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Evolution Vs. Creationism: The Importance of Teaching Evolution in Schools

Highly Depends on the Success and Research Involved with the Theory of


Laura Atkins

Coastal Carolina University


Evolution Vs. Creationism: The Importance of Teaching Evolution in Schools

Highly Depends on the Success and Research Involved with the Theory of



The topic I have chosen is considered a very sensitive one, which is

why I find it so intriguing. Evolution and creationism have been battling each

other for many years. Creationism battles with their faith, while evolution

battles with their science. Each year as technology advances more and more

discoveries are being made in the scientific field. More of these discoveries

need to be taught in schools. Young adults’ minds are molded by the years

they are in grade school and at home, the issue is, they aren’t receiving the

education on this topic they deserve to. Throughout this research I have

learned that this is a highly debated topic. I hope to highlight the importance

of teaching current evolution vs. creationism in schools with the separation

of church and state respected.



Evolution is defined as, “the process by which different kinds of living

organisms are thought to have developed and diversified from earlier forms

during the history of the earth”. Charles Darwin was the developer of this

theory after his observations when aboard the “Beagle” voyage. From his

findings he was able to come up with a theory that explained species, and

some organisms as a whole and not just the ones he was able to first-hand


able to see. The argument today at hand is surrounding the theory of where

humans came from. Most religions are not open to the fact that we have a

common ancestor with primates. Personal opinion usually relies on the group

the individual belongs to. A study was done over three years on individuals

that were in the adolescence range and the data showed that, “there is no

evidence that attending college prevents those adolescents who accept the

possibility of evolution to later reject it.” (Hill, 2014). This can be troubling for

those of us that believe education is the answer. Though, these students

attending colleges are not all enrolled in biology there was no sign of

significant change over this period of time. This study leans toward nurture

being the main factor of belief and how dedicated the individual is to their

religion. Those not raised within an anti-evolution religion were mostly the

ones who believed in evolution vs. creationism.


Journalism plays a role in education on the topic of evolution.

Journalists write frequently about the scientific findings relating to evolution,

as well as the debates surrounding the topic. It’s a broad discipline

encompassing, opinionated, factual, and scientific information. Sometimes

these are combined and sometimes they are divided into categories. Today,

social media plays a big role in relaying information. When new studies are

presented they can occasionally make the popular page platform. In order

for that to happen though the information needs to be clear, factual and, in

my opinion, include very little bias.


Journalism intertwines with the debate of evolution and creationism

heavily. In order to persuade people one way or another, some sort of media

is needed. Though Hill stated school and college doesn’t have a large

presence in deciphering whether or not adolescences are persuaded one way

of the other. Choosing a textbook with the lesson of evolution included is not

always an option, but it should be. Choosing that context is the next step in

persuading students, as well as how its taught.


Many religious groups are anti-evolution and refuse to accept the

scientific theory as a possibility. Creationism is the theory brought to the

table when referring to religion. Religion states we were created from one

man and one woman. Evolution disagrees with this theory. This is what

causes the rift between the two topics. The evolution of animals may be

accepted, but not the idea that humans have a common ancestor with


“One of the first steps might be for us to reacquaint ourselves with the

parameters of Separation of Church and State.” (Davila, 2014). I think this

quote is key in educating young adults. Schools must recognize the theory of

evolution when it comes to humans and must teach that to simply educate

students on other possibilities other than creationism. Once the information

is accepted through either text or teaching, then the student can decide

what they want. When students come up with questions for teachers when

referring to the two topics the instructor should be able to say that they are


both simply theories. “The only substantial barriers to this ongoing process

of biological integration are cultural ones. These exist because, while all

human beings are born with the innate capacity to learn the language or the

worldview of any society, our basic cultural attitudes are fairly inflexibly

formed very soon thereafter.” (Tattersall, 2015) One is backed up with their

religion, while one takes on a more biological role. The biological theory just

needs more attention at a younger age to achieve “flexibility”.


The science behind the theory of evolution is factual and present in

everyday organisms. A gray area appears when trying to understand where

humans have evolved from. It is no secret that we share over 90% of our

genetic makeup with orangutans. These are facts that need to be written

about in text books and taught. The gap lies within the absence of the fossil

records. Which is a big enough gap for the religious people who doubt to

claim proof that human evolution from primates

It is very possible that these fossils could still be found. There are

many archaeologists on this mission. Recent progress headed the statement

that, “genetic diversity is a ‘‘patchwork’’ and morphological boundaries may

be fuzzy, vital distinguishing traits for the Homo sapiens lineage can,

nonetheless, be identified in fossils.” (Kuykendall, 2014) So this shows the

proof is there in bits and pieces. Scientists are confident that eventually

these holes would be filled.



Evolution itself is considered to be a scientific theory. Therefore, it can

be excused from being taught because it’s not fully proved. Religious

teachings often tell us we came from one man and one woman, while

science tells us that we have common ancestors with primates. The genetic

makeup still holds gray areas, but if its taught in schools this could lead to

more interest and passion about the topic, fueling more future research.

Journalists have the duty to record this information into text books and other

resources so that the information is reliable and can be understood easily.

The implications of this study include that there are not enough

instructors and schools teaching the subject of evolution in depth and

presenting all the facts that go along with theory of evolution. We are

neglecting youth of deserved knowledge around the topic. It’s important that

this is taught for the future of evolutionary science because it leads into the

studies of conservation, which is vital for the future of many organisms. My

research leads me to believe that although there are holes in the research of

the theory that it should be taught in depth. Respecting religions is still

possible as long as the facts of evolution are being presented properly. The

importance of teaching evolution in schools highly depends on the success or

research involved with the theory of evolution.



Dávila, Denise. "When Discourses Collide: Creationism And Evolution In The

Public Sphere." Cultural Studies Of Science Education 9.4 (2014): 877-

884. ERIC. Web. 3 July 2016.

Hill, Jonathan P. "Rejecting Evolution: The Role Of Religion, Education, And

Social Networks." Journal For The Scientific Study Of Religion 53.3

(2014): 575-594. Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection. Web.

3 July 2016.

Kuykendall K, Elton S. The human biology of the past. Annals Of Human

Biology [serial on the Internet]. (2014, July), [cited July 3, 2016]; 41(4):

283-286. Available from: MEDLINE with Full Text.

Tattersall, Ian. "Human Evolution In Perspective." Natural History 123.5

(2015): 28-32. History Reference Center. Web. 3 July 2016.