東大(2013 要約問題t-tokino.main.jp/tokino1/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/...東大(2013)...

東大(2013要約問題 次の英文の内容を7080字の日本語に要約せよ。 The silk that spiders use to build their webs, trap their prey , and hang from the ceiling is one of the strongest materials known. But it turns out it’s not just the material’s exceptional strength that makes spiderwebs so durable. Markus Buehler, an associate professor of civil and associate professor of civil and environmental

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東大(2013) 要約問題


The silk that spiders use to build their webs, trap

their prey , and hang from the ceiling is one of the

strongest materials known. But it turns out it’s not

just the material’s exceptional strength that makes

spiderwebs so durable.

Markus Buehler, an associate professor of civil and

associate professor of civil and environmental ~


The silk that spiders use to build their webs, trap

their prey , and hang from the ceiling is one of the

strongest materials known. But it turns out it’s not

just the material’s exceptional strength that makes

spiderwebs so durable.


The silk that spiders use to build their webs, trap

their prey , and hang from the ceiling is one of the

strongest materials known. But it turns out it’s not

just the material’s exceptional strength that makes

spiderwebs so durable.




Markus Buehler, an associate professor of civil

and associate professor of civil and environmental

engineering, previously analyzed the complex

structure of spider silk, which gains strength from

different kinds of molecular interactions at different

scales. He now says a key property of the material

that helps make webs strong is the way it can soften

at first when pulled and then stiffen again as the

force increases. Its tendency to soften under stress

was previously considered a weakness.


Markus Buehler, an associate professor of civil

and associate professor of civil and environmental

engineering, previously analyzed the complex

structure of spider silk, which gains strength from

different kinds of molecular interactions at different

scales. He now says a key property of the material

that helps make webs strong is the way it can soften

at first when pulled and then stiffen again as the

force increases. Its tendency to soften under stress

was previously considered a weakness.


a key property of the material

(that helps make webs strong ) is the way it can

soften at first

when pulled and then stiffen again

as the force increases.

クモの巣の強さの 理由


最初→ 柔らかくなり

その後→ 硬くなる



Buehler and his team analyzed how materials with

different properties, arranged in the same web

pattern, respond to localized stresses. They found

that materials with simpler responses perform

much less effectively.


Buehler and his team analyzed how materials with

different properties, arranged in the same web

pattern, respond to localized stresses. They found

that materials with simpler responses perform

much less effectively.


クモの巣と同じ構造の素材 どう反応するか


Damage to spiderwebs tends to be localized,

affecting just a few threads―the place where a bug got caught and struggled around, for example.

This localized damage can be repaired easily or just

left alone If the web continues to function


“Even if it has a lot of defects, the web still

functions mechanically virtually the same way,”

Buehler says.


Damage to spiderwebs tends to be localized,

affecting just a few threads―the place where a bug got caught and struggled around, for example.

This localized damage can be repaired easily or just

left alone If the web continues to function


“Even if it has a lot of defects, the web still

functions mechanically virtually the same way,”

Buehler says.


Damage to spiderwebs tends to be localized,

クモの巣の損傷 = 部分的にとどまる


To test the findings, he and his dream literally

went into the field, pushing and pulling at spiderweds

In all cases, damage was limited to the immediate

area they disturbed.


To test the findings, he and his dream literally

went into the field, pushing and pulling at spiderweds

In all cases, damage was limited to the immediate

area they disturbed.


クモの巣の損傷 → 部分的にとどまる


This suggested that there could be important

advantages to materials whose responses are

complex. The principle of permitting localized

damage so that an overall structure can survive,

Buehler says, could end up guiding structural

engineers. For example, earthquake-resistant

building might bend up to a point, but if the shaking

continued or intensified, specific structural elements

could break first to contain the damage.


This suggested that there could be important

advantages to materials whose responses are

complex. The principle of permitting localized

damage so that an overall structure can survive,

Buehler says, could end up guiding structural

engineers. For example, earthquake-resistant

building might bend up to a point, but if the shaking

continued or intensified, specific structural elements

could break first to contain the damage.


The principle of permitting localized

damage so that an overall structure can survive,

Buehler says, could end up guiding structural

engineers. For example, earthquake-resistant





That principle might also be used in the design of

networked systems: a computer experiencing a

virus attack could shut down instantly, before its

problems spread. So the World Wide Web may

someday grow more secure thanks to lessons

learned from the spidery construction that inspired

its name.


That principle might also be used in the design of

networked systems: a computer experiencing a

virus attack could shut down instantly, before its

problems spread. So the World Wide Web may

someday grow more secure thanks to lessons

learned from the spidery construction that inspired

its name.


That principle might also be used in the design of

networked systems: a computer experiencing a

virus attack could shut down instantly, before its

problems spread. So the World Wide Web may

someday grow more secure thanks to lessons

learned from the spidery construction that inspired

its name.


That principle might also be used in the design of

networked systems: a computer experiencing a

virus attack could shut down instantly, before its

problems spread. So the World Wide Web may

someday grow more secure



解答例 東大(2013)






東大(2015) 要約問題 1 (A)次の英文の内容を、70~80字の日本語に要約せよ。句読点も字数に含める。


We like to think that humans are supremely logical ,making decisions on the basis of hard data and not on impulse. But this vision of homo- economics― a person who acts in his or her best interest when given accurate information ―has been shaken, especially by discoveries in the emerging field of risk perception. It has been found that human have great difficulty in accurately gauging risk. We have a system that gives us conflicting advice from two powerful sources ―logic and instinct, or the head and the gut.

東大(2015) 要約問題 1 (A)次の英文の内容を、70~80字の日本語に要約せよ。句読点も字数に含める。


We like to think that humans are supremely logical ,making decisions on the basis of hard data and not on impulse. But this vision of homo- economics― a person who acts in his or her best interest when given accurate information ―has been shaken, especially by discoveries in the emerging field of risk perception. It has been found that human have great difficulty in accurately gauging risk. We have a system that gives us conflicting advice from two powerful sources ― logic and instinct, or the head and the gut.


①人間は 「論理的」 と思われている。

しかし 「危険察知」においては 論理的ではない。

②人間は 正確な危険察知 が苦手である。

③人間は 「論理」 と 「本能」 の2面を持つ。


Our instinctive gut reactions developed in a world full of hungry wild animals and warring tribes, where they served important functions. Letting the amygdala (in the brain’s emotional core) take over at the first sign of danger, milliseconds before the neo-cortex (the thinking part of the brain) was aware that a spear was headed for our chest, was probably a very useful adaptation. Even today those gut responses save us from getting flattened by buses or dropping a brick on our toes. But our amygdara is not suited for a world where risks are measured by clicks on a radiation detector.


<本能> ⇔


↓ 危険察知できない



・neo-cortex (新皮質)


A risk-perception apparatus designed for avoiding wild animals makes it unlikely that we will ever run screaming from fatty food. “People are likely to react with little fear to certain types of objectively dangerous risk that evolution has not prepared them for, such as hamburgers, automobiles, and smoking,even when they recognize the threat at a conscious level,” says one researcher. Even Charles Darwin failed to break the amygdala’s iron grip on risk perception. As an experiment, he placed his face up against the rattlesnake cage at the London Zoo and tried to keep himself calm and unmoved


A risk-perception apparatus designed for avoiding wild animals makes it unlikely that we will ever run screaming from fatty food. “People are likely to react with little fear to certain types of objectively dangerous risk that evolution has not prepared them for, such as hamburgers, automobiles, and smoking, even when they recognize the threat at a conscious level,” says one researcher. Even Charles Darwin failed to break the amygdala’s iron grip on risk perception. As an experiment, he placed his face up against the rattlesnake cage at the London Zoo and tried to keep himself calm and unmoved





when the snake struck the plate glass. He failed. <第4段落>

A whole industry has developed around conquering the fear of flying, but while we pray not to be one of the roughly five hundred annual airline casualties around the world, we give little thought to driving to the grocery store, even though more than one million people die in automobile accidents each year.





