i modern railroad men dm a...

THE WASHINGTON TIMES WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 16 1903 5 I I Three Negroes Who Shoted the Queer at Fairs ONE ACCUSED OF MURDER Raised TwoDollar Bills to Tens by Means of Work Passed in Southwest Chief Wilkie of the Secret Service Bureau received a message this morning tram Memphis Tenn telling of the cap ture there of throe alleged counter felters who it is charged have been operating extensively at county fairs In Kentucky southern Indiana and Illi- nois The arrested mon are negroes and give the namos of Irving Talley Luke Ray and Willis A charge of murder of a young man named Shop hard at Ky will be lodged gainst Talley or Ray The work of tho alleged counter feiters was clumsy enough and consisted In raising 2 bills to tons by means of a set of stencils Still the monoy passod muster at the county lairs and it Is believed about 500 of tho raised bills was passed Getting on the Track August 27 Chief Wilkie was notified of the arrest at New Albany Ind of two negroes Jackson and Shark They bad been passing the same kind of money and Jackson said ho bought the stencils of Talley who told him how to use them Jackson also confessed to making raised bills It is believed with the capture of these five men counterfeiting will be broken up In Indiana Illinois and Kentucky Last June complaints came to the Secret Service Bureau of the operations of threo negroes at tho fairs In those States Operative Schuyler Donnclla was detailed to investigate and It was through his efficient work tho men were caught He got track of two of the men at Ellzabethport Ky where he was told they had left on a freight for Cave City The station agent at Cave City was directed to toll tho town mar- shal to arrest the two on the train The agent could find no ono but two young irien Shephard and Mar cum who undertook to act In the town marshals place They found two negroes on the freight train when it pulled In one of whom shot Shephard and killed himThe negroes cscapedOne of thorn was said to have a goldcapped front tooth Donnella traced him tq Ohlcago whore he gave the name of Alfred Harrison Run to Earth in Memphis Here Donnella had to drop the case and It was turned ovr to Operative Parker who was able to locate the two Jnt to Harrison by a tailor of whom he had ordered a suit of clothes Harrison or Talley answered this and said he was In Memphis aud ft 5 oclock this morning Talley Ray and Willis were arrested In bed by Operative Parker andjothqr Socket Service off- icials and local officers It Is thought Willis operated with Tal Icy and Ray in passing counterfeit money The three men will be takon to Louis- ville and charged with passing alterud obligations Whichever one of the Talley or Ray can be Identified as the murderer of Shopbard will turnod over to the authorities of Kentucky for prosecution ASA GRAY5S BROTHER DEAD UTICA N Y Sept 1C Miller Is dead at his homo In Sauquolt aged eightythroo He was prominent In the Presbyterian Church and a brother of Prof Asa Gray the eminent botanist TO BID ON ITALIAN WORK Aqueduct to Cost 25000000 o Be Built at Pugliese Contractors of the United States are to havo an opportunity to bid on th Jjisj aqueduct tho Italian government Is o have constructed at Puglioso Tho De- partment of Commerce and Labor has received information from tho Italian embassy that tho gorarnment would like to receive from Americans Th work is to cost about 26000000 and it must bo completed in ton years from ths date of the concession The con osaion js for ninety years Applications must be sent to the ralnlstoro dot laxorl pubblicl divlalone I udcl contratti Roma Italia and must bear on tho envelope the words Offortn per asta Concaeciono doll AC- quedotto Pugllese and are to ac- companied by the documents put down In the advertisement for bids Bids must be In the office noted above not later than October 31 Tho concession will bo awarded In Rome on February 1 104 A copy of aw rules and form governing the proposals also a copy o provisional plan ror tho construction of tb aqueduct aro on file lu the Bureau of Statistics Dopartment of Commerce aad Labor whero they may bo soon by Interested parties SLAYER ON TRIAL 2CORRISTOWN Sept 15IIarry ElinoyJo a Lolilgh Coal and Navigation Company deputy during the big strike line placed on trial today for killing Pat- rick a union minor at Noequo honing i IMPOHTAN CAPTURE UF COUNTERFEITERS StencilsClumsy GaY C1t named a l tter- Wblcha fV S two b y CHANGE FOR A lERIGANS I bids be I c u p b Zegroes xiMhmphia trough t Gz 3 tim 35 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ > ¬ ¬ < ¬ NEWS OF RAILROADS AND OF RAILROAD MEN I i Another Extension It is now announced that tho Rock Island and Frisco are making a deter- mined effort to get control of the Santa Fe and to add it to the system enlarged by the addition of the Seaboard Air Line The new combination how- ever Js not going to got tho railroad without a fight as the Union Pacific has also entered the contest for con trolTho Atchison is the only line inde- pendent of the Southern Paniflc which the Union Pacific controls that touches the coast south of San Francisco At present the Rock Island sends its traffic over tho Southern Pacific from El Paso The desire of the Rock Island it seems Is to get enough authority in the Atch- ison to annul this contract There have been reports from time to time that various railroads such as the Pennsylvania the Missouri Pacific and the Rock Island would ultimately come into semiauthority In tho Atchison board of directors It Is said that the Union Pacific people realize the neces- sity of securing to themselves sufficient claim on tho Atchison to shut out from their Western territory aggressive com- petitors The Seaboard Air Line The Seaboard Air Line the Rock Island and the Frisco arc now using the Santa Fe to the coast The soldiers who left Washington yesterday went over the route President Hall to Resign Private advices received In Washing- ton state that President Hall of the New York New Haven and Hartford resign in a few days and that Presi- dent Charles S Mellon of the Northern Pacific is to bo elected to succeed him A number of changes are likely to DO made among the officers of the Northern Pacific but It Is said former Secretary of War Lamont Is to remain first vice president More New Buildings Contracts tave been swarded by the Pennsylvania for new buildings at Phila- delphia and New Brunswick N J The structure In Philadelphia is to be a big warehouse while that at New Bruns- wick Is to be a passenger station The buildings are to cost half a million dol lars Lien Against Railway D G Porter a subcontractor who is building the Hampton Roads Railway flied a mechanics lien against the com- pany at Newport News yesterday for 1175464 GHOST IN BALTIMORE SCARES STREET GARHEN Stands on the Track and Disap pears When Run Down BALTIMORE Md Sept 16 Balti- more has a ghost that stops street cars Half a dozen reputable citizens and two women have seen the perturbed spirit Out near the mouth of Lonoys Lane whore it swings into East Monument Street and whore during the last fifteen years two murders and four KrUcIdes have been committed the restless wraith has taken his position The last East Monument car reaches Loneys Lane before midnight According to the stories told by two dif- ferent trolley crews two policemen and two newspaper a palefaced man appears on the track In front of the car i permits himself to be run down and i vanishes into the thin night air State Department Acquiesces in Substitute for TatmiKtao Acting Secretary Adoo announces that tho Stato Department has signified its willingness to havo Antung substituted for Tatungtao as ono of the two Mnnchurinn ports to be thrown open on the evacuation of Manchuria by tho Russians Antung is a bottorport and a larger city than Tatungtno Tho two ports are on the Talu River but Antung is located where the river has fewer shoals and is said to bo much bettor adapted to deep water navigation Minister Congor has not been given instructions yet as to the attitude of the United Statos toward tho proposed postponomont of the evacuation of one of the Manchurian frontier provinces by Russia President Roosevelt and Sec rotary Hay still have this matter consideration MERCHANT DROPS DEAD WALKING IN CEMETERY BUTLER Pa Sept 16 While taking lila customary morning walk Julius Kaufmnnn a dry goods merchant of this city formerly of Philadelphia dropped pond yesterday morning Up had just entered North Cemetery he was seen to stagger and rail by Graham who was walking in tho at the time and P L King tho sexton or I shortly mono I ANCH URIAN PORT ANTUNG TO BE OPENED un- der I t Iron Mrs I p4 torY t Is- o ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ C A S T O R I A and CJiiMrta Boars th- oJta KIn YoNLare AJwajs Bought SIgn uro d e v < Jolted the Vice President- An engine of tho Seaboard Air Line backed Into the private Car of CoL A B Andrews the vice president of the Southern Railroad at Acea whore tho tracks of the Seaboard Air Line connect with the Richmond Fredericksburg and Potomac yesterday and a wreck was narrowly averted Mr Andrews was painfully bruised and shaken up Col- onel Andrews his private secretary Mr Miller and his stenographer Mr Pat- terson who had come up from Raleigh wore all lying down when the crash came Colonel Andrews and Mr Patter- son suffered bruises which Dr Minifrcc dressed No Curtailment The officers of the Pennsylvania and Reading deny that any stops have been taken to curtail tho output of anthracite coal Personals- J R W Davis has been appointed engineer of maintenance of way of the ErIe Railroad with headquarters at Hobokcn Engineer F B Stuart of tho Penn- sylvania Railroad Unexpected In Wash- ington today to Inspect work done City Ticket Agent Harry Houscr of the Baltimore and Ohio has gone on a vacation Ho is to return to the city Monday Walter G Coleman of the ea board Air Line returned from a busi- ness through northern New York yesterday Ho visited Rochester Niag- ara Falls and a dozen other cities in that locality Col S B Hcge who has been in poor health several weeks Is In fine fottlo again McMullen McDermott the contract- ors who are doing much of the rail- road In Washington have 56000000 in other parts of the country including a big bridge In Connecticut W G Cole traveling passenger agent of the Seaboard Air Line arranged for the transportation of the train load of troop to San Francisco yesterday go- Ing along part of the way to see that all could be no bctter Col Al Reed of tho Atlantic Coast Line returned last night from a trip through Pennsylvania talking about the beauties of Florida in the winter- time In Plttsburg there was a not to talk about Florida as thc temperature was something above 89 In tho deepest shade Indications however Colonel Reed said were that the travel South this winter would be record Col y r dispo- sition break- Ing 7 long ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ POISONED BY THE GERMS OF MALARIA I began using your S S S several years ago for Malaria and blood troubles and It proved so good at that time that I have continued ever since using it as a family remedy ono of chil dren was troubled with large painful bUs on the back of his neck after suffering with these for several months we tried S S S and am glad to state that a bottle and a half cured him entirely It is a pleasure me to recommend S S S for the benefit of others who are needing a firstrate blood purifier tonio and sure cure for Malaria- C O HEMINGWAY Arkansas City Ark I ¬ DM TO PRISON Prosperous Appearance Assured Her Credit at PHILADELPHIA Sept 15 Instead of dining in tho palm room of the Hotel Walton last evening Mrs Elizabeth White took a light supper behind prison bars She was put there by Magistrate Cunningham in default of 500 ball on the charge of Jumping a board bill of 101 Mrs White Is a handsome woman not yet thirty and the widow of a once prominent Now York publisher who died recently after he had lost his entire fortune Her husband was a son of a Presbyterian clergyman of national rep- utation Mrs White went to the Walton in August She had been employed In the South as a trained nurse but the hotel managers knew nothing about that She dressed well and had the manner ot one who nevor worried about money mat tarS On September 9 she disappeared with out settling her bill it Is alleged The Waltons detective Robert Downey was put on her trail and found her last Mon- day at a fashionable boarding house In Chestnut Street above Nineteenth Upon her arrest Mrs White told soy oral different stories it is said In ex- planation of her failure to pay the Wal tons bill Her husbands relatives here showed no inclination to help her out difficulty so she had to go to Jail ponding a further hearing next Tues- day OF 54 SUES FOR WOUNDED HEART Mrs Rickard Says She Was Jilted and Asks 10000 Damages Pa Sept 16 Jilted as she says at the age of fiftyfour Mrs Sophia Rickard of Plymouth today be gan suit for 10000 damages to heal her wounded heart The defendant Is T B Lewis of town a widower fiftysix years old Mrs Rickard says that three year ago Lewis asked her to be his wife she consonted but since then he has refused to marry her BRONSON P TUTTLE BURIED NAUGATUCK Conn Sept 16 The funeral of Bronson P Tuttle the mil- lionaire who died at Middlobury on Saturday was held from the family resi- dence hero today VIUOW GOES fROM ot- her WOMAN WILKESBJ RRE the- me Hotel- i ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ MODERN SKYSCRAPER- A WONDERFUL WORK Intricate Problems Solved in Building a Tower of Babel to Be Modern- S Tho rapid growth In popularity of the skyscraper apartment house in Wash- ington calls attention to the Introduc tion of this stylo of steel frame struc tures Into this community Tho first building of this kind erected in Wash- ington was the Cairo apartment house on Q Street in 1894 Since then the number has rapidly Increased now there are as many if not more struc tures of this kind In Washington than In any other city of Its size in tho coun try Notwithstanding this fact It Is safe to say that the general public is not aware that the skyscraper Is a very modern institution The steel frame skyscraper- Is a thing of American creation tho re sult of the ingenuity of an American builder It Is a silent and forcible evi dence of tho Inventive genius of Amer- icans The first steel frame skyscraper building was In Chicago a little less than fourteen ago and the successful accomplishment of the work put the whole world athinking A history of tho Invention Its and its growth In popularity is described In the Architects and Build ers Journal as follows Tower of Babel Not in It With one stroke the brain and abil- ity of an American had completely over- shadowed for alt time to come the won der of the Biblical Tower of Babel Civilization was compelled to pause a moment In Its advance in order to com prehend the new order of things There have been buildings almost as long as there have been men livery largo building that the world has seen for thousands of years was constructed with walls of masonry to bear inner framework of partitions and floors But one man with an idea a daring builder astonished tho world by completely reversing the es- tablished order of things and building- an Inner framework oJ steel strong enough to bear the weight of the build- Ing and hold up the outside walls of masonry This invention for an It certainly was proved an instantaneous success with the result that today the construction of a tall building Is not architecture as one builder remarked but engineering with a stone veneer The value of the Idea of the steel was Instantly recognized Drain met capital and the modern skyscraper- was evolved The modern skyscraper is until I erected oil rmouB daya Invention years useful- ness UPS the sky- scraper ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ i An Invisible Enemy to Health Malaria is a disease we can neither see nor shun because b is so subtle and stealthy in its approaches We breathe into our lungs air that infected with the poisonous gases and vapors arising from low marshy places stagnant pools damp cellars sewer bite of a mosquito the Malaria enters our systems to the blood and destroy the health Often the first intimation we have of its presence is a creepy chilly sensation running over the body followed by fevers The aching drowsiness and wornout depressed feelings show this stealthy foe is quietly at work in the system These premonitory symptoms of should not be disregarded or ascribed to over- work summers heat or other causes for they are unmistakable signs of malarial poisoning and should be treated as such or the mistake may prove costly entailing years of suffering if not a wrecked constitution the blood fS MALARIA i pipes and unsanitary buildings The water we drink may be pol with germs and and through the I I becomes more I I l r a is f luted microbes Y i j and more troubles arise the circulation grows sluggish the Liver and fail to act properly resulting in enlargement of the Spleen poor appetite and digestion yellow or dark splotches the skin boils carbuncles abscesses and indolent ulcers and sores Malaria frequently reduces one to such- a low state of that the simplest diseases tire liable to prove fatal Malaria can only be worked out of the system deeply poisoned other i I 4 I serious miJiigta ti i iwuj UUU i UCaLLUV the germs and microbes and neutralize the bad effects of the poison offers the only hope of a cure and the only medicine that can accomplish this is S S S which not purges the blood of all morbid matter but keeps it pure and healthy It searches out and destroys every trace of Malarial poison stimulates all the bodily organs and keeps the blood in such a vigorous condition that impurities and poisons of every kind are promptly expelled the system During the Fall is an opportune time to begin the against this Invisible enemy for the hot 5 sultry summer days have caused the germs to multiply and still impoverish the blood and weaken the constitution and now more than ever the Malaria sufferer needs a good blood purifier and bracing tonic course of S S S at this particular season will relieve you of Malaria and its attendant evils reinforce and build up the system purify and strengthen the sluggish blood and quicken the circulation The appetite and improve and all the vital powers rapidly recuperate under the tonic influence of this great vegetable remedy Its freedom from all minerals makes it the ideal remedy in Malarial troubles and adapted to the most delicate constitutions If you SlfrFT PEGFG COMPANY ATLANTA GA a that can I I furt1 have any symptoms of vrite us about it and our Physicians k 1J jpll 5a4 i yo it olt Bop Qn Blood and Skin t 4 q Malaria wjl cjiarge Diieasesfree > nothing more nor less than a seel bridge standing on end with passenger cars traveling up and down in IL The inventor also one of his greatest feats by applying to It a prac- tical railroad system whose cars tra verse vertical tracks at a speed that almost passes belief It would be difficult to find a mightier task one fraught with more difficult problems than the building of a modern skyscraper The construction of a great railroad line a great steamship or a huge steel bridge is not to bo compared to It There are many things exceedingly trifling in themselves which must be strongly considered In drawing the plans for a skyscraper Were a man to itand on the ground floor of one of these gi gantic structures particularly at the foot of some open shaft that extended Its entire height such as an elevator shaft and play a violin for halt an hour every day the result In the course of ten or twenty years would bo far more dis astrous than the effects of a man knock ing with a sledge hammer upon the steel framework every day for a like period Jars From Street Cars The constant rumble and Jar from the streets are also highly Injurious as they will In time have f tendency to work rivets loose and unsettle foundations un less precautions are made A score of people may stand in one of the rooms of a building and Jump up and down on the floor with all tho force they can command but no harm will result from it But let one per- son stand or sit In that room and mere ly move one leg slightly up and down with a rapid movement the foot al ways resting on the floor At once a- jar is created which can be felt all over the room and which will surely have a bad effect upon the structure if con tinued any length of The hampering limits of a citys building laws are also one of the great obstacles in the way of the architect who sets out to design the plans for one of these modern buildings But these are merely a few of the thousands of intricate details not to consider tho tremendous question ot cost with which the builder must grapple MURDER IS CHARGED ilcKEESPORT Pa Sept the Inquest into the cause of the death of William Bliss of McKeesport held to day by Coroner J SL McOeary Charles Groggins one of the strikers of the Port Vue TInplato Works was held for action by the grand jury on a charge of murder The Jury found that Bliss died September 12 from a dislocated the third cervical vertebrae in a scuffle with Charles Grbggins LOCAL MENTION Shaffers Flowers Best in Town Two stores 14th and I 1711 Pennsylvania are Complete Stock of Lamps and Lanterns 616 12th a A Muddiman Co 120 C Bull terrier for sale Schmld 712 12th Experience Lamps and oil stems repaired 72 13th ct nw 24 Bottles of Lager Beer for 750 We use the aluminum latest pat- ent Beavers 123 4 St Phone XL 100CD When You Want K Cut Of anything Joyce Engraving Co Star Bide Muenchener Is the Favorite Of all who demands pure perfectly brewed dark beer Phone 222 Kat Capital Brewing Co for case Two dozen L25 Beware of Typhoid Fever Babek prevent It All druccista Genuine 6 and 7 Sampler Shoes Three hundred Ityles at 235 Reams Shoe Store 008 0 Street northwest Within Reach Of AH- A Residence TelephoneLib- eral contracts at reasonable rates C P TELEPHONE CO TRUSTEES SALES TRUSTEES SALE OF LOTS 51 32 23 54 53 50 5768 AND IMPROVEMENTS THEREON IN JOHN F WACGAMXNS SUBDIVISION OF ORIGINAL LOTS 16 AND 17 IN No KBf- c virtue of a certain deed of trust recorded September 24 1902 in Liber 2C50 folio 477 one of the land records of the District of Columbia and at the of the holder of tho notes secured thereby we will sell at public auction 17th DAY OF SEPTEMBER 1903 at OCLOCK P L the foHpwJnsrdjscribed real estate and the thereon situatcl in the of Washington District of Co lujubia to wit Lots 51 Sri 53 54 55 56 57 5S in John F Vagpamanft subdivision of original lots yes 10 and 17 square N 652 and recorded In Liber 13 folio 45 in the Sur nerora office of the District of Columbia Terms of sale Onethird of the purchase money to be paid in cieh babnce in ono and two years with interest fit 6 per cent annum or alt cash at the option of the chaser a deposit of 100 required at the time of sale All conveyancing and to be at coat Terms of sale to be complied with within fifteen days from date sate or the trustees Wilt resell at the risk and cost of the defaulting purchaser WRIGHT KriWAnD P MOORE tcli3t trustee achieved u 16At blow k stoppersthe I 5 Sos 8Ql ARE front of the premies on the 3 nis I the r re- cordIng I time which I 2 8 ia T1WRSDAY county F ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = = > ¬ UNION PACIFIC Shortest line to OREGONa- nd WASHINCTONSept- ember 15 to November 30 rates to aU points in these states from Chicago 3300 St LoUiS 3000 Trains handsomely equipped Tourist sleeping- cars a Smooth roadbed 287 BROADWAY NEW YORK CITY B TEKlROECSf General Eastern Agant FOREIGN MAILS WASHINGTON D c POSTOFFJCE NOTICE Should b read daily as cnanzes may at any tlroo FOREIGN MAILS arts dispatched to the ports of sailing daily and the schedule of closings it arranged on the presumption of their unin- terrupted overland transit For the week end- ing September 1 1003 the connectint- closea will be made trom the MAIN OFFICE at follows TransAtlantic Mails WEDNESDAY c At 015 pm far FRANCE SWITZERLAND ITALY SPAIN PORTUGAL TURKEY EGYPT GREECE BRITISH INDIA and LORENZO MARQUEZ per ss La Savoie from New York via Harm Mail for other of EUROPE must be directed Per s La Saraie THURSDAY d At 12 m for AZORES ISL- ANDS per a6 Peninsular from ew Bedford Hags FRIDAY d At 12 jn for AZORES ISLANDS per s8 Cambrotnan from Boston- c At 915 pm for FRANCE per 88 La from New York via Havz Mall for other parts of EUROPE must be directed Per s8 La Gascogne c At 1125 pm for BELGIUM direct per s8 Vadcrland from New Fork Mail must be directed Per BS Vadcrland c At 1125 pm for EUROPE per ss- Campania from New Cork rU Queenstown- c At 112S for SCOTLAND direct per s8 Columbia New York Mal must be directed Per SJL Columbia NOTE The B Deutschland Printed Matter Ccnimetclal Papers and Samples for GERMANY only The same claw of mail mat- ter for other parts of EUROPE will not be sent by this ship unless specially directed by her Mails for South and Central West Indies Etc WEDNESDAY d At 620 am for AHGEN TINA URUGUAY and PARAGUAY per j- Afgan Prince from New York- c At 1125 pm for MEXICO per SA Monterey from New York via Cm peche and Vera Cruz c At 1125 nm for LEEWARD and ISLANDS BRITISH DUTCH and FRENCH GUIANA York Mail for GRENADA and TRINIDAD must be directed Per sj Partma THURSDAY c At 1125 for MEXICO per ss Niagara from New York via Tam plco must be directed Per RS Niagara FRIDAY c At 11 26 pta for BERMUDA per steamer from Halifax e At C05 pm for ARGENTINA URU- Gl AY and PARAGUAY per Coronda frcm Sew York c At 1123 pm for PORTO RICO CUBA CAO and VENEZUELA per s8 Caracas from New York Mail for SAVAN1LLA and CARTA GENA nitat be directed Per ss Caracas c At 1123 for FORTUNE ISLAND JAMAICA SAVANILLA and per s8 Altai from Yew York Mail for COSTA RICA must be directed Per BS AltaL c At 1125 pm for JNACUA HAiTI and SANTA MARTA per s8 Attica tram New York c At 1125 pm for HAITI s Prins Willem V from New York Mali for CUBA CAO VENEZUELA TRINIDAD BRITISH and DUTCH GUIANA taint be directed PET BA Prins Willem V CUBA MAILS close here daily except Thurs days at S h the connecting closes be on Wednesdays and Saturdays via Tampa Fla on Mondays via Miami Fla MEXICO overland specially addres d for dispatch per steamers free New daily at 1005 a m f and 10 pm h Mail for NEWFOUNDLAND by rail to North Sydney and thence via steamer here dufly except Sundays at 12 m and on Sundays at 1130 am k the connecting closes being on Mondays and Saturdays Mails for JAMAICA by ran to Boston and thence via steamer cicee here Tuesdays and Thursdays at 12 m d Mails for MI UELON by rail to Boston and thence via steamer close here daily Sun- days at 12 m d and on Sundays at 1130 am 00 Malls for BELIZE PUERTO CORTEZ and GUATEMALA by rail to New Orleans and thence via steamer close here daily at 1005 am f and 10 pm h the connecting closes on Mondays Mails for COSTA RICA leans and thence via steamer close here tally at 1005 am f and 10 b the clears being on Tuesdays TransPacific Mails HAWAII vU San Francisco clots here daily at 030 pm up to September 21 inclusive for dispatch pet sjs e Tit lV III r1T mail for the PHILIPPINE ISLANDS via San Francisco close here daily at 633 pm up to September 34 fur per s8 China PHILIPPINE ISLANDS via San Francisco Close here daily at 030 up to September 26 inclusive for dispatch per United States Transport o nilNA AND JAPAN via Vancouver and Vic- toria B C close here daily at 630 pm up to September 20 inclusive fer dispatch per ss Empress of India Merohandi f r the United States Postal Agency at Shanghai Chiba can- not be forwarded via Canada o AUSTRALIA math for West Aus- tralia NEW ZEALAND NEW CALEDONLV FIJI SAMOA AND HAWAII via Son Franefeco close here daily at 630 pm up to October 3 iticlusivc for dispatch per ss Ventura o AUSTRALIA trxcpt r West Aus- tralia FIJI ISLANDS and NEW CALEDONIA Ispeefallr addressed enly via Vancouver and Victoria B C close here dally at 630 pm up to 10 Inclusive for dispatch pet ss Mlowera 0 NOTE Mails for COCHIN CHINA are dis to New York N Y for connection with European steamers Unless otherwise addressed WEST AUSTRALIA MAILS will be dispatched via and these for NEW ZEALAND and the PHILIPPINE ISLANDS via San Francisco Cal the quickest routes Mails for the PHILIPPINE ISLANDS rpecially addressed Via Europe Via Can- ada must b at rate of Malls for HAWAII are dispatched via San Francisco Ol exdraivelr- RECISTRREI MAILS close at the MAIN as follows a A 630 p m seine day b at 1 5 p m same day c at 845 p m same day d at 530 a m same day e at 545 p m same day at C35 a m SlIme day 115 p m saute day k at 845 p m previous day o at a m same day JOHN A MERRITT Postmaster AUCTION SALES JAMES V RATCLIFFE Auctioneer IMPORTANT AUCTION SKE OF SCHOONER R MASON By order of the owners I will sell by public auction at Clarks wharf Tenth Street on WEDNESDAY the 23d DAY OF SEPTEMBER 1006 at U QQLOQK JL Schooner R Mason capacity 80 tina her Mlk lioabi ancliors chine et ct Vrws l is now lYing at anchor and can be seen any time Terms Cash JAMES W RATCLIFFE Auctioneer la quart bottles ot ths- Waahinton IJreirtn For Kffr Cof I nW Golden Rap fc n Dcllrcrca la I J t occur G from Pro per Parlors froze Sew sa CRTAGEX close d pt being by Year Or connect- ing and 0 c mails October 0 b nt all seISddbeexSu Phone La un1 noJ p S Jut arts aseogne takes Americas WIND- WARD ss ng miss rail to CHINA ad- dressed dis- patch lisa postage OF- FICE t254 Deer wIgon ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < <

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Three Negroes Who Shotedthe Queer at Fairs


Raised TwoDollar Bills to Tens byMeans of Work

Passed in Southwest

Chief Wilkie of the Secret ServiceBureau received a message this morningtram Memphis Tenn telling of the capture there of throe alleged counterfelters who it is charged have beenoperating extensively at county fairs InKentucky southern Indiana and Illi-nois The arrested mon are negroesand give the namos of Irving TalleyLuke Ray and Willis A charge ofmurder of a young man named Shophard at Ky will be lodgedgainst Talley or Ray

The work of tho alleged counterfeiters was clumsy enough and consistedIn raising 2 bills to tons by means ofa set of stencils Still the monoy passodmuster at the county lairs and it Isbelieved about 500 of tho raised billswas passed

Getting on the TrackAugust 27 Chief Wilkie was notified

of the arrest at New Albany Ind oftwo negroes Jackson and Shark Theybad been passing the same kind ofmoney and Jackson said ho bought thestencils of Talley who told him how touse them Jackson also confessed tomaking raised bills It is believedwith the capture of these five mencounterfeiting will be broken up InIndiana Illinois and Kentucky

Last June complaints came to theSecret Service Bureau of the operationsof threo negroes at tho fairs In thoseStates Operative Schuyler Donncllawas detailed to investigate and It wasthrough his efficient work tho men werecaught He got track of two of themen at Ellzabethport Ky where hewas told they had left on a freight forCave City The station agent at CaveCity was directed to toll tho town mar-shal to arrest the two on the train

The agent could find no ono but twoyoung irien Shephard and Marcum who undertook to act In the townmarshals place They found two negroeson the freight train when it pulled Inone of whom shot Shephard and killedhimThe negroes cscapedOne of thorn wassaid to have a goldcapped front toothDonnella traced him tq Ohlcago whorehe gave the name of Alfred Harrison

Run to Earth in MemphisHere Donnella had to drop the case

and It was turned ovr to OperativeParker who was able to locate the two

Jnt to Harrison by a tailorof whom he had ordered a suit ofclothes Harrison or Talley answeredthis and said he was In Memphis aud ft5 oclock this morning Talley Ray andWillis were arrested In bed by OperativeParker andjothqr Socket Service off-icials and local officers

It Is thought Willis operated with TalIcy and Ray in passing counterfeitmoney

The three men will be takon to Louis-ville and charged with passing alterudobligations Whichever one of theTalley or Ray can be Identified as themurderer of Shopbard will turnodover to the authorities of Kentucky forprosecution


Is dead at his homo In Sauquolt agedeightythroo He was prominent In thePresbyterian Church and a brother ofProf Asa Gray the eminent botanist


Aqueduct to Cost 25000000 oBe Built at Pugliese

Contractors of the United States areto havo an opportunity to bid on th Jjisjaqueduct tho Italian government Is ohave constructed at Puglioso Tho De-partment of Commerce and Labor hasreceived information from tho Italianembassy that tho gorarnment would liketo receive from Americans Thwork is to cost about 26000000 and itmust bo completed in ton years from thsdate of the concession The con osaion jsfor ninety years

Applications must be sent to theralnlstoro dot laxorl pubblicl divlalone

I udcl contratti Roma Italia andmust bear on tho envelope the words

Offortn per asta Concaeciono doll AC-quedotto Pugllese and are to ac-companied by the documents put downIn the advertisement for bids Bidsmust be In the office noted above notlater than October 31 Tho concessionwill bo awarded In Rome on February 1104

A copy of aw rules and formgoverning the proposals also a copy oprovisional plan ror tho construction oftb aqueduct aro on file lu the Bureauof Statistics Dopartment of Commerceaad Labor whero they may bo soon byInterested parties


ElinoyJo a Lolilgh Coal and NavigationCompany deputy during the big strikeline placed on trial today for killing Pat-rick a union minor at Noequohoning





GaY C1t


a l tter-Wblcha fV S













Zegroes xiMhmphia trough












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Another ExtensionIt is now announced that tho Rock

Island and Frisco are making a deter-

mined effort to get control of theSanta Fe and to add it to the systemenlarged by the addition of the SeaboardAir Line The new combination how-

ever Js not going to got tho railroadwithout a fight as the Union Pacifichas also entered the contest for con

trolThoAtchison is the only line inde-

pendent of the Southern Paniflc whichthe Union Pacific controls that touchesthe coast south of San Francisco Atpresent the Rock Island sends its trafficover tho Southern Pacific from El PasoThe desire of the Rock Island it seemsIs to get enough authority in the Atch-ison to annul this contract

There have been reports from time totime that various railroads such as thePennsylvania the Missouri Pacific andthe Rock Island would ultimately comeinto semiauthority In tho Atchisonboard of directors It Is said that theUnion Pacific people realize the neces-sity of securing to themselves sufficientclaim on tho Atchison to shut out fromtheir Western territory aggressive com-


The Seaboard Air LineThe Seaboard Air Line the Rock

Island and the Frisco arc now usingthe Santa Fe to the coast The soldierswho left Washington yesterday wentover the route

President Hall to ResignPrivate advices received In Washing-

ton state that President Hall of theNew York New Haven and Hartford

resign in a few days and that Presi-dent Charles S Mellon of the NorthernPacific is to bo elected to succeed himA number of changes are likely to DO

made among the officers of the NorthernPacific but It Is said former Secretaryof War Lamont Is to remain first vicepresident

More New Buildings

Contracts tave been swarded by thePennsylvania for new buildings at Phila-delphia and New Brunswick N J Thestructure In Philadelphia is to be a bigwarehouse while that at New Bruns-wick Is to be a passenger station Thebuildings are to cost half a million dollars

Lien Against RailwayD G Porter a subcontractor who is

building the Hampton Roads Railwayflied a mechanics lien against the com-

pany at Newport News yesterday for1175464



Stands on the Track and Disappears When Run Down

BALTIMORE Md Sept 16 Balti-more has a ghost that stops street carsHalf a dozen reputable citizens and twowomen have seen the perturbed spirit

Out near the mouth of Lonoys Lanewhore it swings into East MonumentStreet and whore during the last fifteenyears two murders and four KrUcIdeshave been committed the restless wraithhas taken his position

The last East Monument car reachesLoneys Lane before midnightAccording to the stories told by two dif-

ferent trolley crews two policemen andtwo newspaper a palefaced manappears on the track In front of the car

i permits himself to be run down andi vanishes into the thin night air

State Department Acquiesces in

Substitute for TatmiKtao

Acting Secretary Adoo announces thattho Stato Department has signified itswillingness to havo Antung substitutedfor Tatungtao as ono of the twoMnnchurinn ports to be thrown openon the evacuation of Manchuria bytho Russians

Antung is a bottorport and a largercity than Tatungtno Tho two portsare on the Talu River but Antungis located where the river has fewershoals and is said to bo much bettoradapted to deep water navigation

Minister Congor has not been giveninstructions yet as to the attitude ofthe United Statos toward tho proposedpostponomont of the evacuation of oneof the Manchurian frontier provinces byRussia President Roosevelt and Secrotary Hay still have this matter



BUTLER Pa Sept 16 While takinglila customary morning walk JuliusKaufmnnn a dry goods merchant of thiscity formerly of Philadelphia droppedpond yesterday morning

Up had just entered North Cemeteryhe was seen to stagger and rail

by Graham who was walking in thoat the time and P L King

tho sexton









t IronMrs

Ip4 torY



















C A S T O R I A and CJiiMrta Boars th-oJta KIn YoNLare AJwajs Bought

SIgn uro d ev<

Jolted the Vice President-An engine of tho Seaboard Air Line

backed Into the private Car of CoL A BAndrews the vice president of theSouthern Railroad at Acea whore thotracks of the Seaboard Air Line connectwith the Richmond Fredericksburg andPotomac yesterday and a wreck wasnarrowly averted Mr Andrews waspainfully bruised and shaken up Col-onel Andrews his private secretary MrMiller and his stenographer Mr Pat-terson who had come up from Raleighwore all lying down when the crashcame Colonel Andrews and Mr Patter-son suffered bruises which Dr Minifrccdressed

No CurtailmentThe officers of the Pennsylvania and

Reading deny that any stops have beentaken to curtail tho output of anthracitecoal

Personals-J R W Davis has been appointed

engineer of maintenance of way of theErIe Railroad with headquarters atHobokcn

Engineer F B Stuart of tho Penn-sylvania Railroad Unexpected In Wash-ington today to Inspect work done

City Ticket Agent Harry Houscr ofthe Baltimore and Ohio has gone on avacation Ho is to return to the cityMonday

Walter G Coleman of the eaboard Air Line returned from a busi-ness through northern New York

yesterday Ho visited Rochester Niag-ara Falls and a dozen other cities inthat locality

Col S B Hcge who has been in poorhealth several weeks Is In fine fottloagain

McMullen McDermott the contract-ors who are doing much of the rail-road In Washington have 56000000 inother parts of the country including abig bridge In Connecticut

W G Cole traveling passenger agentof the Seaboard Air Line arranged forthe transportation of the train load oftroop to San Francisco yesterday go-Ing along part of the way to see that allcould be no bctter

Col Al Reed of tho Atlantic CoastLine returned last night from atrip through Pennsylvania talking aboutthe beauties of Florida in the winter-time In Plttsburg there was a

not to talk about Florida as thctemperature was something above 89 Intho deepest shade Indications howeverColonel Reed said were that the travelSouth this winter would be record


















POISONED BY THE GERMS OF MALARIAI began using your S S S severalyears ago for Malaria and blood troublesand It proved so good at that time that I

have continued ever since using it as afamily remedy ono of children was troubled with large painful bUson the back of his neck after sufferingwith these for several months we triedS S S and am glad to state that a bottleand a half cured him entirelyIt is a pleasure me to recommendS S S for the benefit of others who areneeding a firstrate blood purifier tonioand sure cure for Malaria-

C O HEMINGWAYArkansas City Ark




Prosperous Appearance AssuredHer Credit at

PHILADELPHIA Sept 15 Instead ofdining in tho palm room of the HotelWalton last evening Mrs ElizabethWhite took a light supper behind prisonbars She was put there by MagistrateCunningham in default of 500 ball onthe charge of Jumping a board billof 101

Mrs White Is a handsome woman notyet thirty and the widow of a onceprominent Now York publisher who diedrecently after he had lost his entirefortune Her husband was a son of aPresbyterian clergyman of national rep-utation

Mrs White went to the Walton inAugust She had been employed In theSouth as a trained nurse but the hotelmanagers knew nothing about that Shedressed well and had the manner otone who nevor worried about money mattarS

On September 9 she disappeared without settling her bill it Is alleged TheWaltons detective Robert Downey wasput on her trail and found her last Mon-day at a fashionable boarding house InChestnut Street above Nineteenth

Upon her arrest Mrs White told soyoral different stories it is said In ex-planation of her failure to pay the Waltons bill Her husbands relatives hereshowed no inclination to help her out

difficulty so she had to go to Jailponding a further hearing next Tues-day



Mrs Rickard Says She Was Jilted andAsks 10000 Damages

Pa Sept 16 Jiltedas she says at the age of fiftyfour MrsSophia Rickard of Plymouth today began suit for 10000 damages to heal herwounded heart

The defendant Is T B Lewis oftown a widower fiftysix years

old Mrs Rickard says that three yearago Lewis asked her to be his wife sheconsonted but since then he has refusedto marry her


funeral of Bronson P Tuttle the mil-lionaire who died at Middlobury onSaturday was held from the family resi-dence hero today



















Intricate Problems Solved in Building a

Tower of Babel

to Be Modern-S

Tho rapid growth In popularity of theskyscraper apartment house in Wash-ington calls attention to the Introduction of this stylo of steel frame structures Into this community Tho firstbuilding of this kind erected in Wash-ington was the Cairo apartment houseon Q Street in 1894 Since then thenumber has rapidly Increased nowthere are as many if not more structures of this kind In Washington thanIn any other city of Its size in tho country

Notwithstanding this fact It Is safe tosay that the general public is not awarethat the skyscraper Is a very moderninstitution The steel frame skyscraper-Is a thing of American creation tho result of the ingenuity of an Americanbuilder It Is a silent and forcible evidence of tho Inventive genius of Amer-icans

The first steel frame skyscraperbuilding was In Chicago a littleless than fourteen ago and thesuccessful accomplishment of the workput the whole world athinking

A history of tho Invention Itsand its growth In popularity is

described In the Architects and Builders Journal as follows

Tower of Babel Not in ItWith one stroke the brain and abil-

ity of an American had completely over-shadowed for alt time to come the wonder of the Biblical Tower of BabelCivilization was compelled to pause amoment In Its advance in order to comprehend the new order of things

There have been buildings almost aslong as there have been men liverylargo building that the world has seenfor thousands of years was constructedwith walls of masonry to bear

inner framework of partitionsand floors But one man with anidea a daring builder astonished thoworld by completely reversing the es-

tablished order of things and building-an Inner framework oJ steel strongenough to bear the weight of the build-Ing and hold up the outside walls ofmasonry

This invention for an Itcertainly was proved an instantaneoussuccess with the result that today theconstruction of a tall building Is notarchitecture as one builder remarkedbut engineering with a stone veneer

The value of the Idea of the steelwas Instantly recognized Drain

met capital and the modern skyscraper-was evolved The modern skyscraper is




oil rmouB





UPS the





















An Invisible Enemy to HealthMalaria is a disease we can neither see nor shun because b isso subtle and stealthy in its approaches We breathe into our

lungs air that infected with the poisonous gases and vaporsarising from low marshy places stagnant pools damp cellars sewer

bite of a mosquito the Malaria enters our systemsto the blood and destroy the health Often the firstintimation we have of its presence is a creepy chilly sensationrunning over the body followed by fevers The aching

drowsiness and wornout depressed feelings show thisstealthy foe is quietly at work in the system These premonitorysymptoms of should not be disregarded or ascribed to over-work summers heat or other causes for they are unmistakablesigns of malarial poisoning and should be treated as suchor the mistake may prove costly entailing years of sufferingif not a wrecked constitution the blood fS


pipes and unsanitary buildings The water we drink may be polwith germs and and through the



becomes more I


l r



fluted microbes Y



and more troublesarise the circulationgrows sluggish the Liverand fail to act properly resulting inenlargement of the Spleen poor appetiteand digestion yellow or dark splotches theskin boils carbuncles abscesses and indolent ulcersand sores Malaria frequently reduces one to such-a low state of that the simplest diseasestire liable to prove fatal

Malaria can only be worked out of the system

deeply poisoned other i




miJiigta ti i iwuj UUU i UCaLLUVthe germs and microbes and neutralize the bad effects of the poison offers the onlyhope of a cure and the only medicine that can accomplish this is S S S whichnot purges the blood of all morbid matter but keeps it pure andhealthy It searches out and destroys every trace of Malarial poison stimulatesall the bodily organs and keeps the blood in such a vigorous condition that impuritiesand poisons of every kind are promptly expelled the systemDuring the Fall is an opportune time to begin

the against this Invisible enemy for the hot 5

sultry summer days have caused the germs tomultiply and still impoverish the blood andweaken the constitution and now more than everthe Malaria sufferer needs a good blood purifierand bracing tonic

course of S S S at this particular seasonwill relieve you of Malaria and its attendant evils reinforce and build up thesystem purify and strengthen the sluggish blood and quicken the circulation Theappetite and improve and all the vital powers rapidly recuperate under thetonic influence of this great vegetable remedy Its freedom from all minerals makesit the ideal remedy in Malarial troubles and adapted to the most delicate constitutions

If you


a that can




have any symptoms of vrite us about it and our Physiciansk 1J jpll 5a4 i yo it olt Bop Qn Blood and Skin

t 4


Malariawjl cjiargeDiieasesfree


nothing more nor less than a seelbridge standing on end with passengercars traveling up and down in IL

The inventor also one of hisgreatest feats by applying to It a prac-tical railroad system whose cars traverse vertical tracks at a speed thatalmost passes belief

It would be difficult to find a mightiertask one fraught with more difficultproblems than the building of a modernskyscraper The construction of a greatrailroad line a great steamship or ahuge steel bridge is not to bo comparedto It

There are many things exceedinglytrifling in themselves which must bestrongly considered In drawing the plansfor a skyscraper Were a man to itandon the ground floor of one of these gigantic structures particularly at thefoot of some open shaft that extendedIts entire height such as an elevatorshaft and play a violin for halt an hourevery day the result In the course of tenor twenty years would bo far more disastrous than the effects of a man knocking with a sledge hammer upon the steelframework every day for a like period

Jars From Street CarsThe constant rumble and Jar from the

streets are also highly Injurious as theywill In time have f tendency to workrivets loose and unsettle foundations unless precautions are made

A score of people may stand in oneof the rooms of a building and Jumpup and down on the floor with all thoforce they can command but no harmwill result from it But let one per-son stand or sit In that room and merely move one leg slightly up and downwith a rapid movement the foot always resting on the floor At once a-

jar is created which can be felt all overthe room and which will surely have abad effect upon the structure if continued any length of

The hampering limits of a citysbuilding laws are also one of the greatobstacles in the way of the architectwho sets out to design the plans forone of these modern buildings Butthese are merely a few of the thousandsof intricate details not to consider thotremendous question ot cost with whichthe builder must grapple


Inquest into the cause of the death ofWilliam Bliss of McKeesport held today by Coroner J SL McOeary CharlesGroggins one of the strikers of thePort Vue TInplato Works was held foraction by the grand jury on a charge ofmurder The Jury found that Blissdied September 12 from adislocated the third cervical vertebraein a scuffle with Charles Grbggins


Shaffers Flowers Best in TownTwo stores 14th and I 1711 Pennsylvania are

Complete Stock of Lamps and Lanterns616 12th a A Muddiman Co 120 C

Bull terrier for sale Schmld 712 12th

Experience Lamps and oil stems repaired 7213th ct nw

24 Bottles of Lager Beer for 750We use the aluminum latest pat-

ent Beavers 123 4 St Phone XL 100CD

When You Want K CutOf anything Joyce Engraving Co Star Bide

Muenchener Is the FavoriteOf all who demands pure perfectly brewed darkbeer Phone 222 Kat Capital Brewing Co forcase Two dozen L25

Beware of Typhoid FeverBabek prevent It All druccista

Genuine 6 and 7 Sampler ShoesThree hundred Ityles at 235 Reams Shoe

Store 008 0 Street northwest

Within ReachOf AH-

A ResidenceTelephoneLib-

eral contracts atreasonable rates




No KBf-c virtue of a certain deed of trust recordedSeptember 24 1902 in Liber 2C50 folio 477 oneof the land records of the District of Columbiaand at the of the holder of tho notessecured thereby we will sell at public auction

17th DAY OF SEPTEMBER 1903 atOCLOCK P L the foHpwJnsrdjscribed realestate and the thereon situatclin the of Washington District of Colujubia to wit Lots 51 Sri 53 54 55 5657 5S in John F Vagpamanft subdivisionof original lots yes 10 and 17 square N 652and recorded In Liber 13 folio 45 in the Surnerora office of the District of Columbia

Terms of sale Onethird of the purchasemoney to be paid in cieh babnce in onoand two years with interest fit 6 per centannum or alt cash at the option of thechaser a deposit of 100 required atthe time of sale All conveyancing and

to be at coat Terms ofsale to be complied with within fifteen daysfrom date sate or the trustees Wilt resellat the risk and cost of the defaulting purchaser


tcli3t trustee








Sos8Ql ARE

front of the premies on the3





























UNION PACIFICShortest line to



ember 15 to November30 rates to aUpoints in these states from

Chicago 3300St LoUiS 3000Trains handsomelyequipped Tourist sleeping-cars aSmooth roadbed


B TEKlROECSf General Eastern Agant


WASHINGTON D c POSTOFFJCE NOTICEShould b read daily as cnanzes may

at any tlrooFOREIGN MAILS arts dispatched to the ports

of sailing daily and the schedule of closingsit arranged on the presumption of their unin-terrupted overland transit For the week end-

ing September 1 1003 the connectint-closea will be made trom the MAIN OFFICEat follows

TransAtlantic MailsWEDNESDAY c At 015 pm far FRANCE


of EUROPE must be directed Per sLa Saraie

THURSDAY d At 12 m for AZORES ISL-ANDS per a6 Peninsular from ew BedfordHags

FRIDAY d At 12 jn for AZORES ISLANDSper s8 Cambrotnan from Boston-

c At 915 pm for FRANCE per 88 Lafrom New York via Havz Mall for

other parts of EUROPE must be directed Pers8 La Gascogne

c At 1125 pm for BELGIUM direct pers8 Vadcrland from New Fork Mail must bedirected Per BS Vadcrland

c At 1125 pm for EUROPE per ss-Campania from New Cork rU Queenstown-

c At 112S for SCOTLAND direct pers8 Columbia New York Mal must bedirected Per SJL Columbia

NOTE The B Deutschland PrintedMatter Ccnimetclal Papers and Samples forGERMANY only The same claw of mail mat-ter for other parts of EUROPE will not be sentby this ship unless specially directed by herMails for South and Central

West Indies EtcWEDNESDAY d At 620 am for AHGEN


Afgan Prince from New York-c At 1125 pm for MEXICO per SA

Monterey from New York via Cmpeche and Vera Cruz


FRENCH GUIANAYork Mail for GRENADA and TRINIDADmust be directed Per sj Partma

THURSDAY c At 1125 for MEXICOper ss Niagara from New York via Tamplco must be directed Per RS Niagara

FRIDAY c At 11 26 pta for BERMUDAper steamer from Halifax

e At C05 pm for ARGENTINA URU-Gl AY and PARAGUAY per Corondafrcm Sew York

c At 1123 pm for PORTO RICO CUBACAO and VENEZUELA per s8 Caracas fromNew York Mail for SAVAN1LLA and CARTAGENA nitat be directed Per ss Caracas

c At 1123 for FORTUNE ISLANDJAMAICA SAVANILLA and pers8 Altai from Yew York Mail for COSTARICA must be directed Per BS AltaL

c At 1125 pm for JNACUA HAiTI andSANTA MARTA per s8 Attica tram New York

c At 1125 pm for HAITI s PrinsWillem V from New York Mali for CUBACAO VENEZUELA TRINIDAD BRITISH andDUTCH GUIANA taint be directed PET BAPrins Willem V

CUBA MAILS close here daily except Thursdays at S h the connecting closes be

on Wednesdays and Saturdays via TampaFla on Mondays via Miami Fla

MEXICO overland specially addres dfor dispatch per steamers free New

daily at 1005 a m f and 10pm hMail for NEWFOUNDLAND by rail to North

Sydney and thence via steamer here duflyexcept Sundays at 12 m and on Sundaysat 1130 am k the connecting closes beingon Mondays and Saturdays

Mails for JAMAICA by ran to Boston andthence via steamer cicee here Tuesdays andThursdays at 12 m d

Mails for MI UELON by rail to Boston andthence via steamer close here daily Sun-days at 12 m d and on Sundays at 1130am 00

Malls for BELIZE PUERTO CORTEZ andGUATEMALA by rail to New Orleans andthence via steamer close here daily at 1005am f and 10 pm h the connecting closes

on MondaysMails for COSTA RICA

leans and thence via steamer close here tallyat 1005 am f and 10 b the

clears being on TuesdaysTransPacific Mails

HAWAII vU San Francisco clots here dailyat 030 pm up to September 21 inclusive fordispatch pet sjs e


via San Francisco close here daily at 633pm up to September 34 fur

per s8 ChinaPHILIPPINE ISLANDS via San Francisco

Close here daily at 030 up to September26 inclusive for dispatch per United StatesTransport o

nilNA AND JAPAN via Vancouver and Vic-toria B C close here daily at 630 pm upto September 20 inclusive fer dispatch per ssEmpress of India Merohandi f r the UnitedStates Postal Agency at Shanghai Chiba can-not be forwarded via Canada o

AUSTRALIA math for West Aus-tralia NEW ZEALAND NEW CALEDONLVFIJI SAMOA AND HAWAII via Son Franefecoclose here daily at 630 pm up to October 3iticlusivc for dispatch per ss Ventura o

AUSTRALIA trxcpt r West Aus-tralia FIJI ISLANDS and NEW CALEDONIAIspeefallr addressed enly via Vancouver andVictoria B C close here dally at 630 pmup to 10 Inclusive for dispatch petss Mlowera 0

NOTE Mails for COCHIN CHINA are disto New York N Y for connection

with European steamersUnless otherwise addressed WEST AUSTRALIA

MAILS will be dispatched via andthese for NEW ZEALAND and the PHILIPPINEISLANDS via San Francisco Cal the quickestroutes Mails for the PHILIPPINE ISLANDSrpecially addressed Via Europe Via Can-ada must b at rate of

Malls for HAWAII are dispatched viaSan Francisco Ol exdraivelr-

RECISTRREI MAILS close at the MAINas follows a A 630 p m seine day

b at 1 5 p m same day c at 845 p msame day d at 530 a m same day e at545 p m same day at C35 a m SlImeday 115 p m saute day k at 845p m previous day o at a m same day





By order of the owners I will sell by publicauction at Clarks wharfTenth Street on WEDNESDAY the 23d DAYOF SEPTEMBER 1006 at U QQLOQK JLSchooner R Mason capacity 80 tina herMlk lioabi ancliors chine et ct Vrws l isnow lYing at anchor and can be seen any time

Terms CashJAMES W RATCLIFFE Auctioneer

la quart bottles ot ths-Waahinton IJreirtn

For Kffr Cof I nW Golden Rapfc n Dcllrcrca la








per Parlors froze Sew





beingby Year Or







0b nt



Phone La

un1 noJ












rail to

CHINA ad-dressed






















