ie rita malaquias

IE Application Do you think that the lifestyle of the inhabitants of your town reflects behavior that is in line with the concept of sustainable development?In your opinion, what should be improved?

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Post on 12-Jul-2015




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IE Application

Do you think that the lifestyle of the inhabitants of your town reflects behavior that is in line with the concept of sustainable development?In your opinion, what should be improved?


Historical Historical FactsFacts

LisbonLisbon ImprovementsImprovements

Historical facts

"Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”

Sustainable Development

3 fundamental pillars:

Historical Facts

Past• Industrial Revolution

• Economic development was the priority

• Resources were used without thinking about consequences

• There was no “green culture”

• Natural resources were taken for granted

• The concept of endangered species did not exist

At the end of the 20th century, governments realized that unstable Global Warming resulted from the impact of hundreds of years of industrial activity with no environmental concerns.In response to this challenge, developed countries signed international agreements in order to reverse this climate trend. Attached to it a new concept arose: Green Economy

Historical Facts

Historical Facts


• With the financial crisis a new concept gained ground : to do more with fewer resources

• Governments are now obliged to put in place sustainable policies

• Companies have now adopted sustainable development policies into their growth strategies


Lisbon Lifestyle


In Lisbon there has been an increase in the use of renewable energies.

This way people can now get power in their households without harming the environment.

Renewable energies make it possible to have light, heating and all the electronic devices and household appliances functioning correctly.

Lisbon Lifestyle


Recycling household waste is a concept that is being increasingly put into practice.

In each household people may now separate plastic, paper and food waste.

This way it is easier to re-use paper and plastic packages while food waste may be used as fuel in the industry

Lisbon Lifestyle

EconomicFrom the economic demands perspective, companies are now taking into consideration sustainable development.Three examples of large companies in the Lisbon area that are doing their best to help the environment:

Serra da Estrela a bottled water company launched an awareness campaign promising to plant a tree for each bottle of water that was sold.EDP renewables is a worldwide leader of Dow Jones Sustainability Index. It is number one in utilities like water, gas and electricity.BP is associated with Grace that promotes social development all around the world

Lisbon Lifestyle

SocialSome of the country’s leading NGOs that help those in need are located in the Lisbon area. ReFood and Banco Alimentar are two good examples as they provide help in terms of feeding the homeless. ReFood volunteers go to restaurants to collect surplus food and then cycle around Lisbon to distribute food to the homeless. Banco Alimentar collects groceries (e,g, milk, rice, flour, etc) and distributes them to families in need.

Lisbon Lifestyle


In order to provide better living conditions for the young graduates, the Portuguese State has developed a program.

The IEFP helps small and medium enterprises by giving a contribution to these and make it possible for these companies to offer internships to young graduates

Lisbon Lifestyle


Dog Poop Traffic

Lisbon’s problems


Environmental• There is a need for more waste bins available around town

especially in nightlife areas (e,g, the Santos or the Bairro Alto quarters)

•Pigeon feeding should be avoided because pigeons pollute and damage the city's monuments

• Recycling is a growing reality in Lisbon but there should be more awareness campaigns in schools

• Traffic in the rush hour is a huge problem. Alternative assigned paths or routes, bike sharing and car pooling systems should be implemented as these measures would spread traffic across the entire city, not concentrate it in just one place and would also decrease pollution levels

Room for Improvement


• Recycling policies should be implemented in every company. Companies should reduce the use of paper and recycled paper should always be the no.1 option.

• Glass, not plastic coffee cups, should be used in work and education environments, thus drastically decreasing the use of plastic.

Room for Improvement


• There are a large number of abandoned buildings in Lisbon that should undergo construction repair works to make them fit to live in. This would provide access to housing facilities for people in need (e.g. the elderly, the disabled, etc) and would be a way to create an inclusive society.

Room for Improvement

Rita Ferreira Malaquias

In a few snapshots I tried to capture the magic of the city where I was born and where I have always lived. If I failed, it is my fault, not the city’s because Lisbon is a unique city with friendly people and a trendy lifestyle. THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION!