ian ht a -...

Y + i nr stf s1i t + s fyr w i t- u jc + ° f w acs y yk rf rr a r F + s v A I t 4 1 If I T OCALA EVENING STAR TUESDAY APRIL 21 190t r j j Veterinary Surgeon I Y lit- e Office opposite Tonpkiis Livery Stable wt v- r C EP GUERRANTIY S- ICIVER 1- I ft kcKil j S c FUNERAL DIRECTORSU- ndertakers ri I and Embalmers 4 j 1 I 4 V D E MciVER ALFRED E OWEN I Undertakers i Fine Caskets and Burial Robes ft AH Work Don by Licensed Em V fralmwa and Fully Guaranteed Iii- IX t I r I t- I I t 4- i 4 j J I t Best Quality i I 9 PromptServite i J Lowest Price r t Buy from the r r n BLUE WAGONS f IOCALAICE AND 1 PACKING CO 1 MEFFERT TAYLOR y Phone i4 I I r t O ALAPRESSlllD CLUB < 1 X JOHN F s WILLIAMSON Proprietor 10 Rates reasonable All goods f t jSresteed and Cleaned on Short No- tice ¬ i and Delivered Promptly All transient work not called for + within thirty days will be sold for charges I j L t FO LE YS fi Y x KIDNEY CUREW- ILL CURE YOU J t of any case of Kidney 01 I < Builder disease that is not beyond the reach of medi- Cine ¬ x Take ft at qnccr Do u not risk having Slights Dis- ease ¬ or Diabetes I There it nothing gabled by delay I SOc and 100 Bottloo aRRUyI kIu T TUTw- I FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS k c- i k VerY Serious j iI i ve tr venous matter to ask for one medicine and h aye the wrong one given you For this N f reuon we uzge Y you in b g- g to be careful to jet the genu- ineBLACKDRAUGHT < Z t 1 ii hJ Liver Medicine s The reputation of this old rcli h Jbl9medicinefOt onsti atio in l1ivtrouJjle is firm ¬ ly established It does not imitate other mtdiciqe It is better than others OCt would not be the fa- vorite ¬ liver powder with a larger I ale than all others combined lOt IK TOWN F- LLEXAEDER t s J > Practical 1 1 s CARPENtER AND BUILDER Careful estimates made on all < cdfkr ct work Gives more and t rl work for the money than ry n i ny 1e cqntractor t l r d zr r = ra i i7V ++ + t +++ + ++ + ++ + + + + + + The Tick of the Old CM i + +++ ++ ++++ ++ I- tOrlglnal + ++ + l When I bought my country place I made an offer for it and everything on it just as it stood and the deed was thus made out The house was 130 years old and there was some very old furniture In It including a clock reach- ing ¬ from the floor of the hall nearly to the ceiling It had not kept time for many years The works were rusty and the pendulum which had been de ¬ tached stood in the corner of the case While the party from whom I made the purchase and I were looking at the old clock he gave me the following rea ¬ son for the pendulum being iu that po- sition ¬ He said that there was a tra- dition ¬ that one of the fpriner owners of the premises had been warned that I the clock would foretell the hour of his death How this ghostly informa ¬ tion was to be conveyed was not desig ¬ nated but the warned man J hoping to disarm the ghost detached the pendu ¬ lum and set it in the corner of the cas One night in autumn when tte winds were blowing and the rain fai ing he was lying wide awake when suddenly the old clock In the hall be- low ¬ began to tick What induced him to count the strokes from the very first one he didnt know but he did count them till the three thousand five hun ¬ dred and fortieth stroke when a sud ¬ den sinking sensation came over him and he called for assistance He died one minute later or on the three thou- sand ¬ six hundredth strokethat is in exactly one hour from the first stroke- I thanked my informer for this grewsome tale and told him that if he would verify it I would sell him the property I had just bought from him for one half what I had paid him but the days of ghosts had passed and such stories no longer affect people as they once did- Nevertheless conscious as we are that there are existences beyond our ken one must be superstitious The- se 1 had been planted in me and often afterward when I lay awake at night- I would fancy the slightest sound to be the tick of the old lock I was tempted to sell it but in the first place my wife greatly valued such old truck in the second I was ashamed to confess even to myself that I was afraid of it You laugh at me but how many people are there who do not prefer to first see the new moon over the right shoulder This alone indicates that we are all in a measure I superstitious Whether by nature or inheritance I dont know One autumn my wife left me to be gone a few days There was only a servant at home besides myself The night following my wifes departure tile house seemed unusually stillin ¬ deed it was unusually still I cant say I felt unwell but I was what I may call discomposed My usual hour for going to bed was 10 oclock but this night I sat up till 11 and even then felt no inclination to seek my lonely couch I got to sleep however in about half an hour After going to bed During the night I awoke suddenly Sometimes we awake at night feeling comfortable lie awak e for a short tijme and go to sleep again But this night I knew the moment J awoke that I was in for a season of wakefulness It was a bad night The wind was fitful and a slow rain had been coming down- all day I f lta terror creeping over me though at what I could not divine- I was not afraid of the dark or the wind or the rain Nevertheless I was in an uncomfortable condition ti I had been awake oply a few mo ments when I heard a tap tap tap tap for all the world like the ticking- of a clock Why I did so I cant ex- plain ¬ I but I counted each tap or tick from the first Then it occurred to me that the ticking came from the clock in the hall below The works had note been cleaned the pendulum still stood in the corner but if ever I had heard any sound coming from a certain direction I heard that clock ticking and the ticks seemed to me to be exactly one second apart I kept on counting not from c pice but from some unexplained compulsion I tried- to stop counting but do what I would- I couldnt lose the number of the beats There I lay every minute growing- more and more discomposed counting- the seconds by sixties knowing that at every sixtieth second another minute had elapsed The story that had been told me about the clock thus warning a man of his death would not be ban Ished By the time I had counted 1200 strokes I was in a terrible condi ¬ tion and at the three thousandth I knew Iwas nearing collapse I re- member counting 3000 beats after which I must have become uncon ¬ scious When I came to myself it was com ¬ ing dawn J was weak as a kitten I wished to get up and call a servant but had not the strength Later I heard one in the hall and called A doctor came my wife was telegraphed for andwell I was not out of bed for a month When I went downstairs ajraln tile old clock was not there My wife had removed It Six months hteroueraInsWisht J 4 t M 1 w 1 f y 4 c I J heard the tiding or Tapping again I awakened my wife and called her at- tention to It She listened for a mo- ment then said Is that what threw you into col- lapse ¬ T- Yes the same sound You silly man thats nothing but dripping water- I would not go to sleep tiUI had made an examination and had verified- her statement- The old clock cleaned and repaired stands In the hall to my wifes great pleasure but I dont fancy it over- much r ROBINSON MBRIDB THE PERFECT WAY Scores of Florida Citizens Have I Learned It If you suffer from backache There is only one way to cure it The perfect way is to cure the kia ¬ neys I A bad back means bad kidneys Neglect it urinary troubles follow Doans Kidney Pills are made for kidneys only- S B Lemons cigarmaker living at 3311 Ashley street Tmpa Fla says- I used Doan Kidney Pills and they cured me of backache and disorder of the kidneys Two or three times on account of tjhe pain in my back I was unable to go to work for several days The secretions of the kidneys were in very bad condition dark in color and- if allowed to stand would become of the consistency of jelly I tried vari ¬ ous remedies taking what seemed like gallons of medicine and I also put on plasters but nothing helped me at all until I got Doans Kidney Pills upon the advice of a friend of mine and us ¬ ing then according to directions they cured me in a very short while For sale by all dealers Price 50 cents FosterMilburn Co Buffalo New York sole agents for the United States I Remember the nameDoansand take no other- CLOSING EXERCISESS OF INDIAN MOUND SCHOOL- As we failed to see the program and closing exercises of the Indian Mound school in print as we expected I would like very much to have this printed for a special purpose v For some reason it did not appear in the Star nor Banner and Mr Albert Gra ¬ ham said he sent it to the Banner of- fice and the reason for its not being printed was that the ogram was too long Well this writer of this piece has sE1ht as long pieces as that to the Star and they did appear printed At this late hour there is no need to men- tion ¬ anything about the day I will only say that every ope had a nice time and all wish to meet there again and wish Miss DuPuis another suc- cessful ¬ term of school at Indian Mound Perhaps the program will get In earlier next time Song GreetingSchool Dialogue WelcomeOliver Sewell Bryan Godwin Sable Gore HenrY1 Heinemann Melley Dudly wens i A Recitation A Scholar Melley Dud ¬ ly Declamation Jimmys Sparkin Henry Heinemann Recitation Little I HandsNellie Stevens Recitatipn The Inventors Wife Daisy Fore- Recitation t The Breaking of the Day Mary Dudly- Recitation The Dolls FuneralSa ¬ bie pore Dialogue The Frog Hollow Lyceum- Joe McDonald Oliver Yarborough Mamie Randall Daisy Fore Laura Randall Allie Worth Virginia Gore Van Witherell Virgil Randall Oliver Sewell Oliver Randall Declamation Left Alone Van Witherell Recitation Neddys Thanksgiving- Louise Heinemann Recitation The Dram DrinkerAll- Ie ¬ Worth Declamation Who is ThisOliver Randall Recitation Book Larnin Etta Ran- dall ¬ I I Song happy School Days School Recitation She Would Be a Mason Annie Dudly- Declamation Second TableVirgil Randall I t Recitation SignsVirginia Gore Recitation The Last HymnBeede Sewell Recitation Old Womans Love Story Annie Yarborough Dialogue Down EastMr Stevens Mamie Randall Beede Sewell Joe McDonald Annie Yarborough Recitation Dat Time Honey Got LossSusie Worth x Declamation What I ThinkOliver Sewell Declamation Brother Watkins Oli- ver ¬ Yarborough Recitation NeighborsDaisy Fore Recitation Parting WordsIrene Stevens Dialogue Sniggle FamilyMamie- DuPuis Mamie Randall Daisy Fore Annie Yarborough Mary Dudley Beede Sewell Laura Randall Etta Randall Susie Worth Recitation Little BessieBessie Wilson Recitation Little DarlIngMamie- Wilson Dialogue Susies Lesson Merritte Wilson Clara Wilson Declamation Beware of Widows Frank Smith- DeclamationCapron Smith Declamation Vacation TimeCur- tis ¬ Perkins Recitation Reverie of a School Girl Maggie Wilson Recitation Valedictory Etta Ran ¬ dallSong Farewell School Hickory Si < t I B ROBINSON PresMeit fI- J SD BUTCH Manager J C BOOZER Asst M aufer fIIi GEO J BUTCH Te- llerCOMMERCIAL I BANK 1 OCALA FLA I i Our Best Attention I Everything of a banking nature entrusted to our care I- receives our best attention We shall be glad to have a share of your business I I J J D E HdVER GEORGE MicKAY f McIVER MacK ti DEALERS I- NFURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS i B furniture Stoves China Crockery Lamps Rags Carpels Mat t lings Linoleums Comforts Table and Bed i Linen Pictures Portiere aid Lace Curtains J i- f I Harness Saddles Trunks Suit Cases and Satchels t BUILDING MATERIAL t Oils Lime Sewer and Flue Pipe Lath Shingles and Cement v Wagons Carriages Buggies Undertakers Goods 1 I I CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS I Call on or write us foi prices J- r j Mtiver MacKay I j OCQLA FLORIDA I J A W At KNIGHT LOUIS JANG I II 4 Ian 1 h t c L a Qg > i > t CABEY A FULL LINE OF r i I i Farm wagons one and twohorse heavyteturpentine f 1 nd lumber wagon carriages and buggies of all JIli- I styles saddles and harness for all purposes lap robes whips collars and pads in all sizes A com- plete ¬ line of all the odd parts of harness harness I oils etc Our stockis the largest and most com- plete ¬ I in the country It is the best goods from the l best known factories and evefYthing that we send 1 out is fully guaranteed both by us and the manu ¬ facturers We buy all 011 r vehicles in car lots and get the lowest price and lowest rates and are prepared to save you money on anypurchAse l Call on or write us Respec- tfullYKNIGlIT I t i JiANG J North Side of Square OCALA FLORIDA 1- I t S L BITTINGR- EAL ESTATE- Ocala 1 Florida- I am constantly adding to my list of magnificent lands and city prop ¬ erty offered at bargain prices I can sell some very desirable small farms near the city at prices that will surprise you- I am offering the Glenwood Hotel just arose the street from the gov- ernment ¬ building now being erected- It will pay owners of property to have their taxes carefully looked af ¬ ter and having an experience of eighteen years in the business am i familiar with the records I i DAVID S WOODROW J W AKIN GEORGE H FORD OCALA PLUMBING AND ELECTRIC CO < DEALERS IN Standard Mattes of Plumbing Goods Gas Engines Pumps Irrigating Plants Acetylene Gas Plants Sold and Installed Complete Estimates promptly submitted on any Work in our i P 0 boa Nt 14ItAl ROil A s PhmN 371

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Post on 29-Mar-2018




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Page 1: Ian ht a - chroniclingamerica.loc.govchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84027621/1908-04-21/ed-1/seq-2.pdf · Y + i nr stf s1i t + s fyr w i t- u jc + f w acs y ykrf rr a r F s v A


i nr stf s1i t + s fyr wi t-


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° f w acs y yk rf rr a r F+




4 1If I






Office oppositeTonpkiis Livery Stable






Ift kcKilj



ndertakersri I

and Embalmers4 j 1 I


I Undertakersi

Fine Caskets and Burial Robesft

AH Work Don by Licensed EmV fralmwa and Fully Guaranteed



t I r

I t-









Best Qualityi

I 9PromptServiteiJ Lowest Price


t Buy from the r



Phone i4II



WILLIAMSON Proprietor10

Rates reasonable All goodsf t jSresteed and Cleaned on Short No-



and Delivered PromptlyAll transient work not called for

+ within thirty days will be sold forcharges







of any case of Kidney 01I < Builder disease that is not

beyond the reach of medi-Cine


x Take ft at qnccr Dou not risk having Slights Dis-


or Diabetes I There itnothing gabled by delay

I SOc and 100 BottlooaRRUyI kIu T TUTw-




VerY Seriousj

iI i vetr venous matter to askfor one medicine and haye thewrong one given you For this

N f reuon we uzgeY you in b g-

g to be careful to jet the genu-



t 1

ii hJ Liver Medicines The reputation of this old rclih Jbl9medicinefOt onsti atio in

l1ivtrouJjle is firm¬ly established It does not imitateother mtdiciqe It is better thanothers OCt would not be the fa-vorite

¬liver powder with a largerI ale than all others combinedlOt IK TOWN F-







Careful estimates made on all< cdfkr ct work Gives more and

t rl work for the money thanry

n i ny 1e cqntractor


r d zr r = ra i i7V

+ + + t ++++ + + + +++ + + + ++

The Tick of the Old CM i+ + + + ++ + + + ++ + I-

tOrlglnal+ +++ l

When I bought my country place I

made an offer for it and everythingon it just as it stood and the deed wasthus made out The house was 130years old and there was some very oldfurniture In It including a clock reach-ing


from the floor of the hall nearly tothe ceiling It had not kept time formany years The works were rustyand the pendulum which had been de¬

tached stood in the corner of the caseWhile the party from whom I madethe purchase and I were looking at theold clock he gave me the following rea ¬

son for the pendulum being iu that po-


He said that there was a tra-dition


that one of the fpriner ownersof the premises had been warned that I

the clock would foretell the hour ofhis death How this ghostly informa ¬

tion was to be conveyed was not desig ¬

nated but the warned manJhoping to

disarm the ghost detached the pendu ¬

lum and set it in the corner of thecas One night in autumn when ttewinds were blowing and the rain faiing he was lying wide awake whensuddenly the old clock In the hall be-


began to tick What induced himto count the strokes from the very firstone he didnt know but he did countthem till the three thousand five hun ¬

dred and fortieth stroke when a sud ¬

den sinking sensation came over himand he called for assistance He diedone minute later or on the three thou-sand


six hundredth strokethat is inexactly one hour from the first stroke-

I thanked my informer for thisgrewsome tale and told him that if hewould verify it I would sell him theproperty I had just bought from himfor one half what I had paid him butthe days of ghosts had passed andsuch stories no longer affect people asthey once did-

Nevertheless conscious as we arethat there are existences beyond ourken one must be superstitious The-se 1 had been planted in me and oftenafterward when I lay awake at night-I would fancy the slightest sound tobe the tick of the old lock I wastempted to sell it but in the firstplace my wife greatly valued suchold truck in the second I was ashamedto confess even to myself that I wasafraid of it You laugh at me buthow many people are there who donot prefer to first see the new moonover the right shoulder This aloneindicates that we are all in a measure


superstitious Whether by nature orinheritance I dont know

One autumn my wife left me to begone a few days There was only aservant at home besides myself Thenight following my wifes departuretile house seemed unusually stillin ¬

deed it was unusually still I cantsay I felt unwell but I was what Imay call discomposed My usual hourfor going to bed was 10 oclock butthis night I sat up till 11 and eventhen felt no inclination to seek mylonely couch I got to sleep howeverin about half an hour After going tobed

During the night I awoke suddenlySometimes we awake at night feelingcomfortable lie awake for a short tijmeand go to sleep again But this night Iknew the moment J awoke that I wasin for a season of wakefulness Itwas a bad night The wind was fitfuland a slow rain had been coming down-all day I f lta terror creeping overme though at what I could not divine-I was not afraid of the dark or thewind or the rain Nevertheless I wasin an uncomfortable condition ti

I had been awake oply a few moments when I heard a tap tap taptap for all the world like the ticking-of a clock Why I did so I cant ex-


I but I counted each tap or tickfrom the first Then it occurred tome that the ticking came from theclock in the hall below The workshad note been cleaned the pendulumstill stood in the corner but if ever Ihad heard any sound coming from acertain direction I heard that clockticking and the ticks seemed to meto be exactly one second apart I kepton counting not from c pice but fromsome unexplained compulsion I tried-to stop counting but do what I would-I couldnt lose the number of the beats

There I lay every minute growing-more and more discomposed counting-the seconds by sixties knowing that atevery sixtieth second another minutehad elapsed The story that had beentold me about the clock thus warninga man of his death would not be banIshed By the time I had counted1200 strokes I was in a terrible condi ¬

tion and at the three thousandth I

knew Iwas nearing collapse I re-

member counting 3000 beats afterwhich I must have become uncon¬

sciousWhen I came to myself it was com¬

ing dawn J was weak as a kitten Iwished to get up and call a servantbut had not the strength Later Iheard one in the hall and called Adoctor came my wife was telegraphedfor andwell I was not out of bedfor a month When I went downstairsajraln tile old clock was not there Mywife had removed It

Six months hteroueraInsWisht J4




1 fy

4 c I J

heard the tiding or Tapping again Iawakened my wife and called her at-

tention to It She listened for a mo-ment then said

Is that what threw you into col-


T-Yes the same soundYou silly man thats nothing but

dripping water-I would not go to sleep tiUI had

made an examination and had verified-her statement-

The old clock cleaned and repairedstands In the hall to my wifes greatpleasure but I dont fancy it over-much



Scores of Florida Citizens HaveI Learned It

If you suffer from backacheThere is only one way to cure itThe perfect way is to cure the kia ¬

neys I

A bad back means bad kidneysNeglect it urinary troubles followDoans Kidney Pills are made for

kidneys only-S B Lemons cigarmaker living at

3311 Ashley street Tmpa Fla says-I used Doan Kidney Pills and they

cured me of backache and disorder ofthe kidneys Two or three times onaccount of tjhe pain in my back I wasunable to go to work for several daysThe secretions of the kidneys were invery bad condition dark in color and-if allowed to stand would become ofthe consistency of jelly I tried vari ¬

ous remedies taking what seemed likegallons of medicine and I also put onplasters but nothing helped me at alluntil I got Doans Kidney Pills uponthe advice of a friend of mine and us ¬

ing then according to directions theycured me in a very short while

For sale by all dealers Price 50cents FosterMilburn Co BuffaloNew York sole agents for the UnitedStates I

Remember the nameDoansandtake no other-


As we failed to see the program andclosing exercises of the Indian Moundschool in print as we expected Iwould like very much to have thisprinted for a special purpose v Forsome reason it did not appear in theStar nor Banner and Mr Albert Gra¬

ham said he sent it to the Banner of-fice and the reason for its not beingprinted was that the ogram was toolong Well this writer of this piecehas sE1ht as long pieces as that to theStar and they did appear printed Atthis late hour there is no need to men-tion


anything about the day I willonly say that every ope had a nicetime and all wish to meet there againand wish Miss DuPuis another suc-cessful


term of school at IndianMound Perhaps the program willget In earlier next time

Song GreetingSchoolDialogue WelcomeOliver Sewell

Bryan Godwin Sable Gore HenrY1Heinemann Melley Dudlywens i A

Recitation A Scholar Melley Dud¬

lyDeclamation Jimmys Sparkin

Henry HeinemannRecitation Little I HandsNellie

StevensRecitatipn The Inventors Wife

Daisy Fore-Recitationt The Breaking of the DayMary Dudly-Recitation The Dolls FuneralSa ¬

bie poreDialogue The Frog Hollow Lyceum-Joe McDonald Oliver Yarborough

Mamie Randall Daisy Fore LauraRandall Allie Worth Virginia GoreVan Witherell Virgil Randall OliverSewell Oliver Randall

Declamation Left Alone VanWitherell

Recitation Neddys Thanksgiving-Louise Heinemann

Recitation The Dram DrinkerAll-Ie


WorthDeclamation Who is ThisOliver

RandallRecitation Book Larnin Etta Ran-



Song happy School Days SchoolRecitation She Would Be a MasonAnnie Dudly-Declamation Second TableVirgil

Randall I tRecitation SignsVirginia GoreRecitation The Last HymnBeede

SewellRecitation Old Womans Love StoryAnnie YarboroughDialogue Down EastMr Stevens

Mamie Randall Beede Sewell JoeMcDonald Annie Yarborough

Recitation Dat Time Honey GotLossSusie Worth x

Declamation What I ThinkOliverSewell

Declamation Brother Watkins Oli-


YarboroughRecitation NeighborsDaisy ForeRecitation Parting WordsIrene

StevensDialogue Sniggle FamilyMamie-

DuPuis Mamie Randall Daisy ForeAnnie Yarborough Mary DudleyBeede Sewell Laura Randall EttaRandall Susie Worth

Recitation Little BessieBessieWilson

Recitation Little DarlIngMamie-Wilson

Dialogue Susies Lesson MerritteWilson Clara Wilson

Declamation Beware of WidowsFrank Smith-

DeclamationCapron SmithDeclamation Vacation TimeCur-


PerkinsRecitation Reverie of a School GirlMaggie WilsonRecitation Valedictory Etta Ran ¬

dallSongFarewell School Hickory

Si <



SD BUTCH Manager J C BOOZER Asst MauferfIIi




I i Our Best AttentionI

Everything of a banking nature entrusted to our care I-

receives our best attention We shall be glad tohave a share of your business I





i B

furniture Stoves China Crockery Lamps Rags Carpels Matt

lings Linoleums Comforts Table and Bed i

Linen Pictures Portiere aid Lace CurtainsJ i-



Harness Saddles Trunks Suit Cases and Satchels tBUILDING MATERIAL t

Oils Lime Sewer and Flue Pipe Lath Shingles and Cementv

Wagons Carriages Buggies Undertakers Goods 1



Call on or write us foi prices J-








Ian 1 ht c LaQg>

i >t



Farm wagons one and twohorse heavyteturpentine f1 nd lumber wagon carriages and buggies of all


I styles saddles and harness for all purposes laprobes whips collars and pads in all sizes A com-


line of all the odd parts of harness harnessIoils etc Our stockis the largest and most com-

plete¬ I

in the country It is the best goods from the l

best known factories and evefYthing that we send 1

out is fully guaranteed both by us and the manu ¬

facturers We buy all 011 r vehicles in car lots andget the lowest price and lowest rates andare prepared to save you money on anypurchAse l

Call on or write us Respec-


t i


North Side of Square OCALA FLORIDA 1-





Florida-I am constantly adding to my list of magnificent lands and city prop ¬

erty offered at bargain prices I can sell some very desirable small farmsnear the city at prices that will surprise you-

I am offering the Glenwood Hotel just arose the street from the gov-ernment


building now being erected-It will pay owners of property to have their taxes carefully looked af¬

ter and having an experience of eighteen years in the business ami familiar with the records







Standard Mattes of Plumbing Goods Gas Engines Pumps IrrigatingPlants Acetylene Gas Plants Sold and Installed Complete Estimatespromptly submitted on any Work in our i

P 0 boa Nt 14ItAl ROil As

PhmN 371