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t I I S < i > tat V rT v h s 0 V 2 buS > 5 5 <fct or ss i VRsville NS It c > > xvi 4 cJ i scription rh edS 1 1 to 5I I O 4 r five Cents 1 S S 5 f No1t11OWedany O tins I 4 SubstV Ssiring a change t1 of address eajuhl give previous vithigl always V get their items to us not later 5j than Monday if possible when put of stationery mention it on a S separate slip of paper a J News matter of general inter 1t est is welcomed bring it to us to 4 without delay if you wish it in t 1 acrted J Sign your name to commumca 5 L tions or they may go to the vastts f s r I f 0 s S SAdvertisers 4- iii of MI 4 5 publication day p1i 1Address all communications to t JOHN W HONAKEK Owingsville Ky THURSDAY AUG 25 1910 1 c 9 = = ANNOUNCEMENTS t1 We are authorized to announcvi I Will J Fields of < ftas a candidate for Congress in tJ 5 the Ninth district of Kentucky subject to the action of the Dem pocratic party I Ig > = = = EOLD ballyhoo has been stirred r re tip in the G 0 P by the turn ¬ Vmg down of Teddy for tempora ¬ l r ry chairman of the Republican 5 State convention in New York S 0 Sunny Jim Sherman being chosen J over Teddy f S I IJti CORRESPONDENCE ft A > < Moores Ferrv a iMrs Emma Christy Luther 5 S Sorrell and little daughter of Hillsborb spent Sunday with relr atives herE a toD8lio 7 1 Tullie Pierce wife and daugh torof Bethel were gueStsofMrS tssickn 5 I wife last week 5 Robt SbrreU hasm dar1ilfe 4 1fver < The campmeeting began here I > Tuesday night of last week t- S > blyrriDia pS 2c went to the show at Morehead 5 J Saturdayn Mrs Lulie Merix of West Vii 1 1 f ginia is visiting her mother Mrs t Mary Jackson O fir Miss i Vesta Hunter visited in Morehead Saturday and Sunday I 1 Mrs Prudie Case is visiting M friends In Lexington Z Mrs H O Irwin of Ashland visited friends here last week 1p Odessa I IS rL1 A nice gentle rain Thursday t F < night and another Sunday morn q t ing revived burning crops som ro t but a soaking rain is what is edMuust now I ij 8 fS B Hawkins lost by death LeU at < And saw nothing wrong and n three q hours found her dead supposed igg I P it Albert Jones sold a 3yearold j mare las veek to Wm Vanland S gha Jr for 175 and a bay tr to another party for p a Lt4I t A 1 5 teibad the Ewir4g fair Saturday d r dsl 3 ii icecrera andiiever thought until hewuredytQmakelthewasntt t c It neo our neighbors had a 4 t r h4epwe ill no names that got torTpople and bt itI r 0 0e 4ti r A t d7worsc tott L j H sarber and tt J ostepout J I to cs 0 01 5rseoi a hI ewas- r 4 5 1 1 omuch hf e S egetsiI it panT a 4 I dfold i voi t rabout c J- I 411z t > f r 1d to Ct JOI tor i J irih s t t 5 a > I i II ft r O 1 j 5 1 t j of tr I t tJ7 ttt r 15 S i i bi > c- M 1ft r tfltI i > lh f Jc 11 IIp o 1 0r tto 4 LtJo I Lf 1 4 tC I j tc J t t 1C e r A H fi r nrO t t r Ir J 1 > if 1 f- S t S I JJft < < tS i tt 43c fr i r i l o t t t 7 iioI l 1 bo 4b j J 1 I 5 S SOp r 1 I OI I v r tl Joo f t o 6 S 90 iI 3 > C1 wP 11 c < Grange City Mr Young and Sim Havens J Athens III came Wednesday vto visit the lattors lather A L ickI came to visit his < taevton Upper h cx y Ash John Horseman and wife visit- ed relatives on White Oak from Thursday till Sunday and attend ¬ protracted meeting Joe Snedegar and wife of near Kendalls Spring visited Willie Hamilton and wife plSherman M vi Ssited Roy Stones little boy Dawson is somewhat better of his illness Willie Harper of Catlettsburg visited his grandfather Daniel Harper and family last week Alfred Carter wife and little SO wfl near Shcrburne last week Sr vpent 01Mrs ay visited Wm Hedrick and family near Mt Stealing the first of the weekP CrooksT Willson cilrIoad of cattle and hogs to Cin- cinnati Saturday and a carload of Iambs to Jersey City Wednes- day ¬ B D Nixon wife and children s tiaturday a Rnd at Salt Lick last week vMisses ins visited relatives at Salt Lid Friday and Saturdaye Ben Wells is quite poorly Sam Lathram shipped a car- load ¬ of cattle to Cincinnati Wed nesdayJohn L Vice shipped carload of lambs to Jersey City Thursday George Carmichael and wifeI areyjsitingtheir daughter James Warner on Salt Well John L Jackson and wlfeof1 fJ03cphWillial Salt Lick Two men from Dunkirk Ind arevhere looking for hands for a g1a > j factory Tc werTrEeverar scraps 1 at the reunion but no one hurt Saturdayfrom brother much better Jiidge Kimbrell was in More head Saturday Robinsorts show train that n Fight trunk belonging to Miss Jen ¬ i Norvell that had been left TheI was open at head and the contents taken A few fetters were left that led I 0- nding the owner of the trunk- S Mrs Ella Pennington Ola Christian Mrs Jack- son 1 of Olive Hill and Mrs She > man Guhlett of Salt Lick left here August 16 for Niagara Falls Hon J B Bennett was here last Wednesday Highleyhavesrone stooos Some tobacco wilt be housed in Montgomery county this week The little daughter of Mrs Ma ry Foley is very sick We heart some tobacco being sold at 14c and 15c per pound igfor pressed for coin Born Aug 16 to R E Tipton arid wife a daughter There are fewer mule colts 1Mrs ill threatened with fiwer We do not hear as much said about the trusts as we used to After the Farmers Trust was formed they have become so com mOn that they are no longer no ¬ ticedShermitri and Miss Emma D Hamilton were guests of relatives near Owingsvillelast week mornI 1 zg corn a tobacco Frank Byrd has sold his 114 acre farm to Thos N Coons of Bourbon county at 125 per acre possession given March 1 1911 Chas Fryman moved last week BigstaffCockrells Bert Sanders and Harrison Conn with their families went saturday to visit relatives in Fleming county ttEhedeatTfof JVIrs Kate Smith t Sterling was deeply re r pd by her many friends here 4 I ot t j t f t 1 i 1ft i f ti i 11 0i1i f > OJ T r I f r 5 I Uobt S Smith wife and chil dreu Katherine and Kolky of Asbville Ohio were visitors here wcekI moniiii preached I of A N Cordon of Lexing ¬ ton WitS present and made a fine lk Thomas N Coons and wife of North Middletown visited the 5th e family of Eo L Fassett Sat ur day and Sunday ol pu1let eXIpected 1harpsburg Aug 19 They are ejv j 1friends They will go to housekeeping here Stopstono Elder Cleveland Carpenter has been suffering for the past two eeks with tonsilitis I Lee Wilson and family of Odes 4 sa spent from Saturday until i with JM Steele ife- i unciI George Blake and wifeof I 115 county visited S P Steele 1 dwife Mrs Margaret Fletcher Mrs ress Barnes and Dee Conner withThos jjj son Miss Lizzie Conner returned Saturday from a fewweeks vis- it to relatives at Thompson Sta rniab Mrs Jo Ray sold a fine calf to obt Coons for 18 mMrs ery sick vv t d their grandparents F A Me Quithy and wife last week Miss Lula Finley of it Ster- ling is visiting here n atight Mrs F W Colliver and little visitingFrank ramily week Dunk Carmichael and ph o Cfjuar tives and friends herem OkJa Sundaylliehwa W R Gray is not improving much of his illness Miss Eliza Gorrell remains about the same of her illness cMiss Atchison went Friday to visit the formers sister Mrs W T Atch ison and family at Craintown county James Grain wife and son Hu w b dife returnedhome with her brother James of ne arA accompanied children Allen Campbell wife Nallis Saturdayto near Flemingsburg Mike Hedrick and son Walter Ewingfair Wheat threshing began here Monday The friends of Miss Eliza Gor¬ seventeenthbirthday last week by giving an icecream delightful WW Anderson bought a horse of C T Grain for 125 twohogS hundred >0n Sunday at 9 oclock a mot Clemj or that mansion beyond About five years ago consumption claimed her for a victim Everything was done for her that was possible to do but without avail He who doeth all things well decreed oth ¬ erwise and her spirit was called home She bore her affliction with great fortitude Her remains fol- lowed by a concourse of relatives and friends were laid to rest in the Riddle graveyard on White Qak Monday at 12 oclock Mrs Bertha Vice Riddle was the youngest daughter of TiS Vice and wife and was born De cember 20 1883 She was mar- ried tdClem Riddle Nov 14 191 IN- To this union two sons were born Egbert aged 8 and Commodore byher brother Mrs L n Jones of Odessa Mrs Tom Colliver and Walter of Hale Missouri SheI was a kind and dutiful wife an risadly husband and children we extend our sincere sympathy in this their I caddest hour i i 5 r i C I f EO S T tf JI 7 c VORK OF YOUR- GCNGRESS AN Gcnsral legislation That Ite Has Supported STORY OF LABOR PERFORMED J D Bennett Renders an Acccunt cf Representntlvei the National House of Represents tlves 1To the Citizens of tho Ninth Coagrca sionnl District of Kentucky To the people who have so rlgnnlly honored me with their loynl hupport I In the past by three times electing me ns their rcpresintatlvo In tho national congress I deem it Jut that I render you Rome account of my services us your representative tho Important liplslatlotr upon Which I liavo voted and what I havo iccom pllshed for the Ninth Kentucky dis ¬ trict The pooplJ of each particular locality nrc famlar with my Ifglalu the accomplishments for their Imme ato section but my services aro to- e entire district and the people have a right to know how I hava dis ¬ charged tile trust Imposed In mo General Legislation The following Is a list of the laws Curing tho Fiftyninth con ¬ ess Sixtieth congress and nt the xtra session and firSt regular ses ¬ sion of the Sixtyfirst congress which received my roto and earnest sup- port Railway ratea to be fixed by en ¬ rged Interstate commerce commis ¬ a rebates and other discrimina ¬ tion penalized sleeping cars express companies and pipo lines madj com ¬ on carriers railway passes prohib ¬ soPanama ith locks Panama canal bonds to enjoy same privileges as all other United States bonds Panama canal B tiPure truth especially en popular tome d iesti from hoof to ron 0Oklahoma t thConsular tho merit basisa n fationalized Niagara Pails to be preserved Alaska allowed a delegate in thc trd Naturalization safeguarded and adO more difficultc Steamboat I rigid duo to General Slocum loss Motor boats operated for profit rEF tGold J50QOO000 to be coined National bonk liabilities limited to 30 pr cent of capitalEmployers liability low Negligent carriers within the United tates jurisdiction liable for damages to employesFederal to state agricul- tural ¬ stations ¬ i sn a nnuafiym c irases Trademark law amendedd Militia efficiency promoted by old of eUnlawful n and other soldier organizations forbldaen Secretary of the navy given great- er ¬ discretion In suppressing hazing at Annapolise or sliver or their alloys not to bo Im ¬ ported exported or carried San Francisco sufferers aided 2 00000 appropriated Extending period for continuous shipment of cattle to tfilrtyslx hours Census office directed to collect and publish vital social and other statis- tics ¬ Waste in public printing cut down onethirdGrave of Andrew Jackson with fif ¬ teen acros of land made a national cemetery Marking graves of Confed ¬ crate soldiers Jamestown exposition given aid Restrictions on cabinet officers to prevent deficiencies of appropriations Financial law whereby banks In period of financial stringency may Is sue currency to the amount of 500 5 003000 depositing ns security there ¬ forbond3comm rclal passets i so as to ¬ wmetit passed l Militia made Integral part of the national military establishment with 0udditlonal snuni OOO National monetary commission cr- ated ¬ to devise a sound monetary sys ¬ tern for the government Widows pension increased from 800 to 1200 per month and cer ¬ tain unnecessary strlctlonsaboll- shed 5t tImportation ings etc prohibited In God We Tru8trcstored to the gold and sliver coins The ago law glylngj all soldiers ot the Mexican and Civil wars 1200 per monthnt tho ago of 62 1500 pe r month at tho ago of 10 and 2000 po month at tho age of 7C Model child labor law for tho Dis ¬ trict of Columbiaf Gamo protected Increasing pay of soldiers both officers and enlisted men Immigration station established at Phllddelphla at cost of 250000 Additional safeguard for passenger carrying ships provided Prohibiting desecration and Im proper use of the flag > t f O < 4 1 I > S S t = iHi 1 i h 1 11 t IiO q rs 4 I i j j J B BEN Appropriation of 29227000 for tb fI Patmum canal Fcmala nurse corps established tot tho navy hospital and navy hospital ships Ten new battleships at a cost of I 1000000 each exclusive of arma m tieat Military bands must not compete wlh civilian musicians Drainage of public lands in Mlnne ta Includng all unoatentod lands Joint maneuvers of army and mill ti lit priatcd Anarchistic and seditious public ons and Intoxicant and cocaine exh uded from the malta Attorney general directed to Inst tle suits to compel forfeiture to the U gnited ohort > ground of vllatlbn of cthtrcLw Interstate commerce commission outboiized to prcscrlbo regulations or the transportation by common onnors of explosives to promote the safety of passengers and employes White slave law prohibiting the affic The Payne tariff law Railroads engaged in interstate commerce prohibited after Jan 1 injO from KBing y locpmotlvo cqulppod with an ashpaiiiicb ne cyfiltnt aan ompjoya eetung yjudaf I pTbeeighthouzi The Imnlgratlon law t An act to authorize tho president of the United States to mhko certain withdrawals of public lands Ince lain cases An act tv provide publicity of con t trbutlous made for tho p rposQofI- nnucnelng elections at which repre pAn eat of the Interior a bureau of ilnes An act to establish postal savings depositories for depositing savings at liitarest with the security of the go- rument v¬ for repaying thereof and for other purposes An act to ensble tho peoplo of New Mexico and Arlzoia to form a con- stitution Is aud state government am iif be admitted into tho Union on ai iis qual footins wth the original ataet Railroad rnto law commerce court aLabor At no time in the history of tills country has the laboring man receiv- ed so much consideration In the mat- ter of legislation to protect his rights as during the past six years The laboring people have had my support and sympathy in all their Just do S mands and lam plsascd to say that tha representatives organized la WnSl1lnstrmlooking their interests have frequently cnu f red with me and I have supported every effort to justly advance thir Interests Gambling In Farm Products At the last session of congress tho formers have had a delesatlou In Washington seeking legislation tft productuIl ith representatives cf the Farmer u nion who were there and rendar them every possible assistance I tavo heartily supported every effort legUlaitlon sslon of congress the committee nn bllJto ally conceded that the bill wlU pass Tobacco Tax thNinth o say that I voted for and aided ma t t 0he cent tax trom leaf tobacco ApproprlatlonsSnco gress I have secured tho following appropriations for Dig Sandy river Hughesr Fifty thousand dollars for improve securodlor gress We secured 250000 for the construction of locks arid dams In Sandyknown secured 230000 for construction ot dams No 2 in the santo forks passeddtho slsted by Congressman AR Johh t < S s s t > I i 1 < I ri > =r i NETT son niof that bill fo the construction of lock btI I ilcn the border of tho district I t ave bills pending tar tho construc on of dam No 30to be located near Greenup ICy dam No 31 to bo located near Portsmouth 0 do No 32 to be located between Ma3 villa and Manchester 0 and dam No 33 tobe located near Wellsburg y each of which will mean an ex ¬ penditure of 1 00000 In tho dls tilct I expect all of theao dams will e provided for in tho next river and liarbor Public Buildings InPrior ¬ ross the Ninth Kentucky district ba tf nly one public building In It which located at Maygvllle Ky and hich cost th government 40000 Since 1 bava been Borvlns tho district in congress i hove secured an appro ¬ j j sing tract for which has now been let and the but dtEry will bo completed within- thG next year I havo atso eccur an appropriation of 75000 tort erection of a public building for eyn bulldling ¬ ¬ hrlatron p n which to erect a public building in Ashland Ky Bids for this site has olrerdy bscn made to the tre ism w a fiill In tim appropriation I Inve bllla pending for appr priatlons tar pubic buildings at Augusta Ky Fismlnga burg Ky k arid Carlisle Ky My p1b ose is to secure one for each yn enough to be entitled to a J pub Iom building under the rules of com ¬ mittee Mexican I shave shall and have urged Its passage the National Tribune bill the pro vi bus ot which all cxS3l Jicrs are lihow clmolo spccJat tils for soldiers of t vhe litlie men who have represented the I Othviftg wIJows for wham I secured the nil sage of a special bill either allowing them nri original pension or lucre as ¬ ing tho one they were receiving Frederick Arn Horace Applegate J P Applegate James Austin ID W Bell S V Bocock James W Burton Thomas J Barker James R Chap- man ¬ Reuben Ccpher NaUinniRl Gal Hns Marshall Caldwell bcorge w- mllt1ct Hcrvey W Cartee Jos AI Davis Stephen Davis Ainop Davis George Fankell A R Fisher tate ij Forman James A Fisher John Gillipn Amanda Green Johri Heln rlcEs James P Hlmcs James Hales Mary J Halbcrt J P Huff John Nt Ilubbard John Harvey Jr Albert Haucke Alexander Thinner William Ingram John Ingram Benjamin John- son Louisa January Timothy John- son ¬ William Klrkpatrlck Jefferson S Keaton W W Ilbbtc Perry Kalnll Thomas JI Luman Wm Lawrence Thomas Miller Samuel Meadows D C May C P McGulre J Hugh Mar- tin ¬ A J Mowery Samoa McCracken Stchpen Mnrcum Andrew J Moore David Martin Charles May Benjamin Morris W M McGinnis Lafayette North hoary Npuroan James OBrlsn Mary L Overly Thomas W Parsons Geo W Pierce Jonathan Purvis Frank Prater P Patton Ncah U Payne G W Rceler Jacob Rardln David Ross John Rodgers Augustine Ssrroll James SutherlandA Wesley Smith Harmon N Upton John Vaulandlnghain Al ¬ fred White James II Warford Sam ¬ uel Watkins L S Wyatt J E Wells R T D Zimmerman Thos E Myers and Paul Gettis Asldo from my work feuthe exsoldiers before congress I am continually calling up and urging action on their cases be ¬ lore the pension bureau- SpanlahAmenican War Veterans I have secured the passage of tho following special bills for Spnalsh American war veterans anti their widows and dependent mothers and fathers Albert Applegatc Robert Brammer Samuel A Berry Anna M Case Algon E Cole John F Camp ¬ bell BMdy Lockwood E Wv Morgan I w r 1f 1 l ti d o J 4 e 1 I 1 S I j e 4 SSs tt Elisabeth N II ton Jinilson F ZBcas Jcs ji inn IiWhitt and Robert It 5cc Hiines I mi nljj continually calling 2 lIll nnll iirgirg action In the clalmlC J of tlnse veterans which are pending J 1h r > before tha deportment Kentucky State Mllltla i For the members of the Krntnckr state militia I have introduced bill I T r t to extend tho provisions of the peltt > j fJ1lntbnnbl Pension bills Pending I now have over four hundred spor clal ponstor bills pending before ilia two committees of tho house cf rep ¬ resentatives to Increase and allow SpinisliAmerlcan ¬ widows Mall Facilities I havo paid special attention to tho mall service in the district New pattolBces new star routes and rural routes and have secured the estabC linhmcnt or many of each tar various sections in the district Civil Service Examinations Uponmr recommendation the clvl feivos commission doslgnnted Ash lurid fis a plato whore civil service ox nnilnatlons will bt held thus doing away wth the necessity of the people z m of castcni Kentncky going to Leslnc ton and Louisville for these exam Inatlcns t t f > I have heard no criticism to the effect that I have not attended to tnT work Some have criticised me bo V > cause I have not made more speeches If wo had moro hard work In con 1 gress and fewer fpccchea the public f bislncsa would bo flnlaLed much < eooner and a great saving to the peo C1t fnlontls Fittbtiilly yours 3 D BENNETT m CELEBRATES 59TH BIRTHDAY Last Friday evening Mrs Sher Gorham L cuteda surprise party in honor anniversarya ner The affair was held at the home of Mrs Paxton and was attended by about seventy rela- tives friends and neighbors 1 While the guests were assemb ng Mrs Warner was entertain ¬ ed at the home of Mrs George Hayes and was muchsuiprised to return and a house filled Co with es and when she fully realized they were there in her S honor she was much pleased 1 Mrs Warner is a native of Ow1 ingsvillo Ky but for the past x years has made her bom m eorgetown where she holds the 4 esteem of a large circle of friends severalie supper was served about 8 c1oclci enjoyable w shigMrsVrnrner ri GeorgetownIU C No matterhowsuspiciousawo an all other womens V gures she Could never make herselfbelieve anybody would be II suspicious about herS Maybe the world is growing etter we do not see as many girls on the street carrying usic rolls as we nnerly1did < h r ffinothing o dont imagine you can cut up l44 y- ithout being talked about 1 Jllty 1FJohn I ue d at 90000 > ic < t ijO 1 rl < 4 LIGHT YOUR HOME 1 j WITH THE V ro paY TONIA Gas Generator X better safer and cheaper than kerosene gasoline or coal gas j nearest approach to sunlight I most des can be easily and accurately distin guishedWell Cistern Pumps t pipe fittings the Perry pneu matic water system and plumb big goods c Oscar Palmer7j j Olngsl1lc R y H f 4 1j 1T2e 2 t i

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    IIS < i >

    tatV rT

    v hs 0


    2buS> 5 5 >xvi4 cJi scriptionrhedS1 1 to5I I O 4 r five Cents1 SS 5 f No1t11OWedanyO tinsI

    4 SubstV Ssiring a changet1 of address eajuhl give previousvithigl alwaysV get their items to us not later

    5j than Monday if possible whenput of stationery mention it on a

    S separate slip of papera

    J News matter of general inter1t est is welcomed bring it to us

    to 4 without delay if you wish it int1 acrtedJ Sign your name to commumca

    5 L tions or they may go to the vasttsf

    s r I f0 s S SAdvertisers4- iii ofMI4 5 publication dayp1i 1Address all communications tot JOHN W HONAKEK OwingsvilleKyTHURSDAY AUG 25 1910


    t1 We are authorized to announcviI Will J Fields of

    < ftas a candidate for Congress intJ 5 the Ninth district of Kentuckysubject to the action of the Dempocratic partyIIg > == =EOLD ballyhoo has been stirredr re tip in the G 0 P by the turn ¬Vmg down of Teddy for tempora ¬

    l r ry chairman of the Republican5 State convention in New York


    0Sunny Jim Sherman being chosen

    J over Teddyf




    > < Moores Ferrva iMrs Emma Christy Luther

    5 S Sorrell and little daughter ofHillsborb spent Sunday with relratives herE


    toD8lio7 1 Tullie Pierce wife and daughtorof Bethel were gueStsofMrS

    tssickn5 I wife last week5 Robt SbrreU hasm dar1ilfe

    4 1fver< The campmeeting began here

    I > Tuesday night of last weekt-

    S > blyrriDiapS2c went to the show at Morehead5 J SaturdaynMrs Lulie Merix of West Vii 11 f ginia is visiting her mother Mrst Mary JacksonOfirMiss iVesta Hunter visited inMorehead Saturday and SundayI1 Mrs Prudie Case is visitingM friends In LexingtonZ Mrs H O Irwin of Ashlandvisited friends here last week1p Odessa

    I ISrL1 A nice gentle rain Thursdayt F < night and another Sunday mornq t ing revived burning crops somro t but a soaking rain is what isedMuust nowI ij8 fS B Hawkins lost by deathLeUat < And sawnothing wrong and n threeq hours found her dead supposediggI Pit Albert Jones sold a 3yearoldj mare las veek to Wm VanlandS gha Jr for 175 and a baytr to another party forp aLt4It A 1 5 teibad the Ewir4g fair Saturdayd rdsl3 ii icecrera andiiever thought untilhewuredytQmakelthewasntttc It neo our neighbors had a4 t r h4epwe ill no names thatgot torTpople and btitIr 0 0e4ti r A t d7worsctott L j H sarber andtt J ostepoutJ I to

    cs 001 5rseoi ahIewas-r4 5 1 1 omuchhf eSegetsiIitpanTa 4 I dfoldi voi t raboutc J- I411z t > f r 1d toCt JOItor i J irih st t 5 a >I i II ftr O1 j 5 1 t jof tr I ttJ7 ttt r 15S i i bi >c- M 1ftr tfltI i >lh f Jc 11 IIpo 1 0r tto4 LtJoI Lf 1 4tC I j tc Jt t 1C e rA H fi rnrO tt r Ir J 1 >if 1f-


    t SI JJft < C1wP 11c <

    Grange CityMr Young and Sim Havens

    J Athens III came Wednesdayvto visit the lattors lather A LickIcame to visit his j factory

    Tc werTrEeverar scraps 1at the reunion but no one hurt

    Saturdayfrombrother much better

    Jiidge Kimbrell was in Morehead Saturday

    Robinsorts show train that

    nFighttrunk belonging to Miss Jen ¬i Norvell that had been leftTheIwas open athead and the contents taken Afew fetters were left that led I 0-nding the owner of the trunk-

    SMrs Ella PenningtonOla Christian Mrs Jack-son


    of Olive Hill and Mrs She >man Guhlett of Salt Lick lefthere August 16 for Niagara Falls

    Hon J B Bennett was herelast Wednesday


    Some tobacco wilt be housed inMontgomery county this week

    The little daughter of Mrs Mary Foley is very sick

    We heart some tobacco beingsold at 14c and 15c per poundigforpressed for coin

    Born Aug 16 to R E Tiptonarid wife a daughter

    There are fewer mule colts1Mrsill threatened with fiwerWe do not hear as much said

    about the trusts as we used toAfter the Farmers Trust wasformed they have become so commOn that they are no longer no¬ticedShermitri

    and Miss Emma DHamilton were guests of relativesnear Owingsvillelast weekmornI 1zg corn atobacco

    Frank Byrd has sold his 114acre farm to Thos N Coons ofBourbon county at 125 per acrepossession given March 1 1911

    Chas Fryman moved last weekBigstaffCockrellsBert Sanders and Harrison

    Conn with their families wentsaturday to visit relatives inFleming county

    ttEhedeatTfof JVIrs Kate Smitht Sterling was deeply rer pd by her many friends here


    Iot t

    j t f t1 i1ft i f ti i11 0i1if >


    T rI




    Uobt S Smith wife and childreu Katherine and Kolky ofAsbville Ohio were visitors here

    wcekI moniiiipreachedI of A N Cordon of Lexing ¬ton WitS present and made a fine

    lkThomas N Coons and wife of

    North Middletown visited the5the family of Eo L Fassett Sat

    urday and Sunday


    Aug 19 They are ejv j

    1friendsThey will go to housekeepinghere

    StopstonoElder Cleveland Carpenter has

    been suffering for the past twoeeks with tonsilitis ILee Wilson and family of Odes

    4sa spent from Saturday until iwith JM Steele



    unciIGeorge Blake and wifeof I

    115 county visited S P Steele1dwifeMrs Margaret Fletcher Mrsress Barnes and Dee Conner

    withThosjjjsonMiss Lizzie Conner returnedSaturday from a fewweeks vis-it to relatives at Thompson StarniabMrs Jo Ray sold a fine calf toobt Coons for 18mMrsery sickvvtd their grandparents F A MeQuithy and wife last weekMiss Lula Finley of it Ster-ling is visiting herenatightMrs F W Colliver and littlevisitingFrankramilyweek

    Dunk Carmichael and phoCfjuartives and friends heremOkJaSundaylliehwaW R Gray is not improving

    much of his illnessMiss Eliza Gorrell remains

    about the same of her illnesscMissAtchison went Friday to visit theformers sister Mrs W T Atchison and family at Craintown

    countyJames Grain wife and son Hu

    wbdifereturnedhomewith her brother James of nearAaccompaniedchildren

    Allen Campbell wife NallisSaturdaytonear Flemingsburg

    Mike Hedrick and son WalterEwingfairWheat threshing began here

    MondayThe friends of Miss Eliza Gor¬

    seventeenthbirthdaylast week by giving an icecreamdelightful

    W W Anderson bought a horseof C T Grain for 125

    twohogShundred>0n Sunday at 9 oclock a motClemjorthat mansion beyond About fiveyears ago consumption claimedher for a victim Everything wasdone for her that was possible todo but without avail He whodoeth all things well decreed oth ¬erwise and her spirit was calledhome She bore her affliction withgreat fortitude Her remains fol-lowed by a concourse of relativesand friends were laid to rest inthe Riddle graveyard on WhiteQak Monday at 12 oclock

    Mrs Bertha Vice Riddle wasthe youngest daughter of TiSVice and wife and was born December 20 1883 She was mar-ried tdClem Riddle Nov 14 191 IN-To this union two sons were bornEgbert aged 8 and Commodorebyherbrother Mrs L n Jones ofOdessa Mrs Tom Colliver andWalter of Hale Missouri SheIwas a kind and dutiful wife anrisadlyhusband and children we extendour sincere sympathy in this their Icaddest hour i



    r iC








    Gcnsral legislation That Ite

    Has Supported


    J D Bennett Renders an Acccunt cf

    Representntlveithe National House of Representstlves

    1Tothe Citizens of tho Ninth Coagrca

    sionnl District of KentuckyTo the people who have so rlgnnlly

    honored me with their loynl hupport IIn the past by three times electingme ns their rcpresintatlvo In thonational congress I deem it Jut thatI render you Rome account of myservices us your representative thoImportant liplslatlotr upon Which Iliavo voted and what I havo iccompllshed for the Ninth Kentucky dis ¬trict The pooplJ of each particularlocality nrc famlar with my Ifglaluthe accomplishments for their Imme

    ato section but my services aro to-e entire district and the people

    have a right to know how I hava dis ¬charged tile trust Imposed In mo

    General LegislationThe following Is a list of the laws

    Curing tho Fiftyninth con ¬ess Sixtieth congress and nt the

    xtra session and firSt regular ses ¬sion of the Sixtyfirst congress whichreceived my roto and earnest sup-port

    Railway ratea to be fixed by en¬rged Interstate commerce commis ¬a rebates and other discrimina ¬

    tion penalized sleeping cars expresscompanies and pipo lines madj com¬

    on carriers railway passes prohib ¬

    soPanamaith locks Panama canal bonds toenjoy same privileges as all otherUnited States bonds Panama canalB tiPuretruth especially en popular tomediestifrom hoof to ron0OklahomatthConsulartho merit basisanfationalizedNiagara Pails to be preserved

    Alaska allowed a delegate in thctrdNaturalization safeguarded andadO more difficultcSteamboat Irigid duo to General Slocum lossMotor boats operated for profit rEFtGoldJ50QOO000 to be coined Nationalbonk liabilities limited to 30 pr centof capitalEmployers

    liability low Negligentcarriers within the United

    tates jurisdiction liable for damagesto

    employesFederalto state agricul-


    stations ¬isnannuafiymcirasesTrademark law amendeddMilitia efficiency promoted byold ofeUnlawfuln and other soldier organizationsforbldaen

    Secretary of the navy given great-er


    discretion In suppressing hazingat Annapoliseorsliver or their alloys not to bo Im ¬ported exported or carried

    San Francisco sufferers aided 200000 appropriatedExtending period for continuous

    shipment of cattle to tfilrtyslx hoursCensus office directed to collect and

    publish vital social and other statis-tics


    Waste in public printing cut downonethirdGrave

    of Andrew Jackson with fif¬teen acros of land made a nationalcemetery Marking graves of Confed ¬crate soldiers

    Jamestown exposition given aidRestrictions on cabinet officers to

    prevent deficiencies of appropriationsFinancial law whereby banks In

    period of financial stringency may Issue currency to the amount of 500 5003000 depositing ns security there¬forbond3comm rclalpassetsi so as to ¬wmetitpassed lMilitia made Integral part of thenational military establishment with0udditlonalsnuniOOONational monetary commission cr-ated


    to devise a sound monetary sys ¬tern for the government

    Widows pension increased from800 to 1200 per month and cer¬

    tain unnecessary strlctlonsaboll-shed 5ttImportationings etc prohibited

    In God We Tru8trcstored to thegold and sliver coins

    The ago law glylngj all soldiers otthe Mexican and Civil wars 1200 permonthnt tho ago of 62 1500 pe rmonth at tho ago of 10 and 2000 pomonth at tho age of 7C

    Model child labor law for tho Dis ¬trict of ColumbiafGamo protected

    Increasing pay of soldiers bothofficers and enlisted men

    Immigration station established atPhllddelphla at cost of 250000

    Additional safeguard for passengercarrying ships provided

    Prohibiting desecration and Improper use of the flag >

    tfO <

    4 1 I >S St =iHi 1

    i h1

    11 tIiO qrs






    J B BENAppropriation of 29227000 for tb fIPatmum canalFcmala nurse corps established tot

    tho navy hospital and navy hospitalships

    Ten new battleships at a cost ofI1000000 each exclusive of arma

    mtieatMilitary bands must not competewlh civilian musiciansDrainage of public lands in Mlnneta Includng all unoatentod landsJoint maneuvers of army and mill

    tilitpriatcdAnarchistic and seditious publicons and Intoxicant and cocaine exhuded from the maltaAttorney general directed to Insttle suits to compel forfeiture to theUgnitedohort> ground of vllatlbn of cthtrcLwInterstate commerce commissionoutboiized to prcscrlbo regulationsor the transportation by commononnors of explosives to promote the

    safety of passengers and employesWhite slave law prohibiting theafficThe Payne tariff lawRailroads engaged in interstate

    commerce prohibited after Jan 1injO from KBing y locpmotlvocqulppod with an ashpaiiiicb necyfiltnt aan ompjoya eetung yjudaf

    IpTbeeighthouziThe Imnlgratlon law


    An act to authorize tho presidentof the United States to mhko certainwithdrawals of public lands Incelain cases

    An act tv provide publicity of conttrbutlous made for tho p rposQofI-nnucnelng elections at which reprepAneat of the Interior a bureau ofilnes

    An act to establish postal savingsdepositories for depositing savings atliitarest with the security of the go-rument

    v¬for repaying thereof and for

    other purposesAn act to ensble tho peoplo of New

    Mexico and Arlzoia to form a con-stitution Isaud state government amiif

    be admitted into tho Union on aiiisqual footins wth the original ataetRailroad rnto law

    commerce courtaLaborAt no time in the history of tillscountry has the laboring man receiv-ed so much consideration In the mat-ter of legislation to protect his rightsas during the past six years Thelaboring people have had my supportand sympathy in all their Just doSmands and lam plsascd to say thattha representatives organized laWnSl1lnstrmlookingtheir interests have frequently cnuf red with me and I have supportedevery effort to justly advance thirInterests

    Gambling In Farm ProductsAt the last session of congress tho

    formers have had a delesatlou InWashington seeking legislation tftproductuIl

    ith representatives cf the Farmerunion who were there and rendarthem every possible assistance Itavo heartily supported every effortlegUlaitlon

    sslon of congress the committee nnbllJtoally conceded that the bill wlU passTobacco Tax

    thNintho say that I voted for and aided matt0hecent tax trom leaf tobaccoApproprlatlonsSncogress I have secured tho followingappropriations for Dig Sandy riverHughesr

    Fifty thousand dollars for improve

    securodlorgress We secured 250000 for theconstruction of locks arid dams In

    Sandyknownsecured 230000 for construction otdams No 2 in the santo forkspasseddthoslsted by Congressman AR Johh


    <S s s t >

    Ii 1<

    I ri > =r


    NETTsonniofthat bill fo the construction of lockbtI Iilcn the border of tho district Itave bills pending tar tho construcon of dam No 30to be locatednear Greenup ICy dam No 31 tobo located near Portsmouth 0 doNo 32 to be located between Ma3villa and Manchester 0 and damNo 33 tobe located near Wellsburg

    y each of which will mean an ex ¬penditure of 1 00000 In tho dlstilct I expect all of theao dams wille provided for in tho next river andliarborPublic BuildingsInPrior ¬ross the Ninth Kentucky district ba tfnly one public building In It which

    located at Maygvllle Ky andhich cost th government 40000

    Since 1 bava been Borvlns tho districtin congress i hove secured an appro ¬jjsingtract for which has now been let andthe but dtEry will bo completed within-thG next year I havo atso eccuran appropriation of 75000 torterection of a public building for eyn

    bulldling ¬¬hrlatronp n which to erect a public building

    in Ashland Ky Bids for this sitehas olrerdy bscn made to the tre ismwafiillIn tim appropriation I Inve blllapending for appr priatlons tar pubicbuildings at Augusta Ky Fismlngaburg Ky k arid Carlisle Ky My p1bose is to secure one for eachynenough to be entitled to a Jpub Iombuilding under the rules of com¬mittee

    MexicanI shaveshall and have urged Its passage theNational Tribune bill the pro vi

    bus ot which all cxS3l Jicrs arelihowclmolo spccJat tils for soldiers oftvhelitlie men who have represented theIOthviftgwIJows for wham I secured the nilsage of a special bill either allowingthem nri original pension or lucre as ¬ing tho one they were receivingFrederick Arn Horace Applegate JP Applegate James Austin ID WBell S V Bocock James W BurtonThomas J Barker James R Chap-man


    Reuben Ccpher NaUinniRl GalHns Marshall Caldwell bcorge w-mllt1ct Hcrvey W Cartee Jos AIDavis Stephen Davis Ainop DavisGeorge Fankell A R Fisher tateij Forman James A Fisher JohnGillipn Amanda Green Johri HelnrlcEs James P Hlmcs James HalesMary J Halbcrt J P Huff John NtIlubbard John Harvey Jr AlbertHaucke Alexander Thinner WilliamIngram John Ingram Benjamin John-son Louisa January Timothy John-son


    William Klrkpatrlck Jefferson SKeaton W W Ilbbtc Perry KalnllThomas JI Luman Wm LawrenceThomas Miller Samuel Meadows DC May C P McGulre J Hugh Mar-tin


    A J Mowery Samoa McCrackenStchpen Mnrcum Andrew J MooreDavid Martin Charles May BenjaminMorris W M McGinnis LafayetteNorth hoary Npuroan JamesOBrlsn Mary L Overly Thomas WParsons Geo W Pierce JonathanPurvis Frank Prater P PattonNcah U Payne G W Rceler JacobRardln David Ross John RodgersAugustine Ssrroll James SutherlandAWesley Smith HarmonN Upton John Vaulandlnghain Al ¬fred White James II Warford Sam ¬uel Watkins L S Wyatt J E WellsR T D Zimmerman Thos EMyers and Paul Gettis Asldo frommy work feuthe exsoldiers beforecongress I am continually calling upand urging action on their cases be ¬lore the pension bureau-

    SpanlahAmenican War VeteransI have secured the passage of tho

    following special bills for SpnalshAmerican war veterans anti theirwidows and dependent mothers andfathers Albert Applegatc RobertBrammer Samuel A Berry Anna MCase Algon E Cole John F Camp ¬bell BMdy Lockwood E Wv Morgan


    w r1f

    1 lti


    4 e





    4 SSstt

    Elisabeth N II ton Jinilson F ZBcasJcs ji inn IiWhitt and Robert It 5ccHiines I mi nljj continually calling 2lIll nnll iirgirg action In the clalmlC Jof tlnse veterans which are pending J 1h r >before tha deportment

    Kentucky State Mllltla iFor the members of the Krntnckr

    state militia I have introduced bill I T r tto extend tho provisions of the peltt >jfJ1lntbnnblPension bills PendingI now have over four hundred spor

    clal ponstor bills pending before iliatwo committees of tho house cf rep¬resentatives to Increase and allow

    SpinisliAmerlcan ¬widows

    Mall FacilitiesI havo paid special attention to tho

    mall service in the district NewpattolBces new star routes and ruralroutes and have secured the estabClinhmcnt or many of each tar varioussections in the district

    Civil Service ExaminationsUponmr recommendation the clvl

    feivos commission doslgnnted Ashlurid fis a plato whore civil service oxnnilnatlons will bt held thus doingaway wth the necessity of the people z mof castcni Kentncky going to Leslncton and Louisville for these examInatlcns t t

    f >I have heard no criticism to the

    effect that I have not attended to tnTwork Some have criticised me bo V >cause I have not made more speechesIf wo had moro hard work In con 1gress and fewer fpccchea the public fbislncsa would bo flnlaLed much <eooner and a great saving to the peo C1tfnlontlsFittbtiilly yours3 D BENNETT m

    CELEBRATES 59TH BIRTHDAYLast Friday evening Mrs Sher

    Gorham Lcuteda surprise party in honoranniversaryaner The affair was held at thehome of Mrs Paxton and wasattended by about seventy rela-tives friends and neighbors 1While the guests were assemb

    ng Mrs Warner was entertain ¬ed at the home of Mrs GeorgeHayes and was muchsuiprisedto return and a house filled Cowith es and when she fullyrealized they were there in her Shonor she was much pleased 1Mrs Warner is a native of Ow1ingsvillo Ky but for the past

    x years has made her bom meorgetown where she holds the 4

    esteem of a large circle of friends

    severaliesupper was served about 8 c1oclcienjoyablew shigMrsVrnrner riGeorgetownIU C

    No matterhowsuspiciousawoan all other womens V

    gures she Could never makeherselfbelieve anybody would be IIsuspicious about herS

    Maybe the world is growingetter we do not see as many

    girls on the street carryingusic rolls as we nnerly1did < h rffinothingo dont imagine you can cut up l44 y-ithout being talked about

    1Jllty1FJohnIue d at 90000 >ic < tijO1rl < 4LIGHT YOUR HOME

    1 jWITH THE V


    paY TONIAGas Generator X

    better safer and cheaper thankerosene gasoline or coal gas jnearest approach to sunlight Imost des can beeasily and accurately distin

    guishedWellCistern Pumps t

    pipe fittings the Perry pneumatic water system and plumbbig goods c

    Oscar Palmer7j jOlngsl1lc Ry


    4 1j

    1T2e 2 ti