ibm and open @201311

© 2013 IBM Corporation Open Source & Open Standard オープン技術で実現する今後の企業システム IBMのOSS/OpenStandardへの取り組み 本アイ・ビー・エム株式会社 システムズ&テクノロジー・エバンジェリスト Linux/OSS 新井 真 @araishin

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Post on 06-Aug-2015




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  1. 1. 2013 IBM Corporation Open Source & Open Standard IBMOSS/OpenStandard -Linux/OSS- @araishin
  2. 2. 2013 IBM Corporation Open Source & Open Standard 1. 2
  3. 3. 2013 IBM Corporation Open Source & Open Standard IBMC-suite Study CxO 3 C-suite Study :
  4. 4. 2013 IBM Corporation Open Source & Open Standard 2000 IT 12 67% IT 60,000 4
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  10. 10. 2013 IBM Corporation Open Source & Open Standard 10 2013 IBM Corporation 1:1 Marketing () () Owned Paid, earned owned --- 1:1 Marketing
  11. 11. 2013 IBM Corporation Open Source & Open Standard IT System of Record System of Engagement SoESoR IT
  12. 12. 2013 IBM Corporation Open Source & Open Standard - / (SNS,) / () IT 12
  13. 13. 2013 IBM Corporation Open Source & Open Standard 2. 13
  14. 14. 2013 IBM Corporation Open Source & Open Standard 14 Linux/OSS Application and Data Serving Business-Critical Workloads Next Generation Workloads Edge and Web Infrastructure WebDNSDHCP DB IT Linux e-BusinessWeb2.0 Application HPC UNIX DBBIERPCRM / BIHPC DBERPCRM 1991 2004 2005 2006 2007 2009 2010+ Linux/OSS
  15. 15. 2013 IBM Corporation Open Source & Open Standard Linux NationWide :Smarter Planet Linux Brian Callaghan 15 4 IBM zEnterprise 196 2 IBM System z10 Enterprise Class Nationwide Linux IBM z/OS IBM z/VM Nationwide Nationwide 3 1,500
  16. 16. 2013 IBM Corporation Open Source & Open Standard
  17. 17. 2013 IBM Corporation Open Source & Open Standard The Open Cloud Manifesto 20093 F5 Accenture Adobe Akamai Rackspace Red Hat AMD Hewlett Packard Hitachi Data Systems Samsung SAP IBM AT&T Corp Sun Microsystems Sybase Juniper Networks CA Cisco The Open Group Trend Micro Novell VMWare EMC
  18. 18. 2013 IBM Corporation Open Source & Open Standard The Open Cloud Manifesto GoalPrinciple Choice Flexibility Speed and Agility IT Skills The Goals of an Open Cloud
  19. 19. 2013 IBM Corporation Open Source & Open Standard
  20. 20. 2013 IBM Corporation Open Source & Open Standard June 1998: IIBMApache Group OSSApache HTTP OSS September 1999: IBM Linux6000 November 2001: IBM4000 150 September 2012: IBMOpenStack 1000 5600 IBM 20
  21. 21. 2013 IBM Corporation Open Source & Open Standard Open Cloud Architecture Platform Services Infrastructure Services Business Applications as components Service Oriented Architecture
  22. 22. 2013 IBM Corporation Open Source & Open Standard Open Cloud Architecture Hardware OAuth TOSCA OSLC
  23. 23. 2013 IBM Corporation Open Source & Open Standard IaaS OpenStack IT
  24. 24. 2013 IBM Corporation Open Source & Open Standard PaaS
  25. 25. 2013 IBM Corporation Open Source & Open Standard SaaS Web API
  26. 26. 2013 IBM Corporation Open Source & Open Standard OpenStack 2010 Rackspace NASA IaaS IaaSInfrastructure as a Service KVM XenVMware ESXHyper-V IaaS 2012 9 OpenStack Foundation OpenStack IT
  27. 27. 2013 IBM Corporation Open Source & Open Standard OpenStack Foundation Pratimun Members 8 Gold Members 16 Corporate Sponsors 50 Supporting Organizations 201 20122OpenStack Foundation
  28. 28. 2013 IBM Corporation Open Source & Open Standard IBM2 IBM (1/5)12 IBM OpenStack 370+ IBM 2 90 OpenStackIBM 28 APR 2012 Oct 2013150 Contributors 2600 Individuals 1021 Contributors 12,000+ Individuals Top changeset contributors by employer :
  29. 29. 2013 IBM Corporation Open Source & Open Standard OpenStack OpenStack Orchestration Services Platform Level Services OperationalExtensions(APIs) Infrastructure Level Services DevelopmentExtensions(Tooling) (Image Lifecycle Mgmt) (Pattern Services) (Provisioning, configuration, resource allocation, security, metering, etc.) Cloud Resources Storage Compute Network Common Cloud Management Services IBMAddedValue Eases coordination of complex tasks and workflows, leveraging existing skills, processes and technology artifacts Simplifies deployment and lifecycle management of middleware and application patterns Supports TOSCA from OASIS Highly flexible, scalable infrastructure on heterogeneous resources Built on OpenStack Plug and play operational service management integration Rational development tooling integration Pre-built images, patterns, process / configuration automation
  30. 30. 2013 IBM Corporation Open Source & Open Standard Cloud Foundry IBM & Pivotal to co-host the first in a series of conferences IBM will work with Pivotal to build a vibrant open source community to develop a platform for cloud app development, deployment & scaling -- the next wave in the open cloud IBM now applying its experience in supporting & validating open source technologies & communities (Linux, Eclipse, Apache & more recently OpenStack) & the development of cloud apps Just as with OpenStack, IBM intends to grow a community & ecosystem of ISVs built around a platform for developing, deploying & scaling cloud-centric applications Cloud Foundry ecosystem Community quick facts There are now 118 public repositories of related projects, up from 60 in December 2012 There are now 733 open source contributors who made 25,747 commits that represent 574,744 lines of code There are 19 code committers that control the master stream PaaS
  31. 31. 2013 IBM Corporation Open Source & Open Standard IBM BlueMix IBM Cloud Foundry BlueMix
  32. 32. 2013 IBM Corporation Open Source & Open Standard IBM BlueMix PaaS Services development operational mobile data infrastructure app services
  33. 33. 2013 IBM Corporation Open Source & Open Standard IBM BlueMix IBMPaaS DB2 WAS MQ ID Castiron
  34. 34. 2013 IBM Corporation Open Source & Open Standard 3.IT 34
  35. 35. 2013 IBM Corporation Open Source & Open Standard - / (SNS,) / () IT 35
  36. 36. 2013 IBM Corporation Open Source & Open Standard Linux 3.2 (*)20124 (*) 20124 Linux : IBMLinux 1999Linux 600Linux Linux Linux
  37. 37. 2013 IBM Corporation Open Source & Open Standard IBM Linux 2. Dont reinvent the penguin 1. Develop in the Open 3. Work with the process
  38. 38. 2013 IBM Corporation Open Source & Open Standard Linux IBM IBM IBM Linux Linux Technology Center Linux Linux () IBM Linux Linux Linux STSS IBM() () IT() Linux
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  40. 40. 2013 IBM Corporation Open Source & Open Standard Linux IBMLinux OS OS + x86 IBM System x X IBM IBM System z IBM Flex System IBM Power Systems Expert Integrated System IBM PureSystems V Linux
  41. 41. 2013 IBM Corporation Open Source & Open Standard Web DB - --SNS - -Web - Software Defined Environment Software Dened Storage Software Dened Networking Software Dened Compute (SoE) (SoR)
  42. 42. 2013 IBM Corporation Open Source & Open Standard A / (OpenStack/Open Daylight) B C 42
  43. 43. 2013 IBM Corporation Open Source & Open Standard v v v v v v 43
  44. 44. 2013 IBM Corporation Open Source & Open Standard OSS/IT l l l l l l l l SW l l l l l l l l TOSCA OSLC 44
  45. 45. 2013 IBM Corporation Open Source & Open Standard 45
  46. 46. 2013 IBM Corporation Open Source & Open Standard IBM IBM IBM IBM IBMIBM IBM IBM IBM IBMIBM ibm.comPower SystemsPureSystemsSystem zInternational Business Machines Corporation IBM IBM LinuxLinus Torvalds 46