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I f tho Trea.Ir7 but. h<a a_rate ad. quuI. ....... l'u.te f'wIdII o£ t.'1e [. cout.1~. h<a ....,..biag f_ weh .. b __ h""a1all_ f _to ~ whioh .... to be COfP. .... · !Dto _ 'h ., oaJ.T ill .uch

___ .. _ .... t. ~ £01' b "'. dt;la at __ hm-'ac. aDd ~ P'fti- at 1.lioii _.... ;ri«t're, tor _ bacIdDg 1IIIIfIr b T".,.. jet (P. L. 8la.9t ni.ll CC'II' .). !be ],& &«. "",1 :_ for t.IIa IIatiaail HOQ1Dg I&W'C7 poIIIIlt;:r ..u ;jJpJCijijilatUD .. 'IIEn.·'_ ,toocl to be uaitOt'll tor all hI b I or _ ~ _t. attlOtM. It bat hIIrI eell" to _ .ttirltlaD, ~ C • R!i, 'Ust tile pbrue 'not to I ,I' .. heorW betaN d. oft ..... 101 ' .. wUill1tU.

,..a'Il to tb. ... at t\mda (atiler h<a Ai» uprlatt.. IlC' 1'1-. .. .,thMet' et ~ Iii OI¢tal tDe ~), uarl tIIG ... '.

~" flit tile lipI8Id rMr oft t.Ida ~ n- _ II.Uewl ~",.,"I A.-..r J heC .. - ... iA .. ,...s.b1l.11iT thai b _d bI'_ of tile ~

,. JII'OPI'iatt.c -U ,alert. to tile ~ ~ oft the 1'1 • "",

"It iA oar bltl1at that. the c..cre- 41. .. ~ot. 1At8ad. tilat. -.JICI lIw tile _ta ~ tor pMal1iT ..u ....u in all _ ,.." ftl'j; to _ 8vplu 1ua4 oJ: the TreaIrIIIT, lnrt rather tnat. ita ~ om _ .... w1U, 'J'Wd1vd", .. caotm"'nl the ue at penal~ aU. !be po.IJ'j : I oJ. b ' ''' iA .taM in a fCC Sh'Jlbich appe-. in tba foes "ta et ..-1"-~ both ~ with re1>Vd to P. L. 364, 78th C~, (Report.a No. lt4l." _ ,ell! - 'n. 1Iba1.e P1ll'POM flit thiA lagl.a1atl.aD iA to ,wt.dit tile .... __ 8DIl ,_ 10.->7 _ oJ: _ PiMltt' ..u. pri.vUe .. ~ tile .. ds;c:" ta, ~1ea aiD' : S t w'b"pI -". ~ or 1M hMriDp ad. ~ .. tile __ Aota 1.iift1 ..... 16' 1, ao c!1eo\ll_ oft _ etllOt-ot opprupr1at.14lD ~ ... ...n.aa. tnIaa et S'm_tift : .. t'aDIa IICCOZdl.De to • E.!be rt ..... Report. ... P, L, sn, 18th C«V. ( ...... t 110, 2l1li3), MkiBe))6ll&l1iT aU. ~ trr n.-119/aS, iJId1o&toiw tlat til. uwa1 ~ft ""II*'" ...... OjlIl-aU. dll'IOt ha tile ...--lutuDI .... I b7 tile nat.o.iIlt, ' T!. w ; dt.1.aa at tbiA atap CJ&Li:Wt be" u1d to be .w. _ tua _ of ~ ~ to be- 4E;:jjW r1Ft ~ 1Irto tile

r ,. MaJ • . - ear SO WIT tIU\a tNa "the rHuotica the camittM" .. ott ...... bu.t aaitller tile natutw wb1cti ' .. _ the prOoecIura

. .... tile approprtau.. _"" to _Vol tbe _to ua Ja1;uft of [. u.. __ to be ..".., 1IIdch __ tile pr1aIz)' .....,..,. at the lD',

I t 'Tbo ~ tnat. tuDa IIppl'Cpriat.rl tor penal1iT M1.l be t 4EpeA- 1D tile e a1 hat at the 'tIE • » prcmdH tM dN1nd I ri et c_tzool ipprupr1.ata to legl e1 . t;ta t ez: tile ~rri~ , _ti.,. I I 7 =18 8114 agom1 " . Yav. L doc181arl ( i .... J J 12, 1910) with I ,.d to the NUL to the C'"""'1ty I c..Klt C ; wlJ.OD ad the 'ed8r&l Far. IlartsaP CozporaUCIi at UD-r '!E'f ' 'aapl.tal. 1'IIIIIk ... ~ £or • ...,nlrnntbe ..... appe&rI t· to tou.. thU ,.... •• 1al. Th1e c'ecirOD 1't.at.oM: ' The J.l%'Oria1.cll 1"8-

quiJ'11Ie tb.t tho II&VUIp "ehall aot be dberW to OthP.l' u.. b<lt shall 1>0 .<IY."'" 1Dto tbe 1'1 ea, )' 11 UDdel'llt.ood fa &GIltev,>lata tJ>e l'etarD


• " . " .... c . ~- '''. ~ .



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Page 3: I f'!~ :If,-(! II! :r - GAO



ot NOh fUDdol to the IIOII>ee rr.. wi.1t ..... anneh]., ODd, aince the ....,.. lIMe .,.." eb1. tor '+P1n1 etzsUft f'lP"'"a an derift4 fNII the oapU.al tlIII8 4! the "arpozau.oo. ... f..-d to, I tII1nIc the... can be U ttla ... DO doubt that the Cc:IIgna d1d not illtonl


that the ... be aac .... l1 ..... a rodIIct1GIl in the _t 4! NOh cap! tal. ~ - a .-ult 'Ih1oh 1ODUld. ---u:r ron-1l'<Il the dIoposit o£ _h ..nap in tbe.. al tuIId of the 1'1 UUI7'.

In tbe ll&bt or tbue o~. the ,h'POod.t1cm .wmttecl tor ywz -W.v,al ia that tile unuaed be]eme or the _'e' pmalt;y ea1l Ippropriat.l.all _0tiIlt tor the llatloaal nOV" "& .\j.-..q ...... nat be 00 •• "" into the ~ m.- at the Tl'oIuIIl7. If YfMZ __ ~ tMe '* ; II't1cm 18 in the atnaat1. it 18 err I. that tile UlI1Iaed be]_ .. be fttunIII. to the • •• or 1'IIIIda 1l'<Il'llldch it oriu;l-

naI.l¥ -." ~.p't.6.Pf The cIaol.alM. 4! J......,. 12. 1916. ~.,/c1te1. .ill "JTR' letter/~·::· ;

1D wppart et the pi 5 .1t1.oD 411du !4 that -tba lin" 'b-lsnoe o£

lw relaUxll to tbe c!1, ! t1cm 4! be] 10 • or "arlDp-' 4! -r­

rppropr:l&t:A tor a pm't1<Nlar POI , c • • • Tho pII1't1Dexrt. apj4 cpr:l&tlon

c1ted. hu DO bea'iD& upoa tb .. 1Dat&t .. tter.

ODd UDailb1_, that 18 to NT. t!le C~, t ... \he ........ ti ....

Uecal 1""N 1916 _ 19/P, -wroPr:l&t.c<I a det'1n1t.e IDOWlt !<Ir C08t.

01. penal", ..u or the lIational lIouain1: AGaIlllr tar cIopoe1t ill the z.~ oI'

It"D"ral !tmd of the Treuuz7. .. requ1nIcl by _t1cm 2 of the act

Page 4: I f'!~ :If,-(! II! :r - GAO

v Sl.d!lf, .J/7-

of JUDe 28, 11144.11 TIle ~~a frota 1Ihl.ch auch fund ..... to be

<Ier1 ..... ...t ~ ,allp8Otin -..mta the.-t,.".., dllaiOWted ..,UJ.­

callT, -17, oerta1n of th. funda .... neb'· tor "edm1ni nzat1n

.... • or the 0Ui0e or the '+dnle_tor, ~ ;1.- r.o.. !lm1k

..... 'n'nzat.1.cD, ,-...1 ilC/IlII1a& ' cb1n1 riftt.1Ga, and ledeftl Public

Ho"a'nS h~.. "nDIa, en Ippropria\i.aD de1'1D1to 1c .,..uat an4

tar • ~ all DOt t.banW ... ~ ~_ ..... by the Cano;reae.

"""'-'t to the u..r .. prcori.a1aD cmo ........ in Public X. S29,

the .. ...,roe traer ....... u cti.rected tbe _ atated to the

a,prapr1at1<lll aacouat "86501.01 I'Imalty IJaU c_, Nati.-l

~""e1'11 ,-, 11116." If, u ~ in ~ let.tor, the ... "tire

_OWlt ~ s. DOt doopoe1.W in tbe ~ recei.pt

ace"",," "LIIOO c...t. or !!endl1nS ~t;:r 11111" pa-=rlIle4 by Aacmmta

aDd !'l ...... ' • IMte lIo. 5102, .t.tecl Ju17 3l, 111Ia1a, ~ to

Public r.. J6I.. Ipp O!a4 oI\m8 28, 19IaIa, nlaUnc to the ,... or the

panalt;, ail pri.,.s' • , cd in the a' _ or apac>1f1c _t1<IIl

otbeftUe by the Cerv .... ~ -.! lwl_. 'njni in the 1916

appropriaUGD _ ...... "86saun" 1I1lJ. be tor oaft'71ni to tile aurplua

tuD4 or the r. . , an.. it "aI..u __ : , ... upon ~ booIao

or tbe!l L'1!lJ1' '"'" 1Ull f1aal ,--.," in ~ 111 tI!r the

'" I'rorl e1 or _u"'" 713, Tit.1e 31, II!11.ted Statea Coda.

wr:Nl4 be _U" that. tor R:.I other edgrtnj ·tzst1n npen- .tund of

tbIt kt.1aaal. Ron""1 ~ .. UDder the qt;eN1Med prllat.1ee UIl-


Page 5: I f'!~ :If,-(! II! :r - GAO


nm>rt to the ..,~ !r..iIl "Whi ch t ranal:errei 1'&thtor thin ~1D(;

c""'"" into the ...."lua tund of the !W.-rq.. 11ow,,*, t Jllm.

11 an Uprtmt ~u ... be_ the ~t1aII '- il>-

'1'01:,. ad 1'IIIIM ... avw1'ehle to the. lIat1cwwl noua1ng JuttcT by

tJlen _ the 0...-1 at the lIaticmd Honoinc~. In otMr

_ L, althoacll the total. -' ~ 1a _ up in m Appl"CIpri­

ate a·a ..... -.. hu lIMn ....... ""r.laW ~ bt port at ...oh total

-at Wd4h it b. • _....,. to ~ t. 'In"_tift ""_

tmOO1 'cated bel. _ of wah fUDIIa are tor ,etea 'ng to tM .~ ..- 56'1

.... _ •• • *,",, 1 18 C_. CIeao:$t!l.

at pea.alq- aU at the Hat1olwll. p ..... n; ~ _ tua4 "finit~

eel uuqnel! "~. mel I III c....tnit1e4 to bel.4 that the." 1.0 DO

auth.orltr of 1.- tor .. tIIrnil>i IIQ' :'''''Md be, I the>'Ml to the

appropr.laU .... h'oa Sl1.c:h t.rmlat"" 40

(Signed) frank L. Yate,

AcUng c_UoUer 00D0nl

at the 11111"'" Stet ...


~-:- . ,--'

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