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FWLB 1266


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3-1908 (July 1961)

~ 7 I

Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildhfe

INTER-OFFICE TRANSMITTAL Curcc:J of !;port Fisneries and Wildlife

INSTRUCTIONS: Attach securely to materfai 'i8 ifk Et'f'ansmitted & mR.il. through regular ch:mnels To: D

D D ~


Region a 1 Director • ._ ___ ----'O;_t_tic..,..e_o.,...f _th_e_A_re.,.,a,...D..,..ir_ec_to_r ____ _ ·" Anchorcge, Alcsl<q

Project Leader.__ _________________ _

Alaska Refuge Supvr., Area Office, BS~l, Anchorage

..rrom Othce

Asst. Refuge Mgr. Kenai

Information received today from Dave Snarski regarding his

wildlife during studies . on Tuxedni •


D Regular Mail

D Air Mail

o· Action

~ Information




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TX 3S~·I

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f~Lj ;.:z 4:1/:.

I>lany • .if not most of these e-stimates may not even :~.pproacb reality, but a good. proportion of the estimates mAy serve to roughly ra~k species in order of abundance,

1 cause of the close proximaty of the mainland to Chisik .. land it 1s lrnposstole to separate some species which

\ ;;.are merely visitor~ ~rom those that are residents of Tuxednl \'f'·,,. :.". ,,,.;.,;k,..$;.? NatioYJal Wil ife Refuge. Th1s is especially true of s_·pecies

~~,., Hr' '-' · ... ,Jfl!"'- . ' --..;;;-':.~ .. "'· whlch are. less freq11ently observed or observed in low number and for t'J'hich .proof of breeding was. not established.

Dou~le-creste~ Cormorant- 500 in 1970, somewhat reduced 1971.

Pelagic Cormorant- 20-30 in 1970, rione in 1971.

Common Eider- 100-150 p31r

J.Vig_rsh wk- 1 pair

Wlllov• Ptarmigan-10-20

Bl8C~ Oystcrcatcher- 3 pair

Com .. -r.on Snipe 2-J pair

Gla~cus-wt~ged Gull-·1970 ,)000, 1971, 1000.

Black-leg~ed Kittiw~k~- 45,000

Co!fi!lon Murre- 1.0""'~., 000

Par3keet Auclet- J palr

Rhinoceros Auklet- 1 patr

Hori1ed P'u:ff L'1 - 4-5000 ·\

Tufted Pu{fin~ 750-1000

Downie Wooip~cker- 2 pai~

Northr::Y''l Three-toed Woor'l.pecker- 1 pair

Traill's Flycatcher- 7~-100

Com~on R~ven- 12

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; .

Dipper - 6

Robin- 2-4

Varied l'hrush- 10-20

Her~tt rhrush- JOO

~>ia:er Pip.it- 10

Orange-crowned Warb!er- 100

Yellow Warbler- 100

~ilson's ~~rhler- ?on-Jno

Com~on Re~poll- 100 -200

SaV3': .. .:..par row )0-7 5

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···,:·.:,' - .. -· .··.· . . '' ' ' ~ ' .

Occur~in~ on Chlslk Island

Until the snow melted 1n.l971, I-often saw marten tracks a:i:;opnd a fishing camp occupied by Joe Walker. 'rhe winter wa.t~chman at Snug Harbor reports that he saw a '!larten near the cannery during the Ninter of 1970-71. .

Weasel- The winter w:ttchman reports seeing weasels during the winter and I a:11 told. that a cat e.t the cannery kill ed·'one~.,..,

Red Fox- I saw fox tracks atop Chisik Island in 1970.


Mr. Joe Munger gn1 wife report seeing a red fox neqr ·the c~nnery in past winters ~hen they held the jobs of watchmen.

Black and/or b:rown-· fhere were C~isik Island when I arrived in of a blac~ bear. were found neqr Chi sik during AU!~ust o:r 1971.

beqr tracks atop May-of 1971. Tracks the dam· site 4>n

B~t- On several occ-3.-Sions I saw bats f.lying overhead near Snug Harbor.

Red-backe1 Vole- After a short period of absence f:rom .Chislk Island, it became neces3ary for me to evict a. Red~ h.<1.cked Vole which had set· up housekeeping · inside-of my Coleman Sto~e.

Porcupine- A dead porcupine .Wa3 found at the base of a cliff behind the cannery in the spring of 1971. A. fisherman on ~hisik-also reportedseeing a dead-porcupine.

Moose- A YQt.m.Q; bull moose was seen atop Chlsik Island in' .. l971. A cow· and calf moose ·.'ler·e r~ported to be ·present at the

.. north .E:nid of Chislk Island in August, 1971.

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TX 333 I

\j Observations. of· ·bird 11 fe on Tuxedni. National wildlife

Refuge and vlci:1ity were mstde from 25 May. through 9 August,

l??C, and 14 ~ay throu3h 8 September~ 1971. Along the west

side of C~isik Island, observations vere made o~ a near

daily sis, but otl:1cr portions of Chisik Island and D-:.1ck

I:::l::t:'l:-1 ~::::re visi. ted less reg;ularly. Due to diffic:ulty of

· a.::•)ess, I did lDt visit the alpine platea'.t at the s~ .. Lr!:li t of

c:1i s Ut I slan:i. Du.ring both 3UJlmers, occasional vi oi ts ~.;0re

r:rade to the adjacent ;r.ainlanr.l along Tuxedni Chanrrel and

Tt.txedni Bay. Only tvro trips ;..rere made as far south as t:·1c

mo~th of John~on Rive~ by boat, one ln 1970, and o~e in 1971.

One fligh':. was made as far ':lest as the head of ·rv.xed!'li

Chan~el in 1971, and several flights were made over the . I

rn~inlan:i south of~Chisik Island.

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Common Loon, Gavta irnmer. This species was observed on Tuxed~i Channel on three o~casions, 2 and 22 June, and 22 July, 19?1.

Arctic Loon, Gavia a!'ctica. 'r.wo Arctic Loons were observed offshore at the north end of Chisik Island on 25 June, 1970. During 1971, this species was ob~erved on or over

·Tuxedt).i Channel on J June, 22 June, 2 July, and 25 July.

Red-throated Loon, Cavia stellata. Red-throated Loons were observed at the ~outh of Jo~nson River south of Chisik Island in July.of 1970 and agai~ in August.of 1971.

Red-!1·eC 1{ed Grebe, Pod1ce>.Ds ;:-!'ise;r.cYJa .. During 1971, this species was seen on Tuxed~1i Ch'.:1l'l:,el on 18. May, 22 June,. and 2 July.

Eo:·-:--:cd Grc"'j2:~ Podicc'::; c.tU!'i t•.1.s. Hcrned Grebes l'iere observe·1 C~'J 'T~1:·:·::!:lni C~1Ei11:1el Gl'1 20,.Z.lrEtrld. 30 :··~::1:/',1971.·

Ll·:-:·~}~1 e- c !: r~ .s ted C or:nor' ~~ n t, p:.~~~1 : .. o e~c·s CT'RX 3. ,_:~r·!_ t. ·1. ~~. 'T:: i 3 s.P r-:c i e s i3··c:t co~::~~o:n r~e3"t.e.!."' ~r~. C1~iCJ.Ll~ :~-::l:·l(ld. ~~-ot:..cc.J..:,J_:,~ fe·:;(:.·r DouiJle-crested Cor:-:1orants were p:reser.;t in the area ln 1971 and no young were observed that suillmer.

Pc l•" :~i c C orr:1 ~rant, Phe1. J 3.C roc o!'aX p el.a12:1 c n s. 'l'h 1 s :; pee i e s· was com~on in the a~ea during t~e s~m~er of 1970 but w~s very ~uch less 1n evidence duri~g 1971. In 1970 this vT:3..S a f'airly COI!:r:lOrl nesting SpecieS on the cliffs of Chis1k Island and the adjacent mai~lani, but 1~ 1?71 oYJ.ly one active nest Nas lcca::ed on the r:.a2..nlan-:J '3.c:ross Tuxed.ni CI1anY1el fro~1 Ch.t~;il-l Isln::!d a11d 3S".rera1 ::c ~i ,.;c ne.sts •·:t:re c.':Jser~r.::l 0:1 the cliffs bet·He:C}1 the C:ltr3.nCC'

to Tu:xejni Channel cHld the mouth o!' J oLnso'1 .Ri 'tr.::<r·.

-,·ihl~tli~i[; ~:·i[J.:-: 1 Olol"· ~ol~J~::-:::~.-·:··_'Jks S..Ild/or Tl'U:Jpetc.r ~·~·-:.u.!·l. f· b·t:~.i·~:.::.~-~::'. !I:·,:-::; ~~l.~lt 2:.:::1r.~.s ar1d a ~!est cor1ts.~-11ing S37S~nl c~·g~ats were cbser~ei on a be~ver ponj ~~~r the h8qd of fuxedni Channel on 27 July, 1971. P~1rs o~ :.;:-:9..:··1.;; t-.~e:!'e also e;bse~y·e::: or1 sevcr:1l la~:e:s -:i:'li ponds ~ear Johrison Hiver anct Silver Sa:~o~ Creek durin~ July and August of 1971.

Car;'.ld.a Goose, Br:.t""~ts_ C'-'::1.·-~·:t·-:P.-:'''!.s. Ont: sn:p. 11 fJoc1-~ of Canar.i8. Geese fle~~ cvel' Ch.isi!: I~·,Ll'ld on 21 June, 1970. Flocks were seen over T~xcdn1 Ghqn~el and on the flqts in t~e vicinity of Rusty I·iountaLl :::·~veral timss du!'ing the summer of 1971.

·-; ..• .-, .-. ~· '.1 .: ... : ~· ... . ._, ~··

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Isl'and, · One adult bird W'lS present on Duck Island on 1? and 13 August, 197], and I shot an adult.male of this .species near the mouth ·of Bear Creek on·the mainland on J Septemberr 1971.

White-fronted Goose, Anser albifrons. On~ flock of these birds was observed in flight over Chisik Island on 15 May, 1971.

Mallard, Anas platyr~:rnchos. "'J'IIallards com:inonly occur on the flats on the T~inland side of T~xedni Channel and .w·ere occasionally seen en the shores of Chisik Island.

Pintail, ~ ac11ta, This species is··also comT.on along · Tuxedni· Ghannel and was encountered o~ the beaches of

Chisik Island ~uite commonly,

Green-v1inged Teal, Anas carol~nensis, This species \•las observed several times on the flats across Tuxedni Chqnnel from Chisi~ Island.

A'Tlerican \Vidgeo:1, i-:2-c'f:G'l ,:F:;c:-tcr; 1-~'1. B::tldp:1tes ~,rere co:.1mon on the flats in the Tuxed::.i area. G.nd ~trere occasionally observed on ruxeini C~qn~2l.

Shoveler~ S~qt~la c~7~E'lt'l. S~ovelars were·observed in the area only o:c::.ce dt!riyl.?:; Aue;'~St of 1971 'tThen a dozen \'Tere encountered on the rnai:1l'l!'1d ~long ruxeC..ni Channel.

Greater Scaup, Aythyq m~ril~. Floc~s of Greater Scaup were present on Tuxedni Ch'lnncl and ruxedni Bay d11ring the sum~ers· of 1970 and 1971.

Com:non Goldeneye, BucP.Dhala cl:ctn!i:ula. One .male Co;nrr.on Goldeneye Has obserYed on ruxea:ti'I Channel in MaJ.• of l97l. Immature of t~is species and/or B. isla~~iCQ 1·1ere seen on ponds neqr t!"re mout~ of Jo\-:t:.son r.tver in An13ust 1971. THo i~r.r:J-=1tu.:-e Golde:le.J:es frcquer..tGd the shores of Chisik IsJ<:ind ne3.r .'::inug ng,rbor during the second Neek of A.u,;')St of 1;:171, ";.nti1 one of. them -..:n.s caught and drowned. in a b::;.ach net •.

Oldsquaw, Clsn~ula hyenqlts, Many Oldsquaws Kere noted on ruxe:G.r:i 33.~: :':::-o:n J. .Jw1e tr:ro:...<gh 6 Ju:r..e, 1971.

Har.lcquin Duck, Histr}o;-,~cus '1is~!·io:::.lcus. Sev~ral pair of :1c1.rleJu.in D'JC~~ .·:;ere pr::sent i:·1 the s.rea d'.lring both su~~ers. They were regularlY observed on fuxedni

.Channel and near some of the strearns·on the mainland.

Co:nrr.on Eider, Sorr.atel"iq •nallL:sirr:n .• 'J.lhis chwk is a cornf.1ol'1 nester on Chi si 1-:: an:l Due:> I sl.qnd s, An es t.im'l. tEd 100 to 150 hens nested on Cht~ik Isla~1 1nri~s 1971. Dra~es \·:;e:;:-r~ .. '[1 ~-~~:::~n.t: ~n "'c~::;.- tl:te~ '.-L-nt:-ll ::··:·.· L~r .~i.;~1:.:' or' ~.C~7l·.

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coml'tl'only observed on ·Tuxedni ChAnnel and ·ruxedn1 B<ay.

Surf Sc.ot.er, Melani tt!.l per~pt c11la tg. · Surf· Scoter;:; appeared to make up the :~4jority of the large rafts .of scoters which 1-1ere frequently observed on Tuxedni Channel '3nd Tuxed.n1 Bay as well as on other ba.ys south of Chisik Island .•

Common Scoter, Olde;.Jia niH.:ra. ·rhis was the least· commonly encountered seater in ti1e 11 uxedr11 area.

Common Merganser, M.err.-'lS r:wr~anser. ,0!'1.2 ,July, 1971, a CoT~cn ~erg~nser w~s o~sar7ei o~ Tuxei~i Channel, just off.sl:oY'e from Snu:; .:i.:;trbo:c.

Red-brs:o,sted l'1erganser, f'l:e:·::-·:s :::e:n~atoY".· In 1~7C, this species ~as occasio~~lly ooscrve1· on ruxed~i Channe~ • In l<j'(l Hecl-br.::asced her-~:lYJ.Sers v;e:::-s seen only in Nsty.


Sharp-s~1innE"d 3:aw1{, A~.:~iniLer s~ri.;t·.u. · I-:·;o of :t1ese birds :•: .;r r~ s P ~!~! c· Y1 C}~.t i' s·t :.~. Is 2.~2 r·::i l :·! ~·: .. ~ t~·;U. 5 i;. ·.~l t' 19 71 •

/.. .;.~ . ;; .. ~.<; 1 .... ~: ... ~ ~ .. ._.,. . ._ ... · •. ···~ .. ..,"1 .. ~: i ...... • .

S~ld. ~:..{~~:l_(:;t_:_._i "'. ~--l·;?·\~·-~ ~- --~--.;~::.~.~~ :::~':·.·_·:.~ .......

i":l!:~,J~'U.'(:! ._':.,J.ld ;:::,.lgl:::.s '>'lf'l'O pres:::'!:· .• ,:_ -=.- ~-~ · J ::: ~l ~~ · : :· ·.:; a i"lt.!

i!1 ~:1:3 r:,.xe:lni area dq:::i ·1~·;.·1 and ::..;;7l. T•J'G ac-e..'..·.'~ :1os~s ;·;c.c·~ fo1.md on the ;...:::l.inl~.nd near (;his~~=·.~ s·lar:.d.

Ospl'e.;;, r':.;.n·.:ion hall.>, ~':.'ts. A si;l e Ospl'C:,'/ ~-.:;:;.s ::;-;;en soaring o-.~e"'' l\.t.x ·.:· :1\11 C.11a rl.t ..;·:_ O!l t. .::: ~i1 e, . 1 9 .

:: ~· r : 2..:: : c ';, , e.1~ . .r o Ibl:~:tJ .•

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i.orc oc~qsion­~~: ·:hi si \:-

Flguo!"l ·:{aw~{, ?u.lC() ~:_:>"·· ~\~-~ .. ·· .-! ~ .• :;. T~·;:J 'Pi~::!::·r.:. l~cl:.-;~{.S :'f"er'2. seP-11

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t!1e ~~3..1!'!1 ~ ;1d. on 2.5 ·J:;.J.~r. ~ 970. a~1d si :~ ... e: ::: rcls 1);e.:..""e seen at t~e m::mt:-1 of .. J:..:::n:Jc:! :i:ver i::l .Ju: .. r 0f l)7:J ::1nd Au;ust of 1971.

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W1llow,Ptarm1g~n, La;;o:opus la~opus. This spec~es w:as observ:ed atop Chisl~ Island several ti~es in 1970, and 1971.

I ,

White-tailed Ptarm1R"gn, Lagopus leucuri.is. Four White_-tatled Ptar!lligan were,ohserved atop Chisik Island ne!l.r Snug Harbor on 15 and 16 May, 1971.. M.r. Joe Munger, 1vho has resided'at Silver Salmon Cree~a few miles south of Chisik Islan~ for the pqst J5 years reports that this species ts common in the'area.

Sandhill Crane, Grus·canadensis, On 29 May-1• 1971, a single Sandhill Crane-wi3 seen and heard as it·circled over Tuxednl Channel,

Black Oystcrcatcher, Hae~atop~s bachmani. At least J pair of these birds ~e~e p~esc~t al8~g the east shore of Chisik Island ~n~ o~ D~ck Island in 1970 and 1971. One pair r~!sed J young at the southeast tip of Chisik Island in 1971.

Semipal~ated Plover, Cha~adrlus semipalmatus. fhis bird Has com'T:Oli s.lon,-; t:-,e L--::·:tc:-:;:;s c~' (;hi..sl'c Is:anrl juring t!1e sp:r~~.rt;~~ ~igr::-.. ~~~-·~":'"1. It v~r~~s fo'!11•1 to be co~r.mun on the r£1 i.nl·'3.nd ~~a.jac ont to T1..:xedni CbJ1:1nel du::·ing su·:.-ner r;:onths.

S:.1.rfbird, Ai)~L:··lz:J. •.-·:.l':'<J.t"l. One i,;,-.. s ubse:rved on Chi.silc Island on 24 J;:y, 1970. !~ :971 3~rfbirds were occasionally· observed along the shores of Chisik Island from May +-n~'"",, ,.,..~ ~ .. , ("T' .. ~ ~r v '""" '7'"'"'-C.a..a. ...... """"'O:':>;....&.o.J..., •

Bl8.C~ Tarnstone, Arc~ar:.o. :Js·lTnoc;-:nhala, A floc1\: of 9.bout 25 of these birds ~ere ueen en Chislk Island from 25 through. 2~ A'.tgu.s~, 1971.

Common Snipe, Caoclla ~allthq~o. Snipe were observed on a wet area on ~~i3tk Islanj in 1970 and 1971.

\·lhimbrel, n~J:-r.en:i.us T"·!."!'H:·:~u.s. Althou?."h .'!:1imbrels ~-;ere ne~rer Ob c:r.•,...vn"' 0'1 Cf11· ,-~is' .,n:1 +-hoJ·r '~r~re ob~ervo"'· o"' t'ne .. ~ ...... .... ~ -l. • - . ......:l .J.,. • • ~--.a..~. I ,_,, ,. '-· ' ._ ._... ._. ...... •: L ..


Spottod San~ ..... ;·De" ."-.··~'-.l'.tis -.... ...,~,·"""'a Qpo..._t.Pd San-1pi.p r"' .-~ , u!"--: :::.L ,· ._ _ :: ... -~'-'.~ . .::',_ J.__. ..... . ..., - • ·..c e "' ··'e""e fa;rlv co.-n"•''·'-' ql ~·-- -,- ->l•~ ~., ... -o>.··"-·e"' --,.&" -;hi c:-i'r I~l,Y\-'~ " ~ ~- ~ ~--. <...o.~u-c:_o --- •-'-"''"''' ._, VJ. • -""~'• 1:::> --"·""'-

during both ye~rs,

\-bndering l'uttler, ;~,~-:.2ro:::c.:-1•Js· l:!C'3.rlU":1, During 1970 and 1971, 1·lander1r..s·.:.3ttle1·s l~e:re .ces1.Jl<:t.:-"J.y ob.:;t:r-rei ::tlong the peaches of ;,;his~'< and l)J.ck Islan.:ls,.

Greater Yello~·llegs, rot9.q1.:.:.; ·':el:.J.t:::JJ~ucus, Gre3.ter Yellowl·egs were observed on ~.;;-list'{ Island on 3 c.ud 18 July, 1970, and f~o~ 15 throu~h lR M~y, 1971. Th1s ~1rd occ~rs

,.. ·~. ~ ... : -.

. -· -: .. .---~ ...

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Baird ''s Sandpiper, Erolta balrdi i. B.n.ird • s Sandpipers •11ere q~tte co~mon during the ~pring migration on Chisik Island.

· Most 1-re"te observed between 14 M_ay and 22 .May, 1971 ~

Least Sandpiper, Ero1 ia mt~utilla, Least Sandpipers were com­mon in the area from 15 to 24 May, 1971 •.

Dunlin, Erolia alptna. One Dunlin was observed on Chi.sik Island on 23 May, 1971.

Short-billed Dowitcher, Lir.1nodromus !Z'r1seus, During the. ~pr1ng of 1971, Short-hilled Do~itchers were observed on mud flats alo~g Ch1sik Isla~d from 18 May to 25 May.

Semipalmgt Sandpiper, Ereunetes o~sill~s. A few Semipalmated San~p~pers .. ,.."Y'., o-.....c-""'-v"'~ ..:~uri,.;~ .... ..,e ~ .... -~1·,..,.,. mi<"".,.at"on .,n tl _ . .~ .:.~ ~ u.~ :...... ._...._ '.l '"C':i · 1..-"' .:;,.t:-J. --!S .• 0~ .J.. -


H'estern Sandpiper, Ere'met.E?.s rr.auri. This com!!lon rr~igrant was observed over the period of 14 MaT to JO May, 1971. Hany "peeps "

1 so:nG of Nhich are proba bJ.~r this species, were

obser7ed 0~ ~ud fl~ts al Tuxefni Channel t~ ~td-J~ly of 1970 a~1d 1971.

August of 1970 and 1971.

Glaucus Gull, La:::-us 'hvne-rb·:Jrc'.Js. A largE:, all w-h!. te gull was freq11ently cbser,:ed pc;!"c 1-:e·4. on· tt--te cannery b'J.ildings as Snu.s Htl;rbor in eal·ly .June of 1970.

Glaucus->'iinged Gull_, Laru~ gl~lUC es~ ens. This spe~ i es is a co~mon clifftop ne.ste!" o:·l Chis11-: and .Juck Isl!Oi.n:ls. In 1970, large nu~bers of these birds concentrated in the ,iicini ty of the csr:':ery b~1ce it_ \•ient i:1to opc:::-r::.ticrl. s5t1PlC:l (!aT~t1er~ ... :·;::.~~~ ~ .. lot oper~tsci- ~:1 1971 ~1.~1d Gl::~.u·~LlS CJ11lls tier·:~ less d .. :.·:·:.:!n::--".r.":: t!1::l.!~ !~1 1'370. C.:1l~/ a .f'e·t: JC,l111g Gltl~' .. '" ~ G·.1.ll"' ... ,.. ... ~,., 1'~'"'o~· ->,t l"Jf'-r- 1 11 10"1 .• ,._,.~ • ..:> ~·- .J '" .......... _ ...... {.,:.:;.·•""' -·--- .--· ;t.J..f

r'1 S\·i Cull t L:1r· · LJ C. '1·~: "-~ :: • l·: t;~lc· G tlll S .:; -.: c;:lr : 0:~~1~ o~ ~ ;/ ~r: :: }: e f l,;t t s !J.lo:;,;_; l'u::e.:'i,·d. v(:.:An:l:?l a~:=: 1H::!'6 OC.::!:lS1c~·:'3.llJ o'!;.:::e"'VCd qC Sn~.l.~~ r:arbt)r,

Fran.'.t:ltYJ.'s G~tll. L-'3.r~;s s.t::.~~~ll::1.' • ./tr1 f.l1-:l~.t ?:t'"R!:,.-::i~'s Gull was obse~v~d at 2n~s··~~r·~o~ fr:~ 14 ~~y to 12 ~~y. 1)71. Th1':" -;...;.,...j '•'"'<:! P"'"..._O c>•\hc,;.~ .-,,.,.:.~· ~"' b~=>1"''"""..::1 .>..,.-., "'"'"""r",...,~c,,..."-~.- • ....:> \)..._,.. -... n,\.u • :ll .. l' ;;..tJ·---' .. ~-...... ..,i.J. _ .:.:J ..,..J .. _,..,. V -._·..1.. ·VV .1. .::.,.::'...,. c·-.:; ,_. ~~,!

the fi!'St doc.:.r::.-2~ted. occ;1r3.ncc (>f t"lis E:c.:.Gs j:;_ .:..Jas'..ra.

Bo:'1'3.p3r~e's Gull, Lar·:.:;::- n':1 1.·3.~:.;1.;;1-J~:'• Bu-.;·,""nL·,:'l,..te· 1<-· G:.J1 ~ '•'e"'e ,.. 4'-A."' :1..- ., ....;1 \...( •• -'· ._. ,.., J.

occasicnall1 obs~rvci alo~; the ~est ~~are of C~isi~ Island.. In 1971, 2 pair 'tlcre reg1.tla:'lJ obse~v :1ear F::; ..,_ 2 ~ l r o " y: +: o--:. ~ ~-~:..: ....... 1. : \--: 1 ·--;_ -.;. ..1 •

•• ·- •• >...' • • :.. . L ~~.., -. !

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abundant bird species that nests in the area. nesting colonies occur on Chl~i~ Island, Duck and on t~ainland near the mouth of Tuxedn1

"-.._ '

Arctic Tern, Sterna~pal''ld,snea. Only a few Arctic observed along Tuxedni Channel, all during the of 18 May through J June, 1971.

Large Island Channel.

Terns·· were period

Common M~rre, Ur~~ aal~e. Common Murres were second in abundance only to the. 3lac1c-legged Ki tth:ake on Chlsik Island. The largest concentrations of this species·are found along the east side of Chisik Island and on Duck Island.

Pigeon Gu.illernot, Cep::-!ns Q;rylleo D.1rir..g the sunmer of 19?0 Pigeon Guiller:tots ·8c::e c:o-:,·::on on Chis11\ :;,nd Duck Islards, but were much less in evidnece 1n the. area in 1971.

Marbled Murrelet, spec 1 e s '\·T& s r photographe::-. l1~urrelcts aere

BT''" c ·~·- ~'1'"' ... , ... :..l'L' .~ rna'~' .. (;l ''at·: 1 } '"< I->; l 0 'i 0 t>·d c: .... -- !,l. ~ .... ~ll.e~ ~~ :~1. . ..L. Mli ~-~ ..... ~.. ••• l..l. ...... .,.. I • 1.1...L.-

t.~:~·;1 ~0 tte "~~, ro··u i.Jlg_;~' e f"'!'eE:-lance D•rr-1.:::: Jul:.; n.nrl Au~;:;nst of" 1971 r·:arble·.! ().::! C r:i::: t OYlD .. } J.. :.r 0 bs cr~.~ On r~l)~ . 1 ~~~!1f-l. t1 ::1 ~: •

a!1d tl]~; ~.rc-~ .. i~~~.s 1····:::.·~ o~:;~c:-te.l

Tuxcl Juy s~~~r~: :i~~~ i~ ~ &pproact·tcd 'l:1;;' ~c~:.:.t~ f~r~d olL~Cl"'',l>red

~ 11 .:.: l c s:; pro}: 1 ~:~, l)(:. Lie"::~:

:_;;,!'; c:·:~G <t

ParaJ~eet Au.kl et, C.J·-~);_o.r.r:t;.:r:JJ£0_:~. nsl L: hC'~. ?.;::;:.u~ ?nrakc<:;t J\t!1-~1 e t s v; cr e c~ Qs : .. :: l ... ! .. j c l r1 '".:;::-1 ~.:: i.J:.tc 1~ Is l.:lna. .or1 2~· July·, 1 q 7 0. In July s.nd August c.!' 1971., J pa of those ~ird.s t·re.:~e present en Du.;::;k Isl~n::l. · On l? A;J.e:;ust, cne ~-;a~: discovc:·eJ. incubating an egg in a cre'.rice.

Rhinoceros Au1'::lct, Ceror!linc3. :-:w:;ocer:::i~-.i. A palr of Rhin­ir. 1970 oc ero !:.': A1;.'-d G t \'U~::.- ~ r E-l po ::.: t c:· ·i f' r.o::: .:.J·_~.:: ;\: : s }.a :1d

by rom Rober~ cne of

fr0~-l~nca F~ct . a. :ir c:! L,i.:;:·~ :LsJ

abtlnd::tr1t.l~.l cr1 C~i.:.>~>~ (.l.tld ~)._.l8~~ I~l~~-.:r.ls. ~~-.:)~t .. ec't ""'\!"'1.:-:.:s cut!1ll!:!be!'" the ~ .. oll(;: .. r!... ~-::})(?c,i.es a"r)Oti.t 5::- 7rl i:t t:-:.s vicinity. E~~y you~~ of th~j spq:1e3 we~e obs~rvei ~~1 caves, crevices, b~1rrc.~~*vs ·&~'1d. :_;.c~~:;zeez1 r·oc~(S or: Duc~c Island:.on 12.Augt;,st, 1971.

rrb..ft cd Puff i !'lt r.,:.!r. d.9. c i ~:: .. ~.:~"\ :::---t. T~ is c 0:!~"":":01'1 Y1 est e:!". CG c. ur s m~'linlJ on D.<.ci{ l...;~_a:d .J. 1 ~i b. fe;~ ::1.c:·.:::s on~-; the cliffs at the Southe~st eni. of Chisjk IGland.

~~ :: ~ ; i :. . . .,. ~~<~~ ~r ] .: , : ·:-· 2. :r ·i 'J' ~: :.; t_' • .... c 1 :. r· ' ~. r: '""1 .... ~ :--.,: Y:. ·~\ -= ·-.. -~ ·c: !" C : .. -:--: :. ~~ ~ '.,.:-.. ~' ~: :~-

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·inf-orms :me that Great Horned Owls are plentiful on the · adjacent mainland,

' Short-eared Owl, ~sio fl~mmeus. Short~eqred Owls were

commonly obser:vecr-on top of Chislk Island over the period.l4-28 May, 1971.

Downy: Woodpeclcer, Dendrocopos puhescens. A dead Do\'my Woodpecker was pi cl\:ed up in the net loft at the cannery 1n May of 1971. A nest containing young was~located in ~ spruce stub at the north end of Chisik Island in July of 1971, and 2 blrds of this species were observed working dead alders ato~ the south tip of Chisik !~land in August.

NorthernThree-toed Woodpecker, Picoides tridactyl~s. One bird of this spec i c.s :·;o. s obser-.red in a sprt;.c e st:1nd at the north end of Chisik Island on 27 May, 1970.

Say's Phoebe, Savorni3 sq~q. I ob~erved this bird only on L~.- ,c:ent-pm"l'::-1'"' 10'/l ,.,, .. , ~...~1~ .~nr ..-.L,:-l_Pnd. , ~ 1 """ -~ ,~, U ~~- t .. ,.,., r •• # 1 ., · • ..... ...;, --·I.. -- :;..1, "'

Trai.ll' s Fl;)'c::.:ttchex·, -~·::~·:.:_,~·:·~~r.l:c t::.':~.:.J l.! i_.

was co·.:r.only ob~s::r·. ~,J_ :,·, t~·i,; ctlclt::::'s o..L ··liS f:t;;:~8tcl:er

C'hisL;: L;land

Violet-green S1-1allo:·J, Tsc'~vci!!c-ta th9.la;os1,~a. Phis species was fairly c o:I.:T:onl~r u :,;::; ;:;::· •.,r ~:d on c:1i s ~ ~':. .L .s land.

Tree SNalloH, Irldon:cc:::c~ bic>J1.o!:, Tree sH!.lllm'ls nested around ;the ca.'Pi.e:::.~:~ 'l.:r ... ;iJ.r.l·L~~~s a!;.d tn nest boxes at a fish carrw on Chi sH: I sl!:l.nd. · ·

BI)...'C\.'f:. s ......... \\o ..... ,l'\f•q·;'::o...~r>p ... _v-• ... . !t....~s :.pcc.~e:r "'->C>-'!> o~c...)io .... c.\\y "\i.ser ... ct~ o"' ct.._,:d~. \Jf .. -1. Cliff S·:ralloi;, Pe troc 1-1 eli "l ';)n p;rrrhc::ota. Cliff .S~·~all cH s

· were oc::-:asi onally .:.;'.::8':1 f e.aG.i!tt; ever C•1 ~ sH~ Is~ :1nd. A nestin~ colony w~s loc~tcd o~ a ~ock ~ear the ~outh of Dtfficult Cre :;J.}o··:.:; ... c::..'l.''ii .CL::;,n:-•c2., a:::i ~-=tr;,:)~;her alo~~ Jotnson ril7~: south of Chisik.

Com~o~ Rave::, Corvus cc:~x. Rava~z ~ere ~c·~o~ly observed in t.:·1~ r1.11:~dni .C~re.;;.. • I'!:.!S·}r \\J e !~OU.!ld !lest ln.~~ in t~·!O localltles on Chis~% Isls. in ~~y, l?7l.

Black-~3.p;Jed Chtc1r.ad.ee·, .P~·l:-:J.s at:·:cau!l}n.:: .• ~nac:-:--cappei C'nickadcos ';Jere CC~DE;~(·::~Uy OD3€:r"VC:C G~~ c.:.~si.1.-:- Island only during August of 1971.

Brmm Cr:>eper·, Ccr.t\:iq f:J.":':i J.is..!:·~ s. Five 13roim Creepe:-s ;:;ere o't·~C!'i,r r:,j ···~.. ~~ .. . "":' .... .- ~.l- ~ • .:. ---:-.· ~ .# . .:~ . ~ 1"".! '""=. ~ ,_ .. ~ •• ., •·· 'r")-4 ,.·,w : /!.. )- ... ':".·1 ~t: of ~ Sl 7 l I '1 ~ . ~j • : ·- .--: •

.• ~i .-~ .1: ::· ·; ;-: ;_, ·-·· ·. ; ~- :: • . . ·- :· .. : :· ~-; +: -~ ·"'·· ·. ' ' . .,.. . '.,... '~ .

• • <.. • . • - .J ·: ...

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Dipper, Cinclus mexicarms. Dippers were present on several stre~ms on Chisik Island and the adjacent mainland in 1970, In 1971, Dippers co 1tld only be found on ·2 streams in the area •

. Robin, Turc.us mip;r'ltorius. In 1970 a Robin nested atop Chisik H Island near ~nug Harbor. Robins were present in the area

between 15 May and 5 Ju~e, 1971, and sRveral young were seen on the Chisik Island beaches in mid-August •

. Varied ·rhrush, Ixoreus naev~. us. Varied Thrushes were seen and heard throug-hout botrt S 1Hnmers, especially in cottonwood stands along the ~est side of Chisik.

iler~ni t 'Thrush, Hvl cc~ cnJo. .'~'J.ttata. Thls bird was very C0'"!1Wn along the beaches and atop ~hisik Isl~nd •

. Si.I]'St in son's Thrush, Hvl cc i c 1:18. nstul.~'l. tq. In 1971, this spec 1 es was noted alo~g the begches of Chisik Island from.29 May th.rou1;h 5 June.

Go 1 ~:.e~ .. l- c ~ .. a··;'(~ed K i rl~Sl8!:: , }~ ~~ ·:-:·~ }_~..:. s ::)2:. ::.~-:J.}:JJ_. c "bs :;r~.~ =:!cl 0:1 C~1l :3 i ~-c I~: 1 ~:!. =! -:~ Ci~ 1 y f ~., 0<1 2 Scpte·~:bc:'r, 1971.

T' 1: i s .s p c: c i e s 't; n s Septe~nber to 7 ·

R~J.l:~~'-cro1·-r:lcd. t~i~:gJ.et, :~:-·.-'.J_~,1s c:-..Je~1du.l:.1. ·rr1is ~~pec.:i.e~ ~lr::ts pre3e~t in the sp~u~s ~~~~ds at the ·north·e~d of Chisik Islq~d in 1970 s~d 197J.

\·h t er Pipit, An th'.:.s ~ o~ no l c l: t:-.".t. i·la ~el' Pipits ;.'ere pres en: around the cliffs of C!:.isi.k Isla~d throughout the summers .of 1970 ~~1 1971.

Bohe~ian Waxwin~, Bo~hyc,lJ3 gsriul3, Bohemian Waxwinss were seen on Chisik Isla~d on 25 May, 1970 and on 19 g_nd 20 June, 19.71.

Northern S!y::i1~e, InYii ~J.~ ~-·~:.·'J·h~ tor, .Tor,; Jihl::e:er ;-::10 h::1.s, wintered at Snug i~~hor in past years reports ·that· t~ls bird. :\~ts p:r-ese!'lt cl.:'·J·,_~~l'~~- t~·le ea11.)o"l~YJ- "h: .. ~ilr:·lr1:;-~ ,·~n!'"~Lns

so~.e Ye8!'S,

Oranse-cro~·::1er'l 'tlarbl'2r, VP:''::i·,rora ~e],:;.t8., 'This i.s a CO::i'::Oti ~·:arbler in tL1.~ .~l·Jc:rs ::1tc;:· vi1is1K I0l:.ln.i.

Yellow darbler, De~dro,~~ n~t~chia. Yell OH ;-/arble.rs occarred COl~Or~ly i!1 t~;.2 .i'Jt~·~·"":·:i!l~ .u ... ::--sa.

Mu.,..tl<=> '· 1 ·->~·>-,] or nJ "'1r~·,...rl~ -~o C"'''"'\v-.,.,t-,, f•1J'·-...·+-l"' i'i~_-,rbl0rS '.'~e ...... _ e .1.-J...:.. - 11.:.1.-'-"·-- J ... t ... ,,_ ..... '-"':;J,. ~-'-'• .__..0 J. J..--...l..~ ..... _ --- .. _

· occa.sio:1ally o·bst·~'.r:-e-j_ r.:.1crL::; a cx·8e% .(l.8(J"'Jc SYl~l .. :-:_; :-!e.l .. bo:r and along the east side of Chisik·Island in 1970 and 1971.

"•'! -1\ ~'

! l -----~--·~··---··· -··'

• ~ - ' ...,... "- 1.,. •• '- : •. • • ..... -' • • ..1 - - -~ ' .... ·-' • ,

. ~·

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Snug Harbor.

Wilson's Warbler,. Wilson ta pusilla. This ·co!tl'non warbler seemed to occ11;t" everywhere on l::h1s1Jt Isl~nd.


Rusty Blackbird, Eunhggus ca.rolinus, Rnsty Blackbi.rds Wt:re · . qui te· ... com11on on the flat~ near Bear Creek on the main­

land 1n late August and early September or· 19?1 .. · ·rney were 6ccasiona.lly obs~rvcd on ~h1sik Island during that , period.

P1.ne Grosbeak, Pi~lcol'3 · crl~l~leA.tor. Pine Grosbeaks ~·tere occasionally ohserved t:-r!'O!.l~ht m'y stay in 19?0, bu·t Here only observed o:!"l. Chis.ik Island on 16-19 May and . 2 September in 1971.

Com~on Redpoll, Acanthis flq~~es. This species is common on ·Chisik Island.

Grt'ly-:crowned Rosy Finch, Leucosti.cte t(')r.:hrocctts •. fhls species was not observ i~ 19?0, ~~t xas fnirly co~~on in .1971. I t vrs. s . c o 7._.~ Q n 1 :r o ~· z c :.:' -:} c 1 :~~ ~ t'- :! 2 -._r i c 1 rti t y of . t !1 e :: ~ lltt s slO;:cs ern Cb.J.s'·:.: .:!:cJ~.i1·:!. It r1cst~d. 011 Chi=:~i~--: a:i1i. D1101t

I.:::;:::tnci in 19?:~ .• ,'

vihl t e-~·•t ~ :,::-ei C""os sh~ 11 , !. "')::1 '1. 1-3"~ :;;;.+: ~'!"'~., rhi s species ...... "l.s obser7e·1 once ir. a .sp·uc;;:; stand at ·the north -end of Chf'sik ln July, 1971•

Sav11.nnah Sparrol'l, Passe~·-:;1:~_'.1 s se.n1~·.;~_che"l~i s. Savannah sparrows \~·ere co I~m::ln s.rc:.:r:d trw C"l.:-l:lery anj along g-::-a ssy portion~ of the bea0hes of ~hlslk Island during both surn~ers.

, .. ; ;-. ~ ~~ ·':)- r'l """"0 .. -..) ,~~~ ~ \) "'"'!:, .... .r· • o·t.r 7 ..... r·· ··) ,._ ~""'.: .-. }- .~ .~ 1 .-:. ~.., . .,. .~) l"': 'r, :....., ~':" :- ·, .• ,r•_.~, 1 ,"-_ -::::- .""!. r• :"'': ":" ..• • .\.-1 t"~ -~ • 4 J.. ~t..:::: \.of'..:- •4· .. --~- t-''·".J. til, "-..J.J' V,;.. _..,.. ____ t...'l. .... .._ .--.-· t~ -•v -• - _. ...... - --\...4.

~ t:~r)""' ....... ~ e ~""\""\J') C!~ """"~· ; , :r- ,. .. , .. ni"' o··""' >. :;.r:l·~ .... rl r,•, -'""\'t";,....... ~'\.....;:, ....,·,l"Y"'t·::,' , "'p . ..,.. .~.. o,J;:; 01 ._.r ..... ~. ~· ,_, ___ · .. l·.L•. · .1 .: ·c: _ .~ •• . .. ~;.:"'' .... ·.4 '" "''···::.:. ~ , -:.. .·~ •••• ,

aYt l ~ .. ~e.3t stlores' OI~ c·!-~~sj ~-~ Isla~:i 1."1 1970, ~::t~:d ~-;er~:: p:'\e::..::~1G s.t Snu;~~ l13.rbor ::n 1•:a,r of lJ7l •.

Goldcn-cro~·Ded. Sp!'!.l':::'ON, Z.:;':.o~:~::.~l1ia at~·l .. :apil1e., ;Jrob:-lbly t}Ie rr.OSC 9. i.:1d.0.:.tt. land bird. OYl C:1i~i}: .-11'"'iY'l,.,. t'hn su·•,...,r.: ....... ,..,p 1 :'l71"1 'l.'1. u' 1 9'71 •AA,.,., ~·6 ;.;.J. ••• u~.: .. -.~.....'!'i U • ..1...7 ,...J z:L ..L ( •,

This ~~rg_s

I slan:i

fox sparroiv, Pass{::re,!s. ~:~·=1C'1• .As a land birC., the Fox .Spa.:ToN' :·;·.13 p!·ob~:t'IJlJ s::::;:::o~ld l~1 abu:-.dar!oe nnly to the Gc1jen-Cl'OK'1G:i Sp~rrow.on Chisi~ Isla~i.

... . ..

..... t :. .::; .:_ . : :: '.• ..

.... ". ~ •' _. ' • • .• '. ... . .. I. •. _, '~ - , .. ""'' . .. ._ / .. ' -...... , . ' . " ..... . . ,.

.. '"" . ,, ,...._ . ~ ·~· "' .

U.S. 8, \Nik-l!ife Servio:;. 101 E. 1 I
