identifying and training adaptive cross-cultural management …€¦ · identifying and training...

Identifying and Training Adaptive Cross-Cultural Management Skills: The Crucial Role of Cultural Metacognition SHIRA MOR Erasmus University MICHAEL MORRIS Columbia University JOHANN JOH London Business School For managers, intercultural effectiveness requires forging close working relationships with people from different cultural backgrounds (Black, Mendenhall, & Oddou, 1991). Recent research with executives has found that higher cultural metacognition is associated with affective closeness and creative collaboration in intercultural relationships (Chua, Morris, & Mor, & 2012). However, little is known about the social cognitive mechanisms that facilitate the performance of individuals who score high on cultural metacognition. We propose that one important question for cross-cultural research and training is identifying which metacognitive strategies enable successful intercultural collaborations. We suggest that one such strategy is “cultural perspective taking”— considering how another’s cultural background shapes their behavior in a given context. We hypothesized that cultural perspective taking facilitates intercultural coordination and cooperation, and that a manipulation that boosts cultural perspective taking would be especially beneficial for individuals who score low in dispositional cultural metacognition. We found support for the above hypotheses in five studies using both quasi-field and experimental approaches. We discuss the implications of these findings for literatures on expatriate managers, cross-cultural training, cultural intelligence, and intercultural negotiations. ........................................................................................................................................................................ “For him to have understood me would have meant reorganizing his thinking .... giving up his intellectual ballast, and few people are willing to risk such a radical move.” –Edward T. Hall The globalization of business presses managers to communicate, negotiate, and collaborate across cultures (Adler & Gundersen, 2008; Boyacigiller & Adler, 1991). Firms depend on informal coordina- tion between managers located in different parts We thank Adam Galinsky and Modupe Akinola for their help with data collection for Study 3A. We are grateful to Daniel Ames, E. Tory Higgins, Shirley Kopelman, Roy Chua, Krishna Savani, and Aaron Wallen for providing their comments on earlier drafts of this manuscript. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 2013, Vol. 12, No. 3, 453–475. ........................................................................................................................................................................ 453 Copyright of the Academy of Management, all rights reserved. Contents may not be copied, emailed, posted to a listserv, or otherwise transmitted without the copyright holder’s express written permission. Users may print, download, or email articles for individual use only.

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Page 1: Identifying and Training Adaptive Cross-Cultural Management …€¦ · Identifying and Training Adaptive Cross-Cultural Management Skills: The Crucial Role of Cultural Metacognition

Identifying and TrainingAdaptive Cross-Cultural

Management Skills:The Crucial Role of

Cultural MetacognitionSHIRA MOR

Erasmus University


Columbia University


London Business School

For managers, intercultural effectiveness requires forging close working relationships

with people from different cultural backgrounds (Black, Mendenhall, & Oddou, 1991).

Recent research with executives has found that higher cultural metacognition is

associated with affective closeness and creative collaboration in intercultural

relationships (Chua, Morris, & Mor, & 2012). However, little is known about the social

cognitive mechanisms that facilitate the performance of individuals who score high on

cultural metacognition. We propose that one important question for cross-cultural

research and training is identifying which metacognitive strategies enable successful

intercultural collaborations. We suggest that one such strategy is “cultural perspective

taking”—considering how another’s cultural background shapes their behavior in a

given context. We hypothesized that cultural perspective taking facilitates intercultural

coordination and cooperation, and that a manipulation that boosts cultural perspective

taking would be especially beneficial for individuals who score low in dispositional

cultural metacognition. We found support for the above hypotheses in five studies using

both quasi-field and experimental approaches. We discuss the implications of these

findings for literatures on expatriate managers, cross-cultural training, cultural

intelligence, and intercultural negotiations.........................................................................................................................................................................

“For him to have understood me would have

meant reorganizing his thinking . . . . giving

up his intellectual ballast, and few people are

willing to risk such a radical move.”

–Edward T. Hall

The globalization of business presses managers to

communicate, negotiate, and collaborate across

cultures (Adler & Gundersen, 2008; Boyacigiller &

Adler, 1991). Firms depend on informal coordina-

tion between managers located in different parts

We thank Adam Galinsky and Modupe Akinola for their help

with data collection for Study 3A. We are grateful to Daniel

Ames, E. Tory Higgins, Shirley Kopelman, Roy Chua, Krishna

Savani, and Aaron Wallen for providing their comments on

earlier drafts of this manuscript.

� Academy of Management Learning & Education, 2013, Vol. 12, No. 3, 453–475.



Copyright of the Academy of Management, all rights reserved. Contents may not be copied, emailed, posted to a listserv, or otherwise transmitted without the copyright holder’s

express written permission. Users may print, download, or email articles for individual use only.

Page 2: Identifying and Training Adaptive Cross-Cultural Management …€¦ · Identifying and Training Adaptive Cross-Cultural Management Skills: The Crucial Role of Cultural Metacognition

of the organization (Barnard, 1968). In global firms,this requires intercultural collaboration. While ex-patriate assignments can facilitate the transfer ofknowledge across borders, expatriates often facedifficulties in adjusting to the foreign culture(Caruso, Epley, & Bazerman, 2006), which can resultin early termination of assignments (Graham,1985). Other mechanisms for coordination in globalorganizations are multinational teams and inter-national alliances (Adler & Gundersen, 2008; By-rne, 1993; Manz & Sims, 1987). Yet such structuresoften run aground on the failure of managers fromdifferent cultures and countries to work effectivelywith one another (Earley & Gibson, 2002; Hagel &Brown, 2005).

Firms have long sought employees with cross-cultural capabilities but have not known how bestto select for them or develop them. Recently, man-agement researchers integrated disparate insightsabout relevant characteristics and capabilities un-der the rubric of cultural intelligence (CQ; Earley &Ang, 2003; Earley & Peterson, 2004; Ng, Van Dyne, &Ang, 2009). Earley and Ang (2003) define cultural

intelligence as the capability of an individual tofunction effectively in culturally diverse settings.We suggest that cultural intelligence is an individ-ual difference that can inform the field’s renewedinterest in cross-cultural research and trainingprograms (Black & Mendenhall, 1990; Mendenhall,Stahl, Ehnert, Oddou, Osland, & Kuhlmann, 2004;Rehg, Gundlach, & Grigorian, 2012). More specifi-cally, the present research aims to bridge researchand practice by identifying specific social cogni-tive strategies associated with cultural intelli-gence, strategies that might be targeted by inter-cultural training programs. We first highlight thecontribution of our approach to cross-culturaltraining and past and ongoing research.



Our research offers a novel approach to cross-cultural research and training by examining anindividual difference measure associated with in-

tercultural success and its associated social cog-nitive mechanisms. We propose that this approachcan contribute to researchers and practitioners’ un-derstanding of cross-cultural competency andtraining in a number of ways. First, we look fortrainable strategies through a descriptive ap-proach of identifying thought patterns associatedwith an individual difference dimension that isknown to correlate with intercultural effectiveness.Second, we examine social cognitive mechanismsassociated with intercultural performance. Third,we examine intercultural performance in the con-text of working in the home country, not just inoverseas assignments. Notably, in contrast to priortraining programs focused on teaching managersculture-specific knowledge (Fowler & Blohm, 2004;Mendenhall et al., 2004), we focus on general strat-egies for dealing with cultural differences, not ontraining specific to particular cultures. We intro-duce our approach and hypotheses by first review-ing the literature on cultural intelligence and thespecific role of cultural metacognition in promot-ing intercultural performance.


Ang and Van Dyne (2008) have proposed four cen-tral dimensions that foster cultural intelligence:metacognitive, cognitive, motivational, and behav-ioral. Our focus is on the first of these dimensions–cultural metacognition. Metacognition is definedas thinking about thinking, comprising the pro-cesses of monitoring and adjusting one’s thoughtsand strategies as one learns new skills (Triandis,1995). Cultural metacognition refers to an individ-ual’s level of conscious cultural awareness andexecutive processing during cross-cultural interac-tions (Ang & Van Dyne, 2008). Thomas et al. (2008)propose that this dimension is the core of culturalintelligence.

Past researchers have found that interculturalsuccess is correlated with mindfulness and self-awareness about cultural assumptions (Johnson,Cullen, Sakano, & Takenouchi, 1996; LaBahn &Harich, 1997). Those with high metacognitive cul-tural intelligence (CQ) are consciously aware ofothers’ cultural preferences before and during in-teractions. They also question cultural assump-tions and adjust their mental models during andafter interactions (Brislin, Worthley, & MacNab,2006; Triandis, 2006). Other theorists of intercul-tural competence have proposed similar infer-ences as the signature of cultural metacognition

We suggest that cultural intelligence isan individual difference that can informthe field’s renewed interest in cross-cultural research and training programs.

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(Klafehn, Banerjee, & Chiu, 2008; Thomas, 2006).Evidence suggests that cultural metacognition de-velops through reflection during intercultural ex-periences (Ng et al., 2009), consistent with evidencethat reflection helps people fine-tune their as-sumptions after experiences (Kolb & Kolb, 2005).

Although the construct of metacognition is newin management research, it follows a tradition em-phasizing the importance of self-awareness andsensitivity toward others when adjusting to newenvironments (Mendenhall & Oddou, 1985). Cogni-tive psychologists characterize metacognition asmonitoring and adjusting one’s thoughts and strat-egies as one learns new skills (Flavell, 1979). Ex-panding this line of theorizing, Ang et al. (2007)defined cultural metacognition as mental pro-cesses directed at acquiring, comprehending, andcalibrating cultural knowledge. Researchers(Klafehn, Banerjee, & Chiu, 2008) suggest thatmetacognition in cultural domains increases inter-cultural effectiveness by promoting (1) contextual-ized thinking (i.e., heightened sensitivity to the factthat individuals’ motivations and behaviors areinvariably shaped by the cultural contexts inwhich they are embedded), and (2) cognitive flexi-bility (i.e., discriminative use of mental schemasand behavioral scripts when interacting acrosscultures). The ability to think contextually and flex-ibly about issues from a foreign counterpart’s per-spective has been termed cultural perspective tak-ing in the social psychology and negotiationsliterature (Lee, Adair, & Seo, 2011). Thus, culturalperspective taking may play a central role in theinferences that enable individuals high in culturalmetacognition to interact effectively acrosscultures.



Recent research examining the role of culturalmetacognition in cross-cultural performance hasfound that cultural metacognition is associatedwith greater success in collaborating in intercul-tural (but not intracultural) relationships (Chua etal., 2012). However, past research has yet to iden-tify which metacognitive strategies may facilitateintercultural coordination. We propose that onemetacognitive strategy facilitating interculturalcoordination is considering how another person’scultural background may affect their response to asituation—“cultural perspective taking” (Lee et al.,2011). This thought process, while not foolproof,

generally heightens the accuracy of people’s ex-pectations about a foreign counterpart’s intentionsand behaviors. Of course, it could be ineffectivewhen a counterpart’s actual intentions are oppo-site to those typical of his group, but this is bydefinition atypical. We argue that examining cog-nitive processes that facilitate interpersonal accu-racy among American managers is important toinvestigate, as past research reveals that peoplefrom individualistic cultures, compared to thosefrom collectivistic cultures, are less accurate inassessing their counterparts’ interests (Gelfand &Christakopoulou, 1999).

We explore whether inducing cultural perspec-tive taking can improve effectiveness in workingwith individuals from different cultures, critical toorganizational success. We expected that this in-tervention would be particularly helpful for man-agers who are low in cultural metacognition, ei-ther by disposition or habit. We propose thatcultural perspective taking works like other formsof perspective taking, in that imagining the worldfrom another’s person’s perspective (under specificconditions) has been found to reduce some prob-lematic patterns in social cognition, such as con-firmation bias and stereotyping (Galinsky, 2002;Galinsky & Moskowitz, 2000). Perspective takingbrings one’s self-experience closer to one’s repre-sentation of the other person (Davis, Conklin,Smith, & Luce, 1996). Hence, perspective takers aremore likely to see themselves as similar to theother person (Galinsky, Ku, & Wang, 2005; Todd &Burgmer, 2013). Related to this, perspective takingcan lead to mimicking the other person’s observedor expected behavior (Bargh, Chen, & Burrows,1996). In this way, perspective taking can help inmeshing or coordinating with another person (Ga-linsky et al., 2005) and offers a unique advantage ininterpersonal coordination in comparison withaffective-based mechanisms such as empathy (Ga-linsky, Maddux, Gilin, & White, 2008).

In line with past research and the propositionswe put forth above, we propose the following:Hypothesis 1a: Cultural metacognition will be pos-

itively associated with intercul-

tural cooperation.

Hypothesis 1b: The relationship between cultural

metacognition and intercultural

cooperation will be mediated by

cultural perspective taking.

How would cultural perspective taking change amanager’s negotiation strategy? Consider the caseof an American facing a counterpart from a col-

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lectivistic culture. Cross-cultural research findsthat collectivists favor cooperative, relationship-preserving tactics, whereas individualists favorcompetitive tactics and emphasize their own needs(Markus & Kitayama, 1991). Culture influences nor-mative beliefs about what is appropriate, whatothers will do, and what others expect (Gelfand &Dyer, 2000; Lytle, Brett, Barsness, Tinsley, & Jans-sens, 1995). When Americans reflect on a collectiv-istic counterpart’s beliefs and practices, theyshould become more likely to adopt relationalgoals and cooperative tactics themselves. Simi-larly, prior research on perspective taking hasfound that when taking the perspective of an out-group member, individuals subsequently act moreconsistently with the other group’s norms (Ku,Wang & Galinsky, 2010). Thus, we propose the fol-lowing predictions:Hypothesis 2a: An intervention inducing cultural

perspective taking will promote in-

tercultural cooperation with collec-

tivistic counterparts.

Hypothesis 2b: The relationship between cultural

perspective taking and intercul-

tural cooperation will be mediated

by one’s relational goals toward

collectivistic counterparts.

Hypothesis 2c: The relationship between cultural

perspective taking and intercul-

tural cooperation will be mediated

by expectations about the rela-

tional goals of collectivistic


Extending past theory on cultural intelligenceand cultural metacognition, we further proposethat a cultural perspective-taking interventionwould have a larger positive impact on intercul-tural cooperation decisions of individuals low oncultural metacognitive tendencies.Hypothesis 2d: Inducing cultural perspective tak-

ing would promote intercultural co-

operation more for individuals with

low habitual cultural metacogni-

tion than those with high habitual

cultural metacognition.

The Present Research

Although past research has examined perspectivetaking broadly, few studies have experimentallyexamined the role of cultural perspective taking inpromoting cross-cultural management skills, suchas facilitating intercultural collaboration and co-

operation in international teams, cross-cultural ne-gotiations, or mixed-motive tasks. In extendingpast research on cultural intelligence and cross-cultural training, we contend that one importantcognitive tendency that managers with high levelsof metacognitive tendencies (high meta-CQ) en-gage in is cultural perspective taking prior to and

during an intercultural interaction. More impor-tant, we suggest that cultural perspective takingtendencies can be temporarily heightened, andthus, can be especially beneficial for managerschronically low on cultural metacognitivetendencies.

Methodological Approach

The methodological approach we employ to testour hypotheses is adopted from social psychologyresearch and involves experimental inductions tomanipulate social cognitive processes, such ascultural perspective taking. To examine the causalrelationships between our variables of interest, weuse an experimental design with samples of MBAstudents and crowdsourcing participants by wayof Mechanical Turk. We chose to use MechanicalTurk participants for our experimental designsrather than undergraduate student samples to testour hypotheses for a number of reasons. First, re-cent research reveals that Mechanical Turk partic-ipants are significantly more diverse than typicalAmerican college samples (Buhrmester, Kwang, &Gosling, 2011). Moreover, compared with a tradi-tional university participant pool, crowdsourcingrespondents have more work experience, are oftenolder, and are more ethnically diverse (Behrend,Sharek, Meade, & Wiebe, 2011). Thus, by examin-ing our hypotheses using both individuals withprofessional experience and MBA students’ sam-ples, we believe that the social cognitive mecha-nisms examined are shared among lay people aswell as managers, and thus, can be used to trainindividuals in a diverse array of professionalsettings.


We examined our hypotheses in five studies,which span from quasi-field settings to controlledlaboratory experiments. In the first, we examinewhether cultural metacognition among AmericanMBA students was associated with greater levelsof intercultural cooperation with different-culturepeers working together in international teams and

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whether this effect is explained by culturalperspective-taking habits (Hyp 1a and Hyp 1b). Inour pilot study, we tested a cultural perspective-taking (CPT) intervention—thinking about a Chi-nese counterpart’s cultural values and beliefs—prior to making a business decision to cooperate ina mixed-motive business scenario. We examinedwhether this intervention heightened individuals’intercultural cooperation due to heightening inten-tions to adopt a relational orientation (associatedwith Chinese cultural values; Hyp 2a and Hyp 2b).In Study 2, we investigate whether a culturalperspective-taking intervention promoted Ameri-can MBA students’ intercultural cooperation in thesame business scenario as the pilot study, but wefurther examined whether this effect could also beexplained by expectations about the counterpart’srelational goals (Hyp 2c). In Study 3A, we examinewhether inducing CPT in American MBAs prior toengaging in intercultural negotiation with a Japa-nese counterpart heightened MBA students’ expec-tations that their Japanese counterpart would becooperative in an upcoming negotiation. We fur-ther examined whether this intervention was morebeneficial for MBAs low on cultural metacognitionthan high on cultural metacognition (Hyp 2d). InStudy 3B we provide a comprehensive test of Hy-potheses 2c-2d in a unified design.



The goal of Study 1 is to examine Hypotheses H1aand H1b using a sample of American MBA studentsstudying in an American business school where50% of the student population is composed ofinternational students. In this MBA program, inter-cultural cooperation is needed to complete study-related tasks, such as papers and class assign-ments. To examine our predictions, we surveyedentering students about their cultural metacogni-tive tendencies. Two months subsequent to evalu-ating students’ cultural metacognition tendencies,we evaluated students’ cultural perspective-takingand cooperation levels using ratings made by theirinternational peers who had been working withthem in multinational student teams for 2 months.We hypothesized that MBA students’ cultural meta-cognition would be positively associated withdifferent-culture peers’ evaluation of their cooper-ative tendencies and that this effect would be ex-plained by heightened cultural perspective-takingtendencies.


Participants and Procedure

Two hundred American MBA students (Males �

58.5%; Mean Age � 27; 61.3% had managed at leastone employee in their previous jobs) were recruitedto fill out an on-line survey as a voluntary part oftheir pre-MBA assignments (73% of incoming stu-dents completed the survey). Students were pro-vided a link to an on-line survey that asked abouttheir past work experiences abroad and their ex-periences working in multicultural work environ-ments—an environment where foreign nationalstudents are equally represented as Americanones. The cultural intelligence measure was col-lected as part of this survey. Upon arrival, studentswere assigned to multinational learning teams of5–6 students. Teams were created to maximizetheir cultural diversity and typically comprised ofthree American students, one European student,and two students from other world regions such asAfrica, South America, the Middle East, and EastAsia or South Asia. These teams assemble in MBAstudent orientation and students spend the major-ity of orientation activities and their first year ofclasses working in teams. After 2 months in theirinternational teams, 305 international studentpeers (from non-U.S. nationalities), representing 45nationalities evaluated target American studentson a host of leadership-related measures as part ofa 360 leadership assessment. Each student wasevaluated by between 1 and 4 different-culturepeers with whom they worked. Student peers wereasked to anonymously appraise their team mem-bers’ levels of cooperation and perspective-takingtendencies when working in these teams as part oftheir class assignment. Let us now describe themeasures in the study in more detail.


Cultural Metacognition

Incoming MBA students reported their culturalmetacognition tendencies using a 6-item scale de-veloped by Van Dyne, Ang, Ng, Rockstuhl, Tan, andKoh (2012). The items tap (1) cultural awareness(e.g., “I am aware of how to use my cultural knowl-edge when interacting with people from differentcultures”); (2) adjustment during intercultural inter-actions (“I adjust my cultural knowledge while in-teracting with people from a new or an unfamiliarculture”); and (3) planning before intercultural in-teractions (e.g., “I develop action plans for interact-

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ing with people from a different culture”; Scalereliability: � � .82). We averaged students’ self-reports on the six items to create a cultural meta-cognition score for each student.

Cultural Perspective Taking

After working 2 months in their international teams,participants were evaluated by classmates fromother cultures with regard to their perspective-taking habits. The items were the following: “S/heis able to empathize and understand someoneelse’s perspective”; “S/he misjudges people’s per-sonality and character” [Reversed]; “S/he fails torealize the impact of what s/he says and does onothers” [Reversed]; “S/he is good at assessing otherpeople’s strengths and weaknesses”; “S/he is goodat sensing what other people are thinking andfeeling” (Scale reliability: � � .83). We averagedeach rater’s evaluation of each target student onthese five items to create each rater’s culturalperspective-taking score for the target student.

Intercultural Cooperation

Peers also evaluated target students on threeitems that assessed American MBA students’ abil-ity to work effectively in their international teams.The items were the following: “She/he is able tobuild effective working relationships with otherswho have different opinions or interests” and“She/he is able to build coalitions to get thingsdone” (Scale reliability: � � .65). We averaged eachrater’s evaluation of each target student on thesetwo items to create each rater’s intercultural coop-eration score for the target student.

We conducted confirmatory factor analyses(CFA) using structural equation modeling (LISREL8.80) to ensure that the mediator and outcome vari-able (cultural perspective taking and interculturalcooperation) are distinct factors. Results indicatethat a 2-factor model where cultural perspectivetaking and intercultural cooperation items loadinto respective separate factors has a better fit tothe data (�2

� 35.15, df � 13, RMSEA � 0.08) than a1-factor model (�2

� 35.16, df � 14, RMSEA � 0.09).

Control Variables

Dimensions of cultural intelligence other than cul-tural metacognition, namely cognitive, motiva-tional, and behavioral CQ, have been found topredict intercultural cooperation tendencies (Imai& Gelfand, 2010). As a result, we included these

scales’ control variables: cognitive CQ (� � .84),motivational CQ (� � .86), and behavioral CQ(� � .86).

Additionally, since student peer ratings of targetstudents’ cooperation levels may be influenced bytheir levels of acquaintance with target studentsoutside of class assignments, we included raters’familiarity with the target student as an additionalcontrol variable (“how well do you know this per-son?”, 1 � Not at all to 4 � extremely well).

Results and Discussion

Hypothesis 1a predicted that cultural metacogni-tion would be positively associated with intercul-tural cooperation. To test this hypothesis, we useda hierarchical linear model (HLM) software to carryout our analyses (Raudenbush, 2004). We ran alinear HLM treating different-culture student peersas nested within target American students, withstudent-peer ratings as the dependent variable (atLevel 1) and cultural metacognition and the controlvariables as Level 2 predictors. Table 1 reports theresults from the hierarchical linear model analy-ses. Model 1 contains the control variables;whereas Model 2 adds the predictor of culturalmetacognition. Analyses revealed that cultural


Hierarchical Linear Model Regression on Student

Peers’ Ratings of Intercultural Cooperation

(Study 1)

Intercultural cooperation

Model 1 Model 2 Model 3

Key predictors

Cultural metacognition — 0.20* 0.06

(�0.09) (�0.07)

Cultural perspective

taking (mediator)



Control variables

Cognitive CQ 0.05 �0.01 0.01

(�0.07) (�0.08) (�0.06)

Motivational CQ 0.14� 0.09 0.12�

(�0.08) (�0.09) (�0.07)

Behavioral CQ �0.04 �0.07 �0.08

(�0.07) (�0.07) (�0.05)

Student peers familiarity 0.23** 0.26** 0.07

(0.10) (0.10) (0.08)

Intercept 4.23** 3.91** 1.10**

(0.46) (0.48) (0.41)

Note. CQ � cultural intelligence. Numbers in parenthesis are

standard errors. �p � .10, **p � .01, *p � .05.

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metacognition was positively associated withpeers’ evaluation of target students’ levels of coop-eration in international teams, � � .20, SE � .09,t(195) � 2.22, p � .05. Thus, the results supportedHypothesis 1a.

Next, we examined whether cultural perspective-taking tendencies mediated the relationship be-tween cultural metacognition and interculturalcooperation. To conduct mediational analyses (inthis study and follow-up studies), we followedBaron and Kenny’s (1986) procedures as well ascarried out a bootstrapping test with 20,000 re-samples using percentile bootstraps (Hayes, 2009).

Analyses revealed that cultural metacognition(Level 2 predictor) was positively associated withstudent peers’ evaluation of target students’ cul-tural perspective-taking tendencies (Level 1 de-pendent variable), � � .20, SE � .09, t(195) � 2.26,p � .05. Second, when cultural metacognition andcultural perspective taking (mediator) were bothentered into the HLM model as Level 2 predictors(see Model 3), the effect of cultural metacognitionturned statistically nonsignificant, � � .06,SE � .07, t � .90, p � .37; whereas the effect ofcultural perspective taking on intercultural coop-eration remained statistically significant, � � .67,SE � .04, t � 15.01, p � .001, suggesting mediation(see Figure 1 for the full mediation model). A boot-strapping test confirmed a positive indirect effectof cultural metacognition on intercultural cooper-ation by way of cultural perspective taking (95% CI[.02, 25]). These results provide support for Hypoth-esis 1b.

In summary, the results from Study 1 provideevidence supporting our hypotheses that chroni-

cally high cultural perspective-taking tendenciesamong American MBA students explain the rela-tionship between metacognitive habits and suc-cessful intercultural collaboration with different-culture counterparts.



Although Study 1 provides the first empirical evi-dence that the relationship between cultural meta-cognition and intercultural cooperation is ex-plained by cultural perspective-taking tendencies,in Study 2, we examined one intervention for pro-moting cultural perspective taking—reflectinghow the cultural background of one’s counterpartsmay affect their approach to a mixed-motive con-flict. This cognitively oriented intervention is dis-tinct from affectively oriented interventions in pastwork on intercultural collaboration (Chua et al.,2012). We tested whether this cultural perspective-taking intervention would shift participants’ deci-sions, in this case, toward a relational, harmoniousapproach congruent with Chinese norms (Hyp 2b)in a Prisoners’ Dilemma scenario that was adaptedinto a decision-making task in a business setting.



Participants and Procedures

For an initial test of the cultural perspective-takingintervention, we recruited 107 American adults(81.3% � White/Caucasian; 7.5% � Asian; 6.5% �

β =.20* β = .67***

β = .20*










Mediation Model Showing Cultural Perspective Taking Mediates the Relationship Between Cultural

Metacognition and Intercultural Cooperation (Evaluated by Different-Culture Peers; Study 1).Note. Regression results are reported in unstandardized betas. * � p � .05, *** � p � .001.

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African American; 3.7% � Hispanic; 9% � NativeAmerican; Female � 51%; Mean Age � 34, 28.1%college students, 70.1% currently working) via Me-chanical Turk for a study on problem solving. Par-ticipants were randomly assigned to a culturalperspective-taking condition or control condition.


Mixed Motive Conflict. Participants were asked toread a scenario, a Prisoners’ Dilemma task pre-sented as a conflict on an advertising campaignbetween an American product manager and a Chi-nese product manager, adapted from past research(Greenhalgh & Bazerman, 2004; Ku et al., 2010).Participants were first presented with the follow-ing prompt about their role and objectives asAmerican managers:

You are Mr./Ms. Graham, the head of a prod-uct management group in a consumer prod-ucts firm based in the U.S., handling the mar-keting of a new liquid dishwasher detergent.As a manager, you are faced with a recurringdecision as to whether you should put on anadvertising campaign during the next salesperiod. This campaign would provide con-sumers with comparative information aboutyour Chinese competitor’s product: Li Hong.The comparative advertising campaign willdescribe the destructive impact of your com-petitor’s product on a dishwasher’s motor,spots left on the dishes, and/or its high cost.

Your objective is to maximize your profit.This is also the objective of your Chinesecompetitor, Li Hong. Profitability will also beused as a way of measuring your success as amanager. The profitability of your product de-pends not only on your decision but also onthe decision of Li Hong. Specifically, if neitheryou nor Li put on a derogatory advertisingcampaign, each company will make $1 mil-lion for the sales period. If one of you puts ona comparative advertising campaign but thecompeting company does not, then the com-pany that advertises will have a profit of$2 million for the sales period and the com-petitor will lose $2 million. If both companiesadvertise the deficiencies of their competi-tor’s product, then total sales of liquid dish-washer detergent will fall and both compa-nies will lose $1 million for the sales period.

Participants were asked to decide whether toembark on an advertising campaign disparaging aChinese product manager, Li Hong, who is sellinga similar product. Advertising was equivalent toan aggressive, competitive response; whereas notadvertising was equivalent to cooperating. Partic-ipants’ decision not to advertise was used as ameasure of intercultural cooperation.Manipulation. Next, participants in the CPT condi-tion were asked to think about their counterpart’sculture before making their decision. Below is theprompt they received:

Before you go on to make your decision, wewould like you to do the following: Pleasewrite down a few sentences describing Li’s(Chinese manager’s) interests and concernsas a person living and working in China. . .How would Li’s cultural values and beliefsguide his behavior and decision in thissituation?

Business Decision. Next, participants were askedto make their decision in the decision-making sce-nario (advertise or not advertise).Goals. After making their decision, participantsindicated in an open-ended response format whatguided their decision-making in the scenario. Theywere presented with the following prompt:

Please write down a few sentences explain-ing what guided your decision to advertise ornot advertise in the business case.

Two research assistants blind to the hypothesesrated participants’ open-ended responses. Ratersevaluated participants’ decisions on the followingitems: “The participant was interested in promot-ing future business relations with Li”; “The partic-ipant was interested in cooperating with Li”; “Theparticipant was interested in achieving the busi-ness goal of maximizing profit/minimizing profitloss” (Reversed); (1 � strongly disagree, 7 �

strongly agree; ICC � .80). The 3 items were aver-aged to create a score for each participant (� � .89).Manipulation Check. After making their decision,participants indicated whether they thought aboutChinese cultural values while evaluating the sce-nario. They rated their thought process on the fol-lowing three items: “I tried to think what a Chinesemanager would do in this case”; “I thought aboutChinese business norms when making my deci-sion”; “I thought about Chinese cultural values

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when making my decision.” Items averaged to cre-

ate a score for each participant (1 � not at all; 7 �

very much; � �. 87).

Control Variables. At the end of the study, partici-

pants reported their cultural intelligence (cultural

metacognition Van Dyne et al., 2012): � �.87; Cog-

nitive CQ: � �.80; Motivational CQ: � �. 80; Behav-

ioral CQ: � �. 87. As in Study 1, these four cultural

intelligence factors were included as control vari-

ables in our analyses.


To test whether the CPT manipulation induced cul-

tural perspective taking in participants, we ran an

ANCOVA (between subjects factor: experimental

condition; covariates: 4 CQ factors) on the cultural

perspective-taking scores and found that partici-

pants reported thinking more about Chinese cul-

tural values and beliefs in the CPT condition

(M � 4.58) than the control condition (M � 3.32),

F(1,150) � 18.84, p � .001.

Hypothesis 2a proposed that cultural perspective

taking would promote cooperation with a different-

culture colleague. To test this, we regressed par-

ticipants’ choices to cooperate (advertise � com-

pete � 0; not advertise � cooperate � 1) on the

experimental condition (0 � Control, 1 � CPT),

controlling for the 4 CQ factors. Analyses revealed

a main positive effect of the manipulation on

choosing a cooperative strategy with a Chinese

counterpart, � � .93, SE � .48, Wald (1) � 3.73,

p � .05. Thus, the results supported Hypothesis 2a.

To examine whether the effect of the CPT inter-

vention on decisions runs through goals, we fol-

lowed Baron and Kenny’s (1986) steps for testing

mediation as well as a bootstrapping test (Hayes,

2009). We first examined the relationship between

the experimental condition and goals (controlling

for cultural intelligence factors) using multiple re-

gression analysis and found them to be positively

associated, � � .90, SE � .26, t(101) � 3.45, p � .01.

Then we conducted binary logistic analysis and

entered both the experimental condition and stu-

dents’ relational orientation scores as predictors of

choice to cooperate, controlling for cultural intelli-

gence factors. Analyses revealed that the effect of

the condition turned statistically nonsignificant,

� � �.58, SE � .78, Wald (1) � .55, p � .46; whereas

the effect of students’ relational scores remained a

significant predictor of choice to cooperate with Li,

� � 2.13, SE � .44, Wald (1) � 23.47, p � .001 sug-

gesting mediation (see Figure 2). A bootstrapping

test with 20,000 resamples confirmed a positive

indirect effect between CPT on students’ choice to

cooperate by way of intentions about adopting a

relational business orientation (95% CI [.31, 3.27]).

Thus, the results above provided support for Hy-

pothesis 2b. In sum, our pilot study revealed that a

cultural perspective-taking intervention increased

participants’ relational orientation toward a Chi-

nese counterpart and explained their decision to

cooperate with him. However, the question still

remains whether this heightened relational orien-

tation was the result of an increase in other–self

overlap associated with collectivistic cultural


β = .90** β = 2.13**

β = .93*








Relational Goals


Mediation Model Showing the Positive Casual Effect of Cultural Perspective Taking on Intercultural

Cooperation with a Chinese Counterpart Is Mediated by One’s Relational Goals (Study 2, Pilot Study).Note. Regression results are reported in unstandardized betas. * � p � .05, ** � p � .01.

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In Study 2 we shifted to test our CPT interventionwith MBA students whose demographic character-istics are more closely aligned with those of man-agers. Moreover, we also explored participants’ ex-pectations about their counterpart’s decision in themixed-motive conflict task, since much of past re-search finds that cooperation in mixed-motive con-flicts hinges on expectancies of the counterpart’scooperation (Wong & Hong, 2005). Accordingly, weexamined whether the association between cul-tural perspective taking and cooperation hinges onheightened expectancies of the Chinese counter-part’s goal to cooperate (Hyp 2a and Hyp 2b).


Participants and Procedures

Fifty-seven (Non-Chinese) MBAs (61.4% American1;Males � 65%; Mean Age � 28) completed the studyas part of an in-class exercise. Seventy-two per-cent of students identified as White/Caucasian,21.1% Asian (non-Chinese), 3.5% Latin/Hispanic,1.8% as African-American, and 3.5% as other eth-nicities. Students were randomly assigned to aCPT condition or control condition.


Mixed-Motive Conflict

Students were asked to read a business scenario,which was a Prisoner’s Dilemma task presented asan advertising task. The instructions and taskwere presented in the same manner as in the pi-lot study.


Next, participants in the CPT condition were askedto think about their Chinese counterpart’s culturalvalues before making their decision. The promptpresented to MBA students was the same promptused in the pilot study.

Business Decision

Next, participants were asked to make their deci-sion in the case (to advertise or not advertise).

Manipulation Check

After making their decision, participants indicatedwhether they thought about Chinese cultural val-ues while evaluating the case, which served as amanipulation check using the following threeitems: “I tried to think what a Chinese managerwould do in this case”; “I thought about Chinesebusiness norms when making my decision”; “Ithought about Chinese cultural values when mak-ing my decision.” Items were averaged to create ascore for each participant (1 � not at all; 7 � very

much; � � .89).

Expectancies of Counterpart’s Cooperativeness

Next, participants rated their confidence that Liwould not advertise (i.e., cooperate) using a 7-point scale (1 � not at all; 7 � very much; Wong &Hong, 2005).

Control Variables

At the end of the study, participants completed acultural intelligence assessment (Cultural meta-cognition; Van Dyne and colleagues, 2012): � � .73;Cognitive CQ: � � .90; Motivational CQ: � � .79;Behavioral CQ: � � .88.


To test whether the cultural perspective-takingmanipulation induced cultural perspective takingin MBA students, we ran an ANCOVA (betweensubjects factor: experimental condition; covariates:4 CQ factors) on the cultural perspective-takingscores and found that students reported morethoughts about counterparts’ cultural values andbeliefs in the cultural perspective-taking condition(M � 5.49) than the control condition (M � 4.17), F

(1,57) � 14.27, p � .001.Hypothesis 2a suggested that inducing cultural

perspective taking would promote cooperationwith a counterpart from a culture known for coop-erative relational norms. To test this prediction, weconducted a binary logistic regression regressingstudents’ choice to cooperate (advertise � com-pete � 0; not advertise � cooperate � 1) on the

1 Preliminary analysis revealed that students’ cultural back-

grounds (American vs. non-American students) did not reveal

differential effects on their responses to the manipulation and

their decision to cooperate in the case, and thus, we retained

both American and non-American students in the sample.

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experimental condition (0 � Control, 1 � CPT),

controlling for cultural intelligence factors. Analy-

ses revealed a positive main effect of CPT on in-

tercultural cooperation, � � 1.43, SE � .63, Wald (1)

� 5.23, p � .05. These results supported Hypothesis

2a, replicating the results from the pilot study with

MBA students and revealing that cultural perspec-

tive taking had a direct positive effect on intercul-

tural cooperation.

Hypothesis 2b further suggested that the rela-

tionship between CPT and intercultural coopera-

tion would be mediated by expectations about the

counterpart’s cooperativeness. To test this predic-

tion, we first examined the relationship between

the experimental condition and expectations about

the counterpart’s cooperativeness (the mediator).

Multiple regression analysis revealed that the CPT

condition had a positive main effect on expecta-

tions that the counterpart would cooperate

(� � 1.37, SE � .52, t � 2.62, p � .05). When both

experimental condition and expectations about the

counterpart’s cooperativeness were entered as pre-

dictors of cooperation in a logistic regression

model, the relationship between the experimental

condition and intercultural cooperation turned sta-

tistically nonsignificant (� � .95, SE � .69, Wald (1)

� 1.86, p � .17), while expectations about Li’s co-

operation remained a significant predictor of inter-

cultural cooperation (� � .47, SE � .18, Wald (1)

� 7.19, p � .01), suggesting mediation (see Figure

3). A bootstrapping test confirmed there was a pos-

itive indirect effect between CPT on intercultural

cooperation via expectations about Li’s coopera-

tiveness (95% CI [.01, 1.84]).

These results reveal that the cultural perspective-taking manipulation increased MBA students’ co-operation with a Chinese counterpart, and this ef-fect was explained by their heightenedexpectations that their counterpart—Li Hong—would cooperate as well. Thus, the results sup-ported Hypotheses H2a and H2b and suggest thatone useful intervention for promoting managers’cross-cultural working relations with collectivisticcounterparts is asking them to reflect about theircounterpart’s values and beliefs prior to meetingthem. Moreover, we find that CPT also increasesexpectations that one’s counterpart holds rela-tional, cooperative goals when making his or herdecision. Overall, it appears that reflection prior tointercultural interaction facilitates overlap be-tween MBA students’ and their counterparts’ cul-tural values and goals.



Although Study 2 revealed a causal positive rela-tionship between cultural perspective taking andintercultural cooperation, in Study 3A, we exam-ined this intervention as a preparation for an in-ternational negotiation between an American

β = 1.37*

β = 1.43*

β = .47**











relational goals


Mediation Model Showing the Positive Effect of Cultural Perspective-Taking Condition on Intercultural

Cooperation Is Mediated by Expectations That the Chinese Counterpart Holds Relational Goals (Study 2).Note. Regression results are reported in unstandardized betas. * � p � .05; ** � p � .01

Overall, it appears that reflection prior tointercultural interaction facilitatesoverlap between MBA students’ and theircounterparts’ cultural values and goals.

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manager and a Japanese counterpart. In this con-text, we examined American MBA students’ expec-tations about their counterpart’s cooperative ver-sus competitive orientation in an upcomingnegotiation. Expectations about the counterpart’sorientation should be associated with students’ de-cisions to cooperate, as past research on negotia-tions has found that expectations greatly influencestrategic decisions about concessions to make andinformation to provide or withhold from one’s coun-terpart (Earley & Mosakowski, 2000). We also fur-ther explored whether a cultural perspective inter-vention produced greater benefits (e.g., increasedexpectation about counterpart’s cooperativeness)for MBA students low on metacognition than thosehigh metacognition individuals. In other words, weexpected that culture-specific cues would lead in-dividuals low on cultural metacognition to modifytheir expectations about their counterpart’s goals,leading to greater levels of intercultural coopera-tion in this task.



Seventy-six American MBA students (Males � 56%;Mean Age � 27) participated in a negotiation ex-ercise in their first semester of school as part of anin-class exercise in a leadership class. Upon be-ginning their MBA program, the American MBAstudents reported their cultural metacognition lev-els in an orientation survey (using the samemethod as in Study 1). Two months later (as part ofan in-class exercise) the students were asked tocomplete a prenegotiation survey prior to a nego-tiation with a Japanese counterpart over the man-ufacturing of “mini” excavators (Patel & Brett,2007). Participants were not aware of any culturalelements in the exercise or the fact that the prene-gotiation survey was intended to assess their pro-clivity toward working with a different-culturecounterpart. Since students later carried out thenegotiation in teams, we only examined their ex-

pectations about their counterpart’s cooperationprior to the negotiation. Students were randomlyassigned to either a cultural perspective-takingmanipulation or a control condition.


Cultural Intelligence

Two months prior to the negotiation exercise, stu-dents completed the 4-factor cultural intelligenceassessment described in the previous studies (cul-tural metacognition: � � .80; Cognitive CQ: � � .80;Motivational CQ: � � .85; Behavioral CQ: � � .86).The four CQ factors were included as control vari-ables in all of the following analyses.

Negotiation Exercise

Upon arriving to class, students received their ne-gotiation roles and were asked to read the materi-als prior to completing their prenegotiation sur-veys. The negotiation case involved a negotiationbetween two companies, Abhas and Bussan (rep-resented by Sato-san), over the manufacturing of“mini” excavators, and the case materials in-cluded five issues. All American students wereassigned to the Abhas role. The case containedbackground information about the Japanese com-pany and Sato-san (the Japanese negotiator).

Cultural Perspective-Taking Manipulation

Prior to the negotiation, students were provided alink to an on-line survey where they were asked topredict their Japanese counterpart’s orientation inthe upcoming negotiations. Students in the CPTcondition received the following information be-fore making their predictions about their Japanesecounterpart (Students in the control received noprompt).

Before you go on to guess Sato-san’s (Japa-nese counterpart from the Bussan company)priorities and goals in the negotiations, wewould like you to do the following: Pleasetake a few moments to think about the per-spective of Sato-san negotiating on behalf ofa company operating in Japan. Try to imaginewhat Sato-san would be thinking and whatmay be her/his interests and concerns basedon the fact that she/he is negotiating on be-half of a company operating in Japan. Try

In other words, we expected that culture-specific cues would lead individuals lowon cultural metacognition to modify theirexpectations about their counterpart’sgoals, leading to greater levels ofintercultural cooperation in this task.

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your best to put yourself in Sato-san’s shoes.Please write down a few sentences describ-ing Sato-san’s interests and concerns aboutthe five case issues as a Japanese negotiator.

Expectancy of Counterpart’s Cooperativeness

Next, students were asked to predict the orienta-tion of their Japanese counterpart during the up-coming negotiation using the following categories:(1) Cooperative, (2) Competitive, or (3) Don’t Know.All other responses (competitive or don’t know)were coded as 0.


We conducted a logistic regression analysis exam-ining the effects of the experimental condition onMBA students’ expectations that their Japanesecounterpart would be cooperative in the upcomingnegotiation. Analyses revealed no main effect ofcondition, � � .27, SE � .26, Wald (1) � 1.11, p � .29.Next, we examined whether the intervention had astronger effect for individuals with a low baselineproclivity toward cultural metacognition. To testthis prediction, we used binary logistic regressionand tested for an interaction between culturalmetacognition and the experimental condition onperceptions of cooperativeness. Analyses revealeda significant 2-way interaction between culturalmetacognition and the experimental condition onexpectation that Japanese counterpart would coop-erate, � � �0.84, SE � .39, Wald (1) � 4.71, p � .05.Simple slope analysis following procedures by Ai-

ken, West, and Reno (1991) revealed that MBAs lowon cultural metacognition when asked to reflect ontheir Japanese counterpart’s values and behaviorswere more likely to expect their Japanese counter-part would be cooperative (CPT condition) than not(control condition), � � 1.80, SE � .80, Wald (1)� 5.10, p � .05 (see Figure 4). At the same time, theCPT for MBAs high on cultural metacognitiondid not alter their (already moderately high) expec-tations about their Japanese counterpart’s cooper-ativeness, � � �0.75, SE � .73, Wald (1) � 1.07,p � .30 (see Figure 4). The patterns depicted inFigure 4 further suggest that individuals low oncultural metacognition did not simply regress to-ward the mean in their expectations about theirpartner, but rather more closely matched the pre-dictions of individuals high on culturalmetacognition.

Although the manipulation did not have a maineffect on expectancies, there was an interactioneffect: Individuals habitually low in cultural meta-cognition were prompted by the manipulation tothink about their Japanese counterpart’s coopera-tiveness more than they did in the control condi-tion; whereas individuals high in cultural meta-cognition were not pushed to think more than theydid in the control condition (already a considerableamount). Hence this is an intervention that worksmost for individuals not culturally minded in that ithelps them take useful cultural information intoaccount. To help students who are already cultur-ally minded make even more finely calibrated de-cisions, another kind of manipulation may beneeded.


Graph Depicting the Interaction Between Experimental Condition and Cultural Metacognition on

Expectations That Japanese Counterpart Would Be Cooperative in an Upcoming Negotiation (Study 3A).

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Although Study 3A revealed that offering a culturalperspective-taking intervention to individuals lowon cultural metacognition enhanced their expecta-

tion that their different-culture counterpart wouldcooperate in an upcoming international negotia-tion, we did not examine whether this interventionalso directly increased intercultural cooperationdecisions of MBAs low on cultural metacognition.Thus, the aim of Study 3B was to examine Hypoth-eses 2b and 2c in a unified study design.


Participants and Procedures

Seventy-six American adults (100% White/Cauca-sian, Female � 52%; Mean Age � 34, 26% collegestudents, 62% currently working) were recruited byway of Mechanical Turk and were asked to com-plete a survey on decision making. The procedurewas the same design as Study 2. Participants wererandomly assigned to a cultural perspective-taking or control condition.

Mixed-Motive Conflict

Participants were asked to read a scenario whichwas a Prisoner’s Dilemma task presented as anadvertising task. The task presented was the sametask presented in Study 2.


Next, participants in the cultural perspective-taking condition were asked to think about theirChinese counterpart’s cultural values before mak-ing their decision in the business scenario (sametask as Study 2).

Business Decision

Next, participants were asked to make their deci-sion in the case (to advertise/not advertise).

Manipulation Check

After making their decision, participants indicatedwhether they thought about Chinese cultural val-ues while evaluating the case which served as amanipulation check using the following threeitems (as in Study 2): “I tried to think what a Chi-nese manager would do in this case”; “I thought

about Chinese business norms when making mydecision”; “I thought about Chinese cultural val-ues when making my decision.” Items were aver-aged to create a score for each participant (1 � not

at all; 7 � very much; � �. 83).


We also evaluated participants’ inferences abouttheir Chinese counterpart’s long-term relationalgoals using the following statements: “I thought Liwould care about our long-term relationship”; “Ithought Li would be most concerned about makingprofit” [Reversed]). The two items were averaged tocreate a score for each participant (� � .87).

Cultural Intelligence Measure

At the end of the study, participants completed theusual cultural intelligence assessment (culturalmetacognition: � �.87; Cognitive CQ: � � .86; Mo-tivational CQ: � � .89; Behavioral CQ: � � .91). Asin the previous studies, these four cultural intelli-gence factors were included as control variables inour analyses.


To test whether the CPT manipulation induced cul-tural perspective taking, we ran an ANCOVA (be-tween subjects factor: experimental condition; co-variates: 4 CQ factors) on the cultural perspective-taking scores and found that participants reportedgreater levels of cultural perspective taking in theCPT condition (M � 4.72) than the control condition(M � 3.55), F(1,76) � 11.77, p � .01.

We first tested Hypothesis 2a, which suggestedthat cultural perspective taking would promote in-tercultural cooperation. To do so we conducted abinary logistic regression using experimental con-dition as a predictor variable on participants’ de-cision to cooperate. Consistent with Hypothesis 2a(and results from studies 2A and 2B), the CPT con-dition had a positive effect on choosing a cooper-ative strategy with Li, � � 1.06, SE � .51, Wald (1)� 4.30, p � .05.

Next, we conducted a binary logistic regressionanalysis to examine whether expectations aboutthe Chinese counterpart’s strategy explained therelationship between the experimental conditionand decision to cooperate. When both experimen-tal condition and expectations about counterpart’scooperation were entered into the binary logistic

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regression model, the effect of CPT turned statisti-cally nonsignificant, � � .74, SE � .55, Wald (1)� 1.80, p � .18, while expectations about Li’s rela-tional goals remained a significant positive pre-dictor of cooperation, indicating mediation, � � .66,SE � .21, Wald (1) � 9.60, p � .01 (see Figure 5). Abootstrapping test confirmed there was a positiveindirect effect between CPT on intercultural coop-eration by way of expectations about counterpart’srelational goals (95% CI [.03, 1.59]). The resultsabove provide additional support for Hypotheses2a and 2b by revealing that the CPT manipulationincreased the likelihood of choosing a cooperativestrategy with a Chinese counterpart by heighten-ing expectations that the Chinese counterpartwould chose a cooperative strategy as well.

Next, we examined Hypothesis 2d and testedwhether inducing CPT had a greater positive effecton decisions to cooperate for individuals low oncultural metacognition. To test this hypothesis, weconducted a binary logistic regression analysisand tested for an interaction between the experi-mental manipulation and cultural metacognitionon decision to cooperate. Analyses revealed a sig-nificant interaction, � � �1.47, SE � .63, Wald (1)� 5.55, p � .05. To probe the interaction, we con-ducted simple slope analysis (Aiken et al., 1991),examining the effect of the experimental conditionin individuals low on cultural metacognition ver-sus those high in cultural metacognition. Consis-tent with our predictions, analysis revealed thatindividuals low on cultural metacognition weresignificantly more cooperative in the CPT condi-tion than the control condition, � � 1.39, SE � .48,Wald (1) � 8.41, p � .01. At the same time, the CPT

manipulation did not enhance cooperation levelsfor individuals high on cultural metacognition,� � �.08, SE � .35, Wald (1) � .05, p � .82.


In five studies we provided a comprehensive test ofour hypotheses positing that a metacognitive ten-dency, namely—cultural perspective taking—canpromote intercultural cooperation and be espe-cially useful for promoting intercultural coopera-tion among American MBA students and workingadults low on cultural metacognition. Our researchcontributes to ongoing research in managementeducation and learning by providing a novelframework utilizing both an individual differenceapproach and situational priming geared towardidentifying and developing individuals and man-agers’ cross-cultural management skills.

Theoretical Implications

While much of past research on cultural intelli-gence (CQ) has focused on identifying the linkbetween cultural intelligence and managerial per-formance measures (for a review see Ang, VanDyne, & Tan, 2011), our research is the first to iden-tify a cognitive-based mechanism associated withone of the factors of cultural intelligence. More-over, we provide the first empirical evidence that acognitive mechanism—cultural perspective tak-ing—has a direct positive effect on behavioralmeasures associated with managerial perfor-mance in culturally diverse settings, spanning in-tercultural collaboration in international teams,











relational goals

β = .68*

β = 1.06*

β = .66**


Mediation Model Showing the Positive Effect of Cultural Perspective-Taking Condition on Intercultural

Cooperation Is Mediated by Expectations That the Chinese Counterpart Holds Relational Goals (Study 3B).Note. Regression results are reported in unstandardized betas. * � p � .05; ** � p � .01.

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decision making in mixed-motive conflicts, andpreparation for international negotiations.

Interestingly, while past CQ research and theoryhas suggested that cultural knowledge (cognitiveCQ) should lead individuals to have more accurateunderstanding of foreign cultures (Ang et al., 2007),the results of Study 1 do not support these assump-tions, nor does recent research revealing no asso-ciation between self-reported cognitive CQ andcross-cultural accuracy (Mor, Ames, & Joh, 2013).The results revealed that only metacognitive CQ,and not cognitive CQ, was associated with cul-tural perspective taking. These results suggestthat the ability to accurately detect culture-specificcongruent or incongruent norms may require thedevelopment of metacognitive habits in tandemwith foreign cultural knowledge.

Cultural Intelligence and

Intercultural Relationships

Our findings contribute to the growing body ofresearch on how dimensions of cultural intelli-gence (CQ) affect people’s abilities to manage var-ious forms interdependence with counterpartsfrom different cultures. Recent research by Chua,Morris, and Mor (2012) focused on collaborationswithin the context of professional networks. Theyfound that executives with a higher proclivity to-ward cultural metacognition attain more creativecollaboration success in their intercultural ties, asthey develop more affect-based trust in these ties,relative to those lower in cultural metacognition.In the context of intercultural negotiations, Imaiand Gelfand (2010) have found that motivationalCQ (the motivation and efficacy to engage cultur-ally different others) predicted integrative behav-iors, resulting in higher joint gains and that behav-ioral CQ (behavioral flexibility during interculturalinteractions), but not other dimensions of CQ, pre-dicted sequences of cooperative strategies. Ourresearch adds to this stream of research by (1)identifying strategies for using cultural knowledgethat are associated with cultural metacognition,such as cultural perspective taking, and (2) exam-ining whether metacognitive strategies can be in-duced through an intervention guiding perspectivetaking. Our research also reveals the discriminatevalidity of the cultural metacognition factor fromthe three other CQ factors, a query recently advo-cated by Van Dyne et al. (2012).

Our findings further extend past research exam-ining intercultural trust and collaboration (Chua et

al., 2012; Takahashi, Yamagishi, Liu, Wang, Lin, &Yu, 2008) by examining the role of cognitive-basedtendencies rather than affective mechanisms lead-ing to intercultural trust and collaboration. Pastresearch finds that trust leads to better rapport,which increases willingness to cooperate with oth-ers in mixed-motive conflicts (Drolet & Morris,2000). Trust can arise by way of two distinct psy-chological processes: a cognitive evaluation of theother party’s competence and reliability, or an af-fective experience of liking and rapport (McAllis-ter, 1995). The former is based on expectations oftask-related competence and involves an analyticand utilitarian assessment of the other party; thelatter is closely linked to empathy and rapport, andarises from emotional closeness. These two typesof trust closely resemble two central dimensions ofsocial perception: warmth and competence (Fiske,Cuddy, & Glick, 2007). Affect-based trust is stronglylinked to perceived warmth, cognition-based trustto perceived competence. We argue that cognitive-based mechanisms leading to intercultural trustand cooperation are important to examine for anumber of reasons. First, McAllister (1995) notesthat some level of cognition-based trust is neces-sary for affect-based trust to develop. Second, ne-gotiations scholars have found that differences incognitive schema impede the building of trust inintercultural negotiations (Brett & Okumura, 1998;Jang & Chua, 2011). When negotiating across cul-tures, negotiation counterparts do not alwaysshare the same implicit scripts, norms, and as-sumptions. We argue that matching the cognitiveschemas of counterparts, for example, by engagingin cultural perspective taking, can facilitate bridg-ing across differences in cognitive schema. At thesame time, future research should continue to in-vestigate differential effects of cognitive- versusaffective-based mechanisms in interculturalexchanges.

Also important, our research makes a contribu-tion to the broader literature on cross-cultural or-ganizational behavior by empirically examiningintercultural interactions. While much of the orga-nizational behavior literature discusses cross-cultural interactions, very few studies empiricallyinvestigate these interactions (Gelfand, Erez, & Ay-can, 2007). Studies that do examine cross-culturalinteractions and adaptation tend to take a long-term orientation (Mendenhall & Oddou, 1985), andrelatively few examine discreet, individual inter-actions that cross cultural boundaries (Adair, Oku-mura, & Brett, 2001; LaBahn & Harich, 1997; Molin-

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sky, 2007). By examining an individual’s behavioras a function of both their levels of cultural intel-ligence, as well as the culture of a relevant other,we extend prior work on cross-cultural interactionsand provide a framework with which future re-searchers can further extend the body of knowl-edge on cross-cultural organizational behavior.

Mindfulness in Management

Previous research has argued that mindfulnesstraining may ameliorate the potential for emo-tions, fears, prejudices or biases to “hijack”thought and action (Langer, 2000). A psychologicaldefinition of mindfulness is bringing one’s com-plete attention to the experiences occurring in thepresent moment, in a nonjudgmental and accept-ing manner (Baer, 2003; Brown & Ryan, 2003; Kabat-Zinn, 1982). Differently put, it is the “simple act ofdrawing novel distinctions” helping us have a“greater sensitivity to context” and overcome, ornot form, mind-sets that may limit our thinking(Langer, 2000). It is also suggested that the tech-niques for cultivating mindfulness all rely uponslowing down the onrush of mental activity andtrying to focus attention on the world of sensationsin itself rather than “jumping on the first interpre-tation that comes along” (Claxton, 1997: 183). Alongthe same vein, our research provides empiricalevidence suggesting that being mindful ofdifferent-culture counterparts’ thoughts and feel-ings (by engaging in cultural perspective takingexamined in Study 1) as well as being aware ofdifferent-culture counterparts’ values and beliefs(Studies 2 and 3) can facilitate intercultural coop-eration associated with cross-cultural managerialperformance. Similarly, scholars have noted that amindful manager—a manager who adopts a posi-tive nonjudgmental and reflective stance—mightbe more likely to engender enhanced empathy andpositive regard that influences task (e.g., financial)and relational (e.g., long-term business relation-ship) instrumental outcomes, as well as well-being(Davidson et al., 2003; Kopelman, Avi-Yonah, & Var-ghese, 2011). A recent review of mindfulness andmanagement research suggests that mindfulnesspractices can enhance task performance (Dane,2011). Consistent with these claims, our researchoffers an intervention that is associated with en-gaging in mindfulness about a counterpart’s cul-tural background and has a direct positive effecton relational organizational outcomes, such as col-laboration in international teams (Study 1) and

decision making in mixed-motive conflicts (Studies2 and 3). Thus, future research should continuedeveloping interventions focused on making man-agers mindful of cultural cues in organizationalcontexts and examine their effects on managers’cross-cultural management skills.

Practical Implications

Cross-Cultural Training

To date, one of the most common formats for con-ducting cross-cultural training programs includesbrief lectures that provide basic information aboutthe history and socioeconomic situation of a targetor foreign culture (Bhawuk & Brislin, 2000; Earley,Ang, & Tan, 2006). However, the field has long rec-ognized that this training approach is problematicfor a number of reasons. First, such trainingdoes not adjust for individual differences in capa-bility across cognitive, metacognitive, motiva-tional, and behavioral skills (Earley & Peterson,2004). Second, such training fails to consider thenature of the target culture and the work to beperformed in terms of intensity, duration, and na-ture (Earley et al., 2006). Third, the knowledge pro-vided to managers in culture-specific training pro-grams is not transferable across cultural domains(Earley & Peterson, 2004).

Increasingly, managers take on more frequentand shorter offshore assignments. As a result, de-veloping metacognitive tendencies could be moreadvantageous than previous frameworks for cross-cultural training (Bhawuk & Brislin, 2000). As Ear-ley and Peterson note (2004), career trends havemanagers working in more countries and spendingshorter periods in any single country. Thus, it ap-pears that cross-cultural training should shift toharness managers’ metacognitive strategies intandem with providing in-depth analysis of cul-tural differences. Developing metacognitive skillsare also important even for managers who don’tleave their native country but work in internation-ally diverse teams whose members follow a myr-iad of country-specific cultural norms (Earley &Mosakowski, 2000). In instances such as these,training managers with country-specific knowl-edge is less practical than equipping global man-agers with metacognitive skills. With regard todeveloping cultural metacognition, Tan and Chua(2003) acknowledged that while CQ may be par-tially determined by basic intellectual ability, anindividual’s CQ can still be improved through

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training. In fact, recent research finds that cross-cultural management training can enhance cul-tural intelligence dimensions (Eisenberg et al.,2013; Rehg et al., 2012). In conclusion, the researchand training approach examined in this paper iscompatible with ongoing structural changes to in-ternational assignments, and thus, is more practi-cal and cost effective than training managers withcountry-specific knowledge.

Training and Developing Cultural Metacognition

Researchers and practitioners alike may find thattraining and harnessing metacognitive habitsamong students and managers could benefit bothdomestic and expatriate performance. For exam-ple, teachers may decide to assign MBA studentswho score higher on cultural metacognition to ne-gotiate or work on class assignments with studentsscoring low on cultural metacognition, as prior re-search reveals that in dyads, it is the individualwith the higher metacognitive CQ that drives in-tercultural success (Chua et al., 2012). Performancefeedback is also an important component for de-veloping awareness and planning habits amongstudents. For example, teachers can provide stu-dents with feedback from self- and peer-ratings, inorder to show them areas where their metacogni-tive strategies could benefit from development.Last, cultural simulator exercises (Triandis, 1995)as well as research websites providing culture-specific knowledge in business can be integratedinto class assignments prior to intercultural nego-tiations or international teamwork assignments tohelp students develop habits of planning andawareness associated with higher levels of cul-tural metacognition.

Working Effectively in Global Teams

Developing metacognitive habits in managers is ofparticularly high importance for the success ofmultinational teams (Earley & Peterson, 2004).Global teams often face the challenge of gettingmembers from different cultures and countries towork effectively with one another (Earley & Gib-son, 2002; Hagel & Brown, 2005). Establishing com-mon goals, clear roles, and consensual norms ofconduct is made difficult by cultural differences(Earley & Gibson, 2002; Earley & Mosakowski, 2000).As a result, global teams often search for common-alities to create a hybrid culture (Adler & Bar-tholomew, 1992; Earley & Mosakowski, 2000). One

way in which a hybrid culture can develop is byestablishing shared schemas for work tasks. Ac-cording to Earley and Peterson (2004), metacogni-tion is critical for developing such shared sche-mas. Thus, future research should examinewhether a cultural perspective-taking interventionmay enable managers to bridge cultural differ-ences in global teams.

Developing Cross-Cultural Negotiation Skills

Intercultural negotiations often fail (Brett & Oku-mura, 1998; Graham, 1985), and thus far manage-ment education has developed few tools for im-proving cross-cultural negotiation skills andoutcomes (Adair et al., 2001). A review of negotia-tion simulations designed to teach cross-culturalnegotiations revealed that most either prepare stu-dents for particular cultural preferences or partic-ular cultural styles of communication (Adair, 2008).In contrast to these types of interventions, ametacognitive-strategy intervention may instillgeneral skills for facing differences (Brett, 2007).Our proposed intervention for cross-cultural nego-tiation training is consistent with Adler’s (1997)proposition that cultural adaptation in negotia-tions (such as matching your counterpart’s strat-egy) may increase the chances of positive negoti-ation outcomes. Moreover, the argument that CPTmay promote intercultural negotiation outcomes isalso consistent with past research findings thatgeneral perspective taking in negotiation—the ac-tive consideration of the other party’s alternativesand interests prior to negotiation—aids negotia-tors in both claiming and creating value (Galinskyet al., 2008; Kemp & Smith, 1994; Neale & Bazer-man, 1982).

Future Directions

One question that arises from our findings is howindividuals high on cultural perspective takingadapt to situations in which different-culture coun-terparts disconfirm culture-based expectations.Recent research reveals that individuals high oncultural metacognition are more apt at adjustingtheir expectations when a different-culture coun-terpart disconfirms culture-specific behaviors (Mor& Morris, 2013). At the same time, congruent withour findings, individuals high on cultural metacog-nition are also more likely to apply culture-basedassumptions when a counterpart confirms culture-based expectancies, such a Chinese person behav-

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ing in a way that confirms a preexisting assump-

tion that she would behave in accordance with

collectivistic values. This agility in applying and

updating assumptions seems like an important

cognitive capability, where globalization forces

may be reducing conformity to culture-based val-

ues and behaviors among some individuals (Fu,

Morris, Lee, Chao, Chiu, & Hong, 2007), and thus,

individuals may need to engage in contingent ap-

plication of culture-based knowledge to arrive at

more coordinated and successful interpersonal



The present research has several limitations wor-

thy of note. First, the cultural metacognition scale

is vulnerable to the limits in people’s ability to

reflect upon their mental processes (Nisbett & Wil-

son, 1977). At the same time, past research finds

convergent validity between self-reports and ob-

server reports, suggesting that metacognition is

rated from overt words and behaviors rather than

introspection (Kim & Van Dyne, 2012; Van Dyne,

Ang, & Koh, 2008). Another limitation of the study is

that we examined a cultural perspective-taking

intervention with collectivistic but not individual-

istic counterparts. Also our samples included

mostly Americans. We focused on collectivistic

counterparts when testing the CPT intervention be-

cause of the greater cultural distance between

American culture (individualistic) and Chinese

and Japanese cultures (Oyserman, Coon, & Kem-

melmeier, 2002). At the same time, it is important to

note that past research has found that general

perspective taking can enhance a competitive ori-

entation in competitive contexts but less so in co-

operative situations (Epley, Caruso, & Bazerman,

2005). These findings suggest that cultural per-

spective taking may facilitate cooperation and

joint gains more with collectivistic than individu-

alistic counterparts. Indeed, recent research finds

that East Asian negotiators taking the perspective

of North American negotiators were more self-

interested (than other oriented) and claimed more

value in the negotiations (Lee et al., 2011). None-

theless, we claim that cultural perspective taking

may provide more realistic expectations about

counterparts’ goals and behavior which may facil-

itate social coordination. Consistent with this

claim, prior research found that people from indi-

vidualistic cultures display less cooperative be-

havior in a Prisoner’s Dilemma task than collectiv-istic individuals (Cox, Lobel, & McLeod, 1991).

Third, while in our studies we did not collectinformation about participants’ past experiencesor knowledge with the specific foreign culture ofone’s counterpart, we did assess participants’ for-eign cultural knowledge by way of the culturalintelligence assessment and used participants’levels of foreign cultural knowledge (cognitive CQ)as a control variable in all of our analyses. Theresults revealed that participants self-reportedcognitive CQ did not explain or change our effects.At the same time, we do recognize that future stud-ies should examine whether general knowledge ofcounterpart’s culture is associated with culturalperspective-taking tendencies. Another limitationof the present research is that we have tested someof our hypotheses using simulated cases ratherthan real-life interactions. While recognizing thelimitations of Studies 2 and 3B using a simulatedscenario, we found that the findings from thesestudies are consistent with studies examining be-havioral tendencies by peers (Study 1) and a nego-tiation exercise that had taken place with a realcounterpart (Study 3A). Along the same vein, muchof past research using economic games relies onsimulated cases or interactions to infer actual real-world behaviors in real-life interactions and hasfound convergent validity across these methodswith field studies (Fein & Spencer, 1997; Landis,Brislin, & Hulgus, 1985).


In this article we have focused on identifying andtraining a cognitive habit of managers highly ef-fective at intercultural collaboration: high culturalmetacognitive habits. Future research should con-tinue examining adaptive cognitive- and affective-based psychological mechanisms utilized by man-agers who effectively collaborate with different-culture counterparts. Notably, the findings andapproach put forth here can provide managementand education scholars with novel insights aboutdeveloping interventions and tools for global man-agers who need to successfully master intercul-tural collaborations across a wide range ofcultures.


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Shira Mor is an assistant profes-

sor of organizational behavior at

the Rotterdam School of Manage-

ment, Erasmus University. Mor

received her PhD in management

from Columbia University. In her

main line of research, she exam-

ines individual and situational

factors that facilitate managers’

intercultural relationships. In her

secondary line of work, she in-

vestigates psychological and behavioral factors that promote

women’s negotiation performance.

Michael W. Morris is a Chavkin-

Chang Professor of Leadership in

the Management Division of Co-

lumbia Business School. Morris

received his PhD in social psy-

chology from the University of

Michigan. His main areas of re-

search are cultural influences on

cognition, individual judgment

and decision making, and nego-

tiation and conflict resolution.

Johann Joh is currently a doctoral

candidate at London Business

School. The central theme of his

research interests is the relation-

ship among cultures, identity,

and cognition with focuses on

three lines of research: (1) culture

and identity, studying the impli-

cations of cultures to the self-

identity; (2) culture and cognition,

studying how cultural experi-

ences influence cognitive pro-

cessing of information and the development of cognitive func-

tioning; and (3) the interaction between cultural identity and

cultural cognition.

2013 475Mor, Morris, and Joh