idea and product kec ll (1)

Idea and product Anne Marie Mathiasen KEA

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Post on 13-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Idea and product kec ll (1)

Idea and product

Anne Marie Mathiasen


Page 2: Idea and product kec ll (1)

Learning objectives

• Identify and spot potential business opportunities

• Generate and develop business ideas

• Conceptualisation of business ideas

• Business model

• Pretopyping

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The KIE model

• The creative, innovative and entrepreneurial room

• The Walt Disney Model

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Creative vs analytical disciplines

• Yes to the vision: what if…

• Creative thinking

• Break rutines, habits

• Demands courage

• Accept caos

• (like playing a game)

• What is …

• Logical thinking

• Structures

• Reflection, analysis

• Critical

• Kills ideas

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Entrepreneurial characteristics

• Action oriented

• Robust

• Will power

• Independent

• mindset

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Spot the opportunity

• Spot vs creation of possibilities

• Sources

• - changes in society

• - wondering

• - shortage

• - need

• - irritation

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• Business opportunity vs business idea

• What is your opportunity???

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Assessing the opportunity

• Does it remove an irritation?

• Does it meet an unsatisfied need?

• Does it add extra value?

• Can you solve it faster, better, cheaper or more innovatively than others?

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Idea generation

• Brain storm

• Reverse brain storm

• Idea space

• Pictures

• Role play

• words

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Innovative room

• Design thinking vs scientific method

• Purpose of the innovative room

• Questions and methods

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• The idea is good because…

• The idea is bad because…

• I see….opportunities in the idea

• I see…obstacles in the idea

• The idea could be improved by…

• I sense … about the idea

• I hear … about the idea

• My intuition tells me…

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• Wallet (what is … to you?)

• Play the customer

• Hire a court fool

• Angel, devil and the judge

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• What?

• To whom

• How?

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Business models

• Create, deliever, capture

• The advertising model• The add-on model• The affiliate model• The auction model• The bait and hook model• The direct sales model• The francise model• The freemium model• The low cost model• The pay as you go model• The subscribtion model

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Business model canvas

• Business model

• Define your concept according to the canvas

• How’s the financial balance?

• Fill out the rest of the business model canvas

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• Concepttest

• Pretotyping

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•Good luck