUllroad. t Heilgloim Notice*. Futnrday.J. II. I^ocke it Co, l.lnt of i^tt jrH KcriiHlnlin; In the IWofllce. White Mountain Freezer.Nesbltt »it Uro. heed*.lloxe it Hro. Wheeling uuilne«Collece. ! Attention, .MemtJoiM i o. a v. Ico Cream Freezers.Geo. W. JohnKon'o So Attention.II. O. Ilotr. lMrlly Your lllooil.K. II. List. DrtijwI.Ht. (.ireAt Reduction in Silverware.1. 0. Dilloi Co 8tipp«r.Head of Loc*l. Eiii.iHh Lutheran Church.lleail of Local. ' FOR THIS II.1V AMI HATE OXLV \ OFFER FOR SALE 200 pieces lino Challlcs nt ilje a ya worili He. 20 plcees yard wide fincj strlpp CuslimeriHiii Sue, worth otic. 10 pieces 111 inch nil wool black lit rlottu at 05c, sold formerly for $1. iiO pieces barred Jaconet at Oc, dnced lrom 10c. 100 plecesall Linen Crash at 5c, woi Sc. 10 pieces line bleached Mnslin nt worth 10c. 200 extra good Red Spreads at reduced from $1 f»0. k One case of Ladies' (Jau/o Shirts ' tic, worth 1 oc. L. S. (JOOI), 1125 and 1127 Main street IP yon cannot see and need spectac roil should call on us and have your E. | tested without charge. We hare " ilnest instruments and more experiei than any other Optician in the Stii and guarantee satisfaction or money landed. JACOB \V. UKUISH, * Jeweler and Optician, Cor. Twelfth and Market JStre» Thvruiomntur ICoconl. The thermometer at Schnenf's di _i r\ it... 1.i awic, vjieiu uuuao cuiuci, yetliurui r registered as follows: 7 a. m - 50 3 p. m .. .. *J r. in r*l 7 p. m 12in DC Weather.Fair. Weather Indication*. Washington, April 25..For Weate Pennsylvania, fair, warmer, northea erly winds. Tor West Virginia and Ohio, ra warmer, northeasterly winds. To Incorporate JKlui Grove. The residents of Kim Grove will lu a meeting Saturday evening at 7 o'clo at Kimmins' Ilall for the pnrposo considering the advisability of iuc< porating Kim Grovo as a town. Cruelty to Calvert ami Hoarder*. Captain Fred Ketnple and Mn Bruce Talbot, of the steamer Ben Hi were arraigned before Squire Davis y< terday on complaint of Barney Galliga clerk at the Hotel Windsor, on a char of cruelty to animals. The animals question were calves brought up on tl boat in the night, which annoyed t! Windsor boarders by bellowing morning. They gave bond for tin appearance at the Circuit Court. An <)l«l SolUler'ii Death. John W. Thompson, of No. 35 Woods Btreet, died last evening of pne monia, after a short illness. Mr. Thorn son was a soldier, nnd died with the r quest on his lips that the old boya bu: him under the old flag. lie will buried in the Peninsular Cemetery t morrow afternoon by tho old soldiei Mr.Thompson received a check for a $6! back pension only a few days before h ueain. Tho 1'oHtoUicu Improvements. The contractors aro at work removic tho heavy and clumsy iron doors in tl front of the Postollico. They will bo r placed by substantial light oak doors, t arranged as to leavo a large plato glai transom above. This chango will r lieve tho necessity of having ligl weather doors outaido of the permanei do >rs. Tho improvements on tho huildinj aside from the wart on tho south em are all useful and tend to improve th appearance and utility of the old strut ture. A Liberal OlYer. Lutz Bros., proprietors of tho populn lletno Steam Laundry, announce the they will clean freo of charge, any cai p:ta sent to them by thy. Children' Home, Homo for Friendless Women Orphan's Home, or St. John's school fo boys. If these institutions will mak tho laundry aware of ttfeir desiro t have carpets cleaued the laundry wagoi will call for them. Lutz Bros', are prf jmiuu uk tiua umu io uo carpet cloiininj promptly and in the moat thorough ant satisfactory manner. Reymann Brewing Co.'s Celebrate* Bock Beer will bo on tap for the las time this year to-day. If you wish to buy tho beat Childrei School Shoes, eomo to II. J. Sclnilz, a everyone knows tho John Mundell Sho in tho best for tho inonoy. We Ruaran teo every pair. 1034 corner Main stree and Market alley. Reymann Brewing Co.'s Celebralec Bock Beer will bo on tap for tho las time this year to-day. Ouit §2 00 Men's Fine Sewed Cal Gaiters are a bargain at $2 50. Stone's Cash Shoe Store. Reymann Brewinq Co.'s Celebrated Bock'Beer will be on tap for tho las! tiino this year to-day. Hallcran'8 Commercial School will take in students until the 30th of April, ry" y invucu. \jftii and see us, 1300 Mark of. Btroot. I" s. Good soils dry goods the oboapest. LOCM. lilimtlKS, Matter* of Minor Moment tn anil Aboi the City. Matinees tit both theatres to-day. ( Oi'eiia, House this evening.Vernoi Jarbeau. The Grand this evening."NVIlbi Opera Company. Several train loads of emiRran passed through west over tho lkltiino A Ohio this week. MakyKmma Lee warranted adlvon by the Circuit Court, /roin John V. Le and ailowed to resume her maiden nam Ten divorce cases aro on the dock for hearing at the present term of tl II Belmont County Common 1'ieas Cou: s Wit.ve.hsks wero in attendance befo tho grand jury at Ht. Ciairsvillo yest< y ilay in tho Kddio Combs and Miko ft Donouj^h case. £ Miw.Ciiaui.es Tiion.niiura, who li\ on Market street, near Twenty-Soveni fell oir a step-ladder and broke li shoulder blade. Tiik Wheeling and Lake Erlo milrc has nlnccd an ordnr with tho I'll burgh Locomotive Works for aevente new locomotives. Tiik last will of John W. Boring v yesterday admitted to probate and 2, dered to bo recorded. Josephine Bori is named as executrix. Tiik Baltimore it Ohio had a sli{ wreck on their river track at Bella yesterdav. Tho cars wero loaded w pig iron for Wheeling. Tiik remains of Frank McSherry, vt was drowned some time ago. w brought here from down tho river Thursday ami buried in Mt. Oalvi cemetery. rs Ahkakokmknts are being maJo fo iiviM convention of all tho farmers Belmont couuty, to bo held May 24th Ht. Clairsvillc,! to organizo a C'oui Farmers' Alliance. m An "old-fashioned social" and one thopo supners for which Uio Isli Methodist ladies nro famous, were gii at the Thomson M. K. Church, on Koi 4 Broadway, last evening, and was joyed by a good sized crowd. = mwmviT Stranger* In tho City and Wheeling Poo Tho Vcrnonn Jarbeuu company registered at tho McLuro. Mr. 11. II. Cummins arrived fr Philadelphia yesterday, where ho beerfattending medical eolleiro. W. B. Maxwell, of St. George, i us. State Senator "William G. Woriev, Kiugwood, A. W. Kennon of St. Cla llt villu, and J. L. Curtis, of Wellsbt were at tho McLuro yesterday. Mrs. J. Kelsey Hall presented husband with a tine nine-pound boy VE '!o'clock yesterday moriiiiiff. Moth doing well, and Mr. Hall stauda shower of congratulations nobly, nl, In a report of a concert at Belli night before last, the Independent sa ed "Tho recitations by Mr. Henry 1 pheimer, of Wheeling, a former stud »u- of Kev. Mr. Eaton'*, were excellc The only regret was thero was re- enough of them, lie certainly has talent and a well cultivated voice." "M* George McCoy, Bon of Dr. J. W. ] ' Coy, who was eo severely burned ,,cj sulphuric acid while making a cbeni experiment at Morgantown some ti since, has partially regained his si) but cannot use his eyes for reading u* close observation. His physicians th in the course oi a your his Bight will restored, although his eyes will alw bo weak. les TO-DAY'S DKUOXSTUATIOX yes the Aud Dedication of tho New I. O. O. F. 1 ICC at Hellbire. ite, To-day tho Odd Fellows of Belli ro" will celebrate the seventy-first annr Bary of the formation of the order, itf*. will at the sauio time dedicate their! new building. Extensive preparati have been made, and with propiti °G weather, tho day will surpass anyth liy» Bellairehasseeninalongtime. Lod will bo present from all the neighbor towns, and a parade of more than ord ary dimensions has been arranged The Wheeling delegation will be un command of Capt. Henry Seamon, t rn will go down on the steamer Bellain ,st- 1 o'clock, to remaiu till after the ni| meeting. The Wheeling team will in, team work to-night. At Bellairo parade will be under command of CI Marshal J. W. Heatherington, aided James Fitton, J. W. Corbett, 0. )ld Foulke, F. K. Shearer and E. Leech. ek - of An AttemptedSulchlo. 3r" Mrs. Alex Defenbaugh, of Marti Ferry, better known as'Mandy Crisw attempted to commit suicide last nig She aud Defenbaugh were married ab( three years ago and have three childr lr> A few months ago they parted, Def< J8* baugh going to the home of T. 0. Irw n> South Third street, Martin's Ferry, Ke board. Last night Mrs. Defenbauj in who has been living with her moth 10 near the Northwood glasa works, fou an ounce bottle of laudanum which h V' mother had hid from her a few days 1 ;ir fore. She walked down Wntor ntrpof. Washington, aiid up that street to t Ohio "Wino Company's cellar, on Sou Third Btreet, near where her husba 23 boards. There she drank half the cc u* tents of the bottle. P" Mrs. Criawell missing her daughto e* sent a younger sister to look her up. S 7 was found lying on the ground unco ^ 6cious with the half filled bottle in h °* hand. She was carried into the hoi s* of Mr. Matt McDermott near by, wht W Dr. \V. B. Shuttleworth attended hi is At a late hour she was still in a prect ious condition. I.nnt Mght'H l'iro Alntui. 'g An alarm of fire was turned in fro le East Wheeling about seven o'clo o* last night on account of a small blaze J0 the Reyinann Brewery. The depai 38 ment made a good run, but fouud e* services unneeded. The loss was ve light. it During the run to the fire thero was narrow escapo from a collision betwe< the Vigilant and Niagara engines, at tl corner of Sixteenth and Market streel '0 Both engines, coming from opposi - directions at a rapid speed, reached tl corner at the same instant, and a cata trophe seemed inevitable. The skill ar the presence of mind of the driver, hov 't ever, averted what might have been aerioiiB accident. 8 A Much Xoedutl Improremont* The residents of the old fairground r on tho Island, are making another eiro e to securo tho promised sewer down tl 0 alley in tho lear of their lots. Th 3 Island members of Council aro all i s favor of the improvement, and proyisio j should certainly be made for it in th 1 annual appropriations. Tho sewer wi ordered last year and tho pipe w* placed along the line, but the Board ( . Public Works neglected to lay it ti "too late in tho season," as they saic when they hauled it away to lay it somi 3 where else where the season was lei 8 forward. Tho sewer ought to be pi e down early this season. ^ Nearly aCollUiou. Thero was a narrow escapo from collision between a street car and I countryman's wagon ou tho South Sid i, yesterday ntternoon. In passing th wagon at full speed the aide of tue ca scraped tho hub of a rear wheel. Th f car was filled with passengers, who wer pretty badly scared. 31ore Pavement Inresticntom. [ Another delegation of prominen visitors was in tho citv yesterday, to in spect tho famous Wneeliug fire-bricl pavements. They were councilraen am citizens of York, Pa.. Messrs. Willian E. Patterson, M. M. Littef, Willian Rodenhouse, D. F. Lafoau, D. F Stauffer, J. K. Gross and Walter E White; and a similar partv from Hunt ington, Pa., composed of Messrs. Hugi Llndsny, II. B. Dunn, Robert Mattson , and J. C. Blair, aud Mr. De llavon il Unco, of Philadelphia. Clerk T. M. Darroh. of tbo Bonrd of Public Works, and Mr. John M. in Sweeney allowed tho party over tbo city and explained tho beauties of tho paveir ment. They took dinner at tho Mo* Lure house, and left for Pittsburgh in ^ the afternoon. rC PhD AS THK IHUJS. [1(l llut It Worked iliiot tlio Hnnin on an Uuj, NnptiUtlcnt«il (III Man l-'rotn KureUa.A (i' Cuddy (Jaino of Dlru. An oil man from tho Eureka Held i,. Illttocl through town yesterday. He was rt. not bore bo very lonjr, but his Btay cost ,re him about $50, though it probably added In Itta utnnlr nf uvnnrl»n<»it Hin militM U Ic- W.W. Heathcote. Hecamo up from Eureka on thu 11:30 Ohio IUvcr train, and intended to go to Pittsburgh on the 1:40 Pan Handle train. In the menuLU» time lie waa wanderiug up Water Btreet ier when ho met n stranger, who was bo gonial that ho and Heathcote wcro boou ad very good friends. The stranger invited ta- Ueathcoto into Schell & Myers' on saloon to get a drink. They took one. and anotl#r. Then the dieo box was Bet rofl out and the two began to throw dice for or* the drinks. Pretty soon another man ng arrived, Heatbcoto's friend knew him, and ho waa lutein on the dice came. A f|,t Kood hand wan thrown, and playing for lre monoy waa Buggestod. Everybody was jtj, willing. The man who invited Heath* cote lout, and had no change. Heathcote . generously, aa is thu wopt of oil men, 1,0 otFered to pay for him. and Insisted with L're Much forco that ho had his way. He took ont out bis pocket-book, In which there wan W about '$-50, and waa about to take out a bill, when thu last r a man to arrivo snatched the purse and ol dashed out of the room. Ileathtote'a at friend laughod and raid it was a good ity joke, adding that ho know tbo man, and ne Mai "all right." After a while the of other man disappeared. Thpn Heath, ind coto began to see through the scheme, ,-en and ho hunted up OHicer Shorts. lie nth gavo a pretty good description of the en- men, ami tho nolico thiuk they know them. They will Investigate the matter this morniug before tho Mayor. a wiwn.'t; mimed. 11,6 ISlnnej'M Store and tlio 1'oatoMcn at Valley Grove Vinitcd. Night before last or yesterday morning om at an early hour burglars effected an enhas tranco into tho postoffice at Valley Grove, which is kept iu tho general lm] store ot Postmaster Blaney. A large 0j quantity of postrge stamps, quite a lot jra. of penknives and a few haudkerchiels lr , were stolen. If anything e!so was taken " Mr. Blauey could not miss it yesterday. There is no clue to the burglars, hut it "eJ is suspected that the robbers who asnt saulted tho Maine peddler, Lehtnau, fl.re last week, are working their way along tlie tho ])ike toward Pittsburgh. The Wheeling police were informed of tho tiro robbery, and kept u lookout all day yesys: terday for suspicious parties, but up to im- a late hour of the night there was no doent velopment. Tbero is reason to hope, :nt. however, that tho thieves will be capnot tured. A110031IX ttKAl, ESTATE. Mc* Numerous Truu»r«r« nutl ono Oil Lease rith «» _.» ... ( laxuiiicii i^mrninji 'ca* Clerk Hook yesterday admitted to rccord two decdB of trust and transfers J"l» as follows; April 19, by Andrew Kay °£ and wife and John Hay and wife to l"k Lawrence Kay, for $C00, lot 15 in square be 11, in South Wheeling. April ID, by aJ's John 11. Nolto and wife to Anthony Mauley, for $1,500, tho south half of the north half of lot 71, William Chapline'e addition. April (jo, by John' M. Greer j.n to AugU6t Trabert, for 6100, tho north half of lot 47, in Jonathan Zme'o addition. April 22, by 13. C. McGrew and lire wife to M. R. Wolfl, for $3,500, lot 2 in 'er* square 10 in Gilchriat'u amended addinud tion. April 17, by M. K. Woltfand wife (Ino to 13. C. McGrow, for $1,050, lot 1 in squaro 2 in Gilchrist's addition No. 2, on North Front etreet. ?us Also an oil lease from John Browplee l0K to J. 13. Chambers, conveying the nolo 2ea right to bore for gas and oil on 22'acres; "'K consideration one-eighth of the oil pro'in* duced, or if gas in paying quantity; is 'j)r* found, $500 in cash. If a well js pot commenced in on# year from April 21 ini} Ohambera is to pay a yearly rental of i at $120. Kht * ' . do Tli© Girls Laughed.Tho Moihc Han on*. the Yesterday evening John Dixon and »ief Edwin Mingie were driving Ilarry Walby lace's three-yeaioM colt "Tom" down E. Market street, and when about to turn un Sixteenth street the horse frighten* eu at the whistle ot the merry-go-rouud, and the violent laughter of some girls, n's and ran ofT. lie made a short turn ell, which upset tho buggy, throwing both ht. men out, and breaking two ribs of jut Dixon. Mingie held to the lines, and 5n. f*ot the horse stopped near Eoff street, un- The buggy was badly damaged. in * t0 llailroiul Meeting at ISriiigoport. »ut meeting was neui in the City Ilall er, at Bridgeport last night for the purpose d of getting some views from citizens with er regard to the proposed route of the be- Wheeling & Lake Erie railway through to that town. A committee composed of he Henry Crawford, of the City Council, th George C. McKee, City Solicitor, and nd Messrs. W. H. Tallman, \V. T. Graham, m- W. J. Howells and K.F.Smith was appointed to meet with tho railway 3r, ofiicials Tuesday afternoon to try and lie harmonize on some route through -Kuian- ville and Bridgeport to the creek, er Another cotnmilteo composed of Dr. ne John Cook, 1'. B. Smith, J. C. Dent and !re S. M. "Woodcock, and including Messrs. >r. Crawford and McKee, was appointed to vr- confer with the ofllcials with regard to a right of way in Kirkwood. Wheeling, W.Va. can boaatofavery im intelligent member of the trade, Mr. A. L*k Breslauer, who paid us a visit Inst month, at and whom we found a very entertaining rt- and wide-awake gentleman, and a masits ter of his profession, in fact a genuine ry artist..The American Uairdretscr, New York. »n Have you seen HolT's $3 50 Men's fine je hand welt shoe. It is a world beater .a, and wo defy competition on the same, te quality and price considered. H. 0. Hnpp 11J1 U«!n Qlrnnf ,d Beymann Brewing Co.'s Celebrated Bock Beer will 1)0 on tap for the lust a time this year to-day. Our $L 00 Children's Button School Shoes are solid leather and cheap at b, $125. Stone's Cash Shoe Stork. rt * 10 Tiik Road House at Burley's Mills, on i0 the National road, four miles west of n Bridgeport, is open for the seasou. The n best of attention is given to the enteric tainmentof guests, Patronage solicited. is IIeymann Brewing Co.'s Celebrated )f Bock Beer will be on tap for the last j| time this year to-day. ^ Miirblu and Graulto. "* If you intend erecting a Monument, t Vault, Marker or memorial of any kind, and want first-class work and low prices, call at otlice of L. A. Moore, second floor McLain's Building, IL'05 Market street, Reymann Brewing Co.'s Celebrated Bock Beer will bo on tap for the last g time this year to-day. j r H. J. Sciiclz, at 1034 Main Btreet, is J 0 selling Genta' Calf Congress, solid out 6 andout>Ior $215 only. u. a. it, ur Quia ; t Ono Faro to Cincinnati via tlio Ponnijlra- ( lilii Llnoi. c £ For tho annual Encampment o( the 1 1 Department ot Ohio, Grand Army of the o i Republic, to be held in Cincinnati, April a i 2S to 30, excursion tickets will bo sold 'J . from Bridgeport via tho Pennsylvania o . Lines to all applicants, at one (are (or the I round trip, on April 27, 2b and 21). cood t ' returning May 2, inclusive, I TilII CITY COPSCIL An Adjourned Me«<tli>tf tn«t Kvcnlng, llonrdlng Homo Uretuei, Tallow House*, etc. Counclhnct last night pursuant to the adjournment of Tuesday night. The members were alow coming, nnd it wai after 8 o'clock before a quorum arrived, In tho First branch there waa n bare quorum, with two mon sitting reatleesl) and anxious to go home. Tho report ol tho Health Committee concerning the tallow and soap factories in Eaat Wheeling, In which tho committee decide! that neither establishment is a nuisance on the ground that no complaint wai made against the soap factory, was taker up, on the question of concurrlug will the Second branch In accepting tue re port. Mr. Tracy moved to concur. Mr Farrell presented a petition from a num bvrof East Wheeling citizens, asking fo; tho removal of thososp factory of Satnue Elder, Mr. Tracy, Mr. Emslicimer ant others tried to talk at once against thi reading of tho petition, on tho groum that the matter was out of order unti the motion of Mr. Tracy was disposed ol The Mayor during all this racket trioc to say that courtesy to Mr. Farrell ant the people ilguing the petition, demand ed that it ho road at o'neo. Tho Mayo iw.i.i »..Mo Mr. Tracy but down in a hutf, remark infri "I appeal from your decision." The Mayor orderod Clerk Hanke t read the petition just tlio same. Ml Farre11 moved to refer the report am the potjtion back to the Health Con: mitteo; Jost. Mr, Jtarrell moved to la, the resolution to eoneur on the table lout. Tho original- resolution was nu and carried iN|r. faj-rejl t|jep moved t refer tho petition concerning tho Klde soap factory to tho Health Cominitte and Health Qjjjcer for investigation an report at the next meeting; carried. Tho First then concurred with th Second in some minor matter?, and ad journpi). In tho Second branch the License o: diuance was taken up. Mr. llobrecli moved to amend so that all boardin houeeoand others who keep transiei guests for less than seven days at a timi shall bo deemed hotels anil uay ilcene accordingly: carried. Tho nrdinnnr provides for a tin stamp for peddler wagons, choking thjt the Ijcenijo he been paid, Mr. harrell moved amend so that tho Mmo tags shall I attached to baskets, boxes or bags who oirried by peddlers; carried. A" aroenc ment was offered and adopted taxiii steam ferries $50 a year. An ameni ment was adopted taxing wholesale an retail produce dealers So a year. Tl: ordinnnco was then passed. A petition from L. W. Inglebright an Sarati A. Jeukiua, proprietors of tli Ohio City Ferry, atkiug that they ue n leased from illegal taxes, was rcferre to the Coinmittee on Equalization an Appeals. Election bridge loan bil amounting to $100, and $2 extra ft cleaning the Sixth ward school after tli election, were ordered paid. A big bunch of petitions for curb sewers, pavements, etc., were referred the Board of Public Works. Frank Robrecht was granted a liceni to keep a saloon at No. 2159 Main stiee The new crematory ordinance ws read through once, aijd referred to tl: Committee on Health. JAKBEAU IN "VtARUGIiT." Ono of llio Best Mimical lMecon EvcrSci in Wliccliug. A goo'd audienpo last night lauglu and applauded continually at tho lie music and enjoyable specialties, roa ing fun, handsome costumes and othi rare attractions on tho Opera Horn stage. The piece vaa "Starlight/' Ye nona Jarbeau was tho vivacious an charming star, and the company wi made ud of tnlnntnd inpn whr* nrn n< pretty ijfid talented women who t\rc. js' better performance of the kind was ev( ^iven here. It is one continual round < novel and delightful features. Bei Ooote, Martin O'Neal, "William Seller Missefc ICingslejr and Perratjlt.in fae" the whole company, without exceptioi shared the honors with Miss Jarbeai Tho piece will bo repeated this afte: noon and evening. Herman, llio Wuuril. On Monda and Tuesda Sr jg$l evening ncst» *Ie: ni n " 'h 0 ^ 'tyiS EH Breati;Bt o 11 fij, , ,y liviDR mas cians, w i appear at th , Y/S5 * I Opera Iious «f Jwgi&ff I Herman hr ^^^^^^^^y^.^^^^made a worl >>lL' *'n(3 ^or^un hy practice / Ipfiv0 / >> tlie fal8ityc ' ' the old adag that "seeing is believing." He perform his feats with such consummate ease an grace that even the most lynx-eyed in dividual are deceived. On the pre gramme will be the famous "Cremation1 and "Black Art." Every trick performei by Herman is accomplished so deftl; that it inspires a feeling akin to awe ir the audience, and the impression tha he has some occult Dower not given t< ordinary mortals is almost irresistible The salo of seats for his engagemen will open at C. A. House's music stort this morning, and thero will doubless be a large sale,". air. Ilcnulg'tf HoncllU. Next Wednesday afternoon and even' ing Thomas W. Keene and his company including Mr. Frank Hennig, this city, will appear at the Opera House in "Louis Xt" and "Richard III," for the benefit of Mr. Hennig. Wheeling h justly proud of Mr. Ilennig, and aside from the rare attractions of the engagement from an aatistic standpoint, his friends may be relied on to put a premium on standing room at both performances. Fra IMavolo" The Wilbur Opera Company gave "Fra Diavalo" at the Grand last night to a good audience. Mr. Conly was, equal to ttio title role, and Miss Baker, who was Xcrlina, was charming. The bedroom Bceno was modestly and naturally done. Miss Baker haB won many admirers hero. '' Miss Bolton was pleasing as Jxidy Allcash. This afternoon "Nanon" will be given again, and this evening "The Mascptte" will clo-e the engagement. Oca $190! Ladies' fine Dongola Button Shoes are cheap at $2 50. Stone's Casii Shoe Store. Bkymann Bkhwisq Co.'s Celebrated Bock Beer will be on tap for the hist Lime thitf year to-day. Rrymann Brewing Co.'s Celebrated Bock Beer will bs on tup for the last time this year to-day. Along the lleiuitiful Ohio. The river is still jit a stand, with 0 feet 3 inches in the channels. Coal boats are about out of the trade, and will stay out till there is a river. Thus far the local md Cincinnati-Pittsburgh packets have not been inconvenienced by tho low Brater. The C. W. Batchelor arrived at the wharf at (l a. ra. ^yesterday with a 'air load of freight aboard. She struck i perfect avalanche of business here, and it 0 p. m. was still at the .Riverside landng takinp on freight. She got off for Cincinnati at 8 p. m., but had a good :onsignraent waiting her at Bellaire. The L. A.Shirley passedjup for Pittsburgh it 5 a. m. yesterday with a good load, nd an hour and a half ahead of time. ?ho Elaine left the wharf for Pittsburgh ,t 7 a. m. with a good Btart. The Ben lur left for Parkersburg at noon. Tho 'ourier passed up in the Parkersburg'ittaburgh trade at 9 p. m, To-day the Scotia ilepftrtn for Cincinnati at 7 a. in, Sho in Hid only boat scheduled to touch here, except tho local packets. NO BRITISH (ILASS SVMHCATE. Tln« Project Abandoned Two Week* Ago The Story Now Krpt Allunt for Kflcct on TlmTnrlir 11111. An I.ntkllioknckr reporter yesterday 5 callcd on President N. 13. Scott, of tho Central Glass Work?, and asked lilin how much truth there was in tho reJ cently printed story that an Knglish syuj dicato with a capital of $200,000,000 is making arrangements to socuro all tho i Hint glass works in tlie United States and unite them under ono management similar to to the Standard Oil Company's Byfltem ol doing business. "There is absolutely no truth in it," said Mr. Seott. r "Was there ever any foundation for 1 tho story? 1 "Well, you luinht say thero was a 9 slight foundation for it, but it has none 1 now. Thero was a plan to organism one big company to control all the llfty-flva Hint glaaa fuctoiiea, with a good block o( 1 thu stock held by English capitalists, 1 anil an expert accountant made an ex amiaation of some of the concerns' r books, but a disagreement arose, the foreigners desiring a controlling interest and the manufacturers preferring to retain that. The thing was dropped about two weeks or more ngo, and tho como inittee of tbo manufacturers that had thu matter iu charge was discharged, il There has been nothing said since on i- tho subject, anil there iu no prospect of a y revival of the scheme." ; Wheu asked for an explanation of the t revival of tho story, and its wide publio cation, Mr. Scott said it waa an evident r attempt by tho importers and jobbers e of glaes to create tho itQpruepioii that d the class faplqrietf wove to go into the hands of a foreign syndicate, to be opere ated on tho Standani] oil plan, and that I- tho object oi the importers waa to create a feeling which could bo used with good r- effect in securing u roduotion of the t proposed duties on glass in the McKiu It This Oytilnnollnn OMWC it J m vuin IU IU1UW I i, Hood o( light oa thQ i^OQ.OOO.OOU fairj le story. J THE 11UII.UEIU)' STI11KR 18 Tho I'luulnj; Mill* >VorUl»n lllglit Aloug 0 Tho Men Firm. I(i Tho building trades' strlko remaim " unchangtd in its general features. Near g ly all tho union ineu remain faithful I- although tho planing mills and othe: (1 members of tho Builders' Exchange havi l(J uoarly enough men to do tho work yro j Rented. Tho p.ovml «ew contractinj ie firms and individual builders hav» B. greatly relieved the pressure upon tin older contractors. One of tho planing j mill owners eaid to an I.NTKWOKNpiii |8 reporter yesterday» t'We need just tw< ,r moro men, and when those two placet ie are .tilled, our mill will bo ruuuing ai well as it would bo if the strike was set 3 tied. We have ten men and thieo boys q and w<J could do well with these e^cep they are none of them just competent t< handle ono or two of our machines." The other mills are getting along i? ^ about tho same way. ie Yesterday afternoon there was a largi crowd of strikers collected about the en trance to Trades Assembly hall, discuss ing the strike and its prospects. Thej ull express a determination to remaii :u tirm, and were jubilant over the fac that to-day is pay day just tho same ai d if there were no strike. The increase ii lc the carpenters' allowance, voted las Monday night, has had a very stimulat r" ing elTect upon the men who are no sr working. ?e The latest scheme qn tho part of thi new ponlraptors who arc not memben of the Builders' Exchange, is to display d an immense placurdou every job in pro" 18 gross, stating who is doing tho work One job was noticed where tho placardi o »--- ui tuv> uiticieui. cuutraciors engaged verj -* nearly covered the entire place. rt Till; UNION BiaU(iE, T^n Structuro Kcnrinj; Completion.Tor j' nilnnl Work. i'. Work on the Union railroad bridge ii r- rapidly nearing a stage where only th( putting down of the track will reraaii to bo dono. The third span from tlii y Ohio 8boro was put up in thirty hours y and it is intonded to push work on tin ® channel span, the false work for wbicl e is now nearly ready, with the fnmj i rapidity. It is thought the spau will bt j. in position by May 1, though of course 1 the bolting and riveting will remain tc e be done. ie Paige Carey & Co., are making rapit! l8 progress qu the Terminal railway work d below tho creek. The north end of tin x. Chapline hill tunnell is being pushed in n as rapidly as fifty men can push it, and e the hole begins to present quite an inter I. eating appearance. At the south end, f, tho work has progressed with equal )f rapidity, but does not.show up so well, e on account of being distributed over sc s much larger a field. The stone work for d the two bridges isjyell under way aut] j. the fill in Caldwell's field below Chapi. line street, is almost tin to grade. The " run has been substantially straightened I from Woods street to EofT, and the apy proach to tho tunnel portal will Isoon i bo in such shape as to make it possible t to begin underground work. ) A Flooding Stingo t Of health and strength renewed and of s eoso and comfort follows the use of * Syrup of Figs, as it acta in harmony with nature to ellectualljr cleanso the system when costive or bilious. For sale in 50c and $1 00 bottles by all leading druggists. daw | Men's good Hobnailed Brogans, $110, worth $1 50, at Stone's Cash Shoe Store, i 1012 Main street. Key Mann Bkewino Co.'s Celebrated Bock Beer will be on tap for the last timo thi^ year to-day. Ii.J. Scnuu, at 1031 Main street, is seliiug fine Dongola Handturn Ladies Button Shoes for the low price of $2 50. spring anil stiiuinur. "Wo are in receipt of all the newest novelties in Woolens for men's wear, consisting of Suitings, Pantaloonings and Overcoatings, which we are prepared to make up iu the best style and fit at reasonable prices. Buy the best 25 cent fast black seamless half hose made, at O. Hess &. Sons', 1321 and 1323 Market Street. Reymann Skewing Co.'s Celebrated Bock Beer will be oh tap for the last time this year to-day. WE ARE ALL SETTLED. Come and Sou Us In Our New nnd Hand. Home Quarter*, 51 Twelfth Street. We can show von morn lllnvfloo o«,i better Bicycles, than all other dealers combined. The Victor Safety-Is finer than ever. Don't fail to see it. We are trading in comparatively new wheels of other makes for the Victor. Why is it? Simply because the Victor is best. Don't lose money by buying a wheel without examining the Victor. Buy the best in the start. It is the cheapest in the end., Call and. examine our stock. Over a dozen makeB of Bicycles. Edw. L. Rose & Co., New Store, 51 Twelfth street. Excursion to Cincinnati. The Baltimore Ohio Railroad Company will sell excursion tickets to Cincinnati at the rate of one limited fare for the round trip, on account of the Twenty-fourth Annual Encampment, G. A. R., Department of Ohio. Tickets will be sold for all trains April 27, 28 and 29, and will be valid for return passage until May 2, inclusive. Children Cry for. Pitcher's Castoria. IN TUE U.S. COURT, Dr. McCoy Triumphantly Aci|iiUtuil-An< otliar Acquittal. Late Thursday evening tne jury in the caso of Dr. J. W. McCoy, indicted for securing an excesslvo feo in a pension case, brought In a verdict of not guilty. To thoso who knew Dr. McCoy and to all who heard the evidenco this result was no surprise. Tn the U. 8. Circuit Court yesterday, tho caso of Squire James Anderson, of Battelle district, Monongalia county, accused of buying tho vote of a Democrat, for SI. was finished, and occupied all the day's session except a little time epont in unimportant preliminary mat' ters. Last evening the jury returned o vordict of not guilty. Tho uvidence showed that Squire Anderson was a reputable and upright citisson. very pop* ular in his neighborhood, and that some neighbors with nti enmity against him had put up a job to get him into a questionable transaction, which on tho testimony of tho man who carried it through, was a failure. Tullco rickup*. Jack Brown was arreated by Officer I.. Jl-I. *- < rot lur uiDcuurKinK a revolver in an alley near the Poatofllce. Capt. Tom Dewire, a plain Ohio drunk, was locked up by lleil. Jauiea aud Susan Frnsicr, man and wife, were arrested on the Island byOfllcit McNichol. The uian waa very druuk. In the Police Court yesterday George Myers waa lined $20 aud coals for keep* ing a gaming room, and eight men $0 and costa eacli for gaining. IJicksly, the Pittsburgh drummer, who had,so much fun Thursday, i>aid $10 and costs. A plain drunk made up the roster Mr. llonry Not C'ullty, In tho Circuit Court yesterday, Tarl II, the case of James Henry, indicted foi ; renting a house to bo used us a hou^e ol Ill-fame, wan tried to a jury. Ilo tcBtiliei that he did not kuow the Miller womac kept such a house, and was acquitted. MnumUvlUo. p. H, Kvan*. Kaq., Is the KUCit of friends a 1 Dumcttowu, lml. me tniuers at tno shaft have gono In aguli niter belug out a few day«, Frank Wade lion bought a lot on La Kayctl avenue aiul will build a bakery ami residence. Mlw 9.C. Jordan, who has been visiting Mis Lee for some time past, baa goue to her home ii Urantvllle, Md. 3 MUi Mamie Karris ban goue back to Buckhun noil to attend school, ller mother accotntmulci her ana will visit Irlends there for a few day*. Tbe work of resetting the curbing und /acini it preparatory to laving the street pavement r has been bctfuu. John V, Allen secured tb 4 contract. It Ib understood that \Y. W. Smith will crect lurae business building ou the lot purchased o , J. 11. Founuln. The locution Is one of the lines * In the city. i A petition signed by most of tho cltliens hai 3 been tent to Congressman Atkinson usklng hlu . to urge CQDgrott to make au appropriation tt t prvct a po«tu111co bulldlug. , A grout many oil leases are still being record ' cd at the County clerk's ofllce. Despite the bai 3 pick at IIirks No. 3, ll is being pushed rapid!; 3 down and It no new accldeuts befall, mav bo ex p:cted to come lu before many days. The new l)omd of penitentiary directors wll * hol;\ their ilrst meeting ou Thursday, May 1 w Ihu uew oillclals wero not commissioned li ) time to hold tho regular meeting tho fourtl Wednesday In April, A good deal of Interest I manifested iva to who the clerks at tne pcnlteu 1 liqry will be. \V. u. Dugg, of Whecllug, former ]y of MouudsvliW, uud C. J. lllugs, of Cameron ; are appllcauu. ltrldguport. Miss Jennie Deeds, of Indlunapolls, Iml., Is th r guest of frlcuils here. 1 Mifs Clara Chapman, who has been visltln; f relatives here, returued to her home at Steuben u vllle yesterday, 8 A portlou ol tho Woodmatnce farm, adjolnlnj l Klrkwoodon the south, has been laid out li t town lots and these are being rapidly pur chased. f W. II. Howolt ha* been granted a paten through the odlce of C. A. Suow & Co., paten lawyers, of Washingioa, for an improvement li i railway rails. j Tbe proposed brldgo across the creek fron the west eud of Bridgeport to Klrkwood is on standstill. It was ut Ilrst luteuded to erect thi brldKeona level wltl> tin» nia«Ai » ..! i.> Wheeling tracks, but that company's demanc * for&O.Oju damages has changed the quesilo1. ' somewhat. j . Martin'* i'orry. Mrs. F. A. Martin Is vlsltbg her daushter a Fostorla. J. II. Drown, of this city, Is leasing some ol . land near Marietta. Ell Davis, aged 75 years, recently walked fron his home In Wayne Township to Burrs Mill* » where he hoarded the cars for at. Clalrsvllle, hi > first ride on a railway. A four-year-old child of Mr. and Mrs. Lewi 1 Smith is dangerously ill. Mr. Smith who, Is li ^ Boston in the interest of the Buclceve U lass Com pany, was telegraphed for yesterday, An exhibition In gymnastics will be nlvcn b, > the Y. M. C. A. gymnasium class this evening a ' So'cIock, The usual meeting for young mci l will l.e held Sabbath afternoon at -1 o'clock. , Twenty-eight persons from Martin's Ferry ar ' peared before the Graud Jury at St. Clalrsvlll 5 yesterday and nearly as inauy more were out o: the case of John Noon vs. the Cleve'.aud. Lorali it Wheollng road. llellalre. Peter Smith has secured a 81 per month pen slon. 5 At the Second Presbyterian concert about $1 was cleared. Rev. Mr. O'Mera and family have arrived Iron Columbus, and will remain hero permanently. Some small boys drank stile beer from keg set out In front of sa'.oons aud got very druuk. One Noble county man has handled un< shipped through here the past tcu days 10,00 dozen eggs. Thomas Matchen, of the .Etna machine shops had his left hand badly mashed In som( machinery yesterday. Ilcport »ay« that Recorder John W. Beckett, ol this county, has Invested luckily In real estate, aud can realize about S15.000 on his Investment, Additional Markets. Boston, April 25..There has been a good trade in all kinds of wools, sales amounting to ?.524,C00 pounds. The market remains steady Ohio X ;Wa3tc: XXS%»33c; No. 1, saMc; Michigan X 28J4*-Jc; washed combing 39al0c: unwashed SfiaWj^o: Ohio flue delaine U5a36c; Mlchl gatt .Halttc: territory wools quiet: new spring California 53a55c: Oregon No. 1 Kastcrn 18a20e; pulled woo's steady: choice super tOalUc; common to good super 'J7a3Sc; extra 22a28c; carpet wools quiet and steady. New Your, April25..Business was steady and Improving at first hands with a large inquiry for goods for fall, especially for staple cottonn, hut buyers want concessions, while agents are llrm and believe In hlcher tirlrnn «n ti»n «« >- lure. Dress goods, blankets, cotton flannels, fancy shirtings and a few other specialties for fall received irnofl attention. Peculiar Many peculiar points mako Hood's 8arBaparllla superior to all otlicr medicines. Tecullar la combination, proportion,^ and preparation ot lngredlcnts^CyjW Hood's 8arsaparllla possesses tho full curatlvo valuo of tho best known remodlos of tho vegetahlo king->j0^^dom. Peculiar In Its8^rcnS^ and cconomy.Hood's Sarsaparllla Is1110 on,y mcdl" clno - which can truly b06ald^%J*5> ^r"Ono Hundred Doses Ono Jr Dollar." Medicines In SI larger and smaller bottles rcqulro larger doses, and do not ^ ^^produco as good results as nood's. S Peculiar In its mcdlclnal merits, Hood's Sarsaparllla accomplishes cures hitherto unknown, and has won for itself S tho tltlo of "Tho greatest bloodyr^it purifier over dlscovcred."^^ TecullarIn its" good namo S.cSJ VT» home,".there Is now f ^^^^noro ol Hood's 8arsaparlllaS * Ssold In Lowell, whereIs made, than of all^ other Wood purifiers. fj^/recullar in Us phenomo-nal record of sales abroad«y/no other preparation has^/^^^rever attained such popuW^^larlty In so short a time, and retained Its popularity ^rand confidence among all classes )f peoplo so steadfastly. 1 Do not bo Induced to buy other preparations, hut he suro to get tho Tccullar Medicine, Hood's Sarsaparilla Soldbjr&llilriiRgUtj. fll;»lrfor&5. Prepvcdonly bjr 0. i. IIOOD it CO., Apothocarioi,Lowell, Uui. 100 PoasB Ono Dollar pOJIEANDSEEANDTRYON mm CENTS' AND LADIES' SHOES AT $2 00, $2 60 and $3 00, ,r" U «" Sl7lo and city! °°' ,urIllu,wl bj «uy In tbo A.Q. WINCHER. »P< Rosen' Block, 1123 M»In Street, N c ligmll'MMI «»fl Q-IG-A EXECUTOI M MEN'S 6,C BOYS' ac Childrer A vast array of J all desirable styles at E i The above compr ' all other Clothing St ; bined. 5 Part of the above » stvle and finish tn an L; J 5 any other store in the ; lish and seasonable mi The above must tate, and you know ^ ; gards price. Come early befor I D, GDTMAN, \ Surviving I I COR. MAIN~&~ House & t . ! Ill a a 0 p0R a ; «» r InSyt " MI TIT monthlyj! MAIN C/) PaymentsS enabled, t " STREET ^ credit syst nish your the very b s Oq strictly ca I " There is . may requi J cannot fin< I tirely nev assorted si r (H niture.C; Jv Cloths . 1 Refrigerate IAIN 3 T" a. , Rememl STREET VJ not expect 3 when sick work. .ft ft t logger, warrick & Co. j Feme bargains!: THE GREATE3T BARGAINS 0? TUB SEASON IN* Dress Goods! Ton plccos 4G inch AIX WOOL SERGES at FIKTY CENTS, actual valuo 75 ccnU. Thin lot cannot last more than a few days, and uo BUbstltutc ol equal value can be bought. EXTRAORDINARY! Twcnty-flve pieces 3Much CLOTH SUITING At lucjsold everywhere at 25c. Blad Siiv Warn HonnioHon l wuu ikuijj uuiillDUUO J Our 8100 and 812T> Prlestleys and other makes are beautic*. We also have uedlded bargains In all Kinds of Dress (ioods. Mohairs, BrilllnntlncH, Albatross, Henriettas, Sieges, Cashmeres, Plain, l'lald uud Striped Serges at 37% cents. Our Stock ol White Goods. Lace Curtains, Draperies, Crashes, Table Damasks, andNapklnHwas nevcrlargcrorUetter assorted than at this time. 29x40 All Llnon Towels at WJjc. We do not advertise or sell talablo goods at cost, nor limit you In quantity when goods are advertised at cost or less. It Is only an cxcuso for an extravagant price on another article; Quality of soods should be the first consider* atlon and on that wo never get left, Egger, Warrick & Co., 1132 MAIN STREET. ap2l IsTTia 1'S SALE! ioo SI JITS! 100 SUITS! >00 l's Suits! ersey and Kilt Suits in Executor's Sale. ises more Clothing than ocks in the city com- is superior in material, lything to be found in city, and all of it is styerc be sold to close the esvha that means as ree the stock is broken. IGUTIAN, Executor. Partner. TWELFTH STS. Herrmann. H H H V D y HODSE small cash the balance n skly.semi- (j[ or monthly iJug", S HE8RMAM em, to furhousc with est goods at sh prices. nothing you re that you i in our env and well .ock ol Furarpets.Oil Vlattings . ors . Baby , MAIN jer we do you to pay STREET, or out ol Ceo. G. Stifel & Co. (GRADUATES: Don't make an attempt to buy your Graduating Outfit until you have seen our Special selected stock of Hemstitch Plaited, Tucked and Embroidered. India Linen, Nainsook and Swiss Flouncings All Light Shades or Cashmeres, Surahs, China Silks, Ghallies, k. Fans, Lace and Embroidered Handherchicfs, Hosiery, Silk Mitts, Mosquetaire and Suede Gloves. Beautiful light Dress Trimminp of all th<» in**-*' ° patterns. Geo. E. Stifel & CO., 1114 Main Street. -3sl890.es

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Page 1: i EXECUTOI1'S carpets! Mioo MEN'S · 2017-12-17 · W. B. Maxwell, of St. George, i us. State Senator "William G. Woriev, Kiugwood, A. W.Kennonof St. Cla llt villu, and J. L. Curtis,

rfT*V3f» iiiwm.

Stono & Tho

Stoke &carpets \iDo You Nee

We ask you to examine our i

find [more Carpels, Rugs, Leuto select from than you will finethree houses in the city. Wextra low prices:

50 pieces Tapestry Brussels75 pieces Tapestry Brussels

n 1 n 1

40 pieces Douy urusseis at

25 pieces Body Brussels at <

2 <; pieces Lowell & Bijielo\worth Ji 40,

50 pieces extra heavy Union75 pieces All Wool c c Car]150 pieces best All Wool Ca50 styles Moquette carpets<.'01110 nuil exnmlno our Stock. If j 1

dou'L buy.

STONE &Now Advertisements.


Lutheran Church, ami a souk ocrvico will Ucon-ltxctcl I11 thoevening.


There will bo n mppcr a: Thomvm M. £Church, liluud, this evening, cawraeuclnB *

5 o'clock.


Coo. M. Snook & Co.

i STYLES-INChantilly,Spanish Guipure,Point de Esprit,Tosca andRussian



Draping its>'ovol Designs in Dots, Danlios, StripesVandykes* Itlack ami Wliitn Combinations,Cream, Etc., Etc.

PRICES LOW.MO*A. Limited number of Harper's BtuaFashion CuittloKiies lor sale. Frlce, Mc.


M. J. McFaddon.

Latest Sprig" Styles!11. J. MADDENShows nil the Latest nnd Popular Style* In Huts,lit Prices Loss limn One llrill of what you"iiHJBt i»ny oUewhcrc to get the

tame shapes. We havethis week the


at SI 90and $2 40.livery Stylo we show Is Guaranteed the CorrectShape.


at $1 00, $1 70 and $1 95.THE STYSOFT 1UT OF TUK SEASON.

AM.THE POPULAR SlIAl'ES IN STIFF 1IAT3at$ I 00, $ I 45, * I 70, $11)0& $2 40.Soft lints, Crush lints, Caps. Boys' Hats andCaps, nil Unidci* Htm Prices.The Largest stork ol Flaninjl shirts In the Oky.Flannel fchlrtn, Now Pattern, at 35c,60c. "Sc. !l 10 and up.New Patterns In Nnoif« ««» r.. c<...«... iHI opium, JUSt TOcclved,nt *r>c, 35c aud 60c.

M. J. McFADDEN,Ono-Prlco Hattor and Furnisher,!ap'i lH'JO mill KV-i'-i Marwt't *tnt't.

Clothing, Etc.

^yANAMAKlili & BKOWNOpen the ball with 900 New 8prlng Styles lorQcntH* Suits and UnlformH at 33 per ccut o! aBavluR to tlie consumer, and don't forget It.

J. W. FKUUKL, Agent,tol3 llndor Arlon Kail. WO Main Street.

Hat and Caps.NEW SPRING SHADElfl|

THE SEASON'S LEADER.Wo have thn new shade* lor f*shlnnnhl« » <* » '

.udSiSS'li1h'Ji°J,£" » «»<' ii. mxueu, as twelfth si.Ukaxch Stork, ioji M&lu btrctt. ,pig


/Thomasj. carpets!


d a Carpet?itock before buying. You wi[oleums, Oil Cloths and Blind1 in the combined stocks of ane offer this week the followin

Carpets at 45c, worth 60c.Carpets at 5SC, worth 70c,90c, worth $115.;i 12^, worth $1 30.v Jiouy jsrusseis at 22y

Carpets at 39c, worth 50c.pets at .)9C, worth 65c.rpets made at 66c, worth Soc.at £1 45, worth $1 75.

iu Ilml wo don't undersoil all t'ompctlto

THOMASglje SiitclligcnccrOttlco Kut. mid U7 FoiirtflentliStnwl

Ni'\v AilvortlHoai(9iitii»For Sale.n. 0. Smith.Rochester lumps.KwIiir Bros.K^liitiK Tackle.Stanton A Davenport.Wheeling & Klin Grove lUllroad.

t Heilgloim Notice*.Futnrday.J. II. I^ocke it Co,l.lnt of i^tt jrH KcriiHlnlin; In the IWofllce.White Mountain Freezer.Nesbltt »it Uro.heed*.lloxe it Hro.Wheeling uuilne«Collece.

! Attention, .MemtJoiM i o. a v.Ico Cream Freezers.Geo. W. JohnKon'o SoAttention.II. O. Ilotr.lMrlly Your lllooil.K. II. List. DrtijwI.Ht.(.ireAt Reduction in Silverware.1. 0. Dilloi

Co8tipp«r.Head of Loc*l.Eiii.iHh Lutheran Church.lleail of Local.



200 pieces lino Challlcs nt ilje a yaworili He.20 plcees yard wide fincj strlpp

CuslimeriHiii Sue, worth otic.10 pieces 111 inch nil wool black lit

rlottu at 05c, sold formerly for $1.iiO pieces barred Jaconet at Oc,dnced lrom 10c.100 plecesall Linen Crash at 5c, woiSc.10 pieces line bleached Mnslin nt

worth 10c.200 extra good Red Spreads at

reduced from $1 f»0.k One case of Ladies' (Jau/o Shirts' tic, worth 1 oc.

L. S. (JOOI),1125 and 1127 Main street

IP yon cannot see and need spectacroil should call on us and have your E.

| tested without charge. We hare"

ilnest instruments and more experieithan any other Optician in the Stiiand guarantee satisfaction or moneylanded. JACOB \V. UKUISH,

* Jeweler and Optician,Cor. Twelfth and Market JStre»

Thvruiomntur ICoconl.The thermometer at Schnenf's di

_i r\ it... 1.iawic, vjieiu uuuao cuiuci, yetliurui

r registered as follows:7 a. m - 50 3 p. m .. ..

*J r. in r*l 7 p. m12in DC Weather.Fair.

Weather Indication*.Washington, April 25..For Weate

Pennsylvania, fair, warmer, northeaerly winds.Tor West Virginia and Ohio, ra

warmer, northeasterly winds.To Incorporate JKlui Grove.

The residents of Kim Grove will lua meeting Saturday evening at 7 o'cloat Kimmins' Ilall for the pnrposoconsidering the advisability of iuc<porating Kim Grovo as a town.

Cruelty to Calvert ami Hoarder*.Captain Fred Ketnple and Mn

Bruce Talbot, of the steamer Ben Hiwere arraigned before Squire Davis y<terday on complaint of Barney Galligaclerk at the Hotel Windsor, on a charof cruelty to animals. The animalsquestion were calves brought up on tlboat in the night, which annoyed t!Windsor boarders by bellowingmorning. They gave bond for tinappearance at the Circuit Court.

An <)l«l SolUler'ii Death.John W. Thompson, of No. 35

Woods Btreet, died last evening of pnemonia, after a short illness. Mr. Thornson was a soldier, nnd died with the rquest on his lips that the old boya bu:him under the old flag. lie willburied in the Peninsular Cemetery tmorrow afternoon by tho old soldieiMr.Thompson received a check for a $6!back pension only a few days before hueain.

Tho 1'oHtoUicu Improvements.The contractors aro at work removic

tho heavy and clumsy iron doors in tlfront of the Postollico. They will bo rplaced by substantial light oak doors, tarranged as to leavo a large plato glaitransom above. This chango will rlieve tho necessity of having liglweather doors outaido of the permaneido >rs.Tho improvements on tho huildinjaside from the wart on tho south em

are all useful and tend to improve thappearance and utility of the old strutture.

A Liberal OlYer.Lutz Bros., proprietors of tho populnlletno Steam Laundry, announce the

they will clean freo of charge, any caip:ta sent to them by thy. Children'Home, Homo for Friendless WomenOrphan's Home, or St. John's school foboys. If these institutions will maktho laundry aware of ttfeir desiro thave carpets cleaued the laundry wagoiwill call for them. Lutz Bros', are prfjmiuu uk tiua umu io uo carpet cloiininjpromptly and in the moat thorough antsatisfactory manner.

Reymann Brewing Co.'s Celebrate*Bock Beer will bo on tap for the lastime this year to-day.If you wish to buy tho beat ChildreiSchool Shoes, eomo to II. J. Sclnilz, a

everyone knows tho John Mundell Shoin tho best for tho inonoy. We Ruaranteo every pair. 1034 corner Main streeand Market alley.Reymann Brewing Co.'s CelebralecBock Beer will bo on tap for tho lastime this year to-day.Ouit §2 00 Men's Fine Sewed CalGaiters are a bargain at $2 50.

Stone's Cash Shoe Store.Reymann Brewinq Co.'s CelebratedBock'Beer will be on tap for tho las!tiino this year to-day.Hallcran'8 Commercial School willtake in students until the 30th of April,ry" y invucu. \jftii and see us,1300 Mark of. Btroot.

I" s. Good soils dry goods the oboapest.

LOCM. lilimtlKS,Matter* of Minor Moment tn anil Aboi

the City.Matinees tit both theatres to-day.

( Oi'eiia, House this evening.VernoiJarbeau.The Grand this evening."NVIlbi

Opera Company.Several train loads of emiRran

passed through west over tho lkltiinoA Ohio this week.MakyKmma Lee warranted adlvon

by the Circuit Court, /roin John V. Leand ailowed to resume her maiden namTen divorce cases aro on the dock

for hearing at the present term of tlII Belmont County Common 1'ieas Cou:s Wit.ve.hsks wero in attendance befo

tho grand jury at Ht. Ciairsvillo yest<y ilay in tho Kddio Combs and Miko ft

Donouj^h case.£ Miw.Ciiaui.es Tiion.niiura, who li\

on Market street, near Twenty-Sovenifell oir a step-ladder and broke lishoulder blade.

Tiik Wheeling and Lake Erlo milrchas nlnccd an ordnr with tho I'llburgh Locomotive Works for aeventenew locomotives.

Tiik last will of John W. Boring v

yesterday admitted to probate and2, dered to bo recorded. Josephine Bori

is named as executrix.Tiik Baltimore it Ohio had a sli{

wreck on their river track at Bellayesterdav. Tho cars wero loaded w

pig iron for Wheeling.Tiik remains of Frank McSherry, vt

was drowned some time ago. w

brought here from down tho riverThursday ami buried in Mt. Oalvicemetery.

rs Ahkakokmknts are being maJo foiiviM convention of all tho farmersBelmont couuty, to bo held May 24thHt. Clairsvillc,! to organizo a C'ouiFarmers' Alliance.

m An "old-fashioned social" and onethopo supners for which Uio IsliMethodist ladies nro famous, were giiat the Thomson M. K. Church, on Koi

4 Broadway, last evening, and was

joyed by a good sized crowd.= mwmviT

Stranger* In tho City and Wheeling Poo

Tho Vcrnonn Jarbeuu companyregistered at tho McLuro.Mr. 11. II. Cummins arrived fr

Philadelphia yesterday, where hobeerfattending medical eolleiro.W. B. Maxwell, of St. George, i

us. State Senator "William G. Woriev,Kiugwood, A. W. Kennon of St. Cla

llt villu, and J. L. Curtis, of Wellsbtwere at tho McLuro yesterday.Mrs. J. Kelsey Hall presented

husband with a tine nine-pound boyVE '!o'clock yesterday moriiiiiff. Moth

doing well, and Mr. Hall staudashower of congratulations nobly,

nl, In a report of a concert at Bellinight before last, the Independent sa

ed "Tho recitations by Mr. Henry 1pheimer, of Wheeling, a former stud

»u- of Kev. Mr. Eaton'*, were excellcThe only regret was thero was

re- enough of them, lie certainly hastalent and a well cultivated voice."

"M* George McCoy, Bon of Dr. J. W. ]' Coy, who was eo severely burned

,,cj sulphuric acid while making a cbeniexperiment at Morgantown some tisince, has partially regained his si)but cannot use his eyes for readingu* close observation. His physicians thin the course oi a your his Bight willrestored, although his eyes will alwbo weak.

les TO-DAY'S DKUOXSTUATIOXyesthe Aud Dedication of tho New I. O. O. F. 1

ICC at Hellbire.ite, To-day tho Odd Fellows of Belliro" will celebrate the seventy-first annr

Bary of the formation of the order,itf*. will at the sauio time dedicate their!

new building. Extensive preparatihave been made, and with propiti°G weather, tho day will surpass anythliy» Bellairehasseeninalongtime. Lodwill bo present from all the neighbortowns, and a parade of more than ordary dimensions has been arrangedThe Wheeling delegation will be uncommand of Capt. Henry Seamon, t

rn will go down on the steamer Bellain,st- 1 o'clock, to remaiu till after the ni|meeting. The Wheeling team willin, team work to-night. At Bellairo

parade will be under command of CIMarshal J. W. Heatherington, aidedJames Fitton, J. W. Corbett, 0.)ld Foulke, F. K. Shearer and E. Leech.

ek -

ofAn AttemptedSulchlo.3r" Mrs. Alex Defenbaugh, of Marti

Ferry, better known as'Mandy Criswattempted to commit suicide last nigShe aud Defenbaugh were married ab(three years ago and have three childr

lr> A few months ago they parted, Def<J8* baugh going to the home of T. 0. Irwn> South Third street, Martin's Ferry,Ke board. Last night Mrs. Defenbaujin who has been living with her moth10 near the Northwood glasa works, fouh® an ounce bottle of laudanum which hV' mother had hid from her a few days 1;ir fore. She walked down Wntor ntrpof.

Washington, aiid up that street to tOhio "Wino Company's cellar, on SouThird Btreet, near where her husba23 boards. There she drank half the ccu* tents of the bottle.

P" Mrs. Criawell missing her daughtoe* sent a younger sister to look her up. S7 was found lying on the ground unco^ 6cious with the half filled bottle in h°* hand. She was carried into the hois* of Mr. Matt McDermott near by, whtW Dr. \V. B. Shuttleworth attended hiis At a late hour she was still in a prectious condition.

I.nnt Mght'H l'iro Alntui.'g An alarm of fire was turned in frole East Wheeling about seven o'cloo* last night on account of a small blazeJ0 the Reyinann Brewery. The depai38 ment made a good run, but fouude* services unneeded. The loss was velight.it During the run to the fire thero was

narrow escapo from a collision betwe<the Vigilant and Niagara engines, at tlcorner of Sixteenth and Market streel'0 Both engines, coming from opposi

- directions at a rapid speed, reached tlcorner at the same instant, and a catatrophe seemed inevitable. The skill arthe presence of mind of the driver, hov't ever, averted what might have beenaerioiiB accident.

8 A Much Xoedutl Improremont*'« The residents of the old fairgroundr on tho Island, are making another eiroe to securo tho promised sewer down tl0 alley in tho lear of their lots. Th3 Island members of Council aro all is favor of the improvement, and proyisioj should certainly be made for it in th1 annual appropriations. Tho sewer wiordered last year and tho pipe w*placed along the line, but the Board (. Public Works neglected to lay it ti"too late in tho season," as they saicwhen they hauled it away to lay it somi3 where else where the season was lei8 forward. Tho sewer ought to be pie down early this season.

^ Nearly aCollUiou.Thero was a narrow escapo fromcollision between a street car andI countryman's wagon ou tho South Sid

i, yesterday ntternoon. In passing thwagon at full speed the aide of tue cascraped tho hub of a rear wheel. Thf car was filled with passengers, who werpretty badly scared.31ore Pavement Inresticntom.

[ Another delegation of prominenvisitors was in tho citv yesterday, to inspect tho famous Wneeliug fire-briclpavements. They were councilraen amcitizens of York, Pa.. Messrs. WillianE. Patterson, M. M. Littef, WillianRodenhouse, D. F. Lafoau, D. FStauffer, J. K. Gross and Walter EWhite; and a similar partv from Huntington, Pa., composed of Messrs. Hugi

Llndsny, II. B. Dunn, Robert Mattson, and J. C. Blair, aud Mr. De llavon

il Unco, of Philadelphia.Clerk T. M. Darroh. of tbo Bonrd of

Public Works, and Mr. John M.in Sweeney allowed tho party over tbo city

and explained tho beauties of tho paveirment. They took dinner at tho Mo*Lure house, and left for Pittsburgh in

^ the afternoon.rC PhD AS THK IHUJS.

[1(lllut It Worked iliiot tlio Hnnin on an Uuj,NnptiUtlcnt«il (III Man l-'rotn KureUa.A

(i' Cuddy (Jaino of Dlru.

An oil man from tho Eureka Heldi,. Illttocl through town yesterday. He was

rt. not bore bo very lonjr, but his Btay cost,re him about $50, though it probably added

In Itta utnnlr nf uvnnrl»n<»it Hin militM U

Ic- W.W. Heathcote. Hecamo up fromEureka on thu 11:30 Ohio IUvcr train,and intended to go to Pittsburgh on the1:40 Pan Handle train. In the menuLU»time lie waa wanderiug up Water Btreet

ier when ho met n stranger, who was bo

gonial that ho and Heathcote wcro boouad very good friends. The stranger invitedta- Ueathcoto into Schell & Myers'on saloon to get a drink. They took one.

and anotl#r. Then the dieo box was Betrofl out and the two began to throw dice foror* the drinks. Pretty soon another man

ng arrived, Heatbcoto's friend knew him,and ho waa lutein on the dice came. A

f|,t Kood hand wan thrown, and playing forlre monoy waa Buggestod. Everybody was

jtj, willing. The man who invited Heath*cote lout, and had no change. Heathcote

. generously, aa is thu wopt of oil men,1,0 otFered to pay for him. and Insisted withL're Much forco that ho had his way. He tookont out bis pocket-book, In which there wanW about '$-50, and waa about to

take out a bill, when thu lastr a man to arrivo snatched the purse andol dashed out of the room. Ileathtote'aat friend laughod and raid it was a good

ity joke, adding that ho know tbo man, andne Mai "all right." After a while the

of other man disappeared. Thpn Heath,ind coto began to see through the scheme,,-en and ho hunted up OHicer Shorts. lienth gavo a pretty good description of theen- men, ami tho nolico thiuk they know

them. They will Investigate the matterthis morniug before tho Mayor.

a wiwn.'t; mimed.11,6 ISlnnej'M Store and tlio 1'oatoMcn at Valley

Grove Vinitcd.Night before last or yesterday morning

om at an early hour burglars effected an enhastranco into tho postoffice at ValleyGrove, which is kept iu tho generallm] store ot Postmaster Blaney. A large0j quantity of postrge stamps, quite a lot

jra. of penknives and a few haudkerchielslr , were stolen. If anything e!so was taken" Mr. Blauey could not miss it yesterday.There is no clue to the burglars, hut it

"eJ is suspected that the robbers who asntsaulted tho Maine peddler, Lehtnau,fl.re last week, are working their way alongtlie tho ])ike toward Pittsburgh. TheWheeling police were informed of thotiro robbery, and kept u lookout all day yesys:terday for suspicious parties, but up to

im- a late hour of the night there was no doentvelopment. Tbero is reason to hope,:nt. however, that tho thieves will be capnottured.A110031IX ttKAl, ESTATE.

Mc* Numerous Truu»r«r« nutl ono Oil Leaserith«» _.» ...

( laxuiiicii i^mrninji'ca* Clerk Hook yesterday admitted torccord two decdB of trust and transfersJ"l» as follows; April 19, by Andrew Kay°£ and wife and John Hay and wife tol"k Lawrence Kay, for $C00, lot 15 in squarebe 11, in South Wheeling. April ID, byaJ's John 11. Nolto and wife to AnthonyMauley, for $1,500, tho south half of thenorth half of lot 71, William Chapline'eaddition. April (jo, by John' M. Greer

j.n to AugU6t Trabert, for 6100, tho northhalf of lot 47, in Jonathan Zme'o addition.April 22, by 13. C. McGrew andlire wife to M. R. Wolfl, for $3,500, lot 2 in

'er* square 10 in Gilchriat'u amended addinudtion. April 17, by M. K. Woltfand wife(Ino to 13. C. McGrow, for $1,050, lot 1 in

squaro 2 in Gilchrist's addition No. 2,on North Front etreet.

?us Also an oil lease from John Browpleel0K to J. 13. Chambers, conveying the nolo2ea right to bore for gas and oil on 22'acres;"'K consideration one-eighth of the oil pro'in*duced, or if gas in paying quantity; is'j)r* found, $500 in cash. If a well js potcommenced in on# year from April 21ini} Ohambera is to pay a yearly rental ofi at $120.Kht * '


do Tli© Girls Laughed.Tho Moihc Han on*.the Yesterday evening John Dixon and»ief Edwin Mingie were driving Ilarry Walbylace's three-yeaioM colt "Tom" downE. Market street, and when about to turn

un Sixteenth street the horse frighten*eu at the whistle ot the merry-go-rouud,and the violent laughter of some girls,

n's and ran ofT. lie made a short turnell, which upset tho buggy, throwing bothht. men out, and breaking two ribs ofjut Dixon. Mingie held to the lines, and5n. f*ot the horse stopped near Eoff street,un- The buggy was badly damaged.in *

t0 llailroiul Meeting at ISriiigoport.»ut meeting was neui in the City Ilaller, at Bridgeport last night for the purposed of getting some views from citizens with

er regard to the proposed route of thebe- Wheeling & Lake Erie railway throughto that town. A committee composed ofhe Henry Crawford, of the City Council,th George C. McKee, City Solicitor, andnd Messrs. W. H. Tallman, \V. T. Graham,m- W. J. Howells and K.F.Smith was

appointed to meet with tho railway3r, ofiicials Tuesday afternoon to try andlie harmonize on some route through -Kuian-ville and Bridgeport to the creek,er Another cotnmilteo composed of Dr.ne John Cook, 1'. B. Smith, J. C. Dent and!re S. M. "Woodcock, and including Messrs.>r. Crawford and McKee, was appointed tovr- confer with the ofllcials with regard to

a right of way in Kirkwood.

Wheeling, W.Va. can boaatofaveryim intelligent member of the trade, Mr. A.L*k Breslauer, who paid us a visit Inst month,at and whom we found a very entertainingrt- and wide-awake gentleman, and a masitster of his profession, in fact a genuinery artist..The American Uairdretscr, New

York.»n Have you seen HolT's $3 50 Men's fineje hand welt shoe. It is a world beater.a, and wo defy competition on the same,te quality and price considered.

H. 0. Hnpp 11J1 U«!n Qlrnnf

,d Beymann Brewing Co.'s CelebratedBock Beer will 1)0 on tap for the lusta time this year to-day.

Our $L 00 Children's Button SchoolShoes are solid leather and cheap at

b, $125. Stone's Cash Shoe Stork.rt *

10 Tiik Road House at Burley's Mills, oni0 the National road, four miles west ofn Bridgeport, is open for the seasou. Then best of attention is given to the enterictainmentof guests, Patronage solicited.is IIeymann Brewing Co.'s Celebrated)f Bock Beer will be on tap for the lastj| time this year to-day.

^ Miirblu and Graulto."* If you intend erecting a Monument,t Vault, Marker or memorial of any kind,and want first-class work and low prices,call at otlice of L. A. Moore, second floorMcLain's Building, IL'05 Market street,

Reymann Brewing Co.'s CelebratedBock Beer will bo on tap for the lastg time this year to-day. jr H. J. Sciiclz, at 1034 Main Btreet, is J0 selling Genta' Calf Congress, solid out6 andout>Ior $215 only.

u. a. it, ur Quia ;t Ono Faro to Cincinnati via tlio Ponnijlra- (lilii Llnoi. c£ For tho annual Encampment o( the 11 Department ot Ohio, Grand Army of the oi Republic, to be held in Cincinnati, April ai 2S to 30, excursion tickets will bo sold 'J. from Bridgeport via tho Pennsylvania o. Lines to all applicants, at one (are (or the Iround trip, on April 27, 2b and 21). cood t' returning May 2, inclusive, I

TilII CITY COPSCILAn Adjourned Me«<tli>tf tn«t Kvcnlng,llonrdlng Homo Uretuei, Tallow House*,etc.Counclhnct last night pursuant to the

adjournment of Tuesday night. Themembers were alow coming, nnd it waiafter 8 o'clock before a quorum arrived,

In tho First branch there waa n barequorum, with two mon sitting reatleesl)and anxious to go home. Tho report oltho Health Committee concerning thetallow and soap factories in Eaat Wheeling,In which tho committee decide!that neither establishment is a nuisanceon the ground that no complaint waimade against the soap factory, was takerup, on the question of concurrlug willthe Second branch In accepting tue report. Mr. Tracy moved to concur. MrFarrell presented a petition from a numbvrof East Wheeling citizens, asking fo;tho removal of thososp factory of SatnueElder, Mr. Tracy, Mr. Emslicimer antothers tried to talk at once against thireading of tho petition, on tho groumthat the matter was out of order untithe motion of Mr. Tracy was disposed olThe Mayor during all this racket triocto say that courtesy to Mr. Farrell antthe people ilguing the petition, demanded that it ho road at o'neo. Tho Mayoiw.i.i »..Mo

Mr. Tracy but down in a hutf, remarkinfri"I appeal from your decision."The Mayor orderod Clerk Hanke t

read the petition just tlio same. MlFarre11 moved to refer the report amthe potjtion back to the Health Con:mitteo; Jost. Mr, Jtarrell moved to la,the resolution to eoneur on the tablelout. Tho original- resolution was nuand carried iN|r. faj-rejl t|jep moved trefer tho petition concerning tho Kldesoap factory to tho Health Cominitteand Health Qjjjcer for investigation anreport at the next meeting; carried.Tho First then concurred with th

Second in some minor matter?, and adjournpi).In tho Second branch the License o:

diuance was taken up. Mr. llobreclimoved to amend so that all boardinhoueeoand others who keep transieiguests for less than seven days at a timishall bo deemed hotels anil uay ilceneaccordingly: carried. Tho nrdinnnrprovides for a tin stamp for peddlerwagons, choking thjt the Ijcenijo hebeen paid, Mr. harrell movedamend so that tho Mmo tags shall Iattached to baskets, boxes or bags whooirried by peddlers; carried. A" aroencment was offered and adopted taxiiisteam ferries $50 a year. An ameniment was adopted taxing wholesale anretail produce dealers So a year. Tl:ordinnnco was then passed.A petition from L. W. Inglebright an

Sarati A. Jeukiua, proprietors of tliOhio City Ferry, atkiug that they ue nleased from illegal taxes, was rcferreto the Coinmittee on Equalization anAppeals. Election bridge loan bilamounting to $100, and $2 extra ftcleaning the Sixth ward school after tlielection, were ordered paid.A big bunch of petitions for curbsewers, pavements, etc., were referredthe Board of Public Works.Frank Robrecht was granted a liceni

to keep a saloon at No. 2159 Main stieeThe new crematory ordinance ws

read through once, aijd referred to tl:Committee on Health.

JAKBEAU IN "VtARUGIiT."Ono of llio Best Mimical lMecon EvcrSci

in Wliccliug.A goo'd audienpo last night lauglu

and applauded continually at tho liemusic and enjoyable specialties, roa

ing fun, handsome costumes and othirare attractions on tho Opera Hornstage. The piece vaa "Starlight/' Yenona Jarbeau was tho vivacious ancharming star, and the company wimade ud of tnlnntnd inpn whr* nrn n<

pretty ijfid talented women who t\rc. js'better performance of the kind was ev(^iven here. It is one continual round <novel and delightful features. BeiOoote, Martin O'Neal, "William SellerMissefc ICingslejr and Perratjlt.in fae"the whole company, without exceptioishared the honors with Miss JarbeaiTho piece will bo repeated this afte:noon and evening.

Herman, llio Wuuril.On Monda

and TuesdaSr jg$l evening

ncst» *Ie:ni n " 'h0^ 'tyiS EH Breati;Bt o11 fij, , ,y liviDR mascians, w iappear at th

, Y/S5 * I Opera Iious«f Jwgi&ff I Herman hr

^^^^^^^^y^.^^^^made a worl

>>lL' *'n(3 ^or^unhy practice/ Ipfiv0/ >> tlie fal8ityc

' ' the old adagthat "seeing is believing." He performhis feats with such consummate ease angrace that even the most lynx-eyed individual are deceived. On the pregramme will be the famous "Cremation1and "Black Art." Every trick performeiby Herman is accomplished so deftl;that it inspires a feeling akin to awe irthe audience, and the impression thahe has some occult Dower not given t<ordinary mortals is almost irresistibleThe salo of seats for his engagemenwill open at C. A. House's music stortthis morning, and thero will doubless bea large sale,".

air. Ilcnulg'tf HoncllU.Next Wednesday afternoon and even'ing Thomas W. Keene and his companyincluding Mr. Frank Hennig, this city,will appear at the Opera House in"Louis Xt" and "Richard III," for thebenefit of Mr. Hennig. Wheeling h

justly proud of Mr. Ilennig, and asidefrom the rare attractions of the engagementfrom an aatistic standpoint, hisfriends may be relied on to put a premiumon standing room at both performances.Fra IMavolo"

The Wilbur Opera Company gave"Fra Diavalo" at the Grand last night toa good audience. Mr. Conly was, equalto ttio title role, and Miss Baker, whowas Xcrlina, was charming. The bedroomBceno was modestly and naturallydone. Miss Baker haB won many admirershero. '' Miss Bolton was pleasingas Jxidy Allcash. This afternoon "Nanon"will be given again, and this evening"The Mascptte" will clo-e the engagement.Oca $190! Ladies' fine Dongola ButtonShoes are cheap at $2 50.

Stone's Casii Shoe Store.Bkymann Bkhwisq Co.'s Celebrated

Bock Beer will be on tap for the histLime thitf year to-day.Rrymann Brewing Co.'s Celebrated

Bock Beer will bs on tup for the lasttime this year to-day.Along the lleiuitiful Ohio.

The river is still jit a stand, with 0 feet3 inches in the channels. Coal boats areabout out of the trade, and will stay outtill there is a river. Thus far the localmd Cincinnati-Pittsburgh packets havenot been inconvenienced by tho lowBrater. The C. W. Batchelor arrived atthe wharf at (l a. ra. ^yesterday with a'air load of freight aboard. She strucki perfect avalanche of business here, andit 0 p. m. was still at the .Riverside landngtakinp on freight. She got off forCincinnati at 8 p. m., but had a good:onsignraent waiting her at Bellaire.The L. A.Shirley passedjup for Pittsburghit 5 a. m. yesterday with a good load,nd an hour and a half ahead of time.?ho Elaine left the wharf for Pittsburgh,t 7 a. m. with a good Btart. The Benlur left for Parkersburg at noon. Tho'ourier passed up in the Parkersburg'ittaburghtrade at 9 p. m, To-day the

Scotia ilepftrtn for Cincinnati at 7 a. in,Sho in Hid only boat scheduled to touchhere, except tho local packets.

NO BRITISH (ILASS SVMHCATE.Tln« Project Abandoned Two Week* AgoThe Story Now Krpt Allunt for Kflcct onTlmTnrlir 11111.An I.ntkllioknckr reporter yesterday

5 callcd on President N. 13. Scott, of thoCentral Glass Work?, and asked lilinhow much truth there was in tho reJcently printed story that an Knglish syujdicato with a capital of $200,000,000 ismaking arrangements to socuro all tho

i Hint glass works in tlie United Statesand unite them under ono managementsimilar to to the Standard Oil Company'sByfltem ol doing business."There is absolutely no truth in it,"said Mr. Seott.

r "Was there ever any foundation for1 tho story?1 "Well, you luinht say thero was a9 slight foundation for it, but it has none1 now. Thero was a plan to organism one

big company to control all the llfty-flvaHint glaaa fuctoiiea, with a good block o(1 thu stock held by English capitalists,1 anil an expert accountant made an examiaation of some of the concerns'

r books, but a disagreement arose, theforeigners desiring a controlling interestand the manufacturers preferring to retainthat. The thing was dropped abouttwo weeks or more ngo, and tho comoinittee of tbo manufacturers that hadthu matter iu charge was discharged,il There has been nothing said since on

i- tho subject, anil there iu no prospect of ay revival of the scheme."; Wheu asked for an explanation of thet revival of tho story, and its wide publiocation, Mr. Scott said it waa an evidentr attempt by tho importers and jobberse of glaes to create tho itQpruepioii thatd the class faplqrietf wove to go into thehands of a foreign syndicate, to be opereated on tho Standani] oil plan, and thatI- tho object oi the importers waa to create

a feeling which could bo used with goodr- effect in securing u roduotion of thet proposed duties on glass in the McKiuIt This Oytilnnollnn OMWC it

J m vuin IU IU1UW Ii, Hood o( light oa thQ i^OQ.OOO.OOU fairjle story.

JTHE 11UII.UEIU)' STI11KR18 Tho I'luulnj; Mill* >VorUl»n lllglit Aloug0 Tho Men Firm.I(i Tho building trades' strlko remaim" unchangtd in its general features. Nearg ly all tho union ineu remain faithfulI- although tho planing mills and othe:(1 members of tho Builders' Exchange havil(J uoarly enough men to do tho work yroj Rented. Tho p.ovml «ew contractinjie firms and individual builders hav»B. greatly relieved the pressure upon tinolder contractors. One of tho planingj mill owners eaid to an I.NTKWOKNpiii|8 reporter yesterday» t'We need just tw<,r moro men, and when those two placetie are .tilled, our mill will bo ruuuing ai

well as it would bo if the strike was set3 tied. We have ten men and thieo boysq and w<J could do well with these e^cepthey are none of them just competent t<handle ono or two of our machines."The other mills are getting along i?^ about tho same way.ie Yesterday afternoon there was a largicrowd of strikers collected about the en

trance to Trades Assembly hall, discussing the strike and its prospects. Thejull express a determination to remaii:u tirm, and were jubilant over the facthat to-day is pay day just tho same aid if there were no strike. The increase iilc the carpenters' allowance, voted lasMonday night, has had a very stimulatr" ing elTect upon the men who are nosr working.?e The latest scheme qn tho part of thi

new ponlraptors who arc not membenof the Builders' Exchange, is to displayd an immense placurdou every job in pro"18 gross, stating who is doing tho workOne job was noticed where tho placardio »---

ui tuv> uiticieui. cuutraciors engaged verj-* nearly covered the entire place.rt Till; UNION BiaU(iE,

T^n Structuro Kcnrinj; Completion.Torj' nilnnl Work.i'. Work on the Union railroad bridge iir- rapidly nearing a stage where only th(

putting down of the track will reraaiito bo dono. The third span from tlii

y Ohio 8boro was put up in thirty hoursy and it is intonded to push work on tin® channel span, the false work for wbicle is now nearly ready, with the fnmji rapidity. It is thought the spau will bt

j. in position by May 1, though of course1 the bolting and riveting will remain tce be done.ie Paige Carey & Co., are making rapit!l8 progress qu the Terminal railway workd below tho creek. The north end of tinx. Chapline hill tunnell is being pushed inn as rapidly as fifty men can push it, ande the hole begins to present quite an interI. eating appearance. At the south end,f, tho work has progressed with equal)f rapidity, but does not.show up so well,e on account of being distributed over scs much larger a field. The stone work ford the two bridges isjyell under way aut]j. the fill in Caldwell's field below Chapi.line street, is almost tin to grade. The" run has been substantially straightenedI from Woods street to EofT, and the apyproach to tho tunnel portal will Isooni bo in such shape as to make it possiblet to begin underground work.)

A Flooding Stingot Of health and strength renewed and ofs eoso and comfort follows the use of* Syrup of Figs, as it acta in harmony withnature to ellectualljr cleanso the systemwhen costive or bilious. For sale in 50cand $1 00 bottles by all leading druggists.


| Men's good Hobnailed Brogans, $110,worth $1 50, atStone's Cash Shoe Store,i 1012 Main street.

KeyMann Bkewino Co.'s CelebratedBock Beer will be on tap for the lasttimo thi^ year to-day.Ii.J. Scnuu, at 1031 Main street, isseliiug fine Dongola Handturn LadiesButton Shoes for the low price of $2 50.

spring anil stiiuinur."Wo are in receipt of all the newestnovelties in Woolens for men's wear,consisting of Suitings, Pantaloonings andOvercoatings, which we are prepared tomake up iu the best style and fit atreasonable prices. Buy the best 25 centfast black seamless half hose made, at

O. Hess &. Sons',1321 and 1323 Market Street.Reymann Skewing Co.'s CelebratedBock Beer will be oh tap for the lasttime this year to-day.

WE ARE ALL SETTLED.Come and Sou Us In Our New nnd Hand.

Home Quarter*, 51 Twelfth Street.We can show von morn lllnvfloo o«,i

better Bicycles, than all other dealerscombined. The Victor Safety-Is finerthan ever. Don't fail to see it. We aretrading in comparatively new wheels ofother makes for the Victor. Why is it?Simply because the Victor is best. Don'tlose money by buying a wheel withoutexamining the Victor. Buy the best inthe start. It is the cheapest in the end.,Call and. examine our stock. Over adozen makeB of Bicycles.Edw. L. Rose & Co.,New Store, 51 Twelfth street.

Excursion to Cincinnati.The Baltimore Ohio Railroad Companywill sell excursion tickets to Cincinnatiat the rate of one limited farefor the round trip, on account of theTwenty-fourth Annual Encampment, G.A. R., Department of Ohio.Tickets will be sold for all trainsApril 27, 28 and 29, and will be valid for

return passage until May 2, inclusive.Children Cry for. Pitcher's Castoria.

IN TUE U.S. COURT,Dr. McCoy Triumphantly Aci|iiUtuil-An<

otliar Acquittal.Late Thursday evening tne jury in the

caso of Dr. J. W. McCoy, indicted forsecuring an excesslvo feo in a pensioncase, brought In a verdict of not guilty.To thoso who knew Dr. McCoy and toall who heard the evidenco this resultwas no surprise.Tn the U. 8. Circuit Court yesterday,tho caso of Squire James Anderson, of

Battelle district, Monongalia county, accusedof buying tho vote of a Democrat,for SI. was finished, and occupied allthe day's session except a little timeepont in unimportant preliminary mat'ters. Last evening the jury returned ovordict of not guilty. Tho uvidenceshowed that Squire Anderson was areputable and upright citisson. very pop*ular in his neighborhood, and that someneighbors with nti enmity against himhad put up a job to get him into a questionabletransaction, which on tho testimonyof tho man who carried itthrough, was a failure.

Tullco rickup*.Jack Brown was arreated by Officer

I.. Jl-I. *-< rot lur uiDcuurKinK a revolver in

an alley near the Poatofllce. Capt. TomDewire, a plain Ohio drunk, was lockedup by lleil. Jauiea aud Susan Frnsicr,man and wife, were arrested on theIsland byOfllcit McNichol. The uianwaa very druuk.In the Police Court yesterday GeorgeMyers waa lined $20 aud coals for keep*

ing a gaming room, and eight men $0and costa eacli for gaining. IJicksly, thePittsburgh drummer, who had,so muchfun Thursday, i>aid $10 and costs. Aplain drunk made up the roster

Mr. llonry Not C'ullty,In tho Circuit Court yesterday, Tarl

II, the case of James Henry, indicted foi; renting a house to bo used us a hou^e olIll-fame, wan tried to a jury. Ilo tcBtilieithat he did not kuow the Miller womackept such a house, and was acquitted.

MnumUvlUo.p. H, Kvan*. Kaq., Is the KUCit of friends a1 Dumcttowu, lml.me tniuers at tno shaft have gono In aguliniter belug out a few day«,Frank Wade lion bought a lot on La Kayctlavenue aiul will build a bakery ami residence.Mlw 9.C. Jordan, who has been visiting MisLee for some time past, baa goue to her home iiUrantvllle, Md.

3 MUi Mamie Karris ban goue back to Buckhunnoil to attend school, ller mother accotntmulciher ana will visit Irlends there for a few day*.Tbe work of resetting the curbing und /aciniit preparatory to laving the street pavementr has been bctfuu. John V, Allen secured tb

4 contract.It Ib understood that \Y. W. Smith will crectlurae business building ou the lot purchased o

, J. 11. Founuln. The locution Is one of the lines* In the city.i A petition signed by most of tho cltliens hai3 been tent to Congressman Atkinson usklng hlu. to urge CQDgrott to make au appropriation ttt prvct a po«tu111co bulldlug., A grout many oil leases are still being record' cd at the County clerk's ofllce. Despite the bai3 pick at IIirks No. 3, ll is being pushed rapid!;3 down and It no new accldeuts befall, mav bo exp:cted to come lu before many days.The new l)omd of penitentiary directors wll* hol;\ their ilrst meeting ou Thursday, May 1w Ihu uew oillclals wero not commissioned li) time to hold tho regular meeting tho fourtlWednesday In April, A good deal of Interest Imanifested iva to who the clerks at tne pcnlteu1 liqry will be. \V. u. Dugg, of Whecllug, former]y of MouudsvliW, uud C. J. lllugs, of Cameron; are appllcauu.

ltrldguport.Miss Jennie Deeds, of Indlunapolls, Iml., Is th

r guest of frlcuils here.1 Mifs Clara Chapman, who has been visltln;f relatives here, returued to her home at Steubenu vllle yesterday,8 A portlou ol tho Woodmatnce farm, adjolnlnjl Klrkwoodon the south, has been laid out lit town lots and these are being rapidly purchased.f W. II. Howolt ha* been granted a patenthrough the odlce of C. A. Suow & Co., patenlawyers, of Washingioa, for an improvement lii railway rails.j Tbe proposed brldgo across the creek fronthe west eud of Bridgeport to Klrkwood is onstandstill. It was ut Ilrst luteuded to erect thibrldKeona level wltl> tin» nia«Ai » ..! i.>

Wheeling tracks, but that company's demanc* for&O.Oju damages has changed the quesilo1.' somewhat.j


Martin'* i'orry.Mrs. F. A. Martin Is vlsltbg her daushter aFostorla.J. II. Drown, of this city, Is leasing some ol

. land near Marietta.Ell Davis, aged 75 years, recently walked fronhis home In Wayne Township to Burrs Mill*» where he hoarded the cars for at. Clalrsvllle, hi> first ride on a railway.A four-year-old child of Mr. and Mrs. Lewi1 Smith is dangerously ill. Mr. Smith who, Is li

^ Boston in the interest of the Buclceve Ulass Company, was telegraphed for yesterday,An exhibition In gymnastics will be nlvcn b,> the Y. M. C. A. gymnasium class this eveninga' So'cIock, The usual meeting for young mcil will l.e held Sabbath afternoon at -1 o'clock., Twenty-eight persons from Martin's Ferry ar' peared before the Graud Jury at St. Clalrsvlll5 yesterday and nearly as inauy more were out o:the case of John Noon vs. the Cleve'.aud. Loraliit Wheollng road.

llellalre.Peter Smith has secured a 81 per month penslon.

5 At the Second Presbyterian concert about $1was cleared.Rev. Mr. O'Mera and family have arrived IronColumbus, and will remain hero permanently.Some small boys drank stile beer from kegset out In front of sa'.oons aud got very druuk.One Noble county man has handled un<shipped through here the past tcu days 10,00dozen eggs.Thomas Matchen, of the .Etna machine shopshad his left hand badly mashed In som(machinery yesterday.Ilcport »ay« that Recorder John W. Beckett, olthis county, has Invested luckily In real estate,aud can realize about S15.000 on his Investment,

Additional Markets.Boston, April 25..There has been a goodtrade in all kinds of wools, sales amounting to?.524,C00 pounds. The market remains steadyOhio X ;Wa3tc: XXS%»33c; No. 1, saMc; MichiganX 28J4*-Jc; washed combing 39al0c: unwashedSfiaWj^o: Ohio flue delaine U5a36c; Mlchlgatt .Halttc: territory wools quiet: new springCalifornia 53a55c: Oregon No. 1 Kastcrn 18a20e;pulled woo's steady: choice super tOalUc; commonto good super 'J7a3Sc; extra 22a28c; carpetwools quiet and steady.New Your, April25..Business was steady andImproving at first hands with a large inquiryfor goods for fall, especially for staple cottonn,hut buyers want concessions, while agents arellrm and believe In hlcher tirlrnn «n ti»n «« >- '»

lure. Dress goods, blankets, cotton flannels,fancy shirtings and a few other specialties forfall received irnofl attention.

PeculiarMany peculiar points mako Hood's 8arBaparlllasuperior to all otlicr medicines.Tecullar la combination, proportion,^and preparation ot lngredlcnts^CyjWHood's 8arsaparllla possessestho full curatlvo valuo of tho

best known remodlos oftho vegetahlo king->j0^^dom.Peculiar In Its8^rcnS^and cconomy.Hood's SarsaparlllaIs1110 on,y mcdl"clno- which can trulyb06ald^%J*5> ^r"OnoHundredDosesOno Jr Dollar." Medicines InSI larger and smaller bottlesrcqulro larger doses, anddonot^^^produco as good results as nood's.S Peculiar In its mcdlclnal merits,Hood's Sarsaparllla accomplishes cures hithertounknown, and has won for itself Stho tltlo of "Tho greatest bloodyr^itpurifier over dlscovcred."^^TecullarIn its"goodnamo S.cSJ VT»

home,".there Is nowf ^^^^norool Hood's 8arsaparlllaS * Ssold InLowell, whereIs made,than of all^ other Woodpurifiers. fj^/recullar in Usphenomo-nal record of salesabroad«y/no other preparationhas^/^^^rever attained such popuW^^larltyIn so short a time,and retained Its popularity^rand confidence among all classes)f peoplo so steadfastly. 1Do not bo Induced to buy other preparations,hut he suro to get tho Tccullar Medicine,

Hood's SarsaparillaSoldbjr&llilriiRgUtj. fll;»lrfor&5. Prepvcdonlybjr 0. i. IIOOD it CO., Apothocarioi,Lowell, Uui.100 PoasB Ono Dollar

pOJIEANDSEEANDTRYON mmCENTS' AND LADIES' SHOES AT$2 00, $2 60 and $3 00,,r" U «" Sl7lo andcity! °°' ,urIllu,wl bj «uy In tbo

A.Q. WINCHER.»P< Rosen' Block, 1123 M»In Street,



ligmll'MMI «»fl





ChildrerA vast array of J

all desirable styles at Ei The above compr' all other Clothing St; bined.5 Part of the above» stvle and finish tn anL; J

5 any other store in the; lish and seasonable mi

The above must

tate, and you know ^

; gards price.Come early befor

I D, GDTMAN,\ Surviving I

I COR. MAIN~&~House &

t .

! Ill a a0 p0R a

; «» r InSyt"MI TIT monthlyj!MAIN C/) PaymentsSenabled, t

" STREET ^ credit systnish yourthe very b

sOq strictly ca

I" There is. may requi

J cannot fin<I tirely nev

assorted sir(H niture.C;Jv Cloths. 1


IAIN 3 T"a.


STREET VJ not expect

3 when sickwork.

.ft ft tlogger, warrick & Co. jFeme bargains!:THE GREATE3T BARGAINS 0?


Dress Goods!Ton plccos 4G inch AIX WOOL SERGES atFIKTY CENTS, actual valuo 75 ccnU. Thin lotcannot last more than a few days, and uo BUbstltutcol equal value can be bought.

EXTRAORDINARY!Twcnty-flve pieces3Much

CLOTH SUITINGAt lucjsold everywhere at 25c.

Blad Siiv Warn HonnioHon lwuu ikuijj uuiillDUUO JOur 8100 and 812T> Prlestleys and other makesare beautic*. We also have uedlded bargains Inall Kinds of Dress (ioods.Mohairs, BrilllnntlncH, Albatross, Henriettas,Sieges, Cashmeres, Plain, l'lald uud StripedSerges at 37% cents.

Our Stock ol White Goods.Lace Curtains, Draperies, Crashes, TableDamasks, andNapklnHwas nevcrlargcrorUetterassorted than at this time. 29x40 All LlnonTowels at WJjc.We do not advertise or sell talablo goods atcost, nor limit you In quantity when goods areadvertised at cost or less. It Is only an cxcusofor an extravagant price on another article;Quality of soods should be the first consider*atlon and on that wo never get left,

Egger, Warrick & Co.,1132 MAIN STREET.ap2l


1'S SALE!iooSI JITS!100SUITS!>00l's Suits!ersey and Kilt Suits inExecutor's Sale.ises more Clothing thanocks in the city com-

is superior in material,lything to be found incity, and all of it is styerchandise.be sold to close the esvhat

that means as ree

the stock is broken.




H H HV D y HODSEsmall cashthe balance n

skly.semi- (j[or monthlyiJug", S HE8RMAMem, tofurhouscwithest goods atsh prices.nothing youre that youi in our envand well.ock olFurarpets.OilVlattings.ors. Baby

, MAINjer we doyou to pay STREET,or out ol

Ceo. G. Stifel & Co.

(GRADUATES:Don't make an attempt to

buy your Graduating Outfituntil you have seen our Speciallyselected stock of Hemstitched,Plaited, Tucked andEmbroidered. India Linen,Nainsook and Swiss Flouncings,

All Light Shades or

Cashmeres, Surahs,China Silks, Ghallies, k.

Fans, Lace and EmbroideredHandherchicfs, Hosiery, SilkMitts, Mosquetaire and SuedeGloves. Beautiful light DressTrimminp of all th<» in**-*'°


Geo. E. Stifel& CO.,

1114 Main Street.
