ielts avoid language bias


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IELTS Avoid Language Bias


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IELTS Avoid Language Bias

Suggestions for avoiding language that reinforces stereotypes or excludes certain groups of people.

SexismRace Ethnicity, and National OriginAgeSexual OrientationDepersonalization of Persons with Disabilities or IllnessesPatronizing or Demeaning ExpressionsLanguage That Excludes or Unnecessarily Emphasizes Differences


Sexism is the most difficult bias to avoid, in part because of the convention of using man or men and he or his to refer to people of either sex. Other, more disrespectful conventions include giving descriptions of women in terms of age and appearance while describing men in terms of accomplishment.

Avoid This   Use This Instead

mankind, man

human beings, humans, humankind, humanity, people, society, men and women

man-made synthetic, artificial

man in the street

average person, ordinary person

Using gender-neutral terms for occupations, positions, roles, etc. Terms that specify a particular sex can unnecessarily perpetuate certain stereotypes when used generically.

Avoid This   Use This Instead

anchorman anchor

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bellman, bellboy


businessman businessperson, executive, manager, business owner, retailer, etc.

chairman chair, chairperson

cleaning lady, girl, maid

housecleaner, housekeeper, cleaning person, office cleaner

clergyman member of the clergy, rabbi, priest, etc.

clergymen the clergy

congressman representative, member of Congress, legislator

fireman firefighter

forefather ancestor

girl/gal Friday assistant

housewife homemaker

insurance man

insurance agent

layman layperson, nonspecialist, nonprofessional

mailman, postman

mail or letter carrier

policeman police officer or law enforcement officer

salesman, saleswoman, saleslady, salesgirl

salesperson, sales representative, sales associate, clerk

spokesman spokesperson, representative

stewardess, steward

flight attendant

spokesman flight attendant

weatherman weather reporter, weathercaster, meteorologist

workman worker

actress actor

Replacing the pronoun he Like man, the generic use of he can be seen to exclude women.

Avoid This  

Use This Instead

When a driver approaches a

When drivers approach a red light, they must prepare to stop.

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red light, he must prepare to stop. When a driver approaches a red light, he or she must prepare to stop.

When approaching a red light, a driver must prepare to stop.

Referring to members of both sexes with parallel names, titles, or descriptions Don't be inconsistent unless you are trying to make a specific point.

Avoid This   Use This Instead

men and ladies men and women, ladies and gentlemen

Betty Schmidt, an attractive 49-year-old physician, and her husband, Alan Schmidt, a noted editor

Betty Schmidt, a physician, and her husband, Alan Schmidt, an editor

Mr. David Kim and Mrs. Betty Harrow

Mr. David Kim and Ms. Betty Harrow (unless Mrs. is her known preference)

man and wife husband and wife

Dear Sir: Dear Sir/Madam:Dear Madam or Sir:To whom it may concern:

Mrs. Smith and President Jones

Governor Smith and President Jones

Race, Ethnicity, and National Origin

Some words and phrases that refer to racial and ethnic groups are clearly offensive. Other words (e.g., Oriental, colored) are outdated or inaccurate. Hispanic is generally accepted as a broad term for Spanish-speaking people of the Western Hemisphere, but more specific terms (Latino, Mexican American) are also acceptable and in some cases preferred.

Avoid This   Use This Instead

Negro, colored, Afro-American

black, African-American (generally preferred to Afro-American)

Oriental, Asiatic

Asian or more specific designation such as Pacific Islander, Chinese American, Korean

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Indian Indian properly refers to people who live in or come from India.

American Indian, Native American, and more specific designations (Chinook, Hopi) are usually preferred when referring to the native peoples of the Western hemisphere.

Eskimo Inuit, Alaska Natives

native (n.) native peoples, early inhabitants, aboriginal peoples (but not aborigines)


The concept of aging is changing as people are living longer and more active lives. Be aware of word choices that reinforce stereotypes (decrepit, senile) and avoid mentioning age unless it is relevant.

Avoid This   Use This Instead

elderly, aged, old, geriatric, the elderly, the aged

older person, senior citizen(s), older people, seniors

Sexual Orientation

The term homosexual to describe a man or woman is increasingly replaced by the terms gay for men and lesbian for women. Homosexual as a noun is sometimes used only in reference to a male. Among homosexuals, certain terms (such as queer and dyke) that are usually considered offensive have been gaining currency in recent years. However, it is still prudent to avoid these terms in standard contexts.

Avoiding Depersonalization of Persons with Disabilities or Illnesses

Terminology that emphasizes the person rather than the disability is generally preferred. Handicap is used to refer to the environmental barrier that affects the person. (Stairs handicap a person who uses a wheelchair.) While words such as crazy, demented, and insane are used in facetious or informal contexts, these terms are not used to describe people with clinical diagnoses of mental illness. The euphemisms challenged, differently abled, and special are preferred by some people, but are often ridiculed and are best avoided. (A I   P PG  . c om)

Avoid This   Use This Instead

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Mongoloid person with Down syndrome


person who uses a wheelchair

AIDS sufferer, person afflicted with AIDS, AIDS victim

person living with AIDS, P.W.A., HIV+, (one who tests positive for HIV but does not show symptoms of AIDS)

polio victim has/had polio

the handicapped, the disabled, cripple

persons with disabilities or person who uses crutches or more specific description

deaf-mute, deaf and dumb

deaf person

Avoiding Patronizing or Demeaning Expressions

These are expressions which can offend, regardless of intention. References to age, sex, religion, race, and the like should only be included if they are relevant.

Avoid This   Use This Instead

girls (when referring to adult women), the fair sex


sweetie, dear, dearie, honey

(usually not appropriate with strangers or in public situations)

old maid, bachelorette, spinster

single woman, woman, divorced woman (but only if one would specify "divorced man" in the same context)

the little woman, old lady, ball and chain


boy (when referring to or addressing an adult man)

man, sir

Avoiding Language That Excludes or Unnecessarily Emphasizes Differences

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References to age, sex, religion, race, and the like should be included only if they are relevant.

Avoid This   Use This Instead

lawyers and their wives

lawyers and their spouses

a secretary and her boss

a secretary and boss, a secretary and his or her boss

the male nurse

the nurse

Arab man denies assault charge

Man denies assault charge

the articulate black student

the articulate student

Marie Curie was a great woman scientist

Marie Curie was a great scientist (unless the intent is to compare her only with other women in the sciences)

Christian name

given name, personal name, first name

Mr. Johnson, the black representative, met with the President today to discuss civil-rights legislation.

Mr. Johnson, a member of the Congressional Black Caucus, met with the President today to discuss civil-rights legislation.

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Common connective words to be used

While taking this test, many non native english speakers do not properly join 2 small sentences. The proper use of connectives mentioned below will be helpful. Try to use them in your sentences. Discuss more at

Familiarity with these words would be useful in all IELTS test modules.

Common connective words indicating:

Addition Sequence Consequence Contrast

in addition and similarlylikewise as well asbesides further morealso moreover and then too not only ... but even besides this/that

first(ly) initiallysecond(ly) begin with thennext earlier/laterafter this/thatfollowing this/thatafterwards

as a result thus so thereforeconsequentlyit follows thatthereby eventuallythen in that caseadmittedly

however on the other hand despite in spite ofthough although buton the contraryotherwise yet instead ofrather whereasnonetheless even thoughcompared with in

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contrast alternatively

Certainty Condition Definition Summary

obviously certainlyplainly of courseundoubtedly

if unless whetherprovided that forso that whetherdepending on

is refers to means that isconsists of

in conclusion in summary lastly finallyto sum up to concludeto recapitulate in short

Example Reason Time  

for instance one example for examplejust as in particularsuch as namelyto illustrate 

since as sobecause (of)due to owing tothe reason whyin other wordsleads to cause

before since asuntil meanwhileat the momentwhen wheneveras soon as just as


IELTS speaking topics (new)

1. What is the meaning of your name? 2. Does your name affect your personality? 3. Tell me something about your hometown. 4. What are the differences in accent between your hometown and Hanoi? 5. What is the character of the people like in your hometown? 6. What is people's favorite food in the region where you live? 7. Do you think that people have enough time for leisure now? 8. Are there any historic monuments in your region? 9. Describe your Job? How do you spend your typical day?10. Tell me something about the Hue Festival. 11. How have weddings changed in recent years?12. Tell me something about the <Holi> Festival. <change with the festival name of your country>13. Describe a traditional wedding ceremony. 14. Name a person whom you admire? Why? What influence does he / she has on your life? Would you like to become like him / her in future?15. Are there any traditions concerning the birth of a baby?16. How do you like <The test city> Compare it to your hometown. How did you get to this place?17. What place do you like best in Hanoi? 18. What places in Delhi should a foreigner visit? 19. What places would you recommend a visitor to go to in your region/hometown? 20. If you had the choice, where would you choose to live in India?

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21. Which parts of India would you recommend a foreigner to visit? 22. Tell me something about your family. 23. Which is your favourite colour? 24. Do you think colours influence our life? How?25. Which is the best place you've been to in India?26. Who does most of the household chores in your family? 27. Are the traditional sexual roles within the family changing?28. Why is the divorce rate increasing so rapidly? Is it a problem? 29. What is your opinion of the planning family policy? 30. How do you discipline your child? 31. Is it acceptable for couples to live together without marrying?32. If you had the choice, would you have a son or a daughter?33. Are you going to bring your child up any differently to the way your parents did? 34. What hopes do you have for your child? (if you are married)35. Do women still have too heavy a burden in their day to day life? 36. Is the increasing influence of the West largely a positive or negative thing?

37. Are you looking forward to anything in particular in Australia / UK / USA ? 38. What do you do in your leisure time? 39. What will you do if you fail the IELTS?

40. Who should bear the responsibility for payment of tuition fees? 41. What can be done to improve education in rural areas? 42. Have recent changes affected your job in any way? 43. Do you agree with private education? Why? 44. What can be done to close the gap between urban and rural areas? 45. If you had the power, what changes would you carry out within education? 46. Describe a typical working day for you47. How do you see yourself in ten years time? 48. If you had the opportunity to change your job, what would you do instead?49. If you had one million dollars, what would you do with it? 50. If you could start your life again, would you do anything differently? 51. What ambitions do you have? 52. Which country/place would you most like to visit? 53. What changes do you think India will see in the next few years? 54. Will any possible future changes affect your job in any way? 55. How do you think you will cope abroad?56. How does it feel to go abroad for the first time?57. Are you looking forward to anything in particular in Australia / UK / USA ? 58. What do you do in your leisure time? 59. What will you do if you fail the IELTS? 60. Why are you giveing IELTS? What course / job do you intend to pursue after IELTS.?

This is a probable list of questions that may be asked in speaking component of

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english (speech exam) Being confident as public speakers does help a lot in the exam.

ACADEMIC READINGFOR IELTS TESTQUESTIONS 1-14 You are advised to spend about 15 minutes on Questions 1-14 which refer to Reading Passage 1 below. READING PASSAGE 1 FINDING THE LOST FREEDOM1. The private car is assumed to have widened our horizons and increased our mobility. When we consider our children's mobility, they can be driven to more places (and more distant places) than they could visit without access to a motor vehicle. However, allowing our cities to be dominated by cars has progressively Eroded children's independent mobility. Children have lost much of their freedom to explore their own neighborhood or city without adult supervision. In recent surveys, when parents in some cities were asked about their own childhood experiences, the majority remembered having more, or far more, opportunities for going out on their own, compared with their own children today. They had more freedom to explore their own environment. 2. Children's independent access to their local streets may be important for their own personal, mental and psychological development. Allowing them to get to know their own neighborhood and community gives them a 'sense of place'. This depends on 'active exploration', which is not provided for when children are passengers in cars. (Such children may see more, but they learn less.) Not only is it important that children be able to get to local play areas by themselves, but walking and cycling journeys to school and to other destinations provide genuine play activities in themselves. 3. There are very significant time and money costs for parents associated with transporting their children to school, sport and to other locations. Research in the United Kingdom estimated that this cost, in 1990, was between 10 billion and 20 billion pounds. (A I P P G)4. The reduction in children's freedom may also contribute to a weakening of the sense of local community. As fewer children and adults use the streets as pedestrians, these streets become less sociable places. There is less opportunity for children and adults to have the spontaneous of community. This in itself may exacerbate fears associated with assault and molestation of children, because there are fewer adults available who know their neighbors’ children, and who can look out for their safety. 5. The extra traffic involved in transporting children results in increased traffic congestion, pollution and accident risk. As our roads become more dangerous, more parents drive their children to more places, thus contributing to increased levels of danger for the remaining pedestrians. Anyone who has experienced either the reduced volume of traffic in peak hour during school holidays, or the traffic jams near schools at the end of a school day, will not need convincing about these points. Thus, there are also important environmental implications of children's loss of freedom. 6. As individuals, parents strive to provide the best upbringing they can for their children. However, in doing so, (e.g. by driving their children to sport, school or recreation) parents may be contributing to a more

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dangerous environment for children generally. The idea that 'streets are for cars and back yards and playgrounds are for children' is a strongly held belief, and parents have little choice as individualsbut to keep their children off the streets if they want to protect their safety. 7. In many parts of Dutch cities, and some traffic calmed precincts in Germany, residential streets are now places where cars must give way to pedestrians. In these areas, residents are accepting the view that the function of streets is not solely to provide mobility for cars. Streets may also be for social interaction, walking, cycling and playing. One of the most important aspects of these European cities, in terms of giving cities back to children, has been a range of 'traffic calming' initiatives, aimed at reducing the volume and speed of traffic. These initiatives have had complex interactive effects, leading to a sense that children have been able to 'recapture' their local neighborhood, and more importantly, that they have been able to do this in safety. Recent research has demonstrated that children in many German cities have significantly higher levels of freedom to travel to places in their own neighborhood or city than children in other cities in the world. (ai p p g . co m)8. Modifying cities in order to enhance children's freedom will not only benefit children. Such cities will become more environmentally sustainable, as well as more sociable and more livable for all city residents. Perhaps it will be our concern for our children's welfare that convinces us that we need to challenge the dominance of the car in our cities. Questions 1-5Read statements 1-5 which relate to Paragraphs 1, 2, and 3 of the reading passage. Answer ? if the statement is true, F if the statement is false, or NI if there is no information given in the passage. Write your answers in the spaces numbered 1-5 on the answer sheet. One has been done for you as an example.Example: The private car has made people more mobile. Answer: ?1.The private car has helped children have more opportunities to learn. For more details visit www.aippg.comPage 3of recent information visit IELTS Forums2.Children are more independent today than they used to be. 3.Walking and cycling to school allows children to learn more. 4.Children usually walk or cycle to school. 5.Parents save time and money by driving children to school. Questions 6-9In Paragraphs 4 and 5, there are FOUR problems stated. These problems, numbered as questions 6

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-9, are listed below. Each of these problems has a cause, listed A-G. Find the correct cause for each of the problems and write the corresponding letter A-G, in the spaces numbered 6-9 on the answer sheet. One has been done for you as an example. There are more causes than problems so you will not use all of them andyou may use any cause more than once.Problems Example:low sense of community feeling 6.streets become less sociable7.fewer chances for meeting friends 8.fears of danger for children 9.higher accident riskCauses Answer: FAfew adults know local children ?fewer people use the streets ?increased pollution Dstreets are less friendly Eless traffic in school holidays Freduced freedom for children Gmore children driven to schoolQuestions 10-14Questions 10-14 are statement beginnings which represent information given in Paragraphs 6, 7 and 8. In the box below, there are some statement endings numbered

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i-x. Choose the correct ending for each statement. Write your answers i-x, in the spaces numbered 10-14 on the answer sheet. One has been done for youas an example. There are more statement endings than you will need.Example: By driving their children to school, parents help create ... Answer: i10.Children should play ... 11.In some German towns, pedestrians have right of way ... 12.Streets should also be used for ... 13.Reducing the amount of traffic and the speed is ... 14.All people who live in the city will benefit if cities are ... List of statement endingsFor more details visit www.aippg.comPage 4of recent information visit IELTS Forumsi... a dangerous environment. ii... modified. iii... on residential streets. iv... modifying cities. v... neighbourhoods. vi... socialising. vii... in backyards. viii

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... for cars. ix... traffic calming. x... residentialQuestions 15-28 READING PASSAGE 2RISING SEAParagraph 1. INCREASED TEMPERATURES The average air temperature atthe surface of the earth has risen this century, as has the temperature of ocean surface waters. Because water expands as it heats, a warmer ocean means higher sea levels. We cannot say definitely that the temperature rises are due to the greenhouse effect; the heating may be part of a ‘natural’ variability over a long time-scale that we have not yet recognized in our short 100 years of recording. However, assuming the build up of greenhouse gases is responsible, and that the warming will continue, scientists –and inhabitants of low-lying coastal areas –would like to know the extent of future sea level rises. (A I P PG . c om) Paragraph 2.Calculating this is not easy. Models used for the purpose have treated the ocean as passive, stationary and one-dimensional. Scientists have assumed that heat simply diffused into the sea from the atmosphere. Using basic physical laws, they then predict how much a known volume of water would expand for a given increase in temperature. But the oceans are not one-dimensional, and recent work by oceanographers, using a new model which takes into account a number of subtle facets of the sea –including vast and complex ocean currents –suggests that the rise in sea level may be less than some earlier estimates had predicted. Paragraph 3. An international forum on climate change, in 1986, produced figures for likely sea

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-level rises of 20 cms and 1.4 m, corresponding to atmospheric temperature increases of 1.5 and 4.5C respectively. Some scientists estimate that the ocean warming resulting from those temperature increases by the year 2050 would raise the sea level by between 10 cms and 40 cms. This model only takes into account the temperature effect on the oceans; it does not consider changes in sea level brought about by the melting of ice sheets and glaciers, and changes in groundwater storage. When we add on estimates of these, we arrive at figures for total sea- level rises of 15 cm and 70 cm respectively. Paragraph 4. -It’s not easy trying to model accurately the enormous complexities of the ever changing oceans, with their great volume, massive currents and sensitively to the influence of land masses and the atmosphere. For example, consider how heat enters the ocean. Does it just ‘diffuse’ from the warmer air vertically into the water, and heat only the surface layer of the sea? (Warm water is less dense than cold, so it would not spread downwards). Conventional models of sea-level rise have considered that this the only method, but measurements have shown that the rate of heat transfer into the ocean by vertical diffusion is far lower in practice than the figures that many modelers have adopted. Paragraph 5. Much of the early work, for simplicity, ignored the fact that water in the oceans moves in three dimensions. By movement, of course, scientists don’t mean waves, which are too small individually to consider, but rather movement of vast volumes of water in huge currents. To understand the importance of this, we now need to consider another process –advection. Imagine smoke rising from a chimney. On a still day it will slowly spread out in all directions by means of diffusion. With a strong directional wind, however, it will all shift downwind, this process is advection –the transport of properties (notably heat and salinity in the ocean) by the movement of bodies of air or water, rather than by conduction or diffusion. Paragraph 6. Massive ocean currents called gyres do the moving. These currents have far more capacity to store heat than does the atmosphere. Indeed, just the top 3 m of the ocean contains more heat than the whole of the atmosphere. The origin of gyres lies in the fact that more heat from the Sun reaches the Equator than the Poles, and naturally heat tends to move from the former to the latter. Warm air rises at the Equator, and draws more air beneath it in the form of winds (the “Trade Winds”) that, together with other air movements, provide the main force driving the ocean currents. Paragraph 7.Water itself is heated at the Equator and moves poleward, twisted by the Earth’s rotation and affected by the positions of the continents. The resultant broadly circular movements between about 10 and 40 North and South are clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere. They flow towards the east at mid latitudes in the equatorial region. They then flow towards the Poles, along the eastern sides of continents, as warm currents. When two different masses of water meet, one will move beneath the other, For more details visit www.aippg.comPage

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6of recent information visit IELTS Forumsdepending on their relative densities in the subduction process. The densities are determined by temperature and salinity. the convergence of water of different densities from the Equator and the Poles deep in the oceans causes continuous subduction. This means that water moves vertically as well as horizontally. Cold water from the Poles travels as depth –it is denser than warm water –until it emerges at the surface in another part of the world in the form of a cold current. Paragraph 8. HOW THE GREEN HOUSE EFFECT WILL CHANGE OCEAN TEMPERATURES Ocean currents, in three dimensions, form a giant ‘conveyor belt’, distributing heat from the thin surface layer into the interior of the oceans and around the globe. Water may take decades to circulate in these 3-D gyres in the lop kilometer of the ocean, and centuries in thedeep water. With the increased atmospheric temperatures due to the greenhouse effect, the oceans conveyor belt will carry more heat into the interior. This subduction moves heat around far more effectively than simple diffusion. Because warm water expandsmore than cold when it is heated, scientists had presumed that the sea level would rise unevenly around the globe. It is now believed that these inequalities cannot persist, as winds will act to continuously spread out the water expansion. Of course, of global warming changes the strength and distribution of the winds, then this ‘evening-out’ process may not occur, and the sea level could rise more in some areas than others. Questions 15-20There are 8 paragraphs numbered 1-8 in Reading Passage 2. The first paragraph and the last paragraph have been given headings. From the list below numbered A-I, choose a suitable heading for the remaining 6 paragraphs. Write your answers A-

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I, in the spaces numbered 15-20 on the answer sheet. There are more headings than paragraphs, so you will not use all the headings.List of headingsATHE GYRE PRINCIPLE BTHE GREENHOUSE EFFECT CHOW OCEAN WATERS MOVE DSTATISTICAL EVIDENCE ETHE ADVECTION PRINCIPLE FDIFFUSION VERSUS ADVECTION GFIGURING THE SEA LEVEL CHANGESHESTIMATED FIGURES ITHE DIFFUSION MODEL 15.Paragraph 2 16.Paragraph 3 For more details visit www.aippg.comPage 7of recent information visit IELTS Forums17.Paragraph 4 18.Paragraph 5 19.Paragraph 6 20.Paragraph 7Questions 21 and 22Answer questions 21 and 22 by selecting the correct answer to complete each sentence according to the information given in the reading passage. Write your answers ?, ?, ? or D in the spaces numbered 21 and 22 on the answer sheet. 21

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. Scientists do not know for sure why the air and surface of ocean temperatures are rising because: A there is too much variability ?there is not enough variability ? they have not been recording these temperatures for enough time Dthe changes have only been noticed for 100 years 22. New research leads scientists to believe that: Athe oceans are less complex ?the oceans are more complex ?the oceans will rise morethan expected Dthe oceans will rise less than expected Question 23Look at the following list of factors A-F and select THREE which are mentioned in the reading passage which may contribute to the rising ocean levels. Write the THREE corresponding letters A-F, in the space numbered 23 on the answer sheet.List of factorsAthermal expansion ?melting ice ?increased air temperature Dhigher rainfall Echanges in the water table Fincreased ocean movement Questions 24-28Read each of the following statements, 24-28. According to the information in the reading passage, if the statement istrue, write T, if it is false, write F and if there is no information about the statement in the reading passage, write N1. Write your

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answers in the spaces numbered 24-28 on the answer sheet.24.The surface layer of the oceans is warmed by the atmosphere.