ibm labs in haifa java management extensions (jmx) tal cohen [email protected]

IBM Labs in Haifa Java Management Extensions (JMX) Tal Cohen [email protected]

Post on 21-Dec-2015




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IBM Labs in Haifa

Java Management Extensions (JMX)

Tal Cohen

[email protected]

IBM Labs in Haifa


What is JMX What is JMX used for

MBeans MBean Features Static MBeans Dynamic MBeans Model MBeans

Using MBeans Adapters and Connectors MBean Services


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What is JMX

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Resource Management

JMX -- Java Management Extensions -- is designed for enabling Resource Management of/with Java applications

Managed resources include: Hardware (PCs, routers, printers, etc.) Operating systems Software

Management is used for: Monitoring platform health Collecting statistics Remote configuration at runtime

Including for debug usage (enabling/disabling logs, etc.)

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Why JMX?

The industry-standard for resource management is SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol If only it was really simple... JMX can co-exist with SNMP

Details later At the moment, many remotely-manageable resources have their own

management interfaces "Management consoles", normally accessible via HTTP

JMX can be used to consolidate manageability features of multiple components into a single management console

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Before JMX

Firewall hardware


Web server software

Server Application

DB server software

Management console

Management console

Management console

Management console

Management console

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Before JMX

Each management console is vendor-specific Normally, can be accessed via a web browser

But each has its own GUI, terminology, etc. Each has its own security management

Redundant and hard to control

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With JMX

Firewall hardware


Web server software

Server Application

DB server softwareManagement


JMX Agent


= JMX MBean

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With JMX

Each resource is managed using an MBean All MBeans on a given JMX Agent (or group of agents) can be managed

using a single management console

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In Practice

While JMX can be used as pictured before, its main use at the moment is simple enabling the management of Java applications

Many Java applications ship with MBeans that allow user to remotely manage them at runtime BEA's WebLogic App Server JBoss App Server HP's Bluestone App Server and OpenView IBM's Tivoli and WebSphere software ...and more

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MBeans and Related Terminology

An MBean is a Managed Bean Not related to Enterprise JavaBeans Somewhat similar to regular JavaBeans

An MBean can (but does not have to) be a JavaBean Normally used as a proxy for accessing a manageable resource MBeans are contained in MBean Server objects MBean Server objects are contained in JMX Agent objects Clients (management applications) can access JMX Agents via adapters

or connectors

More details will follow...

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Components of an MBean

Every MBean can have:

Zero or more Attributes Read-only, write-only, or read/write

Zero or more Operations Zero or more Generated Notifications

Similar to Java events One or more Public Constructors

Collectively, these are called the MBean's features.

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Types of MBeans

MBean(abstract notion)

Standard MBean Dynamic MBean

Model MBean

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Standard MBeans

A standard MBean is a concrete Java class Must implement an interface called XMBean "X" is either the class's name, or (rare) the name of one of its

superclasses Both X and the XMBean interface must be public Both must be defined in the same package

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Standard MBean Features

Most MBean's features are found using reflection Similar to JavaBeans without BeanInfo classes

The server uses reflection on the XMBean interface Except for constructors So only those methods that are defined in the interface are

considered MBean features Additional methods in X are ignored, even if public

public type getA() defines a readable attribute A public void setA(type) defines a writable attribute A All other public methods are operations Constructors are any public constructors define in the bean class (We'll get to notifications later.)

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For Example...

public interface LoggerMBean {public int getLogLevel();public void setLogLevel(int level);public void log(int level, String line);


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For Example... (cont.)

public class Logger implements LoggerMBean {int logLevel;String logFilename;

public Logger(String filename) { ... }public int getLogLevel() { ... }public void setLogLevel(int level) { ... }public void log(int level, String line) {

if (level >= logLevel) { ... }}public String getLogFilename() { ... }


A R/W attribute called LogLevel

One public constructor

One operation

Not an attribute or an operation

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Class and Interface Relationships

In most common cases, the MBean class directly implements the similarly-named MBean interface The interface name equals the class's name + "MBean" e.g., class Printer implements PrinterMBean

However, there are other possibilities Indirect implementation:

class ColorPrinter extends Printer Still managed via the PrinterMBean interface

Same features, except for constructors New methods defined in ColorPrinter are not accessible for the

MBean server

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Class and Interface Relationships (cont.)

Independent interface: class ColorPrinter extends Printer implements ColorPrinterMBean

Managed via ColorPrinterMBean Only features defined in ColorPrinterMBean are considered Even though PrinterMBean is also implemented, its features are

ignored Independent interface that extends another interface:

interface ColorPrinterMBean extends PrinterMBean Now ColorPrinterMBean includes all PrinterMBean methods So ColorPrinter has all features gathered from both interfaces

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MBean Notifications

A standard MBean can be a source for notifications Must implement the NotificationBroadcaster interface

(All classes are from the package) Uses the publish/subscribe pattern The interface methods are:

addNotificationListener(listener, filter, handback)

Filter class can be used for filtering unwanted events per listener The handback object is passed to the listener with every event

So if it listens to several MBeans, it can identify the source Both can be null

removeNotificationListener(listener) getNotificationInfo()

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MBean Notifications (cont.)

getNotificationInfo returns an array of MBeanNotificationInfo objects Each such object contains information about one type of notification

that the MBean can generate Information include type and a human-readable description

If your class has no superclass, you can simply extend the NotificationBroadcasterSupport class Provides a simple implementation for the NotificationBroadcaster interface

Includes a service method, sendNotification You must still override the getNotificationInfo method

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MBean Notifications (cont.)

To generate a notification, the MBean must send a Notification object to all registered listeners After checking, for each listener, if its filter would accept this

notification type Each notification object is an instance of Notification or some

subclass thereof Information stored in each notification includes:

Type (a String; not a Java type), used for filtering SequenceNumber (an integer; optionally used for numbering

notification in a sequence) TimeStamp (long) UserData (an object ref) and Message (a String) Source (identifies the generating MBean)

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Notification Listeners

To accept MBean notifications, a class must implement NotificationListener One method:

handleNotification(notification, handback) Handle it quickly -- default notification dispatching is synchronous

Or implement your own sendNotification method on the broadcasting MBean to be asynchronous

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Maintaining Notification History

In many scenarios, notifications cannot be pushed to clients i.e., clients cannot be notification listeners e.g., web browsers as clients

Due to HTTP being stateless, etc. To make notifications available to such clients, they must pull notification

info Thus, you might want your MBean to maintain a notification history that

can be queried e.g., stored in a database If stored in memory, only the last n notifications should be kept

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Dynamic MBeans

Just like standard MBeans, dynamic MBeans have attributes, operations, public constructors and notifications

However, unlike standard MBeans, these features are not located using reflection

Instead, a dynamic MBean implements the DynamicMBean interface: getAttribute(String attrName) setAttribute(Attribute attr)

The Attribute class simple contains a name + value pair getAttributes/setAttributes

Work with arrays to get/set all attributes at once invoke(actionName, params, signature) getMBeanInfo()

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The MBeanInfo class is used by dynamic MBeans to describe themselves

Fields include an array each of MBeanConstructorInfo, MBeanAttributeInfo, MBeanOperationInfo and MBeanNotificationInfo All inherit from MBeanFeatureInfo

Allows you to dynamically build the features of an MBean The same MBean class can be used to manage different resources Useful for resources with an unstable interface (changes with every

release, etc.)

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Standard MBeans and MBeanInfo

A little implementation secret: when handling standard MBeans, the server simply uses reflection to create an MBeanInfo object for the MBean

With dynamic MBeans, you simply provide this MBeanInfo object directly.

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Model MBeans

Model MBeans are "dynamic dynamic MBeans" An implementation is provided as part the JMX Implements the DynamicMBean interface Includes methods for changing the MBeanInfo at runtime, as part of the

managed interface Can be used to model a resource by describing its management

interface at runtime.

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Using MBeans

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MBean Names

Every MBean instance has a name Represented using the ObjectName class The name format is:

domainName:keyValueList "domainName" (unrelated to Internet domain names) is used for logically

grouping MBeans "keyValueList" is a list of comma-separated key=value pairs

Unrelated to the bean's attributes or parameters Sample MBean names:

Tools:name=Printer3 Tools:name=ProxyServer,port=8080

Each MBean instance name must be unique within the server

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MBean Servers

An MBean server is a Java object used to contain and manipulate MBeans

Each server has a domain name Created using a factory

MBeanServer mbs = MBeanServerFactory.createMBeanServer("Tools");

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Registering MBeans on a Server

Given an MBean and a server:

mbs.registerMBean(new Printer(...), new ObjectName("Tools:name=Printer3"));

The provided object must be a compliant MBean (implement an XMBean interface or DynamicMBean)

Given an ObjectName, you can also use isRegistered(name) and unregisterMBean(name)

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Letting the Server Create the Instance

The MBean object must exist in the MBean server's JVM If you access the server remotely, you can simply ask it to create an


mbs.createMBean(className, objName); or

mbs.createMBean(className, objName, params, sig); params is an Object array; sig is a String array, identifying the

arguments types of the constructor

You can specify a particular class-loader to use, if that class loader is available as an MBean on the same server:

mbs.createMBean(className, objName, loaderObjName);

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Manipulating MBeans in a Server

If you have a reference to the MBean, you can manipulate it directly Alternatively, all manipulation actions are possible via the server

All you need is the MBean's name

Accessing attributes:

mbs.getAttribute(objName, attrName);mbs.setAttribute(objName, attribute);

Accessing attributes en-masse:

mbs.getAttributes(objName);mbs.setAttributes(objName, attributeList);

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Manipulating MBeans in a Server (cont.)

Invoking operations:

mbs.invoke(objName, methodName, params, sig); methodName is just a String

Registering for notifications:

mbs.addNotificationListener(objName, listener, filter, handback); or

mbs.addNotificationListener(objName, listenerObjName, filter, handback);

Here the listener is itself an MBean on the same server

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Obtaining Information about MBeans

You can get the MBean meta-data:

mbs.getMBeanInfo(objName); Works for Dynamic as well as Standard MBeans

And you can also run a type-check:

mbs.isInstanceOf(objName, className)

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Finding MBeans in a Server

Finding an MBean is easy if you know its name But what if you need "all MBeans of a given type"? Or perhaps "all MBeans with an attribute called 'count' that equals 10 or

more"? We need a query language for MBeans

"MBeans QL"? Queries are built using QueryExp objects Each QueryExp represents a boolean predicate relating to MBean

attributes QueryExps can be combined using logical operators

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Building MBean Queries

QueryExp exp ="count"), Query.value(10)) "count > 10"

QueryExp prob1 = Query.eq(Query.attr("inkLevel"), Query.value("LOW"));QueryExp prob2 ="paperCount"), Query.value(50));QueryExp exp = Query.or(prob1, prob2); "(inkLevel = LOW) or (paperCount < 50)"

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Building MBean Queries (cont.)

Boolean operator methods included in the Query class: gt (greater than), lt (less than), eq (=), geq (≥), leq (≤), match (wildcard matching), initialSubString, anySubString, finalSubString, between

Query methods that can be used to construct values: plus, minus, div, times, value (used to generate constants; overloaded for all primitive types)

Query methods that can be used to combine QueryExp elements: and, or, not

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Running MBean Queries

After building the required query, you can execute it on the MBean server:

mbs.queryMBeans(objName, query);

The provided ObjectName object can represent a partial object name, using wildcards A few examples:

DomainName:* -- all MBeans from a given domain *:key=val -- all MBeans with a key that equals the given value,

regardless of the domain Tools???:key=val *:*

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Connecting to MBean Servers

All those MBean server methods are nice, but how do you access the server?

If you create the MBean server yourself (using the MBeanServerFactory), you can simply invoke methods on the server object

But how can you use an MBean server you did not create? The server does not listen on any communication port The server does not speak any communication protocol

We need connectors or adapters.

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Connectors and Adapters

An adapter is an MBean that, once registered in an MBean server, listens on a particular port and speaks particular protocol For example, an HTML adapter accepts HTTP requests and

generates HTML output You can use industry-standard tools (e.g., a browser) to talk with an

adapter A connector is an MBean that, once registered in an MBean server, can

co-operate with a peer on a client machine The peer is specifically-written It is, in fact, considered part of the MBean For example, an RMI adapter

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Example: Registering an Adapter

An adapter (or a connector) should be registered on the server just like any other MBean

Registration is normally performed by the code that creates the server Sample code:

MBeanServer mbs = MBeanServerFactory.createMBeanServer("Tools");HtmlAdaptorServer adapter = new HtmlAdaptorServer();adapter.setPort(9092);ObjectName adaptorName = new ObjectName("Tools:name=htmladapter,port=9092");mbs.registerMBean(adapter, adapterName);adapter.start();

(exception handling code removed for simplicity)

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The HtmlAdaptorServer class

HtmlAdaptorServer is not a standard part of JMX It is provided in Sun's JMX Reference Implementation

In the unsupported package com.sun.jdmk.comm Equivalent classes exist in all commercial JMX implementations Once put in an MBean server and started, the adaptor listens on the

specified port Can be accessed using any web browser Provides a generic interface that allows you to manipulate any MBean

attribute, invoke MBean operations, create and register new MBeans, etc. Limitation: only primitive and String parameters can be used

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Example: Registering a Connector

The server-side is rather similar:

MBeanServer mbs = MBeanServerFactory.createMBeanServer("Tools");RmiConnectorServer connector = new RmiConnectorServer();connector.setPort(2099);ObjectName connectorName = new ObjectName("Tools:name=RMIConnector");mbs.registerMBean(connector, connectorName);connector.start();

The same server can include multiple adapters and/or connectors After all, they're just MBeans

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Example: Registering a Connector (Cont.)

The client side:

RmiConnectorClient = new RmiConnectorClient();RmiConnectorAddress address = new RmiConnectorAddress(IPAddr);address.setPort(2099);client.connect(address);

The client now acts as a delegate to the remote server You can use it to create, lookup, and manipulate MBeans on that server

Again, the RMI connector is not a standard part of JMX, but an equivalent exists in any JMX implementation

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Other Adapters and Connectors

Jini connector SNMP adapter

Roll your own... Customized HTML adapters (non-generic interface) TCP connectors

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Resulting View of the JMX Architecture

MBean server(instrumentation layer)

Agent Layer Distributed

LayerServices (timer,

monitoring, etc.)



Managed Resources



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Services Provided by the JMX Agent Layer

The agent layer is simply the environment in which MBean serve resides Created automatically when you create an MBean server Runs in its own thread

The agent layer provides several services that MBeans (or MBean clients) can use M-let service: Advanced MBean loading Relation service Monitoring services Timer services

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The M-let Service

Say you have a running MBean server, and you need to load a new MBean New resource to manage

In most cases, you just use the registerMBean(...) or createMBean(...) methods

But what if the new MBean's class (or classes) is not in the server's classpath?

Trivial solution: stop the server's JVM, update the classpath, restart Sometimes, this is not an option

The other MBeans on that server could be crucial...

Advanced solution: Use the M-let MBean

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The M-let Service (cont.)

The M-let service is provided by an MBean, implemented in the class

This class extends Created like any other MBean; for example:

mbs.createMBean("", new ObjectName("Tools:name=mlet"));

MLet's MBean operations include getMBeansFromURL(url) Loads MBeans specified in a special XML-like "MLET" file, with tags

about MBean classes and the JARs in which they are stored The MLet can also be used for loading MBeans with the special

createMBean variant that accepts a class loader MBean as an extra parameter:

mbs.createMBean(className, objName, loaderObjName);

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The Relation Service

A Relation MBean is an MBean that manages a relation between two or more MBeans

The "service" provided by the JMX agent layer is simply a superclass for your own relation MBeans, plus several support classes

Basically, a relation MBean is used to implement a façade pattern The relation MBean can provide operations that are delegated to

numerous other MBeans on the same server The actual MBeans to which the operations are delegated can be

changed at runtime

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The Monitoring Service

A monitor in a JMX agent is an MBean which is used to monitor an attribute of some other MBean

All monitors extend Monitor attributes:

GranularityPeriod (R/W, long) -- the interval in which the monitored attribute is examined

ObservedAttribute (R/W, String) ObservedObject (R/W, ObjectName) Active (RO, boolean)

Monitor operations: start() stop()

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The Monitoring Service (cont.)

Subclasses of Monitor define when will the monitor MBean generate a notification e.g., CounterMonitor can send a notification when the observed

(integer) attribute is above/below a given value, or outside a given range, etc.

StringMonitor can send a notification when the observed (String) attribute equals/does not equal a given String value

The generated notifications are instances of MonitorNotification Includes information about the monitored object's identity, the

observed attribute, and the value that caused the notification to fire

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The Timer Service

The timer service is (surprise) an MBean that generates and sends notifications at pre-determined times

Can be configured to send specific notifications Can be configured to send the notification once, repeatedly (at a given

interval), or a bound number of times

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Services Provided by the MBean Server

In addition to the Agent Layer services, there are also services provided by the MBean server object

These are basically an information registry, notification services for the loading/unloading of MBeans

The services include: Notifications for MBeans about their own registration/unregistration The server delegate bean

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The MBean Notification Service

Any MBean class can choose to implement the MBeanRegistration interface

The interface includes four methods, which the server invokes at the appropriate time if the interface is implemented: preRegister(server, objName) postRegister(success) preDeregister() postDeregister()

The most important is preRegister, which notifies the MBean of the name under which it was registered, and allows it to maintain a reference to its containing server So it can find other MBeans in the same server

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The Server Delegate MBean

Every MBean server automatically registers one MBean that is not created by user code

This MBean is stored in a separate domain, and it is called JMImplementation:type=MBeanServerDelegate

The bean contains several read-only attributes: The implementation name, vendor, and version The specification name, vendor and version The MBean server's unique ID

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MBeans are a nice way to make configuration parameters and resource health information available to external monitoring tools / management consoles

Most natural use: adding management capabilities to Java applications Each application can create an MBean server with one or more

MBeans exposing parameters and status info In actual use by most Java application servers

Additional use: as wrapper to other management services or manageable resources Allows for a consolidated management console

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MBeans and Other J2EE Technologies

MBeans can be used with JMS As message receivers Can translate messages to log information visible from outside Lets you add a health monitor to existing JMS-based applications

without changing the application You just add another listener

MBeans can be used with EJBs MBeans can be woven into EJB-based applications, for generating

notifications to 3rd parties or for making history/health information visible externally

Differenciate application configuration from the application model

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For More Information...

JMX in Action by Sullins and Whipple Good introduction to the API, and some sample usage

Includes an example for using JMX with EJBs Java Management Extensions

by J. S. Perry Great introduction to the API, little usage examples/advice

Java and JMX by Kreger, Harold and Williamson