identify three key weaknesses of the articles of confederation

Identify three key weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation. No power to tax or coin money No executive authority – forced to invent one by committee action No official home base

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Identify three key weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation. No power to tax or coin money No executive authority – forced to invent one by committee action No official home base. What were often the two key requirements for voting in the early Republic?. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Identify three key weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation

Identify three key weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation.

No power to tax or coin money No executive authority – forced to invent one by committee action

No official home base

Page 2: Identify three key weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation

What were often the two key requirements for voting in the

early Republic?

You had to be a white adult male property owner

Page 3: Identify three key weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation

What part of the country gradually began passing emancipation laws

in the late 1700s?

The North (or New England)

Page 4: Identify three key weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation

What agreement established the guidelines for the settlement and

organization of the “western territories” in 1787? What were

some key provisions?

The Northwest Ordinance, set #s of citizens for each phase of development, tries to protect

Indians, bans slavery (increases sectionalism)

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How did Shay’s Rebellion create great concerns regarding the strength of the government?

No central authority for dealing with future rebellions, no structure in place to solve

problems that caused rebellion

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What were the two major compromises made during the drafting of the United States


Great Compromise (large states: House, small states: Senate), 3/5 Compromise (5 slaves count for 3


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Why is our government a “Democratic Republic”?

We vote (democracy) for the people who represent us


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What part of the government did the Federalists want strengthened in the

new constitution?

the national (Federal) government, get it…Federalists

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What group pushed hard for the inclusion of the Bill of Rights?


Page 10: Identify three key weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation

What was Hamilton’s (the Federalist) vision for America?

A country based on manufacturing and a strong central government (run by


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Identify two of Hamilton’s early economic policies.

Consolidate Nat’l debt, assume state debts, pay debt in full, works to boost manufactures

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What foreign war had a huge impact on the U.S. during the

1790s? Why?

War between France & GB, Jeff (D-Rs) backed France – Feds backed

GB, fuels party tensions

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What event (in 1800) demonstrated the flexibility and

functionality of the new Constitution?

Jefferson’s election, totally new ideas peacefully came into power

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How did Jefferson visualize the role of the executive branch?

As minimal as possible, he cut way back on spending & offices

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How did Jefferson react to troubles with GB & France in 1807? How

did this impact the economy?

Embargo Act, huge negative impact on economy

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What was Jefferson’s vision of America? What large acquisition was

designed to make this a reality?

Agricultural society, everybody owns land or a small business, strong

state’s rights; the Louisiana Purchase

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Who was sent to explore the Louisiana Territory? What were their primary


Lewis & Clark; map the territory, bring back specimens, friendly relations

with natives

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How did the rivalry between the French & British affect us in the early


War of 1812

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What disgruntled group did the British bring in to try and defeat

the US in 1812?

The Indians, who were frustrated with the loss of western lands

(Indiana, Illinois, etc.)

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What was the Monroe Doctrine?

don’t mess around in our hemisphere & we’ll stay out of

yours (to Europe)

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What did Jackson supporters call Clay’s support for John Q. Adams

in the 1824 election? How did Adams try to change federal


A “corrupt bargain”, Adams tried to dramatically increase federal


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Where did Jackson’s political support come from? Which of his policies built

this up?

Common Man (new Democratic Party) expand opportunity for all

white men, oppose National bank, Indian relocation (Trail of


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What economic development in the early 1800’s marked the end of the old family based economy

and the beginning of a new national economy?

Market Revolution

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Name two big reform movements of the early 1800’s. What did they


Abolition (end slavery), temperance (ban alcohol),

suffrage (women’s vote), Great Awakening (win souls back to


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What party opposed Jackson’s policies? Who did they represent?

The Whigs, mostly northern business elite who felt they were at the mercy of an unfair tyrant

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What small group dominated southern economic and political

life in the early 1800’s?

Wealthy plantation owners

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What is “Manifest Destiny”?

The belief that the U.S. would someday control the land from

coast to coast.

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How did the Mex-Am War start? What was the real purpose?

Dispute over territory between Texas and Mexico – US trying to

fulfill Manifest Destiny

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Who opposed the Mexican-American War? Why did they oppose it?

Whigs and Abolitionists, opposed extension of slavery in the


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What was the basic outcome of the Mex-Am war?

US pays $15m for major territory (CA, NV, AZ, UT, etc.)

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What issue was hotly debated in the new territories as our country

expanded westward?


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What were two of the main provisions of the Missouri Compromise?

MO is a slave state, ME is a free state, no slavery above 36-30


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What was the purpose of the Wilmot Proviso?

It was an attempt to ban slavery in lands acquired from the Mex-Am


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What were two of the main provisions of the Compromise of 1850?

CA free state, tougher fugitive slave law, UT & NM slave


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What was the free labor ideal? What was its biggest enemy?

Earn enough with labor to buy own farm or business, hire younger person to help them on their

way; slavery

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What was the name of the nativist party that split from the Whigs in the 1850’s? Who was the target of their


Know-Nothings, Irish and German immigrants

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What groups joined to form the Republican Party in the 1850’s?

Free labor & free soil advocates, abolitionists (everyone who

opposed expansion of slavery in new territories)

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What were the key outcomes of the Kansas Nebraska Act?

Northern route for transcontinental RR, popular sovereignty on slavery in K-N

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How did the Dred Scott Decision further inflame the slavery


Ruling slaves never citizens, rights therefore cannot be violated (regardless of travel, etc.)

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What were two key outcomes of the Lincoln Douglass Debates?

Vaulted Lincoln to the head of the Republican party, framed the national debate over slavery

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Why did John Brown take over the arsenal at Harper’s Ferry?

attempt to arm slaves and lead a revolt

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Name two advantages the South had at the start of the Civil War.

Better generals, defensive war, passion for their cause

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Name 3 advantages the North had at the start of the war.

larger population, more industry, better transportation, more food


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How did the North use their superior navy to try and force the

South to surrender?

Blockade the southern coast and patrol the Mississippi

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Which side enjoyed great success in the first two years of the Civil

War? Why?

The South, better leadership and fighting a defensive war

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What was the purpose of the Emancipation Proclamation?

Free the slaves in rebel states, provide moral cause for the war

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What two battle in July of 1863 proved to be a turning point in the

Civil War?

Gettysburg & Vicksburg

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What union general took command of the entire army after waging

successful campaigns in the west?

Ulysses S. Grant

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Who marched through the South with the goal of forcing them to surrender?


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What did the 13th Amendment do?

Made slavery illegal

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Why did the Radical Republicans push for the 14th Amendment? What was it

supposed to do?

Southern States were passing Black Codes, 14th was supposed to protect

citizenship rights of all citizens

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What President did the Radical Republicans have a major problem

during Reconstruction? Why? How did they try to oust him?

Andrew Johnson, much to friendly to the South (unwilling to make big reforms), they impeached him

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Name 2 things that kept freedmen from gaining true equality.

sharecropping, lynching, lack of land reform, KKK, black codes, racist


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Name 2 ways Southern states kept freedmen from voting.

poll taxes, literacy tests, threats & violence

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What did the 15th Amendment do? Was it effective?

Prohibited denying the right to vote based on race, no

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What were carpetbaggers? Scalawags? Redeemers?

Northerners who came south during Recon, southerners who helped northerners, southerners who

returned south to old ways

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What finally distracted the North and drew their attention away

from Reconstruction?

Panic (or economic recession) of 1873