i zeppelin s by we got the colonial

t**nor At,»nus Stfwns appaor « ih aw nk'irfrr»r i i is* t auarf a <tn*i.ta, t.' *tf finkm.A. uiH Afrifa, A on a .scan \u25a0 Xnttii, four i ia#t..i V 'r< .UffmpoJUa* mi#a era »»«< <*>»tnuua In ii# .Vi«Hrai#, ftear#: «-#ar* '\u25a0< ' r tuff i«n> mrmmt m Ida ? r , ufa*. j.vrr*.V4 rro.v 41. rum f Assort a ito\ The Value of Ideals to Church and World CONCEIVED IN SIN. MISSHAPEN IN INIQUITY Birthmarks?Heredity Blemishes?How Counteracted?Moth- erly Ideals?Fatherly Ideals?Social Ideals?Neighborly Ideals?Christian Ideals Kanaaa Olt> Mo. \la I*' l*aatcr Huraall ?poke here to- da > on the text. Shapati lit Inl«a- --ultv til »*»* did my mother eon* calve m e t I'aalm M » *te aald "He fruitful a n d multiply" wa* the I>Uln# eommlatlcm to our flrat parents hifur# they ainned The en- tratu-a of aln and Ita penalty, deith. brought aerloo* Impair- iiuiits. mental, moral and ptiyfclcal. to our race. It la no longer natural to us to do right, but contrarlwise aa St. Paul declared. "We cannot do the things that we would In other words, we are constitutionally de- fectl\e. because of mental dle!o\alty to Ood. Yet the mind can ria*- to loftier heights than It can lift the body and Its functions "To will Is present with ma. but how to per form I know not."?Homans 7 14-31. Many ara graaping after this great truth and attempting human uplift through eugenlca. ate. but neverthe- leas falling to aee the matter from the Bible standpoint Tha mind, tha will, the body ahould be entirely Bub ml tted to the will of God Thua only ean the hlgheat good be possible Thla waa God * requirement of our first parents In this they failed, and In consequence mental, moral and physics; Impairment have coma to us as a race "All have sinned and come short" of the glorious stand- ard which Ood established. ?eat Ideals fer staaera. The Bible dlvldea the world Into two claases. the maaa of alnnars con- demned by God and out of relatlon- ahlp with Him. and the few who have coma back Into relatlonahlp with God through the merit of Chr»af Wa iba I flret addreaa the world of sinners with the suggestion thai, while they canrioi lift them- aelvea up to perfection and e\erhvat- Ing life, thay can blesa themaelves and their culldren b> conforming to certain H«-rlptural Ideals The world already recognises this In ron- alderable measure, but not suffi- ciently. All ahould appreciate the value of good example. good home training. Tha child who continually haara caarae. rude expreeelone will aurely STOW up not much batter than thoae surroundings. If not worse But while encouraging high Ideala in tha keme?cleanliness, gantleneaa. klnd- weae w » call apeclal attention to tha duty of parenta toward thalr un- born children. Few realise that tha general attitude of a mother's mind birthmarks her child for either good or ill. If parenta realised that coarse brutal. selfish worda. acta and thoughta would be Impressed upon their unborn child, euraly thev would atrlve to avoid theae. and If they realised that noble worda. conduct and thoughta. during the period of geetaUon. would be Imprinted upon their child, how greatly would they atrlve to have children not only beautiful In appearance, but noble character! Horseman recognise this principle and when a racing mar* Is In foal, bar Intelligent owner will give the mother every attention. Her condi- tion* will be happlfylng and com- fortable She will be led to the race track, there to se* other horaea run Ing. trotting ate., that thua her colt may be blrthmarked for apeed. etc How often people forget to do for their own famUle* what they do for thefr horaea! But the world la awakening A New Dispensation la about to be uahared In. and Ita light haa been streaming over the world during the paat forty yeara. giving ua Increasing knowledge and high- er Ideate of the good, the true, the noble, the beautiful. Our horticultures already are praeentlng to us fruits and flowere that are marveloue Our newspapers are giving ua beautiful photograv- ure* Art la becoming cheap. £very bome ahould be well supplied, when the coat need be no more than the time to clip from the paper and to arrange tastefully upon the wall Ideal homea are everywhere being arranged, and even the pooreat to- day have much In life to cheer and refresh them. !«et us lift our Ideals and make the most of life, however cramped our financial condition. < brtellaa Ideals Ike fleet. Before the Chrlatian our Lord sets the very highest Ideals. "Be like unto your father In Heaven ' The Heavenly Father's chars- tar is to he their ideal, or aim In life Only God can know when they are doing their beat, and He assures them that He will Judge them, not according to their succesa, but according to their endeavor and to the sacrifices they make In order closely to attain their Idea la. Tru» Christians, begotten of ths Holy Hplrlt and adopted Into the family of fjod, have much advantage over others In respect to Ideal rela- tionships. Have they not become fol- lowers of the Ixird Jesus? Have they not lieen taught In the School of Christ? <Romans »:».) Have they not knowled** to understand that Christ's Hplrlt manlfenta Itself In- kneis. gentleneaa, patlen<-e. long- suffering, brotherly klndneaa. love? Have they not learned that any oth- er spirit?such aa anger, malice, hat- red. envy and strife, works of tr.e flesh and of the Devil la contrary to th< Hplrlt of Christ? Ha ve they not rw»lved to put away all theae and t" put on the fruits of the Holy Hplrlt? They have adopted theae Jdeula and ara working along this line True, soma by nature may be v«ry deficient, but becauae Ood Is no re spector of persons. He accepts all who coma to Him through Christ Those naturally deficient, naturally much fallen, may have more liffl- rulty In approximating their Ideals, but they will suraly be making prog- ress Those who have known them %#fore will take note that they have f>ee with Jesus and have learnail ef film, snd they will have Clod's blessing In proportion as they nra Striving to be fjodllke. The children of Christians should tie pre-eminently beautiful, both In feature and In character; for Christ- ian* have the hlgheat Ideal*, snd should, more than others, put theae Into pr»'tlve Moreover, they have the Divine s«al«tance through the Scriptures snd through Uod's provi- dential direction In their affatia. that tltay might know, appreciate and iimc the things freely itlven them as God's children. Hut slas! Many are Christians only In name A having never entered Into a covensrft with the l/ird. Oth- ar* who have trul> glyen up them- »el\e« to tlia lord. have heen aadlv n«* lacted «* reaped* laaaona In tha s f , l of i i rut rhr world* great religion* Inatltutlona ara not teach* In* th" htgleat Idrnl* hut In *tead are arparntlrtg thr people from thoaa hlgheat l«lr«la h> ml*repre*eti tatlon of tha IHvlne « hitractar an<l Plan. l.at ua «wik« to the trua altuatlon, to our prl\it«*a(r<« ? * children of the true (ra. hli>n« «.f the Hlhlr Theae direct not mi I) that our con* duct toward iiirii ahall l># In harmony *lth the OoM»n Itule hut (hat wr ?hall tlallfhi In tloltiß fooit unto all man aa we have opp<*rtunltv. e* penally unto the IfouaWiold of Faith Thr Christian la under direct oMl«a tlon to Hi* Irfird to do Ills will and that nrlll tukr notlcr nut tueral) of bin action* an.l words, hut of hla varv thought* aa wall I'hlllpplana 4 * Ilappy the chilli wliotr inrrnM ap pPfokip th# fact ihat the moihft ? mind during adulation will mark the child for life' llapi" Ihf child w hoar mother In thua full* committed to Uod. Intent upon doin k III* will an.l appreciative of |||a high Ulaala Map pv tha child whoaa fatliar. almilarly datoted t" Ood and noble Ideal*. will halp his *lfe. no! only hv protldlng for her comfort of bod> and rest of mind, hut by aaslstlng har to noble sentiments of Justlc** tnarcy, 'ova klndn*sa. and hy drawing har attfn- tlon to thinga beautiful, lovely. hap pvfylng What a beautiful charac- ter might auch a child have' What a bleaalng to ba born with auch a heritage and than to be conaecrate<l to God and If I a service. M l'arki4iilaa «u %terry** St I'aul forewarns that aoma get- ting out «»f harmony with tha l»ivlne arrangement, will forbid marriage Mich should remember that tiod or- iginally said. He fruitful and multi- ply. but wa may wall urge upon thom tha Importance of seeing that thalr children come Into the world free from tha curaa of aln aa pos- albla. The Church's miaalon. how ever. la not the propagation of the human spectaa. hut co-operation wtth «!od In th* w.'rk "f (he pres.-- t ? .. development of tha New Creation Tha Cuming Age will be the time for Christ and the Church, as thr Heavenly Bridegroom and Itride. to take o% er tha world of mankind by reaurrectlon. regeneration Now la the time In which the Chun h Is to make her own calling and election aura to the f>!v|ne nature, that she ma> become tha Ilrld*. th- Umbs Wife." ft Is her privilege al»o to carry tha M*aa«ga of thla High fall- ing to those who now hate ears to haar Thua aha heconiea <H s mouthpiece or amhaasa>lor In hejp log all who accept tha I»lvlne Invita- tion and antar Into covenant rela- tionship with God through Chrlat aa Now «"reaturaa In vlaw of thla Important work w A §tl * auggaata that those of tha Church who can do ao ahould con alder It a privilege to foregn marriage, (hat they might live ceil, bate lives, aa -IM. * n ,i as 8t Paul himself la supposed to have done Many aeaious Christians fee',, as Ht Paul fait, that the time is short and their opportunities few for serving the Lord and Ilia Cause Hortce If marriage would interfere with this highest privilege, they would gladly forego a measure of earthly happiness to ba mora eff|. clant servants of tha Lord ThU um< thought I* bjr Jeaua. a*>ln«, itoma hare made thTOi»U« ?iin<trh« for the Kir.* dom of Heaven . .«k- . Matthew It'll) ~ hav« denied thernae|\ea their privilege. and rl«!,t« ?> human be Infi In order to r»n>l«r better serv- ice to th* Lord. But thla la a aar- rlflce. n privilege. and not a oom mand not an obligation Whoever rbo'.a.a mar aa.-rlf|r«, and ahould not rrltlcli»d therefor Whoever prefer* not to aarrlflr* ihnul'l not be rrltlclied on that acrount Homana 14:4 Raafaeaa Ideals. We must remember that the Bible ba« no communication whatever for those who are not Chrlatian* The Chrlatian hualnesa man may to eome extent ho copied by his neigh- bora But his own responsibility is the matter In which he Interested most. A bualneaa man a ld»ai la the Golden Rule. * v L»o unto othera aa you would that they do unto you." ap- plies to hie buying his aeiiing. hla dealing with hla clerka and with hla cuatomera ft Inchidea Ms ad- vertlalng. and the Ideala which he aeta before hla clerka More and more the Golden Rule la coming to be appreciated by the public, and thoee who follow if will more and more receive a hleaafng We do not mean that It will meke them richer than their nelghbora who may follow the other rule aometlmea quoted ?I >o your neigh- bor before he can do you. Hut whether following the Golden Rule ahall bring little or much aucr«fs, the business man who haa become a son of God can do no less, though he may do as much more as he chooses. A business man's Ideala should hav. some hearing upon his manner of doing hunlness. as well as upon the character of the stock he offere for sale. The Christian business man's store should be known ss a place wh«re trash and Injurloun things would not he found ftoHal and Xelgfcborly Ideals. Tha trua Chrlatlan la to remem- ber that nothing leaa than tha (lol- den Ruin may ha follow under any »Ircumatanr-+n. He muat aee t», it that hla children, hla r-hfekena. hla doga, etv. do not dlaturh hla neigh- bora In their proper rlghta The Golden fCule ra<|Ulree that he ahall do for any one In dlatreaa even a a he would have a neighbor do f»»r hlrn If he were In trouble "l»o good and lend, hoping for nothing again." la to be exemplified In the f'hrlatlan. but he la not to Impair hla own credit or neglact hla obli- gation* to hla own family. More- over. proper lending would ha merely In « aa«* of ne> eaalty. He la not to be neighborly be«*auae he hope a the neighbor will return the compliment, but he'aua* wlahea t«i live up to the I>lvl n?? require i merit. The f'hrlatlan la a representative of the King of klnga and Ixirtf of lord* Hla time, hla Influerwe, hla talent*, are to be uaed acordlng to hla Judgment of the Ixtrd'a will He haa come to realize that while there la ao much win and aorrow the world, he may not flitter awav hla prerloua momenta In Idleneaa or In what la merely pleaaurahle but not really profitable Thla will not mean that he ahall not tak" time to look after tha aoclal Interest* of hla family and to ke« p In touch with lila obligations km a neighbor It would make him dignified and, flrat of all. loyal to Ood Our ideal* are merely fan tnafea floating clonda without rain, until we conact rate our Uvea to theae Ideal* and reaolve to live Iri har- mony with them. H>n<-e the Chrla- tlan haa much advantage every way. for he haa the promise of Hlvlrie overalght. bleaalng, guidance and a aalat a ri< e in working out hla Divinely Inaplred Ideal* on poet-card requeat I win loan I rny reader® a book on "Practical Ku we nice." Addreaa me Brooklyn, K. Y. SHERIFF WHO MUST HAHG LEO FRAHK IS I PRISONER'S KINDEST FRIEND'; CONDEMNED MAH CALLS OFFICIAL WHO'LL KILL HIM DAD The towtr Jail of Atlanta, In which Lto Frank it aentenced to die June 22, and Sheriff Mingum, fha asecutloner. BY LINTON K STARR ATLANTA. C*a . May 17 llann Inn l<e<> M Krank will !»?* lo Shrrlff C Wheeler Mangum of hilion ctmn TEX RICKARD VISITS HIS MOTHER HERE ' Tei" Rlrkard. known to every \u25a0port fan In the world as promoter of the Jeffries-Johnson fight and Mrs Rlrkard are here, visiting "Tex'a" mother, Mrs L. J. Adama, 452# Meade at "T««" la now the man***? of the blfgeat rattle ranch In the world It cnmprlca 5,000,000 arret In Paraguay Me declare* he haa quit the fight K»rn» "I'm pretty bogy looking after 50.000 head of rattle." he naif), "and anyway, flahtlng pretty far *w«y from Paraguay and Argentina "J still follow the name, however, and waa pretty much aurprl*ed when Je«* Wlllard knocked out Johnaon t didn't think anybody could do It. not yet for a while, any- way" Speaking of hi* lmmen*<> ranch, he tald: "J not In ju*t In time when land and cattle were cheap Since then both have gone up moat agreeably." BROTHER OF LOCAL MAN IS WOUNDED Ralph Me**ett. brother of K. I> Me**et t, manager of th<- Washing ton Monumental Co., waa wounded by ahrapnel In France, according to word received here, and I* In a hoa- pltal near Pari*. He la a lieutenant In the Second battalion of t'anndlan volunteer*. WILL DANCE ON ROOF Wanted ?the highest tree In the world The Metropolitan Building com- pany I* after thl* tree to u*« n* a flagpole for the half-acre roof gar- den on top of the Stuart. Henry and White building*. The combined roofs of these building* will be turned Into n dance pavilion and open air theatr thin summer. ami will op«n rlurltu: Shrlnera' week. CHILDREN DANCE ty like tearing out his own heart string* Hut the law has decreed thai Krank shall be hanged by the neck until deid." utile** the governor in terferes -and Wheeler Msngum has never yet sidestepped what he be lleves his duty. Probably no kindlier soul breathes than that of Krank's keeper. The prisoner hlrnaelf realties It To him the sheriff la "Dad Man- gum." Those closest to him say that Wheeler Mangum believes Crank Is Innocent He was aaked the question. "An official has no bualness talk Ing about a case." he said. ' What eter 1 ma* believe. I can't say It." Wheeler Mangum wonldn't will- ingly hurt hla most despised ene my The correspondent saw him hang a negro once?Just a plain negro murderer Great tears rolled down his cheeks and his voice was hnsky as he said, ' May God have mercy on your soul'" But It wii Mnngum's hand that \u25a0prung the trap. On anothe ; occasion hi* official duty demands that he hang a man who had once been In hi* Sunday- \u25a0rhoo! claag H#» And th* prisoner st*pp*d to «h* scaffold arm In arm, and the sheriff hanged hi* friend. NAVY YARD ROUTE » W K~n«4r and Taartat !\u25a0"« l>" *. iiMiili ? la Itini Kundari ? «o 10 *. rn. I It. I to. ?! r *P* *un<la>< 1 II), I M 9 m Saturdar. 11 <1 i> m Time table to ehanga without limn# M«U» J|o| Prtr# A?r tioiMMt Trip STEWART HOUSE if Navart Si. Near Plha Pitbllr Market Modem atnffla Kotmi as# Ml.rn (.1,1.11. naoma for Ona or Tan, BOi> Encore* were given nearly every number of a program of children'* dances Riven at the Moore theatre Saturday night by the Fail rot Dancing academy. Eighty-two lit tie tot* took part. OPEN CONVENTION Episcopal churches of the dlocexr of Ohrnpla will open their annual convention week with a mimical service In St Murk's church. Broad way and Harvard ave , this evening at H o'clock. ASSOCIATED BIBLE STUDENTS HmKla ltran>-h International Bible Btudents Association, of Which Pastor Russell la President MEET EVERY SUNDAY VIIIOM: TKMPI.K *renml \%r. niill 100 p. ni lilble Htmly. 2:4f» p. in I'H'tK liliik 4:lft p. in fllhle Htmly. 7 30 p in ? Hermonetlca Undenomlmit.lona I. No < <>llactlona U.I, Mir, I \ \ ITK.II BULL BROS. Just PrlnUrt 1013 THIRD eaAIN 1043 ~~jjjj ~~~~~~\u25a0 i HW.MT D*NUMir«l<TIU| HIPPODROME I Fifth and taliarattf I f'leaui Aaiaaetiianl I Homelike Itarrtndlßfi I 10 PIF.< K I NION OK4IIKMHA I f «»wipe tut Paactng Ta*»eher» I AMUS K M li N T S MOORED fl.SO?Mat. Wed and Hat ?1| (Ml 'EVERYWOMAN' Vl*h! prl Jfto fn »? IMI Matlnaaa l? ||mi r Loew's Empress Vaudevllle'a Ore.iieat Mualcal Prodtt r ftoii . "ON 'I If K. Hl\ IKRA" 11 A«'«oniplUhpd a a 1 iiifd *t|ngera 1 1 Mill: (.ItUI I'TK I % VON OKI'. T ran af arm I «t K 1.F.1 N llltus "Thoae (ierman Admlrala" other lilac Acta lib- mid M)r PANTAGES Lusitania Pictures AHI /ONA JOK An«l Ilia i'fwpiinchara in a Illic Wild Weal Act Oilier I etiluren lOe and '!0c Orpheum ?"111l ITF.ItNAI. MTV* 111 H Herla Full Orpheum Orchratra I'KHI OHM \Si I t 1, H, A, 1 mid If p. m. ' STAR?MONDAY, MAY 17, 1915. TAGE 2. U.S.IACKIES REVIEWED BY PRES.WILSON NEW VOHK, May 17 New New York alood atlll today for an hour. Thouaanda of lilii«*J»< keta, t'ncla Hatn'a flneat, inarched In re view before I'rcaldent Wllaon and Manhattan bualneaa halted whlln they did The martial aplrlt gripped the city aa It nnver did befor* <-v«<n hark In th« dava Juat preceding tb«- Hpanlah American war. Prom almoat <«vet-y building In the city the atara and atrip** float ed, while blue huntlnn waa atretrh i'i| ai roan the fronta of buataeaa houara and dwelling* from I tin Hat lery to the llroiig New York waa In Rila attire for !h<> Kr<'ateat naval rctli-w It ha* expiTli-ncfd Prealdent Hrviewe Parade I'realilent Wllaon reached here early today H* did not l»»ave hla yacht, the Ma> flower, until neurly time for the laud review of the jacklra who man the Mk battl* ahlpa and crulaera 111 the Atlantic fle«t. Then ho went dlrertly to the re viewing atand at Klfth ave and flat at FYir 15 mlnutca after the prnal dent rnached th«> reviewing stand It rained hard. Despite the downiiour. I'realdent Wllaon tipped hla hat an every American flax passed The rain spattered down upon his bare head while Secretary of the Navy Itaniels, ('residential Set' retary Tumult) snd other members ?if the party were soaked by the downpour. President Wllaon applauded vln oroualy as one baud played "Ultle and the crowd Joined him In ac cording the favorite of the South an ovation. The aallora. thousands strong, landed at the foot of West 23rd at The parade began there They marched over to Klfth ave. north to f»9th at . to Central I'srk West and then over 72nd st They re embarked from the pier at 7»th at Slritti Are Packed There were three reviewing stands The principal one at list st and Klfth ave . waa occupied by the prealdent. several government and city officials Another stand wsa located at Columbus Circle and a third at 6*th at and Ilroad- way. Never before haa luch a crowd turned out to watch a street pa rade The thorofares were a solid mass of humanity Kvery seat In the three reviewing stands wis taken and wlndowa In office build Ings along the route were filled with sjiectator* Tomorrow the president, from his yacht. will review the bis Atlantic fleet aa It passes out to aea for ma neuter* Bai h vessel will fire the presidential aalute In paa*lng Wilson. No place like Home and 212 Pike ?Advertlaement, CONSIDERATION . t <»? pmrtim that ran human aufferln* certalnly dea*rve« th* conalderatlon of ftilr- mlndad mm nml w»m*n, and that ayat*n» which rmn accomplish thla re*»»lt dMfrvci the frritfdt mraaurc of rnnfld^nre Tho»* who*# good fortune It run l»e#n to become familiar with the true prlnrlplea underlying my ava- tem of treatment. or tlmt have had b#f»«*flti front the treatmenta there- by, are undevlatlnir In their opinion* that my ayatem of treatment la all that la tl aimed Mlaconreptlon of the theorlea ind prlndplea of my avatem of treatment la due onlv to the Improper aource of Information Condemnation without In veat Ivutlon la poor Judgment t'onmlt me in rtgard to your ail- ment. and If I can help you I will tell vou to; and If ( cannot help you I will DOf inkf" MMir nut If in«'«li cine or aurserv la what la needed ft) your rsa* I will tell you an, and ad- viae you to gn hack to your phy- sician. I>r (* r Lathron, Spine and Nerve Mpe< lallat *14 Ift People a Rank Bldff., Second and Pike Houra a 111 to 6 p m Conaultatlon fret MORE MEAT FOR LESS MONEY Frye&Co. Markets Tuesday Specials: Fresh Oregon Ranch Eggs, doz. ||j ** Choice Steer Pot Roast, lb.. . . ll** Choice Shoul- 4111 m der Pork Steak. | Choice Mutton 1 C#a Chops I«| Choice Steer Boiling Beef %f Choice Steer 1 Qo Round Steak . . .10 Choice Veal IjEf* Chops Iw Washington Full Cream Cheese _ (sharp) |3C Look for U. S. Purple Stamp. It slgnlflea purity and quality Bhops Open Until t:2O °. M. ZEPPELIN IS WRECKED IN FIGHT IN AIR BY EO L. KEEN LONDON, May 17?In ? thrilling battle above the cloude, and while eaillng out ovar the Engllah channel, eight Brltleh naval avlatora from Dunkirk today attacked and aeverely damaged on* of the German Zeppellne which had raided Ramegate during the early morning. Lateet reporta to the adml ralty etate that when laat »e«n the Zeppelin waa drifting, ap parently helpleat. toward the coaat of the continent. The Brltlah airmen were eub Jected to a heavy fire from ma- chine gun* aboard the German afrehlp, but It waa officially atated that the avlatora ea- caped without caaualtlea. Follow hut th» attack upon Ham* Kate by the (icrman air raldera, (h-'y wi<r« flmt bljchU'd b) the avl- Mori aloiiK lh« roan! Two Z*|i[>Hltia participated In the raid ii|K>n the town uii'l ahlpplnK at lUniaxate, dropping more than HO lioiiilm, lint only one dr«-w the ut tentloii of the llrltlah aeroplanea A wlreloaa from Ihmklrk, reiiort In* the raid, brought tin- eight naval avlatora to th«- acene Flint attacking the Zeppellu alotiK the coast, they drove the air whip out to aea. Three of the aeroplane* then cloaed In on the alrcrulser, firing Upon her at ahort ran** The machine iiuna In the car of the Zepiwlin sputtered a reply While the (ierman was thua en gaged. two of the avlatora climbed above the Zeppelin Once above the airship, the ob- servers In the llrltlsh machine* be Kin dropping bombs down tiiM>n the Zeppelin. One crashed Into the hag Immediately a column of amok** inrn* The crew of the dirigible liegnn to throw out ballast and at last rose to a height of 11.000 trot, out of resch of the aeroplane* The German was then sailing with tall drooping downward and apparently helpless TRANSYLVANIA DODGES'SUBS'; ARRIVES SAFE GLASGOW, May 17. The liner Tranaylvanla arrived here today from Greenock, where she put In at 3 a m . having passed safely thru the war none The Transylvania took the north- ern route, because of warnings which were received that subma- rines were off the coast of Ireland. near the point where the I.usltanla wua atink. The liner 1* scheduled to land her 900 passengers at Liverpool. BIG CROWDS 60 TO SUQUAMISH Sundav the Ualhralth dock wss llt tern IIV filled with people for Bil- qtiamlah l<on« before the steamer Hvak pulled out she wan filled to a rapacity and the Kitsap County Transportation Co put on an extra boat, the llurton The Immense crowd was well taken care of without rrowdlng. and boats left or, schedule time, and all *|>ent a pleasant day. The Suquamlsh grounds present- ed a lala appearance. The Indian baseball team played Kennydale on the Common. Suquamlsh won, D to 6. FISHING IN ALASKA Returning from Alaska, ("apt. F. O. Hodge of the armored roast guard cutter Manning, said he had sighted the llrltlsh steam trawlers (! K Foster and .Inrms Carruthers So miles out from Kodlak, where they had been driven by (lermin submarines from the North sea. THEY DO CHANGE, CAP ('Apt S F Cottle hadn't aeon ft woman'* summer hat since 1886, having spent the* laat 29 summers In the Arctic 011 tho schooner Huby. He walked off hla ahlp Sunday and. seeing a crowd of women K"tnß by, remarked that styles had certainly changed. TO CONTINUE STRIKE T.ONDON, May 17. ? Tendon tramway employes today voted for a protracted strike unless their (le tunnels for a war bonus are Kranteil Traffic was puralvged today, onlj one line being In operation. INSTALL OFFICERS Newly elected officers of the Kp worth lensue of the Clrst Methodist church were Installed with special services In the church Sunday. INDEPENDENCE DAY Hundreds of Norweslans nalh ered In Immanuel church Sunrtin night to celebrate Norway's Inde- pendence day. Meeting will be held tonight In the new club house of Ihe aons and Daughters of Nor way. Horen ave. and Virginia St., and a bull In the pavilion at t.eschl park. GOVERNOR IS COMING (lov. and Mrs. l.lster, Mayor and Mrs, (111 l and K !., Garretson of Taciima. Imperial first ceremonial master, will be honor gueals at the big Shrlnera' bull In the Hippo- drome May 31. S We Got 'Em All Talking | COLONIAL NANCE O'NEIL PRINCESS ROMANOFF Equal, if not superior, to our recent wonderful offering * KREUTZER SONATA And THE CLEMENCAU CASE (William Fox Productions) NUFF SAID Ai the picture-loving public have stamped with approval these two masterpieces as the greatest pictures they have ever seen. Now Comes the Picture Supreme rr ?. shows One Week n a. m? 12^0 Onlv 2 * 3:20 ' 4:40 ' 6 ' 7 - 20 ' VUI J 8:40 and 10 p. m. Crawford, Organist COLONIAL I I We Got "Em AH Talking I P*P? Fresh Cream Flavor?Pulrity Fir»t Buy "Mount Vernon Milk" AT YOUR GROCER S SEATTLE THEATRE THIS COUPON AND 5c JITNEY-?sc \umit* to \\\ m:\t i\ n«ti si:?ho\ isn.i hbd ' «"!»«» "w«l 2 « Itlldrra Mitlim. STAR WANT ADS BRING RESULTS

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Post on 20-Apr-2022




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t**nor At,»nus Stfwns appaor « ih aw nk'irfrr»ri i is* t auarf a <tn*i.ta, t.' *tffinkm.A. uiH Afrifa, A on a .scan \u25a0

Xnttii, o» four i ia#t..i V'r< .UffmpoJUa* mi#a era »»«< <*>»tnuua In ii# .Vi«Hrai#, ftear#:«-#ar* '\u25a0< ' r tuff i«n> mrmmt m Ida ? r

, ufa*. j.vrr*.V4rro.v 41. rum f Assort a ito\

The Value of Idealsto Church and World


Birthmarks?Heredity Blemishes?How Counteracted?Moth-erly Ideals?Fatherly Ideals?Social Ideals?NeighborlyIdeals?Christian Ideals

Kanaaa Olt>Mo. \la I*'l*aatcr Huraall?poke here to-

da > on the text.Shapati lit Inl«a-

--ultv til »*»* didmy mother eon*calve m e

t I'aalm M » *teaald

"He fruitfula n d multiply"wa* the I>Uln#eommlatlcm to

our flrat parentshifur# they

ainned The en-

tratu-a of aln andIta penalty,deith. brought

aerloo* Impair-

iiuiits. mental, moral and ptiyfclcal.to our race. It la no longer naturalto us to do right, but contrarlwiseaa St. Paul declared. "We cannot dothe things that we would In otherwords, we are constitutionally de-fectl\e. because of mental dle!o\alty

to Ood. Yet the mind can ria*- to

loftier heights than It can lift thebody and Its functions "To will Is

present with ma. but how to perform I know not."?Homans 7 14-31.

Many ara graaping after this great

truth and attempting human uplift

through eugenlca. ate. but neverthe-

leas falling to aee the matter fromthe Bible standpoint Tha mind, thawill, the body ahould be entirely Bubml tted to the will of God Thua only

ean the hlgheat good be possible

Thla waa God * requirement of ourfirst parents In this they failed, andIn consequence mental, moral andphysics; Impairment have coma to

us as a race "All have sinned andcome short" of the glorious stand-ard which Ood established.

?eat Ideals fer staaera.

The Bible dlvldea the world Intotwo claases. the maaa of alnnars con-demned by God and out of relatlon-ahlp with Him. and the few whohave coma back Into relatlonahlp

with God through the merit ofChr»af Wa iba I flret addreaa the

world of sinners with the suggestion

thai, while they canrioi lift them-aelvea up to perfection and e\erhvat-Ing life, thay can blesa themaelvesand their culldren b> conformingto certain H«-rlptural Ideals Theworld already recognises this In ron-alderable measure, but not suffi-ciently.

All ahould appreciate the value ofgood example. good home training.

Tha child who continually haaracaarae. rude expreeelone will aurely

STOW up not much batter than thoaesurroundings. If not worse Butwhile encouraging high Ideala in thakeme?cleanliness, gantleneaa. klnd-weae w » call apeclal attention to thaduty of parenta toward thalr un-born children. Few realise that thageneral attitude of a mother's mindbirthmarks her child for either goodor ill. If parenta realised that coarsebrutal. selfish worda. acta andthoughta would be Impressed upontheir unborn child, euraly thev wouldatrlve to avoid theae. and If theyrealised that noble worda. conductand thoughta. during the period ofgeetaUon. would be Imprinted upontheir child, how greatly would theyatrlve to have children not onlybeautiful In appearance, but noble!« character!

Horseman recognise this principleand when a racing mar* Is In foal,bar Intelligent owner will give themother every attention. Her condi-tion* will be happlfylng and com-fortable She will be led to the racetrack, there to se* other horaea runIng. trotting ate., that thua her coltmay be blrthmarked for apeed. etcHow often people forget to do fortheir own famUle* what they do forthefr horaea! But the world laawakening A New Dispensation laabout to be uahared In. and Ita lighthaa been streaming over the worldduring the paat forty yeara. giving

ua Increasing knowledge and high-

er Ideate of the good, the true, thenoble, the beautiful.

Our horticultures already arepraeentlng to us fruits and flowerethat are marveloue Our newspapersare giving ua beautiful photograv-

ure* Art la becoming cheap. £verybome ahould be well supplied, whenthe coat need be no more than thetime to clip from the paper and toarrange tastefully upon the wallIdeal homea are everywhere being

arranged, and even the pooreat to-day have much In life to cheer andrefresh them. !«et us lift our Idealsand make the most of life, howevercramped our financial condition.

< brtellaa Ideals Ike fleet.

Before the Chrlatian our Lord setsthe very highest Ideals. "Be likeunto your father In Heaven ' TheHeavenly Father's chars- tar is to hetheir ideal, or aim In life Only Godcan know when they are doing theirbeat, and He assures them that Hewill Judge them, not according totheir succesa, but according to theirendeavor and to the sacrifices theymake In order closely to attain theirIdea la.

Tru» Christians, begotten of thsHoly Hplrlt and adopted Into thefamily of fjod, have much advantageover others In respect to Ideal rela-tionships. Have they not become fol-lowers of the Ixird Jesus? Have theynot lieen taught In the School ofChrist? <Romans »:».) Have theynot knowled** to understand thatChrist's Hplrlt manlfenta Itself In-

kneis. gentleneaa, patlen<-e. long-suffering, brotherly klndneaa. love?Have they not learned that any oth-er spirit?such aa anger, malice, hat-red. envy and strife, works of tr.eflesh and of the Devil la contrary toth< Hplrlt of Christ? Ha ve they notrw»lved to put away all theae andt" put on the fruits of the HolyHplrlt? They have adopted theaeJdeula and ara working along thisline

True, soma by nature may be v«rydeficient, but becauae Ood Is no respector of persons. He accepts allwho coma to Him through ChristThose naturally deficient, naturallymuch fallen, may have more liffl-rulty In approximating their Ideals,but they will suraly be making prog-ress Those who have known them%#fore will take note that they havef>ee with Jesus and have learnailef film, snd they will have Clod'sblessing In proportion as they nraStriving to be fjodllke.

The children of Christians shouldtie pre-eminently beautiful, both Infeature and In character; for Christ-ian* have the hlgheat Ideal*, sndshould, more than others, put theaeInto pr»'tlve Moreover, they havethe Divine s«al«tance through the

Scriptures snd through Uod's provi-

dential direction In their affatia.that tltay might know, appreciateand iimc the things freely itlven themas God's children.

Hut slas! Many are Christiansonly In name A having never enteredInto a covensrft with the l/ird. Oth-

ar* who have trul> glyen up them-»el\e« to tlia lord. have heen aadlvn«* lacted «* reaped* laaaona In thas f '« , l of i i rut rhr world* greatreligion* Inatltutlona ara not teach*In* th" htgleat Idrnl* hut In*tead are arparntlrtg thr people fromthoaa hlgheat l«lr«la h> ml*repre*etitatlon of tha IHvlne « hitractar an<lPlan.

l.at ua «wik« to the trua altuatlon,to our prl\it«*a(r<« ? * children of

the true (ra. hli>n« «.f the HlhlrTheae direct not mi I) that our con*

duct toward iiiriiahall l># In harmony*lth the OoM»n Itule hut (hat wr?hall tlallfhi In tloltiß fooit unto allman aa we have opp<*rtunltv. e*penally unto the IfouaWiold of FaithThr Christian la under direct oMl«atlon to Hi* Irfird to do Ills will andthat nrlll tukr notlcr nut tueral) ofbin action* an.l words, hut of hla varvthought* aa wall I'hlllpplana 4 *

Ilappy the chilli wliotr inrrnM appPfokip th# fact ihat the moihft ?

mind during adulation will mark thechild for life' llapi" Ihf child w hoarmother In thua full* committed toUod. Intent upon doink III*will an.lappreciative of |||a high Ulaala Mappv tha child whoaa fatliar. almilarlydatoted t" Ood and noble Ideal*. willhalp his *lfe. no! only hv protldlngfor her comfort of bod> and rest ofmind, hut by aaslstlng har to noblesentiments of Justlc** tnarcy, 'ovaklndn*sa. and hy drawing har attfn-tlon to thinga beautiful, lovely. happvfylng What a beautiful charac-ter might auch a child have' Whata bleaalng to ba born with auch aheritage and than to be conaecrate<lto God and IfI a service.

M l'arki4iilaa «u %terry**

St I'aul forewarns that aoma get-ting out «»f harmony with tha l»ivlnearrangement, will forbid marriageMich should remember that tiod or-iginally said. He fruitful and multi-ply. but wa may wall urge uponthom tha Importance of seeing thatthalr children come Into the world

free from tha curaa of aln aa pos-albla. The Church's miaalon. however. la not the propagation of thehuman spectaa. hut co-operation wtth«!od In th* w.'rk "f (he pres.-- t ? ..

development of tha New CreationTha Cuming Age will be the timefor Christ and the Church, as thrHeavenly Bridegroom and Itride. to

take o% er tha world of mankind byreaurrectlon. regeneration Now lathe time In which the Chun h Is tomake her own calling and electionaura to the f>!v|ne nature, that shema> become tha Ilrld*. th- UmbsWife." ft Is her privilege al»o tocarry tha M*aa«ga of thla High fall-ing to those who now hate ears tohaar Thua aha heconiea <H smouthpiece or amhaasa>lor In hejplog all who accept tha I»lvlne Invita-tion and antar Into covenant rela-tionship with God through Chrlat aaNow «"reaturaa

In vlaw of thla Important workw AP° §tl* auggaata that those of

tha Church who can do ao ahouldcon alder It a privilege to foregnmarriage, (hat they might live ceil,bate lives, aa -IM. *n ,i as 8tPaul himself la supposed to havedone Many aeaious Christians fee',,as Ht Paul fait, that the time isshort and their opportunities fewfor serving the Lord and Ilia CauseHortce If marriage would interferewith this highest privilege, theywould gladly forego a measure ofearthly happiness to ba mora eff|.clant servants of tha Lord

ThU um< thought I*bjr Jeaua. a*>ln«, itoma hare madethTOi»U« ?iin<trh« for the Kir.*dom of Heaven . .«k- . MatthewIt'll) ~ hav« denied thernae|\ea theirprivilege. and rl«!,t« ?> human beInfi In order to r»n>l«r better serv-ice to th* Lord. But thla la a aar-rlflce. n privilege. and not a oommand not an obligation Whoeverrbo'.a.a mar aa.-rlf|r«, and ahouldnot b« rrltlcli»d therefor Whoeverprefer* not to aarrlflr* ihnul'l notbe rrltlclied on that acrountHomana 14:4

Raafaeaa Ideals.We must remember that the Bible

ba« no communication whateverfor those who are not Chrlatian*The Chrlatian hualnesa man may toeome extent ho copied by his neigh-bora But his own responsibility isthe matter In which he |« Interestedmost. A bualneaa man a ld»ai la theGolden Rule. *v L»o unto othera aa youwould that they do unto you." ap-plies to hie buying his aeiiing. hladealing with hla clerka and withhla cuatomera ft Inchidea Ms ad-vertlalng. and the Ideala which heaeta before hla clerka

More and more the Golden Rulela coming to be appreciated by thepublic, and thoee who follow if willmore and more receive a hleaafngWe do not mean that It will mekethem richer than their nelghborawho may follow the other ruleaometlmea quoted ?I >o your neigh-bor before he can do you. Hutwhether following the Golden Ruleahall bring little or much aucr«fs,the business man who haa becomea son of God can do no less, thoughhe may do as much more as hechooses.

A business man's Ideala shouldhav. some hearing upon his mannerof doing hunlness. as well as uponthe character of the stock he offerefor sale. The Christian businessman's store should be known ss aplace wh«re trash and Injurlounthings would not he found

ftoHal and Xelgfcborly Ideals.Tha trua Chrlatlan la to remem-

ber that nothing leaa than tha (lol-den Ruin may ha follow under any»Ircumatanr-+n. He muat aee t», itthat hla children, hla r-hfekena. hladoga, etv. do not dlaturh hla neigh-bora In their proper rlghta TheGolden fCule ra<|Ulree that he ahalldo for any one In dlatreaa even a ahe would have a neighbor do f»»rhlrn If he were In trouble "l»ogood and lend, hoping for nothingagain." la to be exemplified In thef'hrlatlan. but he la not to Impairhla own credit or neglact hla obli-gation* to hla own family. More-over. proper lending would hamerely In « aa«* of ne> eaalty. He lanot to be neighborly be«*auae hehope a the neighbor will return thecompliment, but he'aua* h« wlaheat«i live up to the I>lvln?? require

i merit.The f'hrlatlan la a representative

of the King of klnga and Ixirtf oflord* Hla time, hla Influerwe, hlatalent*, are to be uaed acordlng tohla Judgment of the Ixtrd'a will Hehaa come to realize that while therela ao much win and aorrow |» theworld, he may not flitter awav hlaprerloua momenta In Idleneaa or Inwhat la merely pleaaurahle but notreally profitable Thla will notmean that he ahall not tak" timeto look after tha aoclal Interest* ofhla family and to ke« p In touch withlila obligations km a neighbor Itwould make him dignified and, flratof all. loyal to Ood

Our ideal* are merely fan tnafeafloating clonda without rain, untilwe conact rate our Uvea to theaeIdeal* and reaolve to live Iri har-mony with them. H>n<-e the Chrla-tlan haa much advantage every way.for he haa the promise of Hlvlrieoveralght. bleaalng, guidance anda aalat a ri< e in working out hlaDivinely Inaplred Ideal*

on poet-card requeat I win loanI rny reader® a book on "PracticalKu we nice." Addreaa me Brooklyn,

K. Y.



The towtr Jail of Atlanta, In which Lto Frank it aentenced to dieJune 22, and Sheriff Mingum, fha asecutloner.


ATLANTA. C*a . May 17 llannInn l<e<> M Krank will !»?* lo ShrrlffC Wheeler Mangum of hilion ctmn


' Tei" Rlrkard. known to every

\u25a0port fan In the world as promoter

of the Jeffries-Johnson fight andMrs Rlrkard are here, visiting

"Tex'a" mother, Mrs L. J. Adama,452# Meade at

"T««" la now the man***? of theblfgeat rattle ranch In the world

It cnmprlca 5,000,000 arret InParaguay Me declare* he haa quitthe fight K»rn»

"I'm pretty bogy looking after50.000 head of rattle." he naif), "andanyway, flahtlng l» pretty far *w«y

from Paraguay and Argentina

"J still follow the name, however,

and waa pretty much aurprl*edwhen Je«* Wlllard knocked out

Johnaon t didn't think anybodycould do It. not yet for a while, any-

way"Speaking of hi* lmmen*<> ranch,

he tald:"J not In ju*t In time when land

and cattle were cheap Since thenboth have gone up moat agreeably."


Ralph Me**ett. brother of K. I>

Me**et t, manager of th<- Washing

ton Monumental Co., waa woundedby ahrapnel In France, according to

word received here, and I* In a hoa-pltal near Pari*. He la a lieutenantIn the Second battalion of t'anndlanvolunteer*.

WILL DANCE ON ROOFWanted ?the highest tree In the

worldThe Metropolitan Building com-

pany I* after thl* tree to u*« n* aflagpole for the half-acre roof gar-den on top of the Stuart. Henry andWhite building*.

The combined roofs of thesebuilding* will be turned Into ndance pavilion and open air theatrthin summer. ami will op«n rlurltu:Shrlnera' week.


ty like tearing out his own heartstring*

Hut the law has decreed thaiKrank shall be hanged by the neckuntil deid." utile** the governor interferes -and Wheeler Msngum hasnever yet sidestepped what he belleves his duty.

Probably no kindlier soul breathesthan that of Krank's keeper.

The prisoner hlrnaelf realties ItTo him the sheriff la "Dad Man-gum."

Those closest to him say thatWheeler Mangum believes Crank IsInnocent

He was aaked the question."An official has no bualness talk

Ing about a case." he said. '

Whateter 1 ma* believe. I can't say It."

Wheeler Mangum wonldn't will-ingly hurt hla most despised enemy

The correspondent saw him hanga negro once?Just a plain negromurderer Great tears rolled downhis cheeks and his voice was hnskyas he said, ' May God have mercyon your soul'"

But It wii Mnngum's hand that\u25a0prung the trap.

On anothe ; occasion hi* officialduty demands that he hang a manwho had once been In hi* Sunday-\u25a0rhoo! claag

H#» And th* prisoner st*pp*d to«h* scaffold arm In arm, and thesheriff hanged hi* friend.

NAVY YARD ROUTE» W K~n«4r and Taartat

!\u25a0"« l>" *. iiMiili? la ItiniKundari ? «o l« 10 *. rn. I It. I to. ?!r *P* *un<la>< 1 II), I M 9 mSaturdar. 11 <1 i> m

Time table to ehanga without

limn# M«U» J|o| Prtr# A?r tioiMMt Trip


Near Plha Pitbllr MarketModem atnffla Kotmi as#

Ml.rn (.1,1.11. naoma forOna or Tan, BOi>

Encore* were given nearly everynumber of a program of children'*dances Riven at the Moore theatreSaturday night by the Fail rotDancing academy. Eighty-two littie tot* took part.

OPEN CONVENTIONEpiscopal churches of the dlocexr

of Ohrnpla will open their annualconvention week with a mimicalservice In St Murk's church. Broadway and Harvard ave , this eveningat H o'clock.


HmKla ltran>-h

International Bible BtudentsAssociation, of Which Pastor

Russell la PresidentMEET EVERY SUNDAY

VIIIOM: TKMPI.K*renml \%r. niill

100 p. ni lilble Htmly.2:4f» p. in I'H'tK liliik4:lft p. in fllhle Htmly.7 30 p in ? Hermonetlca

Undenomlmit.lona I. No < <>llactlonaU.I, Mir, I \ \ ITK.II

BULL BROS.Just PrlnUrt1013 THIRD eaAIN 1043

~~jjjj~~~~~~\u25a0 iHW.MT D*NUMir«l<TIU|

HIPPODROME IFifth and taliarattf I

f'leaui Aaiaaetiianl IHomelike Itarrtndlßfi I

10 PIF.< K I NION OK4IIKMHA If «»wipe tut Paactng Ta*»eher» I


MOOREDfl.SO?Mat. Wed and Hat ?1| (Ml

'EVERYWOMAN'Vl*h! prl Jfto fn »? IMI

Matlnaaa l? ||mi

r >«

Loew's EmpressVaudevllle'a Ore.iieat Mualcal

Prodtt r ftoii. "ON 'I IfK. Hl\ IKRA"

11 A«'«oniplUhpd a a1 iiifd *t|ngera 1 1Mill: (.ItUII'TK I % VON OKI'.

T ran afarm I «tK 1.F.1 N llltus

"Thoae (ierman Admlrala"other lilac Acta

lib- mid M)r

PANTAGESLusitania Pictures

AHI /ONA JOKAn«l Ilia i'fwpiinchara in a Illic

Wild Weal ActOilier I etiluren

lOe and '!0c

Orpheum?"111l ITF.ItNAI. MTV*

111 H Herla

Full Orpheum OrchratraI'KHIOHM \Si I t

1, H, A, 1 mid If p. m. '

STAR?MONDAY, MAY 17, 1915. TAGE 2.


New York alood atlll today for an

hour. Thouaanda of lilii«*J»<keta,

t'ncla Hatn'a flneat, inarched In re

view before I'rcaldent Wllaon andManhattan bualneaa halted whllnthey did

The martial aplrlt gripped thecity aa It nnver did befor* <-v«<nhark In th« dava Juat preceding tb«-Hpanlah American war.

Prom almoat <«vet-y building Inthe city the atara and atrip** floated, while blue huntlnn waa atretrhi'i| ai roan the fronta of buataeaahouara and dwelling* from I tin Hatlery to the llroiig New York waaIn Rila attire for !h<> Kr<'ateat naval

rctli-w It ha* expiTli-ncfdPrealdent Hrviewe Parade

I'realilent Wllaon reached hereearly today H* did not l»»ave hlayacht, the Ma> flower, until neurlytime for the laud review of thejacklra who man the Mk battl*ahlpa and crulaera 111 the Atlanticfle«t.

Then ho went dlrertly to the reviewing atand at Klfth ave andflat at

FYir 15 mlnutca after the prnaldent rnached th«> reviewing standIt rained hard.

Despite the downiiour. I'realdentWllaon tipped hla hat an everyAmerican flax passed

The rain spattered down uponhis bare head while Secretary ofthe Navy Itaniels, ('residential Set'retary Tumult) snd other members?if the party were soaked by thedownpour.

President Wllaon applauded vlnoroualy as one baud played "Ultleand the crowd Joined him In according the favorite of the Southan ovation.

The aallora. thousands strong,landed at the foot of West 23rd at

The parade began there Theymarched over to Klfth ave. northto f»9th at . to Central I'srk Westand then over 72nd st They reembarked from the pier at 7»th at

Slritti Are PackedThere were three reviewing

stands The principal one at listst and Klfth ave . waa occupied bythe prealdent. several governmentand city officials Another standwsa located at Columbus Circleand a third at 6*th at and Ilroad-way.

Never before haa luch a crowdturned out to watch a street parade The thorofares were a solidmass of humanity Kvery seat Inthe three reviewing stands wis

taken and wlndowa In office buildIngs along the route were filledwith sjiectator*

Tomorrow the president, from hisyacht. will review the bis Atlanticfleet aa It passes out to aea for maneuter* Bai h vessel will fire thepresidential aalute In paa*lngWilson.

No place like Home and 212 Pike?Advertlaement,


. t <»? pmrtim that ranhuman aufferln* certalnly

dea*rve« th* conalderatlon of ftilr-mlndad mm nml w»m*n, and thatayat*n» which rmn accomplish thlare*»»lt dMfrvci the frritfdt mraaurcof rnnfld^nre

Tho»* who*# good fortune It runl»e#n to become familiar with thetrue prlnrlplea underlying my ava-tem of treatment. or tlmt have hadb#f»«*flti front the treatmenta there-by, are undevlatlnir In their opinion*that my ayatem of treatment la allthat la tlaimed Mlaconreptlon ofthe theorlea ind prlndplea of myavatem of treatment la due onlv tothe Improper aource of InformationCondemnation without In veat Ivutlonla poor Judgment

t'onmlt me in rtgard to your ail-ment. and If I can help you I willtell vou to; and If ( cannot help youI will DOf inkf" MMir nut If in«'«licine or aurserv la what la needed ft)your rsa* I will tell you an, and ad-viae you to gn hack to your phy-sician.

I>r (* r Lathron, Spine and NerveMpe< lallat *14 Ift People a RankBldff., Second and Pike Houra }»

a 111 to 6 p m Conaultatlon fret



Tuesday Specials:Fresh OregonRanch Eggs, doz. ||j **

Choice SteerPot Roast, lb.. . . ll**Choice Shoul- 4111 mder Pork Steak. |Choice Mutton 1 C#aChops I«|Choice SteerBoiling Beef %fChoice Steer 1 QoRound Steak . . .10Choice Veal IjEf*Chops IwWashington Full CreamCheese _

(sharp) |3CLook for U. S. Purple Stamp.

It slgnlflea purity and qualityBhops Open Until t:2O °. M.



LONDON, May 17?In ?

thrilling battle above thecloude, and while eaillng out

ovar the Engllah channel,

eight Brltleh naval avlatorafrom Dunkirk today attacked

and aeverely damaged on* ofthe German Zeppellne which

had raided Ramegate during

the early morning.

Lateet reporta to the admlralty etate that when laat »e«nthe Zeppelin waa drifting, apparently helpleat. toward thecoaat of the continent.

The Brltlah airmen were eub

Jected to a heavy fire from ma-chine gun* aboard the Germanafrehlp, but It waa officiallyatated that the avlatora ea-caped without caaualtlea.Follow hut th» attack upon Ham*

Kate by the (icrman air raldera,(h-'y wi<r« flmt bljchU'd b) the avl-Mori aloiiK lh« roan!

Two Z*|i[>Hltia participated In theraid ii|K>n the town uii'l ahlpplnK at

lUniaxate, dropping more than HOlioiiilm, lint only one dr«-w the uttentloii of the llrltlah aeroplanea

A wlreloaa from Ihmklrk, reiiortIn* the raid, brought tin- eightnaval avlatora to th«- acene

Flint attacking the ZeppellualotiK the coast, they drove the airwhip out to aea.

Three of the aeroplane* thencloaed In on the alrcrulser, firingUpon her at ahort ran**

The machine iiuna In the car ofthe Zepiwlin sputtered a reply

While the (ierman was thua engaged. two of the avlatora climbedabove the Zeppelin

Once above the airship, the ob-servers In the llrltlsh machine* beKin dropping bombs down tiiM>n theZeppelin. One crashed Into thehag Immediately a column ofamok** inrn*

The crew of the dirigible liegnn

to throw out ballast and at lastrose to a height of 11.000 trot, outof resch of the aeroplane*

The German was then sailing

with tall drooping downward andapparently helpless



Tranaylvanla arrived here todayfrom Greenock, where she put In at3 a m . having passed safely thruthe war none

The Transylvania took the north-ern route, because of warnings

which were received that subma-rines were off the coast of Ireland.near the point where the I.usltanlawua atink.

The liner 1* scheduled to land her900 passengers at Liverpool.


Sundav the Ualhralth dock wssllt tern IIV filled with people for Bil-qtiamlah l<on« before the steamerHvak pulled out she wan filled toa rapacity and the Kitsap CountyTransportation Co put on an extraboat, the llurton

The Immense crowd was welltaken care of without rrowdlng.

and boats left or, schedule time,

and all *|>ent a pleasant day.The Suquamlsh grounds present-

ed a lala appearance. The Indianbaseball team played Kennydaleon the Common. Suquamlsh won,D to 6.

FISHING IN ALASKAReturning from Alaska, ("apt. F.

O. Hodge of the armored roastguard cutter Manning, said he hadsighted the llrltlsh steam trawlers(! K Foster and .Inrms CarruthersSo miles out from Kodlak, wherethey had been driven by (lermin

submarines from the North sea.

THEY DO CHANGE, CAP('Apt S F Cottle hadn't aeon ft

woman'* summer hat since 1886,having spent the* laat 29 summersIn the Arctic 011 tho schooner Huby.He walked off hla ahlp Sunday and.seeing a crowd of women K"tnß by,remarked that styles had certainlychanged.


tramway employes today voted fora protracted strike unless their (letunnels for a war bonus are KranteilTraffic was puralvged today, onljone line being In operation.

INSTALL OFFICERSNewly elected officers of the Kp

worth lensue of the Clrst Methodistchurch were Installed with specialservices In the church Sunday.

INDEPENDENCE DAYHundreds of Norweslans nalh

ered In Immanuel church Sunrtinnight to celebrate Norway's Inde-pendence day. Meeting will beheld tonight In the new club houseof Ihe aons and Daughters of Norway. Horen ave. and Virginia St.,and a bull In the pavilion at t.eschlpark.

GOVERNOR IS COMING(lov. and Mrs. l.lster, Mayor and

Mrs, (111 l and K !., Garretson ofTaciima. Imperial first ceremonialmaster, will be honor gueals at thebig Shrlnera' bull In the Hippo-drome May 31.

S We Got 'Em AllTalking |




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