ieee transactions on cybernetics 1 diversified sensitivity

IEEE Proof IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CYBERNETICS 1 Diversified Sensitivity-Based Undersampling for Imbalance Classification Problems Wing W. Y. Ng, Member, IEEE, Junjie Hu, Daniel S. Yeung, Fellow, IEEE, Shaohua Yin, and Fabio Roli, Fellow, IEEE Abstract—Undersampling is a widely adopted method to deal with imbalance pattern classification problems. Current methods mainly depend on either random resampling on the majority class or resampling at the decision boundary. Random-based under- sampling fails to take into consideration informative samples in the data while resampling at the decision boundary is sensi- tive to class overlapping. Both techniques ignore the distribution information of the training dataset. In this paper, we propose a diversified sensitivity-based undersampling method. Samples of the majority class are clustered to capture the distribution infor- mation and enhance the diversity of the resampling. A stochastic sensitivity measure is applied to select samples from both clus- ters of the majority class and the minority class. By iteratively clustering and sampling, a balanced set of samples yielding high classifier sensitivity is selected. The proposed method yields a good generalization capability for 14 UCI datasets. Index Terms—Diversified sensitivity undersampling (DSUS), imbalance data, sample selection. I. I NTRODUCTION T HE PROBLEM of class imbalance occurs in many pattern classification problems like network security, medical diagnostics, and digit recognition. In security and medical problems, the number of samples belonging to the normal class is usually much larger than that of the dangerous or abnormal class. For multiclass problems, the numbers of samples in dif- ferent classes are inherently imbalanced. For instance, in a ten-digit recognition problem, the number of samples in each class could be one out of ten of the total number of samples which leads to a 1:9 imbalance pattern classification problem for each class [1]. Undersampling and oversampling are widely applied to bal- ance the imbalance data for classifier training. Oversampling generates new artificial samples of the minority class. Manuscript received December 23, 2013; revised April 25, 2014 and November 1, 2014; accepted November 9, 2014. This work was sup- ported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 61003171, Grant 61272201, and Grant 61003172, and in part by the Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University of China under Grant NCET-11-0162. This paper was recommended by Associate Editor Q. Shen. W. W. Y. Ng, D. S. Yeung, and S. Yin are with the School of Computer Science and Engineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510006, China (e-mail: [email protected]). J. Hu is with the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. F. Roli is with the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering of the University of Cagliari, Cagliari 09123, Italy. Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online at Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TCYB.2014.2372060 Undersampling selects a portion of samples from the majority class to balance the data. The major advantage of under- sampling is that all training samples are real. Random-based undersampling and resampling at the decision boundary are two major categories of undersampling methods. Random- based undersampling selects samples from the majority class randomly without concerning the usefulness of samples. In contrast, resampling is sensitive to class overlapping. Moreover, both approaches ignore the distribution of samples in both classes which may yield a poor generalization to future samples in the majority class located far from the decision boundary. Therefore, in this paper, we propose the diversified sensitivity-based undersampling method (DSUS) which selects useful samples yielding high stochastic sensitivity with respect to the currently trained classifier. To prevent selecting sam- ples around the decision boundary only and perverse the data distribution, samples in the majority class are clustered and only a representative sample of each cluster participates in the selection process. It also speeds up the selection process. Section II provides a brief review on related works. The DSUS is presented in Section III. Section IV shows experi- mental comparisons between the DSUS and current methods, and we conclude this paper in Section V. II. RELATED WORKS If a classifier is trained using a highly imbalanced dataset directly, a poor performance is expected. When dealing with such problems, some classical algorithms (e.g., neural net- works) tend to misclassify samples of the minority class to the majority class which yields a high average classification accuracy. However, the misclassification cost for the minority class is usually much greater than that of the majority one. In addition to the imbalance ratio, as pointed out in [2], multiclass problems may also introduce multimajority and multiminority classes. This further complicates the issue here. On the other hand, the overlapping between the majority and the minor- ity classes introduces a further difficulty to the imbalance problem [3]–[5]. Resampling and classifier modification are two major approaches in dealing with the imbalance problem. The aim of resampling is to balance the dataset before the classifier learning. Resampling either oversamples the minority class by creating fake samples for the minority class or undersamples the majority class by selecting a portion of samples from it. The major advantages of resampling are that no modification 2168-2267 c 2014 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.

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Diversified Sensitivity-Based Undersampling forImbalance Classification ProblemsWing W. Y. Ng, Member, IEEE, Junjie Hu, Daniel S. Yeung, Fellow, IEEE,

Shaohua Yin, and Fabio Roli, Fellow, IEEE

Abstract—Undersampling is a widely adopted method to dealwith imbalance pattern classification problems. Current methodsmainly depend on either random resampling on the majority classor resampling at the decision boundary. Random-based under-sampling fails to take into consideration informative samples inthe data while resampling at the decision boundary is sensi-tive to class overlapping. Both techniques ignore the distributioninformation of the training dataset. In this paper, we propose adiversified sensitivity-based undersampling method. Samples ofthe majority class are clustered to capture the distribution infor-mation and enhance the diversity of the resampling. A stochasticsensitivity measure is applied to select samples from both clus-ters of the majority class and the minority class. By iterativelyclustering and sampling, a balanced set of samples yielding highclassifier sensitivity is selected. The proposed method yields agood generalization capability for 14 UCI datasets.

Index Terms—Diversified sensitivity undersampling (DSUS),imbalance data, sample selection.


THE PROBLEM of class imbalance occurs in many patternclassification problems like network security, medical

diagnostics, and digit recognition. In security and medicalproblems, the number of samples belonging to the normal classis usually much larger than that of the dangerous or abnormalclass. For multiclass problems, the numbers of samples in dif-ferent classes are inherently imbalanced. For instance, in aten-digit recognition problem, the number of samples in eachclass could be one out of ten of the total number of sampleswhich leads to a 1:9 imbalance pattern classification problemfor each class [1].

Undersampling and oversampling are widely applied to bal-ance the imbalance data for classifier training. Oversamplinggenerates new artificial samples of the minority class.

Manuscript received December 23, 2013; revised April 25, 2014 andNovember 1, 2014; accepted November 9, 2014. This work was sup-ported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China underGrant 61003171, Grant 61272201, and Grant 61003172, and in part by theProgram for New Century Excellent Talents in University of China underGrant NCET-11-0162. This paper was recommended by Associate EditorQ. Shen.

W. W. Y. Ng, D. S. Yeung, and S. Yin are with the School ofComputer Science and Engineering, South China University of Technology,Guangzhou 510006, China (e-mail: [email protected]).

J. Hu is with the Department of Computer Science and Engineering,Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.

F. Roli is with the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering ofthe University of Cagliari, Cagliari 09123, Italy.

Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are availableonline at

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TCYB.2014.2372060

Undersampling selects a portion of samples from the majorityclass to balance the data. The major advantage of under-sampling is that all training samples are real. Random-basedundersampling and resampling at the decision boundary aretwo major categories of undersampling methods. Random-based undersampling selects samples from the majority classrandomly without concerning the usefulness of samples.In contrast, resampling is sensitive to class overlapping.Moreover, both approaches ignore the distribution of samplesin both classes which may yield a poor generalization to futuresamples in the majority class located far from the decisionboundary. Therefore, in this paper, we propose the diversifiedsensitivity-based undersampling method (DSUS) which selectsuseful samples yielding high stochastic sensitivity with respectto the currently trained classifier. To prevent selecting sam-ples around the decision boundary only and perverse the datadistribution, samples in the majority class are clustered andonly a representative sample of each cluster participates in theselection process. It also speeds up the selection process.

Section II provides a brief review on related works. TheDSUS is presented in Section III. Section IV shows experi-mental comparisons between the DSUS and current methods,and we conclude this paper in Section V.


If a classifier is trained using a highly imbalanced datasetdirectly, a poor performance is expected. When dealing withsuch problems, some classical algorithms (e.g., neural net-works) tend to misclassify samples of the minority class tothe majority class which yields a high average classificationaccuracy. However, the misclassification cost for the minorityclass is usually much greater than that of the majority one. Inaddition to the imbalance ratio, as pointed out in [2], multiclassproblems may also introduce multimajority and multiminorityclasses. This further complicates the issue here. On the otherhand, the overlapping between the majority and the minor-ity classes introduces a further difficulty to the imbalanceproblem [3]–[5].

Resampling and classifier modification are two majorapproaches in dealing with the imbalance problem. The aimof resampling is to balance the dataset before the classifierlearning. Resampling either oversamples the minority class bycreating fake samples for the minority class or undersamplesthe majority class by selecting a portion of samples from it.The major advantages of resampling are that no modification

2168-2267 c© 2014 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.See for more information.





to classifier is needed and the balanced dataset can be reused inother applications or learning tasks [6]. Resampling could befurther divided into random, ensemble [4], and active learning(resampling at the decision boundary)-based approaches.

For an imbalance pattern classification problem with Nn

samples in the majority class and Np samples in the minorityclass, where Nn > Np, the random undersampling (RUS) [3]selects Np samples from the majority class randomlyto balance the two classes. In contrast, the randomoversampling (ROS) [3] randomly create Nn−Np fake samplesaround samples of the minority class to balance the dataset.However, both the ROS and the RUS suffer from the problemof losing distribution information. The RUS may miss infor-mative samples while the ROS may yield overfitting becauseof the creation of many duplicated training samples. When theimbalance ratio is large, undersampling may remove too manynegative samples in the majority class and loose importantinformation about the majority class [7].

Synthetic minority over-sampling technique (SMOTE) [8]creates artificial samples between two samples in the minorityclass. Gao et al. [6] combined the particle swarm optimiza-tion with the SMOTE to train radial basis function neuralnetwork (RBFNN). They preserve the distribution of theminority class. Several modifications are made to the SMOTE,e.g., borderline-SMOTE [9], safe-level SMOTE [10], localneighborhood-based SMOTE [11], and rough sets theory-based SMOTE [12]. In [13], the SMOTE is also applied todeal with imbalanced datasets for linguistic fuzzy rule-basedclassification problems.

Owing to the random nature in both RUS and ROS,ensemble methods are usually adopted to reduce the vari-ance of performances and produce better final classifiers.Recently, an inverse RUS (IRUS) [14] is proposed to ran-domly undersample the majority class, but not to balance thetwo classes. In each of the base classifiers of the ensemble,the IRUS resamples r samples from the majority class, wherer < Np. Then, base classifiers trained by different inversedatasets are fused to create a composite decision boundarybetween the two classes. In contrast to the bagging-basedIRUS, RUSBoost [15] and MSMOTEBoost [16] adopt boost-ing for RUS and SMOTE for undersampling and oversampling,respectively. Easyensemble (EE) and Balancecascade (BC) aretwo hybrid ensemble undersampling methods [17] which com-bine bagging and boosting. In EE, the dataset is divided intoseveral subsets by random resampling with replacement andeach subset is used to train a base classifier of the ensemblewith AdaBoost. BC performs the bagging part in a supervisedmanner and removes samples that can be classified correctlywith high confidence from future selections. Among ensem-ble methods, [18] finds that bagging outperforms boosting,especially when noise appears in the dataset.

Active learning-based method is also applied to solve theimbalance problem by selecting informative samples fromboth classes. In the support vector machine (SVM) train-ing, only support vectors located near the decision boundary(hyperplane) are useful. Moreover, samples located near thedecision boundary are less imbalance in comparison to thewhole dataset. So, resampling at the decision boundary is an

effective active learning method, especially for SVM [19].The LA-SVM [20] retrains a SVM using informative sam-ples selected from the current decision boundary iteratively.As an instance of the classifier modification approach, a partialleast square-based asymmetric classifier is proposed in [21] toenhance the generalization accuracy of samples in the minorityclass. Another way to modify the SVM for imbalance prob-lems is via margin calibration [22] by an inversed proportionalregularized penalty to reweight the imbalance samples anda margin compensation to drift the margin. Similarly, neu-ral networks can also be modified by output threshold movingto change the class decision of neural networks based on acost-sensitive objective function [23].


The DSUS consists of three major components: 1) clus-tering samples in the majority class; 2) undersampling via asample selection using the stochastic sensitivity measure (SM);and 3) a RBFNN trained by using training samples selectedby the SM. Fig. 1 shows the workflow of the DSUS andAlgorithm 1 shows details of the DSUS. Both clustering andRBFNN training use off-the-shelf methods. In this paper, thek-means is used which could be replaced by other clusteringmethods. The RBFNN training algorithm will be introduced inSection III-A, while the SM evaluation criterion will be intro-duced in Section III-B. The time complexity of the DSUS willbe discussed in Section III-C.

Given an imbalance dataset with Np candidate samples inthe minority (positive) class (Up) and Nn candidate samplesin the majority (negative) class (Un), the DSUS will first clus-ter samples in the majority class and samples in the minorityclass into k clusters separately, where k = √

Np. The value ofk remains the same after iterations and is not updated when Np

becomes smaller after iterative sample selection. For each cen-ter of the clusters in both classes, the sample located closest toit is added to the initial training set to train the initial RBFNN.As shown in Fig. 1, samples of the initial training set will beremoved from the candidate set. The SM for sample selec-tion is computed based on both sample location in the inputspace and also the trained RBFNN. The choice of k = �√Np�is ad-hoc and it is intended to provide a balanced number ofsamples between two classes in each step. In Section IV-A, weshow that the choice of k = �√Np� outperforms k = �√Nn�,k = �√Np + Nn/2� and k = �√Np + Nn�. This is because Nn

is too large and the later two choices make the DSUS select-ing a large number of samples in each step which reduces theeffectiveness of the DSUS.

The number of samples in the majority class is usually verylarge, so we cluster them into Np clusters in each turn beforethe sample selection. It helps to reduce the time for evaluationand also provides a diversified sample set for selection. Thisstep allows the DSUS to preserve the distribution informa-tion and is beneficial to the generalization for future unseensamples generated from the same distribution of training sam-ples. Moreover, the clustering algorithm is selected by the userand could affect the effectiveness of the DSUS if a very badclustering algorithm is used.





Fig. 1. Workflow of the DSUS.

The DSUS selects a sample located closest to the center ofeach of these Np clusters as representative samples and thentheir SM values are computed. The k samples yielding thelargest SM values will be selected from the majority class.Similarly, k samples yielding the largest SM values will alsobe selected from the minority class. These 2k samples are thenadded to the initial training set to form a balanced trainingdataset for the RBFNN. In each turn of iteration, the trainingdataset consists of 2tk samples, where t denotes the number ofiterations including the initial turn. The value of t is at mostequal to k. The DSUS is particularly suitable for RBFNN train-ing because RBFNN training relies on distribution informationto compute parameters of its hidden neurons. Selected sam-ples are removed from the candidate set and these proceduresrepeat until the number of samples in the minority class is lessthan k.

A. RBFNN Training Algorithm

An RBFNN is defined as follows:

f (x) =M∑



(‖ x − uj ‖2




where x, f (x), uj, vj, wj, and M denote the input, the RBFNNoutput of x, the center vector of the jth hidden neuron, thewidth of the jth hidden neuron, the weight between the jth

Algorithm 1 DSUS1. Step 1: Training the initial RBFNN2. a) Cluster both Un and Up into k = �√Np� clusters each.3. b) Set both P0 and R0 to be empty sets4. c) For each of k clusters of the minority class, add the

sample located closest to its center to P0.5. d) For each of k clusters of the majority class, add the

sample located closest to its center to R0.6. e) Up = Up − P0, Un = Un − R0, S = P0

⋃R0 and b = 0

7. Step 2: Train a RBFNN using S8. while np ≥ k do9. Step 3: Find representative samples in the majority

class(C)10. a) Set C, Rb and Pb to be empty sets11. b) np = size(Up) and b = b + 112. c) Cluster Un into np clusters.13. d) For each of np clusters of Un, add the sample located

closest to its center to C14. Step 4: Sample Selection using the Sensitivity Measure15. a) Compute the SM value for each sample in both C

and UP with the current RBFNN16. b) Add k samples from C yielding the largest SM values

to Rb

17. c) Add k samples from UP yielding the largest SMvalues to Pb

18. d) Up = UpCPb and Un = UnCRb, S = S⋃



19. Step 5: Train a RBFNN using S20. end while

hidden neuron and the output neuron, and the number of hid-den neurons, respectively. We could represent (1) in a matrixform: F = WH, where W and H denote a vector consisting ofall wj and an N × M matrix consisting of all hidden neuronoutputs of all training samples, respectively. An RBFNN con-sists of three layers: 1) input; 2) hidden; and 3) output layers.The number of neurons on the input layer is equal to the num-ber of input features. For two-class problems, the output layerconsists of one output neuron. The decision of majority orminority classification is made by thresholding of the valueof the output neuron computed using (1). The classical two-phase training algorithm in [24] is used to select parametersof the RBFNN. In the first phase, hidden neuron parametersare determined using unsupervised clustering methods basedon the distribution information of the training dataset. Theconnection weights are then determined using a supervisedmethod to learn the input–output relationship in the secondphase.

In the first phase, center vectors (uj) are computed via ak-means clustering algorithm with M equal to the square rootof the number of training samples in the current turn. It wasshown in [25] that selecting the number of hidden neuronsusing SM and the localized generalization error [25] yieldsa RBFNN with better generalization capability. However, weuse a classical method instead of the SM-based method inthis paper to select the number of hidden neurons for a faircomparison to other imbalance learning methods. The width





parameter (vj) is selected to be the average value of distancesbetween nearest centers.

In the second phase, the weight values have a linear rela-tionship to the output neuron and hidden neuron outputs. So,instead of applying the recursive least square method [24], asimple least square method is used to compute the connectionweights by W = FH+, where H+ denotes the pseudo-inverseof the matrix H. All RBFNNs in our experiments follow thetraining algorithm as described here.

B. SM-Based Sample Selection

In [25], the SM of a RBFNN was proposed as part ofthe localized generalization error model (L-GEM) for theRBFNN architecture selection. However, the computationmethod in [25] does not compute the SM for individual sam-ple. So, in [26] a new SM formulation is proposed for the SVMwhich measures sensitivity of individual sample for hyper-parameter selection for the SVM. In this paper, we proposeto use the SM to evaluate individual candidate sample forundersampling. The SM of a sample (xb) measures the out-put fluctuations of a given RBFNN when the n-dimensionalinputs of the sample are perturbed by an n-dimensional vec-tor �x. In the context of a pattern recognition problem, theinput perturbation may be interpreted as future unseen sam-ples in a neighborhood of a training sample such that, for asmall perturbation, those future, unseen samples may be rec-ognized similar to the training sample. Intuitively, this followsthe basic assumption that unseen and training samples followthe same distribution pattern.

We define a Q-neighborhood for the candidate sample xb

in (2) which covers all unseen, nontraining samples simi-lar to xb. In other words, unseen, nontraining samples witha difference from xb in each feature less than a preselectedvalue Q are considered to be similar to xb. The value ofQ provides an upper bound to the maximum expected dif-ference between candidate samples and future samples underinvestigation

SQ(xb) = {x|x = xb + �x, |�xi| ≤ Q, i = 1, 2, . . . , n} (2)

where xi denotes the ith input feature of x. For each candidatesample, we evaluate the expectation of squared RBFNN outputdifferences (�y) between all samples in SQ(xb) and the xb asthe SM of xb in

SM =∫


( f (xb) − f (x))2 p(x)dx



(f (xb)

2 − 2f (xb)f (x) + f (x)2)


= f (xb)2 − 2f (xb)


f (x)p(x)dx +∫


f (x)2p(x)dx

= f (xb)2 − 2f (xb)I1 + I2. (3)

I1 and I2 are defined in (4) and (5) with the assumption thatinput features are assumed to be independent to each other.Since we have no prior knowledge about unseen samples in

the Q-neighborhood, all unseen samples are assumed to havethe same chance to appear in future, i.e., uniformly distributed.So, p(x) = 1/(2Q)n. A detailed derivation of (3)–(5) could befound in [26]

I1 =∫


f (x)p(x)dx

= 1



f (xb + �x)dx

= 1







(�xi + xbi − uji





=( √




)n M∑







⎝xbi − uji + Q√


− erf

⎝xbi − uji − Q√


⎠ (4)

where uji denotes the ith element of the center vector uj

I2 =∫


f (x)2p(x)dx

= 1



f (xb + �x)2dx

= 1







(�xi + xbi − uji









)n M∑





j v2k


k + v2j


v2k + v2










k + v2j

)(xbi + Q) −


kuji + v2j uki



j v2k


k + v2j



− erf



k + v2j

)(xbi − Q) −


kuji + v2j uki



j v2k


k + v2j







A training sample yielding a large SM value indicatesthat the RBFNN is not certain about its output classificationwith respect to a minor change in the input values of thesample. Hence, the RBFNN does not have enough knowl-edge about this particular training sample and it may callfor further learning on this sample to improve the perfor-mance of the RBFNN. In contrast, RBFNN is well learntof a training sample if its SM value is low. By itera-tively adding samples with large SM values to the trainingsample set, the RBFNN learns more knowledge about theclassification problem. Moreover, the samples selected bythe SM ranking for imbalance learning are balanced bySteps 4(b) and (c) in Algorithm 1. The proposed DSUS method





can be adapted to widely used classifiers, e.g., LS-SVMand multilayer perceptron neural networks by replacing theSM of RBFNN by the SMs presented in [26] and [27],respectively.

C. Time Complexity of DSUS

The DSUS consists of three major steps: 1) clustering ofsamples in the majority class; 2) computation of the SM;and 3) the training of the RBFNN. Their time complexitiesare O(NpNnld), O(N1.5

p (Np + Nn)d), and O(N2p ld), respec-

tively, where l and d denote the number of steps usedby k-means clustering and the number of input features,respectively. The overall time complexity of the DSUS isO(Np1.5(Np + Nn)d). This time complexity is worse than thatof the RUS (O(N1.5

p ld)) and the ROS (O(N1.5n ld)), but the

DSUS yields significantly better results.


Firstly, we use four artificial imbalance datasets to com-pare training samples selected by the DSUS, the RUS, andthe resampling at the decision boundary-based undersamplingfor SVM (LA-SVM) in Section IV-A. We show experimentson five artificial datasets with different ratios of overlappingand evaluate the DSUS for dealing with both the imbal-ance and the overlapping in Section IV-B. We will test theDSUS when clustering is not meaningful and the decisionboundary is not clear in Section IV-C. Section IV-D providesexperimental comparisons of the DSUS with other random-based, ensemble, and resampling at the decision boundarymethods on 14 UCI datasets with different imbalance ratiosand sizes.

A. Samples Selected by Different Undersampling Schemes

The proposed DSUS combines sample selection on theuncertain region with distribution information. So we compareit with resampling at the decision boundary (LA-SVM) [20]and random-based method to show the effectiveness of theDSUS. RUS is one of the key components of many currentundersampling methods (see [17]), and it is selected as therepresentative random-based method. Both the RUS and theDSUS use a RBFNN classifier while the LA-SVM uses a SVMclassifier.

The four 2-D artificial datasets shown in Fig. 2 repre-sent four different situations of imbalance datasets. Fig. 2(a)shows the first imbalance dataset (uniform) created by auniform distribution where one out of nine samples at theleft-bottom corner belong to the minority class (red circle infigures) while others belong to the majority class (blue cross).The second imbalance dataset (Gaussian-1) is created by twoGaussian distributions with a 1:9 ratio of samples as shown inFig. 2(b). The third imbalance dataset (Gaussian-2) consists ofnine Gaussian distributions with the same number of samplesbeing arranged in a 3×3 grid as shown in Fig. 2(c). Samples ofthe Gaussian located in the middle belong to the minority classwhile others belong to the majority class. Fig. 2(d) shows thefourth imbalance dataset (complex) which also has a 1:9 ratio

Fig. 2. Four artificial imbalance datasets. (a) Uniform. (b) Gaussian-1.(c) Gaussian-2. (d) Complex.

of samples in the minority and the majority classes. In compar-ison with simple distributions in the other three datasets, thecomplex dataset has a complicated decision boundary betweenthe two classes.

Fig. 3 shows the first four turns of undersampling by(a) the DSUS, (b) the RUS, and (c) the LA-SVM forthe uniform dataset. Figs. 4–6 show the undersampling forGaussian-1, Gaussian-2, and complex datasets, respectively.Figs. 3(a), 4(a), 5(a), and 6(a) show that the DSUS main-tains the distribution of the original dataset roughly while ittends to select more samples around the decision boundary.Random-based RUS method select samples from both classesequally yet randomly. In contrast, LA-SVM focuses on thedecision boundary while ignoring other samples. Then, wetrain RBFNNs using undersampling results of the DSUS, theRUS, and the LA-SVM. To show the effectiveness and neces-sity of the DSUS, the two components of the DSUS: sampleclustering (clusteronly) and sample selection by SM (SMonly)are also compared. In clusteronly, we randomly select k sam-ples located closest to centers of clusters in the same way ofStep 3 in Algorithm 1 as training samples and repeat untilsamples in the minority class being used up. For SMonly, wefollow Algorithm 1, but select samples using the SM for allsamples in majority class by passing Step 3 in Algorithm 1.The 50% of samples in each dataset are selected as candidateset for RBFNN training while the other 50% samples left areused as testing samples and will not participate in any train-ing. All methods perform undersampling on the 50% candidatesets. Random selection of candidate and testing datasets arerepeated ten times. Table I shows the averages and standarddeviations of F-measure (FM) achieved by the five methods onthese four datasets in ten independent runs. In Table I, a cellmarked with the •, the �, the ∗, and the ◦ indicates that theDSUS outperforms this method for the corresponding datasetby 99%, 95%, 90%, and 80% confidence, respectively. FM is





Fig. 3. Samples selected for the uniform dataset. (a) DSUS. (b) RUS.(c) LA-SVM.

Fig. 4. Samples selected for the Gaussian-1 dataset. (a) DSUS. (b) RUS.(c) LA-SVM.

computed as follows:

FM = 2PR

P + R(6)

where P and R denote the precision rate and the recall rateof RBFNNs on testing sample sets, respectively. When theproblem is too simple, e.g., the uniform dataset, the DSUS

Fig. 5. Samples selected for the Gaussian-2 dataset. (a) DSUS. (b) RUS.(c) LA-SVM.

Fig. 6. Samples selected for the complex dataset. (a) DSUS. (b) RUS.(c) LA-SVM.

does not show significant improvement over other meth-ods, except outperforming the RUS significantly. When thedataset becomes more complicated, the DSUS outperformsother methods. For both Gaussian-2 and complex datasets, theDSUS outperforms all other methods with a 99.9% signifi-cance. By comparing the results of the DSUS, the SMonly,and the clusteronly in Table I, the combination of clusteringand SM sample selection in the DSUS yields a statistically







significant improvement to the FMs of RBFNNs. The SMonlyand the LA-SVM yield the second and the third best per-formance in Gaussian-1, Gaussian-2, and complex datasets.This shows that resampling at the decision boundary is a goodmethod for undersampling. However, they perform worse thanthe DSUS because they ignore the distribution information ofthe majority class which may undermine the RBFNN learningabout the majority class far away from the decision boundary.This shows the importance of the clustering procedure in theDSUS in providing a diversified undersampling of the majorityclass.

We also perform experiments on these four datasets usingDSUSn, DSUSh, and DSUSa. The DSUSn, DSUSh, andDSUSa replace the k value by the floor of the square root of thenumber of samples in the majority class, the floor of the squareroot of half of the total number of samples in both classes andthe floor of the square root of the total number of samples inboth classes respectively, i.e., k = �√Nn�, k = �√Np + Nn/2�,and k = �√Np + Nn�. These three choices do not provide bet-ter results in comparison to the choice of k = �√Np� whilethe overall differences are statistically insignificant.

The DSUS will not select outliers in the majority class sincethe clustering is done prior to the sample selection. However,outliers in the minority class may be selected by the DSUS.Therefore, the DSUS may not work well if the outlier issueis a significant one in an imbalance problem.

B. Undersampling for Different Overlapping Ratios

Samples from two Gaussian distributions are sampled asshown in Fig. 7(a). The majority class consists of 900 sam-ples marked by blue crosses and the minority consists of100 samples marked by red circles in Fig. 7. Fig. 7 showsfive scenarios as a result of moving the minority class towardthe center of the majority class to create five datasets with dif-ferent overlapping ratios: (a) 20%, (b) 40%, (c) 60%, (d) 80%,and (e) 100% samples of the minority class. Then, we per-form undersampling learning using the DSUS, the RUS, andthe LA-SVM for these five datasets.

Table II shows averages and standard deviations of FMsof the three methods with ten independent runs. Resamplingat the decision boundary is sensitive to overlapping and theLA-SVM has a statistically significant performance worsethan the DSUS. The DSUS also outperforms the RUSwith a 99.9% significance for 20%, 40%, 60%, and 80%overlapping. However, when samples in the minority classare 100% overlapping with samples in the majority class,

Fig. 7. Artificial overlap datasets. (a) 20% overlap. (b) 40% overlap.(c) 60% overlap. (d) 80% overlap. (e) 100% overlap.



random method (RUS) outperforms both the DSUS andthe LA-SVM. When the overlapping ratio is at least 40%,LA-SVM performs worse than the RUS which shows thatresampling at the decision boundary is sensitive to overlap-ping between classes. The situation of a 100% overlapping isdifferent from the one in the Gaussian-2 in Fig. 2(c). Samplesin the minority class of the Gaussian-2 are located within themajority class without a significant overlapping. So, a cleardecision boundary can be found for the Gaussian-2. In con-trast, when there is a 100% overlapping between two classes,no method can separate them well and both the DSUS and theLA-SVM can not select any better sample than the RUS.

In summary, the DSUS is able to select useful samples fromthe two classes to train RBFNN yielding good FMs, i.e., goodprecision and recall, except the case when there is a very highpercentage of (e.g., 100%) overlapping between two classes.

C. Performance for Datasets With Unclear Cluster orDecision Boundary

The DSUS consists of two major components: 1) clusteringand 2) the SM. The SM relies heavily on decision boundariescreated by the classifier. If the decision boundary between themajority and the minority class is not clear, the SM may bemisleading. In this section, we test the DSUS on four differ-ent datasets: BC_CW, BC_CNW, BC_CW, and BNC_CNW.The decision boundary between the majority and the minorityclass of the dataset BC_CW is clear and the clustering workswell to find representative centers [Fig. 8(a)]. Fig. 8(b) showsthe dataset with a clear decision boundary but the clusteringcan not find representative centers for data, i.e., BC_CNW.BC_CW refers to the dataset shown in Fig. 8(c), where thedecision boundary is not clear between the two classes whilethe clustering can find representative centers. Fig. 8(d) shows





Fig. 8. Artificial datasets. (a) Boundary clear and cluster work. (b) Boundary clear and cluster not work. (c) Boundary not clear and cluster work. (d) Boundarynot clear and cluster not work.



the dataset where decision boundary is not clear and the clus-tering can not find representative centers. The ring-shaped datadistribution forces the clustering method to select a sample onthe ring closest to the center which is not a representativecenter and hence a heavy bias.

Table III shows averages and standard deviations of FMsfor the three methods under comparisons. Experimental resultsshow that performances of all methods drop significantly whendecision boundary is not clear. The failure of the clusteringdoes not affect performances of the RUS and the LA-SVMmuch because they do not make use of clustering informa-tion. The DSUS depends on both clustering and decisionboundary for the sensitivity calculation. One could also findthat method depending on decision boundary only, i.e., theLA-SVM, performs much worse when decision boundary isnot clear. This shows that the combination of clustering and theSM is effective and important to improve imbalance classifica-tion performance. An alternative method to further improve theDSUS in dealing with such complex datasets is to project themonto another higher dimensional space using kernel methodsto reduce the degree of overlapping.

D. Experiments on 14 UCI Datasets

In this section, we compare the DSUS with representativemethods in random-based, resampling at the decision bound-ary, and ensemble methods. The 14 UCI datasets with differentnumbers of features, numbers of samples, and imbalance ratiosare shown in Table IV, where n, Np, Nn, and IR denote thenumber of features, the number of samples in the minorityclass, the number of samples in the majority class, and theimbalance ratio, respectively. When a dataset consists of morethan two classes, one of those classes is selected as the minor-ity class (MC in Table IV) and samples in all other classesare treated as the majority class. The proposed method canbe easily extended to multiclass problems. The third columnof Table IV also shows the feature types where R, I, and Cdenote real values, integers, and categorical data (includingbinary data), respectively.


The proposed DSUS will be compared with random-based (RUS, ROS) resampling methods, ensemble-basedundersampling methods (IRUS, EE, BC), and a resamplingat the decision boundary method (LA-SVM) introduced inSection II. For the EE, the BC, and the LA-SVM, we fol-low the original setup in their papers. The RUS, the ROS,the IRUS, and the DSUS use the RBFNN described inSection III-A as classifier while EE and BC use decision treeas described in [17]. Experimental results are evaluated bythree metrics: 1) AUC; 2) FM; and 3) G-Mean. The AUCmeasures the area under the receiver operating characteristiccurve. The G-Mean is computed as follows:

G − Mean = √TPR × TNR (7)

where TPR and TNR denote the true positive rate and the truenegative rate, respectively. For each dataset, 30 independentruns are performed. The averages and the standard deviationsof AUCs, FMs, and G-Means are presented in Tables V–VII,respectively. All input features are scaled to [0, 1]. For eachindependent run, 50% of samples are randomly selected astraining samples and the other 50% samples left are usedas testing samples. The • indicates that the proposed DSUSoutperforms the corresponding method in the correspondingdataset with a statistical significance of 99% confidence. In thesame way, the �, the ∗, and the ◦ marks denote 95%, 90%, and80% confidences, respectively, that the DSUS outperforms thecorresponding method in the corresponding dataset. For AUC,FM, or G-Mean, the method yielding the highest score for adataset is marked by a bolded font in Table V.








As shown in Tables V–VII, the DSUS outperforms othermethods with a 99% statistical significance in 153 out of252 (60.71%) experiments of different datasets and resam-pling methods. For six out of 14 UCI datasets, pima, breast,post_op, cmc, newthyroid and optdigits, the DSUS yields thebest results in term of all AUC, FM, and G-Mean. For the FM,the DSUS performs the best except for the Haberman dataset.These show that the DSUS performs well for different fea-ture types, imbalance ratios, numbers of feature, and numbersof sample. The LA-SVM outperforms the DSUS without astatistical significance in some cases while the DSUS outper-forms the LA-SVM significantly in most cases. The newestIRUS uses ensemble classifiers with different sets of RUS

yields better results than the DSUS in some cases, but noneof them has any statistical significance. Ensemble methods(EE, BC, and IRUS) perform worse than the DSUS while theyrequire more computational complexity for building ensembleof classifiers. This shows that the DSUS is more efficient andeffective in selecting useful samples from both the majorityand minority classes.

E. Cases That the DSUS Works and Does Not Work

In our experiments, the DSUS performs well in most casesin comparison to random-based, ensemble-based, and deci-sion boundary-based undersampling methods. However, theDSUS performs worse than RUS when there is a significant





overlapping (e.g., 100%) between the majority and minor-ity classes. Moreover, when the decision boundary betweentwo classes is not clear, the SM can not allocate informativesamples easily because the classifier will be sensitive owingto complex decision boundary. On the other hand, the failureof finding representative samples for clusters using cluster-ing method degrades the performance of the DSUS. Finally,if the minority class suffers from a serious outlier problem,the DSUS may select outliers as training samples which maydegrade the performance of the DSUS.


In this paper, we proposed the DSUS which preserves thedistribution information of the majority class and select infor-mative samples from both classes. Experimental results showthat the DSUS is robust to different imbalance ratios and upto 80% overlapping. One future work is to incorporate bothundersampling and oversampling with the SM to create ensem-ble of classifiers for imbalance problems. In this paper, we treatall feature types the same after scaling them into [0, 1] duringthe calculation of the SM for sample selection. A better sampleselection result may be expected by proposing a particular SMcalculation method for different feature types. Moreover, whendata changes across time, incremental learning is needed. Veryfew works have been done in dealing with imbalance problemsin incremental learning which is an important issue for manyweb-based real-world applications.


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Wing W. Y. Ng (S’01–M’06) received the B.Sc.and Ph.D. degrees from Hong Kong PolytechnicUniversity, Hong Kong, in 2001 and 2006,respectively.

He joined the Department of Computer Scienceand Technology, Shenzhen Graduate School, HarbinInstitute of Technology, Harbin, China, as anAssistant Professor from 2006 to 2008. He is cur-rently an Associate Professor with the School ofComputer Science and Engineering, South ChinaUniversity of Technology, Guangzhou, China. His

current research interests include large-scale image retrieval, machine learn-ing in big data and nonstationary environments, and business intelligence.

Dr. Ng is currently an Associate Editor of the International Journal ofMachine Learning and Cybernetics. He is the Principle Investigator of twoChina National Nature Science Foundation projects and the Program for NewCentury Excellent Talents in University from the China Ministry of Education.He served as a Board of Governor of the IEEE Systems, Man and CyberneticsSociety from 2011 to 2013.





Junjie Hu (S’13) received the B.Eng. degreein computer science and technology from SouthChina University of Technology, Guangzhou, China.He is currently pursuing the postgraduate degreefrom the Department of Computer Science andEngineering, Chinese University of Hong Kong,Hong Kong.

His current research interests include scalablemachine learning for big data analytics, especiallyonline learning with imbalanced streaming data, ker-nel classifier, online regret analysis, online AUC

optimization, top-K ranking, social recommender systems, similarity mea-surement via kernel method, machine learning with imbalanced data, activelearning, RBFNN, L-GEM, and clustering. He has published several aca-demic papers in conferences, including AAAI, International Conference onMachine Learning and Cybernetics (ICMLC), International Conference onWavelet Analysis and Pattern Recognition (ICWAPR), and NIPS Big LearningWorkshop. He has also served as a Student Assistant in 2012 ICMLC, 2013ICWAPR, and 2013 ACM RecSys.

Mr. Hu was the recipient of the National Scholarship twice during 2010 and2012 from the Ministry of Education of China, the 2013 IBM OutstandingStudent Scholarship from the IBM, and the 2013 Outstanding UndergraduateStudent Award from the China Computer Federation.

Daniel S. Yeung (M’89–SM’99–F’04) is currentlya Chair Professor with the School of ComputerScience and Engineering, South China Universityof Technology, Guangzhou, China. He has beena faculty member of Hong Kong PolytechnicUniversity, Hong Kong and Rochester Institute ofTechnology, Rochester, NY, USA. He has alsoworked for TRW Inc., General Electric CorporationR&D Centre and Computer Consoles Inc. in USA.

Prof. Yeung served as the President of theIEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Society from

2008 to 2009. He is a fellow of the IEEE.

Shaohua Yin (S’13) received the B.S. degree indigital media technology from Jiangnan University,Wuxi, China, in 2011. He is currently pursuing thepostgraduate degree from the School of ComputerScience and Engineering, South China University ofTechnology, Guangzhou, China.

His current research interests include learningfrom imbalanced samples, content-based informa-tion retrieval, and metric learning.

Fabio Roli (F’12) received the M.S. (Hons.) andPh.D. degrees in electronic engineering from theUniversity of Genoa, Genoa, Italy.

From 1988 to 1994, he was at the Universityof Genoa as a Research Group Member inimage processing and understanding. He was anAdjunct Professor at the University of Trento,Trento, Italy, from 1993 to 1994. In 1995, hejoined the Department of Electrical and ElectronicEngineering, University of Cagliari, Cagliari, Italy,where he is currently a Professor of Computer

Engineering and a Director of the Research Laboratory on Pattern Recognitionand Applications. His current research interests include the design of patternrecognition systems and their applications to biometric personal identification,multimedia text categorization, and computer security.

Prof. Roli is a Governing Board Member of the International Associationfor Pattern Recognition and the IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Society.He is a fellow of the International Association for Pattern Recognition. He isa fellow of the IEEE, and a fellow of the International Association for PatternRecognition.