icwsm12 brief review

ICWSM2012 BRIEF REVIEW Akisato Kimura ( @_akisato )

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Briefly reviews International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media (ICWSM12) from my perspective.The latter part written in Japanese, sorry for that.


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ICWSM2012 BRIEF REVIEW Akisato Kimura ( @_akisato )

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Conference venue

Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

Famous place : Old Library Actual venue : Bio. Med. Bld. (not in campus)

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Reception venue

Guinness Storehouse, west Dublin

300-deg view, 7-th floor at west Dublin

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What’s ICWSM?

International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media

Annual conference, 6th for this year.

Seems to be a conference on Twitter & other social media, few papers as to weblogs.

A lot of participants from companies and labs about SNS, mass media, ads, and marketing.

A major cluster = sociologists, a unique conference hosted by AAAI.

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Symbolic panel discussions

I Want to (Net)work With You, But I Don't Know What/Where/Who You Are

Panelists from Cisco, IBM, LinkedIn & Datahug

News Generation and Consumption Through Social Media

Panelists from Storyful, Newswhip, Irish Times, C-SPAN & Guardian

Machine learning accounts for a small portion.

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Basic statistics

Only single track

Not high quality as the rate indicates

Our presentation (can’t see any other JPN pres.)

Attendees: over 330 in advanced registration (x3 of papers), half of them from USA, only 5 from Japan.

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General overview

Computer science << sociology

Data collecting, analyses & discussions > results > performance > technical novelty

Most oral presentations with high quality

Especially in terms of analysis and discussions.

Don’t mind theoretical soundness and novelty.

2 giants: Twitter & Facebook

But, we should not rely only on the giants.

The direction includes cross platform analysis.

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Interesting events & efforts

Town hall meeting

Discussing future directions of the conference with all the participants, not only PC members.

Industrial panel

With powerful debaters from various industries

Dataset sharing service

Provides new datasets used by papers.

All datasets released as openly available community resources. http://icwsm.cs.mcgill.ca

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All the papers presented in the main conference can be freely accessible from http://www.aaai.org/Library/ICWSM/icwsm12contents.php

All the workshop papers are also free : http://www.aaai.org/Library/Workshops/workshops-library.php

I gathered most tweets as to ICWSM 12, freely accessible from http://togetter.com/id/_akisato

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Our presentation

Creating Stories : Social Curation of Twitter Messages

Curated lists = supervised corpora for analyzing microblog messages http://www.brl.ntt.co.jp/people/akisato/socialweb1.html

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面白かった発表 1

The Livehoods Project: Utilizing Social Media to Understand the Dynamics of a City

Won the Best Paper Award

Twitterタイムラインから取れる 位置情報(tweets with geotags, 4sq etc.)から, かなり局所的な地域の特性の変化が掴める.

URL: http://livehoods.org Twitter ID: @livehoods

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Livehoods project


[解析のポイント] 人々の日々の行動パターンから 場所の特性を明らかにしよう!

[データ収集] 11M of 別研究のデータ, 7M from Twitter TL. 論文で使われているのは, 40K check-ins (4K人, 5K箇所)

[解析方法] 位置をnodeとするspectral clustering. 各nodeの素性構築が重要.

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[素性のポイント] 各位置でBo”CheckIns”を計算, 人数と同数次元のベクトル.

[素性解析のポイント] Bo”CheckIns”の類似性を 2位置間の類似性と見なす. = 同一人物が同じくらい2位置にいれば,その2位置は仲間.

[クラスタリング] Spectral clustering. 物理的距離の遠い2位置は 無関係と見なすことにする.

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Webを見た方が早いと思います. http://livehoods.org/maps

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面白かった発表 2

Modeling Spread of Disease from Social Interactions

Best paper award candidates

感染症がどのように拡散 していくか,を, Twitter(+位置情報)だけ から予測しよう.

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情報源は病院しかなかった. → Global aggregationsしか取れなかった. Google Flu Trends: http://www.google.org/flutrends/

CDC Statistics: http://www.cdc.gov/datastatistics/

国立感染研情報センタ: http://idsc.nih.go.jp/disease/influenza/

でも,本当に必要な情報は, いつ,どこで,誰が感染しているか?


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わけがない! (それは映画の世界…



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[Uni, bi, tri]-gram(+多量の後処理)を素性とした 半教師付きSVM cascadeで識別.

(不)完全教師付 少量コーパス



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これもwebを見た方が早いと思います. http://health.scenedipity.com/pollution

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面白かった発表 その他羅列1

Crossing Media Streams with Sentiment: Domain Adaptation in Blogs, Reviews and Twitter

Sentiment analysisをTwitterだけでやるの 無理だから,reviewやblogを教師に使う.

Exploring Social-Historical Ties on Location-Based Social Networks



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面白かった発表 その他羅列2

The Emergence of Conventions in Online Social Networks

Won the Best Paper Award



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