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Barykovsky lane 4, building 2, office 201 Moscow, 119034 Phone number: +7 495 988 96 06 e-mail: [email protected] www.indexbox.ru Demo-Version Russia: Timepiece (Watch) Market Analysis and Forecast to 2017 April 2012 Marketing Research

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Russian Market Report (business division of IndexBox Marketing Ltd., Moscow, Russia) is a leading Russian marketing and consultancy company, a well-known provider of consumer, retail, and wholesale market research information for a wide range of industries. For years of service, it has built an image of a loyal partner, a trustworthy source of information, and a specialist in its sphere. This has been achieved by very precise problem recognition and problem definition, appropriate research design, exact choice of research methods, state-of-the-art primary and secondary data collection, quantitative and qualitative research expertise, thorough and accurate analysis, and effective implementation.


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Russia: Timepiece

(Watch) Market

Analysis and Forecast to 2017

April 2012

Marketing Research

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Market Research Russia: Timepiece (Watch) Market. April 2012 (Demo-version)

Brief Overview

The report on the Russian watch market contains:

Analysis and forecast of market dynamics;

Structure of consumption by region;

Analysis of domestic production, market shares of the main market players;

Analysis of exports and imports;

Analysis of factors, influencing the development of the market;

Analysis of end-uses;

Assessment and forecast of market development;

Financial and economic profiles of the leading companies in the industry.


Expert interviews with top managers of the largest players on the market;

Analysis of information, received from the main market participants;

An analysis of statistical information:

o Federal Service of State Statistics (Rosstat);

o The Federal Customs Service (FTS);

o The Ministry of Economic Development;

o The Federal Tax Service;

o Industry associations.

The report contains information on the following commodity groups:

Wristwatches, pocket Watches with case from precious metal or metal clad with

precious metal;

Other watches, including stopwatches;

Alarm clocks and wall clocks;

Wrist watches;

Pocket Watches;

Electronic watches.

The report will allow you to:

1. Identify key indicators of the market, build your own business forecasts, based on

market data;

2. Evaluate the growth potential and threats in the market.

Key figures presented in the report on the Russian footwear market:

Volumes of production, exports and imports;

Indicators of market development;


The report contains 90 pages, 27 tables, 37 figures.

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The report contains the consensus market forecast based on the average value of the

forecasts of market participants. As market experts are considered: manufacturers,

importers, wholesale distributors, high-volume consumers, professional associations and

unions, and trade publications. The experts, participating in the survey, are provided with

special conditions on the purchase of the reports.

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Why People Choose Us

• We have been professionals in marketing research for over 9 years, and have

completed over 1000 industry studies which are updated on a regular basis.

• We collect data via expert interviews with market participants. Industry experts

verify all secondary information used in the report.

• We have an extensive database of economic information in almost every sector of

the economy. Cross-analysis of related industries enables our clients to get a

complete picture of the market of interest.

• Our own research methodology guarantees the consistently high quality of our work.

• We offer unique and individualized customer service:

o Personal account on the website with a personal manager;

o Monitoring of the status of your order online;

o Pre-sale specialist advice and answers to post-purchase questions.

• We offer special conditions for the actualization of our research reports. If interested,

find out about these conditions from our specialists now!

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Market Research Russia: Timepiece (Watch) Market. April 2012 (Demo-version)

Research Design

The purpose of the study is to analyze the state of the Russian watch market and build a

forecast of the industry in the medium term.

Geography of the research: Russia


1. Analysis of secondary market data:

Secondary data refers to data from the Internet (industry portals, competitors’ sites,

shopping sites, articles and reviews, reference materials), specialized publications, state and

private media companies, marketing agencies, commercial databases, “IndexBox

Marketing” own research.

2. Analysis of Materials from Market Participants (price lists, brochures, etc.):

Data collection from market participants is needed to analyze the specifics of the market

and the parties involved in it, their pricing and assortment policy. Data on market

participants is gathered during the analysis of secondary information, and also by sending

requests for price lists and other presentation materials.

3. Expert Interviews with Market Participants

The analysis of secondary information is completed by expert interviews with

representatives of market participant companies – manufacturers and trading companies.

Our approach to the estimation

The consensus market forecast is the average value of the forecasts of market participants



As market experts are considered: manufacturers, importers, wholesale distributors, high-

volume consumers, professional associations and unions, and trade publications. Expert

opinions are collected during telephone interviews conducted by IndexBox on a regular

basis (the standard is every six months, but can be more often, based on a special request

or under conditions of high volatility in the market). IndexBox has created an extensive

database of experts within key industries. The experts, participating in the survey, are

provided with special conditions on the purchase of the reports.

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Accuracy of forecasts

The accuracy of forecasts is verified by experts in the given industry, based on the historical

period (3 years). In accordance with this accuracy, each expert weighs out the forecasts to

create the overall average forecast


1. Consumption: Consumption is the main index estimated by our experts and features

the dynamics of consumption in real terms in the short to medium term. Experts give

an estimate of the potential volume of consumption in accordance with their

expectations and production plans (for manufacturers).

2. Internal production: It is based on the projected volume of consumption and production

capacity in any given industry, assessing, of course, and factoring in the dynamics of

domestic production.

3. Imports and Exports: Takes into account the retrospective dynamics of export-import

operations, strengths and weaknesses of the domestic production, changes in

legislation, the macroeconomic situation in the countries of the supplier (beneficiary) of

a product, an assessment of the dynamics of imports and exports.

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Market Research Russia: Timepiece (Watch) Market. April 2012 (Demo-version)

Table of Contents 1. Executive summary

2. Research design

3. Classification of watches

4. Characteristics of the Russian watch market in 2005-2011. Forecast of

development up to 2017

4.1. Volume and dynamics of the Russian watch market in 2005-2011. Forecast for


4.2. Structure of watch market: production, exports, imports, consumption

5. Characteristics of domestic production of watches in 2005-2011. Forecast for


5.1. Volume and dynamics of watches production in 2005 - February 2012

5.2. Structure of production of watches by regions

5.3. Production capacity of enterprises and their load factor

5.4. Level of concentration of production and characteristics of competition in the


5.5. The main producers of watches and their market shares

5.5.1. LLC "Polet-Chronos"

5.5.2. LLC "Chasovoi zavod Record"

5.5.3. OJSC "Nika"

5.5.4. LLC "Chistopolskiy chasovoi zavod Vostok"

5.5.5. LLC "Chasovoi zavod Mactime"

5.5.6. GC "Elikor"

6. Characteristics of watches’ prices

6.1. Dynamics of prices of watches producers in 2010 - February 2012

6.2. Comparison of producers’ prices by FD of Russia

7. Characteristics of imports of watches on the Russian market

7.1. Volume, dynamics and structure of imports of watches

7.2. Producing countries, leading suppliers of watches on the territory of Russia

7.3. Foreign manufacturers of watches, imported to Russia

7.4. Russian companies-recipients of imports of watches

7.5. Recipient regions of watches

8. Characteristics of Russian exports of watches

8.1. Volume and dynamics of exports of watches

8.2. Countries of origin of watches, imported from Russia

8.3. Recipient countries of Russian exports of watches

8.4. Manufacturing companies that export watches

8.5. Sending regions of Russian exports of watches

9. Factors affecting the development of market of watches

9.1. Level of welfare

10. Characteristics of watches consumption

10.1. Volume and dynamics of consumption of watches in 2005-2011. Forecast for

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10.2. Volume and structure of consumption of watches by Federal Districts of the

Russian Federation in 2005-2011. Forecast up to 2017

10.3. Balance of production and consumption of watches

11. Development forecast of market of watches for 2012-2017

11.1. Evaluation of potential supply of watches for 2012-2017

11.2. Assessment of development of watches market if Russia's WTO accession

11.3. Influence of the Customs Union on watches market

Appendix 1. Economic indicators of industry

Appendix 1. Profiles of the leading manufacturers

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List of Tables

Table 1. Volume and dynamics of market of watches in 2005-2011 and forecast up to 2017,

in thousands of units

Table 2. Production of watches in January 2005 - February 2012, in thousands of units

Table 3. Production capacity of enterprises for manufacturing watches and the level of their

load in 2005-2009

Table 4. Structure of watches market by Russian producers in 2011, in thousands of tons

Table 5. Average manufacturers’ prices of watches in Russia in January 2010 - February


Table 6. Structure of imports of watches by countries of origin in 2011, in thousands of


Table 7. Structure of the imports of watches in the Russian Federation by countries of origin

in 2011, in thousands of USD

Table 8. Structure of imports of watches by companies-manufacturers in 2011, in thousands

of units

Table 9. Structure of the imports of watches in the Russian Federation by companies-

manufacturers in 2011, in thousands of USD

Table 10. Structure of the imports of watches in Russia by companies-recipients in 2011, in

thousands of units

Table 11. Structure of the imports of watches in the Russian Federation in 2011 by

companies-recipients, in thousands of USD

Table 12. Structure of the imports of watches in Russia by regions in 2011, in thousands of


Table 13. Structure of imports of watches by regions-recipients, in thousands of USD

Table 14. Structure of Russian exports of watches by countries of origin in 2011, in units

Table 15. Structure of Russian exports of watches by countries of origin in 2011, in USD

Table 16. Structure of Russian exports of watches by countries-recipients in 2011, in units

Table 17. Structure of Russian exports of watches by countries-recipients in 2011, in

thousands of USD

Table 18. Structure of Russian exports of watches by companies-manufacturers in 2011, in


Table 19. Structure of Russian exports of watches by companies-manufacturers in 2011, in

thousands of USD

Table 20. Structure of Russian exports of watches by sending regions in 2011, in tons

Table 21. Structure of Russian exports of watches by sending regions in 2011, in thousands

of USD

Table 22. Dynamics of disposable resources of households (100 people), in thousands of

RUR, the Russian Federation, the entire population of the Russian Federation in 2000 - 2009

Table 23.Differentiation of population income in 2005-2010

Table 24. Deviation of population income by Federal Districts from national average in


Table 25. Consumption of watches by Federal Districts in 2005-2017, in thousands of units

Table 26. Forecast of supply and demand balance in market of watches in 2005-2017, in

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thousands of units

Table 27. Development forecast of market of watches in 2012-2017, in thousands of tons

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List of Figures

Fig. 1. Volume of supply on the watch market in Russia in 2008 - 2011 and forecast for

2012, in units

Fig. 2. Dynamics and structure of the market of watches in 2005-2011 and forecast up to

2017, in thousands of units

Fig. 3. Production of watches in January 2011 - February 2012, in thousands of units

Fig. 4. Production of watches in January 2010 - February 2012, in % to the analogical

period of the previous year

Fig. 5. Production of watches in 2005-2011, in thousands of units

Fig. 6. Structure of production of watches in 2011, in physical terms

Fig. 7. Structure of production of watches by Federal Districts in 2011

Fig. 8. Indices of average prices of watch manufacturers in Russia in January-December


Fig. 9. Indices of average prices of watch manufacturers in Russia in January-February 2012

Fig. 10. Dynamics of average prices of watch manufacturers in Russia in January 2011 -

February 2012, deviation in % to the analogical period of the previous year

Fig. 11. Comparison of average producer price of watches by Federal Districts in 2011

Fig. 12. Dynamics of the imports of watches in the Russian Federation in 2011, in thousands

of units

Fig. 13. Dynamics of the imports of watches in the Russian Federation in 2011, in millions of


Fig. 14. Structure of the imports of watches in the Russian Federation by countries of origin

in 2011, in physical terms

Fig. 15. Structure of the imports of watches in the Russian Federation by countries of origin

in 2011, in value terms

Fig. 16. Structure of the imports of watches in the Russian Federation by companies-

manufacturers in 2011, in physical terms

Fig. 17. Structure of the imports of watches in the Russian Federation by companies-

manufacturers in 2011, in value terms

Fig. 18. Structure of the imports of watches in the Russian Federation by recipient

companies in 2011, in physical terms

Fig. 19. Structure of the imports of watches in Russia by recipient companies in 2011, in

value terms

Fig. 20. Structure of the imports of watches in Russia by recipient regions in 2011, in

physical terms

Fig. 21. Structure of the imports of watches in Russia by recipient regions in 2011, in value


Fig. 22. Dynamics of Russian exports of watches in 2011, in thousands of units

Fig. 23. Dynamics of Russian exports of watches in 2011, in thousands of USD

Fig. 24. Structure of Russian exports of watches by countries of origin in 2011, in physical


Fig. 25. Structure of Russian exports of watches by countries of origin in 2011, in value


Fig. 26. Structure of Russian exports of watches by recipient countries in 2011, in physical

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Fig. 27. Structure of Russian exports of watches by recipient countries in 2011, in value


Fig. 28. Structure of Russian exports of watches by companies-manufacturers in 2011, in

physical terms

Fig. 29. Structure of Russian exports of watches by companies-manufacturers in 2011, in

value terms

Fig. 30. Structure of Russian exports of watches by sending regions in 2011, in physical


Fig. 31. Structure of Russian exports of watches by sending regions in 2011, in value terms

Fig. 32. Distribution of total amount of monetary income of the population in 2010 by


Fig. 33. Average deviation of per capita income in the Federal Districts from the Russian

average over the period 2000-2009

Fig. 34. Shares of volume of available funds by Federal Districts relative to the national


Fig. 35. Dynamics of watches consumption in the Russian Federation in 2005-2011 and

forecast up to 2017, in thousands of units

Fig. 36. Consumption of watches by Federal Districts in 2005 – 2017, in physical terms

Fig. 37. Forecast of production and consumption balance in the market of watches in 2005-


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Market Research Russia: Timepiece (Watch) Market. April 2012 (Demo-version)

Executive Summary

The upward dynamics of the timepiece market that had been established in the mid '00's,

was followed by a deep decline in 2008 - 2009. (Production decreased by …% in 2008 and

…% in 2009 in value terms). 2010 showed an increase of …%, but 2011 brought with it

another drop of …% in real terms.

The main regions of domestically produced watches in 2011 were Volga Federal District-

…% in real terms, Central Federal District - …%, and the Siberian Federal District - …%.

Key figures and


about the market

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4. Characteristics of the Russian

watch market in 2005-2011. Forecast

of development up to 2017 4.1. Volume and dynamics of the Russian watch market in 2005-

2011. Forecast for 2012-2017

The total volume of the watch market in 2009 decreased by …%, compared to 2008.

In 2010, the growth rate was …%, compared to 2009.

Source: Data (“Rosstat”), Analysis (“IndexBox”)

Fig. 1. Volume of supply on the watch market in Russia in 2008 - 2011 and

forecast for 2012, in units












2008 2009 2010 2011F 2012F 2013F 2014F 2015F 2016F 2017F

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5. Characteristics of domestic

production of watches in 2005-2011.

Forecast for 2012-2017

5.1 Volume and dynamics of watches production in 2005 -

February 2012

The volume of production of watches in 2009 amounted to … units, which was …% more

than in 2008. In 2010, the production amounted to …, which was …% more than in 2009

and … % more than 2008.

Characteristics of domestic production

- Volume and dynamics by type of


- Production capacities

- Structure of production

- Main producers and their market shares

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Source: Data (“Rosstat”, expert survey), Analysis (“IndexBox”)

Fig. 4. Production of watches in January 2010 - February 2012, in % to

the analogical period of the previous year

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5.5 The main producers of watches and their market shares

The leading Russian watches manufacturers along with their corresponding market shares

are presented in the figure below.

Source: Data (“Rosstat”), Analysis (“IndexBox”)

Fig. 6. Structure of production of watches in 2011, in physical terms

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6. Characteristics of watches’ prices 6.1. Dynamics of prices of watches producers in 2010 - February 2012

The average manufacturers’ price of watches in Russia in May 2011 was …RUR, which was …% higher than the same price in May 2009 and

…% higher than in December 2010.

Table 5. Average manufacturers’ prices of watches in Russia in January 2010 - February 2012

2009 2010 2011 2012





In %, to

the analogic



of the previous


In %, to the


er of the

previous year

In %, to the



RUR /unit

In %, to the



of the previo

us year

In %, to the


er of the

previous year

In %, to the



RUR /unit

In %, to

the analogic



of the previous


In %,

to the December of




In %, to the


s month

January … … …% …% …% … …% …% …% … …% …% …%

February … … …% …% …% … …% …% …% … …% …% …%

March … … …% …% …% … …% …% …% … …% …% …%

April … … …% …% …% … …% …% …% … …% …% …%

May … … …% …% …% … …% …% …% … …% …% …%

June … … …% …% …% … …% …% …% … …% …% …%

July … … …% …% …% … …% …% …% … …% …% …%

August … … …% …% …% … …% …% …% … …% …% …%

September … … …% …% …% … …% …% …% … …% …% …%

October … … …% …% …% … …% …% …% … …% …% …%

November … … …% …% …% … …% …% …% … …% …% …%

December … … …% …% …% … …% …% …% … …% …% …%

Source: Data (“Rosstat”), Analysis (“IndexBox”)

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7. Characteristics of imports of

watches on the Russian market 7.1. Volume, dynamics and structure of imports of


… The volume of imports of watches in 2011 was … units. The largest amount of watches was

imported in …, when were imported … units.

Source: Data (“FTS”), Analysis (“IndexBox”)

Fig. 12 Dynamics of the imports of watches in the Russian Federation in 2011,

in thousands of units

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About IndexBox

"IndexBox" is one of the leading companies in the sphere of marketing consulting. We carry

out pieces of marketing research and consult on questions about strategic marketing.

• The "IndexBox" team has been working together for more than 7 years.

• The average experience of "IndexBox" specialists in the marketing sphere is 10


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• Over 10 years, we have completed more than sixteen hundred projects, most of

which are focused on the consumer and industrial markets. The geography of the

research includes not only the territory of Russia, but also foreign markets.

• In total, more than 80,000 respondents have taken part in our research studies.

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Our clients are big Russian and foreign companies:

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