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The International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme Podręczniki 2012 Angielski Biologia Chemia Ekonomia Filozofia Fizyka Francuski Geografia Historia Hiszpański Lieratura angielska Matematyka Nauki przyrodnicze Nauki społeczne Psychologia Zarządzanie

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  • 1. TheInternationalBaccalaureateDiplomaProgrammePodrczniki 2012Angielski BiologiaChemia Ekonomia Filozofia FizykaFrancuskiGeografiaHistoriaHiszpaskiLieratura angielska MatematykaNauki przyrodnicze Nauki spoeczne Psychologia Zarzdzanie

2. IB DIPLOMA PROGRAMME POLECANE TYTUYEnglish Literature for the IB DiplomaJames, DavidCambridge University PressISBN - 13: 9781107402232Sierpie 2011Cena: 25.00AngielskiWri en by experienced, prac#sing IB English teachers, this new #tle is acoursebook are informa#on and guidance on assessment, Theory ofclear and concise guide to studying the revised Language A Literature Knowledge opportuni#es, Extended Essay sugges#ons, and ac#vi#es tosyllabus in English for the IB Diploma. It covers all parts of the Language help students read, think, discuss, write and present ideas.A Literature programme at both Standard and Higher Levels, andcontains a wide variety of text extracts including works originally wri enin English and World literature in transla#on. Integrated into theIB Course Companion: English A Language and LiteratureAllison, RobOxford University PressISBN - 13: 9780199135424Maj 2011Cena: 27.50AngielskiThis new book has been specically developed for the 2011 English A:Language and Literature syllabus at both Standard and Higher Level. Itprovides an engaging explora#on of a wide focus on language andliterature, along with a wealth of opportuni#es for students to developskills in reading, viewing, listening, speaking and producing works inEnglish.Cambridge Biology for the IB Diploma CoursebookWalpole, BrendaCambridge University PressISBN - 13: 9780521171786Marzec 2011Cena: 35.00BiologiaA new #tle that oers an in-depth analysis of all topics covered in the IBKnowledge themes are included. Features include: clearly stated learningsyllabus, preparing students with the skills needed to succeed in the objec#ves at the start of each sec#on; quick ques#ons throughout eachexamina#on. Biology for the IB Diploma is a comprehensive new bookchapter; accessible language for students at all levels; exam-stylewri en by an experienced author team. The text oers an in-depthques#ons; and a glossary and index. The accompanying CD-ROManalysis of all topics covered in the IB syllabus, preparing students withcontains eight chapters covering the syllabus op#ons, samplethe skills needed to succeed in the examina#on. Links to Theory ofexamina#on papers and model answers.www.abe.pl 1 3. IB DIPLOMA PROGRAMME POLECANE TYTUY IB Course Companion: Biology Allott, Andrew Oxford University Press ISBN - 13: 9780199139569 Kwiecie 2010 Cena: 26.00 BiologiaThe extremely popular IB Diploma Course Companion for Biology has features from the rst edi#on have been retained - including the widerbeen thoroughly revised, updated and extended. S#ll uniquelyaims of the IB through connec#ons to TOK, interna#onal-mindednessdeveloped with the IB for the latest syllabus, the content has remained and the IB learner prole. Data-based ques#on and ideas for prac#callargely untouched, the main change being the improved page design toexperiments reinforce learning. Now in colour, more diagrams andallow be er access to the content. Op#on units have been more photographs have been included to illustrate the concepts discussed andextensively revised and content is covered more rigorously.All of the to place the subject in context.The CD material has been designed... Chemistry for the IB Diploma Coursebook with CD-ROM Owen, Steve Cambridge University Press ISBN - 13: 9780521182942 Maj 2011 Cena: 35.00 ChemiaA comprehensive new book, with accompanying CD-ROM, oering an in-depth analysis of the IB syllabus at both Standard and Higher Levels.Using accessible language, it eciently presents topics to op#miselearning. Worked examples help students tackle dierent types ofques#ons; Ques#ons throughout to test understanding, and exam-styleques#ons at the end of each chapter. IB Course Companion: Economics Blink, Jocelyn Oxford University Press ISBN - 13: 9780199184996 Marzec 2011 Cena: 26.50 EkonomiaThe new edi#on of this bestselling Course Companion has beenquan#ta#ve elements of the syllabus. It now comes with even morespecically designed to support the student through the IB Diplomamaterial on a brand new student CD-ROM, oering 17 handy revisionProgramme in Economics.Wri en by experienced authors and examinerssheets, specimen papers, a glossary and weblinks for further research. Infor the 2011 syllabus content, this book provides students with materials addi#on the book provides ac#vi#es integrated with study and learningand ac#vi#es that will help them towards success in the course. It also approaches, TOK, and the IB learner prole to ensure that students areoers advice and guidance to help students address the newfully rounded par#cipants in the programme. Examples, features...2 www.abe.pl 4. IB DIPLOMA PROGRAMME POLECANE TYTUY Pearson Baccalaureate Economics for the IB Diploma Maley, Sean Pearson Educa on Limited ISBN - 13: 9780435089986 Wrzesie 2011 Cena: 32.70 EkonomiaPearson Baccalaureate: Economics is an exci#ng new textbook withintegrated online learning resources. For students and teachers of theInterna#onal Baccalaureate Diploma, wri en and developed byprac#sing IB teachers. IB Course Companion: Physics Kirk, Tim Oxford University Press ISBN - 13: 9780199139545 Marzec 2010 Cena: 26.00 FizykaThe extremely popular IB Diploma Course Companion for Physics hasfeatures from the rst edi#on have been retained - including the widerbeen thoroughly revised, updated and extended. S#ll uniquely aims of the IB through connec#ons to TOK, interna#onal-mindednessdeveloped with the IB for the latest syllabus, the content has remainedand the IB learner prole. Data-based ques#on and ideas for prac#callargely untouched, the main change being the improved page design to experiments will encourage ac#ve learning and cri#cal thinking. Now inallow be er access to the content. Op#on units have been morecolour, more diagrams and photographs have been included to illustrateextensively revised and content is covered more rigorously. All of the the concepts discussed and to place the subject in context. IB Course Companion: Geography Nagle Oxford University Press ISBN - 13: 9780199135431 Lipiec 2011 Cena: 26.00 GeograaUniquely developed with the IB, this Course Companion supports theStandard and Higher Level syllabus , and includes all op#ons. Wri en bytwo senior IB examiners, it contains all the informa#on required for thecourse, presented in a lively and accessible format, as well as guidanceon skills development, assessment and essay wri#ng.www.abe.pl3 5. IB DIPLOMA PROGRAMME POLECANE TYTUYHistory for the IB Diploma: Nationalist and IndependenceMovementsNutt, StephenCambridge University PressISBN - 13: 9780521189385Czerwiec 2011Cena: 19.95HistoriaAn exci#ng new series that covers the ve Paper 2 topics of the IB 20th detailed study: Africa and Asia: Rhodesia/Zimbabwe; India and Pakistan;Century World History syllabus. This s#mula#ng coursebook coversIndochina; and post-1945 Central and Eastern Europe: Czechoslovakia;Paper 2, Topic 4, Na#onalist and independence movements, in the 20thPoland. The content is tailored to the requirements and assessmentCentury World History syllabus for the IB History programme. The book objec#ves of the IB syllabus and provides opportuni#es for students tois divided into thema#c sec#ons, following the IB syllabus structure andmake comparisons between dierent regions and #me periods.is wri en in clear, accessible English. It covers the following areas forIB Course Companion: History of Europe and the Middle EastHabibiOxford University PressISBN - 13: 9780199180776Kwiecie 2010Cena: 25.75Historia7 op#ons of 12 are covered in detail. Units 1, 2, 4, 7, 10, 11, and 12. The throughout.book includes source material for both Europe and the Middle East, andincludes exercises, exam ques#ons and guidance on how to approachthe exam. Essay wri#ng guidance as well as extended essay sugges#onsare provided with connec#ons made to theory of knowledge. Proles ofimportant gures are included as well as exercises and ac#vi#esPearson Baccalaureate: History: Causes, Practices and Effectsof Wars for the IB DiplomaRogers, KeelyPearson Educa on LimitedISBN - 13: 9780435994433Maj 2010Cena: 20.00HistoriaProvides comprehensive coverage of the Wars topic, with a clear essay-wri#ng, including essay frames.Enables prac#cal coverage of TOKoverview and detailed analysis of key events.Equips students with the in the History classroom.knowledge and skills necessary to answer essay ques#ons on Paper Two,and document-based ques#ons on Paper One.Explains methods ofhistorical research and wri#ng. *Focuses on the examina#onrequirements, with Examiners hints throughout.Oers support for4www.abe.pl 6. IB DIPLOMA PROGRAMME POLECANE TYTUYPearson Baccalaureate:English A: Literature for the IB DiplomaAdkins, JanPearson Educa on LimitedISBN - 13: 9780435032623Listopad 2011Cena: 25.50Literatura angielskaPearson English A: Literature is an exci#ng new textbook with integratedonline resources, which comprehensively covers the 2011 English:Literature syllabus. For students and teachers of the Interna#onalBaccalaureate Diploma, wri en and developed by a prac#sing IBteacher, assistant examiner and workshop leader.Pearson Baccalaureate: Standard Level Mathematics for the IBDiplomaWazir, IbrahimPearson Educa on LimitedISBN - 13: 9780435994440Padziernik 2008Cena: 23.00MatematykaWri en by authors with decades of experience in teaching, assessment,and curriculum development for IB Mathema#cs.Comprehensivecoverage of all IB Diploma syllabus requirements and all op#onalmodules for each subject. A globally and culturally awareperspec#ve.Accessible language and full-color illustra#ons.Workedexamples that show how to tackle even the most dicult ques#ons.Business and Management for the IB DiplomaStimpson, PeterCambridge University PressISBN - 13: 9780521147309Luty 2011Cena: 32.00ZarzdzanieDesigned for class use and independent study, this new coursebook is ques#ons and a chapter on assessment and exam techniques. Wri en bytailored to the thema#c requirements and assessment objec#ves of the two prac#sing Business and Management teachers, Peter S#mpson andIB syllabus. It includes learning objec#ves and summaries; integratedAlex Smith, it features the following topics: Business organisa#on andTheory of Knowledge material; text in clear sec#ons, following the IBenvironment; Human resources; Accounts and nance; Marke#ng;syllabus structure and content specica#ons; clear, accessible English for Opera#ons management; Business strategy.students whose rst language is not English; exam-style prac#cewww.abe.pl5 7. IB DIPLOMA PROGRAMMELISTA KSIEKLp.ISBN 13Autor Tytu Wydawca DataCena DziedzinaAngielski English Language and Literature for the IB Cambridge University 19781107400344 Philpot, BradLipiec 2011 25.00 Angielski DiplomaPressCambridge University Sierpie 29781107402232 James, David English Literature for the IB Diploma 25.00 AngielskiPress2011Oxford University 39780198314578 CroL, Stephen Exploring Language and LiteratureLipiec 2000 20.50 AngielskiPressOxford UniversityMarzec 49780198314783 Russell, ShirleyGrammar, Structure and Style 21.99 AngielskiPress2001 IB Course Companion: English A Language and Oxford University 59780199135424 Allison, Rob Maj 2011 27.50 Angielski LiteraturePressOxford UniversityMarzec 69780199135417 Tyson, Hannah IB Course Companion: English A Literature 25.50 AngielskiPress2011Oxford UniversityWrzesie 79780199151479 Druce, Elizabeth IB Course Companion: English A1 23.00 AngielskiPress2007 BiologiaOxford University 89780199141951 Kent, MichaelAdvanced BiologyLipiec 2000 42.50 BiologiaPressWalpole, Cambridge Biology for the IB Diploma Cambridge University Marzec 99780521171786 35.00 BiologiaBrendaCoursebookPress2011Oxford UniversityKwiecie109780199139569 Allo , Andrew IB Course Companion: Biology 26.00 BiologiaPress2010Oxford UniversityCzerwiec119780199151455 Allo , Andrew IB Diploma Programme 24.50 BiologiaPress2007Oxford UniversityPadziernik129780199151431 Allo , Andrew IB Study Guide: Biology 20.00 BiologiaPress2007 Pearson Baccalaureate: Higher Level BiologyPearson Educa#on Padziernik139780435994457 Ward, William 34.00 Biologia for the IB Diploma Limited20086www.abe.pl 8. IB DIPLOMA PROGRAMMELISTA KSIEKLp.ISBN 13Autor TytuWydawca DataCena DziedzinaPearson Baccalaureate: Standard Level Biology Pearson Educa#onPadziernik149780435994396 Ward, William 26.00 Biologia for the IB Diploma Limited 2008 ChemiaChemistry for the IB Diploma Coursebook with Cambridge University159780521182942 Owen, Steve Maj 2008 35.00 Chemia CD-ROMPress Oxford UniversityKwiecie169780199139552 Neuss, GeoreyIB Course Companion: Chemistry 26.00 Chemia Press2010 Oxford UniversityCzerwiec179780199151462 Neuss, Georey IB Diploma Course Companion 19.00 Chemia Press2007 Oxford UniversityPadziernik189780199151424 Neuss, Georey IB Study Guide: Chemistry 20.00 Chemia Press2007Pearson Baccalaureate: Higher Level Chemistry Pearson Educa#onWrzesie199780435994402 Brown, Catrin 43.50 Chemia for the IB Diploma Limited 2009 Pearson Baccalaureate: Standard Level Pearson Educa#on Padziernik209780435994464 Brown, Catrin 26.00 Chemia Chemistry for the IB DiplomaLimited2008 Ekonomia Cambridge University Sierpie219780521744348 Tragakes, EllieEconomics for the IB Diploma with CD-ROM 26.00 Ekonomia Press2009 Oxford UniversityMarzec229780199184996 Blink, JocelynIB Course Companion: Economics 26.50 Ekonomia Press2011 Oxford University239780199151240 Dorton, Ian IB Diploma ProgrammeLuty 2007 23.00 Ekonomia PressZiogas,Oxford UniversityMarzec249780199128617 IB Skills and Prac ce: Economics 20.00 EkonomiaConstan#ne Press2011Ziogas,Oxford UniversityGrudzie259780199128600IB Study Guide: Economics 20.00 EkonomiaConstan#ne Press2011Ziogas,Oxford UniversityWrzesie269780199152285 IB Study Guide: Economics for the IB Diploma 20.00 EkonomiaConstan#ne Press2008www.abe.pl 7 9. IB DIPLOMA PROGRAMMELISTA KSIEKLp.ISBN 13Autor Tytu WydawcaDataCena DziedzinaPearson Baccalaureate Economics for the IBPearson Educa#onWrzesie279780435089986 Maley, Sean 32.70 EkonomiaDiploma Limited 2011FilozoaDombrowski, Oxford University289780199151226 IB Course Companion: Theory of KnowledgeLuty 2007 23.00 FilozoaEileenPress Pearson Baccalaureate: Theory of Knowledge Pearson Educa#onPadziernik299780435994389 Bas#an, Sue 24.20 Filozoa for the IB Diploma Limited 2008FizykaOxford University marzec309780199139545 Kirk, Tim IB Course Companion: Physics 26.00 FizykaPress 2010Oxford University Marzec319780199139545 Kirk, Tim IB Course Companion: Physics 26.00 FizykaPress 2010Oxford University Listopad329780199151448 Kirk, Tim IB Diploma Programme 24.50 FizykaPress 2007Oxford University Stycze339780199151417 Kirk, Tim IB Study Guide: Physics 20.00 FizykaPress 2008Pearson Baccalaureate: Higher Level Physics Pearson Educa#onCzerwiec349780435994426 Hamper, Chris 33.00 Fizykafor the IB DiplomaLimited 2009 Pearson Baccalaureate: Standard Level Physics Pearson Educa#on Padziernik359780435994471 Hamper, Chris 26.00 Fizykafor the IB Diploma Limited2008 FrancuskiTrumper,Oxford University Czerwiec369780199127399 IB Course Companion: French B 26.00 FrancuskiChris#nePress 2011OUP Australia and Grudzie379780199127375 Abrioux, AnnIB Skills and Prac ce: French B 20.00 FrancuskiNew Zealand 2011Delvallee, Marie Pearson Baccalaureate French B Student Book Pearson Educa#on Listopad389780435074517 25.00 Francuski-Laurefor the IB Diploma Limited20118 www.abe.pl 10. IB DIPLOMA PROGRAMMELISTA KSIEKLp.ISBN 13Autor TytuWydawca DataCena DziedzinaDelvallee, Marie Pearson Baccalaureate French B TeachersPearson Educa#on Listopad399780435074548 30.00 Francuski-Laure Book for the IB Diploma Limited2011 Geograa Oxford University409780199134076 Nagle, Garre Advanced Geography Maj 2000 44.50 Geograa Press Geography for the IB Diploma Global Cambridge University Stycze419780521147323 Guinness, Paul 25.00 GeograaInterac onsPress2011Geography for the IB Diploma Pa5erns and Cambridge University Padziernik429780521147330 Guinness, Paul 25.00 Geograa ChangePress2010 Oxford University439780199135431 NagleIB Course Companion: Geography Lipiec 2011 26.00 Geograa Press Oxford UniversityMarzec449780199152414 Nagle, GarreIB Study Guide: Geography 20.00 Geograa Press2009 Historia Oxford University459780199152612 Cannon, Mar#n20th Century World History Course CompanionMaj 2009 24.50 Historia Press An Illustrated History of Modern Europe, 1789- Stycze469780582332041 Richards, Denis Longman 26.99 Historia 1984 1886 Cambridge University479780521316125 Harding, AlanEngland in the Thirteenth CenturyLipiec 1993 28.99 Historia Press489780719577130 Walsh, Ben GCSE Modern World History Hodder MurrayMaj 2001 20.99 Historia Cambridge University499780521744522 Green, Judith A.Henry I Maj 2009 21.99 Historia PressHistory for the IB Diploma: Causes, Prac ces Cambridge University509780521189316 Wells, MichaelMaj 2011 19.95 Historia and Eects of WarsPress Cambridge University519780521189378 Bo aro, Jean History for the IB Diploma: Democra c States Maj 2011 19.95 Historia Presswww.abe.pl9 11. IB DIPLOMA PROGRAMMELISTA KSIEKLp.ISBN 13AutorTytu Wydawca DataCena DziedzinaHistory for the IB Diploma: Na onalist and Cambridge University Czerwiec529780521189385 Nu , Stephen 19.95 HistoriaIndependence Movements Press2011 History for the IB Diploma: Origins andCambridge University539780521189347 Todd, Allan Development of Authoritarian and Single PartyMaj 2011 19.95 HistoriaPressStates Cambridge University549780521189323 Todd, Allan History for the IB Diploma: The Cold WarMaj 2011 19.95 Historia Press IB Course Companion: History of Europe andOxford UniversityKwiecie559780199180776 Habibi 25.75 Historiathe Middle EastPress2010 Oxford UniversityMarzec569780199180783 Leppard, TomIB Course Companion: History of the Americas 25.75 Historia Press2011 Oxford University579780199129362 Rodgers, KeelyIB Skills and Prac ce: HistoryLuty 2012 20.00 Historia Press Oxford UniversityWrzesie589780195108019 SmithImperialism: a History in Documents 21.75 Historia Press Inc200Wrzesie599781403939821 Lowe, NormanMastering Modern World History Palgrave Macmillan 18.99 Historia2005Pearson Baccalaureate: History: A Pearson Educa#on Listopad609780435994495 Mimmack, Brian Comprehensive Guide to Paper 1 for the IB 20.00 Historia Limited2009Diploma Pearson Baccalaureate: History: C20th World -Pearson Educa#onPadziernik619780435032647 Mimmack, Brian Authoritarian and Single Party States for the IB 20.50 HistoriaLimited 2010Diploma Pearson Baccalaureate: History: Causes, Pearson Educa#on629780435994433 Rogers, Keely Prac ces and Eects of Wars for the IBMaj 2010 20.00 Historia LimitedDiplomaPearson Baccalaureate: History: Cold War for Pearson Educa#on Padziernik639780435994372 Rogers, Keely 20.00 Historiathe IB Diploma Limited2008Young, Marilyn Oxford University649780195122787 The Vietnam War Luty 2002 21.75 HistoriaB. Press Inc Oxford UniversityGrudzie659780195137460 Coetzee World War I 21.75 Historia Press Inc2001Grudzie669780340775264 Wolfson, RobertYears of Change Hodder Murray 19.99 Historia200110www.abe.pl 12. IB DIPLOMA PROGRAMMELISTA KSIEKLp.ISBN 13AutorTytu Wydawca DataCena Dziedzina Hiszpaski Oxford UniversityMarzec679780199151233 Valbuena, AnaIB Course Companion: Spanish B 26.00 Hiszpaski Press2011 OUP Australia andListopad689780199127382 Valbuena, AnaIB Skills and Prac ce: Spanish B 20.00 Hiszpaski New Zealand2011Allende,Pearson Baccalaureate Spanish B Student Book Pearson Educa#on Listopad699780435074531 25.00 HiszpaskiConcepcion for the IB DiplomaLimited2011Literatura angielskaPearson Baccalaureate:English A: Literature for Pearson Educa#onListopadLiteratura709780435032623 Adkins, Jan 25.50 the IB Diploma Limited 2011angielska Oxford UniversityGrudzieLiteratura719780198314806 CroL, StevenSuccess in English Literature 15.50 Press2000angielska Matematyka Further Mathema cs for the IB Diploma Cambridge University Padziernik729780521714662 Neill, Hugh 32.00 MatematykaStandard Level Press2008Bedding, Oxford UniversityMarzec739780199151219IB Diploma Programme 24.00 MatematykaStephenPress2007 Oxford UniversityMarzec749780199152421 Genzer, ScoIB Study Guides: Mathema cal Studies 20.00 Matematyka Press2009 Cambridge University Czerwiec759780521714648 Neill, HughMathema cs for the IB Diploma Higher Level 14.95 Matematyka Press2008Quadling,Cambridge University Sierpie769780521699297 Mathema cs for the IB Diploma Higher Level 1 27.00 MatematykaDouglasPress2007Quadling,Cambridge University Sierpie779780521699297 Mathema cs for the IB Diploma Higher Level 1 27.00 MatematykaDouglasPress2007Quadling,Cambridge University789780521699303 Mathema cs for the IB Diploma Higher Level 2Luty 2008 27.00 MatematykaDouglasPresswww.abe.pl 11 13. IB DIPLOMA PROGRAMMELISTA KSIEKLp.ISBN 13AutorTytuWydawca DataCena DziedzinaQuadling, Cambridge University799780521699303Mathema cs for the IB Diploma Higher Level 2Luty 2008 27.00 MatematykaDouglas PressQuadling,Mathema cs for the IB Diploma Standard Cambridge University809780521699280Lipiec 2007 27.00 MatematykaDouglasLevelPressOxford UniversityStycze819780199152261 Roberts, BillMathema cs Higher Level for the IB Diploma 31.50 MatematykaPress2008Smedley,Mathema cs Standard Level for the IBOxford UniversityListopad829780199149797 26.50 MatematykaRobertDiploma Press2004 Pearson Baccalaureate: Higher LevelPearson Educa#on Wrzesie839780435994419 Wazir, Ibrahim 46.00 Matematyka Mathema cs for the IB DiplomaLimited2009Pearson Baccalaureate: Standard Level Pearson Educa#on Padziernik849780435994440 Wazir, Ibrahim 23.00 Matematyka Mathema cs for the IB DiplomaLimited2008 Nauki przyrodnicze IB Course Companion: Environmental Systems Oxford UniversityKwiecieNauki859780199152278 Rutherford, Jill 25.50and Socie esPress2009przyrodniczeNauki spoeczne KwiecieNauki869780340807651 OSullivan, TimStudying the Media Hodder Arnold 19.99 2003spoeczneLagemaat, Cambridge University ListopadNauki879780521542982 Theory of Knowledge for the IB Diploma 22.00Richard van dePress2005spoecznePsychologiaOxford UniversityMarzec889780199151295 Crane, JohnIB Course Companion: Psychology 24.00 PsychologiaPress2009Oxford UniversityMarzec899780199151295 Crane, JohnIB Course Companion: Psychology 24.00 PsychologiaPress2009Pearson Educa#on Listopad909780435032883 Law, Alan Pearson Baccalaureate 26.00 PsychologiaLimited201012 www.abe.pl 14. IB DIPLOMA PROGRAMMELISTA KSIEKLp.ISBN 13AutorTytuWydawca DataCena DziedzinaOxford UniversityWrzesie919780199128303 Hannibal, Je ePsychology for the IB Diploma Study Guide 20.00 PsychologiaPress2011ZarzdzanieCambridge University929780521147309 S#mpson, Peter Business and Management for the IB DiplomaLuty 2011 32.00 ZarzdzaniePressOxford UniversityMarzec939780199152254 Clark, PaulIB Business Management Course Companion 24.50 ZarzdzaniePress2009Gu eridge,Oxford UniversityWrzesie949780199135318 IB Diploma: Business and Management 20.00 ZarzdzanieLloyd Press2009www.abe.pl13 15. FORMULARZ ZAMWIENIAPodane ceny s cenami netto i nie zawieraj 5% podatku VATIloTytu ISBNUWAGA! Podane ceny zostan przeliczone na zotwki wg kursu walut NBP z dnia sprzedaySPOSB PATNOCIDOSTAWA KSIEKprzelewza porednictwem rmy kurierskiej OPEKza pobraniem odbir osobistygotwkaNABYWCA (patnik)SKADANIE ZAMWIE Nazwa:OnlineEmail Adres:www.abe.pl [email protected] NIP: Fax:Tel.:ODBIORCA Nazwa:+48 22 654 06 75 +48 22 652 07 67 0 801 777 223 Adres:Znajd najbliszego przedstawiciela Tel. handlowego (zobacz list kontaktw na drugiej stronie) Fax. DANE FIRMY e-mail: Adres: Osoba odpowiedzialna za zamwienie: ABE-IPS Sp. z o.o ul. Grzybowska 37A, 00-855 Warszawa Rachunek:................................... ...............................................................(data) (podpis) Kredyt Bank S.A., 18 1500 1012 1210 1013 3967 0000Jestem zainteresowany/a otrzymywaniem informacji onowych tytuach oraz ofertach 16. KONTAKTKSIGARNIE WarszawaWrocawGliwiceul. Pikna 31/37ul. Grzybowska 37A ul. Szczytnicka 51 ul. Gorzoki 17a/100-677 Warszawa 00-855 Warszawa50-382 Wrocaw 44-100 Gliwicetel. +48 22 628 60 89 tel. +48 22 654 06 75kom. +48 609 683 837 tel. +48 32 747 41 00fax +48 22 621 72 55fax +48 22 652 07 67 tel. +48 71 321 92 [email protected]@abe.pl [email protected]@abe.plwww.abe.plPon. - Pt. 08:00 - 18:00Pon. - Pt. 08:00 - 18:00 Pon. - Pt. 11:00 - 17:00 Pon. - Pt. 10:00 - 16:00Ksigarnia MDM I pitroWejcie przez Ksigarni PWNGdaskKrakw Poznaul. Hoene Wroskiego 6/1ul. Legionw Pisudskiego 17 ul. Powstacw Wielkopolskich 2B80-210 Gdask 30-509 Krakw61-895, Poznatel. /fax +48 58 550 09 36tel. +48 12 296 3336 tel./fax +48 61 856 02 79kom. +48 608 520 298tel./fax +48 12 296 3337 [email protected]@abe.pl [email protected] Pon. - Pt. 09:00 - 17:00Pon. - Czw. 11:00 - 17:00 Pon. - Pt. 09:00 - 17:00Pt. 11:00 - 16:00PRZEDSTAWICIELE HANDLOWIWarszawaWarszawa Warszawa WarszawaTomasz widerDorota BojanowskaRobert Dbkowski Marcin KosieradzkiKierownik [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]@abe.plkom. +48 683 522 243kom. +48 502 277 348 kom. +48 603 307 713 kom. +48 693 522 243WarszawaWarszawa Biaystok, d, Szczecin, Biaystok, d, Toru,Tomasz KwiatkowskiTadeusz Wicek Warszawa [email protected] [email protected] Pluskota Jerzy Woosiukkom. +48 501 563 100kom. +48 607 307 734 [email protected]@abe.pl kom. +48 693 522 249 kom. +48 693 427 881wojewdztwo pomorskie,Wojewdztwo dolnolskie Wojewdztwo grnolskie Wojewdztwo maopolskie,kujawsko-pomorskiei opolskie Marta Kakpodkarpackie, lskiei warmisko-mazurskie Jolanta Biekowska [email protected] i witokrzyskieKamila [email protected]. +48 609 666 205 Wojciech [email protected]. +48 71 321 92 69Katarzyna [email protected]. +48 608 520 298kom. +48 609 683 837 [email protected] kom. +48 501 731 150 kom. +48 609 510 867 Ewa [email protected]. +48 607 270 463Norbert [email protected]. +48 501 731 160Wojewdztwo wielkopolskie KijwMarek Jazikowski03151, Ukraine, [email protected] ul. Kerchenska, 7/7kom. +48 691 512 [email protected] Kleczkowski Irina [email protected]@abe.plkom. +48 516 176 138 +380 973181210Katarzyna Ostrowska Gennadiy [email protected]@abe.plkom. +48 502 572 937+380 973622816