i ti4 un - chronicling america · 2017. 12. 15. · ttnoiut rat tom showers today probably fair...

TtnoiuT rAT tOM Showers today probably fair tomorrotft NEW YORK TUESDAY MAY 20 lf02 ri f iw n s n M vw u ioo i IMUCE TWO CENTS un U 262 I ti4 oLLXIXNO br it < s TO 4 rnr VOTE THAT V KIKCTS- V n n rk J t till Four Vott Crokrr salt to llavp Hrrallrd ilLs Approval t tan Mrk Tol Uardlner Lift thn- t an WPk Une anil KUrf ed OCiorman- T1 f Carroll nIn warn outvoted two o 10 nml 1 j A OOorman- f vipiomo Crt wa oloctod Grand s of iho Soclnty of Tammany or r iviuiin Onler nl Ito ndjotirnpd meeting f if Sachem hold lant nvonlng- council chamber of HIM Wigwam II ivtil only tho voti npcotwarjr to- y Kimeight out of thn twclvn Sachem f t vTMtmid thlon theiHconJ- r nn XVviik tho oundldMo of V Carroll nnd Ins friondK who art r i tip of Tnratnnny Halt who n alKiut town naylnc v no iio nnrmont frioniN Illlmnl nad ilorlnioil tit it iu n tftow vSiVory w hen I tmt r- i wa IliHtnl nnd hat ho was nlil itkkio rnikerthroti- iid iluii WliliKriiiK IVl mo of thow who oxpn o i joy Ho wa wiliorlnit to all ii induoil in HMon 10 him i Iroker liliill HOH n trilo- in in VVovo nir tliin on tho run MI iiHstuii vas nil si in order i ho elvtiin nf n Iather of thin l a iciiilsl to firs Senator rt Iliinkili wit Mii for till i I l is uns H s to b n- iin w ii iirnwn in Mm con n iho fnit that ono of wotn iiituiiiiitsl n voting ir 1iin Kin Wii Daniel K McMalm- nopggoil in n stiugglo with t prvint liis nomination- Sfiit this huh i ri ii l A unjinl v tf theSicliPi- nto f ll Council und v s wii tlitaiiicd throiigli ih vole of- InncK Ivtmn Mho nuin wno nn put liHird by Mr fniker lo tilt limo a tHtiMil by iho omit of John n Mil i inigi Mr McMnhon Snntor- Piinkiti Mntirii Fi Vnrson Michael f- Mirphv nmmns utm rail tuba Fox ho President f iho I omiMTntic flub A frdmi tn tlio stnrlo tint cnmo from to council flinmlT vote agniliM- Snator Plunkut wero unst bv lohn F- nrroll iwho Its I th forces nt thn prior- niioting of b jinl provoiiiil Thonu I Foitner fr m holding ovnr for anotlm- rypr John V Keller lUndolph iuggen- hPlmar Jolm J Hiitmol nnd ASII liird- Oardluor Uivirp f flans Sachem who wiw hiiwd man I in Kiiropo- Tho H nl of Saclipma went at cine bout th work of elivllng aClrnnd nehem Mr Sannell nail Mr Fot wero tpllcrx A chouv rsUlro l eight On Iho first ballot McMulion Plun kin Dunn and Fox voted Ouorman and Carroll Kpllnr flu jmib lmer ScanneJI and Oar illiwr voted tor Van Wyck On tlxi ncond- tnllot Col f ianilnor went ovnr to thn ma Krity and gas JiiMiot OOorman right col iunllnir nil ih time lu ti looked upon ai tlm wisik In thin anti r Kwr llm oloctjon of Jllstlc- niiortmn wag declared and the rirtim Adrif T Klernan Scrilm- drand l that It m maim tmanlnioun and tl niu dene ITS OGORMAN CARROLL LOSES mtI tAtlIPV fl I t 11 to alai I nLI n r hat 1 Ir h I l II rflr folks 1 I 10 f Ii o I 1 I I II Ii 1 Wlk 01 Ill FInn board t nro Its nte for Sarhuni hail Jam 4 n I i w lt 3 otlitr Vuts4 tnt otMayor- gig td Irw FrvwlIlAn- t I I ilI BlItfl ge- t s ug I I lorry tIm I g sat I I I vIm t I In II1II4IIt I t II- i r lii S t ii t nil ily- eit ain kimuwk lag tt 1 4 hut II itt hi I huki Iit a Seth 4 cit I hen Jn after lrn ctrrlarrd and > > > > < < > > < It WAM saul aftor tho mr llnK that n- ff n nt tho Interview which Tun Srx Mr Croker nt hi homo In nw on Friday mornIng of hint w Andrew Fr nmt A cable nwftMeo to Mr troker in which i ho thought tlm big chWf did not tin that Iho candidacy of Mr Van wan a lilow at Cniker- Vnpnrto y In tho H aiul IP did uud rst mil h wnu r Krt r rd that h haul i ikon In wii hh ld that if ho Mr trokorl wort In thU- tjiiv ho would voto for Voji Mr I n hnnn in MiU nie 4ipo Ii was said v tonli i Id Mr Cmkor that If Mr V n Irk waMokstid it would tiicaii a tflfat vie Ury fr h that Inmmany t b riltd in thIs miintry anil that Mr Ttker ucht to let know tut f Wiu n t in favor of the ekotiou of Mr an I nn wild further that thn anxw r to thi nr na such that Mr Krtvdnmn- I tutu linn pnoueh of l rs f th Hoard of m for uiiornmn on the ll t Mr inikr thouclit It would M well to h r a mui elti il who would l o ro with nil tho faction in th f ffxmJttion thociitntnuntiv- Af i i ho tnitui tt us that be to f inl iin fjriiriiid Srtrhom- Mr Mi Malign ninilr n H s ch In which ho- I an il Inotiro O i Tinan Leforn- iroMtitTH of thu itiiMn him f r ill t xv rd that Iio l ul made on lh- nnl AH a tniniMr iim Tiimnmny- r iinniltin Semtor Ilunkitl alo- li liif in favor of it Kr n VVrrx Mr OugRonheitnT mad a i i witlna that tho ability and f the Max ir mad tarn an ideal luau ri osi nnd hat IH hrnvcry with i ho luid utiheld th r it hU term of Mayor di rvoil i1 f n J ln W KellornlMi inatloa poovh for thn- fiMiv r i thing at l ai t tho n l ontis l t- n i viiorv ilid that wo in Mr ut of oflltv fur term It x vr t ii iittion tint tho in M- mHKfiKcv on nnssr- Utrrnalhp Plan 4arrill lla NonirlhlnR- I i III Nlrc o Yrt TIe TammnnyltcM ll nw voiitorilnjr militant in hofuro- utixi ms In Ui on ThutHlay lint l t i uat a nRrny cmifbilni of Njih- n UIIVH Itanil I M Miihon Maurii- iitivi r ii Timothy I Sullivan Jinn J MIIIIII IKI fliitui lo iiit- iv it ftalm f tIn urcatiiatlon until Sjti pntimii vilvo a new lor win u hy and mlKltt- otAirtimn f tlm rommltiio and rrf ii IfsitliT of Tiiinmany Hall MIIII 10 make F Murphy annum of Flnntio oiniiiitlts and i rf no teiub lender if Tammany Ilkll lim Tiininiiiiy men in iMiUior tho tijjrticy nor iho MIOC o if Mr Murphy mum iho iffalrx f iBiiy Hall 111111 oii ideiiil xrmnl- v fur Mi nifniii thai nal IIvo leader man who to MICOSS Itichml cmker- li lanilSprlni ll n r InUnil spring Maine I in i i Ibsikin rtkr UII nir- rllr Vmk IIIH VI A i n rinr Itnuv- br illrUiik mitt li o NIIJKI 4 I JI Iaiiti urutil uiitnisunoo York tk- iI H had- h I Mid- I d k aud- I I Ir rh h- mO IU I I r r I t I > r I r brI h I I 11 v phi hOI 11 I I I I I I I q c h I irk rstarmd t thin ltIl rck i Iii thc ought agr 4 d 0 s Rat I i1 pct uitid i I 1MMII a4t Muiirwi Fnattupron i t p rgn Ion eI 1 ns I hit tIght F iiI 1w C situ Iuiliruti rug ii is s right Iii i tit Flu than 4 hit I Iii t ii utttiiut Iii I p i tint hit I Iii Li i ik IuIJ Eli i tJ tf L unit uPit sit tie iluil TIt lot ti i > < > > < < < > > > < < If ho I to U uciv iled nt nil I In vlivtil- bjr tilt n w lender who urn to elected at the Mrptemlior prlmnrli A MMIII AM i unities nf tlin propood- rcgiticy known tlin TntunuinyitcM- begun to talk almut factional complex limo No i ri iirvtl to n word fur or against lllolianl Yokor in connection with tlm regticy Im nil Mild that majority nf Hi ngenoy win ou ly and vigorously oph 4i tu thin own- llrmnnco of Andiow Frocdmnn n n mom l r of the Fitianoo mmnltlif Further- more It WIIM said that If Mr Murphy wi- mado chairman of Mto Fiimmv Committee- Iw will in t loloriitii Mr Fniilnuins prv- cnot ni a inemlsT f tho Kliuni Coin niilteo Tho objection m Mr Ftoodnuin- arw uniwiNjl mill uniform all turn to iho oiypot 10 to speak fur Mr Cruker wlron Im should nut havo dorm o oiul lint In many wnyit ho him tu ildl il with tln affair of lain I Hall when lie could carry M- own election district Tin Trunnion lender olijcrt to Mr FreodiuanV nuiidling JIIM AH xtiotiKlv IIH I object to Mr Irtkor pulling over them n IIIIN nut won niur Ilko Mr NIxon As nlnsidy Kild in SIN Mr tnikiT in tli estimation of it majority of thu Imdcm riot of Toimnany Hull IIH long AM Im ivit hul ln must roliirn Mil mint ry and icimdn hero and UN iniiga h goo nvtnViind llvoM- In Ijigland thoio will U ttnil nil tln line just rclsMiiuii and irtlt Should Mr frokor it irtiirn l cptiiii or I tan lit lIn lenders ulll It MliViil elect their own loader ami IhU man will hnxon lormaictil II- HTninmanyM IK S Hint n tin situation IIH OH n uld IM ohialnul last night- fioin thinking TatnmanyllcK- Kirluird roiicr H ltivcly tat xvlil mil return iiitilncxl ytvir His friend wild last lilKlit Unit ta hi ifi lil- tiitcritiiin nilI v t lli v i i hut n uiu II MII lull ht litii Thoy wrnt ii lm Mr fiiikir kni v ihat 1aiiinuiny woiili- ltlc4 t iii ta iKiiFniiii Siai1 Sinit- iocoisMiry for bun ai vir In New V trk lu order to bring Hu alsui fir iho Mul h irgtitti n iiMlf wiibl nil it n nuiny rvpro ntative from Tnmiimny Hail 11 iho IIIIKIIHI nnd- Ailvinv legislatures It HIIS npikiien- ttbit Mr Itkor has Ut mo tirisl I motl- illlng in and piMits nnd- Inamiifh n i only a Sao oliciion this fail ho cannot h movis mil f tho lenity and comfort of his hjiilili bout if Mr frnker coino luck noit your porno i f Mr Crokorn friends wen1 that lime It will IIM ito for Mr Croknr over iiraln to Ucom IMIor nf Tammany Hail ilioy rplir l ono rnnl In Jiliii K tnrtnlls hand in thi for th control of th vctiii rmt- niliif nhli 110 hint n TIlls iny of UMflt IM lllch Jlllltl HM f liin IIIH lit frioniN il hV in rin- IIKI far I M Kiid lint HTI t tin torn rin liyr l l y tln itniiiiMil ii r nf Ac nit n n M In Mi aiiimntx of thi1 forttuT odlruil of th iilv i iv rn iiniit Mr Carrdl atid that owo tlnlr tlnpliivinint hy th Ioin nil lntnT ii o inoii uro now In tho pbimltlil clvil M rvpo and it lixikK- n though I would nhln lo Ixikl n- Id their join luring i ho ntorni Bdnilnl tratlon and In fat as lung a th y want to flit CommtMloniTH of Acrcnr art nrw- lniitlK tlnc all d vittim n of tho city rnin nl and of I ho d pan niPiitn which U nwlving thrlr ntlpntion- U Dock I of which Ctuirlon F Murphy tho Sullivan candidate for tho- lc or Tammany hail wait n Con mlMlnrvr trIm rf Maror Van Wyrk It wimuMM nod that nututnl Intont would India tliPMj InnMlKHtorn in fluid out all could al nt tho of that and that tho Ciiiiiiif- tinriT of Acotunti of whcun Vlllluu Hop burn Huwwll chaIrman of tho Kxi oiitl- Commlttfoof thofriAtor NVw York IV moc racy the nlor would clad to wl tnvrr they ilkcovcrnl n r alI I that lot I h l I I lrh I I I i f I I I I Ih I l lon I In t I I Ill I h I t Ilk Ito hat Iii ii Iii its shY hut XII < lot I r Is uul r I i Ion t hi iii j h n u i I lint i ii I itt 4iV < tot uluuI 114 iI iiuil I html C a iii it tin 11 i itib t ii Iii tat loll list I wit aM i tlrtf v w nItv ai t hun wits I I n I gilt I us turt old fri uriu of I Ii t hut tin the i wi irk In gi < ¬ < > > > > > < > LKTTKR Vlrs V I ISIIKS Mn Jrffrrton Datlt llccird Cirant In- CJhr ftrr llii banil a Klnilrr lillrr- Amonc th crl ctlon of nntocraph lo tern Nlonijlng to ln Ailmn lln- ilmtit which 1 IxHnR nightly at John Andorion Ji o in VM Thin id li- trcrt wn ac x rdlni 10 tho mialoRti A Htw from Ifff r n Invi to i n Grant writtin In i ftt to i iiii htn of the xtty tyrnnnl oxcreuod OMT lir- hu twind turn In prlfon liy i n Mill In tho nitaloRUo thi liitn a NiMil- no Vo MI on tho lift with tho following do rrlption- Jxtcr to Orant on Iwhnlf f hor hu hand In prlMiri Ho N tonmninl- hy a Mrlf of pity tymnnlif oxorei i- eivor htm by tlio man now in nminuind- lonipliln that on Mllo nmki a tHrln nf him for iN Mil1 lady rl nN Not likIng to I iMido a fxsiHrlo of Im- r lri d hi iiintir vhiti tlo nirKiis liltn Tl ii o loiinil irnnt- K i dutvn li Knrr Mniirio siid luiiiK ton Mill1 lor an iiiSoi iinl kinder nmn- f ho I nut ir xl 10 no I Imp kitpuiK I ho wilf from my rlilltliii- itior Utlo Ui lkho1 IIH thi vnlliv 11 KIIO of diiith into whifli I Min I lm o WHlliiNl- V StS riporior vi tho iiHiioinxT In thnli irM nn kliiK iniiniwi n to n copy of tIn lottor llo told would tlnt noowaiv to go KTIllliM lotl When tliai gMillimali uan- iiiinmtmlcnlol lth and tho- rivjui t tho lot lor iiiinio ILiioly wtili drawn from tho Kilo niiitioiioor ifiiMxl 11 iy if anyli dv- up nnin tw ir It l Ttial llalpolin Mint III llrullirr Wlill- pTrnipurarll ln nnr An InniioM lioUl yiwtorday hy oro tier and a jury Into tho death of Kurd novolot and hi brnihor Mnlculin V The only- wltnosHH rallnl woro Mi s KhiUih It Hall who wn rival t Min tary fur tlvo yoarn unit who ttitiiowil and lir Kniiiiiniiil Hii- who wn in nftor the h oiiiiR- Iho jury retiirmil a vorlici that Paul Ioii ctor tiinio lo loittli on May it pistol shot wound liillklo hy brother W Kr l wlillo in H of v Insanity that Mnl oliii- Konl dle l f a tii iol ili i wound Ifin with i iil idil intiint- n wiiKit rrui rnirx inn Siiiiii nl In HP a lrl alp HctrclHp niilalnt to Ihr For iho la i or four dayn a titan who IN Hiipi sod lo If a privato detmtlvo l vn piir linK Jolin laroli AMOIHI- KHIM n and Kifth In iho I H mail land in front of- ll linn nnd at liltfM he lays IT ol A tor In nnyiNuiK to f iir ho not ionlldid I tho or the private- wniihntan I ho iinoi J llfxrnU In Knot ton f r I fnmmc n TMII- r Ilirrli a l IIMllvil llHKW iillll- Wnlrlli t IllMi l inr llU Mumrtn I rl0r l- onrri Jfl nU l Uro Jir At nol I i I 1 I I J 1 r I mal I t a LIII rr I- llUtT SIr I hu j I I n I hi > h I n r r ibm tat nor Iouiui Ira turn o 0 Irma IIS ta- I Iii Is I wI its w I lit s t Ira I liti I i l 1 lit wait ui git was tIm t bus ni ivI lit M t tin sit iii urti I Lnr I i w hi Li 111 it jut r t liI sum u sit II flirt tI Iuil Ire t how Ill I i ii SIX V lilt st uiwn a viui itt Livt lit ii t I hits I has I I 111w I itt lismi k l t alit lit 461 < > < > > < > > > < ° CUBAN REPUBLIC BORN TODAY H irM ri wv Tin isi i v in pit TO KW ovfviivrr- n Wood nil Hat ana Tunlahl- nn this cniltrr HrnoUIti Some Troop Will mill HIP Oilian tllll tar tlrcinlratlixi l Cumiilrlnl- tTtrui lJt Htipit M lilY StN HAVANA May iv Tlm Cuban repuhllo will bo lnnuguiate l tomorrow and the last preutrntlon lire sing tonight for the ovonl TIn city I rapidly being doniraiil for Iivlo pro sulun- Dvor n hundred anho bavo b vn pnctod In varloim nf tho own under which President Palma will wi Somo of thpso- nrchM limit uniAslvti unlalnhiK nn Im- mciiM amoiitil of liuilior iMVennl with n preparation In imitation of slorto Ono ralwil by Iho Natiotinl patty np osito Obispo htret aiul in front of tho Alhlai- iTlieatto t sIxty fo l high At the top ot DIP Ucpublican- wrty hat rnisoil ilmv nrcho Still aiiDthor- ralitsl by tho coni tiiy i Mild lo havo cit fiiui The also have- cmted a very thus ut the heuil of Klein trit which to liivocist 3nm Vat lulls fiiiiiinlttpott wero fornisl lo- decorato each wiml In tho city and It I saul thai over fJfl tutu MilH rilsl for Mil pur M In Mrnt which I the prlnciiKil IIIIIOM MrHt of tho town each shop was aswsil- Tho Ayuntamlento ha ox enilrd for de oriimils and tlio alsti- fpent lUM for MIIIIO purmso- Today SlVjn woith of ratluti won di- tribulnl among Mm mor hy tho Ayiin- Inmionin which also itavo nppliiiiniH a rum of money Tho con nf tawijo nr jnrkil Ixsf hoans rio and other foml and win In flag and iho- cnonaniit wilin Ixing widelv us il in the rchemo of decnnillon- A shield IfiriTin tho mat of arm of M- iAvuntamtenihaslMs n placil on ilio front of thus fity Hull lly acxident tho lamis- iis to illuminate tho shleM at night wero ami yellow tho Spmih colors Il- wn prii nsd to iiso i a wirt of tlio- iliiirntions fur omorrciw hut iho Mayor mado a proteM and tho colors cliallgeil- Tlio stns ti4 tonight prnscm an ammntnd- apj iiranoo Tli wotthT uliiMo threat- ening hut it t hopod hat it will clear ti niorn w when Palma will tak ho oath of oflicc and nssiimo reins of government a HIP llrst President of the Cuban lUpublic Inn iMMlhrtit wi illen to President Palma reganting ho rIght I uro in in Cuba Four if will stHlinnod In Havana two in Santiago ami two in fiMifuogu- ren Wood K V hat MioironpM- will not it list It an occupying forco- atil will not intervene In lorn tilltinl- lnaerii irn Wood S nnr Patina to grant nurancoi Jovornment of Itopubllo wxuld rifraln from allempllng to pxprrin jurinllctiun Or the ofllr rs and own and nl o that they Kara tho right of transit either ao Imllvldualx or military orgatilnttlnn from ono pout lo atiothnr- H also nkst that tho i ivornment of tin tnllnl Siatit havo this right to insport ommiinifit with tho garrisons hat they i prolnclisl lliil Mm i ommandrn f- tho M S the right to In Cuba and to inoivo military MOIT and TiT Ira mall t Sol III I I in Stat I I i t I I I V 1 cir t t I I t I nuts It hun I ate is I rat I I Iii gas it mmii I UI iis I itt tins I Iii 1t I ii lit rat Iiflii rI t as ii Ii bIt i I st mrs mPh rUst I fri M s rim Air t his i eon tIwu fibs girt til S hit i riuiui ill i hit inni 11 hIS his I Itt stlstst tin ill S i lit tint I I him ti sirs atim situ iphi > > < ¬ > itiippliis fno nf duty In addition to asking insurance on theM H inis Con Wood Srftjr Pilmi- lo exerciso lurtipmo with th Cuban iovfininnt to duly xinllrm Mio owut- aiiiiit S rtir rrpliod tw Prsiilonte- ltsrt gittig iho nsiiirp l a surancrH- WASIUNOIIV May IB President volt Secntary Hoot and inn Wood to- day ruiiipHil arrnn inenl for tho foniul- withdrawil ttinirrow of tho American imiieiit from iho of Cuba Thu preliminary MCM to the irni fer nf- tho control of Culm woro taken ioverul- dnvn ago wlwii Son WIMM puhlishisl in lh- Olflrinl ut fiilia n pnxlamntlnii- aiiiKiuncing Mi election of Palmn- nnd Vioolrosidcni Ksteve llomero and al i Mi oloctiuii of tho Stnaturs ami lIeD iironlativoM funning tho Cuban Congrps- which xisM I Iho nf tho- oloclnrHl voto fur hlof Kxccu live Tomorrow morning then will publiMitl in Havana tho first announco merit by iii Vtssl of tho Culuin Crnsil with its appeinllx known us the Plan iraeiidiiiin- tIhi priMIrtmaiion containing CuUi- nfiliMIIIton liy iinlV n tin riiminis cttitiwtui with Presiden- tPalmns and ien WISXH final art of turning the reins of got eminent Thw nil Ink ida at nlMiut noon nt tho Havana pabtco and ion WOM will limn to Pns Palmn Ufor- th fubnli foiigros ti iil doclaration- of tngothor with n Iltor fr n- pnsidnt IO M OI wishing Mi near o H prnsiniii oiistonco- It i not hun whether or not President Pnlma will nply to MM of wlilnlrnwal Inn ien Wood Ixin ftil to nc iinlM him fiirlmiid- with It tixrnlil Pnniliit ti make an If m deMre It is ibtMiglii host PrvMkni Palma holy tasks isvii in ivply In hi InniignrHl- udtlnM and thus will Iwgiri tin goveni- tneiit if Mio now of oti WMiil will Havana tlmorrow night tin cruiser HriMiklyn Pan of American fun will nmnln how over for wime urn but only such IPSIIM u will niiiscarv to take cnro- if dsfeii1 work nf lim IsLind until Culki if iii IIH own militnrv eotablisli- nn in Th trooM roming will c insist nf f Xn flll lli four of which will il ehurge ar und Havana flu roinalnlig ihns will I dl tnlHilis in N K- wlnr iiit i msil l to ItNk after Mr nrmi- inirtl Ih artillery will in niinanil- of Col ha be hi ul n tar MUD tlm- AnotlKT il whirl will to link th two cniiMrie In rl x iiLiilniis tor- rsiltio linn I ihat forinol bv tlio j al orvlw It bus l ileiormlnodI- IM exi lng tf ial niles l twi en and tho fniud Stales hill iintinio eflMt intit a H ial sItu m ii and gre iipni a iniitv- HrlllUi lllnllr lo ptn il t ifipn M THE Sis UiNlMiN May Id Ill King lists up- l iin e l I I O proMht fmsiil- i ral ai Havaiin ltrilih Minister to Cuba Unit vprlnillnu r InUndoprlni INInv- u iin ntTtrr IVIinJ M trr- I 3 I x Vl HUhlin- H l t 1 I ii I r I loll I 1 Ill I I I I I IiI I I I I II I 1 III UI t W Ibr IkU I U T I tusks Iii I fist I IsIs tti I I I Sir trust II Ill c iruret Itt I ui sets t Is t itt I ph gt I ri i few I iiiiiss ltittlgi rut Iotm v rest I I mit I I rut sal I I iii I ills Is a ismi dils t it- t tins hi I lit iflt 4 o I a mulls er Iii itt ham its null It t my hi I t I itil sill I I runt lits oil rai l wit hit iii i I w ti hilt f titus I a I tint itt tIe Si lit iuss4 ltpay StnrS Ar iniei- luir It 114111 aus JJIl Siii 3 heWs as t > > < < > > > > > > < > < IIPItM l tilPT lilt Prrtltlnil Cablnrl Itrclilpd That Arllon li CuiiKm In t pcn ar- WAHIIINOTON May 10 President veils diiisloti accepl lniionir Willlums offer lo pro nt a Mnluo rf Fmlerifk tho- tireal l lrnlio Mlat was not taken without Mio most careful mnsldcmtinti- Hi dl r tanl lor llml ConMitu- lliinal provision with refetonro lo tho- iniosuliy of by ttiimrio of iho- uoocptmico of pre ni from any King or foreign Stnto by American- ofllcials wa not lh null of snap judg- ment wilding his io- Kinjioniir William Iho iiinsullil- uiititxrx of isis Cabinet nnd iho result of tlieir was that iho might lM ti ptii by th President without j legisLiuxo nit ion nnd n virtual decision thai il plncis In tl ground of tit army Wiir IK Im en cti- on nwrvnifn nl the Vuliriirtoi- Ilirrack PruivlonlH wero lii which imivlncol Mr iM s velt ihnl VingnsM- tif not M a iarty lo iho aneplanco ho atiordlnglv KniMror llml his gift would l o tittMp- Tho miin ground nn which llonso Veil his decliiin that hi niivptMii o- of not m tlffj m of iho- Fiilnnil Constitution was th C provision nppllos Iho no iy hohl- ing undr Mm 1iuiiil SMIIM liovern not in anvptnnri nf pros mils mado lo tho lovernmnn l self Aiiiirding to what th Proidoii I from hi of proiTilcntn It his l s cusloiiviry his ir ti o nr- In accept presents fn ni foreign iovern- ment nr ruler ndtlrosil it Shorn pr honnlly ir thn if tho tnlcd- Miios without wciiHiig ih authority of Cingro- TIiiM proMiit hay not l n rctalinil- by ho as personal gift hut hao IHSII out in Iho Sialo Departtppiil- or Mime ot h T custodian dr inclusion nmting- M fllflnl nf th loveriimont A caso In mini i that of the heroic por- Iniil of hi tho Mnliir moil Kissiidok lley of Tunis which IK hung in n corridor of tho Mate department- An IriMTiptlon on tho NIV It wits presonteil as n if hits lho lioyV- fllendsliip in NtVomltor MI5 hy his en- voy ien Mman Hiishem Ixuror f or IIIIMIOIICO for the assassination of lltHiiln and of congratulation fur tho termination of tho Civil War Tho- lUys envoy presentnd Iho sirtrail to Prosi- denl as a girl him and his fJnv- ernment and Congiowt n never nk il- in JohnMins nicoptaiiro- tIT ru 111EHSp- w Propmal Ktitt HIP lrlkp Mtilp to Mllrhrll llmill I ncprtaln It came nit linn yesterday that Iho Journey of ICilpli M liiloy Svrotnry of- tho flvin Fislernllon to th coal region wits lukeii in aciYinlancn wnh instructions rpccivod from Sormlor Hanna In to- rfxino to a moKKago from ihn Scretary liisloy wonl in Washington lust Thurdsay After ns rlving from Mr Hanna Im nturnod Ircrn and MH I- Iaflpnrartl started for llalMon whom h- MW Proitlrnt Mitchnll of Intlod Minus Worker It Knlil hun yesterday that Mr Kn ly laid Mitcholl another poK by which Mio strike might I called oft Mr Fjwlny would tint talk on tIn Mtbjic- ryxtenlay Imynnd saying that h would rofsiri lo Senator llnmin 1 I 1 I I I I all r I u urI t 11 r I J I lt T Ir a I IvIlrIH Situ lbs ut I Iii sl tlui Iii tC st lii I lit s I nun 5 ll tnt n u w itt 4 I mesh lent IiIII sOil iiifll stilt Iii sI iii lit is I t hun i lg I t hut s I I mint ill I VtIi I I WINS I I Iii I itt itt was I tin ii ill I tilt uttnl lily sits i l iri tit I mtiili t i lust I I Iii i strum I s I fl tutl lust I utu s I kit muu uuii uit 4 lu tits s i i his I I I I ghi tues tIhit tim wi nut Ii ig lit iittr I I I let tru I rmsIii itt I hiuhi tm ill i 4 Whirl ttUt I tat Senator lust rtietinuus hit was ire inn niaki > > > > ¬ < > < < ¬ > slmll attach lo Mm report wild ho My objci- in going to HaIelon wiut ti get a thorniiKhl- iloci of Ilio I Ivic Fe ler lioii lists not thrown its hand simply Usaiin- n strlk ha boon dwlaml went m Mi- ciwil regions to seo what wo could do I not at lilierly tusk oil hor Idea of situation nr rrrnin- iifi wlich I will Senator- Hnnnn will draw hu iwn conclusion from iho repfirf TOMOHIIi STAHE IIEti- mpan Knrinnl lo nun hit llrlwppn- IllilnrclllI ami Itliliipbrrk- PntOHK KpsiK May An automobllo singe lino will lio o rated Hhino- cllff nn Hi Hudson lUver llailroad- nnd llliln l ck village which an aUmt- thrco mils apart Ai one time an railway was lolkiil nf and n frnnchtso was hint ns no work was done Col John Jacob AMor toi k under cnnslderatloii- tho feasibility of running iiulomobiloN- twisii iwn villugvs and lodny It wan announced that 11 omiiny had Uon- fnrtnid Tho promoter John lnc b Astor vl P Morion und A I Wager PiPrideiit nf Uhlttelikl- llag Tlo itl Mart tviMi n capItal of- H7ui nnd ininiPillntolv order con strut lull nf Mins rlage o put on III route The stag will haven capac- ity of twelve nr fourteen rwiiH under s minutes headway They will timpiHl with gasolene onplnes- miny In order climb Mio- Miop grudi litwoiri the two vlllugi Th if HH slug mw In will niide ijnriiloideiil f- I tin liii nsfol AsiornndMr Morrnli not nUli tilrlvo liliniin f liisin- r oHMMOV ill nl the ia linaii Inlrrpst III HUP tirpal- foiicrrn nilliKt3lNNl NMl apltal May l Th consolidation nf tho vnrinii KnMinnn Kmtak inior str ono large cotinru known aa th Fjist- iiiin Kiwis with a capital lion nf fUu lJ i lui Usli olTortil Tlio- ciimiMiden included In iho coniMilitlallon K lak any nf ltt lit tcr Koilak luninsl of lmdon Fngland- Fnncli Kislik t icrmxn- isinaii livlnk fotn inv Kolak- fomwin Liiiiitnl ietiernl Ariti Com IKIIV Illilo fompanv American- Ati ioivi fompunv lieimcul- otnuiny and Cotn- lumv Tf inpital stnek i at Xi Viinn but shines nf iiiifotiil stuck 113773 of cninmon will Issinil m the lImit in Inly I Tlw s k con- sists of liitiMt I rsiit firre1 sharis nnd V l cnmmoi share ui tlii f mn jporgc of city i i Tin larg of fhotnivil fnrnimtiy tins on movo from Pik near Now Vmk city TplliiMin AcalnM Iapt llprlltit At Mio Iriril for of dtily of Ptliro- Cuplum John U Horlihy while In chargo- of tho IJdridgo Mrot station which wns- cnntlniisl yi tcr lny Isforo Jiisiiio S MII- in iho llraiich of the Supreme Court a numlier nt ns to- iho clmraitcr of Mto llMinlerly h iuxt- Tliolrinl will conllniiiHl lody- lhi Iarrmatir I n fiiir i Nit imln lir mr thoUMUd rail fruu rr ulk a Ctlc co I Inn alI I I IU I th I 1 I I I < lam I 0 I I I SIr 1 Inn t h- Im I I I I rid lf d 1 several nsu 4luluiiflu lul inns I his sit 114t i III 0 I 1i1 ill t t lit Iii ills tums lii l hit tu wti stat toll leti rue t Its itt I ViiI i > i tuI ml inuit ii I t I uu iii t nIh ia i wa ir ii tIn I rat 11511 hOIS lit Iii eli tsrii Ii i but 15511 Y atm hue East uuuuui Isu tumult I hilt V I I I slat rii I I t I fl v taI i situ I Ii I thu lit i v in I hat Intuit I Ills lit I bit I isu lii shstir reg lest I t I mutant a it ties t ist i the I tP ist lukilt ut ih Pstiua rfrtilumt tu time sa Vnik 1mm I t ire ttlut slid 5 ¬ > < > ¬ < > > < 200 DEAD IN MINE EXPLOSIO- NS itir nv M nroti MTV OP iilntliin UntiiTPil Karl In Ihr Morntns- anil lluo In rirpIUinp isle ITU CiMitrapl PII Mlulnx- Kvoxviux Tiiin May I In anpx- plimlon tlroii li iiiip in nml niine near foil Insk morn hug MI Sin oclock Hrhip oi men woro- klllnl hit f th In ih miti only five wore rimvitis Ono of thoso i sllll hut h will dio- Slpi lamp vi iI this afternoon hat In his nfiv h luau Iho husk lags of ITi miners who enterod Fralervillo- mill this morning Ho xiid ibiv laUir l ti who unrkisl In mill would luring ho nunilxT o JOi rhnis more afior iho ex to hin a rocil illyo- rKnniril in iho HI ot ivIiiR flriy wns niuilile In ji nioro K l ii i mine mi aiiMiin of l o- hnlti fiillen m ho tiwii Mill tnt alxi- on iiiiMiimt of tho stinim stnoko nail KKN and Ih oesio ht ii Tho latter null IIIIM hat ho miti Ii- N IIIM miles frmii the innuMi of iho mine lo pbioo whero inoii woro at work and Mils dUMnoo will have lo l ttmers il- lo i rl thtn Ipheival of iiirth Oiil and slao ulll have to rotimvisl to niich t ho pliis William Mirunn iho only man taken out alive loniaiii un in iiii and no uio linn Uen fiimd to explain oiaclly how the niiidtit Morgan an KII- Rllslmian with ono le who hits IJID In the hu lne H a lialfvntnry arid I in iho C il Crook illsiriet Knox vlllo in writ over to foil Cnvk loniKht and will shut moro Tuosdny MOI of iho mlreiH- wero married and lived it Coal nnd llrleovlllo- Tho mmo mil two ttitrnnivo a rnlto apart nt nml Thlstlo They met at a point rtcnn fist In and men wero- generally employed nlthiiiKh tho Thl tlo- fido had abandon Tho- projutty i owmsl by tjio Coal Cnsk Coal of which Major I C Camp of Kin x til IH Tho WBH- o ned In IK nnd oor iilensl safe Siato Comniisslnner K A will tank an of tho CIIIM of the accident an MMIII as x iilo- ltos MiPn roaclio thin placn of thn PJ- plosion at oclock tonight and all tho- tiitiiop found wet disiil Th ro fully lin dead and Mio list may track Jfi- K Ii Chupman of Now York graphod Wfnio to Mint a fund fur tho relief of Ihr widow and orphan created by Iho- I Via I Cr k tor ten mit tioiiAn TEX Ttir Tornado nf Snnila Man Fatal THan at Hnt HpporlPrt Iou lnoonooD- AMUK Tex May Communication In a limited by tptophonn wlrp wo- ctMablHiod afternoon botwpen Uallaa And GolUd The tornado yrntcrday afternoon klllod IflO M monH of whom about Klxly aro whIt and on hundrod- noRroos Titus injurod immlicr moro than two hundrod 1 a 11 IUII rr I I I rIhh I ali 1 J I t I I nuk l r 0 T S tic IiT II hut lie Is tucotuIoiI fir t hue Ira I im sIll this i sills slit nftt t Iii im a suit I hue l tip Situ wits lIt Iii lists vii h t Slid V I iur lilt g I Iii Iii i I s hiss s isii I raltul tug ii- I lir Ii flu irt I iii II Ill mis iui hIlt Ii V Frau I inn irflsi lea lI I Ii situ WI Ii 5 I ni tn Its was I tl sIr Shul itt t lit t ist I gal lull I a rim hans mInus 4 way this bore > > > > > > > > > Moro ono hundr s bulldlriK of sari mi klaus woro torn to piovr by Iho in soul around thus town ThrHn up tetophono who would consent 10 talk woro almost hysterical They if TlUs tho a chaotic Tho work of burial ha U jun but thrrn 1 n- HhortnKo of cofttno unit thin funrrnt will continue fur Mvoral days Of iho Injurod- It I oMimalcd that from twonty to thirty will die iov Savers and other Status nflflctal aro extending aid und the Mayor of most of tho citie aro taking nIIof TIme pro rty will roach fioiinoii Thin Iniiod Stales iovonimcnt military post Fort Sam Houxton at Son Antonio Htistalmil a IIMH etimatd nt Vionf Much wits al o at Iliovlllo Thus counties of Itofuglo Sin Iairiclo lIne mud iollid wero lindty nwopt by ttio xtorm but if liven the nowo tins not Sitar puhlto Tho storm was om of this iiinot wldixprood ovpr known In Toian It cxtrndetl to a I moot ovcry part of thn State rovprlng mi arm nearly MX hundred mil PIIKSTH tITS AT WVVKf- Aiiiba iilor Purler Vlio r N IIIIMI iuptt at HIP lra nr President Cornclm N IIIlK of th tnlon 1 nKU flub KIIVO a dinner at tho club hoiiM last night in honor of left Porter Ameticin Aniba ador to Frano mill of tnonilir of the French party who havo come hen o attend unveil In of tho Itochamhoaii Monument Tho dinner wa III lh club hanquot room and i hero no ioori ii Iii wall dwora lion were Ilench mud American flags and tho tablo American Iloaiity roM Tho menu wero very elab- orate irimc a picture of Uifayottn twoon a Kroneh and nn American Ian and a wililier of the Continental Army Krarplnit- a IpMlill soldier of tiro Nimo Tlod by hands iOUT woro lulil fur forivfour thoso- ptf tit bocldo Mr lllls the liimt bltif ion Porter M Inuwt fornto llono do- IttHhumlrtil M Midiel la M- iiilllemln M Hilly Vimmto do fhamhnm- M rilmoml ItruwHert Commander Itny- mcinil IlitlRoiH Cointo do John W lllKK I liunis lame V Alexander OnrKo C Haven John HorUit P Oporto V- PrkiliN LhatliH V Ounld lariii W lsk stints Thiina If V MM iutMStrn A Moon Ahram H llowiii l 1 Morton Mayor Sth WhiioUw lleid Morri iov Franklin of Now jfMT Collector Strnnahan Pn ident- Nlchohis Murtiy of Columbia J Kilward Slinmnno John Clniln John H Kcnnody Mowart Smith Kl aril H Ailamii ltl M V x Font Jnm- Conn in CnfitK If Sholdon I C Weir lohn A Sleicher F C Wanor OOIK S- Terrv and Cornollu Ir- lUnlnU nl Hlchlnl Tpl- NimrotK May IB This batlloohlp III iliiina iirrivwl at Hampton lUmtl pviiiinK and thus Vorth Atlantic Smadnm- cotio from si Tho aillol luid not l sii nightfall h Oinmrl IIM 11nj llrr kwatrr Jn Jill r l wiviii Ihsililnr oiDr- fntnitil U irr li i i 1 Itirk ll rr Vor- knicKrti iiutii iv in i A o Ji tin ufi- K in anil IMinin rr iirl ra or Antrim- ami turn IT ir Ul Ii in r nil rri tin t itlvi IAnl trimS n v l Stxir- or w iiik Initial Tl hflt food M day Oa MI W win u u locJuuv I Inc I don lost lUll lion 1 0 II hurl 111 1I1I r I JIll In > I tIt lusts ii nm steps hiss wet lie t mitt I I Iii I hit it Wet hums tutu Iii t hit I iras ljttitt Ii Iii Itiuis A- lt uill IIruts low han I thus I iglituiI list s 54 Situ low JUlie > > ¬ > < > > > > > > > < nirr vs issrvih- hl iliK Mrrxrr Now Cotoldrrpil an Fail Sptt iVr ittniK1 It tilt May in Tho oniranco of- MH White Star Stonmhip fotiiHnv mln- iho merger i n jw nvanltl a nn- aiiiimpllshixl fael Il is Mut of- 2iU haioM the eMniior of T II stimv foniitler nf Mi miinv I VI iho- lliirliinl A Wolff Sliipliiilldiinc Ciinimny in- cIldllKMr Pirrio ho i uihilAT nl Ilioitilii- pitiy N while niist nf IM totiaind1 li ll by tson In luirmony with Mr Pirn- It is utitlorstiH i lint Imriiy who holds otilv Ion slkiros is in imwIIItiK olrir- Hi friends ay iliev tl tot hlaiix him blftliH Iho ioVerninent which left I lie hip iwnoi In tight ihoir lulll s aliro- p uiiil er ornnints- vv nminin r iuiitiItli- ClMl TourNU Una il a s ull p I r limi fi in SI foliK May IU A irty o nine frntii lintel n slnins n th lakes of KillnriiVi i u Uvit yis ioi- d y lo row nn the lower liko- Thi b it Ill liiti found with i o Imdio of iwn woinoi a inin i In ilio wii kai It s Mrnil fl Hint the h at eti si7nl va niuall nrd that all mi I inl v i l vi Fbi mn v m hiMnlif Knylili toiii tk xinnisi with th- Iifkwlck Hiivcli I lull MPUSII Hitnis TtHuir- Irntr lllin rlf a lp r HIP IoHlp- Nr fi i ifiri fill irx- MAHIill May I In Iiimc loihtiiihiarvr- ovlW hidav KIIIK AlfMi lra er i Hi city nn hoixlMeli provi l hltnolf a d horMrnnn wlich Mi peopl and h was hoartllv cli s ns Onlv lii trtxips tr ili jmri In Mio roviw A tsipiinn was ttiven in hal wo lM i torsons than hilf of them aw thn Kmt mid Mother H in iit IHI nut nrii iniitin mini She tta OIIP TtlP Wnnlil 5 M- IUfp liiMirancp llpr lirp arit- Mn A tiio Schwartz a Itohomlan wa found In tho nf tier homo at itl East Sveiityftmrth Htreot ycsterdiy with the turned on A nolKMxr i molliil- th nn and rallml In Policeman who am ts woman on n chirgo of attemptliitf Miiido- Mio loltl Mn irtrnto llranri that rho In lndoil to Nierilko heixlf for Ih l onetlt hor two children who would Ret tho- fV ln iraneo hid on hr lifo Sho Mid her boon In Iho fnr a month and had just returned homo They woro without money shun did not want lo Ixirrow any u Mi ails Suit sOrt of- boirift ablo to return it Tho woman and saul cho wa anx lou to lutes to lust ohlldrii ami work fur their Tlio Mii Utrnto sits charged her rinsT 011 nrnKn HP npn USE Ill 11 HII I I I r II I I I htuu Iwir fIII I Ihjr 1 TIt I mil I iiit s I II nil IJ 1 I 111111 I I IJItII Il 11 Inll11 Ih 5 IuihiIt hunt ii- I s pta i A t haul Ir hiss riis I I s has t I I I sits a I n uituw Its I uteri uiritu I iii Fits l I stl listS Ii ni Ii itt t Iii f Ii- I I sill rh a I iit r rio in s gus tit I s ii I lit ivtii tug iw I silt ii iughi hiss art his I ml otn gums lhv tin I t hue I o i otis sIII pollen runt ml lit i shut hush alt I hiss I sun I wFut < > > > < < < < > l ra kan Laiinphrd at ramdrn OUitf- Wilp Will Italic Nlrmra Vttlh Ofl- CAMnnx X J MaykIBTIo Mtcanvtilp- Nebraiikan which was built at thin yard of this Vow York Shipbuilding Com any lucre was launched today Mm Henry I Morse wIfe of thus Prp ldont of ihrifleird her Slur I zif- pot lone and hurt tonnujcn SJi l font Sham of a r f vowl to follow whloh will bo indppendprit of coal a All of ill ig stoam hlM of this Amor- icatillawallan IJiio aro lo Im con Into oil hurncrwtliconivtny ha vlnft reached conclusion that oil will Im Rood a coal and only half a oxponidvo Tlm- Xobrnkan w t ratio ilili Now York Sun Francisv Hawaiian Ilandi A tank V MM loaded wlih fuel oIl I to U statlonnd in thn Strait of whloh passing tonin tho lino can Mcuro n frnsh supply nntnpnv iv TOIKIHI Ten Mrn IndIcted iraixl Jury Ka i It Kprrla to irt MnrpMrntmilrrli- TotKtKt thIn May harinR- Uiti In wMMioti for Mvoral wi k lnvotl- KatltiK muitiripil vmtUI Grand Jury madn a wrtlal roport thIs morning In nIl fifteen Indictment aro roturni l agaInst ton inon cliarged with hriUry for munldpnl deal Heading tIn list I thn namn of Moses II llrnllov liy Attonwr who lndlcte for tlio Tnictlon Cotnt who cJiarKo of franchij anti other legislation I in- dlcfod on throo count o count urn roturtieil against Tom of tho Hoard of And ono mint HKainxt T S IMwwm onrg Si r FnslJ Young and Miko llowanl Tho irand Jury n M rt ends W yet have hons f rounding up an other bunch of litton wo ad journ KAIITIIQIKP iv- NhorK laitnl Npcimilt In Man frarv risen lull Illd n DatiKKr SAN FnANrmco May 10 An oarthrjunkn- thock wn fIt all over Callfomla at 1010- oVItick thi morning In San II Liototl twenty horoiiiU only damaKt n irtiil was at Paiiivill goo were from Iho and much gin broken weather condition on coast havo l n reiiiarknblK tlurtni Mi lust two days Hlch wlnl havo provailtl Snow IUIH fallen Anions and ttah In ho interior vnll of Califoniin thorn havo l n wvon Mindsto- rmrnsiirT ATTK ITTS siicinE lila IIU Throat anti KlatM Illmirlf In Nina MliK tell Oustvi NO Mnv IB lohn VaWi Sfi sears old Nrvitnc a ten yoar1 nlpnm In Sing Sing for burglary attomptoil fnilcldn In- hl ell curly thin momlng by culling hi throat and hl wriM and Muhblng hlrtiMlf- in th stomach with nn lnk4niser- H WOM inpiiii In tho printing dn- inttitwnt and I on of princiwil Sin trihutor to sMr of pnonl- ieM i r Ho will proltthly die 4V Of OHIO HKStaS- A Hank 1rcldml Mool Talk About pw lark lrn ppulli n- MiNHrinuu Ohio May 10 William M hahn ncfiisml Ufure this Now Vork Irnnd Jury of grnnd lantiy in connonlon with tho tniuhloi of iho Manhattan Firo In iir stilts Cininv M I his stock In tin Itank of ManHold two diy ago and rcMgnn- da a dirocor anil Irosidont of this kink Ho ilihtKs c ak tif ihn ppxsslinc In New Vork until ortiHally lnformil of then tlrlxorr Watrr iap llnlrll I will h it n for l tor Uon Day tirr ltr x runkm t lUtlrMO IJJi usa nIl R 1 hip IP After Is I itt mlii g p1 isttmidil p t hius mutt nil I him itS of hue I Iii till tour sHtnts E II elaluim ssguit huts 1 Putt loft C41IFflIt IA Ta slit Francisco flu a thin kus shut Isis t hug vr- a tier thus I thin II I I i > < > ¬ > ¬ > > < < > PELEE AGAIN RAGES Violent Volcanic Eruptions Renewed LANDINQ PARTIES DRiVEN OFF Warships Forced to Steam Out to Sa for Safety iitlllnii Inr Ihr llrctiUri nl hr HiHllM- nf niinl Iprnll and III Tamil toasts liil tins in I lic e pr l iniillimI- tiirln hue HIP dmiiU nf- tir re lu IM nil lilt In IIIUMP nml V v- iral Slurs ait i Iltrrp nml WIll Malt lor an Opinrlimll In lund Iarllr- r lon In XA i r ntK il il lull tIP runs FOIT Iii l ttVf Mnv MI Tho Arncrlctn naval lug Porinno md Mio lli lefntitnhl let hero mnnilng for- M Pierre lo the Irrnnms nf Mr tlh Anvilinn Cnnsitl and tamily and of the C KIII and lurIng them liTe for a military funeinl- Vniir fornismlnt also loft for St- Pierio m board Mr slemner l tnfHto- iiiinmivnliil by Ml Joseph Hnvcn Ameri- can Commercial Agent at St Kilts anti Mrs Haven VOUANII VKIlT AniVB Mont IVItSwait very nctlvp nnd r molt nail thrown from thp volcano wore vHhlo for thin ontlni dlsUncu from Fort d Fnmci to th niinil city When th F tafettn reached CarbM- riiiburb of St Plorro thus grndnrmn MopM the Meamrr declaring that It nnsaU for her to venturo nonrnr to the volcano After n short stop thin Otafett- procoiilwl followed by thin drodger Con vprino which hunt n party of laborers on hoard who well to l n pinploypd la burnIng tin hodipM of vlrtlma Malta TnEucvDocn Kntrrnoxi- Aa theiut labornnt Undnd there A IrommdoiM pniitlon and they rrtumcd with alt poaMhln n e l to the drndgwr which steamed away for Fort do France Immrdlatob afterward thorn on the Krtafptto saw about fifty fugitIves on the I s I 4 s Its ittiti tIll 1 inlrtut I a lit I Iii 5 i live i rIE rV lImit hi mist Iser his su Iii I I lit I Itt I liii bit I audi s thor was warn > > > > > ¬ beach The eruption auhnidlng for atlma the t tafptle steamed COH Indioro with the object of taking that fugitive on board nira RATt AWAY TO BATrrr About this time Uio Polomao arrived A party from thus ship wpnt ashore and hortly afterward the Indpfatlgablo r- rlvnd tn heavy rainstorm Before tItus cruliwr could bn anchored thpm wern mrpral tmmnidou eruption Tho sight a tnrrlhlfl ono flue Indpfatlgabln Immndlately pro nvdod out to rn with that Kutafntto fol- lowing liar Thus Potomac coat loose ada- tpamiMl slowly wiuthwanl blowing ber continuously Thus fatigue party from nor ran along the beach and a boat from thus Polomao was sent ashore to pick ihPtnupI- JITA rjiutxo nrro Tint SB- AImnvnon quantttlpn of lava were falling Into t bo oa to thn northward ajutthe cloud of a ho wcm mtlPH In eitcnt- Thoxn on the Etafnttn lort sight of th Potomao In thn gloom but tubneqiMBUy- Mm anti thn Ind fattgabln wpm een to gcthor a connldrrable distance ont to M apparently waiting to make another attpmpt to land Titus American colUnr StprtJng for St Vlncont whirr Mm will Und pro vIsIons Mipplln The Captain of tho FmnohcniUarSwMI and other ofllcorn am discussing qq- tlon of bombarding St whoa th Krvncli Miuadron arrives rnKNOi niPonT i- PJMIW May 18M I craJn Urn MI for thus ColonlcK baa nTlrrd the foil ilrKpatch front Acting Jovprnor of MartInIque dated Fort da Francs Bun lay Inntructlon havn boon Rlren to fol want you dupllcatn reports of dl- iribuiion nf rnllff nipplls I hare la formed thin InliabltontH that provisIon arm eti itiil Lnltisl State naval visvl Diilo and thn steamship Ifli and Madiana I shall ciontfit the cnrgooh from diitl na I Imvo shone In titus comi of former cotuignmenta Copt Hugh 1 iallaglipr an American army omcor I px octiil to arrlvn aboard thn Dixio to MiTVl thn dlMrlbutlon of upplioH It hitlmrto IJPOH unnnoenaary to mako monny grants to thn victims but fiMxl tins Us n dlntributnl with bourn imrnhln clnvotlon by tIn Mayor and Itollof- Unnimltiiw I am iHvtipied In giving work to th refuge I rplurnwl on tlio cruiser Muchot on f tunUiy territory ltwi i St Plnrre and Pioehriir imomplpioly ravajoil of cultlrn lIon Itlx ro I hiirlnl In cinder Time largo proportion nt MacoulA and law Polnto art In good condition Tlmamall Thin oplo iuiot and bravo Dis- tribution of foul Im IIPPII matin to the victIms at Ornndo Kii rr Marouba Baax- Polntn and l rrniiin- Tho wind rhangod and tho rot oarwi la vomiting imantitlcii of cdndnra In the southern xjinrnunort report wpro heard at CurUt I havonpiointod ocommlMilon tofxamln this dptnniid nmd by Hiirvivorn of farallki who havo dlKip onroil t St linrm A hearch Is Islng rnndn under thn of thin HII for vatuabli which If ra Tb am l llrnkwaur- Watu IMv I l i Hae York CO Prep A U JUDo Utr Ait 44 a was whistle has Is4 and medIcal the Pierre the ill tIm Fonts s humus flit irate P nfWrlIiS In Irrnltms inue burn siamajesj tire today Loud Inspection tIklud u la- lpo Just 33Uu as aia e I tuiq storm > > ¬ <

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Post on 01-Feb-2021




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  • TtnoiuT rAT tOMShowers today probably fair tomorrotft

    NEW YORK TUESDAY MAY 20 lf02 ri f iw n s n M vw u ioo i IMUCE TWO CENTS



    I ti4oLLXIXNO br it<

    s TO 4 rnr VOTE THAT



    n n rk J t till Four Vott Crokrrsalt to llavp Hrrallrd ilLs Approval

    t tan Mrk Tol Uardlner Lift thn-t an WPk Une anil KUrf ed OCiorman-

    T1 f Carroll nIn warn outvoted twoo 10 nml 1 j A OOorman-f vipiomo Crt wa oloctod Grand

    s of iho Soclnty of Tammany orr iviuiin Onler nl Ito ndjotirnpd meeting

    f if Sachem hold lant nvonlng-council chamber of HIM Wigwam

    II ivtil only tho voti npcotwarjr to-y Kimeight out of thn twclvn Sachemf t vTMtmid thlon theiHconJ-

    r nn XVviik tho oundldMo ofV Carroll nnd Ins friondK who art

    r i tip of Tnratnnny Halt

    who n alKiut town naylncv no iio nnrmont frioniN Illlmnl

    nad ilorlnioil titit iu n tftow vSiVory w hen I tmt r-

    i wa IliHtnl nnd hat ho wasnlil itkkio rnikerthroti-

    iid iluii WliliKriiiK IVlmo of thow who oxpn o

    i joy Ho wa wiliorlnit to allii induoil in HMon 10 him

    i Iroker liliill HOH n trilo-in in VVovo nir tliin on tho run

    MI iiHstuii vas nil si in orderi ho elvtiin nf n Iather of thin

    l a iciiilsl to firs Senatorrt Iliinkili wit Mii for till

    i I l is uns H s to b n-

    iin w ii iirnwn in Mm conn iho fnit that ono of

    wotn iiituiiiiitsl n votingir 1iin Kin Wii Daniel K McMalm-

    nopggoil in n stiugglo witht prvint liis nomination-Sfiit this huh

    i ri ii l A unjinl v tf theSicliPi-nto f ll Council und

    v s wii tlitaiiicd throiigli ih vole of-InncK Ivtmn Mho nuin wno nn put

    liHird by Mr fniker lo tilt limo atHtiMil by iho omit of Johnn Mil i inigi Mr McMnhon Snntor-

    Piinkiti Mntirii Fi Vnrson Michael f-Mirphv nmmns utm rail tuba Foxho President f iho I omiMTntic flub

    A frdmi tn tlio stnrlo tint cnmo fromto council flinmlT vote agniliM-

    Snator Plunkut wero unst bv lohn F-nrroll iwho Its I th forces nt thn prior-

    niioting of b jinl provoiiiil ThonuI Foitner fr m holding ovnr for anotlm-rypr John V Keller lUndolph iuggen-hPlmar Jolm J Hiitmol nnd ASII liird-Oardluor Uivirp f flansSachem who wiw hiiwdman I in Kiiropo-

    Tho H nl of Saclipma went at cinebout th work of elivllng aClrnnd nehemMr Sannell nail Mr Fot werotpllcrx A chouv rsUlro l eightOn Iho first ballot McMulion Plunkin Dunn and Foxvoted Ouorman and CarrollKpllnr flu jmib lmer ScanneJI and Oarilliwr voted tor Van Wyck On tlxi ncond-tnllot Col f ianilnor went ovnr to thn maKrity and gas JiiMiot OOorman right

    col iunllnir nil ih time lu tilooked upon ai tlm wisik In thin anti

    r Kwr llm oloctjon of Jllstlc-niiortmn wag declared and therirtim Adrif T Klernan Scrilm-

    drandl that It m maim tmanlnioun and

    tl niu dene


    mtI tAtlIPV



    t 11 to

    alaiI nLI


    r hat

    1 Irh




    rflr folks1


    10 f Ii






    II Ii

    1 Wlk




    t nro Its nte forSarhuni hail



    n I i

    w lt3 otlitr Vuts4 tnt otMayor-


    td Irw FrvwlIlAn-t I I ilI BlItfl ge-t s



    I lorrytIm


    g satI


    I vIm

    t I In II1II4IIt

    I t II-


    r lii S t ii t nil ily-


    ain kimuwk lagtt



    I I itthi

    I huki Iita Seth


    cit I hen

    Jn afterlrn ctrrlarrd and





    < <




    It WAM saul aftor tho mr llnK that n-ff n nt tho Interview which Tun Srx

    Mr Croker nt hi homo Innw on Friday mornIng of hintw Andrew Fr nmt A cablenwftMeo to Mr troker in which i

    ho thought tlm big chWf did not tinthat Iho candidacy of Mr Van

    wan a lilow at Cniker-Vnpnrto y In tho H aiul

    IP did uud rst mil h wnu r Krtr rd that h haul i ikon In wii h h

    ld that if ho Mr trokorl wort In thU-tjiiv ho would voto for Voji

    Mr I n hnnn in MiU nie 4ipo Ii was saidv tonli i Id Mr Cmkor that If Mr V nIrk waMokstid it would tiicaii a tflfat vieUry fr h that Inmmanyt b riltd in thIs miintry anil that

    Mr Ttker ucht to let knowtut f Wiu n t in favor of the ekotiou ofMr an

    I nn wild further that thn anxw r tothi nr na such that Mr Krtvdnmn-

    I tutu linn pnoueh ofl rs f th Hoard of m for

    uiiornmn on thell t Mr inikr thouclit It would M wellto h r a mui elti il who would l o ro

    with nil tho faction inth f ffxmJttion thociitntnuntiv-

    Af i i ho tnitui tt us thatbe to f inl iin fjriiriiid Srtrhom-Mr Mi Malign ninilr n H s ch In which ho-I an il Inotiro O i Tinan Leforn-

    iroMtitTH of thu itiiMn himf r ill t xv rd that Iio l ul made on lh-

    nnl AH a tniniMr iim Tiimnmny-

    r iinniltin Semtor Ilunkitl alo-li liif in favor of itKr n VVrrx Mr OugRonheitnT mad

    a i i witlna that tho ability andf the Max ir mad tarn an ideal luauri osi nnd hat IH hrnvcry with

    i ho luid utiheld thr it hU term of Mayor di rvoil

    i1 f nJ ln W KellornlMi inatloa poovh for thn-

    fiMiv ri thing at l ai t tho n l ontis l t-n i viiorv ilid that wo in

    Mr ut of oflltv fur term Itx v r t ii iittion tint tho in M-

    mHKfiKcv on nnssr-Utrrnalhp Plan 4arrill lla NonirlhlnR-

    I i III Nlrc o YrtTIe TammnnyltcM ll nw voiitorilnjr

    militant in hofuro-utixi ms In

    Ui on ThutHlay lintl t i uat a nRrny cmifbilni of Njih-

    n UIIVH Itanil I M Miihon Maurii-iitivi r ii Timothy I SullivanJinn J MIIIIII IKI fliitui lo iiit-

    iv it ftalm f tIn urcatiiatlon untilSjti pntimii vilvo a new

    lor win u hy and mlKltt-otAirtimn f tlm rommltiio and

    rrf ii IfsitliT of Tiiinmany HallMIIII 10 make F Murphy

    annum of Flnntio oiniiiitlts andi rf no teiub lender if Tammany

    Ilkll lim Tiininiiiiy men iniMiUior tho tijjrticy nor iho MIOC

    o if Mr Murphy mum iho iffalrx fiBiiy Hall 111111 oii ideiiil xrmnl-

    v fur Mi nifniii thai nal IIvo leaderman who to MICOSS Itichml cmker-

    li lanilSprlni ll n r InUnil spring MaineI in i i Ibsikin rtkr UII nir-rllr Vmk IIIH VI

    A i n rinr Itnuv-br illrUiik mitt li o NIIJKI 4 IJI Iaiiti urutil uiitnisunooYork tk-

    iI H


    I Mid-I




    rh h-mO









    brI h II 11

    v phi hOI 11I








    c h I



    thin ltIl


    i Iii thcought

    agr4 d 0

    sRat I i1 pct




    a4t Muiirwi Fnattupron


    p rgn IoneI

    1 ns I hittIght




    situ Iuiliruti rug

    ii is

    s rightIii i tit


    than 4 hit IIii t

    ii utttiiut Iii Ip i tint

    hitI Iii


    i ik IuIJ Elii tJ

    tf L unit uPit sit tie iluilTIt lot





    > <<


    > > >



    If ho I to U uciv iled nt nil I In vlivtil-bjr tilt n w lender who urn to electedat the Mrptemlior prlmnrli

    A MMIII AM i unities nf tlin propood-rcgiticy known tlin TntunuinyitcM-begun to talk almut factional complexlimo No i ri iirvtl to n word fur oragainst lllolianl Yokor in connectionwith tlm regticy Im nil Mild thatmajority nf Hi ngenoy winou ly and vigorously oph 4i tu thin own-llrmnnco of Andiow Frocdmnn n n moml r of the Fitianoo mmnltlif Further-more It WIIM said that If Mr Murphy wi-mado chairman of Mto Fiimmv Committee-Iw will in t loloriitii Mr Fniilnuins prv-cnot ni a inemlsT f tho Kliuni Coinniilteo Tho objection m Mr Ftoodnuin-arw uniwiNjl mill uniform all turnto iho oiypot 10 to speakfur Mr Cruker wlron Im should nut havodorm o oiul lint In many wnyit ho himtu ildl il with tln affair of lain

    I Hall when lie could carry M-own election district

    Tin Trunnion lender olijcrt to MrFreodiuanV nuiidling JIIM AH xtiotiKlv IIHI object to Mr Irtkor pulling over themn IIIIN nut won niur IlkoMr NIxon As nlnsidy Kild in SINMr tnikiT in tli estimation of it majorityof thu Imdcm riot ofToimnany Hull IIH long AM Im ivit hul lnmust roliirn Mil mint ry and icimdnhero and UN iniiga h goo nvtnViind llvoM-In Ijigland thoio will U ttnil niltln line just rclsMiiuii and irtlt ShouldMr frokor it irtiirn l cptiiii or

    I tan lit lIn lendersulll It MliViil elect their own loaderami IhU man will hnxon lormaictil II-HTninmanyM IK S Hint n tin situationIIH OH n uld IM ohialnul last night-fioin thinking TatnmanyllcK-

    Kirluird roiicr H ltivcly tatxvlil mil return iiitilncxl ytvir His friendwild last lilKlit Unit ta hi ifi lil-tiitcritiiin nilI v t lli v i i hut n uiu II

    MII lull ht litii Thoy wrnt iilm Mr fiiikir kni v ihat 1aiiinuiny woiili-

    ltlc4 t iii ta iKiiFniiii Siai1 Sinit-

    iocoisMiry for bun ai vir In New V trklu order to bring Hu alsui fir ihoMul h irgtitti n iiMlf wiibl nil it

    n nuiny rvpro ntative fromTnmiimny Hail 11 iho IIIIKIIHI nnd-Ailvinv legislatures It HIIS npikiien-ttbit Mr Itkor has Ut mo tirisl I motl-illlng in and piMits nnd-Inamiifh n i only a Sao oliciionthis fail ho cannot h movis mil f tho

    lenity and comfort of his hjiilili boutif Mr frnker coino luck noit

    your porno i f Mr Crokorn friends wen1

    that lime It will IIM ito for MrCroknr over iiraln to Ucom IMIor nfTammany Hail ilioy rplir l

    ono rnnl In Jiliii K tnrtnlls hand in thifor th control of th vctiii rmt-niliif nhli 110 hint n TIlls iny

    of UMflt IM lllch Jlllltl HM fliin IIIH lit frioniN il hV in rin-

    IIKI far I M Kiid lint HTI t tin tornrin liyr l l y tln itniiiiMil ii r nf Acnit n n M In Mi aiiimntxof thi1 forttuT odlruil of th iilv i iv rniiniit Mr Carrdl atid that

    owo tlnlr tlnpliivinint hy th Ioinnil lntnT ii o inoii uro nowIn tho pbimltlil clvil M rvpo and it lixikK-n though I would nhln lo Ixikl n-Id their join luring i ho ntorni Bdnilnltratlon and In fat as lung a th y wantto

    flit CommtMloniTH of Acrcnr art nrw-lniitlK tlnc all d vittim n of thocity rnin nl and of I ho d panniPiitn which U nwlving thrlr ntlpntion-U Dock I of which CtuirlonF Murphy tho Sullivan candidate for tho-lc or Tammany hail wait n ConmlMlnrvr trIm r f Maror VanWyrk It wimuMM nod that nututnl Intontwould India tliPMj InnMlKHtorn in fluidout all could al nt thoof that and that tho Ciiiiiiif-tinriT of Acotunti of whcun Vlllluu Hopburn Huwwll chaIrman of tho Kxi oiitl-Commlttfoof thofriAtor NVw York IV mocracy the nlor would clad to

    wl tnvrr they ilkcovcrnl



    alI Ithat






    lrh II

    I i





    Ih I



    In t


    I Ill I h

    I t Ilk



    i i Iiiits







    Is uul r

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    Ion t hiiii

    j hn



    I linti ii I

    itt 4iV<

    tot uluuI 114 iI iiuil I html C a iii it

    tin 11

    i itib t ii Iii

    tat lolllist


    wit aM i tlrtf v w nItv ai t hun witsI



    I gilt I us

    turt old fri uriu ofI


    t hut


    i wi irk In gi









    < >

    LKTTKR Vlrs V I ISIIKSMn Jrffrrton Datlt llccird Cirant In-

    CJhr ftrr llii banil a Klnilrr lillrr-Amonc th crl ctlon of nntocraph lo

    tern Nlonijlng to ln Ailmn lln-ilmtit which 1 IxHnR nightlyat John Andorion Ji o in VM Thin id li-trcrt wn ac x rdlni 10 tho mialoRti

    A Htw from Ifff r n Invito i n Grant writtin In i ftt to i iiii htnof the xtty tyrnnnl oxcreuod OMT lir-hu twind turn In prlfon liy i n Mill

    In tho nitaloRUo thi liitn a NiMil-no Vo MI on tho lift with tho followingdo rrlption-

    Jxtcr to Orant on Iwhnlf f hor huhand In prlMiri Ho N tonmninl-hy a Mrlf of pity tymnnlif oxorei i-eivor htm by tlio man now in nminuind-lonipliln that on Mllo nmki atHrln nf him for iN Mil1 lady rl n NNot likIng to I iMido a fxsiHrlo of Im-

    r lri d hi iiintir vhiti tlonirKiis liltn Tl ii o loiinil irnnt-

    K i dutvn li Knrr Mniirio siid luiiiKton Mill1 lor an iiiSoi iinl kinder nmn-

    f ho I nut ir xl 10 no I ImpkitpuiK I ho wilf from my rlilltliii-

    itior Utlo Ui lkho1 IIHthi vnlliv 11 KIIO of diiith intowhifli I Min I lm o WHlliiNl-

    V StS riporior vi tho iiHiioinxTIn thnli irM n n kliiK iniiniwi n ton copy of tIn lottor llo toldwould tlnt noowaiv to goKTIllliM lotl When tliai gMillimali uan-

    iiiinmtmlcnlol lth and tho-rivjui t tho lot lor iiiinio ILiioly wtilidrawn from tho Kilo

    niiitioiioor ifiiMxl 11 iy if anyli dv-

    up nnin tw irIt l Ttial llalpolin Mint III llrullirr Wlill-

    pTrnipurarll ln nnrAn InniioM lioUl yiwtorday hy oro

    tier and a jury Into tho deathof Kurd novolot andhi brnihor Mnlculin V The only-wltnosHH rallnl woro Mi s KhiUih ItHall who wn rival t Mintary fur tlvo yoarn unit who ttitiiowil

    and lir Kniiiiiniiil Hii-who wn in nftor the h oiiiiR-

    Iho jury retiirmil a vorlici that PaulIoii ctor tiinio lo loittli on May

    it pistol shot wound liillklo hybrother W Kr l wlillo in Hof v Insanity that Mnl oliii-Konl dle l f a tii iol ili i wound Ifin

    with i iil idil intiint-

    n wiiKit rrui rnirx innSiiiiii nl In HP a lrl alp HctrclHp

    niilalnt to IhrFor iho la i or four dayn a titan

    who IN Hiipi sod lo If a privato detmtlvol vn piir linK Jolin laroli AMOIHI-

    KHIM n and KifthIn iho I H mail land in front of-ll linn nnd at liltfM he laysIT ol A tor In nnyiNuiK to f iir honot ionlldid I tho or the private-wniihntan I ho iinoi J

    llfxrnU In Knotton f r I fnmmc n TMII-

    r Ilirrli a l IIMllvil llHKW iillll-Wnlrlli t IllMi l inr llU Mumrtn I rl0r l-onrri Jfl nU l Uro Jir At







    I J





    LIII rr I-












    r r

    ibm tatnor Iouiui



    o 0 Irma IIS



    Iii Is I


    itsw I lit s

    t Ira I liti I il

    1 litwait ui git



    t bus ni ivI lit M

    t tin sit iii urtiI

    Lnr I iw hi

    Li 111 it jut rt liI sum u sit II

    flirt tI

    Iuil Iret how

    Ill I i ii

    SIX V lilt st uiwn a viui ittLivt lit ii t

    I hits Ihas

    I I 111w

    I itt

    lismik l

    t alitlit













    H irM ri wv Tin isi i v in pitTO KW ovfviivrr-n Wood nil Hat ana Tunlahl-

    nn this cniltrr HrnoUIti Some TroopWill mill HIP Oilian tlllltar tlrcinlratlixi l Cumiilrlnl-

    tTtrui lJt Htipit M lilY StNHAVANA May iv Tlm Cuban repuhllo

    will bo lnnuguiate l tomorrow and thelast preutrntlon lire sing tonightfor the ovonl TIn city I rapidly beingdoniraiil for Iivlo pro sulun-

    Dvor n hundred anho bavo b vn pnctodIn varloim nf tho own under whichPresident Palma will wi Somo of thpso-nrchM limit uniAslvti unlalnhiK nn Im-mciiM amoiitil of liuilior iMVennl withn preparation In imitation of slorto Onoralwil by Iho Natiotinl patty np ositoObispo htret aiul in front of tho Alhlai-iTlieatto t sIxty fo l high

    At the top ot DIP Ucpublican-wrty hat rnisoil ilmv nrcho Still aiiDthor-

    ralitsl by tho coni tiiy i Mild lo havocit fiiui The also have-cmted a very thus ut the heuil ofKlein trit which to liivocist 3nm

    Vat lulls fiiiiiinlttpott wero fornisl lo-decorato each wiml In tho city and It Isaul thai over fJfl tutu MilH rilsl forMil pur M In Mrnt which Ithe prlnciiKil IIIIIOM MrHt of tho towneach shop was aswsil-

    Tho Ayuntamlento ha ox enilrdfor de oriimils and tlio alsti-fpent lUM for MIIIIO purmso-

    Today SlVjn woith of ratluti won di-tribulnl among Mm mor hy tho Ayiin-Inmionin which also itavo nppliiiiniH a

    rum of money Tho connf tawijo nr jnrkil Ixsf hoans rio

    and other foml and winIn flag and iho-

    cnonaniit wilin Ixing widelv us il in therchemo of decnnillon-

    A shield IfiriTin tho mat of arm of M-iAvuntamtenihaslMs n placil on ilio frontof thus fity Hull lly acxident tho lamis-iis to illuminate tho shleM at night wero

    ami yellow tho Spmih colors Il-wn prii nsd to iiso i a wirt of tlio-iliiirntions fur omorrciw hut iho Mayormado a proteM and tho colorscliallgeil-

    Tlio stns ti4 tonight prnscm an ammntnd-apj iiranoo Tli wotthT uliiMo threat-ening hut it t hopod hat it will clearti niorn w when Palma will takho oath of oflicc and nssiimo reins

    of government a HIP llrst President ofthe Cuban lUpublic

    Inn iMMlhrtit w i illen to President Palmareganting ho rIght I

    uro in in Cuba Four ifwill stHlinnod In Havana

    two in Santiago ami two in fiMifuogu-ren Wood K V hat MioironpM-

    will not it list It an occupying forco-atil will not intervene In lorn tilltinl-lnaerii

    irn Wood S nnr Patina to grantnurancoi Jovornment ofItopubllo wxuld rifraln from allempllngto pxprrin jurinllctiun Or the ofllr rs andown and nl o that they Kara tho rightof transit either ao Imllvldualx or militaryorgatilnttlnn from ono pout lo atiothnr-

    H also nkst that tho i ivornment of tintnllnl Siatit havo this right to insport

    ommiinifit with tho garrisons hatthey i prolnclisl lliil Mm i ommandrn f-tho M S the right toIn Cuba and to inoivo military MOIT and




    SolIII II











    cirt t



    nuts It


    I ate is

    I rat I I Iii


    itmmii I

    UI iis

    I itttins

    I Iii

    1t I ii lit rat IifliirI t

    as ii Ii bIt i I st mrs mPh




    s rim

    Airt his

    i eon tIwu fibs girt tilS hit i riuiui ill i hit

    inni 11 hIS his

    I Itt stlstst tinill S



    tint I

    I him ti sirs atim situ iphi






    itiippliis fno nf dutyIn addition to asking insurance on

    theM H inis Con Wood Srftjr Pilmi-lo exerciso lurtipmo with th Cubaniovfininnt to duly xinllrm Mio owut-

    aiiiiit S rtir rrpliod tw Prsiilonte-ltsrt gittig iho nsiiirp l a surancrH-

    WASIUNOIIV May IB Presidentvolt Secntary Hoot and inn Wood to-day ruiiipHil arrnn inenl for tho foniul-withdrawil ttinirrow of tho American

    imiieiit from iho of CubaThu preliminary MCM to the irni fer nf-

    tho control of Culm woro taken ioverul-dnvn ago wlwii Son WIMM puhlishisl in lh-Olflrinl ut fiilia n pnxlamntlnii-aiiiKiuncing Mi election of Palmn-nnd Vioolrosidcni Ksteve llomero andal i Mi oloctiuii of tho Stnaturs ami lIeDiironlativoM funning tho Cuban Congrps-which xisM I Iho nf tho-oloclnrHl voto fur hlof Kxcculive Tomorrow morning then willpubliMitl in Havana tho first announcomerit by iii Vtssl of tho Culuin Crnsil

    with its appeinllx knownus the Plan iraeiidiiiin-

    tIhi priMIrtmaiion containing CuUi-nfiliMIIIton liy iinlV ntin riiminis cttitiwtui with Presiden-tPalmns and ien WISXHfinal art of turning the reins of goteminent Thw nil Ink ida at nlMiutnoon nt tho Havana pabtco and ion WOMwill limn to Pns Palmn Ufor-th fubnli foiigros ti iil doclaration-of tngothor with n Iltor fr n-pnsidnt IO M OI wishing Mi near o

    H prnsiniii oiistonco-It i not hun whether or not

    President Pnlma will nply to MMof wlilnlrnwal Inn ien Wood

    Ixin ftil to nc iinlM him fiirlmiid-with It tixrnlil Pnniliitti make an If m deMre Itis ibtMiglii host PrvMkni Palma holy tasksisvii in ivply In hi InniignrHl-udtlnM and thus will Iwgiri tin goveni-tneiit if Mio now of

    oti WMiil will Havana tlmorrownight tin cruiser HriMiklyn Pan of

    American fun will nmnlnhow over for wime urn but only suchIPSIIM u will niiiscarv to take cnro-if dsfeii1 work nf lim IsLind until

    Culki if iii IIH own militnrv eotablisli-nn in Th trooM roming will c insistnf f Xn flll lli four ofwhich will il ehurgear und Havana flu roinalnlig ihns

    will I dl tnlHilis in N K-wlnr iiit i msil l to ItNk after Mr nrmi-inirtl Ih artillery will in niinanil-of Col ha be hi ul n tarMUD tlm-

    AnotlKT il whirl will to linkth two cniiMrie In rl x iiLiilniis tor-rsiltio linn I ihat forinol bv tlio j alorvlw It bus l ileiormlnodI-

    IM exi lng tf ial niles l twi enand tho fniud Stales hill iintinio

    eflMt intit a H ial sItum ii and gre iipni a iniitv-

    HrlllUi lllnllr loptn il t ifipn M THE Sis

    UiNlMiN May Id Ill King lists up-l iin e l I I O proMht fmsiil-i ral ai Havaiin ltrilih Minister toCuba

    Unit vprlnillnu r InUndoprlni INInv-u iin ntTtrr IVIinJ M trr-

    I 3 I x Vl HUhlin-H l t


    I iiI









    IiI II


    I III 1

    III UI

    t W Ibr IkU IU T I




    IsIs tti I

    I I



    II Ill c iruret IttI ui sets t


    t itt I ph gt

    I ri i few I iiiiissltittlgi rut Iotm


    rest I I

    mit I I rut salI

    I iii I illsIs a ismi

    dils t it-t tins

    hi I

    lit iflt 4 o I amulls er Iii



    null It t my




    I itil sill I I

    runt lits

    oil rai l withit

    iii iI w ti hilt

    f titus

    I a I tint itt

    tIe Si litiuss4

    ltpay StnrS Ar iniei-luir It 114111 ausJJIl Siii 3 heWs as t









    > >




    IIPItM l tilPTlilt Prrtltlnil Cablnrl Itrclilpd That

    Arllon li CuiiKm In t pcn ar-WAHIIINOTON May 10 President

    veils diiisloti accepl lniionir Willlumsoffer lo pro nt a Mnluo rf Fmlerifk tho-tireal l lrnlio Mlat was not takenwithout Mio most careful mnsldcmtinti-Hi dl r tanl lor llml ConMitu-lliinal provision with refetonro lo tho-iniosuliy of by ttiimrio of iho-uoocptmico of pre ni from any King

    or foreign Stnto by American-ofllcials wa not lh null of snap judg-ment wilding his io-Kinjioniir William Iho iiinsullil-uiititxrx of isis Cabinet nnd iho resultof tlieir was that ihomight lM ti ptii by th President without

    j legisLiuxo nit ion nnd n virtual decisionthai il plncis In tl ground of

    tit army Wiir IK Im en cti-on nwrvnifn nl the Vuliriirtoi-Ilirrack PruivlonlH wero lii whichimivlncol Mr iM s velt ihnl VingnsM-tif not M a iarty lo iho aneplancoho atiordlnglv KniMrorllml his gift would l o tittMp-

    Tho miin ground nn which llonsoVeil his decliiin that hi niivptMii o-of not m tlffj m of iho-Fiilnnil Constitution was th C

    provision nppllos Iho noiy hohl-

    ing undr Mm 1iuiiil SMIIM liovernnot in anvptnnri nf pros

    mils mado lo tho lovernmnn l selfAiiiirding to what th Proidoii I

    from hi of proiTilcntn Ithis l s cusloiiviry his ir ti o nr-In accept presents fn ni foreign iovern-ment nr ruler ndtlrosil it Shorn p rhonnlly ir thn if tho tnlcd-Miios without wciiHiig ih authorityof Cingro-

    TIiiM proMiit hay not l n rctalinil-by ho as personal gift huthao IHSII out in Iho Sialo Departtppiil-or Mime ot h T custodian dr inclusion nmting-M fllflnl nf th loveriimontA caso In mini i that of the heroic por-Iniil of hi tho Mnliirmoil Kissiidok lley of Tunis which IK hungin n corridor of tho Mate department-An IriMTiptlon on tho NIV It witspresonteil as n if hits lho lioyV-

    fllendsliip in NtVomltor MI5 hy his en-voy ien Mman Hiishem Ixuror for IIIIMIOIICO for the assassination of

    lltHiiln and of congratulationfur tho termination of tho Civil War Tho-lUys envoy presentnd Iho sirtrail to Prosi-denl as a girl him and his fJnv-ernment and Congiowt n never nk il-in JohnMins nicoptaiiro-

    tIT ru 111EHSp-w Propmal Ktitt HIP lrlkp Mtilp to

    Mllrhrll llmill I ncprtalnIt came nit linn yesterday that Iho

    Journey of ICilpli M liiloy Svrotnry of-tho flvin Fislernllon to th coal regionwits lukeii in aciYinlancn wnh instructionsrpccivod from Sormlor Hanna In to-rfxino to a moKKago from ihnScretary liisloy wonl in Washington lustThurdsay After ns rlvingfrom Mr Hanna Im nturnod Ircrn and MH I-Iaflpnrartl started for llalMon whom h-MW Proitlrnt Mitchnll of Intlod MinusWorker

    It Knlil hun yesterday that Mr Kn lylaid Mitcholl another poKby which Mio strike might I called oftMr Fjwlny would tint talk on tIn Mtbjic-ryxtenlay Imynnd saying that h would

    rofsiri lo Senator llnmin







    I all





    11 r




    lt T






    I Iii sl

    tlui Iii tC

    st lii I lits

    I nun5

    ll tnt n u w itt 4I mesh lent

    IiIII sOil iiifll stilt Iii

    sI iii lit is It hun i lg I

    t hut

    s I


    mint ill I VtIi


    I WINS I

    I Iii I itt itt wasI tin ii ill I

    tilt uttnl lilysits i l iri tit I mtiili t i lust I

    I Iiii

    strum I

    s I fl tutl lust I utu

    sI kit muu uuii uit


    lu tits s

    i i his I

    I I I ghi tues tIhit tim

    wi nut Ii iglit iittr I


    I let truI rmsIii itt

    Ihiuhi tm ill i


    Whirl ttUt




    lust rtietinuus


    wasire inn


    > > > >


    < >





    slmll attach lo Mm reportwild ho My objci-

    in going to HaIelon wiut ti get a thorniiKhl-iloci of Ilio I Ivic Fe ler lioiilists not thrown its hand simply Usaiin-n strlk ha boon dwlaml went m Mi-ciwil regions to seo what wo could do I

    not at lilierly tusk oil horIdea of situation nr rrrnin-

    iifi wlich I will Senator-Hnnnn will draw hu iwn conclusionfrom iho repfirf

    TOMOHIIi STAHE IIEti-mpan Knrinnl lo nun hit llrlwppn-

    IllilnrclllI ami Itliliipbrrk-

    PntOHK KpsiK May An automobllosinge lino will lio o rated Hhino-cllff nn Hi Hudson lUver llailroad-nnd llliln l ck village which an aUmt-thrco mils apart Ai one time anrailway was lolkiil nf and n frnnchtso was

    hint ns no work was done ColJohn Jacob AMor toi k under cnnslderatloii-tho feasibility of running iiulomobiloN-twisii iwn villugvs and lodny It wanannounced that 11 omiiny had Uon-fnrtnid Tho promoter Johnlnc b Astor vl P Morion und

    A I Wager PiPrideiit nf Uhlttelikl-llagTlo itl Mart tviMi n capItal of-

    H7ui nnd ininiPillntolv order construt lull nf Mins rlage o puton III route The stag will haven capac-ity of twelve nr fourteen rwiiH

    under s minutes headway Theywill timpiHl with gasolene onplnes-miny In order climb Mio-Miop grudi litwoiri the two vlllugiTh if HH slug mw In

    will niide ijnriiloideiil f-I tin liii nsfol AsiornndMr Morrnli not

    nUli tilrlvo liliniin f liisin-

    r oHMMOVill nl the ia linaii Inlrrpst III HUP tirpal-

    foiicrrn nilliKt3lNNl NMl apltalMay l Th consolidation

    nf tho vnrinii KnMinnn Kmtak inior strono large cotinru known aa th Fjist-

    iiiin Kiwis with a capitallion nf fUu lJ i lui Usli olTortil Tlio-ciimiMiden included In iho coniMilitlallon

    K lak any nf ltt littcr Koilak luninsl of lmdon Fngland-Fnncli Kislik t icrmxn-

    isinaii livlnk fotn inv Kolak-fomwin Liiiiitnl ietiernl Ariti ComIKIIV Illilo fompanv American-Ati ioivi fompunv lieimcul-otnuiny and Cotn-

    lumvTf inpital stnek i at Xi Viinn

    but shines nf iiiifotiil stuck113773 of cninmon will Issinil m the

    lImit in Inly I Tlw s k con-sists of liitiMt I rsiitfirre1 sharis nnd V l cnmmoi shareui tlii f mn jporgc ofcity i i Tin larg of

    fhotnivil fnrnimtiy tins on movofrom Pik near Now Vmk city

    TplliiMin AcalnM Iapt llprlltitAt Mio Iriril for of dtily of Ptliro-

    Cuplum John U Horlihy while In chargo-of tho IJdridgo Mrot station which wns-cnntlniisl yi tcr lny Isforo Jiisiiio S MII-in iho llraiich of the SupremeCourt a numlier nt ns to-iho clmraitcr of Mto llMinlerly h iuxt-Tliolrinl will conllniiiHl lody-

    lhi Iarrmatir I

    n fiiir i Nit imln lir mr thoUMUd railfruu r r ulk a Ctlc co



    alI II




    I 1








    I I


    SIr 1


    t h-

    Im II






    severalnsu 4luluiiflu lul inns

    I his sit 114t iIII

    0 I 1i1 illt t lit

    Iii ills tums lii

    l hit tu wtistat toll

    leti rue

    t Its

    itt I ViiIi

    > i

    tuI ml inuit ii I t

    I uu iii t

    nIh ia

    i wa ir iitIn

    I rat 11511

    hOIS lit

    Iii eli tsrii Ii

    i but 15511 Y

    atm hue East uuuuui

    Isu tumult I hilt V I


    slat rii IIt

    I fl v taI isitu I Ii

    I thu lit i v in

    I hat Intuit I Illslit I bit




    reg lest

    I t I mutanta it ties t ist i

    theI tP ist lukilt ut ih Pstiua rfrtilumt tutime sa Vnik 1mm I t ire ttlut slid








    > >



    NS itir nv M nrotiMTV OP

    iilntliin UntiiTPil Karl In Ihr Morntns-anil lluo In rirpIUinp isle

    ITU CiMitrapl PII Mlulnx-

    Kvoxviux Tiiin May I In anpx-plimlon tlroii li iiiip in

    nml niine near foil Insk mornhug MI Sin oclock Hrhip oi men woro-klllnl hit f th In ih miti onlyfive wore rimvitis Ono of thoso i sllll

    hut h will dio-Slpi lamp vi i I this afternoon hat

    In his nfiv h luau Iho husk lags of ITiminers who enterod Fralervillo-

    mill this morning Ho xiid ibiv laUirl ti who unrkisl In mill would

    luring ho nunilxT o JOirhnis more

    afior iho ex to hin a rocil illyo-rKnniril in iho HI ot ivIiiR

    flriy wns niuilile In ji nioroK l ii i mine mi aiiMiin of l o-hnlti fiillen m ho tiwii Mill tnt alxi-on iiiiMiimt of tho stinim stnoko nail KKNand Ih oesio ht ii Tho latter nullIIIIM hat ho miti Ii-N IIIM miles frmii the innuMi of iho minelo pbioo whero inoii woro at workand Mils dUMnoo will have lo l ttmers il-lo i rl thtn Ipheival of iiirth Oiiland slao ulll have to rotimvisl to niicht ho pliis

    William Mirunn iho only man taken outalive loniaiii un in iiii and no uiolinn Uen fiimd to explain oiaclly howthe niiidtit Morgan an KII-Rllslmian with ono le who hits IJID In the

    hu lne H a lialfvntnry arid Iin iho C il Crook illsiriet Knox

    vlllo in writ over tofoil Cnvk loniKht and will shut moroTuosdny MOI of iho mlreiH-wero married and lived it Coal nndllrleovlllo-

    Tho mmo mil two ttitrnnivo a rnltoapart nt nml Thlstlo Theymet at a point rtcnn fist In and men wero-generally employed nlthiiiKh tho Thl tlo-fido had abandon Tho-projutty i owmsl by tjio Coal Cnsk Coal

    of which Major I C Camp ofKin x til IH Tho WBH-o ned In IK nnd oor iilensl safeSiato Comniisslnner K Awill tank an of tho CIIIM ofthe accident an MMIII as x iilo-

    ltos MiPn roaclio thin placn of thn PJ-plosion at oclock tonight and all tho-tiitiiop found wet disiil Th ro fullylin dead and Mio list may track Jfi-

    K Ii Chupman of Now Yorkgraphod Wfnio to Mint a fund fur tho reliefof Ihr widow and orphan created by Iho-I Via I Cr k tor

    ten mit tioiiAn TEXTtir Tornado nf Snnila Man Fatal THan

    at Hnt HpporlPrt Iou lnoonooD-AMUK Tex May Communication

    In a limited by tptophonn wlrp wo-ctMablHiod afternoon botwpen UallaaAnd GolUd The tornado yrntcrdayafternoon klllod IflO M monH of whomabout Klxly aro whIt and on hundrod-noRroos Titus injurod immlicr moro thantwo hundrod



    11 IUII rr



    rIhh I ali





    I nuk






    tic IiTII

    hut lie Is tucotuIoiI

    fir t hue Ira I imsIll this



    slit nfttt Iii

    im a suit I huel tip

    Situwits lIt

    Iii lists

    vii h


    Slid V I iur lilt g

    I Iii Iii




    hiss s isii I

    raltul tug ii-I lir

    Ii flu irt I iii II Ill mis

    iui hIlt Ii V


    I inn irflsi lea lI I

    I i situ WI Ii 5I ni tn Its

    wasI tl sIr Shul itt t

    lit t ist I gal lull


    a rim















    Moro ono hundr s bulldlriK of sarimi klaus woro torn to piovr by Ihoin soul around thus town ThrHnup tetophono who would consent10 talk woro almost hysterical Theyif TlUs tho a chaotic Thowork of burial ha U jun but thrrn 1 n-HhortnKo of cofttno unit thin funrrnt willcontinue fur Mvoral days Of iho Injurod-It I oMimalcd that from twonty to thirtywill die

    iov Savers and other Status nflflctal aroextending aid und the Mayor of most oftho citie aro taking nIIof TImepro rty will roach fioiinoii

    Thin Iniiod Stales iovonimcnt militarypost Fort Sam Houxton at Son AntonioHtistalmil a IIMH etimatd nt Vionf Much

    wits al o at Iliovlllo Thuscounties of Itofuglo Sin Iairiclo lIne mudiollid wero lindty nwopt by ttio xtorm

    but if liven the nowo tins notSitar puhlto Tho storm was om of thisiiinot wldixprood ovpr known In Toian Itcxtrndetl to a I moot ovcry part of thn Staterovprlng mi arm nearly MX hundred mil

    PIIKSTH tITS AT WVVKf-Aiiiba iilor Purler Vlio r N IIIIMI iuptt

    at HIP lra nrPresident Cornclm N IIIlK of th tnlon

    1 nKU flub KIIVO a dinner at tho clubhoiiM last night in honor of leftPorter Ameticin Aniba ador to Franomill of tnonilir of the French partywho havo come hen o attend unveilIn of tho Itochamhoaii Monument Thodinner wa III lh club hanquot room andi hero no ioori ii Iii wall dworalion were Ilench mud American flagsand tho tablo American IloaiityroM Tho menu wero very elab-orate irimc a picture of Uifayottntwoon a Kroneh and nn American Ian anda wililier of the Continental Army Krarplnit-a IpMlill soldier of tiro Nimo Tlod byhands

    iOUT woro lulil fur forivfour thoso-ptf tit bocldo Mr lllls the liimt bltif

    ion Porter M Inuwt fornto llono do-IttHhumlrtil M Midiel la M-iiilllemln M Hilly Vimmto do fhamhnm-

    M rilmoml ItruwHert Commander Itny-mcinil IlitlRoiH Cointo do JohnW lllKK I liunis lame VAlexander OnrKo C Haven John

    HorUit P Oporto V-PrkiliN LhatliH V Ounld lariii W lskstints Thiina If V MM iutMStrnA Moon Ahram H llowiii l 1 MortonMayor Sth WhiioUw lleid Morri

    iov Franklin of NowjfMT Collector Strnnahan Pn ident-Nlchohis Murtiy of Columbia JKilward Slinmnno John Clniln John HKcnnody Mowart Smith K l arilH Ailamii ltl M V x Font Jnm-

    Conn in CnfitK If Sholdon I C Weirlohn A Sleicher F C Wanor OOIK S-Terrv and Cornollu Ir-

    lUnlnU nl Hlchlnl Tpl-NimrotK May IB This batlloohlp III

    iliiina iirrivwl at Hampton lUmtlpviiiinK and thus Vorth Atlantic Smadnm-cotio from si Tho aillol luid notl sii nightfall

    h Oinmrl IIM 11nj llrr kwatrrJn Jill r l wiviii Ihsililnr oiDr-

    fntnitil U irr li i i 1 Itirk ll rr Vor-knicKrti iiutii iv in i A o Ji tin ufi-

    K in anil IMinin rr iirl ra or Antrim-ami turn IT ir Ul Ii in r

    nil rri tin t itlvi IAnl trimS n v l Stxir-or w iiik Initial Tl hflt food M day OaMI W win u u locJuuv









    0 II



    1I1I r



    In >

    I tIt lusts ii nm


    wet lie

    t mitt


    I IiiI hit





    t hit



    ljttitt IiIii Itiuis


    lt uill IIruts








    Situ low







    > >



    >> <

    nirr vs issrvih-hl iliK Mrrxrr Now Cotoldrrpil an

    FailSptt iVr ittniK1 It tilt

    May in Tho oniranco of-MH White Star Stonmhip fotiiHnv mln-iho merger i n jw nvanltl a nn-aiiiimpllshixl fael Il is Mut of-2iU haioM the eMniior of T II stimvfoniitler nf Mi miinv I VI iho-lliirliinl A Wolff Sliipliiilldiinc Ciinimny in-cIldllKMr Pirrio ho i uihilAT nl Ilioitilii-pitiy N while niist nf IM totiaind1li ll by tson In luirmony with Mr Pirn-

    It is utitlorstiH i lint Imriiy whoholds otilv Ion slkiros is in imwIIItiK olrir-Hi friends ay iliev tl tot hlaiix himblftliH Iho ioVerninent which left I liehip iwnoi In tight ihoir lulll s aliro-

    p uiiil erornnints-

    vv nminin r iuiitiItli-ClMl TourNU Una il

    a s ullp I r limi fi in SI

    foliK May IU A irty o ninefrntii lintel n slnins n thlakes of KillnriiVi i u Uvit yis ioi-d y lo row nn the lower liko-

    Thi b it Ill liiti found with i oImdio of iwn woinoi a inin i

    In ilio wii kai It s Mrnil flHint the h at eti si7nl v a niuall nrdthat all mi I inl v i l vi Fbi mn v mhiMnlif Knylili toiii tk xinnisi with th-Iifkwlck Hiivcli I lull

    MPUSII Hitnis TtHuir-Irntr lllin rlf a

    lp r HIP IoHlp-Nr fi i ifiri fill irx-

    MAHIill May I In Iiimc loihtiiihiarvr-ovlW hidav KIIIK AlfMi lra er i Hicity nn hoixlMeli provi l hltnolf a

    d horMrnnn wlich Mi peopland h was hoartllv cli s ns Onlv liitrtxips tr ili jmri In Mio roviw

    A tsipiinn was ttiven in halwo lM i torsons

    than hilf of them aw thn Kmt midMother

    H in iit IHI nut nrii iniitinmini She tta OIIP TtlP Wnnlil 5 M-

    IUfp liiMirancp llpr lirp arit-Mn A tiio Schwartz a Itohomlan wa

    found In tho nf tier homo at itlEast Sveiityftmrth Htreot ycsterdiy withthe turned on A nolKMxr i molliil-th nn and rallml In Policemanwho am ts woman on n chirgo ofattemptliitf Miiido-

    Mio loltl Mn irtrnto llranri that rho Inlndoil to Nierilko heixlf for Ih l onetlt

    hor two children who would Ret tho-fV ln iraneo hid on hr lifo ShoMid her boon In Ihofnr a month and had just returned homoThey woro without money shun did notwant lo Ixirrow any u Mi ails Suit sOrt of-boirift ablo to return it

    Tho woman and saul cho wa anxlou to lutes to lust ohlldrii ami workfur their Tlio Mii Utrnto sitscharged her

    rinsT 011 nrnKn HP npn USE

    Ill 11


    I I


    r II



    htuu Iwir fIII IIhjr

    1 TItI


    iiits I II nil



    I111111 I I



    11 Inll11 Ih

    5 IuihiIt huntii-

    I s pta i

    A t haul Irhiss riis I


    s has

    tI I I sits

    a I n uituwIts I

    uteri uiritu I iii Fits

    lI stl listS

    I i ni Ii itt t Iii f



    I sill rh

    a I

    iit r rio ins

    gus tit Is


    I lit ivtii tugiw I silt ii iughi



    his I ml otn


    lhv tinI t hue

    I o i otis sIII pollen runt ml

    liti shut

    hush alt I hiss I

    sun I








    < < >

    l ra kan Laiinphrd at ramdrn OUitf-Wilp Will Italic Nlrmra Vttlh Ofl-

    CAMnnx X J MaykIBTIo Mtcanvtilp-Nebraiikan which was built at thin yardof this Vow York Shipbuilding Comany lucre was launched today MmHenry I Morse wIfe of thus Prp ldont of

    ihrifleird her Slur I zif-pot lone and hurt tonnujcn SJi l font Shamof a r f vowl to follow whlohwill bo indppendprit of coal a

    All of ill ig stoam hlM of this Amor-icatillawallan IJiio aro lo Im conInto oil hurncrwtliconivtny ha vlnft reached

    conclusion that oil will Im Rooda coal and only half a oxponidvo Tlm-Xobrnkan w t ratioilili Now York Sun Francisv

    Hawaiian Ilandi A tank V MM loadedwlih fuel oIl I to U statlonnd in thn Straitof whloh passing tonin

    tho lino can Mcuro n frnsh supply

    nntnpnv iv TOIKIHITen Mrn IndIcted iraixl Jury Ka i It

    Kprrla to irt MnrpMrntmilrrli-TotKtKt thIn May harinR-

    Uiti In wMMioti for Mvoral wi k lnvotl-KatltiK muitiripil vmtUI Grand Jurymadn a wrtlal roport thIs morning InnIl fifteen Indictment aro roturni l agaInstton inon cliarged with hriUry for munldpnldeal

    Heading tIn list I thn namn of MosesII llrnllov liy Attonwr who lndlctefor tlio Tnictlon Cotnt who cJiarKoof franchij anti other legislation I in-dlcfod on throo count o count urnroturtieil against Tom of tho Hoardof And ono mint HKainxtT S IMwwm onrg Si r FnslJ Youngand Miko llowanl Tho irand Jury n

    M rt endsW yet have hons f rounding up an

    other bunch of litton wo adjourn

    KAIITIIQIKP iv-NhorK laitnl Npcimilt In Man frarv

    risen lull Illd n DatiKKrSAN FnANrmco May 10 An oarthrjunkn-

    thock wn fIt all over Callfomla at 1010-oVItick thi morning In SanII Liototl twenty horoiiiU only damaKtn irtiil was at Paiiivill goowere from Iho and muchgin broken

    weather condition on coasthavo l n reiiiarknblK tlurtni Mi lust twodays Hlch wlnl havo provailtl

    Snow IUIH fallen Anions andttah In ho interior vnll of Califoniinthorn havo l n wvon Mindsto-

    rmrnsiirT ATTK ITTS siicinElila IIU Throat anti KlatM Illmirlf In Nina

    MliK tellOustvi NO Mnv IB lohn VaWi Sfi sears

    old Nrvitnc a ten yoar1 nlpnm In SingSing for burglary attomptoil fnilcldn In-hl ell curly thin momlng by culling hithroat and hl wriM and Muhblng hlrtiMlf-in th stomach with nn lnk4niser-

    H WOM inpiiii In tho printing dn-inttitwnt and I on of princiwil Sintrihutor to sMr of pnonl-

    ieM i r Ho will proltthly die

    4V Of OHIO HKStaS-A Hank 1rcldml Mool Talk About pw

    lark lrn ppulli n-MiNHrinuu Ohio May 10 William M

    hahn ncfiisml Ufure this Now Vork IrnndJury of grnnd lantiy in connonlon withtho tniuhloi of iho Manhattan Firo In iirstilts Cininv M I his stock In tin Itankof ManHold two diy ago and rcMgnn-da a dirocor anil Irosidont of this kinkHo ilihtKs c ak tif ihn ppxsslincIn New Vork until ortiHally lnformil ofthen

    tlrlxorr Watrr iap llnlrll Iwill h it n for l tor Uon Day tirr ltr xrunkm t lUtlrMO IJJi






    IP After

    Is I itt mlii g p1 isttmidil p t hiusmutt nil

    I him itS



    I Iii

    till tour sHtnts E II elaluim ssguithuts



    C41IFflIt IA

    Ta slit


    athin kus shut Isis

    t hug

    vr-a tier

    thusI thin II


    I i

    > <



    > ¬



    << >


    Violent Volcanic EruptionsRenewed


    Warships Forced to Steam Outto Sa for Safety

    iitlllnii Inr Ihr llrctiUri nl hr HiHllM-nf niinl Iprnll and III Tamil toastsliil tins in I lic e pr l iniillimI-tiirln hue HIP dmiiU nf-

    tir re lu IM nil lilt InIIIUMP nml V v-

    iral Slurs ait i Iltrrp nml WIll Maltlor an Opinrlimll In lund Iarllr-

    rlon In XA i r ntK il il lull tIP runsFOIT Iii l ttVf Mnv MI Tho Arncrlctn

    naval lug Porinno md Miolli lefntitnhl let hero mnnilng for-M Pierre lo the Irrnnms nf Mr

    tlh Anvilinn Cnnsitl andtamily and of the CKIII and lurIngthem liTe for a military funeinl-

    Vniir fornismlnt also loft for St-Pierio m board Mr slemner l tnfHto-iiiinmivnliil by Ml Joseph Hnvcn Ameri-can Commercial Agent at St Kilts antiMrs Haven

    VOUANII VKIlT AniVBMont IVItSwait very nctlvp nnd r molt

    nail thrown from thp volcano worevHhlo for thin ontlni dlsUncu from Fort dFnmci to th niinil city

    When th F tafettn reached CarbM-riiiburb of St Plorro thus grndnrmnMopM the Meamrr declaring that ItnnsaU for her to venturo nonrnr to thevolcano After n short stop thin Otafett-procoiilwl followed by thin drodger Convprino which hunt n party of laborers onhoard who well to l n pinploypd la burnIngtin hodipM of vlrtlma

    Malta TnEucvDocn Kntrrnoxi-Aa theiut labornnt Undnd there A

    IrommdoiM pniitlon and they rrtumcdwith alt poaMhln n e l to the drndgwrwhich steamed away for Fort do France

    Immrdlatob afterward thorn on theKrtafptto saw about fifty fugitIves on the

    I s I



    Its ittiti

    tIll1 inlrtut I a lit I Iii

    5 i live i rIE rV

    lImit hi mist Iserhis

    su IiiI I lit I Itt

    I liii bit I









    beach The eruption auhnidlng for atlmathe t tafptle steamed COH Indioro withthe object of taking that fugitive on board

    nira RATt AWAY TO BATrrrAbout this time Uio Polomao arrived

    A party from thus ship wpnt ashore andhortly afterward the Indpfatlgablo r-rlvnd tn heavy rainstorm

    Before tItus cruliwr could bn anchoredthpm wern mrpral tmmnidou eruptionTho sight a tnrrlhlfl ono

    flue Indpfatlgabln Immndlately pronvdod out to rn with that Kutafntto fol-lowing liar Thus Potomac coat loose ada-tpamiMl slowly wiuthwanl blowing ber

    continuously Thus fatigue partyfrom nor ran along the beach and a boatfrom thus Polomao was sent ashore to pickihPtnupI-

    JITA rjiutxo nrro Tint SB-AImnvnon quantttlpn of lava were falling

    Into t bo oa to thn northward ajutthe cloudof a ho wcm mtlPH In eitcnt-

    Thoxn on the Etafnttn lort sight of thPotomao In thn gloom but tubneqiMBUy-Mm anti thn Ind fattgabln wpm een togcthor a connldrrable distance ont to Mapparently waiting to make anotherattpmpt to land

    Titus American colUnr StprtJngfor St Vlncont whirr Mm will Und provIsIons Mipplln

    The Captain of tho FmnohcniUarSwMIand other ofllcorn am discussing qq-tlon of bombarding St whoa thKrvncli Miuadron arrives

    rnKNOi niPonT i-PJMIW May 18M I craJn Urn MI

    for thus ColonlcK baa nTlrrd the foililrKpatch front Acting Jovprnorof MartInIque dated Fort da Francs Bunlay

    Inntructlon havn boon Rlren to folwant you dupllcatn reports of dl-iribuiion nf rnllff nipplls I hare laformed thin InliabltontH that provisIonarm eti itiil Lnltisl State navalvisvl Diilo and thn steamshipIfli and Madiana I shall ciontfit thecnrgooh from diitl na I Imvo shone Intitus comi of former cotuignmenta CoptHugh 1 iallaglipr an American army

    omcor I px octiil to arrlvn aboardthn Dixio to MiTVl thn dlMrlbutlon ofupplioH It hitlmrto IJPOH unnnoenaaryto mako monny grants to thn victims butfiMxl tins Us n dlntributnl with bournimrnhln clnvotlon by tIn Mayor and Itollof-Unnimltiiw I am iHvtipied In givingwork to th refuge I rplurnwl on tliocruiser Muchot on f tunUiy

    territory ltwi i St Plnrre andPioehriir imomplpioly ravajoil of cultlrnlIon Itlx ro I hiirlnl In cinderTime largo proportion nt MacoulA and lawPolnto art In good condition Tlmamall

    Thin oplo iuiot and bravo Dis-tribution of foul Im IIPPII matin to thevictIms at Ornndo Kii rr Marouba Baax-Polntn and l rrniiin-

    Tho wind rhangod and tho rotoarwi la vomiting imantitlcii of cdndnraIn the southern xjinrnunort reportwpro heard at CurUt

    I havonpiointod ocommlMilon tofxamlnthis dptnniid nmd by Hiirvivorn of farallkiwho havo dlKip onroil t St linrm Ahearch Is Islng rnndn under thnof thin HII for vatuabli which If ra

    Tb am l llrnkwaur-

    Watu IMv I l i Hae YorkCO Prep A U JUDo Utr






    has Is4

    and medIcal



    ill tIm





    irate P

    nfWrlIiS In Irrnltms inue burn siamajesjtire






    lpo Just 33Uu as aia eI tuiq



    > ¬