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  • 8/6/2019 IBSAR KSHITIJ


    Online Broking In


  • 8/6/2019 IBSAR KSHITIJ


    Evolution of broking industry

    Pre online Era Online Era Post online Era

  • 8/6/2019 IBSAR KSHITIJ



    Open out cry method

    Physical share certificate

  • 8/6/2019 IBSAR KSHITIJ


    NEED TO GO ONLINE The rapid growth in number, volume and value of

    securities leading to limitation of

    handling and dealing in securities in

    physical / paper mode

    Harshad mehta scam leading to demateralisation


  • 8/6/2019 IBSAR KSHITIJ


    Need to provide better services

    market research relationship

    live quotes management

    IPOs on-line asset


    portfolio management tax planning


    financial planning

  • 8/6/2019 IBSAR KSHITIJ


    ONLINE ERA Screen based trading system



    In the past investors had tocontact their broker to get realtime access to market data.

    Online and net broking enableshim to trade on a click ofmouse Information easilyaccessible to both retail biginvestors.

  • 8/6/2019 IBSAR KSHITIJ


    Advantages easy and efficient access to more

    reports and charts

    smaller organization to compete

    with multinational organizations

    Increased reach as more

    branches and franchisee come


  • 8/6/2019 IBSAR KSHITIJ


    individual can exercise it over accounts & can

    comprehend what is going on when they trade

    one can invest in stock and stock index options, mutual

    funds, individual government and even insurance.

    cheap easy fast and convenient.

    A lot of information is online so they can

    keep up-to-date with what is

    happening in the trading world.

  • 8/6/2019 IBSAR KSHITIJ


    absence of broker gives any trader an opportunity to take

    his/her own decisions without hurry.

    completing or denying a trade can be performed within a

    few seconds so it's easier to manage your investments

    and shorten your losses.

    They have access to numerous tool to invest and can

    create their own portfolio.

  • 8/6/2019 IBSAR KSHITIJ



    network crashes leads to problems and delays in order


    Individuals are restricted to first hand financial

    guidance. This simple means that the individual is

    he/she alone to.

    Chances are that one has no idea who one is dealing

    with on the other end, so it is advisable to gather all the

    possible information about the party one is dealing with.In short do the home work and be prepared.

    More transperency to sensitive and confidential data

  • 8/6/2019 IBSAR KSHITIJ


    addicted trader gets carried away online and being to

    trade for too much which cause losses for him/her.

    There is a need for more effective communication linksover the internet and the ability of the server to deal with

    a large volume of visitors.

  • 8/6/2019 IBSAR KSHITIJ


  • 8/6/2019 IBSAR KSHITIJ


    Competitors analysis on the basis of USP

  • 8/6/2019 IBSAR KSHITIJ


    USP of Sharekhan

    Online trading, user friendly and one doesn'tneed any software to access.

    Good quality of services like daily SMS alerts,mail alerts, stock recommendations etc.

    Ability to transfer funds from most banks.Unlike ICICI Direct, HDFCSec, etc., so investornot really needs to open an account with aparticular bank as it can establish link with

    most modern banks.

  • 8/6/2019 IBSAR KSHITIJ


    USP of angel broking

    User friendly browser-based / application based onlinetrading platform.

    The auto square off time is at 3:15 and an investor can buyup to 4 times the value in his account.

    Trading account can be linked with popular private bankslike HDFC Bank, ICICI Bank, UTI bank etc.

    Trading is available in both BSE and NSE.

  • 8/6/2019 IBSAR KSHITIJ


    USP of Religare

    Religare gives interest on unutilized cash when investor

    is waiting to make next trade or an online investment.

    Clients get to earn trade rewards every time they trade

    in equity or invest in IPOs with them.

    Online facility of placing After Market Orders is

    available to investors.

    Facility of investing in Equities, Derivatives, Currency

    Futures, Mutual Funds and IPOs through a single login. They provide intraday reports and historical charting.

    Also provide a variety of fee structures to fulfill the

    needs of different types of investors

  • 8/6/2019 IBSAR KSHITIJ


    USP of kotak securities

    Through its web portal company provides a single platformfor investments in equities, Mutual Funds and currencyderivatives. Available margin can be used for any of thethree segments.

    Saxo's global trading platform provided by the companyallows direct access to equities, ETF's and REITS spanning24 stock exchanges across the USA, Europe, Asia andAustralia.

    In late 2008 company launched an interesting Smart Orderfeature to its online trading portal. While placing an orderto buy or sell stocks at BSE and NSE, customer can choosethis option. Once selected, this option offers customers thebest available price between BSE and NSE. This option isavailable to all the customers of the company.

  • 8/6/2019 IBSAR KSHITIJ


    Kotak also provides a Call & Trade facility to its

    customers wherein they can place and track their

    orders through phone when they are away from home.

    Kotak Securities provide daily SMS alerts, market

    pointers, periodical research reports, stock

    recommendations etc.

    Kotak provides exclusive online tool to monitor what is

    happening in the market and also investor can view

    gains/losses in real-time.

  • 8/6/2019 IBSAR KSHITIJ


  • 8/6/2019 IBSAR KSHITIJ


    young management team which consists of very talented

    and knowledge professionals from different fields.

    a well capitalized group with net worth of 3500 crores.

    It means company is armed with proper resources to

    fight any adverse situation.

    tremendous research calls to their clients with high

    success record

  • 8/6/2019 IBSAR KSHITIJ


    Investors are not completely aware of Nirmal Bang, so the

    brand value of the company not yet created.

  • 8/6/2019 IBSAR KSHITIJ


    The growth of capital market is very high. Investorsare now ready to invest their money

    In this market because the return is much highercompare to other place for investment,

    So they are ready to bear risk factor associated with it.It means volume will increase year by year in this


    As Nirmal Bang having its presence in 36 location ofthe country, so company has good opportunities toextents its branches all over the country.

  • 8/6/2019 IBSAR KSHITIJ


    Company has to face a tough competition from major

    market leaders, so it will be a difficult task for Nirmal Bang

    to sustain itself in this cut throat competitions.

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  • 8/6/2019 IBSAR KSHITIJ
