i, · recentlyi conducted -campaigns irt ei paso, lex., trenton. x. j.. ih'nd...

4~~ t (i !',» i|i r P ] L ! ri jod t i ' ,t '4 Ii - <, I .: I t M N< t I I !•• I •I' -I Mlsn:i.LA.\H()rs [ j NO TICK '. rlfwn of Cuba I ; l .. I.', .vi, i-:i, K . ua , j - -'.!•">-> *iM |,„ vo to- , S \ H > "''» 1>- Town Clerk--V^ T ; "! !,,r "'"'^ithdnS!; 4'1'R-KW K GR0Af ' •; _ . .^wa ciert. I . Dance Here, fKvery Saturday Night :( I BA DANCE HALL f.OOI) M l S I C ,i% fling's Orchestra :Momen Wc; Ijufite Free body Welcome +1 Trustees May Urge Sale of Warrants to Local Citizens v-ho" 1 - H't'i \ Ulatje Hoai •„, Formulate lltANK OVHIJJECK, Anct H H. SHQfppE, Clerk "i? <!-<iil#(i to. 'quit ft, ' t^n.i,« busing. -Jte anJS 4--,,1 sv.ll sjjj. at public .^. ,»'•*" :;?. '»-• I'»ace known as .the "•""l™. '" Palatine on QuV„* ;p^Sr ,r ^ w x ° vt S' [Sat., Feb. 6th jtomniciicini; at 12:00 o'clock fS 1 r it jnanciti" Is Will. Plan , 6 Horses | HeiferCalves :(& White Sows ' < Ml Rrnfl 3 Bull Calves I;-White Boar I OWI.KTK IJVK op ' l\RM IMI'I.K.MKNTS «T "I M-.\uiKK IN GOOD SHAPE i x N; Jl M> Feb. Stilt* Feb. i l Inc. Yacht Club 2 3 * q. 2 cans 29^' EIICE. , ........ 5^ Rftl&S. Monarch brand, l»,1X| ; 2 cans ..... :SO* lEifi ug. price 23c 40* m KfitnUI. Wisconsin iftOfi \merican, lb. Z&£ "5a . ¾ irtr's. per lb 10# Nat ifij^ Co.. llat(j }) lb. .• 25* OKIES', tiuick Arrow .... l9* & vpring' Powder Free) ; i a Cft ain Store Iti ^ HELL . erick 11 *••&. I . a r n i ^ t o n <-'iti- ! .. < ojne to the j a worthy •i>i.- lo«n- jiuitt edge i tii >n wnr- c in-!- in r'.'i,:: plai, ..,1,,,..1 ..ii ..,:• .niii».\i| '; tiait.- l'l' > ' .... inl i.t ...; 'I.-, vjl •:,.. ' il a |.!a •..-"!•,:, -iva po-ul, lias education age board :i the near I i whereby /nuts and *:.rr:,i ts inn be pioneer of Barrington.;._' j Dies at Chic igo Hpijne nf I. !. ; W .'.. •• |M> »1 i- .)/: j n f* ; ! |-t!|- .1..,1.. ,.v -,,., Me h. ,1 - )..-1 t l l i . - i i I. - fin.; ... r I ••'...I; . 1.-.,.,. -.; . ' .-ill),),• able t the Si and a i enjoy winter: mmit street hill, t thf Cook eou lty forest after, the Minus lires'er.vt' hills anil sli<l« snuwfi.l) of last Tliursjlay morn- inir; .lolfiCarrull, cliairiijnii of the viljkiKe lionrd road rqniiiiittw', haci arrant'cd. to" block of Summit hill during the street hours, I'vtMiiuJK hours', 7 :30 to :t to.5:30 oVlot|k and th( 10 p. m afternoon all vehif-Ic- travel,' Xiini- mit (petwren Hillside seU streets) made, an (or sltd eokstinjf. Oti> lake has been reereajion site during iind Rus. ideal hil a > ponulai jvery. co|« .spell £ince early December. Th« itiint plus a slide at the edge p '" liill offered variety in winter »ka the spo'rtsi i.mty tax- ! ill.' us.-'ur- rpplied on i U.'ii. such •! In the i-iiuld bear Vi.fording ' ll.T ..whose 1 1 '. 1 .1111.111 tit to ifilO, I -,i )iiir«'liit»i! a- sehool | ^ .uiiiL' in eres-t at a IHMJ fbr ltt.'ll , l I'.illlll U|i- I Ajcco^untants Agree to Fjijifish Village Job at Con' tract Price I,...-., .lli|..jv« ^. ' ... I i " " < " ••<- , ,1,.1,..1.11 •I...-I • 1.. .1 .' !.-; art; been f unt.v cum- | 'iirli IU.IK.- "l II cum- J U.T.' ki'pl I-IIIK wiir- illl"' to «"lf inn His to I! of. tlwit i en ii or in luiyinc ; *.••• ,11-i'r v of i~ ii..t ,,«•- ii.-. -.Iiools - I t has- " :ii -i-liool III'!•>• Il In Hit. >-.- in cash -.ill refill. more coli- c-i for tbf i.'i;i..n I'dxt Membe ! Near Half [i .n,r,.-r Mi-s. ^)ora IT. Cowin jiioneMr of Barringtou and Kreiiit-grirliddaiigliter lister Vvl;o servwl' with W Valley F«rge died Friday nt -KH'i \, Paulina' stree Mr«, CowfU; Avatji boriv AVhea itit two yjNiriit old .*lie brought west |»y Jjpr imwrtW. th«j 1 jiMirnVy j being mitlde J 1,^: -"""• - - ii ml <^>v4re:d wagoit. 'iUi made their home, fn Seventy-tive .year* IIRO IKKveat iilnd Cliicn I nn it iishington at her . Chicago in s Vermt move,! to ('hiengo. She often reeon ed how. she siit up all night watch tire great lire of 1S71. Mr*, t'oxyin fret|iiently recalled meinuries of curlier ('hie, go, and >I a wagoji trip to HII'I fiotn lltivri tiiii- ofte'n rc(|iii|-(.,| two veeks, . .Mrs.'Cowin was tin- widow ild K'». r j oi- IkiSii roll, eni familyI Warring! Mrs. V Thonias; ('rniin,. building contractu .'•• (I.^Cllt ?hip > Quota Dr.jjIeorgeCcnnel Op^nsVitali:;atioh Program at Church i'¥-^> Methddist Group to Rev vfe "Family Pew" Custom a I Service Sun lay T.-lii|i ni; aln'ii )1.-1- 'con - >.f >::• i- <n.".||C| - miiiation •f l.ecf- iiii-i! <-:ilih- •i A "church vitalizatioi .being held at the Metho, church. under the able di lag w »rk si; rpris'e d< ! '- ! -' nt, \ rif >«S *^ •#' ri. nt- illg :;»i n *i«fi 'oul; «», 1.1 Ariohi Hinimelblau and f'l icaeo will'complete the audit |liirringt(fh village reeonls| Willi n a fit rio, [ of abornt 30 contract prieW of .f)1,000, apcord|i|r|g to a s « u r m e e giv^eti by board meet Th<? asfsu ranee by'Mr. Arnold tli}> lijrni would, wil ingly epmplt at the contract.price! et|ni! s'e to tile bof I'd which. xen[ bids on ihaml r rom als ma co rint'lug lirmsi, I It W"* »l s,> i & wifprlse jetitatijv'es of; tho^ firm* >i ['seiij i|t' '»•• jniPctfcig ptej cohtijact.'lei to 11|» fi^m thjr? work| at flje lo vi st pribe Refare the j>ids from tl e np|r ilitorK! were Io lie opened iloncy, 1 ' village uttorncy tlJe lettiir from Armijd. llimi.ik d (po. |tn. which jhe.nudirorn p y.a at jhe o 1 Mr. Arnold ing' Mojnday o> i ;inal i to'- the win nrwl that tfj the as a blad a ac^. t.li?jr asj(iiranc|> tbnti th(>'M-ork * "Ci completed Jia |W eontrnct t .fl,- (K|0»''hutj w.o:nut m|»t oonsiijer t n job irintolliiig a i|ew. spt.J-of • li'cord ok« for tlie village for an additional 00. The bojtrd hn« tipMoncln; | the Iier ow ng- of r.l b< $• jm ditorsiwlth |t,he siiggestbk tljilt the ih^dit might l|e conipleted at f[1,000 il n.nifw Ket! of books iiistallc|< st.. of j$400'.F ' i .' . Had AnkWI $2,738.13 The. niisiinjilei'K*aiidiiig | ovi tI;MIOI<M i^siilteili fron| a leltitr In .mid in which tile auditors dl'li .«> -ogrnn' 1st N \li-a t,'.lu- ll I- earlier lli'lltliersiitp I St.tyner t me to- fry in.-iiiKer- \\ Ii" wrvii i-r> a I i-.i'-lilbl-r i »,!! .-all' ,.".- nun in.-, '!I.-UI int. •! at the re •'•>» ' * eiiiiif -^', ' - w.-r.. I and through-his..extcnsi(ec lirly large the exec- >n four or ibers it, an the post. ular ineet- « he,, the li-tliliilted 'aid Mcinlierp '•' lali--' r.-|io |- : '.»l |>.'Ull-ll| I -I'll ni 111. Illlii ' . :'..r tlii- l.i-oll 1,,1-h. ' ri-tn r:|Ki-Kii-nt on the custom !'TN-||," "li.-ai| I ' 'i^jiiaial. II- |„.,-t i- n IV 'lijoii i! i'.'iiiiii:l.irl il! >i :;...ii«li ,.-f.-re| . the' Hiir- llleillliers. last year ar is (14.. 011- 1111+ rclir dis- rch; perie. ices was called to the ! staff of th)? boar 1 .of home missions about a real ago. His program is of a unique pha "acter, ell' riched through' his travdsl-ftoiw canst to coast in elmrcli- woi k during the! past li5; years. His wor E hi)is rest:lted in a marked, uplift' in the chur;hcs in whiclli he has worker. Dr. Cor nell 1 recentlyi conducted -campaigns irt EI Paso, lex., Trenton. X. J.. Ih'nd Gitrd- iier.'Mr ss. On Sunday inorning,h|ti will ad( the church school ntnl*,prf'ncn his iiuu ; ': Oil serr. is l>nli l)r. [ Philsldel- day Kpisci 'ecflon of , Mure thati'.'it -had St.* Ai seve •!• CI i'i t records wit* it iifd a n'Miiest for few iveeks.ago 1't S( 'stiilling a new set f tlie oHicial <»eorg«v Sherwood Con|nelI oi phia. "The progrant opined -Tues nighr-ivith a/ meeting" ( board for organization ind will thine through Sunday. .\. i'eb. 28 l>r. (,'onnell comes hi ;hly (iiiiilftied for the .campaign. He,,^ has' had usually long pastorates in the chu e> lie has served, has served as frii't su]»erintendent of thfe. chu gural fjermpn nt . 10fc3f '•'Christ in the ChurelL* iiion IK 'will revive the of, "The*"• Fan a campaign | which the families will Ije asked t ii.nters iiti:,, f ttIn |t v B roup.s. r St„ynef:| P . ('ontiell will fidjlresH the fiersotuilly worth league at 6:45 p •leasure to present! a stereopticon hjctti.re ent <• excellent \-\ Transformed 'Chujeh' record j emiiers for j have since ) e to other ur w»rk. includ- I'lovi,,. nt. it now )'i'ivil,'i»e to con-. o'clock^ , ili < V. M- pa ••aiiilsi ! y..;,i >'• nun ••' yi-a 4 Candidates Fil% for 0ffi ce of Eta * Road Commit signer •I'-n-lni, tue •»• 'Ii.- ,,iri,-,.< , •!'j.-.-t t.. elc, April .-,.•; -lal.-< are H, '-"" H'll'ktie '- "o-ai-y. \] •103:: mem- ii ' will be ed. the half y IS, two 's schedule, inK i i n . w H i ' ago/" Former Superintendent of Harrington Pubic Schorl Dies in Arlingt »n Heigjhts t.i. of : the the 4ven- b u l b o n . ' a n j e s t miijj'n c o l d in (the factory building, j ^ ie b«ib was resting on one of the nppijr wini;s and causal it t) igtaite. \V:tl seconds t he ent re upper w in g liiddii j for v |ly of Uavid prelf, 'iited 'Iblaii | fcred e auditing >ob itieism of th eluded Hi th< ?2.73S.13 wa* the ailditoi si'il thai i0 for co (Hiiiiletin; the audit' fused this-rciqueiiti and 'sugges original eoptrnjet ijoj >tinnd the (join hired WIIR costing nuch been ,-eltimijl"d- -to pres- etter iillidc, * pro-. il '$1.-. i<d in-, ion rd 41 the I rried i the Its for' of hru'ikst.TlK t $1,000 be iny be giv ivilege t.f ,iijstnjllling the.hor $|00, Because tCW. neglected tjo decent'this offji bun ltd advertised-for liew bids Arnold. Hiinnielbln i The liiddelrs Were on hn il( I night for ithe expected let Special Lertien Services Planned street nil, imd of the .truck; rep- were i: j see ould Fo!s Riv charges left' sijde oi I te. plane flames'. Roth rjght wings t(n|l per one if the were bui ned up. The fiie jjvas tinguishe 1 by factory em] >1 >j es arid offijcials 1 lefore jhe village ]le|pjirtmei|it arrived. Following the fire, V. II i Sehrbji der. a livfmber of tb^ depas'tlnsrit ai «f the Ixard of trustees, cifllejl jittejn- tioh. to the large number -ml lutomjo- ! biles wnich r crowded bntol If. Cojik nn ordint nee prohibiting pen driving i vtomjibileii ahead oi trucks. Hereafter-this ordjnl lie enfor<cd'^vcn if arrests siiry to (iiforce. It, he Sai3. Propriftor of Spanish Lantern Arrested Fred Bunch, proprietoJf,, SpiiniHtii Lantern at the eijsf lnw hi o i e Sheriff' I tie« of night. AI. Re tail Inn Lake WJ nnid. proprielor of at a |lv after I lodged the | bond nil lustjee day. pr Grov i at t rW Wi as nrr< of if two raids coal icted iby ,cfl|er Eflinger anci Me violating the Henry county on Highway 01 rip s arrested in the A fltianllty'of alcohol, gli Was wiz'd in the two rnldr Uenar(l was n^leased on 'nli his nrrwt, btit^jjj » the caunty jnil the j"«t(«-k tin Hi Monday when lit 1 d wus released. H, olil't was' Hcheduleil Febiuary 19 Be 1st Datt Are fnr <5f Paul C\ i nrph !U«M ai)d only a week befbif ^__L | (h, y pf Ming petitions of Hjr'.li I ; ~ ; • jOJBck' flight 'interest ; in !tn- if^ivi enrt.-ir.oc will . linlfl I .1--1L. t . t-^ j.t._^ t Special Lenten services.iyill lie St. PaulsBvangelicnj chi I linhig' with- Sunday '-eveplnii arid eontinuing each Sunda until Easter, March 27. The. pastor is planning! to series of sermons in wii ich >int out how; Vclock this* In •old : fnshii med ily PeW in. and f road con- ions' whi< 1 nr,y Rrarifl- ss. Aug: r. Brandi '"iiimissio,, >r . Ho M,r. fill a vaean •"'red (iriinni •>.,! 1,,. ,1,,, •• .-(11.-,-. M !,-.: f,, r w j t Vhove. ,•-,;.-,-r f r •irli..)- ak of was •'" a heavy tpiil rise in I:...-!, " "' ""<> week darlieF. '•n'perature of ThwJsdav was 59 ' ""'"-'.a record I ir February. tiled th. i* •y v follow i] in 1930 st ,date tor irch 7 vfill nlrawing of Thursday. the present experienced rainfall fol- teraperature renuiiucd: >f the heavy Xatl aniel Moore. Banta. Wriier su* perintendent of fichooli in Bar 'ing' tori, died at liis home in Arlington Height* nt 2 p, m. Fr day folio ving ah attack of acute in, ligention. He had been in good heal h, it wan re- ported, prior to th? da: of lira d •ath. , Mr. 'Banta was sup'rintendert of the Barrington public schjiol at the time the mnin section if the present building was construct! d ajnd is cre- dited with being one of tm? residents •i« n- < --^ i •_» J..1 *_ t i,n |> sit Kp- wilJ tied t:«0 of Harrington most infl I icntial in ing the improvement nndeL -For the last 25 years, air. Eanta has been a resident of' ' Arlitgton Heights and has been enployed in the school supplies divisioi of the ] p lan- uigan and CQ. book sto 'efl of Chi 'ago. . Nathaniel Banta waii born D«c. 3, 1.S67 in Rensselaer, Inl., the s<n of Mr. and, Mrs. .Harry Banta. After receiving his common a ad high s ?hool education in a nnall Indiana town, Mr. Bauta aUentled 1 "alparasa uni- versity. Following i :raduatior, he took post graduate, wtrk at Chicago university. , . ' The deeeafied pjan 's survive !• by his widow, by a 1 broiler, Reed, and by a 'daughter, Mrs.. JEpizabeth B/anta Muellje^.. . Funeral services wjdfe conductttl at the 1'resbyterian^.chuK Ii in Arli igtoft Heights Ttiesdiis. aftei noon, by Hev. TheJH. S\ JenkiQBon# forme r na$tor cf the - "* church, assiat^d bjf » T. H. A. Koa- sack.,present pastor. V*" hav- a ,P w ere involved i Fiission, The d ites for' which i llow".- . .- February' 14,—J' February 21— K|nna." : Ff e b r u a : r y ^oilth." Hiircb 0—"Thf silelm and theV .lie dran'n of <! irist'.s' sermon top "Facing the triie Children March. 20-7-Pn ir 11 Reunbin Sfervtce, 3 larch 27'—Eister Siuiday^ W| Praise Servile, various nge ics 11 f d the 'Pc T ilex! Dn'iighters 0 (jiman ofi Gal Sjlarch 13r-"i|c|n, and ithe | o n of 1.' m Sunday, C and the. %r the Mow- ng. ^Itth somewhat more t lari two months remaining before ri H age »lec- '*> jt.he-jfirs"t. [reach s w i l l I roups Feb. even- Ho- ips :of I Jeru- fec." ' •'. :. • -'• --11 - ••• Cub puck inWallatlon jtnd ii|iv ?»titiir« for '.1.1$ memboriK of out' pack number 102 which Ifov'e been held'! Friday in the g fmiiasiitm' has lieeti pos^p0ii<| s ime •' time next, week^ Thin i. ided becauj* tlie school buil tfosed, 0 . I. ; Ba This will be t ehioninl meeting t ml friends of the boys as wel| riemberri of troops 10 and 21 1-elcome at the neeting which t iinounced l|tter, Mr. Bnird The. council ring and fire 1 eiiiinisc'eiit of Indian days. i ill be'Indian costumes am] < reps, tom-tom, 1 nd the rest i: an. Indian' nigl t|. This will j$Boy* Will fft Tnitiaikd /|i';! CubPack m ii ird said, ie first import: »f the cubs, |i it ( cer- Irif-ents as nil \till be vill be ii id. ^fill be There head tip! make [ rovide (I proper setting for the bob-e|ij: cere- ijiojiial. Tlie following Barrington to $s will I e initiated into, the bob-cat order nines Bradley, Clyde Church, Arthur Castle, Robert C<illins, Rolba 11 Die 1rich. Irwin Enfelsman, RoWrfc Her ien. Roy Hutch ings, Harold ; orgen- iqii, Jr., Arnold Kohnert, Chester liohg, Jr., Norman Maxoii, Ji. Clar- «noe Meyer, Bruce Miller, Pan' Pohl- nan, Norman iCestlerodei Jt. Jack ilhe|>ard, and! Richard UlbHch. F. O. Proctor of Arlington J ieights, i cout commissioner of the Nt 1 thwest 1 uburban council of Boy Sco t|ts will 1 re«ent the vharlter to the pa< To Spend Two Tears. Abi Mrs. !Letita Armatrang, who (fame to Sarrington tjo live in 1014, -Hill sail or Engfoiid |on tbe Bte^amshii Majes- ic next Thursday. She pftfns io pj»nd two yeari abroad. :ifirm- Song i i a fe ly was jn the u] )- T 'here is is frem the fire ice,- will ii rieCes-'' 11 Raid i»i 1 depu f atunjayi tjhe of of edge Rted on; hibition he Pig- Crysltnl 1 er rrild| i nd beer 1 ' SeeH to Assure Full Value to Holders of Villaee -.) •' Bonds " •'!•'• d sh^i't- ich wn« tyoJMl- flirnished '|> triiig" in hxr Moil- i, Filing Cant Petiti« ns Circulated Bo^ird Members; ition "April IS iH for Legal action may be re^instafed agaiist Roger D. Hay,-former special yillai;e attorney, by the* village of Bjnr^ ringt MI. Ine.decisibn WAS reached by the boanl of trustees at A regular meeting Mon lay night aft^r hearing a com? plair t by Fred Ai Kuckuek, holder of'bro of th.e overi-issued special &i- sessnent bonds alleged to have been issueu by thf former attprney. A niotion'made by Trustee Mason, and seconded by Gieske was passed in- structing Village.: Attorney D . B . Ma- loney to take action as he sees fit, whether criminal or civil, to straight en out the matter of the over-issned bonds so ns to regain th(i confidence of holders of village bands. ; Tjie matter was brought to the afc tentisn of the trustees by Mr. Kuc- kuek, -who appeared before the board and explained how he bad purchased the bonds in good faith, had twice been paid interest on them and had twles verified their validity, only to hnve them recently called in for ex? nmltation and then have them found to b J defective. The tru«tces ^grecd 'that every possible menns slwrid bp ntadu to iiHsm'fi -bolderV of. Nlllngi?, tiomlH tliiit their liivestmentH would fy Wort ntlDfiiey also was instructed.^ to coni in the filled corps, including dr immers, buglers, and-the di'um major. More hnglars have drop jed out than drummers,' so a ' a " ^ ns been sent outi t^ all fOrj lcr ser- vice men who;cajn toot a horn or want "to learii |iow to blow n bugle. '";••' ,',. : The corps practices ei cb Fri- day nigh^ ih the / vaean : rooms above the, Ilefrern^n and Winn garage. A business mee ing has beCn called ftr Friday light of this ^ycek at vbich the i lembers will plan their Caleitdar if corps activities fo* the;ye'ar. 1 he local unit still belongs to th> Ninth V district. maSstd corps I lit does not" attend . general pract ccs reg- ularly. Comir under Stay her pre- dicted that by next fall, It he corps will enter into the distr ct corps work preparatory to the Chicago WoHd fair^iii ^033. |iile Si 11 list of nil the over-Issued bondf. Fixing Drain Bmrr in Peters reported the progre*H the mon j Til. first dny : or filing election f jla.cy for annual v held j election has been' shown. Petitions b'be- .have been circulated for t«a of tlie jiresent incumbents of villi ije officeji. . Febn ary 19 .will be- the Sind March 19 the. last day (petition) of cniididacy. Tli Wili'be April 1,9, Thret trustees and a cle|rllj wifl be Reeled- to the village board trustees to the library boati they nrjv sc|*duled j,whose ; "terms on the; village 1 (expire arc John J. Carroll-air. flssne," in schroeder, trustees, A C. Bunndt', clerk. A vacfli ed by tlie death of L. S. Wijj spriifig, will be filled at•'ip • joining election The library trustees' wl will ex; lire are Arnctt C, nui<(f on (be scWer problem in .tew Si A representative of the jk'er^man. .Primp compnny lins tested tile ! Ioti ?h strwd pump land found it Himiing more (ban thfe specifications nlteil for when it was installed. Spiv cifieatioiis called for a pumpj. of 1^5- galjons per minute capacity, whereas pump was found to , be pumping than 200 gallons per minufje.j. ^engineers' are at present cbecjk- iiig -the Hough -street sewer and the i r I'ifwo ^ ^ ** ar k sewer for. possible, leaks - 1 1 that I would cause n "back-up"- in the !?pe<f- '. ' JsysWm. ..-'-' " ' • ' . . : j'' . I Some complaints in regard to the - i f blocking off of Summit istreet• to,"per- •i imit,children to coast on the hill'lwi^te. reported but no action was takjn. "Let the kids boost" was'the-popular sentiment of the board.' ! A-motion made, by Carroll and sec- onded by Schroeder Ayas passed wMch provided that all village employes be paid twice-a mdntb land that the cil- lage clerk is auth(yi«ed to,issue,-.war- rants" for salaries direct to the em- ployes. ' i Mrs. W, N. Sears. Funeial Saturday for Mri Sally Vok, Weil Known in Barrington 0 102 oh-cat . region j ias to school ttntll is de- ing is '^ edncsdny ston Me- service« .... _.. 11 church nt Arlington Heights, Saturday, nnd ' Ml'H. rvening moriai were held at the Presbyter burial cago, Mrif. Sally Vol/, died Feb.«. nt the Evu hospital. Funern and Scarlet Pevei Remains About tjie Same Although there hove, be (n two or three severe cases of acarl it fever in Barrington, the epldchtle .:» not get- ting any worse.. Tliore a i o "t, pre* ent seven families (piaraiiti ned. Qunr- nntine has hven lifl,ed fi|om three otherihomes. The school was eloswl Thursday morning nnd will remain «loKt'd until next Monday morniiig'' in the buHdlng may be thorni 'fected nnd funvignted. As tionnry ujensurp, the sehool ruled that children iiiny to school missed fr The long drawn out per ods of seg- regation are .due to seve nl persons iii most'of the families bein 5 ill. Seven members of .one -family Jiaij let fever..;, Six i members family' Iwije Ruffcfcd with riie sj difrereiit co nnvnnil ru * _ Geor ii S until 14 dny-B a f t e mi (|iiiuiintlin ! had sear- iif another he disensT iinttwn in Brirrintton is not from ' that in ies. Yiilages, rai dis ricts in nil parts aijd snrrfunding states havfe had- their epidemic? 'thifiiwintc,!'. Pull Details to Be Ai Next Week; Au|ii Report MbjtM^y tor'f imler that chly disln a preenu- board has mt return iieillg dls- lany' other Sties, and of Illinois ge DeissM Succumbs to A plali is being dewf ijiwl nill <ft irr,gU]iizn|lion perfee]l«^l 'jlo re-«iiq ff< First St|ate Bank of BarMnRtof jroup ofl st<?ckholdors -n|n« jollier 1 psted persons will st^rt ifrctiv early next wecK cni)vas«H|j the f' lla | < nnd presenting their-plan (ofloci sons who-'are desirous) of| ]ia\vlb insti't«ti<in*open fts 'doin Thirt information wmf| fttaiiidie 1 Review by A. II.*Sn«p and Pohlmnit who retnri(|el Tbufsdi evening from Chicago foJ fwing incss coiifeifrnce relative 0 the] opening. „' State Auditor <3[KTar ICcKou Tliursday | Hint his Ircptrt wou il submitted' to th^qffici'rs |»f the tution, Monday, Feb: i." j All dJtn for re-operiing will lie (jnnplel that titi^ it w»t»r,(,'p(Wt^i 1>e .... holders of the .old Jnstjil «i)J) V till visited by one'or tnolrt' n e i u b ri« pf the committee during! tlijC tfew following receipt Of Ihef jijjdllo a port, "We have no. d.Mibt 1 u|>Ht ^m "nt come of onr iindertnkli Htnted. "However w* 1 coii|ienitlon of everyone seeing the \lnMi|utlon jijj^ntiiiK In IbirringHiii. The, oi old bank lire jinitiHWl number of IMTSOIIN \vh< leered their mMl|i('i(iti«'u,!]' Although complete di' nilH plan will not he nniioiijn ne\t wel'k, tlM.'fajt tin' will lie isMied iipd a nt,\ or^nnB'.nt perfected Was Wveil o«t Larson Stock Sch« c uled for Sale THurBt^y. Ff , 1 ir 1 r 1 , Mr- ill, nr |lltel'Cn|§>(l !|ferK •hy the I jhnvnf two Those Jard wjll 1 Vernon Arthur acyj caus- egiir, last ** t crms viis nt Koschlll tern Vol'* wi us the gra id '.fctnrer of ar of Ii- nd made manyfilieiiiti in Bnr- the Order of the| Ensterjn linois a rington served chapter h iihbaiH \ during the twe as instructress Surviving Mrs I, George Volz, ajid ters, Donna Marie and Benscrn iitefi and p cry, Chl- •cnrH she ounsbury z are her >r dsugh- Mir 1 . Vivian Bottled Watier Company Organised in Bs, 1 A new induBt|ry I'has been organized near Barringtoii under thf. name of Nfaturcs Hydorj Writer Ou with R. A. Mil er and F. H. Mille proprie- tors. , J The new organization is a bjottled water distributing compm y selling mineral water | from a c r lied well near lower Lakes. , The ivatyr is bottled and sealed in a pant at the Well. ! Accoi'djng to an an n unCement which 1 ppears on another jit ge of The. Review a government ana y R!S of the Riley Blley for Cilia township; water .'hows it to be rich salts bineficial to the human system, Joy. Annette Paulson Wins 1 Prizes for Second Baby! The second baliy of February, ac- cording to birth reports;- w-ns Joy| An- nette I*aulsonj little daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs/ «3. R. Paulson, 418. W. Main street.. The six pound 10- ounce baby girl was born at? the Barrington General hospital at 2:10 a. m. Saturday, Feb- ruary 0. As second baby of the monthf. the new arrival will be Award- ed gifls by tile Plagge Home Furnish-' ing Co. and by the Bnrringtoi Re- view. Barrington Boy Dies at Chi cago Hospital Aftejr Brief Illness ft Report Start of Endowment Fund for Salem Church The_ leatb Tuesday Pcisf.'b'r, 14'year,old son I Mrs. -C. M. tleitssler, 531 Avest higiwlaj 4 , niniks the ity a 11101 g tbe more than scarlet f >ver cases Which reported in Barrington tin George! diet nt 7 p. in nnd hospital for eoiitngi cases, nt 037 |»f Mr, a lid W. North only fatal n score of have been 1 winter. it the Dur- um disease Wood Httei t, Chicago. An order to I sell nt all tangible ns»jets retjui O. Lrtrsun's drrfg store Anrahnni Sinntti. trust a nee \\ ithr a ruling o.f, l i d kin: referee in.) bijnKrnf |l tire.s s,.|,t out U>v t crejli tison s(aj[i>ilt' 1 "PufMiant tm.-in -ordij led iS'ta'tes coiifck I vJnl 11th day of Fttbi'unry, 1 K public auction* all. tire of said estate ,)'nii,sis|ti^j(; sundries and eosmefleis Barrington to-»1424 $. Chicago, IH., stoid auet at the iirfinifiPS Where located andu'cntnnicnce said diiy. T ' "'Each Ind must b, with m (•ertifieii , ejieck 2.1 per cent thereof.'I The rcWiplM,; from" a us«>d to defray 'l»,\p4»n«.*>i. if Georgejylitors. • A Inort^nge 01 held by Mr. LaVsdn's tii- w-nJved. ' j> ., A confiuued! Iienrin, will be In-lil iit'.T»nlg.j t TiWday..- 1 I rington Enters j Race, for , Highway Commissioner •Lw L. Riley has filed hifc candida- cy! for the 6ffice-3>f highway commis- sionei of Cuba township, whi^h of- fice 1 ri \l be coi^teated at' t ie annual eleetipq on j Tuesday, Apif. 16J Mr. hue formerly served u constable in mineral The organization of nn endowment fund for Halem church wntf reported nt the annual adjourned business meeting' of the cohgregntIon held Tuesday evening, Feb. 0. This fuild was started with ii Rift of, ^SOO froin Miss Anna Wolthausen in nJemory of her late parents who were active members of Snlem. . I The treastiry of, tjic Sunday school reported a sum of money as the start- er for equipment i 1 the Sunday school addition to the prospective new church builiing. A committee to supervise funds for; this put pose wan appointed. For the last tie feral years, the- an- nual congregation il business meeting of the church ban been part of the regular meeting of the month of De- cember at which time the election of trustees and Sundiy school Officers for the ensuing year takes place. In an adjourned meeting wbich occurs in the latter part of Jan iaryl or the beginning of February, the complete reports for the pasti year of nil tbe officers of the .church, Sunday fchool and auxiliary organizations tale place. The s ad- journed meeting Tuesday followed a fellowship supper served by he todies of the church. I H. J. Lagescbtlte, {resident of the board of trustee); presided-. J. C. Plagge, assisted ,by E, W. plagge, acted as Secreta y. Beports by . the respective officer) were given. The report was madi that tbe church is financially stroni er,than ever before in the 75 years »f i t s existence. All financial obligations, current and for misjsions and be: evolences have been paid 10 > peri cei ance wfth which to begin the year. ,, U'i, t .with a strong bal- new l i e repoilted not feeling w< 11 last Sat- urday evening but did lot become serloiiHly; ill i ntil Monday On Tues- day he wns tiken to the 1 Mirnnd, hos- pital for en ergwicy trpitment but failed td resioiid. The lid had not been .111 prior Io Saturday--In fact hf played basket mill in a Unlor higf sehool game I'riday night. GcOFg<j> Dvits'ler w a s ,li >rn 111 Oil- otgo-TNv. 2'J 1017, the roniigest ol four children of Mr, mid Mrs./C. M I)eiHHler.j Tl e family mo ed to Har- rington"'live yenrs ago,- During bit life In ftiirriiigton, the boy had beeoim one of 'the popular lads n the Bur I'ingtoit'public school. A private: burial was held nt St Joseph')* remetcry, Uh pr FoiWt Thui-sday. Members of the friniily w»>re- /p?rmitted_ to see 'the bodjy througili a gloss partition alt the hOs pital W'dneHdny aftemooi The youth is survived liy bis par- ents', a Mother, MaStin, a nd a sister Virginia ,| Another brothe , Raymond died May 5 of last yenr) n victim o spinal uwiiingitis. room nevt »fi MII i ii sj'il -n'Ji 1),. 1 > 3 | ugible a 1 -1( i '.of rlr •ent'ovf I W.*lls -t lo ? |((i(l itiss ts aci'nn in nrj en h I j >f dirk tho-'p ' 1»H rl- of tl) iii'kin Hold Funeral 'Servic ss for Mrs. Rose Farrel MOH I'Mrlr Burriiigtoh |M {J KCOII pnr«it:i of a lew of 'illim, a n | | of the local t-e-oiit e,\ifjj.i i IVCJJ VI r himd'it the Standard Miuo gnritge the us«t,i)f \eU\< t was by IV It. Di'JJvur/whi'Hrhe IHI a pnivittH' nig|it )r»i'0Ki'jt i asm iijt the n^tioiml- Htsoiifs- fjoi ndntiot of the lutiilh «i curly l i h t h e ! oyentii^c H spuud j to' the , r o e V p i i ^nu'^it scout •'•nth. h'i»a,dcHRti , |ii , al^nKJio lunuVitp iifv 1 tnoops, in all'parts of t 1 *T broudnnsl lnid been | Mrs. Rose) FarrelL" wifd of yVillian Farrell of Cuba township! died at thi Billings ' Memorial hospi tal Sunday Jan. 21, following an opt ration, Mrs. Farrell came bee with , he husband, from New Yor i six year i ago, and was known to n large iium ber of friends. in this n ;ighborhood She was much liked and i espeeted fo her icheery disposition an friendshipl , Surviving nre her hut band, Will- iam, one daughter, Margn ret, a sistei, Mrs. Sadie Jackson of Ne v York, an I a brother, Russell Kane, ilso of Ne\; York, who came here >to attend 'th funeral services. ,, A solemn high mass w s celebrate I nt Saint Anne's church it 10 a. ni Wednesday, Feb. 3. In ennent wa at Evergreen cemetery, 1 nrrington FortuS^ouii OH forParent*\ Nig it Program qfoni M; : I "i *-f r 11 .' • •' i v i a' 4 , » )i!'V , '. v l* i S< f. oSlock. A Ittst'iniiniti o'clock WIIK" h'nrned. by ecutivi's whi called S scouts ns hcctmhl retc] advising the n ito be on The folio vitog exeti| hand: C.O. N;imt'z, J(.| Calkins, li<-\:(lt, B. Cloar, Walt^v.,^rook, Wl'l* hedr - v^ 1 ' ver a the bet eotin. ned) ft 1 nnge |fi Jf me, off, many by r* innd res 1 « . Sell enW. ¢0,¾ Leal tgan It ) *•• * A ]''VX -v v * *t Iv . Lions Club ; Amo|i; * International . Members {of - the Bi club were gratified by club report [received , ternatjional |nn)d reajd luncheon \ Monday I e{ showed fuatl the loc^t ty-sixtb inf jftrit *,. among 'tbe &<j»0 clubi In'ternatipnal jorgani: pal ^lub ww one' ei which, place t Among |tl| the organization; " » The merit rjojat oeh i t i n l m «lub sponsorship, afnjl ties. ,TbW Bajrringtoh been one 1 of th« active ern Illinois and tva^ other gopd„ clubs dur |rk Crystal Lake dub awl ' ,chAb., l ' ^ ", ee in SO lei i .1 •* t

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Post on 19-May-2020




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Page 1: i, · recentlyi conducted -campaigns irt EI Paso, lex., Trenton. X. J.. Ih'nd Gitrd-iier.'Mr ss. On Sunday inorning,h|ti will ad( the church school ntnl*,prf'ncn his iiuu; ': Oil

4 ~ ~


( i

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i|i r 1«


L !

ri jod


i '


' 4

I i -<, I

.: I t


N< t


!•• I

•I' -I

M l s n : i . L A . \ H ( ) r s [ j NO TICK

' . rlfwn of Cuba I ; l . . I . ' , . v i , i - : i , K . u a , j -

-'.!•">-> *iM |,„ vo to- , S \ H > " ' ' » 1>- T o w n C l e r k - - V ^

T ; " ! ! , , r " ' " ' ^ i t h d n S ! ;

4'1'R-KW K G R 0 A f '

•; _ . . ^ w a ciert.

I . Dance Here, fKvery Saturday Night :( I BA D A N C E HALL

f.OOI) M l S I C ,i% f l ing ' s Orchestra :Momen Wc; Ijufite F r e e

body Welcome


Trustees May Urge Sale of Warrants to Local Citizens



\ Ulatje Hoai

•„, Formulate

lltANK OVHIJJECK, Anct H H. SHQfppE, Clerk "i? <!-<iil#(i to. 'quit ft, '

t^n.i ,« bus ing . -Jte a n J S 4--,,1 sv.ll sjjj. at public . ^ .

,»'•*" :;?. '»-• I'»ace known as .the

"•""l™. '" Palatine on QuV„*

;p^Sr , r ^ w x°v tS' [Sat., Feb . 6th jtomniciicini; a t 1 2 : 0 0 o'clock

fS 1 r



Is Will .


, 6 Horses | HeiferCalves :(& White Sows

' < Ml R r n f l

3 Bull Calves I;-White Boar

I OWI.KTK I J V K o p '



i x N;



Feb. S t i l t * Feb. i l Inc.

Yacht Club 2 3 * q. 2 cans 2 9 ^ ' EIICE.

,. . . . . . . .5^ Rftl&S. Monarch brand,

l » , 1 X | ; 2 cans .....:SO* lEifi ug . price 23c

4 0 * m KfitnUI. Wisconsin

iftOfi \merican, lb. Z&£ "5a .¾ irtr's. per lb 10#

Nat ifij^ Co.. l lat(j } ) lb. .• 2 5 *

OKIES', tiuick Arrow....l9* & vpring' Powder Free)

; i

a Cft ain Store


^ HELL .

erick 1 1


I . a r n i^ton <-'iti- !

.. < ojne to the j a worthy •i>i.- l o«n-

jiuitt edge i tii >n wnr-

c i n - ! - in r'.'i,:: plai, ..,1,,,..1 ..ii

..,:• .niii».\i|

'; tiait.- l'l' > '....inl i.t ...; 'I.-, vjl •:,.. • ' i l

• a |.!a • . . - " ! • , : , - iva

po-ul, lias education

age board :i the near I i whereby /nuts and

*:.rr:,i ts inn be pioneer of Barrington.;._'

j Dies at Chic igo Hpijne n f

I. ! . ; W .'.. •• | M > »1

i- . ) / : j n f* ; ! | - t ! | -

. 1 . . , 1 . . , . v

-,,., Me h. ,1 - )..-1 t l l i . - i i

I. - fin.; . . . r I •• ' . . . I ; .

1 . - . , . , .

-.; . ' . - i l l ) , ) , •

able t the Si and a

i enjoy winter: mmit street hill, t thf Cook eou lty forest

after, the


lires'er.vt' hills anil sli<l« snuwfi.l) of last Tliursjlay morn-inir;

. lo l f iCarrul l , cliairiijnii of the viljkiKe lionrd road rqniiiiittw', haci arrant'cd. to" block o f Summit

hill during the street hours, I'vtMiiuJK hours', 7 :30 to

:t t o . 5 : 3 0 oVlot|k and th( 10 p. m


all vehif-Ic- travel,' Xiini-mit (petwren Hillside seU streets) made, an (or sltd eokstinjf.

Oti> lake has been reereajion site during

iind Rus. ideal hil

a > ponulai jvery. co|«

.spell £ince early December. Th« itiint plus a slide at the edge p '" liill offered variety in winter

»ka the spo'rtsi

i.mty tax- ! ill.' us.-'ur-

rpplied on i U.'ii. such •!

In the i-iiuld bear

Vi.fording ' ll.T ..whose11

'. 1 .1111.111 tit to ifilO, I -,i )iiir«'liit»i! a- sehool |

.uiiiL' in eres-t at a IHMJ fbr ltt.'ll ,l

I'.illlll U|i- I

Ajcco^untants Agree to Fjijifish

Village Job at Con'

tract Price

I , . . . - . ,

. l l i | . . jv«

^. ' ... I i

" " • < " ••<-

, ,1 , .1 , . .1 .11

•I...-I • 1..

.1 . ' • ! .- ;

art; been f unt.v cum- |

'iirli I U . I K . -"l II cum- J U.T. ' ki'pl I-IIIK wiir-illl"' to «"lf i n n His to I! of . tlwit i en ii or in lu iy inc ;

*.••• ,11-i'r v of

i~ i i . . t , , « • -

ii.-. - . I ioo l s - I t has-" :ii -i-liool III'!•>• Il In Hit.

>-.- in c a s h - . i l l refill. more coli-

c-i for tb f

i.'i;i..n I'dxt Membe

! Near Half [i


Mi-s. ^)ora IT. Cowin jiioneMr of Barringtou and Kreiiit-grirliddaiigliter lister Vvl;o servwl' with W Valley F«rge died Friday nt -KH'i \ , Paulina' stree

Mr«, CowfU; Avatji boriv AVhea it i t two yjNiriit o ld .*lie brought west |»y Jjpr imwrtW. th«j 1 jiMirnVy j being mitldeJ 1, : -"""• --ii ml < >v4re:d wagoit. 'iUi made their home, fn Seventy-tive .year* IIRO

IKKveat iilnd Cliicn

I nn it iishington at her . Chicago in s Vermt

move,! to ('hiengo. She often reeon ed how. she siit up all night watch tire great lire of 1S71.

Mr*, t'oxyin fret|iiently recalled meinuries of curlier ('hie, go, and >I a wagoji trip to HII'I fiotn lltivri tiiii- ofte'n rc(|iii|-(.,| two v e e k s , .

. M r s . ' C o w i n w a s tin- widow

ild K'».

rj oi-


roll, en i familyI Warring!

Mrs. V

Thonias; ('rniin,. building contractu

.'•• ( I . ^ C l l t


> Quota

Dr.jjIeorgeCcnnel Op^nsVitali:;atioh Program at Church

i'¥-^> Methddist Group to Rev vfe

"Family Pew" Custom a

I Service Sun lay • T.-lii|i ni; aln'ii

)1.-1- 'con - >.f >::• i - < n . " . | | C | -

miiiation •f l.ecf-i i i i - i ! <-:ilih-


A "church vi tal izat io i .being held at the Metho, church. under the able di


w »rk si; rpris'e • d< ! '-!-'

nt, \ rif

>«S * ^ • # '

ri. nt-illg

:;»i n *i«fi 'oul;



A r i o h i Hinimelblau and f'l icaeo will'complete the audit |liirringt(fh village reeonls| Willi n a fit rio, [ of abornt 30 contract prieW of .f)1,000, apcord|i|r|g to as«urmee giv^eti by

board meet

Th<? asfsu ranee by'Mr. Arnold tli}> lijrni would, wil ingly epmplt

at the contract.price! et|ni! s'e to tile bof I'd which.

xen[ bids on ihaml rrom als ma co rint'lug lirmsi, I

It W"* »ls,>i & wifprlse jetitatijv'es of; t h o ^ firm*

>i ['seiij i|t' '»•• jniPctfcig ptej cohtijact.'lei to 11|» fi^m

thjr? work| at flje lo vi st pribe Refare the j>ids from tl e np|r ilitorK! were Io lie opened iloncy,1' village uttorncy

tlJe lettiir from Armijd. llimi.ik d (po. |tn. which jhe.nudirorn p

y.a at jhe o 1

Mr. Arnold ing' Mojnday


i ;inal


to'- the

win nrwl

that tfj the

as a blad a


t.li?jr asj(iiranc|> tbnti th(>'M-ork * "Ci completed Jia | W eontrnct t .fl,-

(K|0»''hutj w.o:nut m|»t oonsiijer t n job irintolliiig a i|ew. spt.J-of • li'cord

ok« for tlie village for an additional 00. The bojtrd hn« tipMoncln; | the

Iier ow ng-


r.l b< $•

jm d i t o r s i w l t h |t,he s i i g g e s t b k tljilt the ih^dit might l|e conipleted a t f[1,000

il n.nifw Ket! of books iiistallc|< st.. of j$400'.F ' i .' .

H a d AnkWI $2 ,738 .13 The . niisiinjilei'K*aiidiiig | ovi

tI;MIOI<M i^siilteili fron| a leltitr In .mid in which tile auditors dl'li


1» -ogrnn' 1st


• \ l i - a

t , ' . l u ­

ll I- earl ier lli'lltliersiitp

I S t . tyner t me to- fry

in.-iiiKer-\\ Ii" w r v i i

i - r > a I • i - . i ' - l i l b l - r i

» , ! ! . -a l l '

,.".- nun in.- ,

'!I.-UI int. •! at the re

•'•>» ' * e i i i i i f

- ', ' - w.-r..

I and through-his . .extcnsi (ec

lirly large the exec-

>n four or ibers it, an

the post. ular ineet-« he,, the

l i - t l i l i i l ted

• 'aid Mcinlierp ' • ' l a l i - - ' r . - | i o

| - : ' .»l | > . ' U l l - l l |

I - I ' l l n i 111. I l l l i i

' . :'..r tlii-• l.i-oll


' r i - tn

r:|Ki-Kii-nt on the • c u s t o m ! ' T N - | | , "

"li.-ai| I ' 'i^jiiaial.

II- |„.,-t i- n IV ' l i j o i i i !

i ' . ' i i i i i i : l . i r l

i l ! >i

: ; . . . i i « l i


. the' Hiir-llleillliers. last year

ar is (14..


1111+ rclir dis-rch;

perie. ices was called to the!staff of th)? boar 1 .of home missions about a real ago. His program is of a unique pha "acter, ell' riched through' his travdsl-ftoiw canst to coast in elmrcli- woi k during the! past li5; years. His wor E hi)is rest:lted in a marked, uplift' in the chur;hcs in whiclli he has worker. Dr. Cor nell1

recentlyi conducted -campaigns irt EI Paso, l ex . , Trenton. X. J.. Ih'nd Gitrd-iier.'Mr ss.

On Sunday inorning,h|ti will ad( the church school ntnl*,prf'ncn his iiuu ;

': Oil serr.

is l>nli l)r.[


Kpisci 'ecflon of

, Mure thati'.'it -had St.* Ai seve •!• CI

i'i t records wit* it • iifd a n'Miiest for

few iveeks.ago 1't S(

'stiilling a new set

f tlie oHicial

<»eorg«v Sherwood Con|nelI oi phia. "The • progrant opined -Tues nighr-ivith a/ meeting" ( board for organization ind w i l l thine through Sunday..\.i'eb. 28

l>r. (,'onnell comes hi ;hly (iiiiilftied for the .campaign. He,, has' had usually long pastorates in the chu e> lie has served, has served as frii't su]»erintendent of thfe. chu

gural fjermpn nt . 10fc3f '•'Christ in the ChurelL* iiion IK 'will revive the

of, "The*"• Fan a campaign | which the families will Ije asked t ii.nters i i t i : , , f t t I n | tv Broup.s. r S t „ y n e f : | i»P. ('ontiell will fidjlresH the fiersotuilly worth league at 6 :45 p

•leasure to present! a stereopticon hjctti.re ent <• excellent \-\ Transformed 'Chujeh'

record j emiiers for j have since ) e to other

ur w»rk. includ-• I'lovi,,. nt. it now

)'i'ivil,'i»e to con-.


, ili < V. M- pa • • a i i i l s i

! y..;,i >'• n u n ••' yi-a

4 Candidates Fil% for 0ffice of Eta * Road Commit signer

•I'-n-lni, tue •»• 'Ii.- ,,iri,-,.< , •!'j.-.-t t.. elc, April .-,.•;

-lal.-< are H, '-"" H'll'ktie '- "o-ai-y. \]

•103:: mem-ii ' will be ed. the half y I S , two 's schedule, inK i in .wHi ' ago/"

Former Superintendent of Harrington Pubic Schorl

Dies in Arlingt »n Heigjhts

t. i .

of : the

the 4ven-

bulb on . ' an j e s t miijj'n c o l d in (the factory building, j ^ ie b«ib w a s resting on one of the nppijr wini;s and c a u s a l it t ) igtaite. \V:tl seconds t he ent re upper w in g

liiddii j for v

|ly of Uavid

prelf, 'iited 'Iblaii | fcred

e auditing >ob

itieism of th eluded Hi th< ?2.73S.13 wa*

the ailditoi si'il thai i0 for co (Hiiiiletin; the audit'

fused this-rciqueiiti and 'sugges original eoptrnjet ijoj

>tinnd the (join

hired WIIR costing nuch

been ,-eltimijl"d- -to pres-etter

iillidc, * pro-. il '$1.-. i<d in-, ion rd

41 the I rried i the

Its for'

of hru'ikst.TlK

t $1,000 be iny be giv

ivilege t.f ,iijstnjllling the.hor $|00,

Because tCW. neglected tjo decent'this offji bun ltd advertised-for liew bids

Arnold. Hiinnielbln i

The liiddelrs Were on hn il( I night for ithe expected let

Special Lertien Services


street nil, imd of the .truck;


i: j see


Fo!s Riv charges

left' sijde oi I t e . plane flames'. Roth rjght wings t(n|l per one if the were bui ned up. The fiie jjvas tinguishe 1 by factory em] >1 >j es arid offijcials1 lefore jhe village ]le|pjirtmei|it arrived.

Following the fire, V. II i Sehrbji der. a livfmber of tb^ depas'tlnsrit ai «f the Ixard of trustees, cifllejl jittejn-tioh. to the large number -ml lutomjo-

! biles wnich r crowded bntol If. Cojik

nn ordint nee prohibiting pen driving i vtomjibileii ahead oi trucks. Hereafter-this ordjnl lie enfor<cd'^vcn if arrests siiry to (iiforce. It, he Sai3.

Propriftor of Spanish

Lantern Arrested

Fred Bunch, proprietoJf,, SpiiniHtii Lantern at the eijsf

lnw hi o i e Sheriff' I tie« of night.

AI. Re tail Inn Lake WJ

nnid. proprielor of

at a

|lv after I lodged

the | bond nil lustjee day.

pr Grov i at t rW Wi as nrr<

of if two raids coa l icted iby

,cfl|er Eflinger anci Me

violating the

Henry county

on Highway 01 rip s arrested in the

A fltianllty'of alcohol, gli Was wiz 'd in the two rnldr

Uenar(l w a s n^leased on 'nli his nrrwt, btit^jjj

» the caunty jnil the j"«t(«-k tin Hi Monday when lit1

d wus released. H, olil't was' Hcheduleil

Febiuary 19 Be 1st Datt

Are f n r <5f P a u l C\ i nrph !U«M ai)d only a week befbif

^ _ _ L | ( h , y pf Ming petitions of Hjr'.li I ; ~ ; • jOJBck' flight 'interest; in !tn-

i f^iv i e n r t . - i r . o c w i l l . l i n l f l I . 1 - - 1 L . t . t -^ j . t . _^ t Special Lenten services.iyill lie St. PaulsBvangelicnj chi I

linhig' with- Sunday '-eveplnii arid eontinuing each Sunda until Easter, March 27.

The. pastor is planning! to series of sermons in wii ich >int out how;

Vclock this* In

•old:fnshii med ily PeW

in. and

f road con-ions' whi<

1 nr,y Rrarifl-ss. Aug: r. Brandi

'"iiimissio,, >r. Ho


fill a vaean •"'red (iriinni

•>.,! 1,,. ,1,,, •• .-(11.-,-. M !,-.: f,,r w j t


,•-,;.-,-r f r

•irli..)-ak of w a s

•'" a heavy tpiil rise in

I:...-!, " "' ""<> week darlieF. '•n'perature of ThwJsdav w a s 5 9 ' " " ' " - ' . a record I ir February.

tiled th. i *

•yv follow i] in 1930 st ,date tor

irch 7 vfill nlrawing of

Thursday. the present experienced

rainfall fol-teraperature

renuiiucd: >f the heavy

Xatl aniel Moore. Banta. Wriier su* perintendent of fichooli in Bar 'ing' tori, died at liis home in Arlington Height* nt 2 p, m. Fr day folio ving ah attack of acute in, ligention. He had been in good heal h, it wan re-ported, prior to th? da: of lira d •ath. , Mr. 'Banta was sup'rintendert of the Barrington public schjiol at the time the mnin section if the present building was construct! d ajnd is cre­dited with being one of tm? residents • i« n- < - - ^ i • _ » J . . 1 *_ t

i,n |> sit

Kp-wilJ tied


of Harrington most infl I icntial in ing the improvement nndeL

- F o r the last 25 years, air. Eanta has been a resident of' ' Arl i tgton Heights and has been enployed in the school supplies divisioi of the ]plan-uigan and CQ. book sto 'efl of Chi 'ago. . Nathaniel Banta waii born D«c. 3 , 1.S67 in Rensselaer, In l . , the s<n of Mr. and, Mrs. .Harry Banta. After receiving his common a ad high s ?hool education in a nnal l Indiana town, Mr. Bauta aUentled 1 "alparasa uni­versity. Following i :raduatior, he took post graduate, wtrk at Chicago university. , . '

The deeeafied pjan ' s survive !• by his widow, by a1 broiler, Reed, and by a 'daughter, Mrs.. JEpizabeth B/anta Muellje .. • .

Funeral services wjdfe conductttl at the 1'resbyterian^.chuK Ii in Arli igtoft Heights Ttiesdiis. aftei noon, by Hev.

TheJH. S\ JenkiQBon# forme r na$tor cf the - "* church, assiat^d bjf » T. H. A. Koa-

sack.,present pastor.

V * "


a ,P w ere involved i Fiission, The d ites for' which i llow".- . .-

February' 14,—J' February 21—

K|nna." : Ff e b r u a: r y

^oilth." Hiircb 0—"Thf

silelm and t h e V

.lie dran'n of <! irist'.s' sermon top

"Facing the triie Children

March. 20-7-Pn ir 11 Reunbin Sfervtce, 3 larch 27'—Eister Siuiday^

W| Praise Servile,

various nge

ics 11 f d the

'Pc T ilex!

Dn'iighters 0 (jiman ofi Gal

Sjlarch 13r-"i |c |n, and ithe | o n of 1.'

m Sunday, C

and the.

%r the Mow-ng.

^Itth somewhat more t lari two months remaining before ri H age » lec-

'*> jt.he-jfirs"t.

[reach s w i l l

I roups

Feb. even-


ips :of

I Jeru-fec."

' •'. : . • - ' • - - 1 1 - •••

Cub puck inWallatlon jtnd ii|iv ?»titiir« for '.1.1$ memboriK of

out' pack number 102 which Ifov'e been held'! Friday in the g fmiiasiitm' has lieeti pos^p0ii<| s ime •' time next, week^ Thin i. ided becauj* tlie school buil tfosed, 0 . I.; Ba

This will be t ehioninl meeting t ml friends of the boys as wel| riemberri of troops 10 and 21 1-elcome at the neet ing which t iinounced l|tter, Mr. Bnird

The. council ring and fire 1 eiiiinisc'eiit of Indian days. i i l l be'Indian costumes am] < reps, tom-tom, 1 nd the rest i : an. Indian' nigl t|. This will

j$Boy* Will fft Tnitiaikd /|i';!

CubPack m

ii ird said, ie first import: »f the cubs,

|i it (cer-Irif-ents

as nil \till be vill be

ii id. ^fill be

There head

tip! make [ rovide

(I proper setting for the bob-e|ij: cere-ijiojiial.

Tlie following Barrington to $s will I e initiated into, the bob-cat order nines Bradley, Clyde Church, Arthur

Castle, Robert C<illins, Rolba 11 Die 1rich. Irwin Enfelsman, RoWrfc Her ien. Roy Hutch ings, Harold ; orgen-iqii, Jr., Arnold Kohnert, Chester liohg, Jr., Norman Maxoii, Ji. Clar-«noe Meyer, Bruce Miller, Pan' Pohl-nan, Norman iCestlerodei Jt. Jack ilhe|>ard, and! Richard UlbHch.

F. O. Proctor of Arlington J ieights, i cout commissioner of the Nt 1 thwest 1 uburban council of Boy Sco t|ts will 1 re«ent the vharlter to the pa<

To Spend Two Tears. Abi Mrs. !Letita Armatrang, who (fame to

Sarrington tjo live in 1014, -Hill sail or Engfoiid |on tbe Bte amshii Majes-ic next Thursday. She pftfns io pj»nd two yeari abroad.



i i a f e ly was j n the u] )-

T 'here is is frem the fire ice,- will

ii rieCes-''

11 Raid


1 i« d e p u f a t u n j a y i

tjhe of

of edge Rted on; hibition

he Pig-Crysltnl

1 er rrild| i nd beer1'

SeeH to Assure Full Va lue to Holders of Vil laee -.) •'

B o n d s " •'!•'•

d sh^i't-ich wn«


'|> triiig" in hxr Moil-

i, Filing Cant

Petiti« ns Circulated

Bo^ird Members;

ition "April IS

iH for

Legal action may be re^instafed agai i s t Roger D. Hay,-former special yillai;e attorney, by the* village of Bjnr^ ringt MI. Ine.decisibn WAS reached by the boanl of trustees at A regular meeting Mon lay night aft^r hearing a com? plair t by Fred A i Kuckuek, holder o f ' b r o of th.e overi-issued special &i-sessnent bonds alleged to have been issueu by thf former attprney.

A niotion'made by Trustee Mason, and seconded by Gieske was passed in­structing Village.: Attorney D. B . Ma-loney to take action as he sees fit, whether criminal or civil, to s traight en out the matter of the over-issned bonds so ns to regain th(i confidence of holders of village bands. ;

Tjie matter was brought to the afc tentisn of the trustees by Mr. Kuc­kuek, -who appeared before the board and explained how he bad purchased the bonds in good faith, had twice been paid interest on them and had twles verified their validity, only to hnve them recently called in for ex? nmltation and then have them found to b J defective. The tru«tces ^grecd 'that every possible menns slwrid bp ntadu to iiHsm'fi -bolderV of. Nlllngi?, tiomlH tliiit their liivestmentH wouldfy Wort ntlDfiiey also was instructed.^ to coni

in the filled corps, including dr immers, buglers, a n d - t h e di'um major. More hnglars have drop jed out than drummers,' so a ' a " ^ n s

been sent outi t^ all fOrj lcr ser­vice men who;cajn toot a horn or want "to learii |iow to blow n bugle. '";••' ,',. :

The corps practices ei cb Fri­day nigh^ ih the / vaean : rooms above the, Ilefrern^n and Winn garage. A business mee ing has beCn called ftr Friday light of this ^ycek a t vbich the i lembers will plan their Caleitdar if corps activities fo* the;ye'ar. 1 he local un i t still belongs to th> Ninth

V district. maSstd corps I lit does not" attend . general pract ccs reg­ularly. Comir under Stay her pre­dicted that by next fall, It he corps will enter into the distr ct corps work preparatory to the Chicago WoHd fair^iii ^033.



11 list of nil the over-Issued bondf. Fixing Drain Bmrr

in Peters reported the progre*H

the mon j Til.

first dny :or filing


f jla.cy for annual

v held j election has been' shown. Petitions b'be- .have been circulated for t«a of tlie

jiresent incumbents of villi ije officeji. . Febn ary 19 .will be- the

Sind March 19 the. last day (petition) of cniididacy. Tli Wili'be April 1,9,

Thret trustees and a cle|rllj wifl be Reeled- to the village board trustees to the library boati

they nrjv sc|*duled j,whose;"terms on the; village 1 (expire arc John J. Carroll-air.

flssne," in schroeder, trustees, A C. Bunndt', clerk. A vacfli ed by tlie death of L. S. Wijj spriifig, will be filled at•'ip • joining election

The library trustees' wl will ex; lire are Arnctt C,

nui<(f on (be scWer problem in .tew Si A representative of the jk'er man. .Primp compnny lins tested tile


Ioti ?h strwd pump land found it Himiing more (ban thfe specifications nlteil for when it was installed. Spiv

cifieatioiis called for a pumpj. of 1^5-galjons per minute capacity, whereas

pump was found to , be pumping than 200 gallons per minufje.j.

^engineers' are at present cbecjk-iiig -the Hough -street sewer and the

i r I'ifwo ^ ^ **ark s e w e r for. possible, leaks - 1 1 that I would cause n "back-up"- in the

!?pe<f- '. ' JsysWm. ..-'-' " ' • ' . . : • j'' . I Some complaints in regard to the

- i f blocking off of Summit istreet• to,"per-•i imit,children to coast on the hill'lwi^te.

reported but no action was takjn. "Let the kids boost" was'the-popular sentiment of the board.' ! A-motion made, by Carroll and sec­onded by Schroeder Ayas passed wMch provided that all village employes be paid twice-a mdntb land that the cil-lage clerk i s auth(yi«ed to,issue,-.war­rants" for salaries direct to the em­ployes. ' i

Mrs. W, N. Sears.

Funeial Saturday for Mri Sally Vok, Weil

Known in Barrington


102 oh-cat

. region j ias to school

ttntll is de-ing is

'^ edncsdny ston Me-

service« .... _.. 11 church

nt Arlington Heights, Saturday, nnd

' Ml'H. rvening moriai were held at the Presbyter

burial cago,


Sally Vol/, died F e b . « . nt the Evu hospital. Funern


Scarlet Pevei Remains About tjie Same

Although there hove, be (n two or three severe cases of acarl it fever in Barrington, the epldchtle .:» not get­ting any worse . . Tliore a io "t, pre* ent seven families (piaraiiti ned. Qunr-nntine has hven lifl,ed fi|om three otherihomes.

The school was eloswl Thursday morning nnd will remain «loKt'd until next Monday morniiig'' in the buHdlng may be thorni 'fected nnd funvignted. As tionnry ujensurp, the sehool ruled that children iiiny to school missed fr

The long drawn out per ods of seg­regation are .due to seve nl persons iii most'of the families bein 5 ill. Seven members of .one -family Jiaij let fever..;, Six i members family' Iwije Ruffcfcd with

riie sj difrereiit co nnvnnil ru

* _

Geor ii


until 14 dny-B afte mi (|iiiuiintlin

! had sear-iif another he disensT

iinttwn in Brirrintton is not from ' tha t in ies. • Yi i lages ,

rai dis ricts in nil parts aijd snrrfunding s ta tes havfe had- their epidemic? 'thifiiwintc,!'.

Pull Details to Be Ai Next Week; Au| i i

Report MbjtM y tor'f

imler that chly disln a preenu-board has

mt return • iieillg dls-

lany' other Sties, and of Illinois

ge DeissM Succumbs to

A plali is being dewf ijiwl nill <ft irr,gU]iizn|lion perfee]l«^l 'jlo re-«iiq ff< First St|ate Bank of BarMnRtof jroup ofl st<?ckholdors -n|n« jollier1

psted persons will st^rt ifrctiv early next wecK cni)vas«H|j the f' lla |< nnd presenting their-plan (ofloci sons who-'are desirous) of| ]ia\vlb insti't«ti<in*open fts ' d o i n

Thirt information wmf| fttaiiidie1

Review by A. II.*Sn«p and Pohlmnit who retnri(|el Tbufsdi evening from Chicago foJ fwing incss coiifeifrnce relative 0 the] opening. „'

State Auditor <3[KTar ICcKou Tliursday | Hint his Ircptrt wou il submitted' to th^qffici'rs |»f the tution, Monday, Feb: i." j All dJtn for re-operiing will lie (jnnplel that t i t i ^ it w»t»r,(,'p(Wt^i 1>e .... holders of the .old Jnstjil «i)J) V t i l l visited by one 'or tnolrt' neiub ri« pf the committee during! tlijC tfew following receipt Of Ihef jijjdllo a port,

"We have no. d.Mibt 1 u|>Ht ^m "nt come of onr iindertnkli Htnted. "However w*1

coii|ienitlon of everyone seeing the \lnMi|utlon jijj^ntiiiK In IbirringHiii. The, oi old bank lire jinitiHWl number of IMTSOIIN \vh< leered their mMl|i('i(iti«'u,!]'

Although complete di' nilH plan wil l not he nniioiijn ne\ t wel'k, tlM.'fajt t i n ' will lie isMied iipd a nt,\ or^nnB'.nt perfected Was Wveil o«t

Larson Stock Sch« c uled

for Sale THurBt^y. Ff , 1


1 r

1 ,

Mr-i l l , nr |lltel'Cn|§>(l

!|ferK •hy the I jhnvnf

two Those

Jard wjll 1 Vernon

Arthur acyj caus-

egiir, last

* * t crms

viis nt Koschlll tern

Vol'* wi us the gra id '.fctnrer of ar of Ii­

nd made manyfilieiiiti in Bnr-the Order of the| Ensterjn linois a rington served chapter h iihbaiH


during the twe as instructress

Surviving Mrs I, George Volz, ajid

ters, Donna Marie and Benscrn

iitefi and

p cry, Chl-

•cnrH she ounsbury z are her >r dsugh-

Mir1. Vivian

Bottled Watier Company Organised in Bs,

1 A new induBt|ry I'has been organized near Barringtoii under thf. name of Nfaturcs Hydorj Writer Ou with R. A. Mil er and F. H. Mille proprie­tors. , J

The new organization is a bjottled water distributing compm y selling mineral water | from a c r lied well near l o w e r Lakes. , The ivatyr i s bottled and sealed in a p a n t at the Well. !

Accoi'djng to an an n unCement which 1 ppears on another jit ge of The. Review a government ana y R!S of the


Blley for Cil ia township;

water .'hows it to be rich salts bineficial to the human system,

Joy. Annet te Paulson Wins 1

Prizes for Second Baby!

The second baliy of February, ac­cording to birth reports;- w-ns Joy| An­nette I*aulsonj little daughter o f Mr. nnd Mrs/ «3. R. Paulson, 418. W. Main street. .

The six pound 10- ounce baby girl was born at? the Barrington General hospital at 2 :10 a. m. Saturday, Feb­ruary 0. As second baby of the monthf. the new arrival will be Award­ed gifls by tile Plagge Home Furnish-' ing Co. and by the Bnrringtoi Re­view.

Barrington Boy Dies at Chi

cago Hospital Aftejr Brief

Illness ft

Report Start of Endowment Fund for Salem Church

The_ leatb Tuesday Pcisf.'b'r, 14 'year ,o ld son

I Mrs. -C. M. tleitssler, 531 Avest higiwlaj4, niniks the ity a 11101 g tbe more than scarlet f >ver cases Which reported in Barrington tin

George! diet nt 7 p. in nnd hospital for eoiitngi cases, nt 037

|»f Mr, a lid W. North o n l y fatal n score of have been

1 winter. it the Dur­um disease

Wood Httei t, Chicago.

An order to I sell nt all tangible ns»jets retjui O. Lrtrsun's drrfg store Anrahnni Sinntti. trust a nee \\ ithr a ruling o.f, l id kin: referee in.) bijnKrnf |l tire.s s,.|,t out U>vt crejli

tison s(aj[i>ilt' 1 "PufMiant tm.-in -ordij

led iS'ta'tes coiifck I vJnl 11th day of Fttbi'unry,1 K public auction* all. tire of said estate ,)'nii,sis|ti^j(; sundries and eosmefleis Barrington to-»1424 $ . Chicago, IH., stoid auet at the iirfinifiPS Where located andu'cntnnicnce said diiy. T '

"'Each Ind must b, with m (•ertifieii , ejieck 2.1 per cent thereof.'I

The rcWiplM,; from" a us«>d to defray 'l»,\p4»n«.*>i.

if Georgejylitors. • A Inort^nge 01 held by Mr. LaVsdn's tii-w-nJved. ' j> .,

A confiuued! Iienrin, will be In-lil iit'.T»nlg.j

t TiWday..-1

I rington

Enters j Race , for ,

Highway Commissioner

•Lw L. Riley has filed hifc candida­cy! for the 6ffice-3>f highway commis-sionei of Cuba township, whi^h of­fice 1 ri \l be coi^teated at ' t ie annual eleetipq on j Tuesday, Apif. 16J Mr.

hue formerly served u constable

in mineral

The organization of nn endowment fund for Halem church wntf reported nt the annual adjourned business meeting' of the cohgregntIon held Tuesday evening, Feb. 0. This fuild was started with ii Rift of, SOO froin Miss Anna Wolthausen in nJemory of her late parents who were active members of Snlem. . I

The treastiry of, tjic Sunday school reported a sum of money as the start­er for equipment i 1 the Sunday school addition to the prospective new church builiing. A committee to supervise funds for; this put pose wan appointed.

For the last tie feral years, the- an­nual congregation il business meeting of the church ban been part of the regular meeting of the month of De­cember at which time the election of trustees and Sundiy school Officers for the ensuing year takes place. In an adjourned meeting wbich occurs in the latter part of Jan iaryl or the beginning of February, the complete reports for the pasti year of nil tbe officers of the .church, Sunday fchool and auxiliary organizations t a l e place. The s ad­journed meeting Tuesday followed a fellowship supper served by he todies of the church.

I H. J. Lagescbtlte, {resident of the board of trustee); presided-. J . C. Plagge, assisted ,by E , W. plagge , acted as Secreta y. Beports by . the respective officer) were given. The report was madi that tbe church i s financially stroni e r , t h a n ever before in the 7 5 years »f i ts existence. All financial obligations, current and for misjsions and be: evolences have been paid 1 0 > peri cei ance wfth which to begin the year.

,, U'i,

t .with a strong bal-new

l i e repoilted not feeling w< 11 last Sat­urday evening but did lot become serloiiHly; ill i ntil Monday On Tues­day he wns t iken to the 1 Mirnnd, hos­pital for en ergwicy trpitment but failed td resioiid. The l id had not been .111 prior Io Saturday--In fact hf played basket mill in a Unlor higf sehool game I'riday night.

GcOFg<j> Dvits'ler was ,li >rn 111 Oil-otgo-TNv. 2'J 1017, the roniigest ol four children of Mr, mid Mrs./C. M I)eiHHler.j Tl e family mo ed to Har­rington"'live yenrs ago,- During bit life In ftiirriiigton, the boy had beeoim one of 'the popular lads n the Bur I'ingtoit'public school.

A private: burial was held nt St Joseph')* remetcry, U h pr FoiWt Thui-sday. Members of the friniily w»>re- /p?rmitted_ to see 'the bodjy througili a gloss partition alt the hOs pital W'dneHdny aftemooi

The youth is survived liy bis par­ents', a Mother, MaStin, a nd a sister Virginia ,| Another brothe , Raymond died May 5 of last yenr) n victim o spinal uwiiingitis.

room nevt

»fi MII i ii sj'il -n'Ji 1),. 1 > 3 |

ugible a1-1( i '.of rlr

•ent'ovf I W.*lls -t

lo ? |((i(l itiss ts

aci'nn in nrj en h


j >f dirk tho-'p

' 1»H rl-of tl) iii'kin

Hold Funeral 'Servic ss

for Mrs. Rose Farrel


I'Mrlr Burrii igtoh |M {J KCOII

pnr«it:i of a l e w of 'illim, an | | of the local t-e-oiit e,\ifjj.i i IVCJJ VI r h i m d ' i t the Standard Miuo gnritge the us«t,i)f \eU\< t w a s by IV It. Di'JJvur/whi'Hrhe IHI a pnivittH' nig|it )r»i'0Ki'jt i a s m iijt the n^tioiml- Htsoiifs- fjoi ndntiot

o f t h e lutiilh « i curly l i h t h e ! oyentii^c H spuud j to' the , roeVpi i ^nu'^it scout •'•nth. h'i»a,dcHRti,|ii

, al^nKJio lunuVitp iifv 1 tnoops, in a l l ' p a r t s of t 1 *T

broudnnsl lnid been |

Mrs. Rose) FarrelL" wifd of yVillian Farrell of Cuba township! died at thi Billings ' Memorial hospi tal Sunday Jan. 21, following an opt ration,

Mrs. Farrell came b e e with , he husband, from New Yor i s ix year i ago, and was known to n large iium ber of friends. in this n ;ighborhood She was much liked and i espeeted fo her icheery disposition a n friendshipl , Surviving nre her hut band, Will­

iam, one daughter, Margn ret, a sistei, Mrs. Sadie Jackson of Ne v York, a n I a brother, Russell Kane, ilso of N e \ ; York, who came here >to attend 'th funeral services. ,,

A solemn high mass w s celebrate I nt Saint Anne's church i t 10 a. ni Wednesday, Feb. 3 . In ennent wa at Evergreen cemetery, 1 nrrington

FortuS^ouii OH forParent*\ Nig it Program qfoni M;

: I


*-f r

1 1 .' •

•' iv

i a ' 4

, » ) i ! ' V , ' . v l * i

S< f .

oSlock. A Ittst'iniiniti o'clock WIIK" h'nrned. by ecutivi's w h i called S scouts ns hcctmhl retc] advising the n ito be on

The folio vitog exeti| hand: C . O . N;imt'z, J(.| Calkins, li<-\:(lt, B. Cloar, Walt^v.,^rook,

W l ' l *


- v ^ 1 '

ver a the bet

eotin. ned) ft

1 nnge |fi Jf m e , off,

many by r* innd res1 « . Sell enW.


Leal tgan


) *••

*A]''VX • -v v * *t

Iv .

Lions Club ;Amo|i;

* International

. Members {of - the Bi club were gratified by club report [received , ternatjional |nn)d reajd luncheon \ Monday I e{ showed fuatl the loc^t ty-sixtb inf j f t r i t *,. among 'tbe &<j»0 clubi In'ternatipnal jorgani: pal ^lub ww one' ei which, place t Among |tl| the organization; " »

The merit rjojat oeh i t i n l m «lub sponsorship, afnjl ties. ,TbW Bajrringtoh been one1 of th« active ern Illinois and tva^ other gopd„ clubs dur |rk Crystal Lake d u b awl '

,chAb., l ' ^


ee in SO l e i

i .1

•* t

Page 2: i, · recentlyi conducted -campaigns irt EI Paso, lex., Trenton. X. J.. Ih'nd Gitrd-iier.'Mr ss. On Sunday inorning,h|ti will ad( the church school ntnl*,prf'ncn his iiuu; ': Oil


My rim KeNey .faii«> «f ('bunco

Cuba Township alil and JiH-k l.arsen dn Chicago Saturc

\ Curds were PI daughter. Be'tjty .-upper -erved

were Sunilay eallt|r«. at th«* Intuit* <>f '"« parents. Mr. nn<l Mr*. Krunk Kel cy of Slindy Hill.

Clifford Jorgt'i^'ii >- a J-'11'"-* !,t "IP

II. D. Kelsey hoj Mr. ami Mrs.

. M'cG'raw and (it* cago were Sunt!

anil, I'hyllis enjoyed with Mr. and Mrs.

Grandview »irf>efiK*«-

Fitts and .IIUJSVH ,• afternoon at bunco Mie w - F Ruhr holme Stiidiiyf renins:

'Kirhy at. thfir h Card* WITf tin*

Mr. and ,\lrs,

M motor ride fiiK.

Mr. mill Mrs1

Piiliitim- and M htr were Miiiiird the home of M Kelsey,

Mr. mid Mr*, tainted twelve nf

Mr. -anti, Mrs

of Mr. and Mif-Cnry.

Harold Ke.lsej or at Wa-ukefciii

.Mr. and Mr

Oor^e Duke, Helen •aldino I.loyd of Clu-IT visitors at "'the

McGraw-Zelsdorl home. Mr. ami Sir*.. Alliert .Wildhaiten of

Praifie View willed, tin Mrs. Colli ail Kraus Thursda.v

Mr. and Mr*s. Harold, Kelsey a children. Roland Sunday •dinner John Thpleii of sion.

M.'sdaiiies Hu enjoyed Thursdn at the home of Xlrf. F. Kelsey.

Mrs. Oliver l i t i s of Shady ttpent Friday ai cajto.

Mr. and Mrs. ; Harry lliimi»<jriid were Monday e1 ening callers at the Harold Kidney liftme

Rerun rd Zebulorf• V« i<1 Mrs. Edward. <OI rs. (',. II. Kiihliiinn

IIR with Mr. i ml Mrs. L. L. Smith, joyed ami UH pyster t niidnigl

Mrs. ( \ Weaver ami II. Durst

rrington Monday . Kd. W.

visited Mrs. S. daughter at Bn

Mr. and Mr family of Bar-ingtou s| with Mr. and Fremont town>

A. I4. PaJ-ton Bridge player for their v.-fel 1

Mesilani'es f! y session;

Ybnng. Tonne, and J., ^ooriiis attended the fu­

ll ill il Saturday at OJii-

neral of Mr.«, ton.Heights S

Mr. and Mrs delein and.Mr. spent Friday Mrs. G. Ilolhu

A number n

Vo Iz a\ Hnlfy. iturdiiy ajfternot . Myron- AMls 0 ' Muii-

, Mr. ami Mrs". t#rtaihed Mr. a eiitt, Mr. aiid.M Mr*. Anna Sidd e and" Mr*, Kdwltrd

•hie Tuesday evening-, in st i me. \ j Fra irk k«'l*ey * 1 ml

Mr. and Mr*. O iver Fills enjoyed a Henry Sunday even-

W, II. Comfort of ami Mrs. .foe- Wnl-

lyl evelilllK caller* nt IHHI Mrs. Harold

"** William I Infer eniter-their ChieiiKu fritthd*

«1 a sleiBhiiiK party Ka I unlay evening.. Milo Kelsey a id Fnliik Kirhy Were

•Friday enller* 11 'the home, of Mr. mid Mrs. Myron Kel iey «if| Chicni*"

Frank Kelsily Thursday .'venire callers'at (tyc lio

Albert Abbot

l^ere IIH',


Isit-.wa» a ht is iness v Friday. Frniik Kelsey ami

Mrs*. Oliver Fittji were Klein shoppers r'ri.Wy.

Kvelyn ICiigm, IIV Mpenl llie weekj-eml wiMi ||er-arnii<l| areiits. Sir. and Mr Henry Kociiia

Sir. land. .Mis srt'n, Fiiimett. .ft (he wt'ek-end at Mrs. 6 - It Hey

Kmnieit ltiley : ninT .. of Springfield spe-iit the hoim- of Mr

Lake Zurich 141 lies Aid

The'Fidirunry Aid w a s held

- F e b . -j; at I he Mi iyme Prel im Till mendiers li'*|

. S e v e r n ! n e w in a n d giVi'ii a wai-

M r s , J. I.. ( int i-ci 'St i ic n-adi iiigtoiii the S la

• A report w a s ent piny. "A is to be g iven

m e m b e r s in the

T h e ' a n n u a l f Lake Ziirteh ( rliib will be In Feb. j.S in i|i«. iivemtMtrs and »>s 1 of the towiishii guests iif 1 he el

SI isi. Bessi. give a progntu

AtiiHpey ("itrye the week-end- 1 near Fairfield.

ive out i.v to spend the

Sirs-. I and

solow'shi and S1 uuduy ent

Mrs. Gus|>ie Slejrer ttf hip. 1

entj-rtauiei Wediies day


from cren-

111 rich infant

the tf-ening

M. Finkf S

and1 Mrs. evening v if li Sfjr, d anil fid l i ly . f friends

birthiay of

Miss Kath 11 and K. P.

Slit'h. < were lomk' <»f "Sir, am Sirs,

we ek-em CheHlVr Me,

to eelebrate life BuJir.

Arthur Itlanlcliaril am ryn Stevens t»f Blnuehikrd of Ifteee iwood guests (It I he. ('. Weaver lasl

Sir. and Mrs\ Biirringti/ii y4s ted William I.andv wer and her «iifter, are rwovei'liig

"'Mini* Vera •! a truest of Sin* to her home it

Sirs', Louise day Wltlf her mt'yer of Wan 'on'da, wh ill.

Beiiule SIutfcewK of kentiiel

Mr. an Sirs.

Bel. Po re colt

with ['"ritliij Mrs

from sevi tjhiiKtm, \'hn ha ii., h. »4 Chleago-Griiehnii brother.

r of Sedt t.tlje q.


Vrliiig-. n.


gat he red at

1 spent

Hei lry 1 IN se *l«n HI.V

II. Ill,

'Tue*dny I The Tiiesda

I veiling (' Kvehi

with Miss Maigufet iMn is, thi Cards wen Awards were nilind. I'eters-ei and Sirs. Gra

At the next member* and. entertained by

layed }t.t bestowed . Mrs. I. e Harris. meeting,

their hit's Sits. Pi

tine parly at

.Misses Uirtl 11 "'I j of AVilmol

j.Viitill ie Strol l bull oii| a sho| Wediiesdav.

Arthur Kos home with an

Klmer; Bn.vi lllleilded n Itir

inee i iug <if the L a d i e s , If-ns.-rll Uiist< ri iursthiy ii'fte'ru.joii. j W e d n e s d a y e Par i sh Ha l l . Mrs . w a > - f o r t u n a t i

11b Me its ig elul1 \

and Sirs, Frank Dieksoi at a the Iliclixiii hoi ie

and Slargaret \'is.,.-neeit

1 ami Mi ping lour

er is eoi nt taek ol

11 nml si: iday par

at :eiiin.

presided and nearly

Hided to the roll .'all. tuber's w e l e re'eeived

ill weleitine. e-m.'llls gave 'it Very j

llg oil "George Wnsh-esinsiu."

riven I'll the' h o m e titl-l i in Wanted , " whieli by ihi' 'Ladies Aid

near' future. . • • I

lark, and lieiLgo T former's 1

.Krnes hursdaK nigliti

Felhusbip Party

.Mis. Bmmett Branding Itt-11111111 of Chiengo wen'

it the homes of Jleiiry Fred Hill'mau. :. iiiinm and daughter it Chleago. William Wieki-rslieilu were Sunday dinner and Sirs. ' Herman

Sehritetler at liihithie. N'orrli' Frmdieii is improving'-from

his reeenl illni ss. . ' Frank Diehl is able to be out after

1111 attaek of plmirisy. ; * Key, ami Sir 1. Irion ami son Visited

Sir., nod and William Sunday eallers Branding ami

Sirs. Itose I spent Sloudav

Slr, and Sirs and daughters guest* of Sir.

Mr. ami Sirs. stoek; Sunday

Sleiidames' T

Sfps. I/.M>niis weekteilll in (

MIK Miiybell I'nivfrsity of' having spent tion.nt home.

Mr. ami M family of

llowship puny of the '•immunity .Woman V Id Thi.irsdny evening,

Kin high sfhool- for nets aiul the teaoher and their eseorts a

Itoyton. reader, will f entertaiiimejil.

Ilidge. Slie also

ijner Wnui'oii ' 11 (flrl ft1

ma spent a t, ieo t'ity, Sle.v ration' in ih

•Ilrner Heese «t AVood fternoiin tune ami .L. L, Smith

and blisses Viriinin SigWalt and Alice Tonne atfende I the. eajnl party and daiie<« at the tiltmore Coiinfry elub Friday, evenint

Mri ami SIJ S, . John Gehrke and family '4irot SI'H.. Chirii SViese spent Sunday with the Hay Kie|ils at Pijla

-tine. Mri 11 ml Mrk Harry Ileuning and

two HOIIS of Niles' Center visited Sun-dny yith- Mr. 1 nil Sirs. I Fred Bluu

Mr, and SIri. ipeorge Wilbtrd and ilnughter of Cnrjl visited Sunday with Mr. itnd Mr"; • ii gnst Gehrke

nild daughter spent the lieago.

Kohl returned to the Viseonsin Sunday after he mid-si'nlester vaea-

mpenkM, S|muiir'i fluentl.i


ins, wi(|

rphy a

ing fiinii


r .progri in giv 'ir ovelr 1 iday evening ii whieli

attired i singing of ,S| inish M.IIII>'. SI

itnber of hut reri>i|i-ed 1 rnlte.1.

Sin*. F.dwili ICing^ey of I tyville visitori

'llii- Wnu • sehool basket! iii 11 game p| day night wl Hironinious w Watii'iiuda tej m

I»r: Hosx atended tl

d Mrs li wer

Peck aii iiiki/Zurii. Thursda r\

oiida t> twtiNhl •ill Team vt>re v iyed wltl| Palat

luoriiil liosplt ii staff meetiti<

offiel'rs. were elected: president, D|r. Slaurici" Pen iy; vice preside John A. Itiifff.: seeretilry,: I) StephenK.

Victor Cart and Kirje motored to (

Sliss Ma hit! visited her ,1 Fred Tlmmait

h lea go Friday.' Thonias

ia rents, S|r. Thurwla f.

Kugene I*i ior, j Jamt SlerriH'Blanck alje fnents" of',4lie Prii»r family at Loj al. Wis.

Mrs; Cassi|is i>owni who 'in il Irn. Kali

her daughter •Mr. ! and "*

\ lips. Sam Scliaefer and

._,...,. .... Ba rriuKton ' "were Sunday guents of /Mr. 1 n«| Sirs. G, St, Clnire.

Sirs. Claren'e Snetsinger and s<»ns visited Sirs. I!. Slills at, Diamond Ijikei SumUiy."

Sir.' and M '*• Citrl Kwert- of lies Plaii)e.s s|>etit Sufidny ' with Sirs. (Jrini'm. " 1 . ,

Mr. and 'MM.. Roper Kami»ert, .Sir. antl Wr». V.tU Pepper. Sir. and Sirs. !,eiitt*r Pepper of Barrington. Mrs. Kmniii Pepper and ;sons, Lloyd. Em-met*, and I»nis, Slf. and Sirs. Louis Walbntini and Willjam Gibsim gath-erwtjat the loine ,of Sir. and Mrs. Kdwjird, Walbium Saturday evening to ettlehrate. t | e Itirfhday anniversary of 51n«r W'albi ium. ! •' Wl A. Lou»: attended the funeral of hw uncle, ¥ ehry Kohrbaeh. at Coal City Sunday. : Ir. Rtihrboeh had made

v*»r«jal yWW if Lake Ztirieh. Many friends here w >re sorry to hear of his death. ,

?Mi. ami Mis. Harry Reichen, Sir. and SIn>; Jacl; Lantl. M r. and Mrs. Andiietr Johns an. Miss Pat Fiteger-

chihlreti of V'oottstock at the-Arthui' Sfoxen

Sirs'. .lame:> Giiiner •niece, Mrs," '"an 'y . W the past wee!..

Mr. and Mrs. Earle the proud pa ents of a Tuesday, Fel

Jacqueline Iloss eighth' hirthtay anniv hy giving a party to playtuatesl ('nines >vi

eptirtet e to s Shi!

Mrs. L'dith motored to C clilied on the Floyd Ca rr.

Sirs. 'Olive week with re

.Mrs. John ( proving since ii short time seriously ill

Sirs. Fann from several daughter, Slnji ily at Park the L". A. ih> I'ark. - Slany her "Spanish Urn WIBO on Fi iHeuorita Wilikia Fiiruufw.orlli

ii -numbe tucky one's.


Gross and


er of I Mrs. La mi­lium!!, K. •

1 been lith, rek'urne'd TueHilii y,

Mon-Xi rd-

y. it nil spent

IfoHiuii home

tor, to missing not to •hoped

S Y N O P i l l

CHAPTER I.—In c:ic«m,over th« disappearance ot t ^ young and beautif il -wlf« of.hla Crandal White,

t 'ealthy friend, /Van'i Qlaenzer on-

gagsa ][3therw«l, priiat* Investiara And her.

•all In th > po I to come i)»cl

rami h*r husband

CHAPTER III—M younicer than her' hj devotion has been tl York. Her leavln r hi r able. Hhe la ki owi her a r*markab e i< ? r«l. - thb- "Me duna'* Head," but he hall, thinks aha hai value, dlaenaer ihd 2[>therwoll con aider the .Idea of there has been 1)0 d •om, j

CHARTRU' III —It MM.'White has i l l h her, Coi««Mhnll talkH of her rilstress I elng Insists Hhe' knot's whereat outs

four on M

•slie T

Feb. muds

met week,

tallies, •s; Ed-irubull

1«. the vill be

til Bn nchooii

11 pa nie 1 Sirs. ss l.va to Wi: ukegiui

1 ned toitsilit is

ter. K y in h

( I

North Miss

111 winning a p issei

W e l l s s|k.>ii| (|

1 lives in IViiuke osxidl is t she is nl ach ilay. ince! Tim

Pratt tlayit vis John Mil

1 ote from

^ band, and hla 4 talk of New

is unexplalu-to have with

Wlahaplnav but mand for ran­

is found that r Jewelry with

mysteriously worried," but

ijothliiR- of j her.

jgh an ftdJ secures tn«





Verne: •nor' of Tiieago. a Verne

Hines and

, Sirs.

1* pns^ iin.

as h.n t up ii is beeti.

y at > orwo.

u for-in the

'.tin W i l ­li M e t ­er edil-

Stute i. i Slie


Lester Liber-

ctorimJH tie Fril-

li -a sCor« of 2 ' tjo 1\), as the m liutttiiy

iv Con


lell Ml'-ill IJi-

i ollowii Ig

is ciinng in CI

spent home

I't'IebraJed . -.hj* ersary twelvi "f

re plah-ed i-stowei prizes b

The birthday pretti'

Detnd , Mich.; with h Ltiebkt the

s grnnd-. He is snimmnr

was sehjed. rt n table a-ted in red lind \yhite

James Fin icgan of is spending the winter mother. Mrs. William in second gfnde' in svhool

Mrs. Georie Hatcngler visited rela­tives at Inghside Tuesday

<». SI. Jepsin and sojis*. Stanley aiid Gerald, were) Crystal Saturday

Dr. and M^s. J, A. lioss an ter, Jacqueline \«fere }Vaukeijan call­ers Saturday

Merabers nt thtf IMA of the Fedented church weie enter­tained by Mrs. Earl Lagescmite it the Edward ^agescbul e horn > Thurjs-dajr aftemooi. The tine wa 1 profit­ably employe I inlsewiiig. Mn, ~

i .

da ugh

turned 1 her id fain-visited


for the

nt. Djr. C. if.

1 Iarrlwtn

eHAPTKn IV—Tlj«u vertlMhent Motierwill ••ewe," -» Medusa'1 head, vhlei , he 1» told, an "old: woman'' had tliown out of a cab, Fnm the fihder lie goti s clow whleh *end» h i n . t i the offiro of Doctor Wentael coiiultlna; chem­ist. Wentael'ls awn), but: from a clerk Motherwe 1 auures a, pack­age which he ri co*i ses as IcomlnR fforn the White Ihonu In It are. all| Mrs. White** Jewels. 3laen*er Is con Ttnced. Mr*. White h 11 left her hu» band for another mi IL

J - ^ " CrlA^TEJF!

AT TVVKXa'Y1 niln|i|e.i after six, nl I glim young nlni ait n slde-cai

motprcyclei ehugKed ip to the front eiitrniice of Brui eii'a larked his mk chirio around tfi J. CO fi ier, and hailed ii louiitflns, lanfty' l)(ujy to wat<;li| II for hini

, "Xo iionsetmc fusMing with lu

1» r, 11

'nie tin' luirn flv body like Iii Hi,'! get me."

"Yes, sir, I' rlj,'lit, sir,, Tlmii|k y • The ytiuiij' nifikii s restaurant rtnd the tubles. !

Dissatlsticfd, appi turned to the .stfei nboijt neur llie en

ii' tlmi'i itf lie, or inly-



ll\yen ty-ftve, a s lock;' Anitirlcan ulth a hurried In, »^iq! the a' iiioiiient afte

"Anybody fo* titfked the head

"No, sir, w table?"

"If Doctor S< am In the corner, tache lnlerrui|iited don't forRet."

The cyclWt, hies In tile center 0 ' ed by sitting ntjst U tache, tilH buck! tur him., SlIpijiliiK out coat, he pipllei hla pocket and

"If anybody here,*' he sujtl when liiy frltfhtl

Doctor ScHnll' tleirtijl on tlie

II l<i»i{ after It all ui,'«tr."f j trolled inllo the ij about among


;e, say'ng





maid, Cogejes-llttle else of

" fie said, "ne Hid! And glvt

ut ahead oi

;i*iince. At six iittle German

fialndy mustache


II linker, w i i h i r.

rjcll-st entered

lartjiir is wanted, ie sandy' mil*


refu|lbg s'erttral ta tlie rcoiu; end he'safidy. 'nits

j(d sinlarely oil of lila heavj

a itwspaper . fron Ijiegun to read. '

fit Hunter,.- il'a loully. "I'll ordei coins." tier (Vtimined Inipa tub t, and orderet

clgnreftes. After a little lie (jabbed.out to tlu

entrance agatj, rjiuWiIng trluitt phantly with, a tall, lark man,

"You see," It e>|iKilned as thtij seated theiusel, es, ' h a v e BO ilttin time. Have you any good newn tyi me? I Could yoji ge any " I t 8 my belief, di it tor, there'! nb

a gram In tlie |countiy~-uot a cen« gram," the dnrl: mitt replied.

"I wired to; PItUbirgh, and th^y ••eferred nie t> Inltlmore, but nothing lolng. to|u mlgiit as wel a«k; fjoc radluml—w

of Pat k 'Uitlge 1 Sliis.

« Ktixer and


icagu h Sto ten 1 ild

Tilewliiy liere,

uiterfn inert her alker <>f E|gin

" . ' 1 -Stange land are

er, born

Sutf.la A


ies Ah

her and the

iincheon y decor-

Tayior read ilt-Votio n. il exerebwa a n|il the poem, "Tj(t> Hons. by the Hide! 1 the Koiid"' by, Slim Walker Ftms. Mjriji. George Hroughtbn nr t|I 1 entertain ; f t the next meeting, Klruary 18,

Mrs. Nina1 Tdinis (;• and daughter, Miss' Luclle, spmt Sunday with tlije former's mother, Mis Fanny Pratt

Mr. lind SIrsi Wilium Lempke tin family of Woolstod spent Sunda at the Harry Iran iico-home

Henry Jfordneyt, who reHidtis. north of town, Ls -rtrorted to be su> fering with hcait tr)i|ble. •

William Spencer_ pf McIIenry s reported to hafe. bt eli injured in a auto accident near I'lstin, Wris., Frir day night. In eonpany with M'. and Mrs. John S'. Jlvuos; he was ni. turning from a fishing trip when the niito crashed tfifoitp a bridge an|(| plunged into a frcz Knox was kiUetl in Knox escaped vith Sir. Spencer wan a resident VMr. and Mrs. Heh


1 dough-


•ntly. ' he re. and lotinget)

yet?" he

you .want a

>n- CTeek.1 MPIL the accident. Mil minor injuilcii

firmer Waucoadi

Chicago aunoume tn birth(of a Bold H Mr. Aug is:, n . Lena Augjasf, er here. i nes Carr «i[erJt ttr's parents, Mi'.

011 Saturday!, Jan. who is a son of SI silent the past HtitnW

Mr. and Mm Sunday with tm} la|lj and Mrs. William jl^nnedy of [Wai^ kegan. ;

Arthur Lawttenc* of 'Oak Park! spent the weekend ss-ith his. fanftl^ here. ' I I <

Herbert Tb(lias, irho has been & patierit at the Lake County hospital for some time k he nie again, a n q l s reported to- be i mpp % Ing. 1

Dr. and MrH'Goijng of Libertj|-ville called at

Franlkhome Sunday,


- • • " • - • - " • * -



•y C. Augusn if

3enry Goldin (

ltumed the W

little hat a

"Ach! Radium! radium I want!" man. "What a c»|intry! country!"

He played with "Bring me somti

the cyclist commijided loudly, VI can't wait any Ion »1

The two- lowerec [

e menu. ' ham aiid eggs,"

< i r :

their voices and the cyclist shifted his shoulders slightly but gainec little by It

"He's nearly era? —ifs Indclmpre-hensibierHn-coin-p € ¢|en-sl-blej!', the Germanf8 voice ei|npi

After all thes^ come on us so • su|djienjy-7-no warn,-iing—not a 'hint!"

The other mikt|mured U g i b l y . ' • - ! • • ,

It's not the ticney give It ail back—nijfG—d, H«)nnike, she keeps offering

Again the murmuh "It's tlie reput«[tfpn! Hjsj repu

tatiout What is *>ven, to that-^foj: awkwardness—du she threatens! AJnld, she means It, too. Of course, Ifajtli, that 1|» all very well. That Is, does It leaye us?"

The dark ,man time. ! •

"And so I say!' "So I tell him. t not be done I 31 K ply not tijcrasjupi llie


[ can get all the

rged In l|ursts. years—to 'have



settled- income, him I And -the'

: ilebe, see] what

fsasy. But wherj!

alked for some

the doctor cried, tea* things can-

li,.- I am.BOiry—

w i-<^'*^ H mmalrt' » » I W


THUftSDAT, FEBRUARY 11, 1932 J lt» Is-Stf til. Cut—tlie're 111¾ RlSifs

to huma 1 power, Hennike. It will have to be explained. It will bdve to eorne souve time, 1 suppose? After all—a pi icon's death is Ills own af­fair. Bi it if we are, not careful, It will be i urs'.

Sllenc, and hasty eating. "You, rouldn't pos*.q*ly get White

—even low?" the dark man asked. Sandy muhtnche cackled into irre:

pressibk nervous laugbttr. "\Vhiti ?'* be ihimicked, "get

White! That's good! Siiin, if you could ge White, It would be worth a mlllldi to ns—a' million. He'-d. make lift fortune. , Do you'-suppose. he hajsn'l-tried'/" , . •••' More (iiting. •'."'••:'

•*'I have to telephone at^ quarter past sevm," Scbaffner heg«i« sdd-dtinly!: ••' I'm getting some one put there. H'e'vc only an old wo»an there, ynuj knowjland she's -worn out. I'll be back." . , ,

Tlie -c; -cllst beckoned his wttltttr and paid qulck.ly. . "Is there a telephone booth b^re?" he lnquted. and ma4,e IUB way to the fron of the restaurant.

When) Scbaffner {slipped, Into tlie nei t but ,ono to him, he-;was tank­ing loud: y. , *.

"IVfill, 1: ivuiU?d eaasli'b.". tU» K%» • Continued on page fl !'

Biiain iss Notices Bring Results

To IKe


,' ^

Voters of C'uba Toiyn

(pet the Hafjit of Calling Barrington 1 When Yoi i Have Somet Wnjit to. JoUr; Sell, Exchange oi 0 blain

ori't woridc r what | o do when you want anythi(ig that a classified a|l A pjsm help yoq secure cjuickly land cheaply.

Oall tjheBarHngtbn Review kkd ask for an A d - f a f c ^Tell herjust what you want. 5he will help:ypu. $he;U write yoftr i A for you an^ make i t !

sjiy just whit yx)uwa|-ttittosay. '•.',:.•.'-.• J' ;' "'" • ' "" ''"•*' '•'' ; ": '":'-'c*


P u t y o u r ^ c a s a j e i ^ a3s reacheveryliody an^[cp^t so little. |

f ifi


^^^m mmsgm


' i,

il m

"StepP ing

Team" and Week's fllsi

1--- - - - - . ^ ^ ¾ taiion W<)

thfatr ,'Hlll'

•ii 'r>"»

till' I

fl it

,, Orphim iMin. w.>ll-knowri

,„,,. ,»v.<r radio to TliK.Catl^-

„K next ^tuntoJ J » . > ^ ,Vr.vru nttrnctun; . S W P

,,^"Aadiiptcd-'fro"' f ' T ^ H * ,'f \\h same; nanicj ;< ; i j . ;

vr.M,M.sly r.*al eon.etUrns £u

r'tr. Minim ^ - ¾ ¾ -11,,. plot royral* t l l > m , ,_,

H , n ! r / , m s o f i h c b i . r l e S p . e ^ ^,,,,.,,'nil.iod by - - - - 5 } ¾ ^ .

f ihcir. iM'iro.lH*r wW1"l^f*j ,,,,1. of ii siimitump* U n an fhoy bod • *nW

' l l l l l 11^ i J ' l '* * ^ . j \ ^ : „ _ l

•0,„. u f t l i-m. « « » • » * • « * •W-i

linn' ins l|IM

..nlrriiiiiftiu'lit for . ,„hH UIIH nua,dogs k l » r o M « i.nsnliig rllfl'bvy.

TIHIM' lili-l"- mid "'>v«r . . . . . ' Sntly> Bii'-rK. *fll

i. ntW'-v kreen ft

i rllMibl . , .v iwh d.<HB|itfi»I "M

he bfiijifir




l)utin. and ri.llH- t - o ' l l x . . ,1,, v .n.l MiinilnyiLi ' - ^ w . ,

• ri„. sinfv l" n KiiDpIc am ,-,,1,, ,),,,1 . rlk.'H'.-; tttWlghVif Nhnnl.ll'IMMldj llitH:lHfd rttjl J, |,.||s nf IWO 'itinblHtilli*; *» uhn,. nil II *>n*lr<,apWiit«»f'ji'''|!1

t,.ii ri-iii*. ulnrt tiiit i.».bt*<c ,vii.v'« iircnilcr dSnici-s t(h.ir IJI'"* iiiid'dowi K. (*fh<«lr

-of II (liinci'fi'ulfst. TKid tt'nlly ',„„, 1,1,1,..-. tllidi' botjily 1 ^ .Mioiher nud^htili' rii-Mitt'-ie' Hi'imd'wny'H funiirtt'st nlght.c.l , ,i-it-(ifii«y *4iwi's"4i»i>iriiV']h ,,,,,1.. Imif of] (lie tooM and 1 ii,. ciiinplicii hmt t'lii*r r*p»«--iM* ()„, fil«l tl'l*|M» of lilt' ill**!

rv.-vy IHHI fn<lcouf. • i "• •;••••'-A MJrkey Sl-o'nst*.-cartel

f,'ii(iii-.'ti»', lanil 'iicws ,.rw'l -th.' hill. ' j - • } • ' : ,

Miiiii'-nrfssJi't^wljo flf«« T ,•rt.'sfully lietv.-cpn' couictljr a i rlniriu-li-r iiortriiyiil-S. ha* l

' hli'iid i*f bWtb to tfic sercci inn." which in tlm kret'it.)i|ri fi.r Tin'sdny, Wfilii^lnyi jtfc

•J""'' J ' ] ' ' 1tK

Miss. Urt'ssh'r fa «,<y'*i'*si. ' in II rit-h Hinn-K lotnt*, w | o •ln'r.lifi' via ring f*r li|»f|;ch whiiin shi> is n se.'.ni.l mt h#>

- slu' iiltiinntcly bm.*mp«il|i|i w iiiillii'imiro. .Om c lildr.'tt in*fr n|it her as a sti'p-moThirr^ tmiuiirs Ihoir siniiil aintiitit ih'iiih nf tfip tiiilUoimir»*!;rwt nnturiniis will- c« iti'st^ whit'l -Miss Dri'Ksirr in nil' rtcca nuiriloi'. The s.t.n y i>(- rtW-n I 11 Mii-|>rlsi|ip hiit lotri.-al ^m*

I'xccllcnt MiiiuM'ift i* siroii mil rroiuwoll, .Jean " Iffr'st X/yrnii I.tjy.

;3.?-iM»p-r Cen in A. &


Decjrea Grocei

~li Sub's' nf dn. iiivht Ajjlan

j fill.' Ti'ii i-oiiipnuy for: tjlu'• t pi'i'iiiil ,1'iidintc .Innuriy^0,^ , $i(Ui,.VK), This .ioirtpar^H ,i

Nil. S7<) fur thnisnmp i^piix nml is n ilerty'ii «• -nf -^0.4 12.5" per tv i i t . -

•Inniiacv siib'M rtxprt^KwJ Kvci'i- :«»M2H thif ytmr. «oni| 1I().fS07 in Jiiniji r.v, IfK|l,-•hwciisc In tiimntity «|?mi *)l«l .,f irs,:t7ft to 1». or 3.M;

A verily "wfck'ly siile^ ijn! wer.'..w.£4i;.«r<tii: .'ohipnW. 7<W. 7IK in 1IWI. a di|c>N •Kiy.Otl.S. •• Avcrngt. weekly •Mill's were flS,8li7. . copipil 102,711a <b'.Tan.nry J f « l . 1 of ,'VHIR. " ••'•'•>* r ~

; J I M-KK- ^lll Imurai To ri'ltflvc pfttlitiit.n of it

insw »f nimlicn'l cnr4 11,-¾ K t n l . s . If; haw IJPPI) .HIJsiptit N.Vst.Mii iniifcht Iw xvorkedfof lnr 11 ud .(rdcrly pnyrn'ftn'l,k Kiirtini... imyriiciUH, Jhe j' tin' <osis of itiodicnf ci«, „ in n statement ree«ivett|yji meiif „f ,,|IP fn |^i , i r p ^ "• ?:i.«KH).00(W)(k> for nit'dhfnleorejin JtJir <'<|.mpored with MM^ ed every y,.nr.in;li{e tdvSi Hlntement of the comraillAt SecrotBr, iUy Xxmi <:linirmnn, follow*.'fc'ftiL „

JThe costs of nie/rtcaVf r modeleihon « nysteta:. f r •»M<*rly imymeiits, iikfr W'« Pnymenti, iij order to ren lo the difficulties attffolaai Prenent By«tem ^ 1 ^ 4 } ««<UcUJ ^"•s.: -t .was .««,

-nfti'f? I,Ulin 'P* WW mitted to the coiiniittee 01 «»f medical cam | "

'•••••• ' , '• . , ; ' ' - : ^ " ; i Alwayt GtxUr

Jud Tuthklns stiya, ithei °y»ter gets a heap o f i t making Itself *ica.»-ce.jf^ which shbws 11¼¾ est ^ ! ancommon. Marylind ft! doesn't get near a« m»cl

[ because i f .go ikj all t h e y ^ W « s j i n g t < m « s t a r i

TIrt ]« . l« i r iHi l The Niigin hills 'fond

father thap a range of 1 •bruptly from the pl.ilm wdlatoahelg i i t©t(V500 • « »«*«!. The Highest t»£ "«dabetta, wh c.h Irt 8,7« «ey m *omiU\*4xtH tho Blue mou^tnUis. * v

^—\~ Oat Id.* e| t*m

W n w j j k j o p u - , ! ^ ^

til?1* down on th« *• *e«a,—jfllwau tee ftentlo

j - :


Page 3: i, · recentlyi conducted -campaigns irt EI Paso, lex., Trenton. X. J.. Ih'nd Gitrd-iier.'Mr ss. On Sunday inorning,h|ti will ad( the church school ntnl*,prf'ncn his iiuu; ': Oil

Orphan Annie of Radio FamejComes to Catlow .(.p|)inu Sisters,

T ( , 1 [ T I- 3nri "Ensma'

Un,V> Film



' on


_ * T " I ' I I

IIKI _: Qmti l i i ir jii'if'inii

i WC.S. w i l l litre stns«' m I inlditi im to

Sfi'fipinir Si*-->.(:i'4.' sil'i-fc-s

..1 - f i in -H l u r

iJ :111(1 L f i l l l - i 1

.•mil Jnbyn. i t l i i - . l . i l l .

i si-i, filil l i m e s l iow cliiirii'-.

tin' lmmo nf . MOW n' i s i i s

l.i.'tiu M i i n i l wclv ri'iinion., I tin' c l u i i i l y • •lit nf hnmi'-

k<• n up livi Ihi1

-tfti-=- nf 'Hm l II ill." .tmiii-s

w ill nuniit. • ii I I I - M S u n -

in !• T i ' . ' i i i i . ' '

• mill hIIIIIII/i

III fi'Hin tin1

ni lIn' hci ir l . - >'«•>!itt;-f»•!•<.

H i l n l h i r m i l l

• •1'inii ' B r n i i i l -

• l l lll-pil'fS t l i i - i i : u j t i j i i n i ;

silver cup nt \ ictinii from

ii:il MH-i-css in lit i l i i l i . Hut iMi.fi f r r t in' n'l tin- i lhiinn-i-in' i i i i i intnm

film unti l l l i i '

Medusa'u Head Continued froi p»m<

r i i is mm

" Y e s , S f l m f f

fell, It will hnvfi SiKfb free lit

meet you; I want a

saying. *"Xo,Tm'leaylnt ute. Xo, I can't.

He went to the sh >lf of] telephone books and fumbled tiie leaves while the other man got hi went back, but tliis|t|ime to the iwu booth.

"What?" lie heard ner. Did you pet li?r? Not before noon tomorrow? \V to do, I suppose, noon? Then bring you—twelve forty-fi ken—can \ou ciitel

her down e from that?

w i t h l l o l l d

wi l l

wait titer > at t|ie station

all th( t sa,Y| tlifat, l)iit

very spet-ial itur&e. you know—no nonsense--oh, jjes entire ly mental—a niark<d case of col lapse. I can't \ery nell dfse^ips It— Hortor Wentzel will give jiou details—Well. I can one night more. I suppose, tve can manage. . . .. Yes, lie is pretty bad —n« sleep at all— No, put soiue-times these things cnnnot lie helped, j on understand— T velve forty-five, then, from Hohoken' Yoii ahd Miss —.what Is It? LlKgstrom? Very well. We shall expec: you. Good-hy."

l ie hurried out of the l))o|lf, .with a ,<|ii|ck glance at hi i nei flibf>r. The • yrllHt was talking n n loud, harMl voice. Hut the nioiiunt bin neighbor had left the felep ion© stepped out arid fout d the

I around the corner. r [ "Follow the jdiori Mindly'Miff.

he goes to the ferry all rluhl, or the IliidMon tulle, never tilnd. Art.Vwlie.re else, watch hi HI."

"All right, sir." Ten-thirty found! ie cyclist

(.'Iitenzer library, 'I'll > Jeweler tired.

lt>Tii:iti"i «i|c-' ,v mill s t i r r i n g

^ Jiritught a •N;H in "Kur­

il pWvpirTat.iuti a i fd j -Thnrs -


, Illusion! i -nmpl t i l i '

room, he lanky bvjy

"Yes," hp.suld, "IWent had to see him, ,VH,U ktujiwf live years older. If slip

I ' i::

r l l i l l l r iMlX t n

•I t l . i t l l iT . W l l t a l

In' witV.of tli<\ ' ) . I'rfllsi' f.u nc-

• bi-Ciiusn' it i(iliitimis. - T h e

••suits, in a ••Ii' i n v o l v e s

;n i usijtiiiii uf i f i i brought tn

I I- I •Uirllisillll. n in, by I t i r l i -f. T-h.ililt anil

DIM reuse

(Jr jcery S a l e s

Imitii- & I V n I'mir' vyi'k II. Wt'lT ,<<W,-

• « i t l i - S 7 s . -ri...l ill l i l . ' l l .

V i . s ) \ : . ' 7 l . "i-

"•i in Minis, nipiii'ivl u i l j i

iMir Tbin. is H ni'.'i'cIllllMlisc

1.71 I<VT cent. ill .TllllUIII'V ••.I wiib $in!-ri'ilsf (if , ¾ . .

My tiiiiiiiigc nipniTil' wi i l i

II. :i uVcrciise

come back, | don't.tiiiik lu>'l|l to live, very long, Jfutber^ell not very long!"

The .voting man hiade ii1 Kvupa Mietic little no'se In his throat

"I asked if he walfeil to sk« you and be said tio. As ;i matter of fact, he has nothing to't 'II us.' He says site was part hula "ly briglit and cheery—a l|ttle nepous, IIIKI changeahlei hut

"Cogeeshaill adm worried for in month.'

'So you $aid. I

Jewel Tea PI Effects Sa


i i

in the ooked

cJo|wn. I He's

Joesn't bother


perhaps, very bright its site's been

told ,of. r

he's d uk you'll

liiin that ,

t i ggeshaU,

pvifted to gri out

this hat h«

whe' ie has


. !•

• "rmiii

I - v'nj

• -in ii •••llcill •-!• ll'l . Ilk.' r tn !

"•Il'l.'l •!' Illi-i

\ \ ; | S

A l w a y s Q, ,od

uranee •f tbi" , h e a v y in tin- I 'nit i>iT .'Ki'sti'd that ii I nut fur r«'gu-'" liko lifr Jn-' " D i l i l i t t i ' o n n

I I - : i i in in i i i ( ' ( '4

by the depart-i- 4. Tlu> sum ("Tit i in i lua l ly

tlii|i'iiit<>ir States, '<Hi..HH).noo ipvest-

ipsiinince. The ttfe. of which

n Wilbur is l l t d t : iiiri' might be f n-gular and lit" insurance

I'lUnvp sumo of it upon.. the ical care and sliggcstcd by

•iiper just sub-vn the costs

"ihiiv tmyUotjy In tin t o/llce had thi reinotesi idea wiitjlt was 1 box!"

"Sot the clerk, p|rhttp«, hiH Kiire l y - '

Not nnyhody," Motheitwt steed. "Why, sir, lniflgire that there! Whirt piffling It's lncredlhLe. They h(|ve

yottfjg nian who (iad a ute t


Conl I

i s Veptz**'-


blijiw m e

He's not vejry fontl but' is <|tiitef sure Mrs. White.' You tli there. Motherwell

"Oh, yes, decidedlh" v "But the m a n -after all \ve, knoww he\ handles---"

">)h. I hardly thlijk he'll up? Explosives wot Id he |iva|ted on me, you knii\v. . "We've got, to sc

In. I don't believe I hut If he has, why look any further, did she and f'ogg there? And .who she gave the Mie old woman Schi had out there—I en liiy head. Mr. (Jlutnzer, Bbe th.rew that ii\vny!"

"Surely, because ho other ^oiild be disposed o|f,

"But they didn't things I"

"You mean they-thdn' t kn i jw—" " I . don't hel-tftvQ,

•e he fits her there,

Ijhen, w e needn't I' he hasn't, why

esball both go ias the woman

Mcdu.ii to? IVrhaps ilTner said they

nrjnot get It, into

In the e threw

\ bite |o-

to?" he


effect of electrle light bin t lng,t!iible HthTor," ' Ii wit stood that the cross |iifli(if| Important bit of glass! l|tad madam of late.

standing In front <|f lu sea-green and.Ivory rp|om[ her an easy glance. • , "If you could se* i l rs inorrow-^woulds you pike asked her.

"Oh, Mr. Welifi; you? Did she—r 1 ;

"It's only a guefjs—a juikkb In the dark," he said, 'rfhere t: ly be a little risk in it, but honest I; I can't see much, and I think you'ns a pret­ty good sport, CAggednl We're going out to Docto • W< >n ;z;I's.

She started nehously aiup caught his eye for a moment, t|ie| her own.

"Oh," she said, "^.es," he uuri|iw:i

there just after you jewi>ls w'ere there-f-"

">'o, sir!' '; "In the same box

I judjred


nnd ihitve thi

things tlijflt


Mr. (II aetr/.er


n that

drawers—something)! Anybody has.* "But she must ht«ve told tljieiii, bj

now ''Maybe she couldn't," the youni

man answered thou {htfully. "She could w r i t e - " ,

• "Maybe not." "I—I don't like to think that,

said the jeweler,unsasily. "If only she coul i know, jlother

well—sometimes I think she doesn' know, absorutely, bow her rusbam adores her! There' 3 nothing in thi world—or the nect-^he vouldn forgive, understand excuse, i explain 1 believe he would take her aack it any circumstances in the vorld-any, any, any!

"Oh, if orily she I ad ieea capable of one-tenth &f tha t pqor m m's af fectlon", Motherwell, nothing would have persuaded., her tojgo-like tha



- II n i ' . i |

• f " f i i r c e - ii's )i(.st

\ i : i r U n n (

Ucar ;,s

-'"•nl nil t

the Maryland ',attention by for a while, tn be a little fried chicken -

ifctMh attention year 'round.

<t ar.

Th* i N i t g i r i

i I.ills f

• i n i p g c

ID the |

-•l.t of t;,

• H o l i e s t

'••'':• ii is',' Hi'iiin,'*

S One Ide» of )'<:b»*»y

'•ople's idea '•ut ilovrn on the l! M il »':ui kee

Hill* nrfn a plateau

f hills, rising iins of, south

N*> feet above point Is called 71» feet high:, refej-red to as

ot economy 1« canary's bird


without' a W<>rd, for help, even !'•

"You think bhe thenr

"N'o, no," Ola^nzer quickly, "I wouldn' , say tl iat •erwell. She has always tionate-raffectionnt s- an Y'ou couldn't ask for any| Heaven knows, he \ as; satisfied. Bu to compare her fteling to (ojurse, no one woufd expect situation was too

Of ilain, Tl

what he their ages, offer her! Motherwell, for'h^r ty and charm. Aid she's been trufe to lielr bargain, opinion. I Shle did knew It';" she's a young woman— Y there alone?"

"I think," the yojing man "that I small take

The jeweler Btnr^d. "You—you mean

jeshall knows fche'i "I mean If she

she won't go,' "And then I' Wont 1 Co^geshnllfwag'

\ ' - ,

II i»ef leavitif idiocy:


perweight them'there..- So noliv \Jie*re to his place In the countr chaice/ Can you be read o'cWck?" i "Certainly, sir, '—did you knowi iiblout zel, all along, nir'r

"Xo," said Motheny But I fmmh out, the thertr. Was It you wli the Medusa's head?

"Me, sir? Tlirriw lit JM yon i mean It's been.. fdi nd, wtisl Mis. White's"favorite

mental defective whox^ i$he$out of alley$

see the i|e dre«H-

; uuder-ou this


ed, did.

witl i she


u, jii«y I) th

It's I not likely It woi Hi h away you- may

If anyone too!.! It

for depend Ihi'.v

It! "U 'e l l , " he wild.:

would be n. great Itel >, (,'



H went All the

the pa-liad left ^ing out

on the i at nine

Haite yt ii always




sign, an appda i

didn't i loVe him

m !>were< Moth

eeii affec devoted.


nis—-o it. Tin! link o had t< i

SS'o, nip-Hie'bought bet youth an|d beau

alway In in

Well, ahd shi very, ii'actlca

»u ire going on

replied, Coggeshall: i -you thiifk Cog out th

knows s l e isn't, said Motlierwell.

go, either." valtlng lftir\"tjiit

ou. could fell Hie extent Doctor We'rit»«|—"

She turned an obstliiate "Ijf you know about jlr* 5|

I don't need to tell Jfou," in allow voice; • "All right," iKTBHidigooif ly, 'Iwe'll let it go nt that, at nine, with a sultcupe,


Colonial Home* Sure

, Constructed t o Endure T iose who are familiar vltli thd

construction methods |emi»ioyed by Neiy England coast housi builders of the Colonial period] are generally impressed bj] tiie foundatim work. Today, after a centurir or ij lore,, one may And tliese foiindajons-tin-shaken. Labor was cheii in ear-lierl times; construction material clos'e at hand. Perhi ps s ich mass­ive bases for the mpeitructure were needlessly i extrava ;mt, yet one-must admire tin hoiist work than lias stood the t;st <i time.

A|t East Winthrop, Mate, there stands a massive Cohnial iwelling. 107 years old. that.bus on f of these typical foundations. It I I formed of lenormous granite1 slabs which are! laid up three feet thi :. It is tradition among desemda: 6 of the original owners tha;; thue yokes of oxen were requirei I to 1 ml some of these great stones ito tie spot.

Quite frequently «fhe U'lll come ncitoss one of these Colon jf! houses with stone chimney bases 20 feet square while on tin j grcjijnd floor Mifre will be tunnel hen'rt of, thfe chlmhey.l unliue hallwiys fro it onp the niaiu floor tions and chi,

to another. I Founda-limeys] wen I built to|

withstand the cinslaiights |< if floods, earthquakes and cen|urle! j. Fire oc­casionally ' razed clieanlj one of theiie Colonial dwellings yet the hard of man is alwaj-|g««;(wsary to ten" ^part that honesjt m |i|ionry.


I didn't, ou were

ii w a y

ty? Do hen? i t sir, and . thrown om her, to tight J

Point of Vlf«, Mniost everybody }s n ore or less

Hj lit about things when you stand In his shoes and look 11 the unl-verse through his eyes aid ki th re­ap set to his peculiar environment.— American Magazine.

That the Barriugrou Jewel Tea Co. has p|tw investment for the c ferred' in a statement t included in the imnviil company, mailed out In statement in part siti

"Your coinp« 11¾ cini| full' yciirl of operations west plant and heiidquai Iters olik'e and found that savjugs' in <i distribution as a result iiig these functions )un|Ier these were greater than those the time the project wi Due to its location an on a main highway cage, the plant also tibing value.

The increase in capi ing the yenr includes t i eighty ^acre

p c plant-*T—

tract of land adjacent

was, ;», ipated

; >huit of the ed a valuable ^iny, was in-


fvport of the Friday. The

leted its tirst rom the Mid-

ipodiiction aiid >f coiicentrat-

one root inticipated at i undertaken.

development ing "into1 Chi-

some ailver-

nl assets.dur-

sito in , Biirringto i uiiil imildiiigjaf "fiouisvi Ie. Ivy., area and*approacl liiulsdn the homes developn ciif have] tinned at ti moderate rates ft

"In im] a rt'seaijt'li q

hi l i e ing »eei

nch In nt nml con-

was orgfliiized willi a nee 4>»sidi It charge, heuen'rehvin this hiiiiiies 11 beqn'carried on for ypn r« bl tin ious o|»rruriiiK depur|hienit| bu ever growing need jfoi infCniive of iniiterisls) mid nii'tlods iilide sizable t«| «4mJ'eiitjnte thiifeiworl der speeiatlwdi direction. . "Net prtilitw fof the provision for federal iuconi pnicintiojj", and reserves—;W 7M0.25 or $4.K7 IMT shareicom with $J,705.293.(B, t^ $«.0!iper the previous year.

.Total salt"*/iimomited I «91^0 emnjiiired witli $n | [ a deeri'aw of 11.40 p«r eetl|

[parfltent in

has Viir-

tbe udy do-mi-

pnr C«xe

Mot a

Mythologl^nl The !"grlhln" ,|vn*

monster, half lion and believed by the .(jreeki watch over the gold

l e t bystej

fter de-

$1 |(M,-ire*! tare

$1.1 42,-I21.T .49,

I ous pir < igle.

Beautiful Lake Lake Placid in the Adironducks

Is known ,as ohe of the beauty spots of the/world;: ranking with l ake Cpmo, 'Lake Luzerne and Lake Louise. It lies directly at the foot of W'hiteface mountain.


>e. I t tyhuJI,

*4f tt'hitt

•f :, njollle, r.' WellK. she siifd

natHred-le-ready ill'you?"

G. RilOP, Mgr.


$«X50 SILDAN or COUPE j None Higher

, . ' • - i. • - ' . • • ' ' . . :". ' ' •' " ' . U- '• !

Save SOc oil Glatt — Present This Ad j

FOK River Grove Auto Body & Fender Shop

• '. "i LOWEST PRICES ' , !


i thitiugh the

i Lialit CmtJitr Huspars, l]ght chvalrlr troops,

weie originally raised b;> Mathlas Coifvinus In 1458 to the Turks. The na fron the Magyar w« big 20,. the troops raited by selecting eVery ma i in the communlw came a pari *f the w

in 1805. i

* ^ ' ~>s

forming port of

flgll against e h probably,

|d hi i ix, raean-halng been

twentieth Iissarabe^

IrtHi Ii cavalry


to thltt


it is our aim to helpyou tofptak : learly. quifkly \tndintMpeniivtly Io anyone,an vhete.anytime

' '1-ip-

To help you in the imf o l a n t pfoc<i*J o(f knii

ting to (ether fdr-f l i ing octiyitiei in your

businei t so thol you have o.n efffcientoi

gdniza ion, the telephone offers Quick an> i

Clear c immunication service throughout th »

State o id Nation. Twe'nry-foi|ir hours a d d f

your ti lephone, awa i ts yoiin command:

Yet thi i constant a id is ibe^pensivei Us«( i I

' " ' ] » ; . - : • » - • . • > . ; " '

/t now otoiir,/*ji'!o »</<< ftHontifot rqotcfim or

Grand Openin In Our New Location

Pork R Pork Lon HambuijSer Native Pot

F^esh Brick Butter 25c

- 15c Roast 20c

Eggs 20c

None-Such Assorted Flavors



4 Free

OfterlngH in this advertlft ment art specially priced Io ct bfate the opening of our neWri ,ore at 1$3 occupied by the Miller Food Shi ope.)

U« ^

Grapefruit l ealed Sweet— PI brides Finest

One 8-oz,

Soap Flakes SAUERKRAUT,' None-Such, Crispy, j Firm 2 lg. Nb, 2½ canfe NAVY BEANS, Hand Picked, I !ichigan SALAD DRESSING, Clover Hip TOMATOES, Blossom BEETS, Whole, Katina Club

i TOMATO JUICE, lure, Non^-S(ich ..

i SHRIMP, Clover Hill, Fancy |W it CORN, Golden Bantam, BlosSon .... RED KIDNEY BEANS, Nonte-Jluch, Improved CODFISH^None-Such, Fancy, ]bneless ......1-lb PEANUT BUTTER, Clover Hil BEAN SPROUTS, None-Suc

J PEAS, Green Giant, NonerrSuch

or or Detail*

Park avenu^ (foi'mei y

• r ' • ' '


5 Can FREE

Quick Arrow

• i

8-oz. cans


i si * ..3 lbif. 1

pint jar)8 1 ,;\ .1..2^^/2^8 1

.2 large N6. 2½ bars I 1..2 tall tars l!

LENTENJ S P E C I A L For Week of February 12th to 18th

i " i | . ry - i . +


2 No. 1 tell carts

Unusually] Fine, 2 No. 2 4ais 4

133 Avenue




...2 No. 2 car ^ 1 .,.3 1-lb. daiis wooden tx xi s

„...4-lb. barrel jars iij 2 No, 2. cans


P. Telephone

' ' i ;f. ' \ P' ] : : »

i b

r - I - ^

i W



t | > *

( T l r \


) \

i i>. > -.

I ,i



i \ '


'i >




I * : '

Page 4: i, · recentlyi conducted -campaigns irt EI Paso, lex., Trenton. X. J.. Ih'nd Gitrd-iier.'Mr ss. On Sunday inorning,h|ti will ad( the church school ntnl*,prf'ncn his iiuu; ': Oil

Clubs - Society



Miss Drussel Becomes Bride

A quiff wedditi Baptist »nrsoniij|e unlay iifornimj Dnissel.tdainjlit

-tJJharles llrussej th'e bride of A., drew, 1«. Th read by Rev. bride, using the tiers of tli*- imm<J<l young cvn|ilo wi

The brills wh ter of Hew n rial I n teach>r in tin SpringftVld. HI.. years. Sin- wii Kpringlield high rtfter completing Hhurtl«ff.-mll«« II Ht l l l l c l l t - 1*1 t i l

Normal,- III., mi I alty of Chiengn

Mr. J mill is i it ml Mr*. A. \V ii tiiHith'i'r at |m for ihit p r c - n i i i(r >i'fl». ,II'i- rwi' iv Slllirllffl' l-i. | |f«r ho ld ing II iinslii drew . In. Tin' tinv I"1 f i l u M i - h

is took, place at the fit AVoodstock Sat -

.vhi-ti' Miss Helen - t r <>f Ilev. an<1 "Mrs. of this city, became Rd\}ard Judd of A n -nanriage service was usif l . fa tb 'r o f t hi­

ring ceremony. Meni-iiite families of the

v present. is the oldest diriigllT

rs. Drtisxel. bus' been' public schools lit

for n number of graduated from- the

school in 1112.1. ami two years of work nt

Alton. III., sh'« WIIS Teaelif r-' college,

Inter III (lie T'lilvi'l'-

MikiihUll.ueHU > "Nuptials Head j

Miss Victoria," tow II liecniHc til I,neck of I lumli-so l emnized nt i)

• in C h i c a g o Snt| r.jipinsiii of <; l i eHol t of Bnrj-t emla i i t s . After m a r r i a g e serv ice had d inner nt tl

Mr. L u c k is1

Miner e s tn te s'mi nml .the yiniii: e s ta te .

e ot<|rst suii of "Hey. luilt l , w h o Imve helif urates in I l l ino is bill e Infilled in Arjiidl|.

I hi« II. A. dvKrei'' njt iii lW2!t II ml i now n I I - l e n e b r r a t A l l -

• It MU e i i l l p l e l e f t ' X n i l -

l i e i f h o m e l i t A i l ' l l ' . eW.

Mikul'ski of (Jeorge-Itl-iile o f A l b e r t I ' .

IIt II i p i i i ' t W c d d i f i g

Lutheran parsonage nln.v.. Miss*. Marie rgctown nml .Tames l l g l o n s e r v e i j l | * i t t -

tIn* reading of 'the the 'bridal party

• Til l i s "-aniens, employed at the

Invest of Rftrringto,n Uple wil l l ive on the

Celebrate- . Tent I: B i r t h d a y A u n i v f -sary "",

• M i s s P h y l l i s 1 iei-kinan. d a u g h t e r of Mr. nml Mrs . ) \ \ H. Beck imi iu KiS d r o v e a v e n u e , epitertained ten l i t t l e fr iends ' at her IIIH>II in honor

a n n i v e r s a r y . A g a m e s , refri'.shn' ents w e r e served/ n tab le pret t i ly anese. effect. • T i Senrs . Sh ir l ey B derson . Marjor L a n g d a l e . B e t t y ins, C o n s t a n c e and Y v o n n e ljlei|ren,

e i orn ted in the i i i p -i- g u e s t s w e r e I ' l len eehe le . M a r g a r e t A n -

M a r t i n , Care l in Cooper . W i l m a ('alk-Filloon. ami Regfua*

Itrcucho Staff Oives Party

• .Members of . t MIMIO] a t t ended

the g y m n a s i u m g u e s t s of menili Kfj.ifT/ T h e g y m a t t r a c t i v e l y with paper nml red I to the beauty of enrds , shuffle Ii were included in ter ta i i iment . M son n ml Lee Sit; staff, served lis

Announce- . Kiiciigetuent

Miss l .oi 'el la ed iiieinbi'i's of iliiy e v e n i n g ami by n ini'MHu-fnt,- I r m g c tn W a l l e r holli iml is Keenit pres ident of tile. Mr. Adam's Is Trent Ik in the

nine S a t u r d a y af ter-f her tenth b i r thday ter a h a p p y hour of


ie I'nmiijjtt'ii hish i Vnletitine party lit Sntiirdny nieht - as

rs- of the Broncho is i i i in ;vvas decorated red ami w h i t e crepe Ifhtinaf f f feets milled tin" sceye . L)illlf4liK. •a rd "lid I'iiji; piiiic

tlji> projinini <>X. »11-. >s Altheu Chris t i in-i ley, simnsorrl of the

i ha^eron*.

Uulbollulnl enli'i'tain-ie-1'' briiltce d l i l l Mo| | -siirprisjed her friends er iippioaclliin; nmr-

Adams, Miss i ln l -ty in ,\(. II; Karker, Jewel Tell ( ' I I „ mid ssociated w:itb Mr. ood Marl Krocerv,

'J'hc rcijiiliir uJiii i l l i ly'i l ieeltnii "(• the Bai-rimrtiin W o nan' s c lub wil l be held at ' the l le thodist Kpisropa clnirc'h W'eiliief lay. -Feb. 17. nt ! :.*!() p. in

T h e r e wil l he a Krnphicoljoi; of \ e w Z e a l a n d by M i s . I.eilu M t Blo.nitie|d A Rood at tepdnn r-e Is . e x p e c t e d a s l l i s s ;

" IIIKIIJV rectiuiiueudeil

heard her tiilk on ' N e w Zea land . S h e

i l lu s t ra te lier l ec tures ;ni'\vn.' in the f'lii-ted

S t a t e s and (*aiinda. t 'o ine nml spe id itli hour joinlieyillf,'

throiiKb beautifjul. p i e tures ip i e \ e w Zea lnnd .

Blointicld coiue-liy tho.se w h o U%v her na.tive Inm uses p ic tures ti.. a n d js wide ly

T h e Kdisoii

Baniio,'t(»|] c lub m e e t i n g of the

T h e member-Woi i inn's e l n b in-; 4»f the Poi f l u b to be heli F ie ld H o u s e . >| avenue i F r i d a y ,

l>r. A r t h u r J illiistrnled iectt Ttiere will ajso

P a r k Wi club h a s e x t e n d e d i n i n v i t a t i o n to the

members: to air o p e n lub P e b r u n r v !>.

of t h e . B a r r i n s t o n re inv i ted to a ijiei't-

r f a s e Park W o m a n ' s at the; W i l s o n Park

i lwaukife aiid W i l s o n [Feb. 1'lt. at .1 :."0 p. ,,,,

O a m i b will give an re on the Dunes. »e a musical program.

•F ELTOVAR ThcatH >—Crystal I.aUe

l*nojtramn|e TTHIRS,

, GV "TON!

r.oi{ i

Week of Feb. II FBI.—"




s iox. * T : • KOBT.


V-r* ' ., ' OX MARSH




Sumraetnille I'XKXMfcCTEP FATHER

'Efl 'f ' MOXTGOMERi-

COITRAGEOUg" iBS., F B I . - , -.'"~


Honor Mrs. Biandt at Afternoon I arty

Sirs.. Albert" Dehlingp Park and SIis. Stdnle Chicago [were

nlber <>f friends at the Kvelyii. Poutre SVednesday afternoon. SErs* Brandt was t ie guest out of tokvn giifsts ineltu ed M rs Willis. Mrs. engo. ,Mfs. W Island, iilnd M Sirs. Arrh Park.

Yi'illiani Ci llinra -Da s. Frank Benjamin

Lions Indies Are Entertain«fd

Sirs. Paul I Lions Ladie-sr party nt her ">izeji were SlfClurif. Sllifs Albert lli,\M-

u M i

The club f Mrs, I-!. A.

w'urV W

• f i n ,


iihlmiiii i

n|t a Vnl lioine Moi

ed t i ' i rren Mi l l t l

ill meet ileermiiti,

Celelinitfl W'HIHII . Annlvcrstiry

.Mr. atid .Mi W. Lake-' s treet , four re la t ives boine Si'tnday in - law' and d Paul Amlrcw.s c e l e b r a t i n g t in versary.

Kntertains Keyjitoiie.CIasji . Sl iss Sine ipraiidt the Keystoiie day school fit her hon Hough street] Monday e

'the business i

uients' suggosl were served.

X'elebrates Twelfth Birthday

Slembers of

en id home, day n ight .

he lp G e n e b ir thday nnniv?rsary ,

hostess*.* t o

107 S. homi' ( [lough

>f lu in r and

nrgle iine.r

Etenji m in and of S [organ


itertu entina iday

Slrk SIel*r

le igui 's it llin.

lit till' Feb. 2(


and friends nit in honor l ighter, of Chica

f tl)f Sllr. n:m

ff ir third Keddjiliu

w i s host lass' of the S a l e n Sun

leeting. t ie gues ts en­joyed a pleasa it social l o u r . R

ing V a l

Mr. \\ class of the Baptist Sunday were entertained' at th<? II .


Give Evening Pinochle Part}

'St.: ami Mrs S. t'ook s tree i friends tit the eviniing was) pii iochlc ';'. Vet-Louis' Stiller, tug'Won the p

H>n ' S e l l !

• i i id S i t


Is HiMi'tetss at Luncheon

Sirs . F r a n k to the W o m a n nun ii'clock Jin, runr.v I. T h e playinit bunco , by SI / s . Walte . Kenda l l and A.

S e a v e r n s i Thurs i l

I'hfjou at h (iffernoon

Entertains at Bridge l^ilieliejin

Mrs. Nellie ing the follow! anil bridge at Mrs. If. II. U


insoti. Sirs, Unt ie Slay B, Jos ly i i . of Selii 'oeder of Downers ' 0

Kntertaln Toa *hers nl Bridge P u n y

Slisv Ajineit'e Sheet, Le'igh II mi Alts. /Harold t a l l i e d n gi'iititi o f l e n c h e

party lit thi' home of l'Oli Harrison itreet, Salt Knelt guest ri.f

Entertains Slathers' <'lass

Sfi-s. John street." was hjo .Mothers' i-laU school Wediii child-.life sttid b'y this" class

Slart in Jfehreib

enterti tied j ir home r'riday

spent •"• '

and prizes wei • Seavertnl, rs; Anna

Julie's t berts, Sir


eived a |iri?.e t iken.

1 Blank**, KW- Summit

si reel.' was hjolites* to in 'niberj o£ the] of the I aleiii i Sundajj

sday iiftc rnoo.nl The! book is 1 e ing.r 'viewe-l

of •8«J



gr N

Persbri IEVIEW,

dison ba 'of

Jarge f 'Mrs J streetJ

Its yriiond

Job] f Chi'


iif'd tin1

bridge eteuing

Iieslii Sirs. prizf

<50S:f» tied ! I iventy-

their r soai-

Mrs. WIM'C


e ou ening

•ntine s



Xortli After


boys school,

Kin-714 E; SIaii|i stn|f|t, Fri Tv elve • boys

^ ' ) resent welfth

«11 neder] R o y

::02 few The

l i l ay ing S i r s .

V' i ln ier-

Wlli ly el iii

was s)

SI i

O t i s .

lg guests it a III icheon iivern 1. I lu) ' io|e, nml *


SIlsj Orel s at Sirs.

Entertains Bnwling Team

Miss SIil<lre<1 Russell street entlerta

SIatW.ws, • isflt i l

her bowling team iter M o n d a y , eveni ng.

Celebrate Bittlida|ys at ijarty

" Sliss Anna Fii Jewel eafeterin d; at Grasmere fannj ebrating Sl iss Mi Sl iss [Anna Teppe

at a ijjr ed members

sis o'clock. di

i l ls ivisi' »Fri drw r's

Entertains at Bridge Party

Sirs. S'eriion BeM Cmijk street, ent^ttaiii teachers at a bi'id||e pi 'Ilitirsxlny cvejiing

ileder, - 5 1 7 d l ii grot ip l t y at her. h<i

ioste-j» n t n

r hotb» Feb-eiit in

won ('nrrie

s enli'ftuiii'

T« Give Dinner Party

Sl iss Mi hie eight .frien piirty nt J ing.

A number of .friend

o| Is at a dl nlie's tuvel'ili

ant evening nt the ll Mrs, Alfred Chiir-b T bridtte. Priises weri1

Ml'S. Leslie. XieliH'iei' 'Mieki!.' '

Mrs. C. K. Loveiuln «wd.t.o. members of tji: gion Auxi l iary at; tih rooms Thursday will sews car|)et

t. evep agfj

Speedway hospiti 1 -(V men Will wei(ve t nations of wl^ite are very much ladies doing this

The American held its regular m w U i ; : Monday ev

hem agi:

ing; ' During ithe; bUsji vote was passed ito


ntertait-ed tlie at her hoi

ny evening efi Statheiys| a


,v 11T eiitertilin IOI' and br1<j8t'

Friday ,-evi

t»|ieirt ii pic of Mr. i

1 ,1 rsdi'iy play; MI by M r . and /Speii i

i s -nil in? ml

• •er

o be sent t o ere ex-«crv nto rugs >F this purp

by appi ijciated woH

Lpilion Auxilin

froni the World phiinage at "XTorrual, bers close

enjoyed a of the business

Sirs. George Kneble Cook County Cot ,-ncil Americn.n Legion: Great .Northern day.


l l

Sirs. L. E. Slutphj to twenty guests vision sjtijeet to<la to be tlie/ diversiob.

attended bieetiug of

A|ii^iliary at Chicago, Hotel

at ler homo on y. A

Sirs. Grace CaJinoii two tables oil bridge Tuesday' evening. |S Lorenzen (it Arlfngti the honors.

Sir. and Mrs. Geo son,- Mclviii, and Mr of Deertield Nwerc gulp the George Whithorn! ('nok street.

lodny : I }lob-" L.


I .etui I'HttM'-f bridge Grebe

I'diiy h'tiing.

f i lve Hveaiing Bridge Party

S i r , and Sirs . H a r r i s o n stri gue.s-ts a t the! ing. Bridgi and S irs . F l o y ed pr i ze s .for

home. S i t t t r d a vvttsi the iliver'sii I Lindheif{ were ligb. s cores .

J. & Main

et . Ebieji entert

I wisii jtoanncunce A. Radio Co

: f • .

street) m d t I hav; taken over

Hom« Furnishing

I hav a had F:igidi ire training at their

Dayton, 0., and assure you of first class and)effi­cient service n al

Gies l I i lied

'. liM t welve

even4 u. Dr.! awards

Mrs. W w l e y Nelso sell street, enterti inei Pinoefile club" hint noon. Pi'izes we L. Miller. Mrs. Ti Wnltei' Toiiite,

Slembers of tin "J were entertiilned it u at the home of SI -s, I 10. Stat ion street, W e I I'rizes wi're a winded Niniltz, Mrs. WI ltdni Louis Sillier, and

Mr. tained Harry Elgin,

t in Mrs. th4ir chll If

Mr lerner '

ami Mrs. sfin, Jackie, und


I Invitations

M l H

H. lreti i ml


leiss meetiui: dopt an orpji:

Veterans' flll. The ni

hour a t i'c'&ion.

will be hosi

(fp Harder IL SVhitcc

ids Sunday home, 49'.)

Wedding Announcement; §

Birth Announ:<ments

Mourning Card; Cai I Correct Static mery

Printed n* IltJjraved

Barringtm iW N. Coot

:>ibL Co. Street

Wi!iini!i:ttiiii!:i!iai!i]i!ii!iimii!iiiiiii)iii limnum im irtnmtiltmnnnminitw

departments and a in now located with ithe




n^ Uttttk

to the former custoriera of the

at (forjmerly located he Barringtoh comm he #ifigidaire and ra^io

Frigidaire and Radio Mr >rk

Ear: Wess^el e 3 l ( i ^ t ^ t ^ ^ 0


1 will be h American Legipn (

;. The grr

ist-']j6t ub «i>

he ice



ry en-

a an



the the the


game of 30i) is

to was hostess at her home iss Gertrude Heights won

ess Di-

uid mb at N.'

¢..20(1 W. Fus-the "Foursvime hursday af tor-

warded to Mfs. i\ Sit'.,'nbe, ami Mrs.

l.v Kiirhf ' 'iileittine pimty

tils Miller, I iesday even t|o M^rs. 0

.Tnhnke Wesley Ne |

.iiuihver el I)r, and

skin, Gordoi loy I 'pton

and Mrs.


li)7 ing. vlll

M'H, mil .



tipr-H. of

a id B.


116 W. Jan ty that " service


schofl at



Herril in and son WIe<lnesdiiy. -in hofli wife's bir|thday anp

and Mrs. dihner guests , of 3d r DJjnnison' of Hairi'n


Jhmes r of versa

nvewie, of friends at

eni e rtattWd

The SVoman's It 1 tlieif first meeting jit hall | Wednesday, e m s , Mrs'. | Edward ialm] Dratiden, and (•ijmprisetl the com the ^oeial hour.

Mr. and JMrs, terti| bomje; . , M a c t e m t a n and 31 ' . pri«e» for nigh sc<|it

,(slie Niemeier en-liinwl) a »tnall b ri Jge pftrty at their ie >sfedneRday .tivnintJ. Mrs*. J.

diesl tit the Fnivei'ni day night after sp nt their 'parental ton. /

; Sl\: a nil Mrsi Solltl l s tree t , I'ettlf fjrntn a week's \' Sir. l>itbson's ino son, of Siontleellii,

Allen Bennett friend, !*>ob. BniWi Simdiiy, They ret u together Sumiay

Allien Bennett , Ri|ih'iird l ) r m e r am Percy Ilactiden re |

Sir. and Mrs. daughter, .Ruth street, spent tlie, \|v ti^es tat, Indiaitilpi

•Mrs/ Earl Hatje went] to SVoojlstoif visit [of severijil da her sister, Sirs. Ge

Bertram S/diult? be spent Tliursda SViliiatii Thomas, the I'niverKity of

R e v . ' W i l l i a m . B e i and Edward Goth) ed at the home o Beuscher, 121 W Tuesday.


J i

Sliss Idicil le K guests , >Iiss Lott Adeline Emmerl inj Chicago, spent Su Kirscliner bjom'e o

. Sir. and Sirs. Ir|a sion Street,, i s-pent day ,at the home of vey Schi l l .of Cljttcsig

Miss at .the-WilmetK

Dorothy lipme of s i


Constancx-her daughter, 1¾¾ the'week-end at.t(h|if ents,'

.feMfftfteptetattrtb RSSxrassssRp

at a dinner Sirs. ry.

lilr.'.vle.v were and Mf". jA. L. Sunday;


bridge Saturda,y

Corn| . held .•Masonic

lief the ne\v

*rs." Frank Seav->ters. Mrs. Win-Urs. Louise. Sodt

ri ittee in charge of

NieiKeier woni 4 .

rued to l the lr s tu y of IlMflblH Sun-diti(t several .iliiyf imi'H.'. in Burring

Im iMihson, HOI I'lHlte S l l l l l i ' i b l j

lit the him e o|

rlnined a collegi of Wan kegnn

led. to (iiainpiiigri I'i i iB- " I

nn, ek-k J

Xortli' avenue SVedn'esday for a i at the homo of •g'e Wilburn

1 Viaco'nsin.

cKay Steele. 115 George

BIVC| with rein mi:' i , . -

ii!id Eugene at

is a student

Gre-Sl'adison with

: at

seller of FreejiOrt of Itnscii visitr

aiui Mrs. 'P. iLi'ncolii avenue.

schner -and two Scoal, and Sliss

>f Grant hospital, lay ait the' Harry Cook street. »

Slnrgaret ot Slay wood, and' Charles Ahrens and snn. Louis of Forest Park-visited nt the home of Mrs. Anna Ahrens Wednesday.

Sirs! M. Wilkins of Chicago ijeturn-e«l home j Slonday after spendinjg sev­eral days AVith her aieee. Sfiss Ruth Lagesxhultei 138 SV; Lintjolii ayenue.

Willartl Gieske. who is a sttnlent at' the Teachers' college.•" DelvallK spent the week-end with his parents, Dn.. and'Sirs. A. Gieske. ; ,

Sir. and Mrs. Ray Bolin a lid family spent Sunday at the Ihothe, of Sir.' B|>-lin'si pareuts. Mr. aii t Mrs; F. C, Bi>-lin of Chicago,

Sir. and Mrs. Willtird Watson and family, 643 Grovje avenue, visited with relatives at May wood Sunday,

sirs. Alv'm 'Radke and diut«hter of Hlgliliwd Park were gnu'sls; of 'JIlijs Estder Bratzh'ri tit lier honie west i.f town last Week-end. , I '

Sir, iind Mi'if, children. 2(H) Sundiiy at the Kin. -

C.|II, Sa.vetey and .ineoin rtventie spent

. SIls's Norinn I ml in im, ami I' visited nt the Ii Geoi'gi; Itieruiiii lil Hu tit nl ay

Weiikniu|i ol' Sfeu4nl. Iwood"Ipgi-ain nf Udell line lif/llieir'minl.. Mrs.

from iWeilne'silnj/'inn.-'

Tho;iniis •nd al the

Wnu'si»u, lOlfliX o l

•Mr. and Sirs f»f t'lticn'gi


M i s . It. H ter. Joan, of I) Leslie I5.-iHma.il

* Sir. and S in Sunday at the Claretice Stadl

il home

Mr. and Mrs.nVaJter Fidder of p i g h -land Park, v. ere A. | Grebe home, 3


[liests at' the ft. IK ll Cook street, Sin}-

Slrs. welre

V. H<i?lund and Mr. and Walter Lii guests nt

honie cm Praiih' i venue Sunday

son, Clyde, Vir>\\\ Sirs.,'Clara Ma| 111 at the hoiiil' of Mrs. Hammond. Indl

Sir. and SIrA and sons, Don ah guests of Sir. ami at their home in

, -JJ Jpm\ C A L I F O R N I A N A V E L


NO.4½ O H -CANS 40C

160Z. CAN

Lettuce 8£ '* * ' lonakl) 'and Sliced Pineapple 2

QuaktrMaid Beans Encoijej Macaroni or Spaghetti 6 PKG.'25c

CAN DC 8-OZ., n o ^ CAN , 2 3 c

12-OZ. « « JUG | Z O C



Sultanja Brand Red Beans Cocoirdlt Vermont Maid Syrup . . ' . Blue Viijker Sardines . . 4 Lifebioy Soap . . . . 5 Oxydd . . . 4 . .' ' .

FR : E « °un "»•<"•"»» •'?» P « e k a » With tihe pur-• •% . • . . c n a i e 0 f o n , | a r a e ptc^aw 0 | Jxydol.

Cold fftream Pink jialmori 3 c ^ 2 9 c


L Q E . o f -


Sayl|T With Flowirs

SWEETHEA;^ She mAy say to you,: "Don't spend

for me." But nothing will F Remember flowers arid she wo

flowers more.-you.

If you party.

' vill have, but one guest'or are f knning Flowers will help make l t |a m

* *


'• YOU



Welcomi s

Fyqwers ad Valentine

HTJSBANt) . Womar -like, she loves you for tlie; l i tfe things you renember not to forget;


joney w ,se her

ft ioKg^t


ALL Now; And Place Your Order


ElaJii Seniors

Class Ela Tow/iship

Compiled -the Pup

i\choo\ I

yfbw: i

of the T h„ east ot ^ r m J ^

. L , l . . s s play. " T ^ - V a t o * senior / ' » • • . ^

plfly *m b« #.v{»

Ela itigft,

last yreeic

oli Al>rU *

east fo l l -v- ; K t 4 i e l I t .

I h y p * S'l1' ....Mj'rtl*

. EiU ;I?H<MI. 4~JM

«'i>rm»h Kmerr j ...Unroll

.^rillWt.'Efl KnymomJ

fiKnV >..«.•!" ihe "hie. ,April

Ilf Dorothy Wl«kr:Jh*iik./-.» ,,,,,,..1,1....-. 1!«.«H»" W^'W « S.Mlerlier«. Cnrolim', Meleti ll'"1*' ,"! L

There \vas a InFJifp

Minni" Strft.niivr]---ftelen WnV"^ :

Ivi ly / , 0 , , , ,1 , :

Mi-nf *'".''• , " /jonnU'"" ,",,I'K '

jaP.lf-.Miinl" I V t e . Ai VVni<l"'>iin

,AJ ( j h " - ' *


There Was a InfJip ?'":

„iN ahnent on ^lt» ^ili.v ,1,1« iloesn'l -httPlieM. *v< ,„ows }J. lli« morn.iit>. f rvervhody ^ ' n 1 4 n'MW. W in the n.nN' «>f moiern Wus|»« ffhieh. i li'i»P "^ r ( ,> M fm

The T-nited Stages ^-ejjnhwn is Winni'ik ,<)•« s e m W f V ^t ihe ronntK Xake :odji(jr is; stndied in life dft^. ^^1.1: ,^ . -

SV..1I well-! Wild s(tI<|iOhl|iJl , ter -wa« g»UW % s l H V g , t h i X j,lrt pf>ek ofl^ oJ>>\] if w i h R ^

"A the snow plied *<P hi^i, in, and that i<-e on the poh'd7.a«.,c| erystnl :iml>four iiirhes thi? lqoks as t hoiiRli we; ; ire g>ing 4 otir minmier ,in 1 ^ mti^ find in June! . '• 'j -!, • ,

In eoiinectkiii will:-,0 ir]Ktu«jj says in EiiRlislu we h^ve'jhad

, people' .write very WteresfiiiJ sivinK Iheir-reactiorf to subjefii as: education, nthletfe's. |ah(f-j UiiiisellSiietsiiiKerwrr)t< oheof t

entitled. "Tile

''hns •s. of. .1


essays tions.'

This week the ai irOfll flass will view.somfj s id good cow looks like . The <»irlsJ elub ikiel

• jirfift ndiipteil their einstitution Knnized by ^Tflen '. lans ,afld 'Sehwermajr. They f rf >| H»nsori sale of Iriit dog "sandivith^ti aK] ketliall Kiuiips.

.JL'Mst week the biu IrohoidoS tfie children had ' t > wiit ujii driver g"' swnre«ne to briim t school. The hoys ljik 'd this tl.e>i t'lioiiKliMhey wtm|dj br-Jati of tjienr^of here in t im^^i i*

'JTiei;!' Iiil ve been's r- cr:ii jabs* the f.-csliiniiii elasM Iht.s" jwiifek.

vyiR Mnrciiret Iteeii; JK«:h4 ;-J KntheriiW' Jayne, S ajibiy !Xo( Klijuihi'th IIofrmefvei, jr^r<ii>n ;; lejM'Ke Meyer} and 'jljfr+pjt" """


rther Wi

•vAvy \

'ISvo <

l i i l r icsi &*

-' ) Pecan Orchard* ( Pecairireeu nia>5 li*nir n f « i when three toftlVe ^nj»';^f}a(| Kenenilty HnertktriK, !»<Mjilot do not eonn» into rtjm^Wrifini ItiR ilnlll they are l»iijit> teii old,; WII Ii proper ntr« (RttnJ ind spiiclim: tile trend frii «|f«)*|k;'s

i i j i iwi inl ns the orci i i f r i j . ? jr iw»


feiritflnjt. :tH':tj i lAnktal srti

Stiite!! IVeniirtH*

lit the i>(lire of hiwrt nt-j*aifili*i


— , ,-, t^.,

Urge Trapping <if MttU , The bcflt way t<i( ijseif rid at

In lawn* nM iii ''them, Hiiy* Hie bli - the I'tilied

A(,'tlc'iiltiire. If the ti ai-i>*;only: .ttoiKl,.ri'stilt« winy

: dmppitiK motii .(Mil be ohtulj

s In ilu» ft



eral 0 1

Reopi deeprbje

tyred. No analyi

kthe *ni cial

t^stimohi r^eumatis

wi Bering your "


wonder-.iii for

Page 5: i, · recentlyi conducted -campaigns irt EI Paso, lex., Trenton. X. J.. Ih'nd Gitrd-iier.'Mr ss. On Sunday inorning,h|ti will ad( the church school ntnl*,prf'ncn his iiuu; ': Oil

Ela High School Seniors Pick " Class Play

Out Cast

Ekt j o ^ h i p Behoof Notes

• (impili'rf Weekly) by


. . 1:1.1 hi

I",,.- Valli

;.-.! l.-t-t w

. . , , Apn

I ' l l i M

• I ' M v I l i s

M.vij .K

' 1-: i!

i \ , , i m i l

I Iint-ij l l n l j

Wil l .e r t

1 ;.-iy mj

• : . • • - . A i

i r_. • 11

• l i ' - i i n .

Fir- l i . - r

S-i ! i \ v i ' i |

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•--. - . , I t h i s

-, . ^ . . V l T l l l ;

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i i i i y

',„ - . .MM, , - kip. u-' l| ;, . , ' ; ( • -IVi 11(1(1

• I. 'MI high •ii,- in,ml a - * . - . . - I . - * t|

.- a:' , ' «• , i i

iml.siii!*ki oelerberg

tic r«»tts-n Sturm n Mason ucy Fry

n Washo y Alfisoii .lil Giesc Luerssen »nd (Jroff il s .

consisted Trances Marjorie

mail and

i- nf pu-AVe hope

time it • . 4

[iutere-ited? MOSS l a W $

' I l l C S t P t - . .

iont class t inlying

i- being

!inn u Win-,|iis year? \v. Look in drifts clear as

hick. It ••x to have nl winter

:<; I

l - i . . . t i l - -1

'-,,".- lime h:| -\ ml-resl

- , . - l , ' t , i - t i l l

, - : - . 1 , - - 1 , - . Il l

• u r,,|i- o n e ,|

• I'll.- ' I \ v ->

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K . v . i , . I ' ; i „ - I • > : . , ; : ! . • > :

'.- - .--1-. I ' a M ,

•;i -11:.1-1.

Pt*c,an Orchard* - - ::, I-;, ' . i \ i r il

- - , - - . , - \,-:|rs of! -I ' '•; 'i^. pecan

:,i i-ominer, • . > i r - I t l l . H l t

! • - - - . . - , . - - . . : i r e i l l l i

• - - 1 1 ( m • _\ j e l l

- ••:• '. i t - . | trr .

< ? r T r a p p i n g o f

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'•i; - ::i l i l .

^ , , , . . . ,

! I

h svhool

,.v of the

rk. The

,S. The

Two Cleaning: Shops] Make Changes in JLocation!s

A two-way change in-c

locations' in Harrington

lust, wwk. . : j

The tlowntowii offieie ei leaf Cleaners was moved i mer location on Park i building at 100 N. Cook si Utichta. tailor, re-moved hi| the building at 1(|« N. and • is now located hi building* on I lough .street ship with William Schwd

leaning s'hi]

took pla

the Ore roin its venue to reet. Fr^?]

b office ICook street

e Schw'a in part

fdr-a k

f rolm

« 1 ,

tiielr rz.

Ed.C. Groff Moves Business to Newly


;dy of es-(1 several na • ones, .•ots such I morals, f the best

C.enera-' l

• ifbandry if what n

Thursday. HI as or-

Kl Kuth oriiiK the.

it the bns-

| ow» . and until the

I theni to because

ate . Most

- * {".wover. isenrost in |k. includ-

Stelling. nilstrom,

i\ [.eland. Krli:iefer.

few nuts age, but. orchards •inI bear-en years i t i l c i i i i a t e

[s is_jhe>n \vs nlilpr.

Quality Food Shop Name of Firm; Formal

Opening Satuijday

With the moving of thel Grocery and' Market stiJK-k tp tJie building formerly-.oceupieei by Food Shoppe. 133 Park iven week .comes the aiinounccpie-itt (.'. Groff. manager, of the the open display plan of ing which has proved so la,te years. Tlie locationj completely renovated and. and will opcnj under the n the Quality F-ood Shop. '

The entire stock is ope and may be seen at a gl new, arrangement. Every ijrtieb a price tag and this, in the open display, permit*] mer to wait on " himself chooses.

T\w shelving and interur have IveiMi pnintwl in orange and blue to ( i n form ,.to the ..standard plan of the \ Shield ' of Quality store sysfenu if which it is a member, through this connection, customers receive the ben­efit of lower priees throu :h the e o n Itined buy,iiig of the ind|pendent firms, Mr. Groff states

The formal opening in the new 1 >-cation' is set for-Saturday. F e b . - l J . An ad vert isemeiit on pag? n of til issue contains full details of t h e g r a r d opening.



24 Students Character Rol in 3 Club

Bfirrington High Shortjufnd aassj Here Talk on

ness Qualifications

I The Diamntic club of the

toi i high school, under the

y\ ss EtBel lSchjrab, presented






Miller's be,' th i s

by Ekl adobtion sf mer 'handi popular

ha»' be<Kn redecprated

ew name, of

li to. i!

lance ispIAy pn the

bea! addition

tb.e eust| if.' he


Si:i JM<|



to t;



oil ?-apt plays, last Monday t i 1 high school auditoriumj b|> -n the laim of the club to) er; member an opportunity iii three public performances! va 1 nual presentation olf a-on «-net ,P||nys helps to make sil le. TJ e . plan is gi-pwing iii 'b' popular. This yeiar ih^re vf-y appf;eciatir« I audience

t 'ak ing attendance, Tho program consisted of (

jr»^-"lTi|e'iFi<>ye of Pete" Jnd bii jes," and a -serious plajy. Patchwork Qtiilt." The i) sh»wcd' talent among the |

I an 1 competence fin the parti bf rct^or. Several members• of ItL WPIW freshmen, imost' of- wjhon| no er nppeared in a public a i?e of this type. Two ni^mb| tl 1 c i s t in "The Patchwork h i l i|eeh absent, during the* he rsals -liecause of illness.- j ol thes«» facts',, the prograjii ol the be.it in the history of mil tic club. "

' LVO freshmen who apr|en leiSing rdles were Elva.Tea a ijuaiut jitltle grandniother mi|itreate(| and , misundersto<j|(l mppibers |>f her1 family excedt-a

Mi ole i ,f moles to trap

purvey of ]tincut' ot

i i y ;i few, ii!led by runways l o l l .

Move to Barrindton' Two new families are moving

Harrington .'.this week to make the honies, according to Wirt Lawrence, through whose agency they have ma< their local arrangements J . Mark Smith of Philadelphia ha* rented John Freye: house,• 615 S, street. Erie Ftheringtem has rent the <'iidwallader house, -lift E. Hi >ido avenue.

: Ireland's Di i t indt ion Ireland is one of tho few couh-

trle's will eh- has i>p\er persecuted the Jews. I

fiieef Hoiij(rh

(1 II-

0 a tej| G:


afT|(l the beginning of the Ei|

ofl a a n tr. orj ii

For lourHedlth •USB failure's H^d

r -- . t . - .• .

Mineral Water-


president ijanbr %V|oodbui[ii| Bi^rijiug-1 of the University of Hlinoii

sired a warning against uni magazine salesmen who themselves, as bein the; iinK'C.reity or "ict|ting crertlt" for .the \yort. eomt lissions, pah no atibi are in iorefe or by $ n'y such ; parsojnfi, Ohasle. "Any i fJaucjulsnt-.

such as ihesse |ihoulci




lirod|ivtion IriperS


:..ast Jlohday veils, employment

ke l TVA Co., sh4rthanrl| du

.ic wh

„... neldaujhter. -and Phyll is ye i mg lady e»f indecision,

i eel by Charles Drussel. |'J3th^r| . ialiy. c immendable characters .T11 le Ket ' l and Jack Dauni a i d Mrs, Grossineier. The e-aits included 24 people, who WD11' choicn and were a |pree] their dramatic clujb.

class. Kecrt

of w hiit accuracy


ies of a Kecretijry goiel idea, hei. He saiel e ai ne first, then

ial , ' and finalll stilted that a kb:>w ci>rrect si foji'ics and be! 11

. Sliei must .' djality anil be ti [ss iiian elepemlti jretary. "Perf1

pile should iilwaj wessed.

i|uorning C, manager

f|poke to" tlie He explnine|

and gave a| is expeJcted

iii tyfiew rrangemep

[v spceei. secretal

Hirig; on good eon\|e>ra»|

lave a pie ctfiij, beca

l i e saii a large1

|u Id lik. -4r..: seel

1 ye-ai

if he were! st 1 that e-onim|i'rcial. coilij

tob<>. onel." ai| ; thire!.

11. as* soon us possible, a



Mr. 11 iikosh,

4augh was

Jrbisch. Jr. anei

Lake Pau<

i t the

Old lAt itliel


1 Mrs. Wis.. «!

on F fornierl

Mrs. .P. are the|

John fearringtl

a great denll etion"* is

keep 111

fi thel tpsts

had pe|fe|rm-

t; of

Mat" re­

spite one




u Liiief,

in ajntion,

Isvas all

ttle , a as-es-

itere Mr. netl

%yere to


a 1 ton W



Jiepior the

tery from

:ing nia-alfio mid

current |ti >na-


rii It o|

l^u y w<

nt'sinf lise

4.11 thel


pa nly first, a jtylpist

ediphoue a stenogrdphen



mpTHs , Kich'ard

i]inouiH:e tHej nary '6: M i s s ' Eii


| IW'

hi [rs. ma

mil -Uohmafti parents 01

Jr., IfornJ |on Generitl


Writer J Got BouWt close Qt the Se\

the li s


writers, even of Addlsjon, could .scarcely

mere stale of their writing [vast system of bounties urns made up for this—l-th^ Image of the wealthy and

the s tate m a d e the m y tjerary merit great.


th arl

NA'r f



a (li't'p


cr.-tl a "n the I'tnotici tfst i ih t ' i ima!

wonder in Ban-tor you



;RE'S Hydbr Mineral Water iple of Barrington and vicinity

rock well and is naturally purp STo|hing is added to it and ysis have proven it to. be one

market. Being rich in »1 to the human system. ials from many people who ism, headaches, stomach

water. Some of these ngton. We urge you-to try a •"health's-sake." '

certain mineral

Tastes Good and hmobd I'hone <fr write for a bottle and it wi

Natiire'sHyd 1 be del verlejcl

21¾ - °f


North Raymond Ave,


is now available for the This watei is taken from

It is not iistilled or fil-nothing is taken out oif it. Fed-

of the pest: ninerkl waters silts it is very

Wle have in loir files signed lave been given relief from

disorders, etc], by using this testimonials ar; frio n people living

bottle o|f "Wure's Hydor"

•• . 1.





*r lou" to your door

I mmm , Illinois





|?oal. he

fing he

fir a 1 tor and


[FetirHary hoip


State News


oh Tuesday, Match 1

sej-bjool dis-should

nd used y den-t cities ic form nry hedp nd not

lftH id 11

orn» t n


tions impi|iliatcly to yojir ties.

Ac mobi servel that The

rordii^g .tit) the

to Cj count ident,' the Unit*

Chase, has is-

sci-upulousi rspresent

connccjt'd with g :t dilation ciedit, no cjonsider-

fogniied (leclalred Dr.

oth it ev:eii ne.




e club, car owners sh registrati


nece* i

carefully th<' (comes With l i |32 licen ard is an absolute

pilrp, ises of ; identification ownejr of the Icar. <l.?sil'es to,

inada; Mexico, or ^11^ |ries. It- n|lso '•t'eivcs'"* fication lipurpojscfjj even wner takes -tw| tj-ips* d States.

The new -jf able at the

hit ild


- Attorney-. General uscar stroni has ruled thai; counties} authe|rity to build i|i cities widef than througji traffic or; wi lie- enough to permit iug. j The opinion eieelared extra width of streets in be preiyided f0r by the cities?.

The mas R.i t a i n , prominei|tt| grain dealers! of thij state years, has been named preskijlent the Isjational Farmers Grain

ainohg f many

;of Dealers;

manager and sec­retary Ibf the' Arnbid Parmeis Eleva­tor company, east -cjjf Jacksom ille.

association. He is:



rst r^portstl lear indicate a

m> m i n n i n g 111

eiutset )»f 19311


1 of til of S iiw-: ilae


on health much

2 than


t Ajttorney General Oscar strMu has ruled that intere

|ient special as&essments taxes of cities,

|t qnd other niunicipalit id into the county fund

|county purposes. Attorli Carlstrom also ruled

opeMting under the qldermijtt} pejivernment must hold pri

on TueMday, Majreh ,8,

I , I

Cart­on I de-

r on| de-

1 Auto-tnilel pre-

>n card places. ty for



{en rtve

the in

foreign genejral thoijgh of the

K. .CArl-

Anely Hall, state heajlth jlirector. Sub-orded for ty-stantial declines wer

imoid "fever, measles, diplitheria, influenza, fantile paralysis, chicken pox.

i carlet fever, in ?niugit is,

pnei monija,

In an adre** at a Boyj ing in Danville, Governor Emmerson declared that spent in conserving boys movements as Boy Scoijting repaid by the savings tentiaries, and that Seou makes a boy a square-standing, hard-hitting, leader.

It has been announce^ Pierson, director of the ment of agriculture, that

pave no roi els

ljequii es, park-

at ajny !» must

|for the favor-

evailed aocordiiii t|o Dr.

m-nmi adio rk


orl abs({)lutelf | t h a t Juses Good service work at a Ipw

INo charge service calls.

m anyth electricity

Mood and •|pri<k4

for ITS di<>




Scout meet-Louis L.

every dollar through such

will be in peni-

memberhliip (<hooting. up-


cent of all thje cattle tested eulosis in the entire state during the last half of found ili»>wised. The conditl dairy herds of Illinois at the! was the best on recoid iu this eliseate. '

(or tuber-f Illinois

were An of the year end

delation to

Congressional re-apporttoimi acteel by the last general asspt beeji ruled 'unconstitutional preme Court. This ruling t \ April primaries bacK to the and perpetuates the.districts have bwii for the last 30«

I '

. u •4

BABY CHU Properjy | stttrt«4' brooded Will live thrive. Order'nenvl make «yoiir own sde from/opr^eleetjic *

Power Greatest Group of k 4 i I

n&ineerin£ Developibents o f Modern T i n e§

i ( • inFour ,i Neiv Chryslers

r u u , i

202 Railroad St.

Sixes and Eights

Chrysler Sii—116 in. wheelbase Chrysler Chrysler Eight—125 in. wheelbase Chrysler

Eight—135 in. .wheelbase Imp. Eight—446 ih. whee

standard Motor Co.


"It was one of my busy dajy

at two o'clock and had a

first. The cleaning took

kept ringing. There was

sale. Lunch for the child*

the1 real climax came at

Furthermore, automatic i

bofhe can afford. It is noj:

day per member of the

than you're now spendjngj


be glad to give you all th'

Tel., Barrington -68J

i i » i



s. I was due at the bridge

thousand-atfd-one things tc

onger than usual. The pno

a cake to make foi the; hj

en. My dress to press.. . .

ane-thirty. I had exactly

minutes for a bath—and < liscovered there wasijl't ahyj

water: I'd used up ever' drop . . . Then and there

d<dided we were going to

just as soon as the plumbc r could put it in."

An automatic gas Water hjeater. Is somet hliu ' 4 ^ ^ H°4®

needs. Then there is no

water when you need it ijti'

ready, day or night. Plenty

for [bathing, for shaving, fpr anything.

danger of running'<out bfi

ost. There is always a tamdlil

for cleaning, for doing dilh|s -«• I '' 1,1.»

hit water is'a luxury almost! a ly

expensive—just a few ve'i rala

ily—probahji less each m >n|h

for movie tidcefis. Vour LC CILL



^ 4 W I L L HEAT WATER^^J^Ul l imM^

i ' %

. , ' > , /

, •

' •'*

. •',' f V 1

• 1? ' -»

•' .• i ' • • ' )

•. '• «

' , S-

mSHi'! &**


i ] I kJ{' ^ * I

If I

l„ 1 !J

1 , N > A


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•M - 'Hi:

' \ i i t

•i t

-» \ >

>m ••-. s

i&U M:}> A'i ' i

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'^ f • 44 :\ 'tr-JwaJ". Is



Page 6: i, · recentlyi conducted -campaigns irt EI Paso, lex., Trenton. X. J.. Ih'nd Gitrd-iier.'Mr ss. On Sunday inorning,h|ti will ad( the church school ntnl*,prf'ncn his iiuu; ': Oil

r 6


3 Published


;vi4iiaiss k &h>&>&ito,W<v*^$Mi

ESTABLISHED 1885, W. McCLDRE, Editor and Publishei

w; ;LTEBJ R; WINTERINGHAM isiness Director and Foreman

every Thursday afternoon at Barrington, , Illinois, and entered as Second-class matter at the rington postof ice under Act of March 8, 1879.




Cards of dhaoks, resolutions of condolence, obituary poetry, memoiials, and all notices of entertainments or society and church sales and parties given for pecuniary benefit will b< charged for.

All communications should be addressed to th BARRINGTON REVIEW




;RS MAKING FIRE HAZARDS OF THEAT Fully realizing .the .inherent hazard of the prajctice.

Fire Chicif 8t jinkellner' of Milwaukee is sponsorhg an ordinance prohibiting smoking in the local theaters.

Highly coi unending- and strongly endorsing t ie ef­forts of Chief Stelnkelliicr in this respect,, a reee it is­sue of the Mil vaukec Journal, in a leading editorial cap­tioned "Making Fire Hazard* of Theaters,".'stress*s the point that tht citizens should get behind the movement "to check, sto> and preveut-r-absolutely— the growing practice of al owing smoking in Milwaukee theate s."

Following the dlread disaster in the Iroquois tl eater at Chicago, in 190!}, when almost «500 persons lost their lives as a resi It of lire and the ensuing panic- (the very large majority of the victims btiing women and children) a nation-wide movement was inaugurated to safeguard theater nudiei ces. Asbestos curtains, plainly m irked exits, and car? in planning every detail of the building resulted, so that people have felt veil safeguardel not only in'attending n theater themselves, but instnding their children unaccompanied by an adult.

As a possirie drawing card,; a number of theaters in various cities ind--towns have T^cently been featurii ig the fact that smoUng by patrons lfiis permitted in cerUinlo^ cations, gener illy, the balcony! Commenting on tb s sit­uation, the editorial referred t4 says, artiong other tilings:

"Some may be opposed th this growing practice of smoking, from what they cho«Jse to call the moral angle. From our point of view, it?is not a moral question at' all; it is a question of safety, both to the audience in general and t le individuals "adjacent to the smoke*." It is pointed out thatj a lighted cigarette may start i fire rousing a panic anil loss of life. It is further punted out that a smoker may, as many have been obser/ed to do, light a nil tch, touch it to a cigarette, give it a shake or two and circlesdy throw it on the floor close ;0 the dress of som< woman nearby. Should the dress ,1 ecome ignited, a pen onai tragedy might result, and, in addition a stampede e idangeriiig the life and limbs of scores of persons in the theater.

"Conseient ious theater men. who are in the vatt ma jori|y, of course, «!<•> not sanction smoking by their .pa­trons, recognising the danger. Some of them hav< * been forced to let down the bars hi this respect, it is felt, through the notion of a few less cautious men, who saw a commercial value to themselves in iiilowing their pa trons to sit- ind. puff-, a cigau or cigarette while they watched a

•V pirture.i


is the problem .. .-. the challenge >f the ve in his youth for happiness

answer "lends K-ofii material! to sp ritual lH>wj can man

This, then, depression-in old age-' ' 'hi values Tin" depression ninj lie lis tli.it idea- and memories of

.1 blessing if it t -aches-

whi l e thing doth not < in gagoi i mi foi

W h e n w l ight 1} wi th ticket-- ti- Ml i l l for New \'<>r res t ing :unl from S o u t h

of de fau l ted

beauty and life are seel irc w h e r e motll' :yitl b o n d s I|O not dcprc< Mte.

the , a IK

No ol

ipt > lose mi a Inn idea. , ii< f ,i little moni'v ne-\t tune we «h

• tm-ks and bonds and lu-;i\ih on. steii historical lands Let's s|;1It oft bj

or San Fraiu isco an<l embark on n loi ions tup A ling lull of sou

America and enough tra\id jams to taill the neighbors for a year are

toiids woith more tbar


t 30 J a

10:30 •Net." ; '

:30 Issue'.'




Stinday. Feb. 14 m., Bible school. ,"'<

a. in., Morning worship.



» •

Vi clu

8 P lionx

7:30 local

We ( learty itors reh


Wednesday, Feb (¢.. Monthly meeting of

>f Mrs[ Win. Klihgenbcrg '• Thursday, Feb. 18

m.; l|iitcriiiediate Leagtu ligh sihool faculty will a

x ;end t< all -members and i

a id gue 1 HI l i e , wif

The if red at At 10

SALEM :EVANGEL;ICA|li illowirJg divine worship "Salem", the coining Lord/1

30 a. m«; the pastor will



in., English Lenten

invitation to attend ou • ts' are invite REV

always welcome, you to joii II. E.' KOEXK -,

uigs of 11 vilah." In tlie evening a : 7 : the first Th ngs. in both

The Suberin^e A liearty day schoo

Christ pro|grarii|s

A" C|n chiirch.

;ermon in a Series of seri The church choir will

wjorship services. '.'.';• church, school-will ..be iu sfcssif)

idents Hobart Berghorn welcome awaits you if y.oi ha

or church service to go an Endeavor meetings at will be rendered by all three or istiau welcome awaits 'yiu


FIpjiT CHURCH OF CHRISr. Sqi'^Nl \ 421 East Maif Stjreet rfice*. 10:48 a. service. m.

Sunt] a;' school, 9:30 a. m

Gold ?r , Test: Lamentations 3:115, \ ( d unto them that wait for him,!

It is good that a man etl him qu efly

.The' building, wtek day

,(v lit for the salvation of tlie Lvd


inif w l t i


for a la rue turn out to get the bpiefit



worth rust


;ill KO

niship tra in mind

\ e n i r s enter-

a lot


ry 14—Subject: Soul.

rfcading room, 114 E. Strition is open to the public frojm 2 and from 7 to 0 p. in on

FIRST BAPTI13T Bible school, 9:30; Morning worshU, 10:3.1-V., an I Juniors, 6:45; Evening serv. At th« morning worKhip we hnv e- the i

us Dr. A. E. Peterson, state st work of- Illinois. Thi

Dr. Petpi son during the present pistoittis, and ixte loik of his message, ill'speak on "Ejn-nic furnished these gospel si

At tin r ing

our choir; is an inspiring feature t C inie.

T rials Patiently." Special

i KNew ment reg speaking

Chun , Worsl

ILLINOIS; THURSD^Y^ • < ' • • - - - • • • • • • - • • • • , _ _ _


Iffl GTON LEirER- .,.;•

ional Editorial Association '. ;he iReview)

MTEJCT medicines (p rcssjon Victims' are Eiee hand on capitol :i ?au /warfare has

seniito and house (Smcjrn is felt in


evening service the. pastor w


! ST. ANNE'S Sunjlajy, Low Mass, 8la. m, an] 10 AVeek days, Low Mass 7 a. m. Devit ons in honor of the Sacred -Hjejart, first Friday each n onth. Mass at 6 a. m. Concisions, Saturday, 8 p. m. Bap^iijm by appointment.

S REV. JOHN A. DtTFFflfcYj Pastor.

i s


e, 7:30. plea suite of hi

s iperintendent i he first ivlsit

mi f all


METHODIST EP1S0OP H'IC in this" paper appear lriling our guest-preochet it our tailed sen ices, l s-ehool, 9 :30 a. m. iip, 10:35 n. m.

Epwo.-tli Leagii,e. 0:1,") p. m. St (TO


PROSPERITY NEW|3 l,Y H.L.WILLIAM50N Secretary. Illinois PrǤs Atsn,

5»rmgfi«ld, I l l i n o i s

^ -The Alph i Portland Cement company's plant has re­

sumed work at I.aSalle. One hundred fifty nuiuAn employeil mi the duv shi/4 and nbuot 40 more nu be placed on each of the night and early morning The resumption of operations will provide a monthly pay toll for the oinplojes.

The Piirs« ns Casket I^aiilwaie coiupaivy of Be which is wording full tinh , live and a half days a has taken o\ <r the Elgin whiidi ivill with the pin tt

PlaiiN Inn e'heeiii completed and construction w gin quite «0(11 oura new dormitory for men at western \inivwsitj". The structur- -will be four high, with bfscment. and will com a in nccommlatio 4~> s,tndent's.

The As. brain li. has plant, ami e'jK'its to work at top spe«l during th three months plant. Some

Nearly 4tO employes- of the Reading Iron conpauy Reading, Pa started opera

Product io mill of the Indiana. Th|p the industry

Operation)* have been 'en with a total

Tife G. A| at Streator

It will cost about $^0,000. K'iated Apparel Conjipanj', Inc., G ncreas«'d its working Iforce in the Be

ni will shifts.


videre week. II t'u\\K live a

AstonM'a«ket Hardware c(Jmp. niy of ill IMI iemo\ed to Ielvidere and j'onbined i in that city.

with the largest force in the history jnertiiue is being worked at the plaint,

have returned -»to work. Plant (No. 1 No. 2



Divin > services every Sunday at l|0|t3U a. m. Bible class and Sunday school it 9:15 a. m." The Lutheran church extends {to a|q who are at <

piesent t me without a church home a atte DC

Choral luchnrist. 10:42

ahd ^tenion.

ill be-Vorth-ttories ns for

ussard videre

next of the.

> strip iarbor.

ing'-eigbt of its 14 furnaces and plant started its full capacity of 14 furnaces. The fii ishing miir. employi ig 100 men has uNo gouoi into opera ion.

i has .started in the new I $10,000,00( Inland Steel company at Indiana

will employ about 375 men. I it the Metal Stamping Corp., Stteator,

•ried on steadily since the first of the year •mployiuent, of about 75 nieu and wo) aen

Bodenstein clothing manufacturing plant ias returned to work and 120 poopfe are

emploj «1.

The factbh- of the R. and M. Kaufmann company, Aurora, has teen reopened and 85 women and gills are employed on the day shift and about 40 more men' will increase its fc rce to 200, the number it normally en ploys.

A huildinj program teaching' upwarl from $4,5)0,000 will be bjunc led this spring on Chicago's lake fr mt in farthering tb: plans for a Century of Progresi, the international Mposition of' 1933.



tie Wes

i | i y




L, Minister.

I.1L detail annoum

G. S. Coiini

it icon Lectin e at 7:.^0 p. |m. MILTON S. FRE



its services and classes. D.,C HEJ'

1302 Mel


a. m., Holy.Communion. I 1st

2nd and 4(h Sutjdayc

h School, 9:30 a. m. S. R.

Seventeen hundred men have reti

.'», Minister.

he uncere invitation

n<3t, Pastor. 14th Avenue

hse Park, 111. V,

find 3rd Sundqys I

Morning Praye|r

Albany, New York, locomol vc shops of t

* U !

PW York Central railrood. Twelve lm y shift and 500 on the night shift. T The lint factory at'Breese, 111., is

Tiercar- 34 employes in the factfry, bten put ing in some over time.

, Thtj I ictory of the Maytag compnn peratiiif at more than 73 per ejeut

iijid hap icen for the l^st two months. The; employes of the Goodyear

Cimpnhj, Akron, O., have been put i hedule. Tliis hix day week of i|C h M

rkjng eveify dty Ifhe pres8er|s ha


inldefiniti ly.

Workmen and teams are busily Kjuehne factory site in Matfoon. Work ti»n of tjhe graduated fill for'the switl' bifgun.

Sev'er il hundred workmen obta ned hen tw> major plants, the Odi I St _ I ? ! : . wr» ** '


w tie d\|tctiori

At ' P ittshirg,' Pa.r 1 ½ empltkes bjick to rork at the No. li plant lof tl company which has been idle about a

Wi^hi i a short time ail machinery installed it the one-.vtory frame, concrete, ijtnd steel fejt'i-li:er fjjctiry of the Virginhji-Cnrolina ( Kiugshjig] way and Vandalia tracks, Ro t«i 20 jnei will be employed at that tijue md it is anti­cipated tiat this number will be increase! to about|4( mjen b* tie middle of Ma

Frs(nc|) Mine No. 1,

Erie] Enameling company, resumlJd !full-j:im[e pjro-

jiave been called Allegheny Stjeel

month, <

a expected to l>e

lenical Corp., at empnt. From 15

S. GRAY, Rector.

ned to work

tempted ill antii

id. It that . com r'ot break

f l0i?al co be fn bu


THE DR] VE sounel.iii thu army given a severe sit que nee of the voices or pface raised iii protest propriatjons do receptivii as wa

in he

ndiod aro on the

considerht'ion ,. of affecting tihese tw niay als i 'be said military group because j theyi would be averse soiiij; |>f tiutting

lwttfjiRY;iii 1932

TOnaefjng Front this trrhat;

time basis merely hostilities. War couraged at the eh ment circles

attempting to ongress may

leailly a serious ministration. With tive body ip open

relief forip, the at: local agencies

letl up on their >ation of generous of genuine impor-essibnal metldling down the lavish

inunity relief work up over.ii period

• reductipn of per-aiid navy has been back as a conse-no-Jap -war; The •ganizatioiisj while ainst incredsed ap-'

fall on ears as-, indicated last fall.

Congrcsft|ional leafti is have postponed ippropriafioii bills armed, services. It hat the aggressive rmly marking time

a ize that congress or diplomatic rea-(-011)111 ry on a wait-n preparation for

ilk is officially dis->itol and in djepart-

!RECEN apportionment • tricts in', several effect 0¾ legislator fectcd,"-it is inten legislators who n voters lit the en one district hav< attention to prolih wealth-.j. Formeil, to have a 'member himself with affn mediate bailiwick sorbed in selling state. :-The rela sonic incumbent charged with fences in* a few wiped out by t|«

NO RESCUE . i , - , .

ceived more advice on effective metl drowning-person .. Reconstruct ion Finaww

CHANGE in re-•jcougressional dis-

utMes has a salutary' ' In the states af-

fing to observe that u«t be elected by the ii-o s.tate instead of

been giving special ms bf the common-

it was difficult of congress concern rs outside . his im-

Now, they are ab-tlieir services to the t|ve security that

enjoyed when i ii|intaining political

coulpti'ei? has been reapportionment.

Washington P o * ^ * On^ of -t tiife rare and unusual por­

traits of George Washtogton, which departs somewhat in facial, expression frojni; the jiis4l type of Washington portraits, is t le three-quarter length figure:'of the first...pAssWerit,-' painted by Edward 'Savage,'-. (a American painter and eigrtjiver whoi-was born in Princeton. JMass./in* J,701. This portrait is sijiall. bein« otily about 22s28 inches in size. The eyes are small, tho-.iioie longer! than in the Stuart portraits, the liris are thinner and the lippeii Ht> '*» minus the full­ness which isj.seen in his later.por­traits. This fullness is attributed- ti> the fact t.hats\Vashingtpn'had:a' set of: false"tf-eth |n the upAer jiiw Which fitted badly- aild caused [the upper lip to have aiv: uiinatural fullness. The portrait, therefore, niajf be said to have been painted before the unfortu­nate . setCof I teeth was i -fished Jon jthe suffering.president. -This portrait was kept by the jartist until his death, when-"it-passed on to n embers of his family* A. descendant. Miss Kather-ine c^lvin. of Chicago presented it to Uie Art Institute (f Chicago in 1921. "-; I | •..".." _ • ,

Opening Bicentennial President ; • {Hoover .vill officially

open the nihe-nionfh.s, nation-wide George Washington biefhtennial cclp-bratiou at noon (Eastern standard time) Februaily 22, Nihen h« will de­liver his Geoifge, Waihington address before a joint meeting olf^coiigress, as­sembled in the housfi bf representa­tives, in the iap^ol. ' Jhi ju^es^of the supreme pourit, me|nibers} of |the

! and many i o i . r s al^o w i l l

present, "aful the aijldi^ss ^|1|. he



over a ing his

SQUAD ever re-fjpom the side-lines

flfds to resuscitate a than;

with its two bilfi in foliar .puimothr, There is , no shortage of : Sjuggestcd panaceas. !The prr> dem is to work out feasible plans will Hi will assist in the restoration of bifsiness and above jail

n idenoe in our eco-' The president called industrial andcit ic

1 ite Ilouse lflstl;S|at-p Lpress purpose of ijl1'tangible. One pf ill be to check hoard-lecause every dollar

circulation reduces alnd sliliws up busiiiess

nssurances that the -out-res - of (be Recon-

ci corporation are

revive public co nomie stability, a select band of leaders to the W iirelay foi{ the starting slomethi the first n o\es w ing of cu Tcney withdrawn from credit facilities glenerally. The enormous ' re struct ion Fmaii available in all try is expected t pieion.

insure reporting measures from were again exp

handed the corporation.

etions of the coun-allay fear and sut,-.


'ngaged on tlie on the constrijc-

l traek has been

cwton. la., time schedi

and Rubtter six-day wtek

irs will continue

jobs at Erie, I>a.( :vp company alnd

PARLIAMENTARY TRICKS to proposed . legislative hostile Committees

isjed I this Jn-eck. It seeiriw that Senator Borah, republiean of Idaho, crusadling for salary reduc­tions affecting in ngtrehs and federal department oflh'Uls and employes, utilized | a strat<[gpm which brought remits, i Senator Walsh, .fleilnoerat of Montana, having a bill call ng" for a thorough investit;iti«m of underlying factors of the gju cral depression and more particularly the effect in jugg lihf securities oli| the stock markets, pulled the same) rick.

SENATOR DALE, republica 11 o f Vermont, under! pressure from or gnnized governnieit ,'employes piijjlic|

dcelamniiis opposition to th Borah proposals He found that the Idaho senutor hi ( neatly side-stepped the trapping jof ) IR niensure by hav­ing it referred io tlji appropriations committee. Jeajo is of his eiyj) sei vice eon^mittee'j asked to lwve,th» hills restored to b1

Idaho Milon extrn<

the fate of mos: in a pigeon-hole-litlilp transfeili


cxmpaiiy it Marion, has resimed opera ions afteria s] d|wn tjint e last June. The, bine wflleii ploy 400 mtp.

T h e ] lock Island lines' returned 1 70p shopmen wbrk on . ^nuary J8, on a fivWay Week in the locomottve and passenger car shops. Th> poinds,a(f cted were Sihia, H|., Cejla4 Rapids, la., Hort|olnt Kaji.J at 1 Shawnee. C41at

the Cosgi tve

carried to every cornelr of AWriea nationjwide hook-upi. Fotlow-ddilresi. I resident Hoover! will

be escorted tA the easi steps o the capitol !and'-will give ihe signal for the singing of "America" by a, chorus of ten thousand voices. It! is expected that I millions of peopW will sjoin in this "sing'H as it comeri oyer. the air. The great {chorus gathered iat the capi­tol will bej co|ducted bj Walter Dani-roseh and will be aeconip«nied by the

army, na ry land marine will plaj*, a« a unit un-

dir«ction oft John' Philip inaugural' crowd is ex-on hand for these cere-

United StAtes bands which Uer the Sousn. " A pesfed to monies.

The ea stroyed pa FebriiaKi' *. 'M considerllj furnislied


Earthquake Belt -thVuake sliopk, which de-

>f Santiogo dc Cuba'oh ith some loss of life, and llestruction of proiierty, le

cohfirmat(o.ry| evidence ' of what is njow {believed ly Scientists' to be the pai h op* the cart hquakje belt in

Carripeaii., It may als^ be ,'tfae of renewed netiyity affer a pejiod of unustinL quiet in

the forerunnei prolonged, big.shock!|. | ..

Of cou se, Us yet w e 'j|jho>v.", verj^ little aboijt ei|rthquakei)i. But w;e are

By a process* of elimination of experience* we are<be-know somethilig about the winch underlie earthquake

learning, and stud ginning t condition-acthity : path arodnd th oarthquul

anothei • along the South Vi

Many times in.these articles the writer has stron ;ly urged the necessity, of nifilatfgorigin tl hidsmeah something.-

TJhei* are ce rtain definite •reqMti'e-ments of biddin r that should be coin-plied with at a I times, if the player, wants to becomi i a sound bidder. These requirements ar s more or les> arbitrary. andT vary with the position of the bidder. For exa mple, if you bold aye

. hearts to, the a :e, king, it is a sou idj heart bid as de: let- but if three players have passed, it is not a sound bid by fourth hand. In the same way a bid may not be sou id on the first round of bidding but ma y. be perfectly justified on the second r »und. f '•;-. j

The real rea on for these so-called conventions of bidding is the fact that all sound biddinb is part qf ah harmoni­ous whole. Eadh bid, if it be sound, should consider] not only the bid itsejf butj also its effect upon and interpreta­tion by one's pa rtner. If it tells him the truth, i t is a & mnd bid; but if it de­ceives him or' may be misconstrued, it is not sound. Whenever you make a bid] think not < inly of your own, cards but] also of yon r partner and whatjhe may do after li e neSrs'your bid'. Yp« should also cor sider your own ciouirs


Hearts]—none Clubs:— none Diamonds— K Spsidei— Q, 9 , 4

tool ll ' -"

Solutions to Last ,W<


of^actfon :f th* bid should be overbid Haveyo^starleat ydu br yo^r'parti logical concluf ioni bid but not olhferv '." ..VWieJi'lWiW.iar" no ttumpt>r convjeythe partner j First] bid,'thai yoi one-half q$ic] least three si suit bid, -thai least four car] 'quick tricks.ii is inf the suit always gjv«V are t h e f e t the chance to rightfoot by teljinrf This; is thte time J trutV the?! wjufle b'uMtfte^futfj. [|£l truth, v6or ate la y^ur elfsi'''-. | | .

nerstup andli ptt but,] if yoH#ulli sari

ou inf :nd y you opt

ethli 5 thai r can f so,

a ler ind a suii yoi forma ion

•'•Ol a n at le st t ;, dist ibuti •cond,\ In have i sufj

an twoartd he; and,] me o l which 1..j! rigina bid: should 111 lortni ion >r the^ •.

he h adal dhavjj parti ir of on thfe imw at yi it have. ui pli iuld fell the


g U; '.ItrOi

of iiri« f out,- for

W tfuth

rt Wot ii

Hearts — none1

Cltibs*r-none:j Disimdnds.1^-!. Spades — A, K, 2


: A •y.

*z -

There are no[trumps and Z is in the lead. How can Y Z win all the tricks against any de ense?

Solution: Z i hould lead the king of clubs and A tt ust discard. He cannot discard the Jri; ig of diamonds or Y's jack will be g< od, sp is forced to dis­card the four t f spades. Y should' now discard the' ja< k of diamonds and B must also disc ird. He cannot discard

Hearts—none C lubs—K.Q.9 Diamonds—h me Spades—Q, 11 ,9 ,4

ml al little more about the world of the so-called

bflt, which traverses tiny Pacific, ii cludi ig Japan. It then meets

weep which piloses down Dutch Fast Indies and

ltral Asia and| |out through the Mediterranean. Thei >elt touches our west lconst and goefc around thpi CarriblieaA rfen. It seems to pass by Panama t the northe

led to measure itself along •n coast of South America,

Bewi re Pointing

have been killed by

of Hitch Hikers! okit that maiiy motorists

.'obbed ami some have been

'pick-up' a where!

perogativel, Dale Borah wage? cutting » group. After the ted a public prom

ise that the niea^ ire| would no,t meet fm|ary, bills-rburial


hi KP

Chicago M otor club warns ers a gains (living rides to or "hitch-1 ik

ment. doubtlcHi there in IK can judge ords of po everywhcri that it is i into the possibility laws of , K 'guest,' oi-the car b< dent ns n gence, can ages from

»r FeHs, republican ukhorized. Semi of Ohio, hud ken the Walsh eesolu tion bottled up ijl h ijipecinl committee for seven weeksl int|ll the Montana senator blasted it otit to the senate floor.


Meebau Cnal ut


OXE CHOICE SPOT for economy is never consider* d by congress. The legislators refuse, to save on words and uleluge ther'conntry wit* "a mist of words like h|ah s"s round the moon, ^make the light lesi.t The government departments sham I the/responsibility in their propaganda. j/The annual re­port of the publii jirintlrr' this1 week shows that in [h« /last ten years the l o t a J * i ! s t e ^ jPnblicatipns amounted to 23.899,839 eSp es, wtfch cost the government more, thin a million dol­lars. Tjie KO/C of documents is negli­gible. jA few yeirs ago: "ther Senate and houstyiroldirig rooms sold as waste paper nhproximati ly 2,000,000 publi­cations .that had iev?r been removed-from their wrapusrii." , The puhllit printer says theie are undoubtedly

tons of other useless publications now stored in and about the capitol."

Sumner S. Anjlerion, Charleston, has made formal announcement of his candidacy for the rejijiblican nomina-Hion for attorney j eAewtl. '

Walter president*!; ment relie

they benefacted, the car own-grangers

ITS." "It is unwise to ranger at any time, any-lub declared in a htntc-

hile some who solicit rides ire worthy of assistance, w ny in1 \vhich the motorist

those who heg rides. Bee-ici departments practically orrobol-ate the statement

nnjeroun' to ttike a stranger 'iir, | "Ih addition to the of robbery or worse, the

•m> states provide that a 'h tch-hikcr,' injured when

co, IH>N involved in an acci-reifiilt of'the driver's negli-sio for land recover dam-

hisf 'host.' The Chicago Mo-

Hearts - - 8 <;itabst—K; Diamonds J-^pades -*} ,


No. 2

Hearti--r-l,i5 CluN—fi,4{ Diamonds—none Spades—K, M S

:2:-1 'B-;

Hearts -f- l C l p :

SSg ifc? Spades -r- ndnei. s

- * - ' ' ' { ' • - - ' " • ' ' ; "•• . " ' • • ' ' . ' . ;

Hearts are trumps ahd Z is in "the lead. How can £ Z win six of the seven tricks against 1 ny defense?

Solution: Z s lould lead the queen of diamonds and rump in Y's hand with the jack pf heai ts, A should discard the four of spades and B follows suit. Y should now le; id the six of hearts, B should play tb 8 seven and Z the ten. A should disca rd the nine of clubs. Z should; now lea 1 the king of hearts and A is again forci d to discard. He cannot discard a club 1 >r Z will lead a low club, plaice A in the rcad and thus force him

. k of htatts^rZ'leigh , sd is foxed 1 § dist rdt pades, 2 now Oeadi thi les, Y pv< rthk< | with} the I ;es thej bi lance I f tl ! tri , is foxjein 1 iof iscat Is it

called "sqtie* t/t' p l y at % a and' B wen 1 or< fei t dii is a good' ei at ml of {the squeeie.'* ^ ' !"•

Sta e News Fewe;i s-tud* nts have \vith(1ra'wfl

from tlie I'nivprsity of Illinois dur­ing the first sei icster than iu any year since 192(5, ace irding to G. P. Turtle* Jiyeased faci it'i s | re registar of tlnj ruiverMty. At theP>y-the add tioji j f t

tor chib inn lot too strongly advise agulnst - '1 icking up' strangers."

Im| rofetnents In Spring

House Feiruiry 4,after a• conference with Mr. pect any

Wo iver, that he did not e* hftiige in tho unemployment

lie right, nrould be

S. Gifford, director of the oignnization oh unemploy-safed orally at the White

situation ief< re spring. He said that the situat on was ajb'out on an "even keel" at t le ; iresentj time. Mr. Gifford was asked if the estimate by William Green, pr<sid«nt of the-American Fed pration of Li bor, pf 8,300,000 unem­ployed YUR correct. "Mr. Green may

"•"'"" he replied, "but a census the only way to determine

to lead aiitpa ile.1 Y frill jfin tricks, .on! w lich 1 wi di| diamond iuu one flub Y lead a club, vhich K'wi ( wi third trick, hetefwe, i \ is] discard the 1 inf 0 fspa jes. discard a clu >. Z 6 pule ino^ six of diami ndL i'a 1 is -material. ,Y s todJd isca d hi and] B mijst win tjfje trj^k. | nothing but 1 pade mustiiead sjadls wins the rest orthA|ric

1 .'. r it

jfeoodf lour ou r miinfoi

Irs tl

Heai is — Chit — 1 Diat ond| Spat *•

will be seven

Hack' of mg and

the so-both A

rd, it "double

0.7 one 1 — 10,9



0 spade rd one

ill then Oh the

breed to ' should

lead the d is im>~ last club s B has

eft h riil hand, be tdj Y.fivho thus

departmeiit '§f jnitwc vlelfu blocks 'und'T k-irastrt itii state's |xjna I 1nil|tutJiii.s! 2100 prisVui TSJ tfill Ijroinptly, in M>| e| »f t collectioii«. Ay (| th

1 prisons tliat haji-c {§TI<|^.SIJ

end of IS weel s of this session, only JUS students lit ve withdi-a.wn froth,'the' Ciiivirdty. as compared' with 404 a year ago, and -55 in 1921)-11):10. For the fii"jt time i 1 six years the. percen­tage of those 1 -ithdrnwfng has fulleii below {hrce. pei cent. ,

A tentative ilan for A net work of suite itirways covering Illinois, sup inemenjting the federal iiirvayH aiid ciinnecting wi li' establfshed routes from cities In turroiindlng states, has beeit Submitted to' Governor Ivbuis1 L, Enuaei-son in 1 he first annual report of the state afronautics comralsslbn.

Landls, chairman, of pointed out that de

velopmrat of sdnte air routes' includes the entablishnu nt of .satisfactory Jill wcaJMicr nirporfs and thft clear mark-

towns, and villages so that they can b|» identified easily from the air.

type of r'ell

Major "Reed G the commission

Tjic director went of agrici thai the state than1 $1,500 hi mej-s to store bushels of corn cure loans tha 000,000. Asid<'

of the state depart lture, has ainioiinl'ed

has spent not more enabling Illinois far more than 5,000,000

on their farms and se-total more than pr

from- the foeal ^OIUHTS, employed by t ie county supervisory boards, 110 otij> plan whereby no need receives servkeH perfomed.

* I , Director Bal di F. Bradford, of (tho

conneeted with the :he crap has been j fi-s remuneration for the

stnte departmei t of conser\ received compl ints - that sojmirning in ]the vicinity

* J t * ,'lu

:he uumbir of unemployed persons."'

Speid f>r the Home Plan A camp iign urging spending for the

mme in 1932 has been opened in Jthe milding t ad< s and it is expected the npvement will spread to all common-

^ i l W i a S ; a*:"?? .^»..r.„aft commerce.

The eai ipai gn has been announced by the pujlieition, "Domestic Engin-lering,' a id «ooperating in the effort 10 serve ho building and home in (iustcies ii th. committee on ilecOndi-tionfqg, r molding and modernizing <|riginally a ,,art of' the preWenfa' ionf«ren« 4m home building and home ownership

ation,' lias M'Hd geese,

Of , itfae state's waterfovl- sanctuary in fhe, Horjseshoe lak< section " Illinois, are si plentiful that they hav* become pists.that threaten win­ter wheat prodiction. The-birds are morjo abundant! than" ever before be­cause the weat ler has not been cold enoiigh to fore t them farther south. Unless they mo re on toward the G«jk the 3032 wheat crop will su«fet. |

According to Col. Flrank D. Wbipn, superintendent tf prisons.in the state


e. the cell at the

to house »e I completed ¢. i lay In tax sofurity type

needed in-" ; enlarged ectangular

At the ith ft? 01 ith static poullr": i«l o\ I hel< 0 . Andersor, ,I|ic ! umflle

i»i\ al Illinois in! Quincy, C.

J won high­est honors, took j he Hio prlmr Em-inorson tr*>p iy for ] :be l«s l disYjlay of wiftjerfwl, he' S faeflwr Jrophy cup., for[the*>>Ht disp i(kr ,1 l*kin (hicks,-flnd thp'l|ljnjois)^fPe ] (iiilry assocfa-

list Muilanl dueks.luV | « . l|V'e|ster, Alex­ander, won "voftr Srst nwlrd and Ith'e Illinois St,atf Ifjof ftrj' <Hs|ciiition !sil-


trophy for tj|v i|,st ^pgiwin thi i tern j

J. [:* j wh*n* Bel 'gftlef to |ie

national cot vetjth m et next Junei, t icyiw I \v tn cation of, t ie Ilsfli of]'Hi •Ceritury iff P World's fFai ,


t * i *h I Hogl

approximate y tOi by stories arid 1 niiei|si»ii

'ern,fn Uejiigi, fcn red!In color, anil mysterious a ad 'gi

'1 ' HHnftlRjspKrtsmi

irtfffpians • 1 ir t conference a id 1» Wajito^ l^agiehii

ill .; hold t* si looirflngfon Illfi

M 19, 1 ½ Jot president1 QI t ie the league iiid) th'rpe dayicoifereni of Illinois' utdo<ij heard. I 4k

display' of

Republican in Chicago

•the dedi* enee of A ago's Hf'13 Science1 Is feet, two

It is niod" gold, and

tion of the

A totat 0 0,7J» ps | eefwodst^ 1 nd' 6j 131 dischargetl tb r the,! 9 ti ti ifHrjun^s In : Jlino^ wh ^ ftiH eao»ac?ty last j earl tb.e state tfei artm* it 01 the- tubercilosrs I sa nobncea,Hv6th?rdiot ,««it Upmj. 'eiinican NVnr)Aalf l e r l , | ) nH

recoSred-j, program, >» snecjf c < h promises eWpleWfrict< ft culosis event ia l iyj |pro^ gootf worj^ i4 x4ntiiu|


y are mak-al conflab, s the Izaak ced thai It ventioti i' in 'ebruary 17,

rne is the division of.

ids at this discussions .

rcdHti ces. will be.

te 8, I I l i ' r<


its was ac-j)ftients were

•culosiK ijaii-operatdd at ccqrding to iblic health, lums tro^ individuals improved."" ctical pur^ > e present

se control'';, over thber- ; ig tlurt the-.


Page 7: i, · recentlyi conducted -campaigns irt EI Paso, lex., Trenton. X. J.. Ih'nd Gitrd-iier.'Mr ss. On Sunday inorning,h|ti will ad( the church school ntnl*,prf'ncn his iiuu; ': Oil

<!> announce that b&. a candidate m of Highway

liMiidr at the *'

Cardinals C a p Lip With Clarl jnFourthQuirter

Green! T o r n a d o e s U

r in^on 'l.whtweighte " jone-l'ftint Margin

Defeat Bar-


Both Junior High T<ams Win Games With Eundee;

Prepare for Crystal Lake

chnlked ip


t -ejeit-Barting-

revtjijge al>- fl-jim re of IS (tie from f e w tnin-.•II St.

ea|d in the !) to 6

(.•'uiiitiilic of the «a IT: nrs pro-

,.-1 :in.| nif: , , . ,1- .111 t h e

.,.111.- > » • « •

...i ili.-ir rt , l,y :i set

... :i--..) ba : i!,.> la>t . -,,v the

I ' . i . - i r le;i ,i in the ill 1111 irt^r but

. u

•1' ,N begin-

,' ;l„.:it tiv -- Il.-i) t lu­

ll :rv *MiH<

to creep minutes

score, at : slipped pass and le Clark-few min-for the t to tii-anil . the



I'.'iHi'lig t 11.. li. -Xt , \ , iling '

•:-.-, r liarile I :,..\- failed - ... !»;.-, • !i,.~ playJd stellar

:, ml Volt" each ,1'li fi.u'i of Meis-J,>- rliaiity line,

mitstntid-ig. K o i the scor-

e li game i t»p ami ~ by one .oint-what

, ' h . - i M ' i i i

i ..,/.-1- 1..,1

l-i ;.- . lo

. " I l l

: - 1 - . , 1 - 1 1 1 , . 1 . -

I ' , . \ w i - r . - •

ami M-lioiastie . ,1,,1,1,- *i lu-ee biiM-

'.. I.::(,l I 11 . - . . - 1 , (^

U ,;, I. ill,.' Ilosl) \". II,I;,

-,- lb,- I .7,...,,.-,1

. I ' h . l l - l l . M

v., ,1, - •• , • \ , -1

M ll.-HUI.'ll ,/ a I gym-' 'in' lo ihi*

iml I'ri inile date

bill the ,| a),..ill

1,,. t, i . : ,,,,-

• • * < i , i i i

1.--, ..>„•

Htlach wit-, high


Two more victories were for Junior High Inst Fl idny when both first and second team* were JMC-eessful iji their games with Dundee.

The tirst team had trou de in gain ing a lead until the last quarter when they began shoo ting f n m alt angles and finally- eke l out a i~t to 22 victory. Latta a ja in led in points scored. He made 8 fields goals and three free throws, Many fouls were called and Deissler and Miiir were retired with' foiir pei sonals dur­ing the last half, W.orkmi n and Lth-. man filled their places fy an excel­lent manner.

The- second team came I ram behind in- the last' half and won By a 15 to 9

by score. Ulbrich made this possible dropping .in five- field-goals in a rojw.

Next week Junior High meets Wi.u-conda.at Barrington andj the follow­ing week they will play tjie most im­portant game of the conference, (jhe game with Crystal Lake,

Crystal Lake has sevfen straight victories' to their credit . and no de­feats. Junior High hopis to spring it hig surprise on ' the Lasers in tljat game.

The box,score:


Grabenkort :. Kershaw Latta Miiir , Deissler I.ohman Workman

• .Tottibt

Dundee, Howe. ..... IMtz ...... Iloesel .... Rich Icy -.. Swiinson



s in


Pnhlnian Drugs op First Plac inVillageLeague

Grtangard Qrill Wins fwo James;, Ties for Second

With Clothiers


sec< ing the, frojr mai unt il

ipofsky Clothiers dropped do\ a to hd place in."thej Barringlton I i owl league's standing last w W failed to win more than one

the Miller Brosw Qttint. . Drugs, holders of first, pla^i

three-' weeks ago when

• • P f a a p p H i i P i n p n i i ,




CldtKiers stepped in, moved up: the r former berth when they def >ited Shi >up's Confectionery tv[n o.ufc of thr * games; ;

<}reengard Grill tied for sWcond pla» with the Clothiers v hen they wo i two out of three (games froiij the Mc Leister team.

'"he Barrington Review touintl tin most successful [team turihj we, k, winning three games from ero l Real Estate and setting the est score with a series of-8^4-85)1(-802


Tuesday, JjliUer Bros,—

L. Miller ...:..-..151 .144 .167 .159 .151

f*en tame ifohl-

up the


was the



pppi timmmmimm'miinmmmmmmt " W

THURSDAY, FEBRU; JRir 11, 1932

K. McC-owan .179 R. Broun 150 Cadwaljader., ..109

Total: i

Ijehgie standing


Pohlhia l Drngs Lipofskr Clothiers Orenegird Grill McLjMSter's Barrington Review Shoolp's Conif, Cameroi Real Estate 17 Miller Bros , 17

Sal^d Trips Wauconda 3» to 17; > Play


Tourney at Napi iryille i n

pass-, Watu-

fought ; 1$ar-

Salem. second


Salerji won awery'-fast .gair. e from Wancoi dal WedhtsdHy night bt- a 39 to 17 SBprt. Barrington's shoit ing -gai ie (proved top much fo; -conda. , llhe Wanconda team hard to stave oft defeiit whii rington rolled up 39 points.

Tlie score, at the end of the first half w i s 21 to 7 in favor of Wauconda tightened «p iij the half anil began its scoring, ton ' ch seked Wauconda'? atthek the fou -th quarter and the gai tie ed 39 to 17. Harder, Pav l ik j tnd Schroed er were high scorers f >r Bar rington while Moflit and starred for Wauconda.

Next Friday. night the Saleir trav|el to North Central col Naperville to, play in the Fox tournanent in which such t e ims Joliet, 1 Slgin, and Downers Gr >ve are entered. < Te« teams hnye entj&red1 in the tou ma men t. Salem for the first, round


W P i mmmmm^^mimifm'm'iiimfmm^im

Professional and Business Direitbr:


Office over Pohlmanjs

H o u r s :

Sundays by Ap win ment

Tel., Office and



' ["homas



D R . B . P . tiRABER



8:30 to 9 7

:00 00 :00

M. D . ILL.

Drug Store J

9:00 a.m. 2:00 p.m. 8:00 p,m.

Res idence


:30 a to 8:30

Sunday 11 to



, 2 tjo 3 p. m.

V . , I 1 , - 1 1 1 1 1 . 1

K"llienf. HI. in a

' o l l l i ' S g i l l

IL'll \M-I'k-

\ I »^K

. ?•

\ V i


I ' - t

Tr-mp -J I 'I:-


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'! , .in,|ifi

1:,.-•'-- :,,1,1 -1.,1-,1 II


FT 1 -t li li I

I) I)

• n

Hoy Scouts ,\v.is held in-,- of I'l

the Wo)f liivestitiiile it insignia i-eri'iiiony.

f ii i-ircle •i,- I'm- the

it day in tin- lender • St. Paul . I-:. K.«-

-'-f.v interes:t-I..,- I , , . , -

• -Jl ' ..i„

' : • . , I - - A

• - . ' • l U ,

-.-. I w • ' , " U , T

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• ' >l, I ,,, ' tu

• \ l 1.,-1,,

Troop 10 larenis ami wliii-'h was -I over (he

• I'lityed in , : , 1 , 1 .

IV,', -.howeil iibori'i-. mill

Then a W I I " ~llll\VII

Mi'. N'iiuu < 'iilkins i,n '•'I II- Mr. Ill'linlt.

I v.. P.' 1,. -

('"" - -«f W,.,-,t-,.r (

• i l l !

_' 1 l i ; , .

"• lo. ,•<,

• I ' , I HIII


. re

l l l l ' I -

•"•'•'• -liheie rere In,- s-.i

Builder." Great 1-eat

, ,„ ' , ' ~' : - r,|,>T9- to tha roofs to ti- j , , , . , " "A,'Ii t l m t si pports the !.'»• ,1'''7 , ":i1'"n o n th«- Ta;imollve ri',..^,"-' !:i r||i«-aixn„ a small der-

nn-"L'aS k""e k , M l 'I'wn and taken ^ , ,7 1 "»• ••'pv.ndr. , u , f a s put to-

••*• -n,i used to haul Hip parts of ;i ; | j ^ ; r derriefe ,vM;(-b In turn raised

h'n-»e« ',!• l'lllllll I-* in >'i:n ,1's l!t,'l'_ 1..

villi ' on ni 1.--. 1:, in,-lined li,

ibal t!ie ii-!i in,-Indus. •i'i\i-s the' SUM. 'I'liis

In July




Telephone Barington 23

DR. 0] PHYSjC]

p. Vf. 1 2


Speciaiblnc in --1 Women and

HOURS Tuesday, Thursday

to 4:! Op.

felephone Bar ringti m 525

Diseases of Cnll Iren


129 Park Ave., abov > Pec

Saturday m.


noutis 0 to 10 a 2 to 3 p 7 t o S p

HundnyN by'/ppoii

m. m. m,

rless Market



1717 Conway Bulldl L

111 West Washington Street


| Tel., Randolph 635tt


Howard P . Castle, Evenfogs, 525 Grove Ave.,

Tel., Barrington 502


/ . . i.


Barringt jn, Phone

^ . - ' . - • ,


' I 148 N. LaSalle Si

Phone, Dearborn 03 )9

•!.•' K .


•'I- ..'LA'


^ h o n e , Cnry 60-M-l

rRY J . GEAItM jN Toning aadiRipalii i f .


\ \ , ' \ '••

Expert work on all repfod icii \ i -j

or send a' card .dipec^ 1 ; . OAtfc

Plagge i^tome j'urnifi] in

^112 West 4 d a m s St


I L L U L M S ,



llurriliiftton Hudinm-HiMx Dldg. :»n io, ft lain ( t .

TelopliiHit) BnrrlnRt on, 239


127, Park Avctw


HOURS 8:30 to 10 1:00 to 2 7.00 to 8:

Sundays by

Tel. Bairlngton

00 a. fa :30 p.


Appoi (it nent


which' fell down earlier son is almost 2.0(H) pins| behind jdace.


L. Miller McCUire J:"Catlow ..... A. Sass , F. Plagge -.;,... Beerman

I'ohlman .... Schweinnl ... W. Cat-low . Lindherg .,.: N, l'lagge ... ('ailwullmler


I'ninei'oy-Chiirih Davy flrpoHwinl' IlefTiti-niiti Selireiher I'oirii'l-ii.v !;

Tola Is

Hiiger—' Ua get-I'liulM-n ... Wolliir ... K. Miller Langilale 11... Suss -.

Sin hd lug (4." giunes efoh) - Tea ni <'ai(\vallader Hagw f ., Beernujn Poijicrdy

Pottible Brids* E. V. Shepard say« llat the <35,

013.550,800 different hands that be dealt In bridge hiay be tributed among ' the fonf ers In| 53,044,737,765,488,792,¾ 440,000 different ways L

H a n d .

6 6 b .VIS

Internally LIQl ip—TABLEnt—SAL

«««Uqnldl or TaMeta tsed lntt and 8(6 Salve exferaall], B»ke a sqm-plete ind effective treafa lentfor € W a .


may dls-


115 E.




Main I It,

Phone Barringto i

By Appointment for your





1 603


U44 Telephone, Randolph

Howard R. Qrlntllnfer Telephone, Barrington ^60-W



Summit Stroit

Tclophoite, Barrington

CinCAGO 0 F F I 5 E

134 N, LaSalle fit.

Ohkngo Phono, Centra




105 vr . Adams rjt,


Telephone, Franklin


i i.




' '. 100 W. Main sUet ,,.- -.'.--. *<.-i i.;'.•.,'(', '-.- 1


'-' ''-;''-''l' /'.}"'

Phone 548



• i i i , | ' . S

GORDON CAMERON [ 1 0 2 N. , Cook SSI wet

<m Tel. Barrington ,-! ..'-'"FOR:;,;.

lQGTOmYH€t •"K' ''•'>'/" '''JL'

;/|.:fi--:ESTATjSg l$AB$$ ;;/-i!A


CALKINS BIIOI ExfftvaUnf and Gradlni

I I 1 ', , „ . Golf Courses, Suln|lviilpn| |Tor!

1 LnnducnpInB, lionda Drtf Swimming pool*, Dm IN, h TotinlH Cmirm, HowlljigiGI


, *' f i • ' N , U I. [:; H

< 14» ?

K i

L. * ' " f • r- ly, •


* / 1 i

i ,

• i ' —

', i


j f,

*-, I-

,] T,

^ -\

C i !!»»>•


Barrington, Phone P2-J

1 M H' , ! >t' t


1 • V




He doesn't look a day ove( [fifty. And feels like forty At the age of 62. Tnat'a the happy •^Jtffj'Hjh

and pep a man enjoys wh sn h;»givte his vital organs a little stunu t ntl

When your system in stiLpaant and you feel sluggish, hedlichy, half-alive—don't waste mojty on "tonics'* or "regulators" or umilar

Batent medicines. Stiniuh 11 the ver and bowels. Use a famous

physician's prescription sve# drug store keeps. Just ask.th ra fo|r Dr. Caldwell's syrup pepsin.

This appetizing, syru > \A from fresh laxaUve herb* senna, and pure pepsin. will dear up almost any ise of headache, biliousness, cc nati p »tiou


But'ii you want to keep in fine shape feel fit the xwr'roui id, take a, spoonful of Dr. Caldwell s syrup

iMliit every few days. You'll eat IRwF, sleep better and feel better. Sit fc *" —-MJ itntkthl* WiHMiiins

d^iiiusMup'twoforJnree!times a

'vt$iiina>er nted another tcatMive. ""U the children a little of this

made i ictive

dose Djr. hjind


week. A gehtle, natural si imulant that i takes them eat and k icps the bowels from clogging. An 1 saves theri from so many sick sp ells and colds. I

!Halire a sound,stomach active lfyeF ind strong bowel mu* M, that

1 every bit of waste an I Prison e ery day! Just keep a I ottle ,of

t^ldweli's , syrup X ' ~ take a stimulaUnj too

everyl now and1 the^ Se*j «, you feel new vigor* In *»rg wof.



Stiecemor (o

W. OI.30TT DR. K

Phone lIa|rrlngton 77 USE. Main St,


Ohlce 1n Pohlman 127 IB,. Main ' Barrlngtor

HOURS] 0 to 12 a. m


:. to 5 p.. m. r to 0 p. at.

., Barrlngtoi 471


0 a. m. to




BarriariHi a n p * * ^ a>w >w j '

H O U R S 5 p. m. and

Building St.

t to 9 p. nu

i » l E,MaIn

Barringt in ddS



J U S T I C E O F T H E HEACE3 (Cook County)

Lake Str » t Jarnngton

327 W< Telephone

T Chicago Office W . Washington S t , rtoom 1401

Telephone Franklin




135 Park Aveni*

Phone Barrington 3

HOURS 0:30 to 8:30 p.

Other Hours and Su idaya ,hy Appolntaient


Chiropodist aid Foot Speclallt t

DR. L. V. R E I K I


Oiseases and D'foraltles if the Feet

cB.cioo.m,i. . , 2020 Garland Bl g. Phone Central 30 )8

Barringto n> By Apptntment Tel. llnrrington 2 }-W

ii ^fc

9 to 12 a,-ni.,


- . " , -' \ 8 C H U T T S S H O E 8 X)REJ

Oflee Hours and 2 u

Evenings by Appoin nent

TetopboMS: Residence, Barriagton SSfifj Store, BarringtoBJ 298-W.

Page 8: i, · recentlyi conducted -campaigns irt EI Paso, lex., Trenton. X. J.. Ih'nd Gitrd-iier.'Mr ss. On Sunday inorning,h|ti will ad( the church school ntnl*,prf'ncn his iiuu; ': Oil

B y COl l >NA

M on the rack In the

».ii,,i ,*! > w i - i i ,4 , * r ;^!« , ' l«^** ' *»(*«*«W* i *

The* Midnight Telephone Gall


IR1A.M DSBOItXE entered her little apartmbnt, hung her liat

tiny hallway, ran ronsh her soft bohbed her hs,nd tl'

hair, and bi jezed Into the kitchen­e t t e « s fres i nnd happy as ' I f she had Just wa ied up In the inornjng.

"Well, moi her, I g a v e the boss no­t i c e tills nftqrnaon. I'm leaving the fifteenth."

Mrs. Oshof-ne stopped In the midst of taking a pan of potatoes off the miniature 'g is stove and stared at her dnugiite ',

"What'll \ :e ,do now? What hap­p e n e d ? ' s ix vsked, dismayed.

"Nothing r.tppened aud we'll do very well . Don't you worrk about thafcj I've ;ot another Job proni-Ised at $15 i month more. Anyway, J O B know v e could get along ilf I didn't work at all." !•''.

"Bju whs t made you qu i t , ; Ml-rlual I'd i atlieri you'd kept, a j Job yon were ce -tain of at $13 l e s a than to rl^k not having a Job at all. I be l lere yon got fired. Was that It, honey? Sc< ms like you could tell your jiuother You know I wouldn't bla'mp you." [ '

"No. I fired |myself, thank you. And j t h e bo is lias promised m e t wondjerful h teriof recommendation w h e n I lento, so now you know I haven't done nnvthlng to make ^ero m a d . ) . . . iVlujn can we eat?" she asked, sudddi ly changing the sub­ject, j "I'm I ungry as t bear."

Occasionally, when Miriam was busy 1 with lior plate, Sirs. Osborne would risk in exploring glance In her direction, but the girl's -face fai led to dl rulgo her secret. She looked tin pry and decidedly Inter­ested;1 In hei supper—thr.t was all.

The inldd e of July she left her position am went to the Arm of Is l ington ni d Klltngta.) and three weeks after that T o m U a m o n d , the head bookkteper, w as bringing her home! In his little car every ufter-noon.1 Twlc? he stayed for supper In thie baby kitchenette. ' "I Understand everything now," Mra. 'Osborn & lnughed oqe day.

"Uiidersta id everythftig about what , mother?" the girl asked puz

: t i e d . , "\\k\y you changed positions." "Why?" "Because >f Tom." "Wron;:. first guess. I never saw

Tom iuntil I'd. been there' two or three's days. But he certainly does Work;f(.st, rlnosn't lie? 1 think he's wonderful," '

"\Veli. \v1 y djd you quit then. Mlriaan?" p irsisted Mrs| Osborne, determined o get to the} bottom of ihe thing at last and g iv i her mind a >est . ' j .

"I quit beiau.se I deciddd it wasn't any dun to l e in love allihy myself. Wheii you feel yourself j beginning to slip and thei man dotsn't show' a n y s igns or slipping tok It's best to get i.way. I believe there's many a girl has n i s s e d ' l h e rlfjht one be­cause she was so ljusy p|ning after tome! one si o couldn't hnjve. I was gett ing cuciioo about thej boss' sec­retary ami lie couldn't Srje anything e s s tlu.n a hank president's daugh­ter, «o 1 si Id to in.vself, "This is wherp yoij't better take .Miriam's iinn-lovlng1 ittle heart but o' dan

.'wr.-;--Y ' M i r i a m 1» iked her loveliest when , Tom:ca l l ed , but his manner dlsup-

pointed hei from the «?art. He W n t e d mooly and preoctfupitotl Mill

the i i g h e d n little a s she remem-licrcd thnt vblle she was dressing iihe had Imitghied his exclamation of surprise vhen he saw her In Iter (lalntfy frock. The exclamf.tljon hod not (been forthcoming. She had tiopejl that lie would suggest n ride. I tut he did not and. they sat dully n the stuff; little parlor, one more inco|nfi>rtal le than the other,

Wlpen he had finally t^ken leave, the propped limply into a chair by he Ireadini; lamp. If only she ladnrt talkeil so much to her mut li­ar, or if h »ly she didn't have to rteepf in tn> same room with her. Site .would >e sure to wake up and .sk l}er w h i t h e r Tom bad proposed.

Sllie sat t tere until nearly twelve whet) she vn's startled by the sud-len jangllni; of the telephone. Irri­tably; she to >k down the receiver.

"Tills Is 'j Dili, I was afraid you'd he lr| bed.iii'iir, but I was so miser-able I oouU n't sleep."

"Wh'f.t's he matterr" shei.asked In njnfiii. i , -

" I j w e n f j ! ver there tonight deter mln«jd t o l i s k you! to-feask you to martjy me, and; then wh>n I saw you if you h oked so pretty nnd far uwn,|, soiiu how, I was t.frald you wouldn't ev ?n cons ider a bookkeep­er. A Rlri ike you .could marry al-ntostf aiiyon ?." /

"Affnild*" t'f me!" she laughed happy once more. "Now you know you're kid illng, Tom. R u t / y o u Come over, t uniorrow night and, . . . "

'Van't 1 (onto'now?" he/broke In ei:gerly,

*>itt. silljL it's near l j / twelve . You go tp bed. Oood-nlglft—dear."

Slip hunt up the receiver and w4th| a trl tmplti^m little hop and

Barrirgton dud P



hurrUd I tett her ntt

1» M.«;I

Mjss F t» ^reoiiort iFlneis of h

lot enl re ('nrrtiody this week hccai st'

or brother^

Mrs. Art I'nrk. is a hospital.

Miss Nvlpa SsVhnefli'r is' fni|ijroving nicely aftejr the Hllenii^n hospitjal. K gin. last \ve<>k.

. Mrs. l b was . taken Elgin. ^lotij <tn

Mr, and from Grove W. Lake

His. George Ma avenue last w «'t-(i< re<

Itev. and Mrs. Philip Beuscher spent Wed teiday with Mrs. Bcus eher's fatlur, Henry Bran I of Oak Park, who was celebrating) his 80th birthday an livexsary.

i George >\ home this'v feets of tin

MUs Phy lis Stout is 111 }vlth scar­let fever at Mr. and M Hough stre< t.

.v-.\ nifTord Stout, m

Mrs. W. 8eltultze tended, a Bible InstIt

Lumlwer, M Mrs, S. ; So fence at

ite, Chicago, Tl

ai e tufa

Miss Olw week at ht?i

! ,Mi«H Dor. avonue. urn nifpcittllcltis K gin, Frldi

•thy ,Tah ni to. 2.'t) Oooiidge

Joo'k street, spfttt Sunday B » H i n c g a N<tlc(» Bring Results iMr. and M r s- Edward 0»q and fam­

ily, 208 S. a t the Mrs. Caroljh has been ill


In rccogijition of of iPrnycr, t te Baptist ladieJ will hold a short prater service'at tl o parson­age Friday afternoon. Fell. 12, be­ginning at wo o'clock

Wright C tended the the Lions night.'

The OH! "Evangelical 'home of M 212 Dundei IS. at 8 p tun progra

iitlow and Henr ' Sass at-. Cook County Council of ;Iub at C'hie'ag< Tuesday


; Mrs. Clu Wiilmering, Seavorns at George Vol Saturday.

Mrs. Bei regular moi ;AIia club |Gill('S|li(« of terTioon


iVK 'I

o the bedroom to the new*.

/« \*ew«VRPcr SvndUatt.t '•Ntt «ervloi>.t -

t /tOlcl Amer ie»n Fort F | f i LIVI agsfcpt reservation is sit-

najt^d on he west end, of Grand ree islnn I, In the pariah of JefCer-

rsonj! La. I wasj bought by the st^te from Etlenjie de Grny, in 1834, and Imittedlatel; ] after ceded to the United Sta les for the purpose of fortjificatlorj


us Edna II Bridget , A dividually I/ast Wiil ii Lauiicy, dec of tlic'-fpstu a dlstraetee Earl F,: Marvin G. Anna I. trustee, itrator ofth deceased,. I'nknown E. Stevens K'haneerv, PT'BLIC

1 Given th •entered of jin tlie.iihovi 'fitit Court ( underNiKtied said Court nry 27th, (Standard public a net highetit am

ientrnnee to North Cool Barringtou, and State < the follow!, said decree the hid said prei least t, place<|/{in ers h/rei to uiiike t>a

in said

res shall enough to the 'sales total antii whole of eel N0. .1 . in Block B the East B. all In ('formerly County of Parcel No 1.10¼ feet division of quarter of Section 3( Itnnge ft, anted In State of I

No; deed Phaser, at !>'hall lie the said

Payment chase prie< required within 10 said sale 1


•in it


' ijiiiii fi''^' wm\


Local ersonal

ur E. Buckingli; hi. Jewel patient at the 'iissavant


Hay. 122 St. Joseph' for • meilical

\fa-s t-nlied" of the

l | la street, hospital.


till moved eJc to: 3S0

hitcomb i* confi wd to his COl 'NTRY'HOM! eek suffering frrnn the ef- n or 12 ncrei.hi^l rolling Iiea i eye Infection. wooded land hiprthwst of Barri

#4. the home o f her parents, rifice 5 aere« i iclu.| tulldlngs. .$0

p . B. It. 1 nefer at-tpe Moody


Anderson; Is *p< iiding the home In Wausi u, Wis',.i

crwent nt the y-

i n ot|eiation for Shermat hospital,

of Mrc n Ost ol

Ost't mother, Palatine, who

rage. 4 0 6 . E . ltusjell street. I a T the \Alorld Day ton, 111.," Tel. Barri tgton 2 7 0 ¾

ner e.lnsii church v

rs. Willit avj-nt^e,

ni. • A ( will Ii

rles 'Oiifl: and Mr. ended (he

it Arli

M nnd Y


iben Plag thly meet

the honi Ites/Plai

;e ati ended, the ng of t|ie Inter-> of j'Mrs. David lies, ,> [iiuday. af-

NOtices Bring tesult's

L i p d A ^



U 4 4 N b l H ,


* H . , . I N 3 F SAID I*amey, s<

Lanifey' (7«dilns, .1 i nd as

T U B C p l

imc'tinlcH compl alia '

executr nd TcMtnnient o i>ased jand as <•( e of Bridtet Aiiii Collins,

1 pei-sdn, 1 nitiel F. Lantey, S|nyderJ (V

Snytmr, peliu

Edwn I nrgerl Eiiward

AlliBrt L. Kol IT estate of ary E-eirs <>r I . deceased 3enen|l NOTICE fit, parsui

It. Itltey, HdminiH-

V. Limey, hnd the

eviseejt of Mary Defa idaitts, in

lertsoi Miles

Steven i

ocOrd entitled i


nste as M will on

ll)»2 r ime)' of on for ens

b«'Ht the J.aiiiCv StreeC I in rite (

f nifnbls. i ig/<leserib< /descflbecV wtch piei L'S shall hints of

same It} the tofare appointed by

make the i.fiual to

of such s ihl premiies. The

Circuit Court of 10 per of said day of

lays after ry " the court.

F bmary 4th, 1«3|2 B E N J A M I N I I .

Master in Chancery as Casljle, Osborn

Solicitors for Cittnpla nant


St. . Paul tmet at the

ingeiiberg, day,. Feb. Wasliing-

funei «1 of Mrs. ngtoii Heights,

N'umhei IS

int. u April 'a use

f Lak(? County,; lUiirioist the

»n .'latur»J nt :! o.'ei

*a)n «1 1/.111 h wr at

• M l the

otihtj all ni d rea

priiv and

the the

•litlon the cause, oif at tlie sjime tllne sell for

total tvo-thi

ttO^cti Norlth I«ot| 2,

, o f


he West,

l l l rd J! of

North and the feet of

ihp Villttgl Cuba) >ake aiM Mfate

2. Tlj of Lot 2

part of the South

TowMifyi; tast of th«

i he Count linois. w^l be n|iade tjo said sale

rejtorted to hnd approved by


H. E. Frank



known llllllth VS.

IliimeVj In-x •- nti the Mntjgaret


Snyder, Lainey,

- : ' " "•'" ' T ' ' •') '" ••" 'I " i •' ' L i t •

^ARRlN(rriU^V"^» BARR1NGT0K[ JLUNQia TJilJgSDAY, Relic et OU London

'(juMmpBes :of l indon' s ' - . ncciihitt'v The ^nnnet, o Wttid past are cofktantly turne l

the spadp, lit cording to , 1 Ma dr Magdalene » Ti t l e s . At §t.

parish church mains of an knciiln|rlte in a lei(d|en doltjn have bei on tills breast man.

o f Btst Hum, 11» s

ijt|md, with ri i Saxon or


B i r d L u r e i to I t i D e a t h

on fish, w ing into

hlch It the

Hills Country elee., ho t and. <

or 12 neres Or will mm* Owner Addrt's^, rington, HI.

N S W Ml m i FOR


P A K K 8 I D E A: Furnished.

Heat, llghtl gas n

old:^nter system.


nth oh Car nth with tv

avenue.^ Blujrliiffton 54U

and nnd Hi



One fif room One Tjroom

gariige. j-iS N • 'I>|e(tlKi

MOOKKIN VV Four Srooms

heat. (Inrnge, —.T-i -.-able Feb. 1. Iitqii im at 420 ,Iun|' {ter­race or Tel. B»rri»(ton 473

P E t an l

FLAT for Imtli. Hot

l|30' Atine' terrace. 'Av

Tlt i«


itiiildings, $1 sponsible >, Box 21.

Barns, gi r

nt. tiful

tgton •J «e, Snc-

,(>iK>; (100.

I^i'ty. ar-

PAKT>IBNT for rint runts and

hided. Alsb

S^olan goose f?ed'u. captures by plung nter,--.with- closeij

wings, often frbm a considerable height. Flshernii in tow a board >vlth a herring j»nlnt id on it below ^ surface of the i^ater. The ganhe-t


Big "-V-M. iwft h


Apple|s Ban Lar Fruit



20632. H E R E B Y

n decree Oth,?liKil,

liy t h c C i r irfoiSt tl!

iii Cmncery of iy, Eebru-ek 1 \ M.

lay, sell nt hjand to the

the ma lit Id ng, 102 vtllnge of of Liilte,

1 singular estate In

ided that pare'! of

ie eJunl io: tit

DeLiwe Apricots

• . : " ' • • > o :

Peaches f'' in I


als Saturday


!J. S. Giepke. Barrirtgton, -Tel.

110 North 382-J.

H A L F OP TV 0 gnragci for jren:

Tel BnrrjlngWn B|)l

l'PI»EIt F I V E ' rent. Modern

N. Cook 8t|eet. Hiiriliigtoii 10 or

SIX ROOM A P ,145. j Steam I Kefilgernloi in and Garfield st 201,-U.

F I V E ROOM I south of tracks

Barringtoji 30!»-V

W A N T E D TO, First class

Address 221 ft, Bi rrington Review

CAR. MODERN at C30 Grove nv W.

R O O M F I A ; ? : f«f

Washlngtolj and Tel. J. Vi. Plngg


ARtM'KNT for rent ii( (oil) furnlMhed

jgiis stovO. ..-is. Call. 52(

I N O A L O W to Modern. $-10

FARMS for rent. All sizes, Di^n

Qulnlnn, W'ooi stoelt.


BORROW, $2,5()0.00 al ehtatif seetp-itc


We DeU\ 10 a. m 3p.m. '

W.N.LA^DWER, 215 Park \ i » — 2 1 0 to



Fanty • / '


rmour s

Cake :L Star package 2

4 sewed, straw (vlri

A. None Better !/2-lb. cake

m|d. of good med. g rade h a purchase) oil

>ur ir ces,

other Some

jsorted Cto'cies, 1 l-8,lb. pk;ar (I. G. A.)

2½ tin ,(I.G. A.) ich Syrup,

vain itinn tmiuiSHioit-siiid Court

reof, n ml now on that the other

nmount of dsvof the

valuiitioif of the Y ! f l wit: Par

io f Ixtt 1, m feet of

„ in Block krririgton

lli the bf Il l inois:

So lthcaMcrly Iwi ney's 8ub'"

Sfouth East quarter! wf

?Cor(h, M„ s)t-

Lake, iihd

the pur-tho same

>f the cent premises ifale a i d

the i itproral of

he pur-will be balance

MI1LLER, Aforesaid.


Detiuike Vacuum Pdc Landwerji'ii Special

I A fav|ir|tfl for man!

CakePWufc, (I. G. A Baieiht pmler, (l, •iom&io^kf Illinois Fflafck, 2>fo. 2 ti^is, 3 fdr Extract | (I. G, jA.j Peanut Putter, (I,

•BP>WII.S|uirar or Gotifectionery Maioln'iH, pint'cai|i Rei .Cross Macaron Kajro, ,Blue| Label S lrup, 2 1 %-lb. caiH SoapJDhipp, a d?y qiiidf disoWiiig whi'

'?*'P mmmm

5 Its.


Wesjtern each ...

t i , tI .G.Al) 3pkrs. New *^ork, No*^iIan;. Is, full quart, each ioney Graham Cn iefcers,

*7* pkgs. *3#

r ^ Vejry goodl eating arid cooking apples, per bushel .1.

in 5 # ^ a r

Red Raspberries, Syrjiir, tall can,

Dried Apricots, sweater, riper 2 T * Grape C|)|iserve, fiijijest griipe product

I-lbj, tar j.... Macaroni )r Spaghe Apple Siiice, Fancy Pi6kl€s;Si!raighfI)i SuishinjMilk and

i l ib . pkg„ eaclli

Ripe Fruit per lb.

ager Static a St.


Delicious 4

/ .

uplendid values! at pre-war must advance!soon

ree Ripened, larje , ...,..:-23^

Ttree Ripened, 8 td 10 Halves g cans, 2 for .„...,....; .....39^

"I" Blend, per It "G" Blend, per "A" Blend,, per

c, per IbJ'.,„..,,.'.i.': Yellow Package, 2 bs.

years of our regular

Light and Fluffy . A.), 1-1(). can

Pure1 Yanill A.) Superior Qu%iity


riut thjan

• h i . .

r'i"' lE. each.-i.i..., ..-,...

or Spaghetti, 3 pkgs;




F U R N l T d rUg, l l t t | t l $ :

radio, one h1

dresserei, beds, eliairH, and mil by Other thiugH. Adiress «00 E. Hillside avi?., Tel. Barrint ton 698.

^ I X A C R E $ beautiful

into district Biile, J i550. Jlarjriikton,

foi safe. HiRh,' rolling, vomcll jan iL in finest es-rf ^ai'ilitKton. For quick Address P,. 0 . Box 21

i i i - f ' .• ;. ••• . .-'.'••' i

P A I R 0¥\ V ' 0 R K H O R S E S for wile. 'W'e gilt a lout 3,200. Miint sell on

uceouiit'of siekness.; ^ 1 . '82-M. 213 S, Cp)k sttvet, JBarriiigton. i

F I R S T SIC R T 6 A G E for • s a l e at a dik oitnj:. (Wrilie to • 2217 Bnrringt^n

Revie v,

FIVTjl OlR house or hpnr

O i l o i exeelk'nt e< ton Iteview

iii dren.

T reel; on 1< Bid GIRI , W J. ]J|iHid

OAR ; Heli

.Mom ii


flroin' fidetor n« e

miiwity, ^liieago

\jaut I geH

Utfllll •e 8011

I n

1 1 , 1 0 3 5

FOU SAM for.tsale;. Onto largo

ft., one: battery Bet lok'ijit*,' one" writing desk,


ROOM [ M O D E R N |tment wanted to rent.

Bas li|eat preferred.- Must be in million. Write Bafring-2210. '

farm work-wonted. No Address applications : to

1 6 , Barritnitbn. .

wanted. With ear, for and vicinity, to Hell di-

i-y to property, owners terms.-.' Apply 41500

$10 I'd for general housework

per week, .write-.Mrs,-Ba rrliiKton, Telephone

anted to rent |near Kirs. ,(|iiil «72jlt

r- 7 p. in.'



.only 2 3 ^

vm . ^ . . . . - O f f .

bot. 10*

15* Heavy

, . . . . . ! » * usuali ;>..3S#r

produced 15* 13*

e chipl

' M&, w* :w. «$r ac:

.'•'".'.-• i-sJ.

irn^m 1¾^¾¾¾¾¾^^

mm. mm m


\ V I i i . WBW V E R A G RlJGS;for.'0ne •}} ^ ¾ ?°J* K JV font tut ineli

Ilarrii'iglon .'12 i le imei | 4 8 N

j •• W E crippled and l*houe Wheclinjg and save !a fe are s h o t otherwise'" rcqtlestcd

W e Pay *i Prompt Servici


,IGK;tJP- 'V'l;.;;;. own euwil and; horses.

60^M-1 b e f o r o j t d i c s dollars. AH nnlnials

e reiypving, uulcss

'fo W I l b M IV MAY ftONCERJf: . ,This is to

Otto has at ) eertify tjiat Eredj. W; o time qwe/1 me i any

money and thiit all my dealings with have beei condueteil business-lilke




until April llrwt. m . . Mrs., 4 '8. % 1 e a . Huger. avenue. :.:;.;

repiilrfn^oil Ki wfolje i in MOM Hke new* itateij r i l ik ton JJ8V-IU

to $10 Per Head.

'Tel: Wheeling 6 0 - M 1

Kennel Food Co.

a fair basi^.-II- L. GRU




trimninfj tre

ahrgb^j| YEA1|#


11 IU1

•'y^'m ' Ever; r.S| CtiKX ••, i } - . GO!

by B izz i t Gentle men11

» i *





•*e iiiilio lnur 11111¾.

t i r re

Nisht HALL

l e relieslin

Idles Frf4.


Thfe Prescriptions that h^ve b^en liileij at Murphy's Dru Store m& Lar so Pharmacy are no in our possession an maybeMatan^ time l|y;tl|os©

jh t i h Refilled or

Marty BarringU rt women are; Meals—rso wet 1 tave made up them make re; 1 savings—-in with thie follow ng ektra special offe Sawyer f s Marshmallo l U l k e t f 8 Regular pr ice of v^fth this item you can select any

absolutely PRE)

ving by preparing his advertisem ;rtt ]

ditipn we stiiH



ieer e l p l i s t

Oc i t e m in, U

l'K!-':T-;f! ore

Cabbage New Texus 3 lbs. 10* Partnlpf . . . . 3 lbs. 10i i

ibbarit Squash . 3 lbs. 13'; Spinach . . , 3 lbs, 19's Carrot! California 2 for 19f POTATOES Fgncy C ORANGES s iRAWBERBIES

Cauliflower Radiihet •Kafofvy Lettuce meaium


nze iBeant

Wisconsin Whites ; .-i'-';--; Globe Onions •%

Texas Seedless •'"'-.'*.; ••• VIore Juice floridas 200


fsihcy fruit size

( i lU

93 Score

dfa ¥ ix

SA R D P»re Kettle Rendered X lb .

e l l ' O A l Flavott 4

An . family i

Royal 5 ^ J t i J i & . M M Crackers

HOMlNif, 3 No, S c iris Mtyt BEANS, tojj.' Cflfcf MilAi; 3 lbs, PINK SALMON, l ean

WEm CORN,' Monarch Bran4 f MoM «&na .u...;i...;;:u...,.,.-.;....25l(;

8L tCEp' BE#Cs3 :^o. 2 cans ( ..iasf BA ftE$ BEANS, ?Ifemato iSauce

3 No, 2½ eanr.......... .^.^...^.201 m iGAtif^Mini^ $ pjkgB, I » f MILAM Chicken l^violi; Chickei i wth Egg Noodles; Spaghetti

t i""ftii»i>:-f'''..-.-.-.':••'"••--''v-:' • :.-;'•->-•':-:

Sumhlae Brand

O^DO^Igtteg Free « 10c pkir. >>MIi|;iiir)iiM

$1.25 Electric $1.50 land I mallows ;..„

LIPE\)Nuor iOA^V4'-fbj

Pi!':iiimali:'-.'i ty.f.

:tedin PRUitS^-Sel jand;I^ganl#r^e| a 8-0

1 ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ^ BiJ' l' |JJ

ampfii P |22<

up— 25*

y^^pil^wipisi.,.. .^^.^,^. „ Stubbins & Eme

y:i-':Z^:-:S:'!\:'^^:y±'r"':b'~fr::.'.:- -v.,'. :s , •.-*.-.-, •vJ:'^3?",;'i.. '• • -:-:-:-. ,.. : • I : , . : . . - /••/'.; .:' ,.•••-.••• j!...''.iV..-'--'.- V,'":'.|''r.' ,: )'


i i i niiik, vmmm-"

* - • . • • • - V - ;

Barr M&W Below]93

township UiJ4 Are Hei Itp. Lake Zurich

s« £!*<

T1H> fir


n th


for tin- J««V tO-n i W <5,lH. ' «w»M,«'« u> ,>m...i.v ti'Mi^r-r. , -1 ,1,.,,-.-.1^ »f F - .wn^ rllt.N iti'Wt ofl t l"-' , ? u t

f l,r | ,v mluiiio'ti- »V n , o nil* i* ^ 1 H1!*'1

..nblW'iwl onrlio • • iw' iho whwjl tnx <-|u -t+nn

IMU y.uriiih'fi tits ..quknloiit to tli« V.'i(-....rulu"* mi -ra iv t:..r 1 i,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,f ^ J * » i « <

'HIP I-.riiiM-lj.vv IW .r)»l. mill,-.in Ini'f^"-'' *'f ''1' rii:t(f i-nii';". i

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1'ln< r l i ' inixiHl

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T o w n s Hj;»5; rii'f F!i viii

Tln» 'i(iMiil*r<T slii |is of (;'UIKI,

. :iri' l isted bel i iw 111.1 ll.^fii "* 111KiV SOIIIKPL H-l l ixh; SI-IHMII t u t lis+4 I tions, fur i m p i l s nt nlllsiiU I 111' tiiwil.--

i Stat.-• '.iiiniy . ,'"•>. lliini! ",-Tfrtvn u ; ;v it. <!rii>i'l

l l idil Srlnnil

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Local Story Bank

Lims Hi bf Au\ Morat


• 'H«w AUI-.II-,I

)>r.'KKi,in hiit l-hvi l,|"ll|lll.' WH» |„ l , j Aurora D i o m h o i 'I'-Ill I,<.;lrs.-rtii n (

A ' l iunor • nh.-ii.l.M I-imiH RIIPKIJI.

. "On tln> , 1,ft •in-lit 21,- t i n U x t i _<jf funds wi,K ,, •i,v.p lin'nk.vi l n t), «hW. "T1M>SP l„

Mt H|C|).S %u\ -,„ MllllllioM in thu [ow of tilr.. fiimh, ,J.V n Ki-iiorni n||, liiMiiii-ial-nnuj. 1 •tioi-nliiK, tf„. ,[„ innllon <-nllinK f, H o s i i , K - ( . v „ r y )(>t

•IniK storcH. fjj„ >'tniU«-H. N,ivWl, lliolr |„,,|N - , , , , , 1 , , •Nlitlifn of i | , l V „ l (

on .*^Ty«.n«:i,:,T,i, -.••to** "Mayor I iWiMn.'w Miniti.

1 h«4 tipfri in,, W ilriv,. of -^ J«roii(th th,. CH, flRaliiKt wftli.li'1

. !"««! I.y thy. S, • 'At. oxnptly

f."n. 2T. mniitKt '« tfhrlrtinir , I m J l v , . . ! ^

'>unlflPM otM;

' . twAlK'JlhPB. '•«•» m -1^41,, M«0 *%,* „f

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rii.H>i of •litja'ry-

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Iff 1« 'f iv? <U •it {if l m « n !"' Nb»'r».'*V

*• in; W-rrtvi^l

^t(Hl%ijit M-Wrt'Si^t:. •(tlW^ "T

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* nil >'hc >]»*. ,:*nn k^li.'..'--.


I^'-^r. iK liujpsfi

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fiii>-{Wrjr ^ il WIi Oll»e^

ftfiHr' ilep irti'rwti'ia

»:ri A-bjiNftMtttjii

. jlV. hiow>'. ; i Wife wit* Jriwirfc t»r|

' k i s f ' e . '

linhliii 1--.


B i n d IM MKK Hoi

'»«al 1 iastoe i M w u i , r « * tMe J%a Mr. rU*M

Una •his 7.7 ».t (the, T M

