i quit:indian teens succumbing to pressure to grasp up in the rat race

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  • 8/3/2019 I QUIT:Indian teens succumbing to pressure to grasp up in the rat race.


    I QUIT....Indian teens succumbing to pressure to grasp up

    in the rat race.Shah Muneeb Raza


    Suicides, the fourth leading cause of death globally in 15 to 18 age

    group, is a major problem worldwide which has seen an increasing

    inclination in India in the recent past, leading to enormous socio-

    economic loss due to the death of the young population. The wastage

    of young lives is in fact an indication to us, of the world we have

    created for ourselves. Indian teens, presumed to be the future torch

    bearers of the country, have imbibed a lot of alien downbeat things

    from western world besides clothes like drug abuse, substance abuse,

    pre-martial relations, suicides etc. The teenagers of this millennium are

    growing up in a vibrant world with innumerable options before them in

    careers, leisure and lifestyle, but sometimes such glut of choices

    generate a lot of confusion and conflict in their lives forcing them to

    take the ugly course of life towards doom on their own accord. The

    recent rise in teenage suicides has moved ahead of being just a few

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    erratic cases into an alarming disturbing trend, which needs to be

    curbed quickly so that it doesnt transform the country into suicide

    teens graveyard.

    Though adolescence is the time of great prospects, it can be a period of

    great bewilderment and fretfulness as there are several reasons

    attributed for such negative actions by teens which range from

    biological-mental disorders, to environmental and socio-cultural

    problems- a drifter, difficulty in school, death of a family member and

    lack of social support. Strong parental pressure to perform

    extraordinarily well, as parents discuss only career issues with their

    wards, is one of the prime reasons coercing teens to take up that final

    fatal step, as adolescents whose parents do not understand what they

    are going through are the most vulnerable lot. The helicopter parents,

    who hover overhead rarely out of reach, expect their child to be 100%

    in 100 fields, compelling them to revolve their life around a seemingly

    endless cycle of extra classes-English, science, maths, history,

    geography, guitar, football, swimming, dance, chess and even reality

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    shows, unlike 1% in 100 fields since it has a deep alliance with their

    social image. Parents need to realize that if their children are cars they

    can run at a bullet speed on road but in no case can fly; unfortunately

    what they actually expect them to do- as somewhere along the line the

    parents' transfer their own unachieved goals on to the child. There are

    numerous lessons to be drawn by parents from Amir Khan starring

    films like, Taree Zameen Par and 3 Idiots as they communicated

    several messages to parents in augmenting that kids should be allowed

    to follow their hearts and be self-educated rather than self-trained.

    The young generation is fearless and bold but fierce competition and

    peer pressure still manages to rupture the strongest teenage souls.

    Exam time too heightens the pressures when friends in groups

    continuously compare marks and discuss the extent of revisions done.

    Infatuation seems to be another causative factor, as teenagers have to

    cope up with the new trend of having a special friend from the opposite

    sex, endowing additional pressure to kids who do not have a steady

    partner, and if turned down or rejected students opt toslit their wristas

    to them its not about being dead but a way of ending pain and solving

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    a problem. The pressure to fit in socially, to act responsibly, growing

    self-identity and need for self independence often clashes with the rules

    and expectations set by others too have dangerous insinuation. The

    other crushing burden, to which teens are obliged to bow, is that there

    exist certain schools where the drive to secure excellent records results

    in teachers themselves intentionally or unintentionally putting a lot of

    pressure on youngsters even taking the form of intimidation and

    threats. Teachers as an outcome fail to deal with students on an

    individual basis and students who spend a large part of their time in

    schools require appropriate feedback from their teachers as it is

    imperative to build their self-esteem. Corporal punishment, insults and

    humiliations by teachers in front of their mates proves to be detrimental

    whereas a positive feedback raises the self-esteem of the student. As

    the children are unripe, suicide of a schoolmate or friend receiving

    media coverage can encourage suicidal impulses as imitation through

    exposure makes adolescents more vulnerable to suicide.

    Teens on the other hand cant shun away from the responsibility, they

    have to contribute to, and choose an anti-religion way of bidding adieu

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    to this vicious competitive world,Islam for instanceviews suicide as

    one of the greatest sins and utterly detrimental to one's spiritual

    journey.The prohibition of suicide has also been recorded in authentic

    statements of Hadith. For example "He who commits suicide by

    throttling shall keep on throttling himself in the Fire (Hell), and he who

    commits suicide by stabbing himself, he shall keep stabbing himself in

    the Fire (Hell)."Teenagers have to acquaint themselves with the fact

    that they are not matured enough to solve their crises, instead they pave

    a way for letting themselves caught up in terrible predicament if they

    endeavour to solve their problem on their own and henceforth should

    approach their parents as they are their best well wishers. The teens

    need to fight out to the ugly situation rather than succumbing to it as he

    conquers who endures. The adolescents have no right to take their

    parents legitimate expectations for a ride and do whatever they wish to.

    This extravagance of hundreds of teenage lives out of terror and fret

    can only be most effectively tackled inside the home. Parents, school

    personnel and peers can recognise the warning signs and take

    immediate action to keep the child safe and for this to be achieved,

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    parents need to be in constant touch with school authorities. The

    parents should desist from continuous scolding of their children and

    superfluous reminders to study as half of the children get irked by this

    unwarranted behaviour. On seeing the signs, parents should remain

    calm, ask the child directly about what he/she is thinking, listen and not

    accuse them, show concern and assure them of help, not judge and

    provide constant supervision. The parents should discuss specific

    experiences-exam tension, institution and experiences within this

    institution-friendship with their kins. If child seems constantly

    depressed, angry, or withdrawn, parents need to pay attention and

    encourage communication. Parents should approach doctors and

    counsellors for falling grades of their children and signs of stress,

    depression and anxiety, if any. These healthier ways of approaching

    kids can circumvent their looming future crises and save a precious and

    functional person, as he may be hiding in himself a future patriot, artist,

    painter, doctor, engineer, journalist, social engineer, sportsperson,

    academician or even a president.

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    Concluding, if you want your child to walk the ramp perfectly you

    need to walk besides him rather than directing him to walk perfectly.

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    1 Student, B.A.LL.B. (Hons.) II, Faculty of Law, AMU- Aligarh.202002 [email protected]