iec do's & don'ts

Unyscape Infocom 1 Do’s and Don’ts Welcome to IEC Group of Institutions

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Do’s and Don’ts

Welcome to IEC Group of Institutions

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Essential Do’s and Don’ts for STUDENTS

Now that you have become a college student, you have to establish a chain of new relationships. A lot of new people will enter your life: your roommates, college counselors, faculty members, resident assistants, and certainly the faculty members, Professors and your Head of Department. The latter are those people through whom your subsequent life will be shaped. This is why it is important to establish a healthy relationship with them and according to the basic principles of mutual respect.

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Essential Do’s and Don’ts for STUDENTS

Do be a regular scholar. Come to college in clean and tidy uniform.

Do Let there be grace and sense of purpose in your work and movement

Do’s (General Conduct)

Do Be regular for lectures and take active part in its’ conduct

Do Extend your discipline in keeping the classroom and campus clean.

Do Read Newspapers and Magazines regularly Do Bring only the prescribed text books and

note books, proper materials, pen, books etc.

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Essential Do’s and Don’ts for STUDENTS

Do Your work and conduct should be such that it brings a good name to the college

Do Follow up the corrections and suggestions by the Lecturers, Professors and HOD’s

Do’s (General Conduct)

Do Be HONEST with your teachers’

Do Take the initiative once in a while to go the extra mile in class or assignments

Do Assume that all tasks/assignments are important and do your best to be sure that your work is done to your best ability and within deadlines

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Essential Do’s and Don’ts for STUDENTS

Do Develop a positive mental attitude about your College and your goals

Do’s (General Conduct)

Do plan your Lesson in advance

Do plan to ask questions or pose problems at intervals to create and sustain interest if participating in an oral activity conducted by the college

Do formulate your Question or request in a concise and polite form.Do prepare audio-visual material if required and as per directions from your Lecturers, Professors and HOD’sDo respect your roommate

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Essential Do’s and Don’ts for STUDENTS

Do think ahead by setting GOALS

Do’s (General Conduct)

Do organize your time Do be an OPPORTUNIST Do go to the LIBRARY Do get involved in Campus

functions/extra-curricular activities

Do address the College Lecturers, Professors and HOD’s and staff members in the most appropriate manner such as Sir/Madame’

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Essential Do’s and Don’ts for STUDENTS

Do observe general rules of Etiquette, like knocking on the door before entering, using words like EXCUSE ME, PLEASE, THANK YOU, MAY I etc

Do’s (General Conduct)

the more you work at your studies and the more you actively participate in your classes, the higher the probability for academic success. If you don't take college serious and don't study to the level you need, don't blame others for your weak academic performance.

Do take responsibility for your success or failure at college. In college, you control your fate, and

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Essential Do’s and Don’ts for STUDENTS

Do buy a planner and/or develop a system for keeping track of all your assignments, readings, and papers -- most of which you can get from the syllabus of each course you're taking. And do invest in some time management education if you do not have much experience juggling multiple demands on your time (including classes, homework, friends, clubs, sports, social gatherings, group meetings, etc.)

Do’s (General Conduct)

Do set reasonable -- and achievable -- academic goals each semester. Push yourself to perform at your highest level, but don'tmake those goals so high that fall into a downward spiral.

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Essential Do’s and Don’ts for STUDENTS

Do develop a regular time to study and read your textbooks, but don't make that time late at night or while lying in bed. And do finish the readings that are assigned for each class -- so you can be better prepared for understanding and questioning the lectures and participating in discussions.

Do’s (General Conduct)

Do take time to review your current studying strengths and weaknesses. By understanding yourself better, you'll be able to maximize your strengths while overcoming -- or at least minimizing -- your weaknesses.

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Essential Do’s and Don’ts for STUDENTS

Do consider breaking up your studying into smaller chunks throughout the day; you'll face less burnout, have more time flexibility, and retain more information by doing so.

Do’s (General Conduct)

Do find a study system that works for you, but don't make it cramming the night before. There are numerous study techniques, such as outlining, flash cards, study groups, etc., and you need to find the one -- or the combination -- that works best for you for each subject.

Do develop a good note-taking system -- both for reading assignments and for class lectures. Find a system that works for you, such as outlining, or develop your own.

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Essential Do’s and Don’ts for STUDENTS

Do start researching, planning, writing, and editing papers well in advance of the deadline, and do seek the assistance of the professor if you are having a hard time getting started with the paper. Don't hand in a paper straight from the printer that you have not edited and proofread at least once.

Do seek out assistance when you find yourself struggling. Besides the professor and your classmates, most colleges have an academic support center that typically offers assistance in learning how to study, time management, and note-taking, as well as tutoring for a variety of subjects (including English, math, and foreign languages).

Do’s (General Conduct)

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Essential Do’s and Don’ts for STUDENTS

Do ask your professors for copies of old tests and papers or projects. Some professors keep old exams on reserve at the library – or even on their Websites. Having an idea of what to expect is extremely useful in studying. For major papers and projects, again, it's useful to see how the professor grades these types of assignments.

Do attend any review sessions the professor offers – especially before the first test -- and do study beforehand so you can ask questions you still may have about the material.

Do’s (General Conduct)

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Essential Do’s and Don’ts for STUDENTS

Do find a way to balance studying with all the other things that college offers. The best students blossom in college -- both personally and academically.

Do live a healthy lifestyle -– getting enough rest, eating a healthy diet, and exercising regularly. In fact, some of our best students say the key to their success is diet and exercise.

Do’s (General Conduct)

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Essential Do’s and Don’ts for STUDENTS

Do Keep an eye on the time: it will probably seem to pass very quickly, so take care not to spend too much time on any one passage or QUESTION

Do Start at the beginning of the Exam and work through it, if you cannot attempt a Question leave it and go on to the next

Do Answer as many Questions as you can

Do’s (Examination)

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Essential Do’s and Don’ts for STUDENTS

Do Read the instructions for each set questions very carefully: it is important to do exactly what you are asked to do.

Do Use the glossary, if there is one provided, to help you understand unfamiliar words

Do Pay attention to any examples that are provided.

Do’s (Examination)

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Essential Do’s and Don’ts for STUDENTS

Don’t do anything that is derogatory to your self-respect

Don’t loiter about or outside the classroom while the Lecture is in progress

Don’ts (General Conduct)

Don’t get involved and do not be a part of RAGGING, STRIKES and any other bad circumstantial activities inside/outside the campus/hostels

Don’t while moving from one Lecture/ lecture room to another take care not to disturb others

Don’t mark underline, or annotate the LIBRARY BOOKS and other LIBRARY material

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Essential Do’s and Don’ts for STUDENTS

Don’t act disinterested, pompous or bored

Don’ts (General Conduct)

Don’t leave the class early or unannounced

Don’t over participate in the class discussions—give others a fair chance to contribute and learn from their input

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Essential Do’s and Don’ts for STUDENTS

Don’t sleep through the class. Sounds Simple? It’s not. Class time equals your money and it will cost in the end if you SKIP.

Don’ts (General Conduct)

Don’t bring other children to class without the Professors’ permission

Don’t correct the Professor in front of the class

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Essential Do’s and Don’ts for STUDENTS

Don’t be too intimidated to ask questions. It’s your college career, you have a RIGHT to KNOW

Don’ts (General Conduct)

Don’t live in the moment, College goes by too fast. Prepare for the next semester, next year and even Graduation by setting GOALSDon’t shrug off opportunities that arise. College presents opportunities you may never get again. Take advantage of these, they are designed for you.

Don’t view learning as an OBSTACLE

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Essential Do’s and Don’ts for STUDENTS

Don’t be a HERMIT, you will enjoy college if you are BALANCED

Don’ts (General Conduct)

Don’t spend money without earning any. Following this ensures that you will have enough money when the time comes to purchase books and pay unforeseen expenses

Don’t forget to identify yourself and mention your status and relationship with the Professor. (Do not write “I am that guy in the orange sweater sitting on the last row”, instead mention the Course and Time of your classes.

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Essential Do’s and Don’ts for STUDENTS

Don't expect your college professors to be anything like your high school teachers. The best students take the time to learn what each professor expects from students -- and then devise a plan to live up to those expectations.

Don’ts (General Conduct)

Don’t flattering, rude remarks, or any other inappropriate or provocative statements.

Don't get in the habit of skipping classes. Attending class is a critical component of learning the material -- and class notes are often a key part of studying for exams.

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Essential Do’s and Don’ts for STUDENTS

Don't study for the sake of studying. Putting more time into studying will not help you achieve better grades; instead, you need to study smarter.

Don’ts (General Conduct)

Don’t overstateDon’t Re-state—CREATE!!!Don’t confess----PROFESS!!!

Don't compare your academic performance to anyone else. Each person is unique, and comparing yourself to others just sets you up for disappointment -- or worse, failure.

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Essential Do’s and Don’ts for STUDENTS

Don’t waste time reading the whole passage each time for each set of questions.

Don’t panic if there are questions which you cannot answer

Don’t forget that you must write your answers on your answer sheet

Don’t write more than one answer when only one is required.

Don’ts (Examination)

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Essential Do’s and Don’ts for STUDENTS

Don’t worry if you don’t understand every word. It may not be necessary to understand all the words in order to answer the questions correctly

Don't panic if your grades are not where you hoped or expect them to be, but do develop a plan of action (seeking help from your professors or academic support center) to improve your grades.

Don’ts (Examination)