if your presence does not go with us, do not send us up...

Oscar and Ada Rivera – January 2011 Newsletter If your presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here – Exodus 33:15 Ada teaching English to children from the church They are very excited because they are learning Jesus Loves me

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Oscar and Ada Rivera – January 2011 Newsletter

If your presence does not go with us,do not send us up from here – Exodus 33:15

Ada teaching English to children from the churchThey are very excited because they are learning Jesus Loves me

Oscar Preaching in the new group we just started in a village.

At Chema’s (third from left)Church with his family, Oscar preached that Sunday

Ada singing at an evangelistic campaign in a remote village

Hello brothers and sisters:

Always is a joy when we write to you, we can wait to share with you what we are doing here in Nicaragua. We wish the church could be here with us, but we know that in a war not all can go to the battle field, nevertheless we miss you.

God is good, too good to us. He knew the kind of work we were going to do here and He continue equiping us with the tools to do the mission.

We began the month with a seminar to pastors from Jinotepe, from Christ for the City, it was only a two day seminar and pastors were very grateful because they don’t have any training from their denominations.

The number of churches in which we preach is growing, thus we have more work to do, we need more time to prepare messages and sometimes the day is to short for us to complete tasks, but we are content with our acomplishments.

Even though we have now many christian friends in this country, we can not relay on them, we remind ourselfs every day that Jesus is taking our wheel and that we have to maintain focus and very close to Him and obedient to the Holy Spirit guidence. It is easy to get out of the way, but the Lord is our rock and we stand on Him.

Our work right now is to work close to individuals who don’t know the Lord , we now have two disciples that we take them almonst every where we go, they want to be like us and while we are here we want to teach them everything we can, according to Mathew 28;19 and that’s what Jesus did, prepare people to continue the work.

Teaching the bible is our passion an now we have two groups to whom we teach, we plan to go out and visit more people so that the groups can grow. People here are very hungry but there are not enough servants ready to go to the fields.

Our plan is to incorporate this people to churches close to where they live, so they can grow spiritualy and the churches can grow in numbers.

Our support to churches is in many ways, churches here are very poor as we mentioned it to you before and sometimes they need finantial help. In some cases, pastors don’t have enough to survive and they need a little push. Recently we helped a pastor whose church don’t have enough members, he needs to start a bakery bussines in order to survive, of course here everything is rustic, with a little amount of money they can do a lot. He also need a new roof (zinc) and with some contacts we have, we will get it from a govermment institution.

We help everyone we can with the help of the Lord. Just recently we helped and elderly widow who is very poor and live alone. She needed to go to the ophthalmologist to check her eyes but she didn’t have the money to do it. We took her there and the doctor gave her the medicine and we paid only for the visit.

We continue helping the woman in recovery, it has been very hard for her to stay in the recovery house, many times she wanted to get out and when we went to visit her she had her suitcase ready to leave, but with love and patience we convinced her to stay more time.

Now we are helping her two daughters who are going to school in February 15, we bought them all the school supplies, including shoes and uniforms.

We have a young man in the church who got a tumor on his face and was operated and cure but left him with a defect, and half os his teeth are gone and have dificulty to speak. One of our disciples contacted us with a social worker who work in a medical center where he probably will get a plastic surgery .

Everything is possible with God, we only need the desire and prayer to help other people and He will empower us to do it.

We are very excited to hear that maybe some people from the church will be coming to visit us, we can asure you that not only you will make us happy but you also will get an experience that you’ll never forget in your life.

Please continue praying for our things, we still don’t get them, only promises but nothing in concrete, we need also phisical strenghts, the work is plenty and we need to keep in good shape.

Thank you for praying for our car, it hasn’t got broken and we are grateful for that because we don’t have to spend money in repairs and we can use it to help people.

We love you very much and continue praying for you all as a church and individualy for those of you who share with us your problems.

God bless you and keep His peace in you

Oscar and Ada Rivera

Address: Apartado Postal # 38 Jinotepe, Carazo, Nicaragua, Centro America –Tel: 011-505-2532-3558 and 011-505-8610-2716

Emails: [email protected][email protected]