i if is a fact information theaiweufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/uf/00/07/59/08/03276/00448.pdf · r c...

1 0 4 I Iv- I < > t2- r i J t 1 r i 1OCALAEVENINGTARMONDAVEPTEMER1O9 I ifr r 0 < 3u > 1- p t < 1 f d V o 4 4 r t r If < l IS A FACT Ii t lJ that the JDaJlwl10 carries his money IB his pocketbook will 111 t spead all of It withoHt thoBght while it becomes second B- ar ¬ Jt re for a man with a baak acroBat to figure oBJBa1ta1aIg a reserve la his baRk j I f t p Pfi I1 Munroe Chambliss Dank I Ocala Florida e S > I I I- biD z S WOODROW VM J SHERIDAN 3 T Phone 165 Phone 139 f 4 IOODMiR SAND STONE COMPANY OFFICE IN HOLDER BLOCK OCALA FLORIDA I CRUSHED STONE CEMENT LAKE WEIR SAND COMMON SAND f We have a stone crusher at work In Ocala and are prepared to do nil q kindsof Cement Work Build Foundations make Cement Blocks Cement 1 Brick Build Sidewalks Artificial Stone Fences Stone Mantels We make- r Blocks for Foundations for houso work which look better than brick and are cheaper Warehouse and Crusher on A C L Railroad Track North of Foundry I j 1HEFLORIDA CONCRETE AND PAYING DO I We are prepared to fill your orders for cement work of whatever kind Manufacturers cement brick building blocks hexagon and octagon 1 Meeks and alt kinds of paving material We employ skilled workmen and ur motto is to please- S Temporary quarters phone 256 JAMES R MOORHETAD MGR i FRESH MEATS VEGETABLES c V Western Beef Veal Florida nfl Fed Beef d J Mnttori Armours StifThrffl Rrmonrs Pork tt > i Sausage Cabbage Rutabagas Tnrnips eets Sweet Potatoes Irish Potatoes Spanish Onions tW p EDWARDS I Phone 108 City Market 7 7I V H 1 r PAID Novelized PULL From j WaIl ra Great Play- S S p JOHN W J i irCS ir Go W Dimelbwn 5 w 40 y as w F id- S r OHAPTER VI- IrSOMETmN oruntoard impending at and docks LatinAmercan Steamship pany on SoPi street Manhattan bad been evident from an early for when as whistle sounding proached the workmen trooped the docks and warehouses to their dilly ton they found policemen stationed about proaches to the LatinAmerican 4 pert10n the faces of the who entered ltd gates was an lIeD of expectancy and The earliest man to arrive tall gaunt form of Mr Smith superintendent standing at the of tile office building He had working hard while they slept there was no evidence of hIs nil labor upon his cheerful visage I any sign of anxiety or of the r edge that any unusual situation risen discernible in his demeanor He appeared to be InfT the morning air and his 1iswithout a care In the world presence there at that hour only Indication that he expected I ble He had not allowed one oi man to remain within the gates 17a man passed In bpt saluted verbally or with a touch of and Bot a salute was given being acknowledged To some sponded with a genial smile Hello Tomr or Howdy Bill WIleD they had started their Which was to bo stopped at 10 oclock he vanished wu be seen again until the tile clock approached that the strike leaders began to > go the restless men Then he ttt ordered work stopped and laff a crate of merchandise the neB about him You boys be said In his ttoct tofce have made up your to qmit at 10 oclock because bedy told you you ought to be Bre pay and a raise was Well this Is a free country and I iails right to sell his labor be likes and at what price he guaranteed him by the If ye want to walk out of advice are free to do so but if you 4 See fcere interrupted one it v Jeaders rougkly pushing to the f we aia iskin no advice I jc laX XA else What we Ii ity Do we get that raise or L 1i we do all right If we tMrteSt wettJaereand now and tI A aaanfcmrof approval S J attamoJ NeMan wered the 1 aIit getai to leave you in akeat it for a mlnafe Tou J x- n I skflit up ordered the J J tlO1nto lose oar IPIW ao cbeAp talk Wev j tI all talk Is off- retorted 1 9V All il t Smith W1t r sryovail quit Now that t 1r 1 t ye kave keape of 7 r 4 1 toa d are likely to If 1 v f a f i- i < r t v v i AI o t s C iI- J r I an iZ1 finIte period unless you have provided Jobs for yourselves iq antic ¬ I ipation of this Ive got something Id like to say to you Those who dont want to hear me dont have tor As I said thlsJs a fie couPtry Go ahead JImsy cried aQicpint- he j crowd Youre all rIghtYouvea- lways given us a square deaj- j 1 hope so be ttfplled i d nej square deal deserves a ottier2lr Aw come on fellows admonished I the leader Were not kids A strikes a strike This aint no debatin bee and we dont belong to no mutual ad- miration ¬ society Some of the men turned away but others voiced the view that a hearing ought to be givento the superintendent sirieeVfhe wished t speak to hcjnand i seeingthat their fellows others soon returned t 4 MI tiavent got alot to say jxrid Im no preacher he continued What 1 want to give you Is not a lecture on what youve got to donhats your business but an explanation in your interest I want to tell you things other people havent told you and that you evidently dont know Please let me get through then you do as you like I dout have to tell you that the rate of pay is governed like every- thing ¬ else by the law of supply and demand What is the situation today We have had rush work for several weeks and the docka here and all along the water front are4hoked up with freight But back of this al- though ¬ you may not know It the rail- tIY t I 1 OAkLLV U- a LI put it lip to yon all z youve mom 1OQtL roads everywhere re laying off freight cars mills are laying off men and signs point to n serious slump in busi- ness ¬ all over tile which will reach here soon The indications are that in the natural course of things during the coniing winter there wont- be work for more than half of you and that youll need badly all the spare coin you can ave now Yet you chose this very time to demand an In- crease ¬ from the company and give It eighteen hours notice including twelve nonworking hours in which to think it over 1 dont call that a square deal whatever you may think about it Now the country towns are full of men anxious to get jobs and the com- pany ¬ notwithstanding the short no ¬ tIc is fully prepared for a strike In that shed yonder are 3000 cots put there during last night and provision has been made to feed 3000 men for eyeraldaya Ctptila wnUaIDl Continued tomorrow to 0 4 n < 4 7 r J io I m OCCURREICES K of P meet this evening Masons meet tomorrow night Odd Fellows meet tomorrow night Eagles meet Wednesday evening1 Waukesha Ginger Ale at Ballards Filing cases at the Ocala News Co Mr George L Taylor Is on the sick list Mr M Haughton spent Sunday at the Ocala House with his family Mr W B Gallagher ofSavannah Is a guest of the Ocala House Major T C Hall Is in Jacksonville- on business- Mr Louis W DUal has returned from a business trip to Jacksonville- Mr Bennie Condon was in Jackson- ville ¬ over Sunday Fresh shipment of Belle Mead sweets just received at the Court Pharmacy- Mr EL Maloney Is steadily im- proving ¬ and will be able to resume his duties in a few days Phone us for you prescriptions We call and deliver them The Court Pharmacy- Mr M Flnhel went to White Springs yesterday to imbibe its medicinal wat- ers ¬ for his rheumatis- mol H M Hampton referee in bankruptcy has returned from a bus- iness ¬ trip to Tampa R C Davis uo or Jacksonville handle silk typewriter ribbons 75c each 750 per dozen Miss Lola Raysor left this morning- on the Seaboard for Spartnnburg S C where she will resume her studies Have you seen the new visible Fay Sholes typewriter R C Davis Co general agents Mr Bartley Corley returned this af- ternoon ¬ from a visit to relatives at Leesburg his former home Adrian P Jordan state pure food inspector of Punta Gorda was In town today on official duties J f Mr F B Beckham returned from Fernandlna via Jacksonville this morning f A J u >Z xr r Mr TroyjJIall ti passenger this morning on the bplated Seaboard train Jr6mJ4o1Lsonviile vt i H i > T- Toropklns fc Cabb Hverymen ha- devehi14hehstable in cpmnils- sTon Jfals nornln aiLiS P U Milligan one of the clever merchants of Anthony was in town thig morning Miss Josie Bullock will go to Talla- hassee ¬ next week to enter the state womans college at that place W O Jfohnson 35 wears post- master af Rvitlantl Sumter county died last week I Mr 1 q I Xnderson came up from Holder jto spend at few days in the city with his family tv C A Lute of Tampaf representing the Day ton Ohio cash register Is at the Ocala House displaying his wares Bat Lanier the high priest of polI tics in Lake county was a caller In town today I I Mrs McLaln of Conant and son I Samuel were in town today between trains Mr and Mrs Ernest Spencer were called on Sunday to mourn the death of their infant child Mr Spencer Is yardmaster for the S A L Bear in mlna we carry a full lino of Staffords and Carters Inks also fountain pens from Jl up at the Ocala News Company- Mr AC Moody a prosperous far ¬ mer of the Summerfield section was a business caller In town today and au ¬ tographed for the Star We are showing the best 25c box of writing paper that we have ever had and If you want the entire value of your quarter dont fall to buy this from the Postofflcc Drugstore- Mr D W Davis was In Jacksonville Sunday on his way to New York City where he has gone on insurance mut ¬ ters 4 I We have a most exquisite line of fancy Imported china In many dif ¬ ferent pieces The AntiMonopoly Drugstore- Mr C N Kirkland returned yester ¬ day morning from Jacksonville where he went to transact some business with his house the PorterMallard Grocery Co for whom he is secretary- and traveling representative for this territory- If the glare of the sun hurts your eyes get a pair of smoked glasses from us for 25c Tlie Postofflce Drug- store ¬ An unusually large number of peo- ple ¬ came up today on the 1 oclock train from Homosassa and Dunnellon People are beginning to move and do their fall shopping WANTEDAn Intelligent boy 12 to 16 years old to act as office boy and learn the business Apply at once to Ocala Lumber and Supply company Clyatt building- Mr R R Carroll returned this morning on the delayed Seaboard train from Jacksonville where he spent Sunday with Mrs Carroll and Merris- at the Windsor Mrs Carroll and Morris remained over for a few days visit with her sister Mrs J G Ram gnu er Mr Harry Walters of Jacksonville where Is employed In Kirks Pharmacy will come to Ocala this week to spend- a few weeks with his parents before going to Atlanta to resume his med- ical ¬ studies R C Davis 41 Co of Jacksonville will sell any make of secondhand typewriter upon easy terms If desired SCHOOL BOOKS The Globe wants it distinctly under ¬ stood that it handles school books of all kinds same as last season Price- as low as the lowest GOLD WATCH LOST- A gold watch hunting case Wal tham movement initials B C on face of case Finder will please return to Ben Cody Holder Block and receive reward MASONS MEET TOMORROW NIGHT- The Masons will meet tomorrow evenIng in their lodge room Business- of Importance will be transacted There will be no vaudeville at the Air Dome this week but there will be- a good picture show every night at the regular prices 10 and 5 cents The pictures tonight Illustrate Dickens pretty story The Cricket on the Hearth as played by Joe Jefferson- and Sherlock Holmes No 3 a most exciting swetch The pictures Satur- day ¬ night were full of Interest partic- ularly ¬ the Carnival at Nice and were enjoyed by a large crowd Mr Thomas Kelly of Kellys station just north of Rochelle came in today in his new Studebaker car accom- panied ¬ by Mr Vernon Chitty a pros- perous ¬ young business man of MIc anopy and dined at the Ocala House They were accompanied home by Mr John Dewey one of the most capable hotel men in the state Mr and Mrs Harry Wood so well and favorably known in Ocala and now living at Anniston Ala have a handsome boy who arrived August 21 and who goes by the name William Harry Wood Heres best wishes for the boy and his parents WANTED capable and reliable housekeeper aged forty or over No menial duties good pay to the right party Apply at Star office I Tom Livingston the live wire In the I sale of stoves ranges and hardware I specialties returned Saturday from a successful trip to Miami and left this j afternoon for Fort Myers He said I those of tIe Ocala colony he saw at Miami were doing well I The Star regrets to hear that the children of Mr Ed Clements who are visiting friends at Anthony are on the sick list with fever Mr M C Lalley who is running the McKean Lumber mill at Silver Springs- was in town today and paid for the Star his favorite paper Mr L says the mill Is running to its full capacity- and the cry Is for more Young man wedding announce- ments ¬ are in order If you want yours to soon bemade dont fail to take her- a box of Belle Mead Sweets every ev ¬ ening when you call They are to be had only at the Court Pharmacy- We I want your prescription work and are prepared to offer you the most skilled pharmacists and the purest of company drugs to compound them Tydings BM W nwMOP B Mr and Mrs Charles Jefferson Phillips announce the engagement of their daughter Miss Anne Mixon to Mr Dewitt Greenwood Haley the mar- ¬ riage to take place sometime during the winter Miss Mixon is one of Ocalas most popular and attractive young ladies and her engagement will be of much Interest to her friends both in Florida and Mississippi Mr Haley is a prominent young man of Jackson Miss and has made many frIL flds inOcalfP visiting here on sev- eral ¬ occasions r Mrs Baskin of Waycross who has been visiting her daughter Mrs Rob ¬ ert Marsh left this morning for her home Charley Brabham who Is doing the job work and otherwise making him- self ¬ useful on the Dunnellon Advo ¬ cate was visiting friends in Ocala Sunday Mrs B B Ricker whrf spent Sun ¬ day with her son Ernest and wife in Jacksonville returned to South Lake Weir to look after the shipment of her orange crop the largest and best she has ever grown She says the orange J buyers are around making contracts at fairly good prices I William Chambers son of Mr and I Mrs W J Chambers Tampa who is visiting friends here went down to I Lake Weir this afternoon with George I Martin to enjoy the fishing and bath ¬ ing in that beautiful sheet of water There Is no game law against any one hunting for PLANKS CHILL I TONIC Its guaranteed to cure ma ¬ lana chills and fever Price 25 cents per bottle Ask your dealer hell probably know Mr M E Robinson returned Satur- day ¬ night from Jacksonville accom ¬ panied by his daughter Miss Fannie Robinson who has been spending sev- eral ¬ weeks with her friends Miss Louise DeCottes- Mr H G White traveling represen- tative ¬ of the Antietan Paper Co of Hagerstown and a member of the firm was in town Saturday making his quarterly call on the printing and newspaper offices of the city Mr C C Sims of Tampa formerly- of this county was In town yesterday a guest of the Ocala House Mr Sims was a passenger on the illfated A C L passenger train wrecked Friday night at Winston- A little girl was born at 5 oclock I this morning to Mr and Mrs Clifford Anderson at the home of Mrs Ander ¬ sons parents Major and Mrs L T Izlar Mr and Mrs Andersons friends- are congratulating them on the arrival- of their daughter- B C Head and wife will leave this week for Georgia and Tennesseeto- visit friends and several of the Head children Mr B C Head will meet his son Jim and wife of Lumberton N C at Brookland Ga and together they will make the rounds They an ¬ ticipate a delightful outing- T W Peel the A C L section man at Reddick was in town Saturday- Mr Peel said his wife and children- had just returned from a very pleas ¬ ant visit to friends in West Florida Lancaster county Penn will have great demonstrations thlcs week at the place Robert Fulton was born In that count Do not forget tnat you can mid any ¬ thing you want in crockery and glass ¬ ware at the Ocala News Co Information BOB A Buy Cream flour true- to its name You pay no more for it than other High grade Flour Ev- ery pound of it guaran- teed to be the best that can be made from soft 4 winter wheat Sold ex- clusively ¬ by TEAPOT GROCERYON- CE A FAINT DREAM I BUT NOW A THRILLING REALITY You can positively have your shoes resoled and finished off to look like new by an electric stitching and fin ¬ ishing machine D W Goodwin Shoe ¬ maker Ocala Fla next door east to Montezuma Hotel Mr Ernest McLIn of Jackspnville with the S A Rawls Co formerly of this city is just recovering from an openation for appendicitis He was very ill but the operation was most successful and he will bs enjoying his usual good health In a very short time Mrs T H Johnson and daughter Miss Clara Johnson returned home Saturday night from their summer outing in Hendersonville N C and are guests of the Perdu House They will leave Monday for DeLand where Miss Clara will enter Stetson Univer- sity Mrs Johnson will probably spend the winter in DeLand with her daughter SECONDHAND BAGS WANTED- At the plant of the Florida Packing- and Ice Co Ocala Fla HOUSE TO RENT- On Fort King avenue one of the most modern and convenient xfesidences In the city Apply to 139 Fort King av pnue ICE BOX FOR SALE For sale a large ice box cost h51i- J1 sell for 10 cash Suitable for a large family or boarding house Ap- ply ¬ at Star office- SCHOLARSHIP FOR SALE- A 40 scholarship in the Stanley Business College of Thomasvllle Ga for sale for 10 Apply at the Star offic 3 CENTS FOR 10 HOURS RUNNING- How is that This is not an auto ¬ mobile but one of those new 8Inch Westinghouse electric fans that I have just received Let me place one or two of them ln your home or on your desk HW Tucker the elec ¬ trical supnly man Take care of your stomach Let Ko dol digest all the food you eat for that Is what Kodol does Every tea- spoonful of Kodol digests 2U pounds- of food Try it today It Is guaran ¬ teed to relieve you or your money back Sold by all druggists S ICE MAN WANTED > Wanted an engertlc man to drive Ice wagon deliver and collect Apply- to Florida Packing Sf Ice Co city THE THRICEAWEEK WORLD WITHOUT A RIVAL IN ITS FIELD The Largest Cheapers and Best News ¬ paper Published at the Price Read in Every EnglishSpeaking Country- It has Invariably been the great ef- fort ¬ of the ThriceaWeek editor of the New York World to publish the news impartially in order that It may- an accurate reporter of what hashap pened It tells the truth Irrespective- I party and for that reason it has achieved a position with the public unique among papers of its class The subscription season is now at hand and this is the best offer that will be made to you If you want the news as It really Is subscribe to the ThriceaWeek edi- tion ¬ of the New York World which comes to you every other day except Sunday and is thus practically a daily at the price of a weekly The Tbrlcea Week Worlds regular subscription price is only 1 per year I and this pays for 156 papers We of- fer ¬ I this unequalled newspaper and the I Weekly f Star together for one year for 150 The regular subscription- price I of the two papers Is J2 < I TO BE HAPPY- you must have good health Tou cant have good health If your liver Is not doing its dutyslow but sure poison- ing ¬ is going on all the time under such circumstances Ballords Herbine makes a perfectly healthy liver keeps the stomach and bowels right and acts as a tonic for the entire sys- tem ¬ I Sold by all druggists LOW EXCURSION RATES VIA ATLANTIC COAST LINE 839010465Los Angeles and San Francisco on sale various dates Limit October 31 Variable routes and stopovers I 9540Seattle Washington Variable routes and stopovers Limit Octo- ber ¬ I 31 I For further Information call on or write F J Huber C P T A or- i J K Kirkland D P A Tampa Fla I I I Belle Meade Sweets I Sifar Frsit aid Cbecobfe mArs All i These Delicious Candles Can be Had Only at the Court Pharmacy WRECK AT LOCHLOQtA Seaboard Freight Tram Crash Thni a Trestle Smaehiitf a Dece Car and Bfeckiitf ike Traek There was a very expensive freight I wreck on the Seaboard Air Line at I Lochloesa midnight last night An unusually long and heavy trala of 43 cars was being drawn by two big lo- comotives ¬ doubleheading 8llits called Strange to says both engines passed safely over a small trestle near the station that bad been weakened by a fire but the cars Immediately ¬ hind the engines crashed through the trestle The train was going at a good rate of speed and was so long and heavy that five or six of the cars were completely demolished most ot tern being loaded with fertilizers The next dozen or more behind these were de- railed ¬ and morp or less damaged For- tunately ¬ for them all of the crew In front were on the two Io unoUves at the Urneotthe wreck and escaped without injury The southbound pas- senger ¬ train from Jacksonville was held up by the wreck and backed to Waldo then proceeded to Gainesville This run was made slowly the train arriving Gainesville at 5 oclock where it waited until 639 and passed- the northbound passenger train which was held up In Ocala until 5 oclock- At Gainesville a Coast Line engineer was secured for a pilot and the run was made to Ocala over the Coast Line in less than an hour and a half The passengers took the delay very goodnaturedly and most of them slept through the night They congratulat- ed ¬ themselves that the freight train foundthe burned trestle first or else the passenger would probably have gone into it a few minutes later and the consequences might have been very serious HOWS THIS I ¼ We offer One Hundred DollarsRe- ward ¬ for any case of catarrh that can ¬ not be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure rJ Cheney Co- Toledo O- We the undersigned have known- F S Cheney for the last 15 years and believe him perfectly honorable in all buslncs transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm Walding KInnan Marvin Wholesale Druggists Toledo O Halls Catarrh Cure Is taken Intern- ally acting upon the blood and mu ¬ cous surfaces of the system Testi ¬ monials sent free Price 75c per bot- tle ¬ Sold by all druggists Take Halls Family Pills for constipation The Ocala Upholstering install- ment ¬ Co Is a new institution in the commercial world of the Brick City Its place of business is in legal row and its business will be to repair all manner of furniture paint and en ¬ large pictures etd Wm Halsell and- S G Paramore are the young men who will conduct the business ARTopb Jr of Tampa the active and successful insurance man in that city was the guest of his father Dri Toph and brother Mr Guy T ph at the Montezuma Sunday Mr John S Leach returned from Salt Springs yesterday accompanied- by Mrs Leach Mrs Alec Mcllwalne and Mrs James Smith They had a splendid time Mrs R A Burford will leave Wed- nesday ¬ for New York to witness the FultonHudson celebration also to see her son Ensign R A Burford Jr who- Is an officer on the U S warship Noov Jersey which will participate In the grand parade Mrs J2 P Rents who had expected to Join Mrs Bur ford Is not certain whether shecan- go while Miss Mary Burford who Is in Nashville Tenn will not Join her mother Miss Adele Bittinger accompanied by Miss Maggie Lytle of Stanton left this noon for Lynchburg Va to enter RandolphMacon Female College They were accompanied by Miss Jean Tea gue who will proceed to Staunton Va to enter the Steward school Mrs C L BIttinger went with the party as far as Jacksonville tb see them all safely aboard the Southern train to ¬ morrow morning John G Spurlin representing the LewIs Upchurch Co wholesale groc ¬ ers Jacksonville spent Sunday with his family In Ocala Mr Spurlin says trade Is only fair Mr P J Theus thefu ture man Is now In Baltimore selecting a tine line of furniture for his trade Mr and Mrs James E Brown who live several miles east of town were called yesterdaY to mourn the death- of their 16monthsold child It was Interred this morning by Messrs Mc Iver MacKay undertakers in the old cemetery In their sorrow the Star extends condolence- The white schools of Ocala open a week from today Principal Work ¬ I man who has for five years done such excellent work for our schools will again he In charge There were 12 cases before his honor this morning for Infringing on certain ordinances Most of them were of the usual Saturday night character Two cases were held over for a hearing to ¬ morrow Mis5 Anna L Richardson of Som merville S C And one of the new teachers in the Ocala High School ar- rived ¬ Saturday She will make her home at the Campbell House Sam Martin of the enterprising- firm of Martin Cam has about com- pleted ¬ his outing in the mountains of North Carolina and Is expected home this week This morning while a local freight train was discharging freight at the- S A L depot Mr L M Raysor and the conductor of the train caught a negro man redhanded taking goods from a car They arrested him and Charlie Smith ar- rived ¬ held him until Mr and took him to the county Jail for safe keeping- Mr f E H Mote has returned from his three months vacation In Kentucky on the coast of Maine and in Canada He says he had the time- of his life and looks It Mr Mote was not entirely engaged in having a good time but looked out for the market- ing ¬ of his immense orange crop and did some fine work in that line Mrs Mote remained for a few weeks longer- in Canada to get the benefit of the early frosts Three cents will fan you r rteJl hours Get one qf those 2inch Wes tlnghoosj tans from H W Tucker o If Ii- oa 11 THEAiwE C I i > t M O Pitiir j naM1islcf > 2 J The Beat nf Mrs1tj J s eel hy IIeePMh 1 4 1- q s i NEWPJCTt1ltJa Evrair iwuc THREE FULL REELS EACH NllHt 7 i A < i ProcTaaferthIiXv- CRIET 1 < ON THE HEART1 > Playeby Joe Jeffersoa- ullKesi n < > U IV THE VILLAGEQUAR3IL 1 i- J I A SURE ENOUGH TUMBtER f Ij 5 TWO BAND BOXES I L r SHERLOCK HOLMES NO j- NeVautlevilleThjaWMk it DoeflM7Sp m of i HW IUiiLKKt OPZ1ETO E SEEDi New crop of garden and fto ff seeds just received W L Amder- idrugglat ana sewsmam Ocala Fla f J 1 JI HOUSE FOR RENT S A splendidly located fixroom howw near high school in good cwadttloa bath and electric lights Apply at Star office I 4 SPECIAL tARLY BREAKFASTS Those wishing extra early fereak fasts can get same at the EICafeaa FIRE WOOD FIRE WOOD- Wo V c have a large svtppy +1 fire woo both pine and oak fireplace and stove lengths Good seasoned wood- A BIG LOAD FOR A DOLLAft delivered cash Call at factory Of PHONE 170 Goo GILES A CO > x- Jergena Talcum Powder Jarge cane holding nearly a pint each guaranteed pure and fragrant The Cout Phar- macy f r r 1 LESDEOR ROUSE iti- j I Located on North Main StIJ near government building Reasonable rates by the week or month Fir tc1aM table board and comfortable r rooms Mrs Rossie leSueitr Proprietress Phone 77 Ocala Fla S i AMLANSFORD 1 RESIDENT PUNO- TUHER ffi S Work Guaranteed AGENT FOR KNABE PIANO < Phone 328 > 3 b 1 = d THE COMMERCIAL BARBERSHOP t Opens Into the Lobby cf the QcU ffoae Offers to treat aemce of skilled workmen with modera Ap- pliances ¬ 1 Strictly nitary Electric tens electric massages lot Running Water at AU TIRes VINCENT c DETTBRiCH Maaager i C Js PHILLIPS Contractor auk Btftidfef Plans and Specifications Furnished Upon Request 129 Sowth Thlrtf St Ti- ECOMMEReIAL T 1 PRESSING CLll 1L C IAMW PrtyrkiN Next DOM t th Werttm Untmt Trap OfliM Werk Called aniDNverd pr mpt ly All Work GuaranteW Whit Trad Cnly VcIYER MACKAY 1 FUNERAL DIRECTORS s1 V9 URtertikers iii EnWiMrs DEMcjyer AIfreJLOwU- ndertakers I FiRe Caskets aid Burial fete i All work done by licensed embalm ers and fully guara- nteedFRESHFISH n K 1 I receive daily I snipaieats ckefce fresh and salt water fiik of tba belt varieties I handle H thlny bat ftikjv and handle the 1 l zic- htWMrUCKE f- or J ehiss CM1 Tn > r j 1I ji- oIr S > f1 o

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Page 1: I If IS A FACT Information THEAiwEufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/03276/00448.pdf · R C Davis uo or Jacksonville handle silk typewriter ribbons 75c each 750 per dozen Miss


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lJ that the JDaJlwl10 carries his money IB his pocketbook will111 t spead all of It withoHt thoBght while it becomes second B-


Jt re for a man with a baak acroBat to figure oBJBa1ta1aIga reserve la his baRk

j I

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Pfi I1 Munroe Chambliss DankI Ocala Florida

e S

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T Phone 165 Phone 139f





f We have a stone crusher at work In Ocala and are prepared to do nilq kindsof Cement Work Build Foundations make Cement Blocks Cement

1 Brick Build Sidewalks Artificial Stone Fences Stone Mantels We make-r Blocks for Foundations for houso work which look better than brick and

are cheaper Warehouse and Crusher on A C L Railroad Track North ofFoundry



We are prepared to fill your orders for cement work of whatever kindManufacturers cement brick building blocks hexagon and octagon

1 Meeks and alt kinds of paving material We employ skilled workmen andur motto is to please-

S Temporary quarters phone 256



V Western Beef Veal Florida nfl Fed Beefd J Mnttori Armours StifThrffl Rrmonrs Pork

tt > i Sausage Cabbage Rutabagas Tnrnips eetsSweet Potatoes Irish Potatoes Spanish Onions

tW p EDWARDSI Phone 108 City Market7 7 I








jWaIl ra Great Play-



J i irCS ir Go W Dimelbwn


w40 y as

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IrSOMETmNoruntoardimpending at

and docksLatinAmercan Steamship

pany on SoPi street Manhattanbad been evident from an earlyfor when as whistle soundingproached the workmen troopedthe docks and warehouses totheir dilly ton they foundpolicemen stationed aboutproaches to the LatinAmerican

4 pert10n the faces of thewho entered ltd gates was anlIeD of expectancy and

The earliest man to arrivetall gaunt form of Mr Smithsuperintendent standing at theof tile office building He hadworking hard while they sleptthere was no evidence of hIs nillabor upon his cheerful visage

I any sign of anxiety or of ther edge that any unusual situationrisen discernible in hisdemeanor He appeared to beInfT the morning air and his

1iswithout a care In the worldpresence there at that houronly Indication that he expected

I ble He had not allowed one oiman to remain within the gates17a man passed In bpt salutedverbally or with a touch ofand Bot a salute was givenbeing acknowledged To somesponded with a genial smileHello Tomr or Howdy Bill

WIleD they had started theirWhich was to bo stoppedat 10 oclock he vanishedwu be seen again until thetile clock approached thatthe strike leaders began to > gothe restless men Then hettt ordered work stopped and

laff a crate of merchandisethe neB about him

You boys be said In histtoct tofce have made up yourto qmit at 10 oclock becausebedy told you you ought to beBre pay and a raise wasWell this Is a free country and

I iails right to sell his laborbe likes and at what price heguaranteed him by theIf ye want to walk out of

adviceare free to do so but if you

4 See fcere interrupted one

it v Jeaders rougkly pushing to thef we aia iskin no advice

I jc laX XA else What weIi ity Do we get that raise or

L 1i we do all right If we

tMrteStwettJaereand now and

tI A aaanfcmrof approvalS


NeMan wered the1 aIit getai to leave you in

akeat it for a mlnafe TouJ x-


skflit up ordered theJ J tlO1nto lose oar

IPIW ao cbeAp talk Wevj tI all talk Is off-

retorted1 9V All il t SmithW1t r sryovail quit Now that

t 1r 1 t ye kave keape of7 r


toa d are likely toIf 1 v



i< r t v

vi AI

ot s




an iZ1 finIte period unless you haveprovided Jobs for yourselves iq antic ¬ I

ipation of this Ive got somethingId like to say to you Those whodont want to hear me dont have torAs I said thlsJs a fie couPtry

Go ahead JImsy cried aQicpint-he

jcrowd Youre all rIghtYouvea-

lways given us a square deaj-j


hope so be ttfplled i d nejsquare deal deserves a ottier2lr

Aw come on fellows admonishedI

the leader Were not kids A strikesa strike This aint no debatin beeand we dont belong to no mutual ad-


societySome of the men turned away but

others voiced the view that a hearingought to be givento the superintendentsirieeVfhe wished t speak to hcjnand iseeingthat their fellowsothers soon returned t


MI tiavent got alot to say jxrid Imno preacher he continued What 1

want to give you Is not a lecture onwhat youve got to donhats yourbusiness but an explanation in yourinterest I want to tell you thingsother people havent told you and thatyou evidently dont know Please letme get through then you do as youlike I dout have to tell you that therate of pay is governed like every-thing


else by the law of supply anddemand What is the situation todayWe have had rush work for severalweeks and the docka here and allalong the water front are4hoked upwith freight But back of this al-


you may not know It the rail-



I 1


aLI put it lip to yon all z youve mom


roads everywhere re laying off freightcars mills are laying off men andsigns point to n serious slump in busi-


all over tile which willreach here soon The indications arethat in the natural course of thingsduring the coniing winter there wont-be work for more than half of youand that youll need badly all thespare coin you can ave now Yet youchose this very time to demand an In-


from the company and give Iteighteen hours notice including twelvenonworking hours in which to think itover 1 dont call that a square dealwhatever you may think about itNow the country towns are full ofmen anxious to get jobs and the com-


notwithstanding the short no¬

tIc is fully prepared for a strike Inthat shed yonder are 3000 cots putthere during last night and provisionhas been made to feed 3000 men for

eyeraldaya Ctptila wnUaIDlContinued tomorrow


4 n< 47 r J io


K of P meet this evening

Masons meet tomorrow night

Odd Fellows meet tomorrow night

Eagles meet Wednesday evening1

Waukesha Ginger Ale at Ballards

Filing cases at the Ocala News Co

Mr George L Taylor Is on the sicklist

Mr M Haughton spent Sunday atthe Ocala House with his family

Mr W B Gallagher ofSavannah Isa guest of the Ocala House

Major T C Hall Is in Jacksonville-on business-

Mr Louis W DUal has returnedfrom a business trip to Jacksonville-

Mr Bennie Condon was in Jackson-ville


over Sunday

Fresh shipment of Belle Meadsweets just received at the CourtPharmacy-

Mr EL Maloney Is steadily im-proving


and will be able to resume hisduties in a few days

Phone us for you prescriptions Wecall and deliver them The CourtPharmacy-

Mr M Flnhel went to White Springsyesterday to imbibe its medicinal wat-ers


for his rheumatis-

mol H M Hampton referee inbankruptcy has returned from a bus-iness


trip to Tampa

R C Davis uo or Jacksonvillehandle silk typewriter ribbons 75ceach 750 per dozen

Miss Lola Raysor left this morning-on the Seaboard for Spartnnburg SC where she will resume her studies

Have you seen the new visible FaySholes typewriter R C Davis Cogeneral agents

Mr Bartley Corley returned this af-ternoon


from a visit to relatives atLeesburg his former home

Adrian P Jordan state pure foodinspector of Punta Gorda was In towntoday on official duties

J f

Mr F B Beckham returned fromFernandlna via Jacksonville thismorning

f A Ju > Z xr r

Mr TroyjJIall ti passenger thismorning on the bplated Seaboard train

Jr6mJ4o1Lsonviile vt i

H i > T-

Toropklns fc Cabb Hverymen ha-devehi14hehstable in cpmnils-sTon Jfals nornln aiLiS

P U Milligan one of the clevermerchants of Anthony was in townthig morning

Miss Josie Bullock will go to Talla-hassee


next week to enter the statewomans college at that place

W O Jfohnson 35 wears post-master af Rvitlantl Sumter countydied last week


Mr1 q I Xnderson came up from

Holder jto spend at few days in thecity with his family tv

C A Lute of Tampaf representingthe Day ton Ohio cash register Is atthe Ocala House displaying his wares

Bat Lanier the high priest of polItics in Lake county was a caller Intown today I


Mrs McLaln of Conant and son I

Samuel were in town today betweentrains

Mr and Mrs Ernest Spencer werecalled on Sunday to mourn the deathof their infant child Mr Spencer Isyardmaster for the S A L

Bear in mlna we carry a full lino ofStaffords and Carters Inks alsofountain pens from Jl up at the OcalaNews Company-

Mr AC Moody a prosperous far ¬

mer of the Summerfield section was abusiness caller In town today and au ¬

tographed for the Star

We are showing the best 25c box ofwriting paper that we have ever hadand If you want the entire value ofyour quarter dont fall to buy this fromthe Postofflcc Drugstore-

Mr D W Davis was In JacksonvilleSunday on his way to New York Citywhere he has gone on insurance mut¬

ters 4 I

We have a most exquisite line offancy Imported china In many dif ¬

ferent pieces The AntiMonopolyDrugstore-

Mr C N Kirkland returned yester ¬

day morning from Jacksonville wherehe went to transact some businesswith his house the PorterMallardGrocery Co for whom he is secretary-and traveling representative for thisterritory-

If the glare of the sun hurts youreyes get a pair of smoked glassesfrom us for 25c Tlie Postofflce Drug-store


An unusually large number of peo-ple


came up today on the 1 oclocktrain from Homosassa and DunnellonPeople are beginning to move and dotheir fall shopping

WANTEDAn Intelligent boy 12 to16 years old to act as office boy andlearn the business Apply at once toOcala Lumber and Supply companyClyatt building-

Mr R R Carroll returned thismorning on the delayed Seaboard trainfrom Jacksonville where he spentSunday with Mrs Carroll and Merris-at the Windsor Mrs Carroll andMorris remained over for a few daysvisit with her sister Mrs J G Ramgnu er

Mr Harry Walters of Jacksonvillewhere Is employed In Kirks Pharmacywill come to Ocala this week to spend-a few weeks with his parents beforegoing to Atlanta to resume his med-ical



R C Davis 41 Co of Jacksonvillewill sell any make of secondhandtypewriter upon easy terms If desired


The Globe wants it distinctly under ¬

stood that it handles school books ofall kinds same as last season Price-as low as the lowest


A gold watch hunting case Waltham movement initials B C on faceof case Finder will please return toBen Cody Holder Block and receivereward

MASONS MEET TOMORROW NIGHT-The Masons will meet tomorrow

evenIng in their lodge room Business-of Importance will be transacted

There will be no vaudeville at theAir Dome this week but there will be-a good picture show every night at theregular prices 10 and 5 cents Thepictures tonight Illustrate Dickenspretty story The Cricket on theHearth as played by Joe Jefferson-and Sherlock Holmes No 3 a mostexciting swetch The pictures Satur-day


night were full of Interest partic-ularly


the Carnival at Nice andwere enjoyed by a large crowd

Mr Thomas Kelly of Kellys stationjust north of Rochelle came in todayin his new Studebaker car accom-panied


by Mr Vernon Chitty a pros-perous


young business man of MIcanopy and dined at the Ocala HouseThey were accompanied home by MrJohn Dewey one of the most capablehotel men in the state

Mr and Mrs Harry Wood so welland favorably known in Ocala andnow living at Anniston Ala have ahandsome boy who arrived August 21and who goes by the name WilliamHarry Wood Heres best wishes forthe boy and his parents

WANTED capable and reliablehousekeeper aged forty or over Nomenial duties good pay to the rightparty Apply at Star office I

Tom Livingston the live wire In the I

sale of stoves ranges and hardware I

specialties returned Saturday from asuccessful trip to Miami and left this j

afternoon for Fort Myers He said I

those of tIe Ocala colony he saw atMiami were doing well


The Star regrets to hear that thechildren of Mr Ed Clements who arevisiting friends at Anthony are on thesick list with fever

Mr M C Lalley who is running theMcKean Lumber mill at Silver Springs-was in town today and paid for theStar his favorite paper Mr L saysthe mill Is running to its full capacity-and the cry Is for more

Young man wedding announce-ments


are in order If you want yoursto soon bemade dont fail to take her-a box of Belle Mead Sweets every ev¬

ening when you call They are to behad only at the Court Pharmacy-


want your prescription workand are prepared to offer you the mostskilled pharmacists and the purest of

companydrugs to compound them Tydings


Mr and Mrs Charles JeffersonPhillips announce the engagement oftheir daughter Miss Anne Mixon toMr Dewitt Greenwood Haley the mar- ¬riage to take place sometime duringthe winter Miss Mixon is one ofOcalas most popular and attractiveyoung ladies and her engagementwill be of much Interest to her friendsboth in Florida and Mississippi MrHaley is a prominent young man ofJackson Miss and has made manyfrIL flds inOcalfP visiting here on sev-eral


occasions rMrs Baskin of Waycross who has

been visiting her daughter Mrs Rob ¬

ert Marsh left this morning for herhome

Charley Brabham who Is doing thejob work and otherwise making him-self


useful on the Dunnellon Advo ¬

cate was visiting friends in OcalaSunday

Mrs B B Ricker whrf spent Sun ¬

day with her son Ernest and wife inJacksonville returned to South LakeWeir to look after the shipment of herorange crop the largest and best shehas ever grown She says the orange


buyers are around making contractsat fairly good prices I

William Chambers son of Mr and I

Mrs W J Chambers Tampa who isvisiting friends here went down to


Lake Weir this afternoon with GeorgeI

Martin to enjoy the fishing and bath ¬

ing in that beautiful sheet of water

There Is no game law against anyone hunting for PLANKS CHILL I

TONIC Its guaranteed to cure ma ¬

lana chills and fever Price 25 centsper bottle Ask your dealer hellprobably know

Mr M E Robinson returned Satur-day


night from Jacksonville accom ¬

panied by his daughter Miss FannieRobinson who has been spending sev-


weeks with her friends MissLouise DeCottes-

Mr H G White traveling represen-tative


of the Antietan Paper Co ofHagerstown and a member of thefirm was in town Saturday making hisquarterly call on the printing andnewspaper offices of the city

Mr C C Sims of Tampa formerly-of this county was In town yesterdaya guest of the Ocala House Mr Simswas a passenger on the illfated A C

L passenger train wrecked Fridaynight at Winston-

A little girl was born at 5 oclockI this morning to Mr and Mrs CliffordAnderson at the home of Mrs Ander ¬

sons parents Major and Mrs L TIzlar Mr and Mrs Andersons friends-are congratulating them on the arrival-of their daughter-

B C Head and wife will leave thisweek for Georgia and Tennesseeto-visit friends and several of the Headchildren Mr B C Head will meethis son Jim and wife of LumbertonN C at Brookland Ga and togetherthey will make the rounds They an ¬

ticipate a delightful outing-

T W Peel the A C L section manat Reddick was in town Saturday-Mr Peel said his wife and children-had just returned from a very pleas ¬

ant visit to friends in West Florida

Lancaster county Penn will havegreat demonstrations thlcs week at theplace Robert Fulton was born In thatcount

Do not forget tnat you can mid any¬thing you want in crockery and glass ¬

ware at the Ocala News Co

InformationBOB A

Buy Cream flour true-

to its name You payno more for it than otherHigh grade Flour Ev-

ery pound of it guaran-

teed to be the best thatcan be made from soft


winter wheat Sold ex-





You can positively have your shoesresoled and finished off to look likenew by an electric stitching and fin ¬

ishing machine D W Goodwin Shoe ¬

maker Ocala Fla next door east toMontezuma Hotel

Mr Ernest McLIn of Jackspnvillewith the S A Rawls Co formerly ofthis city is just recovering from anopenation for appendicitis He wasvery ill but the operation was mostsuccessful and he will bs enjoying hisusual good health In a very shorttime

Mrs T H Johnson and daughterMiss Clara Johnson returned homeSaturday night from their summerouting in Hendersonville N C andare guests of the Perdu House Theywill leave Monday for DeLand whereMiss Clara will enter Stetson Univer-sity Mrs Johnson will probablyspend the winter in DeLand with herdaughter

SECONDHAND BAGS WANTED-At the plant of the Florida Packing-and Ice Co Ocala Fla

HOUSE TO RENT-On Fort King avenue one of the mostmodern and convenient xfesidences Inthe city Apply to 139 Fort King avpnue


For sale a large ice box cost h51i-

J1 sell for 10 cash Suitable for alarge family or boarding house Ap-ply


at Star office-


A 40 scholarship in the StanleyBusiness College of Thomasvllle Gafor sale for 10 Apply at the Staroffic


How is that This is not an auto ¬

mobile but one of those new 8InchWestinghouse electric fans that Ihave just received Let me place oneor two of them ln your home or onyour desk HW Tucker the elec ¬

trical supnly man

Take care of your stomach Let Kodol digest all the food you eat forthat Is what Kodol does Every tea-spoonful of Kodol digests 2U pounds-of food Try it today It Is guaran ¬

teed to relieve you or your money backSold by all druggists



Wanted an engertlc man to driveIce wagon deliver and collect Apply-to Florida Packing Sf Ice Co city


The Largest Cheapers and Best News ¬

paper Published at the Price Readin Every EnglishSpeaking Country-

It has Invariably been the great ef-


of the ThriceaWeek editor ofthe New York World to publish thenews impartially in order that It may-an accurate reporter of what hashappened It tells the truth Irrespective-I party and for that reason it hasachieved a position with the publicunique among papers of its class

The subscription season is now athand and this is the best offer thatwill be made to you

If you want the news as It really Issubscribe to the ThriceaWeek edi-


of the New York World whichcomes to you every other day exceptSunday and is thus practically a dailyat the price of a weekly

The Tbrlcea Week Worlds regularsubscription price is only 1 per year

I and this pays for 156 papers We of-


I this unequalled newspaper and theIWeekly f Star together for one yearfor 150 The regular subscription-priceI of the two papers Is J2


I TO BE HAPPY-you must have good health Tou canthave good health If your liver Is notdoing its dutyslow but sure poison-ing


is going on all the time under suchcircumstances Ballords Herbinemakes a perfectly healthy liverkeeps the stomach and bowels rightand acts as a tonic for the entire sys-


I Sold by all druggists


839010465Los Angeles and SanFrancisco on sale various datesLimit October 31 Variable routesand stopovers

I 9540Seattle Washington Variableroutes and stopovers Limit Octo-ber


I 31I For further Information call on orwrite F J Huber C P T A or-

i J K Kirkland D P A Tampa FlaI


I Belle Meade Sweets


Sifar Frsit aid Cbecobfe

mArs Alli

These Delicious Candles Can be HadOnly at the

Court Pharmacy


Seaboard Freight Tram Crash Thnia Trestle Smaehiitf a Dece Car

and Bfeckiitf ike TraekThere was a very expensive freight

I wreck on the Seaboard Air Line atI Lochloesa midnight last night Anunusually long and heavy trala of 43cars was being drawn by two big lo-comotives


doubleheading 8llitscalled Strange to says both enginespassed safely over a small trestle nearthe station that bad been weakened bya fire but the cars Immediately ¬hind the engines crashed through thetrestle The train was going at a goodrate of speed and was so long andheavy that five or six of the cars werecompletely demolished most ot ternbeing loaded with fertilizers The nextdozen or more behind these were de-railed


and morp or less damaged For-tunately


for them all of the crew Infront were on the two Io unoUves atthe Urneotthe wreck and escapedwithout injury The southbound pas-senger


train from Jacksonville washeld up by the wreck and backed toWaldo then proceeded to GainesvilleThis run was made slowly the trainarriving Gainesville at 5 oclockwhere it waited until 639 and passed-the northbound passenger train whichwas held up In Ocala until 5 oclock-At Gainesville a Coast Line engineerwas secured for a pilot and the runwas made to Ocala over the CoastLine in less than an hour and a halfThe passengers took the delay verygoodnaturedly and most of them sleptthrough the night They congratulat-ed


themselves that the freight trainfoundthe burned trestle first or elsethe passenger would probably havegone into it a few minutes later andthe consequences might have beenvery serious


We offer One Hundred DollarsRe-ward


for any case of catarrh that can¬

not be cured by Halls Catarrh CurerJ Cheney Co-

Toledo O-

We the undersigned have known-F S Cheney for the last 15 years andbelieve him perfectly honorable in allbuslncs transactions and financiallyable to carry out any obligations madeby his firm

Walding KInnan MarvinWholesale Druggists Toledo O

Halls Catarrh Cure Is taken Intern-ally acting upon the blood and mu¬

cous surfaces of the system Testi ¬

monials sent free Price 75c per bot-tle


Sold by all druggists Take HallsFamily Pills for constipation

The Ocala Upholstering install-ment


Co Is a new institution in thecommercial world of the Brick CityIts place of business is in legal rowand its business will be to repair allmanner of furniture paint and en ¬

large pictures etd Wm Halsell and-S G Paramore are the young menwho will conduct the business

ARTopb Jr of Tampa the activeand successful insurance man in thatcity was the guest of his father DriToph and brother Mr Guy T ph atthe Montezuma Sunday

Mr John S Leach returned fromSalt Springs yesterday accompanied-by Mrs Leach Mrs Alec Mcllwalneand Mrs James Smith They had asplendid time

Mrs R A Burford will leave Wed-nesday


for New York to witness theFultonHudson celebration also to seeher son Ensign R A Burford Jr who-Is an officer on the U S warshipNoov Jersey which will participate Inthe grand parade Mrs J2 P Rentswho had expected to Join Mrs Burford Is not certain whether shecan-go while Miss Mary Burford who Isin Nashville Tenn will not Join hermother

Miss Adele Bittinger accompaniedby Miss Maggie Lytle of Stanton leftthis noon for Lynchburg Va to enterRandolphMacon Female College Theywere accompanied by Miss Jean Teague who will proceed to Staunton Vato enter the Steward school Mrs CL BIttinger went with the party asfar as Jacksonville tb see them allsafely aboard the Southern train to¬

morrow morning

John G Spurlin representing theLewIs Upchurch Co wholesale groc ¬

ers Jacksonville spent Sunday withhis family In Ocala Mr Spurlin saystrade Is only fair

Mr P J Theus thefu ture manIs now In Baltimore selecting a tineline of furniture for his trade

Mr and Mrs James E Brown wholive several miles east of town werecalled yesterdaY to mourn the death-of their 16monthsold child It wasInterred this morning by Messrs McIver MacKay undertakers in theold cemetery In their sorrow the Starextends condolence-

The white schools of Ocala open aweek from today Principal Work¬


man who has for five years done suchexcellent work for our schools willagain he In charge

There were 12 cases before his honorthis morning for Infringing on certainordinances Most of them were of theusual Saturday night character Twocases were held over for a hearing to ¬


Mis5 Anna L Richardson of Sommerville S C And one of the newteachers in the Ocala High School ar-


Saturday She will make herhome at the Campbell House

Sam Martin of the enterprising-firm of Martin Cam has about com-


his outing in the mountains ofNorth Carolina and Is expected homethis week

This morning while a local freighttrain was discharging freight at the-

S A L depot Mr L M Raysor andthe conductor of the train caught anegro man redhanded taking goodsfrom a car They arrested him and

Charlie Smith ar-

rived¬held him until Mr

and took him to the county Jailfor safe keeping-



E H Mote has returned fromhis three months vacation In

Kentucky on the coast of Maine andin Canada He says he had the time-of his life and looks It Mr Mote wasnot entirely engaged in having a goodtime but looked out for the market-ing


of his immense orange crop anddid some fine work in that line MrsMote remained for a few weeks longer-in Canada to get the benefit of theearly frosts

Three cents will fan you r rteJlhours Get one qf those 2inch Westlnghoosj tans from H W Tucker

o IfIi-




Ii > t

MO Pitiir j

naM1islcf> 2

JThe Beat nf Mrs1tjJ s

eel hy IIeePMh1 4 1-





Playeby Joe Jeffersoa-ullKesi







NeVautlevilleThjaWMk itDoeflM7Sp m

of i



New crop of garden and fto ffseeds just received W L Amder-idrugglat ana sewsmam Ocala Fla fJ 1 JI


A splendidly located fixroom howwnear high school in good cwadttloabath and electric lights Apply atStar office I


Those wishing extra early fereakfasts can get same at the EICafeaa




have a large svtppy +1 fire wooboth pine and oak fireplace and stovelengths Good seasoned wood-

A BIG LOAD FOR A DOLLAftdelivered cash Call at factory OfPHONE 170 Goo GILES A CO >


Jergena Talcum Powder Jarge caneholding nearly a pint each guaranteedpure and fragrant The Cout Phar-macy fr

r 1



Located on North Main StIJnear government building

Reasonable rates by theweek or month Fir tc1aMtable board and comfortable rrooms

Mrs Rossie leSueitr Proprietress

Phone 77 Ocala FlaS





Work GuaranteedAGENT FOR


Phone 328 > 3





Opens Into the Lobby cf the QcUffoae

Offers to treat aemce ofskilled workmen with modera Ap-pliances

¬ 1Strictly nitary Electric

tens electric massageslot Running Water at AU TIResVINCENT c DETTBRiCH Maaager

iC Js PHILLIPSContractor auk Btftidfef

Plans and Specifications FurnishedUpon Request

129 Sowth Thlrtf St




1L C IAMW PrtyrkiN

Next DOM t th Werttm Untmt

Trap OfliM

Werk Called aniDNverd pr mptly All Work GuaranteW Whit

Trad Cnly


URtertikers iii EnWiMrsDEMcjyer AIfreJLOwU-


FiRe Caskets aid Burial fete iAll work done by licensed embalmers and fully guara-




I receive daily I snipaieats ckefcefresh and salt water fiik of tba beltvarieties I handle H thlny bat ftikjvand handle the 1 l zic-

htWMrUCKE f-

or Jehiss CM1 Tn> r j 1I



S> f1
